1 dot represents
100,000 people
The map above shows how unevenly people are spread around the world.
1 On the map, colour the densely populated areas in red, and the sparsely
populated areas in green.
2 Compare the reasons for dense and sparse population. Complete a copy of
the table below, which has been started for you.
The New Wider World Foundation Edition (Second Edition) Teacher’s Resource CD-ROM, © Grant Westoby, Nelson Thornes 2005
pages 4 and 5
1 These are all factors in population distribution. Shade the positive factors in red, and
the negative factors in green.
• Pleasant climate • Lack of investment • Industry and jobs • Too hot or too cold
• Too wet or too dry • Poor water supply • Good soil for growing crops • Dense forest
• Flat or gently sloping land • Good food supply • Little industry and few jobs
• Good water supply • Few natural resources • Poor transport links • Steep slopes
• Money available for investment • Good roads, railways, ports, etc. • Poor soils for farming
• Open grassland for animals • Natural resources for industry
2 Some of these factors are opposites, e.g. ‘Lack of investment’ is a negative factor and
‘Money available for investment’ is a positive factor. Find five other pairs of opposites
and complete the table.
The New Wider World Foundation Edition (Second Edition) Teacher’s Resource CD-ROM, © Grant Westoby, Nelson Thornes 2005
pages 4 and 5
1 Working with a partner, read the list of features in the box below and say how each
feature affects population density.
2 The information below lists different types of area around the world and the
percentage of the earth’s surface that each one covers.
● Colour each box on the key with a different colour to represent each area.
● Using the appropriate colour, shade the correct number of blocks on the grid to
represent the percentage of the earth’s surface each area covers.
● When you have finished, all the blocks should be coloured.
Water 70%
Desert 6%
Too cold 6%
Mountains 5%
Forest 5%
Total 100%
Extra Use all the work you have done on this worksheet to help you complete this sentence:
‘People are crowded into small areas of the world because …’
The New Wider World Foundation Edition (Second Edition) Teacher’s Resource CD-ROM, © Grant Westoby, Nelson Thornes 2005
pages 6 and 7
5 Children are warmer in bed at night as they have many more brothers and sisters.
6 A mother sobs over the grave of the last of her five children who died in a typhoid
7 A public health inspector smiles as the building of another new sewer is finished.
1 2 3 4
High stationary Early expanding Late expanding Low stationary
Birth rate
Death rate
Birth and 30
rates (per Natural
1000 20 increase
per year)
10 Total population
Extra Explain why you placed any three statements where you did.
The New Wider World Foundation Edition (Second Edition) Teacher’s Resource CD-ROM, © Grant Westoby, Nelson Thornes 2005
pages 8 and 9
1 Read what people have to say about living in a poor, rural village in India. Colour the
sentences about a high birth rate in red and about a short life expectancy in yellow.
2 Read what people have to say about living in the UK. Colour the sentences about a
low birth rate in green and about a long life expectancy in blue.
My parents’ home
We live in poverty. There is only has central heating.
just enough to eat; They are comfortable.
sometimes we have to
We have lots of go without food.
children to continue The National Health
Service cares for We have a good
the family name. Our home is quality of life.
overcrowded with
poor hygiene and
sanitation. Having a small
Having a big family family leaves us
makes me important We have enough to
in the village. eat and a good diet. more spare money.
3 Why do people in the UK have a longer life expectancy than people living in a poor,
rural village in India?
The New Wider World Foundation Edition (Second Edition) Teacher’s Resource CD-ROM, © Grant Westoby, Nelson Thornes 2005
pages 10 and 11
1 Study the factors that can affect birth and death rates around the diagram below.
Safer working
conditions Good
Less polluting
Lack of
clean water
Better diets
Children needed
to help with work
Birth control
Family Traditions for
planning larger families
2 Copy and complete the table below by sorting the factors that affect birth and death
rates into the correct columns. Some factors may fit in more than one column.
The New Wider World Foundation Edition (Second Edition) Teacher’s Resource CD-ROM, © Grant Westoby, Nelson Thornes 2005
pages 12 and 13
1 Read what people say about the Chinese government’s ‘one child per family’ policy.
2 Working with a partner, colour the statements for population control in red and
against population control in green.
The government pays for our Families with only one With few retirement homes the government expects
child’s schooling. If we had more, child enjoy a higher families to look after their own elderly relatives.
we would have to pay. standard of living.
Couples may have no one to care
for them when they get older.
Without the ‘one child per family’
policy, China’s population would
be much higher than it is now. The ‘one child per family’ policy has
introduced a new problem to China –
the spoilt, overweight ‘little emperors’.
We have good health
care. Our child will live Rich farmers are able and willing to
to grow up. pay fines or bribes to get permission
to have more children.
3 In your opinion was the Chinese government right to introduce its ‘one child per
family’ policy?
How would you feel if the British government adopted the same ‘one child per
family’ policy?
The New Wider World Foundation Edition (Second Edition) Teacher’s Resource CD-ROM, © Grant Westoby, Nelson Thornes 2005