Tvi Action Catalogue

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Rev. No. 02-02/16/2021


For Technical Vocational Institutions (TVIs) / TESDA Technology Institutions (TTIs)

Name of TVI: Luciano Millan Memroial School of Arts and Trades Provincial Office TESDA-PO Pangasinan
Address Poblacion West, Asingan, Pangasinan Date Audited 3-Aug-22

Other Observation/s:
(These are audit observations that cannot be considered as non-conformities)

1 Column (h) This column shall refer to the proposed correction as submitted by TVI. If said correction is approved, indicated in "Yes" and the piece/s of evidence. Otherwise, indicate its "comments or recommendation as the date of re-submission".
2 Column (i) This column shall refer to the proposed corrective action as submitted by TVI. If said corrective action is accepted, indicate in "Yes" and the piece/s of evidence. Otherwise, indicate its "comments or recommendation and the date of re-submission".
3 Column (j) This column shall refer to the timeline set for the correction action to be accomplished by the PO/DO concerned. It shall be accomplished within 5 working days after the conduct of audit.
4 Column (k) This column shall refer to the timeline set for the corrective action to be accomplished by the PO/DO concerned. It shall be accomplished within 30 working days afteer the conduct of audit.

To be accomplished by Auditee TVI To be accomplished by Provincial Office/District Office

Comments on the Closed for
Comments on the Proposed Closed for
Qualification Area/ Process Findings/ Description Identified Root Cause Proposed Correction Action Proposed Corrective Action Target Implementation Date Proposed Corrective Correction Action:
Correction Action Correction Action:
Action "Indicate Yes or
"Indicate Yes or No"

[a] [b] [c] [d] [e] [f] [g] [h] [i] [j] [k]

Affidavit of
OP-CO-03-F10) duly
accomplished and
signed (Document date
Shielded must not be earlier than
Metal Arc the issuance of Letter of AOU was notarized
Welding NC Administrative Notification(TESDA-OP- after the accreditation
II Requirement CO-F09)). because
Prepared by: Approved by:


TVI Head/Administrator/Company Head/Representative Acting Provincial Director
Date: _____________ Date: __________________

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