GRADE 9 Q2 Unit Standard Diagram

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Students on their own will be able to

compose and deliver an online reader's

Delivery of Reader’s
theater that depicts the importance of
communication in the midst of the


The learner proficiently plays an active part

in a Chamber Theatre presentation through
employing effective verbal and non-verbal EQ: What is the best way to deliver a reader's theater?
strategies based on the following criteria:
Identify and use effective verbal and non- Focus, Voice, Delivery, Facial Expressions, EU: The appropriate segmental and suprasegmental of
verbal strategies based the different Style and Body Movements or Gestures. speech should be used when delivering lines in
criteria essential to deliver an effective
reader's theater topic and featuring the proper and
and motivating reader's theater.
English and American Literature effective use of parallel structure and cohesive

The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-

American literature and other text types serve as
means of valuing other paeople; also, how to use
processing information strategies, different forms of
adverbs and conditionals for him/her to play an active
part in a Chamber Theatre presentation.

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