G11 & G12 Rubric

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Criterion A: Knowledge and Understanding

Develop an understanding of relationships between texts and a variety of perspectives, cultural contexts, and local and global
issues and an appreciation of how they contribute to diverse responses and open up multiple meanings.

Descriptors 0 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8

Interpret a range of The student does notThe student provides The student provides The student provides The student provides
texts, works and/or reach a standard limited an adequate competently detailed
performances, and described by any of interpretation in a interpretation in a interpretation in a interpretation in a
their meanings and the descriptors. range of texts, works range of texts, works range of texts, works range of texts, works
implications. and/or and/or and/or and/or
performances, and performances, and performances, and performances, and
their meanings and their meanings and their meanings and their meanings and
implications. implications. implications. implications.
Explain contexts in The student does not The student explains The student explains The student explains The student
which texts are reach a standard few contexts in some contexts in substancial contexts perceptively explains
written and/or described by any of which texts are which texts are in which texts are contexts in which
received. the descriptors. written and/or written and/or written and/or texts are written
received. received. received. and/or received.

Define elements of The student does not The student defines The student defines The student defines The student defines
literary, stylistic, reach a standard minimal elements of adequate elements varied range of effectively elements
rhetorical, visual described by any of literary, stylistic, of literary, stylistic, elements of literary, of literary, stylistic,
and/or performance the descriptors. rhetorical, visual rhetorical, visual stylistic, rhetorical, rhetorical, visual
craft. and/or performance and/or performance visual and/or and/or performance
craft. craft. performance craft. craft.

Criterion B: Interpret and analizing

Develop skills in interpretation, analysis and evaluation

Descriptors 0 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8

Interpret uses and The student does not The student The student The student The student
effects of literary, reach a standard interprets few uses interprets some uses interprets sufficiently interprets extensive
stylistic, rhetorical, described by any of and effects of and effects of uses and effects of uses and effects of
visual or theatrical the descriptors. literary, stylistic, literary, stylistic, literary, stylistic, literary, stylistic,
techniques rhetorical, visual or rhetorical, visual or rhetorical, visual or rhetorical, visual or
theatrical techniques. theatrical techniques. theatrical techniques. theatrical techniques.
Evaluate relation The student does not The student The student The student The student
ships, similarities and reach a standard evaluates few evaluates some evaluates substantial evaluates
differences by described by any of relationships, relationships, relationships, perceptively
connecting features the descriptors. similarities and similarities and similarities and relationships,
across and within differences by differences by differences by similarities and
genres and texts. connecting features connecting features connecting features differences by
across and within across and within across and within making extensive
genres and texts. genres and texts. genres and texts. connections in
features across and
within genres and
Justify opinions and The student does not The student rarely The student justifies The student justifies The student gives
ideas about different reach a standard justifies opinions and some opinions and sufficiently detailed justification
ways in which texts described by any of ideas about different ideas about different opinions and ideas of opinions and
may offer the descriptors. ways in which texts ways in which texts about different ways ideas about different
perspectives on may offer may offer in which texts may ways in which texts
human concerns. perspectives on perspectives on offer perspectives on may offer
human concerns. human concerns. human concerns. perspectives on
human concerns.
Illustrate features of The student does not The student The student The student The student makes
particular text types reach a standard illustrates minimal illustrates adequate illustrates competent excellent illustration
and literary forms. described by any of features of particular features of particular features of particular about features of
the descriptors. text types and text types and text types and particular text types
literary forms. literary forms. literary forms. and literary forms.

Criterion C: Communicating and evaluating

Communicate and collaborate in a confident and creative way, fostering lifelong interest in and enjoyment of language and literature.

Descriptors 0 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8

Justify ideas in clear, The student does not The student rarely The student justifies The student justifies The student gives
logical and reach a standard justifies ideas in some ideas in clear, sufficiently ideas in detailed ideas in
persuasive ways described by any of clear, logical and logical and clear, logical and clear, logical and
using appropriate the descriptors. persuasive ways persuasive ways persuasive ways persuasive ways
and varied using appropriate using appropriate using appropriate using appropriate
vocabulary, sentence and varied and varied and varied and varied
structures and forms vocabulary, sentence vocabulary, sentence vocabulary, sentence vocabulary, sentence
of expresión. structures and forms structures and forms structures and forms structures and forms
of expresión. of expresión. of expresión. of expresión.
Communicate in a The student does not The student The student The student The student
range of styles, reach a standard communicates communicates communicates communicates high
registers and for a described by any of limitated range of adequate range of substantial range of degree range of
variety of purposes the descriptors. styles, registers and styles, registers and styles, registers and styles, registers and
and situations using for a variety of for a variety of for a variety of for a variety of
correct grammar, purposes and purposes and purposes and purposes and
syntax and situations using situations using situations using situations using
punctuation. correct grammar, correct grammar, correct grammar, correct grammar,
syntax and syntax and syntax and syntax and
punctuation. punctuation. punctuation. punctuation.
produce texts that The student does not The student produces The student produces The student The student produces
demonstrate insight, reach a standard limited texts that adequate texts that produces substantial high degree texts
imagination and described by any of demonstrate insight, demonstrate insight, texts that that demonstrate
sensitivity while the descriptors. imagination and imagination and demonstrate insight, insight, imagination
exploring and sensitivity while sensitivity while imagination and and sensitivity while
reflecting critically on exploring and exploring and sensitivity while exploring and
new perspectives and reflecting critically on reflecting critically on exploring and reflecting critically on
ideas arising from new perspectives and new perspectives and reflecting critically on new perspectives and
personal engagement ideas arising from ideas arising from new perspectives and ideas arising from
with the creative personal engagement personal engagement ideas arising from personal engagement
process, including with low creative with some creative personal engagement with perceptively
ways in which the process, including process, including with considerable creative process,
use of language ways in which the ways in which the creative process, including ways in
creates meaning. use of language use of language including ways in which the use of
creates meaning. creates meaning. which the use of language creates
language creates meaning.

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