Week 4 English 8 and 10 Very Final
Week 4 English 8 and 10 Very Final
Week 4 English 8 and 10 Very Final
B. Establishing a purpose To show Get an Do Task 2A Emphasize to the To identify the imagery of the What have you What have you
for the lesson God’s great overview of on page 145 class that while poem observed on observed on
love for us. the text thru of your LM. they read, they how the how the
titles, subtitles will take note of speakers speakers
and the elements of a deliver the deliver the
introduction story. speeches? speeches?
C. Presenting The Reading the Play the song Read the text. Reading the Poem: Discuss tips on Discuss tips on
Examples/instances of common selection: to the class Out in the Fields with God impromptu and impromptu and
new lesson (Refer to the and try to extemporaneo extemporaneo
theme textbook) check if Task us speeches. us speeches.
is repen 2A answers
tance match the
song lyrics
D. Discussing new Reading the Examine what Play again Describe the Discuss the poem based on Guide them in Guide them in
concepts and practicing Verse: you know and try to characters as the elements of poetry and demonstrating demonstrating
new skills #1 Luke 15:11- about World understand asked on Task 6 pick out the images painted/ and making and making
32 War II and jot the message on page 156 of depicted in the poem. independent independent
down the your LM applications of applications of
words that their their
come to your understanding understanding
mind when of the target of the target
you consider concepts, concepts,
the term’s language language
meaning and communication communication
importance through through
delivering an delivering an
extemporaneo extemporaneo
us as evidence us as evidence
of their transfer of their transfer
of learning. of learning.
E. Discussing new Go over the Answer Think-pair-and Present the Present the
concepts and practicing following questions share of the Extemporaneo Extemporaneo
new skills #2 paragraph as found on activity above. us rubric us rubric
quickly as you page 147 of
can then your LM.
guess or
predictions on
the main idea
of the
F. Developing mastery Do the Activity: Group Group activity: Group Activity: Paired Activity: Paired Activity:
(Leads to Formative activity: Venn activity: Do Task 7 on Present a dramatic reading of
Assessment) Vocabulary Diagram Interpret the page 157 of your the poem Give a topic to Give a topic to
Mapping message of LM brainstorm, brainstorm,
the song prepare and prepare and
through a practice practice
painting or
G. Finding Practical See how the What you Explain the Group activity: Have you experienced finding Paired Activity: Paired Activity:
applications of concepts Parable of think is the drawing. Do Task 7 on serenity in nature when you
and skills the Prodigal content of page 157 of your have a problem? Give a topic to Give a topic to
Son shows Anne Frank’s LM brainstorm, brainstorm,
us God’s diary? prepare and prepare and
love practice practice
H. Making The Skimming is Explain the What is the Imagery is the element in a What is the What is the
generalizations and Prodigal one skill theme of the lesson of the poem that sparks off the significance of significance of
abstractions about the Son, the which can song. story? senses and provides us with learning how to learning how to
lesson father lets help you get a mental snapshots that appeal deliver deliver
his son quick to our sense of sight, hearing, impromptu and impromptu and
have his overview of taste, touch and smell. extemporaneo extemporaneo
own way, material you us speeches? us speeches?
but waits are reading
longingly for
him to come
home, then
forgives him
I. Evaluating Learning Activity: Activity: Presentation Presentation of Group Activity: Delivering an Delivering an
Venn Complete the of the output the group activity If you play musical, find a extemporaneo extemporaneo
Diagram cluster of composition that you think us or us or
featured best fits the mood of the poem impromptu impromptu
words with speech. speech.
taken from Note: use the Note: use the
the pool rubric found on rubric found on
page 191-193 page 191-193
in rating the in rating the
speech speech
J. Additional activities for Read the Research on Prepare a What are the Pick out lines in the poem Continue the Continue the
application or story, The the tips to slogan on characteristics of discussed and draw the activity the activity the
remediation Parable of A remember safe driving an argumentative image/s conveyed. next day. next day.
Good when essay?
Samaritan skimming.
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment
B. No. of Learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught
up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or The learner demonstrates
localized materials did I understanding of: East Asian
use/discover which I wish Literature as an art from
to share with other inspired and influenced by
teachers? nature; relationship of visual,
sensory, ad verbal signals in
both literary and expository
texts; strategies in listening
to long descriptive and
narrative texts; value of
literal and figurative
language; and appropriate
grammatical signals or
expressions suitable to
patterns of idea