Bio F110 1001 C 2016 2
Bio F110 1001 C 2016 2
Bio F110 1001 C 2016 2
First Semester 2016-17 A
BIO F110 Biology Laboratory: Comprehensive Examination (Closed Book)
1. Answer the questions only in the answer sheet provided.
2. Write your answers in “CAPITAL LETTERS” only. No overwriting strictly.
3. Each MCQ is for 1M and each True/ False is for 0.5M.
4. There is 0.25M deduction for each wrong answer.
Choose the most appropriate answer: 5. What is the concentration of HCl used
1. In animals, glucose is stored as _____. in Haemoglobin Estimation?
A) Starch B) Glycogen A) 0.1N B) 1N
C) Cellulose D) Dextrin C) 0.2N D) 0.5N
6. Which bond is present between Phytol
2. A cancer patient, given an advanced tail and Porphyrin head in chlorophyll
chemotherapy, started to show signs of structure?
recovery. What change you expect to A) Ether bond B) Anhydride bond
observe in the mitotic index of the C) Ester bond D) Hydrogen Bond
cancerous tissue of this patient after
new chemotherapy? 7. Absorbance of a solution containing
A) There shall be no change in the light absorbing material doesn’t
mitotic index depend on
B) The mitotic index will increase A) Diameter of the cuvette
C) The mitotic index will decrease B) Nature of the substance
D) Mitotic index for every cell is fixed C) Concentration of the solute particle
and does not undergo any change in D) Height of the cuvette
the life duration of an individual
8. Ram and Shaam prepared slides for
3. If diameter/width of cuvette is doubled, mitotically dividing onion root cells
Optical Density will get __________. using colchicine treated cells kept in
A) doubled B) half fixative. The slide prepared by Ram
when viewed under high resolution
C) remain same D) one fourth microscope, showed some cells with a
pink stained nucleus. Contrarily, the
4. Which of the following statement is slide prepared by Shaam did not show
correct in the context of observing any pink structures on the slide. If both
DNA separated by agarose gel the students stained the cells before
electrophoresis? preparing the mount for 5 minutes (as
A) DNA can be seen in UV light per the instructions), what could be the
directly. reason that Shaam’s slide did not show
B) DNA can be seen in visible light any stained structures?
after staining with bromophenol A) Shaam missed treating the cells
blue. with 10% hydrochloric acid
C) Ethidium bromide stained DNA B) Shaam washed the cells in water for
can be seen in the visible light. too long after staining
D) Ethidium bromide stained DNA C) The cells in Shaam’s mount were
can be seen in the UV light. impermeable to stain
D) All of the above 15. Esophagus pushes the food along its
short journey to the stomach by
9. In a DNA molecule, what kind of contraction of ____and by a
bonds hold one complementary strand mechanism known as____.
to the other? A) tunica submucosa; peristalsis
A) Ionic B) Phosphodiester B) tunica muscularis; peristalsis
bond C) tunica submucosa, deglutination
C) Hydrogen D) Van der D) tunica muscularis, deglunitation
10. The phytol tail helps in anchoring the 16. Nucleic acid chains are formed by
chlorophyll molecules to thylakoid linkage of nucleotides through
membrane due to the following _____________
property: A) Dehydration B) Phosphorylation
A) Lipophilic nature C) Hydration D) Hydrogenation
B) Lipophobic nature
C) Hydrophilic nature 17. The clumping of RBCs during blood
D) None of the above typing is known as
A) Agglutination
11. Function of detergent in DNA isolation B) Aggregation
is to- C) Degradation
A) Stabilize the structure of proteins in D) Clotting
cells. 18. If you could override the control
B) Prevent denaturation of DNA. mechanisms that open stomata and
C) Solubilize and break down lipids in force them to remain closed, what
cells. would you expect to happen to the
D) Help in precipitation of DNA. plant:
A) Sugar synthesis would likely slow
12. Glucose can have ____ isomers due to down
the presence of 4 asymmetric Carbon B) Water transport would likely slow
atoms down
A) 4 B) 12 C) 8 D) 16 C) Both (a) and (b) could result by
13. Optical quantitation of glucose is done keeping stomata closed
by- D) None of these would happen
A) Reaction of cuprous oxide with 19. The Lambert’s law, which is a
iodine to give blue colour. fundamental law of spectrophotometry
B) Reaction of cupric oxide with states that-
phospho-molybdic acid to give A) Transmittance is directly
blue colour. proportional to the path length.
C) Reaction of cuprous oxide with B) Transmittance is inversely
phospho-molybdic acid to give proportional to the concentration
blue colour. C) Absorbance is directly proportional
D) Both B and C. to the concentration.
14. Which of the following wavelength D) Absorbance is directly proportional
ranges is associated with UV to path length.
spectroscopy? 20. Which of the following statements
A) 0.8 - 500µm B) 100 - regarding glucose is not true?
400nm A) Glucose is a monosaccharide sugar.
C) 400 - 750nm D) 0.01 -
B) Glucose can be metabolized by B) Erythroblastosis fetalis, occurs due
both aerobic and anaerobic to incompatibility of Rh positive
metabolism. mother and Rh negative fetus.
C) A high blood glucose concentration C) Agglutination reaction due to blood
is called hypoglycaemia. group incompatibility.
D) D-glucose is found in blood but not D) Erythroblastosis fetalis, occurs due
in urine of normal individuals. to incompatibility of Rh negative
mother and Rh positive fetus.
21. One of the methods to denature
enzyme is boiling it for a given time. 25. The onion root tip was treated with
The denaturation of an enzyme by colchicine to arrest mitosis. The
boiling causes: number of chromosomes in a normal
A) Unfolding of its secondary onion cell is 16 (2n). After colchicine
structure. treatment, the number of chromosomes
B) Breakage of the hydrogen observed in actively dividing root cells
linkages forming alpha helix and when observed under high resolution
beta sheets microscope should be_______
C) Disruption of the active site because_______________.
D) All of the above A) 16; colchicine arrests mitosis and
hence DNA replication.
22. In Lowry’s method, biuret complex is B) 32; colchicine arrests mitosis but
formed between _____ and not DNA replication.
__________ C) 16; colchicine inhibits spindle fibre
A) Cu2+ under neutral conditions; formation and hence DNA
nitrogen in side residues of amino replication.
acids of peptide chain D) 16; colchicine inhibits spindle fibre
B) Cu2+ under alkaline conditions; formation and hence centromere
carbon in peptide bonds division.
C) Cu2+under neutral conditions;
carbon in peptide bond 26. Which parts of amino acids are
D) Cu2+under alkaline conditions; involved in the formation of peptide
nitrogen in peptide bond bond framework?
A) The carboxyl group on one amino
23. What is the composition of a acid and the side chain of other
nucleotide? B) The amino group on one amino
A) A hydrogenous base, a 3-carbon acid and the carboxyl group on
sugar, a phosphate group the other
B) A carbon base, a 5-carbon sugar, a C) The carboxyl group on both the
phosphate group amino acids
C) A nitrogenous base, a 5-carbon D) None of the above
sugar, a phosphate group
D) A nitrogenous base, a 3-carbon 27. Chlorophyll b is an accessory pigment
sugar, a phosphate group because:
A) It transfers absorbed energy to
24. A disease condition which results from chlorophyll a
the incompatibility of Rh factor is- B) It is in lesser number than
A) Erythroblastosis fetalis, occurs due chlorophyll a in most of the plants.
to incompatibility of Rh negative C) It has CH3 group instead of CHO
father and Rh positive fetus. group.
D) It is not found in blue green algae
and red algae
33. Severe reactions are likely after
28. Which of the following statements is transfusion of blood group:
true regarding AB blood group? A) O to a group AB person.
A) AB blood group is an universal B) A to a group O person.
recipient C) A to a group AB person.
B) AB blood group is an universal D) Rh-negative to AB positive person.
C) AB blood group is an universal 34. Which stage of mitosis is not matched
plasma donor correctly?
D) Both A & C A) Prophase: nucleus disappears
B) Metaphase: chromatids separate
29. Which one of the following have C) Anaphase: chromosome number
perforated end walls and cytoplasm but double
no nucleus in phloem? D) Telophase: cytokinesis
A) sclerenchyma cell B)tracheids 35. DNA has a net negative charge due to
C) vessel elements D)sieve tube presence of:
cells A) COO- group B) Phosphate
30. Why is agarose used in DNA gel C) Amide group D) None of these
A) It is a solid matrix to sort DNA by 36. Plants dwelling in cooler climates have
size _____ number of stomata and _______
B) It is a solid matrix to sort DNA by transpiration rate in comparison to
charge plants growing in temperate climates.
C) It is a porous matrix to sort DNA by A) High; low
size B) Low; high
D) It is a porous matrix to sort DNA by C) High; high
charge D) Low; low
31. A student sets up a paper 37. Salt concentration is maintained in
chromatogram and places a spot of Paramecia by
green food dye on the origin. After six A) Buccal cavity B)
minutes the solvent has moved 12 cm Macronucleus
and a blue spot has advanced 9 cm. C) Contractile vacuoles D) Cilia
After fourteen minutes the solvent has
advanced a further 8 cm. How many 38. Which of the following will cause the
cm from the origin is the blue spot stomata to close?
likely to be? A) increase in carbon dioxide
A) 26.6 cm B) 15 cm concentration
B) darkness
C) 18 cm D) 6 cm C) very high temperatures
D) all of the above
32. If one of your parents has A blood 39. Protein in an unknown sample can be
group, while the other had AB blood measured colorimetrically by ______
group, the possible blood group of A) Biuret
yours will be: B) Bicinchoninic acid
A) Only AB C) Commassie Brilliant blue
B) A or B or AB D) All of the above
C) B or A or O
D) A or B or AB or O
40. Cell wall of Bread mould is made up of B) Aloe vera leaf epidermal layer in
__________ hypotonic solution
A) Cellulose B) Lignin C) Aloe vera root epidermal layer in
C) Protein D) Chitin hypertonic solution
D) Aloe vera root epidermal layer in
41. Aloe vera leaves have- hypotonic solution
A) More stomata on the upper adaxial
surface. 45. Chlorophyll is a :
B) More stomata on the abaxial A) Photoreceptor
surface. B) Chemoreceptor
C) Only few stomata are present. C) Thermoreceptor
D) Equal distribution of stomata on D) Both A and C
both surfaces. 46. The role of alkaline copper reagent in
Lowry’s method is:
42. Which is correct for monocot stem? A) Reduction of cupric ions to cuprous
A) Vascular bundles are scattered ions
B) Oxidation of copper ions to cupric
B) Pith is present form
C) Endodermis present C) Reduction of phosphomolybdate
tungstate to
D) Secondary thickening occurs heteropolymolybdenum blue
D) None of the above
43. Lowry assay is enhanced Biuret assay.
Is this statement true or false? Choose 47. If a shipwrecked crew drinks sea
the most appropriate from the water, they will probably die. Why?
following. A) Due to deplasmolysis, cells of his
A)False; Lowry assay does not involve body will shrink.
biuret formation B) Due to plasmolysis, cells of his
B)False; Biuret is complex formed body will shrink.
between urea molecules C) Swelling of body due to excessive
C)True; Lowry assay involves biuret water absorption.
formation between the free amino D) Dehydration of body due to loss of
acids and metal ions along with water.
interaction with Folin’s reagent 48. The antigen and antibody present in a
D) True; The blue coloured complex person with blood group B- is:
formed as the end product is an A) Ag B ; Anti A;
outcome of electrons released during B) Ag B ; Anti A; Anti Rh factor
biuret complex formation between C) Ag A ; Anti B;
peptide and metal ion as well as D) Ag A ; Anti B; Anti Rh factor
reduction of Folin’s reagent.
44. Considering the fact that the stomata 49. Marine fish when thrown under tap
opens when guard cells are turgid and water bursts because of:
stomata closes when guard cells are A) Endosmosis B)Exosmosis
flaccid. In which of the following C) Diffusion D) Plasmolysis.
structure and conditions, the student 50. Which of the following is correct for
will observe the stomatal pore to be the function of oxygen for detecting
open when observed under microscope glucose on the diastix strip in the
A) Aloe vera leaf epidermal layer in Lactase experiment you performed
hypertonic solution
A) Presence of oxygen inhibits the D) Exosmosis, hypotonic; hypertonic
B) Presence of oxygen slows down the 55. The experiment conducted in the class
rate of reaction using Ganong’s Potometer, informs
C) Presence of oxygen is necessary for about
the oxidation A) Exact rate of transpiration under the
D) Presence of oxygen has no effect given environmental conditions
on the detection. B) Rate of water uptake
C) Rate of water utilized in metabolic
51. On a rainy day, the rate of transpiration activities of plant
would be: D) both B and C
A) High, as humidity is less
B) Low, as humidity is more 56. Which of the following statement is
C) No effect on rate of transpiration correct about enzymes?
D) Would be unaffected by climate A) Enzymes does not alter the
52. A research group in an attempt to activation energy for a reaction
device a medium for optimal cell B) When an enzyme catalyzes a
division of plant cells (protoplasts) in chemical reaction, some of the
laboratory conditions tested 4 growth enzyme is lost
media viz. A, B, C and D. The mitotic C) All enzymes can function on their
index of the cells when supplemented own
with each of these media were 0.25, D) Binding of substrate induces a
0.80, 0.50 and 0.10 for A, B, C and D, conformational change in the
respectively. Which is the best media enzyme
that should be used for the plant cells 57. The retention factor of a molecule
in this study? depends upon: i) Movement of solvent
A) A B) B C) C D) D ii) Solubility of molecule in solvent iii)
Affinity of molecule to the stationary
53. Given below is a schematic break-up phase
of the phases/stages of cell cycle. A) Both i and iii B) Both i
Which one of the and ii
following is the correct C) Both ii and iii D) All of the
indication of the above
stage/phase in the cell
cycle? 58. If a 5M NaCl solution (S1) is separated
A. Cytokinesis from a 10M NaCl solution (S2) by a
B. Metaphase semipermeable membrane, then
C. Karyokinesis A) Solvent moves from S1 to S2
D. S phase B) Solvent moves from S2 to S1
C) Solute moves from S2 to S1
54. Water enters the root hair from the soil D) Solute moves from S1 to S2
by the process of_________. This is
because the solution in the soil 59. The unit of hemoglobin value in
is_________whereas the call sap in the Sahil’s (Sahli’s) method is _________.
root hair cell is _________. The water A) gm/100ml B) gm/ml
then passes through the cortical cells C) mg/ml D) None of the
by cell to cell and reaches the xylem above
for distribution in plant.
A) Endosmosis, hypertonic, hypotonic 60. Guard cells differ from subsidiary cells
B) Exosmosis, hypertonic; hypotonic in having
C) Endosmosis, hypotonic; hypertonic A) chloroplast B) cell wall
C) stomata D)All of these
67. During prophase, the centrioles:
61. The enzyme substrate activity is not A) Join together
affected by:
A) Temperature B) Move to center of cell and form 2
B) pH separate poles
C) conformation of product C) Move to opposite ends of cell and
D) None of the above form 2 separate poles
D) None of the above
62. Which of the difference between
Chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b is 68. The Farmer’s fixative used in
incorrect preparation of mitosis slide (ethanol
A) Chlorophyll a has a methyl group (- and acetic acid in ratio 3:1), leads
CH3) while chlorophyll b has an to____ so that the various mitotic
aldehyde group (-CHO). stages can be observed clearly.
B) Chlorophyll a is blue green while A) making the cell wall and cell
chlorophyll b is yellow green. membrane porous
C) Chlorophyll a is soluble in methyl B) Arrest the metabolic state of the cell.
alcohol while chlorophyll b is best C) Prevention of deformation of cell
soluble in petroleum. structures.
D) All the statements are correct. D) Both B and C
63. The enzyme in the Lactase milk 69. Which of the following factors is most
experiment was denatured by: important in the movement of water up
A) Adding 1 molar NaOH a tall tree?
B) Adding 4 molar HCl A) Air pressure
C) Boiling it for 30 mins B) Leaf transpiration
D) Adding 2 molar NaOH and chilling it C) Active transport in the xylem
at -20⁰C D) Gas exchange.
64. Lactase enzyme acts upon the 70. Photosynthesis does not take place if a
__________ bond of lactose plant is exposed to light of color
A) Blue B) Red
A) Phosphodiester bond C) Green D) White
B) β- Glycosidic bond 71. The number of vascular bundles in
C) Amide bond dicot stem are
D) None of the above A) numerous
65. The filter used for the Lowry’s method B) 17 -20
for protein experiment is C) 4 – 8
A) Red Filter D) 50 – 100
B) Green filter
C) Blue filter 72. Turgor pressure is always equal and
D) Both a and c opposite to
A) Osmotic pressure
66. The _____in the duodenum are B) Wall pressure
responsible for efficient nutrition C) Osmotic potential
absorption. D) Water potential
A) Villi
B) Brunner’s glands 73. The combination of amino acids take
C) cilia part in reaction with Folin’s reagent
D) No absorption occurs in duodenum
and give blue colour intensity in
protein estimation?
A) Polar and non-polar amino acid