Morocco Top Scientists

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Top 2000 Scientists

AD Scientific Index 2023

World Scientist and University Rankings 2023 © 2023 AD Scientific Index Ltd. All rights reserved.
Morocco Top 2000 Scientists
”AD Scientific Index 2023” World Scientist and University
Rankings 2023
(Total 0 scientist, 0 country, 0 university)

The AD Scientific Index (Alper-Doger Scientific Index), unlike other systems that provide
evaluations of journals and universities, is a ranking and analysis system based on the scientific
performance and the added value of the scientific productivity of individual scientists.
Furthermore, it provides rankings of institutions based on the scientific characteristics of affiliated

This new index has been developed by Prof. Dr. Murat ALPER (MD) and Associate Prof. Dr. Cihan
DÖĞER (MD) by using the total and last 5 years’ values of the i10 index, h-index, and citation
scores in Google Scholar. In addition, the ratio of the last 5 years’ value to the total value of the
abovementioned indexes is used. Using a total of nine parameters, the “AD Scientific Index”
shows the ranking of an individual scientist by 11 subject (Agriculture & Forestry, Arts, Design
and Architecture, Business & Management, Economics & Econometrics, Education, Engineering &
Technology, History, Philosophy, Theology, Law / Law and Legal Studies, Medical and Health
Sciences, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences and Others), 256 branch, 19,500 institution, 216
country, 10 region (Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania, Arab Leageu, EECA, BRICS, Latin
America and COMESA) and in the world. The “AD Scientific Index” is the first and only study
that shows the total and the last five-year productivity coefficients of scientists based on the h-
index and i10 index scores and citations in Google Scholar. Besides the indexing and ranking
functions, AD Scientific Index sheds life on academic lives and offers the user the opportunity to
perform an efficient academic analysis to scrutinize and detect faulty and unethical profiles,
plagiarism, forgery, distortion, duplications, fabrication, slicing, salamization, unfair authorship,
and several manifestations of academic mobbing. Such analyses also help reveal the medium and
long-term results of several policies implemented by institutions, including those of the academic
staff employment and retention policies, wage policies, academic incentives, and scientific
working environments.

One of the major differences of the AD Scientific Index is the provision of the last five years’
scores and the total scores of the h-index and the i10 index, and the total and last five years’
number of citations. Other unique differences of the AD Scientific Index include rankings in all
fields and subjects of scientific interest and the emphasis on the scientific productivity of the
scientist. Productivity Rankings is a unique service offered only by “AD Scientific Index”. This is a
ranking system derived from the i10 index in order to show the productivity of the scientist in
publishing scientific articles of value. Productivity Rankings is an instrument that lists productive
scientists in a given area, discipline, university, and country and can guide the development of
meaningful incentives and academic policies.

The world rankings, regional rankings, and university rankings of scientists in this table are
developed based on the total i10 index. Thus, scientists and universities can obtain their
academic rankings and monitor developments in the ranking over time.

For global university rankings, ranking organizations use the following parameters including the
quality of education, employment rates of graduates, the quality of faculties within an individual
university, international collaborations, the number of graduates and staff awarded with Nobel
Prizes and Fields Medals, the number of highly cited researchers selected by Clarivate Analytics,
the total number of research papers, the number of articles published by Nature and Science
journals, the number of articles indexed in Science Citation Index-Expanded (SCIE) and Social
Science Citation Index (SSCI), and the number of research articles receiving a high number of
citations. Each ranking organization develops a ranking methodology, which attributes different %
weights to selected items out of such parameters. Experienced ranking organizations evaluate
2000 - 3000 universities for ranking.

AD Scientific Index performs rankings using a single parameter, which is the number of "Valued
and Productive Scientists" staffed by a specific university. Selected after years of observation,
this parameter is calculated using the total H-index and i10-index values together with the
number of citations, and the last 5 years’ total H-index and i10-index values along with the
number of citations received over the last 5 years. We rank more than 19 500 universities using
this method. A careful examination will reveal that most of the other parameters are
representations of natural academic products of "Valued and Productive Scientists." Institutions
that employ a high number of "Valued and Productive Scientists", for example, scientists in the
first Top 2%, Top 10%, Top 20%, Top 40%, Top 60%, Top 80% and later ranks, respectively, will
naturally produce increased numbers of academic outputs listed as the parameters above.

A comparison of "AD Scientific Index" scores of universities, some examples of which are given
below, with the scores from other ranking institutions will show great agreement among scores.
We use our methodology to rank universities of different characteristics and sizes from different
countries and every continent, achieving very successful results through the yielded ranking
figures. Considering the continuing processes of data entry and data cleaning for more than
19.500 universities, we foresee that data entry issues, such as not completed entries or human
errors in data entry caused either by universities or our team mistakenly, will be resolved and will
yield to improved accuracy of results over time.

You may sort the ranking from the highest score to the lowest or vice versa in any of these fields.
You can observe the fields, which move the respective university to the forefront. Furthermore,
the name of the academician with the highest total h-index in the respective university is
displayed with the world ranking. Top University Ranking by “AD Scientific Index” will not only list
the areas, where a university is the best or has room for improvement, but also reflect the
outcomes of scientist policies of the institutions. This report reveals the competency of
institutions to attract prized scientists and the ability of institutions to encourage advances and
retain scientists.

The list of universities for ranking comparisons is presented below:

Through the contribution of many scientists from different fields, the "AD Scientific Index"
undergoes systematic updates with the aim of continuous improvement. The index is an
independent institution and does not receive any support from any institutions, organizations,
countries, or funds. Concurrently with the continuous increase in the number of universities and
scientists registered to the Index, we are improving methodology, software, data accuracy, and
data cleaning procedures every day through the contributions of a large team. Your remarks and
contributions about our shortcomings will shed light to lead our efforts for continuous

For a more detailed explanation, please refer to our “Methodology”.

AD Scientific Index Ltd.


Ranking academic journals according to the impact factor is a practice that started many years
ago. The need to access scientifically valuable studies within limited time frames or the need to
find scientists working in a certain field has led to the procedure of ranking scientists and
scientific studies. For this purpose, many scoring systems such as the h-index, i10 index, g-index,
m-index, the Erdös number, tori index, riq index, and read-10 index have been studied as
numerical indicators showing how productive and effective a researcher is. Each of these systems
has many advantages as well as disadvantages. Of the abovementioned indexes, the most
accepted one is the h-index. The h-index is determined based on the number of articles cited at
least h times. In order to achieve a high h-index, an academician must have a high number of
articles published and have received a high number of citations. For example, an h-index value of
15 indicates that the academician has received at least 15 citations to each of the 15 articles
published. In order to increase the h-index value from 15 to 16, the same academician should
receive at least 16 citations to the published 16 papers. To find the h-index value, several
databases can be used including Google Scholar, Web of Science, Scopus, and Publons, some of
which are public or require a subscription. In the calculation of h-indexes, such databases use
different parameters including SCI-E or indexed journals or non-indexed auxiliary elements such
as other journals, books, or patents. Because the set of parameters used by each database are
different from those used by others, each database may calculate different h-index values.
Therefore, h-indexes calculated by each of the Google Scholar, Web of Science, Scopus, and
Publons databases may be different for the same researcher. For example, a researcher, who has
authored several books more than scientific papers, may receive a low h-index score in the Web
of Science despite a high number of citations received. Neither of these indexes is equivalent to
the other because of differences in their scopes.

Having a large number of publications indicates that the researcher is productive, but data alone
may not be the actual indicator of the success of the researcher. For example, a researcher may
have 10 publications that have received 400 citations. We can argue that this researcher is more
successful than a researcher having more than a hundred published papers that received, let’s
say, 200 citations. Besides, some valuable studies may not have been attributed the actual value
they deserved because of various reasons such as the failure of the use of adequate methods
that would enable easy accessibility through scientific channels. The high number of the use of
papers as references by other authors shows the value and extent of contribution to the scientific

The i10-index is another academic scoring system, in which the scores are calculated by Google
Scholar. In this scoring system, only scientific studies such as articles and books that have
received 10 or more citations are taken into consideration. The number of studies that have been
cited ten or more times yields the i10-index value. The i10 index and the h-index values
calculated for the last five years do not show that the article was written and published in the last
5 years. Instead, these values show the citation power in the last 5 years, indicating whether the
paper is still effective.

Google Scholar provides both the total values of the i10-index, the h-index, and citation numbers
along with the last 5 years’ values through a system based on the voluntariness principle. In this
system, scientists create their accounts, select their papers, and upload the selected papers onto
the system. This service does not require a password and is free of charge. Here, we introduce a
newly developed index that we have developed based on the public Google Scholar profiles of
scientists. We named this new system the “AD Scientific Index”, which we have developed
through robust intellectual infrastructure and maximum efforts aiming to contribute to global
scientific efforts.

Why is the “AD Scientific Index” needed?

The “AD Scientific Index” is the first and only study that shows the total and the last five-year
productivity coefficients of scientists based on h-index and i10 index scores and citations in
Google Scholar. Furthermore, the index provides the ranking and assessment of scientists in
academic subjects and branches and in 19,500 universities, 216 countries, regions, and the
world. In other words, the “AD Scientific Index” provides both the ranking and analysis results.
Besides the indexing and ranking functions, AD Scientific Index sheds life on academic lives and
offers the user the opportunity to perform an efficient academic analysis to scrutinize and detect
faulty and unethical profiles, plagiarism, forgery, distortion, duplications, fabrication, slicing,
salamization, unfair authorship, and several manifestations of academic mobbing. Such analyses
also help reveal the medium and long-term results of several policies implemented by
institutions, including those of the academic staff employment and retention policies, wage
policies, academic incentives, and scientific working environments.

“AD Scientific Index” (Alper-Doger Scientific Index):

This new index has been developed by Prof. Dr. Murat ALPER (MD) and Associate Prof. Dr. Cihan
DÖĞER (MD) by using the total and last 5 years’ values of the i10 index, h-index, and citation
scores in Google Scholar. In addition, the ratio of the last 5 years’ value to the total value of the
abovementioned indexes is used. Using a total of nine parameters, the “AD Scientific Index”
shows the ranking of an individual scientist by 12 subjects (Agriculture & Forestry, Arts, Design
and Architecture, Business & Management, Economics & Econometrics, Education, Engineering &
Technology, History, Philosophy, Theology, Law / Law and Legal Studies, Medical and Health
Sciences, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, and Others), 256 branches, 19,500 institutions of
employment, 216 countries, 10 regions (Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania, Arab
Leageu, EECA, BRICS, Latin America, and COMESA), and in the world. Thus, scientists can obtain
their academic rankings and monitor developments in the ranking over time.

Data Collection and Standardization:

Collecting data manually based on the ranking from Google Scholar, the profiles with up to 300
citations and verified addresses or the profiles that build confidence for their accuracy are listed
primarily. Thus, it is aimed to standardize the names, institutions, and branches as much as
possible. Non-standardized data including wide ranges of variations in the information and the
use of abbreviations and a variety of languages have caused difficulties. Performing data mining
and scrutinizing the acquired information, many profiles were excluded from the index.
Furthermore, some of the profiles were excluded during the regular examination of the data
onward. Data cleaning requires a regular process in place to be conducted meticulously. We
welcome your contributions in data cleaning and ensuring accuracy.

Determining the subjects/departments, to which scientific fields would belong, may seem easy in
some branches and in a variety of countries. However, it may create considerable confusion in
some other countries, regions, and schools. We would like to emphasize that the following fields
including Engineering, Natural and Environmental Sciences, Biology, and Biochemistry, Material
Science, Chemistry, and Social Sciences may exist in quite variable spectrums in different
countries. Therefore, we would like to stress that the standardization of subjects and branches
has not been easy. To perform standardizations, we accepted the official names of the institutions
and academic branches as accurate in the way that they were specified on the university website.
We have developed this strategy in order to standardize this complex situation at least partially.

The number of universities in the countries and the number of academicians in universities are
increasing gradually, free of charge, within our means. The current list of registered academicians
includes 1.060.000 individuals. The frequent updates will be limited to red list and death
reductions, to new profile registrations from our institution, and new individual and corporate

Although various additions, corrections, and improvements are made every day, it should be
kindly considered that this process requires devoted efforts and time.

Importantly, one should remember that taking 300 citations as the lower limit for inclusion in the
index brings up the potential of exclusion because of variations across different H-index values.
We are going to spend our best efforts to respond to e-mails, which question the justification for
not being included in the list despite high H-index values. Examples could be such that an
academician with an H-index value of 1 with 300 citations may be included in the ranking, while
another with an H-index value of 5 with 30 citations or an academic with an H-index of 10 with
120 citations may be excluded. Such issues require regular updates and it may take a
considerably long time to update rankings because of the limits of the workload. We will be
answering to such e-mails within our means with our best efforts while we continue to expand our
workforce. It is possible to accelerate this period through individual and corporate registration

Studies that influence the order of ranking because of a high number of citations
received, in a manner similar to CERN:

We started a procedure to add an asterisk as “i” at the end of the names of the authors when a
scientific paper of interest included many authors such as CERN, ATLAS, ALICE, CMS, Statistical
Data, Guideline, Updates etc. scientific papers. We think that new criteria will be defined to be
implemented for such studies. Until further criteria are described, we marked such studies with a
“i” sign.
Profile information and ethical responsibility:

The ethical responsibility for the correct profile information rests entirely with the relevant
scientist. However, we think that it would be prudent for institutions, countries, and even branch
associations to conduct periodic reviews of scientist profiles affiliated to the respective
organization since misleading information may compromise the reputation of the organization or
the country. Organizations should also review profiles to identify and report scientists, who are
not affiliated with the respective institution. In order to avoid any compromise to the institutional
reputation, institutions should take necessary corrective and preventive actions against published
scientist profiles arranged unethically.

Data Cleaning and the Redlist

Data cleaning is a dynamic process that we systemically perform continuously. Despite all our
best efforts, we may not be completely accurate and we welcome your contributions to the redlist
notifications. Rarely, some scientists are included in the redlist due to innocent mistakes with
good intentions and no unethical behavior. Most errors result from inadequate periodic profile
checks. However, the correction of such an error is easy through the submission of a correction
request. In order to avoid such an undesirable situation to occur, scientists should regularly check
their profiles and institutions should review the profiles of the staff systematically.

Ranking Criteria:

Ranking of scientists by the university, country, region, and in the world was performed based on
the “total h-index”. The “total h-index” was used in rankings by the branch and the subbranch.

The ranking criteria based on the “total h-index” scores were used in the following order: Firstly,
the “total h-index” scores; secondly, the total number of citations; and thirdly, the “total i10
index” scores (1. Total h-index scores, 2. Total number of citations, 3. Total i10 index scores, 4.
Last 5 years’ h-index scores).

Ranking based on the last 5 years’ h-index scores was performed using criteria in the following
order: 1. Last 5 years’ h-index scores, 2. Number of citations in the last 5 years, 3. Last 5 years’
i10 index scores, 4- Total h-index scores.

The ranking criteria for the total i10 index were used in the following order: 1. Total i10 index
scores, 2. Total h-index scores, 3. Total number of citations, and 4. Last 5 years’ i10 index scores.

Ranking based on the last 5 years’ i10 index scores was performed using the criteria in the
following order: 1. Last 5 years’ i10 index scores, 2. Last 5 years’ h-index scores, 3. Number of
citations in the last 5 years and 4. Total i10 index scores.

Ranking based on the total number of citations was performed using the criteria in the following
order: 1. Total number of citations, 2. Total h-index scores, 3. Total i10 index scores and 4.
Number of citations in the last 5 years.

Ranking based on the total number of citations in the last 5 years was performed using the
criteria in the following order: 1: Number of citations in the last 5 years, 2. Last 5 years’ h-index
scores, 3: Last 5 years’ i10 index scores and 4. Total number of citations
Why are the last 5 years’ ratios / total ratios important?

The h-index, i10 index, and citation the last 5-year ratios/total ratios are major unique
characteristics of the AD Scientific Index, showing both the development in the individual
performance of the scientist and the reflections of the institutional policies of universities onto the
overall scientific picture.

Productivity Rankings

Productivity Rankings is a unique service offered only by “AD Scientific Index”. This is a ranking
system derived from the i10 index in order to show the productivity of the scientist in publishing
scientific articles of value. Productivity Rankings is an instrument that lists productive scientists in
a given area, discipline, university, and country and can guide the development of meaningful
incentives and academic policies. The world rankings, regional rankings, and university rankings
of scientists in this table are developed based on the total i10 index.

Academic collaboration

Scientific fields of interest specified in the profiles of scientists are available for other scientists
from different countries and institutions to enable academic collaboration.

Ranking Criteria for Top Universities:

For global university rankings, ranking organizations use the following parameters including the
quality of education, employment rates of graduates, the quality of faculties within an individual
university, international collaborations, the number of graduates and staff awarded with Nobel
Prizes and Fields Medals, the number of highly cited researchers selected by Clarivate Analytics,
the total number of research papers, the number of articles published by Nature and Science
journals, the number of articles indexed in Science Citation Index-Expanded (SCI-E) and Social
Science Citation Index (SSCI), and the number of research articles receiving a high number of
citations. Each ranking organization develops a ranking methodology, which attributes different %
weights to selected items out of such parameters. Experienced ranking organizations evaluate
2000 - 3000 universities for ranking.

AD Scientific Index performs rankings using a single parameter, which is the number of "Valued
and Productive Scientists" staffed by a specific university. Selected after years of observation,
this parameter is calculated using the total H-index and i10-index values together with the
number of citations, and the last 5 years’ total H-index and i10-index values along with the
number of citations received over the last 5 years. We rank more than 19.500 universities using
this method. A careful examination will reveal that most of the other parameters are
representations of natural academic products of "Valued and Productive Scientists." Institutions
that employ a high number of "Valued and Productive Scientists", for example, scientists in the
first Top 2%, Top 10%, Top 20%, Top 40%, top 60% and top 80% and later ranks, respectively,
will naturally produce increased numbers of academic outputs listed as the parameters above.

A comparison of "AD Scientific Index" scores of universities, some examples of which are given
below, with the scores from other ranking institutions will show great agreement among scores.
We use our methodology to rank universities of different characteristics and sizes from different
countries and every continent, achieving very successful results through the yielded ranking
figures. Considering the continuing processes of data entry and data cleaning for more than
19.300 universities, we foresee that data entry issues, such as not completed entries or human
errors in data entry caused either by universities or our team mistakenly, will be resolved and will
yield to improved accuracy of results over time.

You may sort the ranking from the highest score to the lowest or vice versa in any of these fields.
You can observe the fields, which move the respective university to the forefront. Furthermore,
the name of the academician with the highest total h-index in the respective university is
displayed with the world ranking. Top University Ranking by “AD Scientific Index” will not only list
the areas, where a university is the best or has room for improvement, but also reflect the
outcomes of scientist policies of the institutions. This report reveals the competency of
institutions to attract prized scientists and the ability of institutions to encourage advances and
retain scientists.

You may sort the ranking from the highest score to the lowest or vice versa in any of these fields.
You can observe the fields, which move the respective university to the forefront. Furthermore,
the name of the academician with the highest total h-index in the respective university is
displayed with the world ranking. Top University Ranking by “AD Scientific Index” will not only list
the areas, where a university is the best or has room for improvement, but also reflect the
outcomes of scientist policies of the institutions. This report reveals the competency of
institutions to attract prized scientists and the ability of institutions to encourage advances and
retain scientists.

Ranking Criteria for Countries:

As described in the university ranking section, it is not easy to obtain and standardize data from
about 19,000 universities for the country ranking. Therefore, we based our ranking system on the
number of meritorious scientists. Four criteria are used to rank the countries. The first one is the
number of scientists in the top 2% list. The second and third criterion are the number of scientists
in the Top 10%, Top 20%, Top 40%,Top 60% Top 80%, and later ranks. The fourth one is the
number of scientists listed in the AD Scientific Index. In the case of equalities after applying all
these four criteria, the world rank of the meritorious scientist of that country is used.

World Top 100 Scientists 2022

The ranking of “Top 100” scientists is based on total h-index scores. Top 100 scientists can be
ranked globally or specific to the following regions including Africa, Asia, Europe, North America,
Oceania, Arab League, EECA, BRICS and Latin America based on total h-index scores without any
breakdown by subject areas. Top 100 rankings in the world, in a continent, or a region include
standardized subjects areas of Agriculture & Forestry, Arts, Design and Architecture, Business &
Management, Economics & Econometrics, Education, Engineering & Technology, History,
Philosophy, Theology, Law/Law and Legal Studies, Medical and Health Sciences, Natural Sciences,
and Social Sciences. Subjects indicated as “others” will not be included in the ranking by
regions and subjects. Therefore, you may wish to specify your subject and branch and
contribute in order to standardize your performance. Determining the subjects/departments, to
which scientific fields would belong, may seem easy in some branches and in a variety of
countries. However, it may create considerable confusion in some other countries, regions, and
schools. We would like to emphasize that the following fields including Engineering, Natural and
Environmental Sciences, Biology, Biochemistry, Material Science, Biotechnology, Chemistry, and
Social Sciences may exist in quite variable spectrums in different countries. Therefore, we would
like to stress that the standardization of subjects and branches has not been easy. To perform
standardizations, we accepted the official names of the institutions and academic branches as
accurate in the way that they were specified on the university website. We have developed this
strategy in order to standardize this complex situation at least partially. Furthermore, we started
a procedure to add an asterisk as “i” at the end of the names of the authors when a scientific
paper of interest included many authors such as CERN’s scientific papers.

Limitations of the “AD Scientific Index”: Missing or Inaccurate Profiles or Missing

Institution Names

This index is a comparative platform developed by ranking accessible and verified profiles. First
and foremost, not being included in this index for various reasons does not indicate that the
academician is not prized or it does not mean that only those academicians listed in the index are
the prized ones. This needs to be carefully noted. A meritorious scientist may not have been
included in this index because of not having a Google Scholar profile or our lack of access to that
profile for various reasons. The unavailability of verified Google Scholar profiles of scientists, who
work in well-known and respected academic institutions in respective countries, may prevent us
from finding institutions and scientist profiles. Because updating the profiles in the system and
collection of data from open sources require efforts and because the data have been collected for
the first time, it is not possible for the index to be completely free of errors. Accurate and instant
updating of profiles and institution names requires an endless workload that no institution can
overcome only with available resources despite all endeavors.

A high h-index (WOS, Scopus, Publon, etc.) does not mean that a profile will be automatically
created for the academician in Google Scholar. Indeed, Google Scholar profiles are created and
made public by scientists themselves on a voluntary basis. An individual may not have created a
profile for various reasons and, therefore, will not be listed in the "AD Scientific Index".
Furthermore, a profile can be rejected or may not be listed at a particular time. It needs to be
considered that, at the time of our search, a profile may not exist or may not be public, some
profiles may be public only at particular times, the information in the profile may not be standard,
there may be more than one profile belonging to the same person, the profiles may not be
verified, the name of the institution can be missing, surnames or institution names can change,
profile owners may have died, or known or unforeseen problems may happen. However, missing
information is completed in the system regularly and the list is updated and corrected
continuously. Profiles; whose owners have passed away, are removed from the system.

When we detect or be informed of unethical situations in profile information that go beyond the
limits of goodwill, the person is excluded from the list. You can report problematic and misleading
profiles on our “Rejection List” page. As individuals are responsible for the accuracy of their
profiles, organizations, too, should include the need for reviewing academic staff profiles in the

Articles with thousands of authors such as CERN studies in the field of physics or scientific studies
with more than one author in classification studies in medicine or statistical studies raise debates
about the requirements for the amount of the article content belonging to one author. Because
such papers may cause inequality of opportunity, a separate grouping system may be needed in
the future.

Pros and cons of "ranking" systems including Web of Science, Scopus, Google Scholar, and similar
others are well known and the limits of use of such systems have long been recognized in the
scientific community. Therefore, interpreting this study beyond these limits may lead to incorrect
results. The “AD Scientific Index” needs to be evaluated considering all of the abovementioned
potential limitations.

Comparisons of Ranking Systems

In addition to ranking lists of scientists, consisting of many tables and charts of trends analyses to
be delivered for the first time, this comprehensive system offers several data and analysis results
that will importantly provide an added value to branches and institutions within the limits of
inherent advantages and limitations. We would like to kindly emphasize that comparisons should
not be performed between two branches, either of which having different potentials to produce
scientific papers. For example, it is not correct to expect the same number of articles from
completely different branches such as law, social sciences, music, physics, or biochemistry.
Ranking comparisons should not overlook the inherent potentials of branches to produce
publications. For this reason, we try to primarily involve observations within the same
subject/department and recent productivity.

Through the contribution of many scientists from different fields, the "AD Scientific Index"
undergoes systematic updates with the aim of continuous improvement. The index is an
independent institution and does not receive any support from any institutions, organizations,
countries, or funds. Concurrently with the continuous increase in the number of universities and
scientists registered to the Index, we are improving methodology, software, data accuracy, and
data cleaning procedures every day through the contributions of a large team. Your remarks and
contributions about our shortcomings will shed light to lead our efforts for continuous

Could this work have been designed in another way?

It is not possible to exactly measure the research capacity of a university or scientist by using a
few parameters. Assessments should include many other types of data such as patents, research
funds, incentives, published books, tutoring intensity, congress presentations, and graduate and
doctoral teaching positions. As a frequently voiced criticism, we have been asked why the Web of
Science h-index is not used. Since it is not possible to have access to the entire data covering all
academic components such as the h-indexes of the Web of Science, Scopus, or Publons, etc., or
the organizations, patents, awards, etc. Therefore, only available qualified data have been

The Concept of Predatory:

A journal or an academic service cannot be considered predatory only because it is not free. The
concept of predatory is used for describing any unethical action including those with factitious,
spurious, exaggerated, or deceptive quality, performed in return for a fee. Any predatory activity
is misleading and unfair. As an institution that does not receive any governmental, institutional,
or financial support and with the aim of maintaining the sustainability of our academic services
and the preservation of editorial independence, we have reached the following figures of
1.085.000 academicians and 19,500 universities included in our database completely free of
charge through the extensive efforts of a large team within the scope of expanding our data in
terms of countries, branches, and universities. Our expansion continues at a certain pace.
However, we charge a small service fee from those, who prefer to be included in the system
faster, without compromising ethical principles.

Methodology that increases transparency and visibility. "AD Scientific Index" not only
provides ranking services but also lights the way against ethical noncompliance by
presenting data available to the public, paving the way to sort out any ethical
violations. Bearing a torch this way, we improve controllability, transparency, and
accountability both on individual and corporate levels. With such efforts, individuals
and institutions have been led to focus on academic profiles and tens of thousands of
academicians revised and rearranged their profiles, removing incorrect data. Besides
stressing the requirement that academicians should regularly review information in
their profiles, we emphasize that institutions, too, should check the profiles of
academic staff. You are always welcome to contribute by reporting incorrect data
through the redlist link.

How will the new rankings be updated in the “AD Scientific Index”?

Updates and new rankings will be available through the current list of profiles and the pool of
academicians that would expand along with new subscriptions. Importantly, one should
remember that taking 300 citations as the lower limit for inclusion in the index brings up the
potential of exclusion because of variations across different H-index values. We are going to
spend our best efforts to respond to e-mails, which question the justification for not being
included in the list despite high H-index values. Examples could be such that an academician with
an H-index value of 1 with 300 citations may be included in the ranking, while another with an H-
index value of 5 with 30 citations or an academic with an H-index of 10 with 120 citations may be
excluded. Such issues require regular updates and it may take a considerably long time to update
rankings because of the limits of the workload. We will be answering to such e-mails within our
means with our best efforts while we continue to expand our workforce. It is possible to
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Table I. Number of scientists in Morocco top 2.000 according to Country

# Country Country Region Rank Country World Rank Scientists in Morocco Top 2.000 Total University Total Scientist
1 Morocco 4 65 1800 41 1800

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
Table II. General Universities/Institutions in Morocco top 2.000

Sources Scientists Scientists Total
Country Region World in
# University Country of Founded in World in World Scientists
Rank Rank Rank Morocco
Funding Top 2% Top 10% in Index
Top 2.000
1 Université Mohammed V de Rabat 1 14 1217 Morocco Public 1957 232 2 5 232
Université Mohammed Premier
2 2 32 1902 Morocco Public 1978 14 1 2 14
3 Université Hassan II de Casablanca 3 59 3002 Morocco Public 1975 162 0 2 162
4 Université Cadi Ayyad Marrakech 4 79 3384 Morocco Public 1978 171 0 1 171
Mohammed VI Polytechnic
5 5 1061 3443 Morocco Private 2014 133 0 1 133
6 Université Internationale de Rabat 6 107 3874 Morocco Public 2010 56 0 1 56
Institut de Recherche en Energie
7 7 130 4571 Morocco Public 2011 5 0 1 5
Solaire et Energies, Morocco
8 Université Moulay Ismail Meknès 8 142 4811 Morocco Public 1989 177 0 0 177
Université Sidi Mohammed Ben
9 9 144 4829 Morocco Public 1975 263 0 0 263
Abdellah Fes
10 Université Ibn Tofail Kénitra 10 151 4910 Morocco Public 1989 83 0 0 83
11 Abdelmalek Essaadi University 11 205 5728 Morocco Public 1989 19 0 0 19
Université Euro-Méditerranéenne
12 12 234 6132 Morocco Private 2012 9 0 0 9
de Fès
Centre Régional des Métiers de
13 l’Éducation et de la Formation 13 269 6695 Morocco Private 2015 2 0 0 2
14 Université Ibnou Zohr d'Agadir 14 271 6728 Morocco Public 1989 142 0 0 142
15 Université Chouaib Eddoukali 15 284 6857 Morocco Public 1990 81 0 0 81
Institut National de la Recherche
16 16 292 6959 Morocco Public 1946 33 0 0 33
Agronomique INRA
Institut Agronomique et Veterinaire
17 17 310 7211 Morocco Public 1966 24 0 0 24
Hassan II
18 Institut Pasteur du Maroc 18 313 7259 Morocco Public 1967 7 0 0 7

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
Sources Scientists Scientists Total
Country Region World in
# University Country of Founded in World in World Scientists
Rank Rank Rank Morocco
Funding Top 2% Top 10% in Index
Top 2.000
19 Al Akhawayn University Ifrane 19 322 7368 Morocco Public 1995 40 0 0 40
Université Sultan Moulay Slimane
20 20 379 8012 Morocco Public 2007 17 0 0 17
Beni Mellal
21 Université Hassan II Mohammedia 21 392 8107 Morocco Public 1975 9 0 0 9
Centre National de l'Energie, des
22 Sciences et des Techniques 22 434 8660 Morocco Public 1970 7 0 0 7
23 Ecole Centrale Casablanca 23 435 8666 Morocco Private 2013 7 0 0 7
24 Université Hassan II Ain Chock 24 437 8686 Morocco Public 1975 5 0 0 5
Ecole Supérieure des Industries du
25 25 446 8757 Morocco Private 1996 7 0 0 7
Textile et de l'Habillement
Institut National des Postes et
26 26 508 9749 Morocco Public 1961 18 0 0 18
Telecommunications Maroc
Moroccan Foundation for Advanced
27 27 523 9922 Morocco Private 2007 14 0 0 14
Science Innovation and Research
28 Ecole Hassania des Travaux Publics 28 545 10203 Morocco Public 1971 7 0 0 7
Ecole Nationale de l'Industrie
29 29 613 10806 Morocco Public 1972 12 0 0 12
Ecole Polytechnique Privée
30 30 732 12526 Morocco Private 2010 6 0 0 6
Mohammed VI University of Health
31 31 754 12817 Morocco Private 2014 11 0 0 11
International University of
32 32 792 13242 Morocco Private 2012 6 0 0 6
33 Private University of Marrakech 33 805 13460 Morocco Private 1997 5 0 0 5
Moroccan Institute for Policy
34 34 834 14040 Morocco - - 2 0 0 2
Université Internationale Abulcasis
35 35 837 14057 Morocco Private 2014 1 0 0 1
des Sciences de la Santé

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
Sources Scientists Scientists Total
Country Region World in
# University Country of Founded in World in World Scientists
Rank Rank Rank Morocco
Funding Top 2% Top 10% in Index
Top 2.000
Institut Superieur du Genie
36 36 967 15981 Morocco Private 1981 5 0 0 5
37 ESCA Management School 37 1035 17070 Morocco Private 1992 3 0 0 3
National School of Architecture,
38 38 1064 17448 Morocco - - 2 0 0 2
39 International University of Agadir 39 1132 18259 Morocco Private 2005 1 0 0 1
40 Hassan 1er University 40 1146 18482 Morocco Public 1997 1 0 0 1
41 Université Mundiapolis 41 1199 19398 Morocco 1 0 0 1

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
Table III. Public Universities in Morocco top 2.000

Scientists Scientists Scientists Total

Country Region World
# University Country Founded in Morocco in World in World Scientists
Rank Rank Rank
Top 2.000 Top 2% Top 10% in Index
1 Université Mohammed V de Rabat 1 14 1217 Morocco 1957 232 2 5 232
2 Université Mohammed Premier Oujda 2 32 1902 Morocco 1978 14 1 2 14
3 Université Hassan II de Casablanca 3 59 3002 Morocco 1975 162 0 2 162
4 Université Cadi Ayyad Marrakech 4 79 3384 Morocco 1978 171 0 1 171
5 Université Internationale de Rabat 6 107 3874 Morocco 2010 56 0 1 56
Institut de Recherche en Energie Solaire
6 7 130 4571 Morocco 2011 5 0 1 5
et Energies, Morocco
7 Université Moulay Ismail Meknès 8 142 4811 Morocco 1989 177 0 0 177
Université Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah
8 9 144 4829 Morocco 1975 263 0 0 263
9 Université Ibn Tofail Kénitra 10 151 4910 Morocco 1989 83 0 0 83
10 Abdelmalek Essaadi University 11 205 5728 Morocco 1989 19 0 0 19
11 Université Ibnou Zohr d'Agadir 14 271 6728 Morocco 1989 142 0 0 142
12 Université Chouaib Eddoukali 15 284 6857 Morocco 1990 81 0 0 81
Institut National de la Recherche
13 16 292 6959 Morocco 1946 33 0 0 33
Agronomique INRA
Institut Agronomique et Veterinaire
14 17 310 7211 Morocco 1966 24 0 0 24
Hassan II
15 Institut Pasteur du Maroc 18 313 7259 Morocco 1967 7 0 0 7
16 Al Akhawayn University Ifrane 19 322 7368 Morocco 1995 40 0 0 40
Université Sultan Moulay Slimane Beni
17 20 379 8012 Morocco 2007 17 0 0 17
18 Université Hassan II Mohammedia 21 392 8107 Morocco 1975 9 0 0 9
Centre National de l'Energie, des
19 22 434 8660 Morocco 1970 7 0 0 7
Sciences et des Techniques Nucleaires
20 Université Hassan II Ain Chock 24 437 8686 Morocco 1975 5 0 0 5

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
Scientists Scientists Scientists Total
Country Region World
# University Country Founded in Morocco in World in World Scientists
Rank Rank Rank
Top 2.000 Top 2% Top 10% in Index
Institut National des Postes et
21 26 508 9749 Morocco 1961 18 0 0 18
Telecommunications Maroc
22 Ecole Hassania des Travaux Publics 28 545 10203 Morocco 1971 7 0 0 7
23 Ecole Nationale de l'Industrie Minerale 29 613 10806 Morocco 1972 12 0 0 12
24 Hassan 1er University 40 1146 18482 Morocco 1997 1 0 0 1

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
Table IV. Private Universities in Morocco top 2.000

Scientists Scientists Scientists Total

Country Region World
# University Country Founded in Morocco in World in World Scientists
Rank Rank Rank
Top 2.000 Top 2% Top 10% in Index
1 Mohammed VI Polytechnic University 5 1061 3443 Morocco 2014 133 0 1 133
2 Université Euro-Méditerranéenne de Fès 12 234 6132 Morocco 2012 9 0 0 9
Centre Régional des Métiers de
3 13 269 6695 Morocco 2015 2 0 0 2
l’Éducation et de la Formation (CRMEF)
4 Ecole Centrale Casablanca 23 435 8666 Morocco 2013 7 0 0 7
Ecole Supérieure des Industries du
5 25 446 8757 Morocco 1996 7 0 0 7
Textile et de l'Habillement
Moroccan Foundation for Advanced
6 27 523 9922 Morocco 2007 14 0 0 14
Science Innovation and Research
7 Ecole Polytechnique Privée d'Agadir 30 732 12526 Morocco 2010 6 0 0 6
Mohammed VI University of Health
8 31 754 12817 Morocco 2014 11 0 0 11
9 International University of Casablanca 32 792 13242 Morocco 2012 6 0 0 6
10 Private University of Marrakech 33 805 13460 Morocco 1997 5 0 0 5
Université Internationale Abulcasis des
11 35 837 14057 Morocco 2014 1 0 0 1
Sciences de la Santé
12 Institut Superieur du Genie Applique 36 967 15981 Morocco 1981 5 0 0 5
13 ESCA Management School 37 1035 17070 Morocco 1992 3 0 0 3
14 International University of Agadir 39 1132 18259 Morocco 2005 1 0 0 1

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
Table V. Universities Founded After 2010 in Morocco Top 2.000

Scientists Scientists Scientists Total

Country Region World Sources of
# University Country Founded in Morocco in World in World Scientists
Rank Rank Rank Funding
Top 2.000 Top 2% Top 10% in Index
Mohammed VI Polytechnic
1 5 1061 3443 Morocco Private 2014 133 0 1 133
Institut de Recherche en Energie
2 7 130 4571 Morocco Public 2011 5 0 1 5
Solaire et Energies, Morocco
Université Euro-Méditerranéenne
3 12 234 6132 Morocco Private 2012 9 0 0 9
de Fès
Centre Régional des Métiers de
4 l’Éducation et de la Formation 13 269 6695 Morocco Private 2015 2 0 0 2
5 Ecole Centrale Casablanca 23 435 8666 Morocco Private 2013 7 0 0 7
Mohammed VI University of
6 31 754 12817 Morocco Private 2014 11 0 0 11
Health Sciences
International University of
7 32 792 13242 Morocco Private 2012 6 0 0 6
Université Internationale
8 Abulcasis des Sciences de la 35 837 14057 Morocco Private 2014 1 0 0 1

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
Table VI. Universities Founded After 2000 in Morocco Top 2.000

Sources Scientists Scientists Total
Country Region World in
# University Country of Founded in World in World Scientists
Rank Rank Rank Morocco
Funding Top 2% Top 10% in Index
Top 2.000
Mohammed VI Polytechnic
1 5 1061 3443 Morocco Private 2014 133 0 1 133
2 Université Internationale de Rabat 6 107 3874 Morocco Public 2010 56 0 1 56
Institut de Recherche en Energie
3 7 130 4571 Morocco Public 2011 5 0 1 5
Solaire et Energies, Morocco
Université Euro-Méditerranéenne
4 12 234 6132 Morocco Private 2012 9 0 0 9
de Fès
Centre Régional des Métiers de
5 l’Éducation et de la Formation 13 269 6695 Morocco Private 2015 2 0 0 2
Université Sultan Moulay Slimane
6 20 379 8012 Morocco Public 2007 17 0 0 17
Beni Mellal
7 Ecole Centrale Casablanca 23 435 8666 Morocco Private 2013 7 0 0 7
Moroccan Foundation for
8 Advanced Science Innovation and 27 523 9922 Morocco Private 2007 14 0 0 14
Ecole Polytechnique Privée
9 30 732 12526 Morocco Private 2010 6 0 0 6
Mohammed VI University of
10 31 754 12817 Morocco Private 2014 11 0 0 11
Health Sciences
International University of
11 32 792 13242 Morocco Private 2012 6 0 0 6
Université Internationale
12 35 837 14057 Morocco Private 2014 1 0 0 1
Abulcasis des Sciences de la Santé
13 International University of Agadir 39 1132 18259 Morocco Private 2005 1 0 0 1

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Rajaâ Cherkaoui
El Moursli Université Mohammed Natural Sciences / Physics
1 1 1 152 Nuclear Physics | Medical Physics | High 215 168 0.781 934 844 0.904 227822 132952 0.584
Morocco V de Rabat Energy Physics |

Farida Fassi Université Mohammed Natural Sciences / Physics

2 2 2 160 High Energy Physics | Astronomy | 214 166 0.776 856 802 0.937 245487 141173 0.575
Morocco V de Rabat Engineering | Grid Computing |

Belkheir Natural Sciences / Chemical

Hammouti Université Mohammed Sciences
1 3 36 10272 87 55 0.632 491 380 0.774 27868 14349 0.515
Morocco Premier Oujda Chemistry & Environment & Electrochemistry
(FullUM6PMohammed VI
Belmabkhout Polytechnic University
Mohammed VI
1 4 2012 21997 Youssef 70 60 0.857 107 104 0.972 17057 12601 0.739
Morocco Polytechnic University Separation and Carbon Capture | Power to X |
Hydrogen | Sustainable Process Engineering |
Porous materials and adsorption technology |

Université Hassan II Hassan II University of

Aziz Amine
1 5 193 43825 Casablanca 56 39 0.696 139 110 0.791 9961 4752 0.477
Morocco de Casablanca
Biosensors |
Agriculture & Forestry /
Mohamed Hafidi Université Cadi Ayyad Agriculture
1 6 246 53927 Agricultural Sciences | wastes management | 52 39 0.750 128 114 0.891 8765 5071 0.579
Morocco Marrakech
Composting and compost | Environnmental
Sciences |
Engineering & Technology /
Institut de Recherche Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
Ahmed Ennaoui
1 7 283 59744 en Energie Solaire et Engineering & Technology | PV technology | 50 29 0.580 102 68 0.667 8326 2767 0.332
Energies, Morocco Thin Film chalcogenide Solar cells |
Photoelectrochemistry | Nanosciences |
Medical and Health Sciences /
Redouane Université Mohammed Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical
3 8 375 72576 Sciences 46 29 0.630 135 107 0.793 8675 4256 0.491
Abouqal Morocco V de Rabat
Critical care | Acute medicine | Clinical
epidemiology |
Laboratory of Information
Processing, Faculty of Science
Université Hassan II Ben M’Sik, University Hassan II,
2 9 460 82251 Said Broumi Casablanca 44 40 0.909 127 121 0.953 6715 5597 0.834
Morocco de Casablanca
networking | graph theory | neutrosophic
theory | fuzzy theory | intuitionistic fuzzy
theory |

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Najia Hajjaj Université Medical and Health Sciences /
1 10 486 85951 Hassouni Internationale de Internal Medicine 43 30 0.698 136 90 0.662 7165 3965 0.553
Morocco médecine | rhumatologie | pédagogie
Rabat médicale |
Engineering & Technology /
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
Université Mohammed Nanotechnology | Optics and Photonics | 3D
4 11 487 86058 Zouheir Sekkat 43 27 0.628 94 64 0.681 7062 2358 0.334
Morocco V de Rabat Laser Nanoprinting and Nonlinear Optics |
Plasmonics and Waveguide Optics | Smart
Materia |

Taibi Ben Université Mohammed Natural Sciences / Biological

2 12 575 95644 Science 41 32 0.780 170 129 0.759 7021 4459 0.635
Hadda Morocco Premier Oujda
Bioinformatics & Drug Design |

Abdelilah Université Mohammed Natural Sciences / Physics

5 13 612 99750 condensed matter physics | computational 40 32 0.800 306 205 0.670 9240 6142 0.665
Benyoussef Morocco V de Rabat physics | material physics |
Natural Sciences / Chemical
El Mokhtar Université Mohammed Sciences
6 14 709 111861 38 30 0.789 195 117 0.600 7832 4413 0.563
Essassi Morocco V de Rabat Chimie hétérocyclique Spectrométrie de
masse Sciences des matériaux |
Université Moulay
1 15 716 112807 Eddouks 38 30 0.789 76 70 0.921 6476 3128 0.483
Morocco Ismail Meknès Medical and Health Sciences/Pharmacology |

Natural Sciences / Chemical

Zoubida Université Mohammed Sciences
7 16 750 115724 38 29 0.763 89 64 0.719 4780 2610 0.546
Charrouf Morocco V de Rabat Substances Naturelles et les plantes
médicinales |
Natural Sciences / Chemical
Ahmed Elharfi Université Ibn Tofail Sciences
1 17 821 121166 Chimie organiques | Polymères | synthèses/ 37 37 1.000 117 99 0.846 5113 4595 0.899
Morocco Kénitra
études physico-chimiques et applications |
Modélisations |

Abdelmajid Université Sidi Engineering & Technology /

1 18 822 121181 Jamil Mohammed Ben Mechanical Engineering 37 34 0.919 70 62 0.886 5109 4272 0.836
Morocco Heat transfer | Modeling & Simulation |
Abdellah Fes Renewable Energy | Energy Efficiency |
Engineering & Technology /
Mohammed Université Moulay Metallurgical & Materials
2 19 875 126997 Engineering 36 29 0.806 134 103 0.769 5639 3845 0.682
Bouachrine Morocco Ismail Meknès
Matériaux organiques et optoélectronique |
QSAR | Modélisation moléculaire |

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Abderrahim Mohammed VI Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery |
2 20 17106 127607 36 27 0.750 56 51 0.911 5267 3559 0.676
Solhy Morocco Polytechnic University Materials for Catalysis & Photocatalysis |
Catalytic processes |
Medical and Health Sciences /
Abdellah El Université Mohammed Rheumatology
8 21 886 128463 36 24 0.667 81 56 0.691 4867 1910 0.392
Maghraoui Morocco V de Rabat Rhumatologie | Ostéoporose | DXA |
Polyarthrite rhumatoïde | Spondyloarthrite |

Guenbour Université Mohammed Engineering & Technology /

9 22 1010 139353 Engineering 35 27 0.771 103 77 0.748 3513 2469 0.703
Abdellah Morocco V de Rabat
Matériaux | Environnement | Energie |
Engineering & Technology /
Université Mohammed Engineering
10 23 1039 141936 Ali Idri Health Informatics | Machine Learning | 34 29 0.853 108 96 0.889 5785 4478 0.774
Morocco V de Rabat
Software Engineering | Software effort
estimation |

Université Mohammed Natural Sciences / Chemical

11 24 1061 143834 Sekkou Kertit Sciences 34 17 0.500 64 23 0.359 4652 1118 0.240
Morocco V de Rabat
chimie |

Université Cadi Ayyad Natural Sciences / Physics

2 25 1070 144344 Salah Er-Raki physique | irrigation | Agricultural Sciences | 34 31 0.912 62 55 0.887 4468 2855 0.639
Morocco Marrakech remote sensing | Geoscience |

Jean-Michel Mohammed VI Natural Sciences / Mathematics

3 26 21334 152690 Computational Fluid Dynamics | High Power 33 18 0.545 80 37 0.463 4458 1173 0.263
Ghidaglia Morocco Polytechnic University Computing |
Engineering & Technology /
Mohamed Mohammed VI Environmental Science &
4 27 21364 152858 33 29 0.879 51 47 0.922 4408 3402 0.772
Chaker Ncibi Morocco Polytechnic University Engineering
Water Treatment | Circular Economy | Green
Chemistry | Environmental Engineering |
Engineering & Technology /
Ismael Université Cadi Ayyad Energy Engineering
3 28 1229 159656 32 25 0.781 74 56 0.757 5595 2312 0.413
Saadoune Morocco Marrakech Batteries | Energy Storage | Materials Science
Agriculture & Forestry / Plant
Abdallah Mohammed VI Science
5 29 22690 160332 32 32 1.000 55 54 0.982 5029 3917 0.779
Oukarroum Morocco Polytechnic University Plant Physiology | Photosynthesis |
Environmental Science |

Université Sidi Engineering & Technology /

2 30 1277 164514 Amine Allouhi Mohammed Ben Energy Engineering 32 32 1.000 59 59 1.000 3575 3413 0.955
Morocco Renewable Energy Systems | Energy in
Abdellah Fes buildings | Solar thermal |

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Agriculture & Forestry / Plant
Université Mohammed Science
12 31 1293 165655 Youssef Bakri 32 29 0.906 82 73 0.890 3331 2512 0.754
Morocco V de Rabat Immunology & Cancer biology | Medicinal
plants & drug discovery |
Engineering & Technology /
Electrical & Electronic
Benachir Université Moulay Engineering
3 32 1303 166087 Electronic Enginnering | Sensor systems | 32 28 0.875 63 57 0.905 3229 2117 0.656
Bouchikhi Morocco Ismail Meknès
Food safety | Volatile organic compounds
analysis for desease diagnosis |
Environmental mo |
Natural Sciences / Mathematics
Abderrahim Université Hassan II Numerical Methods | mixed Convection |
3 33 1307 166405 32 32 1.000 65 64 0.985 3154 3106 0.985
Wakif Morocco de Casablanca Hydrodynamic | Magnetohydoynamic |
Nanofluids |

Noureddine Université Hassan II Engineering & Technology /

4 34 1313 166732 Mechanical Engineering 32 18 0.563 57 38 0.667 3068 1093 0.356
Damil Morocco de Casablanca
Computational Mechanics | Instability |

Mohamed Université Cadi Ayyad Natural Sciences / Physics

4 35 1315 166921 High Energy physics (Theory and 32 28 0.875 71 62 0.873 3011 2106 0.699
Chabab Morocco Marrakech Phenomenology) | Astrophysics |
Medical and Health Sciences /
Azeddine Université Mohammed Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical
13 36 1350 169559 Sciences 31 23 0.742 57 48 0.842 5644 1764 0.313
Ibrahimi Morocco V de Rabat
Biotechnology | Bioinformatics | Genomics &
Molecular modeling |
Engineering & Technology /
Mounir El Mohammed VI Metallurgical & Materials
6 37 24736 172178 31 31 1.000 51 50 0.980 4091 3359 0.821
Achaby Morocco Polytechnic University Engineering
Materials Physics & Chemistry |
Université Sidi
3 38 1398 174267 Rachid Masrour Mohammed Ben Natural Sciences / Mathematics 31 29 0.935 113 106 0.938 3545 3143 0.887
Morocco Physics | Chemistry | Mathematics |
Abdellah Fes
Natural Sciences / Chemical
Université Ibn Tofail Sciences
2 39 1459 177665 Rachid Hsissou Polymer Synthesis Polymer Engineering 31 31 1.000 60 60 1.000 2843 2834 0.997
Morocco Kénitra
Composites Materials Polymers Coatings
Corrosion Inhibition Organic Chemistr |
Centre Régional des Natural Sciences / Mathematics
Khalid Hattaf Métiers de l’Éducation Mathematical Analysis of Dynamical Systems |
1 40 1476 178296 Mathematical Modeling in Virology | 31 28 0.903 60 55 0.917 2630 2120 0.806
Morocco et de la Formation Epidemiology and Economy | Control Systems

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Saad Alami Université Hassan II Natural Sciences / Chemical
5 41 1488 178622 Sciences 31 26 0.839 56 49 0.875 2415 1617 0.670
Younssi Morocco de Casablanca
Matériaux | procédés membranaires |
Medical and Health Sciences /
Abdelkarim Université Mohammed Microbiology
14 42 1571 186662 30 23 0.767 84 70 0.833 3081 2005 0.651
Filali-Maltouf Morocco V de Rabat Microbiology | Molecular Biology |
Biotechnology | Biodiversity | Bioremediation |
Natural Sciences / Physics
Université Cadi Ayyad Ressources en eau | Besoin en eau des
5 43 1603 188080 Saïd Khabba 30 25 0.833 57 45 0.789 2827 2001 0.708
Morocco Marrakech cultures | modèles | télédétection | semi-aride
Engineering & Technology /
Université Engineering
Elhachmi materials science | design and
2 44 1611 188335 Internationale de 30 18 0.600 63 38 0.603 2783 1168 0.420
Essadiqi Morocco thermomechanical processing of metal alloys |
Rabat Microstructure Property relationship | Solar
energy | r |
Medical and Health Sciences /
Abdelhakim Université Mohammed Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical
15 45 1620 188929 Sciences 30 30 1.000 74 74 1.000 2654 2623 0.988
Bouyahya Morocco V de Rabat
Biochimie | Pharmacologie | Plantes
Médicinales | Microbiologie |

Driss Université Mohammed Engineering & Technology /

16 46 1666 191626 Computer Science 29 19 0.655 158 59 0.373 5253 2258 0.430
Aboutajdine Morocco V de Rabat
Informatique traitement signal |

Mohamed Université Mohammed Medical and Health Sciences /

17 47 1709 194856 Internal Medicine 29 16 0.552 52 31 0.596 3595 1213 0.337
Yahyaoui Morocco V de Rabat
Médecine |
Université Hassan II de
Université Hassan II Casablanca
6 48 1728 195976 Talea Mohamed 29 28 0.966 66 62 0.939 3342 3026 0.905
Morocco de Casablanca informatique | modélisations | matériaux |
systèmes d'information |

Abdelkader Université Cadi Ayyad Engineering & Technology /

6 49 1737 196423 Energy Engineering 29 18 0.621 81 40 0.494 3259 1374 0.422
Outzourhit Morocco Marrakech
Energies renouvelables | PV | Stockage |
Agriculture & Forestry / Plant
Nour Eddine Es- Université Mohammed Science
18 50 1745 196970 29 19 0.655 48 30 0.625 3169 1076 0.340
Safi Morocco V de Rabat Medicinal plants | essential oils | polyphenols
| characterization | biological activities |

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Engineering & Technology /
Tarik Chafik Abdelmalek Essaadi Metallurgical & Materials
1 51 1828 201603 Engineering 29 18 0.621 41 27 0.659 2367 1088 0.460
Morocco University
Materials Engineering | Catalysis | energy |
air pollution | nanomaterials |

Université Hassan II Natural Sciences / Chemical

7 52 1925 208697 Said Gmouh Sciences 28 19 0.679 48 36 0.750 3103 1185 0.382
Morocco de Casablanca
Chemistry |
Université Natural Sciences / Biological
3 53 1930 209159 Internationale de Science 28 17 0.607 72 28 0.389 3018 844 0.280
Benjouad Morocco
Rabat sciences de la vie |

Engineering & Technology /

Université Cadi Ayyad Environmental Science &
7 54 1952 210640 Laila Mandi Engineering 28 24 0.857 63 53 0.841 2810 2001 0.712
Morocco Marrakech
wastewater treatment | water quality | water
reuse | water managment |

Université Cadi Ayyad Natural Sciences / Biological

8 55 1953 210688 Ouazzani Naaila Science 28 24 0.857 59 48 0.814 2805 1906 0.680
Morocco Marrakech
Wastewater treatment and reuse |

El Houssaine El Université Mohammed Natural Sciences / Physics

3 56 2004 213138 Solid state physics Photonic and Phononic 28 17 0.607 63 32 0.508 2475 969 0.392
Boudouti Morocco Premier Oujda crystals |

Université Ibn Tofail Business & Management /

3 57 2018 213788 Houda El Khaldi Marketing 28 22 0.786 60 47 0.783 2391 1606 0.672
Morocco Kénitra
Marketing digital |

Université Euro- Natural Sciences / Chemical

Saïd El Kazzouli Sciences
1 58 2025 214268 Méditerranéenne de 28 19 0.679 45 31 0.689 2316 1201 0.519
Morocco Chimie Organique | Chimie Médicinale |
Fès Catalyse |
Full Professeur at Moulay Ismaïl
University of Meknes, Morocco
Université Moulay Biotechnology and sensing technology
4 59 2028 214362 Nezha El Bari 28 27 0.964 45 40 0.889 2297 1703 0.741
Morocco Ismail Meknès especially Biosensors | Moleculary Imprinted
Polymers | Electronics Tongue and Nose
combined |
Agriculture & Forestry / Plant
Université Cadi Ayyad Science
9 60 2042 215144 Khalid Oufdou 28 21 0.750 57 46 0.807 2132 1425 0.668
Morocco Marrakech Microbiology | Rhizosphere | Plant
biotechnology | biofertilizers |

Mohammed VI Phd
7 61 32916 215767 Mansour Sobeh 28 28 1.000 51 51 1.000 1761 1753 0.995
Morocco Polytechnic University Phytochemistry | Pharmacognosy |

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Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Natural Sciences / Physics
Ez-Zahraouy Université Mohammed New Material for Energy-Magnetism-Surface-
19 62 2123 220989 27 18 0.667 100 52 0.520 3184 1992 0.626
Hamid Morocco V de Rabat Interface | Vehicular traffic | Routing network
| Red blood Traffic | Quantum Cryptography |

Abdelghani Université Cadi Ayyad Natural Sciences / Mathematics

10 63 2143 222086 modélisation des systèmes complexes et 27 16 0.593 40 23 0.575 2981 1472 0.494
Bellouquid Morocco Marrakech analyse mathématique |

Ahmed Université Mohammed Engineering & Technology / Earth

20 64 2144 222090 Sciences 27 19 0.704 55 36 0.655 2980 1194 0.401
Chalouan Morocco V de Rabat
géologie |

Noreddine Institut Agronomique Engineering & Technology / Food

1 65 2178 223919 Benkerroum et Veterinaire Hassan Science and Engineering 27 19 0.704 35 26 0.743 2716 1389 0.511
II Food Microbiology |

Engineering & Technology /

Université Cadi Ayyad Environmental Science &
11 66 2226 226255 Rachid Hakkou Engineering 27 25 0.926 60 58 0.967 2448 2031 0.830
Morocco Marrakech
Mining Environment | Solid Waste |
Valorization | Mineral Processing |
Engineering & Technology /
Electrical & Electronic
Mohammed Université Mohammed Engineering
21 67 2266 228148 Electrical Engineering | Electric Drive | 27 20 0.741 59 48 0.814 2226 1644 0.739
Ouassaid Morocco V de Rabat
Renewable Energy Systems | Smart Grid |
Advanced Control of Power Systems and
Microgrids |
Natural Sciences / Biological
Université Cadi Ayyad Science
12 68 2297 229320 Said Wahbi 27 24 0.889 42 42 1.000 2034 1452 0.714
Morocco Marrakech Ecophysiologie | déficit hydrique | efficience
de l'utilisation de l'eau |
Engineering & Technology / Earth
Lahoucine Université Cadi Ayyad Sciences
13 69 2305 229498 27 25 0.926 45 38 0.844 1992 1512 0.759
Hanich Morocco Marrakech Hydrogéologie | télédétection | Hydrologie
nivale |
Engineering & Technology /
Mohammed VI Metallurgical & Materials
8 70 35862 232017 Jones Alami 26 21 0.808 39 32 0.821 4584 2140 0.467
Morocco Polytechnic University Engineering
materials physics | plasma physics | thin film
physics | coating solution design |
Houssine Mohammed VI Nanocellulose | Nanomaterials
9 71 35884 232206 26 25 0.962 35 34 0.971 4404 3035 0.689
Sehaqui Morocco Polytechnic University Functionalisation | Biocomposites |
Environmental remediation |

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Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Engineering & Technology / Earth
Université Ibnou Zohr Sciences
1 72 2403 236913 Lhoussaine Water resources management | Climate 26 24 0.923 72 50 0.694 2842 1910 0.672
Morocco d'Agadir
change and impacts | Isotopic hydrology |
Karst hydrology | Hydrology in arides zones |
Business & Management /
Zaglou Université Hassan II Decision Science and Operations
8 73 2405 237016 26 19 0.731 70 43 0.614 2826 1464 0.518
Mohamed Morocco de Casablanca Management
logistics | supply chain |

Institut National de la Director of Research, INRA

Rachid Mrabet Morocco
1 74 2447 239648 Recherche 26 16 0.615 52 33 0.635 2485 1269 0.511
Morocco Agronomy | agroecology | climate change |
Agronomique INRA soil security | sustainability |
Medical and Health Sciences /
Université Sidi Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical
4 75 2454 240211 O Assobhei Mohammed Ben Sciences 26 16 0.615 48 30 0.625 2427 1333 0.549
Morocco biotechnologie | environnement |
Abdellah Fes
océanographie | microbiologie |
pharmacologie |

Université Mohammed Natural Sciences / Chemical

22 76 2469 241173 Khalid Bougrin Sciences 26 18 0.692 42 25 0.595 2331 922 0.396
Morocco V de Rabat
organic and medicinal chemistry |

El Modafar Université Cadi Ayyad Natural Sciences / Biological

14 77 2491 242264 Science 26 20 0.769 63 46 0.730 2219 1467 0.661
Cherkaoui Morocco Marrakech
Biotechnologies végétles |
Agriculture & Forestry /
Université Ibn Tofail Agriculture
4 78 2500 242741 Omar Dagdag 26 26 1.000 55 55 1.000 2175 2161 0.994
Morocco Kénitra Polymers | Organic chemistry | Coating |
Corrosion | Nanotechnology |
Faridahwati Business & Management / Human
Mohd. Al Akhawayn Resource Management
1 79 2501 242831 26 21 0.808 56 49 0.875 2166 1657 0.765
Shamsudin Morocco University Ifrane Human resource management |
Organizational behavior |

Institut Agronomique Medical and Health Sciences /

2 80 2511 243248 et Veterinaire Hassan Veterinary Sciences 26 16 0.615 66 30 0.455 2124 950 0.447
Boujenane Morocco
II Animal breeding and genetics |

Barakat Natural Sciences / Molecular

Institut Pasteur du
1 81 2562 245053 Abdelhamid Biology & Genetics 26 18 0.692 57 45 0.789 1905 1115 0.585
Morocco Maroc
Génétique humaine |

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Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Centre National de
Hicham Labrim l'Energie, des Chercheur, CNESTEN
1 82 2569 245285 26 21 0.808 63 51 0.810 1864 1532 0.822
Morocco Sciences et des énergie |
Techniques Nucleaires
Université Sidi Natural Sciences / Biological
Saad Ibnsouda
5 83 2612 246944 Mohammed Ben Science 25 20 0.800 54 45 0.833 6430 5726 0.891
Koraichi Morocco
Abdellah Fes Biotechnologie |

Engineering & Technology /

Université Computer Science
4 84 2644 250691 Internationale de Distributed systems | Communication 25 20 0.800 94 58 0.617 3052 1879 0.616
Bakhouya Morocco
Rabat networks | High performance computing | IoT
and Big Data | Predictive Analytics |
Agriculture & Forestry /
Mohammed VI Agricultural Economics
10 85 39408 251280 Luc Savard 25 14 0.560 54 27 0.500 2927 784 0.268
Morocco Polytechnic University Development | Environmental and
Agricultural Economics. Poverty analysis. |

Soulaimani Université Cadi Ayyad Engineering & Technology / Earth

15 86 2673 252931 Sciences 25 21 0.840 48 38 0.792 2649 1609 0.607
Abderrahmane Morocco Marrakech
Tectonique et Géologie régionale |
Medical and Health Sciences /
Université Mohammed Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical
23 87 2676 253075 Youssef Ramli 25 23 0.920 54 49 0.907 2627 2249 0.856
Morocco V de Rabat Sciences
Organic and Medecinal Chemistry |
Natural Sciences / Chemical
Université Cadi Ayyad Sciences
16 88 2688 253880 Allal Barroug 25 16 0.640 32 21 0.656 2524 778 0.308
Morocco Marrakech Apatites | Calcium Phosphates | Adsorption |
Drug Delivery | Biomaterials |
Engineering & Technology /
Hassan Université Hassan II Metallurgical & Materials
9 89 2697 254475 Engineering 25 20 0.800 53 41 0.774 2455 1696 0.691
Hannache Morocco de Casablanca
composites materials | geopolymer |
adsorbent materials | fibers | glasses |
Medical and Health Sciences /
Khalid Université Mohammed Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical
24 90 2725 255896 Sciences 25 12 0.480 38 13 0.342 2321 415 0.179
Taghzouti Morocco V de Rabat
Neurosciences | Pharmacologie |
Physiopathologie |

Université Sidi Medical and Health Sciences /

6 91 2745 256624 Abdellah Farah Mohammed Ben Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical 25 21 0.840 66 50 0.758 2257 1562 0.692
Morocco Sciences
Abdellah Fes
phytochimie et pharmacologie |

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Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Lahsen Université Mohammed Medical and Health Sciences /
25 92 2774 258426 Rheumatology 25 17 0.680 37 27 0.730 2096 797 0.380
Achemlal Morocco V de Rabat
rhumatologie |
Natural Sciences / Biological
Université Cadi Ayyad Science
17 93 2796 259318 Abdelaziz Abbad 25 23 0.920 48 40 0.833 2016 1374 0.682
Morocco Marrakech Valorization and Conservation of Medicinal
and Aromatic Plants |
Engineering & Technology /
Université Sidi Electrical & Electronic
7 94 2821 260727 Aziz Derouich Mohammed Ben Engineering 25 25 1.000 49 48 0.980 1887 1821 0.965
Abdellah Fes Energies Renouvelables | Commande des
Machines | E-Learning |
Engineering & Technology /
Mohammed VI Meteorology & Atmospheric
11 95 41790 262447 Victor Ongoma 25 24 0.960 45 43 0.956 1666 1595 0.957
Morocco Polytechnic University Sciences
Meteorology | Climate Change | Climate
Services | Sustainable Development |
Head of Laboratory, Researcher
Institut Pasteur du Associate, Institut Pasteur du
2 96 2878 262510 Sayeh Ezzikouri Maroc, Morocco 25 18 0.720 47 38 0.809 1652 1096 0.663
Morocco Maroc
Virology | Hepatitis viruses | R&D | Public
Health |
Université Sidi Engineering & Technology /
Abdelaziz El
8 97 2879 262565 Mohammed Ben Energy Engineering 25 25 1.000 41 39 0.951 1643 1584 0.964
Ghzizal Morocco
Abdellah Fes renewable energy and intelligent systems |

University Mohammed V in Rabat

Hassan Ait Mohammed VI CO2 Reduction | Power-to-X |
12 98 41859 262707 25 25 1.000 43 41 0.953 1608 1571 0.977
Ahsaine Morocco Polytechnic University Photo/ElectroCatalysis | Porous materials |
Energy Conversion |
Engineering & Technology /
Université Hassan II Environmental Science &
1 99 2935 267375 Bouchaib 24 21 0.875 34 31 0.912 2952 1944 0.659
Morocco Ain Chock Engineering
Process and Environmental Engineering |

Université Cadi Ayyad Agriculture & Forestry /

18 100 2958 269507 Ghoulam Cherki Agriculture 24 19 0.792 39 34 0.872 2558 1429 0.559
Morocco Marrakech
Agrophysiologie |

Hamdani Université Ibnou Zohr Education / Education

2 101 2960 269581 24 20 0.833 47 34 0.723 2547 1451 0.570
Mohamed Morocco d'Agadir chemistry | electrochemistry | environment |

Mohammed Université Mohammed Natural Sciences / Chemical

26 102 2990 271604 Sciences 24 10 0.417 51 10 0.196 2316 368 0.159
Soufiaoui Morocco V de Rabat
chimie | biochimie sciences des matériaux |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
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Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Natural Sciences / Biological
Université Cadi Ayyad Science
19 103 3011 272892 Abdellatif Hafidi Lipids quality and technology | Membrane 24 22 0.917 35 28 0.800 2195 1438 0.655
Morocco Marrakech
separation | Emulsification | Bioactive
compounds | Functionalities |
Natural Sciences / Chemical
Mounia Achak Université Chouaib Sciences
1 104 3086 277586 24 18 0.750 41 39 0.951 1843 1157 0.628
Morocco Eddoukali chimie d'environnement | traitement des eaux
Engineering & Technology /
Fatima-Zahra Université Mohammed Electrical & Electronic
27 105 3147 280014 24 16 0.667 44 28 0.636 1636 883 0.540
Chaoui Morocco V de Rabat Engineering
Automatic Control | Electrical Engineering |
Natural Sciences / Chemical
Mohammed VI Sciences
13 106 45743 281909 Mouad Dahbi 23 22 0.957 32 31 0.969 8893 7680 0.864
Morocco Polytechnic University Energy Storage | Batteries | Capacitor |
Electrochemistry | Materials science |
Natural Sciences / Biological
El Hassan El Université Cadi Ayyad Science
20 107 3202 282561 23 17 0.739 43 28 0.651 5062 2204 0.435
Mouden Morocco Marrakech Herpetology | conservation | zoology |
population dynamics |

Abdellah Université Chouaib Engineering & Technology / Food

2 108 3207 283206 Science and Engineering 23 19 0.826 37 33 0.892 4080 1913 0.469
Zinedine Morocco Eddoukali
Food Microbiology | Toxicology | Food Safety |

Mohamed Université Mohammed Natural Sciences / Chemical

28 109 3230 284945 Sciences 23 17 0.739 41 25 0.610 3101 1282 0.413
Hmamouchi Morocco V de Rabat
biologie phytochimie |
Medical and Health Sciences /
Université Mohammed Neurosurgery
29 110 3255 287092 Akhaddar Ali 23 15 0.652 86 32 0.372 2591 1241 0.479
Morocco V de Rabat Neurosurgery | CNS Infection | Spine |
Medical writing | Bibliometrics |
Université Sidi
Natural Sciences / Chemical
9 111 3280 288431 Driss Mazouzi Mohammed Ben 23 19 0.826 31 25 0.806 2394 1445 0.604
Morocco Sciences
Abdellah Fes
Medical and Health Sciences /
Université Cadi Ayyad Microbiology
21 112 3294 289153 Yedir Ouhdouch Actinobactéries | biotechnologie microbienne 23 19 0.826 36 31 0.861 2307 1320 0.572
Morocco Marrakech
| solubilisation des phosphate | production
d'antibiotique |

Ngonidzashe Mohammed VI
14 113 47029 289788 UM6P 23 20 0.870 38 35 0.921 2241 1750 0.781
Chirinda Morocco Polytechnic University

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Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Institut National de la Director INRA Morocco
2 114 3325 290307 Faouzi Bekkaoui Recherche plant biotechnology | genomics | fertilizers | 23 8 0.348 32 6 0.188 2197 636 0.289
Morocco agroforestry | crop improvement |
Agronomique INRA
Natural Sciences / Mathematics
Université Mohammed Mathematical modeling and numerical
30 115 3339 291028 Lahcen Azrar analysis | ODE PDE and stochastic process | 23 17 0.739 45 32 0.711 2133 988 0.463
Morocco V de Rabat nonlinear structural dynamics |
multifunctional m |
Agriculture & Forestry / Plant
Université Ibnou Zohr Science
3 116 3370 292548 Said Gharby 23 21 0.913 50 48 0.960 2012 1569 0.780
Morocco d'Agadir Chimie analytique | chimie des plantes |
lipides | controle qualité |
Engineering & Technology /
Omar Université Mohammed Mechanical Engineering
31 117 3399 294171 Spintronics | phosphorene | hydrogen storage 23 21 0.913 58 48 0.828 1900 1604 0.844
Mounkachi, Morocco V de Rabat
| magnetic refrigeration | Ferrites and
nanoferrites |

Mohamed Université Moulay Natural Sciences / Physics

5 118 3400 294214 23 19 0.826 62 42 0.677 1898 1123 0.592
Kerouad Morocco Ismail Meknès Physique |

Business & Management /

Muhammad Al Akhawayn Strategic Management
2 119 3426 295358 Sustainability | Integrated Management | 23 23 1.000 40 40 1.000 1825 1823 0.999
Ikram Morocco University Ifrane
SDGs | Environmental Management Systems |
Grey Systems Theory |
Agriculture & Forestry / Plant
Mohammed VI Science
15 120 48836 297984 Bargaz Adnane 23 19 0.826 38 35 0.921 1660 1375 0.828
Morocco Polytechnic University Plant Science | Rhizosphere Biology and
Fertilization |

Mohamed Université Cadi Ayyad Natural Sciences / Biological

22 121 3528 299846 23 17 0.739 51 28 0.549 1520 922 0.607
Bennis Morocco Marrakech Science
Institut Pasteur du Institut Pasteur du Maroc
3 122 3531 299898 Meriem Khyatti 23 15 0.652 34 23 0.676 1515 732 0.483
Morocco Maroc Oncologie Virologie immunologie |

Medical and Health Sciences /

Ihsane Université Mohammed Rheumatology
32 123 3568 301146 23 20 0.870 33 31 0.939 1379 987 0.716
Hmamouchi Morocco V de Rabat Spondyloarthritis | Osteoporosis | Equity |
Methodology | PRO. |
Natural Sciences / Chemical
Mohamed Université Ibnou Zohr Chemistry | Conducting polymers and their
4 124 3598 301857 23 22 0.957 34 34 1.000 1072 1051 0.980
Laabd Morocco d'Agadir composites | Adsorption | Density functional
theory DFT calculations | Humic substances
by |

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Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Natural Sciences / Chemical
Mohammed Université Hassan II Sciences
10 125 3632 304957 22 16 0.727 34 22 0.647 3005 1137 0.378
Berrada 1 Morocco de Casablanca Sciences des polymeres | Materiaux |
Analyses physicochimiques |
LS3M, Sultan Moulay Slimane
Abdellatif Université Sultan University of Beni Mellal, FP-
1 126 3635 305183 Hasnaoui Moulay Slimane Beni Khouribga, Morocco 22 20 0.909 36 35 0.972 2930 1338 0.457
Mellal atomistic simulation & materials science |
metallic glasses |

El Bouari Université Hassan II Natural Sciences / Physics

11 127 3685 308723 22 22 1.000 46 39 0.848 2244 2032 0.906
Abdeslam Morocco de Casablanca Physico-chimie des Matériaux |

Natural Sciences / Chemical

Université Mohammed Sciences
33 128 3731 311249 M.Taibi 22 17 0.773 63 36 0.571 2009 1197 0.596
Morocco V de Rabat Chimie des matériaux | Propriétés physico-
chimiques des matériaux |

Université Hassan II Natural Sciences / Biological

12 129 3744 312197 Rachid Saile Science 22 16 0.727 40 22 0.550 1936 757 0.391
Morocco de Casablanca
Biologie |

Université Ibn Tofail Natural Sciences / Physics

5 130 3762 313294 Khalid Nouneh Thin films | nanostructures | SPR | 22 15 0.682 36 24 0.667 1864 1188 0.637
Morocco Kénitra photovoltaics | Photocatalysis |
Business & Management /
Decision Science and Operations
Mohammed VI Management
16 131 51881 313528 Amine Belhadi 22 22 1.000 28 28 1.000 1850 1846 0.998
Morocco Polytechnic University Lean | Industry 4.0 | big data analytics |
Supply chain management | circular economy

Abdelowahed Université Chouaib

3 132 3879 317919 Natural Sciences / Physics 22 17 0.773 52 40 0.769 1607 1109 0.690
Hajjaji Morocco Eddoukali
Engineering & Technology /
Université Ibnou Zohr Metallurgical & Materials
5 133 3910 319182 A Benlhachemi 22 20 0.909 52 44 0.846 1540 1259 0.818
Morocco d'Agadir Engineering
Materials Science and Environment |
Natural Sciences / Chemical
Brahim El Université Ibnou Zohr Corrosion inhibition | Electrodegradation |
6 134 3927 319586 22 22 1.000 35 33 0.943 1518 1510 0.995
Ibrahimi Morocco d'Agadir Quantum chemistry computations | Molecular
mechanics calculations | QSAR/QSPR
modelling |

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Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Engineering & Technology /
Université Hassan II Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
13 135 3941 320155 Said Ouaskit 22 18 0.818 40 25 0.625 1485 763 0.514
Morocco de Casablanca nanomatériaux | matière condensée |
nanofluides |

Abderrahmane Université Cadi Ayyad Natural Sciences / Chemical

23 136 3960 320776 Sciences 22 19 0.864 39 33 0.846 1448 1076 0.743
Romane Morocco Marrakech
Chimie Analytique Phytochimie |
Engineering & Technology /
Université Mohammed Computer Science
34 137 3974 321174 E. Feddi 22 17 0.773 50 43 0.860 1421 1087 0.765
Morocco V de Rabat Optoelectronique des nanomateriaux de
semiconducteurs |
Natural Sciences / Biological
Université Mohammed Science
35 138 4006 321956 Rhazi Laila Ecologie aquatique | Fonctionnement et 22 16 0.727 39 30 0.769 1362 827 0.607
Morocco V de Rabat
biodiversité des zones humides
mediterrannéennes |
Natural Sciences / Chemical
Université Sidi Sciences
10 139 4024 322526 Mohammed Ben Chimie | Spectroscopie | Environnement | 22 18 0.818 26 24 0.923 1313 815 0.621
Boukir Morocco
Abdellah Fes Patrimoine Culturel | Extraction Huiles
Essentielles |
Engineering & Technology /
Université Ibnou Zohr Metallurgical & Materials
7 140 4073 323746 Yassine Naciri Engineering 22 22 1.000 30 30 1.000 1081 1081 1.000
Morocco d'Agadir
Photocatalysis | Water splitting | Water
treatment | Adsorption | Materials science |
Natural Sciences / Chemical
Université Hassan II Sciences
14 141 4133 329923 Younes Abboud étude et inhibition de Corrosion | Synthèse 21 17 0.810 25 22 0.880 2205 1518 0.688
Morocco de Casablanca
caractérisation et application des
nanoparticules |

Abdelmajid Université Ibn Tofail Medical and Health Sciences /

6 142 4135 329968 Medical Genetics 21 15 0.714 66 32 0.485 2200 1295 0.589
Soulaymani Morocco Kénitra
Toxicologie | Epidémiologie | Envenimation |

Mohamed Université Mohammed Engineering & Technology /

36 143 4137 330058 21 16 0.762 60 41 0.683 2189 1364 0.623
Essaaidi Morocco V de Rabat Engineering
Engineering & Technology / Earth
Ahmed El Université Mohammed Sciences
37 144 4150 330690 21 12 0.571 50 22 0.440 2115 753 0.356
Hassani Morocco V de Rabat géologie | patrimoine géologique |
environnement |
Université Sidi Engineering & Technology / Earth
11 145 4161 331536 Mohammed Ben Sciences 21 17 0.810 37 31 0.838 2025 1088 0.537
Abderrahmane Morocco
Abdellah Fes Géologie |

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Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Abdelmajid Université Chouaib Natural Sciences / Physics
4 146 4184 332841 21 16 0.762 61 37 0.607 1914 1116 0.583
Belafhal Morocco Eddoukali Laser Physics |

Engineering & Technology /

Abourriche Université Hassan II Marine Sciences and Engineering
15 147 4186 332990 21 16 0.762 33 25 0.758 1903 1012 0.532
Abdelmjid Morocco de Casablanca organic chemistry | marine natural products |
drug and food research |

Université Mohammed Natural Sciences / Chemical

38 148 4247 335571 Souad El Hajjaji Sciences 21 17 0.810 48 35 0.729 1733 1205 0.695
Morocco V de Rabat
Chemistry | materiel science | environment |
Engineering & Technology /
Université Cadi Ayyad Metallurgical & Materials
24 149 4320 338930 M. Hajjaji Engineering 21 18 0.857 39 29 0.744 1564 905 0.579
Morocco Marrakech
Materials science | traditional ceramics | clays
& chemical pollutants |
Natural Sciences / Physics
Université Ibn Tofail Synthèse Organique | Hétérocycles Catalyse
7 150 4330 339345 Said Boukhris 21 19 0.905 40 34 0.850 1546 1168 0.755
Morocco Kénitra Hétérogène. Valorisation des produits
naturels |

Université Sidi Engineering & Technology /

Mohammed Biomedical Engineering
12 151 4356 340324 Mohammed Ben 21 16 0.762 52 31 0.596 1501 963 0.642
Karim Morocco Embedded Systems | biomedical engineering |
Abdellah Fes Electrical Machine Control | E-Learning |
Engineering & Technology /
Université Sidi Energy Engineering
13 152 4382 341321 Badre Bossoufi Mohammed Ben Power Electronics | Renewable Energy | Wind 21 20 0.952 50 41 0.820 1459 1249 0.856
Abdellah Fes Turbines | Photovoltaics | Electrical
Engineering |

Université Sidi Engineering & Technology /

14 153 4391 341600 Saad Motahhir Mohammed Ben Electrical & Electronic 21 21 1.000 32 32 1.000 1447 1432 0.990
Morocco Engineering
Abdellah Fes
Embedded systems |

Université Ibnou Zohr Engineering & Technology /

8 154 4425 342710 B. Bakiz 21 20 0.952 46 42 0.913 1398 1261 0.902
Morocco d'Agadir Mechanical Engineering

Université Ibnou Zohr Medical and Health Sciences /

9 155 4486 344948 Imad Ghozlani Rheumatology 21 13 0.619 28 22 0.786 1286 617 0.480
Morocco d'Agadir
Rheumatology |
Natural Sciences / Physics
Yassine Université Mohammed Exterior | Heisenberg and Lie Algebras |
39 156 4546 346584 21 12 0.571 38 17 0.447 1171 482 0.412
Hassouni Morocco V de Rabat Coherent States And Quantum Information
Theorys |

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University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Institut Agronomique Medical and Health Sciences /
Sraïri Mohamed
3 157 4563 347040 et Veterinaire Hassan Veterinary Sciences 21 12 0.571 35 17 0.486 1120 496 0.443
Taher Morocco Crop/Livestock Systems | Dairy Science | Milk
II Quality |
Medical and Health Sciences /
Université Hassan II Neuroscience
16 158 4629 352272 Rachida Roky 20 17 0.850 21 19 0.905 2301 845 0.367
Morocco de Casablanca Neurosciences | bioethics | Ramadan | sex as
biological factor |
Engineering & Technology /
Hajar Université Cadi Ayyad Computer Science
25 159 4648 353079 20 18 0.900 27 25 0.926 2168 2016 0.930
Mousannif Morocco Marrakech Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning |
Data Analytics | IoT |
Medical and Health Sciences /
Mohammed VI Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical
17 160 61289 359410 Abdelaziz Yasri 20 17 0.850 35 29 0.829 1626 836 0.514
Morocco Polytechnic University Sciences
Medicinal & Aromatic Plants |

Azizi Université Mohammed Natural Sciences / Mathematics

4 161 4768 359609 Mathématiques | Cryptographie et leurs 20 13 0.650 53 19 0.358 1616 804 0.498
Abdelmalek Morocco Premier Oujda Histoire |

Ecole Supérieure des Natural Sciences / Chemical

Omar Cherkaoui Sciences
1 162 4773 359768 Industries du Textile 20 19 0.950 44 36 0.818 1608 1411 0.877
Morocco Textile materials | natural fibers | composites
et de l'Habillement | textile engineering | functional textiles |
Natural Sciences / Mathematics
Youssef El Université Hassan II Mathematical Biology | Mathematical Finance
17 163 4834 362627 20 19 0.950 62 57 0.919 1481 1287 0.869
Foutayeni Morocco de Casablanca | Numerical Analysis and Scientific
Computing | Applied Analysis |

Université Engineering & Technology /

Mohammed Computer Science
5 164 4843 362900 Internationale de 20 13 0.650 43 18 0.419 1470 591 0.402
Boulmalf Morocco WSNs | VANET | SDN | Security | Networking
Rabat QoS |

Université Social Sciences / Political Science

Politiques publiques - Ecologie de la santé -
6 165 4869 364181 Jean-Noël Ferrié Internationale de 20 9 0.450 49 7 0.143 1418 371 0.262
Morocco Normativités - Epistémologie des sciences
Rabat sociales |
Université Sidi
Izeddine Natural Sciences / Physics
15 166 4898 365282 Mohammed Ben 20 16 0.800 44 35 0.795 1377 998 0.725
Zorkani Morocco nanosciences | renewwables energies |
Abdellah Fes
Engineering & Technology /
Université Hassan II Metallurgical & Materials
18 167 4944 366567 Reda Moubah 20 15 0.750 47 27 0.574 1330 904 0.680
Morocco de Casablanca Engineering
Materials science |

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Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Université Moulay Natural Sciences / Physics
6 168 4988 368395 Lahcen Bih 20 15 0.750 38 26 0.684 1260 724 0.575
Morocco Ismail Meknès Physico-chimie des matériaux |

Université Mohammed Engineering & Technology /

40 169 4998 368581 Hocein Bazairi Marine Sciences and Engineering 20 15 0.750 35 28 0.800 1253 828 0.661
Morocco V de Rabat
Océanographie biologique |
Engineering & Technology /
Achour Electrical & Electronic
Université Ibn Tofail
8 170 5020 369223 Mohammed Engineering 20 14 0.700 46 22 0.478 1225 583 0.476
Morocco Kénitra
Essaid electrical and dielectric properties of the
binary and ternary composite ma |
Natural Sciences / Chemical
Abdelmalek Essaadi Sciences
2 171 5054 370246 Khalid Draoui 20 17 0.850 34 28 0.824 1184 797 0.673
Morocco University clays | polymers | nanocomposites |
Electrochemistry | Thermodynamics |
Agriculture & Forestry / Plant
Université Hassan II Science
19 172 5086 371298 Fouad Mellouki Plantes médicinales | antibioresisrance | lutte 20 15 0.750 29 21 0.724 1133 618 0.545
Morocco de Casablanca
anivectorielle et resistance aux insecticide |
nematodes | lichens |
Natural Sciences / Chemical
Université Ibn Tofail Sciences
9 173 5122 372156 Moussa Ouakki 20 20 1.000 30 30 1.000 1080 1079 0.999
Morocco Kénitra corrosion | Electrochemistry | Materials |
inhibition |

Université Euro- Engineering & Technology /

Tijani Engineering
2 174 5135 372603 Méditerranéenne de 20 15 0.750 28 20 0.714 1046 690 0.660
Bounahmidi Morocco Génie des Procédés | Génie Chimique |
Fès Energie | Eau |
Mohammed VI Polytechnic
Hicham Ben Mohammed VI University
18 175 64543 372941 20 15 0.750 25 20 0.800 1019 709 0.696
Youcef Morocco Polytechnic University Polymers & Composites | Energy Materials |
Fuel cells | Batteries | Membranes |
Engineering & Technology /
Mohammed VI Chemical Engineering
19 176 64736 373617 Brahim Achiou 20 20 1.000 23 23 1.000 913 908 0.995
Morocco Polytechnic University Membrane Technology | Geomaterials |
Zeolites | Chemical Engineering |
Engineering & Technology /
Université Ibnou Zohr Metallurgical & Materials
10 177 5197 375012 Rida Bilak Engineering 19 13 0.684 31 17 0.548 3676 724 0.197
Morocco d'Agadir
Matériaux | Métallurgie et Ingénierie des
Procédés |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
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Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Université Sidi Medical and Health Sciences /
16 178 5218 377264 Yahia Rharrabti Mohammed Ben Physiology 19 18 0.947 31 29 0.935 2437 1110 0.455
Abdellah Fes Agriculture | Agronomy | Agrifoods |

Université Cadi Ayyad Natural Sciences / Physics

26 179 5219 377339 Rachid Benbrik Higgs Physics | LHC colliders | building 19 15 0.789 35 23 0.657 2419 1260 0.521
Morocco Marrakech models | High energy physics |
Medical and Health Sciences /
Université Mohammed Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical
41 180 5240 379029 Katim Alaoui 19 17 0.895 40 26 0.650 2072 1166 0.563
Morocco V de Rabat Sciences
Pharmacodynamie | Substances Naturelles |

Mohamed Université Mohammed Natural Sciences / Geography

42 181 5266 380935 Floristique | Phytoécologie | Phytosociologie | 19 14 0.737 33 18 0.545 1837 943 0.513
Fennane Morocco V de Rabat Conservation |
Agriculture & Forestry / Crop
Institut National de la Sciences
3 182 5273 381270 Rachid Hadria Recherche Crop Modeling | Remote Sensing and GIS 19 16 0.842 30 25 0.833 1806 923 0.511
Agronomique INRA Applied to Natural resources and environment
management. |
Engineering & Technology /
Mohammed VI Energy Engineering
20 183 66123 382060 Omar Moudam 19 15 0.789 22 19 0.864 1737 827 0.476
Morocco Polytechnic University Solar Energy Conversion | Photovoltaics |
Photoluminescence |
Natural Sciences / Biological
Barakate Université Cadi Ayyad Science
27 184 5342 385096 Actinobacteria | PGPR | bioactive compounds | 19 16 0.842 28 23 0.821 1543 914 0.592
Mustapha Morocco Marrakech
Biocontrol-Biopesticides-biostimulants |
endophytes |
Engineering & Technology /
Computer Science
Mohamed Université Mohammed Contrôle intelligeant des systèmes et
43 185 5352 385548 19 17 0.895 45 32 0.711 1520 1150 0.757
Cherkaoui Morocco V de Rabat machines électriques | Energies
renouvelables | Convertisseurs électroniques
de puissanc |
Université Sidi
Naima El
17 186 5359 385824 Mohammed Ben Science and Technology 19 16 0.842 28 27 0.964 1507 1159 0.769
Ghachtouli Morocco
Abdellah Fes
Engineering & Technology /
Université Mohammed Metallurgical & Materials
44 187 5376 386516 L Laânab 19 16 0.842 31 20 0.645 1475 738 0.500
Morocco V de Rabat Engineering
Semiconductor Devices | nanomaterials |

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Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Social Sciences / Transportation
Fouad Riane Ecole Centrale Science & Technology
1 188 5392 387095 19 12 0.632 26 14 0.538 1451 559 0.385
Morocco Casablanca Supply Chain Management | Production
Planning | Scheduling |

Université Mohammed Natural Sciences / Physics

45 189 5500 391490 Mimoun Harnafi 19 16 0.842 25 21 0.840 1289 723 0.561
Morocco V de Rabat sciences de la terre |

Engineering & Technology /

Université Cadi Ayyad Computer Science
28 190 5509 391899 Lahcen Maniar 19 14 0.737 39 21 0.538 1276 592 0.464
Morocco Marrakech Control theory: controllability and
stabilization |
El Amrani El
Université Mohammed Engineering & Technology / Earth
46 191 5538 392880 Hassani Iz- Sciences 19 18 0.947 32 29 0.906 1244 1024 0.823
Morocco V de Rabat
Eddine Géologie | Géomatériaux |

Natural Sciences / Physics

Brahim Université Cadi Ayyad Energy Efficiency in Buildings | Heat and
29 192 5556 393335 19 16 0.842 29 23 0.793 1230 848 0.689
Benhamou Morocco Marrakech Mass Transfer | Desalination | Computational
Fluid Dynamics |
Natural Sciences / Chemical
Nada Kheira Université Ibnou Zohr Sciences
11 193 5566 393702 Chimie Organique hétérocyclique | Corrosion 19 18 0.947 40 34 0.850 1217 986 0.810
Sebbar Morocco d'Agadir
| Chimie théorique | RX | Modélisation
moléculaire |

Ahmed Université Mohammed

47 194 5575 393934 19 16 0.842 35 31 0.886 1210 959 0.793
Hammouch Morocco V de Rabat IT |

Engineering & Technology /

Dris Université Ibnou Zohr Environmental Science &
12 195 5716 398351 19 16 0.842 24 21 0.875 1061 582 0.549
Benhmamou Morocco d'Agadir Engineering
corrosion |
Natural Sciences / Chemical
Mama El Rhazi Université Hassan II Sciences
1 196 5779 400202 19 16 0.842 28 22 0.786 984 718 0.730
Morocco Mohammedia capteurs électrochimiques | fuel cell |
conducting polymers |
Medical and Health Sciences /
Ahmed Université Mohammed Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical
48 197 5910 405926 18 14 0.778 27 20 0.741 2202 1033 0.469
Bouhouche Morocco V de Rabat Sciences
Génétique Humaine |
Natural Sciences / Biological
Université Cadi Ayyad Science
30 198 5922 406606 Slimani Tahar Biodiversity | vertebrates | population 18 17 0.944 34 24 0.706 2067 1297 0.627
Morocco Marrakech
dynamics | eco-physiology | Conservation
Biology |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
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Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Institut National de la Agriculture & Forestry / Crop
Hassan Sciences
4 199 5932 407056 Recherche 18 16 0.889 20 18 0.900 1989 969 0.487
Ouabbou Morocco Crop physiology and Genetic Resources
Agronomique INRA Conservation and Utilization |
Université Sidi Engineering & Technology / Civil
18 200 5952 408885 Mohamed Jamal Mohammed Ben Engineering 18 12 0.667 19 13 0.684 1769 646 0.365
Abdellah Fes Géotechnique | sédimentologie... |

Mohammed Université Mohammed Medical and Health Sciences /

49 201 5967 410090 General Surgery 18 17 0.944 29 25 0.862 1659 1580 0.952
Anass Majbar Morocco V de Rabat
Digestive Surgical Oncology |

Abdellatif Université Cadi Ayyad Natural Sciences / Physics

31 202 5971 410692 18 12 0.667 24 16 0.667 1611 555 0.345
Nachab Morocco Marrakech Physique et techniques nucléaires |

Université Sidi Natural Sciences / Biological

Abdeslam Science
19 203 5988 411626 Mohammed Ben 18 13 0.722 39 20 0.513 1550 756 0.488
Ennabili Morocco Environmental Science | Applied Botany |
Abdellah Fes Constructed Wetlands |
Natural Sciences / Physics
Université Hassan II Transferts Thermique | Modélisation et
20 204 6002 412378 Rachid Sehaqui 18 17 0.944 27 27 1.000 1506 1459 0.969
Morocco de Casablanca Simulation Numérique | Mécanique des
Fluides |

Lamfeddal Mohammed VI University Mohammed VI

21 205 72819 413256 18 17 0.944 21 21 1.000 1459 934 0.640
Kouisni Morocco Polytechnic University Polytechnic
Biorefinery | mining |

Université Hassan II Engineering & Technology / Civil

21 206 6028 413734 Lahssen Baidder Engineering 18 17 0.944 30 26 0.867 1435 1045 0.728
Morocco de Casablanca
Géologie structurale | cartographie |
Natural Sciences / Chemical
Mohamed Université Mohammed Sciences
50 207 6053 414666 18 17 0.944 30 27 0.900 1392 1206 0.866
Tabyaoui Morocco V de Rabat Chimie des Plantes | Chimie organique
appliquée |

Mustapha Ait Université Cadi Ayyad Natural Sciences / Chemical

32 208 6075 415561 Sciences 18 16 0.889 38 24 0.632 1355 910 0.672
Ali Morocco Marrakech
Chimie |
Engineering & Technology /
Mohammed Abdelmalek Essaadi Computer Science
3 209 6100 416652 18 16 0.889 38 31 0.816 1315 944 0.718
Bouhorma Morocco University Cybersecurity | Iot | Big data | Serious games
Université Sidi Engineering & Technology /
20 210 6113 417074 Farid Abdi Mohammed Ben Electrical & Electronic 18 13 0.722 24 17 0.708 1301 550 0.423
Abdellah Fes Engineering

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Karima Université Cadi Ayyad Engineering & Technology /
33 211 6162 418930 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 18 16 0.889 23 19 0.826 1239 1035 0.835
Abdelouahdi Morocco Marrakech
nanomateriaux |
Engineering & Technology /
Université Ibnou Zohr Engineering
13 212 6168 419045 Afdel Karim 18 17 0.944 27 23 0.852 1235 1087 0.880
Morocco d'Agadir Deep learning | Watermarking | E-learning |
Computer Vision | Medical Image. |
Engineering & Technology /
Abdellatif El Université Mohammed Computer Science
51 213 6170 419092 Artificial intelligence - Mathematical 18 17 0.944 44 40 0.909 1233 1135 0.921
Afia Morocco V de Rabat
Programming Computation - Calcul Stochastic
Engineering & Technology / Earth
Université Chouaib Sciences
5 214 6210 420301 Saber Hafid 18 15 0.833 34 24 0.706 1198 777 0.649
Morocco Eddoukali Earth sciences | Geodynamic | Biostratigraphy
| Sedimentology | Ichnology |
Engineering & Technology /
Mohammed El Université Mohammed Computer Science
52 215 6218 420563 Computer Vision | Deep learning | Complex 18 17 0.944 41 33 0.805 1191 947 0.795
Hassouni, Morocco V de Rabat
Networks | Data modeling and analysis |
Artificial Intelligence |
Engineering & Technology /
Université Sidi Biomedical Engineering
Said Ouatik El
21 216 6236 420945 Mohammed Ben Natural Language Processing | Information 18 18 1.000 42 37 0.881 1181 950 0.804
Alaoui Morocco
Abdellah Fes Retreival | Question Answering | Biomedical
Informatics | Content Based Image Retrieval |
Engineering & Technology /
Ahmed El Université Cadi Ayyad Metallurgical & Materials
34 217 6336 423839 Engineering 18 11 0.611 23 15 0.652 1102 403 0.366
Hichou Morocco Marrakech
Sciences des matériaux | Cellules
photovoltaiques |
Engineering & Technology /
Université Sidi Electrical & Electronic
22 218 6371 425069 Ali Ahaitouf Mohammed Ben Engineering 18 12 0.667 34 18 0.529 1069 646 0.604
Morocco Microélectronique | composants électronique
Abdellah Fes
| conception de circuits integrés analogiques
et numériques | codage-décodage | CPV |
Engineering & Technology /
Université Cadi Ayyad Metallurgical & Materials
35 219 6373 425121 M'barek Amjoud 18 16 0.889 28 25 0.893 1068 819 0.767
Morocco Marrakech Engineering
Material science |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Engineering & Technology /
Université Mohammed Electrical & Electronic
53 220 6380 425283 Abdelilah Jilbab 18 17 0.944 32 27 0.844 1063 933 0.878
Morocco V de Rabat Engineering
Traitement de signal et systèmes embarqués |

M'hamed Université Cadi Ayyad Natural Sciences / Chemical

36 221 6409 425849 18 6 0.333 34 4 0.118 1048 167 0.159
Esseffar Morocco Marrakech Sciences
Université Sidi Natural Sciences / Chemical
23 222 6441 426520 Mohammed Ben Sciences 18 16 0.889 26 21 0.808 1029 804 0.781
Benzakour Morocco
Abdellah Fes Chimie théorique |

Engineering & Technology /

Université Moulay Nanomatériaux | Systèmes magnétiques et
7 223 6448 426898 Zaim Ahmed 18 15 0.833 26 21 0.808 1019 601 0.590
Morocco Ismail Meknès diélectriques | Physique des surfaces et
interfaces | Simulation Monte Carlo |
Méthodes |
Engineering & Technology /
Université Sidi Electrical & Electronic
24 224 6471 427762 Mohammed Ben Engineering 18 18 1.000 29 29 1.000 995 946 0.951
Taoussi Morocco
Abdellah Fes Electrical Machine Control | FPGA | PV-
Inverter | Wind-Turbine |

Lahcen Université Mohammed Engineering & Technology / Earth

54 225 6535 429233 Sciences 18 9 0.500 27 9 0.333 954 384 0.403
Aitbrahim Morocco V de Rabat
geologie |
Mohammed VI Polytechnic
Mohammed VI UniversityBen GuerirMorocco
22 226 76700 429874 Krishna Devkota 18 16 0.889 25 23 0.920 934 738 0.790
Morocco Polytechnic University Sustainable Agriculture Development in
Africa |
Université Abdelmalek Essaadi -
Abdelmalek Essaadi Tétouan. Maroc
4 227 6586 431090 Pr. Jalal Isaad Development of probes and adsorbents for the 18 12 0.667 25 18 0.720 890 469 0.527
Morocco University
chemical detection of Pollutants in water and
their removal |
Université Sidi Engineering & Technology /
25 228 6596 431357 Mohammed Ben Computer Science 18 17 0.944 30 30 1.000 879 835 0.950
Sayyouri Morocco
Abdellah Fes Image Analysis by Moment Method |

Climate Change Adaptation:

Terence Epule Mohammed VI Mohammed 6 University …
23 229 77475 432641 18 15 0.833 24 19 0.792 809 662 0.818
Epule Morocco Polytechnic University Climate change | Land use change | Climate
change adaptation | Sustainable agriculture |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Engineering & Technology /
Younes El Université Ibn Tofail Metallurgical & Materials
10 230 6679 433646 18 18 1.000 19 19 1.000 653 626 0.959
Kacimi Morocco Kénitra Engineering
Corrosion science | Materials Science |
Engineering & Technology / Food
Abdelilah El Université Cadi Ayyad Science and Engineering
37 231 6802 442669 Bioresources Valorization | Membrane 17 16 0.941 21 17 0.810 1461 1069 0.732
Abbassi Morocco Marrakech
Technologies | Food Sciences and Nutrition |
Biochemistry |

Université Moulay Natural Sciences / Physics

8 232 6809 442951 Younes Achaoui Phononic Crystals | Acoustic Metamaterials | 17 16 0.941 20 19 0.950 1446 1002 0.693
Morocco Ismail Meknès Wave Control |

Abdelfatah Université Mohammed Engineering & Technology / Earth

55 233 6839 444654 Sciences 17 14 0.824 36 20 0.556 1357 717 0.528
Tahiri Morocco V de Rabat
Earth Sciences orcid |
Engineering & Technology /
Electrical & Electronic
Rachid Saadane Ecole Hassania des Engineering
1 234 6841 444751 17 12 0.706 38 24 0.632 1352 845 0.625
Morocco Travaux Publics Artificial intelligence | Signal processing |
Data analysis WSN | UWB 4G and 5-6G
systems |
Medical and Health Sciences /
Oumkeltoum Université Mohammed Dentistry
56 235 6846 444827 17 13 0.765 25 22 0.880 1349 634 0.470
Ennibi Morocco V de Rabat Periodontology | oral microbiology | dentistry
| oral epidemiology |

Souad Fkih Université Mohammed Natural Sciences / Chemical

57 236 6851 444985 Sciences 17 9 0.529 27 8 0.296 1342 354 0.264
Tetouani Morocco V de Rabat
pharmacologie | chimie |
Engineering & Technology /
Université Hassan II Electrical & Information
22 237 6910 447452 Aawatif Hayar Engineering 17 10 0.588 36 10 0.278 1245 355 0.285
Morocco de Casablanca
Smart cities | ICT | Smart grids | energy
efficiency | cognitive radio |

Université Sidi Natural Sciences / Chemical

26 238 6911 447455 Anouar Alami Mohammed Ben Sciences 17 12 0.706 31 18 0.581 1245 607 0.488
Morocco Organic chemistry | Heterocyclic chemistry |
Abdellah Fes Didactics | TICE | eLearning |
Université Sidi Engineering & Technology /
27 239 6918 447785 Khalid Satori Mohammed Ben Computer Science 17 16 0.941 48 37 0.771 1235 1034 0.837
Abdellah Fes Informatique et Infographie |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Université Sidi
Arts, Design and Architecture /
28 240 6932 448427 Jamil Toyir Mohammed Ben 17 12 0.706 20 16 0.800 1214 643 0.530
Morocco Arts
Abdellah Fes
Institut National de la
5 241 6950 449154 Ahmed Douaik Recherche Natural Sciences / Mathematics 17 16 0.941 31 27 0.871 1190 857 0.720
Morocco Statistics | Data Analysis | Geostatistics |
Agronomique INRA
Université Chouaib Natural Sciences / Physics
6 242 6952 449215 Ahmed Jellal Theory of new materials | Quantum Hall 17 11 0.647 37 15 0.405 1188 521 0.439
Morocco Eddoukali Effect | Quantum Information |
Engineering & Technology /
Université Metallurgical & Materials
7 243 6953 449221 Khalid Bouziane Internationale de Engineering 17 12 0.706 29 14 0.483 1188 658 0.554
Morocco Materials and nano materials for spintronics |
microelectronics | energy storage and
modulations |
Engineering & Technology /
Université Moulay Computer Science
9 244 6963 449476 Nabil Benamar 17 16 0.941 29 26 0.897 1180 1025 0.869
Morocco Ismail Meknès ITS | SFC | IoT | Fog/Edge | autonomous
vehicles |

Université Sidi Natural Sciences / Mathematics

Elhoussine Nonlinear Analysis | Partial Differential
29 245 6973 449808 Mohammed Ben 17 14 0.824 33 24 0.727 1171 888 0.758
Azroul Morocco equations | Numerical Analysis | Calculus of
Abdellah Fes vriations | Biomathematics. |
Engineering & Technology / Earth
Université Hassan II Sciences
23 246 6983 450092 Hassan El Hadi 17 15 0.882 21 20 0.952 1163 828 0.712
Morocco de Casablanca geochemistry-Geoheritage-Granites-Ophiolites

Smouni Université Mohammed Natural Sciences / Biological

58 247 7041 451556 17 16 0.941 18 17 0.944 1122 942 0.840
Abdelaziz Morocco V de Rabat Science
Engineering & Technology /
Université Sidi Computer Science
30 248 7046 451778 Hamid Tairi Mohammed Ben visual tracking for robotic control | 3-D 17 15 0.882 42 27 0.643 1115 839 0.752
Morocco reconstruction of artificial vision | medical
Abdellah Fes image | visual information retrieval and
pattern recognition |
Natural Sciences / Biological
Université Sidi Science
31 249 7104 454445 Mohammed Ben Ethnopharmacology & Ethnobotany | Natural 17 15 0.882 22 21 0.955 1052 632 0.601
Lamchouri Morocco
Abdellah Fes Substances | Phytochemistry & Pharmacology
| Environment | Responsible Science. |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
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Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Université Sultan Sultan Moulay Slimane University
2 250 7115 454596 M'hamed Sadiq Moulay Slimane Beni of Beni Mellal, FP Khouribga, 17 17 1.000 20 17 0.850 1048 972 0.927
Morocco Research Group SEMA
Matériaux | Catalyse | Environnement |
Moroccan Foundation
Nadia Zari for Advanced Science MASCIR
1 251 7122 454847 17 17 1.000 26 25 0.962 1042 939 0.901
Morocco Innovation and traitement des eaux | stockage de l énergie |
Medical and Health Sciences /
Université Mohammed Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical
59 252 7136 455167 Lyahyai Jaber Sciences 17 12 0.706 28 17 0.607 1035 532 0.514
Morocco V de Rabat
molecular biology | genetics | bioinformatics |
gene expression |
Natural Sciences / Chemical
Université Sidi Sciences
32 253 7139 455240 Zakia Rais Mohammed Ben Eaux - Eaux et santé - Déchets solides- 17 17 1.000 30 28 0.933 1033 885 0.857
Morocco Environnement- Compostage- Matériaux de
Abdellah Fes construction | agriculture)-Développement
dur |

Hasan El Université Ibnou Zohr Natural Sciences / Physics

14 254 7218 457450 17 17 1.000 24 24 1.000 985 815 0.827
Moumni Morocco d'Agadir High Energy Physics (Theory) |

Engineering & Technology / Earth

Université Hassan II Sciences
24 255 7232 457750 Mehdi Maanan 17 17 1.000 19 19 1.000 979 905 0.924
Morocco de Casablanca GIS | Remote Sensing | Ecosystems Services |
Coastal Hazard | Environment Quality |
Medical and Health Sciences /
Université Mohammed Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical
60 256 7233 457802 Jihane Belayachi 17 15 0.882 20 18 0.900 978 594 0.607
Morocco V de Rabat Sciences
Acute medical care | Intensive medicine |

Université Mohammed Natural Sciences / Biological

61 257 7253 458428 Abdellatif Bayed Science 17 9 0.529 31 9 0.290 964 328 0.340
Morocco V de Rabat
Biologie et Ecologie marines |
FGSES - Université Mohammed VI
Dorothée Mohammed VI Polytechnique
24 258 82747 458717 17 10 0.588 31 12 0.387 958 358 0.374
Boccanfuso Morocco Polytechnic University Analyse d'impact - Pauvreté - Inégalité -
Économie publique - Modélisation en
équilibre général calculable - éducation |
Natural Sciences / Mathematics
Mohamed Aziz Université Cadi Ayyad Fixed point theory | Partial differential
38 259 7312 459939 17 11 0.647 25 15 0.600 931 485 0.521
Taoudi Morocco Marrakech equations | Integral equations | semigroup
theory |

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Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Université Chouaib Natural Sciences / Biological
7 260 7346 460780 Brahim Sabour Science 17 14 0.824 23 17 0.739 913 613 0.671
Morocco Eddoukali
Phycology |
Université Sultan Agriculture & Forestry / Plant
3 261 7368 461628 Moulay Slimane Beni Science 17 16 0.941 19 18 0.947 894 710 0.794
Farissi Morocco
Mellal Agrophysiology & Symbiosis Microbiology |

Engineering & Technology /

El Ansari Université Ibnou Zohr Computer Science
15 262 7370 461683 17 15 0.882 28 21 0.750 892 715 0.802
Mohamed Morocco d'Agadir Image processing | Computer vision | Machine
Learning | Signal processing |
Engineering & Technology /
Hassane Université Mohammed Engineering
62 263 7372 461762 Electrotechnique | Electronique de Puissance 17 13 0.765 33 22 0.667 890 617 0.693
Mahmoudi Morocco V de Rabat
| Energies | Compatibilité Electromagnétique |
Energies Renouvelables |
Mohammed VI Polytechnic
Mohammed VI University
25 264 83731 462478 Yassine Taha 17 17 1.000 30 30 1.000 874 869 0.994
Morocco Polytechnic University Zero mine waste | Sustainable mining |
Industrial ecology | Development minerals |

Université Sidi Medical and Health Sciences /

33 265 7422 463203 Lotfi Aarab Mohammed Ben Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical 17 11 0.647 22 15 0.682 857 467 0.545
Morocco Sciences
Abdellah Fes
Immunology | Food Allergy | Pharmacology |
Natural Sciences / Chemical
Université Hassan II Sciences
25 266 7443 463576 Chtita Samir Computational Chemistry | Pharmaceutical 17 16 0.941 26 24 0.923 848 770 0.908
Morocco de Casablanca
Chemistry | Drug Design | Molecular
Modeling |
Université Sidi Engineering & Technology /
El Mehdi
34 267 7455 463848 Mohammed Ben Computer Science 17 11 0.647 26 15 0.577 841 392 0.466
Moudene Morocco
Abdellah Fes sciences de gestion |

Institut National de la INRA, CRRA-Settat

El Amiri Productions animales | reproduction assisté |
6 268 7456 463911 Recherche 17 12 0.706 22 12 0.545 840 401 0.477
Bouchra Morocco physiologie de reproduction | biologie de
Agronomique INRA reproduction |

Fahoume Université Ibn Tofail Natural Sciences / Physics

11 269 7475 464409 17 13 0.765 26 17 0.654 826 499 0.604
Mounir Morocco Kénitra Matériaux semi-conducteurs |

Institut Agronomique Medical and Health Sciences /

Ouafaa Fassi
4 270 7492 465002 et Veterinaire Hassan Virology 17 16 0.941 28 25 0.893 808 713 0.882
Fihri Morocco
II virology |

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Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Université Chouaib Natural Sciences / Physics
8 271 7527 465812 El Mahdi Assaid Optoelectronics | Solar Cells Materials | 17 13 0.765 28 18 0.643 782 477 0.610
Morocco Eddoukali Nanophysics | Semiconductor Quantum Dots |

Université Cadi Ayyad Engineering & Technology /

39 272 7578 467156 Tarik Agouti Computer Science 17 16 0.941 21 20 0.952 725 644 0.888
Morocco Marrakech
Computers & Operations research |
Medical and Health Sciences /
Mustapha Université Ibnou Zohr Microbiology
16 273 7609 467957 Microbiology | Biotechnology | Reverse 17 14 0.824 18 15 0.833 664 370 0.557
Faghire Morocco d'Agadir
Transcription PCR | Biological Nitrogen
Fixation | Salt-Tolerance |

Oumaima Université Mohammed Evidence Based Medicine - Global Health -

63 274 7638 469313 16 16 1.000 18 18 1.000 3469 3461 0.998
Outani Morocco V de Rabat Translational Research - Public Health -
Artificial Intelligence - Medical Research - |
Natural Sciences / Chemical
Mohammed El Université Mohammed Sciences
64 275 7675 472606 16 14 0.875 21 18 0.857 1817 831 0.457
Achouri Morocco V de Rabat Chimie des tensioactifs | géopolymères |
corrosion |

Abderrahmane Université Mohammed Natural Sciences / Chemical

65 276 7700 474000 Sciences 16 12 0.750 22 15 0.682 1618 774 0.478
Nounah Morocco V de Rabat
Chimie matériaux environnement |

Mohammed Université Mohammed Natural Sciences / Physics

66 277 7736 476462 16 12 0.750 19 13 0.684 1411 503 0.356
Regragui Morocco V de Rabat photovoltaique matériaux pour l'électronique |

Natural Sciences / Chemical

Lalla Mina Université Ibnou Zohr Sciences
17 278 7738 476497 phytochemistry | aromatic and medicinal 16 13 0.813 27 21 0.778 1407 762 0.542
Idrissi Hassani Morocco d'Agadir
plants | biological effects | Schistocerca
gregaria |
Center of Excellence in Soil and
Leonardus Mohammed VI Fertilizer Research in Africa
26 279 86674 477114 16 15 0.938 24 22 0.917 1367 1155 0.845
Vergütz Morocco Polytechnic University Soil Fertility | Soil Chemistry |
Biogeochemistry | Sustainability | Agriculture
Engineering & Technology /
Mohammed Université Mohammed Metallurgical & Materials
67 280 7764 478009 16 13 0.813 26 20 0.769 1313 842 0.641
Halim Morocco V de Rabat Engineering
sciences des matériaux |
Université Sidi Engineering & Technology /
Mounir El
35 281 7799 479727 Mohammed Ben Engineering 16 11 0.688 19 13 0.684 1234 530 0.429
Maghraoui Morocco
Abdellah Fes auto-calibarge des caméra |

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Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Mohammed Université Cadi Ayyad Natural Sciences / Physics
40 282 7806 479921 16 7 0.438 18 4 0.222 1227 151 0.123
Skouri Morocco Marrakech Physique de la matière | Biophysique |

Engineering & Technology /

Abdelhay Mohammed VI
27 283 87653 481919 Metallurgical & Materials 16 15 0.938 18 17 0.944 1153 729 0.632
Aboulaich Morocco Polytechnic University
Engineering & Technology /
Abdellatif Université Mohammed Engineering
68 284 7857 482200 16 15 0.938 43 32 0.744 1143 921 0.806
Kobbane Morocco V de Rabat Computer Science | Wireless Communications
Networks |

Mohamed Université Cadi Ayyad Medical and Health Sciences /

41 285 7871 482509 Epidemiology and Public Health 16 13 0.813 27 21 0.778 1134 834 0.735
Amine Morocco Marrakech
Santé publique |
Engineering & Technology /
Université Mohammed Computer Science
5 286 7949 485307 Mostafa Azizi Verification/CoVerification | Testing | 16 13 0.813 36 22 0.611 1054 786 0.746
Morocco Premier Oujda
Computer Security | Software Development |
Hardware/Software Systems |
Natural Sciences / Physics
Lalla Btissam Université Mohammed Modeling and simulation at nanoscal |
69 287 8005 487338 16 14 0.875 38 24 0.632 1007 679 0.674
Drissi Morocco V de Rabat Statistical Physics | Quantum Physics |
Condensed Matter |
Engineering & Technology /
Université Ibn Tofail Engineering
12 288 8040 488520 Aouatif Amine Artificiel Intelligence | Machine Learning | 16 15 0.938 25 19 0.760 981 789 0.804
Morocco Kénitra
Deep learning | Pattern Recognition | ADAS
System |
Engineering & Technology / Earth
Université Mohammed Sciences
70 289 8050 488759 Larbi Boudad 16 11 0.688 24 14 0.583 976 514 0.527
Morocco V de Rabat Geosciences | Geo-environment | Heritage |
Quaternary |

Université Mohammed Engineering & Technology /

71 290 8084 489814 Fekhaoui Med Engineering 16 11 0.688 36 14 0.389 954 526 0.551
Morocco V de Rabat
gestion des écosystèmes naturelles |

Université Mohammed Natural Sciences / Mathematics

72 291 8107 490495 Rdouan Faizi 16 14 0.875 24 22 0.917 942 859 0.912
Morocco V de Rabat Natural Language Processing | E-learning |

Université Sidi Natural Sciences / Mathematics

Ring Theory/Commutativity and Structure of
36 292 8216 493660 Lahcen Oukhtite Mohammed Ben 16 11 0.688 25 14 0.560 884 473 0.535
Morocco Rings and Near-rings | Derivations on Rings |
Abdellah Fes Near-rings and Banach Algebras | Different |

Abdellah Université Ibnou Zohr

18 293 8223 493911 Natural Sciences / Mathematics 16 9 0.563 29 5 0.172 879 306 0.348
Bnouhachem Morocco d'Agadir

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Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Engineering & Technology /
Mohammed VI Metallurgical & Materials
28 294 90524 494289 Zineb Kassab 16 16 1.000 20 20 1.000 873 869 0.995
Morocco Polytechnic University Engineering
Materials Physics & Chemistry |
Engineering & Technology /
Ecole Centrale Systems Engineering | Bio-inspired
2 295 8236 494314 Saber Darmoul. 16 15 0.938 28 23 0.821 872 711 0.815
Morocco Casablanca Computing | Artificial Immune Systems |
Multi Agent Systems | Knowledge Based
Systems |

Université Sidi Engineering & Technology /

37 296 8287 495580 Hassan Satori Mohammed Ben Computer Science 16 14 0.875 23 18 0.783 850 551 0.648
Morocco Simulation | Nanostructures | FEM | Artificial
Abdellah Fes intelligence | speech processing |
Engineering & Technology /
Université Mohammed Computer Science
73 297 8435 499497 Hamid Slimani Dinoflagellate cysts | Systematic | 16 14 0.875 23 21 0.913 778 544 0.699
Morocco V de Rabat
Biostratigraphy | Paleoenvironement |
Paleoclimate |
Natural Sciences / Chemical
Université Cadi Ayyad Sciences
42 298 8444 499721 Anane Hafid chimie-physique | réactivité chimique | 16 12 0.750 24 14 0.583 774 468 0.605
Morocco Marrakech
modélisation moléculaire | chimie quantique |
calcul théorique |

El Hassouani Université Moulay Natural Sciences / Physics

10 299 8476 500558 Phononics - photonics crystals - Solar 16 13 0.813 22 15 0.682 758 438 0.578
Youssef Morocco Ismail Meknès Photovoltaic Technology Basics |
Engineering & Technology / Food
Mohammed VI Science and Engineering
29 300 92274 500952 Moez Amri 16 15 0.938 21 19 0.905 750 604 0.805
Morocco Polytechnic University Food Legume Breeding | Parasitic plant |
Host-Parasite interaction | Crop management
| Diseases resistance |

Université Hassan II Natural Sciences / Mathematics

2 301 8505 501164 Karam Allali Mathematics | Mathematical modelling | 16 13 0.813 29 25 0.862 745 653 0.877
Morocco Mohammedia Numerical simulations |
Natural Sciences / Physics
Mamor Université Cadi Ayyad Physics of Semiconductor Materials | Point
43 302 8530 501845 16 7 0.438 24 4 0.167 730 158 0.216
Mohamed Morocco Marrakech Defects | Semiconductor Photovoltaic Devices
& Solar Cells | Physics of Semiconductor De |
Engineering & Technology /
Faissal El Université Mohammed Computer Science
74 303 8544 502051 Performance Analysis | Diversity Techniques | 16 16 1.000 25 22 0.880 725 648 0.894
Bouanani Morocco V de Rabat
Optical Wireless Communications | Channel
Coding | Physical Layer Security |

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Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Institut Agronomique Natural Sciences / Molecular
5 304 8589 503375 et Veterinaire Hassan Biology & Genetics 16 12 0.750 18 13 0.722 693 419 0.605
Benlhabib Morocco Génétique | diversité | conservation | plantes
II sélection |
Engineering & Technology /
Mohammed Mohammed VI Metallurgical & Materials
30 305 93103 503968 16 15 0.938 20 17 0.850 675 540 0.800
Makha Morocco Polytechnic University Engineering
Surface technology | Coatings | Physical
Vapor Deposition | Thin film photovoltaics |

Université Chouaib Natural Sciences / Physics

9 306 8637 504550 Hricha Zoubir Optics | propagations des faisceaux lasers | 16 11 0.688 23 13 0.565 654 354 0.541
Morocco Eddoukali Turbulences optiques |
Institut National de la Institut National de la Recherche
Mouaad Amine
7 307 8686 505652 Recherche Agronomique INRA 16 14 0.875 20 19 0.950 598 533 0.891
Mazri Morocco
Agronomique INRA Biotechnologie végétale |

Natural Sciences / Molecular

Bouabid Université Mohammed Biology & Genetics
75 308 8735 508036 15 14 0.933 24 21 0.875 2463 1399 0.568
Badaoui Morocco V de Rabat Genetics | Genomics | Bioinformatics |
Biostatistics |
Business & Management /
Université Moulay Decision Science and Operations
11 309 8752 509622 Anass Cherrafi Management 15 15 1.000 22 22 1.000 1865 1850 0.992
Morocco Ismail Meknès
Green | Lean Six Sigma | Industry 4.0 |
Quality | Supply chain management |
Medical and Health Sciences /
Al Akhawayn Molecular Biology
3 310 8757 510266 Khalid Sendide 15 14 0.933 16 15 0.938 1732 838 0.484
Morocco University Ifrane biotechnology | immunology | functional
genomics | education |
Engineering & Technology /
Ayoub Ait Université Ibn Tofail Computer Science
13 311 8770 511177 15 15 1.000 21 18 0.857 1587 1488 0.938
Lahcen Morocco Kénitra Big Data | Data Mining | Service Oriented
Architecture | Software Development |
Université Sidi Medical and Health Sciences /
38 312 8772 511274 Mohammed Ben Biochemistry 15 10 0.667 16 11 0.688 1577 436 0.276
Chikri Morocco
Abdellah Fes Diabètes | Génomique | RNA Thérapie |

Natural Sciences / Biological

Ameziane El Université Mohammed Science
76 313 8795 513362 15 14 0.933 19 16 0.842 1370 736 0.537
Hassani Rabii Morocco V de Rabat Cancer | NADPH Oxidases | Oxidative Stress |
Genomic Instability | Epigenetic |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
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Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Engineering & Technology /
Mostafa Abdelmalek Essaadi Computer Science
5 314 8835 515364 Applied computer Sciences | Big Data | Data 15 10 0.667 17 10 0.588 1242 597 0.481
Ezziyyani Morocco University
Science | Data Analytics | Decision Support
System |
Université Sidi
Medical and Health Sciences /
39 315 8872 517047 Nabil Tachfouti Mohammed Ben 15 10 0.667 18 12 0.667 1163 591 0.508
Morocco Epidemiology and Public Health
Abdellah Fes
Institut National des Engineering & Technology /
Hassan El Ghazi Postes et Electrical & Electronic
1 316 8874 517119 Engineering 15 14 0.933 19 17 0.895 1159 1111 0.959
Morocco Telecommunications
Electrical engineering | Security of
Maroc Communication | Biomedical engineering |
Business & Management /
Université Ibnou Zohr Business Administration
19 317 8894 518280 Elbaz Jamal 15 15 1.000 21 21 1.000 1113 1082 0.972
Morocco d'Agadir CSR | SCM | Logistics | entrepreneurship |
sustainability |
Agriculture & Forestry / Plant
Université Moulay Science
12 318 8896 518332 Ibijbijen Jamal 15 14 0.933 26 25 0.962 1111 838 0.754
Morocco Ismail Meknès Microbiologie des Sols | Nutrition des Plantes
| Biofertilisants |
Université Sidi Natural Sciences / Chemical
Youssef Kandri
40 319 8929 519835 Mohammed Ben Sciences 15 12 0.800 24 15 0.625 1060 798 0.753
Rodi Morocco
Abdellah Fes Chimie organique | corrosion | bio organique |

Université Sidi Medical and Health Sciences /

41 320 8937 520027 Amina Bouseta Mohammed Ben Biochemistry 15 12 0.800 16 13 0.813 1055 329 0.312
Morocco qualité des aliments | sécurité sanitaire des
Abdellah Fes aliments | biotechnologie |

Université Mohammed Engineering & Technology / Earth

77 321 8941 520191 Abdelkrim Rimi Sciences 15 10 0.667 20 11 0.550 1050 398 0.379
Morocco V de Rabat
earth sciences |

Driss El Université Moulay Engineering & Technology /

13 322 8984 521356 Computer Science 15 12 0.800 26 18 0.692 1018 739 0.726
Ouadghiri Morocco Ismail Meknès
Computer Science | Networks | IoT |

Badredine Université Mohammed Medical and Health Sciences /

78 323 9022 522778 Internal Medicine 15 10 0.667 25 10 0.400 983 464 0.472
Hassam Morocco V de Rabat
médecine |

Abdelkader Université Mohammed Medical and Health Sciences /

79 324 9112 525416 General Surgery 15 10 0.667 18 10 0.556 928 596 0.642
Belkouchi Morocco V de Rabat
médecine chirurgie |

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Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Université Mohammed Engineering & Technology /
80 325 9153 527023 Mohamed Asbik Engineering 15 11 0.733 22 12 0.545 898 675 0.752
Morocco V de Rabat
Thermal Engineering & Renewables |
Engineering & Technology /
Université Euro- Metallurgical & Materials
Khalil El Engineering
3 326 9165 527322 Méditerranéenne de 15 12 0.800 25 18 0.720 892 562 0.630
Mabrouk Morocco Polymer Physics and Polymer
Nanocomposites | Bioceramics | Bioglass |
Bio-bone |

Université Ibn Tofail

14 327 9185 528029 Oussama Shindi 15 11 0.733 29 13 0.448 879 352 0.400
Morocco Kénitra
Moroccan Foundation
Hicham for Advanced Science MAScIR
2 328 9209 528856 15 15 1.000 17 17 1.000 866 841 0.971
Elarroussi Morocco Innovation and Biotechnology and physiology | algae | plant |
Agriculture & Forestry / Plant
Bouizgarne Université Ibnou Zohr Science
20 329 9229 529388 15 12 0.800 16 13 0.813 857 498 0.581
Brahim Morocco d'Agadir Micriobial biotechnology | soil microbiology
and plant pathology |

Université Ibn Tofail Engineering & Technology /

15 330 9231 529447 Raja Touahni Computer Science 15 15 1.000 23 20 0.870 855 794 0.929
Morocco Kénitra
data analysis | image processing |
Engineering & Technology /
Electrical & Electronic
Mostafa Université Mohammed Engineering
81 331 9238 529563 15 11 0.733 27 16 0.593 853 543 0.637
Belkasmi Morocco V de Rabat Coding theory | Wireless Communications |
Cryptography | Information Security |
Artificial Intelligence |
Natural Sciences / Biological
Mohammed VI Science
31 332 98267 529649 Jawhar Hafsa 15 15 1.000 19 19 1.000 852 818 0.960
Morocco Polytechnic University Biotechnology | Bio-active compounds |
carbohydrates | Food chemistry |

Université Hassan II Engineering & Technology / Earth

26 333 9244 529791 Samir Zouhri Sciences 15 13 0.867 17 16 0.941 850 658 0.774
Morocco de Casablanca
Paléontologie |
Engineering & Technology /
Université Hassan II Mechanical Engineering
27 334 9292 531225 Bouazza Braikat Structures | Instability | Computational 15 13 0.867 27 20 0.741 826 518 0.627
Morocco de Casablanca
Mechanics | Numerical Methods | Mechanical
Engineering |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
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Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Engineering & Technology / Earth
Université Cadi Ayyad Sciences
44 335 9319 531910 Younes Fakir 15 13 0.867 22 15 0.682 815 510 0.626
Morocco Marrakech Groundwater management | Modeling |
Remote sensing | Hydrochemistry | Isotopes |
Institut National de la
8 336 9329 532257 Fatima Gaboun Recherche inra 15 14 0.933 20 19 0.950 810 679 0.838
Agronomique INRA
Université Ibn Tofail Natural Sciences / Mathematics
16 337 9354 532937 Samir Kabbaj 15 12 0.800 34 23 0.676 799 609 0.762
Morocco Kénitra Analyse Mathématiques |

Engineering & Technology /

Université Mohammed Computer Science
82 338 9371 533338 Karim Baïna Big Data | Artificial Intelligence | Entreprise 15 9 0.600 21 6 0.286 794 228 0.287
Morocco V de Rabat
Architecture | Business Process Management
| Service Oriented Architecture |
Engineering & Technology /
El Alami Université Hassan II Energy Engineering
28 339 9373 533384 15 12 0.800 28 19 0.679 793 511 0.644
Mustapha Morocco de Casablanca Energy | Heat transfert | Thermal Solar Enery
| Enery Storage | Energy Efficency |
Engineering & Technology /
Industrial & Manufacturing
Berrado Université Mohammed Engineering
83 340 9459 535585 15 14 0.933 22 19 0.864 762 623 0.818
Abdelaziz Morocco V de Rabat Advanced Analytics | Industrial Statistics |
Lean Six Sigma | Quality Management |
Supply Chain Management |

Université Sidi Engineering & Technology /

Abderrahim Computer Science
42 341 9486 536101 Mohammed Ben 15 14 0.933 30 22 0.733 755 606 0.803
Saaidi Morocco Vision par ordinateur | Sécurité | Jeux Sérieux
Abdellah Fes |

Mohamed Université Sidi Medical and Health Sciences /

43 342 9490 536159 Yassine Mohammed Ben Physiology 15 13 0.867 17 16 0.941 755 549 0.727
Morocco Cardiac arrhythmias | Ion channel
Amarouch Abdellah Fes pharmacology | Computational physiology |

El Mekki El Université Ibn Tofail

17 343 9553 538315 Natural Sciences / Geography 15 11 0.733 19 14 0.737 724 379 0.523
Ghalmi Morocco Kénitra
Engineering & Technology /
Russel Anselme Université Sidi Computer Science
44 344 9571 538598 Affane Mohammed Ben Wireless Sensor Networks | computer science 15 10 0.667 21 12 0.571 720 401 0.557
Moundounga Abdellah Fes | Data science | machine learning | mobile ad
hoc network |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
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Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Engineering & Technology /
Mounir Chemical Engineering
Ecole Nationale de
1 345 9591 539009 Bennajah Chemical engineering | heat exchangers | 15 14 0.933 18 17 0.944 714 448 0.627
Morocco l'Industrie Minerale
separation process | wastewater and gas
treatment |

Université Sidi Engineering & Technology /

45 346 9653 540615 Azeddine Zahi Mohammed Ben Engineering 15 12 0.800 18 14 0.778 691 534 0.773
Morocco Intelligence artifielle | logique floue | data
Abdellah Fes mining | gestion de projets |
Natural Sciences / Chemical
Ahmed Université Cadi Ayyad Sciences
45 347 9762 542571 15 6 0.400 19 2 0.105 661 109 0.165
Aamouche Morocco Marrakech Spectroscopy | Nanotechnology | Sensors |
Computational Physical Chemistry |
Natural Sciences / Physics
Lahoucine Université Ibnou Zohr  Acoustique générale et acoustique des
21 348 9769 542772 15 12 0.800 23 15 0.652 657 448 0.682
Elmaimouni Morocco d'Agadir salles | électroacoustique.  Instrumentation
et mesures physiques.  Modélisat |

Mourad Université Moulay Natural Sciences / Physics

14 349 9844 544459 modelisation and simulation | magnetic 15 14 0.933 22 20 0.909 626 460 0.735
Boughrara Morocco Ismail Meknès materials | semiconductors for solar cells |

Redouane Mohammed VI Natural Sciences / Chemical

32 350 102557 546279 15 12 0.800 23 16 0.696 586 449 0.766
Beniazza Morocco Polytechnic University Sciences
chimie |

Brahim Chafik Université Ibn Tofail Natural Sciences / Chemical

18 351 9916 546729 Sciences 15 8 0.533 17 7 0.412 574 207 0.361
El Idrissi Morocco Kénitra
phosphates de calcium | photocatalyse |
Medical and Health Sciences /
Université Mohammed Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical
84 352 10008 550160 Imane Jroundi Sciences 14 13 0.929 17 15 0.882 2344 1966 0.839
Morocco V de Rabat
Santé publique- Responsabilité sociale des
facultés de médecine |

Université Sidi Agriculture & Forestry / Plant

Abdelkader Science
46 353 10082 555344 Mohammed Ben 14 9 0.643 14 7 0.500 1292 209 0.162
Dahchour Morocco Neuropharmacologie | Addiction Biology |
Abdellah Fes Medicinal plants |

Université Sultan Engineering & Technology /

4 354 10123 557600 Yassine Maleh Moulay Slimane Beni Computer Science 14 14 1.000 17 17 1.000 1145 1103 0.963
Morocco Cybersecurity | Cyber Physical Systems | IoT |
Mellal Information Security | IT Governance |
Natural Sciences / Chemical
Mohamed Université Ibn Tofail Sciences
19 355 10161 559270 Dyes | Wastewater's | Polymers Membranes | 14 14 1.000 19 17 0.895 1069 1023 0.957
Berradi Morocco Kénitra
coagulation-ultrafiltration | Folling of
membranes |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Université Ibnou Zohr Natural Sciences / Chemical
22 356 10174 559684 Nabil Saffaj 14 11 0.786 21 15 0.714 1053 587 0.557
Morocco d'Agadir Sciences
Engineering & Technology /
Université Mohammed Energy Engineering
85 357 10186 560186 Ahmed Abbou 14 13 0.929 37 27 0.730 1035 784 0.757
Morocco V de Rabat Energies renouvelables et commandes
avancées des machines électriques |
Natural Sciences / Biological
Mohamed Université Ibnou Zohr Science
23 358 10188 560232 14 10 0.714 15 10 0.667 1034 263 0.254
Nejmeddine Morocco d'Agadir Cell & Molecular Biology | Virology &
Immunology | Virus-Host Cell Interaction |

Université Mohammed Natural Sciences / Mathematics

86 359 10207 560913 Driss Bennis Homological Algebra | Module Theory | 14 12 0.857 20 13 0.650 1009 471 0.467
Morocco V de Rabat Commutative Algebra | Ring Theory |
Natural Sciences / Chemical
Mohamed Université Ibnou Zohr Sciences
24 360 10243 562269 14 11 0.786 19 15 0.789 967 588 0.608
Chiban Morocco d'Agadir Chimie de l'environnement | Traitement des
eaux | Adsorption | membranes |

Raddouane Université Mohammed

87 361 10301 564628 Apprentissage automatique | optimisation | 14 13 0.929 23 21 0.913 909 836 0.920
Chiheb Morocco V de Rabat Analyse des performances |
Medical and Health Sciences /
Mounia Université Hassan II Immunology
29 362 10337 565788 14 10 0.714 19 12 0.632 884 560 0.633
Oudghiri Morocco de Casablanca Immunologie | biologie cellulaire |
phytothérapie |

Université Mohammed Engineering & Technology /

88 363 10340 565921 Samir Bennani Computer Science 14 12 0.857 23 16 0.696 881 665 0.755
Morocco V de Rabat
Informatique | Education | eLearning |
Engineering & Technology / Earth
Hasnaa Université Hassan II Sciences
30 364 10371 566962 14 12 0.857 22 16 0.727 860 463 0.538
Chennaoui Morocco de Casablanca meteorites | geochemistry | mineralogy |
petrography | impact craters |

Ecole Supérieure des Engineering & Technology /

Mehdi El Textile Engineering
2 365 10411 568308 Industries du Textile 14 14 1.000 18 18 1.000 835 823 0.986
Bouchti Morocco Materials Chemistry | Functional textile |
et de l'Habillement Polymer | Glass fibers |

Sahabi Université Chouaib Engineering & Technology / Earth

10 366 10464 570099 Sciences 14 11 0.786 19 12 0.632 805 423 0.525
Mohamed Morocco Eddoukali
Géosciences marines |

Abdelmalek Essaadi Natural Sciences / Mathematics

6 367 10484 570498 Ahmed Naji Applied Mathematics | Meshless methods | 14 9 0.643 18 9 0.500 799 318 0.398
Morocco University Boundary elements method |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Institut National des Engineering & Technology /
Tribak Postes et Engineering
2 368 10506 571406 14 14 1.000 23 18 0.783 785 634 0.808
Abdelwahed Morocco Telecommunications Microwave Engineering | Antenna Feed
Maroc Subsystems | Digital Radiocommunication |

Engineering & Technology /

Habib Université Hassan II Computer Science
31 369 10508 571490 14 14 1.000 21 19 0.905 784 674 0.860
Benlahmar Morocco de Casablanca Moteurs de recherche | web semantique | taln
| Ml | deep learning |

Université Engineering & Technology /

V. Raja Computer Science
8 370 10622 575372 Internationale de 14 14 1.000 15 15 1.000 731 725 0.992
Sreedharan Morocco Supply Chain Analytics | Sustainable Logistics
Rabat | Service Operations |

Rachid Oulad Université Mohammed Engineering & Technology /

89 371 10625 575438 Computer Science 14 11 0.786 17 11 0.647 730 477 0.653
Haj Thami Morocco V de Rabat
computer sciences |
Medical and Health Sciences /
Université Mohammed Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical
90 372 10638 575808 Omar El Malki 14 10 0.714 19 10 0.526 725 380 0.524
Morocco V de Rabat Sciences
Faculté de Médecine et de Pharmacie |
Engineering & Technology / Earth
Université Moulay Sciences
15 373 10692 577180 Ali Essahlaoui Geophysical prospecting | hydrogeological 14 11 0.786 19 12 0.632 708 543 0.767
Morocco Ismail Meknès
study | GIS and remote sensing | Geological
engineering | environment |

Essaifi Université Cadi Ayyad Engineering & Technology / Earth

46 374 10749 578357 Sciences 14 12 0.857 17 13 0.765 694 333 0.480
Abderrahim Morocco Marrakech
Structural Geology-Geochemistry |
Natural Sciences / Chemical
Université Hassan II Sciences
3 375 10772 578722 Younes Ouzidan 14 12 0.857 23 16 0.696 689 506 0.734
Morocco Mohammedia Chimie organique | chimie théorique | RX |
modélisation moléculaire. |

Mabrouk Université Moulay Natural Sciences / Physics

16 376 10782 579160 14 5 0.357 23 2 0.087 684 151 0.221
Benhamou Morocco Ismail Meknès Physics |

Université Euro- Engineering & Technology /

4 377 10790 579328 Chakib Alaoui Méditerranéenne de Energy Engineering 14 12 0.857 16 14 0.875 683 450 0.659
Fès Energie | Véhicules Electriques | Smart Grid |

Mfadel Université Mohammed Engineering & Technology / Earth

91 378 10818 580023 Sciences 14 10 0.714 19 10 0.526 674 263 0.390
Ahmamou Morocco V de Rabat
geology | paleosols |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Engineering & Technology / Earth
Brahim Université Moulay Sciences
17 379 10884 581490 Paléontologie des Vertébrés | Archéozoologie 14 9 0.643 18 7 0.389 657 266 0.405
Ouchaou Morocco Ismail Meknès
| Géologie du Quaternaire | Archéologie
préhistorique | Domestication animale |

Mohamed Université Cadi Ayyad Agriculture & Forestry / Forestry

47 380 10912 582076 plants ecology | forestry | global change | use 14 10 0.714 17 11 0.647 651 378 0.581
Alifriqui Morocco Marrakech of natural ressources | traditional knowledge |

Université Cadi Ayyad Engineering & Technology /

48 381 10928 582413 Said Doubabi Computer Science 14 10 0.714 18 10 0.556 647 415 0.641
Morocco Marrakech
automatic | solar energy | Power electronic |

Université Ibn Tofail Medical and Health Sciences /

20 382 10940 582647 Samir Mbarki Medical Genetics 14 11 0.786 21 17 0.810 644 487 0.756
Morocco Kénitra
Génie logiciel |
Université Sidi Natural Sciences / Chemical
47 383 10985 583992 Mohammed Ben Sciences 14 13 0.929 20 19 0.950 628 565 0.900
Chalkha Morocco
Abdellah Fes Chimie |

Université Hassan II Natural Sciences / Physics

32 384 10997 584233 Karima Masmar 14 14 1.000 14 14 1.000 626 533 0.851
Morocco de Casablanca physique des hautes énergies |

Elqorachi Université Ibnou Zohr Natural Sciences / Mathematics

25 385 11046 585124 Equations fonctionnelles | Hyers-Ulam 14 7 0.500 20 3 0.150 615 168 0.273
Elhoucien Morocco d'Agadir stabilité |

Mohammed Université Mohammed Natural Sciences / Physics

92 386 11049 585140 14 14 1.000 18 18 1.000 615 547 0.889
Garoum Morocco V de Rabat Acoustique | thermique |

Engineering & Technology /

Mohamed Université Mohammed Computer Science
93 387 11147 587397 14 11 0.786 20 14 0.700 587 517 0.881
Lazaar Morocco V de Rabat Neural Network | Deep Learning | NLP |
Social Network Analysis |
Engineering & Technology /
Feddaoui Université Ibnou Zohr Mechanical Engineering
26 388 11185 588286 14 13 0.929 17 15 0.882 576 406 0.705
Mbarek Morocco d'Agadir heat and mass transfer | multiphase flow |
solar and thermal energy |

Asmae Al Akhawayn Natural Sciences / Physics

4 389 11207 588660 rheology | bioclimatic materials | recycling | 14 13 0.929 17 15 0.882 571 451 0.790
Khaldoun Morocco University Ifrane renewable energy |
Engineering & Technology /
Computer Science
Université Mohammed Artificial Intelligence | Deep Learning |
94 390 11240 589253 Abdellah Idrissi 14 9 0.643 16 9 0.563 563 393 0.698
Morocco V de Rabat Machine Learning | Big Data | Constraint
Programming for Modeling Solving and
Optimization |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
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Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Université Engineering & Technology /
9 391 11266 589669 Internationale de Energy Engineering 14 13 0.929 23 23 1.000 556 538 0.968
Ouladsine Morocco
Rabat Energy effeciency building and E-mobility |

Social Sciences / Higher

Abdelouahed Université Chouaib Education Studies
11 392 11272 589834 14 13 0.929 19 18 0.947 554 419 0.756
Lagnaoui Morocco Eddoukali Sedimentology | Palaeontology |
Biostratigraphy | Ichnology |

Université Sidi Natural Sciences / Physics

Optical and Electronic Properties |
48 393 11359 591537 Ahmed Sali Mohammed Ben 14 10 0.714 17 10 0.588 527 280 0.531
Morocco Nanostructures | photoionization | Phonons |
Abdellah Fes FEM |
Natural Sciences / Physics
Mohamed Al Akhawayn Quantum magnetism | high-Tc
5 394 11364 591623 Superconductivity | Hybrid perovskites for 14 5 0.357 21 2 0.095 525 81 0.154
Azzouz Morocco University Ifrane photovoltaic applcations | Quantum criticality

Université Engineering & Technology /

Abdelwahed Mechanical Engineering
10 395 11403 592317 Internationale de 14 14 1.000 18 18 1.000 512 403 0.787
Barkaoui Morocco Mechanics | biomechanics | Mechanobiology |
Rabat Bone mechanics | Finite element modeling |
Engineering & Technology /
Abdelmounime Université Hassan II Electrical & Electronic
4 396 11421 592699 14 11 0.786 15 12 0.800 504 341 0.677
El Magri Morocco Mohammedia Engineering
Génie électrique - Automatique |

Université Cadi Ayyad Natural Sciences / Physics

49 397 11422 592711 L Essaleh Matière Condensée | Magnétotransport | 14 10 0.714 20 11 0.550 503 268 0.533
Morocco Marrakech Spectroscopie d'Impédance |

Université Hassan II Engineering & Technology /

2 398 11444 593097 Faouzi Lakrad Engineering 14 9 0.643 17 8 0.471 493 204 0.414
Morocco Ain Chock
Nonlinear vibrations | dynamical systems |

Abderrahim Université Hassan II

33 399 11466 593620 14 11 0.786 17 11 0.647 476 322 0.676
Jdila Tragha Morocco de Casablanca NLP | Security |

Engineering & Technology /

Abdellatif Université Ibn Tofail Mechanical Engineering
21 400 11476 593924 14 11 0.786 17 12 0.706 464 297 0.640
Maslouhi Morocco Kénitra Fluid Mechanics | Hydrology | Hydraulic |
Environment | Modelling |
Engineering & Technology /
Computer Science
Université Moulay Metaheuristic optimization technique |
18 401 11482 594030 Bachir Benhala 14 12 0.857 19 14 0.737 458 339 0.740
Morocco Ismail Meknès Digital/analog VLSI architecture | Analogue
and RF CMOS integrated circuits | Artificial
Int |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
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Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Agriculture & Forestry / Plant
Mohammed VI Science
33 402 114182 598112 Maryam Rafiqi 13 12 0.923 13 12 0.923 1587 607 0.382
Morocco Polytechnic University Plant Pathology | Plant immunity | Fungal
Genomics | Biocontrol |

Université Sultan Medical and Health Sciences /

Mostafa El Biochemistry
5 403 11607 602441 Moulay Slimane Beni 13 10 0.769 18 10 0.556 1113 466 0.419
Louali Morocco traitement et caractérisation des surfaces |
Mellal biofilms | adhésion cellulaire |
Engineering & Technology / Earth
Aomar Iben Université Mohammed Sciences
95 404 11614 602681 13 8 0.615 15 7 0.467 1101 290 0.263
Brahim Morocco V de Rabat earthquake seismology | seismic hazard |
receiver functions | seismic tomography |

Université Ibn Tofail Engineering & Technology /

22 405 11718 606749 Driss Zejli Energy Engineering 13 12 0.923 17 15 0.882 925 571 0.617
Morocco Kénitra
Energies renouvelables |

Abdelmalek Essaadi Natural Sciences / Geography

7 406 11762 608501 Adil Salhi 13 12 0.923 22 19 0.864 873 528 0.605
Morocco University Environmental Geosciences |

Engineering & Technology /

Al Akhawayn Computer Science
6 407 11833 610799 Hamid Harroud 13 9 0.692 17 9 0.529 819 475 0.580
Morocco University Ifrane Context awareness | mobile computing | cloud
computing | agent based systems |
Abdelmalek Essaâdi University,
Hassan Abdelmalek Essaadi FSTH
8 408 11845 611166 Natural resources : cellulose | aromatics 13 12 0.923 18 15 0.833 811 513 0.633
Amhamdi Morocco University
plants | natural products | phytochemistry |
biosurfactants.... |
Engineering & Technology /
Boulouz Université Ibnou Zohr Computer Science
27 409 11847 611197 Microelectronics | Sensors & WSN 13 8 0.615 14 8 0.571 811 183 0.226
Abdellah Morocco d'Agadir
networking | thin films material sciences
nanotechnology | computer sciences and IoT |
Institut National des Engineering & Technology /
Postes et Computer Science
3 410 11874 612310 M.Bellafkih 13 12 0.923 25 16 0.640 790 564 0.714
Morocco Telecommunications Computer Science | Network Management
Maroc and Big Data |

Agriculture & Forestry / Plant

Université Ibn Tofail Science
23 411 11881 612745 Atmane Rochdi Agro-Physiologie | Biotechnologies | 13 11 0.846 13 12 0.923 784 639 0.815
Morocco Kénitra
Environnement | Interactions plantes-sol |
Stress abiotique des plantes |

Université Ibnou Zohr Natural Sciences / Chemical

28 412 11886 612888 Aaziz Jmiai Sciences 13 13 1.000 14 13 0.929 781 776 0.994
Morocco d'Agadir
Electrochemistry and Theory |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Engineering & Technology /
Mahmoud Université Mohammed Software Engineering | Model Driven
96 413 11920 613819 13 8 0.615 26 7 0.269 765 319 0.417
Nassar Morocco V de Rabat Engineering | Model Driven Architecture |
Context-Aware Service-Oriented Computing |
Information |
Engineering & Technology /
El Kamoun Université Chouaib Electrical & Information
12 414 11925 614007 Engineering 13 12 0.923 24 18 0.750 762 609 0.799
Elkamoun Morocco Eddoukali
Ingénierie télécoms et réseaux | RCSF |
Medical and Health Sciences /
Université Mohammed Anesthesiology and Reanimation
97 415 11938 614595 Rachid Razine 13 13 1.000 19 17 0.895 753 613 0.814
Morocco V de Rabat Santé publique | biostatistique et
épidémiologie |

Université Mohammed Natural Sciences / Chemical

98 416 11973 615834 Abdelhak Hakiki Sciences 13 8 0.615 16 8 0.500 734 304 0.414
Morocco V de Rabat
chimie |

Lakhouaja Université Mohammed Education / Educational

6 417 12051 618229 Technology 13 13 1.000 19 16 0.842 701 569 0.812
Abdelhak Morocco Premier Oujda
Natural Language Processing |
Engineering & Technology /
Abdelmajid Université Hassan II Electrical & Electronic
34 418 12057 618465 Engineering 13 12 0.923 24 20 0.833 698 575 0.824
Abouloifa Morocco de Casablanca
Nonlinear Control - Renewable energy |
Power Quality and Smart Grid |
Engineering & Technology /
Violetta Cavalli- Al Akhawayn Computer Science
7 419 12126 620102 Natural Language Processing | Computer- 13 10 0.769 21 10 0.476 677 243 0.359
Sforza Morocco University Ifrane
Assisted Instruction | Computer Assisted
Language Learning |

Université Cadi Ayyad Medical and Health Sciences /

50 420 12156 620630 El Meziane Medical Genetics 13 10 0.769 16 12 0.750 671 316 0.471
Morocco Marrakech
Molecular Genetics | Nanobiotechnology |

Rachid Université Chouaib

13 421 12161 620727 Agriculture & Forestry / Fisheries 13 10 0.769 15 11 0.733 670 496 0.740
Amrousse Morocco Eddoukali
Université Sidi Engineering & Technology /
49 422 12182 621334 Zaitan Mohammed Ben Chemical Engineering 13 12 0.923 17 14 0.824 662 473 0.715
Morocco Chemical Engenniring- Environment- catalysis
Abdellah Fes |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Engineering & Technology /
Hassane Université Ibnou Zohr Engineering
29 423 12193 621622 13 10 0.769 16 10 0.625 659 277 0.420
Bouzahir Morocco d'Agadir Analysis | Dynamics | OR | Engineering |
Finance |
Natural Sciences / Chemical
Mohammed El Université Mohammed Chimie Organique | Valorisation des Eaux
99 424 12224 622422 13 13 1.000 19 15 0.789 650 599 0.922
Mahi Morocco V de Rabat Usées et Déchets | Piles Microbiennes |
Inhibition de la Corrosion | valorisation des
res |

Mostafa Université Mohammed Natural Sciences / Chemical

7 425 12260 623359 Sciences 13 10 0.769 21 11 0.524 640 278 0.434
Mimouni Morocco Premier Oujda
Chemistry |
Université Sidi Natural Sciences / Mathematics
Mohamed Tahar
50 426 12304 624691 Mohammed Ben Géométrie Différentielle | Géométrie 13 8 0.615 15 6 0.400 627 207 0.330
Kadaoui Abbassi Morocco Riemannienne |
Abdellah Fes
Institut National de la National Institute of Agricultural
9 427 12306 624723 Mouad Chentouf Recherche Research 13 11 0.846 21 12 0.571 626 441 0.704
Agronomique INRA Animal Production |

Natural Sciences / Chemical

Université Hassan II Sciences
35 428 12314 624979 Chaouki Sadik 13 13 1.000 15 14 0.933 624 540 0.865
Morocco de Casablanca Clay | Traditional ceramics | Raw materials |
Refractories |

Youssef Université Ibn Tofail Natural Sciences / Biological

24 429 12320 625129 Science 13 10 0.769 23 10 0.435 622 372 0.598
Aboussaleh Morocco Kénitra
nutrition sante diete |

Université Cadi Ayyad

51 430 12390 627028 Zrikem Zaki Natural Sciences / Physics 13 9 0.692 19 9 0.474 603 287 0.476
Morocco Marrakech
Medical and Health Sciences /
Abdelmajid Université Ibn Tofail Radiology
25 431 12483 628682 Applications nucléaires dans les domaines de 13 9 0.692 18 7 0.389 587 233 0.397
Choukri Morocco Kénitra
l'environnement | des sciences de la Terre |
de la santé et de la Recherche scienti |
Engineering & Technology /
Computer Science
Abdelmonaime Abdelmalek Essaadi Computer Sciences Arabic NLP Opining
9 432 12485 628693 13 10 0.769 17 12 0.706 587 366 0.624
Lachkar Morocco University Mining and Sentiment Analysis Biomedical
TextMining Information Retrieval | Question
Anwseri |
Engineering & Technology / Earth
Université Cadi Ayyad Sciences
52 433 12520 629511 Hassan Ibouh 13 11 0.846 17 13 0.765 579 385 0.665
Morocco Marrakech Géologie structurale | cartographie
numérique et télédétection |

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Institut National de la
Tarik Researcher INRA
10 434 12543 629891 Recherche 13 13 1.000 22 20 0.909 575 553 0.962
Benabdelouahab Morocco Romote sensing |
Agronomique INRA
Institut National de la Medical and Health Sciences /
Eimad Dine
11 435 12573 630504 Recherche Biochemistry 13 13 1.000 17 16 0.941 570 549 0.963
Tariq Bouhlali Morocco
Agronomique INRA biochemistry |

Université Sidi Engineering & Technology /

Abdellah El
51 436 12587 630773 Mohammed Ben Mechanical Engineering 13 12 0.923 24 22 0.917 567 527 0.929
Barkany Morocco
Abdellah Fes engineering |

Engineering & Technology /

Université Moulay Electrical & Electronic
19 437 12594 630957 Khalid Sbai 13 10 0.769 15 10 0.667 566 284 0.502
Morocco Ismail Meknès Engineering
Nanotubes de Carbone |
Engineering & Technology / Earth
Nour-Eddine Université Cadi Ayyad Sciences
53 438 12600 631166 Integrated Water resources management | 13 10 0.769 14 11 0.786 564 396 0.702
Laftouhi Morocco Marrakech
climate change and climate variability and
their impact on water resources |
Engineering & Technology /
Abdelfettah Université Mohammed Metallurgical & Materials
100 439 12686 632925 Engineering 13 9 0.692 17 9 0.529 546 294 0.538
Barhdadi Morocco V de Rabat
Solar Energy: Materials | Technologies and
Systems |

M. Bennani Université Hassan II Engineering & Technology /

36 440 12729 633858 Computer Science 13 10 0.769 18 12 0.667 537 348 0.648
Othmani Morocco de Casablanca
Informatique Médicale |
Université Sidi
52 441 12734 633944 Najib Benzakour Mohammed Ben Natural Sciences / Physics 13 8 0.615 19 6 0.316 536 220 0.410
Morocco physique |
Abdellah Fes
Université Ibnou Zohr Natural Sciences / Mathematics
30 442 12755 634358 Yafia Radouane 13 11 0.846 17 12 0.706 532 325 0.611
Morocco d'Agadir Applied mathematics | Mathematical biology |

Mohammed Université Mohammed Engineering & Technology /

101 443 12820 635643 13 11 0.846 19 15 0.789 519 386 0.744
Oumsis Morocco V de Rabat Computer Science

Université Ibnou Zohr Natural Sciences / Chemical

31 444 12835 635970 Anejjar Ali Sciences 13 10 0.769 15 12 0.800 516 391 0.758
Morocco d'Agadir
chimie |
Engineering & Technology /
Boutkhoum Université Chouaib Computer Science
14 445 12838 636000 13 13 1.000 13 13 1.000 516 478 0.926
Omar Morocco Eddoukali DSS | Information systems | Business
intelligence | Artificial intelligence |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Université Sidi
Natural Sciences / Chemical
53 446 12848 636162 Hamid Toufik Mohammed Ben 13 12 0.923 15 15 1.000 514 420 0.817
Morocco Sciences
Abdellah Fes
Université Moulay
20 447 12855 636338 Abdellah Mir Natural Sciences / Physics 13 9 0.692 17 9 0.529 512 235 0.459
Morocco Ismail Meknès
Université Sidi Natural Sciences / Chemical
54 448 12933 638146 Mohammed Ben Sciences 13 13 1.000 16 16 1.000 492 478 0.972
Bourass Morocco
Abdellah Fes Chemistry |

Université Moulay Engineering & Technology / Earth

21 449 12945 638384 Driss Sadki Sciences 13 8 0.615 19 8 0.421 489 205 0.419
Morocco Ismail Meknès
Geology |
Engineering & Technology /
Youssef Es- Université Ibnou Zohr Computer Science
32 450 12971 639026 Precision agriculture | Image Processing | 13 11 0.846 18 11 0.611 481 289 0.601
Saady Morocco d'Agadir
Computer Vision | Machine Learning |
Educational Data Mining |

Université Cadi Ayyad Natural Sciences / Physics

54 451 12993 639440 Lahoucine Hajji 13 10 0.769 19 10 0.526 476 236 0.496
Morocco Marrakech ferroelectric |

Engineering & Technology /

Aumeur El Université Moulay Metallurgical & Materials
22 452 13017 639870 Engineering 13 11 0.846 20 13 0.650 470 346 0.736
Amrani Morocco Ismail Meknès
Materials | Photoelectronic Devices |
Photovoltaic Systems |
Engineering & Technology /
Ecole Hassania des Computer Science
2 453 13034 640402 Ilias Elmouki 13 12 0.923 17 16 0.941 462 432 0.935
Morocco Travaux Publics Optimal control theory | Control theory |
Systems theory | Control systems |
Centre National de Centre National de l'Energie, des
Abdelmourhit l'Energie, des Sciences et des Techniques
2 454 13106 642063 13 11 0.846 17 11 0.647 433 288 0.665
Laissaoui Morocco Sciences et des Nucléaires
Techniques Nucleaires Environment |
Hicham Institut Pasteur du Institut Pasteur du Maroc
4 455 13107 642105 13 12 0.923 16 15 0.938 432 380 0.880
Charoute Morocco Maroc Bioinformatics and Biostatistics |

Chercheur en Nématologie à l
Institut National de la 'Institut National de la Recherche
12 456 13149 643089 Mokrini Fouad Recherche Agronomique (INRA) … 13 12 0.923 14 13 0.929 405 380 0.938
Agronomique INRA Nématodes phytoparasites | Identification
moléculaires | Méthodes de lutte |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
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Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
ISIC Research Team of ESTM,
LMMI Laboratory of ENSAM,
Université Moulay Moulay Ismail University of
23 457 13164 643350 Yassine Rhazali Meknes 13 11 0.846 14 12 0.857 395 301 0.762
Morocco Ismail Meknès
MDA | Model Transformation | MDE | Model
Driven Architecture | Model Driven
Engineering |

Sidiahmed Université Hassan II Medical and Health Sciences /

37 458 13167 643435 13 9 0.692 15 9 0.600 391 182 0.465
Elalami Morocco de Casablanca Radiology
Engineering & Technology /
Université Chouaib Computer Science
15 459 13198 643910 Allae Erraissi 13 13 1.000 14 14 1.000 358 355 0.992
Morocco Eddoukali Big Data | Model driven Engineering | Cloud
Computing | Computer Science |
Engineering & Technology / Civil
Université Hassan II Engineering
38 460 13260 648634 Tanane Omar 12 12 1.000 15 14 0.933 1263 1130 0.895
Morocco de Casablanca Corrosion | environnement | Brevets | Energie
Solaire | Formation continue |
Engineering & Technology /
Université Electrical & Electronic
11 461 13286 650731 Ghita Mezzour Internationale de Engineering 12 11 0.917 13 12 0.923 1071 424 0.396
Rabat Artificial intelligence | data science | social
network analysis |

Université Sidi Natural Sciences / Biological

Mohammed El Science
55 462 13313 652642 Mohammed Ben 12 10 0.833 13 10 0.769 965 312 0.323
Hassouni Morocco Biologie moléculaire | Microbiologie |
Abdellah Fes biotechnologie |

Mohamed Université Hassan II Medical and Health Sciences /

39 463 13405 656240 Psychiatry 12 9 0.750 14 9 0.643 833 346 0.415
Agoub Morocco de Casablanca
Psychiatrie | Neurosciences |
Engineering & Technology /
Computer Science
En-Naimi El Abdelmalek Essaadi Computer Science | Artificial Intelligence |
10 464 13424 656703 12 10 0.833 15 11 0.733 819 442 0.540
Mokhtar Morocco University Data Science and Machine Learning & Deep
Learning and Data Science | SMA and IoT |
eLea |
Natural Sciences / Chemical
Université Mohammed Sciences
102 465 13460 658170 Najoua Labjar 12 10 0.833 14 12 0.857 782 596 0.762
Morocco V de Rabat électrochimie | corrosion | matériaux |
environnement | valorisation des déchets |
Natural Sciences / Chemical
Hamou Université Moulay Sciences
24 466 13559 662030 12 11 0.917 14 14 1.000 706 693 0.982
Moussout Morocco Ismail Meknès treatment of wastewater and stability thermal
of biomaterials |

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Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Université Natural Sciences / Molecular
Youness Limami Internationale Biology & Genetics
1 467 13612 663189 12 10 0.833 13 10 0.769 688 544 0.791
Morocco Abulcasis des Cell signalling | Cancer | Inflammation |
Sciences de la Santé Resistance to apoptosis | Platelets. |

Engineering & Technology / Earth

Université Chouaib Sciences
16 468 13623 663432 Ezzoura Errami 12 11 0.917 17 12 0.706 684 430 0.629
Morocco Eddoukali Earth Sciences | Géopatrimoine |
Développement durable |
Engineering & Technology /
Université Mohammed Computer Science
103 469 13705 665729 Sanaa El Fkihi 12 8 0.667 13 7 0.538 653 420 0.643
Morocco V de Rabat Big Dat | Image and video processing |
Computer vision |
Engineering & Technology / Earth
Université Chouaib Sciences
17 470 13754 667073 Mehdi Khalid Géophysique appliquée | risques naturelles | 12 12 1.000 18 14 0.778 635 470 0.740
Morocco Eddoukali
hydrologie et hydrogéologie | environnement
littoral |
Natural Sciences / Chemical
Abdelmjid Université Hassan II Sciences
40 471 13783 667733 Materials Science | Chemical Engineering | 12 12 1.000 13 13 1.000 627 624 0.995
Bouazizi Morocco de Casablanca
Geomaterials | Nanoparticles | Membrane
Technology |
Natural Sciences / Chemical
Adnane El Université Mohammed Sciences
104 472 13826 668939 12 11 0.917 16 14 0.875 613 565 0.922
Hamidi Morocco V de Rabat Kinetics | Thermal decomposition | Adsorption
| Thermal Sciences | Catalysis |

Dennoun Université Hassan II Natural Sciences / Physics

41 473 13933 671423 12 11 0.917 20 14 0.700 587 432 0.736
Saifaoui Morocco de Casablanca Renewable energy | plasma physics |

Engineering & Technology /

Université Cadi Ayyad Information system engineering | Data
55 474 13998 673620 Elfazziki 12 11 0.917 16 12 0.750 567 467 0.824
Morocco Marrakech analytics | decision support systems |
multiagent systems | Model Driven
architectures |
Engineering & Technology /
Université Mohammed Computer Science
105 475 14038 674926 Salah Baina BPM | Digital Transformation | 12 9 0.750 16 8 0.500 555 201 0.362
Morocco V de Rabat
Transformation Digitale | Business IT
Alignement | Banking Transformation |

Abdelkrim Université Ibnou Zohr Natural Sciences / Physics

33 476 14087 675740 12 8 0.667 13 5 0.385 549 189 0.344
Hannour Morocco d'Agadir Nanomatériaux | Nanosciences |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Natural Sciences / Biological
Zekhnini Université Ibnou Zohr Science
34 477 14094 675889 Sciences des aliments | Pharmacologie | 12 8 0.667 17 7 0.412 547 265 0.484
Abderrahmane Morocco d'Agadir
Toxicologie | Plantes aromatiques et
médicinales |
Université Sidi
56 478 14101 676102 Hassane Zguitti Mohammed Ben Natural Sciences / Mathematics 12 8 0.667 13 8 0.615 546 229 0.419
Morocco Functional analysis | Operator theory |
Abdellah Fes
Université Mohammed Natural Sciences / Mathematics
106 479 14129 676825 Omar El-Fallah 12 8 0.667 13 6 0.462 540 316 0.585
Morocco V de Rabat Mathematical Analysis |

Abdelhamid Université Mohammed Engineering & Technology /

107 480 14165 677744 Energy Engineering 12 12 1.000 13 13 1.000 532 463 0.870
Khabbazi Morocco V de Rabat
Énergétique Thermique |

Université Ibnou Zohr Engineering & Technology /

35 481 14179 678007 Salahddine Krit Computer Science 12 11 0.917 17 16 0.941 529 467 0.883
Morocco d'Agadir
software and harware |
Université Sidi Medical and Health Sciences /
57 482 14184 678096 Faouzi Belahsen Mohammed Ben Neurology 12 9 0.750 13 7 0.538 529 257 0.486
Abdellah Fes Neurologie |

Engineering & Technology /

Bouchaib Université Mohammed Computer Science
108 483 14211 678723 12 10 0.833 18 10 0.556 523 325 0.621
Bounabat Morocco V de Rabat Information systems | electronic governance
innovation |
Natural Sciences / Physics
Université Mohammed Quantum Information | Quantum
109 484 14219 678997 Morad El Baz 12 9 0.750 17 8 0.471 521 264 0.507
Morocco V de Rabat cryptography | Quantum correlations |
Coherent states |
Engineering & Technology /
Electrical & Electronic
Université Mohammed Engineering
110 485 14222 679044 Achraf Benba 12 12 1.000 14 13 0.929 521 443 0.850
Morocco V de Rabat Electrical Engineering | Signal Processing |
Information technologies | Biomedical
Engineering |
Université Sidi Engineering & Technology /
58 486 14248 679691 Khalid Zenkouar Mohammed Ben Computer Science 12 12 1.000 18 17 0.944 515 486 0.944
Abdellah Fes computer sciences |

Engineering & Technology /

Université Sidi Electrical & Electronic
Abdellah Engineering
59 487 14267 680093 Mohammed Ben 12 11 0.917 19 14 0.737 512 364 0.711
Mechaqrane Morocco Artificial neural networks | Evolutionary
Abdellah Fes
algorithms (Genetic algorithm | ant colony) |
solar energy |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Mohammed VI
34 488 132725 681098 Vera Trabadelo metallurgy | computational thermodynamics | 12 9 0.750 14 9 0.643 504 205 0.407
Morocco Polytechnic University alloy design | corrosion |
Moroccan Foundation
Issam Meftah for Advanced Science
3 489 14325 681300 MAScIR foundation 12 11 0.917 12 11 0.917 503 488 0.970
Kadmiri Morocco Innovation and
Natural Sciences / Chemical
Université Moulay Sciences
25 490 14366 682254 Omar Zegaoui Préparation et caractérisation des 12 11 0.917 13 13 1.000 495 477 0.964
Morocco Ismail Meknès
nanomatériaux | Photocatalyse et catalyse
hétérogène |
Business & Management /
Hanine Université Cadi Ayyad Decision Science and Operations
56 491 14370 682392 Management 12 12 1.000 12 12 1.000 494 456 0.923
Mohamed Morocco Marrakech
BI -NoSQL -Big Data- Multicriteria Decision
Analysis - Spatial Datawarehouse |
Engineering & Technology /
Université Ibnou Zohr Environmental Science &
36 492 14385 682685 Aicha Ait Alla Engineering 12 10 0.833 15 11 0.733 491 299 0.609
Morocco d'Agadir
Sciences de l'environnement | Microbiologie |
Ecotoxicologie |
Engineering & Technology /
Choukri Université Moulay Energy Engineering
26 493 14387 682722 12 9 0.750 14 9 0.643 491 206 0.420
Messaoudi Morocco Ismail Meknès Physique des matériaux et Énergies
Renouvelables |
Natural Sciences / Biological
Université Mohammed Science
111 494 14414 683291 Souad Skalli Ethnobotany | Herbal Medicines | 12 10 0.833 14 10 0.714 486 259 0.533
Morocco V de Rabat
Phytovigilance | Herb-Drug Interactions |
Toxicologie |

Université Mohammed  Disciplines.Â

112 495 14466 684662 Jamal Aurag Rhizobial symbiosis | PGPR | Diversity | Stress 12 9 0.750 12 8 0.667 475 199 0.419
Morocco V de Rabat tolerance | Biofertilization |

Mohammed Université Cadi Ayyad Natural Sciences / Mathematics

57 496 14503 685283 12 9 0.750 13 9 0.692 470 218 0.464
Hassani Morocco Marrakech Calcul Stochasitque |

Engineering & Technology / Earth

Achab Université Mohammed Sciences
113 497 14685 688404 12 8 0.667 16 4 0.250 442 200 0.452
Mohammed Morocco V de Rabat sedimentologie | geomorphologie littorale |
environnement | SIG et télédetection |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
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Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Institut National de la
13 498 14754 689840 Said Zantar Recherche chercheur 12 11 0.917 13 12 0.923 428 350 0.818
Morocco agro-alimenaire |
Agronomique INRA
Engineering & Technology /
Electrical & Electronic
Abderrahim Université Hassan II Engineering
5 499 14757 689962 12 10 0.833 12 10 0.833 427 284 0.665
Elfadili Morocco Mohammedia Nonlinear and adaptive control  System
control in presence of saturating elements 
Optimization | observation and nonlinear |
Université Sidi Natural Sciences / Chemical
60 500 14766 690186 Mohammed Ben Sciences 12 12 1.000 15 15 1.000 424 423 0.998
Laghrib Morocco
Abdellah Fes Analytical electrochemistry |

Lahoucine Université Mohammed Engineering & Technology /

114 501 14796 690738 Computer Science 12 10 0.833 13 11 0.846 419 325 0.776
Ballihi Morocco V de Rabat
Computer Science |
Université Sidi Engineering & Technology /
61 502 14830 691539 Mohammed Ben Computer Science 12 10 0.833 15 11 0.733 409 292 0.714
Ouzahra Morocco
Abdellah Fes Control theory |

Engineering & Technology /

Youssef Mohammed VI
35 503 135564 691803 Metallurgical & Materials 12 12 1.000 15 15 1.000 406 385 0.948
Tamraoui Morocco Polytechnic University
Université Social Sciences / Sociology
12 504 14852 691948 Mehdi Alioua Internationale de sociologie | migration | cosmopolitisme | 12 9 0.750 12 8 0.667 405 223 0.551
Morocco globalisation | Afrique |
Mohammed VI Natural Sciences / Molecular
Idrissa Diawara
1 505 14872 692341 University of Health Biology & Genetics 12 11 0.917 12 12 1.000 400 385 0.963
Sciences Microbiology and Molecular Biology |

M'hammed Université Ibnou Zohr Natural Sciences / Chemical

37 506 14878 692432 Sciences 12 9 0.750 15 8 0.533 398 257 0.646
Belkhaouda Morocco d'Agadir
corrosion inhibition |
Moroccan Foundation
for Advanced Science MAScIR
4 507 14938 693659 Hassan Sefrioui 12 7 0.583 15 6 0.400 381 170 0.446
Morocco Innovation and Biotechnology |
Natural Sciences / Chemical
Bahsis Université Chouaib Sciences
18 508 14966 694218 12 12 1.000 14 14 1.000 371 370 0.997
Lahoucine Morocco Eddoukali Catalysis | Organic Chemistry | Green
Chemistry | Computational Chemistry |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
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Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Université Ibnou Zohr Natural Sciences / Physics
38 509 14969 694230 Hassan Chaib 12 5 0.417 14 1 0.071 371 111 0.299
Morocco d'Agadir Material Sciences |

Natural Sciences / Physics

Mohamed El Université Ibn Tofail Hybrid materials | Electrical and dielectric
26 510 15005 695118 12 11 0.917 15 12 0.800 352 266 0.756
Hasnaoui Morocco Kénitra properties | Thermal and sctructural
characterezations |

Mohamed Université Ibn Tofail Natural Sciences / Mathematics

27 511 15016 695297 12 12 1.000 14 14 1.000 347 347 1.000
Rossafi Morocco Kénitra Mathematical analysis |

Université Chouaib Chouaib Doukkali University

19 512 15021 695381 Omar El Hiba hepatic encephalopathy | Parkisnon's disease 12 11 0.917 16 11 0.688 344 292 0.849
Morocco Eddoukali | heavy metals neurotoxicity |
Laboratory of Natural Resources
Université Sidi and Environment PF Taza, FST
62 513 15036 695831 El Hassan Sakar Mohammed Ben Fez, Morocco 12 12 1.000 15 15 1.000 327 326 0.997
Abdellah Fes Agronomy | Food by-prodcuts and MAP
Valorization | Statisitcs |
Social Sciences / Tourism &
Université Cadi Ayyad Hospitality
58 514 15041 695878 Said Boujrouf 12 8 0.667 14 5 0.357 325 180 0.554
Morocco Marrakech Géographie | tourisme | développement
territorial | Montagne | Maroc |
Professeur assistant à l'université
Boubker Université Hassan II Hassan II, Casablanca
42 515 15090 697435 magnetic hyperthermia | magnetic materials | 11 10 0.909 11 10 0.909 2256 1428 0.633
Mehdaoui Morocco de Casablanca
inorganic chemistry | condensed matter
physics |

Taoufik Abdelmalek Essaadi Professor of Geodynamics

11 516 15137 701305 Geodynamics | Seismology and Seismic 11 10 0.909 11 10 0.909 1103 393 0.356
Mourabit Morocco University Hazard |
Natural Sciences / Mathematics
Abdelhak Université Mohammed Analyse non linéaire | Optimisation |
115 517 15153 702102 11 5 0.455 11 4 0.364 1031 219 0.212
Hassouni Morocco V de Rabat Convexité et monotonie généralisée.
Université Mohammed V Rabat |

Mustapha Université Hassan II Engineering & Technology / Earth

43 518 15208 704553 Sciences 11 9 0.818 12 9 0.750 882 419 0.475
Mouflih Morocco de Casablanca
Géologie | Environnement |

Université Ibn Tofail Natural Sciences / Chemical

28 519 15240 706156 M. Mourabet Sciences 11 9 0.818 12 9 0.750 815 622 0.763
Morocco Kénitra
Adsorption theory-Probability theory |

Université Euro- Medical and Health Sciences /

5 520 15267 707070 Salim Bounou Méditerranéenne de Medicine 11 5 0.455 11 3 0.273 786 137 0.174
Morocco Medical science | Immunology | Biotechnology
Fès | Higher Education |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
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Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Researcher in National Centre for
Centre National de Energy, Sciences and Nuclear
l'Energie, des Techniques (CNESTEN)
3 521 15272 707164 Mounia Tahri 11 10 0.909 14 13 0.929 782 661 0.845
Morocco Sciences et des Environment Monitoring | Air Quality | X-Ray
Techniques Nucleaires Fluorescence | Heavy metals | atmospheric
dispersion modeling |

Mohamed Université Mohammed Engineering & Technology /

8 522 15295 708191 Energy Engineering 11 11 1.000 18 14 0.778 752 627 0.834
Elhafyani Morocco Premier Oujda
Energie renouvelable |

Université Moulay Engineering & Technology /

27 523 15340 709800 Youssef Ghanou 11 9 0.818 12 9 0.750 712 638 0.896
Morocco Ismail Meknès Computer Science
Engineering & Technology /
Université Mohammed Electrical & Electronic
116 524 15351 709987 Aziz Amari Engineering 11 7 0.636 11 7 0.636 708 287 0.405
Morocco V de Rabat
Electronic Nose | Data analysis | Artificial
Intelligence |
Engineering & Technology /
Hassane Al Akhawayn Engineering
8 525 15412 712393 Renewable Energies | IT based education and 11 8 0.727 11 7 0.636 660 391 0.592
Darhmaoui Morocco University Ifrane
distance learning | Astronomy education |
Superconductivity. |
Engineering & Technology / Earth
Université Mohammed Sciences
117 526 15479 714375 Lahcen Bahi Géotechnique | Géophysique | Géologie de 11 8 0.727 13 7 0.538 626 401 0.641
Morocco V de Rabat
l'Ingénieur | Environnement | Risques
Naturels |

Al Akhawayn Engineering & Technology /

9 527 15516 715523 Driss Kettani Computer Science 11 6 0.545 15 4 0.267 610 162 0.266
Morocco University Ifrane
AI | e-Gov | GIS | Spatio-temporal raisoning |
Engineering & Technology /
Université Sidi Electrical & Electronic
Rachid El
63 528 15562 717006 Mohammed Ben Engineering 11 9 0.818 14 9 0.643 589 369 0.626
Bachtiri Morocco
Abdellah Fes Electrical Engineering and Renewable Energy

Abdellah El Université Cadi Ayyad Natural Sciences / Mathematics

59 529 15590 717762 Applied Mathematics | Numerical methods | 11 10 0.909 15 11 0.733 579 360 0.622
Kacimi Morocco Marrakech Scientific computing |

Université Cadi Ayyad Natural Sciences / Chemical

60 530 15598 717988 Issam El Ghazali Sciences 11 8 0.727 11 8 0.727 577 255 0.442
Morocco Marrakech
Biochimie | microbiologie | toxicologie |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
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Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Engineering & Technology /
Université Sidi Computer Science
64 531 15644 719312 Mohammed Ben Automatique | Intelligence Artificielle | 11 10 0.909 14 10 0.714 561 387 0.690
Benbrahim Morocco
Abdellah Fes Traitement du Signal | Robotique | Energie
Eolienne |

Université Mohammed Engineering & Technology /

118 532 15666 719784 Mohamed Hosni 11 11 1.000 14 14 1.000 556 549 0.987
Morocco V de Rabat Computer Science
Collective Intelligence UM6P
Mohammed VI Cognitive Science | Cultural Evolution |
36 533 141597 719973 James Winters 11 11 1.000 13 13 1.000 554 456 0.823
Morocco Polytechnic University Language Evolution | Computational Social
Science | Information Theory |
Engineering & Technology /
Electrical & Electronic
Université Hassan II Engineering
3 534 15689 720545 Faraji Mustapha 11 8 0.727 12 8 0.667 548 366 0.668
Morocco Ain Chock pcm | building thermal management |
electronic cooling | Lattice Boltzmann Method
LBM | Human body thermoregularion |
Engineering & Technology / Earth
El Hmaidi Université Moulay Sciences
28 535 15712 721089 Dynamique des bassins versants | Géochimie | 11 9 0.818 14 8 0.571 542 375 0.692
Abdellah Morocco Ismail Meknès
Sédimentologie | Océanologie | Variation
climatiques |
(AssitantMohammed VI
Isaac Mohammed VI Polytechnic University
37 536 142157 722382 11 11 1.000 12 12 1.000 530 474 0.894
Galobardres Morocco Polytechnic University Building Technology | Construction Materials
| Sustainability |

Université Mohammed Engineering & Technology /

119 537 15877 724908 Salma Mouline Engineering 11 9 0.818 11 9 0.818 508 410 0.807
Morocco V de Rabat
Software Engineering | MDE | DSL | DSML |

Abdelkrim Université Cadi Ayyad Natural Sciences / Chemical

61 538 15891 725163 11 11 1.000 15 12 0.800 505 435 0.861
Abourriche Morocco Marrakech Sciences
Mohamed Dafir
Université Mohammed Engineering & Technology /
120 539 15896 725316 Ech-Cherif El Computer Science 11 9 0.818 13 9 0.692 504 338 0.671
Morocco V de Rabat
Kettani Information Security | Multicast | Routing |

Engineering & Technology /

Houda Université Mohammed Computer Science
121 540 15902 725533 11 10 0.909 14 10 0.714 502 390 0.777
Benbrahim Morocco V de Rabat Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning |
Text Mining | Big Data |

Université Ibnou Zohr Medical and Health Sciences /

39 541 15918 725999 Ismail Rammouz Psychiatry 11 8 0.727 14 8 0.571 498 379 0.761
Morocco d'Agadir
Psychiatrie Addictologie santé mentale |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Université Mohammed VI
Guillo Mohammed VI Polytechnique
38 542 143146 726477 11 8 0.727 11 6 0.545 495 216 0.436
Dominique Morocco Polytechnic University évolution sociale et culturelle |
communication homme animal | darwinisme |

Moroccan Foundation Moroccan Foundation for

Najib El for Advanced Science Advanced Science Innovation and
5 543 15946 726571 Research 11 11 1.000 11 11 1.000 494 481 0.974
Mernissi Morocco Innovation and
microbiologie | chime | fermentation |
Research atomisation | procédés |
Social Sciences / Linguistics and
Université Chouaib Literature
20 544 16005 727843 Yeou Mohamed 11 8 0.727 15 5 0.333 483 287 0.594
Morocco Eddoukali Experimental phonetics | Speech science |
Lexicography | ELT |

Université Hassan II Natural Sciences / Mathematics

6 545 16023 728324 Ahmed Taik 11 8 0.727 11 7 0.636 480 194 0.404
Morocco Mohammedia Applied Mathematics | hydraulic modelling |

Al Akhawayn Al Akhawayn University

10 546 16216 732778 Eric Ross geography | Urban Studies | Islamic Studies | 11 8 0.727 11 8 0.727 446 194 0.435
Morocco University Ifrane African Studies | Senegal |
Institut National des
Ibn-Elhaj Postes et Engineering & Technology /
4 547 16231 733041 Engineering 11 6 0.545 16 2 0.125 443 177 0.400
Elhassane Morocco Telecommunications
Télécoms | Multimedias |
Université Ibnou Zohr Natural Sciences / Mathematics
40 548 16305 734703 Hadd Said Control theory | Operator theory | Stochastics 11 9 0.818 12 9 0.750 431 232 0.538
Morocco d'Agadir Analysis |
Institut National des Engineering & Technology /
Hamza Postes et Engineering
5 549 16317 734931 11 8 0.727 13 7 0.538 429 234 0.545
Dahmouni Morocco Telecommunications Traffic engineering | Performance Evaluation
Maroc | Optimization | Smart-Grid |

Université Sidi
Natural Sciences / Biological
65 550 16451 737580 Abdelali Tazi Mohammed Ben 11 7 0.636 12 6 0.500 409 176 0.430
Morocco Science
Abdellah Fes
Université Hassan II Medical and Health Sciences /
44 551 16470 737916 Farid Bourzgui Dentistry 11 9 0.818 13 9 0.692 406 269 0.663
Morocco de Casablanca
Orthodontics |
Business & Management /
Université Sidi Decision Science and Operations
66 552 16499 738354 Fouad Jawab Mohammed Ben Management 11 9 0.818 11 9 0.818 403 368 0.913
Abdellah Fes Management | logistique | transport | hôpital |
Supply Chain |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Natural Sciences / Physics
Alaaeddine Université Mohammed Nuclear structure | Collective models |
122 553 16603 740528 11 11 1.000 11 11 1.000 386 337 0.873
Lahbas Morocco V de Rabat Computational Physics | Mathematical Physics

Université Sidi Education / Mathematics and

Abdelhakim Science Education
67 554 16656 741595 Mohammed Ben 11 7 0.636 12 6 0.500 377 262 0.695
Chillali Morocco Algèbre | Théorie des nombres |
Abdellah Fes Cryptographie |

Université Moulay Natural Sciences / Physics

29 555 16750 743640 Lahcen Bejjit Matériaux | polymères | archéomatériaux | 11 8 0.727 12 7 0.583 359 221 0.616
Morocco Ismail Meknès spectroscopie | TL/OSL |

Merroun Université Hassan II Engineering & Technology /

45 556 16837 745245 Energy Engineering 11 6 0.545 11 5 0.455 344 198 0.576
Ossama Morocco de Casablanca
Energy |
Natural Sciences / Chemical
El-Houssaine Mohammed VI Sciences
39 557 148210 745815 11 11 1.000 13 13 1.000 337 337 1.000
Ablouh Morocco Polytechnic University "materials chemistry" " Polymers" "Slow-
Release Fertilizers" "Controlled-Release
Fertilizers" "Environmental Chemistry" |

Université Chouaib UCD

21 558 16872 746070 Jamal El Kafi 11 9 0.818 11 9 0.818 335 278 0.830
Morocco Eddoukali IA | BI & Big Data |

Faculty of Science Dhar El

Université Sidi Mehraz, University Sidi Mohamed
68 559 16891 746476 Mohammed Ben Ben Abdellah, B.P. 1796, Fez, 11 11 1.000 12 12 1.000 330 291 0.882
Bensalem Morocco
Abdellah Fes Morocco
Performance of the dynamic systems |

Université Chouaib University Chouaib Doukkali

22 560 16907 746734 Youssef Baddi Multicast IP | Mobile IP | IoT | Security | SDN 11 11 1.000 13 11 0.846 327 290 0.887
Morocco Eddoukali |

Mustapha Université Cadi Ayyad Full professor, University Cadi

62 561 16983 748303 Ayyad 11 9 0.818 11 9 0.818 305 245 0.803
Hedabou Morocco Marrakech
Cryptography | Computer Security |

Younes Université Moulay Natural Sciences / Chemical

30 562 16990 748383 Sciences 11 11 1.000 11 11 1.000 303 302 0.997
Dehmani Morocco Ismail Meknès
physical chemistry and materials science |
Faculty of Sciences, University
Abdellah Université Moulay Moulay Ismail, Meknes, Morocco
31 563 16993 748451 11 11 1.000 14 14 1.000 301 277 0.920
Feraoun Morocco Ismail Meknès Nanostructured systems | Monte Carlo
simulation | Computational Physics |

Abdelmajid Université Cadi Ayyad Univesity cadi-ayyad

63 564 17013 748797 11 9 0.818 12 8 0.667 292 224 0.767
Almaggoussi Morocco Marrakech semiconductor devices | optoelectronics |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
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Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Université Sidi Engineering & Technology /
69 565 17044 749211 Karim Tanji Mohammed Ben Chemical Engineering 11 11 1.000 12 12 1.000 276 276 1.000
Morocco Engineering Chemistry in Materials and
Abdellah Fes Environment Process Engineering |
High School of Technology,
Moulay Ismail University of
Université Moulay Meknes
32 566 17085 749682 Mostafa Merras 11 10 0.909 14 10 0.714 250 215 0.860
Morocco Ismail Meknès Camera self calibration | Genetic algorithms |
3D reconstruction and modeling | Swarm
intelligence | cryptography |
National School of Applied
Abdellatif Abdelmalek Essaadi
12 567 17131 751636 Sciences, Abdelmalek Essaadi 10 8 0.800 12 5 0.417 1559 562 0.360
Medouri Morocco University
Engineering & Technology /
Mohammed Université Moulay Electrical & Electronic
33 568 17172 754323 Engineering 10 7 0.700 10 6 0.600 1025 706 0.689
Taleb Morocco Ismail Meknès
Robust control | sliding mode control |
adaptive control |

Mohamed Université Mohammed Natural Sciences / Mathematics

9 569 17197 755674 Modélisation mathématique | analyse 10 10 1.000 11 11 1.000 913 472 0.517
Derouich Morocco Premier Oujda numérique |

Mhammed Université Mohammed Engineering & Technology / Earth

123 570 17215 756819 Sciences 10 8 0.800 10 7 0.700 844 373 0.442
Elazzouzi Morocco V de Rabat
géologie |

Université Sidi Law / Law and Legal Studies

Border Walls/Fences | Foreign Policies |
70 571 17217 757019 Said Saddiki Mohammed Ben 10 9 0.900 10 9 0.900 832 601 0.722
Morocco Diplomacy | Western Sahara Issue |
Abdellah Fes Transnational Migration. |

Institut Agronomique Engineering & Technology / Earth

6 572 17234 757513 et Veterinaire Hassan Sciences 10 8 0.800 10 8 0.800 808 335 0.415
Hicham Morocco Geomorphology | Geology | Remote sensing |
II Soil sciences | Desert |

Université Mohammed Medical and Health Sciences /

124 573 17293 759668 Yahya Bensouda Internal Medicine 10 8 0.800 12 7 0.583 722 323 0.447
Morocco V de Rabat
médecine |

Université Ibn Tofail Engineering & Technology /

29 574 17315 760442 Rachid Bannari 10 9 0.900 10 9 0.900 698 410 0.587
Morocco Kénitra Chemical Engineering

Noureddine Université Mohammed Medical and Health Sciences /

10 575 17320 760618 Medical Genetics 10 9 0.900 12 8 0.667 692 382 0.552
Boukhatem Morocco Premier Oujda
Pr. Génétique\Président SMOG |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Engineering & Technology /
Université Ibn Tofail Computer Science
30 576 17368 762500 Youssef Gahi Big Data | Sentiment Analysis | Data 10 10 1.000 11 10 0.909 644 547 0.849
Morocco Kénitra
Management | Cloud and Data Privacy |
Mobile Security |
Engineering & Technology /
Abdelbaki El Electrical & Information
Université Moulay
34 577 17380 762714 Belrhiti El Engineering 10 10 1.000 12 11 0.917 639 601 0.941
Morocco Ismail Meknès
Alaoui wireless sensor networks | IoT | embedded
systems | Maching learning |

Mohamed Université Moulay Natural Sciences / Mathematics

35 578 17385 762923 Data analytics | Machine learning | Inverse 10 7 0.700 11 4 0.364 634 272 0.429
Berrada Morocco Ismail Meknès problems | Applied mathematics |
Engineering & Technology /
Mohamed Université Mohammed Computer Science
125 579 17422 764162 10 10 1.000 12 11 0.917 608 348 0.572
Rahouti Morocco V de Rabat Mycologie | Mycotoxines | Huiles essentielles

Université Mohammed Education / Education

126 580 17447 765089 Amine Dryqen 10 6 0.600 10 5 0.500 592 172 0.291
Morocco V de Rabat Sciences d'Éducation |

Miloud Université Moulay Natural Sciences / Physics

36 581 17475 766112 Smart materials | vibration | mechanics | 10 8 0.800 11 7 0.636 573 410 0.716
Rahmoune Morocco Ismail Meknès numerical analysis | mathematical physics |

Université Mohammed
127 582 17557 769132 Laila Cheikhi Qualité logicielle | analyse des données | Base 10 8 0.800 10 7 0.700 531 366 0.689
Morocco V de Rabat de données | standard ISO |

Zine El Abidine Université Ibnou Zohr Engineering & Technology / Earth

41 583 17590 770180 Sciences 10 10 1.000 11 10 0.909 517 331 0.640
El Morjani Morocco d'Agadir
SIG | Télédétection | environnement |
Engineering & Technology /
Université Moulay Electrical & Electronic
37 584 17630 771033 Khalid Tahri Engineering 10 10 1.000 10 10 1.000 507 427 0.842
Morocco Ismail Meknès
Electronic Enginnering | Sensor systems |
Food safety | Pattern recognition methods |
Business & Management /
Decision Science and Operations
Université Sidi
71 585 17645 771599 El Habib Nfaoui Mohammed Ben Information Retrieval and Semantic Web | 10 10 1.000 15 12 0.800 500 436 0.872
Abdellah Fes Social networks | Web services | Machine
learning | Multi-Agent Systems and Decision-
making |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
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Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Engineering & Technology /
Université Ibn Tofail Electrical & Electronic
31 586 17655 771887 Youssef Rochdi Engineering 10 7 0.700 10 4 0.400 498 134 0.269
Morocco Kénitra
Systems identification | electrical engineering
| intelligent transportation systems |
Engineering & Technology /
Université Moulay Electrical & Electronic
38 587 17667 772359 Adil Brouri Engineering 10 10 1.000 10 10 1.000 492 339 0.689
Morocco Ismail Meknès
Identification et Contrôle des Systèmes Non-
linéaires | Les énergies Renouvelables |

Université Ibn Tofail Engineering & Technology / Earth

32 588 17675 772597 El Arbi Toto Sciences 10 8 0.800 10 7 0.700 490 227 0.463
Morocco Kénitra
Applied Geophysics |

Bouchra Université Ibn Tofail Medical and Health Sciences /

33 589 17693 773034 10 8 0.800 11 7 0.636 485 240 0.495
Benazzouz Morocco Kénitra Epidemiology and Public Health
Université Moulay Natural Sciences / Physics
39 590 17714 773619 Rachid Saadani Thermique | Energétique | Energies 10 10 1.000 10 10 1.000 479 474 0.990
Morocco Ismail Meknès renouvelables |

Hanan El Université Mohammed Natural Sciences / Chemical

128 591 17718 773839 10 9 0.900 10 6 0.600 477 332 0.696
Bakkali Morocco V de Rabat Sciences
Institut National de la
14 592 17726 774016 Driss Iraqi Recherche INRA 10 9 0.900 10 9 0.900 475 264 0.556
Morocco Biotechnologie Végétale |
Agronomique INRA
Natural Sciences / Biological
Abdelghani El Al Akhawayn Science
11 593 17736 774160 10 8 0.800 10 8 0.800 474 344 0.726
Asli Morocco University Ifrane Bioenergies | waste treatment | environment
management | circular economy |
Engineering & Technology /
Ecole Nationale de Computer Science
2 594 17795 775886 Nissrine Souissi Data Engineering | Process Engineering | 10 9 0.900 11 9 0.818 457 425 0.930
Morocco l'Industrie Minerale
Business Process Management | Information
System | Digital Transformation |
Université Sidi Natural Sciences / Geography
72 595 17859 777459 Ali Faleh Mohammed Ben Géographie | SIG | Télédetection | risques 10 9 0.900 12 7 0.583 443 280 0.632
Morocco naturels |
Abdellah Fes
Institut National des
Postes et Natural Sciences / Physics
6 596 17921 779043 Esmail Ahouzi 10 5 0.500 10 3 0.300 431 97 0.225
Morocco Telecommunications optique |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Abdelkrim Université Moulay Natural Sciences / Chemical
40 597 17999 781084 Sciences 10 10 1.000 11 10 0.909 414 232 0.560
Batan Morocco Ismail Meknès
Chimie |
Medical and Health Sciences /
Abdel Illah Université Cadi Ayyad Bacteriology
64 598 18050 782332 10 8 0.800 11 8 0.727 405 152 0.375
Qatibi Morocco Marrakech Bactéries sulfato-réductrices et digestion
anaérobie |
Engineering & Technology /
Abdelhak Université Mohammed Computer Science
129 599 18051 782367 machine learning | deep learning | computer 10 9 0.900 10 9 0.900 405 294 0.726
Mahmoudi Morocco V de Rabat
vision | speech recognition | natural language
processing |

Abdelhakim Université Ibnou Zohr Natural Sciences / Physics

42 600 18072 783002 10 7 0.700 11 4 0.364 400 189 0.473
Nafidi Morocco d'Agadir physics |

Institut National de la Natural Sciences / Molecular

15 601 18081 783373 Jamal Charafi Recherche Biology & Genetics 10 9 0.900 11 9 0.818 397 254 0.640
Morocco Génétique | horticulture | arbres fruitiers |
Agronomique INRA biologie moléculaire | diversité |
Université Sidi Engineering & Technology / Earth
73 602 18083 783415 Mohammed Ben Sciences 10 9 0.900 10 6 0.600 397 236 0.594
Sadiki Morocco
Abdellah Fes Pédologie | Géo-risques | Géomorphologie |

Université Cadi Ayyad Natural Sciences / Mathematics

65 603 18087 783458 Said Boulite Evolution equations | Control theory | Positive 10 6 0.600 10 3 0.300 397 152 0.383
Morocco Marrakech systems |
Engineering & Technology /
Said Université Ibn Tofail Energy Engineering
34 604 18128 784349 10 7 0.700 10 2 0.200 390 98 0.251
Bouzakraoui Morocco Kénitra Photovoltaics | optoelectronic | protein folding
| Nanomaterials |
Université Sidi
74 605 18130 784386 Youssef Akdim Mohammed Ben Natural Sciences / Mathematics 10 7 0.700 12 3 0.250 389 189 0.486
Morocco Analyse Non Linéaire | EDP |
Abdellah Fes
Engineering & Technology /
Université Mohammed Computer Science
130 606 18136 784676 Ounsa Roudies 10 7 0.700 11 3 0.273 387 206 0.532
Morocco V de Rabat Information systems | systems engineering |
requirements management |
Natural Sciences / Mathematics
Université Mohammed Mathematical Analysis | Special Functions |
131 607 18162 785229 Allal Ghanmi 10 9 0.900 10 7 0.700 383 251 0.655
Morocco V de Rabat Integral transforms | Hypercomplex Analysis |
Automorphic functions |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
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Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Université Sidi Universite Sidi Mohamed Ben
75 608 18186 785701 Ahmed El Khalfi Mohammed Ben Abdellah Fes 10 10 1.000 13 10 0.769 379 226 0.596
Morocco structure finie element abaqus catia FEM FEA
Abdellah Fes fluid simulation steel pipe |

Université Cadi Ayyad Natural Sciences / Chemical

66 609 18202 785991 Moha Berraho Sciences 10 7 0.700 15 6 0.400 377 170 0.451
Morocco Marrakech
cristallographie |
Engineering & Technology /
Mohammed VI Metallurgical & Materials
40 610 157390 786196 Mansouri Said 10 10 1.000 10 10 1.000 376 376 1.000
Morocco Polytechnic University Engineering
Materials Engineering | oil shale | Polymeric
Materials | adsorption | extraction . |

Université Chouaib Natural Sciences / Physics

23 611 18216 786310 Hamid Nebdi Space Weather | Ionosphere | GPS | Galileo | 10 7 0.700 11 6 0.545 375 189 0.504
Morocco Eddoukali Atomic & Laser Physics |
Business & Management /
Al Akhawayn Marketing
12 612 18233 786761 Hind Lebdaoui Islamic Finance | Banking | SEM | Economic 10 10 1.000 10 10 1.000 372 353 0.949
Morocco University Ifrane
growth | Islamic Marketing & Consumer
Behavior |
S2IA Team Leader, Laboratory
Université Chouaib LTI, ENSAJ, Chouaib Doukkali
24 613 18288 787991 Ali Kartit 10 10 1.000 12 10 0.833 363 307 0.846
Morocco Eddoukali university
Security and AI |

Université Chouaib Université Chouaib Doukkali

25 614 18303 788354 Siniti Mostapha Energétique | Thermodynamique Appliquée | 10 9 0.900 10 8 0.800 361 271 0.751
Morocco Eddoukali Calorimétrie |
Engineering & Technology /
Adnane Ecole Centrale Metallurgical & Materials
3 615 18355 789599 10 7 0.700 11 7 0.636 352 138 0.392
Boukamel Morocco Casablanca Engineering
mécanique | matériaux | modélisation |
Mohammed VI Polytechnic
Mohammed VI University (UM6P)
41 616 158570 790442 Younes Brahmi 10 10 1.000 12 10 0.833 346 284 0.821
Morocco Polytechnic University Hybrid Materials | Porous Materials |
Nanostructured Materials | Sol-Gel | Energy
Materials |

Souhel Université Chouaib Engineering & Technology /

26 617 18390 790463 10 6 0.600 12 4 0.333 346 150 0.434
Abdellatif Morocco Eddoukali Computer Science
Institut National de la Agriculture & Forestry / Plant
16 618 18408 790968 Slimane Khayi Recherche Science 10 9 0.900 10 8 0.800 343 315 0.918
Morocco Plant pathology | Genomics | environnemental
Agronomique INRA Microbiology |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
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Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Université Sidi USMBA : Sidi Mohamed Ben
Moulhime El Abdellah University Fez Morocco
76 619 18416 791105 Mohammed Ben 10 9 0.900 10 6 0.600 342 269 0.787
Bekkali Morocco Télécommunications et Dispositifs Micro-
Abdellah Fes ondes |
Professeur réseaux et systèmes de
Université Ibn Tofail telecommunication, ENSA Kenitra
35 620 18419 791197 Tomader Mazri 10 9 0.900 11 9 0.818 341 313 0.918
Morocco Kénitra Engineering & Technology | Electrical &
Electronic Engineering | Telecommunication |

Mohammed Université Cadi Ayyad Cadi Ayyad University

67 621 18436 791542 10 8 0.800 11 5 0.455 339 188 0.555
Jaffal Morocco Marrakech Applied Geophysics |

Business & Management /

Université Marketing
Abdul Bashiru
13 622 18453 791799 Internationale de Technology Adoption | Social Media 10 10 1.000 11 11 1.000 337 330 0.979
Jibril Morocco
Rabat Marketing | Brand Management | Service
Marketing | Sustainable e-tourism |

Mimoun Université Mohammed

11 623 18469 792214 Natural Sciences / Mathematics 10 7 0.700 10 5 0.500 335 186 0.555
Moussaoui Morocco Premier Oujda
Université Université Internationale de Rabat
Mhamed-Ali El-
14 624 18501 793254 Internationale de Statistics | Data Analysis | Quantitative 10 5 0.500 11 5 0.455 327 110 0.336
Aroui Morocco Finance | Machine Learning |
Université Sultan Engineering & Technology /
6 625 18523 793699 Hanaa Hachimi Moulay Slimane Beni Computer Science 10 9 0.900 10 9 0.900 324 305 0.941
Mellal Optimization | Statistics | Modeling |

Institut Agronomique Medical and Health Sciences /

7 626 18634 795823 Hossaini-Hilali et Veterinaire Hassan Physiology 10 3 0.300 11 2 0.182 308 51 0.166
II Physiologie vétérinaire |

Higher School of Technology of

Université Cadi Ayyad Essaouira, Cadi Ayyad University
68 627 18701 797036 Charaf Hajjaj Photovoltaic systems | Prediction | PVT 10 10 1.000 10 10 1.000 297 296 0.997
Morocco Marrakech
systems | Soling | Photovoltaic module
degradation |

Younes Université Cadi Ayyad Engineering & Technology / Civil

69 628 18753 797872 Engineering 10 10 1.000 10 10 1.000 288 288 1.000
Bahammou Morocco Marrakech
Energy and Civil Engineering |
Engineering & Technology /
Abderrahman Metallurgical & Materials
Private University of Engineering
1 629 18784 798386 Abbassi 10 9 0.900 10 9 0.900 281 260 0.925
Morocco Marrakech Materials science and engineering |
Condensed matter | Semiconductors | Solar
cell applications |

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Université Cadi Ayyad cadi ayyad university
70 630 18817 798833 Adib Ghaleb 10 10 1.000 10 10 1.000 276 276 1.000
Morocco Marrakech Drug discovery and computational chemistry |

Engineering & Technology /

Université Moulay Computer Science
41 631 18823 798919 Imad Zeroual Artificial Intelligence | Natural language 10 10 1.000 10 10 1.000 275 271 0.985
Morocco Ismail Meknès
processing | Machine Learning | Data Science
Team of Solar Energy and
Medicinal Plants, Teacher’s
Haytem Université Cadi Ayyad Training College, Cadi Ayyad
71 632 18837 799100 University, BP 10 10 1.000 11 11 1.000 272 272 1.000
Moussaoui Morocco Marrakech
Solar energy | food processing | food quality |
sorption isotherms | thermophysical
characterization |
Université Chouaib Doukkali University
15 633 18858 799396 Internationale de Sensors | Smart Grid | Smart City | Energy 10 10 1.000 11 11 1.000 268 266 0.993
Abdellatif Morocco Management |
CED-ST, LESSI, Faculty of
Université Sidi Sciences Dhar el Mehraz, Sidi
Mostafa El Mohamed Ben Abdellah
77 634 18877 799651 Mohammed Ben 10 10 1.000 12 11 0.917 265 258 0.974
Mallahi Morocco University, Fez
Abdellah Fes
Digital image processing | Pattern analysis |
Image reconstruction |
Universiapolis- Ecole
Fadwa Lachhab Ecole Polytechnique Polytechnique
1 635 18880 799734 10 10 1.000 11 11 1.000 264 256 0.970
Morocco Privée d'Agadir Context-driven control Using IoT and Big Data
technologies for Smart Buildings |

Zakaria Université Cadi Ayyad University Cadi Ayyad

72 636 18903 799972 Drying | Modelling | Enegy | Food processing | 10 10 1.000 10 10 1.000 261 261 1.000
Tagnamas Morocco Marrakech Sorption isothermes |
Institut de Recherche en Energie
Institut de Recherche Solaire et Energies Nouvelles
2 637 18912 800048 Alae Azouzoute en Energie Solaire et Photovoltaic | Concentrated solar technology | 10 10 1.000 10 10 1.000 260 260 1.000
Energies, Morocco Material Characterization | Hydrogen
production | Desalination |

Amal El Hamsas Université Hassan II Prof de l'enseignement supérieur

46 638 19029 801265 10 10 1.000 11 10 0.909 239 199 0.833
El Youbi Morocco de Casablanca Biologie | Immunologie et Pharmacologie |

Université Sidi National School of Applied

Youness Idrissi Sciences, Sidi Mohamed Ben
78 639 19057 801560 Mohammed Ben 10 7 0.700 10 6 0.600 233 173 0.742
Khamlichi Morocco Abdellah University
Abdellah Fes
Security | machine learning | deep learning... |

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Université Moulay FLSH, Meknès
42 640 19067 801707 Karima Ziamari sociolinguistics | Arabic Dialectology | Gender 10 7 0.700 10 4 0.400 229 135 0.590
Morocco Ismail Meknès studies |
Engineering & Technology /
Université Hassan II Industrial & Manufacturing
47 641 19070 801722 Zitouni Beidouri Engineering 10 8 0.800 11 6 0.545 228 155 0.680
Morocco de Casablanca
Génie Industriel | Dynamique | Fabrication
Additive | Industrie 4.0 |
Laboratory of Mechanics,
Mechatronics, and Command,
Team of Electrical Energy,
Université Moulay Maintenance and Innovation,
43 642 19091 801927 Imad Manssouri 10 9 0.900 11 8 0.727 221 186 0.842
Morocco Ismail Meknès National School of Arts and
Crafts, ENSAM-Meknes, Moulay
Ismail University, B.P. 4042,
50000, Meknes, Morocco
Analysis, Modeling and Simulation
Université Hassan II Laboratory, University of Hassan
48 643 19146 802405 Nossaiba Baba II 10 10 1.000 10 10 1.000 196 196 1.000
Morocco de Casablanca
modeling | Simulation | fishery model |
bioeconomic model | Nash equilibrium |
International Engineering & Technology /
Tantaoui El
1 644 19196 806074 University of Computer Science 9 4 0.444 9 4 0.444 1008 153 0.152
Araki Morocco
Casablanca Computer science | Video on Demand | AI |

Mohammed VI university mohamed vi polytechnic

42 645 164219 809293 Karim Lyamlouli biomass valorization | microbiology | 9 9 1.000 9 9 1.000 752 749 0.996
Morocco Polytechnic University agriculture |

Ibhi Université Ibnou Zohr Engineering & Technology / Earth

43 646 19384 813794 Sciences 9 6 0.667 8 4 0.500 593 404 0.681
Abderrahmane Morocco d'Agadir
géologie |
Natural Sciences / Biological
Université Cadi Ayyad Science
73 647 19392 814184 Karima Khalil 9 8 0.889 9 5 0.556 583 300 0.515
Morocco Marrakech Modelling and numerical simulation on
environmental sciences |
Engineering & Technology /
Université Mohammed Computer Science
132 648 19405 814657 Ilham Berrada 9 8 0.889 9 7 0.778 572 211 0.369
Morocco V de Rabat Data Analytics | Data Mining | Scoring |
Business Intelligence |

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Mohammed VI Polytechnic
Khalid El Mohammed VI University
43 649 165497 815835 9 8 0.889 9 8 0.889 548 528 0.964
Asnaoui Morocco Polytechnic University ​ Image Processing | Computer vision |
Machine learning | Deep learning |

Abdellatif Université Chouaib Natural Sciences / Physics

27 650 19442 815911 Exploitation et Transformation d'Energie 9 9 1.000 9 8 0.889 546 484 0.886
Obbadi Morocco Eddoukali Renouvelable |
Natural Sciences / Chemical
Université Cadi Ayyad Sciences
74 651 19507 817847 Said Eddarir 9 5 0.556 9 2 0.222 512 143 0.279
Morocco Marrakech Chimie des produits organiques fluorés |
Chimie des phénols et des polyphénols |
Engineering & Technology /
Chegdani Université Hassan II Metallurgical & Materials
49 652 19526 818671 9 8 0.889 9 7 0.778 498 251 0.504
Fatima Morocco de Casablanca Engineering
Interaction hôte microbiote |
Engineering & Technology /
Université Cadi Ayyad Metallurgical & Materials
75 653 19541 819191 Ahmed Mdarhri Engineering 9 8 0.889 9 5 0.556 490 186 0.380
Morocco Marrakech
polymères | composites | nanotubes de
carbone |
44 654 19734 824432 Sabor Jalal 9 9 1.000 9 9 1.000 422 395 0.936
Morocco Ismail Meknès smart grid | gestion et optimisation d'énergie
Economics & Econometrics /
Al Akhawayn Economics
13 655 19761 825188 Ahmed Driouchi 9 6 0.667 7 3 0.429 415 198 0.477
Morocco University Ifrane Applied Economics & Development
Economics |

Marouane Université Chouaib Chouaib Doukkali University

28 656 19773 825583 Big Data and Applications | AI | Social 9 9 1.000 9 9 1.000 410 407 0.993
Birjali Morocco Eddoukali Networks Analysis |
Engineering & Technology /
Abdelaziz Université Hassan II Computer Science
50 657 19813 826857 9 6 0.667 9 4 0.444 398 194 0.487
Bouroumi Morocco de Casablanca Unsupervised Learning | Machine Learning |
Deep Learning | E-Learning |

Université Sultan Agriculture & Forestry / Plant

Mohammed Science
7 658 19862 827984 Moulay Slimane Beni 9 9 1.000 9 9 1.000 387 355 0.917
MOURADI Morocco Plant Sciences Stress Physiology Irrigation
Mellal Microbiology |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Medical and Health Sciences /
Université Mohammed Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical
133 659 19984 831199 Ahmed Zahidi Sciences 9 3 0.333 9 2 0.222 359 57 0.159
Morocco V de Rabat
Chimie thérapeutique | Pharmacologie |
Micronutriments | Santé publique |
Université HASSAN II de Casalaca
Université Hassan II mécanique | transfert thermique |
51 660 20031 832338 Mostafa Zaydan 9 9 1.000 9 9 1.000 349 340 0.974
Morocco de Casablanca modélisation | énergétique | analyse
numérique |
Natural Sciences / Molecular
Institut Pasteur du Biology & Genetics
5 661 20043 832611 Salsabil Hamdi 9 8 0.889 9 8 0.889 347 223 0.643
Morocco Maroc génétique | épigénétique | métagénimique |
génomique | études d'association |
Institut de Recherche IRESEN
3 662 20048 832705 Badr Ikken en Energie Solaire et énergies renouvelables | solaire | Hydrogène | 9 9 1.000 9 9 1.000 346 338 0.977
Morocco mobilité électrique |
Energies, Morocco
Associate Professor, National
Institut National des Institute of Posts and
Abdelaali Postes et Telecommunications
7 663 20122 834623 9 7 0.778 9 5 0.556 332 242 0.729
Chaoub Morocco Telecommunications B5G/6G | Dynamic spectrum access |
Maroc Cognitive radio | Remote/Rural connectivity |
IoT-enabled smart grids |
Agriculture & Forestry /
Youssef Mohammed VI Agriculture
44 664 170465 836210 9 9 1.000 8 8 1.000 321 319 0.994
Brouziyne Morocco Polytechnic University Agriculture - Climate Change - Water -
Sustainability |
Medical and Health Sciences /
Université Mohammed Pharmacology
134 665 20211 836553 Saad Fettach 9 9 1.000 9 9 1.000 318 316 0.994
Morocco V de Rabat Pharmacology | Biochemistry | Animal
physiology |

Mohammed Université Ibn Tofail Professeur de Management,

36 666 20298 838423 Université Cadi Ayyad 9 8 0.889 9 7 0.778 305 260 0.852
Amine Balambo Morocco Kénitra
Sciences de gestion |
Engineering & Technology /
Electrical & Electronic
Al Akhawayn Engineering
14 667 20378 839843 Yassine Salih Alj 9 8 0.889 9 8 0.889 294 186 0.633
Morocco University Ifrane Wireless Comm. | UWB | GPS | Digital
Systems Implementation | Engineering
Education |
Moroccan Foundation Green Biotechnology -MAScIR
Zakaria for Advanced Science Plant-microorganism interaction |
6 668 20423 840378 9 9 1.000 9 9 1.000 289 278 0.962
Hazzoumi Morocco Innovation and Mycorrhizae fungi | Plants secondary
metabolite | Glandular hairs | Essential oils |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
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Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
University of Ibn Tofail, Faculty of
Enneya Université Ibn Tofail sciences, Kenirta, Morocco
37 669 20455 840921 9 6 0.667 9 4 0.444 285 176 0.618
Nourddine Morocco Kénitra Ad hoc networks | Wireless routing protocols |
Network security |
Engineering & Technology /
Fatima-Zahra Université Mohammed Computer Science
135 670 20574 842756 Transformation Digitale | Deep Learning | Big 9 6 0.667 7 3 0.429 270 154 0.570
Belouadha Morocco V de Rabat
Data | IoT | Social Networks/BPM and Service
Computing |
Engineering & Technology /
Université Chouaib Mechanical Engineering
29 671 20600 843015 Rabie El Otmani 9 8 0.889 6 4 0.667 268 188 0.701
Morocco Eddoukali Polymer | CFD | Phase change materials |
Heat and mass transfer | renewable energy |
Mohammed IV Polytechnic
Abdellatif Mohammed VI University
45 672 172964 843019 9 9 1.000 9 9 1.000 267 267 1.000
Elghali Morocco Polytechnic University Geochemistry | Mineralogy | Mining and
Mineralurgy | Waste management |

Azzaoui Fatima- Université Ibn Tofail Faculty of Science, Kenitra,

38 673 20635 843449 Morocco 9 7 0.778 9 7 0.778 264 170 0.644
Zahra Morocco Kénitra
Neurotoxicology - Epidemiology |
Université Sidi Enseignant chercheur, EST,
79 674 20637 843462 Sanae Lairini Mohammed Ben USMBA de Fès 9 9 1.000 8 7 0.875 264 258 0.977
Abdellah Fes Agroalimentaire | Environnement |

Moroccan Foundation Docteur Chercheur au sein du

for Advanced Science centre VARENA- Fondation
7 675 20658 843646 Karim Dänoun MAScIR. 9 9 1.000 9 9 1.000 262 261 0.996
Morocco Innovation and
Nanomatériaux | Catalyse | Traitement des
Research eaux et Engrais |
Université Sidi Université Sidi Mohamed Ben
80 676 20682 843941 Zakaria Chalh Mohammed Ben Abdellah de Fès 9 8 0.889 9 8 0.889 260 232 0.892
Abdellah Fes modeling | Control |

College of Geomatics and

Institut Agronomique Surveying Engineering, Institut
8 677 20691 844071 Reda Yaagoubi et Veterinaire Hassan Agronomique et Vétérinaire 9 8 0.889 9 7 0.778 259 214 0.826
II Hassan II
GIS | Geomatics | LBS | ML | Surveying |

Mohamed El- Université Mohammed Natural Sciences / Physics

136 678 20737 844669 Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials | 9 9 1.000 9 9 1.000 254 254 1.000
Yadri Morocco V de Rabat Materials Science |

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Last Last Last
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Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Universite Sidi Mohamed Ben
Université Sidi Abdellah Faculte des Sciences
81 679 20743 844789 Mohammed Ben Dhar El Mahraz-Fes, MOROCCO 9 9 1.000 9 9 1.000 253 253 1.000
Yamni Morocco
Abdellah Fes Image watermarking | Signal processing | and
Pattern classification. |

Youssef Université Cadi Ayyad Faculty of medecine, Cadi Ayyad

76 680 20778 845285 University Marrakech 9 7 0.778 8 4 0.500 250 180 0.720
Darouassi Morocco Marrakech
National School of Applied
Université Sidi Sciences, Sidi Mohamed Ben
82 681 20809 845616 Achraf Daoui Mohammed Ben Abdellah-Fez University, Fez, 9 9 1.000 8 8 1.000 247 247 1.000
Morocco Morocco
Abdellah Fes
Computer vision | Signal and image analysis |
Information Science |
Engineering & Technology /
Université Ibn Tofail Computer Science
39 682 20852 846247 Adnane Addaim 9 8 0.889 8 6 0.750 242 210 0.868
Morocco Kénitra Computer Network | Embedded Systems |
Nanosatellite Design |
Agriculture & Forestry / Plant
Rachida Université Mohammed Science
137 683 20854 846260 Plantes médicinales | Biotechnologie végétale 9 7 0.778 8 4 0.500 242 197 0.814
Hassikou Morocco V de Rabat
| Biologie moléculaire | diversité génétique
des plantes | Amélioration des pl |
Faculté des Sciences Dhar El
Université Sidi Mahraz, Université Sidi Mohamed
83 684 20879 846539 Jahid Tarik Mohammed Ben Ben Abdellah , Fès, Maroc 9 9 1.000 9 9 1.000 239 239 1.000
Abdellah Fes Data Science | AI | Image Analysis | Signal
Analysis |
Natural Sciences / Chemical
Université Cadi Ayyad Sciences
77 685 20912 846912 Koumya Yassine Corrosion | Energy harvesting | photocatalysis 9 9 1.000 8 8 1.000 236 236 1.000
Morocco Marrakech
electrocoagulation | galvanic deposition |
electrodeposition of thin films |
Engineering & Technology /
Mohammed VI Chemical Engineering
46 685 174695 846912 Mehdi Khouloud 9 9 1.000 8 8 1.000 236 234 0.992
Morocco Polytechnic University Chemical engineering | Materials science |
Fertilizers | Phosphates | Green Processes |
Engineering & Technology /
Mohamed El Université Ibnou Zohr Computer Science
44 687 20948 847344 Artificial Intelligence | computer vision | 9 8 0.889 9 8 0.889 232 185 0.797
Hajji Morocco d'Agadir
systems engineering | e-learning |
instructional design |

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Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Université Chouaib Professor
30 688 20960 847454 Ahmed Taheri Zoology | Ecology | Entomology | 9 8 0.889 9 6 0.667 231 205 0.887
Morocco Eddoukali Myrmecology |
Université Sidi
Mohamed Natural Sciences / Physics
84 689 20965 847548 Mohammed Ben 9 9 1.000 9 8 0.889 230 215 0.935
Bencheikh Morocco Radiation physics | Radiotherapy |
Abdellah Fes
Université Moulay
45 690 20978 847733 Oulghazi Said 9 9 1.000 8 8 1.000 229 225 0.983
Morocco Ismail Meknès
Université Sidi Natural Sciences / Mathematics
85 691 21006 848019 Ahmed Youssfi Mohammed Ben Partial Differantial Equations | Nonlinear 9 7 0.778 6 4 0.667 227 185 0.815
Morocco Analysis |
Abdellah Fes
Professeur agrégé, faculté de
Université Mohammed médecine et de pharmacie de
138 692 21011 848087 Elarbi Bouaiti Rabat 9 7 0.778 8 5 0.625 226 177 0.783
Morocco V de Rabat
Recherche clinique | épidémiologie | santé
publique | biostatistique |
Ibn Tofail university, Faculty of
Université Ibn Tofail Sciences
40 693 21022 848216 Talbi Abdelali 9 9 1.000 7 7 1.000 225 221 0.982
Morocco Kénitra Quantum dots | thin films | nanoparticules |
solar cells |

Abdellatif Université Cadi Ayyad Medical and Health Sciences /

78 694 21034 848346 Neuroscience 9 9 1.000 9 9 1.000 223 222 0.996
Abbaoui Morocco Marrakech
Neuroscience | Cell biology |

Université International University of Rabat

Mustapha Operations Research | Combinatorial
16 695 21042 848390 Internationale de 9 9 1.000 8 8 1.000 223 204 0.915
Oudani Morocco Optimization | Port Logistics | Transportation
Rabat Problems |
Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah
University, Faculty of Sciences
Université Sidi Dhar Mahraz Fez, Morocco
Abdelghani El
86 696 21049 848477 Mohammed Ben Fuzzy control systems | Robust control | 9 8 0.889 9 6 0.667 222 155 0.698
Ougli Morocco Linear and non-linear systems | Renewable
Abdellah Fes
energy and applications | Artificial neural
networks and embedded systems in
renewable energy systems applications. |
Engineering & Technology /
Abdelklader El Mohammed VI Computer Science
47 697 175491 848696 9 8 0.889 9 7 0.778 220 203 0.923
Mahdaouy Morocco Polytechnic University Computer Science | Information Retrieval |
Natural Language Processing | Deep Learning

Amghar Université Ibnou Zohr Natural Sciences / Physics

45 698 21075 848745 CND | Electronique | ultrasons | systèmes 9 6 0.667 8 6 0.750 220 139 0.632
Abdellah Morocco d'Agadir embarqués |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
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Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Université Mohammed Professeur Réseaux, Université
139 699 21082 848818 Amine Berqia Mohammed V de Rabat 9 4 0.444 9 1 0.111 219 67 0.306
Morocco V de Rabat
Réseaux et Services | IA | e-Learning |

Rahmani Université Mohammed Engineering & Technology /

140 700 21097 848938 Computer Science 9 8 0.889 7 7 1.000 218 191 0.876
Moulay Driss Morocco V de Rabat
Computer Science | Sciences informatiques |
Université Sidi
87 701 21100 848954 Mohammed Ben usmba 9 9 1.000 9 9 1.000 217 151 0.696
Moustabchir Morocco
Abdellah Fes
Université Sidi
87 701 21100 848954 Mohammed Ben LIIAN 9 9 1.000 9 7 0.778 217 192 0.885
Adnane Mahraz Morocco
Abdellah Fes
Institut National des Senior researcher, INPT
Postes et Self-organization | collaborative systems |
8 703 21118 849094 Loubna Echabbi 9 7 0.778 9 4 0.444 216 127 0.588
Morocco Telecommunications decision making | Game theory | Learning
algorithms |
Université Hassan II Professor of sociology, Hassan II
52 704 21135 849214 Zakaria Kadiri 9 7 0.778 8 5 0.625 215 142 0.660
Morocco de Casablanca University of Casablanca

Université Moulay DSM Laboratoires

46 705 21145 849285 Amine Daoudi Pharmaceutiques 9 9 1.000 8 7 0.875 214 190 0.888
Morocco Ismail Meknès
Ethnopharmacologie |
Université Sidi LESSI, Faculté des Scinces Dhar
Abderrahim El-
89 706 21157 849417 Mohammed Ben el Mahaz fes USMBA 9 9 1.000 7 7 1.000 213 213 1.000
Amrani Morocco
Abdellah Fes Fréquances finies | systèmes dynamiques |

Université Sidi Natural Sciences / Molecular

90 707 21171 849539 Ezrari Said Mohammed Ben Biology & Genetics 9 9 1.000 8 8 1.000 211 211 1.000
Morocco Science biology | mycology | virology |
Abdellah Fes molecular biology |
Hassan II University of
Mohamed El Université Hassan II Casablanca
53 708 21238 850030 9 9 1.000 6 6 1.000 206 205 0.995
Khaili Morocco de Casablanca FPGA | Path planning | Télécoms | Embedded
System | IoT |
Université Sidi Sidi Mohammed Ben Abedellah
Mohammed El
91 709 21263 850259 Mohammed Ben University 9 9 1.000 9 9 1.000 202 197 0.975
Ghzaoui Morocco
Abdellah Fes Telecommunication |

Medical and Health Sciences /

Université Sidi Pharmacology
Asmae El
92 710 21278 850423 Mohammed Ben Pharmacology. physiology. natural 9 9 1.000 9 9 1.000 200 200 1.000
Ghouizi Morocco
Abdellah Fes substances. functional products. biochemical
analysis. antioxydants |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
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Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Université Sidi PhD student
Abdo El
92 710 21278 850423 Mohammed Ben Biology | molecular | ecology | phytochemistry 9 9 1.000 9 9 1.000 200 190 0.950
Moussaoui Morocco | pharmacology. |
Abdellah Fes
Natural Sciences / Chemical
Mohammed VI Sciences
48 712 176231 850460 İssam Barra 9 9 1.000 8 8 1.000 200 200 1.000
Morocco Polytechnic University Chemometrics | Analytical chemistry |
Spectroscopy | Soil spectroscopy |
Université Sidi
Abdelali Professor at FST-USMBA-Fez
94 713 21285 850469 Mohammed Ben 9 8 0.889 8 6 0.750 200 163 0.815
Boushaba Morocco Wireless Ad hoc Networks |
Abdellah Fes
Département Informatique,
Ahmed Université Chouaib Faculté des Sciences – El Jadida,
31 714 21287 850475 Université Chouaïb Doukkali 9 7 0.778 8 6 0.750 200 149 0.745
Azouaoui Morocco Eddoukali
Intelligence artificielle | Codes Correcteurs
d'Erreurs | Cryptographie | Réseaux |

Ecole Polytechnique Universiapolis Agadir Maroko

2 715 21345 850955 Maciej Klósak 9 8 0.889 7 5 0.714 193 146 0.756
Morocco Privée d'Agadir dynamic testing | finite element method |

Université Sidi Natural Sciences / Chemical

Souad El Sciences
95 716 21349 850977 Mohammed Ben 9 7 0.778 9 6 0.667 192 155 0.807
Khattabi Morocco Modélisation moléculaire | QSAR | DFT | Ab-
Abdellah Fes initio | photovoltaïque organique |

Zouhair Université Moulay Natural Sciences / Chemical

47 717 21350 850988 Sciences 9 9 1.000 8 8 1.000 192 192 1.000
Lakbaibi Morocco Ismail Meknès
Chemistry |
Moroccan Institute for Moroccan Institute for Policy
1 718 21367 851107 Masbah Analysis 9 8 0.889 7 4 0.571 190 146 0.768
Morocco Policy Analysis
Public Policy | Politics |

Natural Sciences / Physics

Université Mohammed Condensed matter physics | Computational
141 719 21370 851114 Rida Essajai 9 9 1.000 6 6 1.000 190 190 1.000
Morocco V de Rabat Physics | Charge-density-wave conductors |
Magnetic refrigeration |
Université Sidi sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah
96 720 21381 851224 Ahmed Aberqi Mohammed Ben university, ENSA-Fez 9 8 0.889 6 5 0.833 188 186 0.989
Abdellah Fes nonlinear PDE's | functional analysis |

Natural Sciences / Physics

Boulezhar Université Hassan II Plasma confinement in tokamak | Molecular
54 721 21397 851353 9 6 0.667 9 6 0.667 185 122 0.659
Abdelkader Morocco de Casablanca spectroscopy | Material sciences | Renewable
energy |
Université Sidi
97 722 21406 851408 Mohammed Ben 9 8 0.889 8 7 0.875 184 173 0.940
Boukhira Morocco
Abdellah Fes

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Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Research Assistant Professor,
Université School of Aerospace & Automotive
17 723 21447 851713 Rajesh Ravi Internationale de Engineering, UIR, Morocco 9 9 1.000 9 9 1.000 176 176 1.000
Morocco Combustion Engines | Heat Transfer | Heat
Exchangers & Materials | Waste Heat
Recovery | Automotive Pollution Control |

Université Sidi Engineering & Technology /

Abdelhak Computer Science
98 724 21472 851940 Mohammed Ben 9 9 1.000 9 9 1.000 168 160 0.952
Boulaalam Morocco Computer science | Internet of Things |
Abdellah Fes Intelligent Product | PLM |

Zakaria Université Cadi Ayyad Cadi Ayyad University

79 725 21487 852047 9 7 0.778 9 5 0.556 163 106 0.650
Boulghasoul Morocco Marrakech Induction motor drive and sensorless control |

Natural Sciences / Physics

Abdelmajid Université Mohammed Nanomaterial | Nanotechnology | Density
142 726 21490 852074 functional theory | Ab Initio Calculations | 9 7 0.778 8 4 0.500 162 111 0.685
Fakhim Lamrani Morocco V de Rabat Electronic Structure Magneto-Optical and
Therm |
Université Sidi
99 727 21509 852179 Gaga Ahmed Mohammed Ben Professeur 9 9 1.000 8 8 1.000 156 149 0.955
Abdellah Fes
Errais Université Hassan II FSAC
55 728 21515 852213 9 5 0.556 7 3 0.429 154 74 0.481
Mohammed Morocco de Casablanca Networking |

Université Sidi Engineering & Technology /

Mohammed Computer Science
100 729 21542 852656 Mohammed Ben 8 8 1.000 8 8 1.000 2709 2686 0.992
Berrada 2 Morocco Artificial Intelligence | Big Data | E-learning |
Abdellah Fes Serious Games | Mutli-Agents Systems |

Al Akhawayn Natural Sciences / Molecular

15 730 21547 853134 Fouad Berrada Biology & Genetics 8 3 0.375 8 2 0.250 1716 954 0.556
Morocco University Ifrane
Molecular Biology |

Université Ibn Tofail

41 731 21556 854386 Ahmed Oussous Natural Sciences / Mathematics 8 8 1.000 7 7 1.000 1108 1099 0.992
Morocco Kénitra
Moulay Mohammed VI Natural Sciences / Mathematics
49 732 177774 856414 8 7 0.875 6 6 1.000 819 544 0.664
Abdellah Chkifa Morocco Polytechnic University Applied Mathematics |
Université Business & Management /
18 733 21639 858877 Nacef Mouri Internationale de Marketing 8 7 0.875 7 7 1.000 656 423 0.645
Morocco Marketing alliances | Alliance portfolios |
Rabat Salesforce management | Innovation |

Université Business & Management /

Martin Yongho Business Administration
19 734 21641 859001 Internationale de 8 7 0.875 7 6 0.857 650 457 0.703
Hyun Morocco destination branding | scale development |
Rabat online reviews |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
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Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Université Hassan II Engineering & Technology /
56 735 21658 859860 Badr Hssina 8 7 0.875 6 6 1.000 611 562 0.920
Morocco de Casablanca Engineering
Mohamed Université Cadi Ayyad Natural Sciences / Geography
80 736 21680 861057 géographie physique | Géomorphologie 8 4 0.500 6 3 0.500 570 426 0.747
Chaibi Morocco Marrakech littorale |

Mohammed VI Natural Sciences / Molecular

50 737 178693 861292 Zineb Rchiad 8 8 1.000 7 7 1.000 562 536 0.954
Morocco Polytechnic University Biology & Genetics
Genomics | transcriptomics |
Natural Sciences / Physics
Mohammed Université Mohammed History of science | history of physics | history
143 738 21718 862298 8 6 0.750 8 3 0.375 533 255 0.478
Abattouy Morocco V de Rabat of mecahncis | history of Arabic science |
Galilean studies |

Université Ibnou Zohr Natural Sciences / Mathematics

46 739 21730 862787 Kiouach Driss Stochastic modelling | epidemic models | 8 8 1.000 6 6 1.000 520 399 0.767
Morocco d'Agadir mathematical biology | smart city |
Engineering & Technology / Earth
Université Cadi Ayyad Sciences
81 740 21752 863317 Abdelali Fadil 8 7 0.875 8 6 0.750 507 180 0.355
Morocco Marrakech Absolute Knowledge: Why Can't You Divide By
Zero? |

Université Chouaib Natural Sciences / Biological

32 741 21758 863664 Rchid Halima Science 8 8 1.000 6 6 1.000 500 254 0.508
Morocco Eddoukali
biologie végétale |
Engineering & Technology /
Université Ibnou Zohr Energy Engineering
47 742 21773 864223 Salma El Aimani 8 5 0.625 7 2 0.286 488 184 0.377
Morocco d'Agadir Energies renouvelables | Réseau électrique |
Smart Grid |

Université Mohammed Natural Sciences / Chemical

144 743 21835 866140 Lotfi Rghioui Sciences 8 7 0.875 7 4 0.571 451 365 0.809
Morocco V de Rabat
Chimie |
Engineering & Technology /
M'hammed El Université Cadi Ayyad Computer Science
82 744 21889 867551 8 5 0.625 7 5 0.714 427 99 0.232
Kahoui Morocco Marrakech Computer Algebra | Affine Algebraic
Geometry |

Université Bilinmeyen bağlantı

Azzeddine Heat Exchangers | Evaporative cooling |
20 745 21899 867856 Internationale de 8 7 0.875 6 6 1.000 422 417 0.988
Laknizi Morocco Renewable Energies | Thermodynamics and
Rabat CFD. |
Social Sciences / Psychology
Emmanuel Mohammed VI Cognitive Psychology | Social Psychology |
51 746 180356 869109 8 8 1.000 8 7 0.875 402 355 0.883
Trouche Morocco Polytechnic University Developmental Psychology | Argumentation |
Education |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
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Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Mohammed VI Model Reduction | Computational Physics |
52 747 180585 870090 Ahmed Ratnani 8 6 0.750 8 5 0.625 389 231 0.594
Morocco Polytechnic University HPC | Applied Linear Algebra | Finite
Elements Method |
Engineering & Technology /
Jack Vahram Al Akhawayn Environmental Science &
16 748 22042 871699 Engineering 8 7 0.875 8 5 0.625 368 186 0.505
Kalpakian Morocco University Ifrane
International Security | IPE | Environmental
Issues | Water Issues | NAME |
Université Sidi
Mohammed Natural Sciences / Physics
101 749 22066 872076 Mohammed Ben 8 5 0.625 7 3 0.429 364 84 0.231
Filali Morocco colloides | polymères | simulation numérique |
Abdellah Fes
Natural Sciences / Chemical
Abdellah Université Mohammed Sciences
145 750 22085 872507 8 6 0.750 7 3 0.429 359 103 0.287
Moustaghfir Morocco V de Rabat Chimie | Biomatériaux | Biochimie |
Nanomatériaux |

El Mostafa Al Akhawayn Natural Sciences / Mathematics

17 751 22105 872977 Optimization | Computational Mathematics | 8 6 0.750 7 2 0.286 353 193 0.547
Kalmoun Morocco University Ifrane Optical Flow | Image Processing |
Business & Management /
Chihab Al Akhawayn Strategic Management
18 752 22117 873349 8 4 0.500 6 4 0.667 349 128 0.367
Benmoussa Morocco University Ifrane Information Systems | Strategic management
| Knwoledge-based systems |
Engineering & Technology /
Université Chouaib Computer Science
33 753 22138 874061 Abdelhak Aqqal Computer Science and Engineering | Smart 8 7 0.875 7 5 0.714 341 294 0.862
Morocco Eddoukali
Cities & Smart Grids | Technology Enhanced
Learning | Applied Artificial Intelligence |

Mohammed VI Africa Business school - UM6P

53 754 181755 874397 Benoit Aubert 8 7 0.875 8 5 0.625 337 236 0.700
Morocco Polytechnic University customer education |
Moroccan Foundation
Khadija El for Advanced Science Natural Sciences / Physics
8 755 22189 875573 8 8 1.000 8 8 1.000 325 298 0.917
Maalam Morocco Innovation and Physics and chemistry of materials |
Moroccan Foundation Moroccan Foundation for
Abderrahim for Advanced Science Advanced Science, Innovation and
9 756 22197 875911 Research 8 8 1.000 8 8 1.000 322 322 1.000
Aasfar Morocco Innovation and
Soil microbiology | metabolomics | gas
Research chromatography | Biofertilizer | Biostimulant |

Université Ibn Tofail

42 757 22207 876149 Hinde Hami Ibn Tofail University, Morocco 8 7 0.875 8 3 0.375 320 213 0.666
Morocco Kénitra

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
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Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Institut National de la Natural Sciences / Physics
17 758 22227 876569 Recherche Physiues | irradiation | sûreté nucléaire | 8 8 1.000 8 8 1.000 316 199 0.630
Mouhib Morocco dosimetrie | energie |
Agronomique INRA
professeur d'informatique,
Université Hassan II Université hassan II
4 759 22326 878677 Tarik Nahhal 8 7 0.875 7 4 0.571 297 158 0.532
Morocco Ain Chock Systèmes embarqués / temps réel | Test de
conformité |
Business & Management /
Youssef Al Akhawayn Marketing
19 760 22334 878812 8 8 1.000 8 8 1.000 295 291 0.986
Chetioui Morocco University Ifrane CRM | SEM | Digital Marketing | Innovation |
Consumer behavior |
Institut National de la INRA MOROCCO
18 761 22384 879570 Omar Idrissi Recherche APPLIED GENETICS AND BREEDING | 8 8 1.000 8 8 1.000 287 233 0.812
Agronomique INRA
Université Moulay Natural Sciences / Mathematics
48 762 22415 880086 Aziz Elbour 8 8 1.000 7 4 0.571 282 134 0.475
Morocco Ismail Meknès functional analysis operator theory |

Engineering & Technology /

Université Hassan II Biomedical Engineering
57 762 22415 880086 Abdeltif Elbyed 8 8 1.000 7 4 0.571 282 139 0.493
Morocco de Casablanca web sémantique | IAD | SMA | e-learning |
biomedical |

Ecole Nationale de École Nationale Supérieure des

3 764 22427 880199 Lazraq Aziz Mines de Rabat 8 2 0.250 7 1 0.143 281 44 0.157
Morocco l'Industrie Minerale
statistics | machine learning. |

Cathal Mohammed VI Social Sciences / Psychology

54 765 183840 880773 social psychology | cognitive science | 8 8 1.000 7 6 0.857 275 264 0.960
O'Madagain Morocco Polytechnic University philosophy |
Economics & Econometrics /
El Mehdi Université Ibn Tofail Banking and Insurance
43 766 22477 881051 Banking | Behavioral finance | Risk 8 8 1.000 8 8 1.000 272 247 0.908
Ferrouhi Morocco Kénitra
management | Financial crises | Financial
intermediation |

Abdelmalek Essaadi des universités

13 767 22498 881319 Larbi El Bakkali 8 8 1.000 7 6 0.857 270 169 0.626
Morocco University Mécanique - Mécatronique - Robotique |

Hinda Mohammed VI Université Polytechnique

55 767 184078 881319 8 8 1.000 7 6 0.857 270 248 0.919
Abdellaoui Morocco Polytechnic University Mohammed 6
Composites et nanocomposites |
Chouaib Doukkali University
Abdelbari El Université Chouaib (Morocco), ENCG El jadida
34 769 22515 881439 8 8 1.000 7 6 0.857 269 225 0.836
Khamlichi Morocco Eddoukali Islamic Finance | Ethical Investment |
performance measurement | sustainability |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Natural Sciences / Physics
Université Cadi Ayyad Theoretical physics | Gravitational Physics |
83 770 22565 882229 Samir Iraoui 8 8 1.000 8 8 1.000 262 259 0.989
Morocco Marrakech Cosmology | General Relativity | High Energy
PhysicsConformal Field Theory |
Engineering & Technology /
Université Hassan II Electrical & Electronic
58 771 22693 883986 Aziz Rachid 8 8 1.000 8 8 1.000 248 248 1.000
Morocco de Casablanca Engineering
Electrical Engineering |
Université Moulay Ismail, Meknès,
Université Sidi Maroc
102 772 22698 884083 El Alami Ali Mohammed Ben Numerical method | microwave antennas | 8 8 1.000 6 5 0.833 248 209 0.843
Abdellah Fes RFID systems | electromagnetic compatibility
| RF and microwave applications |

Université Sidi Faculty of Science and Technology

103 773 22701 884116 Rachid Benouini Mohammed Ben Fez 8 8 1.000 8 8 1.000 247 247 1.000
Morocco Machine learning | Image processing | pattern
Abdellah Fes recognition | Image moments |
Renewable Energy and
Mohammed Université Ibn Tofail Environment laboratory, Faculty
44 774 22786 884985 of Sciences-Kenitra, Ibn Tofail … 8 8 1.000 8 8 1.000 241 241 1.000
Bakraoui Morocco Kénitra
Anaerobic digestion | Biogas | Methane |
Kinetic study | COD |

Jadouane Université Hassan II Natural Sciences / Geography

59 775 22818 885408 Geography | natural and technological 8 7 0.875 4 2 0.500 239 169 0.707
Abderrahmane Morocco de Casablanca hazards | GIS |
ENSIAS, Université Mohammed V
Mohammed de Rabat
Université Mohammed Decision support systems | Project
146 776 22830 885566 Abdou Janati 8 8 1.000 8 7 0.875 237 204 0.861
Morocco V de Rabat Management | e-Management solutions
Idrissi evaluation | Graph analytics | Multi-criteria
analysis |

Université Moulay Natural Sciences / Chemical

49 777 22846 885697 Daou Ikram Sciences 8 8 1.000 8 8 1.000 236 227 0.962
Morocco Ismail Meknès
chemistry |
Natural Sciences / Chemical
Université Sidi Sciences
104 778 22918 886632 Mohammed Ben Materials Chemistry | Polymer 8 8 1.000 7 7 1.000 230 230 1.000
Majdoub Morocco
Abdellah Fes Nannocomposites | 2D Materials | Chemical
Functionalization | Catalysis |
Université Ibn Tofaïl-KENITRA
Mounir Ait Université Ibn Tofail Intelligence Artificielle | classification des
45 779 22949 887021 8 7 0.875 6 6 1.000 228 146 0.640
Kerroum Morocco Kénitra Images Hyperspectrales /Médicales/ Réseaux
de Neurones | Deep learning | Texte |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Université Sidi Université Sidi Mohamed Ben
Mohammed Abdellah
105 780 22959 887222 Mohammed Ben 8 8 1.000 8 8 1.000 226 215 0.951
Boussetta Morocco Energy | hybrid energy system | Energy
Abdellah Fes management system |
Engineering & Technology /
Hicham Université Mohammed Computer Science
147 781 22988 887655 Machine Learning | Computer Vision | Neural 8 5 0.625 7 0 0.000 224 59 0.263
Laanaya Morocco V de Rabat
Networks | Support Vector Machines | Deep
Learning |
Laboratoire de Biotechnologie
Végétale et de Biologie
El Houssine Université Moulay Moléculaire, Université Moulay
50 782 23001 887755 8 8 1.000 7 7 1.000 223 196 0.879
Bouiamrine Morocco Ismail Meknès Ismail
Plant Biotechnology | Plant Biology |
Phytotherapy |
Engineering & Technology /
Abdelghani Ecole Centrale Industrial & Manufacturing
4 783 23006 887792 Engineering 8 7 0.875 7 4 0.571 223 164 0.735
Bouras Morocco Casablanca
Operations research | intrusion detection in
networks | supply chain management |
Université Sidi
106 784 23009 887814 Hamid Lakhiari Mohammed Ben 8 4 0.500 7 1 0.143 223 59 0.265
Abdellah Fes
Université Hassan II Université Hassan II de
60 785 23013 887842 Halima Lebrazi Casablanca 8 6 0.750 6 5 0.833 223 160 0.717
Morocco de Casablanca
Biologie |

Mohammed Université Ibn Tofail Natural Sciences / Mathematics

46 785 23013 887842 Partial Differential Equations. Banach 8 6 0.750 6 3 0.500 223 109 0.489
Moussa Morocco Kénitra Latticies |

Université Sidi ENSAF: Universite Sidi Mohamed

107 787 23020 887931 Loulijat Hamid Mohammed Ben Ben Abdellah Ecole Nationale des 8 8 1.000 7 7 1.000 222 181 0.815
Morocco Sciences Appliquees de Fes
Abdellah Fes
Nanofluids | Nanoparticles | nanomaterials |

Université Engineering & Technology /

21 788 23023 887957 Mehdi Najib Internationale de Computer Science 8 7 0.875 7 6 0.857 222 201 0.905
Morocco informatique | computer science | artificial
Rabat intelligence | gestion des risques |

Institut Agronomique Département de Pathologie et

9 789 23061 888206 Siham Fellahi et Veterinaire Hassan Santé Publique Vétérinaire 8 8 1.000 8 8 1.000 220 201 0.914
Morocco Pathologies aviaires | Virologie | Biologie
II moléculaire |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
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Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Engineering & Technology /
Université Ibn Tofail Computer Science
47 790 23078 888398 Jalal Laassiri 8 8 1.000 7 6 0.857 219 179 0.817
Morocco Kénitra Computer Science | Network Security | big
data | cloud computing |
Engineering & Technology /
Wakrim Université Ibnou Zohr Computer Science
48 791 23093 888485 8 6 0.750 6 5 0.833 219 164 0.749
Mohamed Morocco d'Agadir Artificial intelligence | Operational Reseach |
Numerical Analysis | FEM | FVM |
Engineering & Technology /
Université Ibn Tofail Computer Science
48 792 23124 888810 Aniss Moumen 8 6 0.750 5 5 1.000 217 176 0.811
Morocco Kénitra Data Science | Big data | Information system |
Employability | Public Administration |
Team of Ecology and Valorization
Université Chouaib of Natural Substances,
35 793 23138 888908 Eljebri Said 8 8 1.000 6 6 1.000 216 185 0.856
Morocco Eddoukali Department of Biology, Faculty of

Azzouz Université Ibn Tofail ENCG Kénitra
49 794 23179 889229 8 6 0.750 7 5 0.714 214 144 0.673
Elhamma Morocco Kénitra Accounting & Management control |

Université Moulay Ismail - Faculté

Khalid El Université Moulay des Sciences Meknès - Morocco
51 795 23184 889270 linear & nonlinear programming | 8 8 1.000 5 5 1.000 214 202 0.944
Yassini Morocco Ismail Meknès
multiobjective programming | Logistics |
Telecommunications | Artificial Intelligence |

Mostafa El Université Chouaib Natural Sciences / Mathematics

36 796 23205 889441 8 7 0.875 5 3 0.600 213 188 0.883
Moumni Morocco Eddoukali PDE |

History, Philosophy, Theology /

Stefano Al Akhawayn Theology
20 797 23226 889576 8 7 0.875 6 5 0.833 212 154 0.726
Bigliardi Morocco University Ifrane Islam and science | new religious movements |
movies and philosophy | ancient aliens |
LPHEA, Faculty of Sciences
Abdelwahed El Université Cadi Ayyad Semlalia,UCAM.
84 798 23248 889774 Theoretical physics | Nuclear Physics | 8 8 1.000 8 7 0.875 210 193 0.919
Batoul Morocco Marrakech
Quantum Mechanics | Mathematical Physics |
Computational Physics. |

Ecole Hassania des Social Sciences / Transportation

3 799 23250 889793 Kamal Jetto Science & Technology 8 7 0.875 8 3 0.375 210 92 0.438
Morocco Travaux Publics
trafic routier | Mecannique statistique |
Professeur d'Informatique,
Université Moulay Université Moulay Ismail, Meknès
52 800 23253 889808 Akram Halli Computer graphics | Real-time rendering | 8 6 0.750 8 4 0.500 210 147 0.700
Morocco Ismail Meknès
mesostructures | Surface details | Image
based modeling and rendering |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
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Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Engineering & Technology /
Université Moulay Computer Science
53 801 23256 889822 Abdeslam Jakimi 8 8 1.000 7 6 0.857 210 148 0.705
Morocco Ismail Meknès Software Engineering & Artificial Intelligence

Université Ibn Tofail Euromed University of Fes

50 802 23264 889949 Anouar El Magri Matériaux | Polymères | Fabrication additive | 8 8 1.000 8 8 1.000 209 209 1.000
Morocco Kénitra propriétés mécaniques | Optimisation |
Engineering & Technology /
Charaf My El Université Ibn Tofail Computer Science
51 803 23273 890031 8 8 1.000 6 5 0.833 209 177 0.847
Hassan Morocco Kénitra Artificiel intelligence | Distributed systems
testing |

Université Chouaib
37 804 23284 890124 Said Laasri 8 8 1.000 7 7 1.000 208 181 0.870
Morocco Eddoukali Materiaux stockage d'énergie r |

Business & Management /

Abdellah El Université Mohammed Strategic Management
148 804 23284 890124 8 8 1.000 7 7 1.000 208 205 0.986
Manouar Morocco V de Rabat Management | IT | Economics | Finance |
Engineering |
ENSIAS, Mohammed V University
Youssef Université Mohammed in Rabat
149 806 23325 890585 8 7 0.875 8 5 0.625 205 140 0.683
Benadada Morocco V de Rabat Recherche opérationnelle | transport |
logistique |
Engineering & Technology /
Electrical & Electronic
Fatima Zahra Université Ibn Tofail Engineering
52 807 23365 890928 8 8 1.000 7 7 1.000 203 203 1.000
Belhaj Morocco Kénitra Nonlinear Control Power Conversion Systems
electrical engineering electric vehicles Fuel
Cell vehicles management of power |
Business & Management /
Fatima-Zahra Université Mohammed Decision Science and Operations
150 808 23432 891497 8 6 0.750 7 4 0.571 200 137 0.685
Mhada Morocco V de Rabat Management
Supply chain | Simulation | Control |
Engineering & Technology /
Université Ibnou Zohr Energy Engineering
49 809 23435 891514 Najim Monssif 8 8 1.000 6 6 1.000 200 199 0.995
Morocco d'Agadir PVT collector | Solar still | Heat and mass
transfer | evaporation | phase change |
Engineering & Technology /
Metallurgical & Materials
Omari Lhaj El Université Hassan II Engineering
61 810 23450 891664 Materials Science: Synthesis | 8 8 1.000 6 6 1.000 199 192 0.965
Hachemi Morocco de Casablanca
Characterization of structural and physico-
chimical properties | Computation science
(simulation an |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
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Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Université Sidi Université Sidi Mohamed Ben
108 811 23508 892137 Mohammed Ben Abdellah 8 5 0.625 5 1 0.200 196 95 0.485
Nabil Kabbaj Morocco
Abdellah Fes Détection et diagnostic de défauts |

Professeur Habilité Génie

électrique, FSTM, Université
Université Hassan II Hassan II de Casablanca
62 812 23523 892209 Yassine Sayouti 8 7 0.875 7 2 0.286 195 139 0.713
Morocco de Casablanca variable speed drives | Power electronics |
energy management | multiobjective power
optimization |
Engineering & Technology /
Université Mohammed Electrical & Electronic
151 813 23572 892553 Jbari Atman Engineering 8 7 0.875 6 6 1.000 193 171 0.886
Morocco V de Rabat
Electronic | Signal processing | embedded
systems | instrumentation |

Université Moulay Natural Sciences / Mathematics

54 814 23584 892669 Agoujil Said Mathématique appliquée | Réseaux Mobiles | 8 7 0.875 7 7 1.000 192 149 0.776
Morocco Ismail Meknès Traitement d'image et Signal |

Université Moulay
55 815 23588 892689 Fatiha Laziri Moulay Ismail university 8 5 0.625 7 3 0.429 192 90 0.469
Morocco Ismail Meknès
Institut National de la Researcher
19 816 23596 892764 Elame Fouad Recherche Natural resources economics | economic 8 8 1.000 7 5 0.714 191 164 0.859
Morocco modelling | market chain value analysis |
Agronomique INRA
Abdelfatah Université Hassan II Univesity hassan II casablana
63 817 23607 892876 Morocco 8 8 1.000 8 8 1.000 190 190 1.000
Kouidere Morocco de Casablanca
control optimat | diabete | analyse |
Engineering & Technology /
Ahmed Al Akhawayn Electrical & Electronic
21 818 23621 892961 8 6 0.750 7 2 0.286 190 77 0.405
Khallaayoun Morocco University Ifrane Engineering
Telecommunication | power |
Université Sidi
Hicham Social Sciences / Psychology
109 819 23628 893005 Mohammed Ben 8 7 0.875 5 5 1.000 190 178 0.937
Khabbache Morocco psychologie politique | cognition sociale |
Abdellah Fes
Al Akhawayn Economics & Econometrics /
22 819 23628 893005 Satt Harit Accounting & Finance 8 7 0.875 5 5 1.000 190 164 0.863
Morocco University Ifrane
Finance | accounting | econometrics |
Engineering & Technology /
Université Sidi Electrical & Electronic
110 821 23633 893044 Mohammed Ben Engineering 8 8 1.000 7 7 1.000 189 188 0.995
Ihedrane Morocco
Abdellah Fes Electronique de puissance | Energies
renouvelables .. |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
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Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Université Sidi
111 822 23657 893191 Mohammed Ben 8 7 0.875 7 6 0.857 188 181 0.963
Mesbah Morocco
Abdellah Fes
Université Mohammed Medical and Health Sciences /
152 823 23668 893246 Said Benamr General Surgery 8 6 0.750 6 0 0.000 188 75 0.399
Morocco V de Rabat
chirurgie oncologique et générale |
Université Sidi Sidi-Mohamed Ben-Abdellah
112 824 23707 893560 Mohammed Ben University, Fes, Morocco 8 8 1.000 5 5 1.000 186 186 1.000
Charife Morocco
Abdellah Fes control | Fuzzy System | polynomial System |

Engineering & Technology /

Université Sidi Electrical & Electronic
Mustapha Engineering
113 825 23723 893680 Mohammed Ben 8 8 1.000 6 6 1.000 185 185 1.000
Errouha Morocco Electrical Engineering | Embedded Systems |
Abdellah Fes
Control Systems Engineering | Power
Electronics | Renewable Energy |
Social Sciences / International
Al Akhawayn Relations
23 826 23732 893763 Djallil Lounnas 8 8 1.000 7 5 0.714 184 141 0.766
Morocco University Ifrane international relations | radicalism | terrorism
| sahel | north africa |
EST Meknès, Moulay Ismail
Université Moulay University, Meknes, Morocco
56 827 23754 893924 Idriss Chana 8 7 0.875 7 6 0.857 183 151 0.825
Morocco Ismail Meknès Shannel and Source Coding | OFDM |
Spectrom sensing | IA |
Professeur Habilité. FS Agadir.
Mohamed El Université Ibnou Zohr UIZ
50 828 23778 894116 8 7 0.875 6 4 0.667 182 117 0.643
Otmani Morocco d'Agadir Équations Différentielles Stochastiques
Rétrogrades |
Moulay Ismail University, Faculty
Jawad Université Moulay of sciences
57 829 23787 894156 8 5 0.625 5 1 0.200 182 85 0.467
H'Michane Morocco Ismail Meknès operators theory | functional analysis |
general equilibrium model |

Abdelouahad Université Cadi Ayyad Natural Sciences / Chemical

85 830 23832 894527 Sciences 8 8 1.000 5 5 1.000 179 178 0.994
Zegzouti Morocco Marrakech
chimie des matériaux |

Noureddine Université Cadi Ayyad Engineering & Technology /

86 831 23865 894819 Computer Science 8 8 1.000 4 4 1.000 177 152 0.859
Idboufker Morocco Marrakech
Computer Sciences |

Benssaou Université Ibnou Zohr Social Sciences / Tourism &

51 832 23897 895042 Hospitality 8 6 0.750 6 4 0.667 175 108 0.617
Mohammed Morocco d'Agadir
Sédimentologie | stratigraphie | géotourisme |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
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Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Faculty of Applied Sciences, Ibn
Abdelfattah El Université Ibnou Zohr Zohr University
52 833 23969 895487 Heat and Mass Transfer | Solar Energy | 8 8 1.000 8 7 0.875 171 165 0.965
Mansouri Morocco d'Agadir
Thermal Energy Storage | Desalination | Fuel
cells |

Abdelkarim El Université Ibnou Zohr Natural Sciences / Mathematics

53 834 24008 895802 8 6 0.750 6 3 0.500 169 87 0.515
Mouatasim Morocco d'Agadir Applied Mathematics |

Engineering & Technology /

El Bekkaye Université Mohammed Computer Science
12 835 24012 895834 8 5 0.625 4 2 0.500 169 89 0.527
Mermri Morocco Premier Oujda Numerical analysis | Variational inequalities |
Systems Optimization |

Institut National de la Engineering & Technology / Food

20 836 24026 895922 Hssaini Lahcen Recherche Science and Engineering 8 8 1.000 5 5 1.000 168 168 1.000
Morocco Food Science | Biochemistry | Chemometrics |
Agronomique INRA Plant genetics | Agronomy |

Université Ibnou Zohr UIZ

54 837 24027 895938 R. Riad Image processing | Texture analysis | Signal 8 6 0.750 5 5 1.000 168 161 0.958
Morocco d'Agadir processing |
PhD, Cadi Ayyad University,
Université Cadi Ayyad Faculty of Sciences and
87 838 24088 896392 Mohamed Ilsouk Techniques, 8 8 1.000 5 5 1.000 164 164 1.000
Morocco Marrakech
Polymer and Nanocomposites Materials |
Materials Science | Chemistry |

Elhassan Université Cadi Ayyad Natural Sciences / Physics

88 839 24089 896395 8 7 0.875 5 5 1.000 164 133 0.811
Choukri Morocco Marrakech ferroelectricité | spectroscopie d'impédance |

Université Ibnou Zohr Natural Sciences / Chemical

55 840 24101 896518 Sana Ben Jadi Sciences 8 8 1.000 7 7 1.000 162 162 1.000
Morocco d'Agadir
chemistry |
Université Sidi Natural Sciences / Mathematics
114 841 24107 896541 Mohammed Ben mathematics | partial differential equations | 8 6 0.750 7 3 0.429 162 96 0.593
Mekkour Morocco parabolic equations |
Abdellah Fes
Mustapha Université Cadi Ayyad Université Cadi Ayyad
89 842 24112 896570 Computer sciences | image and video analysis 8 5 0.625 6 2 0.333 162 87 0.537
Oujaoura Morocco Marrakech |

Université Hassan II Natural Sciences / Chemical

64 843 24148 896736 Soufiane Zerraf Sciences 8 8 1.000 7 7 1.000 160 158 0.988
Morocco de Casablanca
chimie physique des matériaux |
Université Mohamed 6
Mohammed VI PolytechniqueUniversité
56 843 190844 896736 Hicham Idrissi 8 8 1.000 7 7 1.000 160 155 0.969
Morocco Polytechnic University LiègeUniversité Cadi Ayyad
Ceramics | Clays | Geology |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
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Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Natural Sciences / Physics
Fayçal Université Chouaib Condensed matter physics | Computational
38 845 24187 897101 8 8 1.000 5 5 1.000 157 157 1.000
Goumrhar Morocco Eddoukali physics | Magnetic systems | Statistical
Physics | ab-initio calculations |
Engineering & Technology /
Université Sidi Electrical & Electronic
Abdelaziz Engineering
115 846 24191 897130 Mohammed Ben 8 8 1.000 4 2 0.500 157 130 0.828
Ahaitouf Morocco Microélectronique | ELectronique |
Abdellah Fes
Optimization | Traçablilité intelligente |
Décodage LDPC |
Université Sidi
116 847 24196 897153 Youssef Filali Mohammed Ben LIIAN 8 8 1.000 7 7 1.000 156 156 1.000
Abdellah Fes
Enseignant–chercheur, ENSAM -
Ait El Fqih Université Hassan II Casa, Université Hassan II
65 848 24235 897373 8 5 0.625 7 1 0.143 154 87 0.565
Mohammed Morocco de Casablanca Sputtering | Thin Films and Nanotechnolog |
Materials | Surface Analysis | Spectroscopy |

Massaq Université Ibnou Zohr

56 849 24264 897561 8 7 0.875 4 3 0.750 152 103 0.678
Abdellah Morocco d'Agadir
Engineering & Technology /
Al Akhawayn Electrical & Electronic
24 850 24305 897833 Ameur Arechkik Engineering 8 8 1.000 6 6 1.000 148 148 1.000
Morocco University Ifrane
Power Systems | Renewable Energy | Solar
Radiation and PV Predictions | Solar Cells |

Université Hassan II Enset Mohammedia, Hassan II

66 851 24329 897970 Aziz Moumen 8 8 1.000 6 6 1.000 146 146 1.000
Morocco de Casablanca University of Casablanca

Université Hassan II Natural Sciences / Biological

67 852 24359 898132 Driss Radallah Science 8 5 0.625 5 1 0.200 144 79 0.549
Morocco de Casablanca
fenugrec | cancer | épidémiologie |
Abdelmalek Essaâdi University
Mouenis Anouar Abdelmalek Essaadi Learner Modeling | Artificial Intelligence |
14 853 24396 898369 8 7 0.875 6 5 0.833 140 116 0.829
Tadlaoui Morocco University Bayesian Networks | Machine learning | Data
Science |
Business & Management /
Université Ibnou Zohr Strategic Management
57 854 24400 898388 Ahsina Khalifa STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT | ACCOUNTING 8 6 0.750 4 2 0.500 140 108 0.771
Morocco d'Agadir
Faculty of Sciences, Ibn Zohr
Amal Battou, Université Ibnou Zohr University
58 855 24408 898441 Computer Security | cryptography | cloud 8 6 0.750 4 2 0.500 139 109 0.784
Ing.. Morocco d'Agadir
computing | Artificial intelligence | e-
Governement |

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
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Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Rachida Ait Université Hassan II University Hassan II
68 856 24469 898784 8 8 1.000 6 6 1.000 130 130 1.000
Abdelouahid Morocco de Casablanca Internet of Things |

Université Sidi Professeur de l'intelligence

117 857 24476 898830 Loqman Chakir Mohammed Ben Artificielle, USMBA 8 6 0.750 3 2 0.667 129 98 0.760
Morocco Intelligence artificielle | recherche
Abdellah Fes opérationnelle | Text Mining |

Université Chouaib Natural Sciences / Physics

39 858 24512 899073 Faroq Saad 8 8 1.000 5 5 1.000 115 114 0.991
Morocco Eddoukali Laser Physics |

Natural Sciences / Biological

Mohamed Université Ibnou Zohr Science
59 859 24521 899129 8 8 1.000 7 7 1.000 109 107 0.982
Aithamza Morocco d'Agadir Ecology | Biodiversity and Functions of
Continental Ecosystems |
Engineering & Technology /
Université Moulay Computer Science
58 860 24534 899420 Amina Adadi 7 6 0.857 5 5 1.000 2637 2623 0.995
Morocco Ismail Meknès Artificial intelligence | Machine Learning |
data science | Web services |
Samir Université Sidi Natural Sciences / Biological
118 861 24552 900557 Benjelloun Mohammed Ben Science 7 7 1.000 6 6 1.000 1119 1102 0.985
Ahmed Abdellah Fes biochimie |

Natural Sciences / Chemical

Mohammed Université Hassan II Sciences
69 862 24564 901220 7 7 1.000 7 7 1.000 938 862 0.919
Chafi Morocco de Casablanca génie chimique | dépollution des eaux |
corrosion | environnement |

Badia Université Cadi Ayyad Agriculture & Forestry / Plant

90 863 24589 902576 Science 7 7 1.000 7 7 1.000 742 288 0.388
Aganchich Morocco Marrakech
Plant biotechnoloy and physiology |
Engineering & Technology /
Oudrhiri Université Cadi Ayyad Metallurgical & Materials
91 864 24675 906285 Engineering 7 7 1.000 7 7 1.000 519 456 0.879
Hassani Fahd Morocco Marrakech
materials science | ceramics | natural fibres |
composites | energy |
Engineering & Technology /
Université Sidi Engineering
119 865 24705 907346 Mohammed Ben Thin films | Surface Engineering | Couches 7 2 0.286 5 1 0.200 483 52 0.108
Dehbi Alaoui Morocco
Abdellah Fes minces | Traitement de surface par les
techniques PVD et CVD |

Université Ibnou Zohr Natural Sciences / Physics

60 866 24720 907751 Larbi Rahili 7 7 1.000 7 6 0.857 470 254 0.540
Morocco d'Agadir High Energy Physic |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
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Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Centre National de
l'Energie, des CNESTEN, Rabat, Maroc
4 867 24729 907982 Sbihi Younes 7 4 0.571 6 3 0.500 464 107 0.231
Morocco Sciences et des immunoanalysis | Biochemistry |
Techniques Nucleaires
Université Chouaib Medical and Health Sciences /
40 868 24746 908693 Nmila Rachid Physiology 7 7 1.000 4 4 1.000 445 200 0.449
Morocco Eddoukali
Ressources Naturelles végétales |
Centre National de Dr
Abdelfettah l'Energie, des Outdoor air pollutants | Chemical aerosol
5 869 24751 908808 7 7 1.000 7 6 0.857 441 426 0.966
Benchrif Morocco Sciences et des characterization | Source apportionment of
Techniques Nucleaires atmospheric pollutants |
Mohammed VI Polytechnic
Hicham Mharzi Mohammed VI University
57 870 193865 908838 7 7 1.000 7 7 1.000 440 415 0.943
Alaoui Morocco Polytechnic University Remote sensing | GIS | Machine learning |
Risk analysis | Climate Change |
Université Université Internationale de Rabat
22 871 24812 910914 Internationale de CFD | Aerodynamics | Fluid Mechanics | wind 7 7 1.000 6 5 0.833 392 349 0.890
Meziane Morocco energy | Heat Exchanger |
Social Sciences / Linguistics and
Université Hassan II Literature
7 872 24819 911110 Rhihil Abdallah 7 4 0.571 7 2 0.286 388 131 0.338
Morocco Mohammedia Management and development of natural
resources |
Business & Management /
Al Akhawayn Decision Science and Operations
25 873 24919 913865 Jawad Abrache Management 7 4 0.571 7 2 0.286 339 102 0.301
Morocco University Ifrane
Operations Research | Mechanism Design |
Supply Chain Management |
Informatique, Université Ibn
Université Ibn Tofail Tofail, Université d'Angers
53 874 25013 916435 Imane El Alaoui 7 7 1.000 6 6 1.000 303 303 1.000
Morocco Kénitra Big Data | Big Social Data | Sentiment
Analysis | Big Data Quality |

M.Aytougougdal Université Cadi Ayyad Engineering & Technology / Earth

92 875 25060 917465 Sciences 7 5 0.714 6 4 0.667 286 88 0.308
Gougdal Morocco Marrakech
géologie |

Université Sidi Medical and Health Sciences /

Abdelilah Epidemiology and Public Health
120 876 25121 918371 Mohammed Ben 7 6 0.857 5 5 1.000 272 222 0.816
Benslimane Morocco Epidemiology | Nutrition | COPD | Food
Abdellah Fes Allergy | Clinical research |

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
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University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Professor of Hydrology, Ibn Tofail
Université Ibn Tofail university
54 877 25127 918450 Souad Haida 7 5 0.714 5 2 0.400 271 115 0.424
Morocco Kénitra Hydrology | geochemistry | fluvial morphology
| Climate change | Human effect |
Professeur de Génétique, Faculté
Université Cadi Ayyad Poly disciplinaire de Safi,
93 878 25205 919643 Achtak Hafid 7 6 0.857 5 4 0.800 256 171 0.668
Morocco Marrakech Université Cadi Ayyad,
Agrodiversité | Ressources Phytogénétiques |

Université Cadi Ayyad Professeur d'Algologie, Université

94 879 25208 919676 Ouafa Cherifi Cadi Ayyad 7 7 1.000 6 4 0.667 255 176 0.690
Morocco Marrakech
Biodiversité et Biotechnologie algale |

Université Mohammed ENSIAS

153 880 25226 919903 Ahmed Zellou data and information integration | sematic 7 6 0.857 5 2 0.400 253 198 0.783
Morocco V de Rabat web | data quality |

Institut Agronomique Institut Agronomique et

10 881 25235 920116 Ahmed Bamouh et Veterinaire Hassan Vétérinaire Hassan II 7 7 1.000 7 6 0.857 250 166 0.664
Morocco Agronomie physiologie des cultures eau en
II production végétale |

El Yaacoubi Université Moulay Professor, Superior School of

59 882 25244 920212 Technology 7 7 1.000 7 7 1.000 249 231 0.928
Adnane Morocco Ismail Meknès
Agroecology |
Engineering & Technology / Earth
Mohammed VI Sciences
58 883 197549 920616 Otmane Raji 7 7 1.000 7 7 1.000 245 201 0.820
Morocco Polytechnic University Environmental Earth Sciences and Natural
resources |

El Mustapha Ait Université Cadi Ayyad Cadi Ayyad University

95 884 25319 921391 7 7 1.000 5 5 1.000 238 154 0.647
Ben Hassi Morocco Marrakech PDEs Control Theory Operator Semigroups |

Institut Agronomique Professeur, Institut Agronomique

İkhlass El
11 885 25322 921425 et Veterinaire Hassan et Vétérinaire Hassan II 7 7 1.000 7 7 1.000 237 222 0.937
Berbri Morocco
II Santé publique Vétérinaire |

Elhoussine Université Hassan II Université Hassan II de Casablaca

70 886 25390 922293 7 7 1.000 6 6 1.000 229 216 0.943
Atmani Morocco de Casablanca Physique de la matière |

Natural Sciences / Chemical

Meryem Université Ibn Tofail Sciences
55 887 25410 922519 Chemistry | Electrochemistry | Green 7 7 1.000 6 6 1.000 227 227 1.000
Zouarhi Morocco Kénitra
corrosion inhibitors | Toxicology and
Pharmaceutical applications |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
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University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Phd , Universite Chouaib Doukkali
, Faculté des Sciences , EL
Université Chouaib JADIDA
41 888 25441 922841 Sara Riahi 7 7 1.000 4 4 1.000 225 220 0.978
Morocco Eddoukali Optimisation | Théorie des jeux |
Communication sans fil | Big Data | Pédagogie
dans l'enseignement supérieur |

Université Ibnou Zohr

61 889 25494 923335 K.Ezzaeri PhD, Ibn zohr university 7 7 1.000 7 7 1.000 220 220 1.000
Morocco d'Agadir
Université Sidi Faculty of Science and Technology
121 889 25494 923335 Imad Batioua Mohammed Ben Fez 7 7 1.000 7 7 1.000 220 220 1.000
Morocco Machine learning | Image processing | Pattern
Abdellah Fes Recognition | DEVOPS tools |
Université Mohammed Engineering & Technology /
154 891 25506 923408 Mohammed Computer Science 7 6 0.857 6 3 0.500 220 141 0.641
Morocco V de Rabat
Issam Software Process | Process Mining | BPM |

Engineering & Technology /

Al Akhawayn Computer Science
26 892 25578 924121 Asmaa Mourhir 7 7 1.000 5 5 1.000 215 199 0.926
Morocco University Ifrane Environmental Modeling | Fuzzy Cognitive
Maps | Darija Natural Language Processing |

Adnane Université Hassan II Natural Sciences / Mathematics

71 893 25630 924670 7 7 1.000 6 6 1.000 211 211 1.000
Boukhouima Morocco de Casablanca Mathématiques appliquées |

Al Akhawayn Natural Sciences / Physics

27 894 25633 924716 Houda Ennaceri Physics of materials | condensed matter 7 7 1.000 5 5 1.000 211 203 0.962
Morocco University Ifrane physics | renewable energies | solar energy |

Université Sidi Professeur Traitement de surface

122 895 25659 925066 A.Dehbi-Alaoui Mohammed Ben par plasma froid 7 2 0.286 4 0 0.000 209 12 0.057
Morocco Couches Minces déposées par techniques à
Abdellah Fes plasma froid |

Université Cadi Ayyad PhD

96 896 25660 925070 Noura Aarich 7 7 1.000 7 7 1.000 208 205 0.986
Morocco Marrakech Renewable energy |

Université Mohammed Medical and Health Sciences /

155 897 25695 925456 Abdelali Halimi Dentistry 7 7 1.000 5 5 1.000 206 170 0.825
Morocco V de Rabat
orthodontie |
Business & Management /
Rachid Université Cadi Ayyad Decision Science and Operations
97 898 25835 926705 Management 7 6 0.857 6 4 0.667 198 169 0.854
Benmoussa Morocco Marrakech
Logistique | Lean Management | Ingénierie
des processus |

Université Ibnou Zohr Faculty of Sciences, Ibn Zohr

62 899 25851 926880 Younas Aouine University - Agadir, Morocco 7 7 1.000 5 4 0.800 197 137 0.695
Morocco d'Agadir
Organic and Heterocyclic Chemistry |

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University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Engineering & Technology /
Mohammed VI Computer Science
59 899 200307 926880 Karima Echihabi 7 7 1.000 5 5 1.000 197 195 0.990
Morocco Polytechnic University data science | data analytics | database
systems | machine learning |
Engineering & Technology /
Université Hassan II Metallurgical & Materials
72 901 25883 927211 Miloud Elbasri 7 7 1.000 7 7 1.000 194 194 1.000
Morocco de Casablanca Engineering
Materials Science & Electrochemistry |
Faculty of Sciences. IBN ZOHR
Moutie Université Ibnou Zohr University. Agadir
63 902 25917 927455 7 7 1.000 5 5 1.000 193 193 1.000
Mohamed Rguiti Morocco d'Agadir Pollution | electro-degradtion | corrosion |
treatment of organic pollutants |

Université Moulay
60 903 25964 927821 Latifa Ouzizi ENSAM 7 6 0.857 4 1 0.250 191 96 0.503
Morocco Ismail Meknès
professeur d'informatique,
Othmane El Université Cadi Ayyad Université Cadi Ayyad
98 904 26014 928361 machine learning | deep learning | pattern 7 6 0.857 7 5 0.714 187 163 0.872
Meslouhi Morocco Marrakech
recognition | medical imaging | computer
vision |
Engineering & Technology /
Université Mohammed Computer Science
156 905 26034 928597 Bachiri Mariam 7 6 0.857 5 5 1.000 186 171 0.919
Morocco V de Rabat Software quality | mhealth | personal health
records | ISO 25010 | COSMIC |

Jabrane Université Cadi Ayyad Economics & Econometrics /

99 906 26129 929286 Economics 7 6 0.857 5 4 0.800 182 127 0.698
Amaghouss Morocco Marrakech
Economics |
Université Social Sciences / Anthropology
23 907 26158 929483 Farid El Asri Internationale de Anthropology of religions | leadership and 7 5 0.714 5 4 0.800 181 124 0.685
Morocco religious authority | islam in the West |
Université Ibnou Zohr Ibn Zohr University
64 908 26161 929506 Ali Atbir phase diagram | phosphogypsum | brine | 7 6 0.857 4 4 1.000 181 117 0.646
Morocco d'Agadir remineralization |

Université Sidi Engineering & Technology / Earth

Kaoutar Sciences
123 909 26243 930239 Mohammed Ben 7 4 0.571 3 2 0.667 177 68 0.384
Bargach Morocco Géologie structurale | Tectonique |
Abdellah Fes Géothermie |
Université Sidi
Redouan El- PhD student
124 910 26251 930282 Mohammed Ben 7 7 1.000 6 6 1.000 176 174 0.989
Haskoury Morocco Biology |
Abdellah Fes

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University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Professeur physico-chimie des
Université Cadi Ayyad matériaux et procédés, Université
100 911 26271 930377 Ilham Elaboudi 7 6 0.857 5 2 0.400 176 96 0.545
Morocco Marrakech Cadi Ayyad
Matériaux valorisation recyclage procédé |

Université Sidi Natural Sciences / Mathematics

Mohammed Nonlinear Analysis | Functional Analysis |
125 912 26305 930614 Mohammed Ben 7 7 1.000 3 3 1.000 175 175 1.000
Shimi Morocco Partial Differential Equations | Fractional
Abdellah Fes Differential Equations |

Université Ibnou Zohr ESTG

65 913 26337 930875 Fouad Demami 7 4 0.571 6 2 0.333 173 54 0.312
Morocco d'Agadir nanotechnologie |

Natural Sciences / Chemical

Jamila El Université Ibnou Zohr Sciences
66 914 26382 931214 chemistry | wastewater treatment | 7 7 1.000 7 7 1.000 171 171 1.000
Gaayda Morocco d'Agadir
coagulation | flocculation | plants based-
coagulant |

Université Hassan II Hassan II university of Casablanca

73 915 26393 931305 El Bilali Ali 7 7 1.000 5 5 1.000 171 171 1.000
Morocco de Casablanca Water resources planning and management |

Université Hassan II
74 916 26429 931545 Mohamed Elhia Univh2c Casablanca 7 7 1.000 4 4 1.000 170 138 0.812
Morocco de Casablanca

Université Chouaib Chouaib Doukkali University,

42 917 26482 931998 Yassine Tounsi Faculty of science 7 7 1.000 6 6 1.000 167 165 0.988
Morocco Eddoukali
Speckle metrology | Radar interferometry |
Université Sidi
Abdelaziz Natural Sciences / Chemical
126 917 26482 931998 Mohammed Ben 7 7 1.000 6 6 1.000 167 167 1.000
Moutcine Morocco Sciences
Abdellah Fes
Engineering & Technology / Earth
Mostafa Université Hassan II Sciences
75 919 26495 932170 Géologie structurale | Cartographie 7 7 1.000 7 7 1.000 166 156 0.940
Oukassou Morocco de Casablanca
géologique | Géodynamique | Ichnologie |
Paléontologie |

Abdelhadi Université Chouaib doctorant

43 920 26496 932194 7 7 1.000 6 6 1.000 166 160 0.964
Mortadri Morocco Eddoukali physique des matières condensées |

Université Ibn Tofail Doctorante

56 921 26507 932250 Gaouzi Khawla 7 7 1.000 5 5 1.000 166 166 1.000
Morocco Kénitra Sciences appliquées |

Laboratoire d'Intégration des

Université Sidi
Manale Systèmes et des Technologies
127 922 26533 932546 Mohammed Ben 7 7 1.000 7 7 1.000 164 164 1.000
Bouderbala Morocco Avancées, Université Sidi
Abdellah Fes
Mohamed Ben

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
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University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Sidi Moahammed Ben Abdellah
Université Sidi University, Faculty of Sciences
128 923 26538 932567 Mohammed Ben Fez, Morocco 7 7 1.000 6 6 1.000 164 164 1.000
Srati Morocco
Abdellah Fes Partial differential equation | Functional
Analysis |
Professeur d'informatique, Ecole
Université Ibnou Zohr Supérieure de Technologie, Ibn
67 924 26633 933271 El Mezouary Ali 7 6 0.857 5 4 0.800 161 140 0.870
Morocco d'Agadir Zohr University
e-learning systems |

Mohamed El Mohammed VI Mohammed VI Polytechnic

60 925 203265 933373 7 7 1.000 6 6 1.000 160 158 0.988
Guide Morocco Polytechnic University University

Mohammed Université Moulay Image Laboratory, EST, Moulay

61 926 26659 933445 Ismail University 7 7 1.000 5 5 1.000 160 159 0.994
Fattah Morocco Ismail Meknès
Telecommunication |
Ibn Tofaïl University - Future
Mounir Université Ibn Tofail Leadership Acdemy
57 927 26697 933787 7 7 1.000 6 6 1.000 158 145 0.918
Bensalah Morocco Kénitra BIM | Railway | Project Management |
Artificial Intelligence | Human Rights |
Engineering & Technology /
El Adnani Ecole Nationale de Environmental Science &
4 928 26717 933999 7 5 0.714 7 5 0.714 157 112 0.713
Mariam Morocco l'Industrie Minerale Engineering
Environnement minier |
Research professor in MIS and
Université Ibnou Zohr
68 929 26721 934026 Oumlil Rachid Open Innovation, Ibnou zohr 7 6 0.857 6 5 0.833 157 138 0.879
Morocco d'Agadir
Badr Université Ibn Tofail
58 930 26731 934056 solar energy | solar thermal application | 7 7 1.000 5 5 1.000 157 156 0.994
Ouhammou Morocco Kénitra Engineering |
24 931 26741 934176 Internationale de UIR/UCD 7 7 1.000 7 7 1.000 156 155 0.994
Sofia Morocco
Université Sidi
129 931 26741 934176 Driss Ousaaid Mohammed Ben PhD 7 7 1.000 7 7 1.000 156 156 1.000
Morocco biology |
Abdellah Fes
Université Sidi Pofesseur de Mathématiques,
Abdelhai El Université Sidi Mohamed Ben
130 933 26836 934812 Mohammed Ben 7 5 0.714 7 3 0.429 153 90 0.588
Azzouzi Morocco Abdellah Maroc
Abdellah Fes
PDE et la modelisation |

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
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Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Professeur de l'enseignement
supérieure habilité (PH) à la
Mohamed Université Ibnou Zohr faculté polydisciplinaire de …
69 934 26852 934907 7 6 0.857 5 5 1.000 153 124 0.810
Benaddy Morocco d'Agadir Fiabilité des logiciels | Fiabilité des réseaux |
Fiabilité des systèmes | Optimisation |
Intelligence artificielle |

Université Mohammed ENSIAS

157 934 26852 934907 Youness Tabii Computer Vision | Machine Learning | 7 6 0.857 5 3 0.600 153 125 0.817
Morocco V de Rabat Artificial intelligence | Information Retrieval |
Université Hassan II de
Université Hassan II casablanca Maroc
76 936 26888 935133 Ragmani Awatif 7 7 1.000 4 4 1.000 152 150 0.987
Morocco de Casablanca Cloud computing | machine learning | Big
data | load balancing... |
Faculté des Sciences Université
Lahkale Université Chouaib Chouaîb Doukkali El Jadida
44 937 26890 935152 7 6 0.857 4 4 1.000 152 141 0.928
Redouane Morocco Eddoukali Anionic clays: Physical-chemical | electric and
dielectric properties |
Institut National de la
21 938 26907 935261 Chafika Houasli Recherche researcher 7 6 0.857 6 6 1.000 151 131 0.868
Morocco plant breeding and biotechnlology |
Agronomique INRA
Université Ibnou Zohr Pr radiothérapie oncologie
70 939 26968 935674 Bouchra Amaoui 7 6 0.857 5 4 0.800 149 114 0.765
Morocco d'Agadir oncologie radiothérapie radioprotection |

Institut National des Associate Professor in

Oussama El Postes et Microelectronics, INPT | Senior
9 940 26970 935687 Member, IEEE | President, AMTIC 7 5 0.714 5 3 0.600 149 81 0.544
Issati Morocco Telecommunications
Integrated circuits | Asynchronous design |
Maroc Oscillators | TDC/ADC | HW/SW co-design. |

Université Ibn Tofail Engineering & Technology /

59 941 26978 935756 Abdelalim Sadiq Computer Science 7 6 0.857 2 2 1.000 149 124 0.832
Morocco Kénitra
Opinion mining | signal processing | AI |
Engineering & Technology /
Abdellah Université Mohammed Chemical Engineering
158 942 26983 935776 7 7 1.000 6 6 1.000 148 148 1.000
Benzaouak Morocco V de Rabat Chemical engineering | Materials chemistry |
Catalysis | Environment |
International Water Research
Motasem Mohammed VI Institute (IWRIMohammed VI
61 942 204448 935776 7 7 1.000 6 6 1.000 148 141 0.953
Mustafa Morocco Polytechnic University Polytechnic University
Desalination and Water Treatment |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
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Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Engineering & Technology /
Electrical & Electronic
Moulay Rachid Université Cadi Ayyad Engineering
101 944 27025 936057 7 6 0.857 5 3 0.600 147 109 0.741
Douiri Morocco Marrakech Motor Drives | Renewable Energy | Energy
Conservation | Smart Grid | Intelligent
Control |

Mohamed El Université Hassan II Natural Sciences / Physics

77 945 27036 936147 magnetism | superconductivity | quantum 7 7 1.000 1 0 0.000 147 116 0.789
Hafidi Morocco de Casablanca physics | material science |
Université Sidi Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah
131 946 27037 936150 Mohammed Ben University (USMBA) 7 7 1.000 7 7 1.000 146 146 1.000
Boussakouran Morocco
Abdellah Fes Agricultural and Biological Sciences |

Arts, Design and Architecture /

Mohammed VI Architecture/Building Performance |
62 947 204694 936250 Hassan Radoine 7 6 0.857 5 3 0.600 146 116 0.795
Morocco Polytechnic University Sustainable Urban Design | Territorial
Innovation | Smart/Resilient City | Urban
Conservation |
Ecole Centrale Casablanca &
Ecole Centrale Université Mohammed VI
5 948 27082 936559 Nabil El Moçayd Polytechnique 7 7 1.000 7 7 1.000 144 143 0.993
Morocco Casablanca
Uncertainty Quantification | Hydroinformatics
| Water Resources Management |
Faculté de medecine et de
Abha Cherkani Université Mohammed pharmacie, université Mohamed V
159 949 27096 936633 7 7 1.000 5 5 1.000 144 143 0.993
Hassani Morocco V de Rabat de Rabat
sciences des aliments |

Abdalhak El Université Hassan II

78 950 27132 936824 7 2 0.286 6 0 0.000 143 15 0.105
Brouzi Morocco de Casablanca
Engineering & Technology /
Université Mohammed Electrical & Electronic
160 951 27151 936926 Hassan Berbia 7 4 0.571 3 1 0.333 143 76 0.531
Morocco V de Rabat Engineering
Embedded and Cyber-physical systems |
Université Sidi
132 952 27196 937199 Mohammed Ben 7 7 1.000 5 5 1.000 141 141 1.000
Hamidi Morocco Informatique |
Abdellah Fes
Natural Sciences / Chemical
Université Cadi Ayyad Sciences
102 953 27211 937346 Fkhar Lahcen 7 7 1.000 6 6 1.000 140 140 1.000
Morocco Marrakech Science des matériaux | Nanomatériaux |
Catalyse |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
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University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Faculty of Sciences Meknes
Université Moulay Sensors | Systems | Modelling and Control |
62 953 27211 937346 M. Outanoute 7 7 1.000 6 6 1.000 140 122 0.871
Morocco Ismail Meknès Industrial Informatics | Intelligent Control
Systems and Optimization |

El Yacoubi Université Ibn Tofail Engineering & Technology /

60 955 27219 937398 Chemical Engineering 7 7 1.000 5 5 1.000 140 128 0.914
Ahmed Morocco Kénitra
Chimie physique |
Université Chouaîb Doukkali, EL
Université Chouaib cloud computing | security computing | mobile
45 956 27249 937551 Toumi Hicham 7 6 0.857 6 4 0.667 139 123 0.885
Morocco Eddoukali computing | multi-agent systems in a
distributed smart grid design and
implementation |
University of sidi Mohamed Ben
Université Sidi Abdellah Faculty of Sciences Dhar
133 957 27289 937858 Farah Balaadich Mohammed Ben El-Mehraz Fes-Morocco 7 7 1.000 3 3 1.000 138 138 1.000
Abdellah Fes Nonlinear analysis | Partial differential
equations |
Université Sidi doctorant , Université Sidi
134 958 27300 937940 Mohammed Ben Mohamed Ben Abdellah 7 7 1.000 5 5 1.000 137 136 0.993
Zealouk Morocco
Abdellah Fes Informatique |

Ahmed El Université Moulay FST Errachidia University of My

63 959 27325 938123 7 6 0.857 6 4 0.667 136 119 0.875
Abbassi Morocco Ismail Meknès Ismail
Institut National de la
22 960 27347 938263 Youssef Chebli Recherche INRA 7 6 0.857 2 2 1.000 136 116 0.853
Morocco Animal Behaviour & Rangeland |
Agronomique INRA
Institut National de la INRA-Morocco (Tangier Center)
23 961 27399 938598 Recherche Nutrition Animale | Production animale | 7 6 0.857 4 3 0.750 134 113 0.843
Elotmani Morocco fourrage | caprin |
Agronomique INRA
Institut National des
Mouhcine Postes et Professor in Electronics, INPT
10 962 27457 939014 Simulation hynbrid systems | Smart Grid | 7 4 0.571 3 1 0.333 132 72 0.545
Chami Morocco Telecommunications HW/SW co-design |
Institut National de la
24 963 27474 939090 Zineb Belabess Recherche INRA Maroc 7 7 1.000 5 5 1.000 131 128 0.977
Agronomique INRA
Ibno Namr Université Chouaib Sol et Environnement
46 963 27474 939090 7 7 1.000 5 4 0.800 131 95 0.725
Khalid Morocco Eddoukali Qualité du Sol & Environnement |

Université Ibnou Zohr Université ibn zohr.

71 965 27482 939140 Aissam Hadri 7 7 1.000 4 4 1.000 131 131 1.000
Morocco d'Agadir PDE's |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
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Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Higher School of Education and
Université Ibnou Zohr Training, Hassan First University
72 966 27511 939352 Ilham Kirrou 7 5 0.714 4 4 1.000 130 76 0.585
Morocco d'Agadir Settat-Morocco
Nonlinear dynamics and vibrations |
Mohammed V University in Rabat
Université Mohammed ٌDigital Sociology | Sociolinguistics | Socio-
161 967 27534 939491 Said Bennis 7 3 0.429 5 1 0.200 129 35 0.271
Morocco V de Rabat Anthropology | Digital Activism | Social
Diversity |

Beraich Université Cadi Ayyad Cadi Ayyad University

103 968 27563 939671 7 7 1.000 4 4 1.000 128 128 1.000
Mustapha Morocco Marrakech thin films |

Natural Sciences / Mathematics

Al Akhawayn Applied Mathematics | Optimization |
28 969 27597 939887 Rabie Zine 7 7 1.000 3 3 1.000 127 122 0.961
Morocco University Ifrane Operations Research | Network distribution |
Electrical power. |
Université Sidi
135 970 27614 939998 Yassine Sabbar Mohammed Ben Natural Sciences / Mathematics 7 7 1.000 4 4 1.000 126 126 1.000
Morocco Applied Mathematics |
Abdellah Fes
Engineering & Technology /
Younes Université Chouaib Electrical & Electronic
47 971 27621 940046 Engineering 7 7 1.000 3 2 0.667 126 120 0.952
Abouelmahjoub Morocco Eddoukali
Nolinear Control | Power Quality | ASI |
Renewable Energy |

Abderrahim Université Ibn Tofail Ibn Tofail University

61 972 27648 940223 Cloud computing | Computer Security | Public 7 7 1.000 6 4 0.667 124 104 0.839
Abdellaoui Morocco Kénitra Key Crypto system |
Social Sciences / Sociology
Université Hassan II nationalism | gender studies | Morocco&
79 973 27701 940551 Fadma Ait Mous 7 5 0.714 5 3 0.600 122 88 0.721
Morocco de Casablanca Maghreb | urban & rural anthropology | youth
studies |

Mariyam Université Moulay Engineering & Technology /

64 974 27716 940650 Computer Science 7 7 1.000 5 5 1.000 121 121 1.000
Ouaissa Morocco Ismail Meknès
IoT | M2M | 4G/5G | WSN | VANET |
Université Sidi
136 975 27731 940734 Mohammed Ben 7 3 0.429 3 0 0.000 121 23 0.190
Elmkadem Morocco Ingenierie et management industriel |
Abdellah Fes
Université Ibn Tofail Engineering & Technology /
62 976 27762 940911 Anass Nouri 7 7 1.000 5 5 1.000 119 112 0.941
Morocco Kénitra Computer Science
Engineering & Technology /
Anass Ait Université Cadi Ayyad Metallurgical & Materials
104 977 27778 940999 Engineering 7 7 1.000 6 6 1.000 118 118 1.000
Benhamou Morocco Marrakech
Materials chemistry | Polymer | Cellulose |
Lignin | Composites |

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Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Université Hassan II Natural Sciences / Mathematics
80 978 27785 941046 Azeddine Baalal Nonlinear partial differential equations | 7 5 0.714 5 3 0.600 118 82 0.695
Morocco de Casablanca Potential Theory |

Mohamed Université Cadi Ayyad

105 979 27789 941070 UCA 7 6 0.857 4 4 1.000 118 100 0.847
Maatallah Morocco Marrakech
Abderrahim Ait Université Ibnou Zohr Natural Sciences / Physics
73 980 27878 941601 7 7 1.000 5 5 1.000 113 113 1.000
Hssi Morocco d'Agadir Physics |

Engineering & Technology /

Electrical & Electronic
Université Cadi Ayyad Engineering
106 981 27914 941743 Khalid Faitah 7 5 0.714 3 2 0.667 112 79 0.705
Morocco Marrakech Micro-électronique | nanoélectronique
dédiées à des applications sans fils et aux
électrodiagnostiques |
Social Sciences / Journalism and
Amsidder Université Ibnou Zohr Media
74 982 27915 941748 7 4 0.571 3 0 0.000 112 46 0.411
Abderrahmane Morocco d'Agadir médias | sciences de l'information et de la
communication |

Université Ibnou Zohr

75 983 27939 941912 Abdellaziz Walid 7 6 0.857 4 2 0.500 110 89 0.809
Morocco d'Agadir
Hassan II University of
Université Hassan II Casablanca Morocco
81 984 27965 942043 Salwa Echalih Renewable energy | Power electronics | 7 7 1.000 7 7 1.000 108 108 1.000
Morocco de Casablanca
Nonlinear control | Hybrid control | Fuzzy
logic |
Hassan II University of
Université Hassan II Casablanca
81 984 27965 942043 Zineb Hekss Renewable energy | Power electronics | 7 7 1.000 7 7 1.000 108 108 1.000
Morocco de Casablanca
Nonlinear control | Hybrid control | Adaptive
control |

Driss Natural Sciences / Chemical

Université Hassan II Sciences
83 986 27993 942184 Benmessaoud 7 7 1.000 6 4 0.667 106 96 0.906
Morocco de Casablanca Électrochimie | Corrosion | Matériaux |
Left Traitement des eaux etc.... |
Natural Sciences / Biological
Essediya Université Mohammed Science
162 987 28019 942317 7 5 0.714 4 2 0.500 104 69 0.663
Cherkaoui Morocco V de Rabat ecologie marine | sciences de l'environnement

Abdelhafid El Université Cadi Ayyad Cadi Ayyad University

107 988 28033 942399 GIS | Data analysis | Geoinformatic | 7 7 1.000 7 6 0.857 102 96 0.941
Alaoui El Fels Morocco Marrakech Hydrology |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Universite Chouaib Doukkali El
Université Chouaib jadida
48 989 28049 942463 Lifi Houda 7 7 1.000 5 5 1.000 101 100 0.990
Morocco Eddoukali Physics and Astronomy | Materials Science |
Chemistry |

Hassan Faouzi International Enseignant chercheur

1 990 28122 942703 7 5 0.714 3 1 0.333 93 69 0.742
Morocco University of Agadir Géographie | sociologie |

Mahmoud Abdelmalek Essaadi Information Systems &

15 991 28134 942753 TelecommincationUAE 7 7 1.000 4 4 1.000 90 90 1.000
Moubadir Morocco University
Beam-forming Array Antenna |

M'Hammed Institut Pasteur du chercheur en biologie, Institut

6 992 28210 945446 Pasteur du Maroc. Casablanca 6 3 0.500 5 2 0.400 705 30 0.043
Sarih Morocco Maroc
Entomologie Médicale |
Engineering & Technology /
Université Cadi Ayyad Computer Science
108 993 28218 945746 Aziz Ouaarab 6 6 1.000 5 5 1.000 668 517 0.774
Morocco Marrakech Swarm Intelligence | Combinatorial
Optimization | Bio-inspired Metaheuristics |
Engineering & Technology / Civil
25 994 28245 946766 Nada Sbihi Internationale de 6 5 0.833 4 4 1.000 573 259 0.452
Morocco Engineering
Mohammed Engineering & Technology /
Ecole Polytechnique Mechanical Engineering
3 995 28250 946981 Elaghdaf 6 5 0.833 6 5 0.833 556 230 0.414
Morocco Privée d'Agadir Extraits végétaux | cactus | opuntia |
Malainine ingrédients | nutraceutique |

Université Cadi Ayyad Natural Sciences / Physics

109 996 28259 947445 Bendarag 6 5 0.833 6 3 0.500 526 68 0.129
Morocco Marrakech Physique Informatique |

Engineering & Technology /

Université Hassan II Metallurgical & Materials
84 997 28331 949769 Anas El Attar 6 2 0.333 5 1 0.200 419 16 0.038
Morocco de Casablanca Engineering
conversion and storage energy |

Université Chouaib Natural Sciences / Biological

49 998 28346 950086 Bitar Abdelali Science 6 5 0.833 6 4 0.667 408 93 0.228
Morocco Eddoukali
Santé Nutrition Environnement |

Université Cadi Ayyad Natural Sciences / Biological

110 999 28425 952722 Amina Wafik Science 6 4 0.667 2 1 0.500 335 109 0.325
Morocco Marrakech
métallogénie | prospection géologique |
Engineering & Technology /
EL Houssine EL Université Cadi Ayyad Computer Science
111 1000 28450 953630 6 3 0.500 3 2 0.667 315 118 0.375
Mazoudi Morocco Marrakech Mathématiques appliquées | Informatique |
Automatique | ressources naturelles |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Natural Sciences /
Fatima Ezzahra Université Hassan II Chemical Sciences
85 1001 28519 954971 Analytical Chemistry | 6 6 1.000 6 6 1.000 281 279 0.993
Salih Morocco de Casablanca
Electroanalytical Chemistry |
Electrochemistry |

Abderrahim El Université Moulay Natural Sciences /

65 1002 28626 956693 Chemical Sciences 6 6 1.000 6 6 1.000 245 244 0.996
Mragui Morocco Ismail Meknès
Physical-Chemistry |
Professor, Faculty of
Sciences Semlalia,
Rachida Université Cadi Ayyad Marrakech, University
112 1003 28710 957713 6 6 1.000 4 4 1.000 230 221 0.961
Hannane Morocco Marrakech Cadi Ayyad, Marrakech
Pattern Recognition | Image and
Video Processing |
Engineering &
Technology /
Mohammed VI Metallurgical & Materials
63 1004 212112 957907 Mohamed Aqil 6 6 1.000 5 4 0.800 227 212 0.934
Morocco Polytechnic University Engineering
polymers | energy storage |
Batteries | Catalysis |

Université Professor Assistant in

Moustafa Rabat Business School,
26 1005 28740 957983 Internationale de 6 6 1.000 5 5 1.000 226 202 0.894
Abdelmotaleb Morocco UIR
Organizational Behavior |

Université Ibn Tofail Professeur, Université

63 1006 28777 958309 Raja Dounia Ibn Tofail 6 5 0.833 5 2 0.400 222 66 0.297
Morocco Kénitra
Physique des matériaux |
Engineering &
Technology /
Abegunde Metallurgical & Materials
Mohammed VI
64 1007 212509 958898 Olayinka Engineering 6 6 1.000 3 3 1.000 215 213 0.991
Morocco Polytechnic University Surfaces Interfaces and Thin
Films | Friction Stir Welding |
Materials Characterizations |
Corrosion Science |
Université Mohammed VI
Mohammed VI PolytechniqueBenguérir
65 1008 212561 958998 Mossaab Mouiya 6 6 1.000 6 6 1.000 213 212 0.995
Morocco Polytechnic University Technical ceramics | Ceramic
Membranes | Microfiltration |
Adsorption | Refractory material |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Engineering &
Technology / Chemical
Université Hassan II Engineering
86 1009 28885 959640 Souad Zyade 6 3 0.500 4 1 0.250 207 33 0.159
Morocco de Casablanca Génie chimique | Procédés
industriels | Qualité | Productivité
Assistant Professor,
Mohamed Université Hassan II Université Hassan II de
87 1010 28955 960470 6 6 1.000 5 4 0.800 198 186 0.939
Boudchiche Morocco de Casablanca Casablanca
Natural Language Processing |
Medical and Health
Université Cadi Ayyad Sciences / Dentistry
113 1011 28967 960573 Rachid Ait Addi 6 6 1.000 5 5 1.000 197 196 0.995
Morocco Marrakech Medicine | Public health |
Dentistry |
Professeur entomologiste,
Mohamed Université Mohammed Université Mohammed V
163 1012 28973 960628 de Rabat 6 5 0.833 4 4 1.000 197 64 0.325
Arahou Morocco V de Rabat
Biodiversité | Entomologie |
systématique | études d'impacts |
Institut Agronomique Medical and Health
12 1013 28975 960652 Aziz El Hraiki et Veterinaire Hassan Sciences / Pharmacology 6 3 0.500 3 1 0.333 197 33 0.168
II Pharmacology Toxicology |

Université Ibnou Zohr

76 1014 28994 960824 Ezzaher Latifa 6 3 0.500 4 2 0.500 195 29 0.149
Morocco d'Agadir
informatique Université
Université Sidi Sidi Mohamed Ben
137 1015 29051 961332 Said Najah Mohammed Ben Abdellah 6 6 1.000 4 4 1.000 190 187 0.984
Morocco code correcteur d'erreur |
Abdellah Fes
machine learning | data science |
Image Processing |
IT Professor
Université Mohammed Image Analysis | Pattern
164 1016 29072 961572 Yaâcoub Hannad 6 6 1.000 4 4 1.000 188 173 0.920
Morocco V de Rabat Recognition | E-gov | public
services |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Laboratory of
Biotechnology and
Valorization of Natural
Abdellah El Université Ibnou Zohr Resources, Faculty of
77 1017 29142 962305 6 6 1.000 3 3 1.000 182 178 0.978
Hamdaoui Morocco d'Agadir Sciences, Ibn …
Biotechnologie | plantes | plantes
médicinales | Développement
durabl | Ecologie |
Agriculture & Forestry /
Soil Sciences and Plant
Mohammed VI Nutrition
66 1018 214076 962313 Hamza Briak 6 5 0.833 3 3 1.000 182 177 0.973
Morocco Polytechnic University Soil Science | Agronomy |
Hydrology | Climate Change |
Modelling |
Université Hassan II De
Casablanca, Faculté des
Université Hassan II Sciences Ben M'Sick,
88 1019 29149 962418 Rhma Adhiri LIMAT 6 4 0.667 4 1 0.250 181 56 0.309
Morocco de Casablanca
Science des Matériaux:
Semiconducteur | ferroélectrique |
énergie renouvelable |
Professeur, Ecole
Nationale Supérieure des
Arts et Métiers-ENSAM,
Université Moulay Université Moulay Ismaïl,
66 1020 29192 962735 Mohammed Sriti 6 5 0.833 5 5 1.000 178 158 0.888
Morocco Ismail Meknès Meknès
Mécanique Energétique |
Dynamique des fluides -CFD |
Transfert Thermique | Milieux
poreux |
International University
of Rabat, Rabat Business
Université School, BEAR-lab, Parc
27 1021 29286 963470 Amin Hocine Internationale de Technopolis – Rabat- 6 6 1.000 5 5 1.000 172 172 1.000
Rabat Shore
Operations Research | Uncertainty
Modelling | Real-life Application |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
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University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Professeur Université
Université Hassan II Hassan II Casablanca
89 1022 29307 963580 Mounir Rifi 6 6 1.000 2 1 0.500 172 126 0.733
Morocco de Casablanca Maroc
Antennes |

Machkour Université Ibnou Zohr University of Ibn Zohr

78 1023 29336 963791 Faculty of Sciences 6 6 1.000 4 2 0.500 170 129 0.759
Mustapha Morocco d'Agadir
Databases |
Professeur en Géologie et
Risques naturels,
Azelarab El Université Mohammed
165 1024 29391 964124 Université Mohamed V, 6 4 0.667 3 2 0.667 168 87 0.518
Mouraouah Morocco V de Rabat
Institut Scientifique,
Université Sidi Professeur de
Abdelaziz l'enseignement supérieur
138 1025 29392 964137 Mohammed Ben 6 6 1.000 1 1 1.000 168 132 0.786
Tajmouati Morocco Théorie spectrale- Théorie des
Abdellah Fes opérateurs |

Université Ibnou Zohr

79 1026 29396 964170 Sahar Bouaddi 6 6 1.000 5 5 1.000 167 165 0.988
Morocco d'Agadir soiling | materials | solar | CSP |

Engineering &
Outmane Université Cadi Ayyad Technology / Computer
114 1026 29396 964170 6 6 1.000 5 5 1.000 167 166 0.994
Bourkoukou Morocco Marrakech Science
Artificial Intelligence |
Hassan II University of
Casablanca - Faculté des
Sciences et Techniques
Université Hassan II de Mohammedia
90 1028 29402 964216 Laila Stour 6 6 1.000 4 4 1.000 167 133 0.796
Morocco de Casablanca Sciences de l'eau et de
l'environnement | Changement
climatique (Vulnérabilité |
Adaptation | Atténuation | Finance
Climat) |
Engineering &
Université Technology /
Mohamed Ould
28 1029 29419 964308 Internationale de Metallurgical & Materials 6 6 1.000 5 5 1.000 166 100 0.602
Moussa Morocco
Rabat Engineering
Materials science |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Economics &
Al Akhawayn Econometrics /
29 1029 29419 964308 Samir Aguenaou 6 6 1.000 5 4 0.800 166 108 0.651
Morocco University Ifrane Accounting & Finance
Finance |
Engineering &
Technology / Marine
National School of Sciences and Engineering
1 1031 29448 964492 Taaouati Environment and Sustainable 6 5 0.833 5 5 1.000 165 116 0.703
Morocco Architecture, Tétouan
Development | Natural Hazards
and Urban Planning | Coastal
Processes | Geomatics |
Phd Student, CED-ST,
STIC, Laboratory of
Electronic Signals and
Université Sidi Systems of Information
139 1032 29464 964608 Omar El Ogri Mohammed Ben LESSI, Faculty of Science 6 6 1.000 5 5 1.000 164 164 1.000
Morocco Dhar El Mahrez,
Abdellah Fes
University Sidi Mohamed
Ben Abdellah- Fez,
Image Processing |
Professor - Faculty of
Université Cadi Ayyad Sciences and Technology,
115 1033 29482 964743 Salama Aissam 6 6 1.000 6 4 0.667 163 149 0.914
Morocco Marrakech Cadi Ayyad University
Plant biology |
Professeur de
Université Cadi Ayyad
116 1034 29532 965098 Karami Fahd Mathématiques, 6 6 1.000 5 5 1.000 161 129 0.801
Morocco Marrakech
Université Cadi Ayyad
Mohammed VI Natural Sciences /
2 1035 29540 965161 Fayssal JHILAL University of Health Chemical Sciences 6 5 0.833 4 4 1.000 161 140 0.870
Morocco Chimie analytique | chémiométrie
Sciences |

Mohammed VI Université Mohammed VI

3 1036 29582 965493 Ali Jafri University of Health des Sciences la Santé 6 6 1.000 4 4 1.000 159 132 0.830
Morocco Nutrition | Public Health | Obesity
Sciences | Malnutrition | NCDs |

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Ph.D. student, ENSIAS,
Mounia Université Mohammed Mohammed V university
166 1037 29640 965970 Wireless Communication | 6 6 1.000 5 5 1.000 156 154 0.987
Bouabdellah Morocco V de Rabat
Physical Layer Security | Cognitive
Radio | Enrgy Harvesting |
Phd student ,
Université ENSIAS/UIR
29 1038 29695 966518 Anass Berouine Internationale de Efficient energy in buildings | 6 6 1.000 5 5 1.000 153 152 0.993
Rabat Predictive control approaches |
occupants' comfort |
Engineering &
Technology / Electrical &
Université Hassan II Electronic Engineering
91 1039 29752 966880 Rachid Lajouad 6 6 1.000 6 5 0.833 151 125 0.828
Morocco de Casablanca Power system | Control theory |
renewable energy | electrical
machines |
Mohammed VI
Mohammed VI Polytechnic University
67 1040 216435 967224 Anass Sibari 6 6 1.000 2 2 1.000 150 149 0.993
Morocco Polytechnic University Nanomaterials | 2D Materials |
Phosphorene | Energy | Density
Functional Theory |
Engineering &
Université Chouaib Technology / Computer
50 1041 29827 967411 Rahhal Errattahi Science 6 6 1.000 2 2 1.000 149 148 0.993
Morocco Eddoukali
Speech Recognition | Machine
Learning | Business Intelligence |
Business & Management /
Université Euro- Decision Science and
6 1042 29841 967557 Mouhsene Fri Méditerranéenne de Operations Management 6 6 1.000 3 3 1.000 148 148 1.000
Morocco Machine Learning | Optimization |
Transportation | Supply Chain
Management |
Université Mohammed V
Université Mohammed de Rabat
167 1043 29861 967719 Mounia Abik e-health | e-learning | TAL | 6 5 0.833 4 2 0.500 147 90 0.612
Morocco V de Rabat
Semantic Web | Systèmes de
recommandation |

Abdellah Al Akhawayn Al Akhawayn University

30 1044 29879 967815 in Ifrane 6 4 0.667 6 1 0.167 146 37 0.253
Chekayri Morocco University Ifrane
linguistics | education |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
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University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Engineering &
Rachid Université Chouaib Technology / Computer
51 1045 29974 968459 Science 6 6 1.000 4 4 1.000 143 142 0.993
Bendaoud Morocco Eddoukali
solar energy | Electronic |
computer science |

Université Sidi Medical and Health

140 1046 30001 968678 Sanae Berrada Mohammed Ben Sciences / Microbiology 6 6 1.000 4 2 0.500 142 102 0.718
Morocco Microbiologie médicale |
Abdellah Fes microbiologie de l'environnement |
Engineering &
Technology / Computer
Université Moulay Science
67 1047 30010 968766 Elouahbi Rachid 6 5 0.833 3 1 0.333 142 74 0.521
Morocco Ismail Meknès Adaptive elearning systems |
course sequencing and elearning
technologies. |

Université Sidi Doctorant

Biomedical sciences | biology
141 1048 30053 969033 El-Akhal Jamila Mohammed Ben 6 6 1.000 5 5 1.000 140 139 0.993
Morocco pharmacology and
Abdellah Fes physiopathology |

Université Cadi Ayyad Cadi Ayyad University

117 1049 30065 969111 Omar Achbarou Cloud Computing | Cloud security 6 6 1.000 4 4 1.000 140 134 0.957
Morocco Marrakech | IDS | Multi-Agent System |
Hassan II University,
Benlattar Université Hassan II Faculty of Sciences Ben
92 1050 30098 969334 M'sik 6 6 1.000 4 4 1.000 139 109 0.784
Mourad Morocco de Casablanca
Optique/ Physique de la matière
condensée/ solar cell |
Business & Management /
Université Decision Science and
30 1050 30098 969334 Tarik Zouadi Internationale de Operations Management 6 6 1.000 4 4 1.000 139 133 0.957
Rabat Operations management |
Optimization | Decision Science |

El Mostafa El Université Chouaib Natural Sciences /

52 1052 30162 969788 Physics 6 6 1.000 4 4 1.000 137 133 0.971
Halba Morocco Eddoukali
Laser Physics |

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Professor of Geology,
Hassan II university of
Abdelmajid Université Hassan II Casablanca, Faculty of
93 1053 30176 969909 science Ben M'sik 6 4 0.667 3 1 0.333 137 90 0.657
Benbouziane Morocco de Casablanca
sedimentology | sequence
stratigraphy | carbonates | black
shales and phosphate. |
Engineering &
Ecole Nationale de Technology / Industrial &
5 1054 30215 970098 Maryam Gallab Manufacturing 6 6 1.000 3 3 1.000 136 131 0.963
Morocco l'Industrie Minerale
Industrial Engineering |

Abdelaziz Mohammed VI Mohammed VI

68 1055 217944 970195 6 6 1.000 5 5 1.000 135 129 0.956
Nilahyane Morocco Polytechnic University Polytechnic University
Agriculture & Forestry /
Université Moulay Plant Science
68 1056 30277 970519 Mariame Najem 6 6 1.000 4 4 1.000 134 130 0.970
Morocco Ismail Meknès Plantes médicinales |
Ethnobotanie | Intoxications |

Aissam Université Mohammed Mohammed V university

168 1057 30286 970582 Computer vision | embedded 6 6 1.000 3 3 1.000 134 128 0.955
Berrahou Morocco V de Rabat systems | Artificial Intelligence |
University Mohammed V
Noureddine Université Mohammed in Rabat
169 1058 30293 970645 6 6 1.000 6 6 1.000 133 133 1.000
Touach Morocco V de Rabat green chemistry | microbial fuel
cell | Separations | catalysis |
Engineering &
Université Mohammed Technology / Electrical &
170 1059 30304 970737 Omary Fouzia Information Engineering 6 4 0.667 5 1 0.200 133 41 0.308
Morocco V de Rabat
Informatique |
Embedded System &
Université Sidi Electrical Eng, PhD.
142 1060 30324 970892 Mohammed Ben Photovoltaic system | Embedded 6 6 1.000 6 6 1.000 132 132 1.000
Cheddadi Morocco
Abdellah Fes systems | Electric Vehicle |
Control theory |
Professor, FSA, Ibn Zohr
Fatima El Université Ibnou Zohr University, Agadir,
80 1061 30343 971038 6 5 0.833 4 3 0.750 132 94 0.712
Guezar Morocco d'Agadir Morocco
Science and Engineering |

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Engineering &
Université Hassan II Technology / Computer
94 1062 30366 971196 Rim Koulali Science 6 6 1.000 4 2 0.500 131 95 0.725
Morocco de Casablanca
Text Mining | Big Data | IOT | BI |
Natural Sciences /
Mohammed VI Molecular Biology &
69 1062 218462 971196 Achraf El Allali 6 6 1.000 4 4 1.000 131 122 0.931
Morocco Polytechnic University Genetics
Gene Finding | Genetic Markers |
Biomarkers | Metagenomics |
Engineering &
Université Ibn Tofail Technology / Computer
64 1064 30392 971434 Aziz Mouloudi 6 6 1.000 4 2 0.500 130 91 0.700
Morocco Kénitra Science
computer sciences |
Engineering &
Technology /
Mohamed Université Cadi Ayyad Metallurgical & Materials
118 1065 30418 971596 6 6 1.000 6 5 0.833 129 116 0.899
Belaqziz Morocco Marrakech Engineering
Matériaux et procédés pour
l'énergie |
PHD Student ; CED
Université Sidi STI,FST, PERE
143 1066 30419 971617 Maha Khanfara Mohammed Ben Laboratory. EST-USMBA. 6 6 1.000 5 5 1.000 129 126 0.977
Abdellah Fes Fez, Morocco
Laboratoire d'Innovation
en Sciences,Technologies
Barkatou Université Chouaib et Modélisation
53 1067 30433 971684 6 3 0.500 5 3 0.600 129 99 0.767
Mohammed Morocco Eddoukali Shape Optimization | Free
Boundaries | Combinatorial
Optimization |
Université HASSAN II
Université Hassan II Solar PV energy | Nonlinear
95 1068 30452 971842 Aourir Meriem 6 6 1.000 5 5 1.000 128 127 0.992
Morocco de Casablanca control | Power electronic | Hybrid
control |

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Lab . STIC, Faculty of
Sciences , Chouaib
Université Chouaib Doukkali University , El
54 1069 30459 971903 Faycal Bensalah 6 6 1.000 4 4 1.000 128 128 1.000
Morocco Eddoukali Jadida , Morocco
NGN | Networks | QoS on
networks | SDN |
Natural Sciences /
Abdelkader Université Hassan II Physics
96 1070 30487 972077 6 6 1.000 5 5 1.000 127 115 0.906
Mouadili Morocco de Casablanca Physique de la matière condensée
Statistique | Gouvernance et
Judicael Mohammed VI planification en éducation et
70 1071 219002 972231 6 6 1.000 3 2 0.667 127 119 0.937
Alladatin Morocco Polytechnic University formation | Démographie sociale |
parcours de vie | sciences sociales
Engineering &
Technology / Biomedical
Université Hassan II Engineering
97 1072 30540 972382 Fouad Damiri 6 6 1.000 4 4 1.000 126 126 1.000
Morocco de Casablanca Drug delivery | Biomedical
Engineering | Pharmaceutics |
Polysaccharide | Biomaterials |

Abderahmane Université Cadi Ayyad Natural Sciences /

119 1072 30540 972382 Physics 6 6 1.000 4 4 1.000 126 126 1.000
Soubkiou Morocco Marrakech
Exoplanets |
Natural Sciences /
Université Mohammed Physics
171 1074 30591 972620 Brahim Abraime physics | materials & 6 6 1.000 4 4 1.000 125 124 0.992
Morocco V de Rabat
nanomaterials | magnetism |
ferrites | permanent magnet |

Abdelmajid Université Ibn Tofail ENSA -UIT Kenitra

65 1075 30617 972811 ERP logistique qualité projet 6 6 1.000 5 5 1.000 124 122 0.984
Elouadi Morocco Kénitra modélisation et simulation |

Université Sultan Sultan Moulay Slimane

Abdelaziz University
8 1076 30626 972894 Moulay Slimane Beni 6 6 1.000 4 4 1.000 124 124 1.000
Htitiou Morocco Remote sensing | Agriculture |
Mellal Machine learning |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
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University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Moroccan Ministry of
Université Ibnou Zohr Health
81 1077 30635 972946 Amal A Korrida Molecular Genetics & Biology | 6 4 0.667 4 2 0.500 124 42 0.339
Morocco d'Agadir
Health & Medicine | Epidemiology
| Immunology | Nutrition |
ENSAM, Mohammed V
University in Rabat
Mourad Taha Université Mohammed Ingénierie Mécanique | Mécanique
172 1078 30647 973010 6 6 1.000 2 2 1.000 124 113 0.911
Janan Morocco V de Rabat des Fluides | Energies
renouvelables | Méthodes
numériques |

İssam Université Cadi Ayyad Chercheur

120 1079 30654 973042 6 6 1.000 6 4 0.667 123 99 0.805
Ifaadassan Morocco Marrakech changements climatiques |

ENSIAS, Rabat IT Center,
Mahmoud El Université Mohammed University of Mohammed
173 1080 30677 973169 V in Rabat 6 5 0.833 4 2 0.500 123 99 0.805
Hamlaoui Morocco V de Rabat
Model-Driven (Software)
Engineering | Software Language
Engineering |
doctorante de physique
Université Cadi Ayyad des matériaux. université
121 1081 30752 973706 Ghizlane Kadim 6 6 1.000 3 3 1.000 121 121 1.000
Morocco Marrakech cadi ayyad marrakech
physique des matériaux |

Université Ibn Tofail Natural Sciences /

66 1082 30820 974134 Anas Aguelmous Chemical Sciences 6 6 1.000 4 4 1.000 119 119 1.000
Morocco Kénitra
chimie | environnement |
professeure génie
électrique université
Université Hassan II hassan 2 casablanca
98 1083 30880 974503 Nadia Machkour smart grid | énergies 6 5 0.833 3 1 0.333 118 77 0.653
Morocco de Casablanca
renouvelables | Ingénierie des
systèmes complexes | pilotage
industriel |
Agriculture & Forestry /
Mohammed VI Agriculture
71 1084 220121 974574 Houria Abahous 6 6 1.000 5 5 1.000 117 116 0.991
Morocco Polytechnic University Agriculture | Climate | Water |
Modelling |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Natural Sciences /
Bouazza Université Ibnou Zohr Biological Science
82 1084 30895 974574 6 6 1.000 5 5 1.000 117 100 0.855
Abdellah Morocco d'Agadir Ecology | Conservation biology |
Ecophysiology | Herpetology |

Université Hassan II University Hassan II

99 1086 30946 974903 Slimani Ibtissam 6 6 1.000 4 4 1.000 116 116 1.000
Morocco de Casablanca Casablanca
Business & Management /
Université Decision Science and
Asmae El
31 1087 30987 975094 Internationale de Operations Management 6 6 1.000 5 4 0.800 115 107 0.930
Mokrini Morocco
Rabat Healthcare operations
management |
Université Mohammed professeur d'informatique
13 1088 31024 975285 Ghaouth 6 4 0.667 3 2 0.667 115 87 0.757
Morocco Premier Oujda informatique |
Université Sidi
Abdellah El Sidi Mohamed Ben
144 1089 31085 975663 Mohammed Ben 6 6 1.000 4 4 1.000 113 113 1.000
Aissouq Morocco Abdellah unevirsity of Fez
Abdellah Fes
Engineering &
Technology / Marine
Rachid Université Hassan II Sciences and Engineering
100 1090 31114 975798 6 3 0.500 3 2 0.667 113 46 0.407
Essamoud Morocco de Casablanca Sedimentology | basin analysis |
Triassic | durability of concrete |
actual coastal sedimentation |
Engineering &
Mohamed Université Cadi Ayyad Technology / Computer
122 1091 31145 975973 Science 6 5 0.833 4 1 0.250 112 58 0.518
Essalih Morocco Marrakech
Artificial Intelligence | Big Data |
graphe theory | algorithmique |
Social Sciences /
Université Hassan II Psychology
101 1092 31204 976283 Bouzekri Touri School Psychology & 6 5 0.833 2 1 0.500 111 64 0.577
Morocco de Casablanca
Communication Sciences and
Disorders |
PhD, Faculty of Science
Université Cadi Ayyad Semlalia, UCA
123 1093 31209 976321 Hind El Aakib 6 6 1.000 5 5 1.000 110 110 1.000
Morocco Marrakech Thin films | selective absorber |
metal oxide | sputtering |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Institut National de la
Khaoula Chercheur
25 1094 31253 976549 Recherche 6 6 1.000 5 5 1.000 109 108 0.991
Habbadi Morocco Protection des plantes |
Agronomique INRA
ENSIAS, Mohammed V
Abdelfettah Université Chouaib
55 1095 31323 976900 University of Rabat, 6 6 1.000 3 1 0.333 108 78 0.722
Mabrouk Morocco Eddoukali
Faculté de Médecine et
de Pharmacie / Université
Université Hassan II Hassan II de Casablanca
102 1096 31338 976988 Mostafa Rafai 6 5 0.833 1 1 1.000 108 86 0.796
Morocco de Casablanca Physiologie - Médecine d'Urgence-
Biostatistiques - Pédagogie
Médicale |
MAScIR (Moroccan
Moroccan Foundation Foundation for Advanced
for Advanced Science Science, Innovation and
10 1097 31357 977081 Adnane Habib Research) 6 5 0.833 4 4 1.000 107 89 0.832
Morocco Innovation and
Remote Sensing | GIS |
Cartography | Terrain Modelling |
Social Sciences /
Université Mohammed Anthropology
174 1098 31377 977182 Rahal Boubrik 6 4 0.667 2 1 0.500 107 43 0.402
Morocco V de Rabat anthropologie histoire sociologie
Sahara |
Faculty of Medicine &
Pharmacy of Marrakech-
Université Cadi Ayyad Cadi Ayyad University
124 1099 31426 977439 Houssam Rebahi 6 5 0.833 4 4 1.000 105 85 0.810
Morocco Marrakech Perioperative care | Critical Care |
Neuroscience | Ultrasonography |
Education |

Moustapha Université Mohammed Phd student

175 1100 31442 977518 Physics and chemistry of inorganic 6 6 1.000 2 2 1.000 105 105 1.000
Elansary Morocco V de Rabat materials - magnetic properties |
Natural Sciences /
Mohamed Université Chouaib Chemical Sciences
56 1101 31475 977657 6 6 1.000 3 3 1.000 104 96 0.923
Bakhouch Morocco Eddoukali Chimie organique | Chimie
hétérocyclique |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Professeur habilité,
informatique, Université
Université Hassan II Hassan II de Casablanca
103 1102 31480 977680 Habib Ayad 6 5 0.833 3 3 1.000 104 95 0.913
Morocco de Casablanca Data sciences | Artificial
Intelligence | Information
technologies |
Université Sidi
145 1103 31501 977813 Adil Benabbou Mohammed Ben 6 5 0.833 4 2 0.500 103 70 0.680
Abdellah Fes
Machine Learning
Mohammed VI Mohammed VI
72 1104 221797 977963 Ikram Chairi 6 5 0.833 5 3 0.600 102 70 0.686
Morocco Polytechnic University Polytechnic University
Machine learning | Data science |
AI | Statistics |
Polydisciplinaire of Safi,
Université Cadi Ayyad UCA
125 1105 31531 978002 Idrissi Said T–S fuzzy systems with time 6 5 0.833 4 4 1.000 102 83 0.814
Morocco Marrakech
delays | Robust and H∞ control |
Singular systems | Time delay
systems | and TCP/IP networks |

Université Hassan II Faculté sciences ben

104 1105 31531 978002 Said Nouh 6 5 0.833 4 3 0.750 102 68 0.667
Morocco de Casablanca m'sik
Université Sidi
Youness Phd student at FST
146 1107 31547 978105 Mohammed Ben 6 6 1.000 6 6 1.000 101 101 1.000
Boujoudar Morocco USMBA
Abdellah Fes
Assistant Professor in
Management, Ecole
Université Mohammed
176 1108 31619 978424 Nouha Taifi d'Ingénieurs 6 2 0.333 3 1 0.333 100 23 0.230
Morocco V de Rabat Knowledge and Innovation
Management | Social
Enterpreneurship | Sustainable
Development |
Engineering &
Université Hassan II Technology / Mechanical
105 1109 31630 978464 Ahmed Adri Engineering 6 6 1.000 0 0 0 100 99 0.990
Morocco de Casablanca
Vibration | dynamique des
structures | Génie Industriel |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Professeur en chimie,
Faculté des Sciences
Appliquées Ait Melloul,
Samira Université Ibnou Zohr Université Ibn Zohr …
83 1110 31633 978469 6 6 1.000 5 3 0.600 99 81 0.818
Dalbouha Morocco d'Agadir ab initio and DFT calculation |
Electronic Structure |
spectroscory caracterisation of
atmospheric species | Hydrogen
Bonding |
Enseignant chercheur à
Institut Agronomique Institut Agronomique et
13 1111 31650 978537 Ahlam Kadiri et Veterinaire Hassan Vétérinaire Hassan II - 6 4 0.667 4 3 0.750 99 74 0.747
II Rabat- Maroc
Microbiologie | Biologie |
Hassan II University of
Oumaima Université Hassan II Casablanca (UH2C)
106 1112 31654 978546 6 6 1.000 3 3 1.000 99 99 1.000
Hourrane Morocco de Casablanca Deep Learning | Natural Language
Processing |

Naama El Université Ibnou Zohr

84 1113 31713 978776 6 3 0.500 2 0 0.000 98 35 0.357
Ghazal Morocco d'Agadir

Ait Ichou Université Ibnou Zohr Natural Sciences /

85 1114 31736 978865 Chemical Sciences 6 6 1.000 3 3 1.000 97 97 1.000
Abdeljalil Morocco d'Agadir
Chimie |
Medical and Health
Université Hassan II Sciences / Biochemistry
107 1115 31786 979058 Naima Khlil 6 5 0.833 3 3 1.000 96 91 0.948
Morocco de Casablanca Biochimie | Nutrition | Santé et
Environnement |

Université Moulay UMI

69 1116 31790 979083 Laila Kadi Electrical Engineering and 6 6 1.000 2 2 1.000 96 95 0.990
Morocco Ismail Meknès Renewable Energy |
National School of
Université Ibnou Zohr
86 1116 31790 979083 El Kyal Malika Applied Sciences, Ibn 6 6 1.000 2 2 1.000 96 95 0.990
Morocco d'Agadir
Zohr University
Abdellah Université Ibnou Zohr Natural Sciences /
87 1118 31796 979105 Physics 6 4 0.667 2 1 0.500 96 67 0.698
Iddaoudi Morocco d'Agadir
physique |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Natural Sciences /
Mohamed Université Ibnou Zohr Biological Science
88 1119 31817 979204 Biotechnologie microbienne | 6 5 0.833 3 1 0.333 95 55 0.579
Alouani Morocco d'Agadir
amélioration génétique des
plantes |
Engineering &
Université Ibnou Zohr Technology / Energy
89 1120 31853 979330 Adil Charef Engineering 6 6 1.000 3 3 1.000 94 94 1.000
Morocco d'Agadir
Phase change | Heat and mass
transfer |

Université Hassan II Engineering &

108 1120 31853 979330 Wahid Achraf Technology / Engineering 6 6 1.000 3 3 1.000 94 94 1.000
Morocco de Casablanca
engineering mechanics |
Enseignant chercheur
Université Mohammed ESTS, Ecole supérieure
177 1122 31865 979368 Elakkary Ahmed de Technologie de Salé 6 6 1.000 2 2 1.000 94 86 0.915
Morocco V de Rabat
Automatique | Electronique de
puissance |
Engineering &
Technology / Computer
Abdelghafour Université Cadi Ayyad Science
126 1123 31897 979491 6 5 0.833 3 3 1.000 93 73 0.785
Atlas Morocco Marrakech PDE | Numerical analysis | Image
processing | Immune competition |
inverse problem |
Assistant Professor,
Mohammed V University
El-Yahyaoui Université Mohammed in Rabat (Faculty of
178 1124 31912 979570 6 6 1.000 4 4 1.000 92 90 0.978
Ahmed Morocco V de Rabat Sciences)
Information Security | Cryptologie
| Cloud | Big Data |
University of sidi
Université Sidi Mohamed ben Abdellah
Naoufal El
147 1124 31912 979570 Mohammed Ben Bioactive molecules | Pharmacolgy 6 6 1.000 4 4 1.000 92 92 1.000
Hachlafi Morocco
Abdellah Fes | Ethnobotany | Medicinal plants |
Microbiology |
Business & Management /
Université Mohammed Decision Science and
179 1126 31918 979601 Fatima Ouzayd 6 5 0.833 4 2 0.500 92 75 0.815
Morocco V de Rabat Operations Management
Logistique hospitalière |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Medical and Health
Université Ibnou Zohr Sciences / Epidemiology
90 1127 31937 979685 Laila Lahlou and Public Health 6 6 1.000 0 0 0 92 89 0.967
Morocco d'Agadir
Epidemiology | One Health |
Public health and biostatistics |
IBN ZOHR university
Ecole Polytechnique security cryptography cloud
4 1128 32010 979981 Zakariae Tbatou 6 6 1.000 4 4 1.000 89 89 1.000
Morocco Privée d'Agadir computing distributed systems
blockchain technology IT |

Université Ibnou Zohr Medical and Health

91 1129 32024 980027 Imad Ziouziou Sciences / Urology 6 5 0.833 3 1 0.333 89 75 0.843
Morocco d'Agadir
Urology |
Mohammed VI Waste and effluent valorization |
73 1130 222798 980105 Saida Tayibi 6 6 1.000 6 6 1.000 88 87 0.989
Morocco Polytechnic University Pyrolysis | Anaerobic digestion |
Agriculture |
Engineering &
Technology / Computer
Ahmed Abdelmalek Essaadi Science
16 1131 32053 980138 Security and Dependability | 6 4 0.667 4 2 0.500 88 47 0.534
Bendahmane Morocco University Distributed Systems | Grid and
Cloud Computing | BiG Data
Computer Networks | Smart Grid
Security |
Assistant Professor,
Mohamed V Teaching
Université Mohammed Military Hospital,
180 1132 32075 980222 Amal Satte 6 4 0.667 1 0 0.000 88 39 0.443
Morocco V de Rabat Mohamed V University in
Sleep | Epilepsy |
Engineering &
Technology / Chemical
Université Sultan
9 1133 32077 980230 Ayoub Haouas Moulay Slimane Beni Chemical engineering | 6 6 1.000 5 5 1.000 87 86 0.989
Mellal Environment | Composting |
Anaerobic digestion |
Biotechnology |

Université Ibnou Zohr professeur de

92 1134 32086 980255 Zaaloul Abdellah mathématiques 6 6 1.000 3 2 0.667 87 78 0.897
Morocco d'Agadir
probabilité et stochastique |

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Haily Université Chouaib Natural Sciences /
57 1135 32104 980318 Mathematics 6 4 0.667 2 0 0.000 87 44 0.506
Abdelfattah Morocco Eddoukali
algebra |
Agriculture & Forestry /
Soil and Water
Otman El Université Cadi Ayyad Engineering and
127 1136 32136 980433 Conservation 6 6 1.000 1 1 1.000 86 86 1.000
Mountassir Morocco Marrakech
Hydrogeology | Hydrology | Water
Engineering | Isotope
Geochemistry |
Team of Molecular
Modelling and
Université Chouaib Spectroscopy, Sciences
58 1137 32177 980565 Karima Sadik 6 6 1.000 4 4 1.000 84 84 1.000
Morocco Eddoukali Faculty, Chouaib
Doukkali …
Quantum chemical |

Université Cadi Ayyad Ph.D.

128 1138 32190 980592 Ismail Hdoufane Bioinformatics | Computational 6 6 1.000 3 3 1.000 84 84 1.000
Morocco Marrakech Chemistry |

Université Hassan II ENSAM-Casablanca

109 1139 32201 980627 Mustapha Hain Big data | ERP | Datamining. EDI | 6 6 1.000 2 2 1.000 84 78 0.929
Morocco de Casablanca IoT et E-logistique.. |
ESTS Université
Université Mohammed Mohammed V Rabat
181 1139 32201 980627 Abdelali Lasfar 6 6 1.000 2 0 0.000 84 48 0.571
Morocco V de Rabat Traitements d'image | indexation
par contenu | descripteurs |
Engineering &
Université Chouaib Technology / Electrical &
59 1141 32237 980735 Samir Elouaham Electronic Engineering 6 4 0.667 2 0 0.000 83 44 0.530
Morocco Eddoukali
signal | image et système
embarqué |

Université Sidi Biotechnology, Faculté

Abderrahim des sciences Et
148 1142 32261 980801 Mohammed Ben 6 6 1.000 2 2 1.000 82 78 0.951
Lazraq Morocco Techniques de Fès
Abdellah Fes
Agronomie | biotecnologie |
professeur de
Université Moulay mathématiques et
70 1143 32269 980837 Tarik Hajji 6 5 0.833 0 0 0 82 78 0.951
Morocco Ismail Meknès informatique, ENSAM,

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Moroccan Foundation
Hamd Ait for Advanced Science MASciR, SEIA
11 1144 32372 981048 6 5 0.833 3 3 1.000 80 66 0.825
Abdelali Morocco Innovation and Intelligence Artificielle |
Mohamed Université Ibnou Zohr FSA, Université Ibn Zohr
93 1145 32395 981105 Fluid Dynamics | Heat and Mass 6 6 1.000 1 0 0.000 80 77 0.963
Hssikou Morocco d'Agadir Transfer |
Sidi Mohamed Ben
Abdellah University.
Université Sidi Faculty of sciences dhar
149 1146 32404 981133 Mohammed Ben al mahraz 6 6 1.000 3 3 1.000 79 79 1.000
Benslimane Morocco
Abdellah Fes Mathematical Analysis | Partial
Differential Equations (PDE) |
Numerical Analysis |

Khalid El Université Chouaib Chouaib Doukkali

60 1146 32404 981133 6 6 1.000 3 3 1.000 79 79 1.000
Khadiri Morocco Eddoukali University, Morocco
docteur en biochimie et
physiologie animale,
Université Moulay Ismail
Mohamed Reda Université Moulay
71 1148 32481 981377 Meknès. 6 6 1.000 2 2 1.000 76 75 0.987
Kachmar Morocco Ismail Meknès biochimie | physiologie animale |
pharmacologie | pharmacognosie |
plantes médicinales et
aromatiques. |
Cadi Ayyad University
Bouchra El Université Cadi Ayyad (Morocco)
129 1149 32505 981439 Environment | Bioprocess | 6 6 1.000 2 2 1.000 75 75 1.000
Hayany Morocco Marrakech
Microbial Biotechnologies |
Agrosciences |

Pr. Moulay Natural Sciences /

Université Hassan II Physics
110 1150 32543 981586 Youssef El 6 6 1.000 0 0 0 73 73 1.000
Morocco de Casablanca magnetism | spintronics |
Hafidi permanent magnets |
Université Sidi
Abderrahim d'Informatique,
150 1151 32556 981636 Mohammed Ben 6 5 0.833 3 1 0.333 71 50 0.704
Benabbou Morocco Université Sidi Mohamed
Abdellah Fes
Ben Abdellah, Fès

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Institut National de la Directeur de Recherche,
Mohamed INRA Maroc
26 1152 32582 981715 Recherche 6 5 0.833 1 1 1.000 70 53 0.757
Benicha Morocco Agriculture et environnement |
Agronomique INRA Chimie de l'environnement |

Saber Université Ibn Tofail Doctor, Hassania School

67 1153 32586 981737 of Public Works (EHTP) 6 6 1.000 2 2 1.000 69 69 1.000
Mohammed Morocco Kénitra
Telecommunication Engineering |
Université Sidi Phd
151 1153 32586 981737 Saloua Biyada Mohammed Ben Biotechnology | Biochimie | 6 6 1.000 2 2 1.000 69 69 1.000
Morocco Environment | Microbiology |
Abdellah Fes
Hassan II University-
Faculty of Human
Sciences Ben M'sik in
Université Hassan II
111 1155 32593 981756 Ayoub Loutfi Casablanca, Morocco 6 5 0.833 1 1 1.000 69 57 0.826
Morocco de Casablanca Morphology-Syntax | Distributed
Morphology | Minimalist Program
| Language Policy and Planning |

Stéphanie Mohammed VI
74 1156 223518 981877 attachement | comportement | 6 4 0.667 3 0 0.000 65 39 0.600
Leblanc Morocco Polytechnic University apprentissage | lecture | écriture |

Institut Agronomique Institut Agronomique et

14 1157 32656 981950 et Veterinaire Hassan vétérinaire Hassan II 6 5 0.833 2 2 1.000 62 54 0.871
Zahid Morocco Rabat
Plant biology and pathology |
Université Sidi PhD student
152 1157 32656 981950 Ikram Tabakh Mohammed Ben RFID technology | RTLS systems | 6 5 0.833 2 2 1.000 62 59 0.952
Morocco antenna propagation |
Abdellah Fes
Business & Management /
Université Ibn Tofail Decision Science and
68 1159 32684 982037 Aziz Babounia Operations Management 6 5 0.833 0 0 0 56 44 0.786
Morocco Kénitra
Engineering &
Université Mohammed Technology / Engineering
182 1160 32728 983761 Lamyae Sardi Gamification | e-health | 5 5 1.000 4 4 1.000 680 679 0.999
Morocco V de Rabat
Requirements Engineering |
Software Quality |

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Engineering &
Université Ibnou Zohr Technology / Engineering
94 1161 32789 985658 Sedki Akram 5 5 1.000 5 5 1.000 459 239 0.521
Morocco d'Agadir Intelligence Artificielle |
Recherche Opérationnelle |
Natural Sciences /
Université Chouaib Biological Science
61 1162 32797 985865 Wafa Arsalane Algologie | biologie et biodiversité 5 4 0.800 5 2 0.400 445 60 0.135
Morocco Eddoukali
des algues marines |
Environnement marin |

Ahmed Mohammed VI
75 1163 225009 988664 um6p 5 5 1.000 5 5 1.000 312 295 0.946
Marchane Morocco Polytechnic University
Faculté des Sciences El
Université Chouaib Jadida, Université
62 1164 32993 990239 Anouar Rich Chouaib Doukkali 5 5 1.000 3 3 1.000 255 170 0.667
Morocco Eddoukali
Thermodynamique Appliquée |
Génie des Procédés |
Environnement |

Mohamed Institut Pasteur du Ph.D - Chercheur grade B

7 1165 33013 990473 Microbiologie | physico-chimie | 5 4 0.800 3 2 0.667 248 180 0.726
Bennani Morocco Maroc eaux | aliments | environnement |
Institut Agronomique Social Sciences /
15 1166 33029 990714 Younes Bekkar et Veterinaire Hassan Sociology 5 5 1.000 4 3 0.750 241 103 0.427
II Sociologie | conseil agricole |

Institut Agronomique Institut Agronomique et

Hicham Ait
16 1167 33062 991239 et Veterinaire Hassan Vétérinaire Hassan II 5 5 1.000 5 5 1.000 228 220 0.965
Lbacha Morocco
II animal health |

Université Mohammed Natural Sciences /

183 1168 33066 991270 Aziz Ettahir Physics 5 5 1.000 2 2 1.000 228 100 0.439
Morocco V de Rabat
Physique |
Professor, Faculty of
Sciences and
Abdessamad Université Cadi Ayyad technologies, Cadi Ayyad
130 1169 33082 991514 5 5 1.000 4 4 1.000 223 214 0.960
Elboushaki Morocco Marrakech University
Computer Vision | Pattern
Recognition | Machine Learning |

Brahim Université Mohammed Natural Sciences /

184 1170 33088 991563 Chemical Sciences 5 5 1.000 4 4 1.000 222 141 0.635
Mojemmi Morocco V de Rabat
Chimie analytique | pharmacie |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Engineering &
Université Mohammed Technology / Mechanical
185 1171 33093 991634 Khalid El Bikri 5 5 1.000 3 3 1.000 221 139 0.629
Morocco V de Rabat Engineering
Ingénierie mécanique |

Université Cadi Ayyad FPS

131 1172 33115 991801 Nawal Alioua 5 4 0.800 4 4 1.000 217 174 0.802
Morocco Marrakech informatique |

Université Ibnou Zohr

95 1173 33146 992194 Salwa Belaqziz Ibn Zohr University 5 4 0.800 4 4 1.000 209 165 0.789
Morocco d'Agadir
Université Euro- Euro-Mediterranean
7 1174 33166 992498 Jaouad Anissi Méditerranéenne de University of Fez 5 5 1.000 4 4 1.000 203 162 0.798
Fès Biotechnolgie |

Mohammed V University
in Rabat, Superior School
Younes Université Mohammed of Technology-Salé,
186 1175 33174 992546 5 3 0.600 3 3 1.000 203 150 0.739
Louartassi Morocco V de Rabat LASTIMI, Salé, Morocco
Systèmes dynamiques | Contrôle |
Analyse Numérique |

Université Sidi Sidi Mohamed Ben

Redouan El Abdellah University
153 1176 33189 992709 Mohammed Ben 5 5 1.000 3 3 1.000 200 200 1.000
Khalfaouy Morocco Cathode materials | Energy
Abdellah Fes storage | Lithium-ion batteries |
Mohammed VI
Mohammed VI Polytechnic University
76 1177 227074 993398 A. Elbaouchi 5 5 1.000 5 5 1.000 188 188 1.000
Morocco Polytechnic University Breeding | Quality | biotechnology
| agronomy | physiology |

Université Hassan II Faculté de science Ben

112 1177 33256 993398 Abidate Imane Msick 5 5 1.000 5 5 1.000 188 174 0.926
Morocco de Casablanca
artificiel intelligence |
Natural Sciences /
Université Ibnou Zohr Physics
96 1179 33265 993485 Hicham Charifi 5 4 0.800 5 3 0.600 187 78 0.417
Morocco d'Agadir Thin films | Photovoltaic energy |
solar cells |
Engineering &
Technology / Computer
Université Chouaib Science
63 1180 33274 993552 Yassine Saji 5 5 1.000 4 4 1.000 186 170 0.914
Morocco Eddoukali swarm intelligence | bio-inspired
algorithms | combinatorial
optimization | metaheuristics |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Medical Biotechnology
Mohammed Laboratory (MedBiotech),
Université Mohammed Bioinova Research
187 1181 33305 993805 Walid Chemao- 5 5 1.000 3 3 1.000 183 183 1.000
Morocco V de Rabat Center, Rabat Medical &
Microbial Genomics |
Engineering &
Université Sidi Technology / Electrical &
154 1182 33362 994230 A. Boharb Mohammed Ben Electronic Engineering 5 5 1.000 4 4 1.000 176 175 0.994
Morocco Electrical & Electronics
Abdellah Fes
Engineering-Energy Audit -Energy
Efficiency |
Docteur en biologie,
Université Ibnou Zohr Faculté Polydisciplinaire
97 1183 33379 994346 Oukacha Amri 5 5 1.000 5 4 0.800 174 165 0.948
Morocco d'Agadir Taroudant Université Ibn
Natural Sciences /
Abdelmajid Université Cadi Ayyad Physics
132 1184 33396 994456 5 4 0.800 4 2 0.500 173 54 0.312
Mansour Morocco Marrakech Mécanique des fluides et
énergétique |
Social Sciences /
Linguistics and Literature
Abdelhamid Al Akhawayn Islam | Islam in the West | Islam in
31 1185 33420 994642 5 3 0.600 3 3 1.000 171 43 0.251
Lotfi Morocco University Ifrane America | American
Autobiography | Arab American
Literature |
Assoc Prof, Faculty of
applied sciences, Ait
Université Ibnou Zohr Melloul. Morocco
98 1186 33501 995256 Nadia Faska 5 3 0.600 1 1 1.000 164 58 0.354
Morocco d'Agadir Theoretical chemistry and
modélisation | spectroscopy NMR |
Hydrogen bond |
Natural Sciences /
Soulaimane Université Cadi Ayyad Physics
133 1187 33508 995309 5 4 0.800 4 2 0.500 163 56 0.344
Kaloun Morocco Marrakech big data | maching learning | Deep
learning |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Business & Management /
Decision Science and
Université Ibnou Zohr Operations Management
99 1188 33509 995319 Boubker Omar Management Sciences | SCM | 5 5 1.000 3 3 1.000 163 160 0.982
Morocco d'Agadir
Supply Chain Information Systems
| Relationship marketing |
Entrepreneurship |
Engineering &
Abdelfattah Université Cadi Ayyad Technology / Food
134 1189 33548 995579 Science and Engineering 5 5 1.000 4 1 0.250 160 75 0.469
Mouabad Morocco Marrakech
Food toxicology | Ecotoxicology |
Environmental Management |
Engineering &
Zouhair Technology / Computer
Université Cadi Ayyad Science
135 1190 33559 995664 Elamrani Abou 5 5 1.000 4 4 1.000 159 158 0.994
Morocco Marrakech Artificial Intelligence | Machine
Learning | Data Mining | Data
Analytics | IoT |
Université Hassan II de
Université Hassan II Casablanca, Faculté des
113 1191 33601 996033 Youssef Naimi sciences Ben M'sik 5 4 0.800 4 3 0.750 156 110 0.705
Morocco de Casablanca
Etudes et Recherches
scientifiques |
Zakaria El International University
32 1192 33683 996665 Internationale de 5 5 1.000 4 3 0.750 150 114 0.760
Qoubaa Morocco of Rabat
Data & Machine Learning
Université Sidi Sidi Mohamed Ben
155 1192 33683 996665 Mohammed Ben Abdellah University, Fez, 5 5 1.000 4 4 1.000 150 150 1.000
Ed-Daoudy Morocco
Abdellah Fes Morocco
Big data | Data mining | Machine
learning | IoT |
Institut National de la Natural Sciences /
El Aalaoui
27 1192 33683 996665 Recherche Biological Science 5 5 1.000 4 4 1.000 150 150 1.000
Mohamed Morocco
Agronomique INRA Entomology and biocontrol |

National School of National School of

2 1195 33760 997230 Romani Zaid 5 5 1.000 2 2 1.000 146 139 0.952
Morocco Architecture, Tétouan Architecture, Tétouan
Génie Civil & Energétique |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Natural Sciences /
Hicham El Université Chouaib Sustainable Energy | Photovoltaics
64 1196 33767 997270 5 5 1.000 4 3 0.750 145 140 0.966
Achouby Morocco Eddoukali | Solar Cells Materials |
Optoelectronics | Semiconductor
Nanostructures |
Faculté des Sciences Ben
M'Sik. Université Hassan
II de Casablanca MAROC.
Houriya Université Hassan II Physiopathologie est
114 1197 33879 997961 5 4 0.800 4 0 0.000 140 46 0.329
Mestaghanmi Morocco de Casablanca Génétique Moléculaire.
Nutrition Toxicologie Métabolisme
Natural Sciences /
Université Hassan II Chemical Sciences
115 1198 33891 998005 Soumia Belouafa Chimie des Matériaux | Génie des 5 4 0.800 3 1 0.333 140 110 0.786
Morocco de Casablanca
Procédés | Maîtrise Statistique des
Procédés |
Medical and Health
Université Mohammed Sciences / Physiology
188 1199 33917 998146 Slimane Mehdad Physiology | Diet | Nutrition | 5 4 0.800 3 3 1.000 139 98 0.705
Morocco V de Rabat
Physical activity | and Chronic
Diseases |

Université The international

Abdelhak University of Rabat
33 1200 33947 998343 Internationale de 5 5 1.000 4 4 1.000 137 137 1.000
Kharbouch Morocco Internet of Things | Big Data
Rabat technologies |
Natural Sciences /
Chemical Sciences
traitement et valorisation des eaux
El Amrani Université Hassan II usées domestiques | analyses des
116 1201 33949 998379 eaux | caractérisation et 5 4 0.800 4 2 0.500 137 51 0.372
Btissam Morocco de Casablanca
identification des polluants |
spectrométrie de masse et
couplage avec la chromatographie

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
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Last 5 Last 5 Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Medical and Health
Sciences / Physiology
Abdelaziz Université Mohammed Physiologie | Explorations
189 1202 33965 998437 5 5 1.000 2 2 1.000 137 106 0.774
Belaguid Morocco V de Rabat Fonctionnelles | Sciences et
Technologies Biomédicales |
Pédiatrie |

Université Sidi Enseignant chercheur à

156 1203 33967 998452 Youssef El Afou Mohammed Ben l'ENSAF 5 5 1.000 5 5 1.000 136 92 0.676
Morocco greenhousse | monitoring |
Abdellah Fes simulation | thermoelectric. |
Professeur d'histoire,
Université Moulay Université Moulay Ismail
72 1204 33978 998550 Mimoun Aziza meknès 5 4 0.800 3 2 0.667 136 56 0.412
Morocco Ismail Meknès
histoire | Maroc | Rif | protectorat
espagnol |
Professeur en
Abdallaoui Maan Université Mohammed université Mohammed V
190 1204 33978 998550 5 4 0.800 3 3 1.000 136 68 0.500
Lamiaa Morocco V de Rabat Parodontologie | Epidémiologie |
microbiologie orale | dermatologie
buccale |
Professeur de
l'enseignement supérieur,
Université Sidi
Mohammed faculté de médecine et de
157 1206 33981 998577 Mohammed Ben 5 3 0.600 2 2 1.000 136 58 0.426
Ridal Morocco pharmacie de Fès,
Abdellah Fes
Université Sidi Mohamed
Ibn Abdellah
Faculty of Sciences,
Chouaïb Doukkali
Université Chouaib University, El Jadida,
65 1207 34016 998836 Mhammed Zaimi Morocco 5 5 1.000 3 3 1.000 134 134 1.000
Morocco Eddoukali
Renewable energy | Solar Cells
Materials | Thermal Engineering |
Energy production |
Hassan II University of
Université Hassan II Casablanca
117 1208 34035 998989 Lotfi Said 5 5 1.000 3 2 0.667 133 94 0.707
Morocco de Casablanca Mesure & Evaluation en
Education & STAPS |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
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Last 5 Last 5 Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Université Sidi Engineering &
158 1209 34045 999094 Karim Dahdouh Mohammed Ben Technology / Computer 5 5 1.000 4 4 1.000 132 132 1.000
Morocco Science
Abdellah Fes
Computer science |
Ecole Hassania des
Hicham El Ecole Hassania des Travaux Publics (EHTP)
4 1210 34137 999768 intelligence artificielle | 5 5 1.000 4 4 1.000 128 108 0.844
Hassani Morocco Travaux Publics
optimisation logistique |
heuristique | transport |
‫طالب بكلية العلوم‬
Youssef Université Cadi Ayyad
136 1211 34187 1000101 ‫القانونية والاقتصادية‬ 5 4 0.800 5 2 0.400 126 74 0.587
Elmouayed Morocco Marrakech
‫والاجتماعية القاضي عياض‬
Université Cadi Ayyad FST, Cadi Ayyad
137 1212 34244 1000398 Rachid Belfadli University 5 4 0.800 2 1 0.500 125 83 0.664
Morocco Marrakech
Stochastic Analysis |

Soukaina Université Ibnou Zohr Ibn Zohr University,

100 1213 34267 1000507 Agadir 5 5 1.000 3 3 1.000 124 124 1.000
Ennouamani Morocco d'Agadir
Mobile learning |
Engineering &
Technology / Civil
Amrani Université Cadi Ayyad Engineering
138 1214 34381 1001112 Génie Civil | géotechnique | 5 5 1.000 3 3 1.000 121 121 1.000
Mustapha Morocco Marrakech structure | Recyclage et
valorisation des déchets |
traitement et stabilisation des
matériaux |

Université Cadi Ayyad Professor, ENSA Tetouan

139 1215 34398 1001246 Ahmed Bentajer cloud computing | TPM | trust 5 5 1.000 4 4 1.000 120 113 0.942
Morocco Marrakech computing | IaaS |
Hassan II University,
Faculty of Sciences Aïn
Marwane Université Hassan II Chock, LPMAT and
118 1216 34481 1001736 REMTEX Laboratories 5 5 1.000 2 2 1.000 118 118 1.000
Rouway Morocco de Casablanca
Nanocomposite modelling |
Renewable energy | 3D printing |
Polymers | Dessalination |
Natural Sciences /
Abdelaaziz Université Cadi Ayyad Chemical Sciences
140 1217 34518 1002000 5 5 1.000 4 4 1.000 116 116 1.000
Aityoub Morocco Marrakech Chimie de l'environnement et
génie des matériaux |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Mohammed El Université Hassan II Natural Sciences /
119 1218 34569 1002328 Chemical Sciences 5 4 0.800 2 1 0.500 115 54 0.470
Mahi Chbihi Morocco de Casablanca
chimie physique |
Professor, Mohammed V
Université Mohammed University in Rabat
191 1219 34592 1002453 Abdelmajid Bybi 5 5 1.000 3 3 1.000 114 97 0.851
Morocco V de Rabat Acoustics | Electronics |
Instrumentation. |

Maarouf Université Chouaib Chouaib Doukkali

66 1220 34606 1002549 University 5 4 0.800 2 1 0.500 114 53 0.465
Mohammed Morocco Eddoukali
cultural studies and ethnography |

Université Sidi Université Sidi

Mohammed Mohammed Ben Abdellah
159 1221 34655 1002935 Mohammed Ben 5 4 0.800 3 2 0.667 112 75 0.670
Abahrour Morocco Risques naturels | Cartographie et
Abdellah Fes Aménagement |
Business & Management /
Decision Science and
Lhoussaine Université Ibnou Zohr Operations Management
101 1222 34679 1003083 Supply Chain Management | Risk 5 4 0.800 4 3 0.750 111 87 0.784
Ouabouch Morocco d'Agadir
and Vulnerability Analysis |
Resilience | Gestion des risques |
Logistics Information Systems |

Université Ibnou Zohr Professor of GIS and

102 1223 34800 1003801 Adnane Labbaci remote sensing 5 5 1.000 2 2 1.000 108 108 1.000
Morocco d'Agadir
GIS | RS |
Université Hassan II de
Kamal El Université Hassan II Casablanca
120 1224 34849 1004012 Data Science | Search Engines | 5 5 1.000 2 2 1.000 107 87 0.813
Guemmat Morocco de Casablanca
Digital Learning | Big Data &
Machine Learning | Networking |
Education / Education
Université Ibnou Zohr Educational Data Science |
103 1225 34862 1004082 Brahim Hmedna 5 5 1.000 4 4 1.000 106 105 0.991
Morocco d'Agadir Learning Analytics | Learning
styles | MOOC |
Engineering &
Technology / Electrical &
Abdelmoghit Université Hassan II Electronic Engineering
121 1226 34906 1004330 5 5 1.000 3 3 1.000 105 105 1.000
Zaarane Morocco de Casablanca Embedded Systems | Computer
Vision | Advanced Driving
Assistance Systems |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Engineering &
Technology / Computer
Université Mohammed Science
192 1227 34914 1004368 Hatim Guermah Computer Science | Context 5 4 0.800 3 3 1.000 105 84 0.800
Morocco V de Rabat Aware Service Oriented
Computing | Semantic Web |
Ontology Reasoning | Model
Driven Architecture |
Engineering &
Technology / Electrical &
Abouzahir Université Mohammed Electronic Engineering
193 1228 34983 1004745 5 4 0.800 3 2 0.667 103 92 0.893
Mohamed Morocco V de Rabat Embedded systems | Robotics |
Electrical Engineering | SLAM
Algorithms |
fstg cadi ayyad
Université Cadi Ayyad couplage | transport réactif |
141 1228 34983 1004745 Laila Amir 5 4 0.800 3 2 0.667 103 49 0.476
Morocco Marrakech intersection fracture | milieux
poreux |

Université Ibnou Zohr

104 1230 34992 1004777 Khalid Aziz 5 5 1.000 2 2 1.000 103 103 1.000
Morocco d'Agadir
Mohammed V University
Université Mohammed in Rabat
194 1231 35018 1004899 Naoual Berbiche AI | Machine learning | deep 5 5 1.000 3 3 1.000 102 102 1.000
Morocco V de Rabat
learning | MDE | computer science
Cadi Ayyad University
Salim El Université Cadi Ayyad IOT | Blockchain | security
142 1231 35018 1004899 5 5 1.000 3 3 1.000 102 97 0.951
Bouanani Morocco Marrakech information | machine learning |
Access control |
PhD and Process
Université engineer - Ecole
34 1231 35018 1004899 Ghazi Mohamed Internationale de Mohammadia 5 5 1.000 3 3 1.000 102 102 1.000
Morocco d'Ingénieurs
Energy | Optimization |
desalination | renewable energy |
Natural Sciences /
Si Lhoussain Université Mohammed Mathematics
195 1234 35091 1005179 5 4 0.800 2 2 1.000 101 85 0.842
Aouragh Morocco V de Rabat Traitement automatique de la
langue | Analyse des données |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Université Ibnou Zohr Ibn zohr university
105 1235 35254 1005840 Ismail El Massi Machine learning | Pattern 5 4 0.800 3 3 1.000 97 91 0.938
Morocco d'Agadir recognition | Image processing |
Engineering &
Technology / Chemical
Université Hassan II Engineering
122 1236 35282 1005934 Sanaa Kouzbour Chemical engineering | 5 5 1.000 4 4 1.000 96 96 1.000
Morocco de Casablanca
Phosphoric acid purification |
Potable and wastewater treatment

Université Cadi Ayyad Natural Sciences /

143 1237 35347 1006158 Zineb Mimouni Physics 5 3 0.600 4 1 0.250 95 34 0.358
Morocco Marrakech
rhéologie systèmes dynamiques |
Natural Sciences /
Université Hassan II Physics
123 1238 35349 1006161 Zineb Zineb 5 5 1.000 3 3 1.000 95 91 0.958
Morocco de Casablanca magnétisme | matériaux
magnétiques |
Professor of Software
Engineering, Al
Akhawayn University,
Al Akhawayn
32 1239 35355 1006198 Bouchaib Falah Ifrane, Morocco 5 4 0.800 3 2 0.667 95 74 0.779
Morocco University Ifrane Complexity Metrics | Security
Testing | Web Testing | Agile
Methodology and Extreme
Programming | Mutation Testing |
Institut National des Professor, INPT Rabat
Mohamed Et- Postes et Signal processing | Compressed
11 1240 35364 1006250 Sensing | Wireless Communication 5 4 0.800 2 2 1.000 95 62 0.653
Tolba Morocco Telecommunications Systems | Performance Evaluation
Maroc |
Engineering &
Mahfoud Université Cadi Ayyad Technology / Industrial &
144 1241 35396 1006331 Manufacturing 5 4 0.800 4 4 1.000 94 80 0.851
Hassana Morocco Marrakech
Industrial engineering |
Engineering &
Mohammed VI Technology / Earth
77 1242 233841 1006345 Anis Gasmi 5 5 1.000 3 3 1.000 94 92 0.979
Morocco Polytechnic University Sciences
Geomatics |

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Last 5 Last 5 Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Professeur en
Ecole Nationale de Informatique, Ecole
6 1243 35500 1006727 Kawtar Tikito 5 5 1.000 3 3 1.000 92 85 0.924
Morocco l'Industrie Minerale Nationale Supérieure des
Mines de Rabat
Faculty Of Sciences , Ibn
Université Ibnou Zohr Zohr University
106 1244 35538 1006876 Mouhcine Rabi 5 5 1.000 5 5 1.000 91 91 1.000
Morocco d'Agadir Pattern recognition Artificial
Intelligence |
Natural Sciences /
Brahim Université Ibnou Zohr Physics
107 1245 35607 1007123 5 4 0.800 4 4 1.000 90 75 0.833
Boughazi Morocco d'Agadir Computational Materials Physics |
Magnetism |
Engineering &
Technology / Computer
Abdellah El Mohammed VI Science
78 1246 234205 1007132 5 5 1.000 3 3 1.000 90 89 0.989
Mekki Morocco Polytechnic University Computer Science | Natural
Language Processing | Machine
Learning |
Medical and Health
Benkirane Université Ibn Tofail Sciences / Nutrition and
69 1246 35611 1007132 5 5 1.000 3 3 1.000 90 87 0.967
Hasnae Morocco Kénitra Dietetics
Nutrition et Alimentation |
PhD candidate in
Business information
Université Mohammed systems
196 1248 35634 1007206 Wail El Hilali Sustainability | business models | 5 5 1.000 2 2 1.000 90 90 1.000
Morocco V de Rabat
business strategies | digital
transformation | Business
Information systems |
Nationale Institut of Posts
Institut National des and Telecommunications -
Postes et INPT
12 1249 35646 1007272 Wissam Abbass 5 5 1.000 5 3 0.600 89 84 0.944
Morocco Telecommunications IT security | Risk Management |
Maroc Risk Modeling | IT/Business
alignment |
Agriculture & Forestry /
Mohammed VI Soil Sciences and Plant
79 1249 234266 1007272 Adnane Beniaich 5 5 1.000 5 5 1.000 89 88 0.989
Morocco Polytechnic University Nutrition
Soil science | Soil conservation |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Professeur Assistant à
l'école Normale
Université Cadi Ayyad Supérieur de Marrakech,
145 1251 35691 1007428 Belboukhari 5 4 0.800 2 2 1.000 89 53 0.596
Morocco Marrakech Université Cadi Ayyad
Physique de la matiére condensée
Engineering &
Ecole Hassania des
5 1252 35704 1007462 Malika Addou Technology / Computer 5 4 0.800 1 1 1.000 89 55 0.618
Morocco Travaux Publics
Université Ibnou Zohr Ibn Zohr University
108 1253 35724 1007527 Ali Aydda Remote sensing | GIS | 5 5 1.000 3 3 1.000 88 86 0.977
Morocco d'Agadir Geosciences | Environnement |

Sara El Université Moulay Czech Technical

73 1254 35769 1007712 University in Prague 5 5 1.000 4 4 1.000 87 87 1.000
Hamdani Morocco Ismail Meknès
Natural Sciences /
Chemical Sciences
Université Hassan II Biosensors enzyme inhibition
124 1255 35783 1007749 Raouia Attaallah 5 5 1.000 3 3 1.000 87 87 1.000
Morocco de Casablanca modified electrodes
electroanalytical Chemistry Algae
Herbicides |
Université Mohammed Mohammed V University
197 1256 35799 1007810 Chater El Ayachi 5 4 0.800 3 2 0.667 87 65 0.747
Morocco V de Rabat in Rabat - Morocco
Control Engineering |

Université Hassan II Natural Sciences /

5 1257 35823 1007879 Mustapha Lhous Mathematics 5 5 1.000 1 1 1.000 87 66 0.759
Morocco Ain Chock
Systems analysis and control |
Molecular Chemistry and
Natural Substances
Reda El- Université Moulay Laboratory, Faculty of
74 1257 35823 1007879 science, Meknes … 5 5 1.000 1 1 1.000 87 87 1.000
Mernissi Morocco Ismail Meknès
Chemistry Computational
chemistry Computer-aided drug
design Theoretical chemistry |
Université Hassan 2 -
Belhoussine Université Hassan II faculté des sciences ain
125 1259 35852 1007967 5 5 1.000 3 3 1.000 86 86 1.000
Drissi Taoufiq Morocco de Casablanca chock de Casablanca
Acoustique |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
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Last 5 Last 5 Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Professor of wind energy,
Abdelbari Ecole Nationale de Ècole des Mines de Rabat
7 1260 35881 1008057 wind energy | electrical machines 5 4 0.800 2 2 1.000 86 70 0.814
Redouane Morocco l'Industrie Minerale
modelling | hybrid systems |
Optimisation |
Business & Management /
Mohamed Nabil Université Cadi Ayyad Strategic Management
146 1261 35902 1008166 Management international | 5 3 0.600 4 1 0.250 85 29 0.341
El Mabrouki Morocco Marrakech
Intelligence économique |
Responsabilité sociétale |
Ibn Zohr University,
Université Ibnou Zohr Agadir Morocco
109 1262 35924 1008241 Aourir Mohamed 5 3 0.600 3 1 0.333 85 55 0.647
Morocco d'Agadir Conservation Biology |
Ornithology |
Université Mohammed V
Université Mohammed de Rabat
198 1263 35933 1008282 Ahmed Ettalbi SOA | Cloud Computing | Web 5 4 0.800 2 1 0.500 85 66 0.776
Morocco V de Rabat
Services | Multi-view Web
Services |
Engineering &
Noureddine Université Ibnou Zohr Technology / Electrical &
110 1263 35933 1008282 5 4 0.800 2 1 0.500 85 77 0.906
Maouhoub Morocco d'Agadir Electronic Engineering
Electronics |
Université Mohamed VI
Mohammed VI Ploytechnique
80 1265 234743 1008390 Ismail Mahdi 5 5 1.000 3 3 1.000 84 83 0.988
Morocco Polytechnic University Biotechnologie | Microbiologie |
Agriculture | Pharmacologie |

Université Moulay Université Moulay Ismail

75 1265 35958 1008390 Souhail Sekkat Meknes Maroc 5 5 1.000 3 3 1.000 84 73 0.869
Morocco Ismail Meknès
Systèmes de production |
Education / Education
Education Data Mining | Human-
Mohammed Université Hassan II Computer Interaction |
126 1267 36004 1008533 5 5 1.000 1 1 1.000 84 63 0.750
Aitdaoud Morocco de Casablanca Educational Technology | Science
Education Didactics | Technology
enhanced lear |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
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Last 5 Last 5 Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Dr. & Professor Adil EL
AMRI National School of
Business and
Université Chouaib Management (ENCG) El
67 1268 36013 1008570 Adil El Amri 5 5 1.000 4 4 1.000 83 81 0.976
Morocco Eddoukali …
Carbon Finance | Sustainable
Finance | Sustainable
Development | Environmental
responsibility |
Engineering &
Université Mohammed Technology / Computer
14 1268 36013 1008570 Idriss Idrissi Science 5 5 1.000 4 4 1.000 83 83 1.000
Morocco Premier Oujda
IoT | Deep Learning |
Cybersecurity |
Centre National de
l'Energie, des Sciences et
Centre National de
des Techniques
Mohamed l'Energie, des
6 1270 36024 1008603 Nucléaires (CNESTEN) 5 5 1.000 3 3 1.000 83 83 1.000
Youssef Messous Morocco Sciences et des Sciences des matériaux |
Techniques Nucleaires Matériaux luminescents |
Détection des rayonnements |
Instrumentation nucléaire |
Engineering &
Technology /
Environmental Science &
Université Mohammed Engineering
199 1271 36056 1008765 Driss Bouzidi 5 4 0.800 1 0 0.000 83 34 0.410
Morocco V de Rabat Environnements collaboratifs |
Environnements Informatiques
pour l'Apprentissage Humain
(EIAH) | Modèles de confiance |
Identité numérique |

Université Sidi Medical and Health

Meryem Sciences / Pharmacology
160 1272 36061 1008788 Mohammed Ben 5 5 1.000 4 4 1.000 82 82 1.000
Slighoua Morocco pharmacology | toxicology |
Abdellah Fes Biology |
Mohamed 6 polytechnic
Mohammed VI Materials for medical applications
81 1273 234929 1008822 Hassan Noukrati 5 5 1.000 3 3 1.000 82 76 0.927
Morocco Polytechnic University | Calcium phosphate cements |
composites | Drug delivery system
| Adsorption |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
PhD, Cadi Ayyad
University, Faculty of
Sciences Semlalia/
Abdelaati El Université Cadi Ayyad
147 1274 36095 1008916 Neurosciences, 5 5 1.000 2 2 1.000 82 82 1.000
Khiat Morocco Marrakech hepatic encephalopathy | Epileptic
Disorders | Neurobiology and
Brain Physiology | Pharmaceutical
and Biomedical Analysis |

Mohammed VI UM6P Morocco

82 1275 235032 1009062 Hafid Griguer Sensors | Antenna | Metamaterials 5 5 1.000 3 1 0.333 81 50 0.617
Morocco Polytechnic University | Microwaves | IOT- Digital twin |
Engineering &
Université Cadi Ayyad Technology / Industrial &
148 1276 36162 1009185 Badr Dakkak Manufacturing 5 4 0.800 2 0 0.000 81 35 0.432
Morocco Marrakech
Génie Industriel |

Université Hassan II Bergische Universität

127 1277 36183 1009279 Azhari Mouhcine Wuppertal 5 5 1.000 3 2 0.667 80 67 0.838
Morocco de Casablanca
Statistical Physics |
Social Sciences /
Hassan Ait Université Ibnou Zohr Linguistics and Literature
111 1278 36235 1009456 5 5 1.000 4 4 1.000 79 79 1.000
Bouzid Morocco d'Agadir Textbook evaluation | Materials
development | ELT | EFL |
d'électronique, Ecole
Supérieure de
Université Moulay Technologie, Université
76 1279 36271 1009563 Adil Tannouche 5 5 1.000 2 1 0.500 79 52 0.658
Morocco Ismail Meknès Moulay Ismail …
Intelligence artificielle |
Electronique | Informatique
Industrielle |
Bouchra Université Hassan II UNIVERSITE HASSAN II
128 1280 36314 1009733 5 5 1.000 3 3 1.000 78 77 0.987
Cheddadi Morocco de Casablanca SMART GRI | ECOULEMENT DE
D'ETAT... |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
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Last 5 Last 5 Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
PhD student, Ibn Zohr
Ibtissam Université Ibnou Zohr Medical Imaging | Machine
112 1280 36314 1009733 5 5 1.000 3 3 1.000 78 77 0.987
Bakkouri Morocco d'Agadir Learning | Deep Learning |
Computer Vision | Pattern
Recognition |
Institut National des
Marghoubi Postes et INPT, Rabat Maroc
13 1282 36361 1009850 5 4 0.800 2 2 1.000 78 55 0.705
Rabia Morocco Telecommunications Computer Science |
Engineering &
Ecole Hassania des Technology / Electrical &
6 1283 36375 1009927 Touria Haidi Electronic Engineering 5 5 1.000 4 4 1.000 77 77 1.000
Morocco Travaux Publics
Electrical energy | Renewable
energies and Electrical networks |
Professeur de
l'Enseignement Supérieur
Abdelmajid Université Hassan II en Gestion et Economie -
8 1284 36406 1010036 5 5 1.000 2 2 1.000 77 66 0.857
Ibenrissoul Morocco Mohammedia Université Hassan II …
Ingénierie des organisations
économiques |
University Sidi Mohamed
Université Sidi Ben Abdellah, Fez
Maryam El
161 1285 36443 1010192 Mohammed Ben Génie des procédés | 5 5 1.000 3 3 1.000 76 76 1.000
Hajam Morocco
Abdellah Fes Environnement | Adsorption |
Matériaux | nanocomposites... |
Hassan II University of
Université Hassan II Casablanca
129 1286 36488 1010340 Asmae Chakir Hybrid Renewable Energy 5 5 1.000 1 1 1.000 76 76 1.000
Morocco de Casablanca
Systems | Energy management
Systems |
Business & Management /
Université Hassan II Entrepreneurship
130 1287 36502 1010388 Koubaa Salah 5 5 1.000 0 0 0 76 64 0.842
Morocco de Casablanca Economic complexity |
Entrepreneurship | Innovation |
Social Sciences /
Linguistics and Literature
Université Mohammed Moroccan Cinema and Literature |
200 1288 36511 1010417 Jamal Bahmad 5 5 1.000 3 1 0.333 75 57 0.760
Morocco V de Rabat Postcolonial Theory & World
Literature | Migration | Urban
Cultures | Higher Education |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
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Last 5 Last 5 Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Université Sidi
162 1288 36511 1010417 Mohammed Ben 5 5 1.000 3 3 1.000 75 75 1.000
Khoukhi Morocco traitement d'image | FPGA |
Abdellah Fes
Université Euro- Université Euro-
8 1290 36539 1010484 Mohssin Zekriti Méditerranéenne de Méditerranéenne de Fès 5 3 0.600 3 1 0.333 75 43 0.573
Fès Optical Biosensors |

Engineering &
Technology /
Mohammed VI Metallurgical & Materials
83 1291 235725 1010657 Absike Hanan 5 5 1.000 3 2 0.667 74 73 0.986
Morocco Polytechnic University Engineering
Materials science | physics | 2D
materials | Photovoltaic |
professeur en
Géosciences marines,
Institut scientifique,
Université Mohammed Université Mohammed V,
201 1291 36581 1010657 Hakkou Mounir 5 5 1.000 3 3 1.000 74 64 0.865
Morocco V de Rabat Rabat …
Morphodynamique des côtes
sableuses | dragage du sable
marin | GIZC |
Faculty of Sciences,
Université Mohammed
201 1291 36581 1010657 Omar Bouhnik Mohammed V University 5 5 1.000 3 3 1.000 74 74 1.000
Morocco V de Rabat
in Rabat, Morocco

Environmental Engineering |
Tawfik El Ecole Nationale de Environmental Science |
8 1291 36581 1010657 5 5 1.000 3 3 1.000 74 73 0.986
Moussaoui Morocco l'Industrie Minerale Wastewater Engineering |
Environmental Sustainability |
Solid Waste Management |
Business & Management /
Université Business Administration
35 1295 36647 1010869 Internationale de International Business | Non- 5 5 1.000 4 4 1.000 73 73 1.000
Saad Baloch Morocco
Rabat Market Strategy | Corporate
Governance |
Engineering &
Université Ibnou Zohr Technology / Electrical &
113 1295 36647 1010869 Sadik Farhat Electronic Engineering 5 5 1.000 4 3 0.750 73 61 0.836
Morocco d'Agadir
Génie électrique et énergies
renouvelables |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
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Last 5 Last 5 Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Université Sidi Ph,D Strudent, Sidi
Es-Sabry Mohamed Ben Abdellah
163 1297 36775 1011348 Mohammed Ben 5 5 1.000 4 4 1.000 71 71 1.000
Mohammed Morocco University
Abdellah Fes
Image Encryption |
laboratoire de la physique
Université Hassan II de la matière condensée,
131 1298 36781 1011368 Meryem Kbirou faculté des sciences Ben 5 5 1.000 3 3 1.000 71 71 1.000
Morocco de Casablanca
metallic glasses | simulation |
Ibn Tofail University
Kenitra Morocco
Université Ibn Tofail Image processing | Machine
70 1299 36798 1011416 El Bachir Ameur 5 4 0.800 3 2 0.667 71 50 0.704
Morocco Kénitra learning | data hiding |
steganography | spline
approximation and wavelet |
PhD student,
Université Sultan Polydisciplinary Faculty
10 1300 36834 1011563 Moha Ouali Moulay Slimane Beni of Beni Mellal, Sultan 5 5 1.000 4 4 1.000 70 70 1.000
Morocco Moulay Sliman
Theoretical physics |
Institut National de la
28 1301 36840 1011579 Aouatif Benali Recherche INRA Morocco 5 5 1.000 3 3 1.000 70 70 1.000
Morocco food technology |
Agronomique INRA
High Institute of
Biological and
Paramedical Sciences,
Mohammed Mohammed VI ISSB-P, Mohammed VI
84 1301 236128 1011579 5 5 1.000 3 3 1.000 70 70 1.000
Lakrat Morocco Polytechnic University Polytechnic …
Biomaterials | Bioglass | Calcium
Phosphate cement ceramics and
Composite |
Professeur in dento-facial
orthopedics. faculty od
Hakima Université Hassan II dental medecine.
132 1303 36893 1011722 University Hassan 2 … 5 4 0.800 2 2 1.000 70 61 0.871
Aghoutan Morocco de Casablanca
clinical orthodontics | CBCT |
sleep apnea | craniomandibular
disorders | TADs |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Engineering &
Université Ibn Tofail Technology / Computer
71 1304 36907 1011775 Housni Khalid 5 4 0.800 1 1 1.000 70 57 0.814
Morocco Kénitra Science
computer science |
Abdelmalek Essaadi
36 1305 36931 1011882 Hikmat Douhri Internationale de 5 5 1.000 2 2 1.000 69 45 0.652
Morocco University
Université Privée de
Private University of Marrakech
2 1306 36973 1012038 Zineb Kandoussi 5 5 1.000 5 4 0.800 68 66 0.971
Morocco Marrakech Motor control | fuzzy logic |
observers |

Université Ibnou Zohr Natural Sciences /

114 1307 36974 1012040 Jamal El Qars Physics 5 5 1.000 4 4 1.000 68 67 0.985
Morocco d'Agadir
Quantum Physics |

Mohammed VI Mohammed VI
85 1308 236320 1012060 Rida Azmi 5 5 1.000 3 3 1.000 68 66 0.971
Morocco Polytechnic University Polytechnic University
GIS and Remote Sensing |
Professeur de
Université Moulay secondaire qualifiant
77 1308 36986 1012060 Larbi Elmchichi (Physique Chimie) 5 5 1.000 3 3 1.000 68 68 1.000
Morocco Ismail Meknès
conception par modélisation et
criblage in silico des molécules
thérapeutiques anti-cancéreuses |
Laboratory of Systems
Engineering and
El Mehdi Université Ibnou Zohr Information Technology,
115 1310 37001 1012118 National School of 5 5 1.000 2 2 1.000 68 68 1.000
Cherrat Morocco d'Agadir
Applied …
Biometrics fusion | Biometrics
recognition | Pattern recognition. |
Natural Sciences /
Université Ibnou Zohr Physics
115 1310 37001 1012118 Mohamed Abbaz physical'chemical properties of 5 5 1.000 2 2 1.000 68 66 0.971
Morocco d'Agadir
solid materials for water
treatment |

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Last 5 Last 5 Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Moroccan Foundation Natural Sciences /
for Advanced Science Chemical Sciences
12 1312 37035 1012206 El Mehdi Haily 5 5 1.000 1 1 1.000 68 68 1.000
Morocco Innovation and Materials chemistry | Energy
Research storage |

National School of
Applied SCiences, Sidi
Université Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah
164 1313 37079 1012334 Younes Balboul Mohammed Ben University 5 5 1.000 2 2 1.000 67 67 1.000
Abdellah Fes Telecommunication | Wireless
networks | 5G | IOT | Cloud &
Edge Computing |
Faculty of the Sciences
and Technologies, Sidi
Mohammed Université Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah
165 1314 37103 1012412 Chaouki Mohammed Ben University 5 5 1.000 1 1 1.000 67 67 1.000
Abounaima Abdellah Fes Data Sciences | Big Data | Data
Mining | Multiple Criteria Decision
Making |
Institut Scientifique,
Brahim Université Moulay Université Mohammed 5
78 1314 37103 1012412 de Rabat 5 5 1.000 1 1 1.000 67 67 1.000
Benzougagh Morocco Ismail Meknès
Géomatique | Géo-Risque |
Géomorphologie | Hydrologie |
Institut National des
Raiss El Fenni Postes et National Institute of Posts
14 1316 37113 1012432 and Telecommunications 5 4 0.800 1 0 0.000 67 42 0.627
Mohammed Morocco Telecommunications
Wireless networks |
fsdm, University Sidi
mohamed Ben Abdellah,
Université Sidi
Mohammed Fez
166 1317 37172 1012620 Mohammed Ben Nonlinear parabolic PDEs | 5 5 1.000 1 1 1.000 66 66 1.000
Abdellaoui Morocco
Abdellah Fes Renormalized solutions |
Generalized Lebesgue-Sobolev
spaces | Orlicz spaces | etc |
Assistant Professor,
Chouaib Doukkali
-Ing. Fouad Université Chouaib University
68 1318 37193 1012704 5 4 0.800 3 1 0.333 65 49 0.754
Kharroubi Morocco Eddoukali Combinatorial Optimization |
Bioinformatics | Optical Networks

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Engineering &
Université Hassan II Technology / Electrical &
133 1319 37197 1012716 El Afia Aziz Electronic Engineering 5 5 1.000 2 2 1.000 65 59 0.908
Morocco de Casablanca
Power Electronics Electric
Machines |

Université Ibn Tofail Faculties of Sciences, Ibn

72 1319 37197 1012716 Nabila Lahboubi 5 5 1.000 2 2 1.000 65 65 1.000
Morocco Kénitra Tofail University
Engineering &
Hmamouche Mohammed VI Technology / Computer
86 1319 236575 1012716 5 5 1.000 2 2 1.000 65 64 0.985
Youssef Morocco Polytechnic University Science
Artificial Intelligence |
Social Sciences / Open
International and Distance Education
2 1322 37219 1012790 Hajar Iguer University of Risk Management | Online 5 3 0.600 2 1 0.500 65 41 0.631
Casablanca Learning | Distant Education |
Security Management |
Professeur de
Université Moulay mathématiques,
79 1323 37237 1012841 Jilali Assim 5 4 0.800 1 1 1.000 65 44 0.677
Morocco Ismail Meknès Université Moulay Ismail
Number theory |
Abulcasis International
University of Health
Ecole Nationale de Sciences (UIASS), Rabat,
9 1324 37250 1012872 Nabil Ngote Morocco 5 4 0.800 0 0 0 65 52 0.800
Morocco l'Industrie Minerale
Electrical Engineering | Condition
Monitoring | Biomedical
Engineering | Health Informatics |

Université Sidi PhD Degree, USMBA

167 1325 37252 1012877 Nabil Aharrane Mohammed Ben University 5 5 1.000 4 3 0.750 64 58 0.906
Morocco Pattern recognition | machine
Abdellah Fes learning | Data mining |
Université Sidi
168 1326 37259 1012894 Ouissal Assila Mohammed Ben 5 5 1.000 3 3 1.000 64 64 1.000
Abdellah Fes

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
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Last 5 Last 5 Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Laboratory of Metrology
and Information
Université Ibnou Zohr Processing, Ibn Zohr
117 1327 37273 1012949 Hicham Lotfi University, Agadir, 5 5 1.000 2 1 0.500 64 59 0.922
Morocco d'Agadir
Non destructif Testing | Solar
Energy |
Université Sidi
169 1327 37273 1012949 Mariem Bounabi Mohammed Ben doctorante 5 5 1.000 2 2 1.000 64 64 1.000
Morocco machin learning | text mining |
Abdellah Fes
Abdlehadi Université Cadi Ayyad cadi ayyad university
149 1329 37291 1012994 pervasif | Intention | context | 5 4 0.800 2 2 1.000 64 57 0.891
Bouain Morocco Marrakech Ubiquitous | simulation |

Brahim Es- Université Cadi Ayyad Natural Sciences /

149 1329 37291 1012994 Mathematics 5 4 0.800 2 2 1.000 64 63 0.984
Sebbar Morocco Marrakech
Differential Equations |
FSR, Université
Hafssa Université Mohammed Mohammed V de Rabat
203 1331 37315 1013087 5 3 0.600 1 0 0.000 64 30 0.469
Benaboud Morocco V de Rabat Information and Communication
Technologies |
Université Mohammed ENSAM, Mohamed V
204 1332 37323 1013120 Mohamed Es- university in Rabat 5 5 1.000 3 1 0.333 63 57 0.905
Morocco V de Rabat
Sadek Optimisation | modélisation |

Université Hassan 2
Université Hassan II Information Systems Security |
134 1333 37358 1013216 Reda Filali 5 4 0.800 2 2 1.000 63 55 0.873
Morocco de Casablanca Cloud Computing | PHP MySQL
JavaScript | Big Data |

Youssef Université Ibn Tofail

73 1334 37383 1013324 Chimie 5 5 1.000 4 4 1.000 62 62 1.000
Merroun Morocco Kénitra
Université Mohammed V
Université Mohammed Rabat
205 1335 37386 1013331 Hilal Drissi 5 5 1.000 3 3 1.000 62 62 1.000
Morocco V de Rabat Traitement de signal |
Électronique et Automatique |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Faculté des Sciences
Appliquées Ait Melloul
Lahcen Université Ibnou Zohr (FSAAM), Université Ibn
118 1335 37386 1013331 Zohr Agadir 5 5 1.000 3 2 0.667 62 53 0.855
Ouboubker Morocco d'Agadir
Électrotechnique | Electronique de
Puissance | Automatique et
Commande Industrielle |
Natural Sciences /
Mohamed Université Mohammed Physics
205 1335 37386 1013331 5 5 1.000 3 3 1.000 62 62 1.000
Amazioug Morocco V de Rabat Quantum information | quantum
optic |

Institut National des Departement of

Chaimaa Postes et Communication Systems-
15 1338 37397 1013369 INPT 5 5 1.000 2 1 0.500 62 60 0.968
Essayeh Morocco Telecommunications
smart grid | optimization | energy
Maroc storage | machine learning |
Natural Sciences /
Université Chouaib Physics
69 1339 37430 1013457 Soufiane 5 5 1.000 1 1 1.000 62 62 1.000
Morocco Eddoukali Solid State Physics | Materials for
energy | Magnetic nanomaterials |

Elyaagoubi Université Cadi Ayyad Université cadi ayyad

151 1340 37449 1013517 matériaux | couches minces | 5 5 1.000 0 0 0 62 58 0.935
Mesbah Morocco Marrakech nanomateriaux |
Université Sidi
170 1341 37452 1013535 Mohammed Ben 5 5 1.000 3 3 1.000 61 61 1.000
Boumazourh Morocco
Abdellah Fes
Chouaib Doukkali
University, El Jadida,
Université Chouaib Morocco
70 1342 37462 1013561 Younes Regragui 5 4 0.800 3 3 1.000 61 60 0.984
Morocco Eddoukali Coverage problems in wireless
networks | Mobile and vehicular
ad hoc networks |
Institut National de la National Institute of
29 1343 37468 1013579 Recherche Agricultural Research 5 5 1.000 2 2 1.000 61 60 0.984
Channaoui Morocco
Agronomique INRA Plant breeding |

Université Sidi Université Sidi Mohamed

Abdessalam El
171 1344 37495 1013653 Mohammed Ben Ben Abdellah 5 3 0.600 2 1 0.500 61 40 0.656
Khanchoufi Morocco
Abdellah Fes développement durable |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Université Internationale
Université de Rabat
37 1345 37499 1013671 Kenza Oufaska Internationale de Recherche opérationnelle | 5 5 1.000 1 1 1.000 61 61 1.000
Morocco Optimisation multiobjectif |
Rabat Logistique et Transport | Aide à la
décision |
Faculty of Sciences and
Université Hassan II Mohammedia, Hassan II
135 1346 37506 1013703 Ebrahim Kerak Casablanca University, 5 4 0.800 1 1 1.000 61 51 0.836
Morocco de Casablanca
PO …
Engineering &
Technology / Electrical &
Université Cadi Ayyad Electronic Engineering
152 1347 37516 1013752 Aziz Oukennou power system engineering | 5 5 1.000 3 3 1.000 60 60 1.000
Morocco Marrakech
renewable energy | power system
stability | power system control
and monitoring |
Professor of IT, Chouaib
Mohammed Université Chouaib Doukkali University
71 1348 37553 1013882 e-learning | cloud computing | 5 4 0.800 1 0 0.000 60 34 0.567
Bousmah Morocco Eddoukali
Artificial Intelligence | Internet of
thing |
Engineering &
Technology / Computer
Mhammed Al Akhawayn Science
33 1349 37586 1013967 Cloud computing | Software 5 5 1.000 2 1 0.500 59 40 0.678
Chraibi Morocco University Ifrane
security | mobile computing |
context aware systems | policy
based management |
Faculté des Sciences
Université Sidi Dhar El Mahraz,
Mohamed El Université Sidi Mohamed
172 1350 37609 1014040 Mohammed Ben 5 5 1.000 1 1 1.000 59 59 1.000
Ghmary Morocco Ben Abdellah
Abdellah Fes
Informatique et Mathématiques
Appliquées |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
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Last 5 Last 5 Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Université Sidi FSDM, LIIAN Labo, Sidi
172 1350 37609 1014040 Tarik Chanyour Mohammed Ben Mohamed Ben Abdellah 5 5 1.000 1 1 1.000 59 58 0.983
Morocco University
Abdellah Fes
Mobile Edge computing |
Docteur en Physique,
Université Moulay Université Moulay Ismail
80 1352 37618 1014062 Imane Ajana 5 4 0.800 1 0 0.000 59 44 0.746
Morocco Ismail Meknès Physique Atomique | Physique des
Interactions Laser-Matière |

Université Ibn Tofail Cloud Computing | IoT | Data

74 1353 37636 1014135 Fadoua Fellir 5 5 1.000 2 2 1.000 58 54 0.931
Morocco Kénitra Analysis | cost estimation |
Requirements engineering |

Université Hassan II Hassan II University

136 1353 37636 1014135 Tarik Chafiq GeoInformatics | Data science | 5 5 1.000 2 2 1.000 58 57 0.983
Morocco de Casablanca Standards OGC | SDI | Metadata |
Université Sidi
174 1355 37681 1014255 Ahmed Zinedine Mohammed Ben 5 4 0.800 0 0 0 58 40 0.690
Abdellah Fes
Engineering &
Université Sidi Technology / Computer
Abdesselam Science
175 1356 37693 1014284 Mohammed Ben 5 5 1.000 2 1 0.500 57 55 0.965
Bougdira Morocco Artificial Intelligence | Industry
Abdellah Fes
4.0 | Healthcare Systems |
Traceability |
Professeur de
l'enseignement supérieur
habilité en Géographie,
Université Mohammed
207 1357 37714 1014347 Nadia Machouri Université Mohamed V … 5 2 0.400 2 0 0.000 57 24 0.421
Morocco V de Rabat Biogéographie | gestion de
l'environnement | développement
durable | gestion durable des
terres |
Engineering &
Université Sidi Technology / Electrical &
Malika Alami
176 1358 37715 1014350 Mohammed Ben Electronic Engineering 5 5 1.000 1 0 0.000 57 44 0.772
Marktani Morocco
Abdellah Fes microelectronique | ADC SAR |
CMOS Image Sensors |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Engineering &
Université Cadi Ayyad Technology / Computer
153 1359 37729 1014388 Abdellah Zyane Science 5 4 0.800 1 1 1.000 57 43 0.754
Morocco Marrakech
Network | Computer Science |
Engeneering |
Social Sciences /
Linguistics and Literature
Université Ibnou Zohr Sociolinguistics | Language
119 1360 37739 1014426 Youssef Tamer 5 3 0.600 0 0 0 57 27 0.474
Morocco d'Agadir Planning&Policy |
Teaching&Learning of Lges |
Educational Technology |
professeur de
Université Sidi mathématiques,
177 1361 37740 1014431 Chihab Yazough Mohammed Ben Université sidi mohamed 5 5 1.000 3 2 0.667 56 47 0.839
Abdellah Fes ben abdellah, Fès
équations aux dérivées partielles |

Abdelaziz El Ecole Nationale de

10 1362 37746 1014450 ENSMR 5 5 1.000 2 1 0.500 56 51 0.911
Basbas Morocco l'Industrie Minerale
Université Sidi Natural Sciences /
178 1363 37773 1014520 Youssef Hmimz Mohammed Ben Mathematics 5 5 1.000 1 1 1.000 56 56 1.000
Morocco Mathématiques Appliquées et
Abdellah Fes Informatique |
Université Sidi USMBA of Fez
179 1364 37789 1014590 N. El Youssfi Mohammed Ben Automatic Control | Vehicle 5 5 1.000 3 3 1.000 55 55 1.000
Morocco Dynamics | Fuzzy Systems |
Abdellah Fes
Zakariyaa Ait El Université Moulay Moulay Ismail University
81 1365 37795 1014603 5 5 1.000 2 2 1.000 55 55 1.000
Mouden Morocco Ismail Meknès Computer Science |

Natural Sciences /
Charkaoui Université Cadi Ayyad Applied Mathematics | Nonlinear
154 1366 37809 1014660 5 5 1.000 1 1 1.000 55 55 1.000
Abderrahim Morocco Marrakech Analysis | Shape Optimization |
Numerical Analysis | Inverse
Problems |

Université Sidi Professeur

180 1367 37814 1014681 Ilham Chaker Mohammed Ben d'informatique, USMBA 5 4 0.800 1 1 1.000 55 43 0.782
Morocco Gestion de connaissances | OCR
Abdellah Fes Arabe | NLP |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Research institute for
Institut de Recherche solar energy and new
4 1368 37831 1014732 en Energie Solaire et energies-IRESEN, Rabat, 5 5 1.000 3 3 1.000 54 54 1.000
Elmaazouzi Morocco Morocco
Energies, Morocco
Thermal energy storage | CSP |
Université Sidi Engineering &
Fatima-Zahra El-
181 1368 37831 1014732 Mohammed Ben Technology / Computer 5 5 1.000 3 3 1.000 54 54 1.000
Alami Morocco
Abdellah Fes Science
Université Sidi Medical and Health
182 1370 37843 1014752 Mohammed Ben Sciences / Biochemistry 5 5 1.000 2 2 1.000 54 54 1.000
Agour Morocco
Abdellah Fes biochimie |

Abdel-İlah El Université Cadi Ayyad
155 1371 37848 1014774 ET DES COUCHES 5 4 0.800 2 2 1.000 54 46 0.852
Khalfi Morocco Marrakech

Institut National des
Postes et INPT
16 1372 37858 1014794 Ahmed Hadri 5 2 0.400 2 0 0.000 54 5 0.093
Morocco Telecommunications Big Data |
Engineering &
Université Ibn Tofail Technology / Electrical &
75 1373 37892 1014897 Omar Mouhib 5 3 0.600 2 0 0.000 53 15 0.283
Morocco Kénitra Electronic Engineering
Commande avancée |
National School of
Applied Sciences - Sidi
Université Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah
183 1374 37899 1014920 İssam Sahmoudi Mohammed Ben University 5 4 0.800 1 1 1.000 53 40 0.755
Abdellah Fes Arabic Web Search Results |
Clustering | Formal Concept
Analysis |

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Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Assistant Professor, Ibn
Zohr University, ENSA
Université Ibnou Zohr Agadir
120 1375 37910 1014968 Imade Fakhouri Backward Stochastic Differential 5 5 1.000 2 1 0.500 52 41 0.788
Morocco d'Agadir
Equations | Optimal switching
problem | Viscosity solutions of
Partial Differential Equations | Fi |
Doctorante ,Université
Sultan Moulay Slimane
Université Sultan Faculté des Sciences et
11 1376 37953 1015121 Touairi Souad Moulay Slimane Beni Techniques 5 5 1.000 0 0 0 51 51 1.000
Mellal Mécatronique | Robotique |
Systèmes Embarqués et
Intelligence … |
Materials Science,
Energy and Nano-
Mohammed VI
87 1377 237513 1015143 Hicham Larhlimi engineering department, 5 5 1.000 2 2 1.000 50 50 1.000
Morocco Polytechnic University
Mohammed VI
Polytechnic …
International University
Université of Rabat
38 1377 37958 1015143 Internationale de 2D materials | Condensed Matter 5 5 1.000 2 2 1.000 50 50 1.000
Bikerouin Morocco
Rabat Physics | Density Functional
Theory | Solar Cells |
Engineering &
Mohammed VI Technology /
87 1377 237513 1015143 Anas Ghailane 5 5 1.000 2 2 1.000 50 50 1.000
Morocco Polytechnic University Metallurgical & Materials
Materials Science | Thin films |
Laboratoire de
Spectrométrie, des
Matériaux et
Mohamed El Université Moulay
82 1380 37961 1015156 Département de physique 5 4 0.800 2 2 1.000 50 45 0.900
Amraoui Morocco Ismail Meknès

Physique des matériaux |
archéomatériaux | Géomatériaux |
Imagerie | énergies renouvelables

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
PhD student, Faculty of
Université Moulay Sciences, University
83 1381 37978 1015203 Hazim Harouak Moulay Ismail of Meknes 5 5 1.000 2 2 1.000 49 49 1.000
Morocco Ismail Meknès
Oral diseases | Phytotherapy |
Aromatic and Medicinal Plants |
Institut National de la
Institut National de la recherche Agronomique
30 1382 37990 1015247 Recherche (INRA), Morocco 5 4 0.800 0 0 0 49 45 0.918
Aboutayeb Morocco
Agronomique INRA Composting | Food | soil | waste
management |
Business & Management /
Decision Science and
Mohammed VI Operations Management
89 1383 237572 1015267 Imane Essaadi 5 4 0.800 2 2 1.000 48 45 0.938
Morocco Polytechnic University Supply Chain Design | Supply
Chain Risk Management | Urban
Logistics |
Université Sidi Data Mining and Decision
Hanane Analytics for Public Health |
184 1384 37997 1015272 Mohammed Ben 5 5 1.000 1 1 1.000 48 48 1.000
Grissette Morocco Algorithms for Large-Scale
Abdellah Fes Information Processing in
Knowledge Discovery |
Université Sidi
PhD in Micro-Electronics,
185 1385 37998 1015280 Maryam Abata Mohammed Ben 5 4 0.800 1 1 1.000 48 41 0.854
Morocco USMBA University
Abdellah Fes
Phd, Euromed University
Université Euro- of Fes
Mohamed Amine
9 1386 38003 1015306 Méditerranéenne de Organizational agility | Digital 5 5 1.000 2 2 1.000 47 47 1.000
Marhraoui Morocco
Fès Transformation | Sustainability |
IT strategy |

Université Professor Assistant

39 1387 38010 1015329 Omer Elsayed Internationale de BSc.,MSc.,Ph.D. 5 3 0.600 1 0 0.000 47 20 0.426
Morocco Aerodynamics flight Mechanics
Rabat and CFD |
Ph.D in Materials
Université Moulay Chemistry and Natural
84 1388 38035 1015453 Aziz Drioiche Products Biotechnology 5 5 1.000 0 0 0 44 44 1.000
Morocco Ismail Meknès
Plant chemistry | Microbiology |
Hematology | Mycology |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
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Last 5 Last 5 Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
PhD student, sidi
mohamed ben abdellah
Université Sidi university
186 1389 38042 1015478 Abdelaziz Lberni Mohammed Ben Algorithms | Multi-objective 5 5 1.000 0 0 0 43 43 1.000
Morocco Optimization | Simulation-based
Abdellah Fes
technique | Computer Aided
Design | Analog Circuit
Optimization |

Mohammed VI University Mohammed VI

90 1390 237725 1015531 Adel Zyane 5 5 1.000 1 1 1.000 40 40 1.000
Morocco Polytechnic University Polytechnic
Polymers | Nanocomposites |
Professor, Moulay Ismail
Abdeslam Université Moulay University, ENSAM,
85 1391 38052 1015547 Meknès, Morocco 5 3 0.600 1 1 1.000 39 28 0.718
Ahmadi Morocco Ismail Meknès
Channel Coding | Optimization |
Deep Learning | Supply Chain. |

Ouannou Université Moulay étudient en doctorat

86 1392 38054 1015562 5 5 1.000 0 0 0 38 38 1.000
Abdelmalek Morocco Ismail Meknès génie électrique |

Medical and Health

Université Sidi Sciences / Biochemistry
187 1392 38054 1015562 Mohammed Ben Biochimistry | Biotechnology | 5 5 1.000 0 0 0 38 38 1.000
Chefchaou Morocco
Abdellah Fes Microbiology | Toxicology |
Parasitology |
Faculty of Medicine and
Université Mohammed
208 1394 38124 1018235 Chiraz Hassoun Pharmacy of Rabat - 4 4 1.000 4 4 1.000 388 388 1.000
Morocco V de Rabat
Agriculture & Forestry /
Chtouki Mohammed VI Agriculture
91 1395 238393 1018476 4 4 1.000 2 2 1.000 366 365 0.997
Mohamed Morocco Polytechnic University Agronomy | Crop Fertilization and
Plant Nutrition | Plant and Soil
Analysis | Geophysics |
Faculty of Sciences,
Moulay Ismail University,
Université Moulay Meknès
87 1396 38140 1018767 Kamal Benzekki 4 4 1.000 4 3 0.750 343 333 0.971
Morocco Ismail Meknès Cyber Security | Machine
Learning | Cloud Computing |
Context-Awareness | Networking |
Faculty of Medicine and
Université Mohammed
209 1397 38145 1018823 Wijden Abichou Pharmacy of Rabat - 4 4 1.000 4 4 1.000 339 339 1.000
Morocco V de Rabat

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Moustabchir Université Ibnou Zohr Natural Sciences /
121 1398 38151 1018936 Physics 4 2 0.500 2 2 1.000 333 110 0.330
Rachid Morocco d'Agadir
Atmospheric Sciences |
Enseignant - Chercheur à
Université l'Université
El Ghazi
40 1399 38163 1019283 Internationale de Internationale de Rabat 4 3 0.750 1 1 1.000 305 174 0.570
Abdellatif Morocco
Rabat Analyse numérique | Optimisation
| Cloud Computing |
Medical and Health
Université Hassan II Sciences / Health
137 1400 38208 1020188 Aziz Naciri Sciences 4 4 1.000 3 3 1.000 244 243 0.996
Morocco de Casablanca
Health Science Education | E-
learning | learning motivation |
Medical and Health
Mohamed Amine Université Ibnou Zohr Sciences / Epidemiology
122 1401 38218 1020330 and Public Health 4 4 1.000 3 3 1.000 237 236 0.996
Baba Morocco d'Agadir
Public health/ Epidemiology /
Quality of life |
Engineering &
Madiafi Université Cadi Ayyad Technology / Computer
156 1402 38221 1020397 Science 4 3 0.750 2 2 1.000 234 197 0.842
Mohammed Morocco Marrakech
Artificial Intelligence | Internet Of
Things |
PhD student, Moulay
Université Moulay Ismail University ,
88 1403 38225 1020442 Chaymaa Lamini Meknes 4 4 1.000 2 2 1.000 232 231 0.996
Morocco Ismail Meknès
intelligence artificielle | robotique
| Swarm intelligence |
instructional designer,
Soufiane Al Akhawayn Ph.D Student
34 1404 38299 1021122 4 4 1.000 1 1 1.000 206 175 0.850
Lahmine Morocco University Ifrane Adult Education | Andragogy |
Didactics | Distance Education | E-
Learning |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Natural Resources and
Environment laboratory,
Université Sidi Polydisciplinary Faculty
188 1405 38321 1021418 Sara Ettamimi Mohammed Ben of Taza 4 4 1.000 2 2 1.000 196 162 0.827
Abdellah Fes Bioinformatics | metagenomics |
fershwater and acide mine water |
NGS | Big Data |
Laboratory of Information
Université Chouaib Technologies, National
72 1406 38357 1021773 Houda Daki School of Applied 4 4 1.000 1 1 1.000 184 184 1.000
Morocco Eddoukali
Sciences, University of …
Big Data |
Research Center STIS,
Université Mohammed Mohammed V University,
210 1407 38431 1022380 Farah Abdoun Rabat, Morocco 4 4 1.000 4 3 0.750 167 106 0.635
Morocco V de Rabat
mécanique | méthode des
éléments finis | matériaux
composites | optimisation |
Natural Sciences /
Université Hassan II Chemical Sciences
138 1408 38455 1022553 Az-İddin Chham Materials Chemistry | Oil shale | 4 4 1.000 3 3 1.000 163 163 1.000
Morocco de Casablanca
Adsorption | Environnement |
Waste Recycle |
Université Ibnou Zohr Ibn Zohr University
123 1409 38514 1023073 Abdeljalil Ait 4 4 1.000 4 3 0.750 153 96 0.627
Morocco d'Agadir Biology |
Mourad Université Mohammed
211 1410 38519 1023116 4 3 0.750 2 2 1.000 153 124 0.810
Bouchrik Morocco V de Rabat
Social Sciences /
Transportation Science &
Daoudia Université Moulay Technology
89 1411 38580 1023639 4 3 0.750 3 3 1.000 144 69 0.479
Abdelkarim Morocco Ismail Meknès Trafic véhiculaire |
Électromagnétisme | Energie
renouvelable |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
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Last 5 Last 5 Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Chouaib Doukkali
Université Chouaib Writing pedagogy | technology-
73 1412 38589 1023746 Hicham Zyad 4 4 1.000 3 3 1.000 142 134 0.944
Morocco Eddoukali mediated learning | civic
education | teacher professional
development |
Laboratoire de
Nanostructures et
Choab Université Hassan II Matériaux avancés /
139 1413 38597 1023814 4 4 1.000 3 3 1.000 141 140 0.993
Noureddine Morocco de Casablanca Mécanique et
Thermofluide …
Energy |
Natural Sciences /
Ecole Centrale Mathematics
6 1414 38623 1024045 Aissam Jebrane 4 4 1.000 3 3 1.000 138 138 1.000
Morocco Casablanca Applied mathematics |
mathematical modeling |

Fatima-Ezzahra Université Cadi Ayyad

157 1414 38623 1024045 Université cadi ayyad 4 4 1.000 3 3 1.000 138 126 0.913
El Abbassi Morocco Marrakech
Associate Professor,
Scientific Institute of
Chouaib Université Mohammed Mohammed V University
212 1416 38656 1024200 in Rabat 4 4 1.000 3 2 0.667 136 98 0.721
Moujahdi Morocco V de Rabat
Pattern Recognition | Biometrics |
Security & Privacy | Automated
Plant Identification |
Université Hassan II CIVIL , UNIVERSITÉ
140 1417 38718 1024691 Benaissa Kissi HASSAN II 4 4 1.000 3 3 1.000 130 108 0.831
Morocco de Casablanca

Université Sidi Medical and Health

Btissame Sciences / Epidemiology
189 1418 38762 1025042 Mohammed Ben 4 4 1.000 3 3 1.000 126 118 0.937
Zarrouq Morocco and Public Health
Abdellah Fes
Epidémiologie | Psychométrie |

Université Hassan II 2IACS Laboratory,

141 1418 38762 1025042 Yassine Issaoui 4 4 1.000 3 3 1.000 126 126 1.000
Morocco de Casablanca ENSET of Mohammedia

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Ecole Supérieure des PHD Student.
Kaoutar Deep Learning | Uncertainty
3 1420 38788 1025188 Industries du Textile 4 4 1.000 2 2 1.000 125 125 1.000
Douaioui Morocco Theory | Smart port | Smart
et de l'Habillement Logistique |

Lahcen Al Akhawayn Natural Sciences /

35 1421 38868 1025698 Mathematics 4 4 1.000 4 1 0.250 119 35 0.294
Laayouni Morocco University Ifrane
Numerical Analysis |
Engineering &
Technology / Computer
Al Akhawayn Science
36 1422 38877 1025762 Yousra Chtouki 4 3 0.750 3 3 1.000 119 90 0.756
Morocco University Ifrane software development | Data
Analysis | Machine Learning | ICT
| technology in education |
Doctor of Philosophy
Bouharras Université Cadi Ayyad Nanocomposite materials | surface
158 1423 38942 1026178 4 4 1.000 2 2 1.000 115 115 1.000
Fatima Ezzahra Morocco Marrakech functionalization | polymer
chemistry |

Université Mohammed Social Sciences /

213 1424 38971 1026384 Fatim El Fenne Linguistics and Literature 4 3 0.750 3 0 0.000 113 18 0.159
Morocco V de Rabat
Phonology | Morphology |
Natural Sciences /
Abdelghani Université Hassan II Chemical Sciences
142 1425 39071 1026911 Analytical Chemistry | 4 4 1.000 3 3 1.000 108 108 1.000
Ghanam Morocco de Casablanca
Electrochemistry | Non-enzymatic
Fuel Cell | Microbial Fuel Cell |
Docteur en Physique
Université Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM) |
41 1426 39217 1027647 Internationale de Heat and Mass transfer | Fluid 4 4 1.000 3 3 1.000 101 87 0.861
Soufiene Morocco Mechanics | Nanofluid |
Biomecanics |
Business & Management /
Decision Science and
Université Ibnou Zohr Operations Management
124 1427 39296 1027950 Ouhader Hanan 4 4 1.000 3 3 1.000 98 97 0.990
Morocco d'Agadir Logistics | operations
management | Supply chain
design | Optimization |

Université Sidi Engineering &

Soufiane Technology / Computer
190 1428 39334 1028050 Mohammed Ben 4 4 1.000 3 3 1.000 97 93 0.959
Ezghari Morocco Science
Abdellah Fes
computer science |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
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University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
PhD Engineer, Mohamed
Mokhtar Université Ibnou Zohr V University
125 1429 39357 1028132 Solar thermal collector | Solar 4 4 1.000 4 4 1.000 96 94 0.979
Ghazouani Morocco d'Agadir
Heat for Industrial Process |
modeling | Optimization | Matlab |
Engineering &
Kamal Moro
1 1430 39382 1028254 Hassan 1er University Technology / Computer 4 3 0.750 4 1 0.250 95 34 0.358
Morocco Science
computer science |
Engineering &
Technology / Electrical &
Université Hassan II Electronic Engineering
143 1431 39397 1028330 Daanoune İkram 4 4 1.000 4 4 1.000 94 94 1.000
Morocco de Casablanca Computer Communications
(Networks) | Wireless sensor
network | Electronic Engineering |

Université Ibnou Zohr Professor (Assistant)

126 1432 39404 1028354 Zakaria Ghouli 4 4 1.000 3 3 1.000 94 94 1.000
Morocco d'Agadir Energy Harvesting |

Université Hassan II Casablanca
144 1433 39436 1028439 Aziz Bentis Textile chemistry | Functional 4 4 1.000 4 4 1.000 93 92 0.989
Morocco de Casablanca
Textile | Sol-Gel coatings | Flame
retardant textile | Ionic liquids |
Engineering &
Université Technology / Computer
42 1433 39436 1028439 Lamyae Mellouk Internationale de Science 4 4 1.000 4 4 1.000 93 93 1.000
Morocco Artificial Intelligence | Non-
Convex Optimization | Smart Grids
Post-doctoral researcher,
Danouche Mohammed VI Mohammed VI
92 1433 243419 1028439 4 4 1.000 4 4 1.000 93 93 1.000
Mohammed Morocco Polytechnic University Polytechnic University
Microbiology | Phycology |
bioremediation | Metabolomic |
Research and education
Itziar Iraola Mohammed VI fellowMohammed VI
93 1436 243559 1028701 4 4 1.000 3 2 0.667 91 76 0.835
Arregui Morocco Polytechnic University polytechnic university
Metallurgy | Polymers | Waste
valorisation |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
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University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Ph.D, Faculty of Science,
Abdelmalek Essaadi
Brahim Abdelmalek Essaadi University
17 1437 39544 1028815 Renewable Energy | Simulation 4 4 1.000 3 3 1.000 90 89 0.989
Belmahdi Morocco University and optimization | Empirical
modelling | solar radiation
forecasting | Machine learning
models |
Profesor de Biofísica,
Khouzaima El Université Ibnou Zohr Universidad Ibn Zohr
127 1437 39544 1028815 Estudios de interacciones 4 4 1.000 3 2 0.667 90 81 0.900
Biari Morocco d'Agadir
proteínas carbohidratos | RMN
proteínas | Biología molecular |
Business & Management /
Decision Science and
El Bouzekri El Université Chouaib Operations Management
74 1439 39568 1028920 4 4 1.000 4 4 1.000 89 78 0.876
Idirissi Adiba Morocco Eddoukali Optimization Inventory
Management Supply Chain
Industry 4.0 Smart Product |
Natural Sciences /
Omar Nait Université Ibnou Zohr physics | Renewable Energy |
128 1440 39642 1029184 4 4 1.000 3 3 1.000 87 87 1.000
Mensour Morocco d'Agadir Solar Energy | Artificial
intelligence | Geographical
Information Systems |
Université Mohammed V
de Rabat
Mounaim Halim Université Mohammed Microbiologie & Biotechnologie
214 1441 39658 1029226 4 4 1.000 2 1 0.500 87 32 0.368
El Jalil Morocco V de Rabat appliquées aux domaines de
l'agroalimentaire | de la santé et
de l'environnement |
Mohammed V University
in Rabat
Nabil Université Mohammed Big Data | Artificial Intelligence |
215 1442 39680 1029301 4 4 1.000 3 1 0.333 86 53 0.616
Elmarzouqi Morocco V de Rabat Distributed Systems | Human
Computer Interaction | Pervasive
Computing |

El Khchine Université Ibn Tofail etudiant en big data

76 1443 39701 1029360 4 4 1.000 2 2 1.000 86 78 0.907
Soufiane Morocco Kénitra théorie du tout |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Medical and Health
Sciences / Endocrinology
Nassim Essabah Université Hassan II and Metabolism
145 1444 39735 1029488 4 4 1.000 2 2 1.000 85 84 0.988
Haraj Morocco de Casablanca Endocrinologie | diabétologie |
maladies métaboliques | thyroïde |
cancer de la thyroïde |
Professor of Geomatic
Institut Agronomique Sciences
17 1444 39735 1029488 Rafika Hajji et Veterinaire Hassan 3D Acquisition and Segmentation 4 4 1.000 2 2 1.000 85 77 0.906
II of 3D Lidar data | 3D Modeling-3D
GIS | BIM | 3D Cadaster |

Abderrahmane Université Ibnou Zohr

129 1444 39735 1029488 Ibn Zohr University 4 4 1.000 2 1 0.500 85 80 0.941
Sadiq Morocco d'Agadir
Chouaib Doukkali
Bouchaib Université Chouaib University
75 1447 39764 1029596 4 4 1.000 2 2 1.000 84 83 0.988
Benzehaf Morocco Eddoukali assessment | foreign language
education | multilingualism |
Institut National de la Agriculture & Forestry /
31 1448 39783 1029673 Ali Sahri Recherche Plant Science 4 4 1.000 4 3 0.750 83 73 0.880
Agronomique INRA Plant genetic resources |

Institut de Recherche Thermal systems

5 1449 39788 1029688 Ammar Mouaky en Energie Solaire et engineer, IRESEN 4 4 1.000 3 3 1.000 83 83 1.000
Morocco solar energy | multigeneration |
Energies, Morocco hybridization | ORC |
Business & Management /
Abdellatif Université Mohammed Marketing | Management | Gestion
216 1450 39800 1029731 4 4 1.000 2 1 0.500 83 45 0.542
Chakor Morocco V de Rabat des ressources humaines |
Stratégie | Développement
durable |
Natural Sciences /
Université Hassan II Chemical Sciences
146 1451 39838 1029827 El Mahdi Halim Physical chemistry | analytical 4 4 1.000 3 3 1.000 82 82 1.000
Morocco de Casablanca
chemistry | electrochemistry |
energy storage | catalysis |
Engineering &
Institut Agronomique Technology / Food
18 1452 39854 1029880 Majid Mounir et Veterinaire Hassan Science and Engineering 4 4 1.000 2 2 1.000 82 80 0.976
II Biotechnology | Food Technology |
Bioengineering | Food safety |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Moroccan Foundation
for Advanced Science
13 1453 39881 1029979 Mâati Houda MAScIR 4 4 1.000 3 3 1.000 81 61 0.753
Morocco Innovation and
Mohamed Amine Université Hassan II hassan 2 university
147 1454 39951 1030256 big data | recommendation 4 4 1.000 3 3 1.000 79 79 1.000
Talhaoui Morocco de Casablanca systems | gamification |
Université Mohammed V,
Ecole Supérieure de
Université Mohammed Technologie de Salé,
217 1455 39964 1030322 Amine Hajji 4 4 1.000 2 2 1.000 79 62 0.785
Morocco V de Rabat Maroc
Renewable Energy & Energy
Efficiency |
Natural Sciences /
Abdelbaki Université Hassan II Mathematics
148 1456 40078 1030739 4 4 1.000 4 4 1.000 76 76 1.000
Attioui Morocco de Casablanca Mathématiques | analyse
fonctionnelle | EDP |
Medical and Health
Université Sultan Sciences / Neuroscience
12 1456 40078 1030739 Hicham Chatoui Moulay Slimane Beni neurosciences | neurotoxicologie | 4 4 1.000 4 2 0.500 76 68 0.895
Mellal ingénierie biomédicale | ingénierie
agroalimentaire | environnement |
Engineering &
Badreddine Université Chouaib Technology / Computer
76 1456 40078 1030739 Science 4 4 1.000 4 4 1.000 76 76 1.000
Cherkaoui Morocco Eddoukali
Wireless security | Vehicular Ad-
hoc Network |

Université Hassan II
149 1459 40146 1030982 Fati Kehailou Phd Student 4 4 1.000 2 1 0.500 75 56 0.747
Morocco de Casablanca
Université Hassan II de
Casablanca, Faculté des
Université Cadi Ayyad Sciences Ben M'Sick
159 1460 40172 1031102 Yahya Bachra 4 4 1.000 3 3 1.000 74 74 1.000
Morocco Marrakech Superabsorbent polymers |
Polysaccharides | Chitosan |
Tragacanth | Guar |
Social Sciences /
Khaoula Université Ibn Tofail Psychology
77 1461 40184 1031161 4 4 1.000 2 2 1.000 74 74 1.000
Mammad Morocco Kénitra Neurocognition neuropsychology |
Psychology | neuroscience |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Laboratory of Materials,
Processes, Catalysis, and
Université Sidi Environment, University
191 1461 40184 1031161 Mohammed Ben Sidi Mohamed … 4 4 1.000 2 2 1.000 74 74 1.000
Benjelloun Morocco
Abdellah Fes Adsorption | Catalytic Oxidation |
Environment | Food Waste |
Wastewater treatment |

Université Hassan II Natural Sciences /

150 1463 40222 1031276 Anas El Attar Chemical Sciences 4 4 1.000 3 3 1.000 73 73 1.000
Morocco de Casablanca
chimie et electrochimie |
Business & Management /
Decision Science and
Mahraz Université Mohammed Operations Management
218 1464 40285 1031499 4 4 1.000 2 2 1.000 72 71 0.986
Mohamed-Iliasse Morocco V de Rabat ERP systems | Digital
transformation | Machine
Learning | Supply chain |
Hassan II University,
Université Hassan II Casablanca-Morocco
9 1465 40327 1031645 Abdelali Hadir Internet of Things (IoT) | Wireless 4 4 1.000 3 2 0.667 71 60 0.845
Morocco Mohammedia
Sensor Netwoks (WSN) | VANET
& AI |
Université Mohammed V
Université Mohammed de Rabat
219 1466 40345 1031691 Raoui Younès Vision artificielle | Robotique | 4 3 0.750 3 1 0.333 71 36 0.507
Morocco V de Rabat
Intelligence Artificielle |
Apprentissage par machine |

Brian David Al Akhawayn Education / Education

37 1467 40352 1031709 4 4 1.000 2 2 1.000 71 64 0.901
Seilstad Morocco University Ifrane Education |

Laboratory of Chemistry
and Biology Applied to
Université Moulay the Environment, Faculty
90 1468 40425 1031981 İlyasse Loulidi 4 4 1.000 1 1 1.000 70 68 0.971
Morocco Ismail Meknès of Sciences …
Matériaux | Ingénieries
Moléculaires et Environnement |

Younes El Université Cadi Ayyad Natural Sciences /

160 1469 40446 1032048 Physics 4 4 1.000 3 3 1.000 69 68 0.986
Bassem Morocco Marrakech
Physics |

Mohamed Université Cadi Ayyad

161 1470 40507 1032263 Univertsité cadi ayyad 4 4 1.000 3 3 1.000 68 66 0.971
Yassine Samiri Morocco Marrakech

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Engineering &
Université Sultan Technology / Computer
13 1471 40528 1032335 Mustapha Lydiri Moulay Slimane Beni Science 4 4 1.000 2 1 0.500 68 57 0.838
Mellal Computer science | Data Science |
Big Data |
Université Chouaib Instabilités | Flambage |
77 1472 40558 1032455 Khadija Mhada 4 4 1.000 3 3 1.000 67 51 0.761
Morocco Eddoukali Composite | Calcul des Structures
| Méthodes Numériques |
Enseignant chercheur en
My Rachid Genie electrique, Ecole
Université Ibnou Zohr Superieure de
130 1472 40558 1032455 Elmoutawakil 4 4 1.000 3 1 0.333 67 38 0.567
Morocco d'Agadir Technologie Agadir …
Ingénierie Electrique | Energitique
et Energies renouvelables |
Université Sidi
192 1474 40627 1032690 Soukaina Krafes Mohammed Ben 4 4 1.000 3 3 1.000 66 66 1.000
Abdellah Fes
Université Sidi Education / Education
193 1475 40707 1032946 Bouchta El Batri Mohammed Ben Didactics of Sciences | 4 4 1.000 3 3 1.000 65 65 1.000
Morocco Environmental Education |
Abdellah Fes
Université Sidi university of ibn zohr
Hicham El Agadir
194 1476 40728 1033000 Mohammed Ben 4 4 1.000 2 2 1.000 65 62 0.954
Moubtahij Morocco Deep Learning | Machine leatning
Abdellah Fes | Text Mining | Blockchain |
Institut National des PHD STUDENT
Mohamed Postes et DTN | delay tolerant network |
17 1477 40747 1033063 4 3 0.750 2 2 1.000 65 51 0.785
Ababou Morocco Telecommunications Game Theory | routing | satellite
communication |
Université Ibnou Zohr
131 1478 40764 1033128 Aicha Zerbet 4 3 0.750 1 1 1.000 65 39 0.600
Morocco d'Agadir Statistic |

Imad Mohamed Université Ibnou Zohr

132 1479 40774 1033159 4 4 1.000 3 3 1.000 64 57 0.891
Ouloul Morocco d'Agadir

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
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University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
STRS Lab., National
Institut National des Institute of Posts and
Postes et Telecommunications –
18 1480 40802 1033215 Tizyi Hafid INPT. Rabat – Morocco 4 4 1.000 2 1 0.500 64 56 0.875
Morocco Telecommunications
Antenna and propagation |
microwave engineering | filtre |

Institut National de la Economics &

Laamari Econometrics /
32 1481 40845 1033331 Recherche 4 2 0.500 2 1 0.500 64 28 0.438
Abdelali Morocco Economics
Agronomique INRA
Economie |
PhD Professor,
Université Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah
195 1482 40867 1033402 Mohammed Ben University, Fez, Morocco 4 4 1.000 4 4 1.000 63 63 1.000
Oussama Morocco
Abdellah Fes Engineering Mecanics | Numerical
Method | Buckling | stability |
Moulay Ismail University,
Meknes, Morocco
Zakaria Hamidi- Université Moulay Ad hoc networks | Internet of
91 1483 40919 1033569 4 4 1.000 1 1 1.000 63 63 1.000
Alaoui Morocco Ismail Meknès Things (IoT) | 6LoWPAN | Wireless
Sensor Networks (WSN) | MAC
protocols |
Pr. at physics
departement, University
Université Ibnou Zohr Agadir, Morocco
133 1484 40935 1033639 Said Agounad Robotics | Artificial Intelligence | 4 4 1.000 4 4 1.000 62 62 1.000
Morocco d'Agadir
Signal Processing | Machine
learning | Acoustics and
Mechanics |
Engineering &
Younes Université Ibnou Zohr Technology / Electrical &
133 1484 40935 1033639 Electronic Engineering 4 4 1.000 4 4 1.000 62 62 1.000
Khandouch Morocco d'Agadir
Signal Processing | Machine
learning | Acoustics |
Engineering &
Université Sidi Technology / Nanoscience
196 1486 40960 1033706 Mohamed Kria Mohammed Ben and Nanotechnology 4 4 1.000 2 2 1.000 62 62 1.000
Abdellah Fes nanomaterials and
nanotechnology |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
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University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Engineering &
Université Sidi Technology / Computer
Fatima-Zahra El Science
196 1486 40960 1033706 Mohammed Ben 4 4 1.000 2 2 1.000 62 62 1.000
Mazouri Morocco Data mining | Multicriteria
Abdellah Fes
decision aid | fuzzy logic | big data
| deep learning |
PhD researcher, LGRN,
Université Sidi FSDM
198 1488 41040 1033975 Haytam Mesrar Mohammed Ben Environmental Geosciences | 4 4 1.000 2 2 1.000 61 51 0.836
Abdellah Fes Natural Resources and Geomatics
Sidi Mohamed Ben
Université Sidi Abdellah University
Mohammed Cultural and Political Studies |
198 1488 41040 1033975 Mohammed Ben Intrusctional Design | Crruculum 4 4 1.000 2 2 1.000 61 52 0.852
Moubtassime Morocco
Abdellah Fes Development | Educational
program Development | Soft Skills
Develop |
Social Sciences /
Lhoussain Université Hassan II Linguistics and Literature
151 1490 41075 1034084 Cultural studies | travel writing | 4 4 1.000 1 1 1.000 61 47 0.770
Simour Morocco de Casablanca
Postcolonial literature | Moroccan
cinema | popular culture |
Natural Sciences /
Université Sidi Physics
Mustapha El Conception des Systèmes
200 1491 41094 1034151 Mohammed Ben 4 4 1.000 0 0 0 61 61 1.000
Alaoui Morocco Microélectroniques Intégrées
Abdellah Fes Embarqués | Numériques Et
Analogiques | Li-Ion BCI | RFID |
Université Sultan Sultane Moulay Slimane
14 1492 41098 1034164 Sara Aghris Moulay Slimane Beni University 4 4 1.000 3 3 1.000 60 60 1.000
Mellal Analytical Chemistry |

Engineering &
Technology /
Ecole Supérieure des Metallurgical & Materials
4 1493 41116 1034220 Ayoub Nadi Industries du Textile Engineering 4 4 1.000 2 2 1.000 60 60 1.000
Morocco Material Sciences | Textile
et de l'Habillement
engineering | Textile Chemistry |
Nanotechnology |
Nanobiotechnology |

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
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University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Chouaib Doukkali
Safae Al Akhawayn Green Computing | High
38 1494 41149 1034331 4 4 1.000 1 1 1.000 60 60 1.000
Bourhnane Morocco University Ifrane Performance Computing |
Software Engineering | Smart
Grids | Cloud Computing |
International University
Université of Rabat
Zaynab El Dignity | International Relations |
43 1495 41201 1034484 Internationale de 4 4 1.000 2 1 0.500 59 39 0.661
Bernoussi Morocco Postcolonial Theory | International
Rabat Political Economy | Arab Region &
Global South |
Engineering &
Technology / Computer
Université Sidi
201 1495 41201 1034484 Hiba Ramadan Mohammed Ben Computer vision | Video analysis | 4 4 1.000 2 2 1.000 59 58 0.983
Abdellah Fes Artificial intelligence | Pattern
recognition | Medical Image
Analysis |
Equipe des Systèmes
Université Sidi Dynamiques et
Elhassan Nanostructures, Faculté
201 1495 41201 1034484 Mohammed Ben 4 4 1.000 2 2 1.000 59 59 1.000
İqraoun Morocco des Sciences Dhar
Abdellah Fes
Mahraz …
physique des matériaux |
PhD, Team of Physiology
& Endocrine
Université Sidi Pharmacology Faculty of
203 1498 41237 1034598 Akdad Mourad Mohammed Ben Sciences and Techniques 4 4 1.000 1 1 1.000 59 56 0.949
Abdellah Fes …
phytotherapie | diabetes and
hypertension |

Institut National de la Engineering &

33 1498 41237 1034598 Younes Noutfia Recherche Technology / Food 4 4 1.000 1 1 1.000 59 55 0.932
Morocco Science and Engineering
Agronomique INRA
Food quality |
Université Sidi
Mohamed Cadi Ayyad university
203 1498 41237 1034598 Mohammed Ben 4 4 1.000 1 1 1.000 59 55 0.932
Karmouni Morocco operator Theory | spectral theory |
Abdellah Fes

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
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Last 5 Last 5 Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Université Ibnou Zohr Natural Sciences /
135 1501 41270 1034702 Mustapha Malek Mathematics 4 4 1.000 3 3 1.000 58 58 1.000
Morocco d'Agadir
Applied Mathematics |
University Sidi Mohamed
Université Sidi Ben Abdellah, Faculty of
205 1502 41295 1034756 Reda Rabie Mohammed Ben Sciences and Techniques 4 4 1.000 2 2 1.000 58 56 0.966
Morocco of Fez …
Abdellah Fes
chemometrics and intelligent
laboratory |
Professeur de géologie,
Université Moulay université moulay Smaïl,
92 1503 41443 1035230 Ali Charroud Maroc 4 3 0.750 1 0 0.000 57 13 0.228
Morocco Ismail Meknès
Géologie structurale et
géodynamique |
Economics &
Brahim Université Cadi Ayyad Econometrics /
162 1504 41451 1035268 4 3 0.750 0 0 0 57 28 0.491
Elmorchid Morocco Marrakech Economics
Economics |
SIGER, Intelligent
Université Sidi Systems, Georesources
206 1505 41474 1035333 Zineb Bounoua Mohammed Ben and Renewable Energies 4 4 1.000 2 2 1.000 56 56 1.000
Abdellah Fes Laboratory, Faculty of …
Energies Renouvelables |
Professor of Physics,
Faculty of Sciences,
El-Kaber Université Moulay Moulay Ismail University,
93 1506 41528 1035530 Meknes, Morocco 4 3 0.750 1 0 0.000 56 25 0.446
Hachem Morocco Ismail Meknès
Soft Matter Physics - Renewable
Energy - Artificial Intelligence for
E-Learning |

Université Moulay
94 1507 41540 1035574 Jamal Mestoui Moulay Ismail University 4 4 1.000 3 3 1.000 55 55 1.000
Morocco Ismail Meknès
Professeur de
Université Ibn Tofail l'Enseignement Supérieur
78 1507 41540 1035574 Youness Taboz - Université Ibn Tofail 4 4 1.000 3 3 1.000 55 52 0.945
Morocco Kénitra
Nutrition-Biologie moléculaire et
génétique |

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
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University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Université Moulay Ismail,
Ecole Normale
Abderrahman Université Moulay Supérieure
94 1507 41540 1035574 4 4 1.000 3 3 1.000 55 55 1.000
Ait Aadi Morocco Ismail Meknès Mathematical Analysis | Control
Theory | PDE's | Functional
Analysis | Applied Mathematics |

El Hadrami Université Chouaib Natural Sciences /

78 1510 41551 1035601 Chemical Sciences 4 3 0.750 3 1 0.333 55 36 0.655
Abdelouahab Morocco Eddoukali
chimie inorganique |

Université Moulay Moulay Ismail University

96 1511 41554 1035614 Hicham Es-Soufi 4 4 1.000 2 2 1.000 55 55 1.000
Morocco Ismail Meknès Researcher |


94 1511 246693 1035614 Essahafi 4 4 1.000 2 1 0.500 55 35 0.636
Morocco Polytechnic University Automatique |

Université Mohammed Medical and Health

220 1511 41554 1035614 İtto Maroui Sciences / Microbiology 4 4 1.000 2 2 1.000 55 53 0.964
Morocco V de Rabat
Microbiologie médicale |
phd student
Université Moulay e-learning | computer sciences |
97 1514 41599 1035750 Imane Kamsa 4 4 1.000 1 1 1.000 55 46 0.836
Morocco Ismail Meknès intelligence artificielle | agents
intelligents |
Engineering &
Université Mohammed Technology / Computer
221 1515 41611 1035803 Driss Namly 4 3 0.750 1 1 1.000 55 51 0.927
Morocco V de Rabat Science
Computer Science |

Université Sultan PhD student

Mohamed High Energy Physics | Theoretical
15 1516 41623 1035857 Moulay Slimane Beni 4 4 1.000 3 3 1.000 54 54 1.000
Ouhammou Morocco Physics | Elementary Particle
Mellal Physics |

Université Sidi Natural Sciences /

207 1517 41637 1035887 Dguigui Khalid Mohammed Ben Chemical Sciences 4 3 0.750 3 0 0.000 54 30 0.556
Morocco Chimie quantique | QSAR | QSPR.
Abdellah Fes |
Université Sidi
208 1518 41672 1036008 Driss Amegouz Mohammed Ben Professeur 4 4 1.000 1 1 1.000 54 43 0.796
Morocco Productique |
Abdellah Fes

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
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Last 5 Last 5 Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Economics &
Econometrics /
Université Sidi
209 1519 41703 1036113 Aziz Hmioui Mohammed Ben Economie du tourisme | 4 3 0.750 0 0 0 54 51 0.944
Abdellah Fes management touristique |
logistique | finance de marché |
investissement étranger |

Université Cadi Ayyad Cadi Ayyad

163 1520 41742 1036254 Chafik Bentaleb Gestion des Ressources Humaines 4 4 1.000 1 1 1.000 53 39 0.736
Morocco Marrakech |
Sidi Mohamed Ben
Université Sidi Abdellah University
Zakariae En- Machine learning | artificial
210 1521 41774 1036365 Mohammed Ben 4 4 1.000 3 1 0.333 52 40 0.769
Naimani Morocco intelligence | Operational
Abdellah Fes Research | Combinatorial
Optimization | Statistics |
Senior Professor of
Applied linguistics,
Moulay Ismail University,
Driss Université Moulay
98 1521 41774 1036365 Meknes, Morocco 4 4 1.000 3 3 1.000 52 52 1.000
Benattabou Morocco Ismail Meknès Applied linguistics | Gender
studies | intercultural
communication | Visual semiotics |
and Social Semiotics |

Université Moulay FS. Moulay Ismail

99 1523 41787 1036395 Marzouk Raftani Meknès 4 4 1.000 2 2 1.000 52 52 1.000
Morocco Ismail Meknès
Chimie des matériaux |

Abdelaziz Université Moulay Docteur en physique

99 1523 41787 1036395 4 4 1.000 2 2 1.000 52 52 1.000
Essadike Morocco Ismail Meknès physique médicale |

Sidi Mohamed Ben

Université Sidi Abdellah University,
211 1525 41819 1036514 Youssef Berrada Mohammed Ben Sciences Faculty , Fez 4 4 1.000 1 1 1.000 52 51 0.981
Morocco Morocco
Abdellah Fes
Renewable Energy | Control
Systems Engineering |
Engineering &
Université Sidi Technology / Computer
Abdessamad Science
212 1526 41840 1036639 Mohammed Ben 4 4 1.000 3 3 1.000 51 51 1.000
Youssfi Alaoui Morocco Machine learning | IA | Deep
Abdellah Fes
learning | computer vision |
Healthcare |

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
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University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Ecole Supérieure de
Technologie de Safi,
Othmane Alaoui- Université Cadi Ayyad Université Cadi Ayyad.
164 1527 41848 1036664 Maroc. 4 4 1.000 2 1 0.500 51 34 0.667
Fdili Morocco Marrakech
Energy Efficiency | Video
encoding and Transmission | IoT |
Blockchain |
Université Sidi
213 1528 41896 1036882 Alami Hamza Mohammed Ben Ph. D Student 4 4 1.000 2 2 1.000 50 50 1.000
Morocco Natural Language Processing |
Abdellah Fes
Université Sidi USMBA
213 1528 41896 1036882 Anass Omor Mohammed Ben Traitement des eaux | 4 4 1.000 2 2 1.000 50 50 1.000
Morocco Environnement |
Abdellah Fes
Phd, Université HASSAN
Kaoutar El Private University of I
3 1530 41917 1036975 Biologie | biologie animale | 4 4 1.000 1 1 1.000 50 50 1.000
Khalil Morocco Marrakech
reproduction | biotechnologies de
reproduction | nutrition |
Université Sidi Medical and Health
215 1531 41949 1037114 Ibrahim Mssillou Mohammed Ben Sciences / Biochemistry 4 4 1.000 2 2 1.000 49 49 1.000
Abdellah Fes biochemistry |

Université Sidi Natural Sciences /

215 1531 41949 1037114 Sarah El Himer Mohammed Ben Physics 4 4 1.000 2 2 1.000 49 49 1.000
Morocco Optics | Concentrated Photovoltaic
Abdellah Fes | Electrical engineering |
Laboratory of Chemistry
Université Moulay and Biology Applied to
101 1533 41967 1037188 Hamid Ziyat the Environment, Faculty 4 4 1.000 1 1 1.000 49 48 0.980
Morocco Ismail Meknès
of Sciences …
Chemistry |

Université Moulay PhD Student at Université

102 1534 41980 1037259 Ayoub Khaldan Moulay Ismail 4 4 1.000 0 0 0 49 49 1.000
Morocco Ismail Meknès
Computational Chemistry |
Economics &
Université Sidi Econometrics /
217 1535 42003 1037382 Karim Zehmed Mohammed Ben Economics 4 4 1.000 1 1 1.000 48 48 1.000
Abdellah Fes public transport | urban mobility |
travel behaviour |

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
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University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Sidi Mohamed Ben
Université Sidi Abdellah University
217 1535 42003 1037382 Othmane Zine Mohammed Ben eLearning | ontological learner 4 4 1.000 1 1 1.000 48 46 0.958
Abdellah Fes modeling | learning styles | remote
laboratories. |
Professeur de
Géographie, Faculté
Polydisciplinaire Taza,
Université Sidi
Université Sidi Mohamed
219 1537 42027 1037484 Jamal Chaaouan Mohammed Ben 4 4 1.000 2 1 0.500 47 38 0.809
Morocco Ben …
Abdellah Fes Système d'information
géographique | Télédétection |
Géomorphologie | Érosion |
Biogéographie |
Ph.D. in Applied
Mathematics, Department
of Mathematics, FSM,
Mustapha El Université Moulay Moulay Ismail University
103 1537 42027 1037484 … 4 4 1.000 2 2 1.000 47 47 1.000
Moudden Morocco Ismail Meknès
Optimization | nonsmooth analysis
| nonsmooth and nonconvex
analysis | multiobjective
optimization | reduced gradient
methods |

Université Sidi
Rachidi e-maintenance | compétence |
220 1539 42061 1037659 Mohammed Ben 4 3 0.750 0 0 0 47 17 0.362
Abdelhafid Morocco changement | management |
Abdellah Fes sûreté de fonctionnement |
PhD student - Intelligent
Université Sidi Systems and Applications
221 1540 42065 1037678 Ayoub Bouziane Mohammed Ben Laboratory 4 4 1.000 2 1 0.500 46 40 0.870
Abdellah Fes intelligence artificielle | signal
processing | machine learning |

International Economics &

3 1541 42087 1037797 Sara Sbai University of Econometrics / 4 3 0.750 1 0 0.000 46 24 0.522
Morocco Accounting & Finance
Finance | Economie | Tourisme |

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
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University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Molecular Chemistry and
Natural Substances
Université Moulay Laboratory, Faculty of
104 1542 42118 1037990 Halima Hajji 4 4 1.000 0 0 0 45 45 1.000
Morocco Ismail Meknès Science, University …
QSAR | molecular modeling and
computational chemistry |
Université Sidi Faculty of Sciences Dhar
Mustapha Ait
222 1542 42118 1037990 Mohammed Ben El Mahraz, Fez, Morocco 4 4 1.000 0 0 0 45 45 1.000
Hammou Morocco
Abdellah Fes Partial differential equations |

Phd student, Sidi

Université Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah
Ed-Drissiya El- University
223 1544 42122 1038023 Mohammed Ben 4 4 1.000 2 2 1.000 44 44 1.000
Allaly Morocco Biomedical Information Extraction
Abdellah Fes
| Natural Language Processing |
Biomedical Informatics |
Université Sidi université sidi
224 1545 42130 1038062 Mohammed Ben mohammed ben abdellah 4 4 1.000 1 1 1.000 44 44 1.000
Fatima Zahrae Morocco
Abdellah Fes Biotechnologie |

industrial and logistic

professor, Mloulay Ismail
Ibtissam El Université Moulay University, ENSAM
105 1545 42130 1038062 4 4 1.000 1 1 1.000 44 38 0.864
Hassani Morocco Ismail Meknès industrial engineering | supply
chain management | artificial
intelligence |
Sidi Mohamed Ben
Université Sidi Abdellah University
Mahmoud Solar heat for industrial process |
225 1547 42178 1038366 Mohammed Ben 4 4 1.000 2 2 1.000 42 42 1.000
Bououd Morocco modeling and simulation | heat
Abdellah Fes exchangers | heat and mass
transfer |
Université Etudiant
44 1548 42192 1038472 Soubai Internationale de gestion de risque catastrophe 4 3 0.750 1 0 0.000 42 34 0.810
Morocco naturel |
Université Moulay Moulay Ismail University,
106 1549 42200 1038537 Siham Aouissi Meknès-Morocco 4 4 1.000 2 2 1.000 41 40 0.976
Morocco Ismail Meknès
Number Theory |

Mohamed Université Moulay Independent Researcher,

107 1550 42214 1038583 Meknes, Morocco 4 4 1.000 1 1 1.000 41 41 1.000
Mliless Morocco Ismail Meknès

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
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University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Université Sidi University Sidi Mohamed
226 1550 42214 1038583 Mohammed Ben Ben Abdellah, Faculty of 4 4 1.000 1 1 1.000 41 41 1.000
Elmassoudi Morocco
Abdellah Fes sciences, Fez, Morocco
Université Sidi Natural Sciences /
227 1552 42235 1038696 Samih Lazaiz Mohammed Ben Mathematics 4 3 0.750 0 0 0 41 40 0.976
Abdellah Fes fixed point theory |

Engineering &
Mohammed VI Technology / Computer
95 1553 248372 1038711 En-Niari Saad 4 3 0.750 3 1 0.333 40 26 0.650
Morocco Polytechnic University Science
Security | Big Data | Data Science
| Cloud Computing |
Sidi Mohamed Ben
Université Sidi Abdellah University, Fez,
228 1554 42281 1039017 İmad El Hanouti Mohammed Ben Morocco 4 4 1.000 3 3 1.000 38 38 1.000
Abdellah Fes Cryptology | Discrete Dynamics |
Chaos |

Université Sidi Sidi Mohamed Ben

Abdesslam Abdellah University - Fez,
229 1555 42293 1039047 Mohammed Ben 4 4 1.000 1 1 1.000 38 33 0.868
Lamrabet Morocco Morocco
Abdellah Fes
Nuclear Science & Technology |
Moulay Ismail University,
Fatiha El Université Moulay Faculty of sciences,
108 1556 42306 1039113 Meknes 4 4 1.000 0 0 0 38 28 0.737
Ghibari Morocco Ismail Meknès
e-learning | agent intelligent |
Université PhD, Research Engineer
45 1557 42311 1039164 Abdellah Benali Internationale de Mechanics | Thermomechanical 4 3 0.750 2 1 0.500 37 25 0.676
Morocco analysis. |
Faculté des Sciences,
Université Moulay Université Moulay Ismail
109 1558 42327 1039298 Mehdi Moukhafi 4 4 1.000 1 1 1.000 36 36 1.000
Morocco Ismail Meknès computer security | artificial
intelligence |
Engineering &
Technology / Computer
Université Sidi
230 1559 42348 1039430 Adnane El-Attar Mohammed Ben Machine Learning | Artificial 4 4 1.000 1 1 1.000 35 33 0.943
Abdellah Fes Intelligence | Internet of Thnings |
3D Computer Vision | Camera
Auto-Calibration |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
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Last 5 Last 5 Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
International School of
Mohammed VI Public Health.
Radouane Pr
4 1560 42365 1039550 University of Health Mohammed VI University 4 2 0.500 0 0 0 35 13 0.371
Sciences of Health Sciences
Santé publique et management |

Université Sidi University of Sidi

Fatima Zahra El Mohamed Ben Abdellah
231 1561 42366 1039560 Mohammed Ben 4 4 1.000 1 1 1.000 34 34 1.000
Bahi Morocco Telecommunications | Signal
Abdellah Fes Processing | Cognitive radio. |
Moulay Ismail
Abdelhakim Université Moulay Hydrogeochemistry |
110 1561 42366 1039560 Hydrogeological modeling | Soil 4 4 1.000 1 1 1.000 34 34 1.000
Lahjouj Morocco Ismail Meknès Science | Biogeochemical
modeling | pollution |
Engineering &
Omar Cherrak Institut Superieur du Technology / Electrical &
1 1563 42400 1039808 Electronic Engineering 4 4 1.000 1 0 0.000 32 24 0.750
Morocco Genie Applique
Signal processing &
Telecommunications |

Université Moulay Doctor in Informatics

111 1563 42400 1039808 Sarah Dahir 4 4 1.000 1 1 1.000 32 32 1.000
Morocco Ismail Meknès Ontology | Information Retrieval |

PhD student
Université Sidi Natural Language Processing |
232 1563 42400 1039808 Imane Lahbari Mohammed Ben Question/Answering System | 4 4 1.000 1 1 1.000 32 32 1.000
Morocco Artificial intelligence | Machine
Abdellah Fes
Learning and Deep Learning |

El Mehdi El Université Moulay

112 1566 42416 1039883 4 3 0.750 0 0 0 32 31 0.969
Khattabi Morocco Ismail Meknès Thermal and Energy |

School of Computer
Mohammed VI Sciences, Mohammed VI
96 1567 249119 1039909 Kabil Essefar 4 4 1.000 1 1 1.000 31 31 1.000
Morocco Polytechnic University Polytechnic University,
Natural Language Processing |

Mouna Mohammed VI
96 1567 249119 1039909 4 4 1.000 1 1 1.000 31 31 1.000
Berquedich Morocco Polytechnic University

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
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University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Dynamics of complex
systems team, Superior
Abdelaaziz Université Moulay School of Technology,
113 1569 42441 1040039 University of Moulay … 4 4 1.000 0 0 0 30 30 1.000
Mahdaoui Morocco Ismail Meknès
Electrical Engineering |
Algorithms | 3D Reconstruction |
Imagery |
Business & Management /
Ecole Supérieure des Decision Science and
5 1570 42451 1040106 Lmariouh Jamal Industries du Textile Operations Management 4 4 1.000 1 1 1.000 29 29 1.000
et de l'Habillement Logistics | Transportation and
Warehousing |
Faculté des sciences,
Université Moulay University Moulay Ismail,
114 1571 42489 1040328 Ahmed Azaid Meknès, Maroc 4 4 1.000 0 0 0 25 25 1.000
Morocco Ismail Meknès
Optoelectronics of organic
materials |

Mohammed VI Université Mohammed VI

98 1572 249400 1040341 Kawtar Retmi 4 3 0.750 0 0 0 25 19 0.760
Morocco Polytechnic University Polytechnique
Mohammed VI
Polytechnic University -
Mohammed VI EMINES
99 1573 249435 1040396 Najat Bara 4 4 1.000 0 0 0 22 22 1.000
Morocco Polytechnic University Supply chain management |
Operations management | Cost
Accounting | decision models |
Engineering &
Technology / Industrial &
Lina Ecole Nationale de
11 1574 42546 1041996 Engineering 3 3 1.000 3 3 1.000 348 251 0.721
Aboueljinane Morocco l'Industrie Minerale Génie industriel | Supply Chain
Management | Recherche
Opérationnelle | Simulation à
évenements discrets | Santé |
Ph.d student, Chouaib
Nassar-Eddine Université Chouaib Doukkali University
79 1575 42568 1042664 3 3 1.000 2 2 1.000 255 250 0.980
İlham Morocco Eddoukali MPPT algorithms | PV systems |
utility grid |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
PhD Student at Hassan II
Hamza Es- Université Hassan II University
152 1576 42571 1042730 3 3 1.000 2 2 1.000 247 247 1.000
Samaali Morocco de Casablanca Machine Learning | Big Data |
Information Security |
Université Sidi
Abdelhamid El
233 1577 42585 1042925 Mohammed Ben 3 3 1.000 2 2 1.000 229 229 1.000
Hassani Morocco
Abdellah Fes
Master Systèmes
Université Sidi intélligents et réseaux
Brahim Ait
234 1578 42592 1043027 Mohammed Ben Deep Learning | Machine Learning 3 3 1.000 1 1 1.000 221 221 1.000
Skourt Morocco
Abdellah Fes | Computer Vision | Image
Processing | AI. |
Economics &
Université Econometrics /
46 1579 42662 1043668 Ikram Jebabli Internationale de Economics 3 3 1.000 2 2 1.000 177 147 0.831
Rabat Risk Spillovers | Statistics |
Econometrics |

Université Mohammed
222 1580 42663 1043689 Naaima Boudad 3 3 1.000 1 1 1.000 176 174 0.989
Morocco V de Rabat computer_sciences |

Business & Management /

Mamad Université Ibn Tofail Strategic Management
79 1581 42702 1043971 3 3 1.000 2 2 1.000 163 158 0.969
Mohamed Morocco Kénitra Management industriel |
logistique et SCM |

Université Cadi Ayyad

165 1582 42718 1044104 İlyasse İzanzar 3 3 1.000 3 3 1.000 157 157 1.000
Morocco Marrakech energy storage |

Economics &
Amine Mounir ESCA Management Econometrics /
1 1583 42800 1044793 3 3 1.000 3 3 1.000 135 52 0.385
Morocco School Accounting & Finance
finance | performance |
Al Akhawayn University
Katja Žvan Al Akhawayn of Ifrane
39 1584 42812 1044871 3 3 1.000 3 3 1.000 133 96 0.722
Elliott Morocco University Ifrane Gender | North Africa | Neoliberal
Authoritarianism | Legal Reforms |
Hassan 2 University
Institut Superieur du Casablanca
2 1585 42849 1045171 Youssef Safi Artificial Neural Networks | 3 3 1.000 2 1 0.500 126 83 0.659
Morocco Genie Applique
Artificial Intelligence | Forecasting
| Prediction | Machine Learning |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Engineering &
Technology /
Metallurgical & Materials
Université Hassan II
153 1586 42863 1045305 Meryem Aqlil Engineering 3 3 1.000 3 3 1.000 123 123 1.000
Morocco de Casablanca Materials Science | Agricultural
and Biological Sciences |
Chemistry | Environmental
Science |
Economics &
Mohammed VI Econometrics /
100 1587 251671 1045556 Al-Mouksit Akim 3 3 1.000 3 3 1.000 118 118 1.000
Morocco Polytechnic University Economics
Development Economist (PhD) |

Université Mohammed Mohammed V University

223 1588 42905 1045601 M Bouiflane in Rabat 3 3 1.000 1 1 1.000 118 81 0.686
Morocco V de Rabat
Applied Geophysics |
Polydisciplinary Faculty,
Université Sultan Sultan Moulay Slimane
Ahmed El
16 1589 42918 1045684 Moulay Slimane Beni University, Beni Mellal, 3 3 1.000 1 1 1.000 116 116 1.000
Moukhtari Morocco
Mellal Morocco
Plant biology |

Mohammed Université Chouaib PhD Student, Chouaib

80 1590 42985 1046127 Doukkali University 3 3 1.000 1 1 1.000 107 107 1.000
Kasri Morocco Eddoukali
Machine Learning |
Engineering &
Mohammed Ecole Nationale de Technology / Earth
12 1591 43060 1046534 3 3 1.000 2 2 1.000 98 91 0.929
Achalhi Morocco l'Industrie Minerale Sciences
géologie |
Business & Management /
Université Decision Science and
47 1591 43060 1046534 Ismail Badraoui Internationale de Operations Management 3 3 1.000 2 2 1.000 98 96 0.980
Rabat Logistics and Supply Chain
Management | Agriculture |
Business & Management /
Benabdelouahed Université Hassan II Marketing
154 1593 43212 1047092 3 3 1.000 1 1 1.000 87 87 1.000
Redouane Morocco de Casablanca Marketing digital | Intelligence
collective | BIG DATA |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Moroccan Foundation
for Advanced Science Natural Sciences /
14 1594 43220 1047124 Imad Maouli Physics 3 3 1.000 2 2 1.000 86 69 0.802
Morocco Innovation and
Optics and Photonics |
Université Cadi Ayyad doctorant en chimie
166 1595 43256 1047264 Rachid Chikri 3 3 1.000 3 3 1.000 83 83 1.000
Morocco Marrakech adsorption | chimie |

PhD Candidate,
Université Université Internationale
Hicham de Rabat, Université
48 1596 43263 1047276 Internationale de 3 3 1.000 2 2 1.000 83 83 1.000
Hammouchi Morocco Mohammed V
Machine Learning | Deep Learning
| Cybersecurity |

Mohamed Ecole Centrale Ecole Centrale

7 1597 43323 1047448 3 3 1.000 3 3 1.000 80 79 0.988
Hassan Khalili Morocco Casablanca Casablanca
Laboratory of
Université Moulay Applied to the
115 1597 43323 1047448 Ali Dehbi 3 3 1.000 3 3 1.000 80 78 0.975
Morocco Ismail Meknès Environment, Faculty of
Sciences, Moulay …
Chimie physique |
Phd student,
Université Mohammed International Center for
224 1599 43329 1047470 Hasnae Choukri Agricultural Research in 3 3 1.000 2 2 1.000 80 70 0.875
Morocco V de Rabat
the Dry Areas (ICARDA)
Biofortification |
University Mohammed 5,
Otmane El Université Mohammed ENSIAS
225 1600 43389 1047635 Security | Internet of Things | 3 3 1.000 1 1 1.000 78 78 1.000
Mouaatamid Morocco V de Rabat
Cryptography | Coding Theory |
Physical Layer Security (PLS) |
Al Akhawayn University
Matthew Ryan Al Akhawayn spatial data science | machine
40 1601 43494 1047965 3 3 1.000 3 3 1.000 73 73 1.000
Lehnert Morocco University Ifrane learning | GIS | craft beer |
Morocco |
PhD, Cadi Ayyad
Université Cadi Ayyad University
167 1602 43549 1048124 Asmaa Maali 3 3 1.000 1 1 1.000 72 71 0.986
Morocco Marrakech Telecommunications | Signal
Processing | Electronics |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Ghassane Mohammed VI PhD mohammed VI
101 1603 253046 1048154 3 3 1.000 3 3 1.000 71 71 1.000
Tiouitchi Morocco Polytechnic University poytechnic university
physico-chimie des matériaux |
Natural Sciences /
Université Mohammed Mathematics
226 1604 43597 1048268 Khalid El Himdi Statistique inférentielle | 3 3 1.000 2 1 0.500 70 25 0.357
Morocco V de Rabat
Modélisation | Séries temporelles |
Machine learning |
Social Sciences / Tourism
Université Mohammed & Hospitality
227 1605 43615 1048344 Hassan Ramou 3 2 0.667 1 1 1.000 70 39 0.557
Morocco V de Rabat Tourism | géography | rural |
amazigh |
PhD student in microbioal
Université Sidi biotechnology, Université
Massaoudi Sidi Mohamed Ben
235 1606 43627 1048379 Mohammed Ben 3 3 1.000 2 2 1.000 69 69 1.000
Yousra Morocco Abdellah
Abdellah Fes
Microbiologie | biotechnologie |
biologie moléculaire |
Université Sidi Faculty of Sciences and
236 1607 43698 1048616 Khawla Tadist Mohammed Ben Techniques 3 3 1.000 1 1 1.000 67 67 1.000
Abdellah Fes Big Data |

Université Cadi Ayyad

168 1608 43754 1048746 Aimad Hakkoum Cadi ayyad Marrakech 3 3 1.000 3 3 1.000 65 61 0.938
Morocco Marrakech
Université Sidi
Nada Ben-
237 1609 43806 1048879 Mohammed Ben 3 3 1.000 2 2 1.000 64 64 1.000
Lhachemi Morocco
Abdellah Fes
London Metropolitan
University, Yanbu
Université Ibnou Zohr University College, Ibn
136 1610 43825 1048944 Brahim Machaal Zohr University 3 2 0.667 1 1 1.000 64 38 0.594
Morocco d'Agadir
Learning mediation | learning
strategies | activity theory |
metacognitive skills |

Université Mohammed Natural Sciences /

228 1611 43878 1049115 Bakmou Lahcen Physics 3 3 1.000 2 2 1.000 62 61 0.984
Morocco V de Rabat
Quantum Information |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
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University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Economics &
Econometrics /
Rachid El Université Ibnou Zohr Accounting & Finance
137 1612 43901 1049183 3 3 1.000 1 1 1.000 62 24 0.387
Bettioui Morocco d'Agadir Management Control |
Governance | Finance |
Sustainable Development |
Economics &
Econometrics /
Université Mohammed Accounting & Finance
229 1612 43901 1049183 Zakaria Firano 3 3 1.000 1 1 1.000 62 55 0.887
Morocco V de Rabat Finance | Economics | Financial
stability | banking system |
systemic risk |
Engineering &
Université Ibnou Zohr Technology / Civil
138 1614 43911 1049216 Said Bouzit Engineering 3 3 1.000 3 3 1.000 61 60 0.984
Morocco d'Agadir
Materials Energy and Civil
Engineering |
Economics &
Youssef Université Hassan II Econometrics /
155 1615 43932 1049278 Economics 3 2 0.667 2 0 0.000 61 8 0.131
Rhandoumi Morocco de Casablanca
Economy | Animation |
Programming |

El Ouazzani Université Hassan II Business & Management /

156 1616 43949 1049329 Entrepreneurship 3 3 1.000 3 3 1.000 60 60 1.000
Khalid Morocco de Casablanca
Entrepreneuriat |
Cadi Ayyad university
Younes Private University of Null controllability phenomenon |
4 1616 43949 1049329 3 3 1.000 3 3 1.000 60 56 0.933
Echarroudi Morocco Marrakech Degenerate PDE | Carleman
estimates | population dynamics |
Engineering &
Seif-Eddine Université Cadi Ayyad Technology / Civil
169 1618 43960 1049351 Engineering 3 3 1.000 2 2 1.000 60 60 1.000
Cherif Morocco Marrakech
Génie civil | risque sismique |
risque des inondations |
Faculté des Sciences
Ahmed Fouad El Université Ibnou Zohr
139 1618 43960 1049351 Agadir, Université Ibn 3 3 1.000 2 1 0.500 60 27 0.450
Ouafdi Morocco d'Agadir

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
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University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
PhD Student, Université
Université Internationale de Rabat,
49 1620 44052 1049622 Hakim Hafidi Internationale de Institut Polytechnique de 3 3 1.000 2 2 1.000 58 58 1.000
Morocco Paris
Machine Learning | Deep Learning
Natural Sciences /
Benabbouha Université Chouaib Chemical Sciences
81 1621 44087 1049705 3 3 1.000 1 1 1.000 58 58 1.000
Tariq Morocco Eddoukali chemistry | Materials and
environment |

Abdelmalek Essaadi Université Abdelmalek

18 1621 44087 1049705 Rim Marah 3 3 1.000 1 1 1.000 58 58 1.000
Morocco University Essaâdi
Natural Sciences /
Université Hassan II Chemical Sciences
157 1623 44146 1049905 Mohamed Assal 3 2 0.667 1 1 1.000 57 40 0.702
Morocco de Casablanca Chimie | transfert thermique |
textiles | batiments |

Université Ibn Tofail PhD, Ibn Tofail University

80 1624 44191 1050018 Amal Hadri Network Security | Machine 3 3 1.000 1 1 1.000 56 56 1.000
Morocco Kénitra Learning | Data Analysis |

Université Ibnou Zohr Natural Sciences /

140 1624 44191 1050018 Ali Khalal Physics 3 3 1.000 1 1 1.000 56 26 0.464
Morocco d'Agadir
Physique | Informatique |
Business & Management /
Bisan Mohammed VI Innovation Strategies | Network-
102 1626 253893 1050097 based Strategies | Business 3 3 1.000 2 2 1.000 55 55 1.000
Abdulkader Morocco Polytechnic University
Scalability | International
Entrepreneurship | and Collective
Intelligen |
Professeur de science
politique, Université
Abdellah Université Hassan II Hassan II Casablanca
158 1627 44267 1050225 3 2 0.667 1 0 0.000 55 9 0.164
Labdaoui Morocco de Casablanca Le changement politique | Pensée
politique | Epistémologie des
sciences sociales |

Université Hassan II Institut Pasteur Morocco

159 1628 44268 1050232 Anass Abbad Virology | Biology | Emerging viral 3 3 1.000 3 3 1.000 54 54 1.000
Morocco de Casablanca diseases | Zoonosis |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
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University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Assistant Professor,
Department of Oral
Université Surgery and Oral
50 1629 44277 1050255 Narjiss Akerzoul Internationale de Medicine, International 3 3 1.000 2 2 1.000 54 53 0.981
Morocco University …
Oral Surgery | Oral Medicine |
Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery |
Oral Oncology |
Université Sidi
238 1630 44384 1050623 Kamal Moradi Mohammed Ben Professor 3 2 0.667 2 0 0.000 52 5 0.096
Morocco Spectroscopie |
Abdellah Fes
Université Moulay Ismail,
Université Moulay Meknes
116 1631 44387 1050635 Nadia Handaq 3 3 1.000 1 1 1.000 52 50 0.962
Morocco Ismail Meknès Biologie. Ecologie animale:
Entomologie |
Docteur Ingénieur
El Jaouhari Université Moulay agronome
117 1632 44408 1050709 3 3 1.000 2 2 1.000 51 49 0.961
Nabil Morocco Ismail Meknès Irrigation | horticulture | Eau |
changement climatique |
Engineering &
Abdelouahad Université Mohammed Technology / Earth
230 1633 44428 1050780 3 3 1.000 1 1 1.000 51 21 0.412
Birouk Morocco V de Rabat Sciences
Géophysique | Electronique |
Université Sidi
239 1634 44485 1051067 Mohammed Ben 3 3 1.000 1 1 1.000 49 47 0.959
Bounou Morocco
Abdellah Fes
Engineering &
Université Sidi Technology / Computer
Oumayma Science
240 1635 44494 1051134 Mohammed Ben 3 3 1.000 2 2 1.000 48 46 0.958
Chergui Morocco Artificial intelligence | ICT in
Abdellah Fes
Education | Mobile learning |
Semantic web |
Professeur de physique,
Université Moulay université moulay ismail.
118 1636 44511 1051205 Sara Teidj 3 3 1.000 1 1 1.000 48 44 0.917
Morocco Ismail Meknès physique | mécanique |
mécatronique |

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
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Last 5 Last 5 Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Université Sidi Université Sidi Mohamed
Ahmed Ech- ben Abdellah
241 1637 44541 1051329 Mohammed Ben 3 3 1.000 1 1 1.000 47 46 0.979
Charqy Morocco time delay systems | robust
Abdellah Fes control |

Université Sidi Engineering &

241 1637 44541 1051329 Hanane Kalkha Mohammed Ben Technology / Computer 3 3 1.000 1 1 1.000 47 47 1.000
Morocco Science
Abdellah Fes
Artificial Intelligence | WSN |
Engineering &
Technology / Computer
51 1639 44575 1051472 Ihsane Gryech Internationale de Artificial Intelligence | Machine 3 3 1.000 1 1 1.000 46 46 1.000
Rabat Learning | Geographical
Information System | Air Quality
Prediction |
Mohammed VI
Mohammed VI Polytechnic University
103 1640 254775 1051706 Karim Boubouh 3 3 1.000 2 2 1.000 44 44 1.000
Morocco Polytechnic University Machine Learning | Distributed
Systems |
Rabat Business School-
Université International University
52 1640 44612 1051706 Amina Dchieche Internationale de of Rabat 3 3 1.000 2 1 0.500 44 26 0.591
Rabat Islamic finance | Financial
engineering |

Université Sidi Natural Sciences /

Mariame Chemical Sciences
243 1642 44629 1051779 Mohammed Ben 3 3 1.000 1 1 1.000 44 44 1.000
Houhou Morocco plant nutrition | plant physiology |
Abdellah Fes Sulfur deficiency |
International University
Ecole Polytechnique of Agadir
5 1643 44646 1051875 Lahcen Mifdal 3 3 1.000 2 2 1.000 43 38 0.884
Morocco Privée d'Agadir Maintenance | Production |
Logistics |
Mohamed Saad Université Sidi Natural Sciences /
244 1644 44660 1051942 Bouh Elemine Mohammed Ben Mathematics 3 3 1.000 1 1 1.000 43 43 1.000
Vall Abdellah Fes applied mathematics |

Université Sidi Natural Sciences /

Mustapha Physics
245 1645 44674 1052026 Mohammed Ben 3 3 1.000 2 2 1.000 42 42 1.000
Beniken Morocco Physical Chemistry • Clean
Abdellah Fes Energy Chemistry • Didactics |

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Business & Management /
Imad-Eddine ESCA Management Entrepreneurship
2 1646 44685 1052093 3 2 0.667 2 0 0.000 42 14 0.333
Hatimi Morocco School Innovation | Strategy |
Management |
Centre Régional des
Centre Régional des Métiers de l'Education et
Métiers de l’Éducation de la Formation
2 1647 44687 1052104 Khadija Raouf 3 1 0.333 2 0 0.000 42 5 0.119
Morocco et de la Formation Casablanca-Settat
(CRMEF) sciences de l'éducation et
management des … |
Ecole Supérieure des ESITH / CELOG
6 1648 44688 1052106 Mustapha Hlyal Industries du Textile Industrial management and 3 3 1.000 1 1 1.000 42 40 0.952
Morocco logistics |
et de l'Habillement
Engineering &
Université Sidi Technology / Computer
246 1648 44688 1052106 Mohammed Ben Science 3 3 1.000 1 1 1.000 42 38 0.905
Laraqui Morocco
Abdellah Fes stereovision | computer vision | 3D
reconstruction |
Université Sidi
University of Sidi
246 1648 44688 1052106 Amal Bouti Mohammed Ben 3 3 1.000 1 1 1.000 42 42 1.000
Morocco Mohamed Ben-Abdullah
Abdellah Fes
Université Sidi Ph.D. student at
248 1651 44712 1052274 Safae Smiri Mohammed Ben Intelligent Systems and 3 3 1.000 1 1 1.000 41 41 1.000
Morocco Applications Laboratory
Abdellah Fes
Wireless Ad hoc Networks |

Université Sidi Faculty of Science and

Hicham Moad Technology Fez
249 1652 44724 1052362 Mohammed Ben 3 3 1.000 2 1 0.500 40 39 0.975
Safhi Morocco Machine Learning | Big Data |
Abdellah Fes Artificial Intelligence |
Université Sidi
250 1653 44751 1052525 Mohammed Ben Ph. Doctor 3 3 1.000 2 2 1.000 39 39 1.000
Mouhrim Morocco
Abdellah Fes
Ecole Supérieure de
Université Moulay Technologie de Meknès,
119 1654 44778 1052720 El Gadari Ayoub Université Moulay Ismail, 3 3 1.000 2 2 1.000 38 38 1.000
Morocco Ismail Meknès
Power electronics |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
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University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Mohammed VI
Mohammed VI Polytechnic University
104 1654 255404 1052720 Aziam Hasna 3 3 1.000 2 2 1.000 38 38 1.000
Morocco Polytechnic University Batteries | Energy storage |
Materials Science |

Université Moulay Docteur, Université

120 1656 44788 1052780 Hicham Mohti Moulay Ismail 3 3 1.000 1 1 1.000 38 38 1.000
Morocco Ismail Meknès
biochimie | pharmacologie |
Université Internationale
de Rabat, Pôle Energie,
53 1657 44807 1052908 Omar Jellouli Internationale de 3 3 1.000 2 1 0.500 37 30 0.811
Morocco LERMA, 11100, Sala Al
Jadida, Morocco
Laboratory of
Université Sidi Biotechnology,
Mohammed Conservation and
251 1658 44855 1053266 Mohammed Ben 3 3 1.000 0 0 0 36 36 1.000
Kara Morocco Valorisation of Naturals
Abdellah Fes
Resources …
biotechnology | Phytochemistry |

Mohammed VI Assistant Professor at

105 1659 255791 1053338 Hayat Zouiten 3 3 1.000 1 1 1.000 35 35 1.000
Morocco Polytechnic University FGSES UM6P
Control Theory and Optimization |
DRH, Sidi mohammed
Université Sidi Ben Abdellah University
252 1660 44903 1053566 Mohammed Ben Theoretical and Numerical 3 3 1.000 1 1 1.000 34 33 0.971
Lafhim Morocco
Abdellah Fes Methods in Continuous
Optimization |
Doctor of Engineering,
Mohammed Université Moulay Energetic Team In Search
121 1661 44938 1053769 Of optoelectronics And 3 3 1.000 1 1 1.000 33 33 1.000
Halimi Morocco Ismail Meknès
Energetic …
Energetic |
Docteur en Informatique,
Université Sidi
faculté des sciences dhar
253 1662 45020 1054359 Nisrine Dad Mohammed Ben 3 3 1.000 0 0 0 31 24 0.774
Morocco el mahraz, université sidi
Abdellah Fes
mohamed ben …
Green Tech Institute
Hicham El Mohammed VI E-Mobility | Intelligente
106 1663 256504 1054447 Diagnostic and Pronostic | 3 3 1.000 1 1 1.000 30 30 1.000
Hadraoui Morocco Polytechnic University Intelligente control | Electric
Motors | Electric Energy |

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University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Mohammed VI Mohammed VI
106 1663 256504 1054447 Rafiq El Alami 3 3 1.000 1 1 1.000 30 23 0.767
Morocco Polytechnic University polytechnique University
University Mohammed VI
Yunusa Simpa Mohammed VI Polytechnique
108 1665 256678 1054710 3 3 1.000 1 1 1.000 29 29 1.000
Abdulsalam Morocco Polytechnic University Cloud Computing | Applied
Cryptography | Network Security
and Privacy |
university mohamed VI of
Mohammed VI health sciences (UM6SS)
5 1666 45107 1054941 Imane Motaib University of Health endocrinology | diabetology 3 3 1.000 1 1 1.000 28 27 0.964
Sciences metabolic disease and clinical
nutrition |
Mohammed 6 University
Mohammed VI of Health Sciences
5 1666 45107 1054941 Saloua Elamari University of Health (UM6SS), 82403, 3 3 1.000 1 1 1.000 28 28 1.000
Sciences Casablanca, Morocco.
diabetes | endocrinology |
École Nationale
Université Moulay
122 1668 45149 1055199 Siham Eddamiri Supérieure d'Arts et 3 3 1.000 1 1 1.000 27 27 1.000
Morocco Ismail Meknès
Métiers, Meknes
Professeur de
Université Moulay secondaire Physique-
123 1669 45169 1055370 Kamal Tabti Chimique 3 3 1.000 0 0 0 27 27 1.000
Morocco Ismail Meknès
Biochemistry | Bioinformatics |
Quantical chemistry & Drug
discovery |
Université Moulay Electromechanical engineering |
123 1669 45169 1055370 Naima Jouilel 3 3 1.000 0 0 0 27 24 0.889
Morocco Ismail Meknès optimization | materials and multi-
disciplinary systems |
Professeur de
l'enseignement Supérieur
Université Moulay Assistant, Faculté des
125 1671 45187 1055462 Qarqori Khaoula Sciences et Techniques d' 3 3 1.000 1 1 1.000 26 24 0.923
Morocco Ismail Meknès

Géophysique | Télédétection | SIG
| Hydrogéologie |

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University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Doctoral Researcher,
Hassania School of Public
Ecole Hassania des Works
7 1671 45187 1055462 El Mehdi Ouafiq 3 3 1.000 1 1 1.000 26 26 1.000
Morocco Travaux Publics Big Data | Data Management |
Machine Learning | Smart City |
Smart Farming |
Mohammed VI Applied mathematics | Partial
109 1673 257278 1055600 Loubna Salhi 3 3 1.000 0 0 0 26 26 1.000
Morocco Polytechnic University differential equations | Fluid
mechanics |
Moulay Ismail University
Université Moulay Sustainable transportation |
126 1674 45226 1055708 Jelti Faissal 3 3 1.000 1 1 1.000 25 25 1.000
Morocco Ismail Meknès Supply chain | Green logistics |
Electric mobility |
Ph.D. - Lecturer of
Université Moulay Higher education | Applied
126 1674 45226 1055708 Otmane Omari 3 3 1.000 1 1 1.000 25 24 0.960
Morocco Ismail Meknès Linguistics | Self-regulated
learning | Lifelong learning | E-
learning... |
PhD student, Mohammed
Mohammed VI VI Polytechnic University
110 1674 257343 1055708 Loubna Bazzi 3 3 1.000 1 1 1.000 25 25 1.000
Morocco Polytechnic University Chemistry | Metal-organic
frameworks |
Faculty of Sciences,
Department of
Mohssine Es- Université Moulay Mathematics, Meknes,
128 1677 45260 1055958 3 3 1.000 1 1 1.000 24 24 1.000
Saiydy Morocco Ismail Meknès Morocco.
Analysis and Applied Mathematics
Law / Law and Legal
Université Sidi Studies
254 1678 45295 1056200 Karim Zaouaq Mohammed Ben Bioethics | Environmental Law and 3 3 1.000 1 1 1.000 23 23 1.000
Morocco Policies | Public International Law
Abdellah Fes | Human Rights | International
Relations |
Lincoln University, New
Mohammed VI Zealand
111 1678 257667 1056200 Moussa Bouray 3 3 1.000 1 1 1.000 23 23 1.000
Morocco Polytechnic University Soil fertility | Fertilizers | Plant
nutrition | Irrigation | remote
sensing |

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University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Ecole Nationale
Supérieure d'Arts et
Université Moulay Métiers ENSAM-Meknès.
129 1680 45306 1056268 Khadija Hmina 3 2 0.667 1 1 1.000 23 22 0.957
Morocco Ismail Meknès Product design | Preliminary
design | TRIZ | Innovation | Design
thinking. |
Univérsité Moulay Ismail,
Salaheddine Université Moulay Université Ibn Tofail
130 1681 45339 1056532 Computer Communications 3 3 1.000 0 0 0 22 19 0.864
Loudari Morocco Ismail Meknès
(Networks) | Outils technologiques
en éducation et apprentissages |
IA Laboratory, Faculty of
Université Moulay Sciences, Moulay Ismail
130 1681 45339 1056532 Achraf Haibi 3 3 1.000 0 0 0 22 22 1.000
Morocco Ismail Meknès University, Meknes,
Moulay Ismail University
Université Moulay , Meknes
132 1683 45368 1056698 Fathi Youssef Stereo Vision | Geomatics | 3 3 1.000 1 1 1.000 21 19 0.905
Morocco Ismail Meknès
Robotics | Odometry | Pattern
Recognition |

Yao Kohou Mohamed VI Polytechnic

Mohammed VI University
112 1683 258008 1056698 Donatien 3 3 1.000 1 1 1.000 21 21 1.000
Morocco Polytechnic University Agronomie | Environnement | Soil
Gueable Science |
PhD student, Moulay
Université Moulay Ismail university
133 1685 45382 1056766 Ayoub Oukhatar 3 3 1.000 0 0 0 21 21 1.000
Morocco Ismail Meknès computer networking engineering

Youssef Université Moulay PhD

133 1685 45382 1056766 3 3 1.000 0 0 0 21 21 1.000
Elguennouni Morocco Ismail Meknès Fluid flow |

Teacher- researcher
Université Moulay Applied linguistics | CPD | Cultural
135 1687 45413 1056955 Bendaoud Nadif 3 3 1.000 1 1 1.000 20 20 1.000
Morocco Ismail Meknès studies | Language development |
gamification |

Mohammed VI UM6P/GTI
113 1687 258175 1056955 Nasr Guennouni 3 3 1.000 1 1 1.000 20 20 1.000
Morocco Polytechnic University power electronics | e-mobility |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
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Last 5 Last 5 Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Africa Business School,
Mohammed VI
Mohammed VI Polytechnic University
114 1689 258338 1057221 Ahmed Iraqi Strategic management | 3 3 1.000 0 0 0 19 19 1.000
Morocco Polytechnic University International business | Digital
transformation | Social
entrepreneurship | Geoeconomics
Group of DEFA -
Department of
Mathematics and
Youness El Université Moulay Informatics Faculty of
136 1690 45499 1057375 3 2 0.667 0 0 0 19 14 0.737
Khatabi Morocco Ismail Meknès Sciences University …
Linear Algebra & Matrix Theory |
Number theory and Functional
Analysis |
Engineering &
Technology / Electrical &
Mohammed Abdelmalek Essaadi Electronic Engineering
19 1690 45499 1057375 Automation | robotics and smart 3 2 0.667 0 0 0 19 9 0.474
Bsiss Morocco University
systems | smart mobility |
functional safety | Intelligent
control systems |
Enseignant chercheur,
Abdallah Ecole Supérieure de
Université Moulay
137 1692 45511 1057453 Marhraoui Technologie de Meknès, 3 3 1.000 0 0 0 18 17 0.944
Morocco Ismail Meknès
Hsaini Université Moulay …
Informatique Industrielle |

Mohammed VI UM6P - Morocco

115 1692 258486 1057453 Imad Kissami Finite Volume | Numerical 3 3 1.000 0 0 0 18 18 1.000
Morocco Polytechnic University simulation | HPC |
University Mohammed VI
Mohammed VI for health sciencs
Abdellah Idrissi
7 1694 45549 1057619 University of Health Bioinformatics | genomics | data 3 3 1.000 0 0 0 17 17 1.000
Azami Morocco
Sciences sciences | metagenomics |
biodiversity |

Université Moulay
138 1695 45591 1057812 Meriem Yatim Phd student 3 3 1.000 0 0 0 16 16 1.000
Morocco Ismail Meknès

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University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Professeur, Moulay Ismail
Mohamed Université Moulay University
138 1695 45591 1057812 3 3 1.000 0 0 0 16 16 1.000
Benyassi Morocco Ismail Meknès Mathematics - Theoretical Physics
Mohammed VI
Polytechnic University
El Hachimi Mohammed VI Center for Remote
116 1697 258812 1057969 3 3 1.000 0 0 0 15 15 1.000
Chouaib Morocco Polytechnic University Sensing Applications
Artificial Intelligence | smart
agriculture |

Abdellatif Université Moulay Mathématiques

140 1698 45636 1058066 3 2 0.667 0 0 0 15 9 0.600
Sadrati Morocco Ismail Meknès Integral equations |

ENSAM-Meknes -- moulay
ismail university
Université Moulay Computer Science | artificial
141 1699 45661 1058226 Elyazid Akachar 3 3 1.000 0 0 0 13 13 1.000
Morocco Ismail Meknès intelligence | Social Networks
Analysis | Complex networks |
Community detection |

Université Moulay Professor of Mathematics,

142 1700 45671 1058297 Youssef Rami My Ismail University 3 2 0.667 0 0 0 13 11 0.846
Morocco Ismail Meknès
Algebraic topology |

Zakariae Université Moulay université moulay ismail

143 1701 45678 1058332 faculté des sciences 3 3 1.000 0 0 0 12 12 1.000
Elhousni Morocco Ismail Meknès
phytopathology |
Business & Management /
Université Cadi Ayyad Marketing
170 1702 45752 1059792 Chakib Hamadi 2 2 1.000 2 2 1.000 206 86 0.417
Morocco Marrakech Commerce Électronique &
Marketing Digital |
Business & Management /
Decision Science and
Operations Management
54 1703 45947 1061131 Adil Akaaboune Internationale de operations management | supply 2 1 0.500 1 1 1.000 99 22 0.222
Rabat chain management | quality
management | logistics |
operations research |

Université Mohammed
231 1704 46017 1061395 Mouad Zouina ENSIAS 2 2 1.000 1 1 1.000 86 86 1.000
Morocco V de Rabat

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University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Phd student at the
Lhoussayne Université Moulay Faculty of Sciences and
144 1705 46031 1061435 Techniques Errachidia 2 2 1.000 2 2 1.000 84 84 1.000
Ettaya Morocco Ismail Meknès
Physiques des matériaux | les
cellules solaires |

Imane El Idrissi Université Hassan II Hassan II University of

160 1706 46040 1061454 Casablanca 2 2 1.000 1 1 1.000 84 83 0.988
Saik Morocco de Casablanca
Leishmaniasis |
Université Hassan II.
Université Hassan II Faculté de Médecine
161 1707 46090 1061630 Amina Gharibi 2 2 1.000 1 1 1.000 77 75 0.974
Morocco de Casablanca Dentaire de Casablanca.
Parodontologie | Implantologie |
Business & Management /
Bouchra Université Ibnou Zohr Decision Science and
141 1708 46098 1061653 Operations Management 2 2 1.000 1 1 1.000 76 76 1.000
Abdelilah Morocco d'Agadir
Supply chain | Leanness | Agility |
Logistics |
Hassan II University
Zineb Université Hassan II renewables | energy storage |
162 1709 46117 1061709 thermal storage | circular 2 2 1.000 2 2 1.000 74 71 0.959
Erregueragui Morocco de Casablanca economy | sustainable
development |
Ecole Supérieure de
Université Moulay Technologie de Meknès
145 1709 46117 1061709 Amine Lachheb Renewable Energy Systems | 2 2 1.000 2 2 1.000 74 74 1.000
Morocco Ismail Meknès
Energy in buildings | Solar
thermal |
Université Sultan des Paysages, Risques et
17 1711 46140 1061764 Layati Elhoucein Moulay Slimane Beni Patrimoine" 2 2 1.000 1 1 1.000 73 73 1.000
Morocco Hydrologie | climatologie |
Environnement | Aménagement du
territoire | SIG et télédétection |
Natural Sciences /
Chemical Sciences
Mohamed Université Ibn Tofail Physical Chemistry | Corrosion
81 1712 46171 1061884 inhibition | Corrosion inhibitor | 2 2 1.000 1 1 1.000 70 70 1.000
Khattabi Morocco Kénitra
Computational Chemistry |
DFT/Simulation dynamique
moléculaire |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
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University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Agriculture & Forestry /
Mohammed VI Plant Science
117 1713 260776 1062020 Khourchi Said 2 2 1.000 2 2 1.000 66 66 1.000
Morocco Polytechnic University plant-microbe interactions &
integrated nutrient management |
National Center for
Scientific and Technical
Research (CNRST) |
Samia El Université Mohammed
232 1713 46218 1062020 ENSIAS - Mohamed V … 2 2 1.000 2 2 1.000 66 66 1.000
Haddouti Morocco V de Rabat Identity Federation | Information
Security | Blockchain | Cloud
Computing | Fog & Edge
Computing |

Mohamed El Université Ibn Tofail Faculté des Sciences de

82 1715 46229 1062068 Kenitra 2 2 1.000 2 2 1.000 65 65 1.000
Habib Amagour Morocco Kénitra
Energie |
PhD, Ibn Tofail University
Université Ibn Tofail Bioinformatique | protéomique |
83 1716 46374 1062507 Sara El Jadid 2 2 1.000 1 1 1.000 57 57 1.000
Morocco Kénitra analyse de données | informatique
| statistique |

Université International University

55 1717 46408 1062602 Othmane Cherqi Internationale de of Rabat 2 2 1.000 2 2 1.000 55 55 1.000
Morocco Data Science | Big Data | Machine
Rabat Learning | Cyber security |
Université Sidi Medical and Health
Leila Drissi
255 1718 46419 1062635 Mohammed Ben Sciences / Biochemistry 2 2 1.000 1 1 1.000 55 55 1.000
Kaïtouni Morocco
Abdellah Fes Biochimie et Biotechnologie |

Social Sciences /
Université Sidi Psychology
255 1718 46419 1062635 Mohammed Ben psychologie cognitive | 2 2 1.000 1 1 1.000 55 55 1.000
Alaoui Morocco
Abdellah Fes psychologie clinique |
neuropsychologie |
Univesrité Ibn Zohr
Université Ibnou Zohr Border narratives and aesthetics |
142 1720 46441 1062688 Kamal Sbiri 2 2 1.000 1 1 1.000 54 33 0.611
Morocco d'Agadir media | cultural studies and
literary narratives |

Université Sidi university sidi mohamed

257 1721 46597 1063346 Jamal Mrazgua Mohammed Ben ben abellah 2 2 1.000 2 2 1.000 41 41 1.000
Morocco active suspension system | control
Abdellah Fes | FTC |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
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University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Sidi Mohamed Ben
Université Sidi Abdellah University
258 1722 46600 1063367 Mohammed Ben industrial engineering | 2 2 1.000 1 1 1.000 41 41 1.000
Bakkari Morocco
Abdellah Fes manufacturing | automated
systems | SME |
Professeur de
Université Sidi
259 1723 46609 1063409 Khalid Benmlih Mohammed Ben 2 2 1.000 2 1 0.500 40 18 0.450
Morocco appliquées, USMBA de
Abdellah Fes
Fès, Maroc
Equipe de recherche en
Energétique et
Université Moulay Mécanique des Fluides,
146 1723 46609 1063409 Allal Senhaji 2 2 1.000 2 2 1.000 40 38 0.950
Morocco Ismail Meknès ENSAM Meknès, Maroc
CFD | Microclimate | Agricultural
and Biological Sciences |
Enseignant-chercheur /
François Private University of Université Privée de
5 1725 46658 1063683 Marrakech 2 1 0.500 1 0 0.000 37 8 0.216
Perreault Morocco Marrakech
Management TIC e-learning
changement |
Université Internationale
Université de Rabat
56 1726 46668 1063721 Hajar Chouiyakh Internationale de vibrations | wave propagation | 2 2 1.000 1 1 1.000 36 35 0.972
Rabat signal processing | computational
mechanics |
Professeur d'électronique
de puissance et des
réseaux électriques,
Université Moulay
147 1727 46678 1063790 Rachid Askour ENSAM-Meknès … 2 2 1.000 1 0 0.000 35 13 0.371
Morocco Ismail Meknès Electronique de puissance |
Commande électronique des
machines électriques | DSP |
Véhicule tout électrique |
Doctorante, Université
Université Moulay Moulay Ismail
148 1728 46703 1063947 Hind El Ouardi 2 2 1.000 2 2 1.000 33 33 1.000
Morocco Ismail Meknès power electronics | power
conversion | solar energy |

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University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Centre National de
Centre National de l'Energie, des Sciences et
l'Energie, des des Techniques
7 1729 46884 1065141 Ismail Hilal Nucléaires - CNESTEN - 2 2 1.000 1 1 1.000 24 23 0.958
Morocco Sciences et des
Techniques Nucleaires Hydrogéologie | Hydrologie | SIG |
Environnement | Aménagement du
Territoire |

Université Moulay Moulay ismail University

149 1730 46941 1065524 Samia Nasiri software engineering | NLP | 2 2 1.000 1 1 1.000 22 22 1.000
Morocco Ismail Meknès Artificiel Intelligence |
Mining Environment and
Mohammed VI Circular Economy / UM6P
118 1730 262862 1065524 Manar Derhy 2 2 1.000 1 1 1.000 22 22 1.000
Morocco Polytechnic University Benguerir
mineral processing |
Ph.D. student at
Mohammed VI
Fatima-Zahra El Mohammed VI Polytechnic University
118 1730 262862 1065524 2 2 1.000 1 1 1.000 22 22 1.000
Bouchtaoui Morocco Polytechnic University (UM6P), Benguerir
Polymer materials/Slow-Release
Fertilizers |
PhD student, Université
Khadija Ait Mohammed VI Mohammed VI
120 1733 263001 1065724 2 2 1.000 1 1 1.000 21 21 1.000
Elallem Morocco Polytechnic University Polytechnique
Biologie | Science du sol |
Microbiologie | Réhabilitation |

Manal El Mohammed VI Mohammed VI

120 1733 263001 1065724 2 2 1.000 1 1 1.000 21 21 1.000
Akrouchi Morocco Polytechnic University Polytechnic University
Institut Superieur du PhD
3 1733 46966 1065724 Khalid Aissaoui Cloud computing | Security and 2 2 1.000 1 1 1.000 21 21 1.000
Morocco Genie Applique privacy | Big Data |
Research Scientist &
Prof. | Finance | Family
Azzeddine ESCA Management Firms |
3 1736 46995 1065911 2 2 1.000 0 0 0 21 21 1.000
Allioui Morocco School Family Firms | Family Businesses |
Family Control | Corporate
Finance | Strategy |

Radouan El Mohammed VI Mohammed VI

122 1737 263148 1065947 2 2 1.000 1 1 1.000 20 20 1.000
Bamiki Morocco Polytechnic University Polytechnic University
Geosciences | Natural resources |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
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University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Mohammed VI
Polytechnic University
Ferdaous Mohammed VI (UM6P)
122 1737 263148 1065947 2 2 1.000 1 1 1.000 20 20 1.000
Idlahcen Morocco Polytechnic University eXplainable AI | Computational
Pathology | Radiomics |
Pathogenomics | Bioinformatics |
Assistant Professor of
Université Moulay English, Moulay Ismail
150 1739 47044 1066175 Meryem Laadem University of Meknes 2 2 1.000 1 1 1.000 19 18 0.947
Morocco Ismail Meknès
Teaching English | Pedagogy |
Communication | Culture | ICTs |
Professor of Computer
My Driss El Université Moulay
150 1739 47044 1066175 Science, Moulay Ismail 2 2 1.000 1 1 1.000 19 19 1.000
Ouadghiri Morocco Ismail Meknès
University of Meknès
École Nationale
Supérieure d'Arts et
Université Moulay Métiers (ENSAM-
152 1741 47094 1066454 Brahim Bakkas Meknès) 2 2 1.000 1 1 1.000 18 16 0.889
Morocco Ismail Meknès
Informatique | image processing |
IA | OFDM | Error correcting
codes |
Mining Environment and
Abdelmoujib Mohammed VI Circular Economy Lab /
124 1741 263456 1066454 2 2 1.000 1 1 1.000 18 18 1.000
Bahhou Morocco Polytechnic University UM6P Benguerir
Cement blends | Sustainable
materials |
Mohammed VI
Mohammed VI Polytechnic University,
124 1741 263456 1066454 Mustapha Salihi 2 2 1.000 1 1 1.000 18 18 1.000
Morocco Polytechnic University Ben Guerir, Morocco
Energy Storage |

Université Moulay professeur de littérature,

153 1744 47131 1066664 Mokhtar Belarbi université moulay ismaïl 2 2 1.000 0 0 0 18 10 0.556
Morocco Ismail Meknès
littérature française |
Université Moulay MOULAY ISMAIL
154 1745 47154 1066784 Sabiri Maryame MEKNES 2 2 1.000 1 1 1.000 17 17 1.000
Morocco Ismail Meknès
phytochimie | chimie analytique |
chimie organique |
pharmacognosie. |

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
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University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Moulay Ismail University,
Université Moulay Meknes, Morocco
155 1746 47192 1066934 Rachid Sadgui 2 1 0.500 1 1 1.000 17 16 0.941
Morocco Ismail Meknès Industrial Clusters | Innovation |
Knowledge Management | SMEs |

Université Moulay FST ERRACHIDIA

156 1747 47197 1066951 Najim Mansour 2 2 1.000 0 0 0 17 17 1.000
Morocco Ismail Meknès Physique mathématique |

ENCG Meknès -
Zakaria Université Moulay Université Moulay Ismail,
156 1747 47197 1066951 Maroc 2 2 1.000 0 0 0 17 17 1.000
Lissaneddine Morocco Ismail Meknès
HRM - Social Media - Digital
Marketing |
PhD - Ing., ENSAM
Université Moulay MEKNES, UMI
158 1749 47227 1067119 Jallal Arramach 2 2 1.000 1 1 1.000 16 16 1.000
Morocco Ismail Meknès Wind Energy | Aerodynamics |
Mechanical Engineering | CFD |
PhD. Eng. Université
Mohammed VI
Mohammed VI Polytechnique
126 1750 264057 1067443 Ridouane Oulhiq 2 2 1.000 1 1 1.000 15 15 1.000
Morocco Polytechnic University Modeling | Simulation | System
identification | Data science |
Advanced Process Control |
International Water
Mohammed VI Research Institute
126 1750 264057 1067443 Abdellatif Rafik 2 2 1.000 1 1 1.000 15 15 1.000
Morocco Polytechnic University (IWRI/UM6P)
hydrogeochemistry | hydrogeology
and remote sensing |
Université Moulay Ismail,
Othmane Université Moulay Faculté des Sciences,
159 1752 47327 1067591 2 2 1.000 0 0 0 15 15 1.000
Amhoud Morocco Ismail Meknès Meknès
Physique des matériaux |

Université Moulay Professor of Biochemistry

159 1752 47327 1067591 Zineb Moussafir biochemistry | molecular biology | 2 2 1.000 0 0 0 15 15 1.000
Morocco Ismail Meknès animal sciences | reproduction |
Phd Ben M'sik Faculty of
Elkhadir Mohammed VI Science
128 1752 264154 1067591 2 2 1.000 0 0 0 15 11 0.733
Lamrani Morocco Polytechnic University Artificial intelligence | Text mining
| NLP | Data science | Question
answering systems |

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Mohammed VI CentraleSupélec
128 1752 264154 1067591 Hamza Bouzekri 2 2 1.000 0 0 0 15 15 1.000
Morocco Polytechnic University Operations research |
Engineering &
International Technology / Mechanical
4 1752 47327 1067591 University of Engineering 2 2 1.000 0 0 0 15 13 0.867
Benhadou Morocco
Casablanca Mechanical engineering |
automotive parts |

Université Moulay
161 1757 47391 1067974 Soufiane Abi Moulay Ismail University 2 2 1.000 0 0 0 14 14 1.000
Morocco Ismail Meknès
Université Moulay Natural Sciences /
161 1757 47391 1067974 Toufik Chaayra 2 2 1.000 0 0 0 14 14 1.000
Morocco Ismail Meknès Mathematics

Université Moulay Moulay Ismail University

161 1757 47391 1067974 Yassine Mekdad of Meknes 2 2 1.000 0 0 0 14 14 1.000
Morocco Ismail Meknès
security | privacy |
PhD Candidate at
University Moulay Ismail
Université Moulay of Meknes, Morocco
161 1757 47391 1067974 Amine Kherraki Deep Learning | Image Processing 2 2 1.000 0 0 0 14 14 1.000
Morocco Ismail Meknès
| Classification | Semantic
Segmentation | Intelligent
Transportation Systems |
Equipe de Chimie-
Physique, Electrochimie
Université Moulay et Environnement,
165 1761 47446 1068394 Driss Fadili 2 2 1.000 0 0 0 13 13 1.000
Morocco Ismail Meknès Laboratoire de Chimie …
computational chemistry |
materials science |
Azizi Mohamed Université Moulay computer science | wireless sensor
166 1762 47506 1068810 2 2 1.000 0 0 0 12 12 1.000
Saad Morocco Ismail Meknès network | Software defined
network | Internet of things |
Department of Physics,
Laboratory M3ER, FSTE,
Université Moulay Moulay Ismail University,
166 1762 47506 1068810 Lamya Lairgi 2 2 1.000 0 0 0 12 12 1.000
Morocco Ismail Meknès Meknes …
Energy Efficiency | Artificial
Intelligence | Renewable Energy |

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Université Moulay Ismail,
Youness Université Moulay Faculté des Sciences,
166 1762 47506 1068810 Laboratoire de Chimie 2 2 1.000 0 0 0 12 12 1.000
Moukhliss Morocco Ismail Meknès
Moléculaire et de …
Bio-informatique |
Faculty of Sciences
Imade El Université Moulay Meknes
169 1765 47575 1069260 2 2 1.000 0 0 0 11 11 1.000
Hajjami Morocco Ismail Meknès MICROELECTRONICS |

Université Moulay
169 1765 47575 1069260 Mohamed Tial Professor of Mathematics 2 2 1.000 0 0 0 11 10 0.909
Morocco Ismail Meknès

Souhaila Université Moulay Physics Phd, Moulay

169 1765 47575 1069260 Ismail University 2 2 1.000 0 0 0 11 7 0.636
Chaddou Morocco Ismail Meknès
Atomic & Molecular physics |
Social Sciences /
Institut Superieur du Linguistics and Literature
4 1765 47575 1069260 Abdelaziz Kesbi 2 2 1.000 0 0 0 11 9 0.818
Morocco Genie Applique Sociolinguistics | Applied
linguistics | Cultural studies |

Institut Agronomique Medical and Health

19 1769 47664 1069771 Sara Boularbah et Veterinaire Hassan Sciences / Veterinary 2 2 1.000 0 0 0 10 10 1.000
Morocco Sciences
Gestion des ressources en eau |

Mohammed VI Professeur assistant de

8 1770 47762 1070616 Ahmed Bensaad University of Health chirurgie générale, 2 2 1.000 0 0 0 8 8 1.000
Morocco UM6SS, Casablanca
Chirurgie Viscérale et digestive. |
Natural Sciences /
Ecole Polytechnique Molecular Biology &
6 1770 47762 1070616 Soumaya Elakil Genetics 2 2 1.000 0 0 0 8 8 1.000
Morocco Privée d'Agadir
Génétique et Biologie Moléculaire
Ecole Supérieure des ESITH
7 1772 47833 1071309 Meriem Kouhail Industries du Textile textile | environnement | nano 2 2 1.000 0 0 0 6 6 1.000
Morocco matériels |
et de l'Habillement

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Research Team in
Institut Agronomique Maternal and Child
20 1772 47833 1071309 Amina Bennis et Veterinaire Hassan Health and Nutrition, 2 2 1.000 0 0 0 6 6 1.000
Morocco Faculty of Medicine and

Nutrition |

Institut Agronomique IAV Hassan II, Rabat,

21 1774 47860 1071578 Said Dahani et Veterinaire Hassan Maroc 2 2 1.000 0 0 0 5 5 1.000
Morocco Sécurité sanitaire des produits
II alimentaires |
PhD, Researcher in AI,
Université Cadi Ayyad ENSIAS
171 1775 48063 1073292 Achraf Oussidi 1 1 1.000 1 1 1.000 73 73 1.000
Morocco Marrakech Machine Learning | Deep Learning
| Artificial Intelligence |
Université Sidi USMBA
260 1776 48229 1073817 Khalid Ouazizi Mohammed Ben Cognitive and educational 1 1 1.000 1 1 1.000 45 43 0.956
Morocco psychology |
Abdellah Fes
Mohammed VI
Hassan Ait El Mohammed VI Polytechnic University
130 1776 267960 1073817 1 1 1.000 1 1 1.000 45 24 0.533
Madani Morocco Polytechnic University in vivo/in vitro and clinical skin
imaging | multiphoton
technologies | image processing |
Engineering &
Mohammed VI Technology / Meteorology
131 1778 267968 1073830 Khadija Arjdal 1 1 1.000 1 1 1.000 44 44 1.000
Morocco Polytechnic University & Atmospheric Sciences
Météorologie | modélisation
climatique |

Mohammed VI um6p
131 1778 267968 1073830 Saloua Balhane 1 1 1.000 1 1 1.000 44 44 1.000
Morocco Polytechnic University climate modeling |
Engineering &
Université Sidi Technology / Earth
261 1780 48261 1073971 Nacer Azzouzi Mohammed Ben Sciences 1 1 1.000 1 1 1.000 37 14 0.378
Abdellah Fes Géologie | Géomatique | SIG |
Pédagogie |

Ayyoub Université Moulay Security/privacy | Intelligent

172 1781 48266 1074019 1 1 1.000 1 1 1.000 35 35 1.000
Lamssaggad Morocco Ismail Meknès Transportation system | 5G-related
Technologies |

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Université Moulay English studies
173 1782 48281 1074100 Hassan Laasri English Media culture literature 1 1 1.000 1 1 1.000 32 32 1.000
Morocco Ismail Meknès social linguistics |
Research Intern,
Mohammed VI
Mohammed VI Polytechnic University
133 1783 268354 1074449 Basiru Sulaimon Microbial Biotechnology | Soil 1 1 1.000 1 1 1.000 24 24 1.000
Morocco Polytechnic University
Microbiology and Fertility |
Genomics | Sustainable
Agriculture |
Molay Ismail University
Université Moulay Artificial Intelligence | Machine
174 1784 48377 1074697 Aissa Haidar 1 1 1.000 1 1 1.000 20 20 1.000
Morocco Ismail Meknès Learning | Big Data | Computer
Sciences |

Université Moulay
175 1785 48476 1075288 Mariya Benamar 1 1 1.000 1 0 0.000 14 4 0.286
Morocco Ismail Meknès
Mohammed VI PhD
Fatima Zohra
9 1786 48507 1075427 University of Health médecine générale- santé 1 1 1.000 1 0 0.000 13 4 0.308
Serghini Morocco publique- addictologie..... |
Mohammed VI
10 1787 48554 1075766 Wahib Lahlou University of Health Medical intern 1 1 1.000 1 1 1.000 11 11 1.000
Moulay Ismail University
Abdelouahed Université Moulay Applied Linguistics | Psychology of
176 1787 48554 1075766 1 1 1.000 1 1 1.000 11 11 1.000
Bouih Morocco Ismail Meknès the language learner |
Psychometrics |
Institut Agronomique
22 1789 48659 1076648 et Veterinaire Hassan PhD Student 1 1 1.000 0 0 0 7 7 1.000
Chaaou Morocco
Professeur en Orthopédie
dento-faciale , faculté de
Mohammed VI
Latifa El médecine dentaire, I
11 1790 48729 1077387 University of Health orthopédie dento-faciale | 1 1 1.000 0 0 0 5 4 0.800
Mouden Morocco
Sciences chirurgie orthognathique |
occlusodontie | qualité de vie |
esthétique dentaire |

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Agricultural engineer in
Institut Agronomique Plant Protection
23 1791 48867 1078545 Jamaâ Zim et Veterinaire Hassan Waste Management | Plant 1 1 1.000 0 0 0 3 3 1.000
II Protection | Animal Health and
Agronomy |

Université Sidi Engineering &

Aissam Technology / Computer
262 1791 48867 1078545 Mohammed Ben 1 1 1.000 0 0 0 3 3 1.000
İchatouhane Morocco Science
Abdellah Fes
optimisation |

Rosalie Koumba Institut Superieur du

5 1791 48867 1078545 1 1 1.000 0 0 0 3 3 1.000
Ali Morocco Genie Applique
Social Sciences /
International Psychologie de travail et des
5 1791 48867 1078545 Siham Chibani University of groupes | communication 1 1 1.000 0 0 0 3 3 1.000
Morocco interpersonnelle | méthodologie
Casablanca de travail scientifique |
développement personnel |
psychologie de communication. |
Economics &
Moroccan Institute for Econometrics /
2 1791 48867 1078545 Rachid Aourraz 1 1 1.000 0 0 0 3 3 1.000
Morocco Policy Analysis Economics
Economics |
Institut Agronomique
Institut Agronomique et
24 1796 48969 1079360 Asma Fagrach et Veterinaire Hassan 1 1 1.000 0 0 0 2 2 1.000
Morocco vétérinaire Hassan II
Badr Karkbi Université
1 1797 49175 1081548 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Morocco Mundiapolis Sciences politiques |

Natural Sciences /
Université Moulay Physics
177 1797 49175 1081548 Abdelilah Aniba 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Morocco Ismail Meknès ‫الفينومينولوجيا وفلسفة التربية‬
Professor of Marketing,
International International University
Houda El of Casablanca
6 1797 49175 1081548 University of 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Ferachi Morocco consumer behavior | service
marketing | personality |
vocational choice |

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Morocco Top 2.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
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University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total 5 year
year / year / year /
total total total
Université Sidi PhD
El-Mehdi Machine Learning | Deep Learning
263 1797 49175 1081548 Mohammed Ben 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Chakour Morocco | Rétinopathie diabétique |
Abdellah Fes traitement d'images |

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
Table VII A. Morocco Top 100 Productivity i10 Index
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Table VII A. Morocco Top 100 Productivity i10 Index H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Abdeslam Université
1 1 1 38 Hoummada Hassan II de Natural Sciences / Physics 238 171 0.718 1541 1006 0.653 284047 133911 0.471
Morocco Physique des particules|
Cherkaoui El Université
1 2 5 438 Moursli Mohammed V Natural Sciences / Physics 210 164 0.781 920 827 0.899 220793 127496 0.577
Morocco Nuclear Physics|Medical Physics|High Energy Physics|
de Rabat

Farida Fassi Université

2 3 7 565 Mohammed V Natural Sciences / Physics 208 163 0.784 848 794 0.936 237563 134867 0.568
Morocco High Energy Physics|Astronomy|Engineering|Grid Computing|
de Rabat
Mohammed Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
1 4 17 2419 Hammouti 86 53 0.616 487 371 0.762 27371 13864 0.507
Morocco Premier Chemistry & Environment & Electrochemistry|
3 5 41 8664 Mohammed V Natural Sciences / Physics 40 31 0.775 298 192 0.644 8993 5894 0.655
Benyoussef Morocco condensed matter physics|computational physics|material physics|
de Rabat
El Mokhtar
4 6 150 23436 Mohammed V Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences 38 28 0.737 194 115 0.593 7666 4252 0.555
Essassi Morocco Chimie hétérocyclique Spectrométrie de masse Sciences des matériaux|
de Rabat
Taibi Ben Mohammed Natural Sciences / Biological Science
2 7 214 32924 41 31 0.756 165 125 0.758 6796 4234 0.623
Hadda Morocco Premier Bioinformatics & Drug Design|
5 8 237 36452 Mohammed V Engineering & Technology / Computer Science 29 19 0.655 157 58 0.369 5213 2221 0.426
Aboutajdine Morocco Informatique traitement signal|
de Rabat
2 9 312 46940 Aziz Amine Hassan II de Hassan II University of Casablanca 55 38 0.691 137 108 0.788 9732 4530 0.465
Morocco Biosensors|
Université Medical and Health Sciences / Pharmacy &
6 10 326 48393 Mohammed V Pharmaceutical Sciences 46 28 0.609 135 101 0.748 8495 4078 0.480
Abouqal Morocco
de Rabat Critical care|Acute medicine|Clinical epidemiology|

Najia Hajjaj Université

1 11 328 48472 Hassouni Internationale Medical and Health Sciences / Internal Medicine 42 29 0.690 135 88 0.652 7018 3822 0.545
Morocco médecine|rhumatologie|pédagogie médicale|
de Rabat

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Table VII A. Morocco Top 100 Productivity i10 Index H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Université Engineering & Technology / Metallurgical & Materials
1 12 383 53420 Moulay Ismail Engineering 34 28 0.824 128 95 0.742 5398 3593 0.666
Bouachrine Morocco
Meknès Matériaux organiques et optoélectronique|QSAR|Modélisation moléculaire|

Université Laboratory of Information Processing, Faculty of Science

3 13 429 58825 Said Broumi Hassan II de Ben M’Sik, University Hassan II, Casablanca 42 40 0.952 121 114 0.942 6494 5374 0.828
Morocco networking|graph theory|neutrosophic theory|fuzzy theory|intuitionistic
Casablanca fuzzy theory|

Mohamed Université Agriculture & Forestry / Agriculture

1 14 436 59392 Hafidi Cadi Ayyad Agricultural Sciences|wastes management|Composting and 51 37 0.725 120 108 0.900 8489 4803 0.566
Morocco compost|Environnmental Sciences|
Université Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
Ahmed Elharfi
1 15 484 64322 Ibn Tofail Chimie organiques|Polymères|synthèses/ études physico-chimiques et 35 34 0.971 115 96 0.835 4741 4223 0.891
Morocco applications|Modélisations|
1 16 566 71580 Mohammed Natural Sciences / Mathematics 30 28 0.933 108 99 0.917 3376 2975 0.881
Masrour Morocco Physics|Chemistry|Mathematics|
Ben Abdellah
Belmabkhout (FullUM6PMohammed VI Polytechnic University
1 17 567 71609 Youssef Separation and Carbon Capture|Power to X|Hydrogen|Sustainable Process 69 60 0.870 107 104 0.972 16594 12141 0.732
Morocco Polytechnic Engineering|Porous materials and adsorption technology|
Université Engineering & Technology / Engineering
7 18 598 74889 Ali Idri Mohammed V Health Informatics|Machine Learning|Software Engineering|Software effort 34 29 0.853 105 93 0.886 5579 4275 0.766
Morocco estimation|
de Rabat
Institut de
Recherche en Institut de Recherche en Energie Solaire et Energies,
Energie Morocco
1 19 629 77771 Ennaoui 49 28 0.571 102 67 0.657 8249 2695 0.327
Morocco Solaire et Engineering & Technology|PV technology|Thin Film chalcogenide Solar
Energies, cells|Photoelectrochemistry|Nanosciences|
8 20 672 82395 Mohammed V Engineering & Technology / Engineering 32 26 0.813 99 73 0.737 3334 2290 0.687
Abdellah Morocco Matériaux|Environnement|Energie|
de Rabat
Université Natural Sciences / Physics
9 21 710 85171 Mohammed V New Material for Energy-Magnetism-Surface-Interface|Vehicular 26 18 0.692 97 48 0.495 3026 1837 0.607
Hamid Morocco traffic|Routing network|Red blood Traffic|Quantum Cryptography|
de Rabat
Université Engineering & Technology / Nanoscience and
10 22 743 88566 Mohammed V Nanotechnology 43 27 0.628 94 64 0.681 6988 2302 0.329
Sekkat Morocco Nanotechnology|Optics and Photonics|3D Laser Nanoprinting and
de Rabat Nonlinear Optics|Plasmonics and Waveguide Optics|Smart Materia|

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Table VII A. Morocco Top 100 Productivity i10 Index H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
11 23 846 98423 Mohammed V Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences 37 28 0.757 88 62 0.705 4632 2483 0.536
Charrouf Morocco Substances Naturelles et les plantes médicinales|
de Rabat
Université Engineering & Technology / Computer Science
2 24 855 99017 Internationale Distributed systems|Communication networks|High performance 25 18 0.720 88 52 0.591 2913 1742 0.598
Bakhouya Morocco computing|IoT and Big Data|Predictive Analytics|
de Rabat
Abdellah El
12 25 976 110879 Mohammed V Medical and Health Sciences / Rheumatology 36 24 0.667 81 56 0.691 4806 1851 0.385
Maghraoui Morocco Rhumatologie|Ostéoporose|DXA|Polyarthrite rhumatoïde|Spondyloarthrite|
de Rabat
13 26 984 111422 Youssef Bakri Mohammed V Agriculture & Forestry / Plant Science 31 27 0.871 81 71 0.877 3152 2332 0.740
Morocco Immunology & Cancer biology|Medicinal plants & drug discovery|
de Rabat
14 27 1012 113505 Mohammed V Medical and Health Sciences / Microbiology 29 23 0.793 80 68 0.850 2980 1907 0.640
Filali-Maltouf Morocco Microbiology|Molecular Biology|Biotechnology|Biodiversity|Bioremediation|
de Rabat
15 28 1018 113700 Akhaddar Ali Mohammed V Medical and Health Sciences / Neurosurgery 22 14 0.636 80 29 0.363 2332 1091 0.468
Morocco Neurosurgery|CNS Infection|Spine|Medical writing|Bibliometrics|
de Rabat
Jean-Michel VI Natural Sciences / Mathematics
2 29 1030 115167 33 18 0.545 79 35 0.443 4426 1138 0.257
Ghidaglia Morocco Polytechnic Computational Fluid Dynamics|High Power Computing|
Abdelkader Engineering & Technology / Energy Engineering
2 30 1035 115563 Cadi Ayyad 29 17 0.586 79 38 0.481 3187 1303 0.409
Outzourhit Morocco Energies renouvelables|PV|Stockage|
Mohamed Université
2 31 1133 123067 Eddouks Moulay Ismail 38 28 0.737 75 69 0.920 6347 3007 0.474
Morocco Medical and Health Sciences/Pharmacology|
Ismael Engineering & Technology / Energy Engineering
3 32 1175 126213 Cadi Ayyad 31 24 0.774 74 56 0.757 5495 2212 0.403
Saadoune Morocco Batteries|Energy Storage|Materials Science|
3 33 1234 131460 Internationale Natural Sciences / Biological Science 28 17 0.607 72 27 0.375 2981 812 0.272
Benjouad Morocco sciences de la vie|
de Rabat
Abdelmajid Sidi
2 34 1316 138215 Jamil Mohammed Engineering & Technology / Mechanical Engineering 35 33 0.943 69 61 0.884 4886 4054 0.830
Morocco Heat transfer|Modeling & Simulation|Renewable Energy|Energy Efficiency|
Ben Abdellah

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Table VII A. Morocco Top 100 Productivity i10 Index H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Mohamed Natural Sciences / Physics
4 35 1358 141474 Cadi Ayyad 32 27 0.844 68 59 0.868 2917 2014 0.690
Chabab Morocco High Energy physics (Theory and Phenomenology)|Astrophysics|
Bouchaou Université Engineering & Technology / Earth Sciences
1 37 1383 142391 Lhoussaine Ibnou Zohr Water resources management|Climate change and impacts|Isotopic 25 23 0.920 68 48 0.706 2716 1789 0.659
Morocco hydrology|Karst hydrology|Hydrology in arides zones|
Université Medical and Health Sciences / Pharmacy &
16 36 1380 142266 Mohammed V Pharmaceutical Sciences 27 27 1.000 68 68 1.000 2301 2270 0.987
Bouyahya Morocco
de Rabat Biochimie|Pharmacologie|Plantes Médicinales|Microbiologie|

Zaglou Hassan II University of Casablanca
4 38 1422 145093 Hassan II de 26 19 0.731 67 38 0.567 2740 1381 0.504
Mohamed Morocco logistics|supply chain|
Ismaïl Agronomique Medical and Health Sciences / Veterinary Sciences
1 39 1458 147999 26 15 0.577 66 30 0.455 2084 910 0.437
Boujenane Morocco et Veterinaire Animal breeding and genetics|
Hassan II
Talea Université Hassan II de Casablanca
5 40 1497 150652 Hassan II de 28 26 0.929 65 61 0.938 3228 2914 0.903
Mohamed Morocco informatique|modélisations|matériaux|systèmes d'information|
17 41 1523 152379 Sekkou Kertit Mohammed V Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences 34 16 0.471 64 22 0.344 4618 1091 0.236
Morocco chimie|
de Rabat
Abdelmajid Medical and Health Sciences / Medical Genetics
2 42 1556 154237 Ibn Tofail 21 14 0.667 64 30 0.469 2127 1226 0.576
Soulaymani Morocco Toxicologie|Epidémiologie|Envenimation|
Achraf Touay
1 43 1571 155798 Essaadi 32 23 0.719 63 45 0.714 4248 1714 0.403
Université Engineering & Technology / Engineering
4 44 1581 156369 Internationale materials science|design and thermomechanical processing of metal 30 18 0.600 63 38 0.603 2739 1127 0.411
Essadiqi Morocco alloys|Microstructure Property relationship|Solar energy|r|
de Rabat
Sidi Medical and Health Sciences / Pharmacy &
3 45 1598 157203 Mohammed Pharmaceutical Sciences 25 20 0.800 63 47 0.746 2157 1466 0.680
Farah Morocco
Ben Abdellah phytochimie et pharmacologie|
Université Natural Sciences / Mathematics
6 46 1645 159664 Hassan II de Numerical Methods|mixed 29 29 1.000 62 62 1.000 2830 2782 0.983
Wakif Morocco Convection|Hydrodynamic|Magnetohydoynamic|Nanofluids|

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Table VII A. Morocco Top 100 Productivity i10 Index H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Université Engineering & Technology / Environmental Science &
5 48 1655 160027 Laila Mandi Cadi Ayyad Engineering 27 23 0.852 62 49 0.790 2737 1929 0.705
Marrakech wastewater treatment|water quality|water reuse|water managment|

El Houssaine Mohammed Natural Sciences / Physics
3 47 1653 159919 28 16 0.571 62 30 0.484 2422 916 0.378
El Boudouti Morocco Premier Solid state physics Photonic and Phononic crystals|
18 50 1675 160629 M.Taibi Mohammed V Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences 22 17 0.773 62 36 0.581 1928 1116 0.579
Morocco Chimie des matériaux|Propriétés physico-chimiques des matériaux|
de Rabat
National de
Hicham l'Energie, des
1 49 1670 160516 Sciences et Chercheur, CNESTEN 24 21 0.875 62 50 0.806 1786 1455 0.815
Morocco énergie|
Université Natural Sciences / Mathematics
Youssef El
7 51 1677 160689 Hassan II de Mathematical Biology|Mathematical Finance|Numerical Analysis and 20 17 0.850 62 57 0.919 1365 1171 0.858
Foutayeni Morocco Scientific Computing|Applied Analysis|
6 52 1688 161914 Salah Er-Raki Cadi Ayyad Natural Sciences / Physics 33 31 0.939 61 53 0.869 4315 2704 0.627
Morocco physique|irrigation|Agricultural Sciences|remote sensing|Geoscience|
Université Engineering & Technology / Electrical & Electronic
3 53 1689 162223 Moulay Ismail Engineering 32 27 0.844 61 54 0.885 3135 2025 0.646
Bouchikhi Morocco Electronic Enginnering|Sensor systems|Food safety|Volatile organic
Meknès compounds analysis for desease diagnosis|Environmental mo|
Houda El Business & Management / Marketing
3 54 1770 166655 Ibn Tofail 27 21 0.778 60 46 0.767 2322 1539 0.663
Khaldi Morocco Marketing digital|
4 55 1789 167351 Moulay Ismail Natural Sciences / Physics 22 18 0.818 60 41 0.683 1869 1093 0.585
Kerouad Morocco Physique|
Abdelmajid Natural Sciences / Physics
1 56 1835 170978 Chouaib 21 15 0.714 59 36 0.610 1855 1057 0.570
Belafhal Morocco Laser Physics|
Ouazzani Natural Sciences / Biological Science
7 58 1873 173754 Cadi Ayyad 27 24 0.889 58 44 0.759 2730 1832 0.671
Naaila Morocco Wastewater treatment and reuse|

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Table VII A. Morocco Top 100 Productivity i10 Index H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Régional des
Métiers de Natural Sciences / Mathematics
Khalid Hattaf
1 57 1859 173021 l’Éducation et Mathematical Analysis of Dynamical Systems|Mathematical Modeling in 30 28 0.933 58 54 0.931 2551 2043 0.801
Morocco Virology|Epidemiology and Economy|Control Systems|
de la
Université Engineering & Technology / Environmental Science &
8 59 1877 173838 Cadi Ayyad Engineering 27 25 0.926 58 56 0.966 2327 1910 0.821
Hakkou Morocco
Marrakech Mining Environment|Solid Waste|Valorization|Mineral Processing|

19 61 1907 174666 Mohammed V Engineering & Technology / Engineering 21 16 0.762 58 38 0.655 2128 1305 0.613
Essaaidi Morocco
de Rabat
El Modafar Natural Sciences / Biological Science
9 60 1887 174093 Cadi Ayyad 26 20 0.769 58 42 0.724 2108 1357 0.644
Cherkaoui Morocco Biotechnologies végétles|
Noureddine Engineering & Technology / Mechanical Engineering
8 62 1917 176152 Hassan II de 32 18 0.563 57 38 0.667 3044 1073 0.352
Damil Morocco Computational Mechanics|Instability|
Université Engineering & Technology / Electrical & Electronic
20 63 1935 177777 Mohammed V Engineering 26 19 0.731 57 46 0.807 2151 1576 0.733
Ouassaid Morocco Electrical Engineering|Electric Drive|Renewable Energy Systems|Smart
de Rabat Grid|Advanced Control of Power Systems and Microgrids|

Barakat Institut
1 64 1938 177829 Pasteur du Institut Pasteur du Maroc 26 17 0.654 57 45 0.789 1843 1054 0.572
Morocco Génétique humaine|
Université Engineering & Technology / Mechanical Engineering
21 65 1957 178356 Mohammed V Spintronics|phosphorene|hydrogen storage|magnetic refrigeration|Ferrites 22 20 0.909 57 46 0.807 1813 1518 0.837
Mounkachi, Morocco and nanoferrites|
de Rabat
Université Medical and Health Sciences / Pharmacy &
22 67 1982 180122 Mohammed V Pharmaceutical Sciences 30 22 0.733 56 47 0.839 5539 1665 0.301
Ibrahimi Morocco
de Rabat Biotechnology|Bioinformatics|Genomics & Molecular modeling|

4 66 1972 179738 Amine Allouhi Mohammed Engineering & Technology / Energy Engineering 32 32 1.000 56 56 1.000 3362 3199 0.952
Morocco Renewable Energy Systems|Energy in buildings|Solar thermal|
Ben Abdellah
Université Natural Sciences / Physics
10 69 1989 180618 Saïd Khabba Cadi Ayyad Ressources en eau|Besoin en eau des cultures|modèles|télédétection|semi- 29 24 0.828 56 43 0.768 2723 1897 0.697
Morocco aride|

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Table VII A. Morocco Top 100 Productivity i10 Index H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Université Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
4 68 1985 180368 Ibn Tofail Polymer Synthesis Polymer Engineering Composites Materials Polymers 30 30 1.000 56 56 1.000 2537 2528 0.996
Hsissou Morocco Coatings Corrosion Inhibition Organic Chemistr|
Abderrahim VI UM6P
3 70 2036 182845 Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery|Materials for Catalysis & 36 27 0.750 55 51 0.927 5082 3382 0.665
Solhy Morocco Polytechnic Photocatalysis|Catalytic processes|
Saad Alami Professeur de chimie, Université Hassan II Casablanca
9 71 2048 184400 Hassan II de 30 26 0.867 55 48 0.873 2304 1508 0.655
Younssi Morocco Matériaux|procédés membranaires|
Al Akhawayn Business & Management / Human Resource
1 73 2079 185575 University Management 26 20 0.769 55 48 0.873 2068 1561 0.755
Shamsudin Morocco
Ifrane Human resource management|Organizational behavior|

11 72 2068 185055 Khalid Oufdou Cadi Ayyad Agriculture & Forestry / Plant Science 28 20 0.714 55 44 0.800 2026 1320 0.652
Morocco Microbiology|Rhizosphere|Plant biotechnology|biofertilizers|
23 74 2137 189444 Mohammed V Engineering & Technology / Earth Sciences 26 19 0.731 54 34 0.630 2948 1162 0.394
Chalouan Morocco géologie|
de Rabat
Saad Ibnsouda
5 76 2214 193891 Mohammed Natural Sciences / Biological Science 25 20 0.800 53 44 0.830 6108 5412 0.886
Koraichi Morocco Biotechnologie|
Ben Abdellah
Abdallah VI Mohammed VI Polytechnic University
4 75 2175 192209 30 30 1.000 53 52 0.981 4830 3724 0.771
Oukarroum Morocco Polytechnic Plant Physiology|Photosynthesis|Environmental Science|
VI Université Mohammed VI Polytechnique
5 77 2215 193945 Luc Savard 25 14 0.560 53 24 0.453 2884 746 0.259
Morocco Polytechnic Development|Environmental and Agricultural Economics. Poverty analysis.|
Azizi Mohammed Natural Sciences / Mathematics
4 78 2244 194864 20 13 0.650 53 19 0.358 1605 793 0.494
Abdelmalek Morocco Premier Mathématiques|Cryptographie et leurs Histoire|
Université Medical and Health Sciences / Pharmacy &
24 79 2293 198500 Youssef Ramli Mohammed V Pharmaceutical Sciences 24 23 0.958 52 46 0.885 2500 2121 0.848
de Rabat Organic and Medecinal Chemistry|

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Table VII A. Morocco Top 100 Productivity i10 Index H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
25 80 2366 203087 Mohammed V Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences 24 10 0.417 51 10 0.196 2304 365 0.158
Soufiaoui Morocco chimie|biochimie sciences des matériaux|
de Rabat
2 81 2390 203894 Chouaib Natural Sciences / Physics 21 16 0.762 51 40 0.784 1536 1038 0.676
Hajjaji Morocco
26 82 2410 205801 Mohammed V Medical and Health Sciences / Internal Medicine 29 15 0.517 50 28 0.560 3533 1153 0.326
Yahyaoui Morocco Médecine|
de Rabat
Université Engineering & Technology / Metallurgical & Materials
10 83 2447 207498 Hassan II de Engineering 25 19 0.760 50 37 0.740 2339 1580 0.676
Hannache Morocco
Casablanca composites materials|geopolymer|adsorbent materials|fibers|glasses|

12 84 2474 208318 Cadi Ayyad Natural Sciences / Biological Science 23 17 0.739 50 27 0.540 1473 878 0.596
Bennis Morocco
Sidi Engineering & Technology / Biomedical Engineering
6 85 2487 208650 Mohammed Embedded Systems|biomedical engineering|Electrical Machine Control|E- 21 16 0.762 50 29 0.580 1458 921 0.632
Karim Morocco
Ben Abdellah Learning|
Mohammed International Water Research Institute (IWRIMohammed
Mohamed VI VI Polytechnic University
6 86 2495 209404 33 28 0.848 49 45 0.918 4219 3217 0.763
Chaker Ncibi Morocco Polytechnic Water Treatment|Circular Economy|Green Chemistry|Environmental
University Engineering|

Mansour VI Phd
7 87 2546 212462 25 25 1.000 49 49 1.000 1614 1606 0.995
Sobeh Morocco Polytechnic Phytochemistry|Pharmacognosy|
Université Engineering & Technology / Metallurgical & Materials
2 88 2566 213436 Ibnou Zohr Engineering 22 20 0.909 49 42 0.857 1464 1183 0.808
Benlhachemi Morocco
d'Agadir Materials Science and Environment|

Université Social Sciences / Political Science

5 90 2578 213691 Internationale Politiques publiques - Ecologie de la santé - Normativités - Epistémologie 20 9 0.450 49 7 0.143 1409 365 0.259
Ferrié Morocco des sciences sociales|
de Rabat
27 89 2567 213445 E. Feddi Mohammed V Engineering & Technology / Computer Science 22 17 0.773 49 41 0.837 1343 1009 0.751
Morocco Optoelectronique des nanomateriaux de semiconducteurs|
de Rabat
Université Agriculture & Forestry / Plant Science
Nour Eddine
28 91 2595 215492 Mohammed V Medicinal plants|essential oils|polyphenols|characterization|biological 29 18 0.621 48 29 0.604 3119 1030 0.330
Es-Safi Morocco activities|
de Rabat

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Table VII A. Morocco Top 100 Productivity i10 Index H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
National de la
Rachid Mrabet Director of Research, INRA Morocco
1 92 2627 217303 Recherche 25 16 0.640 48 31 0.646 2394 1195 0.499
Morocco Agronomy|agroecology|climate change|soil security|sustainability|
Sidi Medical and Health Sciences / Pharmacy &
7 93 2629 217306 O Assobhei Mohammed Pharmaceutical Sciences 25 16 0.640 48 30 0.625 2384 1293 0.542
Ben Abdellah biotechnologie|environnement|océanographie|microbiologie|pharmacologie|
Ahmed El
29 97 2661 218720 Mohammed V Engineering & Technology / Earth Sciences 21 11 0.524 48 20 0.417 2070 709 0.343
Hassani Morocco géologie|patrimoine géologique|environnement|
de Rabat
Abdelaziz Natural Sciences / Biological Science
13 94 2634 217458 Cadi Ayyad 25 22 0.880 48 39 0.813 1959 1319 0.673
Abbad Morocco Valorization and Conservation of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants|
5 95 2635 217465 Omar Dagdag Ibn Tofail Agriculture & Forestry / Agriculture 25 25 1.000 48 48 1.000 1937 1923 0.993
Morocco Polymers|Organic chemistry|Coating|Corrosion|Nanotechnology|
3 96 2649 218186 Said Gharby Ibnou Zohr Agriculture & Forestry / Plant Science 23 21 0.913 48 45 0.938 1894 1457 0.769
Morocco Chimie analytique|chimie des plantes|lipides|controle qualité|
Mounir El VI Engineering & Technology / Metallurgical & Materials
8 98 2676 220242 Engineering 30 30 1.000 47 46 0.979 3891 3163 0.813
Achaby Morocco Polytechnic
Materials Physics & Chemistry|
Soulaimani Engineering & Technology / Earth Sciences
14 100 2723 222849 Cadi Ayyad 24 21 0.875 47 37 0.787 2547 1516 0.595
Abderrahmane Morocco Tectonique et Géologie régionale|
Institut Head of Laboratory, Researcher Associate, Institut
2 99 2721 222729 Pasteur du Pasteur du Maroc, Morocco 25 17 0.680 47 38 0.809 1517 961 0.633
Ezzikouri Morocco
Maroc Virology|Hepatitis viruses|R&D|Public Health|

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
Table VII B. Morocco Top 100 Last 5 Years i10 Index

AD Scientific Index - 2023 Table VII B. Morocco Top 100 Last 5 Years i10 Index H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Abdeslam Université
1 1 1 91 Hoummada Hassan II de Natural Sciences / Physics 238 171 0.718 1541 1006 0.653 284047 133911 0.471
Morocco Physique des particules|
Cherkaoui El Université
1 2 3 252 Moursli Mohammed V Natural Sciences / Physics 210 164 0.781 920 827 0.899 220793 127496 0.577
Morocco Nuclear Physics|Medical Physics|High Energy Physics|
de Rabat

Farida Fassi Université Natural Sciences / Physics

2 3 5 294 Mohammed V High Energy Physics|Astronomy|Engineering|Grid 208 163 0.784 848 794 0.936 237563 134867 0.568
Morocco Computing|
de Rabat
Mohammed Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
1 4 19 1962 Hammouti 86 53 0.616 487 371 0.762 27371 13864 0.507
Morocco Premier Chemistry & Environment & Electrochemistry|
Université Natural Sciences / Physics
3 5 73 10411 Mohammed V condensed matter physics|computational physics|material 40 31 0.775 298 192 0.644 8993 5894 0.655
Benyoussef Morocco physics|
de Rabat
Taibi Ben Mohammed Natural Sciences / Biological Science
2 6 190 27060 41 31 0.756 165 125 0.758 6796 4234 0.623
Hadda Morocco Premier Bioinformatics & Drug Design|
Université Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
El Mokhtar
4 7 232 32020 Mohammed V Chimie hétérocyclique Spectrométrie de masse Sciences 38 28 0.737 194 115 0.593 7666 4252 0.555
Essassi Morocco des matériaux|
de Rabat
Laboratory of Information Processing,
Université Faculty of Science Ben M’Sik, University
2 8 233 32274 Said Broumi Hassan II de Hassan II, Casablanca 42 40 0.952 121 114 0.942 6494 5374 0.828
Casablanca networking|graph theory|neutrosophic theory|fuzzy
theory|intuitionistic fuzzy theory|
3 9 263 36011 Aziz Amine Hassan II de Hassan II University of Casablanca 55 38 0.691 137 108 0.788 9732 4530 0.465
Morocco Biosensors|
Mohamed Université Agriculture & Forestry / Agriculture
1 10 264 36039 Hafidi Cadi Ayyad Agricultural Sciences|wastes management|Composting and 51 37 0.725 120 108 0.900 8489 4803 0.566
Morocco compost|Environnmental Sciences|

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Table VII B. Morocco Top 100 Last 5 Years i10 Index H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Mohammed (FullUM6PMohammed VI Polytechnic
Belmabkhout University
1 11 292 38437 Youssef Separation and Carbon Capture|Power to 69 60 0.870 107 104 0.972 16594 12141 0.732
Morocco Polytechnic
X|Hydrogen|Sustainable Process Engineering|Porous
University materials and adsorption technology|
Université Medical and Health Sciences / Pharmacy &
5 12 325 41324 Mohammed V Pharmaceutical Sciences 46 28 0.609 135 101 0.748 8495 4078 0.480
Abouqal Morocco
de Rabat Critical care|Acute medicine|Clinical epidemiology|

1 13 338 42966 Mohammed Natural Sciences / Mathematics 30 28 0.933 108 99 0.917 3376 2975 0.881
Masrour Morocco Physics|Chemistry|Mathematics|
Ben Abdellah
Université Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
Ahmed Elharfi
1 14 357 45174 Ibn Tofail Chimie organiques|Polymères|synthèses/ études physico- 35 34 0.971 115 96 0.835 4741 4223 0.891
Morocco chimiques et applications|Modélisations|
Université Engineering & Technology / Metallurgical &
1 15 368 46333 Moulay Ismail Materials Engineering 34 28 0.824 128 95 0.742 5398 3593 0.666
Bouachrine Morocco Matériaux organiques et
Meknès optoélectronique|QSAR|Modélisation moléculaire|
Université Engineering & Technology / Engineering
6 16 386 48172 Ali Idri Mohammed V Health Informatics|Machine Learning|Software 34 29 0.853 105 93 0.886 5579 4275 0.766
Morocco Engineering|Software effort estimation|
de Rabat
Najia Hajjaj Université Medical and Health Sciences / Internal
1 17 440 53303 Hassouni Internationale Medicine 42 29 0.690 135 88 0.652 7018 3822 0.545
de Rabat médecine|rhumatologie|pédagogie médicale|

7 18 645 73860 Mohammed V Engineering & Technology / Engineering 32 26 0.813 99 73 0.737 3334 2290 0.687
Abdellah Morocco Matériaux|Environnement|Energie|
de Rabat
Université Agriculture & Forestry / Plant Science
8 19 690 77147 Youssef Bakri Mohammed V Immunology & Cancer biology|Medicinal plants & drug 31 27 0.871 81 71 0.877 3152 2332 0.740
Morocco discovery|
de Rabat
Mohamed Université
2 20 737 80526 Eddouks Moulay Ismail 38 28 0.737 75 69 0.920 6347 3007 0.474
Morocco Medical and Health Sciences/Pharmacology|
Université Medical and Health Sciences / Microbiology
10 22 762 83124 Mohammed V Microbiology|Molecular 29 23 0.793 80 68 0.850 2980 1907 0.640
Filali-Maltouf Morocco Biology|Biotechnology|Biodiversity|Bioremediation|
de Rabat

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Table VII B. Morocco Top 100 Last 5 Years i10 Index H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Université Medical and Health Sciences / Pharmacy &
9 21 754 82678 Mohammed V Pharmaceutical Sciences 27 27 1.000 68 68 1.000 2301 2270 0.987
Bouyahya Morocco Biochimie|Pharmacologie|Plantes
de Rabat Médicinales|Microbiologie|
Institut de
Recherche en Institut de Recherche en Energie Solaire et
Ahmed Energies, Morocco
1 23 776 84447 Ennaoui Engineering & Technology|PV technology|Thin Film 49 28 0.571 102 67 0.657 8249 2695 0.327
Morocco Solaire et
chalcogenide Solar
Energies, cells|Photoelectrochemistry|Nanosciences|
Engineering & Technology / Nanoscience
Université and Nanotechnology
11 24 841 90969 Mohammed V Nanotechnology|Optics and Photonics|3D Laser 43 27 0.628 94 64 0.681 6988 2302 0.329
Sekkat Morocco
de Rabat Nanoprinting and Nonlinear Optics|Plasmonics and
Waveguide Optics|Smart Materia|
12 26 879 95191 Mohammed V Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences 37 28 0.757 88 62 0.705 4632 2483 0.536
Charrouf Morocco Substances Naturelles et les plantes médicinales|
de Rabat
Université Natural Sciences / Mathematics
4 25 876 94987 Hassan II de Numerical Methods|mixed 29 29 1.000 62 62 1.000 2830 2782 0.983
Wakif Morocco Convection|Hydrodynamic|Magnetohydoynamic|Nanofluids|
Abdelmajid Sidi Engineering & Technology / Mechanical
2 27 896 96738 Jamil Mohammed Engineering 35 33 0.943 69 61 0.884 4886 4054 0.830
Morocco Heat transfer|Modeling & Simulation|Renewable
Ben Abdellah Energy|Energy Efficiency|
Université Université Hassan II de Casablanca
5 28 909 97961 Hassan II de informatique|modélisations|matériaux|systèmes 28 26 0.929 65 61 0.938 3228 2914 0.903
Mohamed Morocco d'information|
Université Natural Sciences / Physics
2 29 991 102968 Cadi Ayyad High Energy physics (Theory and 32 27 0.844 68 59 0.868 2917 2014 0.690
Chabab Morocco Phenomenology)|Astrophysics|
Université Engineering & Technology / Computer
13 30 1053 107029 Mohammed V Science 29 19 0.655 157 58 0.369 5213 2221 0.426
Aboutajdine Morocco
de Rabat Informatique traitement signal|

Université Natural Sciences / Mathematics

Youssef El
6 31 1095 109897 Hassan II de Mathematical Biology|Mathematical Finance|Numerical 20 17 0.850 62 57 0.919 1365 1171 0.858
Foutayeni Morocco Analysis and Scientific Computing|Applied Analysis|

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Table VII B. Morocco Top 100 Last 5 Years i10 Index H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Université Engineering & Technology / Energy
4 35 1117 112050 Cadi Ayyad Engineering 31 24 0.774 74 56 0.757 5495 2212 0.403
Saadoune Morocco
Marrakech Batteries|Energy Storage|Materials Science|

Université Medical and Health Sciences /

Abdellah El
14 36 1120 112153 Mohammed V Rheumatology 36 24 0.667 81 56 0.691 4806 1851 0.385
Maghraoui Morocco Rhumatologie|Ostéoporose|DXA|Polyarthrite
de Rabat rhumatoïde|Spondyloarthrite|
Sidi Engineering & Technology / Energy
3 32 1097 110262 Amine Allouhi Mohammed Engineering 32 32 1.000 56 56 1.000 3362 3199 0.952
Morocco Renewable Energy Systems|Energy in buildings|Solar
Ben Abdellah thermal|
Université Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
Rachid Polymer Synthesis Polymer Engineering Composites
2 33 1099 110558 Ibn Tofail 30 30 1.000 56 56 1.000 2537 2528 0.996
Hsissou Morocco Materials Polymers Coatings Corrosion Inhibition Organic
Kénitra Chemistr|

Université Engineering & Technology / Environmental

Rachid Science & Engineering
3 34 1113 111901 Cadi Ayyad 27 25 0.926 58 56 0.966 2327 1910 0.821
Hakkou Morocco Mining Environment|Solid Waste|Valorization|Mineral
Marrakech Processing|
Engineering & Technology / Electrical &
Université Electronic Engineering
3 38 1182 117233 Moulay Ismail Electronic Enginnering|Sensor systems|Food safety|Volatile 32 27 0.844 61 54 0.885 3135 2025 0.646
Bouchikhi Morocco
Meknès organic compounds analysis for desease
diagnosis|Environmental mo|
Régional des
Métiers de Natural Sciences / Mathematics
Khalid Hattaf
1 37 1177 117003 l’Éducation et Mathematical Analysis of Dynamical Systems|Mathematical 30 28 0.933 58 54 0.931 2551 2043 0.801
Morocco Modeling in Virology|Epidemiology and Economy|Control
de la Systems|
Université Natural Sciences / Physics
5 39 1220 119544 Salah Er-Raki Cadi Ayyad physique|irrigation|Agricultural Sciences|remote 33 31 0.939 61 53 0.869 4315 2704 0.627
Morocco sensing|Geoscience|
Abdallah VI Mohammed VI Polytechnic University
2 40 1279 122818 30 30 1.000 53 52 0.981 4830 3724 0.771
Oukarroum Morocco Polytechnic Plant Physiology|Photosynthesis|Environmental Science|

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Table VII B. Morocco Top 100 Last 5 Years i10 Index H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Engineering & Technology / Computer
Université Science
2 41 1331 125842 Internationale Distributed systems|Communication networks|High 25 18 0.720 88 52 0.591 2913 1742 0.598
Bakhouya Morocco
de Rabat performance computing|IoT and Big Data|Predictive
Abderrahim VI UM6P
3 42 1342 126913 Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery|Materials for Catalysis 36 27 0.750 55 51 0.927 5082 3382 0.665
Solhy Morocco Polytechnic & Photocatalysis|Catalytic processes|
National de
Hicham l'Energie, des
1 43 1418 132802 Sciences et Chercheur, CNESTEN 24 21 0.875 62 50 0.806 1786 1455 0.815
Morocco énergie|
Université Engineering & Technology / Environmental
6 45 1458 135771 Laila Mandi Cadi Ayyad Science & Engineering 27 23 0.852 62 49 0.790 2737 1929 0.705
Morocco wastewater treatment|water quality|water reuse|water
Marrakech managment|
Mansour VI Phd
4 44 1445 135150 25 25 1.000 49 49 1.000 1614 1606 0.995
Sobeh Morocco Polytechnic Phytochemistry|Pharmacognosy|
Université Natural Sciences / Physics
15 50 1558 140944 Mohammed V New Material for Energy-Magnetism-Surface- 26 18 0.692 97 48 0.495 3026 1837 0.607
Hamid Morocco Interface|Vehicular traffic|Routing network|Red blood
de Rabat Traffic|Quantum Cryptography|

Bouchaou Université Engineering & Technology / Earth Sciences

Water resources management|Climate change and
1 48 1529 139616 Lhoussaine Ibnou Zohr 25 23 0.920 68 48 0.706 2716 1789 0.659
Morocco impacts|Isotopic hydrology|Karst hydrology|Hydrology in
d'Agadir arides zones|
Université Professeur de chimie, Université Hassan II
Saad Alami
7 46 1511 138542 Hassan II de Casablanca 30 26 0.867 55 48 0.873 2304 1508 0.655
Younssi Morocco
Casablanca Matériaux|procédés membranaires|

Al Akhawayn Business & Management / Human Resource
1 49 1553 140662 University Management 26 20 0.769 55 48 0.873 2068 1561 0.755
Shamsudin Morocco
Ifrane Human resource management|Organizational behavior|

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Table VII B. Morocco Top 100 Last 5 Years i10 Index H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Université Agriculture & Forestry / Agriculture
3 47 1516 138805 Omar Dagdag Ibn Tofail Polymers|Organic 25 25 1.000 48 48 1.000 1937 1923 0.993
Morocco chemistry|Coating|Corrosion|Nanotechnology|
Université Medical and Health Sciences / Pharmacy &
16 51 1608 144130 Mohammed V Pharmaceutical Sciences 30 22 0.733 56 47 0.839 5539 1665 0.301
Ibrahimi Morocco Biotechnology|Bioinformatics|Genomics & Molecular
de Rabat modeling|
Sidi Medical and Health Sciences / Pharmacy &
4 52 1627 144859 Mohammed Pharmaceutical Sciences 25 20 0.800 63 47 0.746 2157 1466 0.680
Farah Morocco
Ben Abdellah phytochimie et pharmacologie|
Mounir El VI Engineering & Technology / Metallurgical &
5 53 1640 145618 Materials Engineering 30 30 1.000 47 46 0.979 3891 3163 0.813
Achaby Morocco Polytechnic
Materials Physics & Chemistry|
Université Medical and Health Sciences / Pharmacy &
17 55 1660 147781 Youssef Ramli Mohammed V Pharmaceutical Sciences 24 23 0.958 52 46 0.885 2500 2121 0.848
de Rabat Organic and Medecinal Chemistry|

Houda El Business & Management / Marketing
4 56 1677 148838 Ibn Tofail 27 21 0.778 60 46 0.767 2322 1539 0.663
Khaldi Morocco Marketing digital|
Engineering & Technology / Electrical &
Université Electronic Engineering
19 58 1697 149405 Mohammed V Electrical Engineering|Electric Drive|Renewable Energy 26 19 0.731 57 46 0.807 2151 1576 0.733
Ouassaid Morocco
de Rabat Systems|Smart Grid|Advanced Control of Power Systems
and Microgrids|

Université Engineering & Technology / Mechanical

18 57 1688 149178 Mohammed V Engineering 22 20 0.909 57 46 0.807 1813 1518 0.837
Mounkachi, Morocco Spintronics|phosphorene|hydrogen storage|magnetic
de Rabat refrigeration|Ferrites and nanoferrites|
Sidi Engineering & Technology / Electrical &
5 54 1657 147535 Aziz Derouich Mohammed Electronic Engineering 24 24 1.000 46 46 1.000 1736 1683 0.969
Morocco Energies Renouvelables|Commande des Machines|E-
Ben Abdellah Learning|
Achraf Touay
1 60 1735 152283 Essaadi 32 23 0.719 63 45 0.714 4248 1714 0.403

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Table VII B. Morocco Top 100 Last 5 Years i10 Index H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Mohammed International Water Research Institute
Mohamed VI (IWRIMohammed VI Polytechnic University
6 59 1715 150214 33 28 0.848 49 45 0.918 4219 3217 0.763
Chaker Ncibi Morocco Polytechnic Water Treatment|Circular Economy|Green
University Chemistry|Environmental Engineering|

Université Agriculture & Forestry / Plant Science

2 61 1754 153365 Said Gharby Ibnou Zohr Chimie analytique|chimie des plantes|lipides|controle 23 21 0.913 48 45 0.938 1894 1457 0.769
Morocco qualité|
Barakat Institut
1 62 1769 154341 Pasteur du Institut Pasteur du Maroc 26 17 0.654 57 45 0.789 1843 1054 0.572
Morocco Génétique humaine|
Saad Ibnsouda
6 64 1818 158277 Mohammed Natural Sciences / Biological Science 25 20 0.800 53 44 0.830 6108 5412 0.886
Koraichi Morocco Biotechnologie|
Ben Abdellah
Ouazzani Natural Sciences / Biological Science
7 63 1786 156376 Cadi Ayyad 27 24 0.889 58 44 0.759 2730 1832 0.671
Naaila Morocco Wastewater treatment and reuse|
Université Agriculture & Forestry / Plant Science
8 65 1824 158628 Khalid Oufdou Cadi Ayyad Microbiology|Rhizosphere|Plant 28 20 0.714 55 44 0.800 2026 1320 0.652
Morocco biotechnology|biofertilizers|
Université Natural Sciences / Physics
9 66 1859 161020 Saïd Khabba Cadi Ayyad Ressources en eau|Besoin en eau des 29 24 0.828 56 43 0.768 2723 1897 0.697
Morocco cultures|modèles|télédétection|semi-aride|
El Modafar Natural Sciences / Biological Science
10 67 1963 168295 Cadi Ayyad 26 20 0.769 58 42 0.724 2108 1357 0.644
Cherkaoui Morocco Biotechnologies végétles|
Université Engineering & Technology / Metallurgical &
3 68 1969 168455 Ibnou Zohr Materials Engineering 22 20 0.909 49 42 0.857 1464 1183 0.808
Benlhachemi Morocco
d'Agadir Materials Science and Environment|

4 71 2063 174347 Moulay Ismail Natural Sciences / Physics 22 18 0.818 60 41 0.683 1869 1093 0.585
Kerouad Morocco Physique|
Mohammed Climate Change AdaptationMohammed VI
Victor VI Polytechnic University
8 70 2007 171653 25 23 0.920 43 41 0.953 1561 1490 0.955
Ongoma Morocco Polytechnic Meteorology|Climate Change|Climate Services|Sustainable
University Development|

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Table VII B. Morocco Top 100 Last 5 Years i10 Index H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Hassan Ait VI University Mohammed V in Rabat
7 69 1999 170611 CO2 Reduction|Power-to-X|Photo/ElectroCatalysis|Porous 25 25 1.000 43 41 0.953 1528 1491 0.976
Ahsaine Morocco Polytechnic materials|Energy Conversion|
Université Engineering & Technology / Computer
20 72 2066 174499 E. Feddi Mohammed V Science 22 17 0.773 49 41 0.837 1343 1009 0.751
de Rabat Optoelectronique des nanomateriaux de semiconducteurs|

Université Natural Sciences / Biological Science

11 73 2103 177025 Said Wahbi Cadi Ayyad Ecophysiologie|déficit hydrique|efficience de l'utilisation de 26 23 0.885 40 40 1.000 1937 1355 0.700
Morocco l'eau|
1 75 2173 180209 Chouaib Natural Sciences / Physics 21 16 0.762 51 40 0.784 1536 1038 0.676
Hajjaji Morocco
Engineering & Technology / Mechanical
4 74 2158 179529 B. Bakiz Ibnou Zohr 20 19 0.950 43 40 0.930 1317 1180 0.896
Morocco Engineering
Full Professeur at Moulay Ismaïl University
Université of Meknes, Morocco
5 76 2177 180940 Nezha El Bari Moulay Ismail Biotechnology and sensing technology especially 27 26 0.963 44 39 0.886 2216 1624 0.733
Meknès Biosensors|Moleculary Imprinted Polymers|Electronics
Tongue and Nose combined|
El Bouari Natural Sciences / Physics
8 78 2226 184095 Hassan II de 21 20 0.952 46 39 0.848 2142 1931 0.901
Abdeslam Morocco Physico-chimie des Matériaux|
Université Natural Sciences / Biological Science
12 77 2209 183118 Cadi Ayyad Valorization and Conservation of Medicinal and Aromatic 25 22 0.880 48 39 0.813 1959 1319 0.673
Abbad Morocco Plants|
Université Engineering & Technology / Energy
14 83 2389 192135 Cadi Ayyad Engineering 29 17 0.586 79 38 0.481 3187 1303 0.409
Outzourhit Morocco
Marrakech Energies renouvelables|PV|Stockage|

Université Engineering & Technology / Mechanical

10 82 2383 191951 Hassan II de Engineering 32 18 0.563 57 38 0.667 3044 1073 0.352
Damil Morocco
Casablanca Computational Mechanics|Instability|

Zaglou Hassan II University of Casablanca
9 80 2362 191140 Hassan II de 26 19 0.731 67 38 0.567 2740 1381 0.504
Mohamed Morocco logistics|supply chain|

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Table VII B. Morocco Top 100 Last 5 Years i10 Index H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Université Engineering & Technology / Engineering
3 81 2382 191890 Internationale materials science|design and thermomechanical processing 30 18 0.600 63 38 0.603 2739 1127 0.411
Essadiqi Morocco of metal alloys|Microstructure Property relationship|Solar
de Rabat energy|r|
22 86 2395 192337 Mohammed V Engineering & Technology / Engineering 21 16 0.762 58 38 0.655 2128 1305 0.613
Essaaidi Morocco
de Rabat
Lahoucine Engineering & Technology / Earth Sciences
13 79 2285 187718 Cadi Ayyad 26 24 0.923 45 38 0.844 1929 1450 0.752
Hanich Morocco Hydrogéologie|télédétection|Hydrologie nivale|
Institut Head of Laboratory, Researcher Associate,
2 85 2393 192288 Pasteur du Institut Pasteur du Maroc, Morocco 25 17 0.680 47 38 0.809 1517 961 0.633
Ezzikouri Morocco
Maroc Virology|Hepatitis viruses|R&D|Public Health|

Université Engineering & Technology / Computer

Abdellatif El
21 84 2391 192237 Mohammed V Science 18 17 0.944 42 38 0.905 1155 1061 0.919
Afia Morocco Artificial intelligence - Mathematical Programming
de Rabat Computation - Calcul Stochastic|
Soulaimani Engineering & Technology / Earth Sciences
15 89 2444 195840 Cadi Ayyad 24 21 0.875 47 37 0.787 2547 1516 0.595
Abderrahmane Morocco Tectonique et Géologie régionale|
Université Engineering & Technology / Metallurgical &
Hassan Materials Engineering
11 90 2476 197326 Hassan II de 25 19 0.760 50 37 0.740 2339 1580 0.676
Hannache Morocco composites materials|geopolymer|adsorbent
Casablanca materials|fibers|glasses|

Al Akhawayn Business & Management / Strategic

Muhammad Management
2 88 2440 195720 University 21 21 1.000 37 37 1.000 1641 1638 0.998
Ikram Morocco Sustainability|Integrated Management|SDGs|CSR|Grey
Ifrane Systems Theory|
Sidi Engineering & Technology / Energy
Abdelaziz El
7 87 2411 193822 Mohammed Engineering 24 24 1.000 39 37 0.949 1525 1468 0.963
Ghzizal Morocco
Ben Abdellah renewable energy and intelligent systems|
Sidi Engineering & Technology / Computer
8 91 2522 199025 Khalid Satori Mohammed Science 16 16 1.000 47 37 0.787 1198 998 0.833
Ben Abdellah Informatique et Infographie|

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Table VII B. Morocco Top 100 Last 5 Years i10 Index H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Université Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
23 93 2645 205577 M.Taibi Mohammed V Chimie des matériaux|Propriétés physico-chimiques des 22 17 0.773 62 36 0.581 1928 1116 0.579
Morocco matériaux|
de Rabat
Abdelmajid Natural Sciences / Physics
3 94 2659 205992 Chouaib 21 15 0.714 59 36 0.610 1855 1057 0.570
Belafhal Morocco Laser Physics|
2 92 2636 205157 Mounia Achak Chouaib Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences 22 18 0.818 38 36 0.947 1773 1086 0.613
Morocco chimie d'environnement|traitement des eaux|
Jean-Michel VI Natural Sciences / Mathematics
9 95 2748 212017 33 18 0.545 79 35 0.443 4426 1138 0.257
Ghidaglia Morocco Polytechnic Computational Fluid Dynamics|High Power Computing|
12 97 2861 218494 Said Gmouh Hassan II de Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences 28 19 0.679 46 34 0.739 3041 1124 0.370
Morocco Chemistry|
24 96 2859 218425 Mohammed V Engineering & Technology / Earth Sciences 26 19 0.731 54 34 0.630 2948 1162 0.394
Chalouan Morocco géologie|
de Rabat
des Industries Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
1 98 2873 219071 Cherkaoui Textile materials|natural fibers|composites|textile 19 18 0.947 42 34 0.810 1535 1339 0.872
Morocco du Textile et engineering|functional textiles|
Université Natural Sciences / Physics
5 99 2880 219371 Said Boukhris Ibn Tofail Synthèse Organique|Hétérocycles Catalyse Hétérogène. 20 18 0.900 40 34 0.850 1496 1118 0.747
Morocco Valorisation des produits naturels|
Sidi Engineering & Technology / Energy
9 100 2881 219390 Mohammed Engineering 20 18 0.900 42 34 0.810 1299 1108 0.853
Bossoufi Morocco Power Electronics|Renewable Energy|Wind
Ben Abdellah Turbines|Photovoltaics|Electrical Engineering|

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
Table VII C. Morocco Top 100 Last 5 Years H Index
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Table VII C. Morocco Top 100 Last 5 Years H Index H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Hoummada Université Hassan II Natural Sciences / Physics
1 1 1 27 238 171 0.718 1541 1006 0.653 284047 133911 0.471
Morocco de Casablanca Physique des particules|

Cherkaoui El Université Mohammed Natural Sciences / Physics
1 2 2 53 Moursli 210 164 0.781 920 827 0.899 220793 127496 0.577
Morocco V de Rabat Nuclear Physics|Medical Physics|High Energy Physics|

Farida Fassi Université Mohammed Natural Sciences / Physics

2 3 3 56 High Energy Physics|Astronomy|Engineering|Grid 208 163 0.784 848 794 0.936 237563 134867 0.568
Morocco V de Rabat Computing|
(FullUM6PMohammed VI Polytechnic
Belmabkhout University
Mohammed VI
1 4 43 7960 Youssef 69 60 0.870 107 104 0.972 16594 12141 0.732
Morocco Polytechnic University Separation and Carbon Capture|Power to
X|Hydrogen|Sustainable Process Engineering|Porous
materials and adsorption technology|
Université Mohammed Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
1 5 70 12402 Hammouti 86 53 0.616 487 371 0.762 27371 13864 0.507
Morocco Premier Oujda Chemistry & Environment & Electrochemistry|

Laboratory of Information Processing,

Université Hassan II Faculty of Science Ben M’Sik, University
2 6 197 35148 Said Broumi Hassan II, Casablanca 42 40 0.952 121 114 0.942 6494 5374 0.828
Morocco de Casablanca
networking|graph theory|neutrosophic theory|fuzzy
theory|intuitionistic fuzzy theory|

Université Hassan II Hassan II University of Casablanca

3 7 230 41843 Aziz Amine 55 38 0.691 137 108 0.788 9732 4530 0.465
Morocco de Casablanca Biosensors|

Université Cadi Ayyad Agriculture & Forestry / Agriculture
1 8 260 44842 Hafidi Agricultural Sciences|wastes management|Composting and 51 37 0.725 120 108 0.900 8489 4803 0.566
Morocco Marrakech compost|Environnmental Sciences|

Ahmed Elharfi Université Ibn Tofail Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences

1 9 371 57674 Chimie organiques|Polymères|synthèses/ études physico- 35 34 0.971 115 96 0.835 4741 4223 0.891
Morocco Kénitra chimiques et applications|Modélisations|

Abdelmajid Université Sidi Engineering & Technology / Mechanical

1 10 402 62981 Jamil Mohammed Ben Engineering 35 33 0.943 69 61 0.884 4886 4054 0.830
Morocco Heat transfer|Modeling & Simulation|Renewable
Abdellah Fes Energy|Energy Efficiency|

Université Sidi Engineering & Technology / Energy

2 11 469 70594 Amine Allouhi Mohammed Ben Engineering 32 32 1.000 56 56 1.000 3362 3199 0.952
Morocco Renewable Energy Systems|Energy in buildings|Solar
Abdellah Fes thermal|

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Table VII C. Morocco Top 100 Last 5 Years H Index H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Abdelilah Université Mohammed Natural Sciences / Physics
3 12 492 72259 condensed matter physics|computational physics|material 40 31 0.775 298 192 0.644 8993 5894 0.655
Benyoussef Morocco V de Rabat physics|

Taibi Ben Université Mohammed Natural Sciences / Biological Science

2 13 506 73670 41 31 0.756 165 125 0.758 6796 4234 0.623
Hadda Morocco Premier Oujda Bioinformatics & Drug Design|

Université Cadi Ayyad Natural Sciences / Physics

2 14 550 78078 Salah Er-Raki physique|irrigation|Agricultural Sciences|remote 33 31 0.939 61 53 0.869 4315 2704 0.627
Morocco Marrakech sensing|Geoscience|

Abdallah Mohammed VI Mohammed VI Polytechnic University

2 15 584 81292 30 30 1.000 53 52 0.981 4830 3724 0.771
Oukarroum Morocco Polytechnic University Plant Physiology|Photosynthesis|Environmental Science|

Mounir El Mohammed VI Engineering & Technology / Metallurgical &

3 16 605 83310 30 30 1.000 47 46 0.979 3891 3163 0.813
Achaby Morocco Polytechnic University Materials Engineering
Materials Physics & Chemistry|
Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
Rachid Université Ibn Tofail Polymer Synthesis Polymer Engineering Composites
2 17 622 85574 30 30 1.000 56 56 1.000 2537 2528 0.996
Hsissou Morocco Kénitra Materials Polymers Coatings Corrosion Inhibition Organic

Najia Hajjaj Université Medical and Health Sciences / Internal

1 19 650 88226 Hassouni Internationale de Medicine 42 29 0.690 135 88 0.652 7018 3822 0.545
Rabat médecine|rhumatologie|pédagogie médicale|

Université Mohammed Engineering & Technology / Engineering

4 18 641 87533 Ali Idri Health Informatics|Machine Learning|Software 34 29 0.853 105 93 0.886 5579 4275 0.766
Morocco V de Rabat Engineering|Software effort estimation|

Abderrahim Université Hassan II Natural Sciences / Mathematics

4 20 694 92213 Numerical Methods|mixed 29 29 1.000 62 62 1.000 2830 2782 0.983
Wakif Morocco de Casablanca Convection|Hydrodynamic|Magnetohydoynamic|Nanofluids|

Redouane Université Mohammed Medical and Health Sciences / Pharmacy &

6 22 747 95987 Pharmaceutical Sciences 46 28 0.609 135 101 0.748 8495 4078 0.480
Abouqal Morocco V de Rabat
Critical care|Acute medicine|Clinical epidemiology|
Institut de Recherche en Energie Solaire et
Ahmed Institut de Recherche Energies, Morocco
1 27 793 100586 Ennaoui en Energie Solaire et Engineering & Technology|PV technology|Thin Film 49 28 0.571 102 67 0.657 8249 2695 0.327
Energies, Morocco chalcogenide Solar

El Mokhtar Université Mohammed Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences

5 21 743 95779 Chimie hétérocyclique Spectrométrie de masse Sciences 38 28 0.737 194 115 0.593 7666 4252 0.555
Essassi Morocco V de Rabat des matériaux|
Université Moulay
2 25 770 98895 Eddouks 38 28 0.737 75 69 0.920 6347 3007 0.474
Morocco Ismail Meknès Medical and Health Sciences/Pharmacology|

Engineering & Technology / Metallurgical &

Mohammed Université Moulay Materials Engineering
1 23 756 96850 34 28 0.824 128 95 0.742 5398 3593 0.666
Bouachrine Morocco Ismail Meknès Matériaux organiques et
optoélectronique|QSAR|Modélisation moléculaire|

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Table VII C. Morocco Top 100 Last 5 Years H Index H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Zoubida Université Mohammed Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
7 28 807 101794 37 28 0.757 88 62 0.705 4632 2483 0.536
Charrouf Morocco V de Rabat Substances Naturelles et les plantes médicinales|

International Water Research Institute

Mohamed Mohammed VI (IWRIMohammed VI Polytechnic University
4 24 767 97958 33 28 0.848 49 45 0.918 4219 3217 0.763
Chaker Ncibi Morocco Polytechnic University Water Treatment|Circular Economy|Green
Chemistry|Environmental Engineering|
Université Sidi
Rachid Natural Sciences / Mathematics
3 26 773 99058 Mohammed Ben 30 28 0.933 108 99 0.917 3376 2975 0.881
Masrour Morocco Physics|Chemistry|Mathematics|
Abdellah Fes
Centre Régional des Natural Sciences / Mathematics
Khalid Hattaf Métiers de l’Éducation Mathematical Analysis of Dynamical Systems|Mathematical
1 29 834 103633 30 28 0.933 58 54 0.931 2551 2043 0.801
Morocco et de la Formation Modeling in Virology|Epidemiology and Economy|Control
Engineering & Technology / Nanoscience
Zouheir Université Mohammed and Nanotechnology
9 32 931 112092 Nanotechnology|Optics and Photonics|3D Laser 43 27 0.628 94 64 0.681 6988 2302 0.329
Sekkat Morocco V de Rabat
Nanoprinting and Nonlinear Optics|Plasmonics and
Waveguide Optics|Smart Materia|

Abderrahim Mohammed VI UM6P

5 30 864 106380 Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery|Materials for Catalysis 36 27 0.750 55 51 0.927 5082 3382 0.665
Solhy Morocco Polytechnic University & Photocatalysis|Catalytic processes|

Université Mohammed Agriculture & Forestry / Plant Science

8 31 927 111886 Youssef Bakri Immunology & Cancer biology|Medicinal plants & drug 31 27 0.871 81 71 0.877 3152 2332 0.740
Morocco V de Rabat discovery|
Engineering & Technology / Electrical &
Benachir Université Moulay Electronic Engineering
3 34 960 113652 Electronic Enginnering|Sensor systems|Food safety|Volatile 32 27 0.844 61 54 0.885 3135 2025 0.646
Bouchikhi Morocco Ismail Meknès
organic compounds analysis for desease
diagnosis|Environmental mo|

Mohamed Université Cadi Ayyad Natural Sciences / Physics

3 35 962 113697 High Energy physics (Theory and 32 27 0.844 68 59 0.868 2917 2014 0.690
Chabab Morocco Marrakech Phenomenology)|Astrophysics|
Medical and Health Sciences / Pharmacy &
Abdelhakim Université Mohammed Pharmaceutical Sciences
10 33 938 112339 27 27 1.000 68 68 1.000 2301 2270 0.987
Bouyahya Morocco V de Rabat Biochimie|Pharmacologie|Plantes

Guenbour Université Mohammed Engineering & Technology / Engineering

11 37 1053 122157 32 26 0.813 99 73 0.737 3334 2290 0.687
Abdellah Morocco V de Rabat Matériaux|Environnement|Energie|

Talea Université Hassan II Université Hassan II de Casablanca

5 36 1011 118089 informatique|modélisations|matériaux|systèmes 28 26 0.929 65 61 0.938 3228 2914 0.903
Mohamed Morocco de Casablanca d'information|

Saad Alami Université Hassan II Professeur de chimie, Université Hassan II

6 39 1105 126119 Casablanca 30 26 0.867 55 48 0.873 2304 1508 0.655
Younssi Morocco de Casablanca
Matériaux|procédés membranaires|

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Table VII C. Morocco Top 100 Last 5 Years H Index H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Full Professeur at Moulay Ismaïl University
Université Moulay of Meknes, Morocco
4 38 1099 126016 Nezha El Bari Biotechnology and sensing technology especially 27 26 0.963 44 39 0.886 2216 1624 0.733
Morocco Ismail Meknès
Biosensors|Moleculary Imprinted Polymers|Electronics
Tongue and Nose combined|
Engineering & Technology / Environmental
Rachid Université Cadi Ayyad Science & Engineering
4 41 1231 136705 27 25 0.926 58 56 0.966 2327 1910 0.821
Hakkou Morocco Marrakech Mining Environment|Solid Waste|Valorization|Mineral

Université Ibn Tofail Agriculture & Forestry / Agriculture

3 40 1229 136580 Omar Dagdag Polymers|Organic 25 25 1.000 48 48 1.000 1937 1923 0.993
Morocco Kénitra chemistry|Coating|Corrosion|Nanotechnology|

Mansour Mohammed VI Phd

6 42 1271 138679 25 25 1.000 49 49 1.000 1614 1606 0.995
Sobeh Morocco Polytechnic University Phytochemistry|Pharmacognosy|
Hassan Ait Mohammed VI University Mohammed V in Rabat
7 43 1277 139002 CO2 Reduction|Power-to-X|Photo/ElectroCatalysis|Porous 25 25 1.000 43 41 0.953 1528 1491 0.976
Ahsaine Morocco Polytechnic University materials|Energy Conversion|

Ismael Université Cadi Ayyad Engineering & Technology / Energy

5 44 1345 145587 Engineering 31 24 0.774 74 56 0.757 5495 2212 0.403
Saadoune Morocco Marrakech
Batteries|Energy Storage|Materials Science|
Medical and Health Sciences /
Abdellah El Université Mohammed Rheumatology
12 46 1404 149739 36 24 0.667 81 56 0.691 4806 1851 0.385
Maghraoui Morocco V de Rabat Rhumatologie|Ostéoporose|DXA|Polyarthrite

Ouazzani Université Cadi Ayyad Natural Sciences / Biological Science

7 47 1406 149981 27 24 0.889 58 44 0.759 2730 1832 0.671
Naaila Morocco Marrakech Wastewater treatment and reuse|

Université Cadi Ayyad Natural Sciences / Physics

6 45 1397 149180 Saïd Khabba Ressources en eau|Besoin en eau des 29 24 0.828 56 43 0.768 2723 1897 0.697
Morocco Marrakech cultures|modèles|télédétection|semi-aride|

Lahoucine Université Cadi Ayyad Engineering & Technology / Earth Sciences

8 50 1458 153266 26 24 0.923 45 38 0.844 1929 1450 0.752
Hanich Morocco Marrakech Hydrogéologie|télédétection|Hydrologie nivale|

Université Sidi Engineering & Technology / Electrical &

4 48 1431 151709 Aziz Derouich Mohammed Ben Electronic Engineering 24 24 1.000 46 46 1.000 1736 1683 0.969
Morocco Energies Renouvelables|Commande des Machines|E-
Abdellah Fes Learning|
Université Sidi Engineering & Technology / Energy
Abdelaziz El
5 49 1455 153187 Mohammed Ben Engineering 24 24 1.000 39 37 0.949 1525 1468 0.963
Ghzizal Morocco
Abdellah Fes renewable energy and intelligent systems|

Houssine Mohammed VI Nanocellulose|Nanomaterials
8 51 1488 155834 25 23 0.920 33 32 0.970 4253 2883 0.678
Sehaqui Morocco Polytechnic University Functionalisation|Biocomposites|Environmental

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Table VII C. Morocco Top 100 Last 5 Years H Index H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Achraf Touay Abdelmalek Essaadi
1 56 1615 165179 32 23 0.719 63 45 0.714 4248 1714 0.403
Morocco University
Abdelkarim Université Mohammed Medical and Health Sciences / Microbiology
14 54 1570 162409 Microbiology|Molecular 29 23 0.793 80 68 0.850 2980 1907 0.640
Filali-Maltouf Morocco V de Rabat Biology|Biotechnology|Biodiversity|Bioremediation|
Engineering & Technology / Environmental
Université Cadi Ayyad Science & Engineering
9 53 1563 162096 Laila Mandi 27 23 0.852 62 49 0.790 2737 1929 0.705
Morocco Marrakech wastewater treatment|water quality|water reuse|water

Bouchaou Engineering & Technology / Earth Sciences

Université Ibnou Zohr Water resources management|Climate change and
1 55 1594 164082 Lhoussaine 25 23 0.920 68 48 0.706 2716 1789 0.659
Morocco d'Agadir impacts|Isotopic hydrology|Karst hydrology|Hydrology in
arides zones|

Université Mohammed Medical and Health Sciences / Pharmacy &

13 52 1527 159851 Youssef Ramli Pharmaceutical Sciences 24 23 0.958 52 46 0.885 2500 2121 0.848
Morocco V de Rabat
Organic and Medecinal Chemistry|

Université Cadi Ayyad Natural Sciences / Biological Science

10 58 1689 169209 Said Wahbi Ecophysiologie|déficit hydrique|efficience de l'utilisation de 26 23 0.885 40 40 1.000 1937 1355 0.700
Morocco Marrakech l'eau|
Climate Change AdaptationMohammed VI
Victor Mohammed VI Polytechnic University
9 57 1672 168168 25 23 0.920 43 41 0.953 1561 1490 0.955
Ongoma Morocco Polytechnic University Meteorology|Climate Change|Climate Services|Sustainable
Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
Mohammed VI Energy
10 59 1709 170000 Mouad Dahbi 23 22 0.957 30 29 0.967 8587 7377 0.859
Morocco Polytechnic University Storage|Batteries|Capacitor|Electrochemistry|Materials
Medical and Health Sciences / Pharmacy &
Azeddine Université Mohammed Pharmaceutical Sciences
15 60 1870 180918 30 22 0.733 56 47 0.839 5539 1665 0.301
Ibrahimi Morocco V de Rabat Biotechnology|Bioinformatics|Genomics & Molecular
Natural Sciences / Biological Science
Abdellatif Université Cadi Ayyad Lipids quality and technology|Membrane
11 61 1950 185544 24 22 0.917 34 27 0.794 2144 1391 0.649
Hafidi Morocco Marrakech separation|Emulsification|Bioactive

Abdelaziz Université Cadi Ayyad Natural Sciences / Biological Science

12 63 1969 186439 Valorization and Conservation of Medicinal and Aromatic 25 22 0.880 48 39 0.813 1959 1319 0.673
Abbad Morocco Marrakech Plants|
Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
Brahim El Université Ibnou Zohr Corrosion inhibition|Electrodegradation|Quantum
2 62 1955 185696 22 22 1.000 33 31 0.939 1388 1380 0.994
Ibrahimi Morocco d'Agadir chemistry computations|Molecular mechanics
calculations|QSAR/QSPR modelling|
Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
Mohamed Université Ibnou Zohr Chemistry|Conducting polymers and their
3 64 2002 187904 22 22 1.000 30 30 1.000 991 970 0.979
Laabd Morocco d'Agadir composites|Adsorption|Density functional theory DFT
calculations|Humic substances by|

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Table VII C. Morocco Top 100 Last 5 Years H Index H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Soulaimani Université Cadi Ayyad Engineering & Technology / Earth Sciences
13 67 2151 200149 24 21 0.875 47 37 0.787 2547 1516 0.595
Abderrahmane Morocco Marrakech Tectonique et Géologie régionale|

Houda El Université Ibn Tofail Business & Management / Marketing

4 66 2141 199628 27 21 0.778 60 46 0.767 2322 1539 0.663
Khaldi Morocco Kénitra Marketing digital|

Université Ibnou Zohr Agriculture & Forestry / Plant Science

4 68 2171 201408 Said Gharby Chimie analytique|chimie des plantes|lipides|controle 23 21 0.913 48 45 0.938 1894 1457 0.769
Morocco d'Agadir qualité|
Centre National de
l'Energie, des Chercheur, CNESTEN
1 69 2172 201450 Labrim 24 21 0.875 62 50 0.806 1786 1455 0.815
Morocco Sciences et des énergie|
Techniques Nucleaires
Business & Management / Strategic
Muhammad Al Akhawayn Management
1 65 2106 197753 21 21 1.000 37 37 1.000 1641 1638 0.998
Ikram Morocco University Ifrane Sustainability|Integrated Management|SDGs|CSR|Grey
Systems Theory|
Université Sidi
6 70 2228 204572 Saad Motahhir Mohammed Ben 21 21 1.000 30 30 1.000 1322 1307 0.989
Morocco Embedded systems|
Abdellah Fes
Engineering & Technology / Metallurgical &
Université Ibnou Zohr Materials Engineering
5 71 2317 208063 Yassine Naciri 21 21 1.000 25 25 1.000 974 974 1.000
Morocco d'Agadir Photocatalysis|Water splitting|Water
treatment|Adsorption|Materials science|
Université Sidi
Saad Ibnsouda Natural Sciences / Biological Science
7 72 2330 208543 Mohammed Ben 25 20 0.800 53 44 0.830 6108 5412 0.886
Koraichi Morocco Biotechnologie|
Abdellah Fes
Engineering & Technology / Metallurgical &
Mohammed VI Materials Engineering
11 73 2375 212766 Jones Alami 26 20 0.769 35 28 0.800 4376 1935 0.442
Morocco Polytechnic University materials physics|plasma physics|thin film physics|coating
solution design|
Gourich Engineering & Technology / Environmental
Université Hassan II
1 75 2384 213302 Bouchaib Science & Engineering 23 20 0.870 34 31 0.912 2876 1873 0.651
Morocco Ain Chock
Process and Environmental Engineering|

Abdellatif Université Sultan LS3M, Sultan Moulay Slimane University of

1 82 2571 224476 Hasnaoui Moulay Slimane Beni Beni Mellal, FP-Khouribga, Morocco 21 20 0.952 34 33 0.971 2868 1275 0.445
Mellal atomistic simulation & materials science|metallic glasses|

Université Sidi Medical and Health Sciences / Pharmacy &

8 79 2484 219555 Mohammed Ben Pharmaceutical Sciences 25 20 0.800 63 47 0.746 2157 1466 0.680
Farah Morocco
Abdellah Fes phytochimie et pharmacologie|

El Bouari Université Hassan II Natural Sciences / Physics

7 74 2377 212797 21 20 0.952 46 39 0.848 2142 1931 0.901
Abdeslam Morocco de Casablanca Physico-chimie des Matériaux|

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Table VII C. Morocco Top 100 Last 5 Years H Index H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
El Modafar Université Cadi Ayyad Natural Sciences / Biological Science
14 80 2540 222293 26 20 0.769 58 42 0.724 2108 1357 0.644
Cherkaoui Morocco Marrakech Biotechnologies végétles|

Al Akhawayn Business & Management / Human Resource
2 77 2455 217543 Management 26 20 0.769 55 48 0.873 2068 1561 0.755
Shamsudin Morocco University Ifrane
Human resource management|Organizational behavior|

Université Cadi Ayyad Agriculture & Forestry / Plant Science

15 81 2557 223240 Khalid Oufdou Microbiology|Rhizosphere|Plant 28 20 0.714 55 44 0.800 2026 1320 0.652
Morocco Marrakech biotechnology|biofertilizers|
Engineering & Technology / Mechanical
Omar Université Mohammed Engineering
16 78 2472 218379 22 20 0.909 57 46 0.807 1813 1518 0.837
Mounkachi, Morocco V de Rabat Spintronics|phosphorene|hydrogen storage|magnetic
refrigeration|Ferrites and nanoferrites|

Mohammed VI Cadi Ayyad University

12 76 2448 217018 Amine Belhadi Lean|Industry 4.0|big data analytics|Supply chain 20 20 1.000 25 25 1.000 1596 1592 0.997
Morocco Polytechnic University management|circular economy|

A Université Ibnou Zohr Engineering & Technology / Metallurgical &

6 83 2618 226766 Materials Engineering 22 20 0.909 49 42 0.857 1464 1183 0.808
Benlhachemi Morocco d'Agadir
Materials Science and Environment|
Engineering & Technology / Chemical
Mohammed VI Engineering
13 84 2728 230938 Brahim Achiou 20 20 1.000 23 23 1.000 833 828 0.994
Morocco Polytechnic University Membrane Technology|Geomaterials|Zeolites|Chemical

Driss Université Mohammed Engineering & Technology / Computer

17 85 2751 233395 Science 29 19 0.655 157 58 0.369 5213 2221 0.426
Aboutajdine Morocco V de Rabat
Informatique traitement signal|
Abdellah Engineering & Technology / Food Science
Université Chouaib
1 86 2780 235190 Zinedine and Engineering 23 19 0.826 37 32 0.865 4026 1860 0.462
Morocco Eddoukali
Food Microbiology|Toxicology|Food Safety|

Université Hassan II Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences

10 95 3043 249809 Said Gmouh 28 19 0.679 46 34 0.739 3041 1124 0.370
Morocco de Casablanca Chemistry|

Ahmed Université Mohammed Engineering & Technology / Earth Sciences

19 93 3012 248572 26 19 0.731 54 34 0.630 2948 1162 0.394
Chalouan Morocco V de Rabat géologie|

Zaglou Université Hassan II Hassan II University of Casablanca

9 89 2879 241984 26 19 0.731 67 38 0.567 2740 1381 0.504
Mohamed Morocco de Casablanca logistics|supply chain|

Ghoulam Université Cadi Ayyad Agriculture & Forestry / Agriculture

16 90 2886 242432 24 19 0.792 37 32 0.865 2484 1363 0.549
Cherki Morocco Marrakech Agrophysiologie|

Hamdani Université Ibnou Zohr Education / Education

7 91 2888 242668 24 19 0.792 44 31 0.705 2449 1354 0.553
Mohamed Morocco d'Agadir chemistry|electrochemistry|environment|

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Table VII C. Morocco Top 100 Last 5 Years H Index H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Engineering & Technology / Metallurgical &
Hassan Université Hassan II Materials Engineering
8 87 2817 238102 25 19 0.760 50 37 0.740 2339 1580 0.676
Hannache Morocco de Casablanca composites materials|geopolymer|adsorbent

Saïd El Université Euro-

1 94 3026 249071 Méditerranéenne de Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences 28 19 0.679 45 31 0.689 2261 1147 0.507
Morocco Chimie Organique|Chimie Médicinale|Catalyse|
Engineering & Technology / Electrical &
Mohammed Université Mohammed Electronic Engineering
18 88 2820 238158 Electrical Engineering|Electric Drive|Renewable Energy 26 19 0.731 57 46 0.807 2151 1576 0.733
Ouassaid Morocco V de Rabat
Systems|Smart Grid|Advanced Control of Power Systems
and Microgrids|

Ihsane Université Mohammed Medical and Health Sciences /

20 96 3157 254841 Rheumatology 23 19 0.826 33 28 0.848 1331 939 0.705
Hmamouchi Morocco V de Rabat
Rhumatologie|Epidemiologie|Qualité de vie|Outcomes|IA|

Université Ibnou Zohr Engineering & Technology / Mechanical

8 92 3000 247957 B. Bakiz 20 19 0.950 43 40 0.930 1317 1180 0.896
Morocco d'Agadir Engineering
Jean-Michel Mohammed VI Natural Sciences / Mathematics
16 106 3408 272436 33 18 0.545 79 35 0.443 4426 1138 0.257
Ghidaglia Morocco Polytechnic University Computational Fluid Dynamics|High Power Computing|
Nour Eddine Université Mohammed Agriculture & Forestry / Plant Science
22 114 3501 276778 Medicinal plants|essential 29 18 0.621 48 29 0.604 3119 1030 0.330
Es-Safi Morocco V de Rabat oils|polyphenols|characterization|biological activities|

Noureddine Université Hassan II Engineering & Technology / Mechanical

11 112 3465 274991 Engineering 32 18 0.563 57 38 0.667 3044 1073 0.352
Damil Morocco de Casablanca
Computational Mechanics|Instability|
Natural Sciences / Physics
Ez-Zahraouy Université Mohammed New Material for Energy-Magnetism-Surface-
21 98 3230 260006 26 18 0.692 97 48 0.495 3026 1837 0.607
Hamid Morocco V de Rabat Interface|Vehicular traffic|Routing network|Red blood
Traffic|Quantum Cryptography|

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
Table VII D. Morocco Top 100 Total Citiation Index
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Table VII D. Morocco Top 100 Total Citiation Index H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Hoummada Université Hassan II Natural Sciences / Physics
1 1 1 89 238 171 0.718 1541 1006 0.653 284047 133911 0.471
Morocco de Casablanca Physique des particules|

Farida Fassi Université Mohammed Natural Sciences / Physics

1 2 2 180 208 163 0.784 848 794 0.936 237563 134867 0.568
Morocco V de Rabat High Energy Physics|Astronomy|Engineering|Grid Computing|

Cherkaoui El Université Mohammed Natural Sciences / Physics
2 3 3 236 Moursli 210 164 0.781 920 827 0.899 220793 127496 0.577
Morocco V de Rabat Nuclear Physics|Medical Physics|High Energy Physics|

Université Mohammed Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
1 4 80 16416 Hammouti 86 53 0.616 487 371 0.762 27371 13864 0.507
Morocco Premier Oujda Chemistry & Environment & Electrochemistry|

Belmabkhout (FullUM6PMohammed VI Polytechnic University

Mohammed VI
1 5 183 34783 Youssef Separation and Carbon Capture|Power to X|Hydrogen|Sustainable Process 69 60 0.870 107 104 0.972 16594 12141 0.732
Morocco Polytechnic University Engineering|Porous materials and adsorption technology|

Université Hassan II Hassan II University of Casablanca

2 6 400 70005 Aziz Amine 55 38 0.691 137 108 0.788 9732 4530 0.465
Morocco de Casablanca Biosensors|

Abdelilah Université Mohammed Natural Sciences / Physics

3 7 456 76867 40 31 0.775 298 192 0.644 8993 5894 0.655
Benyoussef Morocco V de Rabat condensed matter physics|computational physics|material physics|

Mohammed VI Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences

2 8 480 81105 Mouad Dahbi 23 22 0.957 30 29 0.967 8587 7377 0.859
Morocco Polytechnic University Energy Storage|Batteries|Capacitor|Electrochemistry|Materials science|

Redouane Université Mohammed Medical and Health Sciences / Pharmacy &

4 9 492 82117 Pharmaceutical Sciences 46 28 0.609 135 101 0.748 8495 4078 0.480
Abouqal Morocco V de Rabat
Critical care|Acute medicine|Clinical epidemiology|
Université Cadi Ayyad Agriculture & Forestry / Agriculture
1 10 494 82180 Hafidi Agricultural Sciences|wastes management|Composting and 51 37 0.725 120 108 0.900 8489 4803 0.566
Morocco Marrakech compost|Environnmental Sciences|

Ahmed Institut de Recherche Institut de Recherche en Energie Solaire et Energies,

1 11 517 84930 Ennaoui en Energie Solaire et Morocco 49 28 0.571 102 67 0.657 8249 2695 0.327
Morocco Engineering & Technology|PV technology|Thin Film chalcogenide Solar
Energies, Morocco cells|Photoelectrochemistry|Nanosciences|

El Mokhtar Université Mohammed Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences

5 12 565 92328 38 28 0.737 194 115 0.593 7666 4252 0.555
Essassi Morocco V de Rabat Chimie hétérocyclique Spectrométrie de masse Sciences des matériaux|

Najia Hajjaj Université

1 13 629 101731 Internationale de Medical and Health Sciences / Internal Medicine 42 29 0.690 135 88 0.652 7018 3822 0.545
Morocco médecine|rhumatologie|pédagogie médicale|

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Table VII D. Morocco Top 100 Total Citiation Index H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Engineering & Technology / Nanoscience and
Zouheir Université Mohammed Nanotechnology
6 14 633 102207 43 27 0.628 94 64 0.681 6988 2302 0.329
Sekkat Morocco V de Rabat Nanotechnology|Optics and Photonics|3D Laser Nanoprinting and
Nonlinear Optics|Plasmonics and Waveguide Optics|Smart Materia|

Taibi Ben Université Mohammed Natural Sciences / Biological Science

2 15 657 105491 41 31 0.756 165 125 0.758 6796 4234 0.623
Hadda Morocco Premier Oujda Bioinformatics & Drug Design|

Laboratory of Information Processing, Faculty of Science

Université Hassan II Ben M’Sik, University Hassan II, Casablanca
3 16 705 110856 Said Broumi 42 40 0.952 121 114 0.942 6494 5374 0.828
Morocco de Casablanca networking|graph theory|neutrosophic theory|fuzzy theory|intuitionistic
fuzzy theory|
Université Moulay
1 17 731 113607 Eddouks 38 28 0.737 75 69 0.920 6347 3007 0.474
Morocco Ismail Meknès Medical and Health Sciences/Pharmacology|

Université Sidi
Saad Ibnsouda Natural Sciences / Biological Science
1 18 783 118352 Mohammed Ben 25 20 0.800 53 44 0.830 6108 5412 0.886
Koraichi Morocco Biotechnologie|
Abdellah Fes
Université Mohammed Engineering & Technology / Engineering
7 19 897 130213 Ali Idri Health Informatics|Machine Learning|Software Engineering|Software effort 34 29 0.853 105 93 0.886 5579 4275 0.766
Morocco V de Rabat estimation|

Azeddine Université Mohammed Medical and Health Sciences / Pharmacy &

8 20 905 131146 Pharmaceutical Sciences 30 22 0.733 56 47 0.839 5539 1665 0.301
Ibrahimi Morocco V de Rabat
Biotechnology|Bioinformatics|Genomics & Molecular modeling|

Ismael Université Cadi Ayyad Engineering & Technology / Energy Engineering

2 21 915 132215 31 24 0.774 74 56 0.757 5495 2212 0.403
Saadoune Morocco Marrakech Batteries|Energy Storage|Materials Science|

Mohammed Université Moulay Engineering & Technology / Metallurgical & Materials

2 22 938 134684 Engineering 34 28 0.824 128 95 0.742 5398 3593 0.666
Bouachrine Morocco Ismail Meknès
Matériaux organiques et optoélectronique|QSAR|Modélisation moléculaire|

Driss Université Mohammed Engineering & Technology / Computer Science

9 23 991 139544 29 19 0.655 157 58 0.369 5213 2221 0.426
Aboutajdine Morocco V de Rabat Informatique traitement signal|

Abderrahim Mohammed VI UM6P

3 24 1022 143065 Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery|Materials for Catalysis & 36 27 0.750 55 51 0.927 5082 3382 0.665
Solhy Morocco Polytechnic University Photocatalysis|Catalytic processes|
El Hassan El Université Cadi Ayyad Natural Sciences / Biological Science
3 25 1078 148054 22 16 0.727 41 25 0.610 4911 2091 0.426
Mouden Morocco Marrakech Herpetology|conservation|zoology|population dynamics|

Abdelmajid Université Sidi

2 26 1089 148785 Mohammed Ben Engineering & Technology / Mechanical Engineering 35 33 0.943 69 61 0.884 4886 4054 0.830
Morocco Heat transfer|Modeling & Simulation|Renewable Energy|Energy Efficiency|
Abdellah Fes
Abdallah Mohammed VI Mohammed VI Polytechnic University
4 27 1108 150472 30 30 1.000 53 52 0.981 4830 3724 0.771
Oukarroum Morocco Polytechnic University Plant Physiology|Photosynthesis|Environmental Science|
Abdellah El Université Mohammed Medical and Health Sciences / Rheumatology
10 28 1114 151228 36 24 0.667 81 56 0.691 4806 1851 0.385
Maghraoui Morocco V de Rabat Rhumatologie|Ostéoporose|DXA|Polyarthrite rhumatoïde|Spondyloarthrite|

Ahmed Elharfi Université Ibn Tofail Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences

1 29 1133 153243 Chimie organiques|Polymères|synthèses/ études physico-chimiques et 35 34 0.971 115 96 0.835 4741 4223 0.891
Morocco Kénitra applications|Modélisations|

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Table VII D. Morocco Top 100 Total Citiation Index H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Zoubida Université Mohammed Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
11 30 1179 156777 37 28 0.757 88 62 0.705 4632 2483 0.536
Charrouf Morocco V de Rabat Substances Naturelles et les plantes médicinales|

Université Mohammed Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences

12 31 1185 157262 Sekkou Kertit 34 16 0.471 64 22 0.344 4618 1091 0.236
Morocco V de Rabat chimie|

Jean-Michel Mohammed VI Natural Sciences / Mathematics

5 32 1253 163708 33 18 0.545 79 35 0.443 4426 1138 0.257
Ghidaglia Morocco Polytechnic University Computational Fluid Dynamics|High Power Computing|

Mohammed VI Engineering & Technology / Metallurgical & Materials

6 33 1278 165494 Jones Alami 26 20 0.769 35 28 0.800 4376 1935 0.442
Morocco Polytechnic University Engineering
materials physics|plasma physics|thin film physics|coating solution design|

Université Cadi Ayyad Natural Sciences / Physics

4 34 1305 167763 Salah Er-Raki 33 31 0.939 61 53 0.869 4315 2704 0.627
Morocco Marrakech physique|irrigation|Agricultural Sciences|remote sensing|Geoscience|

Houssine Mohammed VI UM6P

7 35 1328 170109 Nanocellulose|Nanomaterials 25 23 0.920 33 32 0.970 4253 2883 0.678
Sehaqui Morocco Polytechnic University Functionalisation|Biocomposites|Environmental remediation|
Achraf Touay Abdelmalek Essaadi
1 36 1331 170277 32 23 0.719 63 45 0.714 4248 1714 0.403
Morocco University
International Water Research Institute (IWRIMohammed
Mohamed Mohammed VI VI Polytechnic University
8 37 1344 171348 33 28 0.848 49 45 0.918 4219 3217 0.763
Chaker Ncibi Morocco Polytechnic University Water Treatment|Circular Economy|Green Chemistry|Environmental
Abdellah Engineering & Technology / Food Science and
Université Chouaib
1 38 1430 178983 Zinedine Engineering 23 19 0.826 37 32 0.865 4026 1860 0.462
Morocco Eddoukali
Food Microbiology|Toxicology|Food Safety|

Mounir El Mohammed VI Engineering & Technology / Metallurgical & Materials

9 39 1485 184581 30 30 1.000 47 46 0.979 3891 3163 0.813
Achaby Morocco Polytechnic University Engineering
Materials Physics & Chemistry|

Université Ibnou Zohr Engineering & Technology / Metallurgical & Materials

1 40 1615 195273 Rida Bilak Engineering 19 13 0.684 31 17 0.548 3654 704 0.193
Morocco d'Agadir
Matériaux|Métallurgie et Ingénierie des Procédés|

Mohamed Université Mohammed Medical and Health Sciences / Internal Medicine

13 41 1697 201337 29 15 0.517 50 28 0.560 3533 1153 0.326
Yahyaoui Morocco V de Rabat Médecine|

Université Sidi
Rachid Natural Sciences / Mathematics
3 42 1787 209708 Mohammed Ben 30 28 0.933 108 99 0.917 3376 2975 0.881
Masrour Morocco Physics|Chemistry|Mathematics|
Abdellah Fes
Université Sidi
4 43 1794 210467 Amine Allouhi Mohammed Ben Engineering & Technology / Energy Engineering 32 32 1.000 56 56 1.000 3362 3199 0.952
Morocco Renewable Energy Systems|Energy in buildings|Solar thermal|
Abdellah Fes
Guenbour Université Mohammed Engineering & Technology / Engineering
14 44 1812 212036 32 26 0.813 99 73 0.737 3334 2290 0.687
Abdellah Morocco V de Rabat Matériaux|Environnement|Energie|

Talea Université Hassan II Université Hassan II de Casablanca

4 45 1893 217997 28 26 0.929 65 61 0.938 3228 2914 0.903
Mohamed Morocco de Casablanca informatique|modélisations|matériaux|systèmes d'information|

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Table VII D. Morocco Top 100 Total Citiation Index H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Abdelkader Université Cadi Ayyad Engineering & Technology / Energy Engineering
5 46 1929 220489 29 17 0.586 79 38 0.481 3187 1303 0.409
Outzourhit Morocco Marrakech Energies renouvelables|PV|Stockage|

Université Mohammed Agriculture & Forestry / Plant Science

15 47 1959 222610 Youssef Bakri 31 27 0.871 81 71 0.877 3152 2332 0.740
Morocco V de Rabat Immunology & Cancer biology|Medicinal plants & drug discovery|

Engineering & Technology / Electrical & Electronic

Benachir Université Moulay Engineering
3 48 1975 223683 32 27 0.844 61 54 0.885 3135 2025 0.646
Bouchikhi Morocco Ismail Meknès Electronic Enginnering|Sensor systems|Food safety|Volatile organic
compounds analysis for desease diagnosis|Environmental mo|

Nour Eddine Université Mohammed Agriculture & Forestry / Plant Science

16 49 1987 224697 Medicinal plants|essential oils|polyphenols|characterization|biological 29 18 0.621 48 29 0.604 3119 1030 0.330
Es-Safi Morocco V de Rabat activities|

Oumaima Université Mohammed

17 50 1995 225333 Evidence Based Medicine - Global Health - Translational Research - Public 15 15 1.000 20 20 1.000 3110 3102 0.997
Outani Morocco V de Rabat Health - Artificial Intelligence - Medical Research -|

Noureddine Université Hassan II Engineering & Technology / Mechanical Engineering

5 51 2056 229496 32 18 0.563 57 38 0.667 3044 1073 0.352
Damil Morocco de Casablanca Computational Mechanics|Instability|

Université Hassan II Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences

6 52 2060 229728 Said Gmouh 28 19 0.679 46 34 0.739 3041 1124 0.370
Morocco de Casablanca Chemistry|

Ez-Zahraouy Université Mohammed Natural Sciences / Physics

18 53 2077 230679 New Material for Energy-Magnetism-Surface-Interface|Vehicular 26 18 0.692 97 48 0.495 3026 1837 0.607
Hamid Morocco V de Rabat traffic|Routing network|Red blood Traffic|Quantum Cryptography|
Abdelaziz Natural Sciences / Biological Science
2 54 2119 233607 Internationale de 28 17 0.607 72 27 0.375 2981 812 0.272
Benjouad Morocco sciences de la vie|
Abdelkarim Université Mohammed Medical and Health Sciences / Microbiology
19 55 2121 233675 29 23 0.793 80 68 0.850 2980 1907 0.640
Filali-Maltouf Morocco V de Rabat Microbiology|Molecular Biology|Biotechnology|Biodiversity|Bioremediation|

Ahmed Université Mohammed Engineering & Technology / Earth Sciences

20 56 2158 235756 26 19 0.731 54 34 0.630 2948 1162 0.394
Chalouan Morocco V de Rabat géologie|

Abdelghani Université Cadi Ayyad Natural Sciences / Mathematics

6 57 2161 236115 27 16 0.593 40 23 0.575 2942 1434 0.487
Bellouquid Morocco Marrakech modélisation des systèmes complexes et analyse mathématique|

Mohammed Université Hassan II Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences

7 58 2163 236199 22 15 0.682 32 20 0.625 2941 1073 0.365
Berrada 1 Morocco de Casablanca Sciences des polymeres|Materiaux|Analyses physicochimiques|

Mohamed Université Cadi Ayyad Natural Sciences / Physics

7 59 2180 237872 32 27 0.844 68 59 0.868 2917 2014 0.690
Chabab Morocco Marrakech High Energy physics (Theory and Phenomenology)|Astrophysics|

Université Engineering & Technology / Computer Science

3 60 2185 238177 Internationale de Distributed systems|Communication networks|High performance 25 18 0.720 88 52 0.591 2913 1742 0.598
Bakhouya Morocco computing|IoT and Big Data|Predictive Analytics|
Mohammed VI Université Mohammed VI Polytechnique
10 61 2215 240181 Luc Savard 25 14 0.560 53 24 0.453 2884 746 0.259
Morocco Polytechnic University Development|Environmental and Agricultural Economics. Poverty analysis.|
Gourich Engineering & Technology / Environmental Science &
Université Hassan II
1 62 2225 240741 Bouchaib Engineering 23 20 0.870 34 31 0.912 2876 1873 0.651
Morocco Ain Chock
Process and Environmental Engineering|

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Table VII D. Morocco Top 100 Total Citiation Index H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Abdellatif Université Sultan LS3M, Sultan Moulay Slimane University of Beni Mellal,
1 63 2239 241304 Hasnaoui Moulay Slimane Beni FP-Khouribga, Morocco 21 20 0.952 34 33 0.971 2868 1275 0.445
Mellal atomistic simulation & materials science|metallic glasses|

Mohamed Université Mohammed Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences

21 64 2275 243730 22 16 0.727 38 22 0.579 2834 1144 0.404
Hmamouchi Morocco V de Rabat biologie phytochimie|

Abderrahim Université Hassan II Natural Sciences / Mathematics

8 65 2281 243983 Numerical Methods|mixed 29 29 1.000 62 62 1.000 2830 2782 0.983
Wakif Morocco de Casablanca Convection|Hydrodynamic|Magnetohydoynamic|Nanofluids|

Zaglou Université Hassan II Hassan II University of Casablanca

9 66 2377 250631 26 19 0.731 67 38 0.567 2740 1381 0.504
Mohamed Morocco de Casablanca logistics|supply chain|

Université Engineering & Technology / Engineering

4 67 2378 250673 Internationale de materials science|design and thermomechanical processing of metal 30 18 0.600 63 38 0.603 2739 1127 0.411
Essadiqi Morocco alloys|Microstructure Property relationship|Solar energy|r|
Université Cadi Ayyad Engineering & Technology / Environmental Science &
8 68 2379 250866 Laila Mandi Engineering 27 23 0.852 62 49 0.790 2737 1929 0.705
Morocco Marrakech
wastewater treatment|water quality|water reuse|water managment|

Ouazzani Université Cadi Ayyad Natural Sciences / Biological Science

9 69 2388 251409 27 24 0.889 58 44 0.759 2730 1832 0.671
Naaila Morocco Marrakech Wastewater treatment and reuse|

Université Cadi Ayyad Natural Sciences / Physics

10 70 2400 251919 Saïd Khabba Ressources en eau|Besoin en eau des cultures|modèles|télédétection|semi- 29 24 0.828 56 43 0.768 2723 1897 0.697
Morocco Marrakech aride|
Université Ibnou Zohr Engineering & Technology / Earth Sciences
2 71 2408 252476 Lhoussaine Water resources management|Climate change and impacts|Isotopic 25 23 0.920 68 48 0.706 2716 1789 0.659
Morocco d'Agadir hydrology|Karst hydrology|Hydrology in arides zones|

Noreddine Institut Agronomique Engineering & Technology / Food Science and

1 72 2501 258383 Benkerroum et Veterinaire Hassan Engineering 27 18 0.667 35 26 0.743 2640 1316 0.498
II Food Microbiology|

Centre Régional des

Khalid Hattaf Métiers de l’Éducation Natural Sciences / Mathematics
1 73 2610 265668 Mathematical Analysis of Dynamical Systems|Mathematical Modeling in 30 28 0.933 58 54 0.931 2551 2043 0.801
Morocco et de la Formation Virology|Epidemiology and Economy|Control Systems|
Soulaimani Université Cadi Ayyad Engineering & Technology / Earth Sciences
11 74 2614 266037 24 21 0.875 47 37 0.787 2547 1516 0.595
Abderrahmane Morocco Marrakech Tectonique et Géologie régionale|

Rachid Université Ibn Tofail Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences

2 75 2625 266820 Polymer Synthesis Polymer Engineering Composites Materials Polymers 30 30 1.000 56 56 1.000 2537 2528 0.996
Hsissou Morocco Kénitra Coatings Corrosion Inhibition Organic Chemistr|

Université Mohammed Medical and Health Sciences / Pharmacy &

22 76 2680 270022 Youssef Ramli Pharmaceutical Sciences 24 23 0.958 52 46 0.885 2500 2121 0.848
Morocco V de Rabat
Organic and Medecinal Chemistry|
Université Sidi Engineering & Technology / Computer Science
5 77 2698 271086 Mohammed Ben Artificial Intelligence|Big Data|E-learning|Serious Games|Mutli-Agents 8 8 1.000 7 7 1.000 2489 2465 0.990
Berrada 2 Morocco Systems|
Abdellah Fes

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Table VII D. Morocco Top 100 Total Citiation Index H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Ghoulam Université Cadi Ayyad Agriculture & Forestry / Agriculture
12 78 2704 271474 24 19 0.792 37 32 0.865 2484 1363 0.549
Cherki Morocco Marrakech Agrophysiologie|

Université Cadi Ayyad Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences

13 79 2725 272789 Allal Barroug 25 15 0.600 32 20 0.625 2469 727 0.294
Morocco Marrakech Apatites|Calcium Phosphates|Adsorption|Drug Delivery|Biomaterials|

Hamdani Université Ibnou Zohr Education / Education

3 80 2755 274592 24 19 0.792 44 31 0.705 2449 1354 0.553
Mohamed Morocco d'Agadir chemistry|electrochemistry|environment|

El Houssaine Université Mohammed Natural Sciences / Physics

3 81 2795 276992 28 16 0.571 62 30 0.484 2422 916 0.378
El Boudouti Morocco Premier Oujda Solid state physics Photonic and Phononic crystals|

Université Moulay Engineering & Technology / Computer Science

4 82 2802 277534 Amina Adadi 7 6 0.857 5 5 1.000 2417 2402 0.994
Morocco Ismail Meknès Artificial intelligence|Machine Learning|data science|Web services|

Bouabid Université Mohammed Natural Sciences / Molecular Biology & Genetics

23 83 2818 278710 15 14 0.933 24 21 0.875 2404 1340 0.557
Badaoui Morocco V de Rabat Genetics|Genomics|Bioinformatics|Biostatistics|

Institut National de la
Rachid Mrabet Director of Research, INRA Morocco
1 84 2830 279602 Recherche 25 16 0.640 48 31 0.646 2394 1195 0.499
Morocco Agronomy|agroecology|climate change|soil security|sustainability|
Agronomique INRA
Université Sidi
Yahia Medical and Health Sciences / Physiology
6 85 2849 280250 Mohammed Ben 19 18 0.947 31 29 0.935 2388 1066 0.446
Rharrabti Morocco Agriculture|Agronomy|Agrifoods|
Abdellah Fes
Université Sidi Medical and Health Sciences / Pharmacy &
7 86 2854 280597 O Assobhei Mohammed Ben Pharmaceutical Sciences 25 16 0.640 48 30 0.625 2384 1293 0.542
Abdellah Fes biotechnologie|environnement|océanographie|microbiologie|pharmacologie|

Rachid Université Cadi Ayyad Natural Sciences / Physics

14 87 2904 283933 19 15 0.789 32 22 0.688 2349 1197 0.510
Benbrik Morocco Marrakech Higgs Physics|LHC colliders|building models|High energy physics|

Hassan Université Hassan II Engineering & Technology / Metallurgical & Materials

10 88 2922 284892 Engineering 25 19 0.760 50 37 0.740 2339 1580 0.676
Hannache Morocco de Casablanca
composites materials|geopolymer|adsorbent materials|fibers|glasses|

Université Mohammed Medical and Health Sciences / Neurosurgery

24 89 2936 285629 Akhaddar Ali 22 14 0.636 80 29 0.363 2332 1091 0.468
Morocco V de Rabat Neurosurgery|CNS Infection|Spine|Medical writing|Bibliometrics|

Université Sidi
8 90 2946 285906 Driss Mazouzi Mohammed Ben Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences 23 18 0.783 30 24 0.800 2329 1384 0.594
Abdellah Fes
Rachid Université Cadi Ayyad Engineering & Technology / Environmental Science &
15 91 2949 286046 Engineering 27 25 0.926 58 56 0.966 2327 1910 0.821
Hakkou Morocco Marrakech
Mining Environment|Solid Waste|Valorization|Mineral Processing|

Houda El Université Ibn Tofail Business & Management / Marketing

3 92 2960 286524 27 21 0.778 60 46 0.767 2322 1539 0.663
Khaldi Morocco Kénitra Marketing digital|

Mohammed Université Mohammed Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences

25 94 2988 288371 24 10 0.417 51 10 0.196 2304 365 0.158
Soufiaoui Morocco V de Rabat chimie|biochimie sciences des matériaux|

Saad Alami Université Hassan II Professeur de chimie, Université Hassan II Casablanca

11 93 2985 288324 30 26 0.867 55 48 0.873 2304 1508 0.655
Younssi Morocco de Casablanca Matériaux|procédés membranaires|

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Table VII D. Morocco Top 100 Total Citiation Index H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Abdelhakim Université Mohammed Medical and Health Sciences / Pharmacy &
26 95 2990 288656 Pharmaceutical Sciences 27 27 1.000 68 68 1.000 2301 2270 0.987
Bouyahya Morocco V de Rabat
Biochimie|Pharmacologie|Plantes Médicinales|Microbiologie|

Khalid Université Mohammed Medical and Health Sciences / Pharmacy &

27 97 3000 289228 Pharmaceutical Sciences 25 12 0.480 38 12 0.316 2296 388 0.169
Taghzouti Morocco V de Rabat

Abdelmalek Essaadi Professor, University Abdelmalek Essaadi, FST Tangier

2 96 2999 289187 Tarik Chafik 29 18 0.621 41 26 0.634 2296 1015 0.442
Morocco University Materials Engineering|Catalysis|energy|air pollution|nanomaterials|

Khalid Université Mohammed Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences

28 98 3052 292156 26 17 0.654 41 24 0.585 2266 859 0.379
Bougrin Morocco V de Rabat organic and medicinal chemistry|

Université Hassan II Professor of Neuroscience, Hassan II university of

12 99 3057 292428 Rachida Roky Casablanca 20 17 0.850 21 19 0.905 2264 812 0.359
Morocco de Casablanca
Neurosciences|bioethics|Ramadan|sex as biological factor|

Saïd El Université Euro-

1 100 3062 292650 Méditerranéenne de Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences 28 19 0.679 45 31 0.689 2261 1147 0.507
Morocco Chimie Organique|Chimie Médicinale|Catalyse|

Table VII E. Morocco Top 100 Last 5 Years Citiation Index

AD Scientific Index - 2023 Table VII E. Morocco Top 100 Last 5 Years Citiation Index H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
National School of National School of Architecture, Tétouan
1 948 26603 922384 Romani Zaid 5 5 1.000 2 2 1.000 139 132 0.950
Morocco Architecture, Tétouan Génie Civil & Energétique|
Moroccan Foundation
Nadia Zari for Advanced Science MASCIR
1 193 5367 393199 16 16 1.000 25 24 0.960 978 875 0.895
Morocco Innovation and traitement des eaux|stockage de l énergie|

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Table VII E. Morocco Top 100 Last 5 Years Citiation Index H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Institut de Recherche en Energie Solaire
Ahmed Institut de Recherche et Energies, Morocco
1 32 1145 132415 Ennaoui en Energie Solaire et Engineering & Technology|PV technology|Thin Film 49 28 0.571 102 67 0.657 8249 2695 0.327
Energies, Morocco chalcogenide Solar
Institut Pasteur du Institut Pasteur du Maroc
1 147 4252 337106 Abdelhamid 26 17 0.654 57 45 0.789 1843 1054 0.572
Morocco Maroc Génétique humaine|

Elame Fouad National Institut for Researcher

1 866 24747 901549 Natural resources economics|economic 8 7 0.875 6 4 0.667 178 151 0.848
Morocco Agronomic Research modelling|market chain value analysis|
Moroccan Institute for Moroccan Institute for Policy Analysis
1 889 25253 907702 Masbah 8 8 1.000 7 4 0.571 189 145 0.767
Morocco Policy Analysis Public Policy|Politics|

Rachid Institut National de la Director of Research, INRA Morocco

1 116 3585 302254 Mrabet Recherche Agronomy|agroecology|climate change|soil 25 16 0.640 48 31 0.646 2394 1195 0.499
Morocco security|sustainability|
Agronomique INRA
Engineering & Technology / Computer
Kamal Moro
1 1562 39555 1009527 Hassan 1er University Science 4 3 0.750 4 1 0.250 95 34 0.358
Morocco computer science|

Youssef Safi Institut Superieur du Hassan 2 University Casablanca

1 1195 33364 976410 Artificial Neural Networks|Artificial 3 3 1.000 2 1 0.500 122 79 0.648
Morocco Genie Applique Intelligence|Forecasting|Prediction|Machine Learning|
Amine Economics & Econometrics / Accounting
ESCA Management
1 1454 37876 1000679 Mounir & Finance 3 3 1.000 3 3 1.000 131 48 0.366
Morocco School

Achraf Touay Abdelmalek Essaadi

1 65 2205 215141 32 23 0.719 63 45 0.714 4248 1714 0.403
Morocco University
Université Université internationale Abulcasis des
Internationale Sciences de la Santé
1 360 10415 582747 Limami 12 10 0.833 13 10 0.769 643 500 0.778
Morocco Abulcasis des Cell signalling|Cancer|Inflammation|Resistance to
Sciences de la Santé apoptosis|Platelets.|

International Université Internationale de Casablanca,
Tantaoui El
1 871 24798 902124 University of University of Central Florida, ENSIAS 9 4 0.444 9 4 0.444 1005 151 0.150
Araki Morocco
Casablanca Computer science|Video on Demand|AI|

Abdellatif Université Sultan LS3M, Sultan Moulay Slimane University

1 110 3295 285078 Hasnaoui Moulay Slimane Beni of Beni Mellal, FP-Khouribga, Morocco 21 20 0.952 34 33 0.971 2868 1275 0.445
Morocco atomistic simulation & materials science|metallic
Mellal glasses|

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Table VII E. Morocco Top 100 Last 5 Years Citiation Index H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Hoummada Université Hassan II Natural Sciences / Physics
1 2 2 123 238 171 0.718 1541 1006 0.653 284047 133911 0.471
Morocco de Casablanca Physique des particules|

Fadwa Universiapolis- Ecole Polytechnique

Ecole Polytechnique
1 605 18482 798265 Lachhab Context-driven control Using IoT and Big Data 10 10 1.000 10 10 1.000 258 250 0.969
Morocco Privée d'Agadir technologies for Smart Buildings|

Mounir Engineering & Technology / Chemical

Ecole Nationale de Engineering
1 412 11959 630231 Bennajah 14 13 0.929 16 15 0.938 701 435 0.621
Morocco l'Industrie Minerale Chemical engineering|heat exchangers|separation
process|wastewater and gas treatment|
Engineering & Technology /
Mohammed Université Moulay Metallurgical & Materials Engineering
1 20 769 94432 34 28 0.824 128 95 0.742 5398 3593 0.666
Bouachrine Morocco Ismail Meknès Matériaux organiques et
optoélectronique|QSAR|Modélisation moléculaire|

Rachid Engineering & Technology / Electrical &

Ecole Hassania des Electronic Engineering
1 214 5983 420042 Saadane 16 12 0.750 37 22 0.595 1311 804 0.613
Morocco Travaux Publics Artificial intelligence|Signal processing|Data analysis
WSN|UWB 4G and 5-6G systems|
Université Cadi Ayyad Agriculture & Forestry / Agriculture
1 10 490 65369 Hafidi Agricultural Sciences|wastes management|Composting 51 37 0.725 120 108 0.900 8489 4803 0.566
Morocco Marrakech and compost|Environnmental Sciences|

Saad Université Sidi

1 8 423 56030 Ibnsouda Mohammed Ben Natural Sciences / Biological Science 25 20 0.800 53 44 0.830 6108 5412 0.886
Morocco Biotechnologie|
Koraichi Abdellah Fes
Engineering & Technology / Engineering
Saber Ecole Centrale Systems Engineering|Bio-inspired Computing|Artificial
1 271 7423 480069 15 15 1.000 28 22 0.786 830 670 0.807
Darmoul. Morocco Casablanca Immune Systems|Multi Agent Systems|Knowledge
Based Systems|
Mama El Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
Université Hassan II
1 262 7177 469942 Rhazi capteurs électrochimiques|fuel cell|conducting 19 16 0.842 28 22 0.786 955 690 0.723
Morocco Mohammedia polymers|

Saïd El Université Euro-

1 122 3791 313205 Méditerranéenne de Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences 28 19 0.679 45 31 0.689 2261 1147 0.507
Morocco Chimie Organique|Chimie Médicinale|Catalyse|
(FullUM6PMohammed VI Polytechnic
Belmabkhout University
Mohammed VI
1 5 149 16779 Youssef 69 60 0.870 107 104 0.972 16594 12141 0.732
Morocco Polytechnic University Separation and Carbon Capture|Power to
X|Hydrogen|Sustainable Process Engineering|Porous
materials and adsorption technology|

Idrissa Mohammed VI Mohammed VI University of Health

1 479 14131 691477 Diawara University of Health Sciences (UM6SSCasablancaMorocco 11 11 1.000 12 12 1.000 376 361 0.960
Sciences Microbiology and Molecular Biology|

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Table VII E. Morocco Top 100 Last 5 Years Citiation Index H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
International Enseignant chercheur
1 1293 35157 986602 Faouzi 7 5 0.714 3 1 0.333 90 66 0.733
Morocco University of Agadir Géographie|sociologie|

Abderrahman Engineering & Technology /

Private University of Metallurgical & Materials Engineering
1 596 18339 795362 Abbassi 10 9 0.900 10 9 0.900 273 253 0.927
Morocco Marrakech Materials science and engineering|Condensed
matter|Semiconductors|Solar cell applications|
Centre Régional des Natural Sciences / Mathematics
Khalid Hattaf Métiers de l’Éducation Mathematical Analysis of Dynamical
1 45 1690 179472 30 28 0.933 58 54 0.931 2551 2043 0.801
Morocco et de la Formation Systems|Mathematical Modeling in
Virology|Epidemiology and Economy|Control Systems|
Business & Management / Strategic
Muhammad Al Akhawayn Management
1 68 2346 225042 21 21 1.000 37 37 1.000 1641 1638 0.998
Ikram Morocco University Ifrane Sustainability|Integrated Management|SDGs|CSR|Grey
Systems Theory|
Ahmed Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
Université Ibn Tofail
1 15 601 77228 Elharfi Chimie organiques|Polymères|synthèses/ études 35 34 0.971 115 96 0.835 4741 4223 0.891
Morocco Kénitra physico-chimiques et applications|Modélisations|

Engineering & Technology / Earth

Université Ibnou Zohr Sciences
1 62 2068 206114 Lhoussaine Water resources management|Climate change and 25 23 0.920 68 48 0.706 2716 1789 0.659
Morocco d'Agadir
impacts|Isotopic hydrology|Karst hydrology|Hydrology
in arides zones|
Université Mohammed Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
1 4 125 13600 Hammouti 86 53 0.616 487 371 0.762 27371 13864 0.507
Morocco Premier Oujda Chemistry & Environment & Electrochemistry|

Centre National de
l'Energie, des Chercheur, CNESTEN
1 85 2773 252196 Labrim 24 21 0.875 62 50 0.806 1786 1455 0.815
Morocco Sciences et des énergie|
Techniques Nucleaires
Abdellah Engineering & Technology / Food
Université Chouaib
1 58 1955 198079 Zinedine Science and Engineering 23 19 0.826 37 32 0.865 4026 1860 0.462
Morocco Eddoukali
Food Microbiology|Toxicology|Food Safety|

Najia Hajjaj Université Medical and Health Sciences / Internal

1 18 702 87523 Hassouni Internationale de Medicine 42 29 0.690 135 88 0.652 7018 3822 0.545
Rabat médecine|rhumatologie|pédagogie médicale|

Noreddine Institut Agronomique Engineering & Technology / Food

1 105 3172 276996 Benkerroum et Veterinaire Hassan Science and Engineering 27 18 0.667 35 26 0.743 2640 1316 0.498
II Food Microbiology|

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Table VII E. Morocco Top 100 Last 5 Years Citiation Index H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Omar Ecole Supérieure des Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
1 102 3099 272590 Cherkaoui Industries du Textile Textile materials|natural fibers|composites|textile 19 18 0.947 42 34 0.810 1535 1339 0.872
Morocco engineering|functional textiles|
et de l'Habillement
Farida Fassi Université Mohammed Natural Sciences / Physics
1 1 1 119 High Energy Physics|Astronomy|Engineering|Grid 208 163 0.784 848 794 0.936 237563 134867 0.568
Morocco V de Rabat Computing|
Gourich Engineering & Technology /
Université Hassan II
1 56 1933 196670 Bouchaib Environmental Science & Engineering 23 20 0.870 34 31 0.912 2876 1873 0.651
Morocco Ain Chock
Process and Environmental Engineering|

Institut National des Engineering & Technology / Electrical &

Hassan El
Postes et Electronic Engineering
1 145 4227 335543 Ghazi 15 14 0.933 19 17 0.895 1108 1060 0.957
Morocco Telecommunications Electrical engineering|Security of
Maroc Communication|Biomedical engineering|

Engineering & Technology / Computer

Ecole Hassania des Science
2 418 12150 636559 Ilias Elmouki 13 12 0.923 16 15 0.938 457 427 0.934
Morocco Travaux Publics Optimal control theory|Control theory|Systems
theory|Control systems|
Engineering & Technology / Electrical &
Faraji Université Hassan II Electronic Engineering
2 482 14250 694635 pcm|building thermal management|electronic 11 8 0.727 12 8 0.667 540 358 0.663
Mustapha Morocco Ain Chock
cooling|Lattice Boltzmann Method LBM|Human body
Al Akhawayn Business & Management / Human
2 74 2518 235746 Resource Management 26 20 0.769 55 48 0.873 2068 1561 0.755
Shamsudin Morocco University Ifrane
Human resource management|Organizational behavior|

Social Sciences / Transportation Science

Fouad Riane Ecole Centrale & Technology
2 330 9533 554802 19 12 0.632 26 14 0.538 1433 541 0.378
Morocco Casablanca Supply Chain Management|Production

Université Hassan II Natural Sciences / Mathematics

2 290 8256 511765 Karam Allali Mathematics|Mathematical modelling|Numerical 15 13 0.867 26 22 0.846 703 611 0.869
Morocco Mohammedia simulations|
Institut Agronomique Medical and Health Sciences / Veterinary
2 182 5115 381154 et Veterinaire Hassan Sciences 26 15 0.577 66 30 0.455 2084 910 0.437
Boujenane Morocco
II Animal breeding and genetics|

Mounia Université Chouaib Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences

2 139 4091 328357 22 18 0.818 38 36 0.947 1773 1086 0.613
Achak Morocco Eddoukali chimie d'environnement|traitement des eaux|

Mohammed Engineering & Technology / Mechanical

Ecole Polytechnique Engineering
2 655 20029 828893 Elaghdaf 6 5 0.833 5 5 1.000 548 221 0.403
Morocco Privée d'Agadir Extraits
Malainine végétaux|cactus|opuntia|ingrédients|nutraceutique|

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Table VII E. Morocco Top 100 Last 5 Years Citiation Index H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
Rachid Université Ibn Tofail Polymer Synthesis Polymer Engineering Composites
2 33 1250 142288 30 30 1.000 56 56 1.000 2537 2528 0.996
Hsissou Morocco Kénitra Materials Polymers Coatings Corrosion Inhibition
Organic Chemistr|
Cherkaoui El Université Mohammed Natural Sciences / Physics
2 3 3 146 Moursli 210 164 0.781 920 827 0.899 220793 127496 0.577
Morocco V de Rabat Nuclear Physics|Medical Physics|High Energy Physics|

Engineering & Technology / Computer

Université Science
2 63 2147 211816 Internationale de Distributed systems|Communication networks|High 25 18 0.720 88 52 0.591 2913 1742 0.598
Bakhouya Morocco
Rabat performance computing|IoT and Big Data|Predictive

Ecole Supérieure des Engineering & Technology / Textile

Mehdi El Engineering
2 238 6432 438789 Industries du Textile 14 14 1.000 17 17 1.000 771 759 0.984
Bouchti Morocco Materials Chemistry|Functional textile|Polymer|Glass
et de l'Habillement fibers|

Université Ibnou Zohr Agriculture & Forestry / Plant Science

2 84 2766 251870 Said Gharby Chimie analytique|chimie des plantes|lipides|controle 23 21 0.913 48 45 0.938 1894 1457 0.769
Morocco d'Agadir qualité|

Université Cadi Ayyad Natural Sciences / Physics

2 31 1141 131887 Salah Er-Raki physique|irrigation|Agricultural Sciences|remote 33 31 0.939 61 53 0.869 4315 2704 0.627
Morocco Marrakech sensing|Geoscience|
Institut National des
Tribak Postes et Engineering & Technology / Engineering
2 285 8138 507341 Microwave Engineering|Antenna Feed 14 14 1.000 23 18 0.783 768 619 0.806
Abdelwahed Morocco Telecommunications Subsystems|Digital Radiocommunication|
Université Euro-
Tijani Engineering & Technology / Engineering
2 274 7689 489609 Méditerranéenne de 19 14 0.737 28 18 0.643 1008 652 0.647
Bounahmidi Morocco Génie des Procédés|Génie Chimique|Energie|Eau|
Taibi Ben Université Mohammed Natural Sciences / Biological Science
2 14 594 77001 41 31 0.756 165 125 0.758 6796 4234 0.623
Hadda Morocco Premier Oujda Bioinformatics & Drug Design|

Institut de Recherche IRESEN

2 531 15876 738039 Badr Ikken en Energie Solaire et énergies renouvelables|solaire|Hydrogène|mobilité 9 9 1.000 8 8 1.000 319 311 0.975
Morocco électrique|
Energies, Morocco
Institut National de la INRA Morocco
2 173 4849 367531 Recherche Crop physiology and Genetic Resources Conservation 18 16 0.889 20 18 0.900 1968 951 0.483
Ouabbou Morocco and Utilization|
Agronomique INRA
Ph.D in Plant Genetics and Food
Hssaini National Institut for Technology
2 873 24837 902589 7 7 1.000 5 5 1.000 150 150 1.000
Lahcen Morocco Agronomic Research Food Science|Biochemistry|Chemometrics|Plant

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Table VII E. Morocco Top 100 Last 5 Years Citiation Index H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Rachid Moroccan Institute for Moroccan Institute for Policy Analysis
2 1635 42248 1024335 1 1 1.000 0 0 0 3 3 1.000
Aourraz Morocco Policy Analysis Economics|

Head of Laboratory, Researcher

Sayeh Institut Pasteur du Associate, Institut Pasteur du Maroc,
2 170 4774 364344 25 17 0.680 47 38 0.809 1517 961 0.633
Ezzikouri Morocco Maroc Morocco
Virology|Hepatitis viruses|R&D|Public Health|
National School of Architecture, Tetouan,
Mohammed Morocco
National School of
2 1037 29355 948505 Taaouati 6 5 0.833 5 3 0.600 156 108 0.692
Morocco Architecture, Tétouan Environment and Sustainable Development|Natural
Hazards and Urban Planning|Coastal
Moroccan Foundation
Hicham for Advanced Science MAScIR
2 236 6394 437455 15 15 1.000 15 15 1.000 789 762 0.966
Elarroussi Morocco Innovation and Biotechnology and physiology|algae|plant|
International Université Intenationale Casablnca
2 1532 39190 1007406 Hajar Iguer University of Risk Management|Online Learning|Distant 5 3 0.600 2 0 0.000 62 38 0.613
Morocco Education|Security Management|
Laboratory of Information Processing,
Université Hassan II Faculty of Science Ben M’Sik, University
2 9 425 56528 Said Broumi Hassan II, Casablanca 42 40 0.952 121 114 0.942 6494 5374 0.828
Morocco de Casablanca
networking|graph theory|neutrosophic theory|fuzzy
theory|intuitionistic fuzzy theory|

Université Sultan Sultan Moulay Slimane University of Beni

M'hamed Mellal, FP Khouribga, Research Group
2 184 5136 382464 Moulay Slimane Beni 16 16 1.000 20 17 0.850 982 906 0.923
Sadiq Morocco SEMA
Professor, University Abdelmalek
Abdelmalek Essaadi Essaadi, FST Tangier
2 155 4457 348094 Tarik Chafik 29 18 0.621 41 26 0.634 2296 1015 0.442
Morocco University Materials Engineering|Catalysis|energy|air
Full Professor of Computer Science at
Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de
Nissrine Ecole Nationale de Rabat
2 439 13055 662692 10 9 0.900 10 9 0.900 424 395 0.932
Souissi Morocco l'Industrie Minerale Data Engineering|Process Engineering|Business
Process Management|Information System|Digital

Omar Institut Superieur du Professor

2 1602 40575 1015800 3 3 1.000 1 0 0.000 30 22 0.733
Cherrak Morocco Genie Applique Signal processing & Telecommunications|

Research Scientist & Prof. | Finance |

Azzeddine ESCA Management Family Firms |
2 1609 40809 1016973 2 2 1.000 0 0 0 20 20 1.000
Allioui Morocco School Family Firms|Family Businesses|Family
Control|Corporate Finance|Strategy|

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Table VII E. Morocco Top 100 Last 5 Years Citiation Index H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Researcher in National Centre for
Centre National de Energy, Sciences and Nuclear
l'Energie, des Techniques (CNESTEN)
2 286 8148 507626 Mounia Tahri 11 10 0.909 13 13 1.000 740 619 0.836
Morocco Sciences et des Environment Monitoring|Air Quality|X-Ray
Techniques Nucleaires Fluorescence|Heavy metals|atmospheric dispersion

Abdelmajid Université Sidi Engineering & Technology / Mechanical

2 17 642 81347 Jamil Mohammed Ben Engineering 35 33 0.943 69 61 0.884 4886 4054 0.830
Morocco Heat transfer|Modeling & Simulation|Renewable
Abdellah Fes Energy|Energy Efficiency|
Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
Mohammed VI Energy
2 6 281 36134 Mouad Dahbi 23 22 0.957 30 29 0.967 8587 7377 0.859
Morocco Polytechnic University Storage|Batteries|Capacitor|Electrochemistry|Materials
Mohammed VI Professeur de chimie, Université
2 939 26396 920217 University of Health Mohamed VI des Sciences de la Santé 6 5 0.833 3 3 1.000 155 134 0.865
JHILAL Morocco
Sciences Chimie analytique|chémiométrie|

Université Moulay
2 26 984 116789 Eddouks 38 28 0.737 75 69 0.920 6347 3007 0.474
Morocco Ismail Meknès Medical and Health Sciences/Pharmacology|

Abdallah Mohammed VI Mohammed VI Polytechnic University

3 19 728 90378 Plant Physiology|Photosynthesis|Environmental 30 30 1.000 53 52 0.981 4830 3724 0.771
Oukarroum Morocco Polytechnic University Science|
Abdelmajid Université Chouaib Natural Sciences / Physics
3 146 4239 336350 21 15 0.714 59 36 0.610 1855 1057 0.570
Belafhal Morocco Eddoukali Laser Physics|

Mohammed VI Université Mohammed VI des Sciences la

3 1056 29798 952225 Ali Jafri University of Health Santé 6 6 1.000 4 4 1.000 133 104 0.782
Sciences Nutrition|Public Health|Obesity|Malnutrition|NCDs|

Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences

Brahim El Université Ibnou Zohr Corrosion inhibition|Electrodegradation|Quantum
3 95 2978 265084 22 22 1.000 33 31 0.939 1388 1380 0.994
Ibrahimi Morocco d'Agadir chemistry computations|Molecular mechanics
calculations|QSAR/QSPR modelling|
Engineering & Technology / Computer
Université Moulay Science
3 36 1339 150548 Amina Adadi 7 6 0.857 5 5 1.000 2417 2402 0.994
Morocco Ismail Meknès Artificial intelligence|Machine Learning|data
science|Web services|

Université Sidi Engineering & Technology / Energy

Amine Engineering
3 23 897 108481 Mohammed Ben 32 32 1.000 56 56 1.000 3362 3199 0.952
Allouhi Morocco Renewable Energy Systems|Energy in buildings|Solar
Abdellah Fes thermal|

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AD Scientific Index - 2023 Table VII E. Morocco Top 100 Last 5 Years Citiation Index H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Moroccan Foundation
Issam Meftah for Advanced Science
3 406 11804 625287 MAScIR foundation 11 10 0.909 12 11 0.917 457 442 0.967
Kadmiri Morocco Innovation and
Full Professor of operations research,
Abdelghani Ecole Centrale Industrial Engineering, Ecole Centrale
3 851 24385 897328 Casablanca 8 7 0.875 6 4 0.667 213 155 0.728
Bouras Morocco Casablanca
Operations research|intrusion detection in
networks|supply chain management|
Institut Agronomique
Ouafaa Fassi
3 265 7288 474934 et Veterinaire Hassan Medical and Health Sciences / Virology 17 16 0.941 26 24 0.923 775 680 0.877
Fihri Morocco virology|
Institut National des
Postes et Engineering & Technology / Computer
3 328 9334 547749 M.Bellafkih Science 13 12 0.923 25 16 0.640 778 552 0.710
Morocco Telecommunications
Computer Science|Network Management and Big Data|
Younes Université Hassan II Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
3 365 10605 588829 Chimie organique|chimie théorique|RX|modélisation 14 12 0.857 23 15 0.652 674 491 0.728
Ouzidan Morocco Mohammedia moléculaire.|

Abdelilah Université Mohammed Natural Sciences / Physics

3 7 383 49953 condensed matter physics|computational 40 31 0.775 298 192 0.644 8993 5894 0.655
Benyoussef Morocco V de Rabat physics|material physics|

Omar Université Ibn Tofail Agriculture & Forestry / Agriculture

3 51 1856 191257 Polymers|Organic 25 25 1.000 48 48 1.000 1937 1923 0.993
Dagdag Morocco Kénitra chemistry|Coating|Corrosion|Nanotechnology|

El Houssaine Université Mohammed Natural Sciences / Physics

3 180 5073 379055 28 16 0.571 62 30 0.484 2422 916 0.378
El Boudouti Morocco Premier Oujda Solid state physics Photonic and Phononic crystals|

Université Engineering & Technology / Engineering

Elhachmi materials science|design and thermomechanical
3 125 3869 317976 Internationale de 30 18 0.600 63 38 0.603 2739 1127 0.411
Essadiqi Morocco processing of metal alloys|Microstructure Property
Rabat relationship|Solar energy|r|

Université Euro- Engineering & Technology /

Khalil El Metallurgical & Materials Engineering
3 348 10126 574067 Méditerranéenne de 15 11 0.733 22 16 0.727 842 512 0.608
Mabrouk Morocco Polymer Physics and Polymer
Fès Nanocomposites|Bioceramics|Bioglass|Bio-bone|

Faouzi Université Hassan II Engineering & Technology / Engineering

3 695 21077 847777 14 9 0.643 17 8 0.471 491 202 0.411
Lakrad Morocco Ain Chock Nonlinear vibrations|dynamical systems|

Fouad Al Akhawayn Natural Sciences / Molecular Biology &

3 179 5054 378256 Genetics 8 3 0.375 8 2 0.250 1622 919 0.567
Berrada Morocco University Ifrane
Molecular Biology|

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2023 Table VII E. Morocco Top 100 Last 5 Years Citiation Index H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
Last Last Last
Last 5 Last 5 5
Last 5
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total 5 year Total 5 year Total year
year / year / /
total total total
Ismael Université Cadi Ayyad Engineering & Technology / Energy
3 42 1506 164743 Engineering 31 24 0.774 74 56 0.757 5495 2212 0.403
Saadoune Morocco Marrakech
Batteries|Energy Storage|Materials Science|

Institut de Recherche Institut de Recherche en Energie Solaire

3 634 19386 816851 en Energie Solaire et et Energies Nouvelles 9 9 1.000 9 9 1.000 232 232 1.000
Azouzoute Morocco Photovoltaic|Concentrated solar technology|Material
Energies, Morocco Characterization|Hydrogen production|Desalination|

El Aalaoui National Institut for National Institute of Agronomic

3 987 27784 934323 Research, Morocco 5 5 1.000 3 3 1.000 121 121 1.000
Mohamed Morocco Agronomic Research
Entomology and biocontrol|

Meriem Institut Pasteur du Institut Pasteur du Maroc

3 259 7137 468089 23 15 0.652 33 22 0.667 1475 694 0.471
Khyatti Morocco Maroc Oncologie Virologie immunologie|

Institut National de la National Institute of Agronomic Research

3 187 5212 386110 Recherche Crop Modeling|Remote Sensing and GIS Applied to 19 16 0.842 30 25 0.833 1777 895 0.504
Hadria Morocco Natural resources and environment management.|
Agronomique INRA

AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings October 04, 2022, © All rights reserved

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