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Archaeological Discoveries
Manunggol Burial Jar -
considered as National Culture In, Trade-Barter derived from
Treasure. There are 150 burial “baretor”.
jar found in Igang Cave. Barter is a system of exchange
Skull Cup of the Tabon Man, where participants in a
Earthenware transaction directly exchange
Jade Ornaments, Jewelries goods or services for other
Stone Tools, Animal Bones goods or services without using
Human fossils dating back 47, a medium exchange of money.
000 years ago. A barter system is an old
Earliest human remains found method of exchange. This
in Tabon Cave system has been used for
centuries and long before
Garuda Gold Pendant money was invented.
History of barter dates back
6000 BC.
It was introduce by
Mesopotamia tribes, bartering
was adopted by Phoenicians
bartered goods to those
located in various other cities
across oceans.
Goods were exchanged for
food, tea, weapons, and spices.
Salt was another popular item
Were found in Tabon caves
An image of a golden Garuda of
The eagle bird who is the
mount of Hindu deity Vishnu.
Discovery of Sophisticated
Hindu imagery and gold
artifacts in Tabon Caves.
Early Customs and Practices
Literature Copper
Reduccion Religious care for the natives inside
The Spanish attempted to tame the the encomienda and make sure
reluctant Filipinos through Christian that all were indoctrinated and
indoctrination in a quite novel baptized in the Catholic church.
settlement pattern using the
convent/casa real/plaza complex as Congregation in the Philippines
the focal point. Augustinians (1565)
The reduccion, to the Spaniards Franciscans (1577)
was no doubt, a civilizing device to Jesuits (1581)
make the Filipino law abiding Dominicans (1606)
citizens of the Spanish crown and in Benedictines (1895)
a long run, to make them ultimately
little brown Spaniards in adopting
Hispanic culture and civilization. The Political System
The Spanish king ruled the islands
Repartimiento through the viceroy of Mexico
The settled Filipinos under Spanish which was then another Spanish
administration were following two Colony.
complementary laws and Council of Indies (1565-1837)
regulations. Overseas of Council (1837-1863)
1. Catholicism, they were obliged to Ministry of the Colonies (1863-
follow by the faith, the teachings of the 1898) - a special government
church and what it demands, like the body that supervises matters
expenses in burial, offerings, marriage pertaining to the colonies
fees and donations. assisted by the King of Spain
2. As colony of Spain the Filipino were
deemed to follow its rules such as National Governmet
payment of taxes, forced labor, Governor-General
monopoly of products and fight against Acted as the Spanish King’s
Spain’s enemies inside and outside the representative to the
country. Philippines;
He serves as the chief
Polo y Servicio executive of the country.
It was a require force labor to all His duties were as follows:
Filipino men aging 18-60 years old 1. Enforce the King’s royal
and must complete 40 days work. decrees, implement laws
They were assigned in various coming from Spain;
locations of work like shipyard for 2. Direct supervision of all
Galleon Ships, Constructions of government offices including
churches, roads, and bridges, or to tax collection; and
3. Lastly,, to create and divide Visitador General
parishes and appoint priest. In Sent by the Council of the Indies in
addition, he could also Mexico to observe conditions in the
disregard and suspend the colony.
implementation of Royal The Visitador reported his findings
decrees and laws coming from directly to the King. But sometimes
Spain based on his valid abuses, oppressions and
reasons. malpractices to the natives were
However, incidents seldom reported to the King.
may happen that the Bribery became a large scale
governor may be business among the visitas and the
ousted or put behind governor-general.
bars due to some
issues concerning his Local Government
Provincial Government
Royal Audencia
Effective in May of 1583; by a Royal Alcadias
Decree. Headed by the Spanish Alcalde
Established as the Highest Court of Mayor assigned in provinces which
Justice in the Philippines. were already pacified, and people
Composition of Royal Audenice; were peacefully settled in
1. The Governor-General as the designated places.
2. Oidores (Justices) and fiscal. Corregimientos
Its primary function is to address Under the control of Corregidores
justice in the country by hearing or army officers led by a politico-
and deciding Civil and Criminal general, these are the places where
assess in court. provincial territories that were in
To audit Annual Government the process of pacifications.
Finances, serves as consultation
body of the Governor. City Government
Created Laws. Spanish colonizer introduced in the
Philippines the European pattern of
Residencia civilization.
A Special Judicial Court the Ayuntamiento
scrutinizes the performance of a Cities which consists of Alcalde
governor general who will be (Mayor), Rigidores (Councilors),
replaced. and Alguaciles (Chief of police
The residencia, of which the of sheriff)
incoming governor general was
usually a member, submitted a
report of its finding to the King.
Municipal Government 3. Enjoyed the privilege of using the
Pueble de Indios - municipality Spanish term “Don”.
headed by a Gobernadicillo. 4. The eldest son can avail a scholarship
Gobernadorcillo’s duty given by the government where they
Tax collection will be taught of the Christian doctrines,
Enforce law in municipal and reading, writing and arithmetic.
Hear cases involving small
amount of money. Cadiz Constitution
Four Lieutenants aided the In the year 1812
Gobernadorcillo Was declared on March 19, 1812 at
Teniente Mayor (Chief Cadiz, Spain.
Lieutenant) Don Ventura de los Reyes, a native
Teniente de Policia (Police merchant of Vigan, Ilocos Sur was
Lieutenant) one of the delegates who signed
Teniente de Sementeras the consititution.
(Lieutenant of the fields) After a year this was made known
Teniente de Ganados in Manila on April 18, 1813, one of
(Lieutenants of the livestocks) the most important articles in the
constitution was exemption of the
Barangay Government natives from paying tributes and
In 1573, the Augustinian bishops rendering public services.
recommended to the King of Spain Also the termination of the galleon
to retain the barangay privileged trade on September 14, 1813.
class (Datu and Maharlika) in power However, the restoration of the
and in 1954; throne of Fernando VII led to
The title Cabeza de Barangay the abolition of the
originally came from King Philip II. constitution through the
Under the provincial government Valencia Decree on May 4,
policy, the barangay would be 1814.
headed by a Cabeza de Barangay.
This would be the highest position The Social System
given to the natives in the 1. Peninsulares - Spaniard who were
Philippines. born in the Iberian Peninsula, they were
Cabeza de Barangay’s duties called full blooded Spaniards.
Collect Tribute Tax among 2. Criollos - Spaniard born in America.
members of their barangay. 3. Insulares - full-blooded Spaniards
Implement in the barangay the born in the Philippines.
laws and royal decrees. 4. Mestizos - result of the intermarriage
of a native with a European or Chinese.
Privileges of a Cabeza de Barangay 5. Indios - native people in the country.
1. The headsman and the eldest son 6. Principalia - social and educated class
would be exempted from paying the in the towns.
annual tribute. 7. Ilustrados - native-born intellectual in
2. Free from rendering their service to the late 19th century.
the government.
Filipino Families during Spanish Regime reading, writing, arithmetic, music,
Family is patriarchal and arts.
Family relation was intimately close,
with Christian teachings, the Education Decree of 1963
member of the family, pray, eat, Requiring the government to offer
and hear mass together. school institutions for boys and girls
Cases of broken homes at that time in every town.
were very rare. College was equivalent to a
Father guides his male children. university during Spanish regime
Mother taught her daughters and student graduated with a
household chores. degree of Bachelor of Arts.
Governor General Narciso Claveria
issued a Decree in 1849, that all From 1570-1868
native families must adopt a There was minimal government
Christian surname which is bases control in the first school
on the compiled names of Saint, established in the Philippines.
Flora, Fauna, and others. The first college founded in the
Calendar of activities were country was organized by a Jesuit
introduced by Spanish authorities Congregation which were mostly
and friars which were expected to school for boys, such as the College
celebrate these activities as part of of Manila later change to College of
being a Catholic Family. Saint Ignacio, College of San
1. Celebration of Christmas and Ildefonso in Cebu, and College of
misa de gallo San Jose in Manila.
2. New year celebrations
3. Semana Santa In 1859
4. Santacruzan The government established
5. Todos Los Santos - All Saint’s Day Escuela Pia, then later on it was
6. Holidays (founding of the Spanish renamed Ateneo de Municipal in
Empire and giving respect to the Intramuros.
Spanish Queen and King) This was a public school for boys
which was run by the Jesuit
Education under Spain Congregation.
Western Infrastructure
Spanish architecture found its way
in the Philippines through the
building of stone houses and
churches built through the efforts
of Filipino labors.
Some of these structure still stand
today like the Manila Cathedral,
Quiapo Church, Basilica de Ston.
Nino in Cebu and Paoay Church in
Ilocos Norte.
(1899-1902) (PROCLAMATION)
Before the signing the Treaty of
Paris, President McKinley said he
did not know what to do with the
- He was a veteran of the revolution of He added that one night he felon
1896 Philippine-American War, recalled his knees to pray to God to
when interviewed in 1976 at age 101. enlighten him on what to do with
the Philippines.
The Colonial motives of the United
States over the Philippines were PRESSURE GROUPS
economic, politico-military, and Are interested in the Philippines.
religious. Pres. McKinley was surrounded by
The Filipinos, facing a fully several men who had interests in
equipped and trained army for making the Philippines an American
conventional warfare, were badly colony.
beaten. But the Filipino ably
sustained the resistance through The following are the pressure groups
guerrilla warfare. who worked hard to make the
The U.S responded with repressive Philippines an American Colony:
and violent measures to end the
war - using water cure, re- 1. The American businessmen whose
concentration, and scorched - earth interests included the Philippines not
tactics. only as a market for American products,
The people, threatened by but also as a steppingstone to Asia’s
starvation and diseases that were markets.
related to the war, opted for peace.
2. The military and naval pressure group,
who wanted the Philippines as a base REACTIONS OF THE FILIPINO’S ABOUT
for American ships and as a first line of THE PROCLAMATION
3. The religious pressure group, who
wanted the Philippines as a base for
protestant missionaries.
systems that they found despicable in the The proclamation commenced with a
present state of things that they struggled characterization of the conditions in the
against with. Philippines during the Spanish Colonial
For example; the 4th and 13th rules in Period. The document specifically
the Kartilya are an invocation of the mentioned abuses and inequalities in the
inherent equality between and colony.
among men regardless of race, The declaration says:
occupation, or status. “... Taking into consideration, that
In the context of the Spanish Colonial Era their inhabitants being already weary
where the indios were treated as the of bearing the ominous yoke of
inferior of the white Europeans, the Spanish domination, on account of
Katipunan saw to it that the alternative the arbitrary arrests and harsh
order that they wished to promulgate treatment practiced by the Civil Guard
through their revolution necessarily to the extent of causing death with
destroyed this kind of unjust hierarchy. the connivance and even with the
Katipunan’s recognition of women as express orders of their commanders,
important partners in the struggle, as who sometimes went to the extreme
reflected not just in Kartilya but also in an of ordering the shooting of prisoners
organizational structure of the fraternity under the pretext that they were
where a women’s unit was established, in attempting to escape,xxx…..in
an endeavor advanced for its time. violation of the provisions of the
All in all, the proper reading of the Regulations of their Corps, which
Kartilya will reveal a more thorough abuses were unpunished and on
understanding of the Katipunan and the account of the unjust deportations,
significant role that it played in the especially those decreed by General
revolution and in the unfolding of the Blanco, of Eminent personages and of
Philippine history, as we know it. high social position, at the instigation
of the Archbishop and friars interested
in keeping them out of the way for
Reading the “Proclamation of the Philippine their own selfish and avaricious
Independence” purpose, deportations which are
quickly brought about by a method of
Every year, the country commemorates procedure more execrable than than
the anniversary of the Philippine of the Inquisition and which every
Independence proclaimed on June 12 civilized nations rejects on account of
1898, in the province of Cavite. a decision being rendered without a
Such event is a significant turning point in hearing of the person accused”.
the history of the country because it The passage of the declaration
signaled the end of the 333 years of demonstrate the justifications behind the
Spanish Colonization. revolution against Spain. Specifically cited
The declaration was a short 2,000- word are the abuse by the Civil Guards and the
document, which summarized the reason unlawful shooting of prisoners whom they
behind the revolution against Spain, the alleged as attempting to escape.
war for independence, and the future of
the New Republic under Emilio Aguinaldo.
Emilio Aguinaldo y Famy was a Filipino Manuel Luis Quezon y Molina, also referred
revolutionary politician, and military leader to by his initials MLQ;
who is officially recognized as the first and He was a Filipino statesman, soldier and
the youngest President of the Philippines in politician who served as President of the
the year 1899-1901 and the first President of Philippines from 1935 – 1944;
a Constitutional Republic in Asia. He was the first Filipino to head a
He led Philippine forces first against Spain government of the entire Philippines.
in the latter part of the Philippine He was considered as the second President
Revolution in the year 1896 – 1898; of the Philippines, after Emilio Aguinaldo.
Then he led the Spanish- American War in Previous executive experience, he became a
the year 1898; and Governor of Tayabas.
Finally, he led war against the United States
during the Philippine – American war in the PRESIDENT JOSE P. LAUREL
year 1899-1901.
Gobernadorcillo of Cavite el Viejo
President of the Tejeros Revolutionary
President of the Biak-na-Bato Republic
Dictator of the Dictatorial Government
President of the Revolutionary
During his six (6) years in office, Ramos was PRESIDENT GLORIA MACAPAGAL ARROYO
widely credited and admired by many for
revitalizing and renewing international
confidence in the Philippine economy.
At the age of 93, he is currently the oldest
living former Philippine president.
Fidel Ramos previous Executive Experience,
he became a Chief of Staff of the Armed
Forces of the Philippines, Secretary of
National Defense.
Revenue System
Policies on Agrarian Reform 3. Spanish encomenderos, those mandated
Agrarian reform is essentially the to manage the encomienda or the lands
rectification of the whole system of given to them, where Filipinos worked and
agriculture, an important aspect of the paid their tributes to the encomendero.
Philippine economy because nearly half of a) Filipinos were not given the right to
the population is employed in the own land, and only worked in them so
agricultural sector, and most citizens live in that they might have a share of the
rural areas. crop and pay tribute.
Agrarian reform is centered on the The encomienda system was an unfair and
relationship between production and the abusive system as "compras y vandalas"
distribution of land among farmers. became the norm for the Filipino farmers
It is also focused on the political and working the land—they were made to sell
economic class character bf the relations of their products at a very low price or
production and distribution in farming and surrender their products to the
related enterprises, and how these connect encomenderos, who resold this at a profit.
to the wider class structure. Through Filipinos in the encomienda were also
genuine and comprehensive agrarian required to render services to their
reform, the Philippines would be able to encomenderos that were unrelated to
gain more from its agricultural potential farming.
and uplift the Filipinos in the agricultural Filipinos fought the Philippine Revolution in
sector, who have been, for the longest time, a confluence of motivations, but the
suffering in poverty and discontent. greatest desire for freedom would be the
necessity of owning land.
Land Ownership in the Philippines Upon the end of the Philippine Revolution,
under Spain the revolutionary government would
When the Spaniards colonized the country, declare all large landed estates, especially
they brought with them a system of pueblo the confiscated friar lands as government
agriculture, where rural communities, often property. However, the first Philippine
dispersed and scattered in nature, were republic was short-lived.
organized into a pueblo and given land to The entrance of the Americans would signal
cultivate. a new era of colonialism and imperialism in
Families were not allowed to own their the Philippines.
land—the King of Spain owned the land,
and Filipinos were assigned to these lands Land Ownership in the Philippines
to cultivate them, and they paid their under the Americans
colonial tributes to the Spanish authorities The Americans were aware that the main
in the form of agricultural products. cause of social unrest in the Philippines was
landlessness, and they attempted to put an
Laws of the Indies end to the deplorable conditions of the
Through the Law of the Indies, the Spanish tenant farmers by passing several land
crown awarded tracts of land to; policies to increase the small landholders
1. Religious orders; and distribute ownership to a bigger
2. Repartamientos for Spanish military as number of Filipino tenants and farmers.
reward for their service; and The Philippine Bill of 1902 provided
regulations on the disposal of public lands.
Under the term of President Elpidio Quirino, 1. To establish owner- cultivatorship and the
the Land Settlement Development economic family-size farm as the basis of
Corporation (LASEDECO) was established to Philippine agriculture and, as a
accelerate and expand the resettlement consequence, divert landlord capital in
program for peasants. This agency later on agriculture to industrial development;
became the National Resettlement and 2. To achieve a dignified existence for the
Rehabilitation Administration (NARRA) small farmers free from pernicious
under the administration of President institutional restraints and practices;
Ramon Magsaysay. 3. Xxxxx……………….
Magsaysay saw the importance of pursuing This Code abolished share tenancy in the
genuine land reform program and Philippines and prescribed a program to
convinced the Congress, majority of which convert tenant-farmers to lessees and later
were landed elites, to pass legislation to on owner-cultivators.
improve the land reform situation. It also aimed free tenants from tenancy and
Republic Act No. 1199 or the Agricultural emphasize owner cultivatorship and farmer
Tenancy Act was passed to govern the independence, equity, productivity
relationship between landholders and improvement, and public land distribution.
tenant farmers, protecting the tenurial Despite being one of the most
rights of tenants and enforced tenancy comprehensive pieces of land reform
practices. legislation ever passed in the Philippines,
Through this law, the Court of Agricultural Congress did not make any effort to come
Relations was created in 1955 to improve up with a separate bill to fund its
tenancy security, fix land rentals of tenanted implementation, despite the fact that it
farms, and resolve land disputes filed by the proved beneficial in the provinces where it
landowners and peasant organizations. was pilot tested.
The Agricultural Credit and Cooperative
Financing Administration (ACCFA) was also Agrarian Reform efforts under
created mainly to provide warehouse Marcos
facilities and assist farmers in marketing President Marcos declared Martial Law in
their products. 1972, enabling him to essentially wipe out
NARRA accelerated the government's the landlord-dominated Congress.
resettlement program and distribution of Through his "technocrats," he was able to
agricultural lands to landless tenants and expand executive power to start a
farmers. It also aimed to convince "fundamental restructuring” of government,
members of the Huks, a movement of including its efforts in solving the deep
rebels in Central Luzon, to resettle in areas structural problems of the countryside.
where they could restart their lives as Presidential Decree No. 27 or the Code of
peaceful citizens Agrarian Reform of the Philippines became
A major stride in land reform arrived during the core of agrarian reform during Marcos
the term of President Diosdado Macapagal Regime.
through the Agricultural Land Reform Code
(Republic Act No. 3844.) Primary Source: Presidential Decree
No. 27, 21 October 1972
Primary Source: Declaration of This shall apply to tenant farmers of private
Policy Under RA No. 3844 or agricultural lands primarily devoted to rice
Agricultural Land Reform Code and corn under a system of sharecrop or
Source: Section 2. Declaration of Policy—It lease-tenancy, whether classified as landed
is the policy of the State: estate or not;
may remain pending on 30 June 2014 Filipinos, similar to what had been practiced
shall be allowed to proceed to its in all colonies in America. The purpose is to
finality and executed even beyond such generate resources to finance the
date. maintenance of the islands, such as salaries
From 2009 to 2014, CARPER has distributed of government officials and expenses of the
a total of 1 million hectares of land to clergy.
900,000 farmer beneficiaries. After 27 years The difficulty faced by the Spaniards in
of land reform and two Aquino revenue collection through the tribute was
administrations, 500,000 hectares of lands the dispersed nature of the settlements,
remain undistributed. which they solved by introducing the
The DAR and the Department of system of reduccion by creating pueblos,
Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) where Filipinos were gathered and awarded
are the government agencies mandated to plots of land to till. Later on, the
fulfill CARP and CARPER, but even the settlements will be handled by
combined effort and resources of the two encomenderos who received rewards from
agencies have proved incapable of fully the Spanish crown for their services.
achieving the goal of agrarian reform in the Exempted from payment of tributos were
Philippines. the principales: alcaldes, gobernadores,
cabezas de barangay, soldiers, members of
Evolution of the Philippine Taxation the civil guard, government officials, and
In Today’s World, taxation is a reality that all vagrants.
citizens must contend with for the primary Toward the end of the sixteenth century,
reason that governments raise revenue the Manila-Acapulco Trade was established
from the people they govern to be able to through the galleons, a way by which the
function fully. Spaniards could make sure that European
In exchange for the taxes that people pay, presence would be sustained.
the government promises to improve the Once a year, the galleon would be loaded
citizens' lives through good governance. up with merchandise from Asia and sent to
Taxation, as a government mechanism to New Spain (Mexico), and back. This
raise funds, developed and evolved through improved the economy of the Philippines
time, and in the context of the Philippines, and reinforced the control of the Spaniards
we must understand that it came with our all over the country.
colonial experience. Tax collection was still very poor and
subsidy from the Spain would be needed
Taxation in Spanish Philippines through the situado real delivered from the
The Philippines may have abundant natural Mexican treasury to the Philippines through
resources even before the encroachment of the galleons. This subsidy stopped as
the Spaniards, but our ancestors were Mexico became independent in 1820.
mainly involved in a subsistence economy, In 1884, the payment of tribute was put to a
and while the payment of tribute or taxes stop and was replaced by a poll tax
(buhis/ buwis/handug) or the obligation to collected through a certificate of
provide labor services to the Datus in some identification called the cédula personal.
early Filipino communities in the Philippines This is required from every resident and
may resemble taxation, it is essentially must be carried while traveling. Unlike the
different from the contemporary meaning tribute, the payment of cédulas is by person,
of the concept. not by family. Payment of the cédula is
The arrival of the Spaniards altered this progressive and according to income
subsistence system because they imposed categories.
the payment of tributos (tributes) from the
revenues. In 1907, some provinces were introducing major changes in the new tax
authorized to double the fee for the cédula system, as;
to support the construction and 1. The normal tax of three percent and the
maintenance of roads. surtax on income was replaced by a single
The Industria Tax was levied on the tax at a progressive rate.
business community and became a highly 2. Personal exemptions were reduced.
complex system that assigned a certain tax 3. Corporation income tax was slightly
to an industrial or commercial activity increased by introducing taxes on inherited
according to their profitability. The new act estates or gifts donated in the name of
also imposed a percentage tax on sales dead persons.
payable quarterly. 4. The cumulative sales tax was replaced by
In 1913, the Underwood-Simmons Tariff Act a single turnover tax of 10% on luxuries.
was passed, resulting in a reduction in the 5. Taxes on liquors, cigarettes, forestry
revenue of the government as export taxes products, and mining were increased.
levied on sugar, tobacco, hemp, and copra 6. Dividends were made taxable.
were lifted. As World War Il reached the Philippine
To make up for the loss, then Governor shores, economic activity was put to a stop
General Francis Burton Harrison urged that and the Philippines bowed to a new set of
tax receipts be increased to make up for administrators, the Japanese.
the loss. Minor changes were made to the The Japanese military administration in the
1904 Internal Revenue Act such as the Philippines during World War Il immediately
imposition of taxes on mines, petroleum continued the system of tax collection
products, and dealers of petroleum introduced during the Commonwealth, but
products and tobacco. exempted the articles belonging to the
In 1914, an income tax was introduced; in Japanese armed forces.
1919, an inheritance tax was created; and in Foreign trade fell and the main sources of
1932, a national lottery was established to taxation came from amusements,
create more revenue for the government. manufactures, professions, and business
However, these new creations were not licenses. As the war raged, tax collection
enough to increase government revenues. was a difficult task and additional incomes
of the government were derived from the
Taxation during Commonwealth sales of the National Sweepstakes and sale
Period of government bonds.
New measures and legislation were
introduced to make the taxation system Fiscal Policy from 1946 to Present
appear more equitable during the The impact of the war on the Philippine
Commonwealth. economy was effectively disparate, as
Income tax rates were increased in 1936, Manila, the capital, was razed to the ground
adding a surtax rate on individual net while the rest of the Philippines was
incomes in excess of 10,000 pesos. relatively untouched. But the highly
Income tax rates of corporations were also agriculture- based economy was disrupted.
increased. The United States may have declared the
In 1937, the cédula tax was abolished, which Philippines independent, but as the country
appeared to be a progressive move; but in needed rehabilitation funds from the
1940, a residence tax was imposed on every United States, the dependency of the
citizen aged 18 years old and on every Philippines to the Americans was an
corporation. opportunity to be taken advantage of by
In 1939, the Commonwealth government the former colonial administrators.
drafted the National Internal Revenue Code,
3. Two percent tax on entities with annual 4. Rationalize the grant of tax incentives,
sales or receipts of less 5,200; which was estimated to be worth 531.7
4. Adoption of tax credit method of billion pesos in 1994.
calculating tax by subtracting tax on inputs The VAT base was also broadened in 1997
from tax on gross sales; to include services, through Republic Act
5. Exemption of the sale of basic 7716. The features of the improved VAT law
commodities such as agriculture and were as follows:
marine food products in their original state, 1. Restored the VAT exemptions for all
price-regulated petroleum products and cooperatives (agricultural, electric, credit or
fertilizers; and multipurpose, and others) provided that the
6. Additional 20% tax on non-essential share capital of each member does not
articles such jewelry, perfumes, toilet waters, exceed 515,000 pesos.
yacht, and other vessels for pleasure and 2. Expanded the coverage of the term
sports. "simple processes" by including broiling
The VAT law was signed in 1986 and put to and roasting, effectively narrowing the tax
effect in 1988. While it was a reliable source base for food products.
of Revenue for the government, new tax 3. Expanded the coverage of the term
laws would reduce its reliability as legislated "original state" by including molasses.
exemptions grew. 4. Exempted from the VAT are the following;
Along with Tax Reform came the a) Importation of meat;
Administrative Reforms, such as the b) Sale or importation of Coal and
restructuring of the Department of Finance Natural Gas in whatever form or State;
and its attached agency, the Bureau of c) Lease of residential unites with monthly
Internal Revenue (BIR) through the rental;
Executive Order 127. d) Sale, importation, printing or
Tax collection and tax audits were publication of Books and any
intensified; computerization was introduced; newspaper.
and corruption was relatively reduced, The succeeding term of President Joseph
which improved the trust in the BIR in Estrada in 1998 was too short to constitute
general. As a result of the tax reform of the any change in the tax system.
Aquino administration, both tax and Then Vice President Gloria Macapagal-
revenue effort rose, increasing from 10.7% Arroyo was swept to power through
in 1985 to 15.4% in 1992. another EDSA Revolution.
Greater political stability during the As president, she undertook increased
administration of Fidel Ramos in 1992 government spending without
allowed for continued economic growth. adjusting tax collections.
The Ramos administration ventured into its his resulted in large deficits from 2002
own tax reform program in 1997 through to 2004. The government had to look
the Comprehensive Tax Reform Program, for additional sources of revenue, and
which was implemented to; in 2005, the Expanded Value-Added
1. Make the tax system broad-based, simple, Tax (E-VAT) was signed into law as
and with reasonable tax rates; Republic Act 9337.
2. Minimize tax avoidance allowed by This expanded the VAT base,
existing flaws and loopholes in the system; subjecting to VAT energy products
3. Encourage payments by increasing tax such as coal and petroleum products
exemptions levels, lowering the highest tax and electricity generation, transmission,
rates, and simplifying procedure; and and distribution.
Select professional services were also
taxed. In February 2006, the VAT tax
authority and defined mechanisms for the that the President himself dictated
establishment of a formal constitution by a some provisions of the Constitution,
constitutional convention. The members of manipulating the document to be able
the convention were elected and held their to hold power for as long as he could.
first meeting on 30 July 1934, with Claro M. On 29 November 1972, the convention
Recto unanimously elected as president. approved its proposed constitution.
The draft of the constitution was approved The constitution was supposed to introduce
by the constitutional convention on 8 a parliamentary-style government, where
February 1935 and ratified by then U.S. legislative power was vested in a unicameral
President Franklin B. Roosevelt on 25 March National Assembly, with members being
1935. Elections were held in September elected to a six-year term. The president
1935 and Manuel L. Quezon was elected was to be elected as the symbolic and
President of the Commonwealth. ceremonial head of state chosen from the
The Commonwealth was briefly interrupted members of the National Assembly.
by the events of the World War Il, with the President Marcos issued Presidential Decree
Japanese occupying the Philippines. No. 73 setting the date of the plebiscite to
Afterward, upon liberation, the Philippines ratify or reject the proposed constitution on
was declared an independent republic on 4 30 November 1973. This plebiscite was
July 1946. postponed later on since Marcos feared
that the public might vote to reject the
1973 Constitutional Authoritarianism constitution.
In 1965, Ferdinand E. Marcos was elected The constitution was amended several
president, and in 1967, Philippine Congress times. In 1976, Citizen Assemblies, once
passed a resolution calling for a again, decided to allow the continuation of
constitutional convention to change the Martial Law, as well as approved the
1935 Constitution. Marcos won the re- amendments: an Interim Batasang
election in 1969, in a bid boosted by Pambansa to substitute for the Interim
campaign overspending and use of National Assembly, the president to also
government funds. become the Prime Minister and continue to
Elections of the delegates to the exercise legislative powers until Martial Law
constitutional convention were held on 20 was lifted and authorized the President to
November 1970, and the convention began legislate on his own on an emergency basis.
formally on 1 June 1971, with former The situation in the 1980s had been very
President Carlos P. Garcia being elected as turbulent. As Marcos amassed power,
convention president. Unfortunately, he discontent has also been burgeoning. The
died, and was succeeded by another former tide turned swiftly when in August 1983,
president, Diosdado Macapagal. Benigno Aquino Jr., opposition leader and
Before the convention finished its work, regarded as the most credible alternative
Martial Law was declared. to President Marcos, was assassinated while
Marcos cited a growing communist under military escort immediately after his
insurgency as reason for the Martial return from exile in the United States. There
Law, which was provided for in the was widespread suspicion that the orders to
1935 Constitution. Some delegates of assassinate Aquino came from the top
the ongoing constitutional convention levels of the government and the military.
were placed behind bars and others A small group of military rebels attempted
went into hiding or were Voluntary to stage a coup, but failed; however, this
exiled. triggered what came to be known as the
With Marcos as dictator, the direction EDSA People Power Revolution of 1986, as
of the convention turned with accounts people from all walks of life spilled onto the
Federalism in the Philippines was supported
by President Duterte in the 2016
presidential elections, saying that it will
evenly distribute wealth in the Philippines
instead of concentrating it in Manila, the
capital of the country.
As a form of government, a central
governing authority and constituent
political units constitutionally share
sovereignty. Applied to the Philippines, the
country will be broken into autonomous
regions. Each region will be further divided
into local government units.
Eight (8) Provinces that First Started the 1896 During televised boxing matches
Philippine Revolution: featuring Filipino boxer Manny
Pacquiao, singers have been both
1. Manila praised and criticized by the National
2. Cavite Historical Institute (NHI) for singing too
3. Bulacan slow or too fast.
4. Pampanga The NHI says that the proper tempo is
5. Nueva Ecija a two-fourths beat and 100
6. Tarlac metronomes and that it should last 53
7. Laguna seconds.
8. Batangas
Declaration of Independence
Flag in a Half-Mast The Act of the Declaration of Independence
Upon the official announcement of the was prepared, written, and read by
death of the President or a former President, Ambrosio Rianzares Bautista in Spanish. The
the flag should be flown at half-mast for ten Declaration was signed by 98 people
days. Aguinaldo issued several important decrees
The flag should be flown at half-mast for reorganizing the government in the
seven days following the death of the Vice liberated provinces: the decree of June 18
President, the Chief Justice, the President of reorganized municipalities and provinces,
the Senate or the Speaker of the House of through the election of Popular Assemblies,
Representatives. whose heads the town chiefs then elected
The flag may also be required to fly at half- the provincial councils. The decree also
mast upon the death of other persons to be provided for the election of delegates to
determined by the National Historical the Revolutionary Congress by the town
Institute, for a period less than seven day. chiefs.
The flag shall be flown at half-mast on all August 1, 1898, town officials assembled at
the buildings and places where the Bacoor, then the seat of the Revolutionary
decedent was holding office, on the day of government, and ratified the newly
death until the day of interment of an proclaimed Philippine independence.
incumbent member.
Struggle for Independence
Marcha Filipino Magdalo The declaration was never recognized by
Marcha Filipina Magdalo, now known as either the United States or Spain.
Lupang Hinirang (Chosen Land), was Later in the year 1898, Spain ceded the
originally written as incidental music, it did Philippines to the United States in the 1898
not have lyrics when it was adopted as the Treaty of Paris that ended the Spanish-
anthem of the revolutionary first Philippine American War.
Republic and subsequently played during
the proclamation of the Philippine 1898 Treaty of Paris
Independence on June 12, 1898. The Treaty of Paris of 1898, was an
The lyrics were then adopted from the agreement made, that resulted in the
Spanish Poem Filipinas written by Jose Spanish Empire's surrendering control of
Palma in 1899. Cuba and ceding Puerto Rico, parts of the
R.A 8491 Spanish West Indies, the island of Guam,
Lupang Hinirang "shall be in and the Philippines to the United States.
accordance with the musical The cession of the Philippines involved a
arrangement and composition of Julián payment of $20 million from the United
Felipe.“ States to the Spanish Empire.
The Corregidor
Corregidor was subjected to intense fire
that cause the enemy bombings to be
continuous day and night.
Education Re-Orientation
On May 6, 1942;
On, February 17, 1942;
General Wainwright addressed a
Military Order No.2; Japanese
message to General Homma, through
Educational Policy;
the “Voice of Freedom”, offering to
Propagation of Filipino culture;
Dissemination of the principle of the
General Jonathan Mayhew Wainwright
Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere
said that only the men under him will
-spiritual rejuvenation of the Filipinos
surrender but General Masaharu
teaching and propagation of
Homma insisted on the surrender of all.
Nippongo -diffusion of vocational and
The fall of the Philippines was now
elementary education;
Promotion of love labor;
The motive behind the educational
Reorganization of the Government
policy was not only to create an
On, January 3, 1942;
atmosphere friendly to Japanese
A day after Manila became an
intentions and war aims, but also to
occupied city, General Masaharu
erase the Western cultural influences.
Homma, Commander-in-Chief of the
The Japanese Commander-in-Chief
Japanese Imperial Forces, announced
instructed the Commissioner of
the end of American occupation.
Education, Health and Public Welfare
During the first month of Japanese
to reopen the schools to support the
occupation, the status of the provinces
new educational policy.
remained the same as during the
Priority was given to the reopening of
Commonwealth years.
elementary schools.
On, January 23, 1942;
Next to the elementary schools priority
was given to the re-opening of
Mapula | MMLS 1-2 6
RPH| Final Period Types of Government of Each President in the Philippines
vocational and normal schools, and Then he became a clerk for the Code
those institutions of higher giving Committee, where he also met Thomas
courses. Atkins Street, a future member of the
Japanese military authorities did not Philippine Supreme Court and who served
reopen the law degree courses as his mentor.
because they thought lawyers were Jose Laurel had 9 children with wife
useless. Paciencia, whom among his children also
On, March 31, 1942; enter politics.
Re-opening of public elementary Laurel received his law degrees from the
schools beginning in June 1942. University of the Philippines in 1915 and
The total enrolled in elementary grades from Yale University in 1920 and he became
as of March 1943 was 267,977. a lawyer.
On, October 14, 1943; He was then elected as the Philippine
Proclamation of the Japanese- Senate in the year 1925.
sponsored Republic; Jose P. Laurel was appointed as associate
President Jose P. Laurel added the justice of the supreme court in the year
fundamental principle of militant 1936.
nationalism and encouraged the He was the third President of the Republic
propagation of Tagalog as the national of the Philippines by the National Assembly
language by using it as the official on September 25, 1943, inducted on
language; October 14, 1943.
He also required that majority of the This was during the Japanese Occupation of
governing board of any school, college the Philippines in the year 1942- 1945 in
or university be Filipino citizens. World War II.
Jose P. Laurel also took special courses in
International law at Oxford University in
3. President Jose Paciano Laurel y England and the University of Paris in
Garcia France before returning to the Philippines in
(1891-1959) the year 1921.
Jose P. Laurel was also an educator, having
founded the Lyceum of the Philippines.
ERA: Second Republic Jose P. Laurel offered his services to the
Term of Office: October 14, 1943 - August 17, Japanese Imperial Army when it occupied
1945 the country. It was because of his criticism
1 Year and 307 Days of U.S. rule of the Philippines that the
Election: 1943 Japanese appointed him to a series of high
posts during the three years of military rule.
Born on March 9, 1891 in Tanauan, Batangas. Jose P. Laurel was also favoured by the
A son of Sotero Laurel and Jacoba Garcia. Japanese for being the only Filipino to hold
His father who was also the secretary of the an honorary degree from Tokyo Imperial
Interior of Emilio Aguinaldo’s cabinet and a University.
signatory to the Malolos Constitution. Jose P. Laurel; Retirement and death;
Jose P. Laurel’s father was a prisoner during After retiring from politics, Laurel
the Filipino- American War and died in focused on managing the Lyceum of
captivity in the year 1902 when Jose P. the Philippines, which he founded on 7
Laurel was only 11 years old. July 1952.
He work as an altar boy and chorister; During that time, he also served as the
He was a part- time labourer at the Bureau president of the Philippine Banking
of Forestry when he turned 18. Corporation.
the sending of military engineering the political arm of the Communist Party of
battalion to Vietnam. the Philippines. It was given the duty to
President Marcos succeeded in including in make strategic alliances with militant,
the communique that aid to South Vietnam government, and other opposition groups.
refers not to military but to the economic The NPA became the military force (Hukbo)
and social assistance. of the CCP.
Any Philippine effort to increase her aid to The political dissension reached its peak in
South Vietnam shall be subjected to the so-called “Plaza Miranda Massacre” on
constitutional and congressional ethics. the evening of August 21, 1971 during the
With the global economic crisis brought proclamation rally of the Liberal Party (LP)
about by the rising of oil price, the candidates for the local elections scheduled
Philippine economy was adversely affected on November 8, 1971.
in the 1970s. Aside from economic recession, Unidentified men on the platform hurled
civil unrest caused by the ascendancy of two fragmentation grenades and killed 8
dirty politics, graft and corruption persons and injured 120, including most of
continued to afflict the nation. the opposition senatorial candidates.
Due to deplorable condition of the country, President Marcos blamed the communists
student militarism became intense. for the bombing incident. He vowed to
Realizing the need for unification and the impost martial law if the communist attacks
importance of knowing the issues, student persist.
organization, councils, and fraternities were On the same day, President Marcos issued
formed. a Proclamation No. 880, suspending the
Among the militant groups were the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus.
Kabataang Makabayan (KM) And the On September 11, two explosions hit the
National Union of Students of the main office of the Manila Electric Company.
Philippines (NUSP) In January 1970, Facing leftist insurgency and mass unrest,
President Marcos met NUSP President Marcos declared martial law.
Edgar “Edjop” Jopson of the Ateneo de On September 23, 1972, at 7:30 pm,
Manila and other student leaders in President Marcos appeared on nationwide
dialogue at Malacanang. radio and television to formally announce
Other confrontation occurred between riot that he had placed the entire Philippines
police and about 2,000 demonstrator under martial law.
outside the Palace. The demonstrator were The implementation of martial law in the
attempting to ram a fire truck through Gate country was pursuant to Proclamation No.
4 of Malacanang. This is now known as the 1081, which he had signed on September 21,
“Battle of Mendiola” 1972. This law was declared by the President
The following month, the Movement for a “to save the Republic” from lawlessness and
Democratic Philippines organized a civil strife.
People’s March, a 23 kilometer march from Under martial law, President Marcos being
Quezon City Manila Rotonda along the the Chief Executive had emergency power.
streets of Manila and ending at the Post Mass media was closed and place under
Office building (Plaza Lawton) in Manila. military control. Some of them were later
By the early 1970s two separatist groups, permitted to reopen butt under strict
the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) censorship. Even pubic utilities and
and the communist New People’s Army industries were seized and placed under
(NPA) waged guerilla warfare against the government control.
Marcos administration. Student demonstrations, public political
Founded two years thereafter was the meetings, and labor strikes were strictly
National Democratic Front (NDF), serving as prohibited.
Laurel who was nominated in June 1985 by Helicopters to Clark Air Base in Pampanga,
the United Nationalist Democratic then to Guam and finally to Honolulu,
Organization (UNIDO) Hawaii by U.S. military planes.
Majority of the opposition and other anti When Marcos left the Philippines, the
Marcos groups proposed Mrs. Corazon country was burdened with $27 billion in
“Cory” Aquino. external debt.
Mrs. Aquino agreed to run if at least one In 1988, Marcos was indicated by a U.S.
million people would sign a petition urging grand jury in New York on federal
her to run for that position. racketeering charges relating to his years in
The snap presidential election of February 7, office.
1986, witnessed for the first time, a woman Marcos died in Honolulu on September 28,
candidate under the joint UNIDO-PDP- 1989.
Laban Party (United Nationalist Democratic The Philippine government allowed Imelda
Organization-People’s Democratic Party- Marcos to return to the Philippines and
Lakas ng Bayan). place Marcos remains in a refrigerated crypt
According to COMELEC Marcos and in Ilocos Norte in 1991.
Tolentino won
There were reports of fraud, ballot box 11. President Maria Corazon
snatching, vote buying and intimidation Cojuanco Aquino
during the snap election. (1933-2009)
On February 5, 1986, the Catholic Bishops’ ERA: Fourth Republic/Provisional Government
Conference of the Philippines issued a Term of Office: February 25, 1986 - June 30, 1992
pastoral letter to be read in all Catholic 6 Years and 126 days
churches, saying that the government had Election: 1986
lost its moral basis due to pieces of
evidence of electoral fraud. The Aquino Years and Beyond
The following day, Cory Aquino led a rally Corazon Aquino had wide popular support
called Tagumpay ng Bayan. She proclaimed but no political organization. Her vice
a victory for the people despite the president, Salvador H. “Doy” Laurel, had an
proclamation of Marcos as the winner. organization but little popular support.
On February 22, 1986, at 6 pm, Minister Enrile and Ramos also had large stakes in
Juan Ponce Enrile admitted that it was Mrs. what they saw as a coalition government.
Aquino who won the elections. Marcos had The coalition unraveled quickly, and there
won through fraud. were several attempts, including
On the same day, thousand of people went unsuccessful military coups, to oust Aquino.
to EDSA to form a human barricade. She survived her fractious term, nd was
Mr. Marcos, by that time was advised by U.S succeeded in the 1992 election by Ramos,
Senator Paul Laxalt to “cut now and cut who had served loyally as chief of staff of
clean” meaning, he should now step down the armed forces and secretary of national
and leave. defense under Aquino.
On the morning of February 25, 1986 President from 1986 to 1992, she is
Ferdinand Marcos took his oath of office at associated with the EDSA Revolt.
the Malacanang Palace grounds. At around No one could have imagined that Cory
7am, a clash between the loyal government Aquino would become a president of the
troops and the reformist took place. Philippines. Although she was born to the
By 9:00 pm, of the same day, Marcos and landed class in Tarlac, her background was
his family and some friends fled to so disparate from the patterns that cut
Malacanang Palace and were taken by four presidential figures.
midterm election on May 15, 2007, Duterte has been linked by human rights
under the banner of the Genuine groups such as Amnesty International and
Opposition (GO), a coalition Human Rights Watch to extrajudicial killings
comprising a number of parties, of over 1,400 alleged criminals and street
including Aquino's own Liberal Party, children by vigilante death squads.
seeking to curb attempts by President In the April 2009 UN General Assembly of
Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo to amend the the Human Rights Council, the UN report
1986 Philippine Constitution. said, "The Mayor of Davao City has done
In Aquino's political ads, he was endorsed nothing to prevent these killings, and his
by his younger sister, TV host Kris Aquino, public comments suggest that he is, in fact,
and his mother, the late former President supportive.
Corazon Aquino. Although a Roman Duterte has denied responsibility for the
Catholic, Aquino was endorsed by the extrajudicial killings. He has also frequently
pentecostal Jesus Is Lord Church, one of the announced his support for them.
largest Protestant churches in the In 2015, Duterte confirmed his links to
Philippines.[17][18][19] With more than 14.3 extrajudicial killings in Davao, and warned
million votes, Aquino's tally was the sixth that, if elected president, he may kill up to
highest of the 37 candidates for the 12 100,000 criminals. After the said
vacant seats elected from the nation at confirmation, Duterte challenged human
large. Aquino assumed his new office on rights officials to file a case against him if
June 30, 2007. they could provide evidence of his links with
vigilante groups.
16. President Rodrigo Roa Duterte
Born: 1945 Constitutional Reform
ERA: Fifth Republic Rodrigo Duterte campaigned for
Term of Office: June 30, 2016 - Present decentralization and a shift to a federal
4 Years and 298 days government during the 2016 presidential
Presidency until 2022 election.
Election: 2016 In an October 2014 forum organized by
Federal Movement for a Better Philippines
Pres. Duterte is the chairperson of PDP– in Cebu City prior to joining the presidential
Laban, the ruling political party in the race, the then-mayor of Davao City called
Philippines. Duterte took office at age 71 on for the creation of two federal states for
June 30, 2016, making him the oldest Moro people as a solution to the problems
person to assume the Philippine presidency; besetting Mindanao.
the record was previously held by Sergio Mayor Duterte said that Nur Misuari and his
Osmeña at the age of 65. Moro National Liberation Front don't see
Born in Maasin, Southern Leyte, Duterte eye-to-eye with the Moro Islamic Liberation
studied political science at the Lyceum of Front which the administration of President
the Philippines University, graduating in Benigno Aquino III had inked a peace deal
1968, before obtaining a law degree from with.
San Beda College of Law in 1972. Duterte also said that the "template of the
He then worked as a lawyer and was a Bangsamoro Basic Law is federal", but what
prosecutor for Davao City, before becoming is granted to the Bangsamoro should also
vice mayor and, subsequently, mayor of the be granted to other Moro groups and other
city in the wake of the 1986 People Power regions in the country.
Revolution. Duterte won seven terms and In a dialogue with the Makati Business Club
served as mayor of Davao for over 22 years. prior to the elections, Duterte said he is
open to "toning down the Constitution" to
Despite being raised as a communicant of
the Catholic Church, on January 19, 2016,
while meeting with businessmen in Binondo,
Manila, Duterte clarified that he has not
attended Mass for quite some time already
since he deemed it incompatible with his
mayoral responsibilities: "If I listened to the
Ten Commandments or to the priests," said
Duterte, "I would not be able to do
The Ifugao call themselves as “I-pugao” or
“inhabitants of the known earth”; other
variations of the name are Ifugaw, Ipugao,
Yfugao. They live primarily in Central
Cordillera, in Northern Luzon. .
Apayao Isnag
Ata of Pampanga
Sierra Madre
The Ilongots in the Southern Sierra Madre
and Caraballo Mountains on the east side
of Luzon particularly Nueva Ecija and Nueva
Vizcaya. Batak people (Philippines) Northern Palawan
The Batak are one of about 70 indigenous
Remontados peoples of the Philippines. They are located
The Remontados, identified as a Negrito in the northeastern portions of Palawan, a
ethnolinguistic group. relatively large island in the southwest of
the archipelago. There are only about 500
Batak remaining. Also called Tinitianes, the
Aeta of Zambales Batak are considered by anthropologists to
be closely related to the Ayta of Central
Luzon, anaother Negrito tribe.
Living in the Pulangi River headwaters in
the southern part of Bukidnon, the
Pulangiyen is one of the many indigenous
natives of the province. Lumad People
The Lumad is a group of indigenous people
Matigsalug of the Southern Philippines. It is a Cebuano
The Matigsalug are the Bukidnon groups term meaning “native” or “indigenous”. The
who are found in the Tigwa-Salug Valley in term is short for Katawhang Lumad (literally
San Fernando, Bukidnon. “Matigsalug” is a “indigenous peoples”), the autonym
term which means “people along the River officially adopted by the delagates of the
Salug”. Lumad Mindanao Peoples Federation
(LMPF) founding assembly on June 26, 1986.
The Samal are the poorest and least Maranao
independent of the major Muslim groups. The life of the Maranaos is centered on
They serve as the “loyal commoners” in the Lake Lanao, the largest in Mindanao, and
hierarchy of Muslim minorities. Their lives the second largest and deepest lake in the
are literally over the sea, where the villages Philippines.
stand on stilts above the coastal waters.
Maranao Royal Family
Widely known as the “Sea Gypsies” of the
Sulu and Celebes Seas, the Badjao are
scattered along the coastal areas of Tawi
Tawi, Sulu, Basilan, and some coastal
municapalities of Zamboanga del Sur in the
ARMM. Amongst themselves, they’re known
as Sama Laus (Sea Sama) and are found
living on houseboats where they make their
The T’boli Tribe is an indigenous tribe living
in the highlands of Lake Sebu in South
Cotabato in the Southern part of the
The T’boli people believe in many Gods,
their high regards with the spirits of nature
is very much evident in their way of living.
The Higaunon is one of the mountain tribes
in the Philippines. Most Higaunon still have
a rather traditional way of living. Farming is
the most important economic activity.
The Bilaan were in Mindanao way before
Islam came to the islands in the 14th Century.
How about their right to self determination?
They were there way before a single
Mosque was built in Mindanao. Why their
own “entity”.
Or should they rise up in arms first?
Bilaan Group from the Otley Beyer