WärtsilÄ SSD Marine LowRes
WärtsilÄ SSD Marine LowRes
WärtsilÄ SSD Marine LowRes
Introducing Wärtsilä’s freshwater generators
Within the marine world Wärtsilä’s Freshwater Generators (FWG) are known as standard for
on-board freshwater production. Ship owners, builders and operators can source from
the widest range of freshwater making technologies available to the market today. This
range includes Reverse Osmosis Plants, Horisontal Inner Tube Evaporators, Multi Flash
Evaporators, Single Stage Desalination Plants or a combination of these. Also a growing
number of land-based applications is fitted with our equipment. In choosing Wärtsilä as your
freshwater production partner you secure a flexible, reliable, and fully automated solution.
Specialist solutions Como started producing its first
Product range
requiring high evaporator for sea-going vessels.
customer focus Having survived two world wars, we
Our diverse and dedicated team of know what it means to adapt to ever
engineers is developing, manufacturing changing circumstances. We believe
and distributing freshwater solutions for that it is important to both invest in
and to customers worldwide. Thanks to own innovations and to adapt to
a creative out-of-the-box mindset, this new external trends. As water maker
team excels in innovative and specialist specialist our focus is on the future. We
solutions, bespoke set-ups that require a are confident to come up with solutions Reverse Osmosis Plants
high customer focus. for any technical challenge that will
come our way.
Every successful implementation of
a freshwater generator starts with an
accurate analysis of the vessel’s status,
Total water & waste
identifying possibilities and needs. In each solution
case our team will strive for a solution Freshwater generators are part of a
that is most energy and space efficient. much wider water & waste product
A higher energy efficiency, for instance, range, offered by Wärtsilä’s eponymous Horisontal inner Tube Evaporators
can often be reached by looping to “Water & Waste” business unit. Ship
energy sources already available on a owners, builders and operators that
vessel. Greater flexibility in construction are looking for a single provider for
and sizing can be accomplished by all their water, waste and wastewater
making a combination of different FWG challenges, will find the peace of mind
technologies. This approach especially they are looking for.
comes in handy when retrofitting engine
rooms. In addition to freshwater solutions, our
total solution offer includes ballast water Multi Stage Flash Evaporators
Technical data
Specific Specific
Capacity, L x W x H, thermal electrical Weight,
Model required,
ton/day mm power, power, kg ²
kWh/t kWh/t 1
SSD 1-1 8 -14 970 x 960 x 1680 740 8,5 580 2
SSD 1-2 14 - 22 970 x 960 x 1680 740 8,5 620 2
SSD 2-3 22 - 30 1260 x 960 x 1680 740 8,5 710 2.5
SSD 2-4 30 - 35 1260 x 960 x 1680 740 8,5 750 2.5
Selection criteria
Production capacity: 5 - 35 ton/day l
Distillate Condenser
1 3 Production capacity: 35 - 175 ton/day l l l
Evaporator Demister
Production capacity: 175 - 1500 ton/day l l
Hot water
High quality distillate < 4 µS/cm l l l