Watermaster Newsletter 2024 P

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The World of

N E W S L E T T E R • 2 0 2 4

smart solution for hard work

Shallow Water Works Are important

Use a Watermaster
Lake Neusiedl Maintained Innovatively

The 400th Watermaster was delivered to Croatia. On the left Mr. Igor Biglbauer
from Odvodnja d.d, Darda and on the right Watermaster trainer Mr. Pekka Suokuisma

Celebrating Our 400th Watermaster

Shallow Water Works Are Important

L ast year was a big milestone for us — we delivered our 400th Watermaster! Now,
Watermasters are making a difference in over 80 countries across 6 continents.
They help to better maintain waterways, clean lakes, restore rivers and wetlands,

protect coastlines and ensure that industrial waters are safely managed. These works 2 Shallow Water Works
are important
benefit both people and the environment. This shows that shallow water works are
important and that good things happen when you have the right tools and attitude. 3 Use a Watermaster

6 Lake Neusiedl
Maintained Innovatively
Nearly 40 years ago, we noticed that rivers, lakes, and coasts. From mines,
there were no machines specifically factories and dams, to protected UNESCO
made for shallow water maintenance. World Heritage sites (see pages 6-7).
Most equipment was designed for deeper Watermasters handle extreme conditions, bodies have been restored and maintained
waters or only worked from the shore or a from tropical heat to arctic cold. They with fewer machines, lower costs, less
barge. Shallow waters are vital and need always work with precision and care. time, and reduced CO2 emissions. This is
proper caring. because you chose Watermaster.
From our first Watermaster Classic I model
In 1986, we decided to fill the gap by to the latest fifth-generation Classic V, our We thank our clients and partners.
inventing a new machine — the Amphibious machines have improved tremendously. Together, we are setting new, better
Multipurpose Watermaster Dredger. It is They now have three times the capacity standards in water management. We
specially designed for shallow waters and and offer new attachments and features. hope and trust that your achievements
performs the work of multiple machines. They are safer, more environmentally with our technology will inspire more
This makes water management safer, more friendly, and easier to use and maintain. action to restore and better maintain our
efficient, and more eco-friendly. vital shallow waters around the world.
Amphibious multipurpose technology Let’s leave our waters in better condition
Shallow waters are everywhere around unites people who believe that shallow than we found them.
us, and Watermaster excels in these water works are important. It brings
challenging environments. From busy together people who understand that it is Respectfully Yours,
urban canals and marinas to remote smart to do more with less. More water Watermaster Finland

Watermaster is the smart choice for all professional organizations
serious about efficiently managing their shallow water works.

Do you have shallow water works?

Use a Watermaster

C ities, municipalities, and organizations – are you struggling with silted

waterways and invasive vegetation in your local waters? Dredging
and water construction companies – do you need an efficient solution for
challenging shallow water projects? The smart choice is Watermaster!
Whether you buy it or hire a Watermaster contractor, our technology makes
shallow water projects easier, more cost-effective and environmentally
friendly, since one machine does the work of many.

Using conventional machinery for shallow ing waterways. Further distances

Canal maintenance work in the Ivory Coast
water works is like using a hammer to put a are possible with a booster sta-
screw into a wall – maybe you'll manage, but tion. For hard soil and large objects,
it’s smarter, safer, and more efficient to use Watermaster’s backhoe dredging ca- choring system for stability and quick repo-
a screwdriver. Watermaster is THE machine pacity is 40-60 m³/h. The 2.75m-wide rake sitioning, ensuring complete independence
for shallow water works. It anchors steadily, attachment efficiently removes both root- without the need for extra equipment.
operates precisely, and has the correct at- ed and floating vegetation.
tachment for all the different applications. Economical and eco-friendly
Watermaster empowers you to act fast and Go anywhere mobility Watermaster cuts your costs from the start
solve any shallow water task in 0 - 6 meters The compact Watermaster is easily trans- and keeps them low. It replaces several
depth range effectively and efficiently. ported, unloading itself from the trailer machines at once, reducing investment,
and traveling up to 4 knots in water. It operation, and maintenance costs. It’s also
All-in-one can walk in and out of water and operate cheaper per cubic meter dredged com-
With a Watermaster in your arsenal, you in challenging shallow water worksites pared to traditional machines.
are always ready for dredging, excavat- where others can't.
ing, raking, and pile driving. Watermaster Choose the Original Watermaster for faster,
can suction dredge up to 900 m³/h and Self-propelled and self-anchoring safer, more economical and environmen-
the maximum pumping distance is 1.5 km, The self-propelled Watermaster moves and tally friendly projects. It's the solution for
making it ideal for restoring and maintain- operates independently. It has a smart an- managing your shallow water works better.


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