Estocure P is a liquid curing compound applied to fresh concrete to form a membrane protecting it from rapid water evaporation during curing. This assists in obtaining maximum strength and durability while helping eliminate cracking and dusting. It is suitable for use on floors, walls, beams and precast units. Estocure P should be applied in a thin, even coat to wet concrete and protected from rain for 3 hours. The membrane normally disintegrates after 5 weeks, allowing subsequent treatments if needed.
Estocure P is a liquid curing compound applied to fresh concrete to form a membrane protecting it from rapid water evaporation during curing. This assists in obtaining maximum strength and durability while helping eliminate cracking and dusting. It is suitable for use on floors, walls, beams and precast units. Estocure P should be applied in a thin, even coat to wet concrete and protected from rain for 3 hours. The membrane normally disintegrates after 5 weeks, allowing subsequent treatments if needed.
Estocure P is a liquid curing compound applied to fresh concrete to form a membrane protecting it from rapid water evaporation during curing. This assists in obtaining maximum strength and durability while helping eliminate cracking and dusting. It is suitable for use on floors, walls, beams and precast units. Estocure P should be applied in a thin, even coat to wet concrete and protected from rain for 3 hours. The membrane normally disintegrates after 5 weeks, allowing subsequent treatments if needed.
Estocure P is a liquid curing compound applied to fresh concrete to form a membrane protecting it from rapid water evaporation during curing. This assists in obtaining maximum strength and durability while helping eliminate cracking and dusting. It is suitable for use on floors, walls, beams and precast units. Estocure P should be applied in a thin, even coat to wet concrete and protected from rain for 3 hours. The membrane normally disintegrates after 5 weeks, allowing subsequent treatments if needed.
Estocure P is a liquid curing compound for the prevention of Application
premature water loss in concrete. Estocure P is supplied ready to use and should not be diluted Estocure P is applied to fresh concrete surfaces to form a fast with any forms of solvent / water. Stir well before use. dry, thin flexible and tough, impervious membrane which protects the concrete from rapid water evaporation during initial Estocure P is applied in a thin even coat using spray curing stages, thereby assisting towards obtaining maximum equipment to the fresh concrete immediately after the free strength, durability and helping towards the elimination of surface water has evaporated. All loose particles should be shrinkage cracks and surface dusting removed and honeycomb to be repaired.
Uses The nozzle of the spray should be held approximately 500mm
from the surface and passed back and forth to effect complete Estocure P is particularly useful in large areas of exposed coverage. concrete such as: After application of Estocure P, it should be protected from Roof & bridge decks rain for at least 3 hours. Aprons, hard standing & retaining walls Pre-stressed beams and piers, etc. Total disintegration of the membrane normally occurs after 5 Highways, runways and taxiways weeks of application if the application rate is correct (5m2/litre). Column, beam & precast unit Where subsequent surface treatment is to be undertaken Advantages before total disintegration of the membrane, Estocure P film shall be removed. Enable cement to hydrate better One time application reduces labour cost Estocure P should not be applied to dry concrete particularly Reduce surface shrinkage & cracking on vertical surfaces or soffit of concrete, which may have Save time and eliminates need for damp Hessian partially dried out by being retained in shuttering. It is and polythene sheet imperative that the concrete be well wetted before applying Estocure P. If this is not done, permanent staining will result. Disintegrated under ultra violet light or abrasion. Proven and predictable performance Packing & Size Standards Compliance Estocure P 210 litre drum 20 litre pail BS 7542:1992 ASTM C156-93 Coverage ASTM C309-93 Type 1 BS 5750 Estocure P 5 m² per litre Physical Properties Technical Support Curing Efficiency Index, Estop offers a comprehensive range of high performance, high BS 7542, 1992 > 45% quality of repair product for both new and existing concrete Loss of Water In 72 Hours (kg/m 2), surfaces. In addition, the company offers a technical support ASTM C156-93 < 0.70 package to specifiers, end-users and contractors, as well as Liquid Membrane Forming Compound on-site technical assistance. For Curing Concrete, ASTM C309-93 Comply Storage Specific Gravity at 25˚C 1.02 -1.05 Colour Milky White Estocure P has a shelf life of 12 months at ambient room Dry Film Colour Clear Film temperature in unopened condition. Dry Film @30 oC (approx.) 1-2hrs If stored in extreme heat locations the shelf life may be reduced. 06-02-01
Estocure P should not be swallowed and avoid to be in contact
with skin or eyes. Wear gloves and goggles for protection. If swallowed, seek medical attention immediately
Do not induce vomiting.
Additional Information
Estop manufactures and offers a wide range of complementary
products, which includes waterstops, waterproofing products, grouts, anchors, specialized flooring products. In addition, a wide range of products formulated for repair and refurbishment of spalled concrete are available.