An Analysis of Indias Trade Intensity Index With Uae

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ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res.

10(09), 548-552

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Article DOI:10.21474/IJAR01/15389


Dr. S. Saravanan
Assistant Professor & Head, Department of Economics, Indira Gandhi College of Arts and Science, Puducherry -
Manuscript Info Abstract
……………………. ………………………………………………………………
Manuscript History Today no country on the earth (planet) is completely independent on its
Received: 15 July 2022 own resources. Every one of the countries of the world are some way or
Final Accepted: 17 August 2022 another associated on others, in light of the fact that each country has
Published: September 2022 its own normal assets, environment, geological circumstances and
wellsprings of energy. Worldwide relationship is the principal element
Key words:-
Trade Intensity, Import-Export, India of the present worldwide economy. Exchanging commodities among
UAE Trade, Foreign Trade India and UAE have existed since antiquated times. Indo-UAE
exchange has filled massively as of late. Numerous factual exchange
lists are accessible to gauge exchange between two nations. One of
them is the International Trade. The International Tradeshows up in
two structures, namely exports and imports list. A couple of studies
have done to investigate complexities of the International trade
connection between the two nations. Under such situation this paper
examines the significant patterns of International Trade Relations.. An
endeavor is made here to look at the India's Trade Intensity with UAE
for the period from 2012 to 2021. The paper likewise proposes
measures to enhance International trade relations among India and
UAE. Time series information has been utilized to quantify Trade
Intensity Index (TII). The discoveries of the review uncover that India's
exchange with UAE is more extraordinary in examination with its other
exchanging accomplices.

Copy Right, IJAR, 2022,. All rights reserved.

In the period of globalization worldwide exchange has turned into the foundation of any economy. India and United
Arab Emirates the two economies have critical spots in worldwide economy. The Indian economy is the seventh
biggest on the planet by ostensible GDP and third biggest by buying power equality. The United Arab Emirates has
an open economy with a high Per capita Income. The UAE is perhaps of the most affluent country in the Middle
East. The India and UAE have old civilization, social, Commerce and exchange attaches with one another which
have now gone in to an extensive vital organization. India and UAE are continually endeavoring to further develop
this relationship more grounded than previously. Exchange among India and UAE began when these two countries
used to give a portion of the conventional things with one another. Lately India-UAE respective exchange has
developed immensely. The things which are traded to UAE basically are Gems and Jewelry, designing products,
meat, tea, natural products, vegetables, synthetic substances, flavors, materials and rice. The things which are
imported to India primarily are unrefined and oil based commodities, valuable and semi-valuable stones, transport
types of gear, gold and silver, pearls, gadgets products, metal minerals and metal piece. As for respective

Corresponding Author:- Dr. S. Saravanan 548

Address:- Assistant Professor & Head, Department of Economics, Indira Gandhi College of
Arts and Science, Puducherry - 605009.
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 10(09), 548-552

speculations, all out Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) from UAE to India is assessed to be US$6.44 billion (January
2021) and stand one of the top 10th greatest financial backer in India. At the principal meeting of India-United Arab
Emirates High Level Task Force on Investment (HLTFI) hung on February 18, 2013 in Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi
Investment Authority (ADIA) declared its arrangements of putting US$ 2 billion in Indian Infrastructure area.

Review Of Literature:-
Some relevant reviews of literature are as follows:-

K.A. Goyal& A. Vajid (2016) analyzed the bilateral trade between India and UAE in their study “An Analysis of
Bilateral Trade between India and UAE”. The authors examined the Indo- UAE trade data between 2011 to 2015.
The study revealed that India and UAE are good trade partners of each other and having deep trade relations. India's
major export items to UAE are minerals fuels, precious and semi-precious stones, gems & jewelry, clothes, cereals
and mechanical appliances etc. While UAE's main export items to India are petroleum products and oil. The authors
briefly highlighted the diplomatic relations, bilateral agreements and MoUs signed by both countries to further
enhance the bilateral trade.

PouriaMohajeri (2015) dissected the Trends of Trade among India and PGC (Persian Gulf Countries) in his paper
"Patterns of India Trade with Persian Gulf Countries". The investigation in light of the development assessment of
Indian exchange with PGCs. Persian Gulf Countries (Iraq, Iran, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar and
Oman) are the enormous providers of Energy on the planet market. Creator utilized the Trade Intensity Index to
quantify the exchange power with PGCs and saw that the most noteworthy volume of Indian Trade among PGCs is
with United Arab Emirates. Creator likewise examined the portion of PGCs in International Trade of India and
investigated that the UAE's portion is the most noteworthy among any remaining PGCs Countries after UAE in PGC
Group, the runner up is involved by Saudi Arabia. Creator found from the investigation that the greatest Indian
Import from PGCs falls under item classification of HS-27 (mineral energizes, mineral oil, bituminous substances
and so forth).

Das and Pradhan (2014) talked about India's exchange relationship with Gulf nations their review "India-Gulf
Trade Relations". As per creators regardless of the exceptional development in exchange volume, the construction
and example of India-Gulf exchange portrays an extremely differentiating picture. To comprehend exchange power
between the two locales they applied Trade Intensity Index and observed that India's commodity power is over one
for UAE, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Kuwait, and Oman. For other Gulf nations (Bahrain and Qatar) the commodity power
is fluctuating. Also, India is bringing in more modest volumes from nations, for example, Bahrain and Qatar which
is reflected in the low Import Intensity Index.

Sundar and Ambrose (2014) analyzed the Indo-Japan exchange their review "A Brief Analysis of India-Japan
Bilateral Trade: A Trade Intensity Approach". The creators investigated the exchange power among India and Japan
with the assistance of Kojima's exchange force file. The review uncovered that India has not expanded its product
bushel throughout the years to Japan. During the review (2001-2011) period it has been found that Japan's imports
from India have declined significantly more than its products to India. The creators reasoned that the general
exchange force whether its product of import, has declined over the time of study.

SayeedaBano (2010), in her review "India-New Zealand Endlessly exchange Potential: Recent Experience And
Future Opportunities" investigates the development of exchange connection and exchange potential among India
and New Zealand. The creator investigated the exchange with the Kojima lists of exchange forces, uncovered near
benefits, intra industry endlessly exchange expected files. Creator inferred that two-sided exchange among India and
New Zealand is at extremely low level contrasted with the worldwide exchange profiles of the two nations. Finally
creator proposed need regions for acknowledging undiscovered exchange and speculation possible between the two

Objectives of this research paper are
1. ToanalyzetheextentofT r a d e intensityindexbetween India and UnitedArabEmirates
2. Tosuggestmeasurestoenhance tradeintensitybetween the twocountries.

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 10(09), 548-552

Indo-UAE Trade
BilateraltradebetweenIndiaand UAEfor2012reachedUS$ 35.78billion and fall down 25.45 in 2021 due global

Table 1:- India Trade with UAE(US Billion).

YEAR India India Percentage Annual India India Percentage Annual
Export Total of exports Growth Import Total of exports Growth
to UAE Exports to Total rate to UAE Imports to Total rate
Exports Imports
2012 35.78 289.565 12.36 -4% 37.8 488.976 7.73 6%
2013 33.98 336.611 10.09 -5% 32.96 466.046 7.07 -15%
2014 32.92 317.545 10.37 -3% 27.29 459.369 5.94 -21%
2015 29.99 264.381 11.34 -10% 20.28 390.745 5.19 -35%
2016 30.04 260.327 11.54 0% 19.24 356.705 5.39 -5%
2017 28.64 294.364 9.73 -5% 23.12 444.052 5.21 17%
2018 28.54 322.492 8.85 0% 26.93 507.616 5.31 14%
2019 29.54 323.251 9.14 3% 30.31 478.884 6.33 11%
2020 17.95 275.489 6.52 -65% 23.9 367.98 6.49 -27%
2021 25.45 394.814 6.45 29% 43.07 570.402 7.55 45%

AccordingtoTable1it'sclearlyrevealingthatinpast10yearsfrom2012to2021India's Export toUAEhas

reachedUSD36billion in 2012fromUSD0.29 billion in 1988.India‟s Import toUAEhasreachedUSD43billion in
2021fromUSD19.34 b i l l i o n in 2016.

When compared the bilateral trade India with UAE to total exports of India, the 11.54 percentage highest in2016 and
6.45 the lowest percentage in 2021 the decline was due to .pandemic, When compared the bilateral trade India with
UAE to total imports of India, the 7.55 percentage highest in2021 and 5.21 the lowest percentage in 2015.

Trade Intensity Between India And Uae

dexcanbe0 to 100. If the valuecomes 0, it implies no

ExportintensityIndex(EII)ofIndiawithUAE=(XIG / XI) / ((MG / (Mw– MI))

Where,XIG =India's Export to the UAEXI =India's total Export
MG =Total Import of the UAE
Mw =TotalWorld imports
MI=Total Imports of India.

ImportintensityIndex(III)ofIndiawithUAE=(MIG / MI) / ((XG / (Xw – XI))

Where,MIG = Import of India fromUAE
MI = Total Import of India
XG = Total Export of the UAEXW = TotalWorld Export
XI = Total Export of India.

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 10(09), 548-552

Table 2:- India‟s Trade with UAE and World Total Trade (US Billion).
YE World World UAE UAE India total India Total India Export India Import
AR Import Exports Export import Export Import to UAE fromUAE
US$ B US$ US$ US$ US$ Billion US$ Billion US$ US$
Billion Billion Billion Billion Billion Billion
201 18522 18399.4 350.12 261.02 289.564769 488.976378 35.78 37.8
2 4
201 18867 18858.2 371.22 294.96 336.611388 466.045567 33.98 32.96
3 8
201 18928 18858.9 343.04 298.61 317.544642 459.369464 32.92 27.29
4 3
201 16567 16412.2 300.48 287.02 264.381003 390.744731 29.99 20.28
5 6
201 16074 15917.7 295.05 270.78 260.326912 356.704792 30.04 19.24
6 3
201 17793 17561.8 313.55 273.71 294.364490 444.052354 28.64 23.12
7 2
201 19672 19326 321.01 261.51 322.492099 507.615733 28.54 26.93
8 9
201 19107 18752.8 315.94 267.94 323.250726 478.883729 29.54 30.31
9 4
202 17719 17486.5 335.30 246.96 275.488744 367.980363 17.95 23.9
0 9
202 22211 21953.1 240.94 210.75 394.813673 570.402004 25.45 43.07
1 3

Table 3:- Trade Intensity Index.

YEAR India Export Intensity Index India Import Intensity
2012 8.536782 3.998512
2013 6.297743 3.52864
2014 6.411861 3.210955
2015 6.393071 2.789176
2016 6.698053 2.862368
2017 6.167041 2.867335
2018 6.48535 3.140653
2019 6.353262 3.692002
2020 4.577908 3.333886
2021 6.619304 6.756152

TheTablei n v e s t i g a t e s theintensityoftradebet weenI nd iaa ndU AE .Theva lue so fExportIntensityIndex(EII)andI

ntensitywithUAEwas 4.57 in 2020.
hUAEwas 2.7 lowest in 2020.

After examination of exchange power among India and UAE it very well may be presumed that India's exchange
with UAE is in great stream. In the review period from 2012 to 2021 India's exchange power both commodityexport
and import never went underneath solidarity that suggests the two nations have great exchange association
correlation with worldwide exchange. Anyway it's issue of worry that lately, the two India's commodity export and

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 10(09), 548-552

import power with UAE has been vertically and descending patterns. This decline is because of headwind in
worldwide trade and some approach measures at the two sides to further develop their import/export imbalance.

Way To Forward
Ideas to improve exchange force among India and UAE are :

There are still a few immature regions in Indo-UAE exchange that should be center like information based
businesses, the travel industry, telecom and so forth.

Numerous two-sided arrangements and MoUs have been endorsed among India and UAE in different areas like
Double expense aversion, BIPA, Agriculture, banking and so on yet for eliminating the exchange boundaries and
different obstacles new approach drive and understanding are required.

Exchange fairs and exchange display can likewise upgrade the exchange among India and UAE. So government
ought to coordinate and organize more exchange fairs and displays both the nations to give great stage to the two
nations brokers where they can meet and investigate their items to one another.

Great comprehension of dialects and culture of one another is exceptionally important to advance exchange and
venture between the two India and UAE. English is the all inclusive and normal language for both the countries. It is
essential for the dealers of both country's to have great control over the other's nearby language. Government ought
to lay out preparing and helping focus at the two sides to advance language and culture. It can assist with
understanding business climate effectively at the two sides.

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