Insulin Corretion

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How to adjust insulin doses

Firstly it is important to understand how the different types of insulin work.

Basal insulin –usually Lantus or Levemir

This is the background insulin, it keeps the blood glucose levels steady
between meals, and overnight.
Lantus is usually given once a day, and works for 20 – 24 hours.
Levemir may be given once or twice daily as it works for 12 – 16 hours.

Bolus insulin – usually Novorapid, or Humalog

This is the insulin given with meals and any snacks containing carbohydrates
(carbs). It starts to work within 10 minutes of being injected, peaking at 1 – 2
hours and has stopped working by 3 – 4 hours.

Insulin to carb ratio

This is the number of grams (g) of carbs covered by 1 unit of bolus insulin.
The ratio is written as 1unit : X grams carbs

Dose of bolus insulin (units) = amount of carbs eaten (grams), divided

by the number of grams covered by 1 unit of insulin

Plan to eat 60g carbs
Ratio 1 unit : 20g carbs
Dose = 60g divided by 20g
= 3 units (Novorapid or Humalog)

Blood target (BG) target

When using a meter the target range will be set at 4 – 7 mmol (millimoles) as
this is what you are aiming for on waking up in the morning and before meals.

Correction factor / Insulin sensitivity

If the blood glucose level is above the target range pre-meal additional insulin
will be needed to bring it back into the target range.

The insulin sensitivity ratio (correction) = how many mmol 1 unit of fast-
acting insulin will make glucose level drop by. It is written 1unit: X mmols

Firstly, you need to work out how much the glucose needs to come down by:
So, if 16mmols before a meal and you want to bring down to 6mmol
16 – 6 = 10 mmols
Ratio 1 unit : 5 mmols
Dose = 10mmols divided by the ratio which is 5
= 2 units

When a meter is used to calculate the bolus dose of insulin for a meal or snack, it will
take into account the blood glucose level, the carbs to be eaten and the target range.

How do I make adjustments to insulin doses?

The key to managing blood glucose levels well is to review the levels regularly either
by downloading the meter onto Diasend, or by keeping a written glucose record

Remember the 3 golden rules:

· Make 1 adjustment at a time

· Make small adjustments
· Review blood glucose levels 2 -3 days after making the change, to see the
effect of the change, if it hasn’t worked don’t worry try another adjustment

Adjusting the BASAL (long-acting ) insulin

Basal insulin should keep the blood glucose level steady overnight with very little
change between the reading before bed, and on waking in the morning. It should
also help to keep the pre-meal levels in target.

In the table below, the blood glucose level is rising overnight:

Before Before Before evening Bed time

breakfast lunch meal
Mon 6.5
Tue 10 5.2
Wed 9 4.8
Thur 7.5 7.2
Fri 11

If this happens several nights a week it would suggest that the basal insulin dose is
too low, and will need to be increased. Remember if it is happening most nights the
change should be made.

In the table below, the blood glucose level is falling overnight:

Before Before Before Bed time

breakfast lunch evening meal
Mon 11.2
Tue 6.9 6.9
Wed 3.1 7.2
Thur 3.8 10.2
Fri 5.4

If this happens several nights a week it would suggest that the basal insulin dose is
too high, and will need to be reduced.

Guide to increasing/decreasing insulin the long acting insulin:

Current dose Recommended change

10 units or less Increase/ decrease by 0.5 units (half a unit)
10-20 units Increase/ decrease by 1 –1.5 units
20-30 units Increase/ decrease by 2 – 2.5 units
More than 30 units Increase/ decrease by 3 - 4 units

Adjusting rapid acting insulin (Novorapid)

To check if the bolus dose of insulin is correct, you need to look at the blood glucose
levels before, and 2 hours after a meal.
Note: It is important that the level is in the target range before the meal to do this

If you notice a pattern where the blood glucose repeatedly goes up or down 2 hours
after a meal, by 2mmols or more, you may need to adjust the insulin to carb ratio.

You should also consider the following before making changes:

· Is carb counting accurate?
· Are injection sites lumpy?
· Are the injections being given 10 – 20 minutes before the meal?
· Was any exercise taken during this time? How was it managed?
· Have any injections been missed?

Guide to adjusting the BOLUS dose of insulin

The bolus dose is adjusted by changing the insulin: carb ratio.

BG rising 2 hours after meal Action Required Suggested ratio change

1: 5 g carbs → 1: 4 g
1: 8 g → 1: 6 g
If blood glucose rises by Decrease the number of 1:10 g → 1: 8 g
more than 2 mmol above the grams of carbs that 1 1: 15 g → 1: 12 g
pre-meal reading unit of insulin will cover 1: 20 g → 1: 18 g
1: 25 g → 1: 20 g
1: 30 g → 1: 25 g
1: 35 g → 1: 30 g
The smaller the number of grams of carbohydrate per 1 unit of insulin, the bigger
the dose

BG falling 2 hours after Action Required Suggested ratio change
1: 4 g carbs → 1: 5 g
1: 6 g → 1: 8 g
1: 8 g → 1:10 g
If blood glucose falls by Increase the number of 1: 12 g → 1: 15 g
more than 2mmol below grams of carbs that 1 unit 1: 18 g → 1: 20 g
the pre-meal reading will cover 1: 20 g → 1: 25 g
1: 25 g → 1: 30 g
1: 30 g → 1: 35 g
The bigger the number of grams of carbohydrate per 1 unit of insulin, the smaller
the dose


If the ratio is 1 : 5g, you would have 1 unit of insulin for every 5 grams of carbs,
so a meal containing 20grams would need
20 grams (carbs) ÷ 5 (the ratio) = 4 units insulin


If the ratio were 1: 4g, you would have 1 unit of insulin for every 4 grams of
carbs, so a meal containing 20grams would need
20 grams (carbs) ÷ 4 (the ratio) = 5 units insulin

Here are some further examples of how to look at the diary or download on Diasend:

In this example blood glucose levels rise after breakfast; which suggests the
Novorapid before breakfast needs to be increased, by adjusting the insulin to
carb ratio.

Before After Before After lunch Before After

breakfast breakfast lunch evening evening
meal meal
4.2 8.6 5.8 6.4 11.2 10.1
5.1 10.2 8.2 9.9 9.4 9.9
6.9 11.0 7.5 7.3 6.2 7.1
7.5 12 6.2 7.7 5.4 3.8

In this example blood glucose levels rise after the evening meal; the Novorapid
before the evening meal needs to be increased by adjusting the ratio.

Before After Before lunch After lunch Before After

breakfast breakfast evening evening
meal meal
6.7 8.0 5.4 6.8 4.5 8.1
7.3 7.9 9.9 11.2 6.7 11.2
9.2 6.3 11.2 8.7 6.1 6.8
6.8 6.1 4.5 3.1 5.9 9.6
6.7 5.7 4.1 6.7 6.6 10.2

Here blood glucose levels are falling after lunch; the Novorapid dose before lunch
needs to be reduced, by adjusting the ratio.

Before After Before After lunch Before After

breakfast breakfast lunch evening evening
meal meal
6.2 5.8 7.2 4.1 7.9 6.3
5.5 6.8 5.6 3.5 8.1 10
9.6 10.5 4.9 3.1 5.5 6.2
5.9 11.2 10.3 6.1 5.8 6.9
7.0 6.9 6.7 6.3 4.2 5.4

25477 V1/Child Health/TSDFT/11.18/Review Date 11.20

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