Dost 2017
Dost 2017
Dost 2017
The Depth nient of Science and Technology (DOST) through its. Grants-In-Aid
(GIA)_Program, aims to harness the country's scientific and techtmlogiciALcapabilitieS to
spur and attain sustainable economic growth and development. through the funding of
relevant science and technology (S&T) undertakings, the GIA program aims to
contribute to productivity improvement and quality of life of Filipinos by generating and
promoting appropriate technologies. Likewise, it seeks to strengthen the-participation of
various S&T sectors particularly in research and development (R&D), proinotiOn,
technology transfer and utilization, human resources development, information
dissemination, advocacy, and linkages.
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Accounts payable--refers to the incurred expenses of the Implementing Agency due
for payment during the active period but not yet paid as of the end of duration ?of the
II. Implementation Date--refers to the date 'when the funds were released to the
Implementing Agency.
Rental fees, management fees, and related types of remuneration received from
the use of equipment/facilities funded by CIA Program;
Sale of produce and other products, services, and publications developed from
project activities; and
15. Interest—referS but shall not be limited to interests of deposits of the grant in a bank
account whether in a separate project account Or in a general account. This shall be
reported as earnings in the project's financial report.
17. Monitoring Agency--refers to the DOST agency that reviews the project proposal
and provides technical assistance and coordinates among different implementing
and coordinating agencies. It shall evaluate the feasibility of the project/program
and ensure that implementation follows the approved project proposal, line-item
budget, and Memorandum of Agreement.
22. Project--refers to the basic unit in the investigation of-specific S&T prciblem/s with
predetermined objective(S) to be accomplished within a specific time frame.
Project Cost—refers to the amount or budget requested by the.
Iinplementing/Monitoring Agency and/or approved by the Funding.Agency.
Project Duration--refers to the grant period or timeframe that covers the approved
start and completion dates of the project.
32 Savings--refers to the remaining balance of the approved budget of the project or the
unutilized portion of the approved projeCt funds after it has been
Technology Receptor Capacity Building--are those activities that are essentially
designed to enhance the capacity of firms, particUlarly the MSMEs,. to identify
their specific technology needs, to solve their technical problems and overcome
their obstacles to the successful adoption and use of technologies arising froth
deficiencies in labor, management and organizational change. These include the
provision of consultancy services and of access to information on technology
3. Development of Human Resources and R&D Institutions for the S&T 8eetor
The development of human resources for the S&T sector involves a wide range of
interventions from the provision of high-quality formal education at all levels to
specialized training, with a focus on young scientists and engineers, and the
development, attraction and retention of the country's S&T talents.
These include specialized science secondary school program; undergraduate
scholarship programs, teacher upgrading programs, graduate scholarship programs,
program for tapping Overseas Filipino S&T expertise, awards and recognition program's
and other human resource development programs. These also cover other initiatives
aimed at enhancing the public's S&T awareness such as:
The DOST provides other services that strengthen the S&T infrastructure- to develop
and upgrade national, regional, and local S&T capacities of institutions and centers of
excellence. These include:
Testing and calibration services of R&D institutes and other DOST regional
S&T regulatory and licensing work, to include PNRI's nuclear regulation :and
licensing policy related such as those made hy the DOST Central Office;
The Program/Project Leader:
b Shall submit documents/proof of the following, which shall include 'but not
limited to: credentials/proof of capability; track record; and endorsement of
his/her institution. Eligibility shall be determined by the assigned Monitoring
Agency based on his/her readiness in terrns of technical, managerial, financial
and marketing capabilities (if necessary);
Must not have any existing accountability with DUST and its agencies
particularly technical and financial reportS (refer to Section V111.3.e); and
c. Approval from the institution's ethics review board for research 'involving
human 'subjects or from an institutional animal care and use coininittee for
animal subjects (if applicable);
Guidelines for Contained Use of Genetically Modified Organisms (serieS of
2014); and
Plans for Research Utilization—proposal should include plans on how
R&D results will be used by the potential end-user/s or adopters;
Relevance--meets the needs of industry, gevernment, acadeine, and
general public;
The Program/Project Leader shall prepare a detailed proposal using the prescribed
DOST form that presents among others the following:
The igant shall finance project expenditures itemized in an approved LIB following
the DOST Form A-Project Line Item Budget. The grant may cover partial or full cost of
the project, both direct and indirect costs of the Maintenance and Other Operating
Expenses (MOOE) under GAA which shall include personal services, maintenance and
other operating expenses, and capital outlay that are-integral part of the R&D, which are.
crucial in the attainment of the projectobjectives. All expenditure items in the LIB shall
be in accordance with the Unified Account Code Structure (UACS), relevant provisions
are shown below:
a. Direct Cost
Direct cost covers expenses incurred by the implementing agency in execution
of program/project considered indispensable to its operations. It can be broken
down according to specific accounts under Personal Services (PS), Maintenance
and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE), and Capital Outlay (CO)..
building, office and laboratory facilities, and other S&T
structures directly needed by the project;
Subscription Expenses—include costs of subscription to
library Materials, such as magazines, periodieals, and other
Leading materials necessary for the implementation of the
This also includes infrastructure that are integral part of the R&D,
which are crucial in the attainment of the project Objectives.
b. Indirect Cost
i. The indirect cost shall be included in the LIB except for projects on
printing/documentation of proceedings and publication of books and
other works, and conduct of conferences/seminars/ workshop, and for
projects that are purely equipment acquisition in nature.
The total indirect cost of a program/project shall not exceed 15°4 of the
total PS and MOOE of the progranvproject.
The Implementing Agency and Monitoring Agency shall each retain an
indirect cost, equivalent to 7.5% on PS and MOOE less Taxes, Duties and
Licenses. For projects that are primarily on S&T prormition, policy
advocacy, human resource development and capacity-building, the
indirect cost Shall not exceed three hundred thousand pesos
(P300,000.00) unless otherwise allowed by the Funding Agency,
subject to submission of substantiation as to increased costs based on
scope, complexity and geographic coverage.
The Program/Project- Leader shall submit the proposal duly endorsed by the
Head of Agency to the Office of the Undersecretary for R&D, which shall
acknowledge submission and update the Program/Project Leader of any action
taken on the proposal.
All new projects to be funded under the DOST-GIA Program shall be subject to
approval of the EXECOM except for projects amounting to five million pesos
(P5,000,000.00) and below which may be approved by the Undersecretary for
R&D. The EXECOM shall be informed of the projects approved by the
(P10,000,000.00) or below shall be for the signature of the Undersecretary for
The SPD shall coordinate with the appropriate Sectoral Council. Further, the
SPD shall provide concerned offices with all pertinent documents related to the
approved programs/projects forpe documentation and
oeirn the cmduct of aSseasiterit
coordination/monitoring and facilitate assiStapni:c
by the DOSTLEXECOM of major completed R&D projects.
The Monitoring Agency shall ensure the efficient, timely and smooth
implementation of approved projocts and that Set objectives and targets are
attained. It shall conduct periodic field evaluation of the project to identify
problems, solutions and remedial actions to avoid delays in-implementation.
The Monitoring Agency shall also examine the budget requirements of the
projects especially those that require continued funding. In addition, it shall
evaluate the activities conducted, review, reports submitted and ensure that
appropriate intellectual property protection be initiated, where applicable, for
outputs of R&D project. For publishable accomplishments, submission of'
manuscript for possible publication in scientific journals most preferably those
accredited by the Institute for Scientific Information (TSI) should be reqaired.
that the goals of the projects and program are attained; consOlidate the projeetS'
output, which shall be packaged as a program output; ensure that all
implementing guidelines has been read and understood; and execute
manifestation to abide by all the rules.
e. The Project Staff shall undertake the actual day-to-day imPlemeritafton of the
S&T program/project. He/she is required to read the implementing guidelines of
the project and execute manifeStation that he/she understands and is willing to
abide by all the rules. He/She shaft be involved in only twO (2) prOjects at a
2 Technical Monitoring
Project Monitoring and Field Evaluation Report, which Shall be
submitted together with the renewal documents (for ongoing projects)
and terminal appraisal/assessment report (for completed projects).
c. Program/Project Extension
vi. A progtarn/project ban be given a Makin-min of Only two (2) extenSiOns
but not tq. exceed a total of 12 months except for :extensions, as a 'result
of force majeure. The request for extension should be submitted one
month before the completion date of first extension.
i. The Monitoring Agency shall review and approve the request for
deferment/change in implementation date of a new program/project
and shall inform the EXECOM of such change, For DOST-Central
Office (DUST-CU) directed projects, the Monitoring Agency shall
approve the requests for reprogramming.
The revised project duration shall have the same length as the
originally approved duration.
Projects with deferred implementation due to delay in the release of
funds shall commence within two (2) months after the releaSe of funds.
Change in the project title and activities/work plan, which, do not affect
project deliverables shall be approved by the Monitoring Agency. Request for
change of imPlementing agency, objectives, or activities that affect project
deliverables shall be reviewed and endorsed by the Monitoring Agency for
approval of the Funding Agency. In both caSes, the Implementing Agency shall
be required to submit justification for such change.
3. Financial Monitoring
The DOST-GIA funds released to implementing agencies shall be available for use
within the approved project duration including approved extension subject to DOST
approval and existing government accounting and auditing rules and regulations. The
GIA funds shall not, be used for money market 'placement, time deposit and other forms
of investment not related to the project. Project funds shall be deposited, in an authorized
government depository bank.
a Fund Releases
budget reprogramming is required, a request shall be made not later than two
(2) months before the end of the project's current year of implementation.
Budget reprogramming and/or modification may be allowed for not more than
three (3) times per year of implementation, including the approVed:ektension, if
i. Implementing Agency
Except for expense- items under MOOE such as Foreign Travel and
Training, any reprogramming/transfer of funds of existing expense
item budget as originally approved by the Funding Agency to augment
direct and indirect cost under PS,,M00E, and CO Shall be approved by
the Implementing Agency provided that it will Mit &teed tile 7.5%
ceiling for indirect cost. A copy of the approved reprogrammed LIB
and other required documents shall be submitted to the Monitoring
Agency within two (2) weeks upon its approval for subsequent.
endorsement to the Funding Agency.
Monitoring Agency
The Monitoring Agency shall approve budget reprograrnming
involving creation of new expense itern/s (including increase in
number of personnel and equipment) without, additional funding, both
under the ditect and indirect costs with appropriate adVice to the
Funding Agency.
Funding Agency
For projects with CO, the FR shall be supported by DUST Fonn K-List
of Equipment Purchased and PAR.
i. The UB, savings and income and interest of a program/project, if any,
shall be reported and included in the annual FR/AFR submitted to the
Funding/Monitoring Agency.
e. Non-Submission of Requirements
For failure to submit the required financial, technical and other reports
within the prescribed deadlines, demand letter shall be sent to the Project
Leader and Head of Agency.
The Funding Agency may undertake legal measures against the Project
Leader for non-submission of requirements.
The activities, operation, books of accounts and records of the project shall be
Subject to inspection by the authorized representative of the Funding Agency
and its auditor, whenever necessary.
The Program/Project Leader shall hire personnel on contract basis to work for the
program/project in accordance with existing hiring policies of the Implementing
Agency. The hired program/project personnel shall not be allowed to engage in
activities other than those under the program/project during regular working hours.
All contractual program/project personnel shall be bound to the rules on conflict of
The Project Leader Shall submit to the Funding Agency a list of all personnel hired
under the project, including their responsibilities, qualifications, and other relevant
information using DOST Form J.
Further, said contract shall clearly state that as per provision of said particular
Contract of project personnel, no employer-employee. relaticinship shall exist
between said individual and the Monitoring Agency and with the DOST.
.A Program/Project Leader who intends to leave the project shall notify the Head of
the Implementing Agency, who shall then submit to the Monitoring Agency the
name of the recoinmende,d. substitute for the outgoing Program/Project Leader. The
criteria for selection of the new Program/Project Leader shall include track record
on project management.
The Monitoring Agency shall approve the designation of the replacement and
inform the Funding Agency of the change in project leadership.
8. The Funding Agency shall not provide additional compensation, benefits, pension Or
gratuity to any program/project personnel who retired or were laid off during or
after completion/termination of the program/project.
Supplies, materials and other properties authorized to be purchased using CIA funds
shall be used exclusively for the program/project. Equipment designed and fabricated
using MOOE funds of the project shall be reported as equipment. Equipment procured
under CIA-assisted projects are subject to the following guidelines:
Only equipment included and identified in the approved LIB shall be purchased
using grant funds. Items purchased under capital outlay as indicated in the approved
LIB shall be classified as fixed assets and shall be covered by Property
Acknowledgement Receipt (PAR) for Equipment.
If a Program/Project Leader transfers to another government office, retires, resigns,
or is dismissed/separated from the service, the Implementing Agency must ensure
that the Program/Project Leader has secured clearance from their Property and
Supply Section, as well as inform the Funding Agency. Clearance Shall not be
issued unless all properties related to the project are fully accounted for.
The Implementing Agency shall record the equipment purchased out of the project
funds in accordance with GAM subject to the provisions of Philippine Public Sector
Accounting System No. 17 (PPSAS 17).
Agency Name
Location of Equipment.
Project Title
Current custodian or end-user accountable for the equipment
Programmed Equipment
Equipment purchased with individual description/specification
Date of Acquisition
Property Number
Amount per LIB
PAR serial no.
Acquisition/actual cost
I. Current physical condition whether usable, defective or beyond economic repair
and disposition made pursuant to existing government rules and regulations.
Updating of equipment records--the Property Officer of the Funding Agency shall
update the directory and records of equipment every year based on PAR received Or
PTR/Deed of Donation issued to Implementing Agency. A copy of the updated
directory shall be provided to the project leaders, technical, and financial
divisions/units concerned.
Care and location of equipment—the program/project leader shall ensure that the
project equipment are housed in a suitable location and that proper care,
maintenance and due diligence are cibserved.
Plans for the use of equipment--The Head of the Implementing Agency shall inform
the Funding Agency on equipment purchased through GIA funds, which remain
unutilized. Such information shall be Used in the evaluation of new projects,
especially those requiring the same equipment.
Once transfer is effected, the receiving agency shall bear all expenses that may
be incurred for repair, maintenance and/or improvement of the equipment;
The receiving institution shall enter in its books of accounts the itemized total
book value of the equipment transferred in accordance with GAM;
c. The receiving institution shall comply with the Property Insurance Law
requiring all government entities to insure their properties with the Property
Insurance Fund at its own expenses; and
f. In the exigency of the service, the Funding Agency may borrow the transferred
equipment, without charge, to be used in other GIA programs/projects subject
to concurrence of the Project Leader and Read of receiving institution.
13. Loan of equipment upon written request, an equipment procured through a previous
GIA project may be loaned free of charge to other Program/Project Leaders subject
to the following conditions:
The equipment shall bc used for purposes of (a) carrying out its research, either
solely by itself or in collaboration with other institutions, (b) instruction in
science and technology; and/or (c) dissemination of knowledge in science and
technology. In no case shall any fee be charged for such use nor shall :the
equipment be sub-leased without prior written approval of the Funding Agency;
The loan of an equipment shall be on an "as is, where is' basis, and alteXpetiSes
for its repair, maintenance and/or improvement shall be borne by the end-user;
The end-user shall be liable for any damage or loss of the loaned equipment
except for those brought about by normal Wear and tear; and
The loan shall be for a definite period only but shall be subject to renewal upon
approval of the Funding Agency. At the end of the loan period, the equipment
shall be returned to the Funding Agency in good condition.
The Funding Agency reserves the exclusive right to discontinue its assistance to any
program/project at anytime for violation of Grant Agreement, when the results obtained
or expected to be obtained do not justify further activity, fraud or falsity in
Program/Project Leader's proposal, representations and warranties and when funds
become unavailable. The Project Leader, Shall be notified at east forty:five (45) days
before the date of termination so that he/she could, inform the concerned personnel
All pertinent forrns stated herein are hereby attached and 'made part of this
Administrative Order (AO).
This Administrative Order shall take effect fifteen 05) days after publication in
the Official Gazette and upon filing at the UP Law Center.
Approved By: