Chapter 14 - Women and Work in The Philippines
Chapter 14 - Women and Work in The Philippines
Chapter 14 - Women and Work in The Philippines
Despite this progress, women still face the same issues they did ten years ago which also affect men.
The wage gap
Lack of decent work opportunities
It adds that:
“Decent work involves opportunities for work that are productive and fairly remunerative as family living
wage, security in the workplace, and social protection for families, better prospects for personal
development and social integration, freedom for people to express their concerns, organize, participate in
the decisions that affect their lives, and equality of opportunity and treatment for all women and women.”
Decent work for women entails support services that take into consideration their maternal functions,
family obligations, and work responsibilities.
Decent work also involves the access to day-care services, breast-feeding stations, and maternity and
paternity leave access.
Women joining the labor force still have to attend to their reproductive roles at home. Having both
reproductive and productive work is what feminists call the “DOUBLE DAY” or “MULTIPLE BURDEN”.
Household chores include:
Washing the dishes
Child Care
Caring elderly or sick persons of their homes
The perception of the multiple burden of women compels many employers to assume that women
cannot commit to their work.
Though illegal, employers may also have certain preferences for single, unmarried women who have
no family obligations as they are more flexible in terms of the time they can devote to their job.
Note that these issues are not considerations for hiring and promoting men.
In fact, in countries with paternity leave and responsive caretaking policies, men still do half the work
women do in terms of care work.
One option to mitigate this concern is to have gender-responsive policies in the workplace that allow
both women and men to fulfill their duties at home.
Policies may include granting maternity and paternity leaves, and promoting men's participation in
reproductive work.
Care or reproductive work is the base of a society.
The valuation of this traditionally gendered task must be given importance in order for true gender
justice to prevail.
Women working in care industries must be valued both as workers and as women who are working to
support their own family.
A gender-responsive organization gives importance to women's true gender needs.
One method to incorporate care into systems of work is by adopting policies that:
Allot time for parents to attend to their children's needs
Paid activities that allow parents to do care work at home
Accessible care work within the organization where the parents works for.
S E X - R O L E S T E R E O T Y P I N G AT W O R K
Sex-role stereotyping pervades all aspects of society from what one assumes about men and women
to the types of jobs they can have.
Men are predominantly employed in labor-intense jobs, such as:
Transportation and Storage
Women are likely to take on jobs that are related to their assumed traits:
Women are often found in “education, community and health care, wholesale and retail trade,
service activities, and manufacturing.”
It appears that women and men tend to veer away from jobs that do not correspond to their
stereotyped role.
Women workers are also less likely to be in top administrative roles.
In fact, less than half of the executive positions in the Philippines are awarded to women through 67%
of the Filipino professionals are women.
W O M E N I N T H E R U R A L / A G R I C U LT U R E S E C T O R
Agriculture is fundamental as it is a major contributor to a nation's food production and industries, as
well as to the national economy as a whole.
In the Philippines, women-farmers and rural women in general play an important role in agriculture at
all levels.
The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) recognizes rural women as active economic actors being
among the landless workers, traders of agricultural and fishery products, and agents in micro-
manufacturing enterprises.
According to a 2004 FAO report, 27% of the total 10.4 million Filipino workforce in the sectors of
agriculture, hunting, and forestry were women.
In 2015, 39% to 49% of the farming households in the Philippines hired women in land preparation,
planning, planting, and harvesting activities.
The Asian Development Bank cites agriculture as the second largest sector for women's employment in
the Philippines.
Specifically, 64% of workers in the rice and corn subsector and 60% of the workers in the fisheries
sector were women.
However, few women farmers have access to high-quality production inputs, credit, information on
farming techniques, and markets.
Limited access to property and decision making also hinder the progress of women in the agricultural
Philippine government data in 2012 show that only 29% of the 2.3 million agrarian reform beneficiaries
who were granted certificates of land ownership award (CLOA) were women. This disparity can be
attributed to the prevailing socio-cultural structures in rural communities.
The recognition of male adults as heads of the household in rural communities makes women less
regarded as farmers or agricultural holders, and consequently reducing their position in decision
Legal entitlements such as CLOA or land titles awarded to their names would have provided women
with formal and legal rights that could improve their access to financing and credit facilities among
Many Filipinos, including the younger generations, aspire to go abroad as overseas Filipino workers
(OFWs) in such territories as the Middle East, Europe, or the U.S.
More than 10.4 million Filipinos or greater than 10% of the national population are based abroad.
The Philippines deployed some 2.2 million OFWs in 2012 alone, almost 50% of which were women.
Sending Filipino workers abroad was originally a stop-gap measure against the unemployment crisis in
the 1970s.
However, what starred as a trend became a main form of employment for many Filipinos.
Forty-three percent of OFWs deployed in 2012 worked in Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and
Most of them came from Luzon, specifically from CALABARZON (Region IV-A) and Central Luzon
(Region III).
More than 60% of these OFWs were women and majority were involved in domestic or care work.
Thus, more women OFWs were employed as laborers and “unskilled” workers than their male
counterparts who worked as plant and machine operators and assemblers under trade-related works.
This observation mirrors the findings of the United Nations Women Committee that women OFWs are
predominantly service workers whereas male OFWs are mainly production workers.
Women OFWs are often reported to experience various challenges due to their low skill and low
education level.
These women are susceptible to abuse and exploitation, illegal recruitment, contract substation, and
debt bondage.
Other women become victims of human trafficking or sex trafficking because they were offered jobs
which were actually a front for an illegal recruitment scheme.
Some women also experience violations of their sexual and reproductive health due to various
discriminatory laws in countries where they work.
The Women’s EDGE Plan also identifies the de-skilling of professionals as an issue. Due to the need for
caregivers overseas, professionals who wish to go abroad may take on these jobs.
The OFWs are a great resource to the country. Their hand work and sacrifice must not be romanticized
but rewarded with gender-responsive government projects.
One such project is the Balik Pinay! Balik-Hanapbuhay! Project (Return Filipina! Return to
Livelihood!). It aims to assist in the reintegration of women overseas workers in terms of skills training
in entrepreneurship and other business-related topics once they return to the Philippines.
The services of a live-in domestic worker can be called any time and overtime work is not
compensated. There is no formal contract for the women who engage in this work, and most of them
are not educated, come from depressed areas, or have migrated from poor rural areas.
The lack of education makes these workers susceptible to abuse and exploitation, specifically physical
and sexual abuse. Their lack of awareness and separation from the outside world often traps domestic
workers into this type of job.
In order to address this problem, policies that seek to empower women in the economic sphere have
been formulated. These are as follows:
R.A. 9501 or the Magna Carta for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). This law
hopes to create policies that will assist women entrepreneurs in various stages of development.
R.A. 10151 or an Act Allowing the Employment of Night Workers of 2011. It is a respond to
Article 130 and 131 of the Labor Code of the Philippines. The two articles prohibit women from
working the night shift due to their reproductive roles. As a result, the opportunities of women
became severely limited, especially those who worked in the BPO industry. The act aims to
expand women’s employment or work options.
R.A. 10361 or the Domestic Workers Act of 2013 (Batas Kasambahay). The kasambahay
(domestic worker) Law defines the labor rights of domestic household workers, majority of
which are women, increases their minimum wage, and provides regular employment and social
protection benefits.
The following are laws that cover women in the labor and livelihood sector:
Republic Act No. 10361 Domestic Workers Act or Batas Kasambahay January 18, 2013
Republic Act No. 8425 Social Reform and Poverty Alleviation Act June 30, 1998
Republic Act No. 8424 The Tax Reform Act of 1997 December 11, 1997
Republic Act No. 1105 National Rural Women’s Day October 15, 1997
The Government Service Insurance System Act
Republic Act No. 8291 May 30, 1997
of 1997
Republic Act No. 8289 Magna Carta for Small Enterprises May 6, 1997
Republic Act No. 976 Declaring 1997 as Anti-Migrant Trafficking Year February 25, 1997
Republic Act No. 8187 Paternity Leave Act of 1996 June 11, 1996
Migrant Workers and Overseas Filipinos Act of
Republic Act No. 8042 June 7, 1995
Provision of Assistance to Women Engaging in
Republic Act No. 7882 Micro and Cottage Business Enterprises, and February 20, 1995
for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 7877 Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995 February 14, 1995