IS Code-Site Specific Investigation - 2020-470922960 - 17163
IS Code-Site Specific Investigation - 2020-470922960 - 17163
IS Code-Site Specific Investigation - 2020-470922960 - 17163
Indian Standard
ICS 93.020
© BIS 2020
This Indian Standard was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized by the Hill Area
Development Engineering Sectional Committee, had been approved by the Civil Engineering Division Council.
Landslides of different types occur at specific locations under certain topographic and geologic conditions.
Therefore, it is important to carry out detailed investigations to study the failure mechanism of landslides to
conduct slope stability analyses, to design a scheme of instrumentation for their deformation monitoring and
finally to design appropriate control measures.
Prior to any site specific investigation of landslides, it is important to collect the existing information pertaining to
the particular landslide in the form of literature, maps, history and data. This prior knowledge, if exists, will form
a basis for drafting a detailed investigation plan to be carried out for the landslide.
This standard has, therefore, been formulated to provide general guidelines for site specific investigations and
stability analysis of existing and potential landslide slopes in hilly terrain, and consequent large scale mapping of
hill slope.
The composition of the Committee responsible for the formulation of this standard is given in Annex B.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with the final value,
observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis shall be rounded off in accordance with
IS 2 : 1960 ‘Rule for rounding off numerical values ( revised )’. The number of significant places retained in the
rounded off value should be same as that of the specified value in this standard.
Indian Standard
classified based on Slope Mass Rating (SMR) as per considered most likely to reveal any sub-surface
IS 13365 (Part 3). Other important aspects of the site conditions which may indicate the potential for landslide
to document include the distribution and thickness of failures. Such investigation should locate and define
colluviums and depth of bedrock weathering. geometry of the bedding/foliation and fracture surfaces,
Based on the collected information of the landslide area, geological contacts, faults and other discontinuities as
an engineering geological map of the landslide should well as actual landslide rupture surfaces.
be prepared on the base contour map. The engineering Sub-surface investigation/exploration methods can be
geological map of the landslide area should include classified as direct and indirect methods. Direct methods,
all the landslide features, surface drainages/streams, such as test borings/drilling and the excavation of test
surficial deposits, bedrock exposures and structural pits or trenches, allow the examination of the earth
discontinuities. The purpose of the on-site engineering materials, usually with the collection of samples from
geologic mapping is to document surface conditions, different depths. Indirect method, such as geophysical
which, in turn, provides a basis for projecting subsurface surveys, provides an assessment of material type
conditions that may be relevant to the stability of the across depth. It would be recommended to follow
site. direct investigations after reviewing results of indirect
The profile sections of the landslide should be investigations.
updated with the surface geological information and 3.2.1 Geophysical Investigation
interpretations. Based on the detailed engineering
geological mapping, the mode of failure of the landslide Geophysical survey techniques, such as seismic and
slope, such as circular mode of debris slide, translational electrical surveys of the landslide area may provide
mode of debris slide on the bed rock, planar/wedge/ an alternative method for sub-surface investigation to
toppling failure modes of rock slide should be assessed. understand the approximate conditions of the landslide
and surrounding area. These techniques measure the
Hence, an interpretive result of engineering geological vertical and lateral variation of physical properties
mapping will be the classification of slopes in the of the ground. They can be particularly useful in
landslide area in terms of stability. areas where direct methods, such as drilling and test
3.1.3 Collection of Samples pits are restricted. Geophysical methods are also
generally used to support more traditional techniques
Soil and rock samples from the surface of the landslide (that is drilling and test pits) and should be correlated
area should be collected judiciously. The samples may with the interpretation of intrusive investigation to
be collected from different contour levels along or in improve confidence in results. Standard data collection
the near vicinity of the profile sections selected for techniques for geophysical survey should be used.
stability analyses. These samples are taken primarily
for laboratory testing for the measurement of in-situ 3.2.2 Investigation through Drilling
material properties. Samples of the weathered and/or The locations and depths of bore holes for sub-surface
colluvial soil, the existing landslide rupture materials investigation should be judiciously decided based on
and the weakest components of the in-situ rock the interpretation of surface engineering geological
units should be taken for laboratory measurement of investigations and geophysical scan line survey to
engineering properties. Special care should be taken to reveal any sub-surface condition related to landslide
obtain oriented samples of existing and exposed zones failures. The drilling locations may preferably be along
of weakness or rupture surface. It is the responsibility of the profile sections or in the near vicinity of the profile
the field supervising geologist or engineer to accurately sections. The depth to which drilling should extend
label and locate the collected samples. can be difficult to define in advance. However, profile
Soil samples that may be obtained from surface or cross-sections from the surface engineering geological
from test pits belong to one of the two basic categories investigation can be helpful in planning the depths of
such as disturbed and undisturbed samples. Disturbed bore holes required in investigation. In general, drilling
samples are collected primarily for soil classification should extend deep enough to identify materials that
tests where the preservation of the soil structure is have not been subjected to movements in the past but
not essential or for remoulding in the laboratory and might be involved in future movements and to clearly
subsequent strength tests. Undisturbed samples do identify and extend beyond the underlying stable
not entirely represent truly undisturbed soil or rock materials or bedrocks.
conditions because the process of sampling and The drill holes should be properly logged (as per
transporting inevitably introduces some disturbance IS 4464) to extract as many information as possible. The
into the soil or rock structure. bore hole logs should include the detailed information
3.2 Sub-surface Investigation as: geologic and soil description, colour, hardness,
lithologic description, degree of weathering, alterations
Sub-surface investigation by the engineering geologist and fractures, strike and dip of bedding/foliation and
and civil engineer should be conducted at locations other joints/discontinuities, core recovery, RQD (Rock
Quality Designation) and ground water levels. In b) In-situ shear test on rock as per IS 7746.
addition, during drilling the information on drilling c) Quantitative description of discontinuities in
rate, water loss, return water colour and collection of rock mass for Drill core study as per IS 11315
water washed samples should be undertaken. (Part 12).
Using the drilling logs, the surface of rupture or slide d) Hardness of rock as per IS 12608.
plane should be assessed. Accordingly, the engineering
e) Direct shear strength of rock joints as per
profile sections of the landslide area should be improved
IS 12634.
and updated with the incorporation of sub-surface data
f) In-situ determination of rock mass deformability
3.2.3 Collection of Samples using a flexible dilatometer for Radial
During the intrusive technique of sub-surface displacement as per IS 12955 (Part 2).
investigation through bore holes, all the materials g) Predicting of engineering properties (RMR) as per
(soil/debris/weathered rock/fresh rock) extracted from IS 13365 (Part 1).
the sub-surface should be preserved in core boxes h) Determination of slope mass rating (SMR) as per
with proper label along the depths. These core boxes IS 13365 (Part 3).
may be transported to the geotechnical laboratory for
j) Geological Strength Index (GSI) as per
characterization of different materials across the depths
IS 13365 (Part 4).
of the landslide area.
3.3.3 For characterizing of the intact rock specimens or
3.3 Laboratory and Field Testing on lumped rock samples following tests should be done
In order to conduct slope stability analyses and to as per the Indian standards given below:
design appropriate control measures for landslides, a) Point load strength index of rocks as per IS 8764.
physical as well as engineering properties of the soil
and rock materials should be determined through field b) Unconfined compressive strength of rock materials
and laboratory investigations. as per IS 9143.
c) Preparation of rock specimen for laboratory
3.3.1 For characterizing the debris and soil the following testing as per IS 9179
tests should be done as per the Indian standards given
d) Determination of modulus of elasticity and
Poisson’s ratio of rock materials in uniaxial
a) Classification and identification of soils as per compression as per IS 9221.
IS 1498. e) Determination of slake durability index of rocks
b) Penetration test for soils as per IS 2131. as per IS 10050.
c) Thin walled tube sampling of soils as per f) Determination of tensile strength by indirect
IS 2132. tests on rock specimens as per IS 10082.
d) Preparation of dry soil samples for various tests g) Determination of water content, porosity, density
as per IS 2720 (Part 1). and related properties of rock material as per
e) Determination of water content as per IS 2720 IS 13030.
(Part 2). h) Determination of strength of rock materials in
f) Determination of specific gravity as per IS 2720 triaxial compression as per IS 13047.
(Part 3).
g) Determination of unconfined compressive
strength as per IS 2720 (Part 10). The evaluation of stability of the hill slopes becomes
h) Determination of shear strength parameters of very essential for the safe design, especially when the
soil from consolidated undrained triaxial slopes are situated close to residential areas or when
compression test with measurement of pore water infrastructures are built on these slopes. A hill slope
pressure as per IS 2720 (Part 12). can fail due to one or the combination of the four
mechanisms like circular sliding, plane sliding, wedge
j) Direct shear test for soils containing gravel as per sliding and toppling. Circular failure occurs in rock
IS 2720 (Part 39/Sec 1). mass if it can be justified as homogeneous medium.
k) In-situ vane shear test for soils as per IS 4434. When the instability is dictated by the presence of
pre-existing geological features like joints, bedding
3.3.2 For characterizing the rock mass the following
planes or faults then the failure will be in the form of
tests should be done as per the Indian standards given
plane sliding, wedge sliding or toppling (see Table 1 of
IS 14680). To assess the stability of a hill slope in
a) Uniaxial jacking test for deformation modulus of jointed rock masses, all these possible failure modes
rock as per IS 7317. shall be checked.
A vast range of methods for the stability analysis of rock mobilized and the disturbing forces/moments. Methods
and mixed rock-soil slopes have been developed. These vary, however, in the assumptions adopted in order to
methods range from simple infinite slope and planar achieve a determinate solution.
failure limit equilibrium techniques to sophisticated
coupled finite/distinct element codes. Collection of 4.2 Numerical Method
field data and then implementation of the same is the It is very crucial to choose the proper numerical
portion where uttermost care should be taken. In the modelling for rock slope stability analysis. Continuum
section below kinematic analysis is discussed in very modelling is best suited for the analysis of slopes that
brief followed by some detailed discussion to arrive are comprised of weak rocks, and soil-like or heavily
at different input parameters required for hill slope fractured rock masses. Limit equilibrium method, limit
stability analysis. Two different modelling techniques analysis method commercially available numerical
are discussed. In one case, the slope is represented code are useful in characterizing rock slope failure
as a continuum in which the effect of discontinuities mechanisms. It is the responsibility of the engineer to
may be considered by reducing the properties and verify whether they are representative of the rock mass
strength of intact rock to those of rock mass. In another under consideration. In case of a rock slope comprising
case, a combined continuum-interface numerical multiple joint sets, which control the mechanism of
method may be adopted where the discontinuities are failure, a discontinuum modelling approach may be
represented as interface elements in between the rock considered as more appropriate.
walls. In each case of numerical modelling of landslide
slope, both static and dynamic (including earthquake 4.2.1 Continuum Analysis
parameters) analysis as well as analysis under dry and Rock slopes having weak rocks and soil-like or heavily
water saturated conditions shall be carried out. The fractured rock masses may be modelled as a continuum
loading conditions on the landslide slope such as dead using a two dimensional, plane strain approach. The
loads (due to buildings and other infrastructures) and slope is represented as continuum in which the effect
imposed loads (due to traffic, etc) shall be considered of discontinuities may be considered by reducing
during numerical modelling. the properties and strength of intact rock to those of
rock mass. Material properties are the most important
4.1 Kinematic Method input parameters for any numerical analysis. Hence,
Stereographic projection are used for the visualization uttermost care has been taken to decide over the material
and determination of the kinematic feasibility of rock properties. Most of the numerical codes consider the
slopes using friction cones, daylight and toppling strength of rock mass as linear and generally require
envelopes, in addition to graphical and statistical Mohr-Coulomb parameters, c (cohesion) and ø, angle
analysis of the discontinuity properties. It is essential of internal friction, of slope material as strength
to note that such approaches recognize potential sliding parameters.
failures involving single discontinuities or discontinuity Laboratory tests on small specimens cannot predict the
intersections. shear strength properties of rock masses, in-situ tests
The planar wedge slide occurs under gravity alone where which provide direct information on shear strength
rock mass rests on an inclined geological discontinuity, properties and deformability is necessary. However,
such as bedding/weakness plane that day-light into the in-situ tests are expensive and time consuming.
free slope. A caution should be exercised that a rock Value of cohesion, friction and tensile strength may be
slope may fail by toppling if dip of cross joint is more obtained by fitting straight line over the generalised
than 90º - ψf + øj, where ψf is the slope angle and øj is Hoek-Brown (GHB) failure envelope. The fitting process
the sliding angle of friction along joint plane. involves balancing the areas above and below the Mohr-
The failure of rock wedge (three-dimensional) occurs Coulomb plot. Required input parameters are uniaxial
when two discontinuities strike obliquely across the compressive strength (UCS), geological strength index
slope face and their line of intersection daylights (GSI), Hoek-Brown constant (mi), Disturbance factor
in the slope face. The rock wedge resting on these (D) and Elastic modulus of intact rock (Ei). The shear
discontinuities may slide down along the line of strength parameters obtained from the above method is
intersection, provided that the inclination of this line is the peak shear strength of the rock mass.
significantly greater than the sliding angle of friction. The main motive behind this generalised Hoek-Brown
Alternatively, the wedge may slide on any plane of (GHB) empirical failure criterion was to develop a
discontinuity. Further, the wedge may fail by floating dimensionless equation that could be scaled in relation
due to high seepage pressures on the joints. to geological information,
Discontinuity data for different joint sets are used to
assess the factor of safety against sliding. All limiting σ
equilibrium techniques share a common approach σ 1 = σ 3 + σ ci mb 3 + s … (1)
based on a comparison of resisting forces/moments σ ci
( Clause 2 )
( Foreword )
Hill Area Development Engineering Sectional Committee, CED 56
Organization Representative(s)
In Personal Capacity, (H No-FFA, Block - G Priya Dr R. Anbalagan (Chairman)
Sudarsana Apts, Melur Road, Srirangam
Tiruchirappalli, Tami Nadu)
AIMIL Ltd, New Delhi Shri Sharique Khan
Shri Aman Khullar (Alternate)
Border Roads Organization, New Delhi Brig A. K. Das
Lt Col Parikshit Mehra (Alternate)
Building Materials & Technology Promotion Dr Shailesh Kumar Agarwal
Council, New Delhi
Central Public Works Department, Shillong Shri Sheo Prasad Singh
Shri Prem Chand Mathur (Alternate)
Central Soil & Materials Research Station, Dr Manish Gupta
New Delhi Shri Hari Das (Alternate)
Central Water Commission, New Delhi Director HCD (Nw&S)
Director (Sardar Sarovar) (Alternate)
CSIR - Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee Shri Ashok Kumar
Shri Ajai Chaurasia (Alternate)
CSIR - Central Institute of Mining & Fuel Research, Dr R. K. Goel
Roorkee Shri Anil Swarup (Alternate)
CSIR - Central Road Research Institute, New Delhi Dr Kishor Kumar
Dr Pankaj Gupta (Alternate)
Defence Terrain Research Laboratory/(DRDO), Dr L. K. Sinha
Department of Science & Technology, Ministry of Shri Bhoop Singh
Science & Technology, New Delhi
G. B. Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment Shri Kireet Kumar
Development, Almora Shri Soukhin Tarafdar (Alternate)
Geological Survey of India, Kolkata Shri M. S. Bodas
Dr T. B. Goshal (Alternate)
Himalayan Environmental Studies & Conservation Dr Anil Joshi
Organization, Dehradun
Housing & Urban Development Corporation Ltd, Chairman & Managing Director
New Delhi
Indian Army Corps of Engineers, YOL CANTT Brig Virender Singh Kattarya
Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, Dehradun Dr P. K. Champati Ray
Dr Ajanta Goswami (Alternate)
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee Dr M. N. Viladkar
Dr Mahendra Singh (Alternate)
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai Representative
Konkan Railway Corporation, Navi Mumbai Shri Rajesh Agarwal
Maccaferri Environmental Solutions Pvt Ltd, Shrimati Minimol Korulla
Gurugram Dr H. S. Mandal (Alternate)
Organization Representative(s)
Military Engineer Services, Engineer-in-Chief’s Shrimati Rivoo Mahendru
Branch, Integrated HQ of Ministry of Defence, Shri S. K. Mishra (Alternate)
(Army), New Delhi
National Centre for Seismology, New Delhi Dr O. P. Mishra
Dr H. S. Mandal (Alternate)
National Highway Authority of India, New Delhi Dr Ram Kumar
Shri R. P. Singh (Alternate)
National Hydroelectric Power Corporation Ltd, Shri S. Murugappan
National Institute of Disaster Management, New Delhi Representative
National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee Shri R. D. Singh
Dr Sudhir Kumar (Alternate)
Rail Vikas Nigam Limited, New Delhi Shri Sumit Jain
SJVN Limited, Shimla Shri A. K. Chadha
Snow Avalanche Study and Establishment, Col P. Mathur
THDC India Limited, Rishikesh Shri T. S. Routela
Shri Ajay Kumar (Alternate)
Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology, Dehradun Dr S. K. Bartarya
BIS Directorate General Shri Sanjay Pant, Scientist ‘F’ and Head (Civil Engineering)
[ Representing Director General ( Ex-officio ) ]
Member Secretary
Dr Manoj Kumar Rajak
Scientist ‘D’ (Civil Engineering), BIS
BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 2016 to promote harmonious
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connected matters in the country.
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This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc No.: CED 56 (12161).