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Recursos 2 Virtual

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Social Practice of the language. Read plays.

Activities. Lesson 1
Watch the video “The 5 elements of drama”. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LGG4jxvc_ps
Immediately carry out what is requested.

Look at the pictures and discuss which of the arts they relate to.
Character performance stage

Look at the pictures and identify the correct genres.

comedy horror romance tragedy

Read the excerpts from the scenes. Analyze and mark:

comedy horror romance tragedy.

HAMLET Lady The woman in Cyrano de

by William Windermere’s Fan black adapted by Bergerac by
Shakespeare by Oscar Wilde Stephen Edmond Rostand
Hamlet wants revenge Lady Windermere Mallatratt
for the murder of his Bergerac laves the
finds that appearances marsh house is hauntes
father, but in the end, alluring Roxanne but
can be deceptive in by the terrifying ghost
he loses his mother, thinks he is too ugly to
this hilarious satire of of a woman gresses in
his girlfriend, and his tell her how he feels.
relationships. Black.
Watch the video “Kinds of drama”. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mfS6tugdtg
Immediately carry out what is requested.
Read statements from students who are talking about plays. Write the genre each student refers to on the
lines below. There Is an extra genre you do not need.
comedy tragedy tragicomedy historical musical drama
Martha: I love the theatre, yesterday I went to see a play where most of the story was told with songs and
dancing. There were many actors on stage!
Ken: I also like the theatre, but I prefer plays like “Richard III” where they represent real important past
events, you know?
Marvin: I think that the best plays are those where ordinary people have a conflict, and you can relate to their
suffering in different situations.
Selena: Well, not for me. I like plays about ordinary people, but I prefer if they make me laugh and have a
happy ending.
Karen: I've only seen one play in my life. It was about a very important man who died and his fate affected
many people.
After checking answers discuss with a classmate: What type of audience is more common for each genre?
Write down your conclusion.

Match the genres to the features.

comedy horror romance tragedy.

Has situations that make you feel afraid ___________________

The characters' situations go from good to worse. ___________________
Features a beautiful woman or a handsome man. ___________________
Presents stories or scenes that are intentionally funny. ___________________
Often the setting is a haunted house or other building. ___________________
The main characters cause their own problems. ___________________
Uses satire and irony to give a story humor. ___________________
The plot usually has a happy ending. ___________________
Look at the plays. Then reply the following questions:
Which play(s) do you know?
What are these plays about?
Who wrote them?
Which play(s) would you like to read?
Which play(s) would you like to dramatize?

a b

c d

Watch the video “Hamlet by William Shakespeare. Plot Summary”.

(turn on subtitles) Immediately carry out what is requested.
Read the plot descriptions. Then label them with the words in the box.
Rising action Climax Falling action

a. ________________________ b. ________________________ c. ________________________

When Hamlet stabs Hamlet is sent to England to be The Ghost appears to Hamlet
Polonius in Act in, scene IV, he killed; he returns to Denmark and tells him to revenge his
commits himself to a violent and confronts Laertes at murder; he feigns madness to
action and brings himself into Ophelia´s funeral; the fencing his intentions; Hamlet stages the
conflict with the king. Another match; the deaths of the royal mousetrap play; He passes up
possible climax comes at the end family. the opportunity to kill Claudius
of Act IV, scene IV, when Hamlet while he is praying.
resolves to commit himself fully
to violent revenge.

Read the playscript and write the words next to the definitions.
act characters dialogue scene setting stage directions
1. _______________________ a description of the people in the play
2. _______________________ where the action in the play happens
3. _______________________ the spoken text in the play
4. _______________________ description of the actions on stage
5. _______________________ the larger sections of plays
6. _______________________ the smallest section of a play

Watch the video “One act play script”. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIEGi2u1Ato

Immediately carry out what is requested.
Complete the definition with the words in the box.
actions parentheses emotions instructions
Stage directions are ____________________ that tell the actors in a play what emotions to do and what
______________________ to express. They also explain to the readers what ________________ take place in
the play. They go between ____________________, because they are not part of the actors' words.

Match the following stage directions in the scene with their function.
A. Some minutes later, the flower girl enters. ____ attract the reader's attention
B. She is wearing a hat, and an old coat. She ____ show sequence of actions
takes her hat off and leaves it on the table.
____ provide details of actions
C. Filled with terror and hiding behind a piano
Activities. Lesson 2
Watch the video “Euripides: Alcestis. Summary and Analysis”.
(turn on subtitles) Immediately carry out what is requested.

Read the beginning of the play Alcestis by Euripides and write one phrase that describes Admetus, and

Apollo:• I the god Apollo, have always helped humans.

Today I saved the life of Admetus, king of
Thessaly, by making a pact with Death. Admetus
should escape death if he could find another
person to die instead of him. Admetus asked his
parents and his friends, but they refused to take
his place. However, Alcestis, his noble and
beloved wife, decided to die for him. See, here
comes Death.

Read and complete the rest of the scene with the details in the box.
my good and faithful friend cold and dark
my good and respected queen who came to live here when her father died

Death: God Apollo, why are you here?

Apollo: Please, let Alcestis, __________________________________ reach old age.
Death: Never!
(Death enters the bouse)
Admetus: (weeping) Oh, gods! Is there no escape from Death?
Alcestis: I hear Death calling me. I feel its ______________________ hand touching me.
Admetus: You are and will be my only queen forever.
(Alcestis dies.)
Admetus: Every citizen should dress in black. No music for a year. She deserves all honors.
(Enters Hercules)
Admetus: Welcome to my house, _________________________________ Hercules.
Hercules: You are dressed in black. Has Death come to take Alcestis? I know she promised to die in your
Admetus: (not telling Hercules that Alcestis is already dead) She is dead, and she is not... It tortures me.
Hercules: Who died then?
Admetus: A woman, _______________________________________________.
Hercules: I'm leaving then and let you bury your dead... it's no time for parties.
Admetus: No, stay. You're my friend. My door is always open for guests.

Answer the questions. Look at the example

Were gods important to the Greeks? Yes, they were.____________
How do you know? Because they made decisions about humans' lives.
What initial conflict in the play does the god Apollo solve?
What pact did he make? _________________________________________________________________
What sacrifice did Alcestis make? __________________________________________________________
Why do you think Admetus lied to Hercules?

Read the verbs in the sentences and match them with their uses.
A. I, the god Apollo have always helped humans. ____ an action that is taking place now.

____ a habitual action, a state, or a fact.

B. I saved the life of Admetus.
____ an action that started in the past
C. I'm leaving then, and let you bury the dead. and continues in the present.

D. My door is always open for guests. ____ an action that started and finished in
the past.

Read the scene on previous page again. Watch the exclamation (!), interrogation (?) marks, and ellipses (...)
and discuss their uses. Then complete the rules below.
1. We use an _______________________ to express surprise, or to emphasize a comment.
2. We use ______________ to express unfinished thoughts or make pauses.
3. We use an _________________________ to ask questions.

Watch the video “Emotions Every Actor Should Know”. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tiicx0d7yBg

Immediately carry out what is requested.
Discuss the emotion that each of the following lines. Write your conclusion on the line.
1. The witches were right! _____________________________________
2. I will become King! _____________________________________
3. We must make it happen. _____________________________________
4. Are you talking about...? _____________________________________

Reflect on your progress so far. How confident do you feel to do the following? Mark (X) the correct box.
Very Not
confident confident
1. identifying the genre of a play or a scene of a play.
2. understanding the main idea of a play or a scene.
3. Reading lines of a play showing emotion.
4. using body language as I read a line in a play.
Activities. Lesson 3
Watch the video “Act 2 Scene 2. Romeo and Juliet 2018”. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tqyIts6h0Eg
(turn on subtitles) Immediately carry out what is requested.
Read the following excerpt from Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare. Discuss the differences between
dialogues and stage directions with your partner.

Read the text aloud. Follow the stage directions when showing emotions, attitudes, tone of voice, etc.

In pairs, choose three plays you have read so far in this unit. Then complete the chart.
Play Author Setting Characters

In pairs, talk about the plays you chose. Take turns to ask and answer these questions.
What is your favorite play? ___________________________________________________________
What character do you like most? Why?
Watch the video “The Lion and the Mouse Read Aloud”. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFBjYKu5Ly8
(turn on subtitles) Immediately carry out what is requested.
Read the text aloud. Assign roles and practice using body language and intonation.
Activities. Lesson 4
Match six scenes from different ploys with the corresponding scripts and feelings from the box.

1 2


____ Sadness ____ terror ____ pride ____ embarrassment ____ revenge ____ surprise

a) Go away! Please leave me, I beg you...

Scene [____] Feeling: [____________________]
b) My love, my eternal love. How will I live without you?
You've been everything to me! Scene [____] Feeling: [____________________]
c) Oh, I can't believe it! It's the most wonderful thing I've
ever had! Scene [____] Feeling: [____________________]
d) Dear people of Rome. This is a day to be remembered.
Scene [____] Feeling: [____________________]
e) Oh, I don't know what to say...l feel so sorry...forgive
me my lord. Scene [____] Feeling: [____________________]
f) I will make you pay for all the wrong you have done.
Scene [____] Feeling: [____________________]
Now answer Yes or No
Now I can ...
____ Select and revise short theater ploys for young people.
____ Read theater plays and understand the general sense, the main ideas and details.
____ Perform a dramatized reading.
During the planning and performing of this unit's product I...
____ Participated actively.
____ Paid attention to different ways of reading a text according to the characters' emotions and feelings.
____ Used body language to reinforce the meaning of my message.
____ contributed with observations and points of view.
____ learned the pronunciation of new words.

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