Application Form Question
Application Form Question
Application Form Question
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Refer the data and then answer the following questions accordingly:
Passport The passport application process at Seva Kendra is divided into three stages: form filling, document verification, and
application approval. Sudha, Mugdha, and Vidha are its three employees. Sudha and Mugdha handle Form Filling and Document
Verification, while Vidha, due to her seniority, is the6only employee12 32
who handles Application Approval. Form completion takes 10
minutes, document verification 7 minutes, and application
Correct Answered approval 5 minutes.
Wrong Attempt Form
Skipped filling and document verification can be done
concurrently by two employees, but Application Approval can only be done after Form Filing and Document Verification are completed.
There is no downtime between the completion of the previous and next applicant's processes. Only after the Application Approving
stage is completed is the application process considered complete.
The passport office opens at 9:00 a.m., and the employees are ready to begin the process as soon as the passport office opens.
Applicant 1's application process begins as soon as he enters. The times of the first four applicants who arrived at the Passport Seva
Kendra with
Test Analysis theirSolution
Detailed applications are shown
Performance in the Video
Index tableAnalysis
Employees can work on multiple applications at the same time, for example, one of Sudha and Mugdha can work on Form Filing for one
applicant while the other is working on Document Verification for another and Vidha is working on Application Approval for yet another.
The preference, however, is always to complete all three processes of the applicants who arrived earlier.
What isHow
the earliest time that
many students applicant
will No.only
pass if the 2's application
criterion forprocess
is a be completed?
minimum of 40%
in Math?
Arguments: 1/6
10/15/22, 12:38 PM EduCrack: Personalized Coaching — Crack Competitive Exams
Analytical Reasoning
3 Which of the following was MEDIUM +3/-1 NA View Explanation
Ajay's first
Section: stop
Marks: - 1on hisMEDIUM
Mumbai Puzzles - 1
tour if he went to Film City on
Refer the data and then answer the following questions accordingly:
4 Passport
HowThe passport
many of theapplication
seven destinations' process atranks Sevaand
MEDIUM Kendra daysisofdividedvisit+3/-1can into bethree
NA stages: form filling, document verification, and
View Explanation
application approval. Sudha, Mugdha, and Vidha are its three employees. Sudha and Mugdha handle Form Filling and Document
while Vidha, due to her seniority, is the only employee who handles Application Approval. Form completion takes 10
minutes, document verification 7 minutes, and application approval 5 minutes. Form filling and document verification can be done
concurrently by two employees, but Application Approval can only be done after Form Filing and Document Verification are completed.
5 If Marine Drive was visited on MEDIUM +3/-1 NA View Explanation
There is no downtime between the completion of the previous and next applicant's processes. Only after the Application Approving
Friday, which was the second
stage is completed is the application process considered complete.
place that he visited?
The passport office opens at 9:00 a.m., and the employees are ready to begin the process as soon as the passport office opens.
Applicant 1's application process begins as soon as he enters. The times of the first four applicants who arrived at the Passport Seva
6 KendraWhich
with their
placeapplications are shown in the
was visited on table below:
MEDIUM +3/-1 NA View Explanation
Monday if Essel World was
visited before Worli Sea Face?
7 In the episode, who of the MEDIUM +3/-1 10min 37sec View Explanation
following was with Laura?
8 Leonard's abilities were put to MEDIUM +3/-1 01min 32sec View Explanation
the test on
Employees can work on multiple applications at the same time, for example, one of Sudha and Mugdha can work on Form Filing for one
applicant while the other is working on Document Verification for another and Vidha is working on Application Approval for yet another.
The preference, however, is always to complete all three processes of the applicants who arrived earlier.
9 Who was spotted in Malaysia's MEDIUM +3/-1 47sec View Explanation
What israinforest?
the earliest time that applicant No. 2's application process can be completed?
10 Where was the fifth episode MEDIUM +3/-1 06sec View Explanation
Correct Answer: 9.22AM Wrong Attempt
13 What is the earliest time that MEDIUM +3/-1 56sec View Explanation
applicant No. 3's application
process can be completed?
15 How many customers will MEDIUM +3/-1 02min 36sec View Explanation
choose offer B out of all the
total combinations of one food
item and one beverage?
Analytical Reasoning
16 Section:
On oneMarks:
- 1 Sunday, there
Puzzles -1 +3/-1 NA View Explanation
were exactly 320 orders for all
of theData
different sorts of
Refer the Thethen
data and management
answer the following questions accordingly:
noticed that each potential
Passport The passport
combination application
sold exactly theprocess at Seva Kendra is divided into three stages: form filling, document verification, and
amount ofSudha, Mugdha,
servings. How and Vidha are its three employees. Sudha and Mugdha handle Form Filling and Document
many while Vidha,
of these due to her seniority, is the only employee who handles Application Approval. Form completion takes 10
are plausible
minutes, document
ratios between verification
the number 7 minutes,
of and application approval 5 minutes. Form filling and document verification can be done
offer Abut
andApplication Approval can only be done after Form Filing and Document Verification are completed.
There is who chose
no downtime offer B?the completion of the previous and next applicant's processes. Only after the Application Approving
stage is completed is the application process considered complete.
1] 25 : 7 2] 45 : 19 3] 5 : 3
4] 27 : 5office opens at 9:00 a.m., and the employees are ready to begin the process as soon as the passport office opens.
The passport
Applicant 1's application process begins as soon as he enters. The times of the first four applicants who arrived at the Passport Seva
Kendra with their applications are shown in the table below:
17 The management has set the MEDIUM +3/-1 NA View Explanation
pricing of goods so that the
profit (as a percentage of cost)
on food items is 50% and on
beverages it is 100%. Find out
how much money you made on
Sunday. (Refer to the
information from the preceding
Employees can work on multiple applications at the same time, for example, one of Sudha and Mugdha can work on Form Filing for one
18 applicant
Thewhile the otherhas
management is working
set the on Document
MEDIUM Verification for +3/-1
another andNA
Vidha is working on Application Approval for yet another.
View Explanation
The preference,
pricing ofhowever,
goods so is always
that the to complete all three processes of the applicants who arrived earlier.
profit (as a percentage of cost)
What is the earliest time that applicant No. 2's application process can be completed?
on food items is 50% and on
beverages it is 100%. Which of
9:29 the following combinations
yields the most profit?
Correct Answer: 9.22AM Wrong Attempt
19 Find the company's profit with MEDIUM +3/-1 08min 27sec View Explanation
the fewest sales.
Sudha and Mughdha begin the process of filling out forms and verifying applicants' documents. Assume Mugdha completes
Document Verification in 7 minutes and begins Form Filling of Applicant 2. And Sudha begins Document Verification for Applicant
20 2 atHow
9:10 many
a.m. As
result, Form be
cannot Filling andMEDIUM
Document Verification can be finished
+3/-1 NA by 9:17 AM. Vidha may have already completed
View Explanation
the the
Application Approving Process
combined profit of Suzuka for Applicant 1 by that time. As a result, Vidha begins Application Approving of Applicant 2 at
AM Mahendro
and ends itifat 9:22 AM.
Hando's sales
were double that of Xamaha,
and Bejaj's profit was twice
that of Hiro?
Analytical Reasoning
If Hando's sales are 10% lower MEDIUM +3/-1 NA View Explanation
than Suzuka's, Mahendro's
Section: Marks: - 1 MEDIUM Puzzles - 1
operating costs are 20% higher
than Hiro's,
Common Data and Xamaha's
profit is not lower than Bejaj's,
Refer the data and then answer the following questions accordingly:
How many of these are
Passport profit differences
The passport application process at Seva Kendra is divided into three stages: form filling, document verification, and
application Xamaha
approval. and Mugdha, and Vidha are its three employees. Sudha and Mugdha handle Form Filling and Document
Verification, while Vidha, due to her seniority, is the only employee who handles Application Approval. Form completion takes 10
minutes, document verification 7 minutes, and application approval 5 minutes. Form filling and document verification can be done
1] 2 Cr 2] 0 Cr 3] 10 Cr 4] 7
concurrently by two employees, but Application Approval can only be done after Form Filing and Document Verification are completed.
There is no downtime between the completion of the previous and next applicant's processes. Only after the Application Approving
stage is completed is the application process considered complete.
23 Determine the shortest number MEDIUM +3/-1 NA View Explanation
The passport office opens at 9:00 a.m., and the employees are ready to begin the process as soon as the passport office opens.
of turns required for a player to
Applicant 1's application process begins as soon as he enters. The times of the first four applicants who arrived at the Passport Seva
complete the game using
Kendra with their applications are shown in the table below:
exactly one ladder.
Employees can work on multiple applications at the same time, for example, one of Sudha and Mugdha can work on Form Filing for one
25 applicant
If Shaanu wasother
while the bitten
is by snake on Document
working MEDIUMVerification for +3/-1
another andNA
Vidha is working on Application Approval
yet another.
S1 exactlyhowever,
The preference, once, how many to complete all three processes of the applicants who arrived earlier.
is always
turns would it have taken him
What istothe earliest
finish time that applicant No. 2's application process can be completed?
the game?
26 Determine how many turns MEDIUM +3/-1 NA View Explanation
Correct could
Answer: have finished the
9.22AM Wrong Attempt
game in if he had used the
ladder L3.
Sudha and Mughdha begin the process of filling out forms and verifying applicants' documents. Assume Mugdha completes
27 Surname
Document of Suresh in
Verification is:7 minutes and begins
MEDIUM +3/-1
Form Filling of Applicant NA Sudha begins Document Verification
2. And View Explanation
for Applicant
2 at 9:10 a.m. As a result, Form Filling and Document Verification can be finished by 9:17 AM. Vidha may have already completed
the Application Approving Process for Applicant 1 by that time. As a result, Vidha begins Application Approving of Applicant 2 at
28 9:17IfAM
prices of itthe
ends at Watch,
9:22 AM. MEDIUM +3/-1 NA View Explanation
Mobile, and Wallet were Rs.
10,000, Rs. 20,000, and Rs.
30,000, respectively, and each
friend contributed equally to
the purchase of that specific
gift. Determine the total
contribution made by the
Subramaniam family in rupees. 4/6
10/15/22, 12:38 PM EduCrack: Personalized Coaching — Crack Competitive Exams
Common Data
30 Refer the
data andthe giftanswer
then to which
the followingMEDIUM +3/-1
questions accordingly: NA View Explanation
Madhura Kulkarni contributed:
Passport The passport application process at Seva Kendra is divided into three stages: form filling, document verification, and
application approval. Sudha, Mugdha, and Vidha are its three employees. Sudha and Mugdha handle Form Filling and Document
Verification, while Vidha, due to her seniority, is the only employee who handles Application Approval. Form completion takes 10
31 How many of the six friends MEDIUM +3/-1 NA View Explanation
minutes, document verification 7 minutes, and application approval 5 minutes. Form filling and document verification can be done
visited each of the three towns
concurrently by two employees, but Application Approval can only be done after Form Filing and Document Verification are completed.
in a unique way?
There is no downtime between the completion of the previous and next applicant's processes. Only after the Application Approving
stage is completed is the application process considered complete.
32 Who of the following would like MEDIUM +3/-1 01min 47sec View Explanation
The passport office opens
to visit Ahmedabad? at 9:00 a.m., and the employees are ready to begin the process as soon as the passport office opens.
Applicant 1's application process begins as soon as he enters. The times of the first four applicants who arrived at the Passport Seva
Kendra with their applications are shown in the table below:
33 All the three towns visited by MEDIUM +3/-1 04min 15sec View Explanation
how many of the six friends can
be determined?
What is the earliest time that applicant No. 2's application process can be completed?
36 Which of the following cuisines MEDIUM +3/-1 NA View Explanation
9:29 does the person sitting across
from Akira enjoy?
How many students are MEDIUM +3/-1 06min 26sec View Explanation
involved in all three sports
training? 5/6
10/15/22, 12:38 PM EduCrack: Personalized Coaching — Crack Competitive Exams
Passport The passport application process at Seva Kendra is divided into three stages: form filling, document verification, and
application approval. Sudha, Mugdha, and Vidha are its three employees. Sudha and Mugdha handle Form Filling and Document
44 Which circle did Ethan hit out MEDIUM +3/-1 NA View Explanation
Verification, while Vidha, due to her seniority, is the only employee who handles Application Approval. Form completion takes 10
of the first three rounds in
minutes, document verification 7 minutes, and application approval 5 minutes. Form filling and document verification can be done
which Alex hit the Bullseye?
concurrently by two employees, but Application Approval can only be done after Form Filing and Document Verification are completed.
There is no downtime between the completion of the previous and next applicant's processes. Only after the Application Approving
45 stage isWhich circle is
completed did Charles
the hit outprocessMEDIUM
application +3/-1
considered complete. NA View Explanation
of the first three rounds in
The passport office hit
which Ethan opens
the at 9:00 a.m., and the employees are ready to begin the process as soon as the passport office opens.
Applicant 1's application process begins as soon as he enters. The times of the first four applicants who arrived at the Passport Seva
Kendra with their applications are shown in the table below:
46 Which circle did Daniel hit out MEDIUM +3/-1 NA View Explanation
of the first three rounds in
which Charles hit the Bullseye?
49 Correct
How many 9.22AM
Answer: of the following MEDIUM +3/-1 NA View Explanation
Wrong Attempt
numbers can be the sums of
the initial amounts when Arjun
and Deepti are combined?
Sudha and Mughdha begin the process of filling out forms and verifying applicants' documents. Assume Mugdha completes
(i) 380; (ii) 400; (iii) 360; (iv) 410
Document Verification in 7 minutes and begins Form Filling of Applicant 2. And Sudha begins Document Verification for Applicant
2 at 9:10 a.m. As a result, Form Filling and Document Verification can be finished by 9:17 AM. Vidha may have already completed
the Application Approving Process for Applicant 1 by that time. As a result, Vidha begins Application Approving of Applicant 2 at
50 Arjun and Deepti decided to MEDIUM +3/-1 NA View Explanation
9:17 AM and ends it at 9:22 AM.
calculate the combined profit
percentage on the total initial
investment with both of them.
Neither of them received the
smallest nor the largest sum of
money. Determine their
combined profit percentage (in
approx) 6/6