Ict Module 2 WHLP

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1. produces simple A.

Let the pupils answer the Pre-test Send output

products B. Learning Activities Google class
2. buys and sells 1. Read about the Hints to help one decide what type account pro
products based on of business to get into by the teach
needs 2. Identify the 10 steps in creating your first product any other
3. sells products 3. Find out the reasons why you should build simple platform

based on needs products

the school

and demands in C. Practice Exercise

school and 1. Practice Task 1 – arrange the steps in creating your
community first product in order
2. Practice Task 2 – Read and understand the
Have the pa
statement and write True or False
hand-in the
3. Practice Task 3 – What are the reasons why you
output to th
should make a simple product?
teacher in sc
D. Let the pupils answer the Post-Test
ICT Module 2

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