HEC-RAS Hydraulic Reference Manual-20221019 - 051937
HEC-RAS Hydraulic Reference Manual-20221019 - 051937
HEC-RAS Hydraulic Reference Manual-20221019 - 051937
River Analysis System
1 FRONT MATTER................................................................................... 12
HEC-RAS RIVER ANALYSIS SYSTEM........................................................................................... 12
Hydraulic Reference Manual.................................................................................................. 13
Version 6.0 Beta December 2020......................................................................................................................... 13
HEC-RAS RIVER ANALYSIS SYSTEM........................................................................................... 14
HYDRAULIC REFERENCE MANUAL ............................................................................................ 14
Version 6.0 Beta December 2020........................................................................................... 14
River Analysis System, HEC-RAS............................................................................................ 14
Terms and Conditions of Use: ............................................................................................... 15
Waiver of Warranty:.............................................................................................................................................. 15
Limitation of Liability:.......................................................................................................................................... 16
Indemnity: ............................................................................................................................................................ 16
Assent: .................................................................................................................................................................. 16
2 FORWARD........................................................................................... 17
3 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................. 19
GENERAL PHILOSOPHY OF THE MODELING SYSTEM .............................................................. 19
OVERVIEW OF HYDRAULIC CAPABILITIES................................................................................. 19
HEC-RAS DOCUMENTATION ..................................................................................................... 21
OVERVIEW OF THIS MANUAL..................................................................................................... 21
HYDRODYNAMIC CALCULATIONS .......................................................... 23
1D STEADY FLOW WATER SURFACE PROFILES ........................................................................ 23
Equations for Basic Profile Calculations............................................................................... 23
Cross Section Subdivision for Conveyance Calculations..................................................... 25
Composite Manning's n for the Main Channel...................................................................... 26
Evaluation of the Mean Kinetic Energy Head........................................................................ 28
Friction Loss Evaluation......................................................................................................... 29
Contraction and Expansion Loss Evaluation ........................................................................ 30
Computation Procedure ........................................................................................................ 30
Critical Depth Determination ................................................................................................ 32
Applications of the Momentum Equation............................................................................. 34
Air Entrainment in High Velocity Streams............................................................................. 38
1D Steady Flow Program Limitations ................................................................................... 39
1D UNSTEADY FLOW HYDRODYNAMICS ................................................................................... 40
Continuity Equation............................................................................................................... 40
Momentum Equation ............................................................................................................. 42
Application of the 1D Unsteady Flow Equations within HEC-RAS ....................................... 45
Implicit Finite Difference Scheme ......................................................................................... 47
Continuity Equation0........................................................................................................................................... 49
Momentum Equation0 ......................................................................................................................................... 50
Added Force Term................................................................................................................................................ 52
Lateral Influx of Momentum ................................................................................................................................ 53
Finite Difference Form of the Unsteady Flow Equations ................................................................................... 53
Linearized, Implicit, Finite Difference Equations ............................................................................................... 54
Flow Distribution Factor ...................................................................................................................................... 56
Equivalent Flow Path ........................................................................................................................................... 56
Boundary Conditions ........................................................................................................................................... 57
Interior Boundary Conditions (for Reach Connections)..................................................................................... 57
Upstream Boundary Conditions.......................................................................................................................... 59
Downstream Boundary Conditions..................................................................................................................... 59
Skyline Solution of a Sparse System of Linear Equations.................................................................................. 61
Computational Procedure................................................................................................................................... 66
Semi-Implicit Finite-Volume Scheme ................................................................................... 66
Hydraulic Equations (1D FV) ................................................................................................................................ 66
Numerical Methods (1D FV) ................................................................................................................................. 69
2D UNSTEADY FLOW HYDRODYNAMICS ................................................................................... 73
Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 73
Hydraulic Equations............................................................................................................... 74
Mass Conservation ............................................................................................................................................... 75
Momentum Conservation.................................................................................................................................... 75
Turbulence Modeling ........................................................................................................................................... 78
Wind Surface Stress ............................................................................................................................................. 79
Diffusion Wave Approximation to the Shallow Water Equations ...................................................................... 81
Grid and Dual Grid.................................................................................................................. 83
Connectivity ......................................................................................................................................................... 84
Subgrid Bathymetry............................................................................................................... 85
Numerical Methods................................................................................................................ 87
Face-Normal Gradient ......................................................................................................................................... 87
Face-Tangential Velocity ..................................................................................................................................... 88
Cell Velocity .......................................................................................................................................................... 89
Cell Velocity Gradient........................................................................................................................................... 89
Diffusion-Wave Equation Solver.......................................................................................................................... 90
Eulerian-Lagrangian Shallow Water Equation Solver ........................................................................................ 92
Eulerian Shallow Water Equation Solver ............................................................................................................ 99
Matrix Solvers ..................................................................................................................................................... 102
MIXED FLOW REGIME CALCULATIONS.................................................................................... 131
MODELING STREAM JUNCTIONS............................................................................................ 133
Energy Based Junction Method .......................................................................................... 134
Momentum Based Junction Method................................................................................... 140
FLOW DISTRIBUTION CALCULATIONS ................................................................................... 143
SPLIT FLOW OPTIMIZATION.................................................................................................... 145
PRESSURIZED PIPE FLOW....................................................................................................... 146
ESTIMATING UNGAGED AREA INFLOWS ................................................................................. 151
Theory................................................................................................................................... 152
Optimization of Ungaged Inflow ......................................................................................... 153
Simultaneous Optimization of Independent Reaches ....................................................... 154
Sequential Optimization...................................................................................................... 154
MODELING PRECIPITATION AND INFILTRATION.................................................................... 155
Deficit and Constant ............................................................................................................ 155
Curve Number ...................................................................................................................... 156
Green-Ampt .......................................................................................................................... 158
7 MODELING BRIDGES ...........................................................................164
GENERAL BRIDGE MODELING GUIDELINES............................................................................ 164
Cross Section Locations for Bridges.................................................................................... 164
Defining Ineffective Flow Areas ........................................................................................... 167
Contraction and Expansion Losses ..................................................................................... 170
HYDRAULIC COMPUTATIONS THROUGH THE BRIDGE .......................................................... 172
Low Flow Computations...................................................................................................... 172
Class A Low Flow ................................................................................................................................................ 172
Yarnell Equation................................................................................................................................................. 176
FHWA WSPRO Method........................................................................................................................................ 177
Class B Low Flow ................................................................................................................................................ 179
Class C Low Flow ................................................................................................................................................ 180
High Flow Computations ..................................................................................................... 180
Combination Flow................................................................................................................ 186
SELECTING A BRIDGE MODELING APPROACH ....................................................................... 186
Low Flow Methods ............................................................................................................... 187
High Flow Methods .............................................................................................................. 188
UNIQUE BRIDGE PROBLEMS AND SUGGESTED APPROACHES ............................................. 188
Perched Bridges ................................................................................................................... 188
Low Water Bridges ............................................................................................................... 189
Bridges on a Skew ................................................................................................................ 189
Parallel Bridges .................................................................................................................... 191
Multiple Bridge Opening...................................................................................................... 192
Modeling Floating Pier Debris ............................................................................................. 192
8 MODELING CULVERTS.........................................................................194
GENERAL CULVERT MODELING GUIDELINES ......................................................................... 194
Types of Culverts.................................................................................................................. 195
Cross Section Locations for Culverts .................................................................................. 196
Expansion and Contraction Coefficients for Culverts ........................................................ 199
Limitations of the Culvert Routines in HEC-RAS................................................................. 200
CULVERT HYDRAULICS............................................................................................................ 200
Introduction to Culvert Terminology .................................................................................. 200
Flow Analysis for Culverts.................................................................................................... 203
Computing Inlet Control Headwater................................................................................... 204
Computing Outlet Control Headwater................................................................................ 205
FHWA Full Flow Equations ................................................................................................... 207
Direct Step Water Surface Profile Computations ............................................................... 207
Normal Depth of Flow in the Culvert................................................................................... 209
Critical Depth of Flow in the Culvert ................................................................................... 210
Horizontal and Adverse Culvert Slopes .............................................................................. 210
Weir Flow .............................................................................................................................. 211
Supercritical and Mixed Flow Regime Inside of Culvert..................................................... 211
Multiple Manning’s n Values Inside of Culvert .................................................................... 211
Partially Filled or Buried Culverts........................................................................................ 212
Comparison to the USGS Culvert Procedures .................................................................... 213
CULVERT DATA AND COEFFICIENTS ....................................................................................... 214
Culvert Shape and Size ........................................................................................................ 215
Culvert Length...................................................................................................................... 216
Number of Identical Barrels ................................................................................................ 217
Manning's Roughness Coefficient ....................................................................................... 217
Entrance Loss Coefficient .................................................................................................... 219
Exit Loss Coefficient ............................................................................................................. 221
FHWA Chart and Scale Numbers ......................................................................................... 221
Culvert Invert Elevations ..................................................................................................... 229
Weir Flow Coefficient ........................................................................................................... 230
GENERAL MODELING GUIDELINES ......................................................................................... 231
MULTIPLE OPENING APPROACH ............................................................................................ 231
Locating the Stagnation Points........................................................................................... 233
Computational Procedure for Multiple Openings .............................................................. 234
Limitations of the Multiple Opening Approach .................................................................. 235
DIVIDED FLOW APPROACH...................................................................................................... 235
GENERAL MODELING GUIDELINES FOR INLINE STRUCTURES.............................................. 237
Cross Section Locations....................................................................................................... 238
Expansion and Contraction Coefficients ............................................................................ 241
HYDRAULIC COMPUTATIONS THROUGH GATED SPILLWAYS................................................ 242
Radial Gates.......................................................................................................................... 242
Sluice Gate............................................................................................................................ 244
Overflow Gates ..................................................................................................................... 245
Low Flow through the Gates................................................................................................ 245
Submerged Weir Flow through the Gates......................................................................................................... 247
UNCONTROLLED OVERFLOW WEIRS...................................................................................... 248
Submerged Weir Flow.......................................................................................................... 249
MODELING LATERAL STRUCTURES ........................................................................................ 250
Hager’s Lateral Weir Equation............................................................................................. 253
DROP STRUCTURES ................................................................................................................ 254
11 FLOODPLAIN ENCROACHMENT CALCULATIONS.....................................258
ENCROACHMENT METHODS................................................................................................... 258
Encroachment Method 1 ..................................................................................................... 258
Encroachment Method 2 ..................................................................................................... 259
Encroachment Method 3 ..................................................................................................... 260
Encroachment Method 4 ..................................................................................................... 261
Encroachment Method 5 ..................................................................................................... 262
BRIDGE, CULVERT, AND MULTIPLE OPENING ENCROACHMENTS ........................................ 263
GENERAL MODELING GUIDELINES FOR FLOODWAY ANALYSIS............................................. 264
12 ESTIMATING SCOUR AT BRIDGES .........................................................265
GENERAL MODELING GUIDELINES ......................................................................................... 265
COMPUTING CONTRACTION SCOUR ...................................................................................... 266
Contraction Scour Conditions............................................................................................. 266
Determination of Live-Bed or Clear-Water Contraction Scour .......................................... 266
Live-Bed Contraction Scour................................................................................................. 267
Clear-Water Contraction Scour ........................................................................................... 268
COMPUTING LOCAL SCOUR AT PIERS .................................................................................... 269
Computing Pier Scour With The CSU Equation .................................................................. 269
Computing Pier Scour With The Froehlich Equation ......................................................... 272
COMPUTING LOCAL SCOUR AT ABUTMENTS......................................................................... 273
The HIRE Equation ............................................................................................................... 273
Froehlich’s Equation ............................................................................................................ 274
Clear-Water Scour at Abutments......................................................................................... 275
TOTAL SCOUR DEPTHS INSIDE THE BRIDGE.......................................................................... 276
13 MODELING ICE-COVERED RIVERS .........................................................278
MODELING ICE COVERS WITH KNOWN GEOMETRY ............................................................... 278
MODELING WIDE-RIVER ICE JAMS .......................................................................................... 280
Solution Procedure .............................................................................................................. 283
14 STABLE CHANNEL DESIGN FUNCTIONS.................................................285
UNIFORM FLOW COMPUTATIONS .......................................................................................... 285
Cross Section Subdivision for Conveyance Calculations0................................................. 286
Bed Roughness Functions ................................................................................................... 286
STABLE CHANNEL DESIGN...................................................................................................... 296
Copeland Method................................................................................................................. 296
Regime Method .................................................................................................................... 301
Tractive Force Method ......................................................................................................... 303
SEDIMENT TRANSPORT CAPACITY ......................................................................................... 312
Background .......................................................................................................................... 312
Fall Velocity .......................................................................................................................... 314
Correction for Fine Sediment .............................................................................................. 316
Sediment Gradation............................................................................................................. 317
Hydraulic Parameters .......................................................................................................... 320
Bed Load Stations ................................................................................................................ 320
Output................................................................................................................................... 321
Sediment Transport Functions ........................................................................................... 321
15 PERFORMING A DAM BREAK STUDY WITH HEC-RAS................................328
INFLOW FLOOD ROUTING A THROUGH RESERVOIR.............................................................. 328
Full Dynamic Wave Routing................................................................................................. 330
Level Pool Routing ............................................................................................................... 331
ESTIMATING DAM BREACH PARAMETERS .............................................................................. 332
Causes and Types of Dam Failures...................................................................................... 333
Estimating Breach Parameters............................................................................................ 334
Simplified Physical Breaching Method ............................................................................................................. 348
Recommended Approach.................................................................................................... 355
Example Application ............................................................................................................ 357
DOWNSTREAM FLOOD ROUTING/MODELING ISSUES ........................................................... 362
Cross Section Spacing and Hydraulic Properties ............................................................... 363
COMPUTATIONAL TIME STEP ................................................................................................. 366
MANNING’S ROUGHNESS COEFFICIENTS .............................................................................. 369
DOWNSTREAM STORAGE, TRIBUTARIES, AND LEVEES ......................................................... 373
MODELING BRIDGE AND CULVERT CROSSINGS..................................................................... 378
MODELING STEEP STREAMS................................................................................................... 381
DROPS IN THE BED PROFILE................................................................................................... 382
INITIAL CONDITIONS AND LOW FLOW.................................................................................... 383
DOWNSTREAM BOUNDARY CONDITION CONSIDERATIONS ................................................. 385
USING 2D FLOW AREAS FOR DAM BREAK ANALYSES............................................................. 386
16 REFERENCES .....................................................................................389
17 APPENDIX..........................................................................................400
FLOW TRANSITIONS IN BRIDGE BACKWATER ANALYSIS ....................................................... 400
Conclusions From The Study............................................................................................... 402
Expansion Reach Lengths (Le on Figure) .......................................................................................................... 403
Contraction Reach Lengths (Lc on Figure)........................................................................................................ 404
Expansion Coefficients ...................................................................................................................................... 405
Contraction Coefficients.................................................................................................................................... 405
Asymmetric Bridge Openings ............................................................................................................................ 405
Vertical-Abutment Cases ................................................................................................................................... 405
Recommendations From The Study ................................................................................... 405
Expansion Reach Lengths.................................................................................................................................. 406
Contraction Reach Lengths ............................................................................................................................... 408
Expansion Coefficients0 .................................................................................................................................... 409
Contraction Coefficients0.................................................................................................................................. 410
COMPUTATIONAL DIFFERENCES BETWEEN HEC-RAS AND HEC-2........................................ 410
Cross Section Conveyance Calculations ............................................................................. 411
Testing Using HEC-2 Conveyance Calculation Approach................................................................................. 412
Testing Using HEC-RAS and HEC-2 Approach................................................................................................... 412
Critical Depth Calculations .................................................................................................. 412
Bridge Hydraulic Computations.......................................................................................... 413
HEC-2 Special Bridge Methodology .................................................................................................................. 414
HEC-2 Normal Bridge Methodology .................................................................................................................. 414
Culvert Hydraulic Computations......................................................................................... 415
Floodway Encroachment Calculations ............................................................................... 415
New Computational Features in HEC-RAS.......................................................................... 416
LENGTH.................................................................................................................................... 416
Effective Flow Length........................................................................................................... 416
Coefficient of Discharge....................................................................................................... 420
SEDIMENT TRANSPORT FUNCTIONS – SAMPLE CALCULATIONS ......................................... 448
Welcome to the HEC-RAS Hydraulic Reference Manual.
US Army Corps
of Engineers
Hydrologic Engineering Center
River Analysis System
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December 2020 Computer Program Documentation
Gary W. Brunner
HEC-RAS is an integrated system of software, designed for interactive use in a multi-tasking, multi-user network
environment. The system is comprised of a graphical user interface (GUI), separate hydraulic analysis components,
data storage and management capabilities, graphics and reporting facilities.
The HEC-RAS system contains four one-dimensional hydraulic analysis components for: (1) steady flow water
surface profile computations; (2) unsteady flow simulation; (3) movable boundary sediment transport
computations; and (4) temperature and water quality constituent transport modeling. A key element is that all four
components use a common geometric data representation and common geometric and hydraulic computation
routines. In addition to the four hydraulic analysis components, the system contains several hydraulic design
features that can be invoked once the basic water surface profiles are computed.
River Analysis System
endorsement. Product names are used solely for the purpose of identifying products available in the
public marketplace.
Microsoft, Windows, and Excel are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corp.
ArcView is a trademark of ESRI, Inc.
Waiver of Warranty:
NON-INFRINGEMENT. Depending on state law, the foregoing disclaimer may not apply to you, and
you may also have other legal rights that vary from state to state.
Limitation of Liability:
OF HEC-RAS WITH IDENTIFIED ERRORS CORRECTED. Depending on state law, the above limitation or
exclusion may not apply to you.
As a voluntary user of HEC- RAS you agree to indemnify and hold the United States Government, and
its agencies, officials, representatives, and employees, including its contractors and suppliers,
harmless from any claim or demand, including reasonable attorneys' fees, made by any third party
due to or arising out of your use of HEC- RAS or breach of this Agreement or your violation of any law
or the rights of a third party.
By using this program you voluntarily accept these terms and conditions. If you do not agree to these
terms and conditions, uninstall the program and return any program materials to HEC (if you
downloaded the program and do not have disk media, please delete all copies, and cease using the
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' River Analysis System (HEC-RAS) is software that allows you to
perform one-dimensional steady flow hydraulics; one and two-dimensional unsteady flow river
hydraulics calculations; quasi Unsteady and full unsteady flow sediment transport-mobile bed
modeling; water temperature analysis; and generalized water quality modeling (nutrient fate and
The first version of HEC-RAS (version 1.0) was released in July of 1995. Since that time there have
been several major releases of this software package, including versions: 1.1; 1.2; 2.0; 2.1; 2.2; 3.0,
3.1, 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.3, 4.0, 4.1, 5.0 and now version 6.0 in 2020.
The HEC-RAS software was developed at the Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC), which is a division
of the Institute for Water Resources (IWR), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
The software was designed by Mr. Gary W. Brunner, leader of the HEC-RAS development team. The
user interface and graphics were programmed by Mr. Mark R. Jensen, Alex Kennedy, Anton Rotter-
Sieren, Cameron Ackerman, and Stanford Gibson. The steady flow water surface profiles
computational module and the majority of the one-dimensional unsteady flow computations
modules was programmed by Mr. Steven S. Piper. The One-dimensional unsteady flow matrix
solution algorithm was developed by Dr. Robert L. Barkau (Author of UNET and HEC-UNET).
The two-dimensional unsteady flow modeling capabilities were developed by Gary W. Brunner, Ben
Chacon (Resource Management Consultants, RMA), Steve S. Piper, Mark R. Jensen, Alex J. Kennedy,
and Alex Sanchez.
The sediment transport interface module was programmed by Mr. Stanford A. Gibson. The quasi
unsteady flow computational sediment transport capabilities were developed by Stanford A. Gibson
and Steven S. Piper. The Unsteady flow sediment transport modules were developed by Stanford A.
Gibson, Steven S. Piper, and Ben Chacon (RMA). Special thanks to Mr. Tony Thomas (Author of HEC-6
and HEC-6T) for his assistance in developing the quasi-unsteady flow sediment transport routines
used in HEC-RAS. The two-dimensional sediment transport modules were developed by Alex
Sanchez and Stanford Gibson. The Debris flow capabilities in HEC-RAS (1D and 2D) were developed
by Stanford Gibson and Alex Sanchez. Most of the sediment output was designed by Stanford Gibson
and Alex Sanchez and programmed by Anton Rotter-Sieren.
The new 2D plotting library and plots (Breach Plot, Hydrographs, and DSS viewer) were developed by
Mark R. Jensen, Anton Rotter-Sieren, and Ryan Miles (RMA).
The new 3D visualization tool was developed by Anton Rotter-Sieren and Alex Kennedy.
The water quality computational modules were designed and developed by Mr. Mark R. Jensen, Dr.
Cindy Lowney and Zhonglong Zhang (ERDC-RDE-EL-MS).
The spatial data and mapping tools (RAS Mapper) were developed by Mark R. Jensen, Cameron T.
Ackerman, Alex J. Kennedy, and Anton Rotter-Sieren. Special thanks to Mr. Will Breikreutz for his
assistance in developing the RAS Tile server.
The interface for channel design/modifications was designed and developed by Mr. Cameron T.
Ackerman and Mr. Mark R. Jensen. The stable channel design functions were programmed by Mr.
Chris R. Goodell.
The routines that import HEC-2 and UNET data were developed by Ms. Joan Klipsch. The routines for
modeling ice cover and wide river ice jams were developed by Mr. Steven F. Daly of the Cold Regions
Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL).
Many other HEC staff members have made contributions in the development of this software,
including: Vern R. Bonner, Richard Hayes, John Peters, Al Montalvo, and Michael Gee. Mr. Matt
Fleming was the Chief of the H&H Division, and Mr. Chris Dunn was the director during the
development of this version of the software.
This manual was written by Mr. Gary W. Brunner. Chapter 12 was written by Mr. Chris R. Goodell.
HEC-RAS uses the following third party libraries:
1. Hierarchical Data Format (HDF) – HEC-RAS uses the HDF5 libraries in both the User Interface and the
Computational engines for writing and reading data to binary files that follow the HDF5 standards. The HDF
Group: http://www.hdfgroup.org/HDF5/
2. Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (GDAL) – HEC-RAS uses the GDAL libraries in the HEC-RAS Mapper tool.
These libraries are used for all Geospatial data rendering, coordinate transformations, etc… GDAL: http://
3. Bitmiracle LibTiff .Net. LibTiff.Net provides support for the Tag Image File Format (TIFF), a widely used
format for storing image data. Bitmiricle: http://bitmiracle.com/libtiff/
4. Oxyplot – 2 dimensional X-Y plots in HEC-RAS Mapper. Oxyplot: http://oxyplot.org/
5. SQLite – Reading and writing database files. SQLite: https://www.sqlite.org/
6. cURL - HTTP support for GDAL http://curl.haxx.se/
7. Clipper – an open source freeware library for clipping and offsetting lines and polygons. http://
Welcome to the Hydrologic Engineering Center's River Analysis System (HEC-RAS). This software
allows you to perform one-dimensional steady, one- and two-dimensional unsteady flow hydraulics,
sediment transport/mobile bed computations, water temperature modeling, and generalized water
quality modeling (nutrient fate and transport).
This manual documents the hydraulic capabilities of the Steady and unsteady flow portion of HEC-
RAS, as well as sediment transport computations.
This chapter discusses the general philosophy of HEC-RAS and gives you a brief overview of the
hydraulic capabilities of the modeling system. Documentation for HEC-RAS is discussed, as well as
an overview of this manual.
situations where the water surface profile is rapidly varied. These situations include mixed flow
regime calculations (i.e., hydraulic jumps), hydraulics of bridges, and evaluating profiles at river
confluences (stream junctions).
The effects of various obstructions such as bridges, culverts, weirs, spillways and other structures in
the flood plain may be considered in the computations. The steady flow system is designed for
application in flood plain management and flood insurance studies to evaluate floodway
encroachments. Also, capabilities are available for assessing the change in water surface profiles due
to channel improvements, and levees.
Special features of the steady flow component include: multiple plan analyses; multiple profile
computations; multiple bridge and/or culvert opening analysis, and split flow optimization at stream
junctions and lateral weirs and spillways.
Unsteady Flow Simulation. This component of the HEC-RAS modeling system is capable of
simulating one-dimensional unsteady flow; two-dimensional unsteady flow; or combined 1D and 2D
unsteady flow modeling through a full network of open channels. The 1D unsteady flow equation
solver was adapted from Dr. Robert L. Barkau's UNET model (Barkau, 1992 and HEC, 1997). This 1D
unsteady flow component was developed primarily for subcritical flow regime calculations. The 2D
unsteady flow equation solver was developed at HEC and was directly integrated into the HEC-RAS
Unsteady flow engine in order to facilitate combined 1D and 2D hydrodynamic modeling.
The hydraulic calculations for cross-sections, bridges, culverts, and other hydraulic structures that
were developed for the steady flow component were incorporated into the unsteady flow module.
Additionally, the unsteady flow component has the ability to model storage areas and hydraulic
connections between storage areas; 2D Flow Areas; and between stream reaches.
Sediment Transport/Movable Boundary Computations. This component of the modeling system
is intended for the simulation of one-dimensional and two-dimensional sediment transport/movable
boundary calculations resulting from scour and deposition over moderate time periods (typically
years, although applications to single flood events will be possible).
The sediment transport potential is computed by grain size fraction, thereby allowing the simulation
of hydraulic sorting and armoring. Major features include the ability to model a full network of
streams, channel dredging, various levee and encroachment alternatives, and the use of several
different equations for the computation of sediment transport.
The model is designed to simulate long-term trends of scour and deposition in a stream channel that
might result from modifying the frequency and duration of the water discharge and stage, or
modifying the channel geometry. This system can be used to evaluate deposition in reservoirs,
design channel contractions required to maintain navigation depths, predict the influence of
dredging on the rate of deposition, estimate maximum possible scour during large flood events, and
evaluate sedimentation in fixed channels.
Water Quality Analysis. This component of the modeling system is intended to allow the user to
perform riverine water quality analyses. The current version of HEC-RAS can perform detailed
temperature analysis and transport of a limited number of water quality constituents (Algae,
Dissolved Oxygen, Carbonaceous Biological Oxygen Demand, Dissolved Orthophosphate, Dissolved
Organic Phosphorus, Dissolved Ammonium Nitrate, Dissolved Nitrite Nitrogen, Dissolved Nitrate
Nitrogen, and Dissolved Organic Nitrogen). Future versions of the software will include the ability to
perform the transport of several additional water quality constituents.
HEC-RAS Documentation
The HEC-RAS package includes several documents, each are designed to help the modeler learn to
use a particular aspect of the modeling system. The documentation has been divided into the
following three categories:
Documentation Description
User's Manual This manual is a guide to using HEC-RAS. The manual provides an introduction and
overview of the modeling system, installation instructions, how to get started, a
simple example, entering and editing geometric data, detailed descriptions of each
of the major modeling components, and how to view graphical and tabular output.
2D User's Manual This document describes how to use the 2D modeling capabilities that are included
in this version of the software. It also describes how to use RAS Mapper in support of
2D modeling (mesh generation) and inundation mapping for models containing 2D
flow areas.
HEC-RAS Mapper This document describes how to use HEC-RAS Mapper to do the following: establish a
horizontal coordinate system; develop an HEC-RAS terrain model; layout the
geometric data model and extract terrain data; visualize results in the form of maps,
plots, and tables.
Sediment Transport User's This manual describes how to perform sediment transport modeling. The document
Manual describes 1D quasi unsteady; 1D unsteady flow, and 2D sediment transport modeling.
Additionally sediment impact analysis (SIAM) and bank stability using BSTEM is also
Hydraulic Reference Manual This manual describes the theory and data requirements for the hydraulic
calculations performed by HEC-RAS. Equations are presented along with the
assumptions used in their derivation. Discussions are provided on how to estimate
model parameters, as well as guidelines on various modeling approaches.
Applications Guide This document contains a series of examples that demonstrate various aspects of
HEC-RAS. Each example consists of a problem statement, data requirements, and
general outline of solution steps, displays of key input and output screens, and
discussions of important modeling aspects.
gravitational acceleration
A diagram showing the terms of the energy equation is shown in the figure below.
The energy head loss between two cross sections is comprised of friction losses and
contraction or expansion losses. The equation for the energy head loss is as follows:
cross section reach lengths specified for flow in the left overbank,
main channel, and right overbank, respectively
The program sums up all the incremental conveyances in the overbanks to obtain a conveyance for
the left overbank and the right overbank. The main channel conveyance is normally computed as a
single conveyance element. The total conveyance for the cross section is obtained by summing the
three subdivision conveyances (left, channel, and right).
The two methods for computing conveyance will produce different answers whenever portions on
the overbank have ground sections with significant vertical slopes. In general, the HEC-RAS default
approach will provide a lower total conveyance for the same water surface elevation.
In order to test the significance of the two ways of computing conveyance, comparisons were
performed using 97 data sets from the HEC profile accuracy study (HEC, 1986). Water surface profiles
were computed for the 1% chance event using the two methods for computing conveyance in HEC-
RAS. The results of the study showed that the HEC-RAS default approach will generally produce a
higher computed water surface elevation. Out of the 2048 cross section locations, 47.5% had
computed water surface elevations within 0.10 ft. (30.48 mm), 71% within 0.20 ft. (60.96 mm), 94.4%
within 0.4 ft. (121.92 mm), 99.4% within 1.0 ft. (304.8 mm), and one cross section had a difference of
2.75 ft. (0.84 m). Because the differences tend to be in the same direction, some effects can be
attributed to propagation of downstream differences.
The results from the conveyance comparisons do not show which method is more accurate, they
only show differences. In general, it is felt that the HEC-RAS default method is more commensurate
with the Manning equation and the concept of separate flow elements. Further research, with
observed water surface profiles, will be needed to make any conclusions about the accuracy of the
two methods.
For the determination of , the main channel is divided into parts, each with a known wetted
perimeter and roughness coefficient .
The computed composite should be checked for reasonableness. The computed value is the
composite main channel n value in the output and summary tables.
To compute the mean kinetic energy it is necessary to obtain the velocity head weighting coefficient
alpha. Alpha is calculated as follows:
Mean Kinetic Energy Head = Discharge-Weighted Velocity Head
In General:
The velocity coefficient, α, is computed based on the conveyance in the three flow elements: left
overbank, right overbank, and channel. It can also be written in terms of conveyance and area as in
the following equation
Alternative expressions for the representative reach friction slope in HECRAS are as follows:
The Average Conveyance method (13) is the "default" equation used by the program; that is, it is
used automatically unless a different equation is selected by the user. The program also contains an
option to select equations, depending on flow regime and profile type (e.g., S1, M1, etc.). Further
discussion of the alternative methods for evaluating friction loss is contained in "Overview of
Optional Capabilities."
Computation Procedure
The unknown water surface elevation at a cross section is determined by an iterative solution
of (.Equations for Basic Profile Calculations v6.2:Energy Equation) and (.Equations for Basic Profile
Calculations v6.2:Energy Head Loss). The computational procedure is as follows:
1. Assume a water surface elevation at the upstream cross section (or downstream cross section if a
supercritical profile is being calculated).
2. Based on the assumed water surface elevation, determine the corresponding total conveyance and velocity
3. With values from step 2, compute and solve (.Equations for Basic Profile Calculations v6.2:Energy Head
Loss) for .
4. With values from steps 2 and 3, solve (.Equations for Basic Profile Calculations v6.2:Energy Equation) for
5. Compare the computed value of WS2 with the value assumed in step 1; repeat steps 1 through 5 until the
values agree to within .01 feet (.003 m), or the user-defined tolerance.
The criterion used to assume water surface elevations in the iterative procedure varies from trial to
trial. The first trial water surface is based on projecting the previous cross section's water depth onto
the current cross section. The second trial water surface elevation is set to the assumed water
surface elevation plus 70% of the error from the first trial (computed W.S. - assumed W.S.). In other
words, W.S. new = W.S. assumed + 0.70 * (W.S. computed - W.S. assumed). The third and subsequent
trials are generally based on a "Secant" method of projecting the rate of change of the difference
between computed and assumed elevations for the previous two trials. The equation for the secant
method is as follows:
the error from two trials previous (computed water surface minus
assumed from the I-2 iteration)
the difference in the previous error (ErrI-2) and the current error
The change from one trial to the next is constrained to a maximum of 50 percent of the assumed
depth from the previous trial. On occasion the secant method can fail if the value of Err_Diff becomes
too small. If the Err_Diff is less than 1.0E-2, then the secant method is not used. When this occurs, the
program computes a new guess by taking the average of the assumed and computed water surfaces
from the previous iteration.
The program is constrained by a maximum number of iterations (the default is 20) for balancing the
water surface. While the program is iterating, it keeps track of the water surface that produces the
minimum amount of error between the assumed and computed values. This water surface is called
the minimum error water surface. If the maximum number of iterations is reached before a balanced
water surface is achieved, the program will then calculate critical depth (if this has not already been
done). The program then checks to see if the error associated with the minimum error water surface
is within a predefined tolerance (the default is 0.3 ft or 0.1 m). If the minimum error water surface has
an associated error less than the predefined tolerance, and this water surface is on the correct side
of critical depth, then the program will use this water surface as the final answer and set a warning
message that it has done so. If the minimum error water surface has an associated error that is
greater than the predefined tolerance, or it is on the wrong side of critical depth, the program will
use critical depth as the final answer for the cross section and set a warning message that it has done
so. The rationale for using the minimum error water surface is that it is probably a better answer
than critical depth, as long as the above criteria are met. Both the minimum error water surface and
critical depth are only used in this situation to allow the program to continue the solution of the
water surface profile. Neither of these two answers are considered to be valid solutions, and
therefore warning messages are issued when either is used. In general, when the program cannot
balance the energy equation at a cross section, it is usually caused by an inadequate number of cross
sections (cross sections spaced too far apart) or bad cross section data. Occasionally, this can occur
because the program is attempting to calculate a subcritical water surface when the flow regime is
actually supercritical.
When a balanced water surface elevation has been obtained for a cross section, checks are made to
ascertain that the elevation is on the right side of the critical water surface elevation (e.g., above the
critical elevation if a subcritical profile has been requested by the user). If the balanced elevation is
on the wrong side of the critical water surface elevation, critical depth is assumed for the cross
section and a warning message to that effect is displayed by the program. The program user should
be aware of critical depth assumptions and determine the reasons for their occurrence, because in
many cases they result from reach lengths being too long or from misrepresentation of the effective
flow areas of cross sections.
For a subcritical profile, a preliminary check for proper flow regime involves checking the Froude
number. The program calculates the Froude number of the balanced water surface for both the main
channel only and the entire cross section. If either of these two Froude numbers are greater than
0.94, then the program will check the flow regime by calculating a more accurate estimate of critical
depth using the minimum specific energy method (this method is described in the next section). A
Froude number of 0.94 is used instead of 1.0, because the calculation of Froude number in irregular
channels is not accurate. Therefore, using a value of 0.94 is conservative, in that the program will
calculate critical depth more often than it may need to.
For a supercritical profile, critical depth is automatically calculated for every cross section, which
enables a direct comparison between balanced and critical elevations.
velocity head
The critical water surface elevation is the elevation for which the total energy head is a minimum
(i.e., minimum specific energy for that cross section for the given flow). The critical elevation is
determined with an iterative procedure whereby values of WS are assumed and corresponding
values of H are determined with (19) until a minimum value for H is reached.
The HEC-RAS program has two methods for calculating critical depth: a "parabolic" method and a
"secant" method. The parabolic method is computationally faster, but it is only able to locate a
single minimum energy. For most cross sections there will only be one minimum on the total energy
curve, therefore the parabolic method has been set as the default method (the default method can
be changed from the user interface). If the parabolic method is tried and it does not converge, then
the program will automatically try the secant method.
In certain situations it is possible to have more than one minimum on the total energy curve. Multiple
minimums are often associated with cross sections that have breaks in the total energy curve. These
breaks can occur due to very wide and flat overbanks, as well as cross sections with levees and
ineffective flow areas. When the parabolic method is used on a cross section that has multiple
minimums on the total energy curve, the method will converge on the first minimum that it locates.
This approach can lead to incorrect estimates of critical depth. If the user thinks that the program
has incorrectly located critical depth, then the secant method should be selected and the model
should be re-simulated.
The "parabolic" method involves determining values of H for three values of WS that are spaced at
equal ΔWS intervals. The WS corresponding to the minimum value for H, defined by a parabola
passing through the three points on the H versus WS plane, is used as the basis for the next
assumption of a value for WS. It is presumed that critical depth has been obtained when there is less
than a 0.01 ft. (0.003 m) change in water depth from one iteration to the next and provided the
energy head has not either decreased or increased by more than .01 feet (0.003 m).
The "secant" method first creates a table of water surface versus energy by slicing the cross section
into 30 intervals. If the maximum height of the cross section (highest point to lowest point) is less
than 1.5 times the maximum height of the main channel (from the highest main channel bank station
to the invert), then the program slices the entire cross section into 30 equal intervals. If this is not the
case, the program uses 25 equal intervals from the invert to the highest main channel bank station,
and then 5 equal intervals from the main channel to the top of the cross section. The program then
searches this table for the location of local minimums. When a point in the table is encountered such
that the energy for the water surface immediately above and immediately below are greater than the
energy for the given water surface, then the general location of a local minimum has been found. The
program will then search for the local minimum by using the secant slope projection method. The
program will iterate for the local minimum either thirty times or until the critical depth has been
bounded by the critical error tolerance. After the local minimum has been determined more
precisely, the program will continue searching the table to see if there are any other local minimums.
The program can locate up to three local minimums in the energy curve. If more than one local
minimum is found, the program sets critical depth equal to the one with the minimum energy. If this
local minimum is due to a break in the energy curve caused by overtopping a levee or an ineffective
flow area, then the program will select the next lowest minimum on the energy curve. If all of the
local minimums are occurring at breaks in the energy curve (caused by levees and ineffective flow
areas), then the program will set critical depth to the one with the lowest energy. If no local
minimums are found, then the program will use the water surface elevation with the least energy. If
the critical depth that is found is at the top of the cross section, then this is probably not a real
critical depth. Therefore, the program will double the height of the cross section and try again.
Doubling the height of the cross section is accomplished by extending vertical walls at the first and
last points of the section. The height of the cross section can be doubled five times before the
program will quit searching.
equations can be used (such as at drop structures and weirs), while at others it is necessary to apply
the momentum equation in order to obtain an answer.
Within HEC-RAS, the momentum equation can be applied for the following specific problems: the
occurrence of a hydraulic jump; low flow hydraulics at bridges; and stream junctions. In order to
understand how the momentum equation is being used to solve each of the three problems, a
derivation of the momentum equation is shown here. The application of the momentum equation to
hydraulic jumps and stream junctions is discussed in detail in "Overview of Optional Capabilities".
Detailed discussions on applying the momentum equation to bridges can be found in "Modeling
The momentum equation is derived from Newton's second law of motion:
Force = Mass x Acceleration (change in momentum)
Applying Newton's second law of motion to a body of water enclosed by two cross sections at
locations 1 and 2 (see figure below), the following expression for the change in momentum over a
unit time can be written:
Density of water
Hydrostatic Pressure Forces:
The force in the direction due to hydrostatic pressure is:
The assumption of a hydrostatic pressure distribution is only valid for slopes less than 1:10. The
for a slope of 1:10 (approximately 6 degrees) is equal to 0.995. Because the slope of ordinary
channels is far less than 1:10, the cos θ correction for depth can be set equal to 1.0 (Chow, 1959).
Therefore, the equations for the hydrostatic pressure force at sections 1 and 2 are as follows:
Shear stress
(37) is the functional form of the momentum equation that is used in HEC-RAS. All applications of the
momentum equation within HEC-RAS are derived from equation 2-37.
Froude number
A water surface with air entrainment is computed and displayed separately in the HEC-RAS tabular
output. In order to display the water surface with air entrainment, the user must create their own
profile table and include the variable "WS Air Entr." within that table. This variable is not
automatically displayed in any of the standard HEC-RAS tables.
Flow is assumed to be steady because time dependent terms are not included in the energy equation
(.Equations for Basic Profile Calculations v6.2:Energy Equation). Flow is assumed to be gradually
varied because (.Equations for Basic Profile Calculations v6.2:Energy Equation) is based on the
premise that a hydrostatic pressure distribution exists at each cross section. At locations where the
flow is rapidly varied, the program switches to the momentum equation or other empirical
equations. Flow is assumed to be one-dimensional because (19) is based on the premise that the
total energy head is the same for all points in a cross section.
The limit on slope as being less than 1:10 is based on the fact that the true derivation of the energy
equation computes the vertical pressure head as:
For a channel bottom slope of 1:10 (5.71 degrees) or less, the cos( ) is 0.995. So instead of using d
cos( ) , the vertical pressure head is approximated as d and is used as the vertical depth of water. As
you can see for a slope of 1:10 or less, this is a very small error in estimating the vertical depth (.5 %).
If HEC-RAS is used on steeper slopes, you must be aware of the error in the depth computation
introduced by the magnitude of the slope. Below is a table of slopes and the cos( ):
If you use HEC-RAS to perform the computations on slopes steeper than 1:10, you would need to
divide the computed depth of water by the cos( ) in order to get the correct depth of water. Also, be
aware that very steep slopes can introduce air entrainment into the flow, as well as other possible
factors that may not be taken into account within HEC-RAS.
Continuity Equation
Consider the elementary control volume shown in the figure below. In this figure, distance x is
measured along the channel, as shown. At the midpoint of the control volume the flow and total flow
area are denoted Q(x,t) and AT, respectively. The total flow area is the sum of active area A and off-
channel storage area S.
Conservation of mass for a control volume states that the net rate of flow into the volume be equal
to the rate of change of storage inside the volume. The rate of inflow to the control volume may be
written as:
Assuming that is small, the change in mass in the control volume is equal to:
is the lateral flow entering the control volume and ρ is the fluid
Simplifying and dividing through by yields the final form of the continuity equation:
Momentum Equation
Conservation of momentum is expressed by Newton's second law as:
Conservation of momentum for a control volume states that the net rate of momentum entering the
volume (momentum flux) plus the sum of all external forces acting on the volume be equal to the rate of
accumulation of momentum. This is a vector equation applied in the x‑direction. The momentum
flux (MV) is the fluid mass times the velocity vector in the direction of flow. Three forces will be
considered: (1) pressure, (2) gravity and (3) boundary drag, or friction force.
Pressure forces: The figure below illustrates the general case of an irregular cross section. The
pressure distribution is assumed to be hydrostatic (pressure varies linearly with depth) and the total
pressure force is the integral of the pressure-area product over the cross section. After Shames
(1962), the pressure force at any point may be written as:
If is the pressure force in the x-direction at the midpoint of the control volume, the force at the
upstream end of the control volume may be written as
The sum of the pressure forces for the control volume may therefore be written as:
Where is the net pressure force for the control volume, and is the force exerted by the
banks in the x-direction on the fluid. This may be simplified to:
Differentiating (46) using Leibnitz's Rule and then substituting in (50) results in:
The first integral in (51) is the cross-sectional area, . The second integral (multiplied by )
is the pressure force exerted by the fluid on the banks, which is exactly equal in magnitude, but
opposite in direction to . Hence the net pressure force may be written as:
Gravitational force: The force due to gravity on the fluid in the control volume in the x-direction is:
here is the angle that the channel invert makes with the horizontal. For natural rivers is small
and , where is the invert elevation. Therefore the gravitational force may
be written as
where is the average boundary shear stress (force/unit area) acting on the fluid boundaries, and
is the wetted perimeter. The negative sign indicates that, with flow in the positive x-direction, the
force acts in the negative x-direction. From dimensional analysis, may be expressed in terms of a
drag coefficient, , as follows:
The drag coefficient may be related to the Chezy coefficient, , by the following:
Substituting (56), (57), and (58) into (55), and simplifying, yields the following expression for the
boundary drag force:
where is the friction slope, which is positive for flow in the positive x-direction. The friction
slope must be related to flow and stage. Traditionally, the Manning and Chezy friction equations
have been used. Since the Manning equation is predominantly used in the United States, it is also
used in HEC-RAS. The Manning equation is written as:
Momentum flux: With the three force terms defined, only the momentum flux remains. The flux
entering the control volume may be written as:
Therefore the net rate of momentum (momentum flux) entering the control volume is:
Since the momentum of the fluid in the control volume is , the rate of accumulation of
momentum may be written as:
where is the water surface slope. Substituting (66) into (65), dividing through by and
moving all terms to the left yields the final form of the momentum equation:
The figure below illustrates the two-dimensional characteristics of the interaction between the
channel and floodplain flows. When the river is rising water moves laterally away from the channel,
inundating the floodplain and filling available storage areas. As the depth increases, the floodplain
begins to convey water downstream generally along a shorter path than that of the main channel.
When the river stage is falling, water moves toward the channel from the overbank supplementing
the flow in the main channel.
Because the primary direction of flow is oriented along the channel, this two-dimensional flow field
can often be accurately approximated by a one-dimensional representation. Off-channel ponding
areas can be modeled with storage areas that exchange water with the channel. Flow in the
overbank can be approximated as flow through a separate channel.
This channel/floodplain problem has been addressed in many different ways. A common approach is
to ignore overbank conveyance entirely, assuming that the overbank is used only for storage. This
assumption may be suitable for large streams such as the Mississippi River where the channel is
confined by levees and the remaining floodplain is either heavily vegetated or an off-channel storage
area. Fread (1976) and Smith (1978) approached this problem by dividing the system into two
separate channels and writing continuity and momentum equations for each channel. To simplify
the problem they assumed a horizontal water surface at each cross section normal to the direction of
flow; such that the exchange of momentum between the channel and the floodplain was negligible
and that the discharge was distributed according to conveyance, i.e.:
flow in channel
total flow
With these assumptions, the one-dimensional equations of motion can be combined into a single
in which the subscripts c and f refer to the channel and floodplain, respectively. These equations
were approximated using implicit finite differences, and solved numerically using the Newton-
Raphson iteration technique. The model was successful and produced the desired effects in test
problems. Numerical oscillations, however, can occur when the flow at one node, bounding a finite
difference cell, is within banks and the flow at the other node is not.
Expanding on the earlier work of Fread and Smith, Barkau (1982) manipulated the finite difference
equations for the channel and floodplain and defined a new set of equations that were
computationally more convenient. Using a velocity distribution factor, he combined the convective
terms. Further, by defining an equivalent flow path, Barkau replaced the friction slope terms with an
equivalent force.
The equations derived by Barkau are the basis for the unsteady flow solution within the HEC-RAS
software. These equations were derived above. The numerical solution of these equations is
described in the next sections.
2. Space derivative
3. Function value
Continuity Equation0
The continuity equation describes conservation of mass for the one-dimensional system. From
previous text, with the addition of a storage term, , the continuity equation can be written as
cross-sectional area
The above equation can be written for the channel and the floodplain:
where the subscripts c and f refer to the channel and floodplain, respectively, is the lateral inflow
per unit length of floodplain, and and are the exchanges of water between the channel and
the floodplain.
The HEC-RAS Unsteady flow engine combines the properties of the left and right overbank into a
single flow compartment called the floodplain (Finite Difference solution only, not the finite volume
solution). Hydraulic properties for the floodplain are computed by combining the left and right
overbank elevation vs Area, conveyance, and storage into a single set of relationships for the
floodplain portion of the cross section. The reach length used for the floodplain area is computed by
taking the arithmetic average of the left and right overbank reach lengths (LL + LR)/2 = LF. The average
floodplain reach length is used in both the continuity and momentum equations to compute their
respective terms for a combined floodplain compartment (Left and right overbank combined
This is different than what is done in the Steady Flow computational engine (described above in the
previous section), in which the left and right overbank are treated completely separately.
(78) and (79) are now approximated using implicit finite differences by applying (74) through (76):
The exchange of mass is equal but not opposite in sign such that . Adding the
above equations together and rearranging yield:
Momentum Equation0
The momentum equation states that the rate of change in momentum is equal to the external forces
acting on the system. From Appendix A, for a single channel:
The above equation can be written for the channel and for the floodplain:
where and are the momentum fluxes per unit distance exchanged between the channel
and floodplain, respectively. Note that in (84) and (85) the water surface elevation is not subscripted.
An assumption in these equations is that the water surface is horizontal at any cross section
perpendicular to the flow. Therefore, the water surface elevation is the same for the channel and the
floodplain at a given cross section
Using (74) through (76), the above equations are approximated using finite differences:
Note that (due to the horizontal water surface assumption).
The final two terms define the friction force from the banks acting on the fluid. An equivalent force
can be defined as:
Now, the convective terms can be rewritten by defining a velocity distribution factor:
For steady flow, there are a number of relationships for computation of the swell head upstream of a
contraction. For navigation dams, the formulas of Kindsvater and Carter, d'Aubuisson (Chow, 1959),
and Nagler were reviewed by Denzel (1961). For bridges, the formulas of Yarnell (WES, 1973) and the
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA, 1978) can be used. These formulas were all determined by
experimentation and can be expressed in the more general form:
where is the head loss and is a coefficient. The coefficient is a function of velocity, depth,
and the geometric properties of the opening, but for simplicity, it is assumed to be a constant. The
location where the velocity head is evaluated varies from method to method. Generally, the velocity
head is evaluated at the tailwater for tranquil flow and at the headwater for supercritical flow in the
If occurs over a distance , then and where is the average
slope over the interval . Within HEC-RAS, the steady flow bridge and culvert routines are used
to compute a family of rating curves for the structure. During the simulation, for a given flow and
tailwater, a resulting headwater elevation is interpolated from the curves. The difference between
the headwater and tailwater is set to and then is computed. The result is inserted in the finite
difference form of the momentum equation (Equation 2-93), yielding:
lateral inflow
3. If the time step, , is small, then certain variables can be treated explicitly; hence and
Assumption 2 is applied to the friction slope, and the area, . Assumption 3 is applied to the
velocity, , in the convective term; the velocity distribution factor, ; the equivalent flow path, ;
and the flow distribution factor, .
The finite difference approximations are listed term by term for the continuity equation in Table 1
and for the momentum equation in Table 2. If the unknown values are grouped on the left-hand side,
the following linear equations result:
Coefficient Value
Term Value
Fread (1976) assumed that the friction slope is the same for the channel and floodplain, thus the
distribution is given by the ratio of conveyance:
If we assume:
Boundary Conditions
For a reach of river there are N computational nodes which bound N-1 finite difference cells. From
these cells 2N-2 finite difference equations can be developed. Because there are 2N unknowns (
and for each node), two additional equations are needed. These equations are provided by the
boundary conditions for each reach, which for subcritical flow, are required at the upstream and
downstream ends.
discharge in reach
Continuity of stage:
With reference to the figure above, HEC-RAS uses the following strategy to apply the reach
connection boundary condition equations:
• Apply flow continuity to reaches upstream of flow splits and downstream of flow combinations (reach 1 in
the figure above). Only one flow boundary equation is used per junction.
• Apply stage continuity for all other reaches (reaches 2 and 3 in the figure above). is computed as the
stage corresponding to the flow in reach 1. Therefore, stage in reaches 2 and 3 will be set equal to .
where is the upstream node of reach m. The finite difference form of (113) is:
Symbol Description
• a stage hydrograph,
• a flow hydrograph,
• a single-valued rating curve,
• Normal Depth from Manning's equation.
Stage Hydrograph. A stage hydrograph of water surface elevation versus time may be used as the
downstream boundary condition if the stream flows into a backwater environment such as an
estuary or bay where the water surface elevation is governed by tidal fluctuations, or where it flows
into a lake or reservoir of known stage(s). At time step , the boundary condition from the
stage hydrograph is given by:
Symbol Description
Flow Hydrograph. A flow hydrograph may be used as the downstream boundary condition if
recorded gage data is available and the model is being calibrated to a specific flood event. At time
step , the boundary condition from the flow hydrograph is given by the finite difference
Symbol Description
Single Valued Rating Curve. The single valued rating curve is a monotonic function of stage and flow.
An example of this type of curve is the steady, uniform flow rating curve. The single valued rating
curve can be used to accurately describe the stage-flow relationship of free outfalls such as
waterfalls, or hydraulic control structures such as spillways, weirs or lock and dam operations. When
applying this type of boundary condition to a natural stream, caution should be used. If the stream
location would normally have a looped rating curve, then placing a single valued rating curve as the
boundary condition can introduce errors in the solution. Too reduce errors in stage, move the
boundary condition downstream from your study area, such that it no longer affects the stages in the
study area. Further advice is given in (USACE, 1993).
At time the boundary condition is given by:
Symbol Description
discharge ordinate
stage ordinate
After collecting unknown terms on the left side of the equation, the finite difference form of Equation
2-118 is:
Symbol Description
Normal Depth. Use of Manning's equation with a user entered friction slope produces a stage
considered to be normal depth if uniform flow conditions existed. Because uniform flow conditions
do not normally exist in natural streams, this boundary condition should be used far enough
downstream from your study area that it does not affect the results in the study area. Manning's
equation may be written as:
coefficient matrix
For a single channel without a storage area, the coefficient matrix has a band width of five and can
be solved by one of many banded matrix solvers.
For network problems, sparse terms destroy the banded structure. The sparse terms enter and leave
at the boundary equations and at the storage areas. The figure below shows a simple system with
four reaches and a storage area off of reach 2.
The corresponding coefficient matrix is shown in the figure below. The elements are banded for the
reaches but sparse elements appear at the reach boundaries and at the storage area. This small
system is a trivial problem to solve, but systems with hundreds of cross sections and tens of reaches
pose a major numerical problem because of the sparse terms. Even the largest computers cannot
store the coefficient matrix for a moderately sized problem, furthermore, the computer time
required to solve such a large matrix using Gaussian elimination would be very large. Because most
of the elements are zero, a majority of computer time would be wasted.
Three practical solution schemes have been used to solve the sparse system of linear equations:
Barkau (1985) used a front solver scheme to eliminate terms to the left of the diagonal and pointers
to identify sparse columns to the right of the diagonal. Cunge et al. (1980) and Shaffranekk (1981)
used recursive schemes to significantly reduce the size of the sparse coefficient matrix. Tucci (1978)
and Chen and Simons (1979) used the skyline storage scheme (Bathe and Wilson, 1976) to store the
coefficient matrix. The goal of these schemes is to more effectively store the coefficient matrix. The
front solver and skyline methods identify and store only the significant elements. The recursive
schemes are more elegant, significantly reducing the number of linear equations. All use Gaussian
elimination to solve the simultaneous equations.
A front solver performs the reduction pass of Gauss elimination before equations are entered into a
coefficient matrix. Hence, the coefficient matrix is upper triangular. To further reduce storage,
Barkau (1985) proposed indexing sparse columns to the right of the band, thus, only the band and
the sparse terms were stored. Since row and column operations were minimized, the procedure
should be as fast if not faster than any of the other procedures. But, the procedure could not be
readily adapted to a wide variety of problems because of the way that the sparse terms were
indexed. Hence, the program needed to be re-dimensioned and recompiled for each new problem.
The recursive schemes are ingenious. Cunge credits the initial application to Friazinov (1970).
Cunge's scheme and Schaffranek's scheme are similar in approach but differ greatly in efficiency.
Through recursive upward and downward passes, each single routing reach is transformed into two
transfer equations which relate the stages and flows at the upstream and downstream boundaries.
Cunge substitutes the transfer equations in which M is the number of junctions. Schraffranek
combines the transfer equations with the boundary equations, resulting in a system of 4N equations
in which N is the number of individual reaches. The coefficient matrix is sparse, but the degree is
much less than the original system.
By using recursion, the algorithms minimize row and column operations. The key to the algorithm's
speed is the solution of a reduced linear equation set. For smaller problems Gaussian elimination on
the full matrix would suffice. For larger problems, some type of sparse matrix solver must be used,
primarily to reduce the number of elementary operations. Consider, for example, a system of 50
reaches. Schaffranek's matrix would be 200 X 200 and Cunge's matrix would be 50 X 50, 2.7 million
and 42,000 operations respectively (the number of operations is approximately 1/3 n3 where n is the
number of rows).
Another disadvantage of the recursive scheme is adaptability. Lateral weirs which discharge into
storage areas or which discharge into other reaches disrupt the recursion algorithm. These weirs
may span a short distance or they may span an entire reach. The recursion algorithm, as presented
in the above references, will not work for this problem. The algorithm can be adapted, but no
documentation has yet been published.
Skyline is the name of a storage algorithm for a sparse matrix. In any sparse matrix, the non-zero
elements from the linear system and from the Gaussian elimination procedure are to the left of the
diagonal and in a column above the diagonal. This structure is shown in the figure below. Skyline
stores these inverted "L shaped" structures in a vector, keeping the total storage at a minimum.
Elements in skyline storage are accessed by row and column numbers. Elements outside the "L" are
returned as zero, hence the skyline matrix functions exactly as the original matrix. Skyline storage
can be adapted to any problem.
The efficiency of Gaussian elimination depends on the number of pointers into skyline storage. Tucci
(1978) and Chen and Simons (1979) used the original algorithm as proposed by Bathe and Wilson
(1976). This algorithm used only two pointers, the left limit and the upper limit of the "L", thus, a
large number of unnecessary elementary operations are performed on zero elements and in
searching for rows to reduce. Their solution was acceptable for small problems, but clearly deficient
for large problems. Using additional pointers reduces the number of superfluous calculations. If the
pointers identify all the sparse columns to the right of the diagonal, then the number of operations is
minimized and the performance is similar to the front solver algorithm.
Skyline Solution Algorithm
The skyline storage algorithm was chosen to store the coefficient matrix. The Gauss elimination
algorithm of Bathe and Wilson was abandoned because of its poor efficiency. Instead a modified
algorithm with seven pointers was developed. The pointers are:
1. IDIA(IROW) - index of the diagonal element in row IROW in skyline storage.
2. ILEFT(IROW) - number of columns to the left of the diagonal.
The pointers eliminate the meaningless operations on zero elements. This code is specifically
designed for flood routing through a full network.
Computational Procedure
The solution of the water surface elevation at all cross sections, storage areas, and 2D Flow Area cells
follows this computational procedure:
1. The solver makes an initial trial at the water surface, flows, derivatives etc… The unsteady flow equations
are solved in the implicit finite difference matrix solver (we use a solver called the Skyline Matrix solver) for
the 1D nodes. A 2D implicit finite volume solution algorithm is used for the 2D flow areas (See the 2D Theory
2. All computational nodes (cross sections, storage areas, and now 2D cells) are checked to see if the computed
water surface minus the previous values are less than the numerical solution tolerance.
3. If the error is less than the numerical solution tolerance, then it is finished for that time step; it uses those
answers as the correct solution for the time step, and moves on to the next time step.
4. If the numerical error is greater than the tolerance at any node, it iterates, meaning it makes a new estimate
of all the derivatives and solves the equations again.
5. During the iteration process, if it comes up with a solution in which the numerical error is less than the
tolerance at all locations, it is done and it uses that iteration as the correct answers, and goes on to the next
time step.
6. During the iteration (and even first trial) process, the program saves the trial with the least amount of
numerical error as being the best solution so far. All water surfaces and flows are saved at all locations.
7. Any iteration that produces a better answer, but does not meet the tolerance, is saved as the current best
8. If the solution goes to the maximum number of iterations (20 by default), then it prints out a warning.
However it uses the trial/iteration that had the best answer. It also prints out the location that had the
greatest amount of numerical error and the magnitude of that error.
9. This happens even if one of the trials/iterations causes the matrix to go completely unstable. It still does this
process and often can find a trial that is not unstable, but does not produce an error less than the numerical
tolerance, so it goes with that iteration and moves on.
Mass Conservation
= time [T]
is the flow [L3/T]
is the cross-sectional area [L2]
is the lateral inflow per unit length [L2/T]
Momentum Conservation
= cross-sectionally averaged velocity [L/T]
= water surface elevation [L]
= gravitational acceleration [L/T2]
= turbulent eddy viscosity [L2/T]
= friction slope [-]
= added force term [-]
= wind surface stress [M/L/T2]
= water density [M/L3]
= water depth [L]
The above equation can be written for the channel and left and right floodplains as (ignoring the
wind stresses):
where indicate the channel, and left and right overbanks, respectively. represents
the momentum exchange with neighboring cross-sectional areas.
Bottom Friction
Bottom friction represents the energy loss due to skin and form drag on the bed and any other
sources of drag including vegetation. The friction slope in the 1D momentum equation is given by
= conveyance [L3/T]
= cross-sectional area [L2]
The bottom shear stress is given by
Eddy Viscosity
Turbulence is a complex phenomenon of chaotic (turbulent) fluid motion and eddies spanning a
wide range of length scales. Many of the length scales are too small to be feasibly resolved by a
discrete numerical model, so turbulent flow mixing is modeled as a gradient diffusion process. The
eddy viscosity is computed as follows,
where is the mixing coefficient, is the shear velocity, and is the water depth.
where is the air density at sea level (~1.29 kg/m3), is the wind drag coefficient, is the 10-
m height wind velocity. The wind speed is calculated using either an Eulerian or Lagrangian
reference frame as:
in which is the 10-m wind velocity relative to the solid earth (Eulerian wind speed), and is
equal to zero for the Eulerian reference frame or one for the Lagrangian reference frame.
Mass Conservation
The continuity equation representing water mass (and volume) conservation is discretized as
where is the time step, is the volume at cell , is the cross-section velocity, is the
cross-sectional area, and represents the cell sources and sinks. The cross-sectional velocity and
area are computed here with -averaging. Here and represents the upstream and
downstream cross-sections of cell , respectively.
Momentum Conservation
Since velocities are computed on cross-sections, the momentum equations are not located on a
computational cell. The discrete equations are built based on a semi-implicit scheme in which only
the acceleration, barotropic pressure gradient and bottom friction terms contain variables for which
the equation is solved. Other terms of the momentum equation are still computed based on the
-method, but their contribution is smaller and so they are considered explicit forcing function terms
and moved to the right-hand side of the linearized system.
Acceleration. Acceleration terms are discretized using a Lagrangian approach as:
where is the current velocity and is evaluated at a location . This location is found
by integrating the velocity field back in time starting from the location of the computational face.
Location does not in general correspond to a cross-section, so an interpolation technique is
Integration of the velocity is done in steps using the interpolated velocity field in each cell. In
practice, this is equivalent to subdividing the integration time step into smaller sub-steps with a
Courant number of one or less and increasing the robustness of the computation. In contrast to the
explicit Eulerian framework, the semi-Lagrangian scheme allows for the use of large time steps
without limiting the stability and with a much-reduced artificial diffusion (regarded as the
interpolation error).
Barotropic Pressure Gradient. Recall that the momentum equation is computed at faces, but the
water surface elevation term is computed at cells. This staggered grid makes the barotropic pressure
gradient ideal for utilizing the simple two-point stencil described previously. In addition, the treated
semi-implicitly as
where is the explicit face eddy viscosity, and is the Laplacian at location X. The Laplacian is
computed at nodes and spatially interpolated at the location X obtained from the acceleration
advection. The Laplacian field is explicit in the numerical solution so it will depend only on values
computed for the previous time step. The Laplacian terms are calculated using a standard finite-
volume approach. Since the velocity is known at the faces, the gradients can be computed for the
cells by a simple application of the Gauss’ Divergence Theorem on the grid cells. Once the gradients
are known for the cells, the Gauss’ Divergence theorem is applied again on the dual-grid to obtain a
velocity Laplacian at the faces. The face velocity Laplacian at the nodes is computed with a simple
inverse distance weighting of the neighboring faces value. Once the Laplacian of the velocity field is
known at faces and nodes, the Laplacian term is spatially interpolated using generalized barycentric
coordinates to obtain . The location X is the same as in the acceleration term.
Bottom Friction. Bottom friction term is computed semi-implicitly in terms of the bottom friction
coefficient, as
Bottom friction is computed semi-implicitly where a bottom friction coefficient, , is computed based
on -averaged hydraulic radius and velocities. The bottom friction coefficient is therefore updated
during the iteration process. At each of those iterations, a new bottom friction term –cfVn+1 is
computed similarly to other implicit terms. The velocity V used in the bottom friction formula is
completely implicit for stability purposes.
Solution Procedure. Multiplying the momentum equations for the channel and floodplains by the
local area and then summing leads to:
The approximations made in the backtracking velocity and turbulent mixing term are done for
efficiency. The approach avoids computing separate backtracking and interpolations of the
velocities and velocity Laplacians for the channel and left and right floodplains.
The momentum equation above can be rearranged to obtain an expression for the velocity at as
To obtain a discrete implicit equation for the water volume, the above equation is inserted into the
discrete continuity equation to obtain
There is an equation of this form for every cell in the domain. Before proceeding, the system of
equation for all cells is written in a more compact vector notation.
Where is the vector of all cell volumes, is the vector of all cell water surface elevations, is
the coefficient matrix of the system and is the right-hand-side vector.
If the coefficients are lagged, the system of equations is mildly non-linear due to the bathymetric
relationship for as a function of . The Jacobian (derivative) of Ω with respect to H is given by
another bathymetric relationship : the diagonal matrix of cell wet surface areas. If this information is
known, a Newton-like technique can be applied to solve the system of equations, producing the
iterative formula,
where denotes the iteration index (not to be confused with the time-step).
Robustness and Stability. When there are no fluxes into a cell the water depth is zero, so the water
surface elevation is identical to the previous step. In particular, dry cells remain dry until water flows
into them.
In the momentum equation, as water depth decreases to zero, all forces tend to zero. However, the
bottom friction is the dominant force, so velocities also go to zero in the limit. As a consequence, it is
consistent to assume that dry cells have a flow velocity of zero. The momentum equation for dry
faces becomes ∂V/∂t=0 and dry faces continue to have zero velocity until water flows into them.
As seen in previous sections, both mass and momentum equations are non-linear. Similarly to the
DSW solver, an iterative process must be applied. This idea is presented in steps 6 through 9 below.
The Lagrangian treatment of the of acceleration and mixing terms has the advantage of avoiding
stability criteria based on the Courant number and mixing.
Discrete Boundary Conditions. Flow boundary conditions are also discretized:
• Water surface elevation: The water surface elevation boundary condition is directly implemented as
. The internal cell is then discretized as described above and the terms containing the boundary
water surfaces are placed on the right-hand-side of the system of equations.
• Normal Depth: The energy grade slope is specified and utilized to compute a flow at each computation face
as . Boundary face flows are included in the internal cells as a source term on the right-
hand-side of the system of equations.
• Flow: The flow boundary condition is specified at each computational face based on the local conveyance.
Boundary face flows are included in the internal cells as a source term on the right-hand-side of the system
of equations.
The loop provided by steps 6 through 10 has the purpose of updating the coefficients of the system
of equations, so that the solution of the nonlinear system (rather than its linearization) is obtained at
every time step. As expected, a fully nonlinear solution has very desirable properties such as wetting
several cells and propagating waves though several cells in a single time step.
The Navier-Stokes equations describe the motion of fluids in three dimensions. In the context of
channel and flood modeling, further simplifications are imposed. One simplified set of equations is
the Shallow Water (SW) equations. Incompressible flow, uniform density and hydrostatic pressure
are assumed and the equations are Reynolds averaged so that turbulent motion is approximated
using eddy viscosity. It is also assumed that the vertical length scale is much smaller than the
horizontal length scales. As a consequence, the vertical velocity is small and pressure is hydrostatic,
leading to the differential form of the SW equations derived in subsequent sections.
In some shallow flows the barotropic pressure gradient (gravity) term and the bottom friction terms
are the dominant terms in the momentum equations and unsteady, advection, and viscous terms
can be disregarded. The momentum equation then becomes the two dimensional form of the
Diffusion Wave Approximation. Combining this equation with mass conservation yields a one
equation model, known as the Diffusive Wave Approximation of the Shallow Water (DSW) equations.
Furthermore, in order to improve computation time, a sub-grid bathymetry approach can be used.
The idea behind this approach is to use a relatively coarse computational grid and finer scale
information about the underlying topography (Casulli, 2008). The mass conservation equation is
discretized using a finite volume technique. The fine grid details are factored out as parameters
representing multiple integrals over volumes and face areas. As a result, the transport of fluid mass
accounts for the fine scale topography inside of each discrete cell. Since this idea relates only to the
mass equation, it can be used independently of the version of the momentum equation. In the
sections below, sub-grid bathymetry equations are derived in the context of both full Shallow Water
(SW) equations and Diffusion Wave (DSW) equations.
In the Grid and Dual Grid subsequent section, the grid requirements are laid out and further notation
is defined in order to develop a numerical solution algorithm.
The Numerical Methods section describes the details of the finite volume implementation. The
numerical methods section also details the way in which the different terms of the equations are
discretized and how the non-linear problem is transformed into a system of equations with variable
coefficients. The global algorithm to solve the general unsteady problem is also explained in detail.
Through this document it will be assumed that the bottom surface elevation is given by ;
the water depth is ; and the water surface elevation is:
Hydraulic Equations
• Mass Conservation
• Momentum Conservation
• Turbulence Modeling
• Wind Surface Stress
• Diffusion Wave Approximation to the Shallow Water Equations
Mass Conservation
Assuming that the flow is incompressible, the unsteady differential form of the mass conservation
(continuity) equation is:
where is time, and are the velocity components in the x- and y- direction respectively and q is
a source/sink flux term. Following the starndard HEC-RAS sign conventions, sinks are negative and
sources are positive.
In vector form, the continuity equation takes the form:
The volumetric region represents the three-dimensional space occupied by the fluid, and is the
unit vector normal to the side boundaries . It is assumed that represents any flow that crosses
the bottom surface (infiltration) or the top water surface of (evaporation or rain). The source/sink
flow term is also convenient to represent other conditions that transfer mass into, within or out of
the system, such as pumps.
This integral form of the continuity equation will be appropriate in order to follow a sub-grid
bathymetry approach in subsequent sections. In this context, the volume Ω will represent a finite
volume cell and the integrals will be computed using information about the fine underlying
Momentum Conservation
When the horizontal length scales are much larger than the vertical length scale, volume
conservation implies that the vertical velocity is small. The Navier-Stokes vertical momentum
equation can be used to justify that pressure is nearly hydrostatic. In the absence of baroclinic
pressure gradients (variable density), strong wind forcing and non-hydrostatic pressure, a vertically-
averaged version of the momentum equation is adequate. Vertical velocity and vertical derivative
terms can be safely neglected (in both mass and momentum equations). The shallow water
equations are obtained:
and = velocities in the Cartesian directions
= gravitational acceleration
= water surface elevation
and =horizontal eddy viscosity coefficients in the x and y directions
and = bottom shear stresses om the x and y directions
= hydraulic radius
and are the surface wind stresses in the x and y directions, respectively
is the water depth
is the Coriolis parameter.
The left-hand side of the equation contains the acceleration terms. The right-hand side represents
the internal or external forces acting on the fluid. The left- and right-hand side term are typically
organized in such a way as to be in accordance with Newton's second law, from which the
momentum equations are ultimately derived.
The momentum equations can also be written in vector notation. The advantage of this formof the
equation is that it becomes more compact and easily readable. The vector form of the momentum
equation is:
where here the velocity vector is , is the eddy viscosity tensor, is the gradient
operator, is the unit vector in the vertical direction, and is the wind surface stress vector. It is
noted that the notation for the Coriolis term is not strictly correct due to the inconsistent length of
vectors. However, this notation is used for shorthand notation and simplicity.
Every term of the momentum equation has a clear physical counterpart. From left to right the terms
are the unsteady acceleration, convective acceleration, Coriolis term, barotropic pressure term,
momentum diffusion, bottom friction, and wind forcing.
A dimensional analysis shows that when the water depth is very small the bottom friction term
dominates the equation. As a consequence, (149) for dry cells takes the limit form V = 0. As before,
dry cells are computationally treated as a special case, but the result is continuous and physically
consistent during the process of wetting or drying.
Because the conservation of momentum is directionally invariant, the momentum equation may be
in any direction. In HEC-RAS, momentum is computed normal to each face.
The Eulerian acceleration terms on the left, can be condensed into a Lagrangian derivative
acceleration term taken along the path moving with the velocity term:
Other names usually given to this term are substantial, material and total derivative. The use of the
Lagrangian derivative will become evident in subsequent sections when it will be seen that its
discretization reduces Courant number constraints and yields a more robust solution method.
Bottom Friction
where is the water density and is the drag coefficient computed using the Manning’s
roughness coefficient as
Coriolis Effect
The last term of the momentum equation relates to the Coriolis Effect. It accounts for the fact that
the frame of reference of the equation is attached to the Earth, which is rotating around its axis. The
vertical component of the Coriolis term is disregarded in agreement with the shallow water
assumptions. The apparent horizontal force felt by any object in the rotating frame is proportional to
the Coriolis parameter given by:
where = 0.00007292115855306587 per second is the sidereal angular velocity of the Earth and
is the latitude.
Turbulence Modeling
Eddy Viscosity
Turbulence is a complex phenomenon of chaotic (turbulent) fluid motion and eddies spanning a
wide range of length scales. Many of the length scales are too small to be feasibly resolved by a
discrete numerical model, so turbulent flow mixing is modeled as a gradient diffusion process. In this
approach, the diffusion rate is cast as the eddy viscosity . The eddy viscosity is computed as
where the tensor is the mixing coefficient tensor, is the shear velocity, is the water depth,
is the Smagorinsky coefficient (approximately between 0.05 and 0.2), is the filter width
equal to local grid resolution, and is the strain rate. The first term on the right-hand-side
represents the turbulence produced by vertical shear, and more specifically bottom shear in
longitudinal direction and secondary flows in the transverse direction. The mixing coefficients also
represent the mixing due to momentum dispersion and not just turbulence. The second term on the
right-hand-side of equation2-136 represents the turbulence produced by horizontal shear in the
flow. The second term in equation 2-136 is the Smagorinsky-Lilly eddy viscosity model (Smagorinsky
1963; Deardorff 1970). The Smagorinsky-Lilly model assumes that the turbulent energy production
and dissipation at small scales are in equilibrium. The Smagorinsky-Lilly model is somewhat
expensive to compute because it requires computing the velocity gradients. However, it is more
physically accurate, especially in regions of high shear such as close to solid/dry boundaries. It is
noted that the velocity gradients are computed at cells using the Green-Gauss divergence theorem
and then interpolated at the faces with the weighting coefficients and . The strain rate is
given as:
The parameters and are user-specified mixing coefficients in the longitudinal and
transverse directions, respectively. is the velocity direction. If and are equal, then the
mixing is isotropic. Some values for and are provided in the tables below:
where is the air density at sea level (~1.29 kg/m3), is the wind drag coefficient, is the
10-m height wind speed vector, is the 10-m wind velocity magnitude. The wind speed is
calculated using either an Eulerian or Lagrangian reference frame as:
where is the 10-m atmospheric wind speed relative to the solid earth (Eulerian wind speed),
is equal to zero for the Eulerian reference frame or one for the Lagrangian reference frame, and
= current velocity vector.
Winds are specified in an Eulerian reference frame with respect to the solid Earth. The Lagrangian
reference frame is with respect to the moving surface water. Using the Lagrangian reference frame
(see figure below), or relative wind speed, is more accurate and realistic for field applications (Bye
1985; Pacanowski 1987; Dawe and Thompson 2006), however, the option to use the Eulerian wind
speed is provided for idealized cases. In addition, the Lagrangian reference frame is more stable
since it introduces a drag or friction term. When the wind in the same direction of the currents the
wind shear stress is lowered. When the wind and currents are in opposing directions, the wind shear
stress is increased. For example, in the case of a current velocity of 1 m/s, with an opposing wind
speed of 5 m/s, the Eulerian reference frame will give a surface stress proportional to (5 m/s)2 = 25 m2
/s2, while the Lagrangian reference frame will produce a surface proportional to (5-(-1) m/s)2 = 36 m2
/s2, which is an increase of 44%.
Drag Coefficient
There are a wide variety of drag coefficient formulas in literature. Within HEC-RAS, four drag
coefficient formulations are available for use that provide a reasonable range of options.
The Hsu (1988) formula is written as:
where is the 10-m wind speed [m/s]. The Hsu formula was developed by assuming a
logarithmic wind velocity profile and substituting an expression for the aerodynamic roughness
length based on fully developed ocean waves. Several linear formulas have been proposed in
literature for the drag coefficient. Here two are implemented and available in HEC-RAS. Garratt
(1977) proposed:
Andreas et al. (2012) utilized almost 7,000 measurements over the sea to fit an empirical expression
for the water surface shear velocity, which is applicable to both smooth and rough turbulent flow:
where = wind shear velocity [m/s]. The drag coefficient is then calculated as:
A comparison of the four wind drag coefficient formulations is provided in the figure below. The four
methods differ significantly at weak wind speeds but especially strong wind speeds. For strong wind
speeds above 30 m/s, only the Andreas et al. (2012) method is recommended, since it is the only
method which has been compared to measurements at high wind speeds. The other methods were
not calibrated for high wind speeds.
Wind Ratio
The wind ratio is directly multiplied by the input wind velocities. It may be used to scale the wind, to
convert the input wind velocity units, or to convert between different wind velocity definitions. Wind
measurements are usually obtained as mean or “maximum sustained” wind in a certain time period.
Generally, for hydrodynamic modeling, mean wind speeds should be used (e.g., 10-min or 30-min
averages). Maximum sustained winds, may be converted to mean values using the wind ratio.
the conditions described in this section, the Diffusion Wave equation can be used in place of the
momentum equation. It will be seen in subsequent sections that the corresponding model becomes
a one equation model known as the Diffusion Wave Approximation of the Shallow Water equations
Up to this point, we have described the hydraulics for momentum. From now on the discussion will
gear towards the formulation and numerical methods of the solution. It will be convenient to denote
the hydraulic radius and the face cross section areas as a function of the water surface elevation H,
so R= R(H), A=A(H).
In shallow frictional and gravity controlled flow; unsteady, advection, turbulence and Coriolis terms
of the momentum equation can be disregarded to arrive at a simplified version. Flow movement is
driven by a barotropic pressure gradient balanced by bottom friction. Simplifying the momentum
equation results in:
where is the velocity vector, is the hydraulic radius, is the water surface
elevation gradient and is the Manning’s roughness coefficient. Dividing both sides of the equation
by the square root of their norm, the equation can be rearranged into the more classical form
When the velocity is determined by a balance between barotropic pressure gradient and bottom
friction, the Diffusion Wave form of the Momentum, can be used in place of the full momentum
equation, and the corresponding system of equations can in fact be simplified to a one equation
model. Direct substitution of the Diffusion Wave approximation of the momentum equation in the
mass conservation equation, yields the classical Diffusion-Wave Equation:
Boundary Conditions
At any given time step, boundary conditions must be given at all the edges of the domain. Within
HEC-RAS boundary conditions can be one of three different kinds:
• Water surface elevation: The value of the water surface elevation is given at one of the
boundary edges.
• Normal Depth: The friction slope, , is specified and used to impose a flow boundary condition
computed as .
• Flow: The flow that crosses the boundary is provided. In the continuity, this condition is implemented
by direct substitution into the flow formula of the corresponding boundary faces.
In the figure above, the grid nodes and edges are represented by dots and solid lines; the dual grid
nodes and edges are represented by crosses and dashed lines.
From the mathematical point of view, sometimes the grid is augmented with a cell “at infinity” and
analogously, the dual grid is augmented with a node “at infinity”. With these extra additions, the grid
and its dual have some interesting properties. For instance, the dual edges intersect the regular
edges and the two groups are in a one-to-one correspondence. Similarly, the dual cells are in a one-
to-one correspondence with the grid nodes, and the dual nodes are in a one-to-one correspondence
with the grid cells. Moreover, the dual of the dual grid is the original grid.
However, in the context of a numerical simulation, extending the grid to infinity is impractical.
Therefore, the dual grid is truncated by adding dual nodes on the center of the boundary edges and
dual edges along the boundary joining the boundary dual nodes. The one-to-one correspondences
of the infinite model do not carry over to the truncated model, but some slightly more complex
relations can be obtained. For instance, the dual nodes are now in one-to-one correspondence with
the set of grid cells and grid boundary edges. For this reason, the boundary edges are considered as
a sort of topological artificial cells with no area which are extremely useful when setting up boundary
In the context of the equations described in this document, it is convenient to numerically compute:
the water surface elevation H at the grid cell centers (including artificial cells), the velocity
perpendicular to the faces (determining the flow transfer across the faces), and the velocity vector V
at the face points.
The figure below shows five computational cells. The cells, faces, and nodes are numbered. The
orientation of faces is indicated by the arrows at each face.
Cell is connected faces that are in set . Cell is connected nodes that are in set .
Face is connected to nodes (head) and (tail). Face is connected to cells (left)
and (right). Cell shares faces with neighboring cells that are in set . Finally, the set
contains the neighboring cells to and itself.
For the example above, the connectivity is given by
The orientation of face is defined by the position of the head, , and tail, , nodes as well
as the left, , and right, , cells as shown in the figure below.
Subgrid Bathymetry
Subgrid Bathymetry. Modern advances in the field of airborne remote sensing can provide very
high resolution topographic data. In many cases the data is too dense to be feasibly used directly as
a grid for the numerical model. This situation presents a dilemma in which a relatively coarse
computational grid must be used to produce a fluid simulation, but the fine topographic features
should be incorporated in the computation.
The solution to this problem that HEC-RAS uses is the sub-grid bathymetry approach (Casulli, 2008).
The computational grid cells contain some extra information such as hydraulic radius, volume and
cross sectional area that can be pre-computed from the fine bathymetry. The high resolution details
are lost, but enough information is available so that the numerical method can account for the fine
bathymetry through mass conservation. For many applications this method is appropriate because
the free water surface is smoother than the bathymetry; therefore, a coarser grid can effectively be
used to compute the spatial variability in free surface elevation. In the figure above, the fine grid is
represented by the Cartesian grid in gray and the computational grid is displayed in blue.
At each computational a piece-wise linear curve of cell volumes is computed as a function of water
surface elevation
where is volume and is the cell. Differentiating the piece-wise linear volume-elevation curve
leads to a piece-wise constant area-elevation curve
where is the piece-wise linear vertical area at face , is the piece-wise constant wetted top
width, and is the wetted perimeter. From these variables other hydraulic variables such as the
hydraulic radius and conveyance can be easily computed.
In the figure below, the left figure represents the shape of a face as seen in the fine grid and the
corresponding function for face area in terms of the water surface elevation .
Numerical Methods
As mentioned previously, HEC-RAS solves the Diffusion-Wave Equation (DWE) and Shallow-Water
Equations (SWE). There are two methods for solving the SWE in HEC-RAS: the Eulerian-Lagrangian
Method (ELM-SWE), and Eulerian Method (EM-SWE). The solvers are similar except in how they treat
the acceleration and pressure gradient terms. This section described in detail the numerical
methods applied. In general, all three solvers use a combination of finite-difference and finite-
volume methods on an unstructured polygonal mesh with subgrid bathymetry.
Face-Normal Gradient
The face-normal gradient is computed for the water surface in the pressure gradient term and the
current velocities when simulating momentum diffusion with the conservative formulation. The
operator is described here for the water surface elevation but is the same for the current velocity.
The face-normal gradient is computed with a simple two-point stencil as
where is the face-normal distance between the cell centers as described in the figure below.
The distance is the distance between points and . The water surface elevation in the neighboring
cells is assumed to be spatially constant.
where is the face-normal distance between points and as described in the figure
below. The scheme assumes that cell variables are piece-wise constant and does not include a non-
orthogonal correction. The method is second-order for regular Cartesian cells and first-order for
general polygonal cells.
Face-normal gradients at closed boundaries are set to zero. In addition, velocity face-normal
gradients at wet/dry boundaries are set to zero.
Face-Tangential Velocity
In HEC-RAS 2D, the current velocities are solved normal to the faces. The face tangential velocity is
reconstructed using what is referred to as a double-C stencil which is shown in the Figure below.
Figure 1. Double-C stencil used for computing the face tangential velocity.
The weighted least-squares gradient approach is linearly exact and works for any mesh topology.
The method solves two least-squares problems for every face:
, , , ,
If two cells are hydraulically connected, the left and right tangential velocities are averaged to
compute face tangential velocity as the arithmetic average:
Cell Velocity
Current velocities are computed normal to faces. However, in several computations, the cell average
velocities are necessary. Here, the cell velocities are computed using the method of Perot (2000):
where is the distance from the center of cell center i to edge center k, and is the length of
face k. Because this method is explicit, all acceleration terms can be computed before the start of the
outer iterations and do not need to be updated.
where is the length of face k, and is the area of cell i. A similar equation may be written for
the velocity in the y-direction.
An overview of the discretization and solution algorithm of the DWE is described in section. The
derivation begins with the discretization of continuity equation and momentum equations. The
discrete form of the SWE is then obtained from the continuity and momentum equations. Finally, the
solution algorithm is described.
Continuity Equation
where is the time step, and the velocities have been interpolated in time using the generalized
Crank-Nicolson method (which is used to weight the contribution of velocities at time steps and ).
Since the momentum equation is rotation invariant, it will be assumed that is the sign in the
outward direction at face k. Note that the face areas are treated explicitly. This increases the stability
of the solver but reduces the accuracy for large time steps and limits the wetting and drying to one
cell at a time for each time step.
Momentum Equation
The diffusive wave approximation to the momentum equation can be written in discrete form as
Diffusion-Wave Equation
The DWE describes the conservation of mass and momentum. A discrete DWE is obtained by
substituting the diffusion-wave approximation for the velocity into the above continuity equation
leading to
Once the DSW equation has been solved, the velocities can be recovered by substituting the water
surface elevation back into the Diffusion Wave equation. The above equation may be written in
compact form as
The system of equation for all cells is written in a more compact vector form as
Where is the vector of all cell volumes, is the vector of all cell water surface elevations at time
n+1, is the coefficient matrix of the system and is the right-hand-side vector.
The system of equations is mildly non-linear due to the bathymetric relationship for as a function
of . The Jacobian (derivative) of Ω with respect to is given by another bathymetric relationship
: the diagonal matrix of cell wet surface areas. If this information is known, a Newton-like
technique can be applied to solve the system of equations, producing the iterative formula,
where m denotes the iteration index (not to be confused with the time-step).
When there are no fluxes the coefficients are and so the water surface elevation is
identical to the previous step. In particular, dry cells remain dry until water flows into them.
Equation (183) implies that the coefficients of Equation 2-170 will depend on the value of the
water surface elevation. In order to maintain consistency with the generalized Crank Nicolson
method, the terms must be evaluated at time , creating a circular dependence on the
solution of the system of equations. This situation is typical of nonlinear systems and is corrected
through iteration. This is presented in steps 5–8 below.
The linearized scheme is unconditionally stable for . When the scheme is
stable if:
When , the scheme obtained is implicit. It corresponds to using backward differences in time
and positioning the spatial derivatives at step n+1. When , this is the Crank-Nicolson scheme
obtained from central differences in time and positioning the spatial derivatives at n+1/2.
The linearized scheme is second order accurate in space. The time accuracy depends on the choice
of ; for instance, for =1 it is first order accurate and for =1/2 it is second order accurate.
Solution Algorithm
The loop provided by steps 5 through 8 has the purpose of updating the coefficients so that the
solution of the nonlinear system (rather than its linearization) is obtained at every time step. As
expected, a fully nonlinear solution has very desirable properties such as wetting several cells or
updating coefficients that are evaluated at time .
The SWE express volume and momentum conservation. The continuity equation is discretized using
finite volume approximations. For the momentum equation, the type of discretization will vary
depending on the term. The Crank-Nicolson method is also used to weight the contribution of
variables at time steps n and n+1. However, the different nature of the equations will call for the use
of a more elaborate solver scheme.
Mass Conservation
The continuity equation can be assembled following a process that mimics the construction of the
DSW scheme as
where Δt is the time step, and the velocities have been interpolated in time using the generalized
Crank-Nicolson method (which is used to weight the contribution of velocities at time steps and
n+1). Since the momentum equation is rotation invariant, it will be assumed that is the sign in
the outward direction at face k. The treatment of the face areas is semi-implicit. This allows for
wetting and drying of multiple cells in a single time step and improves the accuracy of the model.
However, it can make the solution more difficult and lead to increased iterations.
Following the same approach used for the DSW equations, the velocities will be expressed as a linear
combination of water surface elevation at neighboring cells and terms will be grouped according to
their spatial and time indices. All terms related to the time step n will be moved to the right-hand
Momentum Conservation
Since velocities are computed on the grid faces, the momentum equations are not located on a
computational cell, but rather on a computational face. The discrete equations are built based on a
semi-implicit scheme in which only the acceleration, barotropic pressure gradient and bottom
friction terms contain variables for which the equation is solved. Other terms of the momentum
equation are still computed based on the -method, but their contribution is smaller and so they are
considered explicit forcing function terms and moved to the right-hand side of the linearized system.
Acceleration terms are discretized using a semi-Lagrangian approach. The Lagrangian form of the
advection terms in the momentum equation is computed as:
explicit Eulerian framework, the semi-Lagrangian scheme allows for the use of large time steps
without limiting the stability and with a much-reduced artificial diffusion (regarded as the
interpolation error).
Barotropic Pressure Gradient
Recall that the momentum equation is computed at faces, but the water surface elevation term is
computed at cells. This staggered grid makes the barotropic pressure gradient ideal for utilizing the
simple two-point stencil described previously. In addition, the treated semi-implicitly as
where is the explicit face eddy viscosity at face k, is the Laplacian at location X, and
is the face unit vector. The Laplacian is computed at nodes and spatially interpolated at the
location X obtained from the acceleration advection. The Laplacian field is explicit in the numerical
solution so it will depend only on values computed for the previous time step. The Laplacian terms
are calculated using a standard finite-volume approach. Since the velocity is known at the faces, the
gradients can be computed for the cells by a simple application of the Gauss’ Divergence Theorem
on the grid cells. Once the gradients are known for the cells, the Gauss’ Divergence theorem is
applied again on the dual-grid to obtain a velocity Laplacian at the faces. The face velocity Laplacian
at the nodes is computed with a simple inverse distance weighting of the neighboring faces value.
Once the Laplacian of the velocity field is known at faces and nodes, the Laplacian term is spatially
interpolated using generalized barycentric coordinates to obtain . The location X is the
same as in the acceleration term.
The conservative formulation is discretized as
in which
The face-normal gradient is approximated by the linear Two-Point Flux Approximation (TPFA)
scheme (Edwards and Rogers 1998). The TPFA scheme is robust and monotone. The scheme reduces
to the first to second-order central-difference scheme for K-orthogonal meshes.
The turbulent eddy viscosity is approximated using the longitudinal and transverse components as
other quantities, such as the gravitational acceleration, hydraulic radius, Manning’s n and the
However, extra care must be taken with the bottom friction due to the fact that the term is used
implicitly in the equations. Since a Crank-Nicolson type of scheme is being used, the coefficient is
computed from -averaged variables located at time and is therefore a -weighted average of the
corresponding values at times n and n+1. The bottom friction coefficient is therefore not
computed once per time step, but as many times as iterations are required for convergence, through
the iteration process of steps 6-10, as it will be seen in the algorithm description below. At each of
those iterations, a new bottom friction term is computed similarly to other implicit terms.
The velocity used in the bottom friction formula is completely implicit for stability purposes.
Coriolis Effect
The Coriolis term is typically the smallest magnitude term in the momentum equations, but it is also
the easiest to compute. The Coriolis parameter is a pre-computed constant that does not change
between time-steps and does not depend on subgrid bathymetry. According to the generalized
Crank-Nicolson formula along a streamline, the Coriolis term reduces to Equation 2-179 in the
Cartesian oriented system used for the velocities.
The location where this quantity is interpolated, is obtained from the acceleration advection. As
with other implicit terms in the momentum equation, this vector is computed once per iteration.
Fractional Step Method
The solution of the momentum equation uses a fractional-step technique. The first fractional step
contains only acceleration and Coriolis terms. The discretization formulas described above yields a
vector equation for the velocity. If the coefficients are lagged, this equation is linear on the velocity
terms , and the water surface elevation terms and . The momentum equation
contains some velocity cross-terms arising from the Coriolis force. Grouping velocity terms yields the
where the right-hand side is a linear formula in terms of the velocities and water surface elevations.
An explicit formula for without any cross-terms is obtained by:
The second fractional step adds the acceleration, pressure gradient, eddy viscosity, and bottom
friction terms according to the discretization formulas developed earlier.
Solution Procedure
where is the backtracking velocity including the Coriolis effect from the first
fractional step, and the mixing term is computed at the location X. The term represents the
conservative or non-conservative momentum diffusion term given by
for the non-conservative formulation
for the conservative formulation
The momentum equation above can be rearranged to obtain an expression for the velocity at n+1 as
To obtain a discrete implicit equation for the water volume, the above equation is inserted into the
discrete continuity equation to obtain
The system of equations is solved using the same Newton-like iterations used for the DWE solver.
When there are no fluxes into a cell the mass conservation equation becomes h=0, so the water
surface elevation is identical to the previous step. In particular, dry cells remain dry until water flows
into them.
In the momentum equation, as water depth decreases to zero, all forces tend to zero. However, the
bottom friction is the dominant force, so velocities also go to zero in the limit. As a consequence, it is
consistent to assume that dry cells have a flow velocity of zero. The momentum equation for dry
faces becomes ∂V/∂t=0 and dry faces continue to have zero velocity until water flows into them.
As seen in previous sections, both mass and momentum equations are non-linear. Similarly to the
DSW solver, an iterative process must be applied. This idea is presented in steps 6 through 9 below.
In contrast with an explicit Eulerian scheme, the semi-Lagrangian scheme for the computation of
acceleration has the advantage of avoiding a CFL condition based on velocity.
Solution Algorithm
The loop provided by steps 6 through10 has the purpose of updating the coefficients of the system of
equations, so that the solution of the nonlinear system (rather than its linearization) is obtained at
every time step. As expected, a fully nonlinear solution has very desirable properties such as wetting
several cells and propagating waves though several cells in a single time step.
Similar to the DSW solver, the implementation of this algorithm takes full advantage of
computational vectorization and parallelization. Vectorization is used extensively in terms with an
explicit discretization in terms of algebraic operations, such as the coefficients for diffusion, Coriolis
and bottom friction terms. Simple algebraic steps of the algorithm like steps 4, 6 and 9 are
completely vectorized. Parallelization is implemented in terms with a more constructive description
such as algorithms, and conditional statements. Examples of such are the subgrid bathymetry table
searches, continuity equation coefficients, semi-Lagrangian advection, barotropic pressure gradient
terms and the computation of the Laplacian in the eddy diffusion term. Similarly, algorithmic
operations in steps 7 and 8 were also parallelized.
In the ELM-SWE solver, a semi-Lagrangian approach is used to discretize the acceleration terms in
the momentum equation. While this approach has the advantage of being stable for large time steps,
it can create excessive numerical diffusion of momentum, leading to inaccurate results in lab-scale
simulations where strict conservation of momentum is important. For this reason, an alternative
Eulerian SWE solver (EM-SWE) is provided. The alternative approach utilizes the momentum-
conservative discretization of the acceleration terms suggested by Kramer and Stelling (2008).
In Kramer and Stelling’s approach, the advective term in the momentum equation is discretized
assuming local conservation of momentum about a control volume centered on a cell face,
, shown in Figure 1 (Perot, 2000).
Variables with indicate quantities for the cell to the left of face and those with
indicate the right cell. The weights and are given to the left and right cells and
are based on the area of the control volume.
The water depth at the face () is calculated as a weighted average of the average water depths of the
left and right cells:
where . For both the left and right cells, the flux of momentum into the cell is
calculated using upwinded velocities from each edge ( ) in the direction of the face normal ( )
and the face flows . Upwinded velocities are taken at the cell centers upwind of the
faces and are reconstructed from the face normal velocities using the weighting method of Perot
(2000) (Cell Velocity v6.0). Because this method is explicit, all acceleration terms can be computed
before the start of the outer iterations and do not need to be updated during the iterations.
Coriolis Effect
Discretizations of the Coriolis and eddy viscosity terms in the original SW solver required variables to
be evaluated at the backtracked location X. Since this acceleration discretization requires no
backtracking of velocities, an alternative discretization of these terms are required. The Coriolis term
is discretized with a simple explicit treatment:
where is the tangential velocity at face k, reconstructed using the normal face velocities from
adjacent cells, and is the Coriolis parameter.
In the EM-SWE model, the barotropic pressure gradient term is treated similar the ELM-SWE model.
The term is computed at computational faces utilizing the two-point stencil described above and
treats the water levels semi-implicitly. The term is may be written as
where , , and is the face hydraulic depth. The pressure gradient term in EM-SWE differs from ELM-
SWE in the inclusion of the ratio following Kramer and Stelling (2008). It is noted that this factor is
not computed the same here as in Kramer and Stelling (2008) since HEC-RAS uses subgrid
bathymetry. However, this adaptation has shown to work well in HEC-RAS.
Solution Procedure
The momentum equation above can be rearranged to obtain an expression for the velocity at n+1 as
To obtain a discrete implicit equation for the water volume, the above equation is inserted into the
discrete continuity equation to obtain
The system of equations is solved using the same Newton-like iterations used for the DWE solver.
The EM-SWE solver has improved momentum conservation compared to the ELM-SWE solver.
However, the tradeoff for more accurate momentum conservation is that the method requires the 2D
grid be strictly orthogonal, and the time step necessary for stability is limited by the Courant-
Friedrichs-Lewy (CFL) condition:
Where is the Courant number, and is 1. If turbulence (momentum diffusion) is turned on,
the explicit treatment of the momentum diffusion results in an additional stability criteria which is
approximated as,
This CLF condition allows a larger time step than typical stability conditions originating from
Eulerian advection schemes.
The linearized scheme is second order accurate in space. The time accuracy depends of the choice
of ; for instance, for =1 it is first order accurate and for =1/2 it is second order accurate.
The boundary conditions are discretized in manner as in the ELM-SWE solver as:
• Water surface elevation: The water surface elevation boundary condition is directly implemented as . The
internal cell is then discretized as described above and the terms containing the boundary water surfaces
are placed on the right-hand-side of the system of equations.
• Normal Depth: The friction slope, , is specified and utilized to compute a flow at each computation face as .
Boundary face flows are included in the internal cells as a source term on the right-hand-side of the system
of equations.
• Flow: The flow boundary condition is specified at each computational face based on the local conveyance.
Boundary face flows are included in the internal cells as a source term on the right-hand-side of the system
of equations.
Solution Algorithm.
The solution algorithm of the EM-SWE solver proceeds exactly as described in the ELM-SWE solver.
However, because of the explicit treatment of the acceleration terms, the time step necessary for
stability is limited by the CFL condition in Equation 2-183.
Matrix Solvers
Direct vs. Iterative Matrix Solvers. Direct solvers compute the final solution within a finite number
of steps. An example of a direct solver algorithm is to compute the inverse of the sparse matrix and
then multiply it by the right-hand-side to obtain the solution vector. However, in practice the inverse
is almost never computed. Other more commonly used approaches for a direct solver are Gaussian
elimination, and various type of decompositions or factorizations.
Direct solvers theoretically give the exact solution in a finite number of steps. Direct solvers factor
the coefficient matrix into two triangular matrices and then perform and forward and backward
triangular solves. This makes estimating the computational time for direct solvers relatively
predictable. One drawback of direct solvers is that for large problems round-off errors can lead to
erroneous results. Round-off errors from one time step can propagate into subsequent time steps
leading to solution creep (divergence). In addition direct solvers cannot solve nearly singular
matrices. For large systems direct methods can be very computationally demanding. In order to
overcome these issues, modern direct solvers use a combination of direct and iterative algorithms.
The only direct solver available is the PARDISO solver.
Iterative solvers require an initial guess to the solution. Iterative solvers generally require less
memory because unlike with direct solvers, the structure of the matrix does not change during the
iteration process. In addition, iterative solvers utilize matrix-vector multiplications which can be
efficiently parallelized. The main drawback of iterative solvers is that the rate of convergence
depends greatly on the condition number of the coefficient matrix. For poorly conditioned matrices,
the iterative solver may not converge at all. Therefore, the efficiency of iterative solvers greatly
depends on the size and condition number of the coefficient matrix.
Iterative solvers may be classified into stationary and projection methods. In stationary methods the
solution for each iteration is expressed as finding a stationary point for the iteration. The number of
operations for iteration step for stationary methods is always the same. Stationary methods work
well for small problems but generally converge slowly for large problems. Projection methods
extract an approximate solution from a subspace. Generally, projection methods have better
convergence properties than stationary methods but because each iteration is generally more
computationally demanding than stationary methods, they tend to be more efficient for medium to
large systems of equations. The main disadvantage of iterative solvers is their lack of robustness.
PARDISO. The PARDISO solver is a high-performance, robust, memory efficient and easy to use
solver for solving large sparse symmetric and non-symmetric linear systems of equations on shared
memory and distributed-memory architectures. For large sparse linear systems, this solver uses a
combination of parallel left- and right- looking supernode pivoting techniques to improve its LDU
factorization process (Schenk and Gartner 2004, 2011). Here the Intel Math Kernal Libraries (MKL)
PARDISO solver is utilized.
SOR. The Successive-Over-Relaxation (SOR) is a stationary iteration method based on the Gauss-
Seidel (GS) method. The method utilizes a relaxation coefficient . When = 1, the SOR method reduces
to the Gauss-Seidel method. In addition, for < 1, the method technically applies under-relaxation
and not over-relaxation. However, for simplicity and convenience the method is referred to as SOR
for all values of . Kahan (1958) showed that the SOR method is unstable for relaxation values outside
of 0 < < 2. The optimal value of the relaxation factor is problem specific. The SOR method is
guaranteed to converge if either (1) if 0 < < 2, and (2) the matrix is symmetric positive-definite, or
strictly or irreducibly diagonally dominant. However, the method sometimes converges even if the
second condition is not satisfied. A simple parallel version of the SOR is utilized here which is
referred to as the Asynchronous SOR (ASOR) which uses new values of unknowns in each iteration/
updates as soon as they are computed in the same iteration (see Chazan and Miranker 1969; Baudet
1978; Leone and Mangasarian 1988). The ASOR is part of a class of iterative solvers known as chaotic
relaxation methods. Since the order of relaxation is unconstrained, synchronization is avoided at all
stages of the solution. However, the convergence behavior can be slightly different for different
number of threads. The ASOR solver has been parallelized with OpenMP. For typical applications
with 1x104-1x106 rows and 1-8 threads, it has been found that the method’s convergence is not
significantly affected by the number of threads. The SOR method works best for small to medium-
sized problems. The SOR method is utilized as both an iterative solver and a preconditioner.
FGMRES-SOR. The Flexible Generalized Minimal RESidual (FGMRES) solver is a projection method
which is applicable to coefficient matrices which are non-symmetric indefinite (Saad 1993; Saad
2003). The FGMRES solver may fail if the matrix is degenerate. The “flexible” variant of the
Generalized Minimal RESidual method (GMRES) allows for the preconditioner to vary from iteration
to iteration. The flexible variant requires more memory than the standard version, but the extra
memory is worth the cost since any iterative method can be used as a preconditioner. For example,
the SOR could be used as a preconditioner with different relaxation parameter values each time it is
applied. The FGMRES (and GMRES) method becomes impractical for large number of iterations
because memory and computational requirements increase linearly as the number iterations
increases. To remediate this the algorithm is restarted after iterations with the last solution used as
an initial guess to the new iterative solution (Saad and Schultz 1986). This procedure is repeated
until convergence is achieved. The FGMRES solver with restart is referred to as FGMRES(m). If is too
small, the solver may converge too slowly are even fail completely. A value of m that is larger than
necessary involves excessive work and memory storage. Typical restart values are between 5 and
20. The FGMRES algorithm is described in the figure below. Here the Intel MKL PFGMRES solver is
implemented with the Reverse Communication Interface.
The FGMRES-SOR utilizes SOR as a preconditioner. A preconditioner is a matrix which allows the
transformation of coefficient matrix in such a way that it is easier to solve by an iterative solver. This
is done by reducing the condition number. In practice when the preconditioner is applied to Krylov
subspace methods the iterative solver is formulated in such a way that the preconditioner is applied
in its entirety in solving in auxiliary sparse linear system of equations. It is this auxiliary system of
equations that SOR is applied to. The SOR preconditioner is based on the SOR solver except that no
convergence checking is done during the iteration process (DeLong, 1997). This is done for simplicity
and to avoid additional computations associated with the determining the convergence status. The
SOR preconditioner is utilized for non-symmetric matrices. Testing and comparisons with other
preconditioner such as ILU0 and ILUT with HEC-RAS has shown that the SOR preconditioner has a
very good performance and computational efficiency. The reasons are that SOR preconditioner is
not expensive to initialize compared to the incomplete factorizations and the parallelization is also
very efficient.
Stopping Criteria. For the iterative solvers, the convergence is monitored using a normalized
backward error estimate. The error estimate is defined as:
where is the iteration number, is the error estimate, is the diagonal matrix containing the
diagonal elements of , is the solution vector, is the L norm (Euclidean norm) operator, and
is the number of rows in the sparse matrix . During the iteration process, the iterative solver
computes various criteria in order to determine if the solver is should continue iterating or stop. The
various iterative solver status are shown in the table below. The solver may stop because it has
converged, stalled, diverged or simply reached the maximum number of iterations. The user can
check the convergence status of specific time steps for each 2D area in the *.bco* file.
This Chapter discusses the basic data for one-dimensional modeling. For discussions on 2D
modeling, please review the HEC-RAS 2D Modeling Users Manual.
Geometric Data
Before you begin to create the geometric data for an HEC-RAS hydraulic model, in general you
will need to create a terrain model in HEC-RAS Mapper. A terrain model is not required for 1D
modeling, as the user can enter all of the cross-sectional information, structure data, etc. directly
into the HEC-RAS geometric data editor. However, to perform any 2D modeling or inundation
mapping, a terrain model is required. Terrain models for HEC-RAS are created using HEC-RAS
Mapper. Please review how to create a terrain model in the HEC-RAS Mapper User's manual.
The basic geometric data consist of establishing the connectivity of the river system (River System
Schematic); cross section data; reach lengths; energy loss coefficients (friction losses, contraction
and expansion losses); stream junction information; storage areas; and 2D Flow Areas. Hydraulic
structure data (bridges, culverts, spillways, weirs, etc...), which are also considered geometric data,
will be described in later chapters.
reach. In general, the water surface at the downstream boundary of a model is not normally known.
The user must estimate this water surface for each profile to be computed. A common practice is to
use Manning's equation and compute normal depth as the starting water surface. The actual water
surface may be higher or lower than normal depth. The use of normal depth will introduce an error in
the water surface profile at the boundary. In general, for subcritical flow, the error at the boundary
will diminish as the computations proceed upstream. In order to prevent any computed errors within
the study reach, the unknown boundary condition should be placed far enough downstream such
that the computed profile will converge to a consistent answer by the time the computations reach
the downstream limit of the study.
junction. Junctions should only be established at locations where two or more streams come
together or split apart. Junctions cannot be established with a single reach flowing into another
single reach. These two reaches must be combined and defined as one reach. An example river
system schematic is shown in the figure below.
The example schematic shown in the figure above is for a dendritic river system. Arrows are
automatically drawn on the schematic in the assumed positive flow direction. Junctions (red circles)
are automatically formed as reaches are connected. As shown, the user is require to provide a river
and reach identifier for each reach, as well as an identifier for each junction.
HEC-RAS has the ability to model river systems that range from a single reach model to complicated
networks. A "network" model is where river reaches split apart and then come back together,
forming looped systems. An example schematic of a looped stream network is shown in the figure
The river system schematic shown in the figure above demonstrates the ability of HEC-RAS to model
flow splits as well as flow combinations. The current version of the steady flow model within HEC-
RAS does not determine the amount of flow going to each reach at a flow split, unless the user turns
on the split flow optimization option.
Cross sections are required at representative locations throughout a stream reach and at locations
where changes occur in discharge, slope, shape, or roughness, at locations where levees begin or
end and at bridges or control structures such as weirs. Where abrupt changes occur, several cross
sections should be used to describe the change regardless of the distance. Cross section spacing is
also a function of stream size, slope, and the uniformity of cross section shape. In general, large
uniform rivers of flat slope normally require the fewest number of cross sections per mile. The
purpose of the study also affects spacing of cross sections. For instance, navigation studies on large
relatively flat streams may require closely spaced (e.g., 200 feet) cross sections to analyze the effect
of local conditions on low flow depths, whereas cross sections for sedimentation studies, to
determine deposition in reservoirs, may be spaced at intervals on the order of thousands of feet.
The choice of friction loss equation may also influence the spacing of cross sections. For instance,
cross section spacing may be maximized when calculating an M1 profile (backwater profile) with the
average friction slope equation or when the harmonic mean friction slope equation is used to
compute M2 profiles (draw down profile). The HEC-RAS software provides the option to let the
program select the averaging equation.
Each cross section in an HECRAS data set is identified by a River, Reach, and River Station label. The
cross section is described by entering the station and elevation (X-Y data) from left to right, with
respect to looking in the downstream direction. The River Station identifier may correspond to
stationing along the channel, mile points, or any fictitious numbering system. The numbering system
must be consistent, in that the program assumes that higher numbers are upstream and lower
numbers are downstream.
Each data point in the cross section is given a station number corresponding to the horizontal
distance from a starting point on the left. Up to 500 data points may be used to describe each cross
section. Cross section data are traditionally defined looking in the downstream direction. The
program considers the left side of the stream to have the lowest station numbers and the right side
to have the highest. Cross section data are allowed to have negative stationing values. Stationing
must be entered from left to right in increasing order. However, more than one point can have the
same stationing value. The left and right stations separating the main channel from the overbank
areas must be specified on the cross section data editor. End points of a cross section that are too
low (below the computed water surface elevation) will automatically be extended vertically and a
note indicating that the cross section had to be extended will show up in the output for that section.
The program adds additional wetted perimeter for any water that comes into contact with the
extended walls.
Other data that are required for each cross section consist of: downstream reach lengths; roughness
coefficients; and contraction and expansion coefficients. These data will be discussed in detail later
in this chapter.
Numerous program options are available to allow the user to easily add or modify cross section data.
For example, when the user wishes to repeat a surveyed cross section, an option is available from the
interface to make a copy of any cross section. Once a cross section is copied, other options are
available to allow the user to modify the horizontal and vertical dimensions of the repeated cross
section data. For a detailed explanation on how to use these cross section options, see "Modeling
Culverts" of the HEC-RAS user's manual.
considered ineffective.
Levees. This option allows the user to establish a left and/or right levee station and elevation on any
cross section. When levees are established, no water can go to the left of the left levee station or to
the right of the right levee station until either of the levee elevations are exceeded. Levee stations
must be defined explicitly, or the program assumes that water can go anywhere within the cross
section. An example of a cross section with a levee on the left side is shown in the figure below. In
this example the levee station and elevation is associated with an existing point on the cross section
The user may want to add levees into a data set in order to see what effect a levee will have on the
water surface. A simple way to do this is to set a levee station and elevation that is above the existing
ground. If a levee elevation is placed above the existing geometry of the cross section, then a vertical
wall is placed at that station up to the established levee height. Additional wetted perimeter is
included when water comes into contact with the levee wall. An example of this is shown in the
figure below.
Obstructions. This option allows the user to define areas of the cross section that will be
permanently blocked out. Obstructions decrease flow area and add wetted perimeter when the
water comes in contact with the obstruction. A obstruction does not prevent water from going
outside of the obstruction.
Two alternatives are available for entering obstructions. The first option allows the user to define a
left station and elevation and a right station and elevation (normal obstructions). When this option is
used, the area to the left of the left station and to the right of the right station will be completely
blocked out. An example of this type of obstruction is shown in the figure below.
The second option, for obstructions, allows the user to enter up to 20 individual blocks (Multiple
Blocks). With this option the user enters a left station, a right station, and an elevation for each of the
blocks. An example of a cross section with multiple blocked obstructions is shown in the figure
Reach Lengths
The measured distances between cross sections are referred to as reach lengths. The reach lengths
for the left overbank, right overbank and channel are specified on the cross section data editor.
Channel reach lengths are typically measured along the thalweg. Overbank reach lengths should be
measured along the anticipated path of the center of mass of the overbank flow. Often, these three
lengths will be of similar value. There are, however, conditions where they will differ significantly,
such as at river bends, or where the channel meanders and the overbanks are straight. Where the
distances between cross sections for channel and overbanks are different, a discharge weighted
reach length is determined based on the discharges in the main channel and left and right overbank
segments of the reach (see (3), of "Theoretical Basis for One-Dimensional and Two-Dimensional
Hydrodynamic Calculations").
Manning’s n. Selection of an appropriate value for Manning’s n is very significant to the accuracy of
the computed water surface elevations. The value of Manning’s n is highly variable and depends on
a number of factors including: surface roughness; vegetation; channel irregularities; channel
alignment; scour and deposition; obstructions; size and shape of the channel; stage and discharge;
seasonal changes; temperature; and suspended material and bedload.
In general, Manning’s n values should be calibrated whenever observed water surface elevation
information (gaged data, as well as high water marks) is available. When gaged data are not
available, values of n computed for similar stream conditions or values obtained from experimental
data should be used as guides in selecting n values.
There are several references a user can access that show Manning's n values for typical channels. An
extensive compilation of n values for streams and floodplains can be found in Chow’s book “Open-
Channel Hydraulics” [Chow, 1959]. Excerpts from Chow’s book, for the most common types of
channels, are shown in Table 3-1 below. Chow's book presents additional types of channels, as well
as pictures of streams for which n values have been calibrated.
A. Natural Streams
1. Main Channels
a. Clean, straight, full, no rifts or deep pools 0.025 0.030 0.033
b. Same as above, but more stones and weeds 0.030 0.035 0.040
d. Same as above, but some weeds and stones 0.035 0.045 0.050
h. Very weedy reaches, deep pools, or floodways 0.070 0.100 0.150
with heavy stands of timber and brush
2. Flood Plains
c. Brush
d. Trees
1. Cleared land with tree stumps, no sprouts 0.030 0.040 0.050
3. Heavy stand of timber, few down trees, little 0.080 0.100 0.120
undergrowth, flow below branches
4. Same as above, but with flow into branches 0.100 0.120 0.160
a. Bottom: gravels, cobbles, and few boulders 0.030 0.040 0.050
1. Concrete
4. Brick
5. Metal
6. Asphalt
3. Dragline-excavated or dredged
4. Rock cuts
Other sources that include pictures of selected streams as a guide to n value determination are
available (Fasken, 1963; Barnes, 1967; and Hicks and Mason, 1991). In general, these references
provide color photos with tables of calibrated n values for a range of flows.
Although there are many factors that affect the selection of the n value for the channel, some of the
most important factors are the type and size of materials that compose the bed and banks of a
channel, and the shape of the channel. Cowan (1956) developed a procedure for estimating the
effects of these factors to determine the value of Manning’s n of a channel. In Cowan's procedure,
the value of n is computed by the following equation:
A detailed description of Cowan’s method can be found in “Guide for Selecting Manning’s Roughness
Coefficients for Natural Channels and Flood Plains” (FHWA, 1984). This report was developed by the
U.S. Geological Survey (Arcement, 1989) for the Federal Highway Administration. The report also
presents a method similar to Cowan’s for developing Manning’s n values for flood plains, as well as
some additional methods for densely vegetated flood plains.
Limerinos (1970) related n values to hydraulic radius and bed particle size based on samples from
11 stream channels having bed materials ranging from small gravel to medium size boulders. The
Limerinos equation is as follows:
The Limerinos (211) fit the data that he used very well, in that the coefficient of correlation
and the standard error of estimates for values of . Limerinos selected
reaches that had a minimum amount of roughness, other than that caused by the bed material. The
Limerinos equation provides a good estimate of the base n value. The base n value should then be
increased to account for other factors, as shown above in Cowen's method.
Jarrett (1984) developed an equation for high gradient streams (slopes greater than 0.002). Jarrett
performed a regression analysis on 75 data sets that were surveyed from 21 different streams.
Jarrett's equation for Manning's n is as follows:
The friction slope. The slope of the water surface can be used
when the friction slope is unknown.
Jarrett (1984) states the following limitations for the use of his equation:
1. The equations are applicable to natural main channels having stable bed and bank materials (gravels,
cobbles, and boulders) without backwater.
2. The equations can be used for slopes from 0.002 to 0.04 and for hydraulic radii from 0.5 to 7.0 feet (0.15 to
2.1 m). The upper limit on slope is due to a lack of verification data available for the slopes of high-gradient
streams. Results of the regression analysis indicate that for hydraulic radius greater than 7.0 feet (2.1 m), n
did not vary significantly with depth; thus extrapolating to larger flows should not be too much in error as
long as the bed and bank material remain fairly stable.
3. During the analysis of the data, the energy loss coefficients for contraction and expansion were set to 0.0
and 0.5, respectively.
4. Hydraulic radius does not include the wetted perimeter of bed particles.
5. These equations are applicable to streams having relatively small amounts of suspended sediment.
Because Manning’s n depends on many factors such as the type and amount of vegetation, channel
configuration, stage, etc., several options are available in HEC-RAS to vary n. When three n values
are sufficient to describe the channel and overbanks, the user can enter the three n values directly
onto the cross section editor for each cross section. Any of the n values may be changed at any cross
section. Often three values are not enough to adequately describe the lateral roughness variation in
the cross section; in this case the “Horizontal Variation of n Value” should be selected from the
“Options” menu of the cross section editor. If n values change within the channel, the criterion
described in "Theoretical Basis for One-Dimensional and Two-Dimensional Hydrodynamic
Calculations", under composite n values, is used to determine whether the n values should be
converted to a composite value using (5).
Equivalent Roughness “k”. An equivalent roughness parameter “k”, commonly used in the
hydraulic design of channels, is provided as an option for describing boundary roughness in
HEC‑RAS. Equivalent roughness, sometimes called “roughness height,” is a measure of the linear
dimension of roughness elements, but is not necessarily equal to the actual, or even the average,
height of these elements. In fact, two roughness elements with different linear dimensions may have
the same “k” value because of differences in shape and orientation [Chow, 1959].
The advantage of using equivalent roughness “k” instead of Manning’s “n” is that “k” reflects
changes in the friction factor due to stage, whereas Manning’s “n” alone does not. This influence can
be seen in the definition of Chezy's “C” (English units) for a rough channel (Equation 2-6, USACE,
Note that as the hydraulic radius increases (which is equivalent to an increase in stage), the friction
factor “C” increases. In HEC-RAS, “k” is converted to a Manning’s “n” by using the above equation
and equating the Chezy and Manning’s equations (Equation 2-4, USACE, 1991) to obtain the
English Units:
Again, this equation is based on the assumption that all channels (even concrete-lined channels) are
“hydraulically rough.” A graphical illustration of this conversion is available [USACE, 1991].
Horizontal variation of “k” values is described in the same manner as horizontal variation of
Manning's “n” values. See "Modeling Culverts" of the HEC-RAS user’s manual, to learn how to enter k
values into the program. Up to twenty values of “k” can be specified for each cross section.
Tables and charts for determining “k” values for concrete‑lined channels are provided in EM
1110-2-1601 [USACE, 1991]. Values for riprap-lined channels may be taken as the theoretical
spherical diameter of the median stone size. Approximate “k” values [Chow, 1959] for a variety of
bed materials, including those for natural rivers are shown in Table 3-2.
Table 3‑2 Equivalent Roughness Values of Various Bed Materials
The values of "k" (0.1 to 3.0 ft.) for natural river channels are normally much larger than the actual
diameters of the bed materials to account for boundary irregularities and bed forms.
Contraction and Expansion Coefficients. Contraction or expansion of flow due to changes in the
cross section is a common cause of energy losses within a reach (between two cross sections).
Whenever this occurs, the loss is computed from the contraction and expansion coefficients
specified on the cross section data editor. The coefficients, which are applied between cross
sections, are specified as part of the data for the upstream cross section. The coefficients are
multiplied by the absolute difference in velocity heads between the current cross section and the
next cross section downstream, which gives the energy loss caused by the transition ((.Equations for
Basic Profile Calculations v6.2:Energy Head Loss) of "Theoretical Basis for One-Dimensional and
Two-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Calculations"). Where the change in river cross section is small, and
the flow is subcritical, coefficients of contraction and expansion are typically on the order of 0.1 and
0.3, respectively. When the change in effective cross section area is abrupt such as at bridges,
contraction and expansion coefficients of 0.3 and 0.5 are often used. On occasion, the coefficients of
contraction and expansion around bridges and culverts may be as high as 0.6 and 0.8, respectively.
These values may be changed at any cross section. For additional information concerning transition
losses and for information on bridge loss coefficients, see "Modeling Bridges". Typical values for
contraction and expansion coefficients, for subcritical flow, are shown in Table 3-3 below.
The maximum value for the contraction and expansion coefficient is one (1.0).
In general, the empirical contraction and expansion coefficients should be lower for supercritical
In supercritical flow the velocity heads are much greater, and small changes in depth can cause large
changes in velocity head. Using contraction and expansion coefficients that would be typical for
subcritical flow can result in over estimation of the energy losses and oscillations in the computed
water surface profile. In constructed trapezoidal and rectangular channels, designed for supercritical
flow, the user should set the contraction and expansion coefficients to zero in the reaches where the
cross sectional geometry is not changing shape. In reaches where the flow is contracting and
expanding, the user should select contraction and expansion coefficients carefully. Typical values for
gradual transitions in supercritical flow would be around 0.01 for the contraction coefficient and 0.03
for the expansion coefficient. As the natural transitions begin to become more abrupt, it may be
necessary to use higher values, such as 0.05 for the contraction coefficient and 0.2 for the expansion
coefficient. If there is no contraction or expansion, the user may want to set the coefficients to zero
for supercritical flow.
As shown in the figure above, using downstream reach lengths, for the last cross section in Reach 1,
would not adequately describe the lengths across the junction. It is therefore necessary to describe
lengths across junctions in the Junction Data editor. For the example shown in the figure above, two
lengths would be entered. These lengths should represent the average distance that the water will
travel from the last cross section in Reach 1 to the first cross section of the respective reaches.
In general, the cross sections that bound a junction should be placed as close together as possible.
This will minimize the error in the calculation of energy losses across the junction.
In HEC-RAS, for steady flow hydraulic computations, a junction can be modeled by either the energy
equation (
Error rendering macro 'mathblock-ref' : Math Block with anchor=2-1 could not be found on page
with id=80524450.
For Unsteady flow computations, HEC-RAS has two options for the hydraulic computations at a
junction. The default option is a very simple assumption that the water surface computed at the
downstream side of a flow combining junction, is used for the cross sections just upstream of the
junction. If this is not a good assumption (such as for steeper river systems), there is an option to
perform an energy balance across the junction in order to compute the upstream water surface
Flow Regime
Profile computations begin at a cross section with known or assumed starting conditions and
proceed upstream for subcritical flow or downstream for supercritical flow. The flow regime
(subcritical, supercritical, or mixed flow regime) is specified on the Steady Flow Analysis window of
the user interface. Subcritical profiles computed by the program are constrained to critical depth or
above, and supercritical profiles are constrained to critical depth or below. In cases where the flow
regime will pass from subcritical to supercritical, or supercritical to subcritical, the program should
be run in a mixed flow regime mode. For a detailed discussion of mixed flow regime calculations,
see "Overview of Optional Capabilities" of this manual.
Boundary Conditions
Boundary conditions are necessary to establish the starting water surface at the ends of the river
system (upstream and downstream). A starting water surface is necessary in order for the program to
begin the calculations. In a subcritical flow regime, boundary conditions are only necessary at the
downstream ends of the river system. If a supercritical flow regime is going to be calculated,
boundary conditions are only necessary at the upstream ends of the river system. If a mixed flow
regime calculation is going to be made, then boundary conditions must be entered at all ends of the
river system.
The boundary conditions editor contains a table listing every reach. Each reach has an upstream and
a downstream boundary condition. Connections to junctions are considered internal boundary
conditions. Internal boundary conditions are automatically listed in the table, based on how the river
system was defined in the geometric data editor. The user is only required to enter the necessary
external boundary conditions. There are four types of boundary conditions available to the user:
Known Water Surface Elevations - For this boundary condition the user must enter a known water
surface elevation for each of the profiles to be computed.
Critical Depth - When this type of boundary condition is selected, the user is not required to enter
any further information. The program will calculate critical depth for each of the profiles and use
that as the boundary condition.
Normal Depth - For this type of boundary condition, the user is required to enter an energy slope
that will be used in calculating normal depth (using Manning's equation) at that location. A normal
depth will be calculated for each profile based on the user-entered slope. In general, the energy
slope can be approximated by using the average slope of the channel, or the average slope of the
water surface in the vicinity of the cross section.
Rating Curve - When this type of boundary condition is selected, a pop up window appears allowing
the user to enter an elevation versus flow rating curve. For each profile, the elevation is interpolated
from the rating curve given the flow, using linear interpolation between the user-entered points.
Whenever the water surface elevations at the boundaries of the study are unknown; and a user
defined water surface is required at the boundary to start the calculations; the user must either
estimate the water surface, or select normal depth or critical depth. Using an estimated water
surface will incorporate an error in the water surface profile in the vicinity of the boundary condition.
If it is important to have accurate answers at cross sections near the boundary condition, additional
cross sections should be added. If a subcritical profile is being computed, then additional cross
sections need only be added below the downstream boundaries. If a supercritical profile is being
computed, then additional cross sections should be added upstream of the relevant upstream
boundaries. If a mixed flow regime profile is being computed, then cross sections should be added
upstream and downstream of all the relevant boundaries. In order to test whether the added cross
sections are sufficient for a particular boundary condition, the user should try several different
starting elevations at the boundary condition, for the same discharge. If the water surface profile
converges to the same answer, by the time the computations get to the cross sections that are in the
study area, then enough sections have been added, and the boundary condition is not affecting the
answers in the study area.
Discharge Information
Discharge information is required at each cross section in order to compute the water surface profile.
Discharge data are entered from upstream to downstream for each reach. At least one flow value
must be entered for each reach in the river system. Once a flow value is entered at the upstream end
of a reach, it is assumed that the flow remains constant until another flow value is encountered with
the same reach. The flow rate can be changed at any cross section within a reach. However, the flow
rate cannot be changed in the middle of a bridge, culvert, or stream junction. Flow data must be
entered for the total number of profiles that are to be computed.
Boundary Conditions1
Boundary conditions must be established at all of the open ends of the river system being modeled.
Upstream ends of a river system can be modeled with the following types of boundary conditions:
flow hydrograph (most common upstream boundary condition); stage hydrograph; flow and stage
hydrograph. Downstream ends of the river system can be modeled with the following types of
boundary conditions: rating curve, normal depth (Manning's equation); stage hydrograph; flow
hydrograph; stage and flow hydrograph.
Boundary conditions can also be established at internal locations within the river system. The user
can specify the following types of boundary conditions at internal cross sections: lateral inflow
hydrograph; uniform lateral inflow hydrograph; groundwater interflow; and Internal Stage and flow
hydrograph. Additionally, any gated structures that are defined within the system (inline, lateral, or
between storage areas and/or 2D flow areas) could have the following types of boundary conditions
in order to control the gates: time series of gate openings; elevation controlled gate; navigation dam;
Rules; or internal observed stage and flow.
Initial Conditions
In addition to boundary conditions, the user is required to establish the initial conditions (flow and
stage) at all nodes in the system at the beginning of the simulation. Initial conditions can be
established in two different ways. The most common way is for the user to enter flow data for each
reach, and then have the program compute water surface elevations by performing a steady flow
backwater analysis. A second method can only be done if a previous run was made. This method
allows the user to write a file of flow and stage from a previous run, which can then be used as the
initial conditions for a subsequent run.
In addition to establishing the initial conditions within the river system, the user must define the
starting water surface elevation in any storage areas and 2D flow area that are defined. This is
accomplished from the initial conditions editor. The user can enter a stage for each storage area
within the system. 2D Flow areas have several ways of establishing initial conditions within the 2D
flow area.
For more information on unsteady flow data, please review "Modeling Multiple Bridge and/or Culvert
Openings" of the HEC-RAS User's manual.
rate of friction loss (friction slope) and the weighted-average reach length. The program allows the
user to select from the following previously defined friction loss equations:
• Average Conveyance (13)
• Average Friction Slope (14)
• Geometric Mean Friction Slope (15)
• Harmonic Mean Friction Slope (16)
• HEC-6 Slope Averaging Method
Any of the above friction loss equations will produce satisfactory estimates provided that reach
lengths are not too long. The advantage sought in alternative friction loss formulations is to be able
to maximize reach lengths without sacrificing profile accuracy.
(13), the average conveyance equation, is the friction loss formulation that has been set as the
default method within HEC-RAS. This equation is viewed as giving the best overall results for a range
of profile types (M1, M2, etc). Research (Reed and Wolfkill, 1976) indicates that (14) is the most
suitable for M1 profiles. (Suitability as indicated by Reed and Wolfkill is the most accurate
determination of a known profile with the least number of cross sections.) (15) is the standard
friction loss formulation used in the FHWA/USGS step-backwater program WSPRO (Sherman, 1990). (
16) has been shown by Reed and Wolfkill to be the most suitable for M2 profiles.
Another feature of this capability is to select the most appropriate of the preceding four equations
on a cross section by cross section basis depending on flow conditions (e.g., M1, S1, etc.) within the
reach. At present, however, the criteria for this automated method (shown in Table 4-1), does not
select the best equation for friction loss analysis in reaches with significant lateral expansion, such as
the reach below a contracted bridge opening.
The selection of friction loss equations is accomplished from the Options menu on the Steady Flow
Analysis window.
Table 4-1 Criteria Utilized to Select Friction Equation
Profile Type Is friction slope at current cross section greater than friction slope at Equation Used
preceding cross section?
as well as contraction and expansion losses. When cross sections are spaced too far apart, the
program may end up defaulting to critical depth.
The HEC-RAS program has the ability to generate cross sections by interpolating the geometry
between two user entered cross sections. The geometric interpolation routines in HEC-RAS are
based on a string model, as shown in the figure below.
The string model in HEC-RAS consists of cords that connect the coordinates of the upstream and
downstream cross sections. The cords are classified as "Master Cords" and "Minor Cords." The
master cords are defined explicitly as to the number and starting and ending location of each cord.
The default number of master cords is five. The five default master cords are based on the following
location criteria:
1. First coordinate of the cross section (May be equal to left bank).
2. Left bank of main channel (Required to be a master cord).
3. Minimum elevation point in the main channel.
4. Right bank of main channel (Required to be a master cord).
5. Last coordinate of the cross section (May be equal to right bank).
The interpolation routines are not restricted to a set number of master cords. At a minimum, there
must be two master cords, but there is no maximum. Additional master cords can be added by the
user. This is explained in "Modeling Culverts" of the HEC-RAS user's manual, under cross section
The minor cords are generated automatically by the interpolation routines. A minor cord is
generated by taking an existing coordinate in either the upstream or downstream section and
establishing a corresponding coordinate at the opposite cross section by either matching an existing
coordinate or interpolating one. The station value at the opposite cross section is determined by
computing the proportional distance that the known coordinate represents between master chords,
and then applying the proportion to the distance between master cords of the opposite section. The
number of minor cords will be equal to the sum of all the coordinates in the upstream and
downstream sections minus the number of master cords.
Once all the minor cords are computed, the routines can then interpolate any number of sections
between the two known cross sections. Interpolation is accomplished by linearly interpolating
between the elevations at the ends of a cord. Interpolated points are generated at all of the minor
and master cords. The elevation of a particular point is computed by distance weighting, which is
based on how far the interpolated cross section is from the user known cross sections.
The interpolation routines will also interpolate roughness coefficients (Manning's n). Interpolated
cross section roughness is based on a string model similar to the one used for geometry. Cords are
used to connect the breaks in roughness coefficients of the upstream and downstream sections. The
cords are also classified as master and minor cords. The default number of master cords is set to
four, and are located based on the following criteria:
1. First coordinate of the cross section (may be equal to left bank).
2. Left bank of main channel.
3. Right bank of main channel.
4. Last coordinate of the cross section (may be equal to right bank).
When either of the two cross sections has more than three n values, additional minor cords are
added at all other n value break points. Interpolation of roughness coefficients is then accomplished
in the same manner as the geometry interpolation.
In addition to the Manning's n values, the following information is interpolated automatically for
each generated cross section: downstream reach lengths; main channel bank stations; contraction
and expansion coefficients; normal ineffective flow areas; levees; and normal blocked obstructions.
Ineffective flow areas, levees, and blocked obstructions are only interpolated if both of the user-
entered cross sections have these features turned on.
Cross section interpolation is accomplished from the user interface. To learn how to perform the
interpolation, review the section on interpolating in "Modeling Culverts" of the HEC-RAS user's
Gravitational acceleration
The two sides of the equation are analogous, and may be expressed for any channel section as a
general function:
The generalized function (217) consists of two terms. The first term is the momentum of the flow
passing through the channel cross section per unit time. This portion of the equation is considered
the dynamic component. The second term represents the momentum of the static component,
which is the force exerted by the hydrostatic pressure of the water. Both terms are essentially a force
per unit weight of water. The sum of the two terms is called the Specific Force (Chow, 1959).
When the specific force equation is applied to natural channels, it is written in the following manner:
The mixed flow regime calculations for steady flow analysis in HEC-RAS are performed as follows:
1. First, a subcritical water surface profile is computed starting from a known downstream boundary condition.
During the subcritical calculations, all locations where the program defaults to critical depth are flagged for
further analysis.
2. Next the program begins a supercritical profile calculation starting upstream. The program starts with a user
specified upstream boundary condition. If the boundary condition is supercritical, the program checks to
see if it has a greater specific force than the previously computed subcritical water surface at this location. If
the supercritical boundary condition has a greater specific force, then it is assumed to control, and the
program will begin calculating a supercritical profile from this section. If the subcritical answer has a greater
specific force, then the program begins searching downstream to find a location where the program
defaulted to critical depth in the subcritical run. When a critical depth is located, the program uses it as a
boundary condition to begin a supercritical profile calculation.
3. The program calculates a supercritical profile in the downstream direction until it reaches a cross section
that has both a valid subcritical and a supercritical answer. When this occurs, the program calculates the
specific force of both computed water surface elevations. Whichever answer has the greater specific force is
considered to be the correct solution. If the supercritical answer has a greater specific force, the program
continues making supercritical calculations in the downstream direction and comparing the specific force of
the two solutions. When the program reaches a cross section whose subcritical answer has a greater specific
force than the supercritical answer, the program assumes that a hydraulic jump occurred between that
section and the previous cross section.
4. The program then goes to the next downstream location that has a critical depth answer and continues the
An example mixed flow profile, from HEC-RAS, is shown in the figure below. This example was
adapted from problem 9-8, page 245, in Chow's "Open Channel Hydraulics" (Chow, 1959).
As shown in the figure above, the flow regime transitions from supercritical to subcritical just before
the first break in slope.
For 1D and 2D modeling using the Finite Volume solution scheme, no special options are required to
obtain mixed flow regime calculations. The finite volume solution scheme handles it directly. For the
1D finite difference solution scheme, the user must turn on a special mixed flow regime calculation
mode. Please review the HEC-RAS User's manual for how to do mixed flow regime with the 1D Finite
difference solution scheme to the unsteady flow equations.
based method is a one dimensional formulation of the momentum equation, but the angles of the
tributaries are used to evaluate the forces associated with the tributary flows. There are six possible
flow conditions that HEC-RAS can handle at a junction:
1. Subcritical flow - flow combining
2. Subcritical flow - flow split
3. Supercritical flow - flow combining
4. Supercritical flow- flow split
5. Mixed flow regime - flow combining
6. Mixed flow regime - flow split
The most common situations are the subcritical flow cases (1) and (2). The following is a discussion
of how the energy method and the momentum based method are applied to these six flow cases.
Error rendering macro 'mathblock-ref' : Math Block with anchor=2-1 could not be found on page
with id=80524450.
Currently the HEC-RAS program assumes that the user has entered the correct flow for each of the
three reaches. In general, the amount of flow going to reach 2 and reach 3 is unknown. In order to
obtain the correct flow distribution at the flow split, the user must perform a trial and error process.
This procedure involves the following:
1. Assume an initial flow split at the junction.
2. Run the program in order to get energies and water surfaces at all the locations around the junction.
3. Compare the energy at stations 2.0 and 3.0. If they differ by a significant magnitude, then the flow
distribution is incorrect. Re-distribute the flow by putting more flow into the reach that had the lower
4. Run the program again and compare the energies. If the energy at stations 2.0 and 3.0 still differ
significantly, then re-distribute the flow again.
5. Keep doing this until the energies at stations 2.0 and 3.0 are within a reasonable tolerance.
Ideally it would be better to perform a backwater from station 2.0 to 4.0 and also from station 3.0 to
4.0, and then compare the two computed energies at the same location. Since the program only
computes one energy at station 4.0, the user must compare the energies at the downstream cross
sections. This procedure assumes that the cross sections around the junction are spaced closely
Case 3: Supercritical Flow - Flow Combining
In this case, a supercritical water surface profile is calculated for all of reach 1 and 2, down to
stations 4.0 and 0.0 (see the figure below). The program calculates the specific force at stations 4.0
and 0.0, and then takes the stream with the larger specific force as the controlling stream. A
supercritical forewater calculation is made from the controlling upstream section down to station
Case 4: Supercritical Flow - Flow Split
In this case a supercritical water surface profile is calculated down to station 4.0 of reach 1 (see the
figure below). The water surfaces at sections 3.0 and 2.0 are calculated by performing separate
forewater calculations from station 4.0 to station 2.0, and then from station 4.0 to 3.0.
The program next computes the specific force of both the subcritical and supercritical answers at
section 3.0. If the supercritical answer at section 3.0 has a lower specific force than the previously
computed subcritical answer, then the program uses the subcritical answer and assumes that a
hydraulic jump occurred at the junction. If the supercritical answer has a greater specific force, then
the program continues downstream with forewater calculations until a hydraulic jump is
encountered. Also, any upstream reach that is subcritical must be recomputed. For example, if reach
two is subcritical, the water surface at section 0.0 was based on a backwater calculation from section
3.0 to 0.0. If section 3.0 is found to be supercritical, the water surface at section 0.0 is set to critical
depth, and backwater calculations are performed again for reach 2. If there are any reaches above
reach 2 that are affected by this change, then they are also recomputed.
In this case, a subcritical profile through the junction is computed as described previously. If during
the supercritical flow pass it is found that section 4.0 (figure above) is actually supercritical, the
program will perform forewater calculations across the junction. The program will make a forewater
calculation from section 4.0 to 2.0 and then from 4.0 to 3.0. The program will then calculate the
specific force of the subcritical and supercritical answers at sections 2.0 and 3.0. Which ever answer
has the greater specific force is assumed to be correct for each location. Normal mixed flow regime
calculations continue on downstream from the junction.
For subcritical flow, the water surface is computed up to section 3.0 of reach 3 by normal standard
step backwater calculations. If the momentum equation is selected, the program solves for the water
surfaces at sections 4.0 and 0.0 by performing a momentum balance across the junction. The
momentum balance is written to only evaluate the forces in the X direction (the direction of flow
based on cross section 3.0 of reach 3). For this example the equation is as follows:
The frictional and the weight forces are computed in two segments. For example, the friction and
weight forces between sections 4.0 and 3.0 are based on the assumption that the centroid of the
junction is half the distance between the two sections. The first portion of the forces are computed
from section 4.0 to the centroid of the junction, utilizing the area at cross section 4.0. The second
portion of the forces are computed from the centroid of the junction to section 3.0, using a flow
weighted area at section 3.0. The equations to compute the friction and weight forces for this
example are as follows:
Forces due to friction:
To solve the momentum balance equation (Equation 4-5) for this example, the following
assumptions are made:
1. The water surface elevations at section 4.0 and 0.0 are solved simultaneously, and are assumed to be equal
to each other. This is a rough approximation, but it is necessary in order to solve (220). Because of this
assumption, the cross sections around the junction should be closely spaced in order to minimize the error
associated with this assumption.
2. The area used at section 3.0 for friction and weight forces is distributed between the upper two reaches by
using a flow weighting. This is necessary in order not to double account for the flow volume and frictional
When evaluating supercritical flow at this type of junction (see figure above), the water surface
elevations at sections 4.0 and 0.0 are computed from forewater calculations, and therefore the water
surface elevations at section 3.0 can be solved directly from (220).
For mixed flow regime computations, the solution approach is the same as the energy based
method, except the momentum equation is used to solve for the water surfaces across the junction.
An example of applying the momentum equation to a flow split is shown in the figure below:
For the flow split shown in in the figure above, the momentum equation is written as follows:
For subcritical flow, the water surface elevation is known at sections 2.0 and 3.0, and the water
surface elevation at section 4.0 can be found by solving Equation 4-10. For supercritical flow, the
water surface is known at section 4.0 only, and, therefore, the water surface elevations at sections
3.0 and 2.0 must be solved simultaneously. In order to solve Equation 4-10 for supercritical flow, it is
assumed that the water surface elevations at sections 2.0 and 3.0 are equal.
Mixed flow regime computations for a flow split are handled in the same manner as the energy based
solution, except the momentum equation (225) is used to solve for the water surface elevations
across the junction.
element (left overbank, main channel, and right overbank) must have at least one slice. The user can
change the number of slices used at each of the cross sections. The final step is to perform the
normal profile calculations. During the computations, at each cross section where flow distribution
is requested, the program will calculate the flow (discharge), area, wetted perimeter, percentage of
conveyance, hydraulic depth, and average velocity for each of the user defined slices. For further
details on how to request and view flow distribution output, see "Modeling Multiple Bridge and/or
Culvert Openings" and "Modeling Gated Spillways, Weirs and Drop Structures" of the HEC-RAS User's
The computations for the flow distribution are performed after the program has calculated a water
surface elevation and energy by the normal methodology described in "Theoretical Basis for One-
Dimensional and Two-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Calculations" of this manual. The flow
distribution computations are performed as follows:
1. First, the water surface is computed in the normal manner of using the three flow subdivisions (left
overbank, main channel, and right overbank), and balancing the energy equation.
2. Once a water surface elevation is computed, the program slices the cross section into the user defined flow
distribution slices, and then computes an area, wetted perimeter, and hydraulic depth (area over top width)
for each slice.
3. Using the originally computed energy slope ( Sf ), the cross section Manning's n values, the computed area
and wetted perimeter for each slice, and Manning's equation, the program computes the conveyance and
percentage of discharge for each of the slices.
4. The program sums up the computed conveyance for each of the slices. In general, the slice computed
conveyance will not be the same as the originally computed conveyance (from the traditional methods for
conveyance subdivision described in "Theoretical Basis for One-Dimensional and Two-Dimensional
Hydrodynamic Calculations" of this manual). Normally, as a cross section is subdivided further and further,
the computed conveyance, for a given water surface elevation, will increase.
5. In order to correct for the difference in computed conveyances, the program computes a ratio of the original
total conveyance (from the normal calculations) divided by the total slice conveyance. This ratio is then
applied to each of the slices, in order to achieve the same conveyance as was originally computed.
6. The final step is to compute an average velocity for each slice. The average velocity is computed by taking
the discharge and dividing by the area for each of the user defined slices.
In general, the results of the flow distribution computations should be used cautiously. Specifically,
the velocities and percentages of discharge are based on the results of a one-dimensional hydraulic
model. A true velocity and flow distribution varies vertically as well as horizontally. To achieve such
detail, the user would need to use a three-dimensional hydraulic model, or go out and measure the
flow distribution in the field. While the results for the flow distribution, provided by HEC-RAS, are
better than the standard three subdivisions (left overbank, main channel, and right overbank)
provided by the model, the values are still based on average estimates of the one-dimensional
results. Also, the results obtained from the flow distribution option can vary with the number of
slices used for the computations. In general, it is better to use as few slices as possible.
When the split flow optimization is turned on, the program will calculate a water surface profile with
the first assumed flows. From the computed profile, new flows are calculated for the hydraulic
structures and junctions and the profile is re-run. This process continues until the calculated and
assumed flows match within a given tolerance. For more information on split flow optimization,
please review Example 15 of the Applications Guide.
Steady Flow Hydraulics. For a steady flow analyses the program solves the energy equation, just as
it normally would for any cross section. The only difference is that the area and wetted perimeter are
limited to the open area between the cross section bottom and lid. When the program computes a
water surface greater than the top of the open conduit, the water surface line is representative of the
hydraulic gradeline. The flow area and wetted perimeter are still being computed from the available
open area, but the balance of the energy equation requires the computation to use the hydraulic
gradeline instead of the water surface elevation in order to achieve a balance of energy. An example
of this is shown in the figure below.
For steady flow hydraulics, the user is not required to turn on any special option to get this to work.
Just simply add the lid to any cross sections and this will happen when the energy equation is
solved. Note: If the user does not make the top of the lid high enough, and the hydraulic
gradeline (water surface elevation) goes above the top of the lid, the program will use the area
above the lid as available flow area.
Unsteady Flow Hydraulics. For unsteady flow hydraulic computations, the modeling of pressurized
conduit flow requires the use of Priessmann Slot theory. Closed conduits can experience both open
channel flow and pressure flow within the same pipe. Generally, pressure flow is most often analyzed
using waterhammer equations, which are presented below for a circular pipe (Streeter and Wylie,
piezometric head
fluid density
bed slope
Pipe diameter
These hyperbolic partial differential equations describe the translation of pressure waves through an
elastic medium. Impulses travel at a rate given by the characteristic directions:
Because the wave celerity a is on the order of 1000 times larger than the water velocity V, the
advective terms in (226) and (227) are often dropped and the characteristic directions become
(Streeter and Wylie, 1979):
For pressure flow, the celerity of an acoustic wave (sound wave) with a correction for elasticity of the
conduit material is:
conduit diameter
conduit thickness
If the conduit is buried or bored through rock, e is large and the elasticity correction becomes
insignificant, hence:
If the bulk modulus of elasticity K is 43.2 x 106 lbs/ft2, then the celerity a = 4721 ft/s.
The shallow water equations, can be written using velocity V and depth h as the dependent
Like the water hammer equations, these equations are hyperbolic partial differential equations for
which the impulses travel at a rate given by characteristic directions:
In the above equation, c is the celerity of a gravity wave. The celerity of a gravity wave is:
(231) and (235) are identical except for the values of the wave celerities. Recognizing this fact,
Priessmann (Cunge et al., 1980) suggested that pressure waves can be approximated by the shallow
water equations if the celerity c is set to the acoustic celerity. Priessmann proposed the insertion of a
slot of constant width and infinite height above the top of the conduit (see figure below).
The width of the slot is determined by equating the wave celerity of a gravity wave (235) to the
acoustic wave celerity (231) and solving for the top width:
In which A is the full flow area of the pipe (not including the slot). Thus the wave celerity of a gravity
wave , when the water surface is in the slot, is equivalent to that of an acoustic wave. The procedure
has great utility in that both open channel flow and pressure flow can be solved with the same
equation set in the same model. The penalty in accuracy is a very slight attenuation due to the
increase in area associated with the slot. However, because the total slot area at a head of 200 ft is
2.98 x 10-4 times the area, the increase in storage is negligible.
Within HEC-RAS the user can model any shape of pipe by entering the bottom half as a cross section
and the top half as the lid. The Priessmann slot method is an option that must be turned on for each
cross section that has a lid. To learn how to turn this option on in the User Interface, please review
the section called "Modeling Pressurized Pipe Flow" in "Modeling Culverts" of the HEC-RAS User's
During the unsteady flow calculations, as flow transitions from open channel flow to pressure flow,
there can be a significant drop in conveyance as the water hits the top of the pipe and pressurizes.
This is due to the large increase in wetted perimeter (friction) with little increase in flow area. Thus,
the computed conveyance will drop as the water hits the top of the pipe. This drop in conveyance
can cause an instability in the numerical solution as flow transitions from open channel flow to
pressure flow. Because of this, the conveyance curves computed by HEC-RAS are cut off at the
conveyance associated with a full flowing pipe, rather than going up to the theoretical maximum
conveyance (right before the pipe pressurizes) and then coming back down to the full flowing pipe
value (see figure below).
The ungaged inflow is optimized to reproduce either a stage hydrograph or a flow hydrograph at the
DBC station. When optimizing the stage hydrograph, the reproduction of flow is secondary, being
dependent on the calibration of the model. Similarly, when optimizing the flow hydrograph, the
reproduction of stage is secondary, also being dependent on the calibration of the model.
Optimizing stage is generally used for flood forecast modeling, where stage accuracy is the primary
goal. Optimizing flow is used whenever the observed flow record must be maintained, such as a
period of record frequency analysis. In either case, the ungaged inflow compensates for all the errors
in the measurement of stage and flow, for systematic changes in roughness and geometry that may
not be included in the model, and any other errors in calibration, data, or the numerical solution.
Hence, great care should be exercised when using this feature.
In order to compute the ungaged inflow, the user should start with a calibrated HEC-RAS river model.
In addition, the user will have to specify: observed internal hydrographs (stage or stage and flow);
the location and distribution of the ungaged flows; maximum number of ungaged flow iterations;
tolerances; simultaneous or sequential optimization; ungaged hydrograph time interval; and
optional maximum and minimum ungaged inflow. (This is covered in detail below.) After the data
has been entered, HEC-RAS can compute the ungaged inflow in a single program execution (the
program will automatically lag the inflows and rerun the model). The final ungaged lateral inflow
hydrograph(s) will be output to DSS. The results can be viewed from inside HEC-RAS, or used with
any other DSS compatible program.
The DBC is inserted between two identical cross-sections that are separated by a small distance
(HEC-RAS creates the identical cross-section automatically). Given the small distance, the DBC
assumes that the stage and flow at the two cross-sections should be the same; hence, if the
upstream cross-section is number j , then
This iterative procedure usually requires three to five iterations to converge. The user can set the
maximum number of iterations.
For a free flowing river, such as the Missouri River, the ungaged inflow can be optimized for the
routing reaches simultaneously, since, the flow computation at j+1 is not affected by the ungaged
inflow downstream. This procedure is called simultaneous optimization.
For flat streams, when a stage hydrograph is applied, backwater from downstream of the DBC will
affect the convergence of the ungaged inflow for the upstream reach. For instance, the flow at cross-
section j+1 is computed from the stage hydrograph. If cross-section j+1 is influenced by backwater,
the flow changes with the degree of backwater. Hence, the flow at j+1 changes as ungaged inflow is
applied downstream, and the optimization of ungaged inflow begins to oscillate. The computed flow
at cross-section j+1 is dependent on the ungaged inflow downstream. Generally, this problem occurs
on streams with a gradient less than 0.2 feet per mile. Optimizing the routing reaches one routing
reach at a time can eliminate this problem. This procedure is called sequential optimization.
Another example is the Illinois River from Lockport to Grafton. Ungaged inflow optimization reaches
extend from Lockport to Marseilles TW; Marseilles TW to Kingston Mines; and Kingston Mines to
Meredosia. The DBC stations at Marseilles TW and Kingston Mines are influenced by backwater.
Meredosia is not affected because ungaged inflow is not optimized downstream. Ungaged inflow
from Lockport to Marseilles TW is optimized first, without ungaged inflow in the Marseilles TW to
Kingston Mines reach. Ungaged inflow is then optimized from Marseilles TW to Kingston Mines with
the ungaged inflow from Lockport to Marseilles TW. The process is repeated until the ungaged inflow
for both reaches converge.
The user can decide whether to use simultaneous or sequential optimization. However, when
ungaged inflow is optimized simultaneously, the routed flow hydrograph at cross-section j will have
an error. This error can be significant. Sequential optimization corrects these errors as the
optimization moves downstream. Therefore, even after simultaneous optimization, the program will
still do a sequential optimization to correct the residual errors.
Sequential Optimization
The steps in sequential optimization follows:
1. An observed stage hydrograph and a flow hydrographs (if optimizing to flow) are applied at the at the first
DBC station. No observed hydrographs are applied at downstream stations.
2. The model is run.
3. Ungaged inflow is calculated for the first reach using equation 2.
4. The program reruns the model and ungaged inflow for the first reach is corrected using equation 3.
5. If the flow hydrographs at cross-sections j and j+1 have converged go to step 7.
6. Go to step 4.
7. Move to the next downstream DBC station. Remove observed hydrographs at all upstream DBC stations.
Apply a stage hydrograph and a flow hydrograph (if optimizing to flow) to the DBC station. No observed
hydrographs are applied to downstream stations.
8. The program reruns the model.
9. Ungaged inflow is calculated for the first reach using equation 2.
10. The program reruns the model and ungaged inflow for the first reach is corrected using equation 3.
11. If the flow hydrographs at cross-sections j and j+1 have converged go to step 13.
12. Go to step 10.
13. If the last DBC, the iteration is complete. Otherwise go to step 7.
The time interval for the ungaged inflow is based on the Hydrograph Output Interval (see the HEC-
RAS Unsteady Flow Analysis editor). For instance, if the Hydrograph Output Interval is one hour, then
the ungaged inflow will be computed as a series of hourly flows. The final ungaged inflow
hydrograph will also be output to the DSS file at this same time interval. When determining the
ungaged inflow, the program will average the flow over the given time interval. For hourly data, for
example, the program will average the ungaged inflow for a half hour before and a half hour after the
specified time—the 1:00 inflow is the average of the ungaged flow from 12:30 to 1:30.
Short time intervals may, in some instances, cause spikes and dips in the resulting hydrograph. For
instance, a one hour time interval might bounce between a high and low flow value. In order to
smooth this out, the user can set a time frame to average the flows over (i.e., smoothing window).
For example, the user could choose a three hour smoothing window to go along with the one hour
hydrograph interval. In this case, the flows will be computed each hour, but each computed flow will
be the flow that is averaged from one and a half hours before the specified time until one and a half
hours after the specified time.
The user can also enter a minimum and maximum ungaged inflow. This will put limits on the
ungaged inflow and may be needed for stability and/or to maintain hydrologically reasonable
The flow tolerance convergence is based on an average least squared difference. For each time step
of the unsteady flow model, there is a difference between the computed flow and the known
(observed) flow at the gage. This flow difference for each time step is squared and then summed for
all of the time steps. The sum is then divided by the number of time steps and, finally, the square
root is taken in order to determine an average flow difference over the entire simulation. The
unknown inflow is considered to have converged if this flow difference is within the tolerance
specified by the user.
where is the soil evapotranspiration rate, is the infiltration rate, is the percolation
(drainage) rate. When the soil is not saturated all of the rainfall will infiltrate until the soil is
saturated. This assumption can lead to unreasonably high infiltration rates. Percolation only occurs
was the soil is saturated. When the rainfall rate is larger than the percolation rate the difference
becomes excess precipitation (i.e. ).
In order to simplify the computation of the right-hand-side terms in the moisture deficit equation,
the equation is solved using an explicit three step first order operator splitting method; one step for
each rate on the right-hand-side of the equation. The order of the fractional steps is (1) infiltration,
(2) evapotranspiration, and (3) percolation. The fractional steps allow limiting each rate easily.
Table 4-2. SCS Soil Groups and filtration rates (SCS, 1986; Skaggs and Khaleel 1982).
SCS Soil Description Range of Loss
Group Rates (in/hr)
C Clay loams, shallow sandy loam, soils low in organic 0.05 - 0.15
content, and soils usually high in clay
D Soils that swell significantly when wet, heavy plastic 0.00 – 0.05
clays, and certain saline soils
Curve Number
The Curve Number (CN) method is an empirical surface runoff method developed by the US
Department of Agriculture (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) while it was
formerly called the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) (SCS 1985). The SCS CN method estimates
precipitation excess as a function of the cumulative precipitation depth, soil cover, land use, and
antecedent soil moisture as
where is the accumulated precipitation excess, is the accumulated precipitation depth, is
the initial abstraction (initial loss), and is the potential maximum soil retention (moisture after
runoff begins). Runoff begins once the initial abstraction begins once the initial abstraction is met.
The initial abstraction may be estimated as a function of the potential maximum retention. By
default it is computed as
where is user-defined ratio typically between 0.05 and 0.2. The potential maximum soil retention
is computed from the runoff curve number as
where is in inches. The curve number values range from approximately 30 for permeable
soils with high infiltration rates to 100 for water bodies and soils with low infiltration rates.
Publications from the Soil Conservation Service (1971, 1986) provide further background and details
on use of the model. The incremental excess for a time interval is computed as the difference
between the accumulated excess at the end of and beginning of the period. The infiltration is then
computed as the rainfall minus the excess. The recovery method for the SCS CN consists of setting
the cumulative rainfall depth to zero (i.e. ) after a user-specified time in which the infiltration
is zero. The excess rate is computed as
where is the change in the direct runoff from the previous time step. The infiltration is
calculated as
Contoured Poor 63 74 82 85
Good 61 73 81 84
Contoured Poor 64 75 83 85
Good 55 69 78 83
Poor 47 67 81 88
Fair 25 59 75 83
Good 6 35 70 79
Meadow Good 30 58 71 78
Woods Poor 45 66 77 83
Fair 36 60 73 79
Good 25 55 70 77
Farmsteads 59 74 82 86
Roads (dirt) 72 82 87 89
(hard surface) 74 84 90 92
Green and Ampt (1911) directly applied Darcy's law and proposed a simple model for water
infiltration into a homogeneous soil with a uniform initial water content. The Green-Ampt (GA) model
assumes a homogeneous soil with constant hydraulic conductivity, initial water content, and head at
the wetting front (see schematic below). The saturated wetting front is assumes to move downwards
as a single piston like displacement.
The GA model describes the infiltration process under ponded conditions. Mein and Larson (1973)
extended the GA model to determine the time when surface ponding begins under steady rainfall
conditions. Chu (1978) further extended the GA model to simulate unsteady rainfall. Lastly, Skaggs
and Khaleel (1982) added a water balance equation at the soil surface to compute excess rainfall.
The GA model has been widely used in literature to simulate infiltration.
As the water content at the soil surface increases, the GA model movement of the infiltrated water by
approximating the wetting front with a piston type displacement. In the GA model, the potential
infiltration rate is computed as
where is the potential infiltration rate, is the effective saturated hydraulic conductivity
(permeability coefficient), is average suction across the wetting front, is the
moisture deficit, is the saturated water content, is the initial (antecedent) water content, and
is the cumulative infiltration. The actual depth of the wetting front is given by . It is
noted that the infiltration capacity above is only for the permeable area. The actual infiltration
velocity is computed as
where is the rainfall rate. The cumulative infiltration depth is then computed by solving the
ordinary differential equation
The parameters required for the GA model are: (1) the effective saturated hydraulic conductivity, (2)
the average suction across the wetting front, (3) the initial water content, and (4) the saturated water
content. One advantage of the GA model as compared to other infiltration models, is that its
parameters can be estimated directly from soil textural classifications (Rawls et al. 1982, 1983).
In HEC-RAS infiltration is computed during the hydraulic model simulation at the same time step as
the hydraulics. Therefore, the computational time step is relatively small for infiltration calculation
purposes. The numerical solution of the GA model is designed to be efficient for these relatively
small computational time steps. The solution of the GA model begins by using Heun's predictor-
corrector method to estimate the cumulative infiltration potential which also provides an absolute
error estimate of the potential cumulative infiltration. If the error is larger than an adjustable
tolerance of 1×10-6 ft, then the solution from Heun's method is used as the initial estimate for an
implicit solution of the potential cumulative infiltration depth using the Newton-Raphson method
(see Chow et al. 1988). For most simulations, the time step is small enough that no Newton-Raphson
iterations are needed. If iterations are needed the predictor-corrector scheme produces a very good
initial estimate, which reduces the number of iterations needed to converge. The Newton-Raphson
method usually converged with 1 to 3 iterations. The combination of the predictor-corrector method
with Newton-Raphson method provides a very efficient method when utilizing small computational
time steps as in HEC-RAS.
The GA model is appropriate for simulating single rainfall events in which the effects of
evapotranspiration and unsaturated gravity-driven flow are not significant. However, in order to
simulate longer periods of time with multiple rainfall events, it is important to consider the soil
moisture redistribution and evapotranspiration. In order to simulate the recovery of the soil
moisture profile between events the Green-Ampt with Redistribution (GAR) method of Ogden and
Saghafian (1997) is utilized. The GAR method is based on the earlier framework developed by Smith
et al. (1993). The soil moisture profile is represented by one or two rectangular fronts. When rainfall
begins, the moisture profile consists of a single saturated front as in the standard Green-Ampt
model. A rainfall hiatus period begins when the rainfall is less than the saturated hydraulic
conductivity. During the hiatus period the water content of the surface becomes less than the
saturated water content. However, the water content profile is assumed to follow a rectangular
During the non-hiatus periods, there may be one or two fronts. If there is one front, it can be
saturated or unsaturated. If there are two fronts, one is unsaturated and one is saturated. Infiltration
is always calculated using the Green-Ampt equation for the saturated front. If there are two fronts,
redistribution only occurs for the unsaturated front. At the beginning of a hiatus period, if there are
two fronts, they are merged.
During a rainfall hiatus, the change in soil moisture during the redistribution process is given by
(Smith et al. 1993)
where is the water content of the unsaturated wetting front, is the soil evapotranspiration
rate, is the infiltration rate, is integral of the capillary drive through the saturated front,
is the depth to the wetting front, is the unsaturated hydraulic
conductivity corresponding to a moisture content of , is the unsaturated hydraulic
conductivity corresponding to the initial moisture content , and is saturated
hydraulic conductivity. The above equation has been modified here to include the soil
evapotranspiration. Evapotranspiration is applied to the unsaturated wetting front unless there is a
saturated wetting front, in which case the evapotranspiration is applied to the saturated wetting
The cumulative infiltration depth is updated from simple water balance. During a rainfall (non-
hiatus) period, there may be one or two vertical wetting fronts; one for the unsaturated region and
one for the saturated region. The water balance equations for the two wetting fronts are
where the subscripts indicate the 0 and 1 wetting fronts, is the infiltration rate, is the
evapotranspiration rate, and is the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity corresponding to the
initial water content. The infiltration rate is assumed to feed into the second profile only until the
two wetting fronts are merge into a single front. However, during hiatus periods, there may only be
one unsaturated wetting front. If there are two existing wetting fronts at the start of a hiatus period,
the two wetting fronts are merged. When the hiatus period ends, a new saturated wetting front is
created and the unsaturated wetting front continues to redistribute.
The capillary drive function is computed with the expression by Ogden and Saghafian
where is the pore-size distribution index, average suction across the wetting front,
is the relative water content in which is the saturated water content,
is the residual water content. The unsaturated hydraulic conductivity is calculated using the
relation of Brooks and Corey (1964)
where is the saturated hydraulic conductivity. When simulating the infiltration of the
saturated wetting front in the presence of an unsaturated wetting front the water content deficit is
computed as
The numerical solution of the GAR model is similar to the GA model except for the fact that there may
be two fronts and it also requires the solution of an equation for the unsaturated water content. The
unsaturated water content is computed with the 2nd order Heun's method. If the error estimate of
Heun's method is larger than an adjustable tolerance of 1×10-4 ft than the classic 4th order Runge-
Kutta method is applied as it was in Ogden and Saghafian (1997).
The GAR method requires the same infiltration parameters as the GA method with the addition of the
pore-size distribution and the residual water content. A summary of the typical values and ranges for
the GA and GAR parameters for different soil textures is shown in the table below.
Table 4. Green-Ampt Parameter Estimates and Ranges based on Soil Texture (from Gowdish
and Muñoz-Carpena 2009; Rawls and Brakensiek 1982 and Rawls et al. 1982).
Soil Residual Wilting Field Total Pore-size Saturated Hydraulic Wetting Front
Texture Water Content Point (-) Capacit Porosit Distribution Conductivity (cm/hr) Suction(cm)
(-) y (-) y (-) Index (-)
Sand 0.02 0.033 0.048 0.437 0.694 21.0 – 23.56 9.62 – 10.6
Loamy 0.035 0.055 0.084 0.437 0.553 5.98 – 6.11 11.96 – 14.2
Sandy 0.041 0.095 0.155 0.453 0.378 2.18 – 2.59 21.53 – 22.2
Silt loam 0.015 0.133 0.261 0.501 0.234 0.68 32.96 – 40.4
Sandy clay 0.068 0.148 0.187 0.398 0.319 0.30 – 0.43 44.9 – 53.83
Clay loam 0.075 0.197 0.245 0.464 0.242 0.20 – 0.23 40.89 – 44.6
Silty clay 0.040 0.208 0.30 0.471 0.177 0.15 – 0.20 53.83 – 58.1
Sandy clay 0.109 0.239 0.232 0.430 0.223 0.12 46.65 – 63.6
Silty clay 0.056 0.250 0.317 0.479 0.150 0.09 – 0.10 57.77 – 64.7
HEC-RAS computes energy losses caused by structures such as bridges and culverts in three parts.
One part consists of losses that occur in the reach immediately downstream from the structure,
where an expansion of flow generally takes place. The second part is the losses at the structure itself,
which can be modeled with several different methods. The third part consists of losses that occur in
the reach immediately upstream of the structure, where the flow is generally contracting to get
through the opening. This chapter discusses how bridges are modeled using HEC-RAS. Discussions
include: general modeling guidelines; hydraulic computations through the bridge; selecting a bridge
modeling approach; and unique bridge problems and suggested approaches.
A detailed study of flow contraction and expansion zones has been completed by the Hydrologic
Engineering Center entitled "Flow Transitions in Bridge Backwater Analysis" (RD-42, HEC, 1995). The
purpose of this study was to provide better guidance to hydraulic engineers performing water
surface profile computations through bridges. Specifically the study focused on determining the
expansion reach length, Le; the contraction reach length, Lc; the expansion energy loss coefficient,
Ce; and the contraction energy loss coefficient, Cc. A summary of this research, and the final
recommendations, can be found in Appendix B of this document.
The user should not allow the distance between cross section 1 and 2 to become so great that
friction losses will not be adequately modeled. If the modeler thinks that the expansion reach will
require a long distance, then intermediate cross sections should be placed within the expansion
reach in order to adequately model friction losses. The ineffective flow option can be used to limit
the effective flow area of the intermediate cross sections in the expansion reach.
Cross section 2 is located a short distance downstream from the bridge (i.e., commonly placed at
the downstream toe of the road embankment). This cross section should represent the natural
ground (main channel and floodplain) just downstream of the bridge or culvert. This section is
normally located near the toe of the downstream road embankment. This cross section should Not
be placed immediately downstream of the face of the bridge deck or the culvert opening (for
example some people wrongly place this cross section 1.0 foot downstream of the bridge deck or
culvert opening). Even if the bridge has no embankment, this cross section should be placed far
enough from the downstream face of the bridge to allow enough distance for some flow expansion
due to piers, or pressurized flow coming out of the bridge.
Cross section 3 should be located a short distance upstream from the bridge (commonly placed at
the upstream toe of the road embankment). The distance between cross section 3 and the bridge
should only reflect the length required for the abrupt acceleration and contraction of the flow that
occurs in the immediate area of the opening. Cross section 3 represents the natural ground of the
channel and overbank area just upstream of the road embankment. This section is normally located
near the toe of the upstream road embankment. This cross section should Not be placed
immediately upstream of the bridge deck (for example some people wrongly place this cross section
1.0 foot upstream of the bridge deck). The bridge routines used between cross sections 2 and 3
account for the contraction losses that occur just upstream of the structure (entrance losses).
Therefore, this cross section should be place just upstream of the area where the abrupt contraction
of flow occurs to get into the bridge opening. This distance will vary with the size of the bridge
Both cross sections 2 and 3 will have ineffective flow areas to either side of the bridge opening during
low flow and pressure flow. In order to model only the effective flow areas at these two sections, the
modeler should use the ineffective flow area option. This option is selected from the cross section
data editor.
Cross section 4 is an upstream cross section where the flow lines are approximately parallel and the
cross section is fully effective. In general, flow contractions occur over a shorter distance than flow
expansions. The distance between cross section 3 and 4 (the contraction reach length, Lc) should
generally be determined by field investigation during high flows. Traditionally, the Corps of
Engineers guidance suggests locating the upstream cross section one times the average length of the
side constriction caused by the structure abutments (the average of the distance from A to B and C to
D in the figure above). The contraction distance will vary depending upon the degree of constriction,
the shape of the constriction, the magnitude of the flow, and the velocity of the flow. As mentioned
previously, the detailed study "Flow Transitions in Bridge Backwater Analysis" (RD-42, HEC, 1995)
was performed to provide better guidance to hydraulic engineers performing water surface profile
computations through bridges. A summary of this research, and the final recommendations, can be
found in Appendix B of this document.
During the hydraulic computations, the program automatically formulates two additional cross
sections inside of the bridge structure. The geometry inside of the bridge is a combination of the
bounding cross sections (sections 2 and 3) and the bridge geometry. The bridge geometry consists of
the bridge deck and roadway, sloping abutments if necessary, and any piers that may exist. The user
can specify different bridge geometry for the upstream and downstream sides of the structure if
necessary. Cross section 2 and the structure information on the downstream side of the bridge are
used as the geometry just inside the structure at the downstream end. Cross section 3 and the
upstream structure information are used as the bridge geometry just inside the structure at the
upstream end. The user has the option to edit these internal bridge cross sections, in order to make
adjustments to the geometry.
The bridge example shown in the figure below is a typical situation where the bridge spans the entire
floodway and its abutments obstruct the natural floodplain. This is a similar situation as was shown
in plan view in the figure above. The cross section numbers and locations are the same as those
discussed in the "Cross Section Locations" section of this chapter. The problem is to convert the
natural ground profile at cross sections 2 and 3 from the cross section shown in part B to that shown
in part C of the figure below. The elimination of the ineffective overbank areas can be accomplished
by redefining the geometry at cross sections 2 and 3 or by using the natural ground profile and
requesting the program's ineffective area option to eliminate the use of the overbank area (as shown
in part C of the figure below). Also, for high flows (flows over topping the bridge deck), the area
outside of the main bridge opening may no longer be ineffective, and will need to be included as
active flow area. If the modeler chooses to redefine the cross section, a fixed boundary is used at the
sides of the cross section to contain the flow, when in fact a solid boundary is not physically there.
The use of the ineffective area option is more appropriate and it does not add wetted perimeter to
the active flow boundary above the given ground profile.
The ineffective area option is used at sections 2 and 3 to keep all the active flow in the area of the
bridge opening until the elevations associated with the left and/or right ineffective flow areas are
exceeded by the computed water surface elevation. The program allows the stations and controlling
elevations of the left and right ineffective flow areas to be specified by the user. Also, the stations of
the ineffective flow areas do not have to coincide with stations of the ground profile, the program
will interpolate the ground station.
The ineffective flow areas should be set at stations that will adequately describe the active flow area
at cross sections 2 and 3. In general, these stations should be placed outside the edges of the bridge
opening to allow for the contraction and expansion of flow that occurs in the immediate vicinity of
the bridge. On the upstream side of the bridge (section 3) the flow is contracting rapidly. A practical
method for placing the stations of the ineffective flow areas is to assume a 1:1 contraction rate in the
immediate vicinity of the bridge. In other words, if cross section 3 is 10 feet from the upstream bridge
face, the ineffective flow areas should be placed 10 feet away from each side of the bridge opening.
On the downstream side of the bridge (section 2), a similar assumption can be applied. The active
flow area on the downstream side of the bridge may be less than, equal to, or greater than the width
of the bridge opening. As flow converges into the bridge opening, depending on the abruptness of
the abutments, the active flow area may constrict to be less than the bridge opening. As the flow
passes through and out of the bridge it begins to expand. Because of this phenomenon, estimating
the stationing of the ineffective flow areas at cross section 2 can be very difficult. In general, the user
should make the active flow area equal to the width of the bridge opening or wider (to account for
flow expanding), unless the bridge abutments are very abrupt (vertical wall abutments with no wing
The elevations specified for ineffective flow should correspond to elevations where significant weir
flow passes over the bridge. For the downstream cross section, the threshold water surface elevation
for weir flow is not usually known on the initial run, so an estimate must be made. An elevation
below the minimum top-of-road, such as an average between the low chord and minimum top-of-
road, can be used as a first estimate.
Using the ineffective area option to define the ineffective flow areas allows the overbank areas to
become effective as soon as the ineffective area elevations are exceeded. The assumption is that
under weir flow conditions, the water can generally flow across the whole bridge length and the
entire overbank in the vicinity of the bridge would be effectively carrying flow up to and over the
In general, when the ineffective flow areas turn off, and the overbank area of cross section 2 and
3 is free to move, the computed amount of conveyance (flow) in the overbank areas is too high
compared to the flow going over the roadway in those same areas. This is do to the fact that in
1D modeling the flow distribution in each cross section is based only on that cross section and
the Manning n values. So in order to reduce the conveyance in the overbank areas of cross
section 2 and 3 to match more closely to the flow going over the roadway, modelers should
increase the Manning's n values for the overbank areas of cross section 2 and 3. This will be a
trial and error process, until the flow/conveyance of the overbank areas is constant with the flow
hydraulics being calculated for the bridge in the overbank areas.
Cross section 3, just upstream from the bridge, is usually defined in the same manner as cross
section 2. In many cases the cross sections are identical. The only difference generally is the stations
and elevations to use for the ineffective area option. For the upstream cross section, the elevation
should initially be set to the low point of the top-of-road. When this is done the user could possibly
get a solution where the bridge hydraulics are computing weir flow, but the upstream water surface
elevation comes out lower than the top of road. Both the weir flow and pressure flow equations are
based on the energy grade line in the upstream cross section. Once an upstream energy is computed
from the bridge hydraulics, the program tries to compute a water surface elevation in the upstream
cross section that corresponds to that energy. Occasionally the program may get a water surface
that is confined by the ineffective flow areas and lower than the minimum top of road. When this
happens, the user should decrease the elevations of the upstream ineffective flow areas in order to
get them to turn off. Once they turn off, the computed water surface elevation will be much closer to
the computed energy gradeline (which is higher than the minimum high chord elevation).
Using the ineffective area option in the manner just described for the two cross sections on either
side of the bridge provides for a constricted section when all of the flow is going under the bridge.
When the water surface is higher than the control elevations used, the entire cross section is used.
The program user should check the computed solutions on either side of the bridge section to
ensure they are consistent with the type of flow. That is, for low flow or pressure flow solutions, the
output should show the effective area restricted to the bridge opening. When the bridge output
indicates weir flow, the solution should show that the entire cross section is effective. During
overflow situations, the modeler should ensure that the overbank flow around the bridge is
consistent with the weir flow.
As shown in the figure above, the flow contraction occurs between cross sections 4 and 3, while the
flow expansion occurs between sections 2 and 1. The contraction and expansion coefficients are
used to compute energy losses associated with changes in the shape of river cross-sections (or
effective flow areas). The loss due to expansion of flow is usually larger than the contraction loss,
and losses from short abrupt transitions are larger than losses from gradual transitions. Typical
values for contraction and expansion coefficients under subcritical flow conditions are shown in
Table 5-2 below:
Table 5-2 Subcritical Flow Contraction and Expansion Coefficients
Contraction Expansion
The maximum value for the contraction and expansion coefficient is 1.0. As mentioned previously, a
detailed study was completed by the Hydrologic Engineering Center entitled "Flow Transitions in
Bridge Backwater Analysis" (HEC, 1995). A summary of this research, as well as recommendations for
contraction and expansion coefficients, can be found in "Flow Transitions in Bridge Backwater
In general, contraction and expansion coefficients for supercritical flow should be lower than
subcritical flow. For typical bridges that are under class C flow conditions (totally supercritical flow),
the contraction and expansion coefficients should be around 0.03 and 0.05 respectively. For abrupt
bridge transitions under class C flow, values of 0.05 and 0.1 may be more appropriate.
friction losses and contraction losses. Friction and contraction losses between sections 3 and 4 are
calculated in the same way as friction and expansion losses between sections 1 and 2.
There are four methods available for computing losses through the bridge (sections 2 to 3):
• Energy Equation (standard step method)
• Momentum Balance
• Yarnell Equation
• FHWA WSPRO method
The user can select any or all of these methods to be computed. This allows the modeler to compare
the answers from several techniques all in a single execution of the program. If more than one
method is selected, the user must choose either a single method as the final solution or direct the
program to use the method that computes the greatest energy loss through the bridge as the final
solution at section 3. Minimal results are available for all the methods computed, but detailed results
are available for the method that is selected as the final answer. A detailed discussion of each
method follows:
Energy Equation (standard step method):
The energy-based method treats a bridge in the same manner as a natural river cross-section, except
the area of the bridge below the water surface is
subtracted from the total area, and the wetted perimeter is increased where the water is in contact
with the bridge structure. As described previously, the program formulates two cross sections inside
the bridge by combining the ground information of sections 2 and 3 with the bridge geometry. As
shown in the figure below, for the purposes of discussion, these cross sections will be referred to as
sections BD (Bridge Downstream) and BU (Bridge Upstream).
The sequence of calculations starts with a standard step calculation from just downstream of the
bridge (section 2) to just inside of the bridge (section BD) at the downstream end. The program then
performs a standard step through the bridge (from section BD to section BU). The last calculation is
The energy-based method requires Manning's n values for friction losses and contraction and
expansion coefficients for transition losses. The estimate of Manning's n values is well documented
in many hydraulics text books, as well as several research studies. Basic guidance for estimating
roughness coefficients is provided in "Basic Data Requirements" of this manual. Contraction and
expansion coefficients are also provided in "Basic Data Requirements", as well as in earlier sections
of this chapter. Detailed output is available for cross sections inside the bridge (sections BD and BU)
as well as the user entered cross sections (sections 2 and 3).
The momentum method is based on performing a momentum balance from cross section 2 to cross-
section 3. The momentum balance is performed in three steps. The first step is to perform a
momentum balance from cross section 2 to cross-section BD inside the bridge. The equation for this
momentum balance is as follows:
Gravitational acceleration
The second step is a momentum balance from section BD to BU (see figure above). The equation for
this step is as follows:
The final step is a momentum balance from section BU to section 3 (see figure above). The equation
for this step is as follows:
Where: = coefficient for flow going around the piers. Guidance on selecting drag coefficients can
be found under Table 5-3 below.
The momentum balance method requires the use of roughness coefficients for the estimation of the
friction force and a drag coefficient for the force of drag on piers. As mentioned previously,
roughness coefficients are described in "Basic Data Requirements" of this manual. Drag coefficients
are used to estimate the force due to the water moving around the piers, the separation of the flow,
and the resulting wake that occurs downstream. Drag coefficients for various cylindrical shapes have
been derived from experimental data (Lindsey, 1938). The following table shows some typical drag
coefficients that can be used for piers:
The momentum method provides detailed output for the cross sections inside the bridge (BU and
BD) as well as outside the bridge (2 and 3). The user has the option of turning the friction and weight
force components on or off. The default is to include the friction force but not the weight
component. The computation of the weight force is dependent upon computing a mean bed slope
through the bridge. Estimating a mean bed slope can be very difficult with irregular cross section
data. A bad estimate of the bed slope can lead to large errors in the momentum solution. The user
can turn this force on if they feel that the bed slope through the bridge is well behaved for their
During the momentum calculations, if the water surface (at sections BD and BU) comes into contact
with the maximum low chord of the bridge, the momentum balance is assumed to be invalid and the
results are not used.
Yarnell Equation
The Yarnell equation is an empirical equation that is used to predict the change in water surface
from just downstream of the bridge (section 2 of the figure above) to just upstream of the bridge
(section 3). The equation is based on approximately 2600 lab experiments in which the researchers
varied the shape of the piers, the width, the length, the angle, and the flow rate. The Yarnell equation
is as follows (Yarnell, 1934):
The computed upstream water surface elevation (section 3) is simply the downstream water surface
elevation plus . With the upstream water surface known the program computes the
corresponding velocity head and energy elevation for the upstream section (section 3). When the
Yarnell method is used, hydraulic information is only provided at cross sections 2 and 3 (no
information is provided for sections BU and BD).
The Yarnell equation is sensitive to the pier shape (K coefficient), the pier obstructed area, and the
velocity of the water. The method is not sensitive to the shape of the bridge opening, the shape of
the abutments, or the width of the bridge. Because of these limitations, the Yarnell method should
only be used at bridges where the majority of the energy losses are associated with the piers. When
Yarnell's equation is used for computing the change in water surface through the bridge, the user
must supply the Yarnell pier shape coefficient, K. The following table gives values for Yarnell's pier
coefficient, K, for various pier shapes:
the bridge at the downstream end (BD); from inside of the bridge at the downstream end (BD) to
inside of the bridge at the upstream end (BU); From inside of the bridge at the upstream end (BU) to
just upstream of the bridge (3); and from just upstream of the bridge (3) to the approach section (4).
A general energy balance equation from the exit section to the approach section can be written as
Velocity at section 1
Velocity at section 4
Where B is the flow weighted distance between sections 1 and 2, and K1 and K2 are the total
conveyance at sections 1 and 2 respectively. The expansion loss from section 2 to section 1 is
computed by the following equation:
Where α and β are energy and momentum correction factors for non-uniform flow. and β1 are
computed as follows:
and are related to the bridge geometry and are defined as follows:
where C is an empirical discharge coefficient for the bridge, which was originally developed as part of
the Contracted Opening method by Kindswater, Carter, and Tracy (USGS, 1953), and subsequently
modified by Matthai (USGS, 1968). The computation of the discharge coefficient, C, is explained in
detail in appendix D of this manual.
From Section 2 to 3
Losses from section 2 to section 3 are based on friction losses only. The energy balance is performed
in three steps: from section 2 to BD; BD to BU; and BU to 3. Friction losses are calculated using the
geometric mean friction slope times the flow weighted distance between sections. The following
equation is used for friction losses from BD to BU:
Where KBU and KBD are the total conveyance at sections BU and BD respectively, and LB is the length
through the bridge. Similar equations are used for the friction losses from section 2 to BD and BU to
From Section 3 to 4
Energy losses from section 3 to 4 are based on friction losses only. The equation for computing the
friction loss is as follows:
Where Lav is the effective flow length in the approach reach, and K3 and K4 are the total conveyances
at sections 3 and 4. The effective flow length is computed as the average length of 20 equal
conveyance stream tubes (FHWA, 1986). The computation of the effective flow length by the stream
tube method is explained in appendix D of this manual.
profile, the momentum equation is used to compute an upstream water surface (section 3 of the
figure above) above critical depth and a downstream water surface (section 2) below critical depth.
For a supercritical profile, the bridge is acting as a control and is causing the upstream water
surface elevation to be above critical depth. Momentum is used to calculate an upstream water
surface above critical depth and a downstream water surface below critical depth. If for some reason
the momentum equation fails to converge on an answer during the class B flow computations, the
program will automatically switch to an energy-based method for calculating the class B profile
through the bridge.
Whenever class B flow is found to exist, the user should run the program in a mixed flow regime
mode. If the user is running a mixed flow regime profile the program will proceed with backwater
calculations upstream, and later with forewater calculations downstream from the bridge. Also, any
hydraulic jumps that may occur upstream and downstream of the bridge can be located if they exist.
Pressure flow occurs when the flow comes into contact with the low chord of the bridge. Once the
flow comes into contact with the upstream side of the bridge, a backwater occurs and orifice flow is
established. The program will handle two cases of orifice flow; the first is when only the upstream
side of the bridge is in contact with the water; and the second is when the bridge opening is flowing
completely full. The HEC-RAS program will automatically select the appropriate equation,
depending upon the flow situation. For the first case (see the figure below), a sluice gate type of
equation is used (FHWA, 1978):
The discharge coefficient Cd, can vary depending upon the depth of water upstream. Values for Cd
range from 0.27 to 0.5, with a typical value of 0.5 commonly used in practice. The user can enter a
fixed value for this coefficient or the program will compute one based on the amount that the inlet is
submerged. A diagram relating Cd to Y3/Z is shown in the figure below.
As shown in Figure 5-5, the limiting value of Y3/Z is 1.1. There is a transition zone somewhere
between Y3/Z = 1.0 and 1.1 where free surface flow changes to orifice flow. The type of flow in this
range is unpredictable, and (268) is not applicable.
In the second case, when both the upstream and downstream side of the bridge are submerged, the
standard full flowing orifice equation is used (see the figure below). This equation is as follows:
Typical values for the discharge coefficient C range from 0.7 to 0.9, with a value of 0.8 commonly
used for most bridges. The user must enter a value for C whenever the pressure flow method is
selected. The discharge coefficient C can be related to the total loss coefficient, which comes from
the form of the orifice equation that is used in the HEC-2 computer program (HEC, 1991):
The program will begin checking for the possibility of pressure flow when the computed low flow
energy grade line is above the maximum low chord elevation at the upstream side of the bridge.
Once pressure flow is computed, the pressure flow answer is compared to the low flow answer, the
higher of the two is used. The user has the option to tell the program to use the water surface,
instead of energy, to trigger the pressure flow calculation.
Weir Flow Computations:
Flow over the bridge, and the roadway approaching the bridge, is calculated using the standard weir
equation (see the figure below):
The approach velocity is included by using the energy grade line elevation in lieu of the upstream
water surface elevation for computing the head, H.
Under free flow conditions (discharge independent of tailwater) the coefficient of discharge C,
ranges from 2.5 to 3.1 (1.38 1.71 for metric) for broadcrested weirs depending primarily upon the
gross head on the crest (C increases with head). Increased resistance to flow caused by obstructions
such as trash on bridge railings, curbs, and other barriers would decrease the value of C.
Tables of weir coefficients, C, are given for broadcrested weirs in King's Handbook (King, 1963), with
the value of C varying with measured head H and breadth of weir. For rectangular weirs with a
breadth of 15 feet and a H of 1 foot or more, the given value is 2.63 (1.45 for metric). Trapezoidal
shaped weirs generally have a larger coefficient with typical values ranging from 2.7 to 3.08 (1.49 to
1.70 for metric).
"Hydraulics of Bridge Waterways" (FHWA, 1978) provides a curve of C versus the head on the
roadway. The roadway section is shown as a trapezoid and the coefficient rapidly changes from 2.9
for a very small H to 3.03 for H = 0.6 feet. From there, the curve levels off near a value of 3.05 (1.69 for
With very little prototype data available, it seems the assumption of a rectangular weir for flow over
the bridge deck (assuming the bridge can withstand the forces) and a coefficient of 2.6 (1.44 for
metric) would be reasonable. If the weir flow is over the roadway approaches to the bridge, a value
of 3.0 (1.66 for metric) would be consistent with available data. If weir flow occurs as a combination
of bridge and roadway overflow, then an average coefficient (weighted by weir length) could be
For high tailwater elevations, the program will automatically reduce the amount of weir flow to
account for submergence on the weir. Submergence is defined as the depth of water above the
minimum weir elevation on the downstream side (section 2) divided by the height of the energy
gradeline above the minimum weir elevation on the upstream side (section 3). The reduction of weir
flow is accomplished by reducing the weir coefficient based on the amount of submergence.
Submergence corrections are based on a trapezoidal weir shape or optionally an ogee spillway
shape. The total weir flow is computed by subdividing the weir crest into segments, computing L, H,
a submergence correction, and a Q for each section, then summing the incremental discharges. The
submergence correction for a trapezoidal weir shape is from "Hydraulics of Bridge
Waterways" (Bradley, 1978). Figure 5-8 shows the relationship between the percentage of
submergence and the flow reduction factor.
When the weir becomes highly submerged the program will automatically switch to calculating the
upstream water surface by the energy equation (standard step backwater) instead of using the
pressure and weir flow equations. The criteria for when the program switches to energy based
calculations is user controllable. A default maximum submergence is set to 0.98 (98 percent).
Combination Flow
Sometimes combinations of low flow or pressure flow occur with weir flow. In these cases, an
iterative procedure is used to determine the amount of each type of flow. The program continues to
iterate until both the low flow method (or pressure flow) and the weir flow method have the same
energy (within a specified tolerance) upstream of the bridge (section 3). The combination of low flow
and weir flow can only be computed with the energy and Yarnell low flow method.
choice of methods should be considered carefully. The following discussion provides some basic
guidelines on selecting the appropriate methods for various situations.
Perched Bridges
A perched bridge is one for which the road approaching the bridge is at the floodplain ground level,
and only in the immediate area of the bridge does the road rise above ground level to span the
watercourse (see figure below). A typical flood-flow situation with this type of bridge is low flow
under the bridge and overbank flow around the bridge. Because the road approaching the bridge is
usually not much higher than the surrounding ground, the assumption of weir flow is often not
justified. A solution based on the energy method (standard step calculations) would be better than a
solution based on weir flow with correction for submergence. Therefore, this type of bridge should
generally be modeled using the energy-based method, especially when a large percentage of the
Bridges on a Skew
Skewed bridge crossings (the figure below) are generally handled by making adjustments to the
bridge dimensions to define an equivalent cross section perpendicular to the flow lines. The bridge
information, and cross sections that bound the bridge, can be adjusted from the bridge editor. An
option called Skew Bridge/Culvert is available from the bridge/culvert editor.
In the publication "Hydraulics of Bridge Waterways" (Bradley, 1978) the effect of skew on low flow is
discussed. In model testing, skewed crossings with angles up to 20 degrees showed no objectionable
flow patterns. For increasing angles, flow efficiency decreased. A graph illustrating the impact of
skew indicates that using the projected length is adequate for angles up to 30 degrees for small flow
The skew angle is based on comparing the angle of the flow as it goes through the bridge, with a
line perpendicular to the cross sections bounding the bridge.
The user should not base the skew angle on the direction of the flow upstream of the bridge. When a
bridge is highly skewed, most likely the flow will turn somewhat before it goes through the bridge
opening. So the effective area of the opening is actually larger than if you assume an angle based on
the upstream approach section.
For the example shown in the figure above, the projected width of the bridge opening, perpendicular
to the flow lines, will be computed with the following equation:
The length of the bridge opening as measured along the skewed road
The bridge skew angle in degrees. This angle is with respect to the
flow going through the bridge opening and a line perpendicular to
the bridge cross sections
The pier information must also be adjusted to account for the skew of the bridge. HEC-RAS assumes
the piers are continuous, as shown in the figure above, thus the following equation will be applied to
get the projected width of the piers, perpendicular to the flow lines:
Parallel Bridges
With the construction of divided highways, a common modeling problem involves parallel bridges
(see figure below). For new highways, these bridges are often identical structures. The hydraulic loss
through the two structures has been shown to be between one and two times the loss for one bridge
[Bradley, 1978]. The model results [Bradley, 1978] indicate the loss for two bridges ranging from 1.3
to 1.55 times the loss for one bridge crossing, over the range of bridge spacing’s tested. Presumably
if the two bridges were far enough apart, the losses for the two bridges would equal twice the loss for
one. If the parallel bridges are very close to each other, and the flow will not be able to expand
between the bridges, the bridges can be modeled as a single bridge. If there is enough distance
between the bridge, in which the flow has room to expand and contract, the bridges should be
modeled as two separate bridges. If both bridges are modeled, care should be exercised in depicting
the expansion and contraction of flow between the bridges. Expansion and contraction rates should
be based on the same procedures as single bridges.
debris that extends past the abutment, or into the ground, or that overlaps the pier debris of an
adjacent pier is ignored.
Shown in the figure below is the pier editor with the pier debris option turned on. Note that there is a
check box to turn the floating debris option for this pier. Two additional fields must be filled out, the
height and overall width of the pier debris. Additionally, there is a button that the user can use to set
the entered height and width for the first pier as being the height and width of debris that will be
used for all piers at this bridge location. Otherwise, the debris data can be defined separately for
every pier.
After the user has run the computational program with the pier debris option turned on, the pier
debris will then be displayed on the cross section plots of the upstream side of the bridge (this is the
cross sections with the labels “BR U,” for inside of the bridge at the upstream end). An example
cross-section plot with pier debris is shown in Figure 5-15.
HEC-RAS computes energy losses, caused by structures such as culverts, in three parts. The first part
consists of losses that occur in the reach immediately downstream from the structure, where an
expansion of flow takes place. The second part consists of losses that occur as flow travels into,
through, and out of the culvert. The last part consists of losses that occur in the reach immediately
upstream from the structure, where the flow is contracting towards the opening of the culvert.
HEC-RAS has the ability to model single culverts; multiple identical culverts; and multiple non-
identical culverts.
This chapter discusses how culverts are modeled within HEC-RAS. Discussions include: general
modeling guidelines; how the hydraulic computations through the culvert are performed; and what
data are required and how to select the various coefficients.
Because of the similarities between culverts and other types of bridges, culverts are modeled in a
similar manner to bridges. The layout of cross sections, the use of the ineffective areas, the selection
of loss coefficients, and most other aspects of bridge analysis apply to culverts as well.
Types of Culverts
HEC-RAS has the ability to model nine of the most commonly used culvert shapes. These shapes
include: circular; box (rectangular); arch; pipe arch; low profile arch; high profile arch; elliptical
(horizontal and vertical); semi-circular, and Con/Span culverts (see figure below). The program has
the ability to model up to ten different culvert types (any change in shape, slope, roughness, or chart
and scale number requires the user to enter a new culvert type) at any given culvert crossing. For a
locations). The entire area of Cross Section 1 is usually considered to be effective in conveying flow.
Cross Section 2 of Culvert Model. Cross Section 2 of a culvert model is located a short distance
downstream from the culvert exit. This distance should represent the short distance that is required
for the abrupt transition of the flow from the culvert to the channel. Cross section 2 does not include
any of the culvert structure or embankments, but represents the physical shape of the channel just
downstream of the culvert. The shape and location of this cross section is entered separately from
the Bridge and Culvert editor in the user interface (cross section editor).
The HECRAS ineffective area option is used to restrict the effective flow area of Cross Section 2 to the
flow area around or near the edges of the culverts, until flow overtops the roadway. The ineffective
flow areas are used to represent the correct amount of active flow area just downstream of the
culvert. Because the flow will begin to expand as it exits the culvert, the active flow area at Section 2
is generally wider than the width of the culvert opening. The width of the active flow area will
depend upon how far downstream Cross Section 2 is from the culvert exit. In general, a reasonable
assumption would be to assume a 1.5:1 expansion rate over this short distance. With this
assumption, if Cross Section 2 were 6 feet from the culvert exit, then the active flow area at Section 2
should be 8 feet wider than the culvert opening (4 feet on each side of the culvert) Figure 6-4
illustrates Cross Section 2 of a typical culvert model with a box culvert. As indicated, the cross
section data does not define the culvert shape for the culvert model. On the figure below, the
channel bank locations are indicated by small circles, and the stations and elevations of the
ineffective flow areas are indicated by triangles.
Cross Sections 1 and 2 are located so as to create a channel reach downstream of the culvert in
which the HECRAS program can accurately compute the friction losses and expansion losses
Cross Section 3 of Culvert Model. Cross Section 3 of a culvert model is located a short distance
upstream of the culvert entrance, and represents the physical configuration of the upstream
channel. This cross section should be far enough upstream from the culvert face, such that the
abrupt contraction of flow has room to occur. Also, the culvert routines take into account an
entrance loss in all of the calculations. This entrance loss requires some distance to occur over. The
culvert method uses a combination of a bridge deck, Cross Sections 2 and 3, and culvert data, to
describe the culvert or culverts and the roadway embankment. The culvert data, which is used to
describe the roadway embankment and culvert openings, is located at a river station between Cross
Sections 2 and 3.
The HECRAS ineffective area option is used to restrict the effective flow area of Cross Section 3 until
the flow overtops the roadway. The ineffective flow area is used to represent the correct amount of
active flow area just upstream of the culvert. Because the flow is contracting rapidly as it enters the
culvert, the active flow area at Section 3 is generally wider than the width of the culvert opening. The
width of the active flow area will depend upon how far upstream Cross Section 3 is placed from the
culvert entrance. In general, a reasonable assumption would be to assume a 1:1 contraction rate
over this short distance. With this assumption, if Cross Section 3 were 5 feet from the culvert
entrance, then the active flow area at Section 3 should be 10 feet wider than the culvert opening (5
feet on each side of the culvert). The figure below illustrates Cross Section 3 of a typical culvert
model for a box culvert, including the roadway profile defined by the bridge deck/roadway editor,
and the culvert shape defined in the culvert editor. As indicated, the ground profile does not define
the culvert shape for the culvert model. On the figure below, the channel bank locations are
indicated by small circles and the stations and elevations of ineffective area control are indicated by
Cross Section 4 of Culvert Model. The final cross section in the culvert model is located at a point
where flow has not yet begun to contract from its unrestrained top width upstream of the culvert to
its constricted top width near the culvert. This distance is normally determined assuming a one to
one contraction of flow. In other words, the average rate at which flow can contract to pass through
the culvert opening is assumed to be one foot laterally for every one foot traveled in the downstream
direction. More detailed information on the placement of cross sections can be found in "Modeling
Bridges". The entire area of Cross Section 4 is usually considered to be effective in conveying flow.
Culvert Hydraulics
This section introduces the basic concepts of culvert hydraulics, which are used in the HECRAS
culvert routines.
Culverts are made up of an entrance where water flows into the culvert, a barrel, which is the closed
conduit portion of the culvert, and an exit, where the water flows out of the culvert (see the figure
below). The total flow capacity of a culvert depends upon the characteristics of the entrance as well
as the culvert barrel and exit. The Tailwater at a culvert is the depth of water on the exit or
downstream side of the culvert, as measured from the downstream invert of the culvert (shown as
TW on the figure below). The invert is the lowest point on the inside of the culvert at a particular
cross section. The tailwater depth depends on the flow rate and hydraulic conditions downstream of
the culvert.
Headwater (HW on the figure below) is the depth from the culvert inlet invert to the energy grade
line, for the cross section just upstream of the culvert (Section 3). The Headwater represents the
amount of energy head required to pass a given flow through the culvert.
The Upstream Water Surface (WSU on the figure below) is the depth of water on the entrance or
upstream side of the culvert (Section 3), as measured from the upstream invert of Cross Section 3.
The Total Energy at any location is equal to the elevation of the invert plus the specific energy
(depth of water + velocity heady) at that location. All of the culvert computations within HEC-RAS
compute the total energy for the upstream end of the culvert. The upstream water surface (WSU) is
then obtained by placing that energy into the upstream cross section and computing the water
surface that corresponds to that energy for the given flow rate.
During the computations, if the inlet control answer comes out higher than the outlet control
answer, the program will perform some additional computations to evaluate if the inlet control
answer can actually persist through the culvert without pressurizing the culvert barrel. The
assumption of inlet control is that the flow passes through critical depth near the culvert inlet and
transitions into supercritical flow. If the flow persists as low flow through the length of the culvert
barrel, then inlet control is assumed to be valid. If the flow goes through a hydraulic jump inside the
barrel, and fully develops the entire area of the culvert, it is assumed that this condition will cause
the pipe to pressurize over the entire length of the culvert barrel and thus act more like an orifice
type of flow. If this occurs, then the outlet control answer (under the assumption of a full flowing
barrel) is used instead of the inlet control answer.
Submerged Inlet:
Note that there are two forms of the unsubmerged inlet equation. The first form (275) is more
correct from a theoretical standpoint, but form two (276) is easier to apply and is the only
documented form of equation for some of the culvert types. Both forms of the equations are used in
the HEC-RAS software, depending on the type of culvert.
The nomographs in the FHWA report are considered to be accurate to within about 10 percent in
determining the required inlet control headwater [FHWA, 1985]. The nomographs were computed
assuming a culvert slope of 0.02 feet per foot (2 percent). For different culvert slopes, the
nomographs are less accurate because inlet control headwater changes with slope. However, the
culvert routines in HEC‑RAS consider the slope in computing the inlet control energy. Therefore, the
culvert routines in HEC-RAS should be more accurate than the nomographs, especially for slopes
other than 0.02 feet per foot.
The friction loss in the culvert is computed using Manning's formula, which is expressed as follows:
The exit energy loss is computed as a coefficient times the change in velocity head from just inside
the culvert, at the downstream end, to outside of the culvert at the downstream end. The entrance
loss is computed as a coefficient times the absolute velocity head of the flow inside the culvert at the
upstream end. The exit and entrance loss coefficients are described in the next section of this
reaches the upstream end of the culvert, the friction loss through the remainder of the culvert is
computed assuming full flow.
The first step in the direct step method is to compute the exit loss and establish a starting water
surface inside the culvert. If the tailwater depth is below critical depth inside the culvert, then the
starting condition inside the culvert is assumed to be critical depth. If the tailwater depth is greater
than critical depth in the culvert, then an energy balance is performed from the downstream cross
section to inside of the culvert. This energy balance evaluates the change in energy by the following
Once a water surface is computed inside the culvert at the downstream end, the next step is to
perform the direct step backwater calculations through the culvert. The direct step backwater
calculations will continue until a water surface and energy are obtained inside the culvert at the
upstream end. The final step is to add an entrance loss to the computed energy to obtain the
upstream energy outside of the culvert at Section 3 (see figure below). The water surface outside the
culvert is then obtained by computing the water surface at Section 3 that corresponds to the
calculated energy for the given flow rate.
If the normal depth is greater than the culvert rise (from invert to top of the culvert), the program
sets the normal depth equal to the culvert rise.
Critical depth for box culverts can be solved directly with the following equation [AISI, 1980]:
Weir Flow
The first solution through the culvert is under the assumption that all of the flow is going through the
culvert barrels. Once a final upstream energy is obtained, the program checks to see if the energy
elevation is greater than the minimum elevation for weir flow to occur. If the computed energy is less
than the minimum elevation for weir flow, then the solution is final. If the computed energy is
greater than the minimum elevation for weir flow, the program performs an iterative procedure to
determine the amount of flow over the weir and through the culverts. During this iterative
procedure, the program recalculates both inlet and outlet control culvert solutions for each estimate
of the culvert flow. In general the higher of the two is used for the culvert portion of the solution,
unless the program feels that inlet control cannot be maintained. The program will continue to
iterate until it finds a flow split that produces the same upstream energy (within the error tolerance)
for both weir and culvert flow.
When multiple Manning's n values are applied to a culvert, the computational program will use the
bottom n value until the water surface goes above the specified bottom n value. When the water
surface goes above the bottom n value depth the program calculates a composite n value for the
culvert as a whole. This composite n value is based on an equation from Chow's book on Open
Channel Hydraulics (Chow, 1959) and is the same equation we use for computing a composite n
value in open channel flow (see (6) of this manual).
Example Flow Rate Q USGS Water HEC-RAS Water HEC-RAS USGS Flow
Number (cfs) Surface Surface (ft) Flow Classification
(ft) Classification
Example Flow Rate Q USGS Water HEC-RAS Water HEC-RAS USGS Flow
Number (cfs) Surface Surface (ft) Flow Classification
(ft) Classification
*Note: We think the answer shown in the USGS publication, for example number 8, is questionable.
Here is why:
Example 8 is for a circular concrete culvert that is 4.0 feet in diameter. The Manning's n is 0.012, and
the culvert has a beveled entrance. The resulting flow rate computed in the example is 209 cfs. The
culvert invert is set at an elevation of 1.0 ft at the upstream end, and the top of the culvert is at 5.0
feet inside elevation at the upstream end.
The Culvert Area is A = 12.5664 sq. ft.
Therefore V = Q/A = 209/12.5664 = 16.63 ft/s inside the culvert at the upstream end.
The velocity head is V2/2g = (16.63)2/ (2x32.3) = 4.3 feet of velocity head.
Therefore, the energy at the upstream inside end of the barrel must be at least 5.0 + 4.3 = 9.3 feet of
energy head. The energy upstream, outside of the barrel, will be this energy plus an entrance losses
to get the flow into the barrel, plus friction losses. Therefore the upstream energy will be greater
than 9.3 feet. HEC-RAS computed an upstream energy of 11.0 feet, which we believe is more correct
than the 8.00 feet reported in example 8 in the USGS report.
The USGS results of 8.0 feet is based on the assumption of this culvert acting as a Syphon for this
particular flow rate. The HEC-RAS computations did not fill the barrel, so we do not think the culvert
will act as a Syphon. If the culvert were to act like a Syphon, then the answer would be closer to the
USGS culvert routines answer.
Additionally HEC-RAS was able to reproduce all six of the USGS flow classification types. For Type 6,
the example 8 problem did not flow as a full barrel for HEC-RAS. However, we took the same data set
and lowered the upstream invert to an elevation of 0.0 feet, which put the culvert on a horizontal
slope. HEC-RAS did compute that the flow was following the USGS Type 6 classification for this
We have therefore concluded that HEC-RAS can handle all 6 of the USGS Culvert flow classifications,
and can reproduce the results of the CAP program within a reasonable tolerance (Except for example
8, which is in not been resolved at this time). It is also believed that most of the differences in the
results are due to the fact they the two programs use different: empirical coefficients entrance
losses; friction slope computations (therefore different friction losses); and exit losses.
Discussions about the culvert data editor can be found in "Modeling Culverts" of the HEC-RAS User's
12 3.00
14 3.00
16 3.53
20 4.13
24 4.93
28 5.76
32 6.51
36 7.39
42 9.19
If a span is requested that is not in the list of predefined shapes, then one is interpolated
geometrically from the bounding predefined shapes. The plot below shows an interpolated 21 ft arch
from 20 and 24 predefined arches.
If the span is less that the smallest predefined arch, then the smallest arch is scaled to the requested
span, similarly, if a span is entered larger than the largest predefined arch, then the largest arch is
scaled to the requested span.
If a rise is entered that is less that the predefined arch rise, then the vertical ordinates of the arch are
scaled down to the requested arch rise and no vertical segments are added. In the plot below, a 20 ft
span was requested with a 3 ft rise. The arch height of the 20 ft span is 4.13 feet so all the vertical
distances were multiplied by 3 / 4.13.
Culvert Length
The culvert length is measured in feet (or meters) along the centerline of the culvert. The culvert
length is used to determine the friction loss in the culvert barrel and the slope of the culvert.
Cast Iron:
Wrought Iron:
Corrugated Metal:
[Chow, 1959]
Table 6‑2 Manning's “n” for Corrugated Metal Pipe
Helical 3 x 1 in.:
Corrugations 6 x 2 in.:
[AISI, 1980]
The velocity head is multiplied by the entrance loss coefficient to estimate the amount of energy
lost as flow enters the culvert. A higher value for the coefficient gives a higher head loss. Entrance
loss coefficients are shown in Tables 6-3, 6-4, and 6-5. These coefficients were taken from the Federal
Highway Administration's "Hydraulic Design of Highway Culverts" manual (FHWA, 1985). Table 6-3
indicates that values of the entrance loss coefficient range from 0.2 to about 0.9 for pipe-arch and
pipe culverts. As shown in Table 6-4, entrance losses can vary from about 0.2 to about 0.7 times the
velocity head for box culverts. For a sharpedged culvert entrance with no rounding, 0.5 is
recommended. For a well rounded entrance, 0.2 is appropriate. Table 6-5 list entrance loss
coefficients for ConSpan culverts.
Note: Entrance loss coefficients should be calibrated whenever possible. The Tables shown in this
document for entrance loss coefficients are guidelines and not absolutes.
Table 6‑3 Entrance Loss Coefficient for Pipe Culverts
Concrete Pipe:
Table 6-4 Entrance Loss Coefficient for Reinforced Concrete Box Culverts
Type of Structure and Design of Entrance Coefficient, ken
For a sudden expansion of flow, such as in a typical culvert, the exit loss coefficient (kex) is normally
set to 1.0 (FHWA, 1985). In general, exit loss coefficients can vary between 0.3 and 1.0. The exit loss
coefficient should be reduced as the transition becomes less abrupt.
The following figures can be used as guidance in determining which chart and scale numbers to
select for various types of culvert inlets.
Chart Scale
Number Number Description
1(A) Small bevel: b/D = 0.042; a/D = 0.063; c/D = 0.042; d/D = 0.083
2(B) Large bevel; b/D = 0.083; a/D = 0.125; c/D = 0.042; d/D = 0.125
9 Box Culvert with Flared Wingwalls and Inlet Top Edge Bevel
(See Figure 6-15)
1 90 degree headwall
2 Thick wall Projecting
3 Thin wall projecting
1 90 Degree headwall
2 Mitered to slope
3 Projecting
1 Projecting
2 No bevels
3 33.7 degree bevels
1 Projecting
2 No bevels
3 33.7 degree bevels
1 90 degree headwall
2 Mitered to slope
3 Thin wall projecting
55 Circular Culvert
57 Rectangular
58 Rectangular Concrete
59 Rectangular Concrete
Symbol Description
Symbol Description
The slope of the culvert is used by the program to compute the normal depth of flow in the culvert
under outlet control conditions.
flow rate
weir length
For flow over a typical bridge deck, a weir coefficient of 2.6 is recommended. A weir coefficient of 3.0
is recommended for flow over elevated roadway approach embankments. More detailed information
on weir discharge coefficients and how weirs are modeled in HEC-RAS may be found in "Modeling
Bridges" of this manual. Also, information on how to enter a bridge deck and weir coefficients can be
found in "Modeling Culverts" of the HEC-RAS User's Manual, "Editing and Entering Geometric Data."
The HEC-RAS program has the ability to model multiple bridge and/or culvert openings at a single
location. A common example of this type of situation is a bridge opening over the main stream and a
relief bridge (or group of culverts) in the overbank area. The HEC-RAS program is capable of
modeling up to seven opening types at any one location.
The distribution of flow requires the establishment of flow boundaries both upstream and
downstream of the openings. The flow boundaries represent the point at which flow separates
between openings. These flow boundaries are referred to as "Stagnation Points" (the term
"stagnation points" will be used from this point on when referring to the flow separation
When modeling a divided flow, you must define how much flow is going through each reach. The
current version of HEC-RAS can optimize the flow split. The user makes a first guess at the flow
distribution, and then runs the model with the split flow optimization option turned on. The program
uses an iterative procedure to calculate the correct flow in each reach. More information on split flow
optimization can be found in "Modeling Multiple Bridge and/or Culvert Openings" of the User's
Manual, "Overview of Optional Capabilities" of the Hydraulic Reference Manual, and Example 15 of
the Applications Guide.
In the example shown in the figure above there are 15 identical gate openings and the entire top of
the embankment is specified as an overflow weir.
Gated Spillways within HEC-RAS can be modeled as radial gates (often called tainter gates), vertical
lift gates (sluice gates), overflow gates (open to the air or closed top), or a family of user defined
rating curves. The equations used to model the gate openings can handle both submerged and
unsubmerged conditions at the inlet and outlet of the gates. If the gates are opened far enough, such
that unsubmerged conditions exist at the upstream end, the program automatically switches to a
weir flow equation to calculate the hydraulics of the flow. The spillway crest through the gate
openings can be specified as either an ogee crest shape, broad crested , or sharp crested. The
program has the ability to calculate both free flowing and submerged weir flow through the gate
openings. the figure below is a diagram of sluice and radial gate types with different spillway crests.
Up to 10 gate groups can be entered into the program at any one river crossing. Each gate group can
have up to 25 identical gate openings. Identical gate openings must be the same gate type; size;
elevation; and have identical gate coefficients. If anything about the gates is different, except their
physical location across the stream, the gates must be entered as separate gate groups.
The overflow weir capability can be used by itself or in conjunction with the gated spillway option (as
well as the other outlet types available in Inline and Lateral structures). The overflow weir is entered
as a series of station and elevation points across the stream, which allows for complicated weir
shapes. The user must specify if the weir is broad crested, ogee shape, or sharp crested. The software
has the ability to account for submergence due to the downstream tailwater. Additionally, if the weir
has an ogee shaped crest, the program can calculate the appropriate weir coefficient for a given
design head. The weir coefficient will automatically be decreased or increased when the actual head
is lower or higher than the design head.
sections include: one cross section sufficiently downstream such that the flow is fully expanded; one
at the downstream end of the structure (representing the tailwater location); one at the upstream
end of the structure (representing the headwater location); and one cross section located far enough
upstream at the point in which the flow begins to contract. Note, the cross sections that bound the
structure represent the channel geometry outside of the embankment. The figure below illustrates
the cross sections required for an inline weir and gated spillway model.
Cross Section 1. Cross Section 1 for a weir and/or gated spillway should be located at a point where
flow has fully expanded from its constricted top width caused by the constriction. The entire area of
Cross Section 1 is usually considered to be effective in conveying flow.
Cross Section 2. Cross Section 2 is located a short distance downstream from the structure. The
computed water surface at this cross section will represent the tailwater elevation of the weir and
the gated spillways. This cross section should not include any of the structure or embankment, but
represents the physical shape of the channel just downstream of the structure. The shape and
location of this cross section is entered separately from the Inline Weir and Gated Spillway data
(from the cross section editor).
The HECRAS ineffective area option is used to restrict the effective flow area of Cross Section 2 to the
flow area around or near the edges of the gated spillways, until flow overtops the overflow weir and/
or embankment. The ineffective flow areas are used to represent the correct amount of active flow
area just downstream of the structure. Establishing the correct amount of effective flow area is very
important in computing an accurate tailwater elevation at Cross Section 2. Because the flow will
begin to expand as it exits the gated spillways, the active flow area at Section 2 is generally wider
than the width of the gate openings. The width of the active flow area will depend upon how far
downstream Cross Section 2 is from the structure. In general, a reasonable assumption would be to
assume a 1:1 expansion rate over this short distance. The figure below illustrates Cross Section 2 of a
typical inline weir and gated spillway model. On the figure below, the channel bank locations are
indicated by small circles and the stations and elevations of the ineffective flow areas are indicated
by triangles.
Cross Sections 1 and 2 are located so as to create a channel reach downstream of the structure in
which the HECRAS program can accurately compute the friction losses and expansion losses that
occur as the flow fully expands.
Cross Section 3. Cross Section 3 of an inline weir and gated spillway model is located a short
distance upstream of the embankment, and represents the physical configuration of the upstream
channel. The water surface computed at this cross section represents the upstream headwater for
the overflow weir and the gated spillways. The software uses a combination of the deck/road
embankment data, Cross Section 3, and the gated spillway data, to describe the hydraulic structure
and the roadway embankment. The inline weir and gated spillway data are located at a river station
between Cross Section 2 and Cross Section 3.
The HECRAS ineffective area option is used to restrict the effective flow area of Cross Section 3 until
the flow overtops the roadway. The ineffective flow area is used to represent the correct amount of
active flow area just upstream of the structure. Because the flow is contracting rapidly as it enters
the gate openings, the active flow area at Section 3 is generally wider than the width of the gates.
The width of the active flow area will depend upon how far upstream Cross Section 3 is placed from
the structure. In general, a reasonable assumption would be to assume a 1:1 contraction rate over
this short distance. The figure below illustrates Cross Section 3 for a typical model, including the
embankment profile and the gated spillways. On the figure below, the channel bank locations are
indicated by small circles, and the stations and elevations of ineffective areas are indicated by
Cross Section 4. The final cross section in the inline weir and gated spillway model is located at a
point where flow has not yet begun to contract from its unrestrained top width upstream of the
structure. This distance is normally determined assuming a one to one contraction of flow. In other
words, the average rate at which flow can contract to pass through the gate openings is assumed to
be one foot laterally for every one foot traveled in the downstream direction. The entire area of Cross
Section 4 is usually considered to be effective in conveying flow.
Radial Gates
An example radial gate with an ogee spillway crest is shown in the figure below.
The flow through the gate is considered to be "Free Flow" when the downstream tailwater elevation
(ZD) is not high enough to cause an increase in the upstream headwater elevation for a given flow
rate. The equation used for a Radial gate under free flow conditions is as follows:
The default values for the equation, reduce the form of the equation down to a simple form.
User's may need to calibrate the exponents to match observed data through a specific radial
When the downstream tailwater increases to the point at which the gate is no longer flowing freely
(downstream submergence is causing a greater upstream headwater for a given flow), the program
switches to the following form of the equation:
Submergence begins to occur when the tailwater depth divided by the headwater energy depth
above the spillway, is greater than 0.67. Equation (290) is used to transition between free flow and
fully submerged flow. This transition is set up so the program will gradually change to the fully
submerged Orifice equation when the gates reach a submergence of 0.80. The fully submerged
Orifice equation is shown below:
Sluice Gate
An example sluice gate with a broad crest is shown in the figure below.
When the downstream tailwater increases to the point at which the gate is no longer flowing freely
(downstream submergence is causing a greater upstream headwater for a given flow), the program
switches to the following form of the equation:
Submergence begins to occur when the tailwater depth above the spillway divided by the headwater
energy above the spillway is greater than 0.67. (293) is used to transition between free flow and fully
submerged flow. This transition is set up so the program will gradually change to the fully
submerged Orifice equation (291) when the gates reach a submergence of 0.80.
Overflow Gates
Overflow gates represent a gate in which the bottom of the gate opening moves up and down.
Overflow gates can be completely open to the air at the top, or the top can be closed off. An example
of an overflow gate is shown below in the figure below.
Overflow gates are generally modeled with the standard weir equation:
Weir flow coefficient, typical values will range from 2.6 to 4.0 (1.6 to 2.2
for metric units) depending upon the shape of the spillway crest (i.e.,
broad crested, ogee shaped, or sharp crested). Most overflow spillways
tend to be sharp crested, so a value of 3.2 (1.76 for metric units) is typical
For overflow gates in which the Sharp Crested spillway crest shape is selected, the user has the
option of using the standard weir equation, The Rehbock equation (Henderson, 1966), or the
Kindsvater and Carter equation (1957).
The standard weir equation used for this calculation is shown below:
Weir flow coefficient, typical values will range from 2.6 to 4.1
depending upon the shape of the spillway crest (i.e., broad crested,
ogee shaped, or sharp crested)
The user can specify either a broad crested, ogee, or sharp crested weir shape for the spillway crest
of the gate. If the crest of the spillway is ogee shaped, the weir coefficient will be automatically
adjusted when the upstream energy head is higher or lower than a user specified design head. The
adjustment is based on the curve shown in the figure below (Bureau of Reclamation, 1977). The
curve provides ratios for the discharge coefficient, based on the ratio of the actual head to the design
head of the spillway. In the figure below, He is the upstream energy head; Ho is the design head; Co is
the coefficient of discharge at the design head; and C is the coefficient of discharge for an energy
For weir flow in which the Sharp Crested spillway crest shape is selected, the user has the option of
using the standard weir equation, the Rehbock equation (Henderson, 1966), or the Kindsvater and
Carter equation (1957). If the standard weir equation is selected, the user must enter a weir
coefficient. If either the Rehbock or the Kindsvater and Carter equation are selected, then the weir
coefficient will automatically be calculated.
The following table is a list of typical weir coefficients for various shapes of weir crests:
Table 8-1 Typical Overflow Weir Coefficients
is sharp crested, then the Villemonte equation (Villemonte, 1947) is used to compute the flow
reduction coefficient.
At a minimum there must be a cross section upstream of and a cross section downstream of the
lateral structure. The upstream cross section can either be right at the beginning of the structure, or
it can be a short distance upstream. The downstream cross section can be right at the downstream
end of the structure or it can be a short distance downstream. The user can have any number of
additional cross sections in the middle of the structure.
If there are gated openings in the structure, the hydraulic computations for lateral gated spillways
are exactly the same as those described previously for inline gated spillways. The only difference is
that the headwater energy is computed separately for each gate, based on its centerline location
along the stream. The headwater energy for each gate is interpolated linearly between computed
points at each cross section. Culvert hydraulics are modeled the same way as described in "Modeling
Culverts" of this document. The user has the additional option of defining a flap gate, which can be
used to limit flow through a culvert to one direction only.
As shown in the first figure above, the water surface across the weir has a slope to it. Additionally, the
weir itself could be on a slope. Because of this, an equation for weir flow with a sloping water surface
and weir sill had to be derived. Shown in the figure above is a sloping weir segment with a sloping
water surface. The equation for a sloping line representing the water surface and the weir segment
are shown. The constants aws and aw represent the slope of the water surface and the weir segment,
respectively, while the variable Cws and Cw are constants representing the initial elevations.
The standard weir equation (294) assumes that the weir is parallel with the water surface (i.e. that
the depth of water is constant from one end of the weir segment to the other). The following general
equation is derived for a sloping weir and water surface by integrating the standard weir equation:
Assuming: and
The above equation is valid as long as a1 is not zero. When a1 is zero, this implies that the water
surface and the weir segment are parallel. When this is true, the original weir equation (294) is used.
Within HEC-RAS, flow over a lateral weir can be computed from either the energy grade line or the
water surface elevation. The standard weir equation is derived with the upstream energy head being
based on the distance from the weir sill to the upstream energy grade line. The water surface
elevation is the default for a lateral weir in HEC-RAS. However, the user has the option of instructing
the program to use the energy elevation when computing the head term of the weir equation. The
water surface is the most appropriate when the weir is located close to the main channel. In this
situation the energy due to the velocity head is in the downstream direction, and not over the top of
the lateral weir. Therefore, the computation of the energy head over the lateral weir is best depicted
by using the water surface of the flow in the channel.
The predecessor to HEC-RAS (HEC-2 program) also used the water surface elevation as the default
for lateral weir calculations. This is an important point to remember when comparing results
between HEC-RAS and HEC-2. However, both programs allow the user to select either the energy
grade line or the water surface elevation for this calculation.
=Base Discharge coefficient. = 1.0 for a sharp crested weir. = 8/7 for a zero height weir.
For a broad crested weir (b = weir width):
Drop Structures
Drop structures can be modeled with the inline weir option or as a series of cross sections. If you are
just interested in getting the water surface upstream and downstream of the drop structure, then the
inline weir option would probably be the most appropriate (as described in a previous section of this
chapter). However, if you want to compute a more detailed profile upstream of and through the
drop, then you will need to model it as a series of cross sections.
When modeling a drop structure as a series of cross sections, the most important thing is to have
enough cross sections at the correct locations. Cross sections need to be closely spaced where the
water surface and velocity are changing rapidly (i.e. just upstream and downstream of the drop). An
example of a drop structure is shown in the figure below.
As shown in the figure above, the spacing between cross sections should decrease as you get closer
to the drop structure (cross sections are located at each square shown on the ground profile).
Additionally, if the drop itself is on a slope, then additional cross sections should be placed along the
sloping drop in order to model the transition from subcritical to supercritical flow. Several cross
sections should also be placed in the stilling basin (location of energy dissipaters) in order to
correctly locate where the hydraulic jump will occur (i.e. the hydraulic jump could occur on the slope
of the drop, or it may occur inside of the stilling basin). Manning's n values should be increased
inside of the stilling basin to represent the increased roughness due to the energy dissipater blocks.
In order to evaluate this method of modeling drop structures, a comparison was made between a
physical model study and an HEC-RAS model of the drop structure. During the design phase of
improvements to the Santa Ana River, the Waterways Experiment Station (WES) was contracted to
study the drop structures and make recommendations. The results of this study were reported in
General Design for Replacement of or Modifications to the Lower Santa Ana River Drop Structures,
Orange County, California (Technical Report HL-94-4, April 1994, USACE). Over 50 different designs
were tested in 1:25 scale flume models and 1:40 scale full width models. The designs evaluated
existing structures, modifying original structures and replacing them with entirely new designs. The
drop structure design used in the Santa Ana River is similar to one referred to as Type 10 in the
report. An HEC-RAS model was developed to model the Type 10 drop structure and the model results
were compared to the flume results.
The geometry for the HEC-RAS model was developed from the following design diagram in the WES
report (see figure below).
The total reach in the model was 350 feet, 150 upstream of the crest of the drop structure and 200
feet below the crest. The cross sections were rectangular, with the following spacing used in the
HEC-RAS model:
The expansion and contraction coefficients were set to 0.3 and 0.1 respectively. Two Manning's n
values were used in the HEC-RAS model of the flume. Inside the stilling basin where the bottom
elevation was 85 feet, the Manning's n values were set to 0.05. In all other cross sections the
Manning's n values were set to 0.03. The higher n value was used in the stilling basin to account for
the additional energy loss due to the rows of baffles that exist in the flume but were not added into
the cross sections data of HEC-RAS.
The original data from the flume experiments were obtained from the Waterways Experiment Station
and entered in HEC-RAS as observed data. The results of the HEC-RAS model are compared in profile
to the observed water surface elevations from the flume study in the figure below. These results
show that HEC-RAS was able to adequately model the drop structure, both upstream and
downstream of the crest.
Some differences occur right at the crest and through the hydraulic jump. The differences at the
crest are due to the fact that the energy equation will always show the flow passing through critical
depth at the top of the crest. Whereas, in the field it has been shown that the flow passes through
critical depth at a distance upstream of 3-4 times critical depth. However, as shown in the figure
above, a short distance upstream of the crest the HEC-RAS program converges to the same depth as
the observed data. HEC-RAS correctly obtained the maximum upstream water surface is the most
important part of modeling the drop structure.
Downstream of the drop, the flow is supercritical and then goes through a hydraulic jump. The flume
data shows the jump occurring over a distance of 50 to 60 feet with a lot of turbulence. The HEC-RAS
model cannot predict how long of a distance it will take for the jump to occur, but it can predict
where the jump will begin. The HEC-RAS model will always show the jump occurring between two
adjacent cross sections. The HEC-RAS model shows the higher water surface inside of the stilling
basin and then going down below the stilling basin. The model shows all of this as a fairly smooth
transition, whereas it is actually a turbulent transition with the water surface bouncing up and down.
In general, the results from the HEC-RAS model are very good at predicting the stages upstream,
inside, and downstream of the drop structure.
Encroachment Methods
HEC-RAS contains five optional methods for specifying floodplain encroachments. Each method is
illustrated in the following sections.
Encroachment Method 1
With encroachment method 1 the user specifies the exact locations of the encroachment stations for
each individual cross section. The encroachment stations can also be specified differently for each
Encroachment Method 2
Method 2 utilizes a fixed top width. The top width can be specified separately for each cross section.
The left and right encroachment stations are made equal distance from the centerline of the
channel, which is halfway between the left and right bank stations. If the user specified top width
would end up with an encroachment inside the channel, the program sets that encroachment (left
and/or right) to the channel bank station. An example of encroachment method 2 is shown in the
figure below.
HEC-RAS also allows the user to establish a left and right offset. The left and right offset is used to
establish a buffer zone around the main channel for further limiting the amount of the
encroachments. For example, if a user established a right offset of 5 feet and a left offset of 10 feet,
the model will limit all encroachments to 5 feet from the right bank station and 10 feet from the left
bank station. If a user entered top width would end up inside of an offset, the program will set the
Encroachment Method 3
Method 3 calculates encroachment stations for a specified percent reduction in the conveyance (%K
Reduction) of the natural profile for each cross section. One-half of the conveyance is eliminated on
each side of the cross section (if possible). The computed encroachments cannot infringe on the
main channel or any user specified encroachment offsets. If one half of the conveyance exceeds
either overbank conveyance, the program will attempt to make up the difference on the other side. If
the percent reduction in cross section conveyance cannot be accommodated by both overbank
areas combined, the encroachment stations are made equal to the stations of left and right channel
banks (or the offset stations, if specified). An example of encroachment method 3 is shown in the
figure below.
Encroachment Method 3 requires that the first profile (of a multiple profile run) must be a natural
(un-encroached) profile. Subsequent profiles (profiles 2-15) of a multiple profile run may be utilized
for Method 3 encroachments. The percentage of reduction in conveyance can be changed for any
cross section. A value of 10 percent for the second profile would indicate that 10 percent of the
conveyance based on the natural profile (first profile) will be eliminated 5 percent from each
overbank. Equal conveyance reduction is the default.
An alternate scheme to equal conveyance reduction is conveyance reduction in proportion to the
distribution of natural overbank conveyance. For instance, if the natural cross section had twice as
much conveyance in the left overbank as in the right overbank, a 10 percent conveyance reduction
value would reduce 6.7 percent from the left overbank and 3.3 percent from the right overbank.
Encroachment Method 4
Method 4 computes encroachment stations so that conveyance within the encroached cross section
(at some higher elevation) is equal to the conveyance of the natural cross section at the natural
water level. This higher elevation is specified as a fixed amount (target increase) above the natural
(e.g., 100 year) profile. The encroachment stations are determined so that an equal loss of
conveyance (at the higher elevation) occurs on each overbank, if possible. If half of the loss cannot
be obtained in one overbank, the difference will be made up, if possible, in the other overbank,
except that encroachments will not be allowed to fall within the main channel.
A target increase of 1.0 indicates that a 1 foot rise will be used to determine the encroachments
based on equal conveyance. An alternate scheme to equal conveyance reduction is to reduce
conveyance in proportion to the distribution of natural overbank conveyance. See Method 3 for an
explanation of this. A key difference between Method 4 and Method 3 is that the reduction in
conveyance is based on the higher water surface (target water surface) for Method 4, while Method 3
uses the lower water surface (natural water surface). An example of a Method 4 encroachment is
shown in the figure below.
Encroachment Method 5
Method 5 operates much like Method 4 except that an optimization scheme is used to obtain the
target difference in water surface elevation between natural and encroached conditions. A maximum
of 20 trials is allowed in attempting a solution. Equal conveyance reduction is attempted in each
overbank, unless this is not possible (i.e., the encroachment goes all the way into the bank station
before the target is met). The input data for method 5 consists of a target water surface increase and
a target energy increase. The program objective is to match the target water surface without
exceeding the target energy. If this is not possible, the program will then try to find the
encroachments that match the target energy. If no target energy is entered, the program will keep
encroaching until the water surface target is met. If only a target energy is entered, the program will
keep encroaching until the target energy is met. If neither of the criteria is met after 20 trials, the
program will take the best answer from all the trials and use it as the final result. The target water
surface and energy can be changed at any cross section, like Methods 1 through 4. An example of
At a culvert crossing or a multiple opening, when using encroachment methods 2 through 5, the
program will always use the computed downstream encroachments through the structure and just
upstream of the structure. The only way to override this is to use Method 1 encroachments.
Also, encroachments can be turned off at any bridge, culvert, or multiple opening.
HEC-RAS has not been updated to the Federal Highways latest procedures documented in HEC
No. 18, Evaluating Scour at Bridges (FHWA, April 2012). Therefore some differences may arise in
computed results for certain flow regimes.
For information on how to enter bridge scour data into HEC-RAS, to perform the bridge scour
computations, and to view the bridge scour results, see "Modeling Ice-covered Rivers" of the HEC-
RAS user's manual.
Case 2. Flow is confined to the main channel (i.e., there is no overbank flow). The normal river
channel width becomes narrower due to the bridge itself or the bridge site is located at a narrowing
reach of the river.
Case 3. A relief bridge in the overbank area with little or no bed material transport in the overbank
area (i.e., clear-water scour).
Case 4. A relief bridge over a secondary stream in the overbank area with bed material transport
(similar to case one).
the results from the comparison. To calculate the critical velocity, the following equation by Laursen
(1963) is used:
Critical velocity above which material of size D50 and ft/s (m/s)
smaller will be transported
Average depth after scour in the contracted section. This is feet (meters)
taken as the section inside the bridge at the upstream end in
HEC-RAS (section BU)
= (g y1 S1)1/2 , shear velocity in the main channel or floodplain at the approach section, ft/s (m/
= Fall velocity of bed material based on D50, ft/s (m/s).
= Acceleration of gravity, ft/s2 (m/s2).
= Slope of the energy grade line at the approach section, ft/ft (m/m).
If the bridge opening has overbank area, then a separate contraction scour computation is made
for the main channel and each of the overbanks.
For round nose piers aligned with the flow, the maximum scour depth is limited as follows:
ys ≤ 2.4 times the pier width (a) for Fr1 ≤ 0.8
ys ≤ 3.0 times the pier width (a) for Fr1 > 0.8
An optional correction factor, Kw for wide piers in shallow water can be applied to the CSU equation.
for <1
for ≥1
Because this correction factor was developed based on limited flume data, it is not automatically
accounted for in HEC-RAS. The user, however, can manually apply this factor to the computed scour
depth, or can combine it with one of the user-entered correction factors (K1 through K4). See section
6.3 of HEC-18.
The correction factor for pier nose shape, K1, is given in Table 10-1 below:
The correction factor for angle of attack of the flow, , is calculated in the program with the
following equation:
If L/a is larger than 12, the program uses L/a = 12 as a maximum in (308). If the angle of attack is
greater than 5 degrees, K2 dominates and K1 should be set to 1.0 (the software does this
The correction factor for bed condition, K3, is shown in table 10-2.
Table 10-2 Increase in Equilibrium Pier Scour Depth, K3, For Bed Condition
The correction factor K4 decreases scour depths for armoring of the scour hole for bed materials that
have a D50 equal to or larger than 0.007 feet (0.002 m) and a D95 equal to or larger than 0.066 feet
(0.020 m). The correction factor results from recent research by A. Molinas at CSU, which showed
that when the velocity (V1) is less than the critical velocity (Vc90) of the D90 size of the bed material,
and there is a gradation in sizes in the bed material, the D90 will limit the scour depth. The equation
developed by J. S. Jones from analysis of the data is:
Velocity ratio
Average velocity in the main channel or overbank area at the ft/s (m/s)
cross section just upstream of the bridge
Approach velocity required to initiate scour at the pier for ft/s (m/s)
grain size D50
Approach velocity required to initiate scour at the pier for ft/s (m/s)
grain size D95
Limiting values and bed material size are given in Table 10-3.
Table 10-3 Limits for Bed Material Size and K4 Values
Correction factor for pier nose shape: 1.3 for square nose piers; 1.0
for rounded nose piers; and 0.7 for sharp nose (triangular) piers.
Projected pier width with respect to the direction of the flow ft (m)
This form of Froehlich's equation is use to predict maximum pier scour for design purposes. The
addition of one pier width (+ a) is placed in the equation as a factor of safety. If the equation is to
be used in an analysis mode (i.e. for predicting the scour of a particular event), Froehlich
suggests dropping the addition of the pier width (+ a). The HEC-RAS program always includes the
addition of the pier width (+ a) when computing pier scour. The pier scour from this equation is
limited to a maximum in the same manner as the CSU equation. Maximum scour ≤ 2.4 times
the pier width (a) for ≤ 0.8, and ≤ 3.0 times the pier width (a) for > 0.8.
Depth of flow at the toe of the abutment on the overbank or in the ft (m)
main channel, taken at the cross section just upstream of the
Description K1
The correction factor, , for angle of attack can be taken from the figure below.
Froehlich’s Equation
Froehlich analyzed 170 live-bed scour measurements in laboratory flumes by regression analysis to
obtain the following equation:
The above form of the Froehlich equation is for design purposes. The addition of the average
depth at the approach section, , was added to the equation in order to envelope 98 percent of
the data. If the equation is to be used in an analysis mode (i.e. for predicting the scour of a
particular event), Froehlich suggests dropping the addition of the approach depth (+ ). The
HEC-RAS program always calculates the abutment scour with the (+ ) included in the
Depth of flow at the toe of the abutment on the overbank or in the ft (m)
main channel, taken at the cross section just upstream of the
As shown in the figure above, the program plots both contraction scour and total local scour. The
contraction scour is plotted as a separate line below the existing conditions cross section data. The
local pier and abutment scour are added to the contraction scour, and then plotted as total scour
depths. The topwidth of the local scour hole around a pier is computed as 2.0 ys to each side of the
pier. Therefore, the total topwidth of the scour hole at a pier is plotted as (4.0 ys + a). The topwidth of
the local scour hole at abutments is plotted as 2.0 ys around each side of the abutment toe.
Therefore, the total topwidth of the scour hole at abutments is plotted as 4.0 ys.
The composite roughness of an ice-covered river channel can be estimated using the Belokon-
Sabaneev formula as:
It is interesting to estimate the influence that an ice cover can have on the channel conveyance. For
example, if a channel is roughly rectangular in shape and much wider than it is deep, then its
hydraulic radius will be cut approximately in half by the presence of an ice cover. Assuming the flow
area remains constant, we see that the addition of an ice cover, whose roughness is equivalent to the
beds, results in a reduction of conveyance of 37%.
Separate ice thickness and roughness can be entered for the main channel and each overbank,
providing the user with the ability to have three separate ice thicknesses and ice roughness at each
cross section. The ice thickness in the main channel and each overbank can also be set to zero. The
ice cover geometry can change from section to section along the channel. The suggested range of
Manning's n values for river ice covers is listed in Table 11- 1.
The amount of a floating ice cover that is beneath the water surface is determined by the relative
densities of ice and water. The ratio of the two densities is called the specific gravity of the ice. In
general, the density of fresh water ice is about 1.78 slugs per cubic foot (the density of water is about
1.94 slugs per cubic foot), which corresponds to a specific gravity of 0.916. The actual density of a
river ice cover will vary, depending on the amount of unfrozen water and the number and size of air
bubbles incorporated into the ice. Accurate measurements of ice density are tedious, although
possible. They generally tell us that the density of freshwater ice does not vary significantly from its
nominal value of 0.916. In any case the user can specify a different density if necessary.
Table 11-1 Suggested Range of Manning's n Values for Ice Covered Rivers
The suggested range of Manning's n values for a single layer of ice
0.3 - - 0.015
This equation balances changes in the longitudinal stress in the ice cover and the stress acting on the
banks with the two external forces acting on the jam: the gravitational force attributable to the slope
of the water surface and the shear stress of the flowing water on the jam underside.
Two assumptions are implicit in this force balance equation: that , , and are constant across
the width, and that none of the longitudinal stress is transferred to the channel banks through
changes in stream width, or horizontal bends in the plan form of the river. In addition, the stresses
acting on the jam can be related to the mean vertical stress using the passive pressure concept from
soil mechanics, and the mean vertical stress results only from the hydrostatics forces acting in the
vertical direction. In the present case, we also assume that there is no cohesion between individual
pieces of ice (reasonable assumption for ice jams formed during river ice breakup). A complete
discussion of the granular approximation can be found elsewhere (Beltaos 1996).
In this light, the vertical stress, , is:
the ice jam porosity (assumed to be the same above and below
the water surface)
The lateral stress perpendicular to the banks can also be related to the longitudinal stress as
Finally, the shear stress acting on the bank can be related to the lateral stress:
Using the above expressions, we can restate the ice jam force balance as:
To evaluate the force balance equation, the under-ice shear stress must be estimated. The under-ice
shear stress is:
The hydraulic roughness of an ice jam can be estimated using the empirical relationships derived
from the data of Nezhikovsky (1964). For ice accumulations found in wide river ice jams that are
greater than 1.5 ft thick, Manning's n value can be estimated as:
Solution Procedure
The ice jam force balance equation is solved using an approach analogous to the standard step
method. In this, the ice thickness at each cross section is found, starting from a known ice thickness
at the upstream end of the ice jam. The ice thickness at the next downstream section is assumed and
the value of F found. The ice jam thickness at this downstream cross section, , is then computed
The assumed value and computed value of are then compared. The new assumed value of the
downstream ice jam thickness set equal to the old assumed value plus 33% of the difference
between the assumed and computed value. This "local relaxation" is necessary to ensure that the ice
jam calculations converge smoothly to a fixed value at each cross section. A maximum of 25
iterations is allowed for convergence. The above steps are repeated until the values converge to
within 0.1 ft (0.03 m) or to a user defined tolerance.
After the ice thickness is calculated at a section, the following tests are made:
The ice thickness cannot completely block the river cross section. At least 1.0 ft must remain
between the bottom of the ice and the minimum elevation in the channel available for flow.
The water velocity beneath the ice cover must be less than 5 fps (1.5 m/s) or a user defined maximum
velocity. If the flow velocity beneath the ice jam at a section is greater than this, the ice thickness is
reduced to produce a flow velocity of approximately 5 fps or the user defined maximum water
The ice jam thickness cannot be less than the thickness supplied by the user. If the calculated ice
thickness is less than this value, it is set equal to the user supplied thickness.
It is necessary to solve the force balance equation and the energy equation
Error rendering macro 'mathblock-ref' : Math Block with anchor=2-1 could not be found on page
with id=80524450.
simultaneously for the wide river ice jam. However, difficulties arise because the energy equation is
solved using the standard step method, starting from the downstream end of the channel and
proceeding upstream, while the force balance equation is solved starting from the upstream end and
proceeding downstream. The energy equation can only be solved in the upstream direction because ice
covers and wide river jams exist only under conditions of subcritical flow. To overcome this
incompatibility and to solve both the energy and the ice jam force balance equations, the following
solution scheme was adopted.
A first guess of the ice jam thickness is provided by the user to start this scheme. The energy
equation is then solved using the standard step method starting at the downstream end. Next, the
ice jam force balance equation is solved from the upstream to the downstream end of the channel.
The energy equation and ice jam force balance equation are solved alternately until the ice jam
thickness and water surface elevations converge to fixed values at each cross section. This is "global
Global convergence occurs when the water surface elevation at any cross section changes less than
0.06 ft, or a user supplied tolerance, and the ice jam thickness at any section changes less than 0.1 ft,
or a user supplied tolerance, between successive solutions of the ice jam force balance equation. A
total of 50 iterations (or a user defined maximum number) are allowed for convergence. Between
iterations of the energy equation, the ice jam thickness at each section is allowed to vary by only
25% of the calculated change. This "global relaxation" is necessary to ensure that the entire water
surface profile converges smoothly to a final profile.
The stable channel design functions are based upon the methods used in the SAM Hydraulic Design
Package for Channels, developed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment
Station. This chapter presents the methods and equations used for designing stable channels,
including channel geometry, and sediment transport capacity.
Much of the material in this chapter directly references the SAM Hydraulic Design Package for
Channels User's Guide (USACE, 1998) and EM 1110-2-1601. There have been a number of alterations
to the general approach used in SAM in order to expand its capabilities and to fit within the
framework of HEC-RAS. For information on how to enter data for stable channel design and
sediment transport capacity analysis, and how to view results, see Chapter 15 of the HEC-RAS user's
Hydraulic radius
Energy slope
Manning's n value
When an irregularly shaped cross section is subdivided into a number of subareas, a unique solution
for depth can be found. And further, when a regular trapezoidal shaped section is used, a unique
solution for the bottom width of the channel can be found if the channel side slopes are provided.
The dependent variables A, and R, can then be expressed in the Manning equation in terms of depth,
width and side slope as follows:
Bottom width
By providing four of the five parameters, HEC-RAS will solve the fifth for a given cross section. When
solving for width, some normalization must be applied to a cross section to obtain a unique solution,
therefore a trapezoidal or compound trapezoidal section with up to three templates must be used
for this situation.
The Manning equation is the basis for the solution of uniform flow in HEC-RAS.
Roughness values solved for using other roughness equations are converted to Manning's n values
for use in the computations. One n value or a range of n values is prescribed across the cross section
and then the Manning's equation is used to solve for the desired parameter.
Manning Equation:
When choosing the Manning equation method, one n value or a range of n values is prescribed across
the cross section and then the Manning's equation is used to solve for the desired parameter.
Keulegan Equation:
The Keulegan (1938) equation is applicable for rigid boundary channel design. Flow is classified
according to three types: hydraulically smooth, hydraulically rough, or a transitional zone between
smooth and rough. To solve the Keulegan equation, a Nikaradse equivalent sand roughness value, ks
must be provided. Values for ks typically range from 1d90 for large stones to 3d90 for sand and gravel
with bed forms, where d90 is the representative grain size in which 90% of all particles in the bed are
smaller. However, ks values are highly variable and depend also on the types of bed forms, the
overall grain distribution, the particle shape factor, and other physical properties. Therefore, unless
there is specific data related to the ks value for a given cross section of a river, it is recommended
that one of the other roughness equations be chosen. If the discharge, area, hydraulic radius, and
slope are known, a ks value can be calculated and then used in the solution of additional discharges,
depths, slopes, or widths. EM 1110-2-1601 has a table of suggested ks values for concrete-lined
Van Rijn (1993) defines the three boundary-zone flow regimes as follows:
Hydraulically smooth flow is defined as flow in which the bed roughness elements are much smaller
than the thickness of the viscous sublayer and do not affect the velocity distribution (see figure
below). This is found when
Hydraulically rough flow is defined as flow in which a viscous sublayer does not exist and the velocity
distribution is not dependent on the viscosity of the fluid (see figure below). This is found when
Transitional flow is where the velocity distribution is affected by viscosity as well as by the bottom
Hydraulic radius
to get
to get
When the flow is in the transitional regime, the Chezy coefficient is just a combination of the
equations for smooth and rough flow.
It should be noted that the data used to develop these equations had Froude numbers ranging from
0.2 to 8.0. Also, the Keulegan method should not be used when the relative roughness ( ) is less
than 3. This indicates extremely rough flow, which does not follow the logarithmic velocity
distribution from which Keulegan's method is based. HEC-RAS uses (348) for uniform flow
computations when the Keulegan method is selected. When the flow is fully rough, the relative
roughness term of the equation becomes dominant and the viscous effects ( ) are relatively small.
When the flow is fully smooth, the sublayer viscous effects become dominant and the relative
roughness term drops out.
Once the Chezy coefficient is determined, it is converted to a Manning's n value for use in the
Manning equation from the following expression:
(S.I. Units)
Strickler Equation
When comparing the relative roughness to a so-called Strickler function, it is found that over a wide
range of relative roughness, the variation of the Strickler function, is small (Chow, 1959).
Because of this relationship, a constant value for the Strickler function can be used to calculate an n
value. Strickler assumed this constant value to be 0.0342 when and R are given in feet and when
the Nikaradse value is given as the d50 of the bed sediment. Research at WES (Maynard, 1991) has
produced different results when the Strickler function is applied to riprap-lined beds. In this case
is the bed sediment d90 and the value applied to the Strickler function should depend on the type of
calculations when designing channels. For velocity and stone sized calculations, the Strickler
function should be 0.0342. For discharge capacity calculations, 0.038 should be used. The following
expression converts to an n value.
Limerinos Equation
Larger grain sizes from coarse sands to cobbles were used by Limerinos (1970) to develop an n-value
predictor based on Hydraulic roughness and particle sediment size for mobile bed streams. This
method can only be applied to the grain-related upper flow regime, which includes plane bed,
antidunes, and chutes and pools. Sand bed streams are applicable provided that the bed form is
plane bed (Burkham and Dawdy, 1976). Whether a channel is in upper, lower, or the transitional bed
form regime is a function of the localized, or Grain-related Froude Number which is defined as the
If the bed slope is greater than 0.006, flow is always considered to be in the upper regime. Otherwise,
upper and lower regime can be defined as follows
Hydraulic Radius
the particle size for which 84% of all sediments are smaller
It is important that the Limerinos method be chosen with care. The data ranges at which it applies
are relatively small and limited to coarse sands to cobbles in upper regime flow. A particular
advantage with the Limerinos method is its apparent accounting for bed form roughness losses. As a
consequence, n values computed using Limerinos will normally be significantly higher than those
found using Strickler. Burkham and Dawdy showed that the range of relative roughness of the
Limerios method is between 600 and 10,000.
Brownlie Equation
Brownlie (1983) developed a method for use with bed forms in both the upper and lower regime. In
this method the Strickler function is multiplied by a bed-form roughness, which is a function of the
hydraulic radius, the bed slope and the sediment gradation. The resulting equations for lower and
upper regime are:
In actuality, the transition between the upper and lower regimes does not occur at one point, but
rather over a range of hydraulic radii. Within this range, there are actually two valid solutions (a
lower and an upper regime solution) because the transition is initiated at different discharges
depending on whether the occurrence is on the rising end or falling end of the hydrograph. HEC-RAS
will solve for both and when there are two solutions, a message box will appear that requests the
user to select which regime to solve for. A general rule of thumb is to use the upper regime for the
rising end of the hydrograph and the lower regime for the falling end of the hydrograph (see figure
Mannings Typically .01<n<.5 All. However, n-values do not have the ability to
directly vary with Hydraulic Radius
Keulegan Froude number 0.2<F<8.0 In streams where the relative roughness value, R/
ks >= 3
SCS Grass Curves 0.1 to 0.4<VR<20 Grass cover. See Table 12-1
Copeland Method
The Copeland Method for stable channel design was developed by Dr. Ronald Copeland at the
Waterways Experiment Station for use in the SAM software package (Copeland, 1994). This approach
is primarily analytical on a foundation of empirically-derived equations and it uses the sediment
discharge and flow depth prediction methods of Brownlie (1981) to ultimately solve for stable depth
and slope, for a given channel bottom width for trapezoidal cross sections. This method assumes
bed load movement occurs above the bed, not the banks, and separates hydraulic roughness into
bed and bank components.
To determine the level of stability of the design channel, an inflowing sediment discharge must be
established. This can be done simply by entering the upstream sediment concentration, or by
entering a supply reach bottom width and slope and allowing the program to calculate the sediment
discharge. Sediment concentration is given by the following:
Kinematic viscosity
Brownlie uses the above regression equations to equate critical shear from Shield's diagram with
critical Froude number, which can ultimately be used to represent a critical velocity by substituting
into (357).
For the case where the Grain-related Froude Number is less than or equal to the Critical Grain-related
Froude Number, the sediment concentration, C, will automatically be returned as zero, indicating no
sediment bed movement.
Once the inflowing sediment concentration over the bed is determined, the total sediment
concentration for the entire channel is used to size stable channel dimensions for various channel
bottom widths. To do this, Brownlie's resistance equations are used:
Upper or lower transport regime is determined using the relationship expressed in (352). However, if
the Grain-related Froude Number is within 0.8 to 1.25 of 1.74/S1/3, then it is considered to be in the
transitional regime. Currently, a definition for a function describing the transitional transport regime
is not available. The user has the choice of applying either the upper or lower regime equations in
this circumstance. In the lower regime, the bed form can be composed of ribbons or ridges, ripples,
dunes, bars, or simply a flat bed with transportation mostly as bed load. The transitional regime
consists of washed-out dunes and sand waves, with particles transported mostly by suspension. The
upper regime develops symmetrical sand waves in subcritical flow and plane bed and/or anti dunes
for supercritical flow. Particles are almost entirely in suspension. If a transitional regime is realized in
one or more of the solutions, recompute the stable channel dimensions using the other transport
regime and compare results. Typically the upper regime is found on the rising end of a flood wave
and the lower regime is found on the falling end. It is suggested that the more conservative results be
used for design if the regime is not known.
Because the roughness of the side slopes is accounted for in this solution method, an assumption
has to be made as to their hydraulic parameters. It is assumed that the average velocity over the side
slopes is equal to the average channel velocity. With that,
Bed width
Using the median channel width, HEC-RAS determines 19 other channel widths at increments of
0.1B. Stable channel geometry is then solved for each channel width. A stability curve can be
analyzed by plotting the array of base widths and their corresponding stable slopes within HEC-RAS
by pressing the "Stability Curve" command button after computations have been run. As shown in
the figure below, it is easy to see for what slope/width channel geometries degradation, aggradation,
or stabilization can be expected. It is important to note that the further away from the stability curve,
the more aggradation of degradation can be expected. A second-order Lagrangian interpolation
scheme is used to find the minimum stream power solution that will transport the inflowing
sediment load.
The use of k values to define roughness on the side slopes is permitted for the Copeland Method.
HEC-RAS simply converts the k value to an associated Manning's n value using Strickler's equation (
350) with a value of 0.039 for the Strickler function, as suggested by Copeland. The bank roughness
should be an accurate representation of everything that contributes to roughness on the banks. This
includes channel irregularities, variations of channel cross-section shape, channel sinuosity, and
vegetation. It is important to run the computations using a range of roughness values to test the
sensitivity. Because, in this method, all sediment transport is assumed to occur over the bed, and not
over the banks, flow distribution is very important for accuracy. This is accounted for in the bank
steepness and roughness. For maximum transport, use a very steep bank with low roughness.
Sound judgment must be used when selecting the appropriate design discharge for performing a
stability analysis. To date, no generally accepted discharge for stable channel design is agreed upon,
therefore the use of a range of discharges is recommended. Suggested design discharges that may
represent the channel forming discharge are:
• 2-year frequency flood (perennial streams)
• 10-year frequency flood (ephemeral streams)
• Bankfull discharge
• Effective discharge (Q that carries the most bed load sediment)
Selection of the design discharge should be made after considering the general physical
characteristics of the stream, the temporal characteristics of the stream, what is the desired
outcome (channel stabilization?), and any other applicable factor. It would be wise to run the
calculations using a range of discharges as well as sediment inflows for a sensitivity analysis to
understand how the channel reacts to different sediment and water inflow events.
As in the SAM package, HEC-RAS calculates a range of widths and slopes, and their unique solution
for depth. This makes it possible to easily analyze or design stable channels. If a given slope is
desired, the channel width through that reach can be adjusted to a value on the stability curve.
Likewise, if a particular channel width is desired, the channel slope can be adjusted to achieve
stability. If, for a given width, the slope is greater than the input valley slope, which is the maximum
possible slope for the channel invert, this creates a sediment trap, which is indicate by the results.
However, if the slope is less than the valley slope, the stability curve can be used to aid in adding
sinuosity or the spacing of drop structures.
Because the Brownlie equations were developed from an analysis of field and laboratory data, there
are limits of applicability that should be adhered to. At the least, the user needs to be aware if the
limits are being exceeded. Table 12-3 presents the ranges of selected parameters of field and
laboratory data used in Brownlie's research.
Table 12-3 Data Range and Applicabilities of Copeland Method
Velocity (fps) Depth (ft) Slope x 103 d50 x 10-3 (ft) Conc. (ppm)
Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max
Lab 0.73 6.61 0.11 1.91 0.269 16.950 0.28 4.42 10.95 39263
Field 1.20 7.95 0.35 56.7 0.010 1.799 0.28 4.72 11.70 5830
Relative Roughness Rb/d50 Rb/d50 > 100 Eliminate shallow water effects
Regime Method
The regime method for stable channel design originated from irrigation design studies in Pakistan
and India, and is based on a set of empirically derived equations, which typically solve for depth,
width, and slope as a function of discharge and grain size.
Channel width
Channel depth
Channel width
Channel slope
Kinematic viscosity
Bed factor
Side factor
Blench suggests the following values be used for the side factor:
• = 0.1, for friable banks
• = 0.2, for silty, clayey, loamey banks
• = 0.3, for tough clayey banks
The Blench regime method is applicable only to straight reaches with beds of silt to fine sand. In
addition, Blench suggests that the regime equations be applied only under the following
• Sides behave as if hydraulically smooth (i.e. friction due only to viscous forces).
• Bed width exceeds three times the depth.
• Side slopes are consistent with those of a cohesive nature.
• Discharges are steady.
• Sediment load is steady.
• Bed load is non-cohesive, and moves in dune formation.
• Subcritical flow.
• Sediment size is small compared with the depth of water.
• Regime has been achieved by the channel.
These circumstances seem very confining, and in reality, no one channel or canal can claim to
behave strictly in this manner. However, if the channel can be adequately approximated by these
conditions, without deviating significantly from its true nature, the regime equations may be
applicable. At a minimum, the Blench Regime method is a quick way of obtaining "ball-park" figures
for results.
Hydraulic radius
For very wide channels (B/D > 10), (373) is very representative of the shearing force felt on the bed.
Because o is the average tractive force over the wetted area, the shear distribution becomes more
non-uniform as the channel becomes narrower and more trapezoidal. As a result, the maximum
tractive force is actually less than that predicted by (373) by some reduction factor. In addition, the
channel walls, due to their inclination, have an even greater reduction effect on the maximum
tractive force felt on the side slopes. For typical trapezoidal sections, it has been determined
experimentally by Lane (1953) that the adjustment factor for both the bed and side slopes is largely
dependent on the width to depth ratio and the side slope angle. The figure below presents the
curves used to determine the adjustment factors for both the bed and side slopes.
The channel is considered stable if the tractive force at any given location in the cross section is less
than the critical shear force. There are currently three methods for determining the critical shear
stress in HEC-RAS. They are the Lane, Shields, and user-entered methods.
Lane Method:
Lane conducted experiments on canals in the San Luis Valley of Colorado to develop a method for
predicting the critical shear stress. The canals tested were stable, straight, and regular in section,
with a wide range of coarse particle sizes from about 0.3 inches to 3 inches in diameter. The results
indicated that the critical shear stress was more or less linearly related to the diameter of the particle
as follows:
The particle size, (inches) was used because Lane noticed that throughout the experiments, the
smaller particles were consistently shielded by the larger ones. By using a particle size in which only
25% of the particles were larger by weight, the initiation of motion was better represented.
The Shields method has historically been much more widely used to determine the initiation of
motion. Shields (1936) developed a relationship between the shear Reynolds number, Re* and the
critical mobility parameter, θcr from a wide range of experimental data. Shield's diagram is
presented in the figure below. The Shear Reynolds number is a representation of the ratio of inertial
forces to viscous forces at the bed and is given as:
Kinematic viscosity
Water depth
Channel slope
The critical mobility parameter is also known as the dimensionless shear stress and is given as:
From reviewing Shield's diagram, a number of things become clear. First, it is evident that the critical
mobility parameter never drops below about 0.03. If the specific gravity of the sediments and the
unit weight of water are assumed to be 2.65 and 62.4 lb/ft3, respectively, then the critical shear
stress in lb/ft2 is never less than about 3 times the particle diameter (in feet). Also, if the shear
Reynolds number exceeds about 450, the viscous forces in the sublayer no
longer have an effect on the shearing force and the Shield's curve levels off with a critical mobility
parameter of about 0.055. At this point, the critical shear stress is purely a function of the particle
characteristics (size, weight). Likewise, when the shear Reynolds number drops below about 2.0, the
inertial forces in the sublayer are negligible and the critical shear stress becomes linearly related to
the particle characteristics and the inverse of the viscosity. However, in most natural stream
conditions, the shear Reynolds number is high and inertial forces are dominant. HEC-RAS, however,
will solve for the critical mobility parameter throughout the full range of Shield's diagram.
A third solution option provided in HEC-RAS allows the user to enter in a value for the critical
mobility parameter. This option is given due to the wide range of research on initiation of motion
and the varying definitions of what exactly initiation of motion means. Although the Shield's curve is
meant to represent the initiation of motion, more recent research indicates that this curve more
accurately represents permanent grain movement at all locations of the bed. This can be quite
different from the shearing required to initiate motion of one or a few particles. The figure below
presents the Shield's curve overlain on seven qualitative curves developed by Delft Hydraulics (1972)
describing particle movement. It is evident that the critical shear stress found with Shield's curve can
be as much as twice the value required to cause occasional particle movement at some locations.
Because of the variety of opinions on this matter, the user is able to supply HEC-RAS with his/her
own value for the critical mobility parameter. This value should be selected such that it represents
not only the type of conditions present, but also the type of results desired (i.e. is the design based
on permanent particle movement, infrequent particle movement, no particle movement, total
suspension, etc?). Many curves present the critical shear stress as the dependent parameter in the
initiation of motion curves. A collection of these types of curves is shown in the figure below.
It is important for the user to know that the value entered into RAS must be in the form of the
Critical Mobility Parameter, or dimensionless shear stress shown as (377).
In HEC-RAS, a reduction factor is applied to the critical shear stress on the side slopes to account for
the greater effect of gravity on the particle stability.
Reduction factor
The angle of repose of the sediment particles must be entered by the user for the bed and both of the
side slopes. Lane provides a diagram that suggests values for angles of repose for different grain
sizes and angularities (see figure below).
HEC-RAS allows the user to solve for two dependent variables when two others are provided. The
computations equate the critical shear stress with the actual shear stress to solve the first variable
and then uses Manning's equation to solve the second variable. If the particle size is to be computed
by HEC-RAS, one or all of the particle sizes (bed, left side slope, or right side slope) can be solved for,
along with one other variable (depth, slope, or width). The equation RAS uses to determine the two
unknown variables depends on the two unknown variables selected. Particle size is always
determined using tractive force (i.e. equating critical shear with actual shear). The following table
(Table 12-5) indicates which variable is solved by which method. This is helpful to know, in order to
For example, assume depth and width are to be solved for. If a large diameter grain size is used, a
high value for allowable depth will be returned by the tractive force equations. Then because this
depth is high, Manning's equation will return a very low value for width, sometimes unrealistic. Be
aware that the value for width is the value to achieve uniform flow based on the maximum allowable
depth for a stable cross section. The variables "width" and "maximum depth" in the above
statement can be replaced with any of the four dependent variables in accordance with the equation
The result of this solution technique can create an apparent inconsistency that the user must be
aware of. If width and slope are solved for, slope will be determined by tractive force and width will
be determined by Mannings. Now if the resulting width is used to solve for slope and particle size, the
particle size will be different from what was used in the first solution. This is because when particle
size and slope are solved for, particle size is first solved for using tractive force, then slope is solved
using Mannings. Because true uniform flow conditions are rarely found on river reaches, be sure that
the tractive force method is the equation solving the variable you are most interested in.
For more information on all three stable channel design methods presented herein, refer to the
referenced literature.
Table 12-5 Solution Priorities for Tractive Force Method
d, D Min d D
d, B Min d B
d, S Min d S
D, B Max D B
D, S Max D S
B, S Max S B
= particle size (d50 for Shields, d75 for Lane)
= Depth
= Width
= Slope
Transported sediment is comprised of bed load, suspended load, and wash load. Van Rijn (1993)
defines them as:
Suspended load: That part of the total sediment transport which is maintained in suspension by
turbulence in the flowing water for considerable periods of time without contact with the
streambed. It moves with practically the same velocity as that of the flowing water.
Bed load: The sediment in almost continuous contact with the bed, carried forward by rolling,
sliding, or hopping.
Wash load: That part of the suspended load which is composed of particle sizes smaller than those
found in appreciable quantities in the bed material. It is in near-permanent suspension and,
therefore, is transported through the stream without deposition. The discharge of the wash load
through a reach depends only on the rate with which these particles become available in the
catchment area and not on the transport capacity of the flow.
Because wash load volume is purely a function of the upstream catchment and not the study reach,
it is ignored in the sediment transport computations. However, a particle size considered wash load
at one cross section in a reach, may become suspended load at a downstream section, and
eventually may become bed load. Therefore, it is important to account for the wash load in a system-
wide sediment analysis.
The initiation of motion of particles in the bed depends on the hydraulic characteristics in the near-
bed region. Therefore, flow characteristics in that region are of primary importance. Since
determining the actual velocity at the bed level is difficult, particularly with 1-D model results, shear
stress has become the more prevalent, though not exclusive, way of determining the point of
incipient motion. Shear stress at the bed is represented by the following:
Hydraulic radius
Energy slope
Another factor that plays an important role in the initiation and continued suspension of particles is
the turbulent fluctuations at the bed level. A measure of the turbulent fluctuations near the bed can
be represented by the current-related bed shear velocity:
Additionally, the size, shape, roughness characteristics, and fall velocity of the representative
particles in the stream have a significant influence on their ability to be set into motion, to remain
suspended, and to be transported. The particle size is frequently represented by the median particle
diameter (dm). For convenience, the shape is typically represented as a perfect sphere, but
sometimes can be accounted for by a shape factor, and the roughness is a function of the particle
In general, a typical sediment transport equation for multiple grain size classes can be represented
as follows:
Depth of flow
Energy slope
Density of water
Temperature of water
Not all of the transport equations will use all of the above parameters. Typically one or more
correction factors (not listed) are used to adapt the basic formulae to transport measurements. Refer
to the respective references for more detail.
Fall Velocity
The suspension of a sediment particle is initiated once the bed-level shear velocity approaches the
same magnitude as the fall velocity of that particle. The particle will remain in suspension as long as
the vertical components of the bed-level turbulence exceed that of the fall velocity. Therefore, the
determination of suspended sediment transport relies heavily on the particle fall velocity.
Within HEC-RAS, the method for computing fall velocity can be selected by the user. Three methods
are available and they include Toffaleti (1968), Van Rijn (1993), and Rubey (1933). Additionally, the
default can be chosen in which case the fall velocity used in the development of the respective
sediment transport function will be used in RAS. Typically, the default fall velocity method should be
used, to remain consistent with the development of the sediment transport function, however, if the
user has specific information regarding the validity of one method over the other for a particular
combination of sediment and hydraulic properties, computing with that method is valid. The shape
factor (sf) is more important for medium sands and larger. Toffaleti used a sf of 0.9, while Van Rijn
developed his equations for a sf of 0.7. Natural sand typically has a sf of about 0.7. The user is
encouraged to research the specific fall velocity method prior to selection.
Toffaleti: (Toffaleti, 1968). Toffaleti presents a table of fall velocities with a shape factor of 0.9 and
specific gravity of 2.65. Different fall velocities are given for a range of temperatures and grain sizes,
broken up into American Geophysical Union standard grain size classes from Very Fine Sand (VFS) to
Medium Gravel (MG). Toffaleti's fall velocities are presented in Table 12-6.
Van Rijn: (Van Rijn, 1993). Van Rijn approximated the US Inter-agency Committee on Water
Resources' (IACWR) curves for fall velocity using non-spherical particles with a shape factor of 0.7 in
water with a temperature of 20oC. Three equations are used, depending on the particle size:
Kinematic viscosity
Particle diameter
Rubey: (Rubey, 1933). Rubey developed an analytical relationship between the fluid, sediment
properties, and the fall velocity based on the combination of Stoke's law (for fine particles subject
only to viscous resistance) and an impact formula (for large particles outside the Stoke's region).
This equation has been shown to be adequate for silt, sand, and gravel grains. Rubey suggested that
particles of the shape of crushed quartz grains, with a specific gravity of around 2.65, are best
applicable to the equation. Some of the more cubic, or uniformly shaped particles tested, tended to
fall faster than the equation predicted. Tests were conducted in water with a temperature of 16
in which
adjustment factor to account for high concentration of fines, as well as temperature, which is shown
in the figure below.
HEC-RAS provides and field for the user to enter the concentration of fine sediments. This is an
optional field, and, if left blank, bypasses the Colby adjustment factor calculations. Concentration
magnitudes are entered in parts per million (ppm).
Sediment Gradation
Sediment transport rates are computed for the prescribed hydraulic and sediment parameters for
each representative grain size. Transport capacity is determined for each grain size as if that
particular grain size made up 100% of the bed material. The transport capacity for that size group is
then multiplied by the fraction of the total sediment that that size represents. The fractional
transport capacities for all sizes are summed for the total sediment transport capacity.
The user enters gradation information as particle sizes with an associated percentage value that
indicates the amount of material within the sediment mixture that is finer by volume (percent finer).
HEC-RAS then interpolates logarithmically to determine a representative percent finer for the
standard grade class sizes. The standard grade class sizes are based on the American Geophysical
Union (AGU) classification scale shown in Table 12-6.
If a maximum particle diameter is not entered (i.e. d100), HEC-RAS will automatically assign the
100% finer value to the next greater standard grain size from the largest particle diameter
established by the user. For example, if the largest particle diameter is entered as 1.6 mm with a
percent finer value of 84%, then the maximum grain size will be automatically assigned to 2.0 mm
with 100% of the particles finer than that. On the low end, if the user does not establish a zero
percent finer particle diameter (i.e. d0), then the smallest standard grain size range (0.002 – 0.004
mm) is assigned zero percent. Because the ultra-fine sized sediment has a tendency to produce
inaccurate results for certain transport functions, it is important that the user realize the
extrapolation used in this instance. To avoid the automatic extrapolation on the fine-side of the
gradation curve, simply enter in a particle diameter with an associated "percent finer" value of zero.
Table 12-7 Grain Size Classification of Sediment Material American Geophysical Union
If the user enters in one or more particle sizes that are less than the smallest standard grain size
diameter (0.002 mm), HEC-RAS will automatically lump all of that sediment into the smallest
standard grain size range (Clay, 0.002 to 0.004 mm). This is done so that all of the sediment in the
gradation curve will be accounted for volumetrically.
The rate of transport is extremely sensitive to the grain size distribution, particularly on the finer
side, and should be chosen carefully. The application of grain size particles smaller than the
designated range of applicability for a given function can lead to extremely high, and unreasonable
sediment transport rates. For this reason, RAS provides an option to not compute sediment
transport rates for grain sizes outside the range of applicability on the low end. This is done by going
to the options menu and selecting "No" under the menu item "Compute for Small Grains Outside
Applicable Range". Still, the user should check unreasonable results for all given parameter ranges
(Table 12-7). (Note: the low end of applicable grain size for Laursen was chosen as that used in the
field research.) The selection of a representative sediment sampling is described in EM 1110-2-4000.
Hydraulic Parameters
The hydraulic parameters used to compute sediment transport capacity are taken from the output of
steady or unsteady flow runs. The user is required only to indicate for which profile the sediment
transport computations will be made for each sediment reach. HEC-RAS automatically retrieves the
required hydraulic input parameters, depending on which sediment transport function has been
selected. Therefore, steady, or unsteady flow computations must be run before sediment capacity
computations can be performed. The hydraulic parameters are retrieved from the steady output
computations for the left overbank, main channel, and right overbank, as defined by the sediment
bank stations. The total sediment transport for the cross section is then the sum of the three sub-
Because different sediment transport functions were developed differently with a wide range of
independent variables, HEC-RAS gives the user the option to select how depth and width are to be
computed. The HEC-6 method converts everything to an effective depth and width by the following
Effective depth
Effective width
Area of subsection i
Number of subsections
However, many of the sediment transport functions were developed using hydraulic radius and top
width, or an average depth and top width. For this reason, HEC-RAS allows the user to designate
which depth/width method to use. If the default selection is chosen, then the method consistent
with the development of the chosen function will be used. For irregular cross section shapes, RAS
uses the effective depth/effective width or hydraulic radius/top width as the default. Also available
for use is the hydraulic depth, which is used to represent the average depth and is simply the total
area of the section divided by the top width. RAS computes these depth/width parameters for the
left overbank, main channel, and right overbank, as designated by the bed load stations.
sediment distribution across the cross section. Therefore, HEC-RAS allows the user to designate bed
load stations to separate the three channels based on sediment properties.
HEC-RAS provides the option of viewing results in sediment rating curves and profile plots. The
rating curve plot presents the sediment transport capacity vs. the river discharge and can be plotted
for one or more cross sections. The profile plot presents the sediment transport capacity along the
stream length for one or more sediment reaches.
Both types of plots allow have a number of dropdown boxes that allow the user to specify what is
required for plotting. For example, by default, the total sediment transport rate is given for each
cross section when a plot is opened. However, the user can view just the sediment transport of a
single grain size or can compare sediment transport capacities of two or more grain sizes.
Additionally, the user has the ability to view the overbanks and main channel separately as well as
each transport function.
These functions were selected based on their validity and collective range of applicability. All of
these functions, except for Meyer-Peter Müller, are compared extensively by Yang and Schenggan
(1991) over a wide range of sediment and hydraulic conditions. Results varied, depending on the
conditions applied. The Meyer-Peter Müller and the bed-load portion of the Toffaleti function were
compared with each other by Amin and Murphy (1981). They concluded that Toffaleti bed-load
procedure was sufficiently accurate for their test stream, whereby, Meyer-Peter Müller was not useful
for sand-bed channels at or near incipient motion. The ranges of input parameters used in the
development of each function are shown in Table 12-7. Where available, these ranges are taken from
those presented in the SAM package user's manual (Waterways Experiment Station, 1998) and are
based on the developer's stated ranges when presented in their original papers. The ranges provided
for Engelund and Hansen are taken from the database (Guy, et al, 1966) primarily used in that
function's development. The parameter ranges presented are not limiting, in that frequently a
sediment transport function will perform well outside the listed range. For example, Engelund-
Hansen was developed with flume research only, and has been historically applied successfully
outside its development range. The parameter ranges are presented as a guideline only.
A short description of the development and applicability of each function follows. It is strongly
recommended that a review of the respective author's initial presentation of their function be
undertaken prior to its use, as well as a review of "comparison" papers such as those referenced in
the preceding paragraph. References are included in "References". Sample solutions for the
following sediment transport methods are presented in "Sediment Transport Functions – Sample
Table 12-8 Range of input values for sediment transport functions (Sam User's Manual, 1998)
Function d dm s V D S W T
Ackers-White 0.04 - 7.0 NA 1.0 - 2.7 0.07 - 7.1 0.01 - 1.4 0.00006 - 0.23 - 4.0 46 - 89
(flume) 0.037
Laursen NA 0.011 -29 NA 0.7 - 9.4 0.03 – 3.6 0.00025 – 0.25 – 6.6 46 - 83
(flume) 0.025
Meyer-Peter 0.4 – 29 NA 1.25 – 4.0 1.2 – 9.4 0.03 – 3.9 0.0004 – 0.02 0.5 – 6.6 NA
Muller (flume)
Tofaletti 0.062 – 4.0 0.095 – 0.76 NA 0.7 - 7.8 0.07 – 56.7 0.000002 – 63 - 3640 32 – 93
( field) (R) 0.0011
Tofaletti 0.062 – 4.0 0.45 – 0.91 NA 0.7 - 6.3 0.07 – 1.1 (R) 0.00014 – 0.8 – 8 40 - 93
(flume) 0.019
Yang 2.5 – 7.0 NA NA 1.4 - 5.1 0.08 – 0.72 0.0012 – 0.029 0.44 – 1750 32 - 94
= Overall particle diameter, mm
= Median particle diameter, mm
= Sediment specific gravity
= Average channel velocity, fps
= Channel depth, ft
= Energy gradient
= Channel width, ft
= Water temperature, oF
= Hydraulic Radius, ft
= Data not available
Ackers-White: The Ackers-White transport function is a total load function developed under the
assumption that fine sediment transport is best related to the turbulent fluctuations in the water
column and coarse sediment transport is best related to the net grain shear with the mean velocity
used as the representative variable. The transport function was developed in terms of particle size,
mobility, and transport.
A dimensionless size parameter is used to distinguish between the fine, transitionary, and coarse
sediment sizes. Under typical conditions, fine sediments are silts less than 0.04 mm, and coarse
sediments are sands greater than 2.5 mm. Since the relationships developed by Ackers-White are
applicable only to non-cohesive sands greater than 0.04 mm, only transitionary and coarse
sediments apply. Original experiments were conducted with coarse grains up to 4 mm, however the
applicability range was extended to 7 mm.
This function is based on over 1000 flume experiments using uniform or near-uniform sediments
with flume depths up to 0.4 m. A range of bed configurations was used, including plane, rippled, and
dune forms, however the equations do not apply to upper phase transport (e.g. anti-dunes) with
Froude numbers in excess of 0.8.
The general transport equation for the Ackers-White function for a single grain size is represented by:
Effective depth
Shear velocity
A hiding adjustment factor was developed for the Ackers-White method by Profitt and Sutherland
(1983), and is included in RAS as an option. The hiding factor is an adjustment to include the effects
of a masking of the fluid properties felt by smaller particles due to shielding by larger particles. This
is typically a factor when the gradation has a relatively large range of particle sizes and would tend to
reduce the rate of sediment transport in the smaller grade classes.
Engelund-Hansen: The Engelund-Hansen function is a total load predictor which gives adequate
results for sandy rivers with substantial suspended load. It is based on flume data with sediment
sizes between 0.19 and 0.93 mm. It has been extensively tested, and found to be fairly consistent
with field data.
The general transport equation for the Engelund-Hansen function is represented by:
Unit wt of water
Laursen: The Laursen method is a total sediment load predictor, derived from a combination of
qualitative analysis, original experiments, and supplementary data. Transport of sediments is
primarily defined based on the hydraulic characteristics of mean channel velocity, depth of flow,
energy gradient, and on the sediment characteristics of gradation and fall velocity. Contributions by
Copeland (Copeland, 1989) extend the range of applicability to gravel-sized sediments. The range of
applicability is 0.011 to 29 mm, median particle diameter.
The general transport equation for the Laursen (Copeland) function for a single grain size is
represented by:
Meyer-Peter Müller: The Meyer-Peter Müller bed load transport function is based primarily on
experimental data and has been extensively tested and used for rivers with relatively coarse
sediment. The transport rate is proportional to the difference between the mean shear stress acting
on the grain and the critical shear stress.
Applicable particle sizes range from 0.4 to 29 mm with a sediment specific gravity range of 1.25 to in
excess of 4.0. This method can be used for well-graded sediments and flow conditions that produce
other-than-plane bed forms. The Darcy-Weisbach friction factor is used to define bed resistance.
Results may be questionable near the threshold of incipient motion for sand bed channels as
demonstrated by Amin and Murphy (1981).
The general transport equation for the Meyer-Peter Müller function is represented by:
A roughness coefficient
Acceleration of gravity
Hydraulic radius
Energy gradient
Toffaleti: The Toffaleti method is a modified-Einstein total load function that breaks the suspended
load distribution into vertical zones, replicating two-dimensional sediment movement. Four zones
are used to define the sediment distribution. They are the upper zone, the middle zone, the lower
zone and the bed zone. Sediment transport is calculated independently for each zone and the
summed to arrive at total sediment transport.
This method was developed using an exhaustive collection of both flume and field data. The flume
experiments used sediment particles with mean diameters ranging from 0.3 to 0.93 mm, however
successful applications of the Toffaleti method suggests that mean particle diameters as low as
0.095 mm are acceptable.
The general transport equations for the Toffaleti function for a single grain size is represented by:
Hydraulic radius
Temperature exponent
Yang: Yang's method (1973) is developed under the premise that unit stream power is the dominant
factor in the determination of total sediment concentration. The research is supported by data
obtained in both flume experiments and field data under a wide range conditions found in alluvial
channels. Principally, the sediment size range is between 0.062 and 7.0 mm with total sediment
concentration ranging from 10 ppm to 585,000 ppm. Channel widths range from 0.44 to1746 ft,
depths from 0.037 to 49.4 ft, water temperature from 0 to 34.3 Celsius, average channel velocity
from 0.75 to 6.45 fps, and slopes from 0.000043 to 0.029.
Yang (1984) expanded the applicability of his function to include gravel-sized sediments. The general
transport equations for sand and gravel using the Yang function for a single grain size is represented
Kinematic viscosity
Shear velocity
Energy gradient
The development of any hydraulic model requires an accurate representation of the terrain data and
the hydrologic inputs used as boundary conditions. Additionally, appropriate model parameters for
terrain roughness and hydraulic structures must be estimated and then calibrated in order to have
confidence in the model results. As these guidelines are focused on the development and use of
unsteady flow models for dam break studies, discussions of basic data requirements, hydraulic
parameter estimates, and model calibration/validation are not discussed. The HEC-RAS User's
Manuals (HEC, 2020) contain information describing model input, data requirements, parameter
estimation, and model calibration.
This section of the guidelines presents hydraulic modeling aspects that are unique to performing a
dam break analysis. Topics include: inflow flood routing through a reservoir; estimating dam breach
parameters; recommended approach; example application; and downstream routing/modeling
• Capturing the full reservoir volume upstream of the dam will require the modeler to extend cross sections
far enough upstream, such that the invert elevation of the most upstream cross section is higher than the
highest elevation that will be modeled in the dam during the largest event. Rough guidance would be to add
a few feet to the top of the dam, and then extend the model upstream far enough so that the most upstream
cross sections invert is higher than that elevation.
• If there are significant numbers of tributaries, or some large tributaries upstream of the dam that enter the
pool directly, then storage volume due to backwater up the tributaries must be accounted for as well as
their inflows. Tributaries can be modeled in several manners. One option is to model all of the significant
tributaries as separate river reaches, using cross sections. A second option is to model the tributaries as
storage areas, and connect those storage areas to the main pool with a lateral structure (weir). This will
allow water to back up into the tributary as a level pool of water, thus accounting for its volume. A third
option is to extend the reservoir cross sections up the tributaries and define that portion of the reservoir
cross section as an ineffective flow area.
The differences between level pool routing and full unsteady flow routing through a reservoir can be
very difficult to quantify. In order to decide if level pool routing is adequate, it is helpful to estimate
the potential error in the peak flow of the routed outflow hydrograph, due to the use of level pool
routing. Dr. Danny Fread (National Weather Service) performed several numerical experiments in
which he compared both full dynamic wave routing to level pool routing (Fread, 2006). From these
experiments he developed a set of equations and a graph that can be used to estimate the error in
using level pool routing for a given reservoir and flood event. The graph and equations are shown
below in the figure below (Fread, 2006).
= the average depth of water in the reservoir (ft). Approximated as Dmax/2
= The length of the reservoir pool in feet
= The time of rise if the inflowing hydrograph in hours
In order to use the figure above, the user must calculate σl, σv, and σt. Once these three parameters
are calculated, a percent error in the rising limb/peak flow of the outflow hydrograph can be
estimated. This error represents the difference in the answers between using level pool routing and
full dynamic wave routing.
The inflow hydrographs (computed with HEC-HMS) can be entered as boundary conditions at the
upper most cross section (flow hydrograph), and at any of the cross sections within the reservoir
pool (lateral inflow hydrographs).
When modeling the pool with cross sections, the engineer should be aware that after a dam breach
occurs, the upper reach will no longer be fully inundated from the reservoir pool, thus acting more
like a normal river reach. If the inflowing hydrograph recedes to a very low flow at the tail of the
event, there could be some potential model instabilities resulting from the combination of a low flow
and irregular channel geometry. One way around this is to increase the base flow on the recession of
the upstream hydrographs. Another approach is to smooth out any major irregularities in the
channel invert for the cross sections upstream of the dam. Sometimes, the combination of these two
suggestions may be necessary to keep a stable solution above the dam for the tail end of the
If the reservoir pool is modeled with a 2D flow area, then the 2D cells can go completely dry without
any model stability issues when they dry out.
The engineer must enter an elevation-volume curve as part of the storage-area data describing the
reservoir. The minimum elevation of the two upstream cross sections should be roughly equal to the
minimum elevation specified for the storage area in order to prevent any instability once the storage
area is emptied.
When a dam break is modeled, the breach discharge will be computed by using the same equations
as the full dynamic wave method. The only difference is that the water supplied to the dam will come
from the storage area, and the storage area elevation will drop as a level pool as water flows out of
the breach. As noted above, when a rapidly forming breach occurs, the water surface upstream of
the dam will often have a significant slope to it. With the level pool routing method, the water
surface in the reservoir is always horizontal. This may or may not produce significant differences in
the outflow hydrograph, depending on many factors as outlined in this Section.
When performing a dam breach analysis, one must first estimate the characteristics of the breach.
Once the breaching characteristics are estimated, then HEC-RAS can be used to compute the outflow
hydrograph from the breach and perform the downstream routing.
The breach dimensions and development time must be estimated for every failure scenario that will
be evaluated. This requirement includes different failure modes as well as different hydrologic
events. The breach parameters associated with a PMF hydrologic event will be greatly different than
the breach parameters for a sunny day failure at a normal pool elevation. Therefore, for each
combination of pool elevation (hydrologic event) and failure scenario, a corresponding set of breach
parameters must be developed.
A dam's potential breach characteristics can be estimated in several ways, including: comparative
analysis (comparing your dam to historical failures of dams of similar size, materials, and water
volume); regression equations (equations developed from historical dam failures in order to
estimate peak outflow or breach size and development time); and physically based computer
models (computer programs that attempt to model the physical breaching process by using
sediment transport/erosion equations, soil mechanics, and principles of hydraulics). All of these
methods are viable techniques for estimating breach characteristics. However, each of these
methods has strengths and weaknesses and should be considered as a way of "estimating" the
parameters and not utilized as absolute values.
In addition to the methods described above, site specific information, structural, and geotechnical
analyses should be used to refine and support the estimates of the breach parameters for each
failure scenario/hydrologic event. Historic breach information, regression equations, and physically
based computer models all have limitations that must be well understood when they are applied. In
any dam safety study it is important to consider a range of parameter estimates for the breach size
and development time for each failure scenario/event, and then perform a sensitivity analysis of the
breach parameters to identify their effect on the outflow hydrograph, downstream stages and flows,
and warning time to any population at risk.
This section of the manual will cover causes and types of dam failures; estimating breach
parameters; recommended approach; and an example application.
As with many aspects of dam failure modeling in risk assessment studies, the level of effort in
estimating breach parameters should be consistent with the type of risk assessment. In general, the
level of effort and detail will increase from dams that are classified as Low Hazard dams, to dams
that are classified as High Hazard dams.
There are many mechanisms that can be the driving force of a dam failure. The following is a list of
mechanisms that can cause dam failures:
• Flood event
• Piping/seepage (internal and underneath the dam)
• Land slide
• Earthquake
• Foundation failure
• Equipment failure/malfunction (gates, etc…)
• Structural failure
• Upstream dam failure
• Rapid drawdown of pool
• Sabotage
• Planned removal
Given the different mechanisms that cause dam failures, there can be several possible ways a dam
may fail for a given driving force/mechanism. Table 14-1 shows a list of dam types versus possible
modes of failure (Costa, 1985, and Atallah, 2002).
Table 13-1. Possible failure modes for various dam types.
Overtopping X X X X X
Piping/Seepage X X X X X
Foundation Defects X X X X X
Sliding X X X
Overturning X X
Cracking X X X X X
Equipment failure X X X X X
Costa (1985) reports that of all dam failures as of 1985, 34% were caused by overtopping, 30% due to
foundation defects, 28% from piping and seepage, and 8% from other modes of failure. Costa (1985)
also reports that for earth/embankment dams only, 35% have failed due to overtopping, 38% from
piping and seepage, 21% from foundation defects; and 6% from other failure modes.
center of the dam and widen over time (see figure B below). As the headcut begins to cut into the
dam crest, the weir crest length will become shorter, and the appropriate weir coefficient will trend
towards a sharp-crested weir value (see figure C below). The time for breach initiation used in HEC-
RAS is shortly after what is depicted in figure C below. When the headcut reaches the upstream side
of the dam crest, a mass failure of the upstream crest may occur, and the hydraulic control section
will act very much like a sharp-crested weir (see figure D below). The headcut will continue to erode
upstream through the dam embankment, as well as erode down through the dam and widen at the
same time (see figure E below). During this process, the appropriate weir coefficient will begin to
trend back towards a broad-crested weir coefficient. As the downward cut reaches the natural river
bed elevation, and the breach is more in a widening phase, the appropriate weir coefficient is more
in the range of a broad-crested weir value.
A general description of a piping failure is as follows. Water is seeping through the dam at a
significant enough rate, such that it is internally eroding material and transporting it out of the dam.
As the material is eroded, a larger hole is formed, thus able to carry more water and erode more
material (see figure A below). The movement of water through the dam during this process is
modeled as a pressurized orifice type of flow. During the piping flow process, erosion and
headcutting will begin to occur on the downstream side of the dam (see figure B below) as a result of
flow exiting the pipe. As the piping hole grows larger, material above the hole will begin to slough off
and fall into the moving water (see figure C below). The headcutting and material sloughing
processes will continue to move back towards the upstream side of the dam, while the piping hole
continues to grow simultaneously (see figure D below). If the piping hole is large enough, the weight
of the material above the hole may be too great to be maintained, and a mass caving of material will
occur. This will result in a large rise in the outflow through the breach and will accelerate the
breaching process. Also at this point, the hydraulics of the flow transitions from a pressure/orifice
type flow to an open air weir type flow. The headcutting and erosion process then continues back
through the dam, as well as downward (see figure E below). Additionally, the breach will be
widening. Depending on the volume of water behind the dam, the breach may continue to cut down
and widen until the natural channel bed is reached. Then the breach will go into a widening phase.
As you can imagine from the description of the breach processes described above, as well as other
factors and complications that may occur in the real world, estimating these parameters can be
difficult. Currently in computer programs such as HEC-RAS, the user is only allowed to enter a single
value for the breach weir coefficient and for the piping coefficient. Because the estimate of the peak
flow is so important in this process, one should try to estimate these coefficients based on the phase
of the breach process in which they think the largest flows will most likely occur. For example,
earthen dams with medium to very large storage volumes upstream, will most likely have failed all
the way down to the natural stream bed elevation, and be in the breach widening phase when the
peak outflow occurs. This would suggest using a weir coefficient that is typical of a broad-crested
weir with a long crest length (i.e. C = 2.6). However, for dams with a relatively low volume of water in
comparison to the height of the dam, the peak flow may occur during the phase of the breach in
which the breach is still cutting down through the dam. For this case, a weir coefficient typical of a
sharp-crested weir would be more appropriate (i.e. C = 3.2). Other factors to consider are the
material types of the dam. Dams that have a clay core, and are generally constructed of clay
material, will tend to have a much more pronounced headcut process. While dams that are more in
the sand and gravel range will have a less pronounced headcut process. This may lead to using
higher weir coefficients for a clay dam (i.e. C=3.2, sharp-crested weir) versus a gravel/sand dam (i.e.
C=2.6, broad-crested weir).
During a piping failure breach, the rate of water flowing through the dam is modeled with an orifice
pressure flow equation. This equation also requires a discharge coefficient, which is a measure of
how efficiently the flow can get into the pipe orifice. Because a piping failure is not a hydraulically
designed opening, it is assumed that the entrance is not very efficient. Recommended values for the
piping/pressure flow coefficients are in the range of 0.5 to 0.6.
Guidelines for selecting breach weir and piping flow coefficients are provided in Table 14-2.
Table 13-2. Dam breach weir and piping coefficients
Breach Shape Definitions. For the purposes of these guidelines, the physical description of the
breach will consist of the height of the breach, breach width, and side slopes in H:V. These values
represent the maximum breach size. A diagram describing the breach is shown in the figure below.
The breach width is described as the average breach width (Bave) in many equations, while HEC-RAS
requires the breach bottom width (Wb) for input. The breach height (hb) is the vertical extent from
the top of the dam to the average invert elevation of the breach. Many publications and equations
also use the height of the water (hw), which is the vertical extent from the maximum water surface to
the invert elevation of the breach. The side slopes are expressed in units of distance horizontal to
every one unit in the vertical (H: 1V).
The breach dimensions, as well as the breach formation time must be estimated outside of the HEC-
RAS software, and entered into the program. Many case studies have been performed on data from
historic dam failures, leading to guidelines, regression equations, and computer modeling
methodologies for prediction of the dam breach size and time. One of the most comprehensive
summaries of the literature on historic dam failures is a Bureau of Reclamation report written by
Tony Wahl titled "Prediction of Embankment Dam Breach Parameters" (Wahl, 1998). This report
discusses all types of dams, however it focuses on earthen/embankment dams for the discussion of
estimating breach parameters. Much of what is presented in this section was extracted from that
report. Guidelines for breach parameters for concrete (arch, gravity, buttress, etc), steel, timber, and
other types of structures, are very sparse, and are limited to simple ranges.
Federal Agency Guidelines. Many federal agencies have published guidelines in the form of possible
ranges of values for breach width, side slopes, and development time. Table 14-3 below summarizes
some of these guidelines.
Table 13-3. Ranges of possible values for breach characteristics.
= Height of the Dam.
= Length of the Dam crest.
*Note: Dams that have very large volumes of water, and have long dam crest lengths, will continue to
erode for long durations (i.e. as long as a significant amount of water is flowing through the breach),
and may therefore have longer breach widths and times than what is shown in Table 14-3.
The guidelines shown in Table 14-3 should be used as minimum and maximum bounds for
estimating breach parameters. More specific ways to estimate breach characteristics are addressed
Regression Equations. Several researchers have developed regression equations for the dimensions
of the breach (width, side slopes, volume eroded, etc…), as well as the failure time. These equations
were derived from data for earthen, earthen with impervious core (i.e. clay, concrete, etc…), and
rockfill dams, and therefore do not directly apply to concrete dams or earthen dams with concrete
cores. The report by Wahl (1998) describes several equations that can be used for estimating breach
parameters. Summarized in the figure below are the regression equations developed to predict
breach dimensions and failure time from the USBR report (Wahl, 1998).
Since the report by Wahl, additional regression equations have been developed to estimate breach
width and breach development time. In general, several of the regression equations should be used
to make estimates of the breach dimensions and failure time. These estimates should then be used
to perform a sensitivity analysis, as discussed later in this chapter. The user should try to pick
regression equations that were developed with data that is representative of the study dam. In many
cases this may not be possible, due to the fact that most of the historic dam failures for earthen
dams have occurred on smaller structures. In fact, out of the 108 historic dam breaches listed in the
USBR report (Wahl, 1998), only 13 of the dams are over 100 ft (30.5 m) high and only 5 of the dams
had a storage volume greater than 100,000 acre-feet (123.4x106 m3) at the time of failure.
Additionally, most of the regression equations were developed from a smaller subset of this data (20
to 50 dams), and the dams included in the analysis are a mixture of homogenous earthen dams and
zoned earthen dams (dams with clay cores, or varying materials). Therefore, the use of any of the
regression equations should be done with caution, especially when applying them to larger dams
that are outside the range of data for which the equations were developed. The use of regression
equations for situations outside of the range of the data they for which were developed for may lead
to unrealistic breach dimensions and development times.
The following regression equations have been used for several dam safety studies found in the
literature (except the Xu and Zhang equations, which are presented because of their wide range of
historical data values), and are presented in greater detail in this chapter:
• Froehlich (1995a)
• Froehlich (2008)
• MacDonald and Langridge-Monopolis (1984)
• Von Thun and Gillette (1990)
• Xu and Zhang (2009)
These regression equations have been used on several dam break studies and have been found to
give a reasonable range of values for earthen, zoned earthen, earthen with a core wall (i.e. clay), and
rockfill dams. The following is a brief discussion of each equation set.
Froehlich (1995a):
Froehlich utilized 63 earthen, zoned earthen, earthen with a core wall (i.e. clay), and rockfill data sets
to develop a set of equations to predict average breach width, side slopes, and failure time. The data
that Froehlich used for his regression analysis had the following ranges:
Height of the dams: 3.66 – 92.96 m (12 – 305 ft) with 90% < 30 m, and 76% < 15 m
Volume of water at breach time: 0.0130 – 660.0 m3 x 106 (11 - 535,000 acre-ft) with 87% < 25.0 m3 x
106, and 76% < 15.0 m3 x 106
Froehlich's regression equations for average breach width and failure time are:
Volume of water at breach time: 0.0139 – 660.0 m3 x 106 ( 11.3 - 535,000 acre-ft) with 86% < 25.0 m3
x 106, and 82% < 15.0 m3 x 106
Froehlich's regression equations for average breach width and failure time are:
Froehlich's 2008 paper states that the average side slopes should be:
1.0 H:1V Overtopping failures
0.7 H:1V Otherwise (i.e. piping/seepage)
While not clearly stated in Froehlich's paper, the height of the breach is normally calculated by
assuming the breach goes from the top of the dam all the way down to the natural ground elevation
at the breach location.
MacDonald and Langridge – Monopolis (1984):
MacDonald and Langridge-Monopolis utilized 42 data sets (predominantly earthfill, earthfill with a
clay core, and rockfill) to develop a relationship for what they call the "Breach Formation Factor."
The Breach Formation Factor is a product of the volume of water coming out of the dam and the
height of water above the dam. They then related the breach formation factor to the volume of
material eroded from the dam's embankment. The data that MacDonald and Langridge-Monopolis
used for their regression analysis had the following ranges:
Height of the dams: 4.27 – 92.96 m (14 – 305 ft) with 76% < 30 m, and 57% < 15 m
Breach Outflow Volume: 0.0037 – 660.0 m3 x 106 (3 - 535,000 acre-ft) with 79% < 25.0 m3 x 106, and
69% < 15.0 m3 x 106
The following is the MacDonald and Langridge-Monopolis equation for volume of material eroded
and breach formation time, as reported by Wahl (1998):
For earthfill dams:
Volume of water that passes through the breach. i.e. storage volume m3
at time of breach plus volume of inflow after breach begins, minus any
spillway and gate flow after breach begins.
The parameter is not exactly known before performing the breach analysis, as it is the volume
of water that passes through the breach (not including flow from gates, spillways, and overtopping
of the dam away from the breach area). A good first estimate is the volume of water in the reservoir
at the time the breach initiates. Once a set of parameters are estimated, and a breach analysis is
performed, the user should go back and try to make a better estimate of the actual volume of water
that passes through the breach. Then recalculate the parameters with that volume. The
recalculation of the volume makes the method iterative. The actual breach dimensions are a
function of the volume eroded. The MacDonald and Langridge-Monopolis paper states that the
breach should be trapezoidal with side slopes of 0.5H:1V. The breach size is computed by assuming
the breach erodes vertically to the bottom of the dam and it erodes horizontally until the maximum
amount of material has been eroded or the abutments of the dam have been reached. The base
width of the breach can be computed from the dam geometry with the following equation (State of
Washington, 1992):
Note: The MacDonald and Langridge-Monopolis paper states that the equation for the breach
formation time is an envelope of the data from the earthfill dams. An envelope equation implies that
the equation will tend to give high estimates (too long) of the actual breach time (for homogenous
earthfill dams). Wahl's study states this method will over predict times in some cases, while many
equations will under predict.
Von Thun and Gillette (1990):
Von Thun and Gillette used 57 dams from both the Froehlich (1987) paper and the MacDonald and
Langridge-Monopolis (1984) paper to develop their methodology. The method proposes to use
breach side slopes of 1.0H:1.0V, except for dams with cohesive soils, where side slopes should be on
the order of 0.5H:1V to 0.33H:1V. The data that Von Thun and Gillette used for their regression
analysis had the following ranges:
Height of the dams: 3.66 – 92.96 m (12 – 305 ft) with 89% < 30 m, and 75% < 15 m
Volume of water at breach time: 0.027 – 660.0 m3 x 106 ( 22 - 535,000 acre-ft) with 89% < 25.0 m3 x
106, and 84% < 15.0 m3 x 106
The Von Thun and Gillette equation for average breach width is:
Von Thun and Gillette developed two different sets of equations for the breach development time.
The first set of equations shows breach development time as a function of water depth above the
breach bottom:
The second set of equations shows breach development time as a function of water depth above the
bottom of the breach and average breach width:
Height of the dams: 3.2 – 92.96 m (10 – 305 ft) with 78% < 30 m, and 58% < 15 m
Volume of water at breach time: 0.105 – 660.0 m3 x 106 (11.3 - 535,000 acre-ft) with 80% < 25.0 m3 x
106, and 67% < 15.0 m3 x 106
Xu and Zhang's regression equation for average breach width is:
-0.041, 0.026, and -0.226 for dams with corewalls, concrete faced
dams, and homogeneous/zoned-fill dams, respectively.
0.291, -0.14, and -0.391 for high, medium, and low dam erodibility,
The Xu and Zhang paper does not provide estimates for side slopes directly. Instead, they provide an
equation to estimate the Top Width of the breach, which can then be used with the average breach
width, to compute the corresponding side slopes. Here is their equation for the breach top width:
0.061, 0.088, and -0.089 for dams with corewalls, concrete faced
dams, and homogeneous/zoned-fill dams, respectively.
0.411, -0.062, and -0.289 for high, medium, and low dam erodibility,
Important Note
The data Xu and Zhang used in the development of the equation for breach development time
includes more of the initial erosion period and post erosion period than what is generally used in
HEC-RAS for the critical breach development time. In general, this equation will produce breach
development times that are greater than the other four equations described above. Because of
this fact, the Xu Zhang equation for breach development time should not be used in HEC-RAS.
However, it is shown here for completeness of their method:
=Breach Formation time (hrs)
=1 hour (unit duration)
=Reservoir volume at time of failure (m3)
=Height of the dam (m)
=15 meters, which is considered to be a reference height for distinguishing large
dams from small dams.
=Height of the water above the breach bottom elevation at time of breach (m)
= b3+b4+b5 Coefficient that is a function of dam properties
=-0.327, -0.674, and -0.189 for dams with corewalls, concrete faced dams, and
homogeneous/zoned-fill dams, respectively.
=-0.579 and -0.611 for overtopping and seepage/piping, respectively.
=-1.205, -0.564, and 0.579 for high, medium, and low dam erodibility, respectively.
While not clearly stated in the Xu and Zhang paper, the height of the breach is normally
calculated by assuming the breach goes from the top of the dam all the way down to the natural
ground elevation at the breach location.
The Simplified Physical breaching method allows the user to enter velocity versus breach down-
cutting and breach widening relationships, which are then used dynamically to figure out the breach
progression versus the actual velocity being computed through the breach, on a time step by time
step basis. The main data requirement differences between this method and the User Entered Data
breach method, are the following:
Max Possible Bottom Width – This field is now used to enter a maximum possible breach bottom
width. This does not mean the entered value will be the final breach bottom width; it is really being
used to limit the breach bottom width growth to this amount. The actual bottom width will be
dependent on the velocity verses erosion rate data entered, and the hydraulics of flow through the
breach. This field is used to prevent breaches from growing larger than this user set upper limit
during the run.
Min Possible Bottom Elev – This field is used to put a limit on how far down the breach can erode
during the breaching process. This value is not necessarily the final breach bottom elevation; it is a
user entered limiter (i.e. the breach cannot go below this elevation). The final breach elevation will
be dependent on the velocity verses erosion rate data entered, and the hydraulics of flow through
the breach.
Starting Notch Width or Initial Piping Diameter – If the Overtopping Failure mode is selected, the
user will be asked to enter a starting notch width. The software will use this width at the top of the
dam to compute a velocity. From the velocity it will get a down cutting erosion rate (based on user
entered data), which will be used to start the erosion process. If a Piping Failure mode is selected,
the user must enter an initial piping diameter. Once the breach is triggered to start, this initial hole
will show up immediately. A velocity will be computed through it, then the down cutting and
widening process will begin based in user entered erosion rate data.
Mass Wasting Feature – This option allows the user to put a hole in the dam or the levee at the
beginning of the breach, in a very short amount of time. This option would probably most often be
used in a levee evaluation, in which a section of the levee may give way (Mass Wasting), then that
initial hole would continue to erode and widen based on the erosion process. The required data for
this option is a width for the mass wasting hole; duration in hours that this mass wasting occurs over
(this would normally be a short amount of time); and the final bottom elevation of the initial mass
wasting hole (It is assumed that the hole is open all the way to the top of the levee or dam if this
option is used).
Velocity vs. Downcutting and Widening Erosion Rates. When using the Simplified Physical
breaching option, the user is required to enter velocity versus downcutting erosion rates, as well as
velocity versus erosion widening rates. An example of the required data input for this method is
As shown in the figure above, the user is required to enter velocity versus downcutting erosion rates
and velocity versus erosion widening rates. This data is often very difficult to come by. Users will
need to consult with geotechnical engineers to come up with reasonable estimates of this data for
their specific levee or dam. Another way to estimate this information is to try to derive it by
simulating a historic levee or dam breach, and adjusting the velocity versus erosion rate data until
the model simulates the correct breach width and time. This is obviously an iterative process, and
may require the user to perform this at multiple locations to see if there is a consistent set of erosion
rates that will provide a reasonable model for simulating levee breaches (or dams) in your
geographical area. We realize that this data is not readily available for any specific levee or dam. The
hope is that over time we will be able to develop guidelines for these erosion rates based on
analyzing historical levee and dam breaches. Additionally, users can try to back into a set of erosion
rates in order to reproduce historic levee breaches in their area, then use these relationships to
analyze potential future levee breaches.
Physically-Based Breach Computer Models. Several computer models have been developed that
attempt to model the breach process using sediment transport theories, soil slope stability, and
hydraulics. Wahl (1998) summarized some of these models in his report "Prediction of Embankment
Dam Breach Parameters." A table from Wahl's (1998) report, which summarizes the physically based
computer models he reviewed is shown in Table 14-4 below.
Table 13-4. Physically-based embankment dam breach computer models.
In general, all of the models listed in Table 14-4 rely on the use of bed-load sediment transport
equations, which were developed for riverine sediment transport processes. The use of these models
should be viewed as an additional way of "estimating" the breach dimensions and breach
development time.
Of all the models listed in Table 14-4, the BREACH model developed by Dr. Danny Fread (1988) has
been used the most for estimating dam breach parameters. Dr. Fread's model can be used for
constructed earthen dams as well as landslide formed dams. The model can handle forming
breaches from either overtopping or piping/seepage failure modes. The software uses weir and
orifice equations for the hydraulic computation of flow rates. The Meyer-Peter and Muller sediment
transport equation is used to compute transport capacity of the breach flow. Breach enlargement is
governed by the rate of erosion, as well as the collapse of material from slope failures. The software
can handle up to three material layers (inner core, outer portion of the dam, and a thin layer along
the downstream face). The material properties that must be described are: internal friction angle;
cohesive strength, grain size of the material (D50), unit weight, porosity, ratio of D90 to D30, and
Manning's n. This software has been tested on a limited number of data sets, but has produced
reasonable results.
Additional research on the erosion process of earthen embankments that are overtopped is being
conducted in the US as well as Europe. The Agricultural Research Service (ARS) has been testing
earthen embankment failures at sizes ranging from small scale laboratory models to near prototype
scale dams (up to 7 ft high) for several years (Hanson, et al. 2003, Hassan, et al. 2004). Similar tests
have been performed in Norway for earthen dams, 5 to 6 meters high, constructed of rock, clay, and
glacial moraine (Vaskinn, et al., 2004). The hope is that this research work will lead to the
development of improved computer models of the breach process. A dam safety interest group
made up of US Government agencies (USBR, ARS, USACE), private industry, and Canadian and
European research partners is currently evaluating new technologies for simulating the breach
process. The goal of this effort is to develop computer simulation programs that can model the dam
breach process by progressive erosion for earthen dams initiated by either overtopping flow or
seepage. Computer models that are currently being evaluated are: WINDAM (Temple, et. Al. 2006. );
HR-BREACH (Mohammed et. Al., 2002. HR Wallingford); and FIREBIRD (Wang and Kahawita, 2006.
Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, Canada). Table 14-5 below is a summary of these models
capabilities (Tony L. Wahl, 2009):
Table 13-5. Summary of Erosion Process Models Currently Under Development.
Peak Flow Equations and Envelope Curves. Several researchers have developed peak flow
regression equations from historic dam failure data. The peak flow equations were derived from data
for earthen, zoned earthen, earthen with impervious core (i.e. clay, concrete, etc…) and rockfill dams
only, and do not apply to concrete dams. In general, the peak flow equations should be used for
comparison purposes.
Once a breach hydrograph is computed from HEC-RAS, the computed peak flow from the models can
be compared to these regression equations as a test for reasonableness. However, one should use
great caution when comparing results from these equations to model predictions. First, the user
should go back to the original paper for each equation and evaluate the data sets and assumptions
that were used to develop that equation. Many of the equations were developed from limited data
sets, and most were for smaller dams. Also, when using these equations to compare against model
results, the event being studied can have a significant impact on the model result's peak flow. For
example, studies being performed with Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) inflows may have larger
computed peak outflows than what will be predicted by some of the peak flow equations. This is due
to the fact that none of the historic data sets were experiencing a PMF level flood when they failed.
Shown below is a summary of some of the peak flow equations that have been developed from
historic dam failures:
• Bureau of Reclamation (1982):
(envelope equation)
(envelope equation)
• Froehlich (1995b):
• Kirkpatrick (1977):
• SCS (1981):
• Hagen (1982):
• Costa (1985):
(envelope equation)
• Evans (1986):
• Walder and O'Connor (1997): Q estimated by computational and graphical method using relative erodibility
of dam and volume of reservoir.
All equations are in metric form.
When comparing computed results to the envelope curve shown in the figure above, keep in mind
that this envelope curve was developed from only 14 data sets, and may not be a true upper bound
of peak flow versus hydraulic depth.
Site Specific Data and Engineering Analysis. Site specific information about the dam should
always be collected and evaluated. Site specific information that may be useful in this type of
analysis includes: materials/soil properties used in building the dam; whether or not the dam
includes an impervious core/filter; material used for impervious core/filter; embankment protection
materials (rock, concrete, grass, etc…); embankment slopes of the dam; historic seepage
information; known foundation or abutment problems; known problems/issues with gates and
spillways; etc…
Whenever possible a geotechnical analysis of the dam should be performed. Geotechnical
evaluations can be useful in the selection of dam breach parameters. Specifically, geotechnical
analyses can be used to estimate appropriate breach side slopes based on soil material properties.
Additionally, a geotechnical analysis can be used to make a qualitative assessment of the breach
parameters estimated by the various methods described above (historic comparisons, regression
Recommended Approach
In general, several methods should be used to predict a range of breach sizes and failure times for
each failure mode/hydrologic event. It is recommended that the modeler select several regression
equations to estimate breach parameter values. Care must be taken when selecting regression
equations, such that the equations are appropriate for the dam being investigated. Regression
equations that have been used for earthen, zoned earth, earth with a clay core, and rockfill dams are:
Froehlich (1995a), Froehlich (2008), MacDonald and Langridge-Monopolis (1984), Von Thun and
Gillette (1990), and Xu and Zhang (2009). If the dam under investigation is outside the range of data
used in the development of the regression equations, resulting breach parameter estimates should
be scrutinized closely for reasonableness.
Never mix and match breach parameters from multiple regression equations. In other words, use
the average breach width and time of failure from the same equation set. Do not use a breach
width from one equation set and a time of failure from another. The breach widths and times are
interrelated, as they are derived from a specific data set.
In addition to the regression equations, physically based computer models should also be utilized if
appropriate for the level of study (NWS-BREACH, WinDAM, and HR-BREACH models are currently
recommended). Whenever possible, geotechnical analyses of the dam should be used to assist in
estimating the breach parameters (i.e. side slopes of the breach), or at least used as a qualitative
assessment of the estimates. Additionally, breach parameter estimates should be compared to the
government agency ranges provided in Table 14-3. If values are outside the recommended ranges,
those estimates may need to be adjusted, unless there is compelling physical evidence that the
values are appropriate. This will lead to a range of values for the breach size and failure times. A
sensitivity analysis of breach parameters and times should be performed by running all of the
parameter estimates within the HEC-RAS model.
Each set of breach parameters and failure times will produce a different outflow hydrograph.
However, once these hydrographs are routed downstream, they will tend to converge towards each
other. There are two main reasons for this convergence: (1) the total volume of water in each of the
different hydrographs is basically the same (being the stored water behind the dam at the time of
failure, plus whatever inflow occurs); (2) as the hydrographs move downstream, a sharp hydrograph
will attenuate much more quickly than a flat hydrograph. Hydrographs from different assumed
breach parameters can converge to produce similar peak flow and stage in a surprisingly short
distance. An example flow versus time plot from a study performed with HEC-RAS is shown in the
figure below. However these differences could be huge for Loss of Life calculations if a population at
risk is immediately downstream of the dam.
In the example shown in the figure above, three different sets of breach parameters were used for
the same model. The hydrographs coming out of the dam are very different in magnitude of peak
flow, but they have the same volume of water. In this example, as the hydrographs move
downstream they have substantially converged within four miles and are almost the same peak flow
by mile 10. The rate at which the hydrographs will converge is dependent on many factors: steepness
in the rise of the outflow hydrograph, volume of the outflow hydrograph, slope of the downstream
reach, roughness of the downstream reach, available storage in the downstream floodplain, etc…
The user will need to route all of the breach outflow hydrographs downstream through the entire
study area in order to fully evaluate the affect of the breach parameters on the resulting flood
hydrographs and inundation levels.
For a risk assessment study, the user must select the set of breach parameters that are considered to
be most likely for each event/pool elevation. This will require engineering judgment. If all of the
breach estimates, for a given event/pool elevation, end up converging to the same flow and stage
before getting to any population at risk and potential damage areas, then the selection of a final set
of breach parameters should not affect the computations and a simple mean value should be used.
However, if the various sets of breach parameters produce significantly different flow and stage
values at downstream locations (population at risk locations and potential damage zones), then
engineering judgment will need to be used to pick a set of values that are considered most likely.
Conservatively high or low values should not be used, as this will bias the overall results.
Once a final set of breach parameters is selected for a given event/failure mode, the computed peak
outflow from the breach can be compared to some of the peak flow equations as a check of
reasonableness. Keep in mind the limitations of the peak flow equations, as discussed in the Peak
Flow Regression Equations section above.
Another check for reasonableness should be done by evaluating the breach flow and velocities
through the breach, during the breach formation process. This can be accomplished by reviewing
the detailed output for the inline structure (Dam) and reviewing the flow rate and velocities going
through the breach. This output is provided on the HEC-RAS detailed output table for the Inline
Structure. There are two things to check for here:
1. if the model reaches the full breach development time and size, and there are still very high flow rates and
velocities going through the breach, then this is a sign that either your breach is too small, or your
development time is to short (unless there are some physical constraints limiting the size of the breach).
2. if the flow rate and the velocities through the breach become very small before the breach has reached its
full size and development time, then this is an indicator that your breach size may be too large, or your
breach time may be too long. Additional factors affecting this could be your breach progression curve and
the hydraulic coefficients (weir and piping) you used. When you get into the situation described above in
either scenario 1 or 2, the breach size and development time should be re-evaluated to improve the
estimates for that particular structure.
The level of effort in estimating breach parameters should be consistent with the type of risk
assessment. In general, the level of effort and detail will increase from Type 1 (Low Hazard Potential)
through Type 3 (High Hazard Potential). For Type 1 analyses a basic estimate of breach parameters
consistent with the range of values in Table 14-3 could be appropriate. Type 2 (Significant Hazard
Potential) and Type 3 analyses will typically require a greater level of detail and accuracy
incorporating most if not all of the methods provided in this Section.
Example Application
In order to demonstrate how to estimate breach parameters, an example application for a fictitious
dam is provided below. The event being evaluated in the example is a PMF scale event. This process
for developing breach parameters needs to be performed for each failure mode/event (fully modeled
hydrologic event or pool elevation for sunny day failures). The following is the necessary information
required about a dam in order to develop breach parameter estimates as outlined in these
Reservoir Data:
Regression Equations:
For this example, the Froehlich (1995b), Froehlich (2008), MacDonald and Langridge-Monopolis
(1984), Von Thun and Gillette (1990), and Xu Zhang (2009) regression equations for predicting breach
size and development time were used. This dam is within the range of the data used to develop these
regression equations, therefore the equations are considered to be an appropriate methodology for
estimating the breach parameters. During the PMF event for this dam it is overtopped by 1.36
meters. The mode of failure for this example will be assumed as an overtopping failure. The failure
location is assumed to be at the main channel centerline. The breach bottom elevation is assumed to
be at an elevation of 1678 m (invert of the main channel). The water surface elevation at the
initiation of the breach will be at an elevation of 1722.26 m (max pool for PMF event). The following
are the calculations for each method.
Froehlich (1995a):
The Froehlich (1995a) method assumes a side slope of 1.4H:1V for an overtopping breach. Given the
breach height of 42.9 meters, this yields a bottom width for the breach of Wb = 221.4 m.
Froehlich (2008):
The Froehlich (2008) method assumes a side slope of 1.0H:1V for an overtopping breach. Given the
breach height of 42.9 meters, this yields a bottom width for the breach of Wb = 179.86 m.
Since the outflow volume through the breach is unknown before performing the analysis, a good
starting estimate is the volume of water in the dam at the peak stage of the event.
of material
To compute the bottom width of the breach, the method says to use side slopes of 0.5H:1V. The user
must also estimate an average side slope for both the upstream and downstream embankment of
the dam. For this example average side slopes of 3.3H:1V were used for both upstream and
downstream. Then using the bottom width equation (State of Washington, 1992):
Once an actual breach hydrograph is computed with the MacDonald and Langridge-Monopolis
parameters, the volume of water coming out of the breach should be calculated, and the
parameters should be re-estimated using that volume of water for Vout.
Von Thun and Gillette suggest using breach side slopes of 0.5H:1V for earthen dams with a clay core.
Given the dam height of 42.9 meter, the Breach bottom width will be Wb = 144.2 m.
Von Thun and Gillette show two equations for predicting the breach failure time. One equation is a
function of the depth of water only, while the other is a function of depth of water and the computed
average breach width. Both equations are used below.
Both of the Von Thun and Gillette equations yield similar answers for the breach time. Reviewing the
Von Thun and Gillette paper showed that the data they used in their experiments were mostly
earthen embankments with slightly cohesive materials. Given that the example dam we are studying
has an engineered clay core, the longer time estimate is probably more appropriate. Therefore the
selected failure time is tf = 1.14 hrs.
Based on the computation of Bave and Bt above, the breach bottom width for this method is Wb =
136.7 and the side slopes are Z = 0.98H:1V.
The breach development time from the Xu and Zhang equation is as follows:
Please see note about the Xu Zhang method over estimating the breach time under the method
description above
The data Xu and Zhang used in the development of their equation for breach development time
includes more of the initial erosion period and post erosion period than what is generally used in
HEC-RAS for the critical breach development time. In general, this equation will produce breach
development times that are greater than the other four equations described above. Because of
this fact, the Xu and Zhang equation for breach development time should not be used in HEC-
From here, all six sets of parameters should be entered into the HEC-RAS software and run as
separate breach plans. This will result in six different breach outflow hydrographs. However, once
the hydrographs are routed downstream, they will begin to converge towards each other. The
selection of a final set of breach parameters for this event should be based on guidance provided
above in the "Recommended Approach" section of this document.
should be considered when developing an unsteady flow model for a dam break application. Most of
these issues are concerns for 1D river reach modeling with cross sections.
• Cross Section Spacing and Hydraulic Properties
• Computational Time Step
• Manning's Roughness Coefficients
• Downstream Storage, Tributaries, and Levees
• Modeling Bridge and Culvert Crossings
• Modeling Steep Streams
• Drops in the Bed Profile
• Initial Conditions (Low Flow)
• Downstream Boundary Conditions
In addition to describing the physical changes and hydraulic structures within the channel and
floodplain, there are also numerical considerations for adding or removing cross sections.
Cross Sections Spaced Too Far Apart. In general, cross sections spaced too far apart will cause
additional numerical diffusion of the floodwave, due to the derivatives with respect to distance
being averaged over too long of a distance. See an example of artificial numerical diffusion in the
figure above. the figure above shows an upstream inflow hydrograph and two downstream
hydrographs after they have been routed through the river system. In this example, the channel is a
rectangular channel on a constant slope, with a constant Manning's roughness. The only change in
the example is the cross section spacing.
Additionally, when cross sections are spaced far apart, and the changes in hydraulic properties are
great, the solution can become unstable. Instability can occur when the distance between cross
sections is so great that the Courant number becomes much greater than 1.0, and numerical errors
grow to the point of the model becoming unstable. Another way to say this is that the cross section
spacing is not commensurate with the hydrograph being routed and the computational time step
being used (i.e. the cross section spacing is much further than the flood wave can travel within the
computational time step being used).
Maximum Cross Section Spacing. A good starting point for estimating maximum cross section
spacing are two empirically derived equations by Dr. Danny Fread (Fread, 1993) and P.G. Samuels
(Samuels, 1989). These two equations represent very different methods for coming up with spacing.
The Samuels equation implies that smaller streams and steeper streams will require tighter cross
section spacing. In general, the Samuels equation was derived for typical flood studies, in which the
modeler is developing a steady state model for a typical floodplain study of the 2 yr through 100 yr
events. For dambreak flood studies, the Samuels equation may be to strict, in that it requires much
tighter cross section spacing than needed. Samuels' equation is as follows:
Samuels' equation was derived from data with slopes ranging from 2 - 50 ft/mi.
Dr. Fread's equation implies smaller streams and steeper hydrographs will require tighter cross
sections. Fread's equation is one set of three conditions he presented in his paper for determining
spacing. It is a theoretical derivation of spacing based on the inherent numerical errors involved with
linearizing the St. Venant equations into a four-point implicit finite-difference scheme. The other two
involve a check of the change in cross sectional area from one cross section to the next, and the
other accounts for changes in slope. Consequently, the spacing determined by Fread's equation may
be too coarse, depending on the bed slope changes, the contraction and expansion characteristics
and other non-linear data. Dr. Fread's equation is as follows:
Samuels' and Dr. Fread's equations are rough estimates of cross section spacing - a good place to
start. However, over time and practice, the modeler should be able to determine a good first
estimate based on experience.
Cross Sections Too Close Together. If the cross sections are too close together, then the derivatives
with respect to distance may be overestimated, especially on the rising side of the flood wave. This
can cause the leading edge of the flood wave to over steepen, to the point at which the model may
become unstable. An example of this is shown in the figure below. In this example, the only change
made to the model was that cross sections were interpolated at very short intervals (5 feet). If it is
necessary to have cross sections at such short intervals, then much smaller time steps will need to be
used in order for the numerical computations to solve the equations over such short distances. In
general, for most dam break flood studies, cross sections should not be spaced at intervals closer
than about 50 feet, unless you can use very small time steps (i.e. a few seconds or less). However,
cross sections can be placed at closer distances at hydraulic structures, such as bridges/culverts,
dams, and inline weirs, due to the fact that the model does not solve the unsteady flow equations
through these structures. Rather it uses hydraulic equations specifically defined for those structures.
In the development of any unsteady flow model, stability and numerical accuracy can be improved
by selecting a time step that satisfies the Courant condition. This is very important for a dam break
model. Too large a time step will cause numerical diffusion (attenuation of the peak) and possibly
model instability. Too small of a time step can lead to very long computation times, as well as
possible model instability.
Too large of a time step: When the solution scheme solves the unsteady flow equations, derivatives
are calculated with respect to distance and time. If the changes in hydraulic properties at a given
cross section are changing rapidly with respect to time, too large of a time step may cause over
estimation (too steep) of the time based derivatives, causing the calculations to become unstable.
The solution to this problem in general is to decrease the time step. Even if the calculations do not
go unstable, too large of a time step will cause numerical attenuation of the hydrograph that is not
physically related. An example of a model with varying time steps is shown in the figure below. In this
example, all things in the model were exactly identical, except one run was done with a 1 minute
time step (appropriate for this model), and the other was done with a 10 minute time step (too large
for this model).
As shown in the figure below, the run with the 10 minute time step has a 10% lower peak flow, and
the flood wave is much more spread out (diffused) than the run with the 1 minute time step.
Too Small of a Time Step. If a time step is selected that is much smaller than what the Courant
Condition would suggest for a given flood wave, then model run times will be much longer than
necessary, and this can also cause model stability problems. In general, a time step that is to small
will cause the leading edge of the flood wave to steepen, possible to the point of oscillating and
going unstable. Extremely small time steps (less than 0.1 seconds) can possibly cause round off
errors when storing numbers in the computer, which in turn can lead to numerical errors which can
grow over time.
Time Step Selection. As mentioned above, the best way to estimate a computational time step for
HEC-RAS is to use the Courant Condition. This is especially important for dam break flood studies.
The Courant Condition is the following:
Courant Number
The flood wave speed is based on capturing the speed of the rising side of the flood wave as it
propagates downstream. Flood wave speed is most accurately calculated in the area of the initial
rise of the flood wave, where there is the largest change in discharge with respect to the change in
cross sectional area (this is the leading edge of the dam break flood wave). The equation for
calculating flood wave speed is:
The change in cross section area over a short time interval (A2 –
Note: dQ/dA can be approximated by calculating the change in discharge and flow area at a single
cross section over a single computational time step. This should be done while the flood wave's
initial abrupt rise is occurring at that cross section.
For practical applications of the Courant Condition, the user can take maximum average velocity
from HEC-RAS and multiply it by 1.5, to get a rough estimate of flood wave speed in natural cross
For medium to large rivers the Courant Condition may yield time steps that are too restrictive (i.e. a
larger time step could be used and still maintain accuracy and stability). A practical time step can be
estimated as:
However, treat this estimate as an upper limit. Remember that for dam break models, typical time
steps are in the range of 1- 60 seconds due to the short time of rise and very fast flood wave
main channels and not floodplains. Additionally, the literature on Manning's n values is for
historically experienced floods, which are much lower than the flood resulting from a dam break.
The actual selection of n values to be used for each dam assessment will require judgment by the
engineer responsible for hydraulic model development.
A proper perspective is required before establishing a range of n values to be used in USACE risk
assessment studies. The following general guidelines of factors that affect n value should be
considered in developing representative values.
Base Surface Roughness: Base surface roughness is often represented by the size and shape of
surface or channel and floodplain material that produces a friction effect on flow.
Stage and Discharge: The n value in most streams decreases with increase in stage and discharge.
However, this is not always the case. If the channel bed is of lesser roughness than the channel
banks, then the composite channel n values will increase with channel stage. Once the stage gets
higher than the main channel banks, the roughness coefficient could begin to decrease. The main
point here is that the variation of Manning's n with stage is site specific.
Obstructions: Objects constructed in the channel or in overbanks such as bridge piers or buildings
can potentially cause increases in n value. It is especially difficult to estimate Manning's roughness
coefficients to represent buildings in the floodplain, as there are many factors to consider: the area
obstructed and the density of the buildings, direction of the flow in relation to the layout of the
structures, roughness of all of the other boundaries, slope of the terrain, velocities of the flow, etc…
Irregularities: Irregularities are variations in cross-section size and shape along the floodplain.
Irregularities are often caused by natural constrictions and expansions, sand deposition and scour
holes, ridges, projecting points and depressions, and holes and humps on the channel bed. Gradual
and uniform changes will generally not appreciably affect n value, whereas, areas that have lots of
sharp channel irregularities will tend to have higher Manning's roughness coefficients.
Channel Alignment: Smooth curvature with large radius will generally not increase roughness
values, whereas sharp curvature with severe meandering will increase the roughness.
Vegetation: Vegetation effects are dependent on height, density, distribution, and type of
vegetation. Heavily treed areas can have a significant effect for dam failures. In general a lower
average depth results in a higher n value. High velocities can potentially flatten the vegetation and
result in lower n values.
Silting, Scouring, and Debris: Silting may change a very irregular channel into a comparatively
uniform one and decrease n, and scouring may do the reverse. During a dam break flood wave, there
will be a tremendous amount of scouring occurring, as well as lots of debris in the flow. The
increased sediment load and debris will cause the flow to bulk up (increase in stage). One way to
account for this increased sediment load and debris is to increase the Manning's n values.
The resulting maximum water surface profile associated with the failure of a dam will often be much
higher than any historically observed flood profile. In such cases, there is no historical based model
data to calibrate to floods of this magnitude. It is therefore incumbent upon the engineer to
determine reasonable roughness coefficients for flows and stages that will be higher than ever
experienced. To gain a perspective on how each modeling parameter affects results, a bounding type
sensitivity analysis can be performed regardless of the methods used to establish n values.
Historical regional knowledge of channels and floodplains should be used along with published
guidelines in establishing a base level set of n values. Guidelines for establishing base level
Manning's n values can be found in "Basic Data Requirements" of this manual. The base level n
values should be adjusted up or down based on factors addressed previously. Calibration to the
largest historical events of record should be done whenever possible. Once adjusted roughness
coefficients are established, uncertainty analyses should be performed by varying all values (two
additional computational runs) by plus or minus 20%. In general, channel n values for risk
assessment may be in the range of 0.025 to 0.075. The overbank n values may range between 0.05
and 0.15. Note that higher n values can be used in areas to allow for storage embayments with little
to no conveyance.
Manning's n Values Immediately below Dam. Significant turbulence, sediment load and debris
should be expected for the immediate reach downstream of a failed dam. This is obvious when
viewing the photo of the Teton Dam failure shown in the figure below. Because HEC-RAS does not
directly account for high volumes of sediment in the flow, and the extreme turbulence in the water
surface caused by the breach, it is often a good idea to increase the Manning's n values just
downstream of the dam. The increased sediment and turbulence will cause higher water surfaces to
occur. The only way to mimic this is by increasing the roughness coefficients. Proper modification
and variation of n values is one of the many uncertainties in dam failure modeling. An accurate
assessment can be confidently attained only after previous knowledge of a particular dam failure
event. A reasonable modeling approach may be to assume double the normal n value directly
downstream of the dam and transition to normal roughness coefficients where failure induced
turbulence, sediment load, and debris transport are expected to recede.
Roughness Coefficients for Steep Streams. Many dams are located in mountainous regions, where
the slopes of the stream are significantly steep. It is very common to underestimate Manning's n
values for steep terrain. Underestimation of the roughness coefficients can cause water surface
elevations to be too low, increased velocities, and possibly even supercritical flow. In addition to
this, abrupt changes in n values or underestimation of n values can cause the model to go unstable.
Dr. Robert Jarrett (Jarrett, 1985) collected some extensive field data on steep streams (slopes
greater than 0.002 ft/ft) in the Rocky Mountains. Dr. Jarrett measured cross sectional shape, flow
rates, and water surface elevations at 21 locations for a total of 75 events. From this data he
performed a regression analysis and developed an equation to estimate the Manning's roughness
coefficient of the main channel. The equation from his findings is presented below.
While Dr. Jarrett's equation is not necessarily applicable to all locations, it is often a useful check for
reasonableness of the Manning's n values in steep terrain.
The next best option for accounting for tributary storage, is to model the tributary as a storage area,
and connect the storage area to the main river with a lateral structure. The lateral structure can be a
weir, in which the weir geometry is represented with a cross section from the tributary. This will
allow water from the flood wave to back up and fill the storage area as a level pool of water. An
example of modeling tributaries with storage areas and lateral structures is shown in the figure
The third option is to extend the normal cross sections up into the tributary, and use ineffective flow
areas for that portion of the cross sections. This option is depicted in the figure below. This is the
least accurate of these three approaches, and should only be used for very short tributaries in which
you are just trying to capture the available storage for which the flood wave could back into. This is
not a recommended approach for a tributary of significant size, or in which the tributary would have
a sloping water surface elevation. Additionally, when storage is modelled as part of the cross section,
it has the same water surface elevation as the cross section, and it is available to put water into
instantaneously and take water out of instantaneously.
Modeling Levees and Major Roads. Downstream levees and major roads, that normally prevent
water from getting into protected areas, must also be considered. In general it is best to model the
area behind the levees separately as a 2D flow area, a storage area, a series of interconnected
storage areas, or another routing reach. The details of modeling an area behind a levee will depend
on the terrain and details of the interior area. A lateral structure (weir) should be used to model the
top of the levees and major roads. Using a lateral structure to model a levee in HEC-RAS allows the
model to evaluate levee overtopping, breaching, and the filling of the interior area separate from the
main river and floodplain. An example of modeling a levee and protected area with a single storage
If a levee or road is only a small obstruction to the flow, such that it will be completely overwhelmed
during the routing of the dam break flood wave, then it may be better to model that levee/road as
part of the general cross sections. This means using cross sections to model both the interior and
exterior area around the levee, and using the HEC-RAS cross section levee option to keep flow in the
river side of the levee until the levee is overtopped. This should only be done for small levees/roads,
in which the area behind these levees is not a significant area/storage volume. An example of this
type of modeling is shown in the figure below.
are very non-linear. Therefore the extrapolation can cause the unsteady flow equations to be difficult
to solve. An example bridge crossing and set of preprocessed curves is shown in the figure below.
pool areas. This level of detail for modifying Manning's n values is often not done, and can be a
contributor to the instability of the model.
Mixed Flow Regime Option. If you feel that the true water surface should go to critical depth, or
even to an extended supercritical flow regime, then the mixed flow regime option should be turned
on when using 1D river reaches to model steep areas. In order to solve the stability problem for a
mixed flow regime system, Dr. Danny Fread (Fread, 1986) developed a methodology called the "Local
Partial Inertia Technique" (LPI). The LPI method has been adapted to HEC-RAS as an option for
solving mixed flow regime problems when using the unsteady flow analysis portion of HEC-RAS. This
methodology applies a reduction factor to the two inertia terms in the momentum equation as the
Froude number goes towards a user defined threshold.
The default values for the methodology are FT = 1.0 (Froude number threshold) and m = 4
(exponent). When the Froude number is greater than the threshold value, the factor is set to zero.
The user can change both the Froude number threshold and the exponent. As you increase the value
of both the threshold and the exponent, you decrease stability but increase accuracy. As you
decrease the value of the threshold and/or the exponent, you increase stability but decrease
accuracy. To learn more about the Mixed Flow Regime option in HEC-RAS, please see the HEC-RAS
User's Manual.
Increased Base Flow. Another solution to the problem of flow going from subcritical to supercritical
flow, and back again, is to increase the base flow in the hydrographs, as well as the base flows used
for computing the initial conditions. Increased base flow will often dampen out any water surfaces
going towards or through critical depth due to low flows that are in a pool riffle sequence.
Modified Puls Routing. HEC-RAS has an option that will allow the user to define any portion of a
model to be solved with the Modified Puls routing method instead of the full unsteady flow
equations. This allows the user to define problem areas, such as very steep reaches, as Modified Puls
routing reaches. A Modified Puls routing reach can be defined at the upstream end of a HEC-RAS river
reach, at the downstream end, in the middle of a reach, or even defined for the entire reach. The
computations are performed in conjunction with the unsteady flow equations on a time step by time
step basis. Additionally, reaches that are defined as Modified Puls reaches can contain bridges,
culverts, and even lateral structures. The hydraulics of these structure types are accounted for
during the Modified Puls routing. To use this option, please review the HEC-RAS User's Manual.
2D Flow Areas. The new 2D Flow Area option in HEC-RAS allows user to model areas with either the
Full Saint Venant equations in two-dimensions, or the Diffusion Wave form of the equations in two-
dimensions. The new 2D solver uses a finite volume solution algorithm, which can handle subcritical,
supercritical, and mixed flow regime (including hydraulic jumps), much more robustly then the
current 1D finite difference solution scheme. This makes it very easy to use 2D flow areas to model
steep streams.
If the drop is very small, then usually an increase in base flow will drown out the drop, thus
preventing the model from passing through critical depth. If the drop is significant, then it should be
modeled with an inline structure using a weir profile at the top of the drop. This will allow the model
to use a weir equation for calculating the upstream water surface for a given flow, rather than using
the unsteady flow equations. This produces a much more stable model, as the program does not
have to model the flow passing through critical depth with the unsteady flow equations. HEC-RAS
automatically handles submergence on the weir, so this is not a problem. An additional solution to
this problem is to use the cross section rating curve option at the top of the drop, which causes the
program to interpolate the water surface from the rating curve, rather than solving the unsteady flow
equations through the drop in the bed profile.
for the initial conditions backwater profile, and then at the first unsteady flow time step the program
calculates a much larger flow coming out of the reservoir (due to gate settings and initial reservoir
stages), this can cause an instability in the area just below the dam.
Another possible source of initial conditions causing the model to go unstable right away, are the
initial storage area elevations. It is up to the user to enter an initial storage area water surface
elevation for all storage areas, even if it is to start out dry (water surface is set to the lowest elevation
of the storage area). When a storage area is hydraulically connected to a river reach (this is normally
done with a lateral structure), and the initial water surface in the river reach is at an elevation that
will cause a flow interaction with a storage area (water surface is above the lateral structure weir
profile, or culverts, or gates), then that storage area needs to have an initial water surface elevation
set equal to the computed initial stage in the river. If the storage area is set much higher or lower
than the elevation of the river section it is connected to, then a large discharge may be computed at
the hydraulic structure that connects them. This large discharge across the lateral structure will
either take a lot of flow from the river (if the river stage is higher than the storage area), or it will have
a large inflow into the river (if the storage area stage is much higher than the connected river stage).
Either of these two cases can cause the model to become unstable at the initial start of the unsteady
flow computations. By setting the storage area elevations to the same as the initial water surface of
the cross section to which it is connected, then the computed flow across the lateral structure will be
close to zero. Shown in the figure below are two lateral structures, which are connected to storage
areas. The initial condition water surface elevation is higher than the downstream lateral structure.
Therefore, the storage area connected to this structure must be set to the initial condition water
surface elevation in this area. Because the initial water surface is lower than the most upstream
lateral structure, the water surface elevation for that connected storage area can be set to dry, or
whatever elevation is appropriate below the minimum elevation of the lateral structure.
Low Flow Conditions. Low flows can often be very difficult to model with an unsteady flow model.
Medium to steeper slope streams will often have a pool and riffle sequence at low flow, and the
water surface will generally pass through critical depth at the upper end of the riffle (bottom of the
pool). In addition to this, the depths of water are very shallow. Once the flood wave begins the water
surface will change quickly, and there will be a large change in depth with respect to distance and
time. The leading edge of a dam break flood wave will be very steep, and can often be a source of
model instability as it propagates down the river system. The finite difference solution to the
equations will generally have the most trouble balancing during the initial dramatic rise at the
beginning of the flood wave. The fact that the initial conditions may be very low flows and depths
can make it even more difficult to solve the equations through those shallow and steep riffle regions.
There are several things the modeler can do to allow the program to solve the equations in a stable
manner in low flow situations. The easiest solution is to increase the base flow for the initial
conditions. This will provide a higher initial depth of water in general, and it may also drowned out
the pool and riffle sequence. A general "rule of thumb" is to start out by trying a base flow around 1%
of the peak flow that will be routed. Increase the base flow if necessary, but never go above 10% of
the peak flow. If you artificially use a base flow that is 10% or more of the peak, the computed peak
flow and stage will be higher than it would have been otherwise.
If you have increased the base flow to a reasonable level, and are still having model stability
problems at the leading edge of the flood wave, then try adding a pilot channel for the reach in which
the model is having stability issues. A pilot channel is an option in which will add some depth
without adding much flow area or conveyance. The pilot channel is an option in HEC-RAS, and it is
only used during low flow, once the cross sections get to some appreciable depth, the program
automatically removes it from the cross section. To learn more about the use of pilot channels,
please review the section on Pilot channels in "Modeling Culverts" of the HEC-RAS User's Manual.
One other option that can help stabilize the model during the initial rise of the flood wave, is turning
on the Mixed Flow Regime Option. This option drops the acceleration terms when the Froude
number gets greater than a user defined threshold, which is often the case on the leading edge of the
flood wave.
normal depth boundaries where the user has entered to steep of a slope for the energy gradeline). In
other words, the downstream boundary condition may be causing abrupt drops or rises in the
computed water surface near the location of the boundary condition. An example of what can
happen when using a Normal Depth boundary condition, and entering too steep of an energy slope
is shown in the figure below. In this case, the steep energy slope caused the program to compute
lower stages than appropriate for a given flow, which in turn caused the model to over steepen the
flood wave at the downstream end of the model.
The latest version of HEC-RAS (5.0 or later) now has the ability to perform two-dimensional flow
routing. For a dam break study, the user can model the downstream area entirely with 1D elements
(Cross sections and storage areas); as a combination of 1D and 2D elements (cross sections, storage
areas, and 2D flow areas); or the entire downstream area can be modeled as a 2D flow area.
2D flow areas can be directly connected to storage areas by using a hydraulic structure called a
Storage Area/ 2D Flow Area Hydraulic Connector ("SA/2D Area Conn"). See the example below in the
figure below.
In the example shown in the figure above, the storage area is upstream of the 2D flow area, so the
positive flow direction is from the storage area to the 2D flow area. So when defining the hydraulic
structure that connects the two areas, the storage area will be considered the headwater side, and
the 2D flow area will be considered the tailwater side. In the example shown in the figure above, a
storage area is being used to represent a reservoir pool. The hydraulic connection between the
storage area and the 2D flow area is used to model the dam. The 2D flow area is being used to model
the hydraulics of the flow downstream of the dam. Additionally, the user could model the reservoir
pool with a 1D river reach, or a 2D flow area.
Using the approach shown in the figure above, is a very quick way to get a dam break model up and
running. However, modeling the downstream area with a 2D flow area, does not necessarily make
this a detailed model. Downstream areas will often have bridges, culverts, roads that are barriers to
flow, levees protecting urban areas, etc… These types of areas require detailed modeling to get
accurate answers, whether you are modeling them as 2D flow areas or 1D river reaches. Developing a
detailed model for the downstream area requires detailed terrain, hydraulic structure information,
and the time to model those areas correctly. If a 2D flow area is used, it still requires lots of work to
make the computational mesh respect all of the barriers to flow (bridges, culverts, roads, levees,
etc…). Developing a detailed computational mesh that respects all of the flow barriers, and includes
all of the hydraulic structures is the most time consuming part of developing a model, but it is
necessary to get good results downstream. If you do not take the time to do this, and you just throw
in a 2D flow area with a nominal grid size, do not assume you have "accurate" results just because
you are doing 2D modeling.
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Flow Transitions in Bridge Backwater Analysis
Bridges across floodplains may require special attention in one-dimensional hydraulic modeling if
they cause severe contraction and expansion of the flow. The accurate prediction of the energy
losses in the contraction reach upstream from the bridge and the expansion reach downstream from
the bridge, using one-dimensional models, presents particular difficulty. Modeling these reaches
requires the accurate evaluation of four parameters: the expansion reach length, Le; the contraction
reach length, Lc; the expansion coefficient, Ce; and the contraction coefficient, Cc. Research was
conducted at the Hydrologic Engineering Center to investigate these four parameters through the
use of field data, two-dimensional hydraulic modeling, and one-dimensional modeling. The
conclusions and recommendations from that study are reported in this appendix. For further
information regarding this study, the reader should obtain a copy of Research Document 42 (HEC,
The data used in this study consisted of 3 actual bridge sites and 76 idealized bridge sites. The field
data had certain hydraulic characteristics in common. All had wide, heavily vegetated overbanks,
with Manning's n values from 0.07 to 0.24, and slopes between 2.5 feet/mile and 8.0 feet/mile. To
extend the scope and general applicability of the study, it was decided to create a large number of
two-dimensional models (using RMA-2, King, 1994) of idealized floodplain and bridge geometries.
The figure above shows a typical cross section for the idealized cases. The overall floodplain width
was constant at 1000 feet. The main channel n value was constant at 0.04. The other pertinent
parameters were systematically varied as follows:
In addition to the systematic variation of these parameters, eleven additional cases were created
which had vertical abutments rather than spill-through abutments, six cases were developed which
had asymmetric rather than symmetric bridge obstructions, and four more cases were studied which
were enlarged-scale and reduced-scale versions of four of the standard cases. A total of 97 idealized
models were created.
Once the data were collected for all of the idealized models, they were analyzed with the aid of the
statistical analysis program STATGRAPHICS (STSC, 1991). The goals of the statistical analysis were to
compile summary statistics and develop regression relationships for the parameters of interest
where possible. Table B-1 lists the summary statistics for the four parameters of interest.
Table B-1 Summary Statistics
Variable Le Lc Ce Cc
Sample size 76 76 76 76
Variable Le Lc Ce Cc
The regression relationships were required to express Le, Lc, Ce, and Cc as functions of independent
hydraulic variables which could be easily evaluated by the users of a one-dimensional model such as
HEC-RAS. Some of the independent variables used in the regression analysis, such as discharge,
slope, and roughness, had been set in defining each case. The other variables, such as Froude
numbers, discharge distributions, velocities, depths, and conveyances, were evaluated from the
HEC-RAS models, which had been developed for each case. The raw independent variables were
then entered into a spreadsheet. In the spreadsheet other variables were created as ratios and
multiples of some of the raw variables.
After the spreadsheet of independent variables was complete, it was saved as an ASCII text file,
which was in turn converted into a STATGRAPHICS data file. Only the cases with symmetric openings
and spill-through abutments were included in the regression analyses. Those cases which had
asymmetric openings or vertical abutments, were later compared with the corresponding
symmetric, spill-through cases.
Of all of the two-dimensional cases created for this study, which included a wide range of hydraulic
and geometric conditions, none of the cases had an expansion ratio (ER on figure above) as great as
4:1. Most of the cases had expansion ratios between 1:1 and 2:1. This indicates that a dogmatic use of
the traditional 4:1 rule of thumb for the expansion ratio leads to a consistent over prediction of the
energy losses in the expansion reach in most cases. The accompanying over prediction of the water
surface elevation at the downstream face of the bridge may be conservative for flood stage
prediction studies. For bridge scour studies, however, this overestimation of the tailwater elevation
could in some circumstances lead to an underestimation of the scour potential.
The results from the two-dimensional flow models did not always indicate the presence of large-
scale flow separations or eddy zones downstream of the bridge. Their presence corresponded with
the larger values of Le. For many of the cases there was no significant separation evident in the
results. In sensitivity tests, the presence or absence of eddy zones was not sensitive to the eddy
viscosity coefficient value. Likewise, eddy viscosity settings did not have an appreciable effect on Le.
It was found that the ratio of the channel Froude number at Section 2 to that at Section 1 (Fc2/Fc1)
correlated strongly with the length of the expansion reach. Regression equations were developed for
both the expansion reach length and the expansion ratio. The equations are presented later in this
appendix. Both equations are linear and contain terms involving the Froude number ratio and the
discharge. The equation for expansion length also includes the average obstruction length in one
term. To use these regression equations in the application of a one-dimensional model will usually
require an iterative process since the hydraulic properties at Section 2 will not be known in advance.
The effort involved in this process will not be large, however, because the method will usually
converge rapidly.
The value of the Froude number ratio reflects important information about the relationship between
the constricted flow and the normal flow conditions. It is in effect a measure of the degree of flow
constriction since it compares the intensity of flow at the two locations. Since these Froude numbers
are for the main channel only, the value of Fc1 also happens to reflect to some extent the distribution
of flow between the overbanks and main channel.
There was no support from these investigations for the WSPRO concept of the expansion reach
length being proportional to or equal to the bridge opening width.
While the apparent contraction ratios of the five field prototype cases were all below 1:1, the
contraction ratios (CR on figure above) for the idealized cases ranged from 0.7:1 to 2.3:1. As with the
expansion reach lengths, these values correlated strongly with the same Froude number ratio. A
more important independent variable, however, is the decimal fraction of the total discharge
conveyed in the overbanks (Qob/Q) at the approach section. A strong regression equation was
developed for the contraction length and is presented later in this appendix.
Because the mean and median values of the contraction ratios were both around 1:1, there is some
support from this study for the rule of thumb which suggests the use of a 1:1 contraction ratio. There
is no support, however, for the concept of the contraction reach length being equal to or
proportional to the bridge opening width.
Expansion Coefficients
Regression analysis for this parameter was only marginally successful. The resulting relationship is a
function of the ratio of hydraulic depth in the overbank to that in the main channel for undisturbed
conditions (evaluated at Section 1). Perhaps more interesting are the summary statistics, which
indicate lower values for this coefficient than the traditional standard values for bridges.
Contraction Coefficients
Owing to the nature of this data (69 out of 76 cases had the minimum value of 0.10), a regression
analysis was not fruitful. Like the expansion coefficients, the prevailing values are significantly lower
than the standard recommended values.
Vertical-Abutment Cases
For these data there was no major effect on the transition lengths or the coefficients due to the use
of vertical rather than spill-through abutments. The exceptions to this statement were three vertical-
abutment cases in the narrow-opening class for which square corners were used. The square-
cornered abutments were a deliberate attempt to model a very severe situation. Because the RMA-2
program, or any two-dimensional numerical model for that matter, is not well-formulated to handle
such drastic boundary conditions, no general conclusions should be drawn from these cases about
actual field sites having such a configuration.
The ranges in Table B-2, as well as the ranges of other parameters to be presented later in this
appendix, capture the ranges of the idealized model data from this study. Another way of
establishing reasonable ranges would be to compute statistical confidence limits (such as 95%
confidence limits) for the regression equations. Confidence limits in multiple linear regression
equations have a different value for every combination of values of the independent variables (Haan,
1977). The computation of these limits entails much more work and has a more restricted range of
applicability than the corresponding limits for a regression, which is based on only one independent
variable. The confidence limits were, therefore, not computed in this study.
Extrapolation of expansion ratios for constriction ratios, slopes or roughness ratios outside of the
ranges used in this table should be done with care. The expansion ratio should not exceed 4:1, nor
should it be less than 0.5:1 unless there is site-specific field information to substantiate such values.
The ratio of overbank roughness to main-channel roughness provides information about the relative
conveyances of the overbank and main channel. The user should note that in the data used to
develop these recommendations, all cases had a main-channel n value of 0.04. For significantly
higher or lower main-channel n values, the n value ratios will have a different meaning with respect
to overbank roughness. It is impossible to determine from the data of this study whether this would
introduce significant error in the use of these recommendations.
When modeling situations which are similar to those used in the regression analysis (floodplain
widths near 1000 feet; bridge openings between 100 and 500 feet wide; flows ranging from 5000 to
30000 cfs; and slopes between one and ten feet per mile), the regression equation for the expansion
reach length can be used with confidence. The equation developed for the expansion reach length is
as follows:
When the width of the floodplain and the discharge are smaller than those of the regression data
(1000 ft wide floodplain and 5000 cfs discharge), the expansion ratio can be estimated by (406). The
computed value should be checked against ranges in Table B-1. (406) is:
When the scale of the floodplain is significantly larger than that of the data, particularly when the
discharge is much higher than 30,000 cfs, (405) and (406) will overestimate the expansion reach
length. (407) should be used in such cases, but again the resulting value should be checked against
the ranges given in Table B-1:
The depth at Section 2 is dependent upon the expansion reach length, and the Froude number at the
same section is a function of the depth. This means that an iterative process is required to use the
three equations above, as well as the equations presented later in this chapter for contraction reach
lengths and expansion coefficients. It is recommended that the user start with an expansion ratio
from Table B-1, locate Section 1 according to that expansion ratio, set the main channel and
overbank reach lengths as appropriate, and limit the effective flow area at Section 2 to the
approximate bridge opening width. The program should then be run and the main channel Froude
numbers at Sections 2 and 1 read from the model output. Use these Froude number values to
determine a new expansion length from the appropriate equation, move Section 1 as appropriate
and recompute. Unless the geometry is changing rapidly in the vicinity of Section 1, no more than
two iterations after the initial run should be required.
When the expansion ratio is large, say greater than 3:1, the resulting reach length may be so long as
to require intermediate cross sections, which reflect the changing width of the effective flow area.
These intermediate sections are necessary to reduce the reach lengths when they would otherwise
be too long for the linear approximation of energy loss that is incorporated in the standard step
method. These interpolated sections are easy to create in the HEC-RAS program, because it has a
graphical cross section interpolation feature. The importance of interpolated sections in a given
reach can be tested by first inserting one interpolated section and seeing the effect on the results. If
the effect is significant, the subreaches should be subdivided into smaller units until the effect of
further subdivision is inconsequential.
When the conditions are within or near those of the data, the contraction reach length regression
equation (408) may be used with confidence:
In cases where the floodplain scale and discharge are significantly larger or smaller than those that
were used in developing the regression formulae, (408) should not be used. The recommended
approach for estimating the contraction ratio at this time is to compute a value from (409) and check
it against the values in Table B-3:
As with the expansion reach lengths, the modeler must use (408) and (409) and the values from Table
B-2 with extreme caution when the prototype is outside of the range of data used in this study. The
contraction ratio should not exceed 2.5:1 nor should it be less than 0.3:1.
Expansion Coefficients0
The analysis of the data with regard to the expansion coefficients did not yield a regression equation,
which fit the data well. (410) was the best equation obtained for predicting the value of this
hydraulic depth (flow area divided by top width) for the overbank ft
at the fully- expanded flow section (Section 1)
It is recommended that the modeler use (410) to find an initial value, then perform a sensitivity
analysis using values of the coefficient that are 0.2 higher and 0.2 lower than the value from (410).
The plus or minus 0.2 range defines the 95% confidence band for (410) as a predictor within the
domain of the regression data. If the difference in results between the two ends of this range is
substantial, then the conservative value should be used. The expansion coefficient should not be
higher than 0.80.
Contraction Coefficients0
The data of this study did not lend itself to regression of the contraction coefficient values. For nearly
all of the cases the value that was determined was 0.1, which was considered to be the minimum
acceptable value. The following table presents recommended ranges of the contraction coefficient
for various degrees of constriction, for use in the absence of calibration information.
Table B-4 Contraction Coefficient Values
Degree of Constriction Recommended Contraction Coefficient
4. The Froude number check for a subcritical profile indicates that critical depth needs to be determined to
verify the flow regime of the computed water surface elevation.
5. The program could not balance the energy equation within the specified tolerance before reaching the
maximum number of iterations.
The HEC-RAS program has two methods for calculating critical depth: a "parabolic" method and a
"secant" method. The HEC-2 program has one method, which is very similar to the HEC-RAS
"parabolic" method. The parabolic method is computationally faster, but it is only able to locate a
single minimum energy. For most cross sections there will only be one minimum on the total energy
curve; therefore, the parabolic method has been set as the default method for HEC-RAS (the default
method can be changed from the user interface). If the parabolic method is tried and it does not
converge, then the HEC-RAS program will automatically try the secant method. The HEC-RAS version
of the parabolic method calculates critical depth to a numerical accuracy of 0.01 feet, while HEC-2's
version of the parabolic method calculates critical depth to a numerical accuracy of 2.5 percent of
the flow depth. This, in its self, can lead to small differences in the calculation of critical depth
between the two programs.
In certain situations it is possible to have more than one minimum on the total energy curve. Multiple
minimums are often associated with cross sections that have breaks in the total energy curve. These
breaks can occur due to very wide and flat overbanks, as well as cross sections with levees and
ineffective flow areas. When the parabolic method is used on a cross section that has multiple
minimums on the total energy curve, the method will converge on the first minimum that it locates.
This approach can lead to incorrect estimates of critical depth, in that the returned value for critical
depth may be the top of a levee or an ineffective flow elevation. When this occurs in the HEC-RAS
program, the software automatically switches to the secant method. The HEC-RAS secant method is
capable of finding up to three minimums on the energy versus depth curve. Whenever more than one
minimum energy is found, the program selects the lowest valid minimum energy (a minimum energy
at the top of a levee or ineffective flow elevation is not considered a valid critical depth solution).
Given that HEC-RAS has the capability to find multiple critical depths, and detect possible invalid
answers, the final critical depth solutions between HEC-2 and HEC-RAS could be quite different. In
general the critical depth answer from the HEC-RAS program will always be more accurate than
sections outside the bridge and the bridge geometry. In general, it is common for HEC-2 users to repeat
cross sections through the bridge opening (i.e. the cross sections used inside the bridge were a repeat of the
downstream section). If however, the HEC-2 user entered completely different cross sections inside the
bridge than outside, the HEC-RAS software will add two additional cross sections just outside of the bridge,
in order to get the correct geometry inside of the bridge. This however gives the HEC-RAS data set two more
cross-sections than the original HEC-2 data set. The two cross sections are placed at zero distance from the
bridge, but could still cause some additional losses due to contraction and expansion of flow. The user may
want to make some adjustments to the data when this happens.
3. In HEC-2 the stationing of the bridge table (BT Records) had to match stations on the ground (GR data). This
is not required in HEC-RAS. The stationing of the data that makes up a bridge (ground, deck/roadway, piers,
and abutments) does not have to match in any way, HEC-RAS will interpolate any points that it needs.
6. In HEC-2, if the user specifies a fixed set of encroachments on the X3 record, this would override anything on
the ET record. In HEC-RAS, when the data is imported the X3 record encroachment is converted into a
blocked obstruction. Therefore any additional encroachment information found on the ET record will be
used in addition to the blocked obstruction.
downstream, but also across the valley to get to the opening, thus traveling much farther than the
straight-line distance.
Schneider et al. (USGS, 1977) tabulated average streamline lengths for various approach section
locations and various degrees of constriction. These results are not directly applicable in this model
because they are derived for symmetric constrictions in channel reaches having uniform,
homogeneous flow conveyance characteristics. Even if the exact solution algorithms were developed
for non-symmetric, non-homogeneous conditions, the computer resource requirements for an exact
solution are too great to warrant inclusion in the model. Therefore, a simplified computational
technique was developed and incorporated into the model to compute average streamline length.
Schneider et al., defined the optimum location of the approach section as:
Where Lopt is the distance, in ft, between the approach section and the upstream face of the bridge
opening, b is the bridge opening width, and m' is the geometric contraction ratio computed by:
Where B is the top width, in ft, of the approach section flow area. The Φ term in (411) is computed by:
Lopt is located in a zone of nearly one dimensional flow, thus satisfying the basic requirements of the
one dimensional energy equation.
The simplified computational technique varies depending upon the relative magnitudes of Lopt and
b. To introduce the technique, discussion is limited to the ideal situation of a symmetric constriction
with uniform, homogeneous conveyance. For such conditions only one half of the valley cross-
section is required. This one half section is divided into ten equal conveyance stream tubes between
edge of water and the centerline at both the Lopt location and the upstream face of the bridge. Equal
conveyance stream tubes are equivalent to equal flow stream tubes for one dimensional flow. The
figure below illustrates a case with a small geometric contraction ratio. Lopt is less than b for lesser
degrees of constriction. Since Lopt is located in a zone of nearly one dimensional flow, the
streamlines are essentially parallel between the approach section and the Lopt location. Between
Lopt and the bridge opening the corresponding flow division points are connected with straight lines.
The effective flow length used by the model is the average length of the ten equal flow stream tubes
computed by:
Where i indicates the streamline number and s is the individual streamline length. Although the
straightline pattern is a gross simplification of the actual curvilinear streamlines, the computed Lav
values are less than 2 percent smaller than the exact solution for small geometric contraction ratios.
The figure below illustrates a relatively high degree of geometric contraction. Simply connecting the
flow division points of the Lopt and bridge sections does not result in representative lengths for
those streamlines furthest away from the opening.
Therefore, a parabola is computed by the equation:
This parabola has its focus at the edge of water and its axis in the plane of the upstream face of the
bridge. Positive x and y distances are measured from the edge of water towards the stream
centerline and upstream from the plane of the bridge, respectively. For portions of the section where
Lopt is upstream from this parabola, the parallel streamlines are projected to the parabola and then a
straight line connects this projected point with the corresponding flow division point in the bridge
opening. Flow division points of the Lopt section at or downstream from the parabola are connected
directly to their corresponding flow division point for the bridge opening. Only the distances
between the approach and the cross section just upstream of the bridge opening are used to
compute Lav with (415). This process generally produces results that are within 5 percent of the exact
solution. For very severe constrictions (i.e., m' = 0.95), the differences are closer to 10 percent.
The non-uniform conveyance distribution in the approach reach is represented by defining the
stream tubes on a conveyance basis. The model determines the horizontal stationing of 19 interior
flow division points that subdivide both the Lopt and bridge sections into 20 tubes of equal
conveyance. Asymmetric constrictions with nonuniform conveyances are analyzed by treating each
half of the reach on either side of the conveyance midpoints separately, then averaging the results.
Lav for each side provides the conveyance weighted average streamline length. The figure below
illustrates a typical asymmetric, nonuniform conveyance situation.
Coefficient of Discharge
The coefficient of discharge, as defined by Matthai and used in this model, is a function of bridge
geometry and flow characteristics. Matthai's report presents detailed instructions for computing the
coefficient of discharge for the four most common types of bridge openings. It is not practical to
reproduce that entire report herein, but the following paragraphs summarize the procedures as
adapted to this model. All of the key figures from Matthai's report, the tabular values and equations
used to determine the coefficient of discharge, and a discussion of the minor modifications made to
Matthai's procedures are presented in this appendix. Bridge openings are classified as one of four
different types depending upon characteristics of embankment and abutment geometry. Regardless
of opening type, the first step is to determine a base coefficient of discharge, C', which is a function
of (1) a channel contraction ratio and (2) a ratio of flow length through the bridge, L, to the bridge
opening width, b. The channel contraction ratio is
Where Kq is the conveyance of a portion of the approach section (based on projecting the bridge
opening width up to the approach section) and K1 is the total conveyance of the approach section.
The definition of the L and b terms for the length ratio depends upon the opening type. The
definition sketches below define these terms for each opening type. The final coefficient of
discharge, C, is computed by multiplying C' by a series of adjustment factors to account for
variations in geometry and flow from the base conditions used to derive C'. The number of
parameters for which adjustment factors are required depends partially upon the opening type.
Following is a summary description of the opening types and the adjustment factors that are unique
to each:
• Type 1 openings have vertical embankments and vertical abutments with or without wingwalls. The
discharge coefficient is adjusted for the Froude number (kF) and also for wingwall width (kw) if wingwalls are
present or for entrance rounding (kr) if there are no wingwalls.
• Type 2 openings have sloping embankments and vertical abutments and do not have wingwalls. The
discharge coefficient is adjusted on the basis of the average depth of flow at the abutments (ky).
• Type 3 openings have sloping embankments with spill through abutments. The discharge coefficient is
adjusted on the basis of entrance geometry (kx).
• Type 4 openings have sloping embankments, vertical abutments, and wingwalls. The discharge coefficient is
adjusted depending upon the wingwall angle (kθ).
In addition to the above adjustment factors, which are dependent upon opening type, there are
adjustment factors for piers or piles (kj) and spur dikes (ka, kb, kd) that may be applied to all opening
types. The relationships used to compute all of the above adjustment factors are shown below.
Figures D-4 through D-7 are definition sketches of the four types of openings for which Matthai
defined the coefficient of discharge. Figures D-8 through D-18 are the relationships defining the base
coefficient of discharge and the factors used to adjust for nonstandard conditions. Except for type 1
openings, different curves are required for different embankment slopes. Most of these relationships
are incorporated into HEC-RAS in the form of digitized values. The digitized values are shown in
tabular form at the end of this appendix. Table D-1 cross references the figures and tables pertaining
to the base coefficient of discharge. Table D-2 cross references those figures and tables pertaining to
the various adjustment factors.
Generally each of the relationships are incorporated into HEC-RAS in the form of three arrays. Two
one dimensional arrays contain values of the two independent variables (the abscissa of the
relationship and the family of curves), and a two dimensional array contains the corresponding
values of the dependent variable. Exceptions to this form of representation are discussed in the
following paragraphs.
The type 1 opening Froude number adjustment (fig. D.8(b)) is adequately expressed in equation form
Where F is the Froude number with an arbitrary upper limit of F = 1.2 for the adjustment. The average
depth adjustment for a type 3 opening with 2 to 1 embankment slope is determined by the following
The type 4 opening wing wall adjustment factor, kθ, is computed using slopes of the family of curves
(figs. D-15 and D-16). The equation for specified m-values is:
Where WW is the wing wall angle and Skθ is the appropriate slope from tables D-16 or D-18. kθ is
obtained by interpolation for intermediate m-values.
Certain adjustments presented by Matthai were not incorporated into the WSPR0 bridge
methodology. The skew adjustment was omitted because WSPR0 always computes the flow area
normal to the flow for skewed bridge openings. An adjustment for submerged flow was also omitted
because the FHWA methodology is used to compute pressure flow when girders are significantly
submerged. The Froude number adjustment for type 4 openings with 2 to 1 embankment slope was
intentionally omitted for reasons of consistency. There is no similar adjustment for type 4 openings
with 1 to 1 embankment slopes, and the adjustment is rather minor. Matthai also applied an
adjustment for eccentricity, which is a measure of unequal conveyances on left and right overbanks
of the approach section. This factor was not included in WSPR0 on the bases that (1) it is a very minor
adjustment, and (2) the effective flow length accounts for conveyance distribution.
Table D-1 Cross-reference of Figures and Tables pertaining to the base coefficient of discharge.
1 D-8 D-3
2 1 to 1 D-10 D-6
2 to 1 D-11 D-8
3 1 to 1 D-12 D-10
1 2 to 1 D-13 D-12
2 to 1 D-14 D-14
4 1 to 1 D-15 D-15
2 to 1 D-16 D-17
Table D-3 Base coefficient of discharge, C', for type 1 opening, with or without wing walls
Table D-4 Variation of adjustment factor, kr, for type 1 opening with entrance rounding
Table D-8 Base coefficient of discharge, C', for type 2 opening, embankment slope 2 to 1
(see fig. D-10)
Table D-10 Base coefficient of discharge, C', for type 3 opening, embankment slope1 to 1
(see fig. D-12)
Table D-11 Variation of adjustment factor, ky, for type 3 opening, embankment slope 1 to 1. (see
fig. D-12).
Table D- 16 Slopes of family of curves for determining adjustment factor, k0, for wing wall
Angle for type 4 openings, embankment slope 1 to 1 (see fig. D-15).
m Skθ
0.1 0.00057
0.2 0.001
0.4 0.002
0.6 0.00343
0.8 0.00413
1.0 0.00483
Table D-17 Base coefficient of discharge, C', for type 4 opening, embankment slope 2 to 1
(see fig. D-16).
m Skθ
0.1 0.00243
0.2 0.00283
0.4 0.00373
0.6 0.00467
m Skθ
0.8 0.00557
1.0 0.00667
Table D-20 Adjustment factor, kj, for piles (see fig. 17).
Table D-21 Adjustment factors for spur dikes (see fig. D-18).
Ackers-White required the use of d35 as the representative grain size for computations in their
original paper. In the HEC-RAS approach, the median grain size will be used as per the 1993
update. The overall d50 is used for the hiding factor computations.
Hiding Factor from Profitt and Sutherland has been added for this procedure, but will be included as
an option in HEC-RAS.
Computations are updated as per Acker's correction in Institution of Civil Engineers Water Maritime
and Energy, Dec 1993.
Dimensionless grain diameter,
Shear velocity u
Check to make sure particle diameter and mobility functions are not too low,
Slope S = 0.0001
Bed level shear stress ,
the difference between the final result presented here and the result in SAM is due to the method
for determining fall velocity. Rubey is used here, whereas SAM computes a
value based on a drag coefficient determined from Reynolds number. Calculation routine taken
from SAM. Because the grain distribution is reduced to standard grade sizes representing each
present grade class, the d84 will equal the standard grade size, dsi, in this procedure.
Fall velocity ,
Use Rubey's equation, Vanoni p. 169
Shear velocity u,
Schlichting's coefficient,
Nikaradse Roughness Value, using d65, as per Einstein, 1950, p.
Check for hydraulically rough or smooth grains…
Check for Transitional regime
Einstein's method for determining u' was compared with Toffaleti's graphical
approach. Results showed that the two methods are in acceptable agreement, with differences
on the order of less than 3%. Einstein's approach was selected for its established reputation and
its relative simplicity.
More Coefficients,
Total Transport,
Slope S = 0.0001
Shear Velocity, ft/s,
Log of Concentration,
Concentration, ppm