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(P.E) CH-4 Physical Education & Sports For CWSN

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Physical Education and Sports for CWSN (Children with Special

Needs- Divyang)

Very Short Answer type Question:

1. State Paralymic.

-> The word ‘Paralymic’ is derived from the Greek preposition ‘para’ which means beside or
alongside and the word ‘Olympic’. Thus its meaning is that Paralympics are the parallel games
to the Olympics.

2. What is the role of Counselor?

-> Counselor help and support children in achieving their full potential, improving their motor
skills, giving ability to communicate properly and in promoting their mental as well as physical

3. Mention the aim of Adaptive Physical Education.

-> The aim of adapted or adaptive physical education is to help or aid or aid differently abled
students to achieve physical, mental, emotional and social growth, proportionate to their
potential, through a special planned program of regular physical education and recreational

4. Give the importance of Occupational Therapist in school.

-> An occupational therapist helps children with special needs in performing self care skills like
eating, dressing, bathing and grooming, that is activities related to fine motor skills.


Short Type Questions:

1. Explain inclusion and its needs.

->Inclusion: The term inclusion is used in the field of education to describe an approach that
aims to educate both students with special educational needs and non-special needs students
together. It means students learn while sharing the same physical space interacting socially and
academically. It brings all students together in one classroom and community.
Needs of Inclusion:

(i) Socialization.

(ii) Improves speech and language skills.

(iii) Develops positive understanding.

(iv) Memory Enhancement.

(v) Helps children to adjust.

(vi) Improves academic skills

2.) What do you mean by Deaflympics?

-> Earlier the Deaflympics used to be called World War Games for the Deaf. The Deaflympics
are an International Olympic Committee- sanctioned event in which deaf athletes compete at
an elite level. In this game the starter’s gun, bull horn commands or refree whistles are not
used as seen in the Olympics, the Paralympics and the Special Olympics. Flags or any visual
signals are used to alert the participants. These games have been organized by the International
Committee of Sports for the Deaf since the first event. The Deaflympics are more than just the
world’s second oldest multiple sports after Olympics. These games are the world’s fastest
growing sports events. They are held once in four years. The first games, held in Paris (France)
in 1924, were also the first ever international sporting event for the athletes with a disability.

3. Explain the role of physical education teacher, special educator and counselor for the
children with special needs.

-> School Counselor: He is the specialist who work with the students with special needs in
schools. He is a member of the education team who provides valuable assistance to students
with special needs. He/ She also helps them with their academic goals, their social, personal
and career development. He/ She assists teaching staff with strategies on how to support such

Physical Education Teacher: They motivate children to be physically active, develop interests in
different types of physical activities, build teamwork, improve focus on academic
performances. Their main role is to make children physically fit, develop muscular strength and
improve cardiovascular health.
Special Educator: His main role is to provide instructions and support which facilitates the
participation of students with disabilities in the regular classroom.

4. Explain the concept of Adaptive Physical Education in brief.

-> Adaptive Physical Education can be defined as “A diversified programme of developmental

activites, games, sports and rhythms suited to the interests, capacities and limitations of
disabled students who may not safely or successfully engage in unrestricted participation in the
general Physical Education programme”. Adaptive Physical Education is for all age-groups for
both male and female differently able children. Adaptive Physical Education provides safe and
sound, personally satisfying and successful experiences related to physical activities for the
differently able children.

5. Write any two philosophy of Special Olympic Bharat.

-> The Special Olympics programme came to India in 1988 with the formation of Special
Olympics India in Mumbai, Maharashtra. The movement had approx. 10,000 athletes enrolled
with it at that time. The idea was born out of Shiver’s experience witnessing the social exclusion
of people with intellectual disabilities who were place in custodial institutions as a routine. It is
a movement that uses sports to reform the lives of disabled persons. It gives training and
coaching to build the interest in sports, skill perfection, social interaction, communication skills,
talent and leadership abilities in intellectually disabled persons.

Oath: “Let me win. But if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt.”

Goal: Its goal is to work towards the social acceptance of people with intellectual disabilities,
whereby they are respected and given equal chances to become productive citizens.



Long Answer Type Questions:

1. Write a detailed note on Deaflympics.

-> Earlier the Deaflympics used to be called World War Games for the Deaf. The Deaflympics
are an International Olympic Committee- sanctioned event in which deaf athletes compete at
an elite level. In this game the starter’s gun, bull horn commands or refree whistles are not
used as seen in the Olympics, the Paralympics and the Special Olympics. Flags or any visual
signals are used to alert the participants. These games have been organized by the International
Committee of Sports for the Deaf since the first event. The Deaflympics are more than just the
world’s second oldest multiple sports after Olympics. These games are the world’s fastest
growing sports events. They are held once in four years. The first games, held in Paris (France)
in 1924, were also the first ever international sporting event for the athletes with a disability.

Sports in Summer Deaflympics:

Athletics, Badminton, Basketball, Beach Volleyball, Bowling, Cycling Road, Football, Handball,
Judo, Karate, Swimming, Shooting, Table Tennis, Tennis, Volleyball, Water Polo.

Sports in Winter Deaflympics:

Alpine Skiing, Ice hockey, Cross Country Skiing, Snowboard, Curling.

2. Describe in detail about the role of various professionals for children with special needs.\

-> (i) School Counselor: He is the specialist who work with the students with special needs in
schools. He is a member of the education team who provides valuable assistance to students
with special needs. He/ She also helps them with their academic goals, their social, personal
and career development. He/ She assists teaching staff with strategies on how to support such

(ii) Physiotherapist: He generally works on physical illness. They use various varieties of
techniques and therapies in the treatment. They play an important role in maintaining and
improving the physical well being of the children with special needs.

(iii) Physical Education Teacher: They motivate children to be physically active, develop
interests in different types of physical activities, build teamwork, improve focus on academic
performances. Their main role is to make children physically fit, develop muscular strength and
improve cardiovascular health.

(iv) Speech Therapist: Their main role is to asses, diagnose, treat and help to prevent speech,
languages, voice, fluency and other related disorders.

(v) Occupational Therapist: Thet help children with special needs in performing self care skills
like eating, dressing, bathing and grooming that is activities related to fine motor skills.

(vi) Special Educator: His main role is to provide instructions and support which facilitates the
participation of students with disabilities in the regular classroom.
3. What is the role of school counselor for students with special needs? Discuss in brief.

-> He is the specialist who work with the students with special needs in schools. He is a member
of the education team who provides valuable assistance to students with special needs. He/
She also helps them with their academic goals, their social, personal and career development.
He/ She assists teaching staff with strategies on how to support such students. He/ She helps all
students to achieve their full potential, gain self confidence and to become productive
members of the society. He also refers students and their families to community resources for
specific assistance.

4. Page 51-52


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