Unit 4 Taste Sense Reading Aloud

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Teacher: Date: 17th – 10 - 2021

Macmillan 2 Duration: 40 min.

Unit title and number: Unit 4 Session number: 2

Book and page: L.B:p.37 box 3 Lesson title: Reading aloud (Taste Sense)

Vertical integration: First grade: ice cream- lemons.

Horizontal integration: Body parts.
Previous learning: The form of the present continuous.
The words: Food.

- Classroom language (2 min.): How do you spell?

- Phonics review: “magic e”: pet- Pete
- Let ss. give some examples of the motto “Thank Allah for the five senses.” Remember them of the importance of our
body parts and to remember saying Alhamdulillah for everything.
- Bell time (2 min.): Ss. Ask ss. to open their portfolio and do question no.4 Bell worksheet 5 while you are preparing
the board. Walk around and observe. Then conduct feedback.
- Warm up:
Tell ss.: Warm up by asking ss.: to taste lemon-salt-cake-papper.
Let the identify the lesson’s tittleand the words sour-sweet-salty .

Outcomes: Procedures Instructiona Assessment Time

l strategies strategies

1-Identify 1) Tell Ss: Tell ss.: Today we are going to learn the third sense which is /D.T- Communica 0.1
“Taste”. But first let’s study the new words. tion/ Q & A .min
the new
words Sweet: The cake tastes sweet.
Critical -
correctly. Sour: Lemons taste sour.
Tell ss. we will remember and study the words: (tatse- tongue- pepper guessing
– nasty- lemon – nice - some) again Show the picture. Ask ss. to guess
the word. Then direct the ss to the sentences, so Ss. can check the
meaning. /Activity-
tongue: I can taste with my tongue. game
nice: Have a nice day.
nasty: The garlic tastes nasty. Group -
Fruit: Yummy fruit taste nice. work/ pair
Pepper: The red pepper is hot. .work
Lemons: I like lemon juice.
Mirror the new words and sentences.
Ask Ss. to study the new words alone and use to use them in sentences,
then in pairs.

Tell ss.: Now, let’s play a game; Mix -Free strategy

Pass cards and pictures or reel objects then let ss. find each other.
(matching between the reel object and the cards)
play the song while ss.are moving .

Close by asking ss.: So, Which word means ‫فواكه‬-‫ ?”فلفل‬Who can use
“delicious” in a sentence?
Ask them to use (tongue) in a sentence.
-D.T/ Observation
2) Ask ss.to open their LB p.37 box 3 D.reading /
2) Read -Read and explain. Random
aloud -let ss. Listen to the track. observation
correctly Ask ss. to listen to the audio and to follow with their fingers. -Critical
thinking/ Communica
Read again and ask ss. to repeat after you.
prediction tion/ Q & A

Make a completion between groups. Then ask ss. to read individually.

Motivate ss. who are following and repeating after you.
Ask ss.criticl thinking questions
What can er taste with?
What is the opposite of nasty?
Can we taste fruit without a tongue?
D. T./
it refers to? To the apple. D. reading
What is the opposite of nice -Activity/
How can we thank Allah for the five sense?
How does the lemon taste?

Motto: Thank Allah for the five senses.

Closure (time 2 min. ): Ask ss.: what taste sour like the lemon? kiwi

Enrichment activity: Try to taste things and see if they taste nice or nasty.
Homework: Read box 3.
Personal aim: Encourage ss. to read.

Materials needed: promethean - CD.

- :Learning Resources
.Teacher's Notes: Observe time division well
:Teacher's Feedback
Supervisor's Feedback:

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