Sesh 9-10-12 (Research 2)

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Short Quiz. Multiple Choice. Students will be instructed to read and analyze the questions
carefully and select the right answer. (10 points)

1.     A researcher made known to the subjects that they are under observation. This
may result to:

a. Experimenter effect

b. Halo effect

c. Hawthorne effect

d. Reactive effect

2. A study was conducted on the level of skills in DR among level 2 students. Two of the
students are on the dean’s list. The researchers are fully aware of this and they assume
that these students are skillful in DR, a threat to external validity called:

a. Experimenter effect

b. Halo effect

c. Hawthorne effect

d. Reactive effect

Situation: Researcher B is scheduled for a 6- month data gathering in the dialysis

department for a clinical trial of a new medication for CKD.   He had started the clinical
trial 3 months ago. Due to the pandemic however, some dialysis clients were not able to
participate because of the community quarantine imposed by the government. 
Option 1

Clear selection

3. If the clients will continue with the clinical trial after two months, there can be changes
in their body which can be brought about by the stress in the pandemic, a threat to
validity called:

a. History

b. Maturation

c. Mortality

d. Selection bias

4. When the CKD participants believe that the gentle demeanor and smile of the
researchers have a therapeutic effect on their condition, it can be assumed that this is a:

a. Experimenter effect

b. Instrumentation change

c. Hawthorne effect

d. Reactive effect

5. Due to the influx of dialysis patients after the extreme community quarantine, there
was an influx of clients in the dialysis ward. As a result, the breakdown of two
hemodialysis machines may cause:

a. Experimenter effect

b. Instrumentation change

c. Hawthorne effect

d. Selection bias
6. Some of the clients lose their motivation and are not willing to continue as subjects in
the study because of unavailability of transportation and challenging financial
obligations. This is called:

a. Mortality

b. Maturation

c. Selection bias

d. Reactive effect

7. The degree to which study results can be generalized to other settings or samples

a. External Validity

b. Internal Validity

c. Construct Validity

d. None of the above

8. This is the degree to which study results can be influenced or affected by external
factors or populations and settings.

a. External Validity

b. Internal Validity

c. Construct Validity

d. None of the above

9. To prevent the hawthorne effect, the participants do not know whether he or she is

receiving the new drug for CKD. This is a:

a. Blind study

b. Double blind study

c. Double observer study

d. None of the above

10. It is a study when neither the doctor observer  nor the client subject  knows the
specific research objective or the specific subjects who belong to the experimental or
control group.

a. Blind study

b. Double blind study

c. Double observer study

d. None of the above



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Short Quiz. Students will be instructed to read and analyze the questions carefully and select
the right answer. (10 points)
1.     A pharmaceutical company is in a clinical trial of a new drug for COPD and the
clients get excited, this can be a reactivity to situation under. 

a. Reactivity to the situation

b. Researcher expectancies

c. Novelty effects

d. Compensatory effects

2. A control group was being left behind when it comes to weight. A family member
visited the facility where the research is ongoing and has given some of the subjects
food and  vitamins. This is called:

a. Reactivity to the situation

b. Researcher expectancies

c. Novelty effects

d. Compensatory effects

3. A researcher has spoken to the participant in a study regarding her eagerness to find
out the therapeutic effect of the new drug for COPD. This may result to what threat?

a. Contamination effects

b. Low statistical power

c. Researcher expectancies

d. Treatment diffusion

4. Homogeneity may result to erroneous inference that variables are unrelated in:

a. Low statistical power

b. Restriction of Range

c. Reactivity to the situation

d. Unreliable implementation of treatment

5. A statistical power can be precise with the use of all of the following except:

a. accurate measuring tools

b. controls over confounding variables

c. powerful statistical methods

d. researcher expectancies

6. When participants in a control group condition receive services similar to those

available in the treatment condition, the threat is:

a. Restriction of range

b. Low statistical power

c. Researcher expectancies

d. Treatment diffusion

7. Manipulation check is utilized by the researcher in what threat to statistical conclusion


a. Restriction of range

b. Low statistical power

c. Unreliable implementation of treatment

d. Researcher expectancies

8. It is a related threat arising from the control group members’ desire to demonstrate
that they can do as well as those receiving a special treatment.

a. Compensatory rivalry

b. Contamination effects

c. Low statistical power

d. Restriction of range

9. To address this threat to validity, it is important to consider whether there will be

sufficient participants of variability to support the statistical analyses envisioned.

a. Low statistical power

b. Researcher expectancies

c. Restriction of range

d. Treatment diffusion

10. The degree to which inferences about relationships and differences from a statistical
analysis of the data are accurate.

a. Construct Validity

b. External Validity

c. Internal Validity

d. Statistical Conclusion Validity



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Short Quiz. Students will be instructed to read and analyze the questions carefully and select
the correct answer. (10 points).
1.     These are statistics intended to organize and summarize numerical data from the
population and sample.

a. Descriptive

b. Inferential

c. Applied

d. None of the above

2. Statistics concerned with population and the use of sample data to predict future

a. Descriptive

b. Inferential

c. Applied

d. None of the above

3. The measure of central tendency include mean, median and :


a. Frequency

b. Mode

c. Graph

d. Percentage

e. All of the above

4. This test of significance is the test for directional hypothesis and the extreme
statistical values that occur on a single tail of the curve.

a. One-tailed

b. Two-tailed
c. Three-tailed

d. None of the above

5. Which of the following is the second step in testing a null hypothesis?


a. State the null hypothesis to be tested

b. Choose the appropriate statistical test for the given data

c. State the research hypothesis.

d. Determine the level of significant differences

Option 5

6. This hypothesis usually assumes that an extreme score can occur in either tail of the
normal curve.

a. Directional

b. Non-directional

c. Null

d. Research

7. Two-tailed test of significance is an analysis of what hypotheses?


a. Directional

b. Non-directional

c. Null

d. Research

8. Sampling error may  occur when the sample does not accurately reflect the 

a. element

b. population

c. Sample

d. Sampling technique
9. It is a vital element of scientific research, since it will predict a phenomenon based on
data leading to theory development.

a. Description

b. Hypothesis

c. Inference

d. Statistics

10. If you are to estimate population parameter, the following facts will be considered

a. Probability sampling

b. Sampling bias

c. Sampling distribution

d. Sampling error



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