The National Scotland 29-04-2021

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Exclusive Davidson
accused of ‘no travel’
election rule breach

zCall goes out to 27
heads of state and
zPlea to give green
light on return after
governments as well indy – BEFORE new
as chiefs in Brussels referendum held
Exclusive Sarwar can’t claim to speak for Yes
voters while he opposes indyref2, poll says
2 The National/Thursday, April 29, 2021 WWW.THENATIONAL.SCOT / @SCOTNATIONAL

May Day

12.5k of
what we’ve
got for you
Stay tuned for news of
action for
our next campaign
indy groups
IF you are enjoying The National, why not take
advantage of one of our subscriptions. We have
digital options for as little as £1.53 a week, which
Activities from grassroots organisation
include unrestricted, advert-light website access
and a digital page-turning e-edition. As well as this BY MARTIN HANNAN Now Scotland is organising a
you’ll have access to all our mobile phone and zoom panel meeting on Saturday

tablet apps. If physical copies is your thing, then T has traditionally been a day as part of the day of action, when
be sure to check out our print offer. For more of action for supporters of Kerevan will be joined by Garry
details go to many causes – and now May Tregidga of AUOB Kernow, Sion
Day on Saturday is seeing a Jobbins of Yes Cymru, Gerry Carroll
plethora of activities that might of People before Profit and Amanda
NEWS 7 well mark a return of the protests
on the streets.
Burgauer of Common Weal in a
session that starts at 7pm and is
POLL REVEALS Now Scotland, the new grassroots
organisation, told The National that
chaired by Charlotte Ahmed.
The Scottish Independence
FM IS MOST on May 6 it is widely expected that
a majority of elected MSPs will
Movement (SIM) is organising
simultaneous cavalcades of cars
POPULAR be in favour of Scottish and motorcycles across Scotland on
independence. Saturday.
LEADER IN UK They added: “Now The venues for the
Scotland is organising a starting points at 1pm are
day of action for indy Matalan at The Peel
NEWS 14 on Saturday, May Centre, Lockerbie
1, a traditional day Road, Dumfries;
FOSTER TO of campaigning for Showcase Cinema at
rights and freedom. Barrbridge Leisure
QUIT AS FM “We would like Centre in Glasgow;
AND LEADER to ask all groups
and individuals
Camperdown Leisure
Park in Kingsway
OF DUP campaigning for
independence and the
West, Dundee; Bridge
of Dee’s Asda top-level
right to indyref2 to take car park in Aberdeen and
PROFILE 17 some time on that day to take
part in activities to get the indy
Stonehaven Leisure Centre
in Queen Elizabeth Park in
WHO IS THE message across. There will be
small-scale activities in Dundee,
SIM’s executive committee
‘CHATTY RAT’ Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Fife, stated: “We will galvanize the
Berwickshire, Orkney and Yes movement before one of the
OF DOWNING elsewhere. most important Scottish elections
STREET? “People can join Now Scotland
via the website, download
regarding Scottish independence.
“Let us put party politics aside


materials and send us photos and
videos of their activities.
“Let’s put down a marker
for one day and come together for
“This is a Scottish Independence
Scots photos
COLUMNISTS for the campaign to come; recovery
from Covid and a revival of
Movement event and all vehicles
will be welcome that support recognised
IN THE an active, urgent campaign for independence, be it SNP, Alba, or

National columnist and Now
Scotland founder George Kerevan
the Greens etc.
“This is our chance to show mass
support for independence with a
at awards
TODAY 20 said: “We see this as a day for
healing and a day for action
Covid-19 safe event.
“The real enemy is the
for pictures
across the Yes movement as we
move forward in the cause of
Westminster corrupt establishment,
and it’s time to focus our energy on
the real enemy.”
of food
REPUGNANT News in brief
AND STUPID One new death tested positive for the virus within There were 75 people in hospital
the previous 28 days – to 7654. with recently confirmed Covid-19,
PUZZLES 27 & 30 SCOTLAND yesterday recorded
one coronavirus death and 204
Scottish Government figures
showed the daily test positivity rate
down from 81. Twelve were in
intensive care, up one.
LETTERS 22 new cases in the previous 24
was 0.9%, down from 1% the
previous day. This is the lowest
Some 2,789,978 people in
Scotland had received the first
TELEVISION 28 It brought the death toll under the
daily measure – of people who first
rate in 2021 and the lowest since
September when it hit 0.6%.
dose of a vaccine and 1,142,947
had received their second.
WWW.THENATIONAL.SCOT / @SCOTNATIONAL The National/Thursday, April 29, 2021 3

Indy Scotland
‘could demand
UK cash’ for oil

N independent Scotland
could demand the UK pays
the new state to cover the
decommissioning costs of
North Sea Oil, according to a think
tank report.
The analysis, by the Institute for
Government, said such a request
from Edinburgh would be legitimate
as the UK had benefited substantially
from tax revenues generated from
the resource.
It added that the move would help
improve the starting point of the fi-
nances of an independent Scotland. The decommissioning process
Amid the growing tensions across is expected to cost £51bn
the UK, the IFG study – entitled The
Fiscal Position Of Scotland, Wales example, an independent Scotland
And Northern Ireland – examines could seek support from the rest of
what the size of its deficit would be if the UK for North Sea decommission-
Scotland and Wales became independ- ing costs since the UK as a whole ben-
ent and Northern Ireland left the Un- efited from the taxes generated by the
ion to join the Republic of Ireland. past extraction of oil and gas.”
“All four constituent nations of The estimated bill for decommis-
the UK generate a similar level of sioning North Sea oil and gas in-
revenues relative to the size of their frastructure is still expected to cost
economies. But because the econo- £51 billion, according to an official
mies of Wales and Northern Ireland estimate for 2018.
are substantially weaker than those The Oil & Gas Authority said that
of England and Scotland, they gen- the likely bill had been reduced by
erate far less revenue per person in £9bn because of “continued improve-
cash terms,” it said. ment in planning and execution prac-
“These differences resulted in Eng- tices” and despite the fact that more
land having a public sector deficit of infrastructure had been built since
0.3% of GDP in 2018/19, compared its original estimate of almost £60bn
to 7.7% in Scotland, 17.9% in Wales in 2017.
and 19.0% in Northern Ireland.” It said that these improvements had
SNAPPERS from Scotland celebrating after eloping to with the idea of offering It goes on to add each of the deficits cut the estimated costs of plugging
have been honoured at the the Isle of Skye to get anyone wishing to get married could be cut by legitimately demand- and abandoning wells and removing
Pink Lady Food Photographer married in September 2020. during lockdown a wild tiny ing future payments in a range of platforms and subsea infrastructure.
of the Year 2021 awards, a Amanda Farnese Heath of wedding with an exquisite areas from the UK. The authority is the government-
celebration of the art of food East Lothian was highly banquet in a remote secret “Future payments from the rest of owned body that regulates the indus-
photography and film. commended in the location in Scotland.” said the UK: there are some arguments try and oversees decommissioning.
Lynne Kennedy of the Champagne same category Farnese Heath. “This is one of for the remainder of the UK to make More than 300 oil and gas instal-
Western Highlands came with Wild Wedding For Two the images from our first payments in future to meet some of lations such as production platforms
second place in the (pictured). minuscule event.” the costs of spending that is classed exist in UK waters and many are
Champagne Taittinger As a result of the pandemic, The winner of the above as being for the benefit of Scot- coming to the end of their lives as old
Wedding Food Photographer she had to modify the wild award was Many a Slip land, Wales or Northern Ireland,” fields are exhausted. Taxpayers will
category with We Did It! A dining events that she would by John Armstrong-Millar, it said. be on the hook for a big share of the
joyful image of a couple occasionally host. “I came up from France. “Such payments could reduce the bill for removing the infrastructure
deficit faced by the new country. For through a system of tax relief.

Man found dead yesterday. A 55-year-old man was

pronounced dead at the scene.
Strike extended the RMT union, but this has
reportedly been extended.
AN investigation is under way after Police said the death is currently WEEKLY strike action by ScotRail Earlier this month, ticket
a man was found dead in a street in being treated as unexplained and staff has been extended, with ticket examiners voted in favour of
Glasgow. Police were called to a inquiries are at an early stage. examiners to walk out with their walkouts over a dispute around
report of a sudden death in Anyone with information is asked conductor colleagues this Sunday. “equality and justice over
Granville Street in the Charing to contact police on 101, quoting May 2 was set to be the last of six enhanced payments for rest
Cross area at around 4.30am number 0287 of April 28. Sundays of strikes by members of day working”.
4 The National/Thursday, April 29, 2021

‘Tell Scots before

indyref2 that it will
be welcomed
back into the EU’
More than 170 cultural figures make plea to Brussels
BY KATHLEEN NUTT tural historian Jan Assmann and the
CHIEF POLITICAL REPORTER Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Žižek.
Other prominent figures include

ORE than 170 prominent Belgian political economist Philippe
European writers, artists Van Parijs, the Irish writer Colm Toi-
and cultural figures have bin and the UK economic historian
c a l le d on le a der s i n Adam Tooze.
Brussels and across the continent to UK-based writers Paul Gilroy and
say that an independent Scotland Ian McEwan, British historian David
can go back into the EU. Edgerton and English musician Brian
The letter, which has been drawn Eno have also signed the letter.
up by the campaign group Europe Investigative journalist Roberto Sa-
for Scotland, is addressed to the viano, French political philosopher
heads of states and governments of Etienne Balibar and Norwegian an-
the 27 member states, the presidents thropologist Thomas Hylland Erik-
of the European Council and Com- sen are also among the signatories.
mission, as well as members of the Scotland voted to remain in the EU
commission and MEPs. in the 2016 referendum and support
It urges them to make explicit, for rejoining the bloc has remained
ahead of a second independence ref- strong.
erendum, that the country can rejoin After the Brexit vote the Scot-
if it becomes independent. tish Government sought a compro-
“We are Europeans from across mise solution for both the UK and,
the continent and around the world. failing that, for Scotland to be al-
Naturally, we disagree about many lowed to remain in the European
things. But we all agree on this: We single market.
want the people of Scotland to know However, the proposals were dis-

Intrigue in
that Europeans everywhere would missed by the Conservative govern-
welcome them back in the European Historian David Edgerton, above, ment which took Scotland and the
Union if this is still their democratic and Italian writer Roberto Saviano UK out of the EU into a hard Brexit
wish,” it said. without frictionless access to the sin-
“When Scots voted to remain in the gle market and without allowing free
EU, they did so as part of the Unit- “But the EU can declare that, be- movement of people.

ed Kingdom. Separating themselves cause Scotland has already long been Northern Ireland was given a spe- BY ABBI RENCH and Italian media
from the UK to become a member part of the EU, should it become le- cial arrangement to have closer ties GARTON have descended on key
state of the EU is a different matter. gally and democratically independent to the single market to prevent a hard Scottish battleground
“One that demands its own refer- it need not apply as a ‘new’ accession border with the Irish Republic. seats as interest in a
endum, which the Scottish Parlia- candidate.” However, the protocol agreed be- second referendum grows
ment and government have formally It continues: “Instead, the EU tween Prime Minister Boris John- on the continent.
requested. and its member states should make son and the European Commission Broadcaster France24 interviewed
“At present, the UK government a unilateral and open offer of mem- has meant customs checks between SNP candidate Tony Giugliano in
refuses to permit this. We should not bership: an exceptional proposal Northern Ireland and Britain, infuri- Dumbarton last week, while French
stand idle while this impasse lasts. to match Scotland’s exceptional ating hardline Unionists and leading newspaper La Libre Belgique and
It is an unprecedented development circumstances.” to the eruption of violence in loyalist Radio France spoke to the party’s
and demands fresh thinking from Signatories come from every single areas of Belfast and the resignation of Paul McLennan in Dumbar yesterday.
the EU. Therefore, we call on you to EU member state and all four UK na- First Minister Arlene Foster. With the SNP’s policy focussing
ensure that the EU clearly signals a tions. Among them are some of the The SNP, which looks set to return on an independent Scotland
path for Scotland to become a mem- world leading philosophers and politi- to power as the largest party in Holy- rejoining the EU, and the impact of
ber in advance of any independence cal thinkers and acclaimed European rood after the election on May 6, have Brexit becoming clearer, this
referendum.” novelists, actors and musicians. vowed to take Scotland back into the election has proved intriguing for
It added: “The usual process is for It is expected to attract hundreds of EU if voters back independence in a citizens in Europe.
the EU to respond to a membership more signatures when it is published second referendum. Tristan de Bourbon, a reporter for
request only when it comes from an in 10 European countries and 19 First Minister Nicola Sturgeon La Libre Belgique, explained why the
independent country. Scotland de- languages this morning. wants the new referendum to take French are so interested in the
serves a different process. While it is People who have signed the letter place before the end of 2023. upcoming Holyrood election.
legally part of the UK, the Scottish include the Dutch sociologist and glo- He said: “We know that the
Government cannot negotiate with balisation expert Saskia Sassen, the LESLEY RIDDOCH – PAGE 12 election is important because of the
the EU. German Peace Prize winner and cul- LETTERS – PAGE 25 referendum. If the SNP gets a big
The National/Thursday, April 29, 2021 5

Davidson accused
of breaching ‘stay
local’ campaign
trail guidance
SNP say former Tory leader should not
have left own local authority area

UTH Davidson has been
accused of flouting public
health guidance by
campaigning outside the
local authority where she lives.
The MSP for Edinburgh Central,
whose home in the capital, appeared
on social media earlier this week help-
ing Tory candidate Oliver Mundell
who is standing in Dumfriesshire.
She tweeted a picture of herself
alongside Mundell and his father for- Ruth Davidson was campaigning
mer Scottish Secretary David Mun- outwith her local authority area
dell, adding: “Great to be out with
Oliver Mundell and David Mundell servatives even at one point launch-
across Annan and Moffat today. ing a campaign to stop him becoming
#TeamTory.” leader.
However, guidance for political However, in the last few years Da-
parties and activists published by vidson has refrained from criticising
the Scottish Government in March Johnson and there has been specula-
11 and updated on April 16 states: tion she may well before long land a
“Campaigning activity not permitted: role in the Conservative government.
Some other traditional campaigning An SNP spokesman said: “Baron-
activities such as street stalls and ess Davidson is not a party leader so
physical hustings cannot take place at she should not be campaigning out-
any point. side her area and risking spreading
“Campaigners should operate only the virus during the pandemic.
in the local authority area in which “In fact, she is not even a candidate
they live. This applies even if the con- who is prepared to face the elector-
stituency or region in which the can- ate. Instead, she is scuttling off to a

election hits Europe

didate or candidates on whose behalf cushy seat in the unelected House Of
they are campaigning straddles local Lords to try to shore up Boris John-
authority boundaries. An exception son’s sleaze-ridden calamity of a gov-
to this rule is for candidates, agents, ernment.
party leaders and their support staff.” “This is quite the reverse ferret for
Davidson stepped down as Scottish Baroness Davidson, who launched
majority, an overall majority in Tony Giugliano, pictured, said: “I Conservative leader in 2019 and was and led Operation Arse to try to keep
Holyrood the referendum could be was delighted to welcome both succeeded first by Jackson Carlaw Johnson out of Number 10.
in the next few months or years, it France 24 and La Repubblica to and then by current leader Douglas “Now she is dodging the scrutiny of
will put a lot of pressure on discuss Scotland’s future as an Ross. the voters while she trousers £350 a
Westminster and Boris Johnson to independent European nation and She is not a candidate in the elec- day to work for a Prime Minister she
agree to a referendum. our pathway back to Europe. tion next Thursday as she is standing considered unfit for the job.
“I covered the last referendum in “I made it clear that Scotland has down from Holyrood and standing “The Baroness will need to spend
2014 and it was a big thing for They been aligned with the EU’s acquis up a seat in the House of Lords as
Baroness Davidson.
some of her Lords cash on a clothes
peg for her nose to help mask the
French people and French media
because they wanted to know why wanted communautaire for over 40 years
and that our EU Continuity Bill will Polls suggest that the Tories will overpowering stench of sleaze coming
Scotland wanted to be independent.
“There are also strong relations
to know keep EU law in Scots law in devolved
remain the second biggest party in
Holyrood after the election on May
from her own party.”
Responding to The National, a Scot-
between Scotland and France for what “La Repubblica were particularly 6, but their campaign has been hit tish Conservative spokesman said be-
centuries and so they wanted to
know what was going on, what was
was interested in the story of my Italian
grandparents who immigrated to this
by the sleaze allegations surrounding
Downing Street and comments alleg-
cause she is Tory leader at Holyrood
she is allowed to campaign.
the motivation of the Scottish people going constituency and started a new life edly made by Boris Johnson that he
would “rather see bodies pile up in
The spokesman said: “An exception
to this rule is for candidates, agents,
and the SNP.
“Because no-one saw the SNP on here. Electing an EU migrant to the
Scottish Parliament will send a their thousands” than order a new party leaders and their support staff
coming up so quickly and so strong message that we are an open, lockdown. He has strongly denied (as set out above).”
strongly in the polls, in power, and welcoming nation. making the remark. Oliver Mundell won the Dum-
everything has been planned for the “But it also sends a signal to the Ahead of the 2016 EU referendum, friesshire constituency in 2016 with a
SNP not to get a majority with the continent that we’re a proud Davidson, a Remain advocate, was a majority of 1230 votes over the SNP’s
electoral system – and still they European nation and we shall return stern critic of Brexiteer Johnson, who Joan McAlpine. It is a key SNP/ Tory
succeeded. So they wanted to know to the European stage – this time as is regarded by many Scots as a toxic election battleground with McAlpine
how and why.” an independent country.” politician – with the Scottish Con- hoping to oust Mundell next week.
6 The National/Thursday, April 29, 2021

Poll: Labour can’t

speak for Yessers
with current policy
Most Scots think Sarwar should come up with indy compromise
EXCLUSIVE “However, Labour remains firmly Liberal Democrats can still be consid-
BY KATHLEEN NUTT opposed to independence and to an ered a pro-European party?”
CHIEF POLITICAL WRITER independence referendum. Which of The poll, for the Scot Goes Pop
the following statements is closest to website, also records that a majority

OST voters believe your own view?” of Scots feel the Conservatives must
Scottish L abour will With “don’t knows excluded”, accept a second independence refer-
have to offer a the poll finds that 62% of voters say endum in the event of a pro-independ-
compromise position on they agree that “Labour would have ence majority in the Scottish Parlia-
a second independence referendum to offer a compromise on an inde- ment. Of the total respondents, 43%
i t c a n cla i m t o sp e a k for Y e s pendence referendum before it can agree that this should be the case,
supporters, according to opinion claim to speak for pro-independence compared to 37% who do not. Some
poll findings. voters.” 19% say they didn’t know.
The Panelbase survey records that It finds that 38% agree with the Overall the poll finds that the pro-
62% of Scots think Anas Sarwar statement: “Labour can claim to jected outcome of next Thursday’s
needs to come up with a new position speak for pro-independence voters election will see the SNP as the larg-
on indyref2, with just 38% saying he without having to offer a compromise est party with 61 of the 129 seats at
does not (when those without a view on an independence referendum.” Holyrood, two fewer than at the 2016
are excluded). If all voters are included, 44% agree election. It also suggests Alex Sal-
During the election campaign, with the former and 26% disagree. mond’s Alba Party is on course to win
party chief Anas Sarwar has tried to The survey also finds that more eight seats and the Greens returning
move discussion away from the con- than two thirds of voters do not see 11 MSPs, with a pro-independence party later tried to soften its stance.
stitution to focus on recovery from the LibDems as a pro-European Un- majority of 16 seats. Former chancellor John McDonnell
the pandemic, insisting he stands for ion party. With “don’t knows” ex- And it finds that the Scottish Con- said in 2019 Labour should allow
Scottish people on both sides of the Yes/No cluded, some 68% think that the par- servatives are on course to remain Holyrood to stage a second independ-
Labour under debate. ty could not be seen as pro-EU, while the second-largest party, while the ence referendum if MSPs vote for one
Kezia Dugdale However, the Labour manifesto 32% say the party can still see be seen LibDems will remain on five seats. – contradicting official policy.
opposed published last week firmly opposed as pro-EU. The poll of 1075 over-16s was carried He told an event at the Edinburgh
indyref2, independence and a second referen- Pollsters put the question as fol- out between April 21 and 26. Festival Fringe his party should not
but former
chancellor John dum in the next parliamentary term. lows: “The Liberal Democrats are op- Labour have battled with difficul- try to block a second vote on inde-
McDonnell says The following question was posed to Scotland seeking to rejoin ties over their position on a second pendence by withholding the legal
the Scottish put to voters by Panelbase: “Anas the European Union by becoming independence referendum for several powers to do so. Interviewed by the
people should Sarwar says that, unlike the Con- an independent country, and are not years. Under leader Kezia Dugdale broadcaster Iain Dale, McDonnell
decide servatives, his party speaks for both campaigning for the UK as a whole to the party opposed indyref2. But amid said: “We would not block something
anti-independence and pro-independ- rejoin the EU. criticisms the policy was undemocrat- like that. We would let the Scottish
ence voters. “In view of this, do you think the ic and putting off Yes supporters, the people decide. That’s democracy.”

Sarwar being told he can’t have his cake

NE of my main aims in given that the bulk of support they’ve removed, 62% of respondents say himself to soften his stance on a
the new Scot Goes Pop / lost in recent years has been from that Labour cannot speak for Yes referendum, he might be better off
Panelbase poll was to Yes voters. voters unless they offer an indyref simply owning his “no surrender”
probe the contradictions But can they actually gain any compromise. brand of Unionism and at least
that can be found at the heart of the traction that way without backing But of course what really matters gaining some credit for honesty and
campaign pitches of every one of the up the pose with some policy on this question is the opinion of consistency.
three main Unionist parties. substance? In other words, will they Yes voters themselves, and there the Meanwhile, the contradiction in
In Labour’s case, the contradiction have to meet Yes voters halfway by results are even more stark. the LibDem position is they still
is that they remain a hardline offering some sort of compromise on Excluding don’t-knows, a claim to be a pro-European party
ANALYSIS anti-independence, anti-indyref a referendum, however painful they resounding 81% of respondents while openly stating they are not
BY JAMES KELLY party even though their new leader might find that? who voted for independence in 2014 a “rejoin” party, ie they are not
Anas Sarwar repeatedly claims Or can they really have their cake reject any notion that an out-and-out currently campaigning to rejoin the
to be able to speak for both anti- and eat it, and claim to represent Unionist party can speak for them. EU.
independence and pro-independence Yes voters while only ever giving No The big danger for Anas Sarwar At UK level they can just about
voters in a way that his Conservative voters what they want? is that he may actually make his get away with that, because they’re
counterpart Douglas Ross cannot. Judging from the poll results, the problem with Yes voters worse only really in competition with two
It’s unsurprising that Labour want answer to the latter question is an by annoying them with his sheer parties who are more pro-Brexit than
to pose as an ecumenical party, emphatic “no”. Once undecideds are presumptuousness. If he can’t bring they are. But in Scotland, they’re
The National/Thursday, April 29, 2021 7

New poll reveals

Sturgeon is still
most popular
leader in UK
NEW poll ha s shown annoying, unkempt or dangerous. “A
Nicola Sturgeon remains mosquito – seems a bit harmless and
the most popular UK annoying because of his clown per-
p o l i t i c a l l e a d e r, w i t h sona but actually probably is going to
respondents praising her qualities of give you malaria,” one person said.
“bravery and shrewdness”. Sturgeon, meanwhile, was likened
Scots who took part in the Ash- to animals associated with “quali-
croft poll described Nicola Sturgeon ties of bravery and shrewdness”, re-
as being like a lion or “a wise young searchers found. “Nicola is a lion,”
owl” while Boris Johnson was one interviewee said. “I’ve sort
compared to a mosquito. of got that image in my
Respondents were head of the Lion King,
asked to rate how you know, standing
positive or negative on top of the rock
they felt towards and surveying her
party leaders on a kingdom and offer-
scale of extremely ing leadership.”
negative (-50) to Another added:
extremely posi- “A wise owl. A
tive (+50) The First wise young owl.”
Minister scored The words most
highest, with an ap- often associated
proval rating of +6. with Alex Salmond
Anas Sarwar was clos- were “arrogant,” “smug,”
est on -5, followed by Willie “dodgy” and “dishonest”.
Rennie (-12), Lorna Slater (-13), He was compared to a warthog,
Douglas Ross (-19) and Alex Salmond snake and toad.
Ahead of the 2019 General Elec- Scottish Labour ence voters’; they consider themselves (-34). Boris Johnson (-23) and Keir The response was more mixed
tion, Labour tried to appeal more to leader Anas simply as voters. Starmer (-8) also scored poorly. for Starmer, who was described as
Yes supporters with prominent activ- Sarwar has “And only Anas Sarwar is The report said half of Scottish “competent” but also “weak” and
ists involved in the campaign. After tried to move talking to everyone in this country voters praised Sturgeon because she “indecisive”. He was associated with
the election defeat – in which Labour away from the about their top priority – national “stands up for Scotland”. Other pop- animals that like to keep a low pro-
was left again with a single MP – the constitution recovery.” ular descriptions of the SNP leader file – including a mole, Labrador
party was again embroiled in a debate A LibDem spokesman said the included “determined” and “compe- and meerkat.
with MSPs Neil Findlay and Monica party is pro-EU: He said: “The SNP tent”. One respondent said: “You can Some 49% of respondents said they
Lennon arguing it should not oppose minister Mairi Gougeon has written tell she’s passionate about what she would give their constituency vote
a new vote. a letter to LibDem voters in Angus believes in. And I think she has prin- to the SNP next week. The poll also
A Scottish Labour spokeswoman in which she says ‘Both our parties ciples which she is fairly consistent on. showed that support for independ-
said: “What this fails to recognise is are pro Europe’. She is right and this “The party is promising a second ence was neck and neck, with 49% of
that many Scots don’t place them- matches everything that the Liberal referendum, I think she’s done eve- voters backing Yes and 51% backing
selves in the binary camps of ‘pro-in- Democrats have done in favour of Eu- rything in her power to try and de- No, with don’t knows excluded.
dependence voters’ or ‘anti-independ- rope for the last 50 years.” liver that. So overall, I say she’s been The Scottish Tories came in at a
very good.” distant second place with 21% back-
Scottish voters were not so gener- ing them at the constituency level.

and eat it over indy ous in their praise for the Tory Prime
Minister. The most common words
associated with Johnson were “dis-
honest”, “arrogant”, “out of their
depth” and “out of touch”.
Labour came third on 17%, the Lib-
Dems followed on 8% and the Scot-
tish Greens – only standing in 12 of
the 73 constituencies – recorded 4%.
The poll also asked voters to rate
competing with three parties – the rejection of the rejoin option for the Johnson was also described him as how likely they were to vote for a
SNP, Greens and Alba – who want whole UK, and of the possibility of “the SNP’s greatest recruiting tool”. party on May 6 from 0 to 100 – the
to get back into Europe quickly and Scotland becoming an EU member Another person added: “I wouldn’t higher the number meaning they are
offer independence as a credible as an independent state. trust him to run a bath. He openly more likely to vote for them.
means of achieving that. With undecideds stripped out, an lies. He’s lost three jobs from not tell- The SNP also came out on top with
For the first time in their history, Sarwar overwhelming 68% of the sample ing the truth. Just because his hair the average at 93/100.
the Scottish LibDems are potentially
left looking like a relatively may feel that the pro-European claim is
now bogus. Even No voters from
sticks up and he gives you a wink
doesn’t make it all right.”
Results were similarly high for the
Tories (88) and Labour, the Greens
Eurosceptic outfit, which is deeply
uncomfortable for them given
make his 2014 take that view, albeit by a much
narrower margin, as do a substantial
The report states: “In our groups
of past SNP voters, Johnson was the
and LibDems all had an average
score of 85/100.
their own instincts, and may also problem minority of the LibDems’ own voters embodiment of everything they most When it came to the regional list
be electorally damaging given the
nature of their traditional support with Yes from the 2019 General Election
(39% excluding don’t-knows).
disliked about Westminster Tory rule.
Past Tory voters were more positive
vote, the SNP were again the top
choice with 42% and the Tories
base. voters The days of LibDem canvassers but usually far from effusive.” were backed by 22% of voters. La-
To confirm the problem, I asked
respondents whether the LibDems worse breezing around affluent
neighbourhoods and getting a
Researchers also invited respond-
ents to compare political leaders to
bour came third again (16%), but the
Greens managed 9% with the Lib-
could still be considered a “pro- positive response by claiming to be animals. In Johnson’s case, he was Dems on 7%. Alba and Reform UK
European party” in view of their “pro-UK, pro-EU” may now be over. associated with animals considered each got 2% of the list vote.
8 The National/Thursday, April 29, 2021 HOLYROOD ELECTION 2021


New SNP face

set to replace
Winner in 2016: would move back into second place,
Derek Mackay (SNP) and they just about did.
However, the gap between them

ENFREWSHIRE North and the SNP was a mammoth 24
and West, or at least its percentage points, which must have
predecessor constituency been somewhat disappointing for
of West Renfrewshire, is a them in a part of the world where
rare example of a Holyrood seat in they had almost won outright in a
the western part of the central belt much less favourable year.
where the Conservatives have been Part of the explanation may be that The Conservatives have been competitive over the years in Renfrewshire North and West
competitive over the years. the Tories had previously benefited
Even more remarkable is that their from a substantial personal vote for
nearest miss occurred long before Goldie, which vanished in 2016 after For Don to miss out next week,
Ruth Davidson got them back into she made the switch from devolved the Tories would require a swing
the game nationally. In 2007, the politics to the House of Lords. of 12% or Labour would require a
Tories’ candidate was their then Goldie is far from being the most swing of just over 12%. That doesn’t
leader Annabel Goldie and she came illustrious person to have stood look realistically attainable for
within just over seven percentage for election in the seat, though. In either party unless the swing is very
points of defeating the Labour 1999, local voters also turned down localised.
incumbent Trish Godman. the chance to be represented by the
EVERY DAY JAMES KELLY FOC USES In practice, the Tories may simply
The SNP candidate, Bill Wilson, celebrated journalist and writer
ON A DIFFERENT AREA OF SCOTLAND be hoping to emulate Goldie by
best known for challenging John Neal Ascherson, who was the reducing the gap and setting up a
Swinney’s leadership of the party a standard-bearer for the LibDems, chance of victory in future years.
few years earlier, was pushed into although he went on to support the Labour’s candidate is Johanna
third against the national trend. Yes campaign in the independence Baxter, previously best known for a
However, boundary revisions and referendum. Parliament as an independent, and somewhat over-the-top reaction to
a further national SNP surge meant Since 2016, Renfrewshire North the SNP will now be hoping to the loss of battles against Corbynites
the Tories had missed their best and West has been on something of wipe the slate clean with their new in the party’s internal structures.
chance. In 2011, new SNP candidate a rollercoaster ride, witnessing its candidate Natalie Don. Her main target may be to overtake
Derek Mackay surged to victory, local MSP being appointed to one She may already have got over the Tories and reclaim second place.
with Labour not too far behind in of the highest offices of the land and the toughest hurdle by winning But of course a third possibility is
second place and Goldie slipping to then being sent to the backbenches the internal selection vote against that nothing much will change and
a distant third for the Tories. Due in disgrace – and indeed suspended her fellow Renfrewshire councillor the 2016 result will be more or less
to the big nationwide swing from from the SNP altogether. Michelle Campbell, who was replicated. Judging from the latest
Labour to Tory in 2016, there was Derek Mackay has seen out the subsequently placed at the top of the opinion polls, that may even be the
bound to be a chance that the Tories last year and a bit of his time in SNP’s list in the West Scotland region. most probable outcome.


Seat not on ultra-secure list but SNP win probable
Winner in 2016: with the help of the Davidson surge He even reached out to the SNP Corbyn in 2017, with her winning
Tom Arthur (SNP) in 2016 they only climbed to 16%. by indicating he would not use his margin tumbling to around 6%.
The sole threat to SNP incumbent position to block an independence Arthur’s own lead over Labour
THE long-suffering town of Tom Arthur next week will therefore referendum (Labour Party of 2021: when he gained the Holyrood seat
Barrhead knows only too well what be Labour. However, that threat please take note). However, the SNP- in 2016 was just shy of 15%, which
it’s like to be a left-wing enclave should not be taken too lightly, dominated parliament plumped for means on a uniform swing that
within a Tory constituency, due to because the constituency was one Tricia Marwick instead. Labour would at least be knocking
its place within the East of only 15 that Labour managed One thing that has changed the on the door if they can achieve a
Renfrewshire local authority. to retain when the SNP won their local equation since 2011 is the 2017-style national result – in other
However, it had a lucky escape overall majority in 2011. Mhairi Black factor. The SNP’s words if they can get to within 10
from the calamity of being Not only that but the Labour young star represents the overlapping percentage points of the SNP’s
represented in the Scottish margin of victory was comfortable constituency of Paisley and national vote share.
Parliament by Jackson Carlaw, at almost 10%. Hugh Henry was Renfrewshire South at Westminster But the best they’ve managed
thanks to the 2011 Holyrood the successful candidate after 12 after achieving what was supposed in the opinion polls so far in this
boundary revision putting it in the years as MSP for Paisley South and to be impossible by ousting Douglas campaign is a deficit of 23 points. So
Renfrewshire South constituency, harboured hopes of rounding off Alexander in 2015. although Arthur’s position isn’t as
where the Tories are essentially his career with a stint as Presiding However, Black herself was not ultra-secure as some, there’s a high The SNP’s
nowhere. They took just 11% of the Officer, due to the perception that it immune to a slight scare during probability that he’ll be returned to Tom Arthur
vote in the seat in 2011 and even was Labour’s “turn” for the job. Labour’s resurgence under Jeremy Holyrood for another term.
HOLYROOD ELECTION 2021 The National/Thursday, April 29, 2021 9

Young voters key to SNP

taking seat from Gray
The National counts down to May 6 by visiting Scotland’s top 10 knife-edge constituencies
BY ABBI GARTON going to start to get eroded. It’s a
reality that’s happening and we need

NP candidate Paul to wake up to it.”
McLennan hopes Chris Yule, 52, storyteller and
focussing on battling occasional TV extra, also said he
climate change and targeting would be voting for the SNP.
young voters will bag him a win in He said: “I’m very much a Yes
former Scottish Labour leader Iain voter. The geographical divide is
Gray’s constituency. quite clear – you can see there’s
The hotly contested seat in East more of a left lean north of the
Lothian has not turned yellow in Border and the feeling we’re
any Scottish Parliament election disempowered. We don’t have a
since its inception in 1999 but with proper voice in Westminster.
the voting age now lowered to 16, “We don’t get the government
McLennan said he is “cautiously for which we vote and that’s
optimistic” youngsters could make a infuriating. I believe that Scotland
dent in the 1127 votes that held it for can thrive as an independent
Labour in 2016. country. It’s got the skills, the
The National met with people and the attitude, but it’s a
McLennan in Dunbar to talk about civic concept of nationalism, not a
the key issues in the area and his nationalistic approach.
plans if he is elected as the region’s “Scotland’s made up of people
first SNP MSP. from all over the world who’ve come
The SNP’s Paul McLennan is looking to unseat Labour in the East Lothian constituency
It’s certainly a different kind of here to be here in Scotland and they
campaign for McLennan, who has are as Scottish as those who were
been a local councillor for 14 years, born and bred here. It’s more about a
with his team focussing on social
media and speaking to younger
voters on issues they care about –
Key facts state of mind than a state of blood.
But it is a tight race, and many
voters in the town are loyal Labour
jobs, housing and the environment. 2016 Election Results supporters, like sales
McLennan said: “We’ve got a Iain Gray – Scottish Labour negotiator Jennifer
really good social media campaign, – 14,329 Lewis, 50.
we hit around 50,000 hits in the
last few weeks and that’s been KEY BATTLEGROUNDS DJ Johnson-Smith – SNP
– 13,202
Asked who
she was voting
targeted at young voters with an EAST LOTHIAN Rachael Hamilton – Scottish for, Lewis
environmental message going out. Conservatives – 9045 said: “It’s been
And we’ve got one about NHS and Ettie Spencer – Scottish quite difficult
care services, so that’s been a big planting two million trees in the LibDems – 1337 for me. I have
focus because we can’t knock doors. next 10 years. So it’s looking at considered both
“I think it’s gone down really well, issues like that and marrying that up Labour majority – 1,127 party’s but I’ve
we’ve had young people who have with the national issues and trying Swing needed to SNP – 3% decided I’m going to vote for Labour.
said to us they’ve seen the videos, so to make a real difference in East Voter turnout – 62.3% “I think it’s the whole
we’re cautiously optimistic, I think. Lothian. It’s about trying to make independence thing. I’m still not sure
It’s difficult to tell because you can’t East Lothian as carbon neutral as Candidates Holyrood if it’s the right thing for Scotland. It’s
be out knocking doors or doing quickly as possible.” Election 2021 not a priority for me or those that I
street stalls.” McLennan added that an Paul McLennan – SNP care for at the moment.
McLennan said part of his independent Scotland would be key, Martin Whitfield “I think we need as a country
preparation for the campaign was adding: “Everyone is concerned – Scottish Labour to come together and to be
making sure that he consulted with about recovery and that’s right, in Craig Hoy rebuilding infrastructure, putting
local groups who are involved in terms of economic recovery, which – Scottish Conservatives money into schools and hospitals,
environmental and sustainability I think is really important, in terms Euan Davidson council houses and try and make it a
projects and will focus on rewilding of the environment which is really – Scottish LibDems fairer society.”
and making the area as carbon important to people here, and in And Catherine Robertson, 40, a
neutral as possible. education and health. But we’re youth charity worker also said she
McLennan said: “Nationally doing that with our hands tied important thing, period. I’ve got a was backing the Labour candidate.
we’re looking at how do we bring behind our back.” young daughter and she’s got her She said: “I think I’m going to
down emissions, but down there Environmental issues are high on whole life ahead of her and I’d like vote for Labour. In the
you’ve got Torness Power Station, the priority list for local publican her to experience the world similar independence referendum I was a
you’ve got Lafarge Cement and Tristan O’Brien, 49, who said he Tristan O’Brien, to the way we enjoy it, but it’s not Yes voter but I think I’ve changed
we’ve got a recycling centre as well. would be voting SNP. top, Chris Yule going to be like that. my mind.
and Catherine
So they all contribute. He said: “I think Nicola Sturgeon’s Robertson “The walls crumbling down at the “I like Nicola Sturgeon and I
“So locally it would be about done a good job and she’s honest. I east sands there because the waves think she’s done a good job with
discussing with them how do we try don’t agree with all their policies but are getting stronger and that’s only Covid but ultimately they want
and get them as carbon neutral as I think they’re honest and up front going to increase. We’re on schedule independence, I think their policies
possible. There’s lots going on and of and I trust them. for a two-degree temperature rise reflect that. I think Labour are fairer
course East Lothian is committed to “The environment is the most minimum now, so half the town is for everyone.”
10 The National/Thursday, April 29, 2021

to probe
Prime Minister’s comments about letting
‘bodies pile high’ set to be investigated
BY RICHARD MASON declarations on the matter by Lord the law, any donation of over £500 to Boris Johnson “Instead, what do we get from this
Geidt. The Prime Minister an- a political party must be registered said he paid for Prime Minister and Conservative gov-

HE leader of the opposition nounced yesterday that Geidt, a cross- and declared. So, the rules are very the renovations ernment? Dodgy contracts, jobs for
a n d t h e S N P l e a d er a t bench peer, will be the independent clear. The Electoral Commission now ‘personally’ their mates and cash for access – and
Westminster have taken on adviser on ministers’ interests for the thinks there are reasonable grounds who is at the heart of it? The Prime
Bor is Johnson after the UK Government. to suspect an offence or offences may Minister, major sleaze sitting there.”
Electoral Commission said it would Starmer pressed again on the have occurred. The Labour leader went on to claim
probe the Prime Minister over his Downing Street flat, offering the PM “That’s incredibly serious. the Government is “mired in sleaze,
Downing Street flat refurbishment. a “multiple choice”. He said either “Can the Prime Minister tell the cronyism and scandal”.
The watchdog has said there are the taxpayer, Tory Party, a private House: does he believe that any rules Johnson defended his record in
“reasonable grounds” to suspect an donor or Johnson himself paid the or laws have been broken in relation government, telling MPs: “Week after
offence may have occurred. Ques- initial invoice for renovations. to the refurbishment of the Prime week, the people of this country can
tions have been mounting since Johnson highlighted the previ- Minister’s flat?” see the difference between a Labour
former aide Dominic Cummings ac- ous Labour government’s spending Johnson replied: “No, I don’t. What Party that twists and turns with the
cused the Prime Minister of want- on the flat and repeated that he had I believe has been strained to breaking wind and thinks of nothing except
ing donors to “secretly pay” for the “covered the costs personally”. point is the credulity of the public.” playing political games, whereas this
renovations to his Downing Street Saying that the public “scream at Starmer concluded by listing the party gets on with delivering on the
residence in a “possibly illegal” move. their televisions” for the Prime Min- principles meant to govern those in people’s priorities.”
During yesterday’s Prime Minis- ister to answer questions at PMQs, public office, telling the Commons: He was then challenged again on
ter’s Questions Starmer reminded Starmer continued: “The Prime Min- “Selflessness, integrity, objectivity, the remarks by the SNP’s Westmin-
the Prime Minister that the ministe- ister hasn’t answered the question, he accountability, openness, honesty ster leader Ian Blackford:
rial code states “ministers who know- knows he hasn’t answered the ques- and leadership. Johnson replied: “If he is going to
ingly mislead Parliament will be ex- tion, he never answers the question.” relay that kind of quotation, it is up
pected to offer their resignation”. He The Labour leader reminded John- to him in a place like Parliament to
continued: “Who initially, and Prime
Minister, initially is the key word
son he is required to declare any
benefits that relate to his political
Who is at the heart of produce the author, the person who
claims to have heard it, because I
here, who initially paid for the redec- activities, including loans or credit ar- all this? The Prime can’t find them, he says that they’re

Minister, major sleaze

oration of his Downing Street flat?” rangements, within 28 days. willing to go [on] oath. Perhaps
Johnson said he paid for the reno- He added: “He will also know any they’re sitting somewhere in this
vations “personally” saying that
he will be advised on any further
donation must be recorded in the reg-
ister of ministers’ interests and, under sitting there building, I rather doubt it because I
didn’t say those words.”

Blackford uses PMQs to ask Johnson if he is a liar

BY LAURA WEBSTER phrase, calling the reports “total the question? Are you a liar Prime The SNP Westminster leader
rubbish”. Now, two witnesses have Minister?” responded: “Of course, it’s the Prime
IAN Blackford was told his said they are prepared to go on oath Johnson replied: “Mr Speaker, Minister’s behaviour which is not
language was “not savoury and not and say Johnson made the remarks. I’ll let it to you to judge whether in order. This is a Prime Minister
what we would expect” after asking “The BBC and ITV have multiple the right honourable gentleman’s that’s up to his neck in a swamp of
Boris Johnson if he is a “liar”. sources confirming that this is what remarks were in order.” Tory sleaze. We’ve seen contracts for
The Speaker cut in after the the Prime Minister said,” Blackford Speaker Lindsay Hoyle then said cronies, texts for tax breaks and cash
Prime Minister asked whether the said at PMQs. “People are willing that while the comments were in for curtains. The Prime Minister has
comments were in order. to go under oath, Mr Speaker, order, they were “not savoury and dodged these questions all week and
The SNP Westminster leader was confirming that the Prime Minister not what we would expect”. he’s dodged them again today. But
questioning the Tory leader over said these exact words. Under oath, Johnson went on to say Blackford these questions simply are not going
reports he said “no more f****** Mr Speaker. should be able to produce the to go away.”
lockdowns – let the bodies pile high “Now, parliamentary rules stop me authors of such statements if he In the Parliament, MPs are Ian Blackford
said the PM’s
in their thousands” after reluctantly from saying that the Prime Minister wants to make claims like that in not allowed to call each other behaviour was
approving another lockdown last year. has repeatedly lied to the public the House of Commons and denied liars – this is classed as not in order
Johnson has denied using the over the past week. But can I ask saying the comments. “unparliamentary language”.
12 The National/Thursday, April 29, 2021

The neighbours
who are coming
to Scotland’s
rescue in the EU
UROPEAN and English Scotland to take responsibility for
Leading cultural figures neighbours are coming to
Scotland’s rescue. Who’d
its own future. Should it decide on
independence, it will thrive within
have created citizens’ have expected it?
With generosity of spirit and
the EU as other small nations do.
Leading figures in Brussels have

initiative to resolve our a keen sense of fair play, leading

cultural figures from across the
border and the North Sea have
promised ‘the door will remain
open’. Now is the time for them to
hang out the welcome sign.”
current democratic created a citizens’ initiative to try
and resolve Scotland’s current
According to British historian
and Kings College professor, David
deficit, with Europe democratic deficit – exhibiting
a care and protectiveness that
contrasts marvellously with the
Edgerton: “Scotland should have the
right to choose between the English
Union and the European Union –
for Scotland being hostility of Westminster and
indifference of Brussels.
between dictat and democracy.”
Scots may feel estranged from
launched today The Europe for Scotland
campaign, launching today,
sees our progressive neighbours
English progressives and a million
miles from mainland Europe after
a year of closed borders, so it’s
encourage Scots towards indyref2 uplifting and a bit emotional to
and a bid for EU membership in realise we have not been forgotten. the promise that most quickly went
our own right as an independent According to Italian professor south after the indyref – continuing
state. There’s regret, but also Alberto Alemanno: “The EU must EU membership within the UK.
unsentimental clear-sightedness. stand by the Scots who, like any

As the 150-plus signatories to the other people of Europe, should be F course, none of these
EU Commissioners’ letter make entitled to choose their future in the signatories is daft. Clearly
clear, Brexited Britain is unlikely European Union. If it’s no longer an there’s no way for Scots to
to change anytime soon, Scotland’s option to be part of both the UK and rejoin the EU except as an
path evidently leads elsewhere the EU, it is not Scotland’s fault”. independent country. But folk from
and English progressives may And German professor Ulrike other countries don’t want to tell us
even benefit from the shock of our Guerot says: “Scotland historically what to do.
departure to the deeply sclerotic and culturally belongs to Europe, What they can do is clear a path
Westminster system. independently of the state formation – if we choose to take it – by urging
According to English musician it currently belongs to. This is why EU officials to make sure there’s
and Bowie collaborator Brian I signed this European solidarity a public welcome for Scotland
Eno: “We English have now left appeal for Scotland.” before indyref2 so there’s none of
the European Union, dragging the These leading members of the confusion, mixed messages and
Scots out with us. Those of us who European civic society get it. They blatant lies that surrounded the vote
think the project of a united Europe get Scotland. They instinctively in 2014. And whether you’re a big
is critically important want to see see a wider context and spot the fan of the EU or not, that’s progress.
it grow, not shrink, so I applaud international connections Scots For one thing, it helps clarify
Scottish desire to be reunited with hardly have the confidence to make Scotland’s options and could spark
Europe.” any more. These good neighbours an alternative bid by Europe’s
According to novelist and have bypassed the cautious, neutral, alternative trading bloc Efta whose
screenwriter Ian McEwan: “It was bureaucratic figures running “halfway house” offers access to
England and Wales that voted to European institutions to remind the EU single market without the
leave the EU, and a small, driven Scots of the solidarity that still Common Agriculture or Fisheries
faction of mostly English MPs and flickers at Europe’s heart – and to Policies or membership of the
their donors who chose the precise remind their own leaders of the need Customs Union – useful since
and narrow terms of our departure. to come off the fence and act. Scotland will have an immediate
At that point, the union of these It’s not just that these prominent non-EU neighbour.
islands was damaged and it falls to European figures harbour a secret But full EU membership is also
sympathy for Scotland. It’s that attractive. Why pay almost a full
they’ve spoken out, put their heids membership fee to have no say in
o’er the parapet, risked pelters from decision-making? Scotland’s Remain
Lesley Riddoch their ain folk, and taken a stand
for us. Not a stand directly on the
question of independence but on
majority was convincing, but our
final destination would still be better
decided by debate, not default.
The National/Thursday, April 29, 2021 13

And for that reason, we need both German Nina everything chucked our way by
European trade bodies to put their Jetter and Westminster, we have a parliament
cards on the table now. Italian Andre helping Scotland evolve into the
Pisaro have
According to the pollster Lord been working social democracy England will never
Ashcroft: “Those who would like an behind the be and political parties who didn’t
independent Scotland to rejoin the scenes ditch the losing argument in 2014 as
EU are far from certain this could British parties ditched the Remain
easily happen; they are unlikely to minority in England.
have their doubts assuaged before We have hope. So please read
any new vote.” the full letter and quotes from our
Well, that could change if EU European supporters, and consider
officials heed the heartfelt appeal signing the letter they kickstarted
from their most celebrated citizens into life at www.europeforscotland.
and reach out to five million citizens com. In the struggle, snubs and
actively considering a route back into Covid misery that have followed we
the European project. It would help may have forgotten that moment, but
them, and it would help us. many Europeans have not.
Overtures from the EU and EFTA Like the young European couple
would boost confidence before the
next indyref by convincing Scots we
We have who helped Oxford-based writer and
Open Democracy founder Anthony
have international options, not just political Barnett put the Europe for Scotland
the baggage of a 300-year-old Union. campaign together. Working behind
Such attention would do the parties the scenes with German Nina Jetter
bruised ego of Scotland no harm
after long decades pressed against
who and Italian Andre Pisaro, I’ve been
humbled by their energy, optimism
Westminster’s cold shoulder. Some
Scots may feel a little uncomfortable
didn’t and commitment.
Nina says “I want to see the streets
to be held aloft, admired and praised ditch the of Scotland (and England) erupt in
by high-profile strangers. They see
a plucky, single-minded, gallus little
losing joy, just as we saw in America after
Trump’s defeat. And I hope that
nation but all we see is bickering,
division, stuck polls and uncertainty.
argument when this happens, Andre and I will
be there in Scotland to celebrate
C’mon now. Let’s not get a bad case in 2014 with our friends.”
of imposter syndrome. All countries Spot on lass. It’ll be some party.
have off days, disappointments and
moments of disorientation. That McSmörgåsbord, co-edited by
doesn’t define them any more than Lesley Riddoch, is available via
electoral guddles define us. Despite
14 The National/Thursday, April 29, 2021

SNP MP back
after time out
with depression
Foster to quit
AN SNP MP spoke candidly
about her experience of
depression as she made her
as FM and
DUP leader
return to the House of Commons.
Kirsty Blackman, appearing in
person in the House for the first
time in more than a year, said
she has been “battling with the
black dog of depression” during
the pandemic and urged people Leader was facing a vote of no confidence
to reach out to those in need.
The Aberdeen North MP BY GREGOR YOUNG be found in sharing this place we are
stepped down from her role as privileged to call home.”

the party’s Westminster deputy RLENE Foster has The announcement comes 24
leader in July, citing mental announced that she is hours after a sizeable internal
health reasons. resigning as Northern criticism against her by DUP
She said: “During the past Ireland’s First Minister politicians. had signed a letter of no confidence Many are
year and a bit, like so many of and leader of the Democratic The 50-year-old Fermanagh circulated among party MLAs, MPs unhappy with
our constituents, I’ve been Unionist Party. and South Tyrone representative and peers. There is growing unease Arlene Foster’s
battling with the black dog of The Brexiteer said yesterday indicated her resignation will mark among members about her and the leadership
depression and I know that so she will step down as DUP leader the end of her political career, as she wider party leadership on the back
many people have, so I crave on May 28 and as First Minister at said she was preparing to “depart the of poor polling ahead of next year’s
your indulgence for a moment. the end of June. In a statement, she political stage”. She added: “A short Stormont elections.
“Please, if you know someone said: “It is important to give space time ago I called the Party Chairman The primary source of concern is
who has not been themselves over the next few weeks for the party to inform him that I intend to step the handling of the Brexit process
recently, reach out to them, officers to make arrangements for the down as leader of the Democratic and the Irish Sea border. Critics have
let them know it’s OK to not election of a new leader.” Unionist Party on the 28th of May accused Foster of failing to use the
be OK. Offer them help, but The outgoing First Minister and as First Minister of Northern party’s influence at Westminster –
most importantly, let them described serving the people of Ireland at the end of June. particularly during its confidence
know that you are there when Northern Ireland as “the privilege of The end of Foster’s five-year tenure and supply deal with the Tories – to
they’re ready to talk or if they’re my life”. She added: “The future of at helm of the DUP had been widely secure a Brexit deal that the nation
ready to talk.” Unionism and Northern Ireland will anticipated after it emerged that a leave the EU on the same terms as
not be found in division. It will only significant number of her colleagues the rest of the UK.
The National/Thursday, April 29, 2021 15

FM to set out SNP stand

up for Scots
100-day virus businesses
THE SNP have said they are the
only party standing up for

recovery plan
businesses in Scotland, with
bold policies that will create
jobs and drive economic
recovery. Speaking at the
launch of the party’s manifesto
for business, Business Minister
SNP will set out strategy to lead nation out of pandemic Jamie Hepburn said that, if
re-elected, the SNP will
BY GREGOR YOUNG initial steps an SNP government will “harness Scotland’s innovation
take for NHS recovery, how it will and ingenuity to create jobs

HE SNP are preparing to protect jobs and action to support and drive a strong and green
launch an action plan to lead children and young people. economic recovery”.
Scotland out of the The First Minister will also say In government the SNP have
pandemic, if they are that, once the Covid crisis is passed, to help Scotland’s children and young Nicola Sturgeon provided more than £3 billion of
re-elected at the Holyrood election. people in Scotland should have a people. will today be pandemic support to firms and,
With seven days to go before elec- right to choose their own future – “While other parties in this election campaigning in as the economy re-opens, many
tions to the Scottish Parliament, First particularly with increasing pros- have failed to put forward a serious Aberdeenshire will receive restart grants of
Minister Nicola Sturgeon will today pects of a fresh wave of austerity plan for Scotland’s future, the SNP is West between £7000 and £19,500.
publish the 100-day plan and urge from Westminster. ready to get to work. Our immediate The manifesto also pledges to
people in Scotland to give both votes Ahead of the launch, Nicola Stur- priority should we be re-elected will continue the Small Business
to the SNP to keep Scotland safe in a geon said: “This election is the most be to steer Scotland through the Covid Bonus scheme, invest £100
“knife-edge” election. important in the history of the Scot- crisis and get the recovery under way. million to help SMEs get access
Campaigning in Aberdeenshire tish Parliament – and only the SNP “Polls are showing that the out- to the right digital skills and
West, Sturgeon will say that the plan are offering a programme for serious come of this election is on a knife- equipment, support a 500%
shows that only her party has the ex- government to lead Scotland through edge and by giving both votes to the increase in the number of
perience and leadership to guide the the pandemic and into a sustainable SNP next Thursday, people can elect employee-owned businesses
country through the pandemic and recovery. a government which has the experi- by 2030 and create a
into recovery. The plan sets out the “It will show the immediate ac- ence and the leadership to lead Scot- mechanism to support more
key actions to be taken as a new gov- tion we will take to protect our NHS, land through this crucial period and employee buyouts.
ernment eases Covid restrictions, the boost our economy, create jobs and into a sustainable future.”
The National/Thursday, April 29, 2021 17

Just who is the ‘chatty

rat’ of Downing Street?
Americanisation of press briefings,
complete with the seven-figure
briefing room. Stratton was the
WHAT’S THE STORY? press secretary in Downing Street
LIKE something out of a bad West and has been moved to be in
End farce or the fevered imaginings charge of the media for COP26 in
of Franz Kafka on steroids, the Glasgow. Why?
Westminster bubble – and rather a As one Scottish observer put it:
lot of people outside it – have “Being sent to Glasgow even for a
become fixated with the story of the couple of months is the Tory
“chatty rat”, the person who equivalent of being sent to the
allegedly hangs around Downing gulag by Stalin, only you’d get a
Street leaking sensitive warmer welcome in the gulag than
government gossip – or even a Tory will get in Glasgow.”
blazing rows – to all and sundry. So Stratton isn’t the ‘chatty rat’.
At the centre of all Prime Minister The fact is, nobody will say who.
Boris Johnson’s recent legion of
problems is the man or woman who IS THIS THE DOWNFALL OF
leaked such details as his “bodies THE JOHNSON EMPIRE?
piled high” rant and his – shall we HAVING had, or still having, a
say, interesting – explanations of chatty rat indoors won’t
how the eye-wateringly expensive defenestrate Johnson as he’s
£58,000 redecoration of his already survived the “bodies piled
Downing Street flat was paid for. high” scandal. Neither will the
Have these people never heard of overspending on his wife’s choice
B&Q? And don’t forget the PM’s tax of decor for their Downing Street
texts with James Dyson. flat, though the Electoral
There is no doubt whatsoever Commission will possibly issue him
that the revelations of the goings a slap on the wrist – fat lot that will
on behind closed doors in Downing do to a politician with a thick skin
Street are much to the that’s a mixture of Teflon and
embarrassment Johnson as he elephant hide.
showed at Prime Minister’s Remember, Johnson has an
Question Time yesterday, when 80-seat majority and a Trumpian
Keir Starmer and Ian Blackford hold on his party as he delivered
tag-teamed him perfectly. Nasty their beloved Brexit. The only thing
Boris came out to play, but then that could possibly harm him is a
maybe even he doesn’t know who dreadful showing by the Tories all
the real chatty rat is. Dominic Cummings and Allegra Stratton previously worked in Number 10 Downing Street over the UK in next week’s
elections, but that still wouldn’t
CHATTY RAT? with Johnson apparently briefing Gove, the rival who could not be oust him. For the legendary “men in
YEAH, we ken. Like chosen newspapers – we can accused of stabbing Johnson in the grey suits” that used to run things
something out of a assure you The National was back when he went for the Tory and decide Tory leaderships are no
bowdlerised Jennings or not on his calling list – leadership simply because he was longer there and no-one else would
Billy Bunter book, a that the long-distance upfront about it. As they don’t say have the temerity to challenge
nickname redolent of lockdown dodger in all the best detective novels “cui Johnson’s leadership.
English public school was the source, bono” – who stands to benefit, if Put it this way, if a man can drop
lingo or newspeak for possibly not of all the Johnston has to go. It won’t be the Queen into a huge legal row
the Bullingdon Boys damage but certainly Gove, so why would Newman leak over prorogation, and lose the case
Club. some of it. things for his old mentor? without resigning, then he can
The name was
coined by the media,
Cummings exploded,
with his now famous
The term New director of communications
Jack Doyle was blamed by
survive anything. But all of this
scandal matters because it shows
apparently on the advice
of a civil servant, to
1000-word blog
excoriating Johnson and
chatty Cummings for “false accusations to
the media”, but he’s a Jack-
how fundamentally sleazy
Johnson’s Government is.
describe the official inquiry vehemently denying any leaking. rat was come-lately and the fact is Oh, and before anyone
into who leaked details of a He has plenty evidence that he that all of this brouhaha thinks this is just
forthcoming lockdown. was not the leaker, having being – it’s basically between Caledonian carping,
It has been confirmed that in
Downing Street and the upper
previously been exonerated by the
Cabinet Secretary Simon Case and
used as the Vote Leave mob
and the other side –
consider this: Scottish
politics used to be
echelons of the civil service, not to
mention the Cabinet and the Tory
Johnson himself.
ITN political editor Robert Peston
a short really started with the
resignation of Lee
deemed to be above
all that Westminster
Party, that the term chatty rat was
being used as a short form of name
confirmed the “bodies pile high”
story and was adamant: “The
form of Cain as
nonsense. But
then came the
for the investigation. It should not be ‘chatty rat’ who contacted me was name director late last year. Salmond-Sturgeon
forgotten that this was a very serious not Cummings.” He is not the rat, that’s for saga and the far-from-
inquiry into who leaked incredibly Speculation has recently tended for the sure, as the leaking has kept hilarious sight of senior
sensitive lockdown information that
affected millions of people.
to concentrate on Henry Newman,
personal friend of Johnson’s
probe going long after his departure.
Which brings us to Allegra
politicians and civil servants
developing selective amnesia. So
fiancée Carrie Symonds. Newman Stratton, the high-achiever who was perhaps we shouldn’t be sneering
NAMES IN THE FRAME? has flatly denied being the leaker, supposed to be the front woman in too much yet at Downing Street’s
FIRST up was Dominic Cummings, but then he is a protégé of Michael the Tory government’s talkative feline nonsense.
The National/Thursday, April 29, 2021 19
Two of Scotland’s
national parks to
play vital role in
funding model

COTLAND’S two national
parks are to play a vital role
in a new £239 million
project to restore some of the
UK’s most beautiful natural
landscapes over the next decade.
In an announcement timed for
the run-up to COP26 in Glasgow,
Loch Lomond and The Trossachs
National Park Authority and
Cairngorms National Park Authority
have joined with the 13 other
national parks in England and Wales
to form a partnership with global
impact firm Palladium.
The aim is to help find £239m to
fund vital restoration work over the

Scots parks part of £239m drive

next 10 years with the aim of creating
a sustainable funding model for
nature restoration. The partnership
said that the national parks have
the knowledge and expertise to
develop and deliver conservation and project. It is essential that the public “We’re excited by the progress. executive, said: “Our partnership with
restoration projects on the ground, and private sectors come together We’re already making together with National Parks offers us an exciting
but to date have struggled to raise the to find solutions to tackle the Palladium and plan to announce opportunity to take our decades of
necessary funding. climate emergency.” more in the run-up to COP26.” experience working with businesses,
Palladium – which designs Gordon Watson, chief In a statement issued by government and civil society to design
sustainable business models in the executive of Loch Lomond Palladium, the partners said: business models that can restore and
Amazon and around the world – is and The Trossachs National “Conversations are taking generate value from nature, and apply
now partnering with the national Park and current UK lead for place with a diverse number of them in the UK at a scale that can
parks on innovative ways of securing National Parks, said: “Our companies interested in getting really make a difference.
private and public finance for collaboration with Palladium involved to support this new “We are excited to bring lessons
repairing damaged peatlands and is enabling the UK’s national approach to nature restoration. from tropical programmes such
grasslands, woodland planting and parks to shape and strengthen how “Summer 2021 will see further as Partnerships for Forests (P4F),
management and habitat creation. we can solve some of today’s most consultations with impact investors which has supported 67 sustainable
Speaking to The National, Dr Pete pressing environmental challenges. Gordon Watson and companies with announcements forest business models to date and
Mayhew, director of nature and “Restoring our landscapes at scale says restoring on the next stage of development in secured over £250m of new private
climate change at the Cairngorms will reduce CO2, mitigate flood landscapes will the run-up to COP26.” investment while placing over 1
National Park Authority said: “We’re risks, enhance biodiversity and help reduce CO2 Christopher Hirst, Palladium million hectares of land under
delighted to be involved in this rural economies. managing director and chief sustainable use.”

New York State court wants

Trump to appear under oath
BY MARTIN HANNAN always tried to avoid – testifying a civil action against him or her is
under oath. moot given that the rights of parties
MANY pundits in the US and The case concerns a group will not be directly affected by our
elsewhere predicted that it would of human rights activists of determination and that there will
only be a matter of time before Mexican origin who allege they not be an immediate consequence of
former president Donald Trump were violently attacked by the judgment.”
would be summoned to court Trump’s security guards on In effect, by saying his appeal
after losing the immunity granted to September 3, 2015. is “moot” because he is no longer
him while he was custodian of the The lead plaintiff is Efrain president, the court is saying Trump
White House. Galicia, in the case of Galicia v must now give evidence on oath.
More than 30 lawsuits are Trump, heard in the Supreme Court documents alleged:
outstanding against Trump and Court of the State of New York on “Plaintiffs were attacked and their
he is under investigation by Tuesday. In 2019 a state court property destroyed for the express
numerous agencies including the judge in the Bronx in New York purpose of interfering with their
tax authorities in New York and the ordered Trump to answer questions political speech while they were
election officials the state of Georgia. under oath, but Trump argued lawfully and peacefully assembled
Now a day of judicial destiny has on appeal that he could not be on the public sidewalk in front of
arrived for the one-time king of compelled to testify the headquarters of Donald J Trump
reality television. In its ruling the court states: for America Inc and the Trump
It was the appeals court of his “This appeal concerning the Organization LLC.”
former home state of New York proper standard for determining It is likely Trump will appeal the
which late on Tuesday acted to whether a sitting president may be latest finding, for he is facing at least
haul the former president before compelled to give videotaped trial two lawsuits in which he is being
the one element of justice he has testimony about unofficial acts in asked to testify under oath. There are more than 30 lawsuits against Donald Trump
20 The National/Thursday, April 29, 2021

Huge spike in referrals by child abuse helpline

THE number of referrals made by a and behaviour, which increased by for governments across the UK to The second highest reason for
child abuse helpline to authorities 86% from the previous year to 954. put children at the heart of their referral was physical abuse, with
has increased by more than a The charity warns the pandemic recovery plans.” referrals increasing by 42% to 490.
third during the pandemic, latest has increased the risk of abuse and Concerns about adult mental This was followed by neglect,
figures show. neglect, with children both more health and behaviour include which increased by 2% to 422
The NSPCC made 2476 referrals vulnerable and out of sight of people parental alcohol and substance referrals, and emotional abuse which
to external agencies in Scotland such who can keep them safe. misuse, domestic abuse and parental rose by 15% to 289.
as the police and local authorities Sir Peter Wanless, NSPCC chief mental health. One parent who A Scottish Government
from April 2020 to March 2021, executive, said: “We’ve been hearing contacted the helpline said: “I was spokesman said that along with
compared with 1781 over that period first-hand about the immense recently let go from my job and I Solace (the Society of Local
in 2019/20 – an increase of 39%. pressures families have faced during haven’t been coping well with the Authority Chief Executives and
Referrals are made when concerns the pandemic and the heavy toll that stress of it all. I’ve been drinking Senior Managers) it established
reported to the helpline are has taken on children and young more than I used to and me and my the Children and Family Collective
considered to be serious enough to people. For some children, this wife argue almost every day. Leadership Group to consider the
NSPCC chief warrant further investigation or if it has included experiencing abuse, “Sometimes the rows happen in impacts of the pandemic on children,
executive Sir is felt a family needs support. The top bereavement and other harm. front of our two-year old daughter young people and families, and
Peter Wanless reason for referral from the helpline “The record number of contacts – I’m worried what effect it must be the actions required by local and
was parental and adult mental health to our helpline reinforces the need having on her.” national government.

Aid cuts aren’t just repugnant

– they’re indescribably stupid
Lack of access to water can cause instability, unrest and dangerous power vacuums

ATER. Without it, we As Tim Wainwright, the chief forces? Why should we cough up for
as human beings would executive of the charity WaterAid, the failings of a predatory political
cease to exist. That’s rightly pointed out yesterday, while leadership and corrupt regimes that
not a political “there is never a good time to cut appear unconcerned about the plight
viewpoint, it’s an unequivocal fact. lifesaving water and sanitation, to of their own citizens? These are only
Whatever a person’s political stripe, do so now in the middle of the worst two of the many questions I’ve often
we can all at least agree on that, pandemic in 100 years must be one been asked about such policies.
just as we can agree no-one should of the worst”. The short answer to both is that
be deprived of access to clean water. If self-interest is the motive for yes, there needs to be a careful
Or can we? making such cuts, why can’t the evaluation of how aid is distributed.
Apparently not as far as the UK Tories see that the actual provision Transparency and accountability,
Government is concerned if the of overseas aid serves that purpose, too, must be part of the
latest leaked memo is anything to not least if the pandemic remains understanding on which it is given.
go by. Once again, here we have uncontrolled in developing countries? But humanitarianism must not be
the Tory Government behaving true We are, after all, globally impacted trumped just because we might find
to form, lashing out at the poorest by the virus and its existence aspects of a country’s government or
and most vulnerable by slashing anywhere is a threat to all of us. leadership disagreeable.
overseas funding by more than 80% What’s more, lack of access to You can also bet that it’s not as if
for the lifesaving water, sanitation water can lead to instability and the cash “saved” from depriving the
and hygiene projects that exist across unrest in places where political and world’s poorest of clean water will go
developing nations. social structures are already brittle. towards alleviating the plight faced
If ever a decision tells us all we Helping avoid that instability and by the most vulnerable here in the
need to know about the way this depriving those who would take UK whatever spin Downing Street
government thinks and acts this, is advantage of the power vacuums it puts on it. ]
it. Yes, I know there have been no brings about – as Islamist-inspired

shortage of cuts here closer to home extremists and terrorists have done HAT has never been the
and the persistent prevalence of in various places – sounds to me Tory way and right now it’s
food banks is but one dire testimony as pragmatic a reason as any for more unlikely than ever
to the state of the nation created ensuring a commitment to with a government
by the Tories. However, this latest overseas aid. inhabited by those who see the
move somehow truly epitomises the From personal experience of public fiscal well as one they can
ethos of a government that mounting covering humanitarian crises across dip into at will or on a whim.
evidence confirms daily to be utterly the world, I know all too well how Irrespective of money “saved”,
callous. politically contentious an issue as the recent suffering in India has
Putting aside the humanitarian foreign aid can be for some here starkly revealed as it struggles to find
indifference and moral repugnance at home. It’s understandably hard hospital beds and oxygen to cope
of depriving countless people of sometimes for many people to with the overwhelming number of
the clean water to which everyone comprehend why the UK should be coronavirus cases, turning our back
should have access, this is also a providing aid to countries that on is sometimes not an option.
policy of indescribable stupidity. the face of it appear comparatively Call me naive if you like, but
comfortable or well off. sometimes there is simply the need
Why should UK overseas aid go to do the right thing by our fellow
David Pratt to nations such as China or India
that can afford space programmes
or spend a fortune on their armed
human being on this fragile planet
and helping provide safe and clean
water is one of them.
The National/Thursday, April 29, 2021 21

Kids improve reading Hub help for

CHILDREN in Scotland read longer one were reading a larger variety
and more challenging books during of books than their English
school closures in the past year, a
report has found.
Experts said having more time
to read allowed pupils to “immerse
counterparts, and Scottish primary
twos in particular were reading
books intended for children almost
two years older. Overall, primary
buy-out plans
themselves in literature”, as survey school children developed their
results showed more children were reading levels further than secondary
reading for pleasure and deriving school pupils, it adds.
more enjoyment from books. Professor Keith Topping, who
The findings are contained specialises in education at the
in the annual What Kids Are University of Dundee, welcomed
Reading report by learning group the findings. He said: “It is great to
Renaissance. It analysed the reading see that primary age children are
Children are habits of more than 1.1 million reading more difficult books and
reading more pupils across the UK and Ireland, this should be reflected at secondary
difficult books including 46,722 Scottish youngsters. school age where book difficulty this
It found Scots pupils in primary year plateaued.”

Govanhill Baths was saved from closure by a community campaign

BY GREG RUSSELL block of Lambhill Secondary

School. The team there are

LASGOW and Clyde creating a welcoming space for
Valley all kinds of activity, providing for
neighbourhoods the most vulnerable in the
looking to become community and supporting those
part of the urban who want to make the
community buy-out scene are neighbourhood a better place.
being supported in their quest Govanhill Baths is now a
with the launch of a new community hub providing health
Community Ownership Hub. and wellbeing workshops and
It is building on the success of classes for the local community,
such buy-outs over the last five after being saved from closure by
years, since community right to a community campaign.
buy was extended to cover urban The trust that runs it was
areas. formed in 2004 and ensured the
Now, a fifth of all community- future of the last surviving
owned assets in Scotland are in Edwardian public bathhouse in
Even Tories such as former people. These people often couldn’t Can we agree towns and cities and the country Glasgow.
no-one should
international development secretary care less about politics, let alone be deprived is said to lead the way Linsay Chalmers, development
Andrew Mitchell MP admit that the global variety, given their of access to internationally in community-led manager at Community Land
“access to water and sanitation is unavoidable preoccupation with clean water? urban regeneration. Scotland, said: “Community land
consistently the UK public’s top making sure their families don’t go Carey Doyle, manager at the ownership has long been
priority when polled about what aid thirsty, have enough food to eat, or new hub, said: “We are here to associated with Scotland’s rural
should be spent on”. stay clean to prevent the ravages of support communities who want to communities, but over the past
Heaven knows, if our political disease. own land or buildings in Glasgow five years we have seen an array
leaders in the UK Government can’t Some years ago, while in South and the Clyde Valley. of impressive urban communities
see the moral and practical certitude Sudan I spoke with a group of “Ownership is a great way for take on assets.
in that, then it’s high time we children who spent most of their communities to take control of “At Community Land Scotland,
replaced them with those who can. entire days fetching water. They told problems in their local area. we believe that ownership can be
In answering the doubters as to me how they rose at dawn walked a “However, ownership needs to as transformative for communities
what difference the provision of round trip of 15 miles in oven-like be on communities’ terms, and in Scotland’s towns and cities as
something such as clean water can heat carrying buckets and drums there are plenty of challenges to it has been in rural areas but our
make to countless lives, I would lashed to their backs to the only well resolve before urban community research has shown that urban
simply ask them to try going without with safe clean water in their area. ownership becomes a communities face some specific
it themselves for a time. This, too, Every day they did this, some straightforward and mainstream challenges.
without facing a shortage of other as young as eight years old; a life process. “This can make their journey to
necessities like food and shelter as so sentence of back-breaking labour. “We think communities create ownership unnecessarily
many of our fellow global citizens do. Not to do so daily would mean giving the best solutions to their draining. We set up the hub up to
I so wish those doubters could up on life itself. problems, and the ownership of try to tackle these challenges
be transported if only even for That well, like countless others land and buildings is often key to head-on and find solutions that
minutes to those barren, unforgiving around the world, was paid for and these solutions.” will ultimately benefit urban
places in parts of Niger, South built by money ordinary people Glasgow has already seen a communities across Scotland.”
Sudan, Somalia, Ethiopia and many like you and I provided through number of successful buy-outs, Carey added: “We are delighted
other places I’ve visited to see for donations and taxes. As far as I’m such as the Kinning Park to be able to provide enhanced
themselves the colossal difference concerned that’s money well spent Complex, a multi-use building support to groups at key stages
clean water, sanitation and hygiene and no Tory or any other politician that was formerly the science in the ownership process.”
projects make to the lives of ordinary will convince me to the contrary.
22 The National/Thursday, April 29, 2021

Have your say by emailing

The game is up: we all

know the PM lied, and
so did his defenders
HE issues, contradictions that the “truth” will come out, truth
and revelations of untruths that shows the whole sequence of
surrounding who paid what cover-up from start to finish and
and when for the blame being apportioned. The game
refurbishment of the flat in No 11 is now up!
used by a PM are mired in The Cabinet minister “knows”
obfuscation, hasty retractions and that damning evidence is about to be
panicked verbal press releases from uncovered, not a “mea culpa” from
Allegra Stratton and others. someone (the PM) who unwittingly
The following, reported in an acted, but actions which show
English newspaper on Tuesday, that the ministerial code was not
is revealing and underscores only broken, but that steps were
the flippancy and denial of any orchestrated to cover it up through
awareness of seriousness in this false press releases.
one incident among the many such However, the underlying tone from
others arising from the PM’s tenure the unknown Cabinet member is a
in office: “On Tuesday a Cabinet
minister said that, while they
laissez-faire approach to government
aiming to see how much one can get
Have you got
detected little public pressure on the away with while pursuing personal a good story?
issue, giving Johnson some room for gain outwith the code of conduct
manoeuvre, there was a feeling that Questions when in government. Contact us on
clarity would now help. ‘My view has
always been that start with the truth;
about the
funding of Clarifications When this saga and the other
issues arising from words, deeds and
0141 302 7000
that’s where you’ll end up anyway,’
they urged.”
Downing Street
refurbishments and corrections actions by the present PM are over, it
cannot be brushed aside by excusing Henry Newman was upset by the
Analysing this rather bland throw cannot just be IT is our policy to correct errors it through the punchline that “Boris publicity surrounding the allegation
brushed aside
away comment, we note that so as with the ‘Boris as soon as we can and all will be Boris!” that he was the source of a damaging
long as there is little public pressure, will be Boris’ corrections and clarifications John Edgar leak last year (Prime Minister
they have room for “manoeuvre”. punchline will usually appear on this page. Kilmaurs is accused of trying to stop text
That means they can dissemble, We are regulated by the inquiry, April 26).
continue to shove out a few stooges Independent Press Standards FRIENDSHIP is a wonderful OK, so we have an engaged
in front of the media to spin and Organisation (IPSO) and adhere thing. It’s supportive when times woman whose best friend is accused
deflect. The unknown Cabinet to the Editors’ Code of Practice are bad, like now, and great to of leaking damaging tales regarding
minister is unaware that public (see share when times are good. Now, as statements made by her fiance,
pressure is only just beginning as The National is published by a male, I have several male friends. and she is going to be upset by her
the particulars of the refurbishment Newsquest (Herald&Times) Ltd. As I am sure most guys have. Some fiance’s failure to stop an inquiry
“trust” are only emerging. Complaints should be referred inevitably closer than others, some into the leak. This does not sound
But to be fair, he or she admits to Callum Baird, Managing more just acquaintances. The same very supportive of the man who’s
condescendingly that “clarity would Editor, The National, c/o The could be said for the females I know going to be her husband.
now help”, probably just to help Print Centre, 125 Fullarton – I am married and my wife would What can poor Boris do when he
the Tory party and the PM out of Drive, Cambuslang, Glasgow, not be too happy if it was otherwise. is surrounded on all sides by clipes
another self-made mess. G32 8FG or emailed, for the Now the reader is probably and self-servers?
The last quotation “my view is that attention of Callum Baird, to wondering what this preamble is all Ian Rankine
start with the truth” is jaw-dropping. about – well, to explain. I am getting Milngavie
Here the person is already distancing z If we cannot reach a distinctly bad smell coming from
himself or herself from the debacle a resolution, contact Downing Street. Amongst all the IAN Blackford’s performances at
as it gives away the fact that no-one or by sleaze that is being reported, there PMQs are usually laboured and fail
started with the truth but spun lie post at Ipso, Gate House, was a report that Boris wanted to to hit the mark, but yesterday he
after lie as the truth is where “you’ll 1 Farringdon Street, London, quash an enquiry about a leak and was superb. He quite rightly
end up anyway.” In other words, this EC4M 7LG. would be given a hard time by highlighted the chumocracy with
Cabinet minister has just revealed Carrie if her “BEST FRIEND” Covid-19 and Brexit-related
The National/Thursday, April 29, 2021 23


behaviour PLEASE note that due to the
coronavirus pandemic, The

by so-called National’s roadshow events

have been suspended until
further notice.
leaders Are you are self-isolating and
in need of help with shopping
I WATCHED the Channel 4 or collection of prescription
leaders’ debate and was medicines? Or are you worried
appalled at the shouting and about an isolated friend or
heckling by Sarwar and DRoss relative who may need
every time the First Minister assistance in the coming
spoke, and this was allowed by weeks, or perhaps just
the chair. Two alpha males someone to chat to by phone?
shouting above a female and Get in touch with us by emailing
insisting to be heard – the
whole scene was not worth of and we’ll do our best to put you
any potential leader. in touch with an online group or
Sarwar trying so hard to be individual reader in the local
the grown-up in the room by community.
refusing to answer anything
he does not like and blaming

others if they try to – and
DRoss vehemently denying
the alleged actions of the Tory
Prime Minister.
All this talk of a “divisive”
referendum is nonsense – it
only becomes divisive if people
like Sarwar and DRoss refuse
We need tolerance for
to listen and add to the debate
but think shouting someone
down or talking over them is the
and from new parties
answer and will solve Will the Alba faction be like when our only aim is to win
everything. The chair made no MacFerrets in a sack after the independence as soon as
attempt to control the debate election? possible? United AUOB, all the
–perhaps we need to resort to I quite agree that unity way from now until independence
the Trump/Biden solution of a is what is important going day, that’s us.
bell ringing, or for DRoss a into this election and I would P McDonald
whistle to stop and penalties expect everyone who is pro-
imposed on offenders. independence to vote SNP Boris Johnson to be
How the First Minister is able for constituency. Equally we investigated by Electoral
to keep her calm is beyond me. need a degree of tolerance Commission over flat
Winifred McCartney from and for all pro- refurbishment
Paisley independence parties. I can’t help but feel the worst
People should respect that possible outcome for our chance
some will vote SNP, Alba or to secure Scottish independence
VISIT OUR WEBSITE: Green on the list. As long as
it’s not for a Unionist party, that
is that Boris loses his seat shortly
as PM.
FOLLOW US ON TWITTER @scotnational should be fine. Remember it is I want him to stay exactly where
the Unionists who are the real he is as one of the best recruiting
LIKE US ON FACEBOOK: enemy of Scotland. tools for independence.
thenationalnewspaperscotland George Galloway suggesting
partition in Scotland – what an
I hope Ruth Davidson isn’t
allowed as a member of the Lords
idiot! Since we entered this to be thrown in to head of the
contracts given out with a proper Most countries develop union as the Kingdom if Scotland, Tories to battle our chance for
tendering process. The euphemisms to describe their it is that same Kingdom that independence.
refurbishment of the flat is government’s corruption – our comes out, every bit of it. To Not that she’s much good,
chickenfeed, the issue is the words of choice seem to be think otherwise is pure and but she’s streets ahead of Bojo
billions for these contracts. cronyism, back-handers, utter fantasy. the joker.
My worry is that Boris will under-the-table transactions Cailean P Gordie Mackenzie
be pushed out, a new face and brown paper envelopes.
will come in as PM and the In Japan they use the I am in contact with several The problem is that if Johnson
contracts issue will be term “black smoke” to friends who are all readers of goes who we get in his place? My
forgotten. Business will describe corruption. Taking The National. We all share the money’s on Gove, a man who has
just go back to normal in that into account, I would same determination to keep form for back-stabbing but who
the cesspit of the UK’s like to label Tory corruption campaigning for and and winning has been strangely quiet recently.
so-called democracy. as the “Westminster fog” that is independence sooner rather than A case of out of the frying pan
Frederick Hall currently being emitted into the later. Some of us are choosing into he fire.
via ‘Westminster UK on a daily basis. It reminds SNP 1 and ALBA 2, some others Jess Mitchell
fog’ is currently me of the thick Glasgow fog I are sticking with SNP 1 and 2 or
TRANSPARENCY, clarity, and being emitted experienced in the 1950s and 60s. SNP 1 Greens 2. I’m waiting for HMRC to ask
the declaring of donations does into the UK on This changed, of course, when One thing for sure is that we how he came up with the cash.
matter. The Prime Minister and a daily basis Glasgow became a smoke-free zone. are not in the least divided by any That’s the only investigation with
Westminster should follow the rules All houses were converted to gas voting choices that might differ any teeth.
like everyone else. He needs to clear fires or smokeless fuel. from our own. In our book, as John MacDonald
the air of all allegations. Whether Wouldn’t it be great if, likewise, long as you vote for any party
it’s regarding dubious donations, Scotland became a Westminster-free that supports and promotes Well, it was the US Revenue
PPE and ventilator contracts, flat zone! Let’s make that conversion. Scotland’s independence then services who eventually got
refurbishment, or whatever. Not to Vote wisely on May 6. there can never be anything that Al Capone....
do so fuels mistrust and thoughts Robin Maclean divides us. Why on earth would it Rachel Wentworth
of corruption. Fort Augustus
24 The National/Thursday, April 29, 2021

to tarnish Have your say by emailing

SNP with Let’s remind

their spite
IN Ann Williamson’s letter
yesterday she asks those using
ourselves of
the word populist to elaborate;
actually she asks those using it
as an insult to elaborate.
the SNP’s
I certainly do not use that
word as an insult to describe
Salmond’s return to politics but
record on
more a simple statement of
what he has turned out to be.
The similarities between him
and the ex-president of the
USA are quite striking in that he E have seen in the
is promising outcomes he media recently what
cannot possibly achieve given the SNP has allegedly
the size of his support. not delivered since
His announcements about 2007, particularly with regard to
pushing for the referendum education. To paraphrase from The
and what currency an Life of Brian “what has the SNP
independent Scotland should ever done for us”?
use, along with statements on Let us look at just a few of the
Trident, are all soundbites initiatives that have been delivered
designed quite cleverly to under an SNP government:
gather those who feel 1) Free university tuition
disenfranchised to his banner. 2) Free meals for pupils in P1 to P3
He is also using social media 3) Spending on education
to undermine the excellent increased by £189 million in 2018/19
work achieved by the SNP 4) More than 850 schools
government, and one only upgraded since 2007
need read the blogs of his 5) National school clothing grant
supporters to understand of £100
the deep-rooted hatred of the 6) More than £1 billion invested in
SNP leadership that they have. universities since 2012
Quite why the Alba party 7) Educational Maintenance
bloggers-in-chief think this Allowance scheme expanded
way, well they did not get their 8) Further education students
way within the party so now supported by £111 million funding in
they attempt to tarnish it with 2018/19 – up 33% under the SNP
their spite. 9) Highest bursary in the UK for
So yes, Ann, Salmond is a full-time college students
populist leader in every sense 10) £20,000 bursary for career
of the word and quite why he changers becoming science, tech,
has chosen to use this election engineering or maths teachers
to get his pie-in-the-sky 11) Increase of 2,500 in the
supermajority is a question with number of teachers
many possible answers, none 12) Investment of £750 million in universities and then immediately
of them nice and all of them to reduce the attainment gap has introduced them in England with a
centred on Alex Salmond, led, before Covid struck, to the gap crippling effect on students.
populist leader. being reduced by more than a third Let us take education forward on
What we have to remember is at National 5 level and a fifth at May 6 with BOTH VOTES SNP.
that Salmond failed in 2014 as National 6 level. Tom Tracey
a politician and from his “day in Now let us look at a few of the Greenock
court” we have also learned he initiatives that the SNP will deliver if
failed to maintain standards of elected to government on May 6: IT’S been reported in the Unionist
behaviour expected of 1) Digital access with a free device press that Scots receive £2543 per
someone in high office. for all pupils and free internet access annum more than they contribute,
There is a military saying that 2) Access to free school breakfasts presumably thanks to the largesse
goes along the lines that if you and lunches for all pupils in primary of Westminster and the UK Union.
use weapons and tactics of 3) Abolishing of curriculum While I suspect this smacks of the
past campaigns in a future one charges for practical subjects same accounting chicanery of the
you will lose. Well that is what 4) School clothing grant increased GERS figures, doesn’t it beg
Salmond is bringing to a to £120 in primary and £150 in the Curriculum for Excellence and salient questions?
campaign as he is very much secondary examinations. Want to We Scots pride ourselves on fair
yesterday’s man. 5) Investment of a further £1 Labour and the Liberal Democrats advertise in play, so why would we want to be a
Cliff Purvis billion to further decrease the have been very vocal in condemning The National? burden on anyone else rather than
Veterans for attainment gap the SNP’s record. What have both Contact:
stand on our own feet? And if we are
Independence 2.0 6) Increase the number of teachers of those parties ever done for Stephen such a burden on the UK Union, why
and classroom assistants by a further education? Oh yes, Labour gave McTaggart are Unionists fighting tooth and nail
3,500 to reduce teacher class contact us Public Private Partnerships for 0141 302 6137 for us not to secede from the Union?
time to allow them more time for building new schools, which has had stephen. Perhaps Scots who recognise the
preparation, training, etc a crippling effect on local authorities, mctaggart@ banality of such reporting may now
7) Take forward the OECD and the Liberal Democrats are the be reaching for the back oftheir
recommendations on the review of party that promised no tuition fees heads to check for the zip that
The National/Thursday, April 29, 2021 25

Picture The long letter...

of the
day We Europeans would
Pearson of
welcome Scotland
Edinburgh took this
wonderful shot,
telling us: “A too-
wee baby robin
back into the EU fold
managed to escape EAR heads of state
its nest in our back and government of the
garden but was EU, President of the
being looked after European Council,
by its parents with President and Members
almost non-stop of the European Parliament,
feeding.” President and Members of the
We are Europeans from across
the continent and around the
world. Naturally, we disagree
about many things. But we all
agree on this: we want the people
of Scotland to know that
Europeans everywhere would It’s time for fresh thinking
welcome them back in the
European Union if this is still their already that it can recognise the
democratic wish. unique circumstance created by
In the 2016 Brexit referendum, Brexit. The European Council
not a single Scottish district unilaterally confirmed at its
voted to leave, and Scotland as a summit of April 29 2017 that
whole voted by a 62% majority to Northern Ireland would become
remain in the EU. In subsequent part of the EU immediately should
years, the Scottish Parliament it ever vote in the future to join the
rejected the withdrawal process Republic of Ireland.
at every stage. Yet in 2020, The EU should offer as much
Scotland was taken out of the continuity as possible to
European Union alongside the Scotland too. This requires
rest of the UK. creative practical thinking.
When Scots voted to remain in No-one knows the short- and
the EU, they did so as part of the long-term costs of Brexit for
UK. Separating themselves from Scotland, nor those linked to
the UK to become a member breaking away from the UK –
state of the EU is a different including issuing a new
matter. One that demands its own currency if the Scots so wish
referendum, which the Scottish (whether or not they eventually
Parliament and government have join the euro). In light of this,
Submit your formally requested. At present, generous terms should be
photographs the UK Government refuses to offered to support Scotland’s
to pictures@ permit this. budget in the challenging We should not stand idle while months of the transition before
this impasse lasts. It is an re-joining the EU.
unprecedented development and These are important issues
Unionists surely believe we have. Let we need full welfare powers devolved demands fresh thinking from the because they will make it
we Scots do the UK Union a favour, with immediate effect. EU. Therefore, we call on you to possible for any referendum to be
and leave it to languish in its fantasy. Catriona C Clark ensure that the EU clearly signals a clear, practical and democratic
Jim Taylor Falkirk a path for Scotland to become a choice for Scotland between two
Edinburgh member in advance of any unions: the EU or the UK.
CHANNEL 4’S debate on Tuesday independence referendum. Europeans must always stand
ONCE again in the House of evening was horrible. It reminded The usual process is for the for democracy and solidarity.
Commons the issue of a Universal me of the first Trump/Biden EU to respond to a membership So we call upon you to express
Basic Income (UBI) was raised, this encounter. Krishnan Guru-Murthy, request only when it comes from our joint solidarity with the
time by SNP MP David Linden. Mr who at his best can be brilliant, was an independent country. citizens of Scotland and to
Linden pointed out that with the obviously stirring things up. The Scotland deserves a different support Scotland’s democratic
exception of the Conservatives, all I’m fed up result was a shouting match that process. While it is legally part of choice about its future.
main parties in the Holyrood
election support the trialling of a
listening to obscured the real issues at stake
and hampered a rational debate
the UK, the Scottish Government
cannot negotiate with the EU. But
Signed by more than 170
Europeans from around the
UBI and asked in light of this Sarwar’s about the long-term fundamentals the EU can declare that, because world and growing – see
support, and if those parties
manifestos are supported by the
holier- of Scottish independence.
J Lindsay
Scotland has already long been
part of the EU, should it become

electorate, if we can go ahead with than-thou via email legally and democratically I WONDER if BoJo realises that,
those trials.
Unfortunately the Under-Secretary
stance WHAT an awful excuse for a
independent it need not apply as
a “new” accession candidate.
after we get independence, he
will have to re-negotiate all the
of State for Scotland (Iain Stewart, debate. Just a “see who shouts Instead, the EU and its member international trade deals that he
MP for Milton Keynes South) gave loudest” programme. As for Sarwar, states should make a unilateral has negotiated before that point
no assurance, in fact he rejected I’m fed up listening to his holier- and open offer of membership: an in time. The new trade deals will
such a proposal, demonstrating how than-thou stance telling us that he’s exceptional proposal to match have to be with rUK and not the
out of touch and lacking a vision for better than the rest but not telling Scotland’s exceptional full UK.
a whole new approach to welfare. us HOW he would be better. circumstances. George McKnight
Once again clear evidence that in Maureen Blakely The EU has demonstrated West Calder
the interest of the people of Scotland, via
26 The National/Thursday, April 29, 2021

Full fibre a ‘game-changer’ for Scotland cities, including 60 locations in the and remote communities could be.
hard-to-reach “final third” of the The pandemic has reinforced public
A FULL fibre broadband network in country. recognition of the importance of
Scotland could be a “game-changer” More than 600,000 Scottish homes high-quality broadband and we’re
for the economy and could enable and business can already access clear that fibre has a significant part
76,000 people to enter the this and other ultrafast technology to play in Scotland’s recovery.
workforce, according to a new through service providers who use “The Cebr findings show
report. the Openreach network. accelerating the build would pay
The research from the Centre for At a UK level, the report found huge dividends to Scotland’s
Economics and Business Research the nationwide rollout of full economy as a whole and be
(Cebr), also revealed that such a fibre broadband could bring up instrumental in bringing people
rollout would also allow 24,000 to a million people back into the back into the workforce who
people to expand the hours they are workforce; save 700,000 tonnes of haven’t previously had the ability to
able to work, should they want to, CO2 emitted from car commuting navigate other commitments or find
as well as helping carers, parents trips; and support 500,000 people opportunities in their local area.
and over-65s to access employment to move from urban to more rural “We look forward to working
– which could contribute almost £2 areas, helping stimulate economic closely with the next Scottish
billion in gross value added (GVA) to growth. government to remove red tape
the Scottish economy. Katie Milligan, the new chair of and deliver access to full fibre to
Openreach, who commissioned Openreach Scotland, said: “This thousands more people – through
the research, is investing hundreds report illustrates just how game- our commercial programmes and
of millions of pounds on full fibre changing the roll out of full fibre in partnership – and supporting
The rollout would allow the expansion of working hours
rollout to 90 Scottish towns and broadband across Scotland’s rural Scotland’s economic recovery.”

Scots entrepreneurs

back young firms

£1m extra funding will help early-stage companies
BY GREG RUSSELL support Scotland’s economic growth Scottish Edge is able to provide
and the £1m commitment to strategic allocation of resources,

EADING entrepreneurs in Scottish Edge was achieved in while creating value for the
Scotland have committed an just two days. not yet imagined.”
extra £1 million of cash to Hunter is committing Dorren, CEO of
an initiative supporting the £500,000 in grants and loans, Edinburgh-based ready
country’s most innovative, early- while the others are pledging meal firm Parsley Box,
stage businesses. £100,000 each. said: “Supporting high
Scottish Edge provides grants and The creator of the Hunter growth start-ups is
loans of up to £150,000, as well as Foundation said: “This essential to economic
a business support package that is a classic case of high dynamism by spurring
includes mentoring and signposting quality demand outstripping innovation and encouraging
to alternative finance. funding supply – we all need competition.
Among the business people to step up, as entrepreneurs and “Ambitious early-stage
backing it are Sir Tom Hunter, James Government. businesses can, with the right
Watt, Kevin Dorren and Sir Brian “As we look for ways to help support, have a direct impact on the
Souter. solve the problem of poor economic Tom Hunter cities that they make their homes
Their additional funding will be growth in Scotland, it’s clear that is committing and scale up to create ripples of
awarded in the next four rounds of early stage, high growth businesses £500,000 in growth for the local economy.”
Scottish Edge. will play a key role in driving this grants and loans Scottish Edge chair, David Shearer,
The fundraising move came after change – both in rebuilding the welcomed the commitment, and
a report from Oxford Economics, economy and providing employment added: “This is an unequivocal
commissioned by the Hunter opportunities. testament to the impact Scottish
Foundation, indicated the need for “Scottish Edge offers pivotal Edge continues to generate in
radical and ambitious policy changes help in giving these businesses an supporting the next wave of high
if Scotland’s economic performance opportunity to scale up and fulfil growth potential businesses.
is to be transformed and significantly their potential. “It shows Scotland’s entrepreneurs
boosted over the next 15 years.
Its aim was to address issues such
“Start-ups are good, but scale-ups
are great – they move the economic
Start-ups are willing to commit where they
know the outcomes impact positively
as low productivity, poor business dial. Scottish Edge’s track record are good, on Scotland’s future.
birth rate and a lack of success with
scale-ups within Scotland that help
speaks for itself and scaling it up is,
in common parlance, a no-brainer!”
but “This commitment is very welcome
and I hope it stimulates further
to explain why our GDP per head Watt, CEO and founder of scale-ups constructive debate within Scottish
is 48% of Ireland’s level, 68% of BrewDog, said: “Entrepreneurs take Government as to where and how
Norway’s and 75% of Denmark’s. risks, are wildly ambitious and have are great it focuses its financial resources to
The report highlighted the need unwavering faith in the impossible. maximise impacts for Scotland’s
for the private and public sector to “By bolstering these programs, economic growth.”
The National/Thursday, April 29, 2021 27


PEOPLE in Japan have been
Observation urged to stay home during a
string of “golden week” holidays
beginning today in a nationwide
for lockdown effort to curb the rapid
resurgence of coronavirus cases

protest group less than three months before

the Tokyo Olympics.
Tokyo governor Yuriko Koike

ERMANY’S domestic warned that the infection rate
intelligence agency could explode if people continue
has put under to travel, dine out and meet with
observation some others during the holidays.
adherents of a disparate “We are at a crucial turning
group that has attacked the point,” Koike said. “In order to
country’s lockdown measures. slow the infections and keep
The so-called Querdenker them from becoming
movement has held regular protests explosive, we must reduce the
against lockdown measures, people’s movement.”
bringing together a broad range of
demonstrators. These include
people opposing vaccinations,
others who deny the existence of
Relations hit
coronavirus, mask opponents,
conspiracy theorists and others.
The protests have also attracted
rock bottom
neo-Nazis and other right-wing RUSSIA’S top diplomat has
extremists, and authorities have said that relations with the
warned that the loose-knit US are now even worse
movement is growing increasingly than during the Cold
radical. Some demonstrators have protests against the coronavirus that their agenda goes beyond War because of a
taken to wearing the Star of David, requirements strategically to win mere mobilisation to protest against lack of mutual
suggesting that they are being supporters, they use it to spread the state’s coronavirus protective respect.
persecuted by the government like their ideas deep into the middle of measures”. Sergey Lavrov
Jews were under the Nazis – a society, it is imperative that this By putting individuals and groups said that Moscow
practice criticised by Germany’s development be stopped.” linked to the movement under is ready to
leading Jewish group as The Interior Ministry said the observation, the Federal Office for normalise ties with
“disgusting”. movement has exploited legitimate the Protection of the Constitution, Washington, but
Josef Schuster, president of the protests and demonstrations to known as the BfV, will be able to warned that the US
Central Council of Jews, said: provoke confrontations, and that in collect more data and details on should stop posturing
“Right-wing extremists use the some cases have shown “clearly individuals from the scene. like a “sovereign”.

1 See 20 1 Creative process is extremely tense for
4 Good, but not on course (5,3) entertainer (7)
9 Barrie’s Kirriemuir buzzes (6) 2 Not a virus variant for 18Dn (9)
10 Sergeant’s mess cut off (8) 3 Fundamentals engage head of music
12 Major changes in UK phases (5-3) in 18Dn (6)
13 Working animal uses railway out of 5 See 7
coalmine (6) 6 Entrance after very short drink (8)
15/16 Bad designs in television not contrived 7/5 British European Airways planes
without love (4,10) crash in 18Dn (9)
19 Baffling Tory went to the polls about core 8 Gobbling final piece of cake, passes on
values (10) waccy baccy (7)
20/1 Treated in that manner, American 11 Northern Ireland swamped by dope
duchess swallows last of vodka (4,2,4) as 18Dn (7)
23 Eaves dropper overhearing me scythe (6) 14 First sign of danger at any point on river (7)
25 Reserve acceptable where sales are made 17 Charles Laughton edits out Rachel – it’s
in large volumes, perhaps (4,4) offensive (9)
27 Back inside casino, it is opulent place (8) 18 Surveyor’s placard featuring Liberal and
28 Clan left out of complex vulcanology Labour leaders (8)
for 18Dn (6) 19 Cutty Sark’s hairdresser? (7)
29 Break fall with hamper? (8) 21 Draws from Revised Version (7)
30 Declares expenses, but data incorrect – 22 Stretch UK’s final European exit after end of
false submissions by all conclusions (6) deadline (3,3)
24/26 Revolutionary Isis promo
creates 18Dn (5,4)

Across: 1 Remained static 9 Nasty burns 10 Spat 12 Snail 13 Outwit Down: 2 East 3 Anyone 4 Nourishing 5 Dent 6 Typewriter
16 Ivan 17 Checkpoint 19 Hard centre 20 Meme 22 Rancid 23 Ocean 7 Cuts to the chase 8 Indecipherable 11 Puppy 14 Patronymic
26 Bump 27 Decorators 28 Ecclesiastical 15 Scarecrows 18 Acrid 21 Salami 24 Deli 25 Coda
28 The National/Thursday, April 29, 2021

Gardening with Carol Klein
(C5, 7pm)
FOR gardeners, this time of year is
all about hope, when everything
accelerates, and doubts are swept
aside with the last of the winter
detritus. Beneath the still-bare
trees in her woodland garden at
Glebe Cottage in Devon, Carol
introduces us to Cinderella plants
– wood anemones, celandines
and other delightful spring flowers
that must push through the
ground, flower and set seed before
the tree canopy closes over, when
they must sleep once more until
next spring.

Dragons’ Den (BBC1, 8pm)

PETER Jones, Deborah Meaden,
Touker Suleyman, Tej Lalvani and
Sara Davies are ready to grill more
entrepreneurs, who in tonight’s
episode include a Mancunian pair
with a dream of sharing music
through an app. Unfortunately for
them, the Dragons seem to think
their forecasts are a bit on the
optimistic side, but can the duo
convince the industry giants that

Dragons’ Den host Evan Davies

their business is still worth

investing in?

Saved By a Stranger
(BBC2, 9pm)
ANITA Rani presents a new series
exploring the stories of people
who were caught up in world-
changing events, including the
Holocaust, the 7/7 terrorist
attacks and the Troubles in
Northern Ireland. But there is
something else that links them –
they were all on the receiving end
of an act of exceptional humanity,
and are now going
in search of the people who
helped them.

This Is My House (BBC1, 9pm)

FOR the last episode in the
series, panellists Bill Bailey, Emily
Atack, Judi Love and Jamali
Maddix are joined by guest Katie
Piper as they attempt to identify
the real owner of a house. This
week, the property in question is a
stylish home in South East
London, which belongs to an artist
named Erica, who lives there with
partner Sam. There are four
Ericas, who share their opinions
on everything from the story of
their wedding day to the name of
their plumber, but only one is the
genuine article.
The National/Thursday, April 29, 2021 29

The recycled paper content of UK

newspapers in 2019 was 63.2%

Each row and each column must contain the Just follow the arrows to write your answers in the grid. A handful of anagram clues will get you thinking differently.
numbers 1 to 9, and so must each 3x3 box.
This is a logic puzzle, and you should not have
to guess. Coercive Surgical Fifth Revealing of Harvested
Skilled pilot
pressure instruments musical note plot details (crops)
6 9 4
8 6 3 7 Unfasten
(a bracelet)
8 1 7 9 Loop with
a running
(anagram) (anagram)
3 6 knot

6 5 8 2
Honey- CHAIN
3 maker (anagram)
5 7 9 2
Cavalry PAL
1 6 8 sword (anagram)

Place each of the digits 1 to 9 in the grid to make the
LIES Snake-like Colour of
sums work. We’ve started you with two numbers. (anagram) fishes anger

× 5 – = 12
+ + ×
+ ÷ =5
+ – – With this puzzle the black squares have to
be filled in as well as the words. For a start, 3
+ – 6 =4 four black squares and four numbers have
been inserted.
= = =
1 Fascinated 1 Force preventing
7 Street movement
8 Human orb 2 Plural of his or her
WORD LADDER 9 Contaminated 3 Sloping letters
10 Mound-building 4 More unsightly
Move from the word at insect 5 Reduce
the top of the ladder
11 River sport 6 Customer
to the word at the 14 Appraise 12 Aromatic herb
bottom using the exact 18
number of rungs 17 Direct 13 Hand-bomb with a
provided by changing 19 Pertaining to pin
one letter at a time singing 15 Globe
(but not the position of 21 %UDP6WRNHU·V 16 Alloy for joining
any letter). vampire two metal surfaces
22 %HDW WKHÀQJHUV 18 Scandinavian
23 Filter steam bath
20 Cut of beef


Simple addition and a bit of logical thinking will solve this one. You must write a digit in each 4 6 8 13 14
white square so that the digits in each block add up to the total in the box above or to the left. 3 23
1-9 are the only digits to use and, although you may find a digit repeated in a row, it must not be 14 16 17 6
repeated in the same block. We’ve filled in one block for you.
23 4
The National/Thursday, April 29, 2021 31
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 22 Level odds confused 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 You have 10 minutes to find as many words as
VHYHQ  possible using the letters in the wheel. Each
23 )DXOWLQUHFRUGZKHQ must use the hub letter and at least 3 others.
Letters may be used only once. You cannot use
8 9 24 3RLQWVWRIROORZ plurals, foreign words or proper nouns. There is
excess of protein (6) at least one 9-letter word to be found.
10 11
10 11 deranged bosses (6)
2 Modern French seen


5 Public outburst after 17 18 19 20
17 18 19 20 LQ 
21 22
FRFNWDLO·  How you rate:
21 22 23 24
9 *UHDWQHHGVDGO\ 14, average; 19, good;
brought about (9) 23, excellent
14 Go back and
4 Restricting-rope (6) 2 %DWKZLWKXQGHUZDWHUMHWV 
DGPLQLVWHUPHGLFLQH 8 :DVVLWXDWHGRSSRVLWH  3 7UDLQHHRIÀFHU  Starting from 1, fill in the grid clockwise with
CRYPTIC CLUES 9 :RRGZRUNLQJWRRO  5 Elevate to the ranks of the your answer words. The last letter of each word
10 2IÀFLDOMRXUQDO  DULVWRFUDF\  becomes the first letter of the next to reveal the
11 3XUFKDVHU  6 5DVKKXUULHG  seven-letter keyword in the shaded boxes.
VWDUWHUGHYRXUHG  12 $QHZUXGHUYDULHW\RI be replaced (6) 12 Deceitful (9) 7 )LWZLWKQHZFDEOHV  1 2 3
4 First reheat ovens for 16 :KHUHRQHPLJKWEH 17 &ULPHRIEXUQLQJ 9 )XURUH 
clothing (9)
6XQGD\MRLQWV  found in the nick of SURSHUW\  13 6OHHYHOHVVYHVW 
NHHQWRWDON  SOD\HU"  20 Perfect hiding place 23 'HYHORSDOLNLQJIRU  18 /XUN  4



Codeword is the crossword puzzle with no clues. The number in each square
corresponds to a letter. Work out the words in the grid using the letters provided.
Fill in these known letters first, then use skill and judgement to work out the others. 1 Six balls in cricket (4)

2 4 21 24 9 19 17 7 2 8 6 10 2 A 1 14 2 Assess the value of (4)

8 3 6 23 6 23 18 23 25 15 C 2 15 4 1LJKWWLPHGULQN 
3 4 9 9 21 12 7
23 9 21 16 9 6 3 15 E
3 16 6
6 7 21 7 19 19 5 4 G
4 17 8
24 2 9 19 2 14 2 12 13 2 2 I 5 18
24 2 13 10 25 23 K 6 19
4 8 3 7 5 9 2 19 18 22 12 22 23 22 4 2 23 12
M 7 20 Previous day’s solutions
1 5 8 13 19 2 9 3 6
O 8 21
7 3 1 21 19 3 6 15 6 20 12 21 13 Q 9 22

3 8 9 6 23 3 6 20 25 10 S
10 23

6 18 6 19 3 23 12 24 19 13 10 22 U 11 24 BAND U P T OD A T E
W A E R 1 Tear 2 Ruff 3 Finish
V E D I T E D N AN T E S 4 Have a stab 5 Boot
18 13 12 21 2 7 4 W 12 25 R E U C E S camp 6 Plastic mac
7 Chickpea 8 Atom 9 Mini
5 21 3 4 26 23 20 6 13 11 2 15 Y 13 26 Quick

V U O E I H EASY=340, MEDIUM=565,
2 7 3 8 CON S


WE AN T V D I NN E R 5 3 7 6 4 2 8 9 1
5 7 4 2 Follow the instructions from left to right, starting with the number given to
reach an answer at the end.
S CAM E L E C T I ON 8 6 4 1 5 7 9 2 3
EASY 72 - 34 Half
of it + 121 ÷5 - 19 × 12 - 39 ÷3 + 99 P L AQU E AC COR D 3 2 1 4 8 9 6 7 5

6 9 8 3 A U


8 4 6 3 5 1 7 2 9
MAR I N A H E RO I C 1 2 7 4 6 9 3 5 8

9 6 5 MEDIUM 130 - 64 2/3 of

it + 374 Half
of it + 90 ÷ 13 Quar- + 303
+ 129 ter of it CARD

1 3 4 6 J AGGE


HARDER 649 ÷ 11 + 3938 6/7it of + 1869 ÷ 15 - 65 ÷6 + 264 25% E G F S N K

7 of it ODD E S T T A GGE D 4 1 2 8 3 7 5 9 6
32 FOOTBALL Comment Thursday April 29, 2021

Alex McLeish Former

Scotland boss
and our Euro
2020 columnist

HE Premiership title was An emotional Steven Gerrard month. As I said, the Premiership
clearly the number one target during the Scottish Cup defeat to title was the main ambition for
and the most important piece St Johnstone at the weekend Rangers this season and they won
of silverware for Rangers to with a last-four spot up for grabs that so emphatically. To win the
win this season. league for the first time in a decade
But, we have emphasised the need opportunity and Steven will be was a huge achievement for Rangers.
for Rangers to win a trophy and then aware of that. There was an But Steven will definitely be going
focus on and win the next one – and expectation that they would win the into the summer thinking ‘I should
not winning either the Betfred Cup or cup given that they had what was have had a couple of trophies this
the Scottish Cup will hurt Steven seen as a clear route once they season’. That is not being
Gerrard, his players and the fans. knocked Celtic out. disrespectful to anyone else, it is just
With Celtic out of the Betfred Cup On paper, Rangers should have acknowledging that he could have
in December, there was a chance for won at least one of the cup had a couple of medals.
Rangers to go on and win the treble. competitions this season and should He did, though, get the most
After beating them in the Scottish have progressed a lot further than important one and that is the one
Cup a fortnight ago, they were they have done at various stages that the Rangers support will
looking to go on and do the double. over the last three years. cherish right now and come the end
Steven admitted after the St They had their chances against St of the season.
Johnstone game that one out of nine Johnstone but they were just not Going forward, there will be that
in terms of trophies wasn’t good clinical enough in front of goal and expectation that Rangers win as much
enough and when you have watched Steven, his staff and the players as possible. When they win one, they
him after each cup exit over the would have had a sleepless night on want to win the next one and the next
years, you can tell that he has been Sunday that’s for sure. one and I know the disappointment
devastated by the results. Rangers haven’t progressed that he will be feeling having not done
On Sunday, the thing he can beyond the quarter-finals in the that this season.
criticise his players most for was Scottish Cup and only have the one You could see the emotions on the
their inability to finish. They hit the League Cup final appearance under faces of Steven and his staff when
post, Zander Clark made a few good Steven and we all know that the Rangers scored and then when they
saves and there were a couple of demands at Ibrox are such that got beaten and you can see how much
good chances missed. having a record like that will be the game and the cup meant to them.
It is a game that Rangers should questioned. The challenge now for them is to
have won given how the chances But you have to look at the pick themselves up and get ready for
went, but that takes nothing away building process that has gone on the Old Firm game on Sunday and
from St Johnstone’s excellent over the last three years and the take the next step towards their
performance and the icing on the improvements that Rangers have unbeaten Premiership campaign.
cake was obviously Clark getting the made since Steven and his staff Celtic will want to try and salvage
assist for the goal and then saving came in. something from these games before
twice in the shoot-out. This season, it looked like the season ends and it would mean a
Credit goes to St Johnstone for everything was right. The lot for them to come to Ibrox and
hanging in there until extra-time and recruitment was excellent, the title win this weekend and avoid going
then being able to come back from was won in style and you would through the campaign without an

Rangers can
James Tavernier scoring when that have thought that the door was open Old Firm victory.
could have knocked the stuffing out for them to do a treble or a But Rangers will be smarting
of them. double. from the cup game and this is a
To win it in the manner in which It is a missed opportunity chance for them to try and get
they did was an incredible and Steven will be thinking over that one. It is probably a
achievement and they will now that as well. Speaking from good game for them to have in
fancy their chances of going all the
way and adding the Scottish Cup to
their Betfred Cup win from earlier in
the season.
Their win shows other
toast title but experience, I know what it is like
to be at Rangers when you
don’t win and you don’t
add to your trophy haul
and you do feel that
that respect.
It won’t take away
the disappointment
from missing out on
the Scottish Cup, that

cup exits will

Premiership teams what is possible weight of expectation is for sure. But it is
and the competition has now really from the support. another opportunity
opened up going into the semi-finals Steven will rue the to show why they have
in a couple of weeks. St Johnstone result been the best team in
If St Johnstone could win it then for a while and he the Premiership and
what a first season in charge that will know that they why they are champions
would be for Callum Davidson. He
has done a great job there and there
could still be more to come.
For Rangers, it is a missed hurt Gerrard should have added at
least one more trophy to
the one that they won so
impressively last
this season.

Shelley Kerr

Sport on TV
Football Europa League, Sports Golf 1200 and 1900; Knight Riders – Sky Sports Main Sports 1 0000 (Fri), Edmonton Auto Portuguese Grand Prix, first
Manchester United v Roma – BT European Tour, Tenerife Open – Sky Event and Sky Sports Cricket 1450. Oilers v Calgary Flames – Premier practice – Sky Sports Main Event
Sport 2 1915, Villarreal v Arsenal – Sports Golf 1400. Cycling Tour of Romandie – Sports 2 0200. and Sky Sports F1 1100, second
BT Sport 3 1915. Snooker World Championship – Eurosport 2 1430. practice – Sky Sports F1 1445.
Rugby league Super League, Eurosport 1 1245, BBC Two Baseball MLB, Tampa Bay Rays v TOMORROW (selected) Snooker World Championship –
Wigan v Hull FC – Sky Sports Main 1300, Eurosport 1 1845, BBC Two Oakland Athletics – BT Sport/ESPN Football Premier League, BBC Two and Eurosport 1 1000,
Event and Sky Sports Arena 1900. 1900. 1800; Milwaukee Brewers v Los Southampton v Leicester – Sky BBC Two 1300, Eurosport 1 1415,
Golf LPGA, HSBC Women’s World Cricket IPL, Mumbai Indians v Angeles Dodgers – BT Sport/ESPN Sports Main Event and Sky Sports Eurosport 1 1845, BBC Two 1930.
Championship – Sky Sports Main Rajasthan Royals – Sky Sports 0030 (Fri). Premier League 1930; Ligue 1, Rugby union European Challenge
Event and Sky Sports Golf 0600; Cricket 1050, Sky Sports Main Ice hockey NHL, Tampa Bay Marseille v Strasbourg – BT Sport 3 Cup, Leicester v Ulster – BT Sport
PGA, Valspar Championship – Sky Event 1100; Delhi Capitals v Kolkata Lightning v Dallas Stars – Premier 1945. 2 1915.
RACING Sport/Thursday, April 29, 2021 33
Going: Standard. Draw: Little effect. TV: Racing TV. Going: Standard. Draw: Little effect. TV: Sky Sports Racing. Going: Good. Draw: In races up to a mile low numbers Going: Good to firm-good in places. Draw: Middle to high numbers Going: Std. Draw: Low numbers best from 6f to 1m. TV: SSR.
are usually at an advantage. TV: Racing TV. have a decided advantage on the straight course TV: Racing TV.
STAKES (CLASS 6) of £4,300 for 3yo Only. 1m 2f
MAIDEN STAKES (CLASS 5) of £6,000 for 3yo plus. 5f 1.40 JOIN RACING TV NOW SELLING STAKES (CLASS 5) of
£6,500 for 2yo Only. 5f
£5,527 for 4yo plus. 5f
1 112 TRUE HERO bf,cd (D Brown) 5-9-9 J Hart 3
1 BARGING THRU (A Watson) 9-5 H Doyle 3 1 4 MOLIWOOD (M Botti) 9-5 D Probert 4
2 KING OF SPEED (R Cowell) 9-5 Rossa Ryan 2 1 STORM MASTER (J Riches) 4-9-12 J Gormley 8 1 8 ALL IN ALADDIN (O Pears) 8-12 K Stott 3 2 664- SHOW PALACE d2 (J Candlish) 8-9-7 T P Queally 4
2 425 SERGEANT TIBBS (R Brisland) 9-4 M Harley 3
3 PICOTA (M Usher) 9-3 Doubtful 1 3 5-5 BREAKFASTATIFFANYS (S Kirk) 9-2 A Atzeni 1 2 73- AVA GO JOE (T Easterby) 3-9-2 G Lee 7 2 BALTHASSAR (K Burke) 8-12 C Lee 7 3 538 QAARAAT cd,v (A Brittain) 6-9-7 C Hardie 2
4 DANGER CLOSE (P McEntee) 9-1 Grace McEntee (5) 4 4 GOLDEN VIOLA (S P C Woods) 9-1 James Doyle 2 3 GLEN LOMOND (J Goldie) 3-9-2 H Shaw 5 3 646 BLACK HILL STORM (P Evans) 8-12 S W Kelly 5 4 05-4 MOONRAKER cd (M Appleby) 9-9-6 T Ladd (3) 7
5 ESTABLISHED (P McEntee) 9-1 D Brock 7 4 GUSTAV GRAVES (E Bethell) 3-9-2 P Dennis 4 4 5 CALL ANNIE (T Easterby) 8-7 D Allan 4 5 16-5 PULL HARDER CON c,d (R Brisland) 4-9-2 R Tate 1
6 LADY FANFARE (Tom Clover) 8-12 J Mitchell 5 Betting 15-8 Moliwood, 9-4 Sergeant Tibbs, 10-3 5 47 MAPLE JACK (J Camacho) 3-9-2 P Mulrennan 1 5 6 JAM TART (M Channon) 8-7 E Greatrex 2 6 211 BRANDY STATION cd,p (L Williamson) 6-9-2 Z Wheatley (7) 5
7 POETIKEL PIECE (Adrian Nicholls) 8-12 T Hamilton 8 Breakfastatiffanys, 4 Golden Viola. 6 5- RORY (J Goldie) 3-9-2 B Robinson 2 6 7 RECTIFIABLE (P Midgley) 8-7 C Beasley 6 7 445 RED STRIPES cd,b (L Williamson) 9-8-3 Elisha Whittington (5) 6
8 2 TIPPY TOES (M Johnston) 8-12 R L Moore 6 7 35 SUGAR BABY (P Niven) 3-9-2 JP Sullivan 3 7 8 TWILIGHT MINSTREL (P Midgley) 8-7 T Eaves 1
Betting 11-10 Tippy Toes, 3 Barging Thru, 6 Others.
(CLASS 5) of £6,500 for 4yo plus. 1m
3- SOAPYS SISTER (K Dalgleish) 3-8-11
ZIG ZAG WANDERER (G Tuer) 3-8-11
C Rodriguez
S James
8 VIEUX CARRE (D O’Meara) 8-7 S Gray
Betting 2 Black Hill Storm, 3 Jam Tart, 7-2 Vieux Carre, 6 Others.
Betting 7-4 True Hero, 5-2 Brandy Station, 6 Others.


HANDICAP (CLASS 4) of £9,250 for 3yo Only. 1m 6f
TAHITIAN PRINCE (R Hannon) 4-9-11
ENOUGH ALREADY c (L Carter) 5-9-11
T Hammer Hansen (3)
M Crehan (5)
Betting 13-8 Soapys Sister, 9-4 Ava Go Joe, 6 Others.
(CLASS 5) of £5,600 for 3yo to 5yo. 1m 3f
1 621- PIED PIPER (J & T Gosden) 9-8
2 3-21 GOLDEN FLAME (M Johnston) 9-7
R Havlin 1
R L Moore 3
ACCOMPLICE cd (M Blanshard) 7-9-11(4ex)
PITCHCOMBE d,p (P Chamings) 4-9-10
SPIRIT WARNING c,d,p (A Balding) 5-9-7
D Probert
H Crouch
H Turner
(CLASS 6) of £6,000 for 3yo Only. 1m 1f
STAKES (CLASS 5) of £5,300 for 3yo plus. 6f
3- AVEBURY (D O’Meara) 4-9-7 D Tudhope
1 3-67 ROOT SIXTY SIX (A Brittain) 4-10-0
2 4 TOUTATIS (D O’Meara) 4-10-0
C Hardie 2
J Hart 5
3 423- LOCAL LAW (C Appleby) 8-11 O Murphy 2 6 55-7 ELEGANT ERIN bf (R Hannon) 4-9-7 P Dobbs 11 3 9 CHIPPING AWAY (A Keatley) 3-8-9 D Keenan 6
1 357- ZOOKEEPER (M Johnston) 9-9 J Fanning 3 2 GLEAMING MAIZE (F Watson) 5-9-7 S Gray
4 4 68-6 MONEYKENNY (A Balding) 3-8-9 W Cox (3) 1
Betting 11-10 Pied Piper, 9-4 Golden Flame, 5-2 Local Law. 7 47-1 BILLHILLY c,d (C Fellowes) 4-9-6 J P Spencer 1
2 413 FAE THE PORT (K Burke) 9-7 S James 6 3 2 AUNT AGATHA (K Ryan) 3-8-10 K Stott
3 5 WINTERWATCH (A Balding) 3-8-9 J Bryan 3
8 289 DIVINE MESSENGER cd (Emma Owen) 7-9-5 A Rawlinson 4
9 546 CATCH MY BREATH cd,p (J Ryan) 5-9-5 Laura Pearson (5) 3 3 806- CAPO BAY (T Dascombe) 9-7 Jane Elliott 4 4 AWESOMEBYNATURE (W Haggas) 3-8-10 T Marquand
6 6 BONNIE BETH (R Brisland) 3-8-4 L Morris 4


HANDICAP (CLASS 6) of £5,527 for 4yo plus. 6f
1 87-5 KODIAK ATTACK (S Kirk) 5-9-9
PRINCESSE ANIMALE bf,cd,h (P Phelan) 4-9-3
THE GAME IS ON (S Dow) 5-9-1
Shariq Mohd (7) 2 Betting 3 Tahitian Prince, 4 Accomplice, 5 Billhilly,
C Bennett
L Keniry
CHASE THAT DREAM (J Camacho) 9-5
AYR EMPRESS (K Dalgleish) 9-4
BEECHWOOD EMILY (K Dalgleish) 9-2
P Mulrennan
B Garritty (3)
C Rodriguez
34 CLOSENESS (M Bell) 3-8-10
69 DUE LOOK (T Easterby) 3-8-10
5- ELLA JO (K Burke) 3-8-10
C Shepherd
5 Betting 13-8 Moneykenny, 3 Winterwatch, 5 Toutatis, 6 Others.
Ella McCain (5)
C Lee
2 5/4-4 AL ASEF bf,h (Tom Clover) 6-9-8
3 422 SIR RODNEYREDBLOOD cd (J R Jenkins) 4-9-8
4 65-4 EL RAY (S C Williams) 4-9-7
J Mitchell 8 15-2 Princesse Animale, 8 Elegant Erin, 10 Others.
M Ghiani (3) 9
S M Levey 1
DESERT QUEST (A Whillans) 8-11
ROSESATHENDOFTIME (Mrs Stella Barclay) 8-2
Betting 5-2 Fae The Port, 3 Capo Bay, 4 Zookeeper, 7 others.
R Scott
S P Davis
EXUDING (R Varian) 3-8-10
7- MYSTIFY ME (S & E Crisford) 3-8-10
8 NEVER SAY NEVER (G Oldroyd) 3-8-10
C Noble (3)
P J McDonald
T Eaves
HANDICAP (CLASS 5) of £6,500 for 3yo Only. 6f
5 231 SIR HECTOR cd (C Wallis) 6-9-7
6 616 YOU’RE COOL c,d,v,t (D Shaw) 9-9-6
R Clutterbuck (5) 6
HANDICAP (CLASS 5) of £6,500 for 3yo Only. 1m
RABAT (Mrs I G-Leveque) 3-8-10
37 TRIPLE JAYE (T Easterby) 3-8-10
1 434 NIGHT OF ROMANCE (K Burke) 9-7
C Beasley
2 22-4 DABIRSTAR (K Burke) 9-7
D Allan
A Elliott 3
R Kingscote 7
7 333 SUZI’S CONNOISSEUR cd (J Chapple-Hyam) 10-9-2Jay Mackay (7) 4
8 857 RED ALERT cd,p (M Appleby) 7-9-2
9 000 EGRECIO (M Wigham) 5-8-8
H Doyle 10
T Hamilton 7
1 136 HOST (R Hannon) 9-9
2 21-0 IVYNATOR d (C Fellowes) 9-9
3 156- LIGHTENING SHORE d (R Hughes) 9-7
T Hammer Hansen (3) 5
J P Spencer 2
P Dobbs 7
1 8-06
HANDICAP (CLASS 6) of £6,000 for 4yo plus. 7f
GLORIOUS RIO (Mrs Stella Barclay) 4-9-7 O Stammers (5) 9
Betting 3 Awesomebynature, 4 Closeness, 9-2 Others.
3 32-7 KATH’S TOYBOY bf,p (R Hughes) 9-4
4 24-7 TENTH CENTURY (A Keatley) 9-4
5 222 DRIFTWOOD bf,p (S Dixon) 9-0
K Shoemark 4
D Costello 6
N Evans 2
10 690 PERFECT SYMPHONY cd,p (M Pattinson) 7-8-5 Isobel Francis (7) 3
Betting 11-4 Sir Hector, 7-2 Sir Rodneyredblood, 9-2 Others.
4 5-52 MIGHTY POWER (Alice Haynes) 9-5
5 642- WURLITZER (A King) 9-4
6 515- KING TIGER d (M Botti) 9-2
K O’Neill 6
M Harley 4
A Atzeni 8
STRONSAY d (Liam Bailey) 5-9-6
LAGENDA cd (Liam Bailey) 8-9-4
JOSIEBOND cd (Harvey Bastiman) 5-9-4
B Garritty (3)
P Dennis
S James

51- MY BEST FRIEND (D O’Meara) 9-9 D Tudhope 3

6 95-0 STRANGERONTHESHORE (N Tinkler) 8-13
AUCTION STAKES (CLASS 6) of £4,500 for 3yo Only. 7f 7 087- IMPELLER (T Easterby) 8-12
8 04-0 STAMFORD BRIDGE (A Brittain) 8-10
F McManoman (3) 8
D Fentiman 1
C Hardie 5
7 2-52 LAXTON LADD (T Dascombe) 9-1 A Rawlinson 3 5 516- GOD OF DREAMS (K Dalgleish) 5-9-4 J Fanning 12 2 CANARIA PRINCE (T Easterby) 9-2 D Allan 5 Betting 11-4 Driftwood, 3 Dabirstar, 7-2 Others.
£30,000 for 3yo Only. 6f
8 04-5 SHUV H’PENNY KING (Muir & Grassick) 9-1
9 754 PABLO PRINCE (J Best) 9-0
M Dwyer 10
C Bishop 9
CLOTHERHOLME (Mrs A Duffield) 4-9-2
PERFECT SOLDIER c (W Storey) 7-9-1
P Mulrennan
S P Davis
3 43- CLEVELEYS (M Dods) 9-2
4 692 DANNY BLEU (C Ellam) 9-2
T Eaves 9
T Marquand 8
1 14-0 HAPPY ROMANCE d (R Hannon) 9-2
2 3-24 CHOCOYA d,t (H Palmer) 9-0
3 774- DENSE STAR d (S C Williams) 9-0
S M Levey 8 10 491- STAY COUL d (D Menuisier) 8-11

S De Sousa 1 Ladd, 15-2 Host, 10 Others.

Josephine Gordon 1
R L Moore 6 Betting 4 Stay Coul, 9-2 Mighty Power, 5 Wurlitzer, Laxton
ROSE BANDIT (I Jardine) 4-9-1
CHICKENFORTEA d (D Carroll) 7-9-0
GRANDADS BEST GIRL (Miss L Perratt) 4-8-12
A Mullen
H Shaw
G Lee
5 00- HAWK IN THE WIND (Simon Whitaker) 9-2
5- IRELAND’S EYE (D Carroll) 9-2
7 DENY KNOWLEDGE (J J Quinn) 8-11
L Edmunds 1
P Hanagan 7
K Stott 4
(CLASS 5) of £5,600 for 3yo to 4yo. 7f
1 553- DREAM COMPOSER (H Evans) 3-9-5 D Costello 6
4 114- MISHAL STAR bf,d (T Ward) 9-0 O Murphy 7 11 090- GARNOCK VALLEY (R M Smith) 4-8-12 JP Sullivan 5 8 3 LILIKOI (T D Barron) 8-11 C Beasley 6
5 50-7 ON MY WAY bf,cd (R Varian) 9-0 David Egan 2 2 4 HOWZAK (R Brisland) 3-9-5 R Tate 7
6 134 ROSIE POWERS d,p (A Watson) 9-0
7 340- SHE’S SO NICE d (K Burke) 9-0
8 006 SILENT QUEEN cd,h (G Boughey) 9-0
H Doyle 3
J Crowley 5
N Currie 4
(CLASS 4) of £9,250 for 3yo Only. 6f
1 12-7 RAZOR GLASS d (R Cowell) 9-7 A Rawlinson 5
12 480 KATSONIS (B Ellison) 4-8-12
Betting 11-4 Perfect Soldier, 5 God Of Dreams, 6 Others.
B Robinson 1 9 5- MCGIVERN (A Keatley) 8-11
Betting 9-4 Cleveleys, 10-3 My Best Friend, 9-2 Others.
B Curtis 2 3 266 KEVIN THE MINION (I Furtado) 3-9-5
MAYELF (M W Easterby) 3-9-5
47 TWO BROTHERS (M W Easterby) 3-9-5
Elle-may Croot (7) 4
N Evans 2
Joanna Mason (5) 1
Betting 11-8 Happy Romance, 3 Chocoya, 7 Mishal Star, 10 Others. 2 432- MR TRICK (R Hannon) 9-5
3 221- AL SAARIYAH d (S & E Crisford) 9-4
4 76-2 JADWAL d (C Hills) 9-1
P Dobbs 1
James Doyle 6
D O’Neill 2
HANDICAP (CLASS 6) of £6,000 for 4yo plus. 5f 3.15 EVERY RACE LIVE ON RACING TV HANDICAP (CLASS 6) of 6 32 JOIN FORCES (J Tate) 3-9-0
£5,527 for 3yo Only. 1m 7 33- PISELLI MOLLI (Sir M Prescott) 3-9-0
J Hart 5
L Morris 3


HANDICAP (CLASS 2) of £19,000 for 4yo plus. 1m 2f
5 2-46 BABA REZA (M Moubarak) 8-12
6 18- KINDRED SPIRIT d (R Varian) 8-12
D Probert 4
A Atzeni 3
BOUDICA BAY cd (E Alston) 6-9-8
DUE A WIN (B Smart) 4-9-7
P Dennis
G Lee
COSMOS RAJ d (D O’Meara) 10-1(6ex)
6 Betting 11-8 Join Forces, 11-4 Dream Composer, 5 Others.
S B Kirrane (5)
S W Kelly
1 551- DAWAAM cd (Owen Burrows) 5-9-7
2 624- TRITONIC (A King) 4-9-7
3 078- PIVOINE d,v (A Balding) 7-9-4
J Crowley 1 Betting 6-4 Al Saariyah, 10-3 Kindred Spirit, 6 Jadwal, 13-2 Others.
H Doyle 7
S De Sousa 5
ROCKLEY POINT d,b (K Scott) 8-9-7
STONE PRINCESS (B Ellison) 4-9-2
COOL SPIRIT d,h (D C Griffiths) 6-9-1
A Breslin (5)
B Robinson
A Mullen
LISTEN AGAIN bf (T Easterby) 9-5
TEN IN A ROW (K Ryan) 9-5
D Tudhope
D Allan 7.25
£11,500 for 4yo plus. 2m 2f
K Stott
4 472- RHYTHMIC INTENT d (S C Williams) 5-9-4
5 1/34- SATONO JAPAN (Sir M Stoute) 4-9-3
6 221 ARIJ cd,t (S & E Crisford) 4-9-2
O Murphy 4
R L Moore 2
J Mitchell 6
6) of £5,527 for 4yo plus. 5f
1 541 SHECANDOO cd,v (C Allen) 4-9-8 M Dwyer 3
DE LATOUR (Liam Bailey) 5-8-12
MANSFIELD d (Mrs Stella Barclay) 8-8-12
CORTON LASS (K Dalgleish) 6-8-12
S James
O Stammers (5)
C Rodriguez
BETTER BY FAR (S Bowring) 9-5
DAMA BIANCA (M Botti) 9-4
KINGDOM FOUND d (J Fanshawe) 9-4
1 104/ LOOK
L Edmunds
B Curtis
MY WAY c,p (J J Quinn) 7-10-0
2 073 COSMELLI c,b (G Kelleway) 8-9-12
3 920 CHARLIE D c,t,p (T Dascombe) 6-9-10
D Muscutt
H Russell (5) 5
L Morris 4
R Kingscote 2
7 513 HABIT ROUGE cd (M Botti) 4-8-12 M Ghiani (3) 3 2 569 SILENT WITNESS (Alice Haynes) 5-9-7 T Hammer Hansen (3) 1 9 351 BLUELLA d (Jessica Macey) 6-8-12 B Sanderson (3) 8 9 755 JOHNNY BOOM (R Fahey) 8-11 1 4 117 RAVENSCAR c (P Kirby) 5-9-2
P Hanagan J Hart 3
5 745 ALFREDO (S Durack) 9-9-2 T P Queally 6
Betting 3 Tritonic, 7-2 Arij, Dawaam, 6 Satono Japan, 7 Others. 3 434 SOMETHING LUCKY cd (M Attwater) 9-9-4 W Carson 5 10 440- LAOISE (Miss L Perratt) 5-8-12 JP Sullivan 4 10 670- LADY ZIANA (D Brown) 8-9 10 T Eaves
4 733 BIG TIME MAYBE cd,t,p (M Attwater) 6-9-2 A Rawlinson 10 11 079- ORIENTAL RELATION d,b (W G Harrison) 10-8-12 R Scott 7 6 B0-6 FINANCIAL CONDUCT (M Appleby) 7-9-0 F Larson (7) 7
5 539 KING ROBERT d,p (C Wallis) 8-9-1 H Crouch 8 Betting 9-4 Cosmos Raj, 5 Kingdom Found, 11-2 Others.
12 697 ANGEL EYES (J Riches) 6-8-12 J Gormley 6 7 524 TYNECASTLE PARK c (R Eddery) 8-9-0 D Keenan 1
HANDICAP (CLASS 6) of £5,527 for 3yo Only. 1m 2f
1 393 BLUE BERET (S Dow) 9-8 T Heard (5) 1
6 3-82 LADY FLORENCE cd (M Saunders) 4-9-1
7 426- SWELL SONG (R Cowell) 5-8-8
8 9-46 LETHAL BLAST (J Bridger) 4-8-7
Josephine Gordon 2
H Turner 6
K O’Neill 9
Betting 3 Bluella, 9-2 Rockley Point, 5 Boudica Bay, 7 Others.
3.50 WATCH RACING TV IN STUNNING HD HANDICAP (CLASS Betting 3 Ravenscar, 7-2 Look My Way, 4 Charlie D, 5 Others.
4) of £9,250 for 3yo Only. 1m
2 252 THE BAY WARRIOR (M Usher) 9-7
3 211 FINAL FANTASY (S C Williams) 9-6
4 706 DOONBEG FARMER (H Evans) 9-6
O Murphy 5 9 379 MERCERS cd,b (P Butler) 7-8-7
Rossa Ryan 2 10 986 HURRICANE ALERT cd (Frank Bishop) 9-8-7
Ellie Mackenzie (5) 6 Betting 5-2 Shecandoo, 10-3 Lady Florence, 7 Others.
G Rooke (3) 7
C Bennett 4 4.00
1 642
£6,000 for 3yo Only. 5f
AIR TIME (K Ryan) 9-7 J Shinnick (7) 2
IBN ARABI (G Scott) 9-9
SURPRISE PICTURE d,v (H Palmer) 9-7
B Curtis 7
T Marquand 9
K Stott 6
(CLASS 6) of £5,527 for 4yo plus. 1m
1 480 ELIXSOFT d,b (K Tutty) 6-9-8 Gemma Tutty (3) 11
5 88-7 SILVER SCREEN STAR (I Furtado) 9-3 J Haynes 8
6 3-53 COMPLEXO (H Spiller) 9-0 H Doyle 7 2 56-7 IRIS DANCER (R M Smith) 9-5 JP Sullivan 3 4 1-33 ILLUSTRATOR bf (J Tate) 9-5 D Allan 4 2 1-55 OUD METHA BRIDGE d,p (J Feilden) 7-9-8 D E Hogan (3) 8
7 9-05 FORZA DEL DESTINO (J Gallagher) 8-13
8 072 LANIKA (S Kirk) 8-12
9 505 BLUE GALAXY (M Usher) 8-12
C Fallon 9
Shariq Mohd (7) 4
Isobel Francis (7) 3 1
(PLUS 10) (CLASS 5) of £5,600 for 3yo Only. 1m 4f
31 MARSHALL PLAN d (J & T Gosden) 9-9 L Dettori 1
COLEY’S KOKO (N Tinkler) 9-5
TWICE ADAAY (A Keatley) 9-2
ROYAL JAZZ (G Tuer) 9-1
R Scott
S P Davis
S James
CRANE d (M Bell) 9-4
INVINCIBLY (K Burke) 9-2
C Shepherd
D Tudhope
P J McDonald
DR JEKYLL (Alice Haynes) 5-9-7
HOLIDAY MAGIC c,d (H Evans) 10-9-6
PURPLE POWER (M Quinn) 4-9-6
S Cherchi (5)
D Costello
D Keenan
2 22 AL NEFUD bf (C Appleby) 9-2 James Doyle 2 6 097- MY SONNY (I Jardine) 8-13 A Mullen 8 8 720- JAKACAN (D Carroll) 8-13 P Hanagan 5 6 123 SUSIE JAVEA cd (O Pears) 4-9-6 H Russell (5) 1
Betting 2 Final Fantasy, 9-2 The Bay Warrior, 5 Others. 7 47-5 ELZAAL (P Midgley) 8-12 B Robinson 1 9 18-6 KIDYOUNOT (T Easterby) 8-10 L Edmunds 3
3 65 ERMYNS PERCY (P Phelan) 9-2 C Bennett 5 7 734 STARTER FOR TEN (I Furtado) 4-9-6 J Hart 3
4 3- FOREVER WILLIAM (A King) 9-2 D Probert 3 8 077- MAGDALANA (M Weatherer) 8-9 A Breslin (5) 5
Betting 11-4 Crane, 4 Illustrator, 5 Spirit Of Bermuda, 6 Others. 8 57-6 MIKMAK d,p (T Easterby) 8-9-6 D Fentiman 7
(CLASS 5) of £5,300 for 3yo plus. 1m 2f
5 3-2 GOING GONE (J Boyle) 9-2
6 MANDOOB (B Meehan) 9-2
P Cosgrave 4
D O’Neill 6
Betting 11-4 Twice Adaay, 7-2 Air Time, 4 Royal Jazz, Elzaal, 8 Others. 9 634 MAYKIR cd (J R Jenkins) 5-9-5 R Kingscote 12

1 32- GARDEN PARADISE (J Tate) 4-10-0

2 55- SONG AT TWILIGHT (W Knight) 4-10-0
3 5-2 ALIOMAANA (J & T Gosden) 3-8-11
Rossa Ryan 8 7 GOLDEN WATTLE (S P C Woods) 8-11 M Harley 7
L Jones 1 Betting 13-8 Marshall Plan, 7-4 Al Nefud, 6 Going Gone, 10 Others.
£7,200 for 4yo plus. 1m
STAKES (CLASS 5) of £6,500 for 3yo plus. 1m 2f
1 035 MYTHICAL MADNESS d,v (D O’Meara) 10-10-0 D Tudhope 3
KENYX (I Furtado) 4-9-2
DAAFY c,v (D Shaw) 4-8-13
LIGHTNING ATTACK cd (R Teal) 5-8-11
Elle-may Croot (7)
C Hardie
Adam J McNamara
4 7 BELLES LETTRES (J & T Gosden) 3-8-11 R Havlin 7 1 746- MAKYON (M Johnston) 4-9-9 J Fanning 1 2 9/00- WHITEHALL (G Harker) 6-9-10 C Beasley 7 Betting 4 Holiday Magic, 9-2 Susie Javea, 6 Others.
ETERNAL LIGHT (J Fanshawe) 3-8-11
4- LADY ARGENTO (M Botti) 3-8-11
O Murphy 10
4) of £9,250 for 3yo Only. 1m 4f 2 645- GOMETRA GINTY cd,p (K Dalgleish) 5-9-7 C Rodriguez 2 3 58-9 CALIDUS MIRABILIS d,v (A Murphy) 4-9-8 T Marquand 2
7 0- MOONLIT NIGHT (Sir M Stoute) 3-8-11
8 4-2 NELL QUICKLY (D Coakley) 3-8-11
9 5 STRAWBERRI (R Varian) 3-8-11
R L Moore 3
H Doyle 6
David Egan 2
1 136 ALBERT CAMUS c,h (J & T Gosden) 9-5
2 72-3 GLIDE DOWN (A King) 9-4
3 512- REWIRED c (D Menuisier) 9-2
N Mackay 3
M Harley 1
J P Spencer 4
YUKON (D O’Meara) 4-9-6
DREAMSELLER cd,p (T Easterby) 5-9-6
PHOTOGRAPH (D Carroll) 4-9-4
D Nolan
P Dennis
H Shaw
4 400- SANDS CHORUS d (K Tutty) 9-9-8
5 952 YUFTEN (Alice Haynes) 10-9-8
6 6-9 JESSOP (M Channon) 3-8-3
T Eaves
S W Kelly
Rose Dawes (7)
160 DE
£5,527 for 4yo plus. 7f
BRUYNE HORSE cd (D C Griffiths) 6-9-8 J F Egan 6
6 8-90 TAMKEEN (R Carr) 6-8-2 JP Sullivan 6 7 74-2 SADIE’S DAY (A Keatley) 3-8-0 K Schofield (5) 5
10 ZOFFANY’S GIRL (Sir M Stoute) 3-8-11 C Fallon 5 4 901- SURREY GOLD (H Morrison) 9-2 D Probert 2 2 410 CRAZY SPIN c,p (I Furtado) 5-9-8 Elle-may Croot (7) 3
Betting 7-4 Dreamseller, 9-4 Gometra Ginty, 5 Others. Betting 7-4 Sadie’s Day, 9-4 Mythical Madness, 3 Others. 3 943 VAN DIJK c,d (A Brittain) 4-9-7 C Hardie 7
Betting 11-4 Aliomaana, 9-2 Strawberri, 13-2 Others. Betting 2 Surrey Gold, 9-4 Rewired, 11-4 Others.
4 737 TYCHE bf,b (B Ellison) 4-9-6 H Russell (5) 9

White & Gold 5.05

1 50-2
5) of £7,200 for 4yo plus. 1m 4f 104yds
PROPRIETY (D O’Meara) 4-9-7 D Nolan 2
(CLASS 4) of £9,250 for 3yo Only. 1m 2f
1 18-3 IMPULSIVE ONE (W Haggas) 9-9 T Marquand 4
5 526 MISTER FREEZE cd,v,t (P Chamings) 7-9-6
6 443 MOSTALLIM d (M Appleby) 4-9-5
7 0-98 PROFIT IN PEACE (Phillip Makin) 4-9-4
R Kingscote 13
F Larson (7) 11
N Evans 4
5.10 Tippy Toes 1.00 Moliwood 1.50 Soapys Sister 1.40 Vieux Carre 5.20 Brandy Station 2 514- CHIEF CRAFTSMAN d (T Easterby) 7-9-6 JP Sullivan 7 2 622- ENCOUNTER ORDER (I Mohammed) 9-7 R Dawson (3) 7
3 3/8-4 LE MAGNIFIQUE (K Dalgleish) 4-9-2 B Garritty (3) 4 3 15- BALLYCOMMON (D Carroll) 9-7 P Hanagan 6 9 681- SUREWECAN d (Sarah Hollinshead) 9-9-4 D Keenan 10
5.40 Golden Flame 1.30 Billhilly 2.20 Chase That Dream 2.10 Awesomebynature 5.50 Toutatis 4 032 MUTAMADED cd (R Carr) 8-9-2 P Mulrennan 3 4 42-1 TRICOLORE (M Botti) 9-7 B Curtis 5 10 631 SEND IN THE CLOUDS cd (A Carroll) 4-9-1 L Morris 2
6.10 El Ray 2.00 Wurlitzer 2.50 Perfect Soldier 2.40 Lilikoi 6.25 Dabirstar 5 475- THREE CASTLES c (K Dalgleish) 5-9-0 C Rodriguez 5 5 681- GOLDEN DOVE c (T Easterby) 9-3 Megan Nicholls 1 11 399 SOCRU (I Furtado) 5-9-0 J Hart 14
6.40 Happy Romance (nap) 2.30 Al Saariyah 3.25 Cool Spirit 3.15 Kingdom Found 6.55 Join Forces 6 3P-4 SMART LASS cd,p (I Jardine) 6-8-12 A Mullen 1 6 251 GREYSTOKE (M Channon) 9-2 G Bass (5) 3 12 589 FUWAIRT d (H Evans) 9-8-12 D Costello 8
7.15 Satono Japan 3.00 Lady Florence 4.00 Twice Adaay 3.50 Crane 7.25 Ravenscar 7 670- EDGAR ALLAN POE (Harvey Bastiman) 7-8-6 S James 6 7 75-1 REALIST d (M Bell) 9-2 C Shepherd 8 13 7/6-6 FEEL THE THUNDER (S Dixon) 5-8-12 J Fisher (5) 12
7.45 Lanika 3.35 Al Nefud 4.35 Dreamseller 4.25 Sadie’s Day 7.55 Maykir 8 328 PERCY WILLIS (J O’Keeffe) 9-0 J Garritty 2 14 773 KOMMANDER KIRKUP c,e (M Herrington) 10-8-12Joanna Mason (5) 5
Betting 9-4 Propriety, 7-2 Mutamaded, 5 Chief Craftsman,
8.15 Strawberri 4.05 Rewired 5.05 Mutamaded 5.00 Tricolore 8.25 Send In The Clouds 6 Others. Betting 9-4 Realist, 7-2 Tricolore, 5 Encounter Order, 7 Others. Betting 4 Send In The Clouds, 5 Mostallim, 6 Others.

1.00 1 Keyser Soze A Villiers 12-1, 2 Mostawaa 11-4 fav, 3 4.45 1 Aish Adam J McNamara 15-8 fav, 2 5.10 1 Just Beautiful J Haynes 6-4, 2 Carolus Magnus 2.00 1 May Blossom D Tudhope 6-4 jtfav, 2 Khunan 6-4 1.15 1 The Resdev Way Miss Becky Smith 5-1, 2 Frame
Repertoire 14-1. 9 ran. 12l, 12l. R Spencer. Tote: Win £13.30; Nodsasgoodasawink 3-1, 3 Black Sparrow 2-1. 4 ran. 11-10 fav, 3 Take Up Arms 8-1. 10 ran. nk, 212l. I Furtado. jtfav, 3 Where’s Diana 7-1. 6 ran. hd, 612l. D O’Meara. Tote: Rate 5-2 fav, 3 Parisian Affair 50-1. 13 ran. 434l, 412l. M
£3.10, £1.10, £3.90. Exacta £59.00. Tricast £479.33. Trifecta: 1
2l, 112l. R Cowell. Tote: Win £2.60; Exacta £7.70. Trifecta: Tote: Win £2.30; £1.10, £1.10, £1.80. Exacta £4.70. Trifecta: Win £2.40; £1.40, £1.30. Exacta £4.60. Trifecta: £12.80. Hammond. Tote: Win £6.30; £2.00, £1.60, £7.40. Exacta
£567.70. CSF £45.31. £12.40. CSF £7.84. £15.20. CSF £3.54. NR: Lubna. CSF £3.61. £22.50. Tricast £567.96. Trifecta: £572.70. CSF £17.35.
1.35 1 Chipotle C Bishop 6-5, 2 The Gatekeeper 11-10 fav, 5.15 1 Robjon J Fahy 7-2, 2 Pure Charmer 5-4 fav, 3 1.50 1 Lankaran E J Walsh 8-11 fav, 2 Mutawaarid 14-1,
5.40 1 Salam Ya Faisal R Dawson 5-2, 2 Bezzas Lad 9-2, 2.35 1 Majalaat O Stammers 9-2, 2 Regal Mirage 7-4 fav, 3 Just For Yuse 7-1. 10 ran. 1l, 134l. R Varian. Tote: Win
3 War Of Courage 40-1. 4 ran. 1l, 5l. E J-Houghton. Tote: General Tom Thumb 66-1. 7 ran. 1l, 34l. R Hannon. Tote: 3 Jems Bond 10-1. 4 ran. 34l, 134l. M Moubarak. Tote: Win 3 Zeimaam 7-2. 5 ran. 2l, nk. Paul Collins. Tote: Win £4.80;
Win £1.90; Exacta £2.70. Trifecta: £9.10. CSF £2.73. NR: Win £4.80; £2.10, £1.30. Exacta £9.00. Trifecta: £199.10. £1.60; £1.10, £2.50, £2.00. Exacta £12.20. Trifecta: £52.00.
£2.80; Exacta £10.40. Trifecta: £35.60. CSF £12.19. NR: £2.10, £1.50. Exacta £11.80. Trifecta: £32.60. CSF £12.69. CSF £15.13.
Gubbass. CSF £7.97.
2.10 1 Creative Flair W Buick 9-4 fav, 2 Auria 8-1, 3 Ready Sparkling Diamond. 3.10 1 Rains Of Castamere S De Sousa 13-8, 2 Cote d’Az- 2.25 1 Spring Glow J Watson 9-2, 2 Flower Of Scotland 9-4 fav,
5.45 1 Gherkin L Morris 11-4 fav, 2 Cobra Eye 4-1, 3 6.10 1 Justified F Norton 9-4 jtfav, 2 Aldrich Bay 9-4 jtfav, ur 6-4 fav, 3 Perfect Swiss 5-1. 4 ran. 5l, 34l. M Channon. 3 Eltham Palace 13-2. 6 ran. 114l, 312l. A Balding. Tote: Win £5.10;
To Venture 11-4. 6 ran. 112l, nk. C Appleby. Tote: Win £2.90; Tavrina 7-2. 9 ran. nk, 214l. W Kittow. Tote: Win £3.00; £1.30,
£1.80, £3.80. Exacta £19.20. Trifecta: £64.40. CSF £20.36. 3 Deluxe Music 7-1. 6 ran. nk, nk. M Johnston. Tote: Win Tote: Win £2.20; Exacta £4.30. Trifecta: £7.20. CSF £4.42. £2.50, £1.50. Exacta £16.70. Trifecta: £64.00. CSF £14.51.
£1.60, £1.70. Exacta £16.90. Tricast £39.31. Trifecta: £53.30. 3.50 1 Magical Effect J Gormley 13-2, 2 Highly Sprung 5-2, 3.00 1 Dansing Bear M Crehan 10-1, 2 Saulire Star 11-2, 3
2.45 1 Stradivarius L Dettori 4-7 fav, 2 Ocean Wind 9-2, 3 CSF £14.25. NR: De Little Engine.
£2.90; £1.60, £1.80. Exacta £8.60. Tricast £25.92. Trifecta:
Nayef Road 4-1. 6 ran. 1l, 12l. J & T Gosden. Tote: Win £1.40; £35.30. CSF £7.18. NRs: Beat The Breeze, Jen’s Fella. 3 Final Frontier 2-1 fav. 5 ran. 3l, 12l. R Carr. Tote: Win £7.00; Mustang Kodi 7-2. 6 ran. 114l, 134l. E Dunlop. Tote: Win £10.90;
6.20 1 Excel Power Adam J McNamara evens fav, 2 6.40 1 Araifjan R Dawson 11-2, 2 Show Me A Sunset 7-2, 3 £4.10, £3.00. Exacta £74.10. Trifecta: £214.70. CSF £63.09.
£1.10, £2.10. Exacta £3.40. Trifecta: £7.10. CSF £3.62. NR: £3.00, £1.50. Exacta £25.50. Trifecta: £77.30. CSF £22.83.
Imperial Force 6-5, 3 World Of Windhover 9-1. 4 ran. 512l, 3.35 1 Heptathlete D Muscutt 9-2, 2 Willing To Please
Desert Skyline. Eagle Creek 11-2. 7 ran. 12l, shd. R Cowell. Tote: Win £6.70; NRs: Triggered, True Mason.
2l. A Watson. Tote: Win £1.80; Exacta £2.00. Trifecta: £3.90. 10-1, 3 Parikarma 12-1. 7 ran. 1l, 114l. K P De Foy. Tote:
3.20 1 Rohaan R L Moore 22-1, 2 Saint Lawrence 7-2, 3 £3.00, £1.90. Exacta £25.80. Trifecta: £111.50. CSF £24.36. 4.25 1 Bergerac K Stott 5-4 fav, 2 Tiny Danser 12-1, 3 Win £6.00; £2.50, £4.30. Exacta £46.30. Trifecta: £318.70.
CSF £2.53.
Spycatcher 12-1. 8 ran. 114l, 114l. P Evans. Tote: Win £21.90;
6.50 1 Marselan D Probert 11-1, 2 Desert Marathon 7-1, 7.15 1 Glint Of An Eye K Shoemark 2-1 fav, 2 Arlecchino’s Thornaby Pearl 17-2. 8 ran. 6l, 334l. K Ryan. Tote: Win £1.80; CSF £44.35.
£4.00, £1.10, £3.00. Exacta £85.20. Trifecta: £779.80. CSF Arc 4-1, 3 Act Of Magic 10-3. 8 ran. nk, 214l. H Spiller. Tote: £1.20, £2.80, £2.20. Exacta £17.20. Tricast £92.86. Trifecta: 4.05 1 Brazen Belle D Nolan 20-1, 2 Annie Rose 9-2 fav,
£95.95. NRs: Jumby, Method. 3 River Wharfe 12-1. 8 ran. 12l, 12l. E J-Houghton. Tote: Win
£11.60; £2.80, £2.00, £3.00. Exacta £65.60. Tricast £940.68. Win £2.80; £1.50, £1.80, £1.30. Exacta £10.80. Tricast £107.10. CSF £17.75. NR: Readman. 3 Seeking Perfection 5-1. 11 ran. 12l, 34l. D O’Meara. Tote:
3.55 1 Oh This Is Us T Marquand 66-1, 2 Prince Eiji 8-1, 3 £24.47. Trifecta: £24.20. CSF £10.06. 5.00 1 King Frankel O Stammers 4-5 fav, 2 King Of Win £27.00; £7.30, £1.10, £2.10. Exacta £121.00. Tricast
Sir Busker 5-1. 9 ran. hd, 1l. R Hannon. Tote: Win £50.90; Trifecta: £424.90. CSF £83.61.
7.25 1 Alezan R Kingscote 11-4, 2 Lets Go Lucky 10-1, 3 7.45 1 Cap D’antibes F Norton 3-1, 2 Raajihah 5-1, 3 Street Tomorrow evens, 3 Gurkha’s Surprise 125-1. 3 ran. 32l, 1l. £543.92. Trifecta: £772.60. CSF £106.93.
£10.20, £2.50, £1.70. Exacta £613.90. Trifecta: £3318.80. 4.35 1 Admirable Lad P Mulrennan 9-4 fav, 2 Time Has
Zeyzoun 17-2. 7 ran. 1l, nk. E J-Houghton. Tote: Win £3.20; Poet 5-4 fav. 11 ran. 12l, 114l. M Wigham. Tote: Win £4.60; M Johnston. Tote: Win £1.40; Exacta £1.60. Trifecta: £1.80.
CSF £526.24. Wings 7-1, 3 She’s A Deva 7-2. 9 ran. hd, 312l. C Banham.
4.30 1 Pettochside S Osborne 25-1, 2 Saaheq 9-2, 3 £1.90, £5.60. Exacta £34.40. Trifecta: £174.90. CSF £29.00. £1.60, £1.80, £1.40. Exacta £24.20. Tricast £28.16. Trifecta: CSF £1.90.
5.30 1 Soul Seeker S B Kirrane 7-4, 2 Ventura Express Tote: Win £3.10; £1.20, £2.40, £1.20. Exacta £17.10. Tricast
Han Solo Berger 5-1. 8 ran. 1l, shd. J Bridger. Tote: Win 7.55 1 Thomas Lanfiere H Turner 4-1, 2 Rinty Maginty 16-1, £54.30. CSF £18.71. NR: Dove Divine.
£54.73. Trifecta: £56.10. CSF £19.04. NR: Secret To Success.
£27.30; £5.60, £1.90, £1.80. Exacta £165.90. Tricast 3 Harlequin Rose 9-1. 9 ran. 134l, 134l. D M Simcock. Tote: 8.15 1 Home And Dry F Norton 7-4 fav, 2 Fandabidozi 15-8, evens fav, 3 Lucky Beggar 12-1. 6 ran. 114l, 6l. D O’Meara. 5.05 1 Unashamed S James 3-1 fav, 2 Lady Of Desire 22-1,
£676.13. Trifecta: £773.40. CSF £133.99. NRs: Diligent Lady, Win £5.20; £2.30, £3.70, £3.50. Exacta £63.70. Trifecta: 3 Rwanda Mist 2-1. 4 ran. 14l, 2l. M Johnston. Tote: Win Tote: Win £2.50; £1.40, £1.20. Exacta £4.90. Trifecta: 3 Thomas Daniell 11-1. 9 ran. 34l, 1l. G Tuer. Tote: Win £3.50;
Firepower, Spring Bloom. £418.40. CSF £66.24. NRs: Blairlogie, Lucky Face. £3.10; Exacta £5.20. Trifecta: £6.50. CSF £5.30. £15.80. CSF £3.79. £1.50, £5.10, £3.00. Exacta £61.90. Tricast £646.99. Trifecta:
Placepot: £507.70 Placepot: £87.10 Placepot: £23.40 Placepot: £63.20 £503.60. CSF £69.85.
Quadpot: £67.20 Quadpot: £23.70 Quadpot: £4.10 Quadpot: £17.80 Placepot: £228.40 Quadpot: £69.70
34 Sport/Thursday, April 29, 2021 RUGBY UNION
Tommy Seymour, pictured in
training with Glasgow
Warriors, will exit Scotstoun
after 10 years at the club

to Belfast as a boy, and was

capped by Ireland at youth
level. However, he was eligible
to represent Scotland thanks
to his mother being from
Glasgow, and it was clear he
was going to go down that
route from the time he joined
the Warriors from Ulster in
the summer of 2011.
By that time the steady
improvement that was to
culminate in the title win
four years later was already
under way, and if anything
it accelerated the following
summer when Gregor Townsend
succeeded Sean Lineen as head
coach. Exuberant figures such
as Finn Russell and Leone
Nakarawa may have come to
epitomise that Warriors side, but
it owed its success just as much
to the solid professionalism of
less demonstrative types such as
Of the winger’s team-mates
from the 2015 final victory
in Belfast over Munster,
his consistent excellence Nakarawa, Pete Horne, Fraser

was recognised by his being Scotland start 2022 Brown and Rob Harley are
named in the British & Irish
Lions squad that toured New
6N against England still Glasgow players, while Al
Kellock, the captain then, is now
Zealand in 2017. SCOTLAND will begin their Six the Warriors’ managing director.
His 150th and final Nations campaign next year with a “I’ve known Tommy for almost
appearance in a Warriors home game against England. They 10 years,” Kellock said. “He’s

says goodbye
jersey was in the Champions will then play in Wales and at home an incredible rugby player, but
Cup defeat by Exeter in to France before finishing off with more importantly a great man.
December. Injuries have two away fixtures, against Italy and “He has put a huge amount
restricted his opportunities Ireland. All their matches will take of himself into this club and
this season, hence the general place on Saturdays, with kick-off has helped enormously on the
awareness that his retirement times yet to be announced. journey we have gone through.
was on the cards. Gregor Townsend’s team – who He has led by example both

to Glasgow “Although my decision has

been made for some time, the
words seem almost impossible
to write,” Seymour wrote
yesterday on the Warriors
website. “Firstly, to the club
also began this year’s
Championship with a Calcutta Cup
fixture, but at Twickenham – will
welcome England to Murrayfield on
Saturday 5 February. Ireland will be
at home to Wales on the same
on and off the field and is an
example to every young player
coming through because you
won’t see anyone working
harder on their game than
Tommy Seymour.

after decade
that made a home and wove me afternoon, while France will meet “I’d like to thank Tommy
into its tapestry. Thank you for Italy in the Stade de France on and his wife Katy on behalf
believing in me and for having Sunday 6. In all, three games will of everyone associated with
faith when you had no reason take place on a Sunday, while one Glasgow Warriors for all that
to. This is my club, this is my – Wales’ game against France in they have given.”
home and I’ll never forget what round four – will be on a Friday. Current Glasgow coach
it was to live and play here. Danny Wilson has not been

PRO12 winner bids emotional “To the fans that support

this club so passionately, it was
the greatest privilege to stand
Saturday 5 February
Ireland v Wales, Scotland v
able to work with Seymour
as much as he would have
liked during his first season
farewell to his second home behind that badge and represent
you in this beautiful game.
“To the physios, S&C
Sunday 6
France v Italy
in charge at Scotstoun, but
he is still well aware of how
important the player has been
and office staff I’ve been so Saturday 12 to the team over the past
Glasgow and Scotland, but to fortunate to work with over my Wales v Scotland, France v Ireland decade. “Having made over 150
STUART anyone who has seen how years, your help and presence Sunday 13 appearances for Glasgow in 10
BATHGATE much the 32-year-old has
contributed to the game in
in my career will never be
forgotten. I can’t thank you
Italy v England
Saturday 26
years at the club, representing
his country and playing for
this country since making his enough and it was a pleasure Scotland v France, England v the British and Irish Lions,
Warriors debut a decade ago. to have dealt with you all. Wales Tommy has achieved a huge
Seymour was a key player “Lastly and most importantly Sunday 27 amount in the game,” Wilson
in the Glasgow side from to my wife Katy and my Ireland v Italy said. “He will be missed and

VEN expected events that first appearance back beautiful kids. You’ve been the Friday 11 March his achievements within the
can come as a bit of a in 2011, through to their backbone that held everything Wales v France game should be celebrated.
shock. It had seemed PRO12 title triumph four together. I wouldn’t have Saturday 12 He’s a well respected leader
clear for some time years later, and on to their achieved and had this career Italy v Scotland, England v Ireland here at Glasgow and has done
that Tommy Seymour was on reappearance in the final without your love and support. Saturday 19 a lot for both club and country.
the verge of bowing out from in 2019. He was also a vital The moments were made Wales v Italy, Ireland v Scotland, “It’s a shame he hasn’t been
professional rugby, but when member of the Scotland team special because you were there France v England available to us for more games
he confirmed as much from 2013 until his retirement to share them. I’m so proud to this season. He has been a
yesterday, it still brought from the international game be your husband and father.” fantastic servant to the club
with it a real sense of loss – following the last World Cup, Born in Nashville, and we wish him all the best
not only to supporters of ending up with 55 caps, and Tennessee, Seymour moved for the future.”
CRICKET Sport/Thursday, April 29, 2021 35

Mackay McKibbin
keeps chat
goes to bat with McIlroy
under wraps

for future PHIL CASEY

TOM McK IBBIN is keeping

the advice he has received from
Rory McIlroy close to his chest,

of cricket
but admits he would love to
emulate some of the four-time
major winner’s achievements.
McKibbin’s successful am-
ateur career has inevitably
led to comparisons with fellow
Northern Irishman McIlroy,

in Scotland
especially as the pair both hail
from Holywood Golf Club just
outside Belfast.
And after being “confused” at
missing out on selection for the
upcoming Walker Cup, McK-
ibbin has followed in McIlroy’s
footsteps by turning profes-
“From a cricket point of view sional at the age of 18 and will
GRAEME the past year has definitely make his debut in this week’s
MACPHERSON set us back, both domestically
and internationally,” admitted
Tenerife Open.
“It’s probably a massive com-
MacKay. pliment being compared to Rory
“Financially it’s also been Gus Mackay will build on wins like the one against England (below) McIlroy,” McKibbin said. “I’m
a challenge. Going into this obviously doing something right.
year we are still going to “I’d love to be winning ma-

F Gus Mackay were to have challenges with a deficit jors and become world number
receive a pound every budget. So we have to be wise one. That would be an awesome
time he mentioned the and smart. And we have to look achievement. Those would be
word “challenge” then at ways that we can recoup some long-term ambitions, to
Cricket Scotland would be in a some of that lost income. be the best.
much healthier position. “Having no fans at games “I’ve talked to Rory quite a
Lockdown may be easing but will be a setback too in terms bit, he’s given me his opinion
the forecast for the sport, both of gate receipt income if that and I’m probably just going to
at domestic and international comes to pass. keep all that to myself. But he’s
levels, continues to look “But our priority is just been great to me and I’m really
a mixture of gloomy and to get cricket going. If we thankful for that. It’s just awe-
uncertain. can do that at international some to be able to get to ask him
There was some good news level and get broadcaster questions and learn from him.”
for the beleaguered Cricket involvement then that gives us McKibbin has missed the cut
Scotland chief executive with an opportunity. in all six of his previous starts
confirmation that the men’s “The whole broadcast market on the European Tour or Chal-
team would resume action has changed in recent times be precluded from attending restructure the way we operate lenge Tour and admits he will
shortly for the first time since with live streaming and all that. cricket at the Grange. and unfortunately make some need to sharpen up around the
December 2019 with a pair of “So we need to find an “When you hear things redundancies last year. green to compete successfully
one-day internationals away to opponent first and then go into like what’s happening with “That’s what Covid has done. in the paid ranks.
the Netherlands. the market and see what those the football it does give It makes you sit back and “I think the difference at this
Mackay’s focus, though, rights are worth, depending on us an opportunity to have reflect on where you are and level of golf is they are all very
is on trying to fill the holes who those games are against. those discussions,” admitted where you need to get to.” good short-game players, putters
in his budget caused by the “There are conversations Mackay. Plans to push cricket further and chippers. It’s a level higher,”
absence of international cricket about that going on all the “But first and foremost we have into the mainstream have the former world junior cham-
last summer, most notably time. There’s a challenge with to secure some international stalled due to the lack of pion said. “I wouldn’t see much
the enforced cancellation of Covid and bubbles and going cricket. It might be a year that activity over the past year. But difference off tees in distance or
planned home games against from one area to another. we don’t have any games but I’m Mackay is undeterred. iron play, [but] their short games
Australia and New Zealand. “But we’re close with hopeful that we will get some “I’ve been in this role for 18 are absolutely insane. That’ll be
Unlike his predecessor, England and Ireland and will teams coming here.” months now and been blown the main difference, getting that
the Zimbabwean now has keep trying to get some of those Cricket Scotland have away by the enthusiasm and sharpened up.”
the option of selling TV and countries passing through. survived the pandemic by passion for cricket in Scotland.
streaming rights to the highest “A rematch with England? placing players on furlough There’s a real desire to make it
bidder but can only do so if he Well, yeah that’s another and making redundancies, bigger and better,” he said.
has matches to offer them. fixture. We’d like to do that much-needed measures after “We beat England a few
Big hitters New Zealand, and will keep trying. We want posting an operating loss for years ago – did we capitalise
Sri Lanka, Pakistan and to be playing against the 2020 of £120,000. on that? Maybe not. Could we
India are all due in England bigger nations and proving “We put a reset plan in have done more? Maybe.
this summer and attempts to we’re good enough.” place to protect the long-term “So we have got to raise the
lure one of those – or even the It seems harsh that the future of the business and profile of the game through our
Auld Enemy themselves – are Scottish football team can I’m confident we’ve done what media and marketing.
ongoing, even if the chances welcome 12,000 to Hampden we had to do to make sure “I believe we have a squad
are no fans will be allowed into for the Euro 2020 matches we’re in a decent position,” that can compete at the Former world junior champion
the Grange to watch them. while a few hundred would added Mackay. “We’ve had to highest level.” Tom McKibbin is in Tenerife
36 Sport/Thursday, April 29, 2021 FOOTBALL

SPFL set to
Covid call-off After UEFA upped squad
size to 26, we look at who’s
THE SPFL have launched
disciplinary action against

in and who’s out for Euros

East Fife after Darren
Young’s team refused to play
Clyde on Tuesday night.
The League One fixture at
Broadwood was called off at few fans would quibble if
the last minute after one of ANALYSIS Clarke took Gallagher, who
the home side’s players was immense in the play-off
returned a positive test for
MATTHEW semi-final and final last year,
Covid. LINDSAY Cooper, Hendry and McKenna.
The Bully Wee released a Which leaves another five
statement later that evening spaces.
explaining that following a Members of the Tartan

review conducted by the EFA’S decision to Army have been pushing for
Joint Response Group (JRG), allow managers to Griffiths, who was overlooked
the match had been given select 26 instead for the opening Qatar 2022
the all-clear to proceed. of 23-man squads qualifiers against Austria,
However, East Fife refused for the Euro 2020 finals this Israel and the Faroe Islands
to fulfil the fixture - with summer due to the Covid-19 last month due to his lack
manager Darren Young pandemic has given several of game time at Celtic, to be
claiming that the health and players on the fringes of the recalled.
well-being of his players and Scotland squad increased hope His injury-time goal against
staff was at risk, given that they will receive a call-up from Aberdeen at Pittodrie last
the unnamed Clyde player Steve Clarke. week was his first in three
who tested positive had But who exactly will benefit months – but popping up at
mingled with other members from the development? Will the death and grabbing the
of his squad. the likes of James Forrest, equaliser was typical of the
Posting on Twitter, Young Leigh Griffiths, Greg Taylor, predator.
argued that it was David Turnbull and Nathan The former Livingston,
“scandalous” that his players Patterson get the nod as a Dundee, Wolves and Hibernian
were put in a position where result of the change? Is Declan forward has an uncanny
their health could be Gallagher now set to be knack, when he is fit and in
compromised. involved? Could Ryan Gauld the mood, to pop up in exactly
“I find it a bit scandalous and Billy Gilmour even get in? the right place at exactly
that all through the past Having three more spots the right time and has the
year-and-a-bit, where safety at his disposal certainly composure required to find the
and wellbeing of the players/ gives Clarke some room to back of the net.
staff etc is paramount, we manoeuvre and a few less He certainly wasn’t overawed
were put in a position and contenders to disappoint. by the occasion when he curled
asked if we wanted to or There are several players in two long-range free-kicks
were willing to take that risk who are guaranteed to go if fit. late on against England in
… !!!,” he wrote. At the back, goalkeepers David that Russia 2018 qualifier at
“We have adhered to all Marshall, Craig Gordon and Hampden back in 2017.
the rules and regulations Jon McLaughlin, left-backs But Nisbet, the Hibernian
throughout this period like Andy Robertson and Kieran striker who won his first cap
everybody else and Tierney, centre-half Grant for Scotland last month, has
unfortunately now this is the Hanley and right-back Stephen been one of the form strikers
second time it’s happened to
us against Clyde this season.
O’Donnell shouldn’t book any
holidays in June.
in the country. He has netted
17 times in the 2020/21 season
Who’s in the squad?
“I 100 per cent will always In midfield, Callum and it would be harsh on him DEFINITELY Che Adams David Turnbull
back my players, especially McGregor, Scott McTominay, if he was overlooked. Naming David Marshall Lyndon Dykes Ryan Gauld
when it comes to a situation Stuart Armstrong, Kenny both strikers leaves three Craig Gordon Ryan Fraser Billy Gilmour
where their health and McLean, Ryan Christie and places available. Jon McLaughlin Callum Paterson
wellbeing are put on the line.” John McGinn are shoo-ins. Forrest, whose hat-trick Andy Robertson MAYBE Leigh Griffiths
The SPFL then released a Up front, Che Adams, Lyndon against Israel in a Nations Kieran Tierney Greg Taylor Kevin Nisbet
statement yesterday Dykes and Ryan Fraser have League game in Glasgow back Grant Hanley Liam Cooper Oliver Burke
afternoon where the no worries. But that leaves in 2018 ultimately clinched the Scott McKenna Lawrence
governing body announced nine slots up for grabs? play-off place, looked strong Stephen O’Donnell Shankland
Scott McTominay Jack Hendry
that they have launched Centre-back will be a and sharp when he made his Andrew Considine
disciplinary proceedings headache for Clarke. Who does comeback for Celtic last month Callum McGregor Declan Gallagher LONG SHOTS
against East Fife. he choose out Andy Considine despite spending five months Stuart Armstrong Liam Palmer Paul Hanlon
It read: “Following the of Aberdeen, Liam Cooper of out of action. Kenny McLean Nathan Patterson Ryan Porteous
call-off of the SPFL League 1 Leeds United, Gallagher of He has since suffered Ryan Christie John Fleck Paul McGinn
fixture between Clyde and Motherwell, Jack Hendry of another knock. But if he can John McGinn James Forrest Johnny Russell
East Fife last night, the SPFL Oostende and Scott McKenna feature between now and the
has today (28 April) of Nottingham Forest? How end of the season it would
announced that disciplinary
proceedings have
commenced against East
many of them does he take?
McTominay has, even though
his best position is in central
be worth Clarke including
the winger. He is vastly-
experienced and can add a
Forrest is vastly experienced
Fife for failing to fulfil the
midfield, been deployed in
defence in the past and played
cutting edge to the national
team’s play in the final third
and can add a cutting edge to
James Cairney there in the 4-0 triumph over
the Faroes last month. But
of the park. That leaves two
available berths.
the team’s play in the final third
FOOTBALL Sport/Thursday, April 29, 2021 37
Champions League semi-final


Manchester City 2

produced a superb second-

half fightback to claim a 2-1
advantage after the first leg of
their Champions League semi-
final against 10-man Paris St
Germain in Paris.
The Premier League leaders
were stung by an early
Marquinhos goal as the hosts
dominated the first half of a
high-quality encounter at the
Parc des Princes.
They responded brilliantly
with Kevin De Bruyne
equalising after 64 minutes
and Riyad Mahrez firing home
a free-kick soon after.
PSG lost their discipline as
City threatened to score more
in a strong finish and Idrissa
Gana Gueye was shown a
straight red card for a poor
challenge on Ilkay Gundogan.
The way City controlled
proceedings in the latter
stages was remarkable given Riyad Mahrez celebrates after scoring the winner for Man City
how vulnerable they looked to

City in superb
PSG’s slick counter-attacks in
a breathless opening period.
Neymar looked dangerous
from the outset but City,
and crucially manager Pep
Guardiola, did not panic under

considerable pressure and their
response was a mature one.
Guardiola has been accused
of over-complicating matters
at this stage in the past but
his selection, without a central
striker and similar to that
which disposed of Borussia
Dortmund in the last round,
delivered for him in style.
They now have a great
fightback as
PSG slip up
chance to wrap up the tie and
reach the final for the first
time in next week’s second leg
at the Etihad Stadium.
The game began at a
cracking pace on a greasy
An additional three spots have times since being promoted to surface and City had an early
opened up in the Scotland the first team at Parkhead at warning when Rodri was first half came after PSG Walker won a corner and it
squad for this summer’s the beginning of December. dispossessed and Neymar mistakes. Keeper Keylor paid off as De Bruyne levelled
European Championships Gauld, who has been raced into the box to shoot Navas gave the ball away and moments later.
excellent for Farense in tamely at Ederson. Phil Foden swooped to cross The ball was worked to the
Nathan Patterson has the Portuguese top flight, Alessandro Florenzi had for Mahrez but the Algerian’s Belgian outside the area and
his backers. The Rangers and Gilmour, who plays for a fierce shot blocked and header was cleared. he lofted a dangerous cross
right-back has impressed Champions League semi- Neymar forced another save Foden was then put in the towards the far post. The dip
at home and abroad since finalists Chelsea, have their from Ederson. The French clear himself after Kyle Walker on the delivery bamboozled
James Tavernier picked up champions. Taylor of Celtic and side’s breakthrough came seized on a loose pass but the PSG and it evaded everybody
his injury. He is currently Fleck of Sheffield United have with 15 minutes gone as England international shot to bounce into the net.
serving a four-match ban strong claims as well and would Angel De Maria swung in a straight at Navas. City sensed their chance and
for breaching coronavirus provide cover in crucial areas. vicious corner and captain City pegged PSG back in a continued to press, winning a
lockdown restrictions. But But it would be a surprise if Marquinhos, who had been strong start to the second half free-kick just outside the area.
his youthfulness could add they were involved given their a fitness doubt ahead of the but, again, they were almost Mahrez stepped up and drilled
an interesting dynamic to the lack of previous experience and game, escaped from Gundogan caught on the break. Kylian home a powerful shot as the
squad. He wouldn’t let anybody recent game time. to head home. Mbappe brilliantly wrong- PSG wall faltered.
down either if he had to play. There are far fewer players PSG continued to threaten footed the defence but his ball PSG’s night then took
Neither, too, would Turnbull. who are going to be left with Di Maria causing across the six-yard box was too another turn for the worse as
The Celtic playmaker has been disappointed now, however, problems from another corner strong for Marco Verratti. Gueye was shown a straight
the Glasgow club’s outstanding and more options available to and Neymar also teeing up Undeterred, City pressed red card after catching
performer in the second half Clarke and that can only be a Leandro Paredes to head wide. on and De Bruyne went close Gundogan on the ankle with a
of the season. That said, positive for Scotland as they A brilliant flick from Florenzi as he latched onto a Presnel late challenge.
Scotland are well placed in his bid to make it out of Group D created another opening but Kimpembe header to send Foden and De Bruyne had
position and he was left out of and reach the knockout stages Mahrez got back to deny an overhead kick flashing late chances to put City in
the World Cup qualifiers last of a major competition for the Neymar. narrowly over. complete command but PSG
month despite scoring eight first time in their history. City’s best chances of the The pressure continued as escaped further damage.
38 Sport/Thursday, April 29, 2021 SCOTTISH PREMIERSHIP

Celtic urged to pull trigger on

Stubbs insists manager needs plenty time
for ‘biggest ever rebuild’ at Parkhead club
so many fronts. There’s such a Stubbs knows of what he
GRAEME huge job ahead, I think it could speaks, having been one of
potentially be Celtic’s biggest the few survivors of the Celtic
McGARRY rebuild that they’ve ever seen cull of ’97, when Wim Jansen
this summer. cleared the decks and brought
“I think it’s that big, because in 10 new players as the
of the amount of loan players club went on to stop Rangers
that would be going back, making it 10 in-a-row.

LAN STUBBS has and because of the amount of For all that it was the likes
urged Celtic to players that will be looking to of Henrik Larsson who added
appoint their new leave. that bit of stardust, Stubbs
manager as soon as “Just off the top of my head, thinks that one essential
possible, with the club facing there’s a good chance Edouard ingredient of Jansen’s squad
what could potentially be won’t be there, there’s a good which Celtic currently lack,
their biggest ever rebuilding chance Ajer won’t be there, and which Rangers have right
job this summer. there’s been rumours around through their core, is of major
The former Celtic defender is Christie being sold. significance.
concerned that the prolonged “Then you have all those loan “Even looking back to then, I
courtship of Eddie Howe to players going back, [Mohamed] think the mentality of players
succeed Neil Lennon is still Elyounoussi, who I think has changed now,” he said.
ongoing, with so much work has been one of the better “I don’t want to say that we
to be done to reinvigorate the ones, and then you had the were better than what they are
playing squad. recruitment of certain players. now, but society has changed.
With Scott Brown already “You had [Albian] Ajeti, “The one thing we had when
leaving and a host of players [Patryk] Klimala who stopped 10 in-a-row was a
such as Odsonne Edouard, has obviously gone. The really strong dressing room.
Kristoffer Ajer and Ryan recruitment has been so far off There was quite a British core
Christie being linked with it, with David Turnbull being to it, and when you look across
moves away too, Stubbs says the exception. He’s been really at what Steven [Gerrard]
that his old club need to get a good, he’s been one of the has done at Rangers, the
new manager in the door as a bright sparks this year. predominant core of that group
matter of urgency. Particularly “There’s so many question is British.
with the lucrative Champions marks. I wouldn’t be surprised “They understand what was
League qualifiers now looming if Celtic are in a position where in front of them and what
on the horizon. they’ve got to recruit a whole was needed, whereas with the
“Whoever is coming in, new back four plus a keeper. foreign players – though they
I can’t stress enough that “You might have Mikey might give you that little bit
they need to be in as soon as Johnston and James Forrest of extra quality – they can
possible, because it’s going back, which will be a huge sometimes lack in terms of
to be very difficult to build a help, but I wouldn’t be that feeling of the club and
championship winning team in surprised if there’s offers for being part of that.
six weeks’ time,” Stubbs said. Callum McGregor. “I look at the two teams now,
“To get all these players in is “Scott Brown is going, and and at Rangers there is a real
going to be so difficult, as well the impact of that not just off togetherness, and everybody
as trying to do well in Europe. the pitch, but on the pitch too, knows what is expected of
“I’ve spoken about Celtic this is going to leave a huge void to them in terms of their jobs.
season, and they look short on fill.” “I look at Celtic and I see an
individualism with them, and for them to really get a feel for
not a collective team.”
In Stubbs’ estimation,
another contributory factor to
the club because whether it’s
for six months or a season, it
doesn’t bring stability for me.
Mulgrew tips
the fragmented nature of the “It’s very easy when things CHARLIE Mulgrew has backed
Celtic squad is the number of are not going well for people Callum McGregor to follow
loan players currently at the to say ‘You know what, I can Scott Brown as Celtic captain
club, with Shane Duffy, Jonjoe go back to my parent club.’ but urged him to do it his own
Kenny, Diego Laxalt and But when you’ve got a player way.
Elyounoussi all set to return there who’s there for a number Outgoing skipper Brown is
to their parent clubs this of years, you have to buy into joining Aberdeen as player/
summer. what is needed. assistant next season after 14
While fans would no doubt “I really don’t feel as if the years at Parkhead.
like to see Elyounoussi stick foreign players – and I don’t Fellow midfielder McGregor
around at least, Stubbs has want to put all the blame on has taken over the armband in
warned against another raft of them as that’s not right – but Brown’s absence in the past
loan arrivals this time around. in terms of understanding the and Mulgrew believes he is a
“You’ve got to be careful that enormity of what was at stake natural replacement for “a
you don’t bring in players that this season, if they did get it Celtic legend, up there with
use the club as a springboard, then it didn’t come across that Billy McNeill, Jimmy Johnstone,
and they buy into what you they got it.” Henrik Larsson,” but due to his
want to do,” he said. “That is Alan Stubbs was promoting exclusively live own attributes.
huge. Premier Sports coverage of the Scottish Cup. The 35-year-old former Celtic
Premier Sports is available on Sky, Virgin
“When you have so many TV and the Premier Player. Prices start from defender told Sky Sports
Alan Stubbs says Celtic lack the collective spirit of Rangers loan signings, it’s very difficult £10.99 per month.
SCOTTISH PREMIERSHIP Sport/Thursday, April 29, 2021 39

Davidson rues squad depth

new gaffer with Tanser out for season
midfielder can play his part in
AIDAN an historic cup double.
SMITH He continued: “Murray
trained fully today, which is
great news. Hopefully he’ll be
in the squad on Saturday. I’ve
just got to make sure I don’t
get over-excited and try and
CALLUM DAVIDSON has use him too early.
revealed that Scott Tanser “It’s great he’s back in
may have played his last game training and he’s smashing
for St Johnstone. into people with tackles
The left-back limped off already! That was good to see,
with an ankle knock against although I think other people
Rangers on Sunday as Saints were wincing.
dramatically booked their “It was bad timing the last
place in the Scottish Cup semi- time. I am not one of those for
finals. sentiment; I am one for those
Tanser was offered a new who are playing well. Murray
deal in Perth back in January Scott Tanser was offered a will put himself in a position to
but talks between the club and contract extension in January try and get in the team but there
the players’ representatives are players playing very well in
have since stalled. It’s a big blow for us to lose that position at the moment.
Davidson has refused to close him. “Hopefully we can navigate
the door on the Englishman “It’s possible that we could through the next two games
signing a contract extension, do something so Callum isn’t and get a positive result in the
but he has confirmed that playing every game between semi-final and hopefully Muzz
Tanser’s season is likely to be now and the end of the season. can be a part of that.”
over. There are a few people who can With the news coming this
He explained: “At the play different positions so we’ll week that Euro 2020 squads
moment it doesn’t look too have a look at it in the next have been expanded from
great for him. I think his few games.” 23 to 26, Davidson has also
season might be over. On contract negotiations reiterated his hope to see some
“He hurt his right ankle just with Tanser, Davidson added: of St Johnstone’s stars in Steve
before he hurt his left. I got “I don’t really know. We Clarke’s squad this summer.
Callum [Booth] ready to come obviously offered him a good He said: “The longer we stay
on because he was struggling contract back in January and in the Scottish Cup then the
with his right ankle then his left his agent just said he’d wait more chance they will have. I
ankle got stuck in the ground. and see. As far as I’m aware, will never pick a squad after
“At the moment it doesn’t that’s where we’re at just now.” having been involved with
look too good. It’s quite badly In more positive news, Saints Scotland. You never ever tell
swollen around the area so we stalwart Murray Davidson someone how to pick a squad.
need to wait for that to settle completed his first full contact “All I can say is all my
then we’ll get him a scan in the training session yesterday players have played really well
next couple of days then wait after returning from a calf in big games. Especially in the
and see what the damage is. knock sustained against second half of the season.
“It looks like his season could Rangers back in February. “Hopefully they might get
be over. It’s a big blow for us The combative midfielder an opportunity. Whether it is
because he’s been good. I’ve missed out on St Johnstone’s just training with the squad or
played Callum there a lot but League Cup glory but with a being involved. Hopefully they
it’s the one position we don’t Scottish Cup semi-final on the get some recognition for what
really have a lot of cover on. horizon, Davidson hopes the they have done.”

League One
McGregor for armband
Scotland: “Callum McGregor
is a stand out candidate if you
overlook Celtic striker Leigh
Griffiths when selecting his
Craigen hopes Thistle keep their cool
are looking at the Celtic squad squad for this summer’s JAMES CAIRNEY League One on a points-per- cause it means so much. Going
at the moment. European Championships. game basis. A win for Falkirk, back to the Morton game, we
“I have played with Callum Mulgrew said: “If a manager JAMES CRAIGEN knows a meanwhile, would leave the title had the Challenge Cup final on
with Scotland and at Celtic. He can get an arm round him and thing or two about getting a race in the visitors’ hands. the Sunday beforehand so it was
is definitely the person you get Leigh Griffiths scoring, a fit title bid over the line. It was With so much on the line, it a quick turnaround for us. Look-
would imagine would step in Leigh Griffiths is worth his the midfielder who grabbed the would only be natural for the ing back, it was probably a good
as captain. weight in gold. Get him fit, get winning goal against Morton in players involved to be dream- thing that we got beat as we
“The most important thing is him confident, because 2013 that effectively crowned ing of providing a title-winning were fully focussed on the next
he doesn’t try to copy Scott confidence is big in football, the Jags as second-tier champi- moment – but Craigen, now on match. We were off the next day,
Brown and he does it his own get him scoring goals. I think it ons, and he is looking forward the books at Arbroath, insists back in training the following
way. If he is chosen to be is a no-brainer. to seeing which player amongst the Thistle players must treat one and then we were back at it.
captain it is because of how “I would get him in the the current crop can come to the tonight as business as usual. “I was speaking to Banzo
he has been acting, not the Scotland squad somehow for fore against Falkirk tonight. “You just have to try and treat [Stuart Bannigan] yesterday
way he is supposed to act. the Euros because he is a Ian McCall’s men host the it as a normal game,” he said. and he was really excited for it
The former Scotland goalscorer. You saw what he Bairns knowing that a victory “You know there’s a lot on the – hopefully he’s back fit in time
internationalist added that he did against England the last would mathematically confirm line but you have to think of it for the game. Maybe I’ll have to
feels Scotland boss Steve time and he turns up for the top spot and promotion to the as a 90-minute football match. pose as a scout to see if I can get
Clarke cannot afford to big occasions.” Championship, one year on from Both teams are going to be on in! I could say I’m doing some
their controversial relegation to it to try and get the points be- homework for Arbroath…”
Thursday April 29, 2021 Subscribe at


Warriors hero to exit PAGE 34
Young left livid by SPFL
after Clyde call-off PAGE

Scottish We run rule

over who’ll
make expanded

game logs Euros squad

Pages 36-37

off in war
on abuse
Football unites in social media
boycott to fight discrimination
AIDAN SMITH “Players and supporters from
diverse backgrounds have played,

COTTISH FOOTBALL last and continue to play, an enormously
night united to support a positive and valued role in our game.
boycott of social media in Diversity is part of what makes Scot-
response to continuing racist tish football what it is, it should be
and discriminatory abuse online protected and championed.
aimed at players, staff, supporters and “As a society, we all have a respon-
others associated with the game. sibility to stamp out abusive behav-
Clubs across the country will join iour and ensure that everyone,

the Scottish FA, Scottish Professional regardless of background, can enjoy
Football League, Scottish Women’s football in this country without fear of
Football and PFA Scotland in switch- receiving hate-filled messages online.
ing off all social media activity from “Social media provides a wonderful
3pm on Friday April 30 and will platform for clubs of all sizes to commu-
remain silent until midnight on nicate with their fans. It’s a platform
Monday May 3. that our clubs have used to great effect
A joint SFA and SPFL statement in recent years but it is also a medium

read: “Clubs are invited to take part that is being abused by a vile and mind-
by switching off their channels or less minority. These cowards often
ensuring any limited posting during hide behind anonymous accounts and
that time include recognition of the it is incumbent upon social media
campaign hashtag #FootballUnites.” companies to actively and aggressively
The boycott comes after Rangers combat this problem.
took a similar stance last month “The SPFL will continue to work
when captain James Tavernier with our member clubs and partners,

revealed that every black player at including Show Racism the Red
Ibrox had suffered racist abuse of Card, the Scottish FA and Police Scot-
some form. land to drive home the message that
SPFL chief executive Neil Doncas- there’s no place in our game for
ter commented: “Discrimination of discrimination of any kind.”

any kind has absolutely no place in Ian Maxwell, Scottish FA chief

Scottish football and the online abuse executive added: “The Scottish FA is

received by some of those involved in encouraged that football has united

our national game is absolutely against the growing scourge of online

abhorrent. The SPFL is committed to abuse and we are proud to play our
ensuring that Scottish football is part in supporting the social media

inclusive and welcoming to all. boycott.”

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