The Canowindra Phoenix: Dinner Show
The Canowindra Phoenix: Dinner Show
The Canowindra Phoenix: Dinner Show
ISSN 1837-0136
PARTS & MACHINERY Issue 143 Wednesday 16 February 2011
AUTHORISED DEALER FOR Your free weekly guide to life in and around locally first!
THE CANOWINDRA PASSPORT The Passport will encourage people to
From 9–17 April 2011 Canowindra will visit local businesses and incorporates a
host the 17th Australian National Balloon visitor survey to collect feedback and
MOWERS, TRACTORS, RTVS, Championships, where the winner and information to establish a database for
first runner-up will proceed to the 2012 future promotions and events.
STATIONARY ENGINES & GENERATORS World Championships at Battle Creek The passport has space for 24 businesses
& USA. The Canowindra Challenge will be with a layout of four businesses per
held concurrently and competitors have page. Participating businesses will be
the chance to win the Canowindra Cup. asked to stamp or sign off when a
HAY MOWERS, RAKES & BALERS The Canowindra Challenge committee has
confirmed 30 balloons and their crews will
person uses the passport in their
business. At the end of the festival the
COME IN AND SEE THE RANGE participate and spend a minimum of 10 passport will be handed in. The
days in Canowindra. Based on statistics Canowindra Passport is a tool specifically
Mill Street CANOWINDRA gained from Mildura who hosted the designed to measure business activity,
P: 02 6344 1208 F: 02 6344 1845 World Ballooning Championships, gain feedback and gather customer
M: 0427 247 736 Canowindra expects up to 1,000 visitors details. It is not necessary for
per day. participating businesses to offer a
Snippets... Many activities will be conducted during
the ballooning week, including a balloon
discount or a freebie unless they desire.
For the $500 sponsorship package
Skate: it has been noted by a number
of grown ups that the skate park is glow carnival evening, night markets, businesses will get: a page on the
not only being used by heaps of kids exhibitions, an evening rugby union website; and if appropriate a program
and teenagers, but is also being kept match and a photographic competition. listing, and a place in the passport.
relatively clean. Well done! Organisation of fringe events by The $50 sponsorship package entitles
Caravan: a big THANK YOU goes out businesses, schools and community the business to: a place in the passport
to Neil Haywood and Ros Henry for groups are encouraged and will be listed and a $50 program listing only.
taking over the managers role for in the event program. For more information please contact
Canowindra’s Caravan Park. Once A number of initiatives to measure visitor Fiona Ferguson at the Age of Fishes
the powered sites are all replaced, and business activity have been planned, Museum on 02 6344 1008.
and council has advised that water including a Canowindra Passport.
and sewage lines will be replaced
too, our Caravan Park will once again ~ NOTICE ~ David Etty
take its place as one of the best in Canowindra Business Chamber
rural NSW.
Kites: the Cabonne Countrywide Annual General Meeting
Weekend, an expansion of the Mulga will be held Wednesday
Bill Festival that encompasses all 16 February 7pm at the
villages in Cabonne, will be held CWA Rooms Blatchford Street
19-20 March 2011. Members of New and existing members welcome!
Canowindra’s Business Chamber are
organising the inaugural Canowindra Ordinary meeting to be held t 02 6344 1048
Kite Flyers weekend. Details will be afterwards. Please advise any m 0427 003 726
posted closer to the date, however agenda items to Jo 6344 2760
m e m b e r sh i p a p pl i ca t i o n s f o r
businesses and individuals are
available now at The Phoenix office.
All profits go to the RedKite
Foundation supporting young people
living with cancer. Proudly invites you to an Exhibition
of works by the Cowra Group known as
Dawn Fardell MP Galari Bila
Having problems & Artist Joedie Davis
with housing, health,
education or any other
Koori Spirit
State-related issue? Saturday
71 Gaskill Street
19 February
Talk with your local Independent Canowindra
at 7pm
State MP Dawn Fardell Ph 02 6344 2778 All Welcome
Interviews are held in Canowindra &
Eugowra throughout the year.
Please contact the Dubbo Electorate
Office to arrange an appointment
Phone: 02 6882 3577 11 March
Fax: 02 6882 3689
Dinner & Show
Your Independent $50pp 56 Gaskill Street Canowin-
State Member Book NOW! 02 6344 1009
Groups planning to hold community tasteCanowindra
events or festivals in Cabonne Shire are 42 Ferguson Street Canowindra
being urged to apply for funding to help
run their events.
Cabonne Council is seeking applications
due to popular demand...
for its Events Assistance Program and is tasteCanowindra WILL be open
offering a range of grants from a few
hundred dollars for fledgling events up to for our valued guests
$5,000 for a “flagship” festivals.
The aim of the program is to organise a for the month of February
calendar offering visitors and residents a
range of tourism, sporting and arts lunch, dinner & wine tastings
ONE NIGHT ONLY activities.
Smash Theatre Comedy in Canowindra, “These events bring life, colour and bookings are still very much
Pub Plays Australia presents “The Dog vitality to a region,” Council’s Economic appreciated on:
Logs” by Christopher Johnson 11 March Development Manager Sharon D’Elboux
2011. “The Dog Logs” is a popular pro-
duction giving audience both great com-
edy and moments of reflection.
“They provide us with points of
celebration and opportunities to take
02 6344 2332
Ten monologues by dogs, performed by part in activities that take us beyond our
three actors, all male. Some are comic, everyday activities.” DEGUSTATION 2011
some tragic and all are ultimately about Ms D’Elboux said successful events not tasteCanowindra’s Degustation Dinner
humans and men in particular. Theses only connected communities, but will be held earlier this year on 12 March.
include violence, revenge, love, loss, attracted visitors who make a significant Unfortunately, due to the increase in food
mateship, bigotry, crime, sex, competition contribution to the economy of Cabonne prices and taste’s commitment to source
and vanity. The actors do not act “like Shire and the region. produce locally (excepting quality and
dogs”. “Cabonne Council encourages the availability) instead of settling for
Alan Glover, reknowned actor and come- development of new activities and the inferior imported products, the dinner will
dian will appear with seasoned screen and growth of existing events. Our Events cost more this year, around $80-90pp.
stage actors Bob Philippe and Ross Assistance Program aims to provide an The concept will be similar in format to
Fletcher. equitable means for community previous years, with wine producers
‘This is an engaging and clever piece of organisations to access Council funds,” invited to offer commentary on their
writing. Some of the monologues are hi- she said. wines and the match. Also, after the meal,
larious and others will put a lump in the The main criteria for events are: a representative from each table will have
throat of even the most cynical.’ Increasing the number of visitors to the opportunity to offer comment as well.
Drum Media, 8 March 2005 Cabonne; The theme will change slightly with the
‘The monologue themselves vary in length Extending visitors’ length of stay; and recipes being offered from around the
from about a minute to ten minutes, but Attracting visitors during off-peak world applied to local ingredients.
each one is exactly its right length. They’re or shoulder periods; taste is now back to full seven days
just perfect; the writing is terrific, by turns Not fo r profit organisations, trading after a couple of weeks off
witty, very emotionally engaging at times, inco rpo rated asso ciatio ns and cleaning and renovations on Mondays
almost poetically structured in some cases; registered businesses are eligible to and Tuesdays.
sad, tragic, funny: in short a really super apply. Bookings are greatly appreciated
show.’ Cabonne Council provides events for lunch and dinner, necessary for
Geoffrey Milne, ABC FM Melbourne. assistance funding twice a year. breakfasts on Saturday and Sundays and
The Old Vic Inn are taking bookings now Applications for the second round of you can prebook your interest in
for the dinner and show on 02 6344 1009. funding are open now and will close on attending the Degustation Dinner by
Tickets are $50 per person, and the 18 March 2011. calling Bob, Marg or one of the great
restaurant is fully licensed with a great Funding assistance guidelines and taste team on 02 6344 2332.
range of local wines and boutique application forms can be obtained by
Australian beers available. contacting Ms D’Elboux on 02 6392 3252 POLL DATE 26 MARCH 2011
or from Council’s website: Independent Member for Dubbo, Dawn Fardell, reminds people who may be away
To the Editor... on holidays, or will find it difficult to at-
There is an increasing number of CUDAL COUPLE’S ONLINE INNOVATION tend a polling booth to vote on Saturday
people who use the CityRail service to Federal Member for Calare, John Cobb, 26 March, that postal voting application
Sydney from Mt Victoria and return, has welcomed the launch of a new web- forms are now available from her office.
which is cheap (fare to Chatswood re- site ‘Livestock Transport Direct’ by local Ms Fardell said Australia Post was
Cudal couple, Rachel and Trevor Griffith. currently delivering her postal vote
cently about $7) and very efficient. ’Livestock Transport Direct’ connects applications, which have been
From Mt Victoria to Central, there are farmers and livestock agents with live- authorised, to households across the
22 services each weekday (only 14 stock transport carriers. electorate, with the majority due to be
from Lithgow), 19 per day at week- “It is great to see such an innovative idea delivered by the end of the week.
ends (11 from Lithgow). coming from our region; we are seeing "If, for any reason, residents haven't
Return journeys from Central to farmers helping farmers move into the received the application form I urge them
Mt Victoria, 23 per day (14 to online world and industry developments to contact my office on
which are set to revolutionise business in 02 6882 3577 or call in at the office to
Lithgow) week-days, while at week- agriculture.” Mr Cobb said. obtain their forms. They can also request
ends, 21 per day to Mt Victoria (only “Through this website, farmers can effec- one be sent by emailing:
12 to Lithgow). tively manage stock movements from" she said.
Mt Victoria, a 24 hour station, has a farm to farm across Australia at the click Ms Fardell said the postal vote
very secure reliable car park, which is of a button; it is a one-stop-shop for application forms contained two
convenient for over-night and longer farmers and carriers.” applications with a pre-paid return post
Marketing and Web Manager, Rachel facility, and she was happy to provide
time away, which we have used over Griffith, said one of the perks of the web- more upon request.
many years. site is that it doesn’t matter how big or To be eligible for a postal vote, residents
Day trips to Sydney and back are small the load is, Livestock Transport Di- must not be able to access a polling
easily planned. rect will be able to accommodate for all booth because they are travelling outside
Regards, your needs. NSW, are too sick, about to have a baby,
Bill Barwood, Canowindra Visit the site at in jail, or cannot do so for religious
The NSW Farmers’ Association is
campaigning to overhaul restrictive land
use policies ahead of the State Election.
Under current laws the State
Specials at Government has the power to force farm-
ers to fence off parts of their
Best mechanic in town!
properties, turning prime agricultural land with personalised service
Local Gala apples 1kg nets $4 over to the environment. & honest advice
Zucchinis $3kg NSW Farmers’ Association President + PLUS +
Local broccoli $4kg Charles Armstrong says the laws have the NRMA Insurance
ability to dramatically reduce the value of Business & Personal
Local baby beetroot $2bunch farmland.
Phone orders: 6344 1011 “These laws are restrictive beyond RTA inspections
common sense,” Mr Armstrong said. Mechanical repairs
Gaskill Greens supports “In one alarming case, a South Coast
member of the Association could be 02 6344 1075
Better Life Canowindra
with Healthy Recipes
forced to banish farming from almost half
of his 70 hectare property; which he’s 91 GASKILL STREET
owned for more than 30 years,” Mr Arm-
strong said. CParking
Cabbage Rolls “This member in particular was required at rear
½ cup white rice to apply for a Property Vegetation Plan AH 0429 441 075
that could effectively turn almost half his
8 large cabbage leaves property into a National Park.
1 onion, finely chopped
250g lean pork mince
The Association believes the current laws Canowindra Cyclists
are inadequate and is seeking just terms Another great week of cycling
50g pkt salt-reduced cream of compensation for those who have their
chicken soup mix land locked up by government. from all rides of life. Whatever
¼ cup chives, chopped “A rational approach to land use policies your age, fitness level or type of
3 spring onions, chopped is urgently needed,” Mr Armstrong said. bike, come along for some good
2 ripe tomatoes, chopped “All we are seeking is recognition of the
1 large capsicum, seeded & impacts these laws have on farmers, and clean fun and not so clean exer-
finely diced compensation when these impacts are cise. There will be someone to
425g can crushed tomatoes counter-productive,” Mr Armstrong said. match your pace and keep you
Cook rice as per directions on “We welcome NSW Opposition Leader
Barry O’Farrell’s promise at our 2010 company whilst you get fit.
pack, cool. Preheat oven to Riders leave from Finns Store
180oC. Blanch cabbage leaves Annual Conference to address the issue,
until soft, drain well & remove and are now seeking a similar Wednesdays at 6.30pm
coarse stems. Mix remaining commitment from the Premier,”
Mr Armstrong said. and Sundays at 7am
ingredients except canned
tomatoes. Divide between the NATIONALS STATE ELECTION CAMPAIGN According to Mrs Ferguson the event
cabbage leaves & fold into rolls, The NSW Nationals have announced that would not only bring a boost to the city’s
ensuring filling is enclosed. Place their 2011 state election campaign will be economy, it would attract state-wide
seam side down & pack tightly in launched in Dubbo 27 February. media attention to local issues such as the
an oblong baking dish. Spoon Christine Ferguson, State Chairman of the Dubbo Base Hospital upgrade.
over crushed tomatoes & cover “This launch will send a strong message
party, said that the announcement that regional communities like Dubbo are
tightly with foil. Bake for 1 hour. demonstrated the importance of the
Serves 4. sick of being ignored by Sydney and that
central-west to The Nationals and we intend to make ourselves heard very
Chicken or beef can be substituted signalled the key role that the region
for pork mince. 50g of grated Par- clearly in the next government.”
could play in a new Liberal & Nationals “In Troy Grant, the people of Dubbo and
mesan cheese can be added to the government.
rice mix for added flavour. the surrounding region have a strong
“With Troy Grant in Dubbo, Andrew Gee representative who has been making sure
in Orange and Paul Toole in Bathurst the that Barry O’Farrell keeps the central-west
central-west could be an integral part of high on his agenda.”
The Nationals’ team in a new govern- Hundreds of members and supporters are
ment” Mrs Ferguson said. expected to converge on Dubbo from all
“There’s a strong mood for change, both corners of the state, including all of The
across the state and locally in the Dubbo Nationals’ eighteen members of state
electorate, and this was the natural parliament who represent areas from
choice for our campaign launch.” Tweed Heads to Broken Hill.
Steve Thompson
solar & heat-pump hot water systems
roofing - draining - general plumbing
LUNCH 12 noon to 2.30pm
Pool comp every Thursday - 8pm start
DINNER 6.00pm to 8.30pm