Nurse's Notes
Nurse's Notes
Nurse's Notes
With TPN of Combiflex at 1800 kcal and 40 mEqs KCl running at 80 mL/hr
With side drip of Octreotide 500 mg q 12 running at 20.8 mL/hr at 228 cc and
D5W at 250 cc level
Sharp pain is located on patient’s left midepigastric region with pain scale of 7/10
Still for upper gastrointestinal endoscopy; with consent and with accounting
clearance; Aware Josh
10:00 AM Above mainline KCl consumed & followed up with 3rd cycle = 40 mEqs KCl
@80mL/h; regulated
Patient endorsed to pm NOD with Combiflex 1800 kcal and 40 mEqs KCl at 80
Incorporated KCl x 3 cycles; 3rd cycle ongoing with side drip Octreotide 500 mg
q12 at 20.8 mL/hr and D5W 250 mL
3:00 PM Patient lying on bed; awake and coherent with side rails up