Tle 9 Q2 - E5 - SLM

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Grade 9

Name: ___________________________________ Date: _____________

School: ___________________________________

Competency: Check the materials, tools, and equipment based on manufacturer’s lists and pre-operating
procedures and report those with insufficient or faulty items to authority.
Subtask 2 of 2: Make a report on functional and faulty or defective materials, tools, and equipment to the

What will you do if you found out that most of the nursery tools that were delivered to you are defective?
What will you do to avoid using defective or faulty tools during work?

Safety measures are applied based on work requirements and farm procedures. Tools, materials, and
equipment are utilized in accordance with specifications and procedures. If there are faults and defects noticed
during the pre-operational check-up, that particular item with faults or defects must be separated from the
functional ones and must be tagged or labeled “out of service” or “not functional” so that other workers will
not be put to danger if they use the defective item which leads to possible accident and harm.

How to Make a Report on Faulty and Defective Nursery Materials, Tools, and Equipment
Making a report on faulty and defective nursery materials, tools, and equipment starts right after you
conducted your regular pre-operational check-up or inspection. The purpose of this inspection process is to
ensure that all of the materials, tools, and equipment are free from damages or defects prior to the use of these
things. Any component that is proven to show defects will be labeled “DEFECTIVE” and will be separated
for repairs or refurbishment. Tag worn, damaged, or defective tools "Out of Service" and do not use them. Do
not use a tool if the handle surface has splinters, burrs, cracks, or splits. If the item is defective, it will be
classified according to its defective state. Defects include deformations (for steel-based tools), visual damage,
loose components, and pre-production anomalies.
1. Visual Inspection The purpose of the visual inspection process is to thoroughly inspect all of the hand
tools, regardless of the type, for any visible damages, dents, cracks, chips, or any known production anomalies
to ensure that all of the hand tools on the queue are ready for the next set of inspection processes. Should there
be any items that show poor functionality, these will be labeled “DEFECTIVE” and will not be used until

2. Weight and Measurement Inspection The purpose of this inspection process is to accurately measure
the different hand tools under the same category to ensure that all of the tools are uniform in height, weight,
size, and diameter. This process is important to assure the right number of components used under the same
queue is in check. Any hand tool that has a different specification as provided will be labeled as
“DEFECTIVE” and will be re-assessed accordingly.
3. Hands-On / Quality Control Inspection The purpose of this inspection process is to thoroughly test and
inspect the behaviors of the different nursery tools, materials, and equipment when being used to raise
awareness of how certain items can break and cause unwanted accidents. Each item will be inspected and
tested to evaluate its efficiency and functionality. By performing efficiency testing on all nursery tools,
materials and equipment, inspectors will be able to accurately pinpoint the maximum capabilities of these
items by hands-on exercises. Any items that fail the hands-on inspection will automatically be labeled as
“DEFECTIVE” and will be thrown away or discarded to avoid the risk of reconditioning defective tools and

Situation Piolo was tasked to inspect their school nursery materials, tools and equipment so that their
purchasing officer will have the data on what items to purchase or fix for the next school year. Based on the
result of his inspection, he noted some of his findings after testing the items. For the tools such as Bolo, 13
are functional and 5 are faulty because of the rust that almost covered the blade edge of the bolo. Two of the
bolo are defective because after being purchased last school year, it was found out that the handles are
detached. For the nursery materials such as the seedling tray and grafting wax, out of the 15 seedling trays, 2
are deemed defective because there are no holes on the bottom of the tray. For the grafting wax, out of the 5
containers of grafting wax, one container was expired. As for the nursery equipment, they had one hand tractor
which is functional, and one faulty disc harrow because some of the teeth are already broken considering its
oldness. He also put a remark on every item that serves as a guide for the needed action to be taken based on
the results. After inspection, Piolo made a summary report of his findings using a simple format as you can
see in the table below.

List of Number of Functional Faulty/ Defective Remarks

Tools/Materials/ Items (Description on the (Description on the
Equipment Tag/Label) Tag/Label)
5-Faulty -the 5 faulty bolo needs
Bolo 20 13-Functional
(rusty on the edge of cleaning and sharpening
blade) before use
2-Defective -the 2 defective bolo
(handles are detached) needs to be fixed by
attaching the handles or
if needed, it must be
replaced or returned to
its supplier

13 –Functional 2 –Defective (no holes -the two trays can be

Seedling Tray 15
in the bottom of the used if a hole on the
tray) bottom will be made for
water drainage

4-Functional/Usable 1- Defective/Expired -the expired grafting wax

Grafting Wax 5
(ineffective) should be discarded

1-Functional -continue preventive

Hand Tractor 1
1-Defective (missing -it needs a new
Disc Harrow 1
teeth due to the oldness replacement
of the implement)


Direction: Make a summary report on the findings from the inspection as stated in the situation. Based on
your answer on the situation given below as your reference. Place your own remarks based on the situation.

Situation: Bea and Yohan are assigned by the class to check their nursery tools before their scheduled planting
activities. They check first the hand tools. Based on their inventory lists, they found out that 3 of their pruning
shears are dulled and rusty while the other 4 are still functional and usable. The 10 grafting knives are all
functional and there are 2 that are defective because the blade was found to be loose on its holder. And the
furrow opener that they used in land preparation is found to be faulty because the bolts and screws joining the
implement to the tractor are gone.

List of Number of Functional Faulty/ Defective Remarks

Tools/Materials/ Items (Description on the (Description on the
Equipment Tag/Label) Tag/Label)


2. _______________

3. _______________

Answer Key:

List of Number of Functional Faulty/ Defective Remarks

Tools/Materials/ Items (Description on the (Description on the
Equipment Tag/Label) Tag/Label)
1. Pruning Shears 7 4 –Functional 3- Faulty -faulty pruning shears
(blades are dulled and must be sharpen and
(usable) rusty) cleaned before use
2. Grafting Knife 12 10- Functional 2-Defective -the defective grafting
(blades are loose on knife must not be used
its handle) until its blade will be
fixed and tightened on
its handle
3. Furrow Opener 1 1-Faulty (bolts and -replaced or buy a new
screws attached to the set of bolts and screws
tractor are gone) so that it can be use
Grade 9

Name: ___________________________________ Date: _____________

School: ___________________________________

Competency: Check the materials, tools, and equipment based on manufacturer’s lists and pre-operating
procedures and report those with insufficient or faulty items to authority.
Subtask 2 of 2: Make a report on functional and faulty or defective materials, tools, and equipment to the

Direction: Make a summary report on the findings from the inspection as stated in the situation below. Based
on your answer on the situation given as your reference. Place your own remarks based on the situation.

Situation: Rob was planning to have his own vegetable nursery at home and his parents told him to check the
things that he most likely needed like the nursery materials and tools in their storage room to see if they are
still usable or not. As Rob inspected and test the items on their storage, he found out that their two-hand trowel
are already covered with rust and one of the trowels’ handles is detached. He also found out that the two-hand
sprayer is defective because the water will not come out when sprayed, only one hand sprayer is functional.
Three secateurs are all in a good state and usable while two secateurs are defective because the pivots and
springs of the joints do not fit on the item thus making it hard to squeeze and use. And he also noticed that the
body or stem of their one and only shovel is almost detached to the blade.

List of Number of Functional Faulty/ Defective Remarks

Tools/Materials/ Items (Description on the (Description on the
Equipment Tag/Label) Tag/Label)



Parents’/Guardians’ Name and Signature

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