Integrated Performance Task in Tle, Science and Math

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How Electricity distirbuted?

From the distribution substation, distribution lines go out to the streets to

carry the electricity to different places where the consumers are located. The
TRANSMISSION SUBSTATION. high levels through step- up power
transformer in the transmission substation. 1st is using an electric generator is
a device that converts a form of energy into electricity. There are many
different types of electricity generators. Electricity is most often generated at a
power plant by electromechanical generators, primarily driven by heat
engines fueled by combustion or nuclear fission but also by other means such as
the kinetic energy of flowing water and wind. Other energy sources include
solar photovoltaics and geothermal power.
2nd using building a transformers set-up for the voltage flow of
Some power companies use step-up transformers to boost the
voltage to hundreds of kV before it is transmitted down a power
line, reducing the current and minimizing the power lost in
transmission lines. The reason electrical power is stepped up to
these voltage levels is to make it more efficient by reducing the I2R
losses that take place when power is transmitted. When voltage is
stepped up, the current reduces relative to the voltage so that
power remains constant
3rd Is using electric lines that carry's long distance electricity

Electric lines is an imaginary continuous line or curve drawn in

an electric field such that tangent to it at any point gives the
direction of the electric force at that point. is an imaginary
continuous line or curve drawn in an electric field such that
tangent to it at any point gives the direction of the electric force
at that point.
4th The flow of electricity through out the neighborhood using the
transformers step down voltage
Electricity is sent down at some high pressure voltage. A
step-down transformer close to domestic consumers to
step the voltage down to 230 V for safe use in the home.
In many suburban neighborhoods, the distribution lines
are underground and there are green transformer
boxes at every house or two. The transformer's job is to
reduce the 7,200 volts down to the 240 volts that makes
up normal household electrical service.
5th using the distribution line to connects the electricity to any part of
your house

Distribution lines carry electricity from substations to

houses, businesses, and schools like yours!

The common problems of electricity losses is the

electrical surges. Electrical surges can instantly
overload and short out the circuitry of home
electronics and anything else plugged into the wall, or
they can degrade them over time.
c2= a2+b2 - 2ab cosb
c2= 112 +112 2(11)(11) cos
•The illustration depicts the sides and area, as well as how
I calculated them. I choose to have it in the shape of a
c2= 242 - 121
pentagon since it is less expensive. The distance between
c2= 121
sides a and b is 11 meters, and the angle between the two
c2= square root of 121
lines is 600 meters. When I apply the oblique triangle
c2= 11m
formula to calculate the distance, the result is 11m. And I

calculated the area using the law of cosine method, which

Calculation for area
yielded 52m when multiplied by 5 because the total
Area= 1/2 (11)(11) sin 60 number of neighbors is 5. As a result, the total surface
A= 60.5(0.86) area is 260m2.
A= 52.03


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