21ST Reviewer 1
21ST Reviewer 1
21ST Reviewer 1
PERIOD OF ACTIVISM (1970-1972) History took another twist. Once more, the
According to Pociano Pineda, youth Filipino people regained their independence,
activism in 1970-1972 was due to domestic which they lost twenty years ago. In four
and worldwide causes. Because of the ills of days from February 21-25, 1986, the so-
society, the youth moved to seek reforms. called People Power (Lakas ng Bayan)
prevailed. In the short span of
The Literary Revolution the existence of the real Republic of the
The youth became vocal with their Philippines, several changes already became
sentiments. They demanded a evident. It was noticed in the new Filipino
change in the government. It was songs, newspapers, speeches, and even in
manifested in the bloody the television programs. The now crony
demonstrations and the sidewalk newspapers that enjoyed an overnight
expressions but also in literature. increase in circulation were THE
(1973- 1980)
The Filipinos speak of the collective More popularly known now as the
experiences from the people who have gone CALABARZON referring to the provinces
through difficulties, of Cavite, Laguna, Batangas, Rizal, and
triumphs, struggles, successes, armed Quezon, Region IV-A is home to Tagalog-
conflicts, bloodless revolutions, and others. speaking
It is the reason why these masterpieces people in the Philippines. Recognized all
resonated loud and clear in over the country for their bravery and
the Philippine archipelago. fearlessness in battles, CALABARZON has
participated actively in the country’s fight
Imagery is a poetic element that tries to for freedom and democracy. It is home to
create a picture in the mind of the reader or many a Philippine hero foremost, and
a mental image through the use of figural among them are Rizal of Laguna, Mabini of
language. It represents objects, places, Batangas, and Aguinaldo of Cavite.
ideas, or even actions that appeal to the
senses of the readers. A Taste of Creative Nonfiction
The region, then, takes pride in long 1. Imagery is a poetic element that tries to
stretches of white sand and clear waters create a picture in the mind of the
alongside its rich cultural heritage. What reader or a mental image through the use of
you are about to read is a poem written by a figurative language.
2. Gabu depicts a coastline in Ilocos that is
constantly experiencing the battering FICTION- is literature created from the
restlessness of the sea. imagination, not presented as fact, though it
3. Panahon na muling Padaluyin ang Agos may be based on a true story or situation.
is a persuasive essay that focuses on Types of literature in the fiction include the
the potent capacity of a national language to novel, short story and novella.
arouse patriotism and love of
country in its people. NON-FICTION- is based on facts and the
4. The Dreamwaevers is a text written by a author’s opinion about a subject. The
feminist Filipina who strongly purpose of non-fiction writing is to inform
promotes women’s rights. and sometimes to persuade. Its examples are
biographies, articles from textbooks and
Lesson 3: Conventional And 21st Century magazines and newspapers.
Genres 21st Century Literature Genres