Elements of Practical Aerodynamics by B. Jones

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The key takeaways are that the book covers topics in aerodynamics and is intended as a textbook for classroom use rather than as a reference for practicing engineers.

The purpose of the book is to present aerodynamics topics simply for classroom use as the author's teaching experience convinced him textbooks need to be different than books for practicing engineers.

The book covers topics such as physical properties of air, airfoils, induced drag of monoplanes and biplanes, parasite drag, engines, propellers, airplane performance, stability and other aircraft related topics based on the table of contents.





Professor of Aeronautics, University of Cincinnati









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1- /o-


The existence of several excellent works on the subject of

aerodynamics demands that an explanation be offered for the ap

pearance of a new one.

My experience in teaching has convinced me that a book in

tended primarily for the classroom must be, in general, different

in character and scope from books intended for reference by prac

ticing engineers. It is attempted in this textbook to present the

subject matter as simply as possible. In two isolated cases of

summation of forces, it is necessary to introduce the calculus to

prove the correctness of certain statements. If these statements

are accepted as being true, the proofs may be dispensed with, and

no mathematical training higher than elementary algebra is needed

for complete understanding of the text.

Although aerodynamics deals with air in motion and aerostatics

with air at rest, a short chapter on aerostatics has been included

because it is believed that students of aerodynamics should be

acquainted with the elements of the sister subject.

Use has been made of data from various publications of the

National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics and the Army and

Navy Designers Handbook. I desire to acknowledge useful

criticisms and suggestions from Professor Harold W. Sibert of

this University.


April, 1936































Aerodynamics is the study of the motion of air and of the forces

on solids in motion relative to air.

In a fluid the particles cohere so slightly that they may be easily

made to change their relative positions by the application of small

forces; i.e., the modulus of shear is small. The amount of in

ternal friction of a fluid may be very small, and one may conceive

of a perfect fluid as a fluid wherein there is no internal friction, so

that between two particles the action of any force must be normal

to the contact surfaces, and cannot have any tangential component.

Air is often referred to as a perfect fluid. Air is a gas. It

is a physical mixture, not a chemical compound.

The earth's atmosphere at sea-level has the following percentages

by volume of these gases:

Nitrogen 78.08

Oxygen 20.94

Argon 0.94

Hydrogen 0.01

Neon 0.0012

Helium 0.0004

Carbon dioxide 0.03

Water vapor also is always present, the amount varying with the

temperature and other factors, but averaging about 1.2 per cent

at the earth's surface.

Up to altitudes encountered by aircraft (40,000 ft.) there are

always winds and vertical air currents to keep the various con

stituents commingled in approximately the same proportion, as

listed. At high altitudes, undoubtedly the different gases com

posing the atmosphere separate according to their respective


densities, hydrogen forming the outermost layer, helium the next,

and so on.

Because air is a gas, its density varies with temperature,

pressure, etc. The standard conditions most commonly used

(N.A.C.A.) are a barometric pressure of 29.92 in. (or 760 mm.) of

mercury, and a temperature of 59° F. (or 15° C.).

Under these conditions, the mass density (p) of dry air is

0.002378 slug per cubic foot.

Using for standard acceleration of gravity (g) equal to 32.1740

ft. per sec. per sec., the specific weight of " standard " dry air is

0.07651 Ib. per cu. ft.

Up till 1926 the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics

used for standard conditions a barometric pressure of 29.92 in. of

mercury and a temperature of 60° F. (15.6° C.). The mass

density of dry air under these conditions is 0.002372 slug and the

weight density (g = 32.172 ft. per sec.2) is 0.07635 Ib. per cu. ft.

In using data from N.A.C.A. reports or other sources of informa

tion, care should be taken to note the standard conditions of the


Air conforms to Boyle's law that at constant temperatures

and up to certain limits the volume varies inversely as the pressure

and to Charles's law that at constant pressure the volume varies

directly as the absolute temperature. These two laws are usually

expressed as the formula:

where P0, V0, and T0 are pressure, volume, and absolute tempera

ture under standard conditions, and PI, Vi, and T\ are under

other than standard conditions.

As weight density is the weight divided by the volume, the

density of a gas is increased by an increase in pressure, a decrease

in volume, or a decrease in temperature. In a given volume, the

density, as well as specific weight, varies directly as the pressure

and inversely with absolute temperature.

Po Po T


Example. What is the density of dry air if the pressure is 25.93

in. of mercury and the temperature is 45° F.?


The absolute temperature (T) = 45 + 459.4 = 504.4.

P To 25.93 .. 518.4

29.92 504.4

; 0.002378 = 0.00212

Example. What is the specific weight of dry air if the pressure is

16.38 in. of mercury and the temperature is —10° F.?

First method:

16.38 518.4

p = TV Tf

29.92 449.4 '

= Q.001502

Specific weight p X g = 0.001502 X 32.1740 = 0.04832 Ib. per cu. ft.

Second method:

Specific weight = 0.07651 X ^j^ X ^| = 0.04832 Ib. per cu. ft.


1. Find the density of dry air at 20 in. pressure and 10° F.

2. Find the density of dry air at 18.52 in. pressure and 0° F.

3. Find the specific weight of dry air at 24 in. pressure and 25° F.



Based on N.A.C.A. No. 218




in. Hg29.9228.8627.8226.8125.8424.8923.9823.0922.2221.3820.5819.7919.0318.2917.5716.8813.7511.108.88pPa1.0000.9710.9428.9151.8881.8616.8358.8106.7859.7619.7384.7154.6931. 6712.6499..6291.5327.4480.3740J5V "1.0001.01481.02991.04541.06111.07731.09381.11071.12801.14561.16371.18221.20121.22061.24041.26081 . 37011 . .19401 . 03.52P0.002378.002309. 002 242.002 176.002 112.002049.001 987.001 928.001 869.001 812.001 756.001701.001 648.001 596.001 545.001 496.001 267.001065.000889

Viscosity. The viscosity of air is much less than for water or

other liquids. It is not zero, nor in some calculations is it even

negligible. In liquids, viscosity is due to the internal friction of

the molecules. In gases, viscosity is due not so much to internal

friction as to molecular vibration. Consider a rapidly moving

stratum of gas immediately over another stratum of gas moving

more slowly in the same direction. Some molecules from the

upper layer, owing to their vibratory motion, will wander into the

lower layer and will accelerate the motion of the lower strata.

Molecules passing from the lower to the upper stratum will retard

the latter. Any mingling of the molecules between the two strata

results in the two velocities becoming more nearly equal.

In liquids, an increase in temperature causes a decrease in vis

cosity, because the intermolecular friction is less. In gases, an

increase in temperature causes an increase in viscosity, because

there is an increase in molecular vibration and therefore an in

crease in molecular interchange.

The coefficient of viscosity (/<) of air varies approximately as

the | power of the absolute temperature.

TABLE II . . .



°C.010203040.T06070.SO90100C.g.s. units,

poises1 709 X 10-'1 759 X 10-'1808X10-*1856X10-71 904 X 10~71 951 X 10-71 997 X 10-'2043X10-*2 088 X 10-'2 132 X 10-*2 175 X 10-*Slug-feet-second

units3.57 X 10-'3.67 X 10-'3.78 X 10-73.88 X 10-'3.98 X 10-'4.08 X 10-'4.17 X 10-'4.27 X 10-'4.36 X 10-'4.45 X 10-'4.54 X 10-'

The N.A.C.A. uses a value of 3.73 X 10~7 for coefficient of vis

cosity at 15° C.

Except for very high or very low pressure, the coefficient of

viscosity, n, is independent of pressure.



HUMPHREY, Physics of the Air.

GREGG, Aeronautical Meteorology.

International Critical Tables.



Isaac Newton formulated three well-known laws of motion.

1. Every body persists in its state of rest or uniform motion

in a straight line, unless it be compelled by some force to change

that state.

2. The rate of change of momentum of a body is proportional to

the force acting on the body and is in the direction of the force.

3. Action and reaction are equal,and opposite.

Air, though of less density than flnids of solids, does possess

mass. It conforms to the laws of motion. If a mass of air is at

rest, a force is required to put it in motion. If the mass of air

is in steady rectilinear motion, a force is required to slow it, stop

it, or change its direction. Air in motion has momentum.

When a quantity of air is put in motion work has been done on

the air and it has acquired momentum. Momentum is the prod

uct of the mass and the velocity.

A cubic foot of air moving at a speed of V feet per second will

have a momentum of pV.

Kinetic Energy. A cubic foot of air at rest to be put in motion

must have a force applied. Let F be the force applied to increase

the velocity from zero to V feet per second. If this change in

velocity takes place uniformly in t seconds, the acceleration is

V/t feet per second per second. Since a force is measured by the

mass times the acceleration, F = pV/t. In the t seconds during

which the force is applied, the average velocity is 5 V feet per sec

ond and the distance covered is this average velocity multiplied

by the time in seconds, that is, \Vt. The work done on the

cubic foot of air in imparting to it a velocity of V feet per second

is the product of the force and the distance through which the

force acts.

Work = ^— X \Vt = IpF2 p in slugs per cubic foot

v W in foot-pounds

V in feet per second


This moving mass of air is capable of doing work and is therefore

said to possess energy of motion or kinetic energy. The kinetic

energy is numerically equal to the work which was required to

put the air in motion, that is, %p V2 foot-pounds.

Dynamic Pressure. If a horizontal stream of moving air were

to strike perpendicularly against a wall so as to lose all its momen

tum, the amount of momentum lost per second is equal to the mo

mentum of the quantity of air arriving at the wall per second, which,

by Newton's second law, is numerically equal to the force exerted

on the wall in pounds. If the air stream is A square feet in cross-

section and has a velocity of V feet per second, the volume of air

arriving at the wall each second is A V cubic feet. Since the mo

mentum of each cubic foot is the mass density times the velocity,

pV, the total momentum of AV cubic feet is pV multiplied by

A V or pA F2. The force acting on the wall will be equal to this, or

F in pounds

f — p. 1 v . . .

,, _ . T/2 p in slugs per cubic foot

A in square feet

V in feet per second

The pressure in pounds per square foot will be

P in pounds per square foot

P = pV- p in slugs per cubic foot

V in feet per second

If conditions are altered so that, instead of a small stream strik

ing against a large flat surface, a large stream strikes against a

small flat surface, the same reasoning applies only that the area in

the formula will be the area of flat plate instead of the cross-sec

tional area of the air stream. Again the force on the flat plate is

exactly the same, whether the small plate is held stationary against

a large stream of air which moves against the plate with a velocity

of V feet per second, or whether the air is still and the plate is

moved through the air with a velocity of V feet per second in a

direction perpendicular to its flat surface.

The foregoing presupposes that the air disappears or vanishes on

arriving at the flat surfaces. Actually, when particles of air are

stopped at the flat surfaces, they cannot get out of the way of the

following particles of air; some of the air is pocketed or trapped in

the central portion of the plate; eddy currents and whirlpools of


air are created. The amount of eddying depends on the size and

shape of the flat surface. Because of these eddies, etc., the actual

force against the flat surface is not exactly the same as given by the

formula. Numerous tests have been made in which have been

measured exactly the forces on flat plates of various sizes and

shapes when in air streams of various velocities. The results of

these tests have been quite consistent, so that, if the size and shape

of the flat surface are known, the amount by which the true force

differs from the theoretical force can be predicted.

It is usual to multiply the theoretical force by a correction factor

K to obtain the actual force on the flat surface. The magnitude

of K varies slightly with size if the area is only a few square feet;

it also varies with the shape, i.e., whether the flat surface is circular,

square, or rectangular. Except for very precise work, in aero

nautics, it is customary to neglect these variations of K and as

sume that it has a constant value of 0.64, so that the equation for

force on a flat plate normal to an air stream becomes

p in slugs per cubic foot

F = 0.64 pA F2 A in square feet

V in feet per second

For standard atmosphere this becomes

F = 0.64 X 0.002378 A V2

= 0.00152 A F2

Since it is customary to measure airspeed in miles per hour, it

is sometimes convenient to have a formula wherein velocity is in

miles per hour.

F = 0.64 X 0.002378 X A X (§$F)2 £ !n Pounds

= 0.00327 A F2 Fin miles per hour

A in square feet

Example. A 40-mile-per-hour wind is blowing against a sign

board 8 ft. by 10 ft. in size. Atmosphere is normal density. What

is the force acting against the signboard?

Solution: F = 0.00327 A F2

= 0.00327 X 8 X 10 X (40)2

= 419 Ib.

The force on the flat plate varies as the square of the airspeed.

If the force acting when the relative speed is 1 mile per hour is known,

the force at any other speed can be found by multiplying by the square

of the airspeed.

Example. The force against an automobile windshield is 0.012 Ib.

when the car is moving forward at 1 mile per hour. What is the

force when the car is traveling at 35 miles per hour?

Solution: F (pounds) = 0.012 X 35 X 35 = 14.7 Ib.

Work and Power. The accomplishment of motion against the

action of force tending to resist it is defined as work. Work is

expressed in units of force times distance, for example, foot

pounds or mile-pounds. No time is involved. In overcoming a

force of x pounds through a distance of y feet, the same work of

xy foot-pounds is done whether accomplished in a short or long


Power involves the element of time. To do the same work in

half the time means that twice the power is required. Power is

expressed in units of work divided by time. Work is force times

distance. Velocity is expressed in units of distance divided by

time. Then power, which is force times distance divided by time,

is also force times velocity. It is usual to express power in terms

of an arbitrary unit, a horsepower, which is 550 ft-lb. per sec.

1 hp. =[550 ft-lb. per sec.

= 33,000 ft-lb. per min.

= 1,980,000 ft. Ib. per hr.

= 375 mile-lb. per hr.

That is, overcoming a force of 1 Ib. at a speed of 375 miles per

hour, or of 375 Ib. at a speed of 1 mile per hour, or 15 Ib. at a speed

of 25 miles per hour, requires 1 hp.

Except for minor corrections, if the plate is smaller than 12

sq. ft. in area, the force on a flat plate due to meeting air perpen

dicular to its surface is 0.64 pA F2. If this is multiplied by the

velocity to get power, then power is 0.64 pA F3.

1.28 ?A V3 H.P. in horsepower

H.P. = TT:: p in slugs per cubic foot

A in square feet

= 0.00233 ~ A V3 F in feet per second

for standard density

H.P. = 0.00000276 A F3 F in feet per second

H.P. = 0.0000087 A V3 F in miles per hour


Example. A flat surface 5 ft. square is moved through the air at

a speed of 30 miles per hour in a direction perpendicular to its surface;

what horsepower is required to do this?

Solution. The force on the plate will be

F = 0.00327 X (5)2 X (30)2

= 73.6 Ib.

the horsepower required will be


73.6 X 30


5.88 hp.

or directly v/ V.

H.P. = 0.0000087 X 25 X (30)1

= 5.88

Example. Driving at 1 mile per hour, the force on a certain auto

mobile windshield is 0.1 Ib.; what horsepower is used up by the wind

shield at 70 miles per hour?

F = 0.1 X 70 X 70

= 490 Ib.

Hp 490 X 70


= 91.5 hp.


1. What is the total force of a 40-mile-per-hour wind on a hangar

door 40 ft. by 20 ft.?

2. An auto windshield is 42 in. wide by 12 in. high. Neglect cor

rection for size and shape. What horsepower is used up by the wind

shield at 50 miles per hour?

3. The radiator of an automobile is 18 in. wide by 24 in. high.

With shutters closed, what horsepower is expended in overcoming its

head resistance at 45 miles per hour?

4. What horsepower is required for radiator in problem 3 if speed is

60 ft. per sec.?

Inclined Flat Plates. If the stream of air does not strike the

flat surface perpendicularly, as considered in the last few para

graphs, but at an angle so that the air on hitting the plate moves

off parallel to the surface, the problem is not the same. Let a

be the angle between the direction of the air and the plane surface.

If A is the area of the flat surface, the cross-section of the air stream

which comes in contact with the surface will have an area of


A sin a square feet. If the air stream is moving at a speed of V

feet per second, then A V sin a cubic feet of air will approach the

flat surface every second. This volume of AV sin a cubic feet

will have a mass of pA V sin a slugs and a momentum of pA V2

sin a pounds. If all this momentum were given up and lost by the

moving air, then the force on the flat sur-

face would be equal to the momentum or __J_\s^r—Surface of A

pA V2 sin a pounds. Since the air on „ ^v sq ft

meeting the plate is diverted and slides - >^

off in a direction more or less parallel to

the surface it still retains some momen- Fiu. ?. .Air Strikin8 *n

turn. Also there are bound to be some

.. ,, , j,i. inclined plate.

eddy currents formed when the air stream meets the flat surface.

The amount of turbulence will depend on the angle at which

the air meets the surface. At small angles the turbulence will

be relatively little, gradually increasing as the angle increases

to 90°.

Energy is required to put air in motion, and energy consumed in

moving air about in whirlpools or eddy currents will subtract

from the energy of the moving air.

The value of pA V1 sin a pounds can be considered as a maximum

value of the force acting on the plate, provided that the effect of

friction is neglected.

Necessarily when air flows along a surface there is bound to be

friction. The moving air tends to drag the plate along in the

direction parallel to the plane of the plate. If there were no fric

tion, the only force on the flat plate due to the moving air would be

perpendicular to the surface of the plate. With friction, there

would be additional force parallel to the surface of the plate. The

combination of these two forces is a resultant which is not perpen

dicular to the plate but is away from the perpendicular in the

direction of flow of the air.

In aerodynamic work, the force resulting from air meeting a sur

face is not as important as the two components of this force per

pendicular and parallel to the direction of the air stream. The

component force perpendicular to the direction of the air stream is

called the lift; the component parallel to the air stream is called

the drag.

The components of lift and drag will vary with the density of

the air, the area of the flat surface, and the square of the velocity.


The forces of lift and drag can therefore be expressed as a coefficient

multiplied by § A F2 (A in square feet, V in feet per second). The

coefficient will be different for every different angle at which the

flat plate is set with respect to the air stream. Figure 2 gives the








0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Angle of Attack in Degrees





FIG. 2. Graph of CL and CD for flat plate.

value of the lift coeffi

cient (Ci.) and drag co

efficient (Co) plotted

against angle of attack,

the use of these coeffi

cients being explained

later in this text.

The coefficients given

in Fig. 2 were obtained

by actual tests on a rec

tangular plane 90 cm. by

15 cm. in size, the plate

being set so that the air

s'tream first meets one of

the long edges. These

coefficients are correction

factors to allow for losses

or gains due to turbu

lence. The amount of

turbulence would be dif

ferent if the plate were

turned so that a short

side were first to meet the air; consequently the coefficients in this

case would not be the same as in Fig. 2. If the ratio of long

side to short side differs from six the coefficients will also be



1. A signboard is 18 ft. long by 3 ft. wide. A 30-mile-per-hour

wind is blowing at an angle of 10° to the plane of the signboard,

(a) What is the force in pounds on the signboard at right angles to

the wind direction? (b) What is the force parallel to the wind di

rection? (c) What is the resultant of these two forces? (d) What

is the component perpendicular to the face of the signboard?

2. A kite having 6 sq. ft. area is balanced by its tail so that it

slants 15° to the horizontal. What is the lifting force in a 10-mile-

per-hour wind?

3. A flat surface 6 ft. by 2 ft. is subject to a 25-mile-per-hour wind

which comes in a direction 6° to the surface. (a) What is the force

in pounds on the surface perpendicular to the wind? (6) What is

the force parallel to the wind? (c) What angle does the resultant of

these two forces make with the surface?

4. The side of a freight car is 60 ft. long and 10 ft. high. What is

the force against the side of the car due to an 8-mile-per-hour wind

from a direction perpendicular to the side (a) when freight car is

stationary; (6) when car is moving forward at 30 miles per hour?

5. A flat plate is moving in a direction 15° from the plane at a speed

of 250 ft. per sec. If plate has area of 50 sq. ft., what force applied

in the direction of movement is required?

Curved Plates. A curved surface may be placed in a stream

of air, so that the air meets the surface tangentially but is gradually

deflected so that the air leaves

the surface moving in a different

direction from its original path

(see Fig. 3). If the surface is

smooth and there are no abrupt

changes in direction, the air

stream should suffer no dimin-

ishment in speed.

Velocity has both speed and

direction. In deflecting the air

stream the velocity has been

. .. | ., , FIG. 3. Air sinking curved plate.

changed. By the first law of motion, any matter in motion in a

straight line continues in that straight line unless acted upon by

an (outside) force. A restatement of this is that if the direction

d of motion is changed there must exist a

force which produced the change.

In Fig. 4, let ab represent in magnitude

and direction the velocity (V) of the air

stream before it meets the deflecting sur-

Fio.4. Forceson a curved face> ^ the velocity as jt leaves the

surface, and « the angle between. Con

structing a parallelogram of velocity, abed, the diagonal be repre

sents the only velocity which combined with velocity ab will give

a resultant velocity of ac.

If the final velocity ac is equal in magnitude to entrance velocity

ab, length ac equals length ab, and since ab = bd = ac = cd,


triangles abc and dbc are equal, and angle abc equals angle cbd.

Then the direction of the velocity be bisects the angle abd, and since

angle abd equals 180° - angle bac, angle abc equals J(180° — e).

By trigonometry, 5 side be = side ab X cos abc.

Side be = 2 V cos J(180 - e)

- cos «)

To change the direction of the air stream, a velocity of the

magnitude of Fv/2(l — cos«) must be impressed on'the moving

air. The force required to produce this change is equal to the

change in momentum, which is equal to the mass times the change

in velocity. If it requires t seconds for a particle of air to traverse

the curved surface and undergo deflection, the mass of air de

flected in t seconds will be pA Vt. The change in velocity takes

place during the time that the air is traversing the surface (t sec

onds); therefore the acceleration is -, as was shown

previously. The deflecting force is therefore pA F2V2(1 — cos «).

Assuming that there is no burbling, and neglecting friction, the

direction of the deflecting force will bisect the angle between the

directions of the air coming towards and leaving the surfaces.

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, so if the

plate acts on the air stream as explained, the air stream will react

on the plate in an equal manner but opposite in direction as

shown by F in Fig. 3. If there is friction, the moving air will

tend to drag the plate along with it, so that there will be a slight

tangential force and the reaction will be more as shown by the

dotted line F' in Fig. 3.

If the curved surface be the part of a circular cylinder, the air

stream will follow a circular path while in contact with the surface.

Let o be the center and R the radius of the arc which is the path of

the particles in the center of the air stream, as shown in Fig. 5.

Let a be the position of a particle on the circular path and 6 be its

position a brief interval of time, t seconds later. Then, since the

velocity is V, the length of arc ab is Vt. Let ac and bd be tangents



to the circular path at a and 6 respectively, and call the inter

section of these two lines point

e. Draw lines from a, b, and

e to o, the center of the circle.

Then the central angle 006 is

equal to the exterior angle bee,

and oe bisects angle aob. If

angle bee is called 8, angle aoe

is 8/2. Draw ab intersecting

oe at /. Provided angle aob —

is small, line ab is very nearly

equal in length to arc ab. As

ab is Vt feet in length, af will

be Vt/2 feet long. The sine

5. Forees on a circular

cylindrical plate.

of angle aoe will be af divided by oa, or

ffln2 = -i-

e Vt/2


- cos e _Vt


W2(l - cos 0)

In a previous paragraph, it has been shown that, if a curved

surface deflects an air stream through a total angle of e, the ac

celeration or change in velocity per second is cos *'.

If the surface is such that the air stream takes a circular path, and

the radius is known, the acceleration

can be expressed as V/R. This is

the usual way of expressing the ac

celeration due to centrifugal force.

As an illustration of the application

of this principle, let the following

example be considered. A rec-

Fio. 6. Direction of reaction on tangular metai sheet; 36 ft. by 6 ft

circular cylindrical plate. . , , ,.,. „

is bent as shown in Fig. 6 so that a

horizontal stream of air striking the sheet tangentially is gently


deflected and leaves in a direction 10° below the horizontal. The

air first meets the long edge of the deflecting surface. The air

stream is 1 ft. thick; its velocity of 40 ft. per sec. is unchanged.

What is the force of the air against the metal sheet, and in what

direction does it act?

In 1 sec., a volume of air 36 ft. wide, 1 ft. deep, and 40 ft. long

meets the surface and, in having its direction changed, reacts

against the plate. Since, in passing from front to rear, the air

traverses a distance of 6 ft., the time required will be 6/40 or 0.15

sec. In 0.15 sec., a volume of 0.15 X 36 X 1 X 40, or 216 cu.

ft., will meet the surface. The mass of this volume of air will

be 0.002378 X 216, or .514 slugs. The acceleration will be

40V2(1 - cos 10°) .,. . ,. _. ... . ^r-y= = 46.5 ft. per sec. per sec. Ihe force will be

0.514 X 46.5, or 23.8 Ib. Its direction, neglecting friction, will

be upward and backward, 5° from the vertical.


1. A curved surface, 36 ft. by 6 ft., deflects an air stream through

an angle of 5°. The air stream is 1 ft. thick and first meets a longer

side of the surface. The airspeed is 40 ft. per sec. before and after

deflection, and there is no turbulence. What is the force against

the surface?

2. What is the force in problem 1 if the airspeed is 80 ft. per sec.?

3. What is the force in problem 1 if the angle of deflection is 23°?



If a body is moved through air, or if air flows around a body,

the motion of the air may be either smooth or turbulent. Smooth

flow is called continuous or streamline flow. Turbulent flow is

discontinuous or sinuous.

A stream of air may be conceived of as consisting of a number of

particles moving in the same direction. On meeting an obstruc

tion, the path of some of these particles will be diverted. If the

obstructing body is so shaped as to not cause a sudden and

abrupt change in direction, the particles will move in new paths

which are usually gentle curves. In this case, a particle, which

was directly behind another particle in the original air stream,

will follow exactly the new path taken by the leading particle in

flowing around the obstruction. Succeeding particles will also

follow this path. A con

tinuous line describes this * ^ ~^T ^ '—.*.

path, and the flow is called —-». —*. —*. —>. ^^

streamline. Figure 7 il- *" *"c *"B *-A.—*.,

lustrates this flow pattern. ^^""""""••••^'A"

Particle A follows the path FIG. 7. Streamline flow.

A A'A". Particle B, im

mediately to the rear of particle A, follows the same path as A, as

does particle C and all other particles behind C.

In turbulent flow, the flow is discontinuous; that is, particles

that follow each other in the original air stream do not follow in

all cases the same path as preceding particles in flowing around

obstructions. In Fig. 8, the air stream is shown meeting a flat

plate. In Fig. 8a, particle A and a small number of succeeding

particles will follow path A A' A". Reaching the position A",

in order to continue in motion, particle A must break across path

AA'A", so that momentarily the flow is as shown in Fig. 86.

Particle A moves onward as shown by path A"A'"A"". This

particular path is followed only till most of the particles which

moved into the vortex behind particle A have escaped onward,


when the original path (Fig. 8a) is resumed. The flow is thus

intermittent, particles first following one path then another.


Fio. 8. Turbulent flow.

Skin Friction and Viscosity. Even in so-called streamline flow

around an object, some turbulence is present. The layer of air

immediately adjacent to the body is retarded in its forward move

ment by friction with the surface of the body. No matter how

smooth the surface may be, there is bound to be some retardation.

This friction between moving air and a stationary body will

always be greater than between air particles themselves.

It is probably correct to assume that the layer of air in contact

with the body has little, if any, forward motion. The adjoining

layer of air is slowed up by friction with the motionless layer.

Contiguous layers affect each other, in that layers nearer the body

act to retard layers farther away. This interaction continues

through successive layers, the retarding effect diminishing with

increasing distance from the surface.

The viscosity and friction effects are very small, and it is only

in a narrow zone clinging to the surface that this effect is notice

able. This region, in streamline flow, is only a few thousandths

of an inch thick, and it is in this boundary layer that the velocity

rises from zero at the immediate surface to its full value in the

air stream. The velocity gradient, which is the ratio of velocity

difference to distance between layers, is very high in the boundary

layer, while very small in the main air stream.

The effect of the different speeds is to destroy the streamlines

and break them up into tiny eddies

as shown in Fig. 9, which is a greatly

enlarged view of a portion of Fig. 7.

FIG.9. Turbulence in Boundary Consider a particle in a streamline

Layer. close to but not touching the body.

Owing to the velocity gradient, on the

outer side it is being rubbed by particles moving forward with

greater velocity, on the inner side it is being rubbed by particles


having a slower velocity. This tendency towards rotation of the

individual particles serves to turn its path downward and causes

minute vortices.

In the thin boundary layer, the viscosity of air plays the pre

dominating part in determining the motion of the particles. Out

side of the boundary layer, viscosity has little effect and air may be

considered as a non-viscous fluid. With fluids of greater viscosity

than air, the boundary layer will be thicker.

Reynolds' Number. The English physicist, Osborne Reynolds,

made some interesting experiments with the flow of liquids in

tubes. By using a glass tube, and injecting small streams of an

insoluble colored fluid, he was able to study the form of flow.

Using water as a fluid, and starting with one size of tube, he

found that at low velocity the flow of the colored liquid in the water

was a continuous line; that is, the flow was streamline or laminar

except for an infinitesimal layer touching the side walls of the tube,

where there were slight eddies. As he increased the velocity the

flow remained streamline, though the outside layer in which

burbling was taking place became slightly thicker.

Increasing the rate of flow still more, he found that at a certain

speed the main flow changed from streamline to turbulent.

Above this critical speed the flow was turbulent; below, it was

streamline. Increasing the diameter of the tube, he found that

the critical speed, at which flow changed from streamline to

turbulent, was lessened. Using fluid of different densities and

different viscosities also varied the critical speed.

He evolved an expression which is called Reynolds' number and

commonly abbreviated as R.N. Reynolds' number is dimension-


R.N. = >™

V = average axial velocity (feet per second)

R = inner radius of tube (feet)

p = mass density of fluid (slugs per cubic foot)

n = coefficient of viscosity of fluid (pounds per

second per square foot)

Reynolds found that for fluid flow through pipes or tubes if the

R.N. was less than 1,100 the flow was laminar or streamline.

Although later experimenters found a somewhat higher number

as the critical condition, the value of 1,100 is the one commonly


used as being perfectly safe. Below that value, the flow is certain

to be laminar.

Reynolds' number is important to hydraulic engineers in decid

ing the proper size of piping. With a given size of pipe, the

quantity of fluid that can be conducted through the pipe increases

with the velocity until the critical Reynolds' number is reached.

With turbulent flow, the quantity of fluid is decreased greatly.

It is to be noted that Reynolds' work was entirely with tubes

and pipes. The critical value of Reynolds' number for flow inside

of circular pipes is meaningless when the problem deals with flow

of unconfined air around objects, such as airplanes. It is con-

jecturable, however, that even free air moving around an obstruc

tion may have a critical factor, corresponding to the Reynolds'

number for pipes, which will differentiate whether the flow will be

streamline or turbulent.

Similar Flows. The important application of Reynolds' number

for the aeronautic engineer is its use in comparing the flow of air

at different speeds around objects of varying size. The manner

of air flow around an object, as shown in Fig. l0a, would be

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Fio. 10. Flow around similar figures.

changed to a flow more like that shown in Fig. 106 if the speed

of the air were increased. If the speed of flow was the same as

for the flow shown in Fig. 10a, but the size of the object were

increased, the flow would be as shown in Fig. l0c. By decreasing

the velocity in an inverse ratio to the increase in size, i.e., keeping


VL the same, where L is a representative dimension of the

object, the flow would be as shown in Fig. lOd With the same

VL the flows are geometrically similar.

Again if the size of the object and speed of flow were the same

as in Fig. 10a but the density of the air were increased, the flow

would be changed to a flow, resembling that in Fig. 106. A

decrease in coefficient of viscosity would have the same effect on

the shape of the air flow as an increase of density or velocity.

To summarize: If the Reynolds' number is the same, the flows

are geometrically similar. With geometrically similar flows about

two bodies of different sizes, at corresponding points hi the two

flows the direction of the streamlines will be the same and the

magnitude of the forces will always have the same ratio to each


This relation is important in the design of airplanes. Models of

wings or airplanes may be tested in wind tunnels, and the results

of these tests may be used in the computation of the performance

of the full-size airplane, provided that the Reynolds' number of

the model is the same as the Reynolds' number of the airplane.

Since the models are small in size in comparison with the actual

wings, in order to have the Reynolds' number of the same magni

tude as the Reynolds' number of the wing the velocity or the

density of the air in the wind-tunnel test must be much greater

than in the actual flight.

Where the Reynolds' number of the wind-tunnel test of a model

wing is not the same as for the full-size wing in flight, the data

obtained from the wind-tunnel tests cannot be expected to give

exactly correct results when used in calculating forces on the

full-size wings. At Langley Field, Virginia, the National Advisory

Committee for Aeronautics has a variable-density wind tunnel.

The tunnel is entirely enclosed in a steel shell. The air, after

being drawn through the tunnel, past the model on test, flows

around the outside of the tunnel proper to re-enter the throat

once more. Since the air is at all times imprisoned inside the steel

chamber it can be put under pressure. The Langley Field

variable-density tunnel was designed for pressures as high as 21

atmospheres and air velocities past the model wings up to 75

ft. per sec.

In computing Reynolds' number, velocity (F) must be in feet

per second; a linear dimension of the object (L) must be in feet.


For wings, the length of the chord is commonly used for this

dimension (L). If the test is conducted under standard conditions

(15° C. and 760 mm. pressure) the density of the air (p) is 0.002378

slug per cubic foot and the coefficient of viscosity (^) is 0.000000373

slug per foot per second. If the temperature or pressure is not

standard, corrections must be made to density (p) and coefficient

of viscosity (M).

Example. Find the Reynolds' number for a model wing of 3-in.

chord, tests run at 100 miles per hour with standard air.

3 in. = 0.25 ft. r .

100 miles per hour = 146.7 ft. per sec.

0.002378 X 146.7 X 0.25 „


Example. Find the R.N. for model wing of 3-in. chord. Testa

run at 100 miles per hour. Air at normal pressure but at 100° C.


R K 0.002378 X HI X 146.7 X 0.25 _ U

RK = 0.000000454 I4

Example. Find R.N. for model wing of 3-in. chord. Tests run at

100 miles per hour. . Air at standard temperature but 21 atmospheres

pressure. Note that M is independent of pressure (except for ex

tremely high or extremely low pressures).

R 0.002378 X 21 X 146.7 X .25 4Q10noo

R.N'= 0.000000373 4,910,000


1. Find R.N. for an airplane wing, 4-ft. chord moving at 120 miles

per hour through standard atmosphere.

2. Find R.N. for an airplane wing with a 3-ft. 6-in. chord moving at

180 miles per hour through standard air.

3. Find R.N. for an airplane wing, 4-ft. chord moving at 150 miles

per hour. Air is +40° C. and 21 in. barometer.

4. Find the velocity at which tests should be run in a wind tunnel

on a model wing of 4-in. chord in order that the R.N. shall be the same

as for a wing with a 4-ft. chord at 100 miles per hour. Air under

standard conditions in both cases.

6. In a variable-density wind tunnel, under what pressure should

tests be run on a model with a 3-in. chord, air velocity being 60 miles

per hour, in order that the R.N. shall be the same as for a full-size

wing of 4-ft. chord, moving at 100 miles per hour through the air?

Air temperature is the same in each case.



Flat plates are not suitable for airplane wings. To be struc

turally strong, there would have to be a considerable amount of

bracing. This bracing, if located outside the plate, would cause

much friction in moving through the air; if inside the plate, it

would increase the thickness of the plate. By curving the plate

even slightly it is possible to increase the weight-sustaining

property greatly. By closing in the under side and making it

more nearly streamline in shape, the resistance to forward move

ment through the air can be greatly decreased.

The wings of the first Wright airplane were simply curved strips

of wood covered only on the upper side with cloth (see Fig. lla).

The Wrights soon re-

alized that when the ^"^

wing was horizontal

there would be a (°)

great amount of

burbling on the un

der side (see Fig. —

116). They conse-

quently covered up ^ 1 1 j^ Wrjght Wing

this space, giving the

wing appreciable thickness and reducing its resistance to forward


Changing the amount of curvature of a wing or its thickness will

change the lifting power and resistance. There is no ideal wing

which is suitable for all types of airplanes. The proper shape

must be chosen for each individual requirement.

Airfoils. Although the word airfoil may be used interchange

ably with the word wing, common usage dictates that the word

wing be used in referring to the actual wing of an airplane, and that

the word airfoil be applied in describing the contour or shape of

the vertical cross-section of a wing. Many differently shaped

airfoils have been proposed and their properties investigated.

Only a few of these airfoils will be discussed in this textbook.


For descriptions of other airfoils, the reader is referred to reports

of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics and other

aeronautical testing laboratories.

Chord and Camber. To describe the curvature of the upper

and lower surfaces, a base line is used as a reference. Coordinates

are given with respect to a point on this reference line to locate

sufficient points on the airfoil to enable the curve to be drawn.

This reference line is the chord of the airfoil.

If the airfoil has convex curvature on both upper and lower

surfaces, as in Fig. 12a, the chord

is the line joining the most forward

Chord ^^^ point on the front edge (leading

edge) to the rearmost point (trailing

<d) edge). If the lower surface of the

airfoil is predominantly flat, as in

Fig. 126, the chord is the straight

Chord .^ "--^ line that coincides for most of its

(b) length with the lower surface. With

FIo. 12. Chords, (a) Double other shapes of airfoils the datum

camber, (6) Single camber. line is more or less arbitrary. This

causes no confusion as the chord

and the airfoil are never dissociated. Whenever an airfoil is

described, the chord is known.

The chord length is the length of the projection of the airfoil

section.on its chord. Its symbol is c.

Camber is the length of the ordinate perpendicular to the chord.

Top camber is the distance of a point in the upper surface of the

airfoil from the chord line; bottom or lower camber is the distance

of a point in the lower surface of the airfoil from the chord line.

Because airfoil sections, which are geometrically similar but of

different size, would be designated by the same name, amount of

camber is always as a percentage of the chord length. The

abscissa, or length along the chord, of a point in the airfoil surface

is also given in percentage of chord.

In Table III are given the dimensions of a Clark Y airfoil, a

typical medium-thickness wing. When once the chord length is

decided upon, the actual camber can be found from the above

table by multiplying the chord length by the suitable percentages.

The use of this table is shown in Fig. 13, the points laid out by

means of these roordir.ates defining a curve.





Percentage of Chord

Distance from

Leading Edge01.252.557.51015203040506070809095100Upper



The maximum camber is an important dimension and refers to

the greatest departure of the curve of the airfoil from the chord

line. Mean camber is the camber of a point equidistant from the

upper and lower surfaces.

FIG. 13. Clark Y wing contour.

Span and Aspect Ratio. Span is the distance from wing tip to

wing tip, inclusive of ailerons. It may be considered as the least

width of hangar doorway through which the airplane can be pushed

straight. The symbol for span is b.

The area of a wing is the area of the projection of the actual

outline on the plane of the chord. The symbol for area is <S.

The aspect ratio of a wing is the ratio of the span to the chord.

This is for rectangular wings. For wings that are not rectangular

in shape when viewed from above, the aspect ratio is the ratio of

the square of the span to the area.

AR -6-62

A'R. -e~S

It is customary in wind-tunnel tests to use model airfoils whose

aspect ratio is 6. Force measurements from these tests need to

be corrected when applying them to airfoils of differing aspect


Relative Wind. Relative wind is the motion of the air with

reference to the wing. If the wing is moving horizontally forward,

then the relative wind is horizontally backward. If the wing is

moving both forward and downward, as when the plane is settling,

the relative wind is upward as well as backward. The direction

and velocity of the wind are found by the addition of two vectors,

one being the velocity of the air with respect to the earth, the other

being equal and opposite to the velocity of the wing with respect

to the air.

The angle of attack of a wing is the acute angle between the

chord and the direction of the relative wind.

Forces on an Airfoil. Air flowing around an airfoil exerts a

pressure on each little portion of the airfoil surface. This pressure

is considered positive if it is greater than atmospheric, negative

if it is less than atmospheric.

At small positive angles of attack the air flows smoothly over

the upper surface. Each particle of air sweeping along a surface

contributes to giving a small negative pressure as long as its

motion is parallel to the surface. If its motion is not parallel but

towards the surface it will contribute its component of positive

impact pressure. The direction of flow is shown in Fig. 14a, and

the pressures, to scale, are shown in Fig. 146.

At larger angles of attack the shape of the streamlines and the

magnitude of the pressures change. This is shown in Fig. 15.

As the angle of attack is increased still more, the air cannot

follow the upper surface of the wing as that would entail too great

a change in direction. The streamlines no longer conform to the

contour of the airfoil (Fig. 16). Burbling starts at the trailing

edge. If the angle of attack is made greater, the burbling will

extend farther forward.



Wherever burbling takes place, that portion of the wing has

lost its weight-sustaining property to a large extent. Burbling

also increases the resistance of the wing to forward motion.


FIG. 14. Flow at low angle of attack.

I'ii,. 15. Flow at medium angle of attack.


FIG. 16. Flow at high angle of attack.

It will be noted in Fig. 156 that the forces on the upper side of

the airfoil are predominantly upward, and the magnitude of these


forces is greater than that of the upward forces on the under side

of the airfoil. Tests have shown that, for typical wings at 0°

angle of attack, 100 per cent of the total upward force on a wing

is derived from the upper surface; at 5° angle of attack, 74 per

cent is due to forces on the upper surface; and at 10°, 68 per


All the small forces acting on both upper and lower surfaces of

the airfoil may be added together vectorially, i.e., taking into

account both magnitude and direction, and this summation is

called the resultant force. At small angle of attack, this resultant

is small in magnitude and it acts near the trailing edge; as the

angle of attack is increased, the resultant becomes larger and its

point of action, called the center of pressure, moves forward.

Lift and Drag Components. The resultant can, of course, be

described by giving its magnitude and direction. It can also be

determined if its two components are given about known axes.

It is customary and most useful to give a resultant in terms of

lift and drag components.

Lift is the component of the resultant on a wing which is per

pendicular to the relative wind.

Drag is the component of the resultant which is parallel to the

relative wind.

The resultant force on a wing varies directly with the air

density, the area of the wing, and the square of the velocity. It

also depends on the angle of attack. The lift and drag compo

nents, also, vary in the same way. These relations could be

expressed in a formula by stating that the component was a factor

times air density tunes wing area times velocity squared, but it is

more desirable to use a different form of the formula containing

one-half the density instead of the density itself. The standard

formulas are

T .** n f CTTS Lift and drag are in pounds

J-fllt =^LS"'" . . i i . r

2 p is in slugs per cubic foot

.p. _/~rP<jyj iS is in square feet

D2 V is in feet per second

CL is called the lift coefficient; CD, the drag coefficient. They

are " absolute " or dimensionless coefficients and therefore can be

used with metric units of measurement. That is, the formulas

for lift and drag are perfectly valid if air density is given in metric

slugs, area in square meters, and velocity in meters per second.

Lift and drag will then be in kilograms.

The equations may be written in the form

Lift = CLqS q = ?V2

and Drag =

Characteristic Curves. The lift coefficient CL, the drag coeffi

cient CD, and the center-of-pressure location, all for different

angles of attack, are considered the characteristics of an airfoil.

This information may be given in tables, but it is more usual to

plot these data in the form of a curve. The characteristic curves

for the Clark Y airfoil, for an aspect ratio of 6, are given in Fig. 17.

Sinccljpefficients are at most angles of attack much larger than

drag coefficients, the drag coefficients are plotted on a larger scale

in order to be legible.

Careful study should be given to Fig. 17. It should be noted

that the lift coefficient (CL) curve crosses the zero ordinate at

— 5° angle of attack. This does not mean that there are zero

forces acting on the wing at this angle of attack, but that the sum

of the upward or positive lift forces equals the sum of the down

ward or negative lift forces. The angle of attack, where the

upward and downward lift are equal, is called the angle of zero

lift. For symmetrical sections, that is, airfoils that have the same

camber on both upper and lower sides, the angle of zero lift is at

0° angle of attack.

From the angle of zero lift, the curve of lift coefficient is practi

cally a straight line for a considerable distance. The slope is

constant. The lift coefficient (Ci) is proportional to the angle of

attack provided angle of attack is measured from the angle of

zero lift.

At the larger angles of attack, the lift coefficient curve begins to

deviate from a straight line. The lift increase is no longer propor

tional to the increase in angle of attack. At some angle of attack,

for the Clark Y airfoil, it is 183°; the lift coefficient is a maximum.

This angle of maximum lift is also called the critical angle, the

burble point, or the stalling angle.

At angles above the angle of maximum lift, the lift coefficient

decreases with increasing angle of attack till lift coefficient becomes

zero at some angle slightly greater than 90°.



The drag coefficient curve resembles a parabola in part. At

some small angle of attack, for the Clark Y it is —83°, the drag

coefficient has a minimum value. Whether the angle of attack is

increased or decreased from this angle of minimum drag, the drag

increases. For a few degrees above or below the angle of minimum

drag, there is very little change in the value of the drag coefficient.

-6 -4-2 0 2

FIG. 17. Characteristics of Clark Y airfoil, aspect ratio 6.

With bigger increases in the angle of attack, the drag coefficient

increases greatly.

With a symmetrical airfoil, the angle of minimum drag is at 0°

angle of attack and the curve is symmetrical about a vertical axis

through this point. With the more common airfoils, having more

camber on the upper than the lower side, the angle of minimum

drag is a small negative angle of attack and the part of the curve

for more negative angles of attack has a steeper slope than the

other side of the curve.

The. center-of-pressure curve usually shows that at the angle of

zero lift the center of pressure is at the trailing edge. With a

slight increase in angle of attack, the center of pressure moves

forward. It has its most forward position when the angle of

attack is a few degrees below the angle of maximum lift. For

symmetrical airfoils, there is practically no movement of the center

of pressure; for this reason symmetrical airfoils are referred to as

stable airfoils.

Lift Equation. For horizontal flight, except for a small vertical

force on the tail and a small component of thrust which need not

be considered at this time, the weight of the airplane equals the

lift of the wing. If the lift is greater than the weight, the airplane

will rise; if the weight is greater, the airplane will lose altitude.

Then for horizontal flight

W in pounds

W = CL ^S V 2 S in square feet

V in feet per second

The above equation may be used in other forms, viz.

V = l/ —

" — »/ n

The ratio of total weight to the area of the wing (W/S) is the

wing loading, expressed in pounds per square foot. From the

above formulas it will be seen that, for a given angle of attack,

the proper velocity depends on the square root of the wing loading.

Example. What weight can an airplane have to fly level with a

Clark Y wing 250 sq. ft. in area, at 4° angle of attack and airspeed of

100 miles per hour at sea-level?


From Fig. 17, CL at 4° angle of attack = 0.649; 100 miles per

hour = 146.7 ft. per sec.

W = 0.649 X T X 250 X I4677 = 4,120 Ib.

Example. At what angle of attack should an airplane weighing

3,000 Ib. be flown, if the wing is 300 sq. ft. in area, Clark Y section,

airspeed 90 miles per hour?

/.' _ 3,000 _ « 4CQ

" 0.00118 X 300 X (90 X 1.47)4

Angle of attack (from Fig. 17) = +1.7°

Example. An airplane has a wing loading of 9 Ib. per sq. ft. ; the

angle of attack of the Clark Y wing is 6°. What should be the air



0.791 X 0.00118

= 97.9 ft. per sec.

= 66.8 miles per hour


(Standard air density unless otherwise specified)

1. What is the lift on a Clark Y wing 300 sq. ft. in area at 8° angle

of attack and airspeed of 80 miles per hour?

2. What is the lift on a Clark Y wing 450 sq. ft. in area at 6° angle

of attack, airspeed 88 ft. per sec.?

3. A monoplane weighing 4,460 Ib. has a rectangular Clark Y wing,

353 sq. ft. in area; at an airspeed of 100 miles per hour, what should

be the angle of attack?

4. At what angle of attack should the airplane in problem 3 fly

when airspeed is 85 miles per hour?

5. With a wing loading of 12 Ib. per sq. ft., at what angle of attack

should an airplane with a Clark Y wing fly, if airspeed is 70 miles per


6. What should be the area of a Clark Y wing to support a total

weight of 5,000 Ib. when flying at 7° angle of attack and a velocity of

90 ft. per sec.?

7. What weight will be supported by a Clark Y wing 525 sq. ft. in

area, at 5° angle of attack, and an airspeed of 120 ft. per sec. at sea-


8. What weight will be supported by the wing in problem 7, at the

same angle of attack and same airspeed, but flying at 10,000 ft. alti

tude (air density at 10,000-ft. altitude is 0.00176 slug per cu. ft.;

see Table I)?


9. At what airspeed should a 6,000-lb. airplane be flown, having an

area of 700 sq. ft., Clark Y wing, at 10° angle of attack?

10. At what airspeed should the airplane described in problem 9

fly at an altitude of 10,000 ft.?

11. An airplane having a Clark Y wing at 6° angle of attack is to be

flown at 150 miles per hour. What should be the wing loading?

12. What should be the wing loading of a plane with a Clark Y

wing, if it is desired to fly at 6° angle of attack and 150 miles per hour

airspeed at an altitude of 10,000 ft.?

Minimum Speed. Examination of formula V =


shows that, with a fixed weight and a fixed wing area (fixed wing

loading), the lift coefficient must vary inversely as the square of

the velocity. It is axiomatic that small angles of attack mean

high speed; large angles of attack mean slow speed. The smallest

velocity will be when the lift coefficient is maximum. This

slowest velocity is the stalling speed. Some airplanes (low-wing

monoplanes), when gliding down to land, pocket air under their

wing, which has a cushioning or buoyant effect, helping to support

the airplane slightly. This added support enables the airplane

to fly at slightly less speed than it could if the ground effect were

not present. This effect is ordinarily negligible, and the minimum

airspeed is considered to be the landing speed or take-off speed.

V in feet per second

Example. What is the landing speed of an airplane weighing 2,500

lb., having a Clark Y wing 300 sq. ft. in area?

.56 X 0.00118

= 67.0 ft. per sec.

= 45.7 miles per hour


1. What is the landing speed of an airplane weighing 4,500 lb.,

with a Clark Y wing 350 sq. ft. in area?


2. What is the landing speed of an airplane with a Clark Y wing and

a wing loading of 12 Ib. per sq. ft.?

3. What area should a Clark Y wing have in order that an airplane

weighing 1,500 Ib. shall not land faster than 30 miles per hour?

4. An airplane has a Clark Y wing. What would be the greatest

wing loading in order that the landing speed should not exceed 35

miles per hour?

6. An airplane has a Clark Y wing 425 sq. ft. in area. What is the

greatest weight this airplane can have with a landing speed not more

than 40 miles per hour?

6. An airplane with a Clark Y wing has a wing loading of 14 Ib. per

sq. ft. What is the minimum speed at an altitude of 10,000 ft.?

7. It is desired that a pursuit airplane be able to fly at 50 miles per

hour at an altitude of 10,000 ft. What should be the wing loading

of its Clark Y wing?

8. An airplane weighing 5,000 Ib. has a Clark Y wing 625 sq. ft. in

area. What is its minimum speed (a) at sea-level, (b) at 10,000-ft.


Drag. Drag is the force, in pounds, with which a wing resists

forward motion through the air. The drag multiplied by the

velocity (in feet per second units) gives the power, in foot-pounds

per second, required to move the wing forward. One horsepower

is 550 ft-lb. per sec. Hence the drag times the velocity, divided

by 550, gives the horsepower required to move the wing forward.

HP = D X V Bin pounds

'"". 550 V in feet per second

But D = CD


Therefore H.P.req. = _,_.,—

Example. A Clark Y wing 350 sq. ft. in area is moving through the

air at 80 ft. per sec. at 6° angle of attack. What is the drag? What

horsepower is required?

From Fig. 17, at a = 6°, CD = 0.0452

n nn9^7

Drag = 0.0452 X 2 X 350 X (80)2


= 120 Ib.

120 X 80


= 17.5 hp.



1. What is the drag of a Clark Y wing, 300 sq. ft. in area, at 8°

angle of attack, at 120 ft. per sec. airspeed?

2. What is the drag of a Clark Y wing, 300 sq. ft. in area, at 8°

angle of attack, at 120 miles per hour airspeed?

3. What is the horsepower required to move a Clark Y wing 430

sq. ft. in area at 2° angle of attack and airspeed of 150 miles per hour?

4. What is the horsepower required to move a Clark Y wing 270

sq. ft. in area at 10° angle of attack and an airspeed of 70 ft. per sec.?

6. At an altitude of 10,000 ft., what is the drag of a Clark Y wing,

480 sq. ft. in area, angle of attack 4°, airspeed 95 ft. per sec.? What

horsepower is required?


-4 -2

Angle 01 MtKk

Fio. 18. Characteristics of Gottingen 398 airfoil, aspect ratio 6.



















Difference in Airfoils. Many different shapes have been pro

posed and tested. Airfoils with contours radically different from

those in general use do not ordinarily prove to be satisfactory.


This indicates that certain general rules must be followed in

designing airfoils.

The leading edge should be slightly rounded. The camber of

the upper surface should be such that the highest point or maxi

mum ordinate is between one-quarter and one-third the chord

length back from the leading edge.
















-2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

Angle of Attack

FIo. 19. Characteristics of C-80 airfoil, aspect ratio 6.

Increasing the camber increases the lift at any angle of attack

but it also increases the drag. The maximum lift coefficient is

increased, but the minimum drag coefficient is increased also.

No wing should have an upper camber greater than one-quarter

of the chord length.

An airfoil having a symmetrical section, the upper and lower

surfaces of equal camber, is streamline in appearance and conse

quently will have less minimum drag than a non-symmetrical

airfoil of the same thickness. Symmetrical airfoils have zero

lift at zero angle of attack, and this is also the angle of minimum


drag. Non-symmetrical airfoils have zero lift at a slightly

negative angle of attack.

Concave lower camber increases the lift coefficient at any angle

of attack but adds to the drag coefficient, especially at smaller

angles of attack.

22 .22

20 .20

18 .18

ie :u

14 J4

• «?

12 .12

10 .10







8 .08

6 .06

4 .04

2 .02


8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22

Ancle of Attack

Fio. 20. Characteristics of M-6 airfoil, aspect ratio 6.



Figures 18, 19, 20, and 21 give characteristics of airfoils in

common use. Thick wing sections are commonly called " high

lift " sections because the maximum lift coefficients are large.

With a predetermined landing speed and wing area, more load

can be carried by a thick than a thin wing section.


1. (a) What is the lift on a Gottingen 398 wing 400 sq. ft. in area,

at 2° angle of attack and airspeed of 90 ft. per sec.? (6) What is the



2. What is the lift on a C-80 wing 400 sq. ft. in area at 2° angle of

attack and airspeed of 90 ft. per sec.?

3. What is the lift on a C-80 wing 400 sq. ft. in area at 7° angle of

attack and airspeed of 90 ft. per sec.?

4. What is the landing speed of an airplane weighing 5,000 Ib. with

a Gottingen 398 wing 400 sq. ft. in area?


5 40



.70 .24










o1/AX//f— — .^//^",^//SC P^CL/7x_^_^~//X///~~— .//^sm^///\\






-2° 0" 2° V 6° 8° 10° 12» 14° 16» 18° 20°

Anglt of Attack

Fio. 21. Characteristics of RAF-15 airfoil, aspect ratio 6.

5. What is the landing speed of an airplane weighing 5,000 Ib.,

with a C-80 wing 400 sq. ft. in area?

6. What total weight can a Gottingen 398 wing 400 sq. ft. in area

sustain if landing speed must not exceed 45 miles per hour?

7. .What total weight can a C-80 wing 400 sq. ft. in area sustain if

landing speed must not exceed 45 miles per hour?



Velocity versus Angle of Attack. An airplane, if it flies at a

low angle of attack, must fly faster than if it flies at a high angle of

attack. For each speed there is one angle of attack for level

flight to be maintained. If the angle of attack is greater, the

airplane will gain altitude; if the angle of attack is less, the airplane

will descend.




-1 -2


6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

Angle of Attack

Fio. 22. Angle of attack versus velocity.

Conversely, for each angle of attack there is only one speed for

level flight. This depends on the relation

If the wing loading (W/S) is changed, the relation between

angle of attack and speed is changed. A partly loaded airplane,


flying level, will either have to increase its speed or angle of attack

if additional load is put on. Figure 22 shows the relation between

airspeed and angle of attack for a Clark Y airfoil.


1. Plot airspeed versus angle of attack for a G6ttingen 398 airfoil

with a wing loading of 14 Ib. per sq. ft.

2. Plot airspeed versus angle of attack for a RAF 15 wing with a

wing loading of 18 Ib. per sq. ft.

3. For an M-6 airfoil, plot wing loading versus angle of attack for an

airspeed of 100 miles per hour.

4. For a C-80 airfoil, plot wing loading versus airspeed, in feet per

second, for an angle of attack of 4°.

Flying Level at Altitude. At altitudes above sea-level, the air

density is less than its standard value. Since both lift and drag

coefficients are multiplied by the air density, as well as wing area

and the square of the velocity, to give lift and drag; at the same

angle of attack or airspeed, both lift and drag will be less at

altitude. In order to fly level no matter what altitude, the lift

must be equal to the weight.

As the wing area remains constant, when an airplane ascends

to higher altitudes either lift coefficient or velocity, or both, must

be increased to make up for the decrease in density. The case of

flying at the same angle of attack as at the ground will be considered

first. •

The angle of attack being unchanged, CL and CD will be the same

at all altitudes. Let po and Vo be the air density and velocity at

zero altitude and p, and Vx the density and velocity at any

altitude, x feet.

W = CL^SVf

W = Ci

Then PoFo2 = feTV and & F02 =


Drag at zero altitude = D0 = CD ?p

Drag at a. feet altitude = Dx = CD^C


But Vx'=?*Vf


Therefore Dt = CD % S & F02

^ Px

Therefore, whatever the altitude, the drag of the wing is the

same, provided the angle of attack is the same. This may seem

strange, but it should be borne in mind that with increased

altitude the airspeed must be greater, and this exactly counter

balances the decrease in density.

Power required is the product of drag and velocity. Let H.P.0

be the horsepower at zero altitude and H.P.x the horsepower

required at z-feet altitude.

H.P.o =

H.P.x =

Do X V0


xX V,


But Do = Dx

and 7.- .mff

Therefore H.P, = ^I^


The density becomes less as ascent is made in the atmosphere;

that is, px is less than p0, so that po/p» is greater than 1. With the

same angle of attack, the horsepower required to move a wing

forward through the air will always be greater at altitude than

at sea-level.

When the angle of attack is changed, keeping the same airspeed,

a lightly loaded plane is affected differently from a heavily loaded

plane. At ordinary flying angles, the lift coefficient varies ap

proximately as angle of attack. The drag coefficient changes very

little with angle of attack at small angles of attack corresponding

to high speeds. At slow speeds, corresponding to high angles,

there is a big change of drag coefficient with angle of attack


When attempt is made to fly at the same speed at high altitude

as at the ground, the angle of attack must be increased to obtain

the greater lift coefficient to offset the decrease in density. The

larger angle of attack will mean an increased drag coefficient. If

at sea-level the airplane was being flown at low angle of attack,

a moderate increase in altitude would mean a very small increase

in drag coefficient. It is quite possible that the decrease in density

could be greater in proportion than the increase in drag coefficient.

In this case, the drag and consequently power required would be

less at altitude than at sea-level. A plane flying slowly at the

ground (high angle of attack) and rising to a moderate height, or

an airplane flying fast at the ground but rising to extreme altitudes,

will usually result in the drag coefficient increasing disproportion

ately more than the decreasing of density so that the drag and

horsepower will be greater at the higher altitude.

Example. An airplane has a Clark Y wing 400 sq. ft. in area. It

flies 100 ft. per sec. at 2° angle of attack. What are the lift, wing

drag, and horsepower required at sea-level? What are the lift, wing

drag, and horsepower required at 10,000-ft. altitude?

At sea-level, L = 0.5 X . X 400 X T00

= 2,378 Ib.

D = 0.024 X °.°°2378 X 400 X 1002

= 114 Ib.

wp 114X100

H.R= -550-


= 20.7 hp. required

At 10,000-ft. altitude

L = 0.5 X a0021756 X 400 X T001'

= 1,756 Ib.

D - 0.024 X a°°01756 X 400 X T002

= 84.3 Ib.

„ D 84.3 X 100

H.R= -550—

= 15.3 hp.

Example. An airplane weighing 4,000 Ib. has a Clark Y wing 350

sq. ft. in area and is flying at sea-level at 100 miles per hour. What

are the wing drag and horsepower required for the wing? If the

airplane is flying at an altitude of 10,000 ft., at 100 miles per hour,

what are the wing drag and horsepower required?

At sea-level

n. 4,000

= 0.445

Therefore a = l\°

and CD = 0.0217

X 350 X (1.47 X 100)2

D = 0.0217 X a00|378 X 350 X 1.47 X 1002

= 195 Ib.

H p 195 X 147


= 52.2 hp.

At 10,000-ft. altitude


Therefore a = 3^°

and CD = 0.0308

4,0000.001756 s2

= 0.604< 350 X (1.47 >< 100)2

D = 0.0308 X °.Q°01756 X 350 X I3f


= 204 Ib.

_ 204 X 147


= 54.6 hp.


1. An airplane weighing 3,000 Ib. has a Clark Y wing 250 sq. ft. in

area and is flying at sea-level at 150 miles per hour. (a) What are the

wing drag and horsepower required for the wing? (6) What are the

wing drag and horsepower if flying at 150 miles per hour at 15,000-ft.

altitude? (c) What are the wing drag and horsepower if flying at

150 miles per hour at 30,000-ft. altitude?

2. An airplane weighing 6,000 Ib. has a Clark Y wing 250 sq. ft.

in area. It flies at 125 miles per hour. (a) What are the wing drag

and horsepower required for the wing at sea-level; (6) at 15,000-ft.

altitude; (c) at 25,000-ft. altitude?


3. An airplane weighing 5,000 Ib. has a Clark Y wing 275 sq. ft.

in area. It flies at 4° angle of attack. (a) What are the wing drag

and horsepower required at sea-level; (b) at 15,000 ft.?

4. An airplane weighing 4,000 Ib. has a Clark Y wing 350 sq. ft. in

area. It flies at 150 miles per hour. (a) What is the horsepower

required at sea-level; (6) at 20,000-ft. altitude?

6. An airplane whose wing loading is 12 Ib. per sq. ft. has a Clark

Y wing and is flying at 200 ft. per sec. at sea-level, (a) What is the

angle of attack? (6) What is the angle of attack if flying at 20,000-

ft. altitude at the same speed?

Lift-Drag Ratio. Air flowing around a wing causes forces to

come into action, and the resultant of these forces is usually

expressed in terms of its lift and drag components. In level flight

the relative wind is horizontal, so that the lift component is vertical,

the drag component horizontal. The lift component sustains the

weight of the airplane. The drag component is the resistance to

forward motion of the wing. In a complete airplane there are

other parts, such as the fuselage, landing gear, and struts, which

offer resistance to forward motion through the air. The resistance

of these other parts of the airplane to forward motion is called the

parasite drag. The sum of the wing drag and parasite drag

constitute the total drag of the airplane. This total drag is the

backward force that must be balanced by the forward thrust of

the propeller in order to sustain forward movement of the airplane.

The sole purpose of a wing is to provide a sustaining force for

the airplane. It is to be expected that a wing will offer resistance

to movement through the air. The wing that offers the least

resistance and at the same time furnishes the most lift would be

the most desirable from this standpoint.

Wings must be capable of being made structurally strong. A

very thin wing might have merits from an aerodynamic stand

point, but it might be so shallow that the spars usable in such a

wing would be too light to have sufficient strength. The amount

of movement of the center of pressure on a wing is also important

in the securing of longitudinal balance. These matters will affect

the selection of the wing section to be used, so that big lift with

little drag will not be the sole consideration.

The term " efficiency " as used in engineering has a very exact

meaning, namely the power output divided by the power input.

In engineering, efficiency is always less than unity. The term


efficiency cannot be correctly applied to ratio of the lift force to the

drag force of a wing, since it is a ratio of forces, not of powers.

The expression " efficacy of the wing " which has been suggested

is rather cumbersome, and it is practically universal to employ

the expression " lift-drag ratio " or " L over D."

The lift-drag ratio is the same as the ratio of lift coefficient to

drag coefficient.

Lift .2 C

Drag 2 CD

and is the tangent of the angle which the resultant force on the

wing makes with the horizontal plane.

At small angles of attack, drag coefficient is small but lift co

efficient is also small. At large angles of attack, lift coefficient is

large but drag coefficient is also large. At the angle of attack of

minimum drag coefficient, it will be found that an increase of a

couple of degrees in the angle of attack will cause only a slight

increase in drag coefficient but it will cause a considerable increase

in the lift coefficient. It will therefore be at an angle of attack

If0 or 2° greater than the angle of minimum drag coefficient that

L/D will have its greatest value.

The values of L/D or CL/CD for various angles of attack of the

Clark Y airfoil are shown in Fig. 17. It will be noted that the

angle of minimum drag coefficient is — 3J°, while the angle of

maximum L/D is slightly greater, i.e., +|°.

The angle of maximum L/D is important. For level flight,

lift is considered as practically equal to the weight. With weight

constant, lift is constant; the drag will be least when D/L is least,

that is, when L/D is greatest.

In a preceding paragraph, it was shown that for level flight there

is one velocity corresponding to each angle of attack. The velocity

corresponding to the angle of maximum L/D will be the velocity

at which the wing will have the least drag.

Since parasite drag coefficients vary only slightly with angle of

attack, it is approximately correct to state that, if the angle of

attack of the wing is that of maximum L/D, the whole airplane

will have less total drag than in any other position. This position

will require the least thrust force from the propeller.

It should be noted that power contains the element of speed


or time, so that less power may be required from the engine if the

airplane is flown at slightly less speed, i.e., slightly greater angle

of attack. This will be treated later in this book. The gasoline

consumption depends on horsepower-hours, which, in turn, de

pends on L/D total. In flying from one point to another, the

least amount of fuel will be required if the airplane is flown

entirely with the wing at the angle of attack of maximum L/D.

For best performance of the engine and propeller and for com

fort it is desirable that the longitudinal axis of the airplane be

horizontal. In order that in that position of the airplane the wing

shall be at the angle of maximum L/D, the wing is usually set at a

small positive angle to the axis of the airplane. This angle is

called the angle of incidence.

In a race, the nose of an airplane would be depressed, causing

the angle of attack to be less than that of maximum L/D. The

drag coefficient will be less at this angle of attack than at the angle

of maximum L/D, but in order that there shall be sufficient lift

to sustain the plane in the air, velocity must be greater than at

the larger angle. Because velocity is greater, the drag is greater

at the lower angle even though the drag coefficient is less.

Example. In level flight, what is the least drag of the Clark Y

wing of an airplane weighing 5,000 lb.?

Solution. From Fig. 17, (L/DW. for Clark Y is 20.8

L _ W _ 5,000 _~f.K



1. (a) Plot L/D versus angle of attack for the Gottingen 398 airfoil.

(6) What is the least drag of a Gottingen 398 wing for an airplane

weighing 4,000 lb.? (c) What is the drag for this airplane when the

wing is at 6° angle of attack? (d) What is the drag when the wing is

at -3° angle of attack?

2. (a) Plot L/D versus angle of attack for the M-6 airfoil. (6) What

is the least drag of an M-6 wing for an airplane weighing 2,000 lb.?

(c) What is the angle of attack for least drag?

3. (a) Plot L/D versus angle of attack for the R.A.F. 15 airfoil.

(6) What is the least drag of an R.A.F. 15 wing for an airplane weighing

2,000 lb.? (c) What is the angle of attack for least drag? (d) What

is the drag at zero degrees angle of attack?



Polars. Instead of plotting lift and drag coefficients against

angle of attack, the information may be given in other ways.

Quite frequently the lift coefficient is plotted against drag coeffi

cient, as in Fig. 23. The curve represents the changes in CD with













.02 04 .06 .08 .10 .12 .14 .16 .18 .20 .22 M


FIG. 23. Polar curve for Clark Y airfoil, aspect ratio 6.

changes in CL> or vice versa. The angle of attack is designated

on the curve itself. This form of plotting is called a polar curve.

Since CD is small in comparison with CL it is customary to use

a much larger scale for plotting CD than for CL. If the same

scale were used for plotting both CL and CD, a line drawn from the

origin to any point on the curve would represent the resultant

coefficient, both in direction and magnitude. Its length could be


scaled off in the same units as the CL and CD scale. Multiplied

by (p/2)/SF2, it would represent the force acting on the wing.

Using different scales for CL and CD, the length and direction

of a line from the origin to a point on the polar curve are meaning

less. However, irrespective of scales, the line which makes the

largest angle with the horizontal base line, having the greatest

tangent, will have the highest CL/CD ratio. Therefore a line drawn

from the origin tangent to the polar curve will locate the angle of

maximum L/D. By reading the coordinates of the point of

tangency, the maximum value of L/D may be quickly found.

0 3.

8 1.0 \2 14 1.6 18

FIG. 24. L/D versus CL for Clark Y airfoil.

Another form of graph is shown in Fig. 24, where L/D is plotted

against CL. Because lift coefficient varies almost directly with

angle of attack up to near the burble point, this graph resembles

very much the plot of L/D against angle of attack in Fig. 17.

In comparing one airfoil with another, the actual angles of

attack are of little consequence. The important factors are CL,

CD, and L/D. These are all given by one polar curve; the

information would have to be obtained from three separate curves



Example. An airplane weighing 3,000 Ib. has a Clark Y wing 350

sq. ft. in area. What horsepower is required for the wing when flying

at 90 ft. per sec.?


CL =



X 350 X (90)2

From Fig. 23, when CL = 0.891, CD = 0.0561

H.P. =


_ 0.0561 X 0.001189 X 350 X (90)3


= 31.0 hp.

.02 .04 .06 .08 .10 .12 .14 .16 .18 .20 .22 .24

FIG. 25. Polar curve for U.S.A.-35A airfoil, aspect ratio 6.

Example. Compare maximum L/D of a Clark Y airfoil with that

of a U.S.A.-35 airfoil.

In Fig. 23, the line from origin tangent to curve is tangent at point

where CL = 0.38 and CD = 0.018.

For Clark Y, Maximum L/D = ^- = 21.0

In Fig. 25, the line from origin tangent to curve is tangent at point

where CL = 0.55 and CD = 0.03.

For U.S.A.-35 max. L/D = °-^f = 18.3

or directly from Fig. 24,


For Clark Y, Maximum L/D = 21.0

Example. An airplane weighing 2,000 Ib. has a C-80 wing 180

sq. ft. in area. What horsepower is required for the wing when the

airspeed is 120 miles per hour?


ci = -5L


0.001189 X 180 X (120 X 1.47)2

= 0.301

From Fig. 26, when CL = 0.301, L/D = 23.2

For horizontal flight, W = L


~D~ ~23.2

D = 86.2 Ib.

H.P. =

86.2 X 120


27.6 hp.


1. An airplane weighing 2,,500 Ib. has a C-80 wing 200 sq. ft. in

area. What horsepower is required for the wing when airspeed is

200 ft. per sec.?

2. An airplane weighing 1,800 Ib. has a C-80 wing. What area should

the wing have in order that only 25 hp. will be required for the wing

when the airspeed is 150 ft. per sec.?

3. An airplane weighing 4,000 Ib. has a C-80 wing. It is flying

at the angle of attack which has CL of 0.6. What is the drag?

4. An airplane has a C-80 wing. When CL is 0.7 and the drag is

300 Ib., what is the lift?



5. An airplane weighing 2,400 Ib. has a U.S.A.-35A wing 210 sq.

ft. in area. What is the drag when flying at an airspeed of 90 ft. per


6. An airplane weighing 3,500 Ib. has a U.S.A.-35A rectangular

wing of 54-ft. span and 9-ft. chord. What horsepower is required by

the wing when the airspeed is 150 ft. per sec.?

7. What horsepower is required by the wing in problem 6 when the

airplane is flying at 100 ft. per sec.?


.4 6 .8 1.0

Fio. 26. L/D versus CL for C-80 airfoil, aspect ratio 6.

8. An airplane with a U.S.A.-35A wing has a wing loading of 12 Ib.

per sq. ft. What is the L/D when airspeed is 100 miles per hour?

An airplane with a U.S.A.-35A wing 600 sq. ft. in area is flying

at a 6° angle of attack with an airspeed of 90 miles per hour. What

is the lift and what is the drag?

10. An airplane with a U.S.A.-35A wing has a wing loading of 14

Ib. per sq. ft. It is flying at a 4° angle of attack. What should be the


Absolute Coefficients with Metric Units. The absolute coeffi

cients of lift and drag, CL and CD, are diinensionless, that is, they

are pure numbers. Because of this, CL and CD are usable in the


standard equations for lift and drag, provided the other factors

are consistent. With the English units: lift and drag forces are

in pounds, mass density is in slugs per cubic foot, area is in square

feet, and velocity is in feet per second. With metric units: lift

and drag forces are in kilograms, density is in metric slugs per

cubic meter, area is in square meters, and velocity is in meters per


Under standard conditions, a cubic meter of air weighs 1.2255

kg. Since the standard acceleration of gravity is 9.807 meters

per second, the standard mass density of air is 1.2255 .*. 9.807 or

0.12497 metric slug per cubic meter.

Example. An airplane having a GQttingen 398 wing 35 square

meters in area is flying at 4° angle of attack, with a velocity of 40

meters per second. What is the lift?

Solution. From Fig. 18, CL = 0.76.

Lift = CL


= 0.76 X ^^ X 35 X 402

= 2,660 kg.

Example. An airplane with a wing loading of 30 kg. per square

meter is flying with its Gottingen 398 wing at a 2° angle of attack.

What should be the airspeed?

Solution. From Fig. 18, CL = 0.585.

1585 X 0.0625

= 28.7 meters per second

Engineering Coefficients. In the United States, it was formerly

universal custom to employ engineering coefficients, Kx and Ky,

instead of the absolute coefficients, CL and CD. Kx and Ky in

cluded in themselves the standard density of air as well as a factor

for changing miles per hour into feet per second. With engineering

coefficients, the standard formulas for lift and drag become

L = KySV- S in square feet

D = KXSV- V in miles per hour


Ky is the lift in pounds of a wing, 1 sq. ft. in area, traveling at a

velocity of 1 mile per hour; Kx is the drag of that wing, the move

ment taking place through standard air.

The Ky and Kx coefficients given by characteristic curves for

various airfoils are for use only when the airfoils are moving

through air of standard density. They should be more properly

designated Ky, and K* since their application is only at zero

altitude. At altitudes where the air density differs from that at

sea-level, the Ky and Kx shown on the graphs must be corrected

for the new air density. The symbol a (sigma) is used to express

the ratio of the density at any altitude to standard density. The

corrected Ky and Kx for any altitude is found by multiplying tli3

Ky, and Kn (taken from the graphs) by the a for that altitude.

Ky = aKy, = —Ky,


Kx = aK^ = — KX,


By comparing the equations for lift and drag containing absolute

coefficients with the similar equations with engineering coefficients,

a relation is found between the two sets of coefficients, as follows

/0.002378\ /5,280


= 0.00256 CL

and Kt = 0.00256 CD

or CL = 390.7 Ky

and CD = 390.7 Kx

CL and CD, being each multiplied by the same constant of trans

formation, 0.00256, to obtain Ky and Kx respectively, L/D is equal

to the ratio of engineering coefficients, since

L = CL = 0.00256 CL = Ky

D~ CD~ 0.00256 CD ~ Kx

Engineering coefficients are much more convenient to use since

in practice airspeed is usually measured in miles per hour rather

than in feet per second. There is incongruity, however, in not

using the same unit of length in calculating area as in computing

velocity. Engineering coefficients cannot be used for metric units

without transformation.

Example. An airplane weighing 5,000 Ib. has a Clark Y wing 400

sq. ft. in area; what should be the airspeed at 4° angle of attack at

sea-level? At 10,000-ft. altitude? What is the drag under each



At zero altitude:

F=./~ 5,000

400 X 0.00169

= 86.0 miles per hour

D = 0.000089 X 400 X 1

= 263 Ib.

At 10,000-ft. altitude:



400 X 0.738 X 0.00169


= 100 miles per hour

D = 0.738 X 0.000089 X 400 X 1002

= 0.738 X 0.000089 X 400 X

= 0.000089 X 400 X §61?

= 263 Ib.

NOTE: With weight fixed, at a constant angle of attack, drag is

independent of altitude.

Problems (Use Fig. 27)

1. A wing 150 sq. ft. in area has a Clark Y section. What is the

maximum load that can be carried at 50 miles per hour?

2. For the wing in problem 1, what is the minimum speed to carry

a load of 1,600 Ib.?

3. For the wing in problem 1, what must be the angle of attack

for the wing to lift 1,600 Ib. when the airspeed is 80 miles per hour?

4. For a wing loading of 14 Ib. per sq. ft., (a) what should be the

angle of attack for a Clark Y wing at an airspeed of 90 miles per hour

at sea-level; (6) at 10,000-ft. altitude?

6. An airplane weighing 2,000 Ib. has a Clark Y wing 240 sq. ft.

in area, (a) What is the drag at 120 miles per hour at sea-level; (6)

at 10,000-ft. altitude?

6. For an airplane with a Clark Y wing, what should be the wing

loading to fly 150 miles per hour at 0° angle of attack: (a) at sea-

level; (6) at 10,000-ft. altitude?


7. An airplane, with a wing loading of 18.2 Ib. per sq. ft., has a

Clark Y wing whose angle of attack is 7°. For level flight what should

be the velocity (a) at sea-level; (6) at 10,000-ft. altitude?

8. An airplane has a minimum speed of 40 miles per hour at sea-

level, what is its minimum speed at 10,000-ft. altitude?

9. An airplane has a Clark Y wing 270 sq. ft. in area. With wing

at 3° angle of attack, what should the airspeed be in order that the

drag does not exceed 300 Ib. (a) at sea-level; (6) at 10,000-ft. altitude?

10. An airplane weighing 1,800 Ib. has a Clark Y wing. What

should be the wing area, if the airspeed is 130 miles per hour when the

wing is at 1° angle of attack?

Power with Engineering Coefficients. With engineering coeffi

cients, velocity is in miles per hour units. Power required by the

wing, being the product of drag and velocity, will be in mile-

pounds per hour units, if velocity in miles per hour is multiplied

by drag force in pounds. One horsepower is 550 ft-lb. per sec. or

375 mile-pounds per hour. Using this factor, the formulas for

horsepower required by the wing become


H.P.req. = oF D in pounds

S in square feet

= * V in miles per hour


Example. What is the horsepower required by a Clark Y wing

225 sq. ft. in area at 2° angle of attack and 125 miles per hour (a) at

sea-level; (6) at 15,000-ft. altitude?

Solution. From Fig. 27, at 2° angle of attack, Kx is 0.0000614.

At sea-level :

H.P.*,. = -^-

„ B 0.0000614 X 225 X 1253

= 72.0 hp.

At 15,000-ft. altitude:

_ (0.629 X 0.0000614) X 225 X 125*

H.Rr*,. - —^-

= 0.629 X 72.0

- 45.2 hp.


1. What horsepower is required by a Clark Y wing 325 sq. ft. in

area at 7° angle of attack and airspeed of 85 miles per hour?


2. What should be the airspeed in order that a Clark Y wing

200 sq. ft. in area should require only 45 hp. at 4° angle of attack?

3. What should be the area of a Clark Y wing so that 50 hp. is

required to fly at 90 miles per hour at 5° angle of attack?

4. What horsepower is required by a Clark Y wing 260 sq. ft. in

area, on an airplane weighing 1,750 lb., when flying at 3° angle of

attack (a) at sea-level; (b) at 15,000-ft. altitude?

6. What horsepower is required by a Clark Y wing 260 sq. ft. in

area, on an airplane weighing 1,750 lb., when flying at 100 miles per

hour (a) at sea-level; (6) at 15,000-ft. altitude?

Moment Coefficient and Center of Pressure. In studying the

problem of longitudinal balance and stability, it is necessary to

know not only the magnitude and direction of the resultant of the

forces on the wing, but also the position of this resultant. Lift

and drag forces are perpendicular to each other and are com

ponents of the resultant force. The lift squared plus the drag

squared equals the resultant squared. Like its two components,

the resultant varies as the air density, the wing area, and the

square of the velocity; therefore a resultant coefficient may be

used in a similar manner to the lift and drag coefficients.

Resultant = R = VU + D2 S is area in square feet

V is velocity in feet per second

CR = VCL2 + CD2

The direction in which the resultant force acts is the angle cot~1

L/D, backward from the direction in which the lift component


The point on the chord through which the line of action of the

resultant force passes is termed the center of pressure. This is

abbreviated as C.P. Its location in percentage of chord length

is given by a curve which is customarily included among the

characteristic curves of an airfoil.

For all unsymmetrical airfoils, that is, those having greater

camber on the upper than the lower surface, the curves of center-

of-pressure location bear a close resemblance. At angles close to

the angle of zero lift, the center of pressure is near the trailing

edge of the wing. As the angle becomes more positive, the center

of pressure moves forward. At some angle, usually a few degrees

below the angle of maximum lift, the center of pressure is at its

most forward position. The maximum forward position of the


center of pressure is about 28 per cent of the chord length back

from the leading edge.

As the angle of attack is decreased below that for maximum

forward position, the center of pressure moves backward. The

resultant is an upward and backward force. At the exact angle

of zero lift, the resultant instead of being a single force becomes a

couple tending to depress the leading edge and raise the trailing

edge, plus the drag component. If the angle of attack becomes

more negative than the angle of zero lift, the resultant reappears

as a single force again but acting downward and rearward, with

the center of pressure near the trailing edge. Depressing the

leading edge still more, the resultant, as a larger downward and

backward force, moves forward.

The above-described movement is termed " unstable " center-of-

pressure movement. When the wing is balanced at one angle of

attack, if this angle of attack is momentarily increased by a gust

of wind or otherwise, the forward movement of the upward

resultant force tends to tip the leading edge of the wing upward

still more. This increase of attack angle moves the center of

pressure still further forward, tending to increase the nosing-up

still more, so that a stall would eventually result. Conversely,

a decrease in the angle of attack from a previously balanced

condition would cause a backward movement of the center of

pressure which, by lifting on the trailing edge, tends to decrease

the angle of attack more.

With symmetrical airfoils, that is, those having both surfaces

convex and of the same camber, there is practically no center-of-

pressure movement. These airfoils are termed " stable " airfoils.

On the more common non-symmetrical airfoils, a reverse curvature,

i.e., having the trailing edge

curve upward, gives an airfoil

with little or no center-of-

pressure movement.

The moment of the resultant

Oration of r^atlv. »,nd^C>/ ^7^^ foI.Ce On the Wing is the product

of the force and the distance

Fi«. 28. Diagram of^moments about from the lme of action of

the force to the point about

which the moment is taken. Moments which act in a manner

tending to increase the angle of attack are called stalling moments


and are designated by a positive sign. Moments which tend to

decrease the angle of attack are called diving moments and are

negative in sign.

When the moment is taken about the leading edge, the sum of

the moments of the two components may be used; see Fig. 28.

Moment about leading edge = Mo = C.P. X c X cos a X L

+ C.P. X c X sin a. X D

moment is in foot-pounds.

C.P. is in percentage of chord length, c is chord length in feet,

L and D are in pounds.

This may also be written as follows:

Moment about leading edge = M0 =. CM,C ^SV2

CM, = (C.P.)(CL cos a + CD sin a), V in feet per second

In engineering units:

Moment about leading edge = Af0 = KM0cSV.

KM, = (C.P.)(/Ly cos a + Kx sin a), V in miles per hour.

Since a is always a small angle, cosine a is very close to unity,

and only a slight error is introduced if the term CL is used instead

of CL cos a. Also since CD is usually small compared with CL, CD

sin a will be still smaller compared with CL and only a slight

additional error will be incurred if the term CD sin a is dropped.

Then a sufficiently close approximation for most work is to let

CM, = — (C.P.)(Ci) V in feet per second

and KM, = — (C.P.X/Q V in miles per hour

minus signs being used to designate diving moment.

Equations [M0 = CW £ SV.] and (M0 = KM,cSV-) may be


transformed to read


V in feet per second

and KM, = -™ V in miles per hour

Example. Find moment about leading edge of a R.A.F. 15 airfoil

of 42-ft. span and 7-ft. chord at a 2° angle of attack with an airspeed

of 120 ft. per sec.



From Fig. 21, when a = 2°

CL = 0.295

CD = 0.0156

C.P. = 36 per cent


Moment about leading edge =

0.36 X (0.295 cos 2° + 0.0156 sin 2°) X 7 X .f X 42 X 7 X T202

fl (Â¥19178

= -3740ft-lb.



1. Plot Mc versus angle of attack for an R.A.F. 15 airfoil.

2. What is the moment about the leading edge of an R.A.F. 15 wing

of 8 ft. chord and 48-ft. span at a 7° angle of attack with an airspeed

of 70 miles per hour?

3. What is the moment about the leading edge of an R.A.F. 15

wing of 45-ft. span and ?5-ft. chord at a 4° angle of attack with an

airspeed of 120 miles per hour?

4. What is the moment about the leading edge of an R.A.F. 15

wing of 36-ft. span and 6-ft. chord at a 3° angle of attack with an

airspeed of 90 miles per hour?

6. What vertical force must be applied 5 ft. back from the leading

edge to prevent rotation of a R.A.F. 15 wing of 54-ft. span and 9-ft.

chord at an angle of attack of 0° at an airspeed of 115 miles per hour?

Flo. 29. Moments about point not

at leading edge.

Aerodynamic Center of Pres

sure. Instead of finding the mo

ments about the leading edge

of the wing, the moment may

be found about a point located

back of the leading edge. Let

pc feet be the distance from the

leading edge to this point, where

p is in percentage of chord

length; see Fig. 29. Then the

moment about this point will be

-Af = (CL cos a + CD sin a) £SF' [(C.P. X c) - pc]

the minus sign being used because the force shown in Fig. 29 will


cause a diving or negative moment. An approximate form of the

above is

-M = CL£<SF'(C.P. Xc-pc)

dividing by 5 pSVc gives



= C.P. X CL - pCL


= Cu, moment coefficient about point p,

-Cu = C.P. X CL - pCL

That is, for any angle of attack, the moment coefficient about

any point along the chord is the lift coefficient for that angle

multiplied by the difference between the position of the center of

pressure and the position of the point measured in percentage of






0 1 .2 3 4 .5 .6 .7 8 .9 1.0

C. P from L E.

FIG. 30. l/Ci versus C.P. for Clark Y airfoil.

For most airfoils, if, from experimental data, l/Cr is plotted

against C.P., a curve resembling that in Fig. 30 results. It

closely approximates a straight line up to values of CL close to


the burble point. Any deviations from the straight line may be

accounted as due to experimental error. Assuming that it is a

straight line, it represents an equation of the form y = ax + b.

The intersection of the straight line with the vertical axis is

approximately 0.25 for practically every airfoil investigated.

That is, when l/CL equals zero, C.P. equals 0.25, and since the

straight line has a constant slope, from the experimental data,

it may be stated that

(IR = 0.25 +

or k = CL(OR - 0.25)

From the previously derived equation that — Cu = Ci(C.P. — p),

where Cu is the moment coefficient about a point that is p per cent

of the chord back from the leading edge, the moment coefficient

about a point that is a quarter-chord length back from the leading

edge is

= Ci(C.P. - 0.25)

The constant slope A; of the graph of C.P. versus 1/Cz. is there

fore equal to the moment coefficient about the quarter-chord

point, Cjfo.28. Since the moment coefficient, and consequently

the moment, about the quarter-chord point are constant, this

point is called the aerodynamic center of the airfoil. The moment

coefficient about the quarter-chord point for various airfoils is

tabulated in Table V.

Since -CUo.x = CL(C.P. - 0.25)

C.P. = 0.25 -

substituting this value for C.P. in the equation for moment

coefficient about any point p per cent of the chord back from the

leading edge gives

-Cu = -pCL +

= -pCL + 0.25 CL -

An inspection of this relation shows that, when CL equals zero,

the moment coefficient about any point is equal to the moment

coefficient about the quarter point. Therefore at the angle of zero

lift the moment coefficient about the leading edge is equal to the

moment coefficient about the quarter point, which is approxi

mately constant for all angles.

CW(0.25) = Cjf0(CL = 0>

Example. An airplane whose wing loading is 8 Ib. per sq. ft. is

flying level at an airspeed of 100 miles per hour. If at angle of zero

lift, CM, = —0.067, what is the center of pressure?

Solution. V = 100 miles per hour = 146.7 ft. per sec.



= 0.313

C.P. = 0.25 -

= 0.25 -




= 0.25 + 0.214

= 0.46

or 46 per cent chord length back of leading edge.

Example. At 6° angle of attack, an airfoil has a CL = 0.84,

CD = 0.06, and CM, = —0.27. Find position of center of pressure by

both approximate and exact methods.


Approximate C.P. = ~ ***

= — I }


\ 0.84 )

= 0.322

Exact C.P. =


CL cos a + CD sin a


0.84 X 0.995 + 0.06 X 0.105

+ 0.27

0.836 + 0.006

= 0.321


1. An airplane with wing loading of 15 Ib. per sq. ft. is flying at an

airspeed of 125 miles per hour. At angle of zero lift CA/O = —0.06.

By approximate method, where is the center of pressure?

2. A monoplane weighing 2,592 Ib. with wing span of 36 ft. and

wing chord of 6 ft. is flying at a speed of 120 miles per hour. If the

center of pressure is 35 per cent of chord length back of the leading

edge: (a) what is the moment about the leading edge; (6) what is the

moment coefficient about the leading edge; (c) what is the moment

about the leading edge at angle of zero lift?

3. An airfoil at 3° angle of attack has a CL = 0.65, CD = 0.036,

and CM, = —0.24. Find location of the center of pressure (a) by

approximate method; (6) by exact method, (c) Find CM, at angle

of zero lift.

4. At 0° angle of attack a certain airfoil has CL = 0.16 and the

center of pressure is 30 per cent of the chord length back from the

leading edge. What is the moment coefficient about the leading

edge when lift is zero?

6. For a certain airfoil, when lift is zero, the moment coefficient

about the leading edge is 0.06; what is CL when the center of pressure

is 40 per cent of chord length back of leading edge?

6. What value of moment coefficient about the leading edge at

angle of zero lift will give a center of pressure of 0.52 at a speed of

150 miles per hour for an airplane weighing 8,000 Ib. and having a

wing area of 750 sq. ft.?


U. S. ARMY Am CORPS, Handbook of Information for Airplane Designers.

N.A.C.A. Technical Reports.

DIEHL, Engineering Aerodynamics.



In the previous chapter, the action of air in flowing over wings

was described. All the data given, or used in problems, were,

however, for wings having an aspect ratio of 6; i.e., the span was 6

times the chord length.

By chance, early measurements of the lift and drag of airfoils

were made on small model wings having an aspect ratio of 6.

Later when it was desired to know whether a change in the camber

would improve the characteristics, the models of the newer airfoils

were made geometrically similar to the older models, i.e., with the

same aspect ratio, so that any difference in the characteristics

could be attributed solely to the difference in contour of the airfoil.

Practically all tests on airfoils are therefore made on models having

an aspect ratio of 6, and unless a definite statement is made to the

contrary, it may be safely assumed that data published about

airfoils refer to airfoils having this standard aspect ratio.

The changes in characteristics due to changes in aspect ratio are

now quite definitely known. For convenience, it is becoming more

customary to furnish data for airfoils having an infinite aspect

ratio. These data can then be corrected to be applicable to wings

of any aspect ratio.

Variation of Lift across Span. The motion of the air in flowing

around a wing is very complex. Air flows backward over the top

side and under the lower side. This motion is complicated

because of other incidental conditions.

The air pressure on the upper side of a wing in motion is slightly

less than atmospheric pressure; that on the under side is slightly

greater than atmospheric pressure. Fluids will always go from

a region of high to one of low pressure. Therefore, in flight, air is

spilling out from below the wing tip and up into the region of low

pressure on top of the wing. Therefore, on the upper side of the

wing near the wing tips, the pressure is not quite as low as over the

rest of the wing because of the excess coming up from below partly

filling this low-pressure area. On the under side of the wing near



the tip, because of the air passing out and up, the positive pressure

is not as great as under the inner portions of the wing.

Lift, being due to the difference in air pressure between the lower

and upper sides of the wing, is not uniform over the span of even

a rectangular wing. Tests have been repeatedly run which check

with these deductions. Pressure measurements, made at various

points across the span, show that difference in pressure is maximum

at the center of the span, decreasing by small amounts towards the

wing tips.

The distribution of lift along the span of a rectangular wing is

shown in Fig. 31. Close to the center of the span the decrease

ifM1 (. i1 1-1 ..i> iJ( 1.,> 1* (' itlililt.

Fio. 31. Lift distribution across span of a rectangular wing.

from maximum is slight. At a greater distance from the center

the rate of decrease is more pronounced.

In calculating the necessary strength of the spars the distribu

tion of the supporting forces of lift should be known. The

Department of Commerce arbitrarily prescribes that, for internally

braced wings, the lift shall be considered uniform from the center

of the span to a point one chord length in from the tip, and from

there it shall decrease to 80 per cent of the uniform lift (see Fig. 32).





. Span

Tip Length

FIG. 32. Dept. of Commerce lift distribution for internally braced wing.

For non-rectangular or externally braced wings, slightly different

assumptions are made. Although these lift distributions are not

exactly correct, they do make some allowances for the decrease in

lift at the wing tips and are sufficiently close for strength com


It is to be noted that, with a wing of large aspect ratio, the

decrease in lift at the wing tip is less in proportion to the total

than with a wing of small aspect ratio. An imaginary wing of



infinite aspect ratio, having no wing-tip losses, would have uniform

lift across the span.

Inward and Outward Flow. Because, on the under side of the

wing, air near the tip is flowing out and upward, air nearer the

center flows out to replace this air. The air on the under side of

the wing has therefore not only a backward motion relative to the

wing but also an outward motion as well. Near the center of the

span this outward component is weaker than near the tip. The

resultant motion is illustrated in Fig. 33a.

On the upper side of the wing, owing to air coming up and

inward over the tips, there is an inward component, which is

Leading Edge

/ \\\

Trailing Edge


Leading Edge

Trailing Edge


Fio. 33. Air motion (a) under side, (6) upper side of wing.

strongest at the tips. The resultant of this inward movement of

air and the rearward velocity is shown in Fig. 336.

The theoretical wing of infinite aspect ratio would have no

inward and outward flow. The flow would be directly backward

and downward.

Action at Trailing Edge. At any point on the trailing edge,

coming over the upper side of the wing, is a streamline of air

which has a direction backward, downward, and inward towards

the center of the span, and coming under the lower side of the wing

is a streamline of air which has a direction backward and outward.

The juxtaposition of these two streamlines at the trailing edge

initiates a tiny vortex. These vortices are formed at an infinite

number of points along the trailing edge.

On the left wing trailing edge, these vortices are counter

clockwise, viewed from the front; on the right wing they are

clockwise. These small vortices, immediately after their forma

tion, merge into two main vortices, one at each wing tip. These

vortices are powerful air movements, and in flying in close forma

tion great care must be taken that the wing of a following airplane

shall not protrude in a wing-tip vortex of a leading plane.

The effect of the vortex at each wing tip is to give an upward

motion to air outside the wing tip and an inward and downward

motion to air inside it. Since at each wing tip air is coming in

ward, the momentums neutralize each other and can be neglected.

The downward components of motion are, however, of considerable


On a wing of infinite aspect ratio, there are no wing-tip vortices.

Air flowing over and under the wing is given a downward deflection

Fia. 34. Wing tip vortices.

as explained in the last chapter. A streamline, under these

conditions, is always in a vertical plane parallel to the vertical

plane of symmetry of the airplane. This type of flow is two

dimensional and is called profile flow.

With a finite aspect ratio, there are wing-tip vortices. The

down flow due to these vortices is in addition to the down flow of

the profile flow. With smaller aspect ratio the importance of this

down flow due to the wing-tip vortices becomes greater. The

downward velocity caused by the wing tips is called the induced

velocity and is denoted by the symbol w.

Induced Angle of Attack. The geometric angle of attack of a

wing, heretofore referred to simply as the angle of attack, has been

defined as the angle between the relative wind and the wing

chord. The relative wind is the direction from which the air

comes in meeting the wing, this direction being the direction of the

air stream before it has been disturbed by the approaching wing.

With a wing of finite aspect ratio, the air through which the

wing is passing has a downward velocity due to the wing-tip

vortices. Then the wing is not traveling through air which has a

relative direction exactly opposite to Relative wind

the wing's forward direction, but, in-

stead, through air which has a motion

both backward and downward past

the wing. The true velocity of the air FlG. 35. ^tive ™d Kad

relative to the wing is the resultant

i ,. ,1 . .it. ii , mean relative wind.

of the two velocities, the backward velocity V, equal in magni

tude to the airspeed, and the induced downward velocity w; see

Fig. 35. This resultant may be considered a true relative wind

as it is the actual direction of the air passing backward and down

ward past the wing.

The downward velocity w is always small with respect to the

airspeed V, so that the resultant true velocity is very little different

in magnitude from the airspeed V. This slight difference is

negligible, and the magnitude of the true velocity is considered

to be V.

The angle between relative wind V and the true relative wind is

called the induced angle of attack and, though small, is very

important. It is represented by the symbol a,..

The geometric angle of attack a may be considered as being

made up of two parts, the induced angle of attack a,. and the

effective angle of attack a0, where

a = ao + a»

With an infinite aspect ratio, there being no wing-tip vortices,

there is no downward motion of the air in which the wing is moving

so that the direction of the relative wind measured forward of the

wing in undisturbed air is the same as the direction of the relative

wind right at the wing. The induced angle of attack is therefore

zero, and the effective angle of attack is the same as the geometric

angle of attack. For this reason the effective angle of attack is

sometimes called the angle of attack for infinite aspect ratio.

A wing of finite aspect ratio in traveling forward horizontally is

always moving in air that has a downward motion. The resultant

relative wind is therefore the direction of the air which must be


comparison with CLO and may be neglected. If angle a, is in

radians, for small angles the sine is equal to the angle itself; i.e.,

oj = sin a,.. The equations thus become :


and CD = CLOU + Cm

or CD = Coi + CDO where C& =

The drag coefficient is composed of two parts. One part,

represented by the coefficient C&., is caused by the induced down

ward velocity of the wing-tip vortices and is called the induced

drag coefficient. The other part, CDO, is called the profile drag

coefficient. In the same way, the drag itself is divided into two

corresponding parts: the induced drag equal to CM 5 <SF2 and the

profile drag equal to CDO s<


When the wing has an infinite aspect ratio, there is no induced

drag and all the drag is that due to the profile or two-dimensional

flow. The drag is then due only to the skin friction of the air with

the surface of the airfoil. The amount of this drag depends

chiefly on the shape of the airfoil at angles below where excessive

burbling takes place. It is because of the profile of the airfoil

determining its magnitude that D0 is called profile drag. Profile

drag is independent of angle of attack, up to the burble point, and

is independent of aspect ratio.

With finite aspect ratio, in addition to the profile drag, there is

the induced drag. The coefficient of induced drag depends on the

lift — which depends on the angle of attack — and on the induced

angle of attack, which depends on the effect of the wing-tip

vortices, which in turn depends on the aspect ratio.

The induced drag, being a component of lift, depends not only

on the lift but also on the slant of the lift backward from the per

pendicular to the relative wind. Dr. M. Munk has proved that

this angle, a,., is minimum when the downwash is constant along

the span, and this constant downwash is obtained when the lift

distribution along the span varies in such a manner that, when

plotted with the lift as ordinates and distance along span as ab

scissas, the resulting curve is a semi-ellipse with the span as the axis.

When a wing moves forward the air which comes in immediate

contact with the surface is affected and has motion imparted to it.

Farther away from the wing the air is affected less. At great

distances above or below the wing, there is still an effect on the air

but so slight as to be negligible. The actual situation is that air

is affected by a varying amount from close to the wing to infinite

distances away from the wing where the effect is zero, but for the

purpose of calculation it is assumed that the effect is the same as

if a definite area is affected uniformly. This fictitious area of

uniform effect is termed the swept area and is denoted by S'. It

is a cross-section of the air stream taken perpendicular to the

direction of motion of the wing.

Then the mass of air affected by the wing in unit tune is pS' V.

The downward momentum imparted to this mass in unit time is

pS'V X Vai where Fa,. is considered equal to w, the downward

velocity; it is measured in radians. It has been proved mathe

matically that the downward momentum in unit time is equal to

one-half the lift, i.e.,

Then on =


Prandtl has shown that, with semi-elliptic lift distribution, the

swept area is a circle whose diameter is the span. Then

's .


But by definition aspect ratio is equal to b2/S. Therefore


ai = lTAK.

also CK


7T A.R.

It must be emphasized that these two expressions are true only

when the lift plotted against span is a semi-elliptic curve. This



makes a; the same all across the span. This particular lift distri

bution is obtained from wings that are elliptic in plan view.

For wings of other shape, such as rectangular or tapered wings,

these expressions are not exactly correct. The error in using them

is very slight, however, and they are commonly employed without

any corrections.*

The expression given above for a,. gives the induced angle of

attack in radians. Since 1 radian is 57.3°

a,. (degrees) =

7T A.R.


18.24 CL


The induced drag coefficient being known, the induced drag may

be found, as follows


* Glauert has shown that, for rectangular wings, more nearly correct for

mulas are


*^L tt i /n\

i r A.R.


xA.R.v '

where the correction factors T and S vary with aspect ratio as follows:


The neglect of these correction factors never results in an error exceeding

5 per cent.




F in feet per second

F in miles per hour

For level flight, the lift is always substantially equal to the

weight. Therefore for level flight


The weight divided by the span is called the span loading. For

level flight the induced drag varies directly with the square of the

span loading and inversely as the dynamic pressure.

At sea-level (i.e., standard density)

X 0.00119 V2\b


F in feet per second

F in miles per hour

The horsepower required to overcome induced drag is




1,730 £ 62 F


V in feet per second

0.00116 W2

At standard density, this becomes

0.488 fy

H.P.0, = - =^ — — V in feet per second

H.P.a =


V in miles per hour

That is, the horsepower required at sea-level to overcome the

induced drag is one-third the span loading squared divided by the

velocity in miles per hour. At any altitude the horsepower

required to overcome induced drag is the horsepower required at

sea-level, at that speed, divided by the relative density at that


H.P.K = - X Af V in miles per hour

Example. A rectangular monoplane wing has a span of 39 ft. and

a chord of 6 ft. What are the induced angle of attack and the induced

drag coefficient, when the lift coefficient is 0.8?


A u 39

A.R. = -

= 6.5

(degrees) =

18.24 X 0.8


«= 2.22°


"T X 6.5

= 0.031

Example. A monoplane weighing 2,000 Ib. has a span of 38 ft.

What is the induced drag at 10,000-ft. altitude if the airspeed is 80

miles per hour? What horsepower is required to overcome the in

duced drag?


80 miles per hour = 117 ft. per sec.

Span loading = -r-

_ 2,000


= 52.6 Ib. per ft.


T X i X 0.00176 X 1172

= 73 Ib.

_ 0.00116 X 521?

0.00176 X 117

= 15.5 hp.


1. A rectangular monoplane wing has 42-ft. span and 5-ft. chord.

When CL = 0.65, what are the induced angle of attack and the

induced drag coefficient?

2. A rectangular monoplane wing has 38-ft. span and 7-ft. chord.

When CL = 0.72, what are the induced angle of attack and the in

duced drag coefficient?

3. At an airspeed of 90 miles per hour at sea-level what is the in

duced drag of a monoplane weighing 4,700 Ib. and having a wing span

of 52 ft.?

4. The Northrop Delta weighs 7,000 Ib., and its span is 48 ft.

What horsepower is required to overcome induced drag of wing when

flying at sea-level at 200 miles per hour?

5. The Taylor Cub weighs 925 Ib., and its wing span is 35 ft. 2^ in.

What horsepower is required at sea-level to overcome induced wing

drag at an airspeed of 60 miles per hour?

6. The Lockheed Vega weighs 4,750 Ib.; its wing span is 41 ft.

At sea-level, what is the induced drag at 210 ft. per sec.?

7. A Stinson Reliant weighs 3,125 Ib.; its wing span is 43 ft. 3| in.

At 5,000 ft., what is induced drag at 150 ft. per sec.?

8. A Fairchild monoplane weighs 1,600 Ib.; its wing span is 32 ft.

10 in. At 10,000-ft. altitude what horsepower is required to over

come induced drag at 110 miles per hour?

9. A monoplane weighs 3,000 Ib. At sea-level, flying at 150 ft.

per sec., what is the induced drag (a) if span is 35 ft.; (b) if span is

30ft.; (c) if span is 25ft.?

10. A monoplane weighs 3,000 Ib.; its span is 30 ft. What is the

induced drag, at sea-level, (a) at airspeed of 100 ft. per sec.; (6) at

200 ft. per sec.?


If engineering coefficients are used, since Ky = 0.00256 CL, the

expression for o, becomes

at (degrees) = Q 00256 A'R

> , , 18.24 Ky

= 7130 Ky


Also in engineering coefficients, the coefficient for induced drag

is Kxi, where K* = 0.00256 CK.


0.00256 CK = 0.00256



" 0.00256 TA.R.

125 Ky1


Corrections for Aspect Ratio of Monoplane. As shown in a

previous paragraph, the geometric angle of attack is made up of

two parts, the effective angle of attack and the induced angle of

-5 0 5 „ 10 15 20


Flo. 37. Effect of aspect ratio on Clark Y characteristics.

attack. Two wings of the same area, same airfoil section, and

same airspeed will have the same lift, provided the effective angle

of attack is the same in both cases. If these two wings have a

different aspect ratio, the one having the smaller aspect ratio will

have a larger induced angle of attack and will consequently need

to have a greater geometric or total angle of attack.

These two wings having the same effective angle of attack will

have the same profile drag, but since the induced drag is greater

on the wing of smaller aspect ratio, the total drag will be greater

on that wing.

If the total angle of attack is known that gives a certain lift

coefficient with a wing of one aspect ratio, the total or geometric

angle of attack that will be needed for a wing of a different aspect

ratio to give the same lift coefficient can be found as follows.

The difference between the geometric angles will be the difference

between the induced angles. Let A and B be the two aspect

ratios, OA being the total angle of attack for wing of aspect ratio A

which gives the same lift as the total angle of attack UB gives for

the win of aspect ratio B.


18.24 CL 18.24 CL

= 18.240,

[I -I]

The difference in total drags will be the same as the difference in

induced drags. Then for the two wings of the preceding para

graph, A and B being the two aspect ratios and the wings being

the same airfoil section and same area, the total drags for each

will be

Co(A) = CaHA) +

CD(B) = CDO(B) +

The profile drags, being independent of aspect ratio, are the

same for both wings. Then


irA irB

= CL2/! n

' T \A B)

Example. An airfoil, with aspect ratio of 6, at an angle of attack

of 3°, has a CL = 0.381 and CD = 0.0170; find, for the same airfoil

section, the angle of attack and the CD that will correspond with the

CL of 0.381 if the aspect ratio is 4.




a6 - 04 = 18.24 X 0.381 (i - i)

= -0.579

3° - (-0.579) = 3.579° = angle of attack for A.R. 4

COM - COM = - X (I - i)

„ „ 0.3812 .. ,1 lx

= -0.00385

0.0170 - (-0.00385) = 0.0208 CD for A.R. 4

Exact (using Glauert corrections) :

a6 - a4 = 18.24 X 0.381

= -0.611

0.381V1.054 1.033

= -0.0038

Coefficients for Infinite Aspect Ratio. With infinite aspect

ratio, there is neither induced angle of attack nor induced drag.

Lately it has become customary to give the characteristics of an

airfoil as if the airfoil were of infinite aspect ratio. When they

are so given, the angle of attack is identical with the effective

angle of attack and the drag coefficient is the profile drag coeffi

cient. To find the characteristics for a finite aspect ratio, to the

effective angle of attack is added the induced angle of attack for

that aspect ratio to give the geometric angle of attack, and to the

profile drag coefficient is added the induced drag coefficient for

that aspect ratio to give the total drag coefficient.

Example. For a certain airfoil of infinite aspect ratio at 9° angle of

attack, the CL is 1.03 and CD is 0.067. Find corresponding charac

teristics for an aspect ratio of 8.



a = ao + a<

00 , 18.24 X 1.03

'! ' ~8~

= 9° + 2.3°

= 11.3°


0.067 + 0.042



Wing of aspect ratio 8 at angle of attack of 11.3° will have lift coeffi

cient of 1.03 and drag coefficient of 0.109.

-16 -12 -8-4 0 4


0 .01 .02

8 12 16

.03 .04

.04 .05 .06

FIG. 38. Characteristics of Clark Y airfoil, infinite aspect ratio.

Example. From Fig. 18, the lift and drag coefficients for the

Gottingen 398 airfoil for an aspect ratio of 6, at an angle of attack of

2°, is CL - 0.293 and CD = 0.031. Find corresponding characteristics

for infinite aspect ratio.


2° =

OO(A.R.«) .t

, 18.24 X 0.293

ao + g

a0 = 2° - 0.89

= 1.11°, angle of attack for infinite aspect ratio

to give CL of 0.293.

ClKA.R.6) = CDQ + Cr«(A.R.S)

0.031 = CDv+^j^

7T /^ 0

CDO = 0.031 - 0.0045

= 0.026 drag coefficient for infinite aspect ratio

when CL = 0.293 (i.e., angle of attack 1.11°).

Example. A certain airfoil with aspect ratio of 6, Ky = 0.00245 and

Kx = 0.00017, at 6° angle of attack; with aspect ratio of 9, what will

be the angle of attack for Ky of 0.00245, and what will be Kx1

a(A.R.«) - a<A.Rj» = 7130 X 0.00245 (J - i)

= 0.97°

a(A.R.»i = 5.03° for Ky = 0.00245

Jf«lA.M - K«AJL9) = 125 X 0.002452 (} - i)

= 0.0000417

£*(A.R.9) = 0.00017 - 0.00004

= 0.00013

By using these formulas, if the characteristic curves for one as

pect ratio are known, the characteristic curves for any other aspect

ratio can be calculated. Figure 37 shows the lift and drag coeffi

cient curves for an aspect of 8, as calculated from data for an aspect

ratio of 6.

Note that variation in the aspect ratio has no effect on the angle

of zero lift.


1. An airfoil of infinite aspect ratio has a CD of 0.01 when CL is

0.7. (a) What is the CD for a similar airfoil with aspect ratio of 9,

when CL is 0.7? (6) What is the L/D ratio?

2. For the same airfoil section as in problem 1, but with an aspect

ratio of 8: (a) what is CD when CL is 0.7; (6) what is the L/ D ratio?

3. For the same airfoil section as in problem 1, but with an aspect

ratio of 6: (a) what is CD when CL is 0.7; (6) what is the L/ D ratio?

4. An airfoil with aspect ratio of 6, at 2° angle of attack has CL =

0.78 and CD = 0.047. (a) At what angle of attack will this airfoil

have the same CL if the aspect ratio is infinity? (6) What will be the

CD under these conditions?

5. An airfoil with aspect ratio of 6, at 10° angle of attack has CL =

1.32 and CD = 0.110. (a) With an aspect ratio of 9, at what angle of

attack will CL = 1.32? (6) What will be Co? (c) What will be


6. An airfoil with aspect ratio of 6, at 8° angle of attack has CL =

0.85 and CD = 0.046. (a) With aspect ratio of 8, at what angle of

attack will CL = 0.85? (6) What will be CD?

7. An airfoil with aspect ratio of 6, at 0° angle of attack has CL =

0.64 and CD = 0.035. (a) With aspect ratio of 8.5, at what angle of

attack will CL = 0.64? (6) What will be CD?

8. An airfoil with aspect ratio of 6, at 1° angle of attack has CL =

0.58 and CD = 0.031. (a) With aspect ratio of 4, at what angle of

attack will CL = 0.58? (6) What will be CD?

9. An airfoil of aspect ratio of 6, at angle of attack of 8°, has Ky

= 0.0025 and Kx = 0.000175. (a) With aspect ratio of 8, at what

angle of attack will Ky = 0.0025? (6) What will be KJ

10. From Fig. 26 obtain the data and plot the lift and drag coeffi

cient curves for an aspect ratio of 8.5.

Total Drag of Monoplane Wings from Model Data. In practical

calculations, it is often desired to find the drag of a wing from the

characteristics of the model, without knowing the corresponding

velocities. The L/D of the monoplane can be found, and then

use is made of the fact that, in level flight,'lift equals weight.

The formula for induced drag

" *qV

may be rewritten as



* (A.R.)

The drag being composed of two parts, profile drag independent

of aspect ratio and induced drag dependent on aspect ratio, the

drag of any monoplane may be written as follows

D (monoplane) = D (model) — A (model) + A (monoplane)

= D (model) -

IT (A.R.model) If



CL/ i 1 X

T VA.R.modd A.R.monopUne/

Knowledge of L/D of the monoplane wing enables the drag to

be found quickly, since, in level flight, lift substantially equals


Example. An airplane weighs 2,000 lb.; the wing area is 180 sq.

ft.; the wing span is 39 ft. What is the wing drag at 4° angle of

attack? Wing section is U.S.A.-35A.

Solution. From Fig. 25 at 4° angle of attack CL = 0.934, CD =



= 0.934 :


A.R. monoplane = -^- = 8.45

0.0629 - 0.0142


Since lift is equal to weight

2,000 = 1

D 0.0487

D = 2,000 X 0.0487

= 97.4 lb.

It is to be noted that span is always the distance from wing tip to

wing tip. The term chord used in connection with the aspect ratio

of a tapered wing refers to the average or mean arithmetic chord and

should not be confused with the mean geometric or mean aerody

namic chords. The wing area is total area including ailerons and is

assumed to extend through the fuselage.


1. A monoplane weighing 3,000 lb. has a U.S.A.-35A wing, of

35-ft. span, 4-ft. chord. What is the wing drag at 2° angle of attack?

2. A monoplane weighing 2,600 lb. has a TJ.S.A.-35A wing, of 27-ft.

span, 3j-ft. chord. What is the wing drag at 6° angle of attack?

3. A monoplane weighing 700 Ib. has a U.S.A.-35A wing of 36-ft.

span and 4-ft. chord. What is the wing drag at 8° angle of attack?

4. A monoplane weighing 2,700 Ib. has a rectangular wing of 42-

ft. 5-in. span and 6-ft. 0-in. chord. If Gottingen 398 airfoil is used,

what is the wing drag at 5° angle of attack?

6. A monoplane weighing 9,300 Ib. has a Gottingen 398 wing

574 sq. ft. in area. The span is 66 ft. What is the wing drag at 8°

angle of attack?

6. A monoplane whose weight is 5,400 Ib. has a C-80 wing 285 sq.

ft. in area. The span is 44 ft. What is the wing drag at the same

angle of attack for which model airfoil (A.R. 6) has a CL of 0.7?

7. A monoplane whose weight is 4,360 Ib. has a Clark Y wing 292

sq. ft. in area. The span is 42 ft. 9 in. What is the wing drag at 8°

angle of attack?

8. A monoplane weighing 7,000 Ib. has a U.S.A.-35A wing 363

sq. ft. in area. Span is 48 ft. What is the wing drag at 10° angle of


9. A racing plane weighing 6,500 Ib. has a C-80 wing of 211 sq. ft. in

area. Span is 34 ft. 3 in. What is the wing drag at 2° angle of attack?

10. What is the wing drag of the airplane in problem 9 at 10° angle

of attack?

Effect of Taper on Induced Drag. Whenever the term area has

been used in connection with aspect ratio, it refers to the total

area of a wing including ailerons. Nothing is subtracted for

fuselage or nacelle; the leading edge is assumed to continue

across in a straight line from where the leading edges of each wing

intersect the fuselage, and the same assumption is made for the

trailing edge.

With the airfoil section decided upon, the area is fixed by the

landing speed. The largest possible span will, of course, give the

least possible induced drag. The long wing spars necessary for a

large span will have to be very deep to prevent sagging or hogging,

so that there are very practical limits to the length of span. Rec

tangular wings are cheapest to manufacture since each rib ia

identical; however, there are many advantages to tapering a


There are three ways of tapering wings. The first is tapering

in plan form only. This means using the same airfoil section

throughout the wing. The chord is lessened from the root to the

tip; this entails decreasing the thickness from root to tip. The

second method is to taper in thickness only. This means a rec-


tangular wing, the chord remaining the same from root to tip.

The airfoil section is changed from a thick wing at the root to a

thin wing at the tip. The third method is a combination of the

first two.

The first method of tapering in plan form is the only one com

monly used. Besides constructional advantages and improvement

in performance, if the upper surface is flat, the under surface

slopes outward and upward, which gives an effective dihedral.

This feature is explained in the chapter on stability.

By decreasing the chord near the tip, the lift and drag loads are

made small at the outer extremities of the wing spars. This

makes it possible to design a spar that is properly effective, being

deep where the greatest stresses occur.

Example. When CL = 0.9, find the difference in induced drag for

a rectangular wing of 36-ft. span and 6-ft. chord and a tapered wing

of the same area, the tapered wing having a 6-ft. chord at the root, the

leading and trailing edges being tangent to a circle of 2-ft. radius at

the tip, and the fuselage being 3 ft. wide. The airspeed is 100 miles

per hour.


Area = S = 36 X 6 = 216 sq. ft.

Rectangular wing:

TV _


= O92 X 0.00256 X 216 X 1002


= 236 Ib.

By laying-out tapered wing conforming to above description, span is

found to be 44 ft.

r, O92 X 0.00256 X 216 X 1002

Di = _ , -


158 Ib.



1. When CL is 1.2, what is the induced drag coefficient of a wing

which has a span of 40 ft.? The chord at the root is 5 ft. Both

leading and trailing edges are tangent to the arc of a circle of 1^-ft.

radius at the tip. The fuselage is 3 ft. wide.

2. When CL is 0.9, what is induced drag coefficient of a wing of

74-ft. 0 in. span? The chord at root is 15 ft. 0 in. Both leading

and trailing edges are tangent to circular tips, 3-ft. 6 in. radius.

Fuselage is 4 ft. wide.

3. When CL is 0.8, what is induced drag coefficient of a Douglas

Transport whose span is 85 ft. 0 in.? The center section of the wing

is 28 ft. 0 in. wide and has a 17-ft. 0 in. chord. The trailing edge is

straight. The leading edge sweeps back. Both leading and trailing

edges are tangent to circular tips of 3-ft. 0 in. radius.

4. When CL is 0.85, what is induced drag coefficient of a General

Aviation Transport wing of 53-ft. 0 in. span? Fuselage is 4 ft. 6 in.

wide. Root chord is 11 ft. 0 in. Wing is tapered from fuselage out,

both leading and trailing edges being tangent to circular tip of 2-ft.

0 in. radius.

5. When CL is 0.9, what is induced drag coefficient of Northrop

Delta wing? Span is 48 ft. 0 in. Rectangular center section is 1 1 ft.

0 in. wide. Root chord is 9 ft. 0 in. Wing tapers from center section

to tip, leading and trailing edges being tangent to circular tip of

2-ft. 0 in. radius.

Correction Factor for Aspect Ratio. By making certain ap

proximations, a correction factor may be obtained by which a

correction may be applied to the angle of attack of a model airfoil

to obtain the angle of attack with the same lift coefficient of an

airfoil with a differing aspect ratio.

Earlier in this chapter it was pointed out that the change in

angle of attack for a change in aspect ratio is due to the change

in the induced angle of attack.

57.3 CL

a = original angle of attack (in degrees)

a' = angle of attack for new aspect ratio

A.R. = original aspect ratio

A.R.' = new aspect ratio

It will be noticed that, when CL is plotted against angle of attack,

the curve is a straight line from the angle of zero lift up to near

the burble point. For this portion of the curve the following is


C = ACL x a

L Aa ZJ" azx. = angle of attack measured from

4 „ -r— = slope of lift curve

angle of zero lift

Substituting this value of CL in the previous equation:

Examining a large number of lift curves for airfoils with aspect

ratio of 6, it will be found that the slope is practically the same

and ACi/Aa = 0.0718. Substituting this value of slope and the

value of 6 for original aspect ratio the equation becomes

«Z.L. =

57.3 X 0.0718 X azx. , 57.3 X 0.0718 X

57.3 X 0.0718 X aZ.L

= azx. -1.311 az.L. --

aZiJl - L311Q-xV'




0.782 A.R.' + 1.311


X./1 1 \

\6 A.R.7

where A'R/

0.782 A.R.'+ 1.311

This factor FA.R. is much used in stability computations,

especially in connection with finding the reactions at the tail sur

faces. It is rarely necessary to consider the condition of large

angle of attack of the tail surfaces, and the small errors incidental


to the use of this approximation are unimportant. The factor

. is plotted against aspect ratio in Fig. 39.


|1.00b.e 90

1 so70>///^^— ~—K-

E. M A. R


FIQ. 39. FA.R. plotted against aspect ratio.

This factor, FA.R., is used by the Army Air Corps and is based

on the average slope of a large number of airfoils being 0.0718,

where a is measured in degrees. The Department of Commerce

advocates a slightly different value, based on theoretical results

deduced for thin airfoils.

The Department of Commerce uses the symbol m to represent

the slope of the lift curve: m = ACx/Aor, where a is measured in

radians. From the theory of thin airfoils, the slope of the lift

curve for a wing of infinite aspect ratio is 2 ir.





AC£ = 2 7T Aa

" "- ' T X A.R.

Aa = Aa^, +

Aa = Aa

Then, for aspect ratio of 6,

Aa6 =

X A.R.

X A.R.




Then ms = -r mx = j (2 7T) if a is in radians, or m6 = 0 ._ Q

44 & X o7.o

= 0.0822 if a is in degrees.

Returning to the earlier equation

Substituting from above



= Aa6


Aa Aae „ , 6


using the Department of Commerce notation

Example. A certain airfoil has a lift coefficient of 0.76 at 8° angle

of attack when the aspect ratio is 6. The angle of zero lift is —2°.

What is the slope of the lift curve for an aspect ratio of 9?



m« -go _ (_2)0

= 0.076


= 0.076

= 0.0829


1. An airfoil has a lift-curve slope of 0.0712 for aspect ratio of 6.

What is slope of lift curve for aspect ratio of 4^?

2. An airfoil has a lift-curve slope of 0.073 for aspect ratio of 6.

What is slope of lift curve for infinite aspect ratio?


3. With aspect ratio of 6, an airfoil has a CL of 0.7 at 5° angle of

attack. Angle of zero lift is —3°. What is CL at 3° angle of attack

when aspect ratio is 8?

4. With aspect ratio of 6, slope of lift curve is 0.076; what is CL

for 4° when aspect ratio is 85, if angle of zero lift is — 2°?

5. For a symmetrical airfoil (angle of zero lift = 0°), slope of lift

curve for aspect ratio 6 is 0.074; what is CL at 5° angle of attack when

aspect ratio is 9§?

Chord and Beam Components. In analyzing the stresses in

spars, it is necessary to know the force produced by the air flowing

around the wing. Whereas, for performance calculations, com

ponents are used which are perpendicular and parallel to the

relative wind (lift and drag components), for stress calculations,

components are desired which are perpendicular and parallel to

the chord.

If the lift and drag components are known, the components

about different axes may be found by resolution. Since the result

ant at high angles of attack is only a small angle back of the

vertical, the chord component at high angles of attack actually

acts in the direction of the leading edge.

Calling forces upward and rearward positive, the chord com

ponent coefficient Cc and the beam or normal coefficient CH may

be expressed in terms of lift and drag coefficients, as follows,

Cc = CD cos a — CL sin a

CN = CD sin a + CL cos a

Department of Commerce Method of Aspect-Ratio Correction.

In correcting angle of attack and drag coefficients for the effect of

aspect ratio, instead of using the formulas

a,-a, = 18.24 C£-

and CDJL - €DB = -± (^ - .g

since it is customary for data to be given for airfoils with aspect

ratio of 6, the Department of Commerce uses formulas in the form

i- i c o^

a = are + 18.24 .L „ , ~. . . ,

a = anSIe of attack

r r n sis AT, 2 CD = draS coefficient for as-

anu CD = COG + O.ol8 J\.LL .. » .1

pect ratio of the wing





= - 0.1667


The Department of Commerce uses a standard form for tabulat

ing the correctional data. Below appears a data sheet worked

out for a Clark Y monoplane, aspect ratio of 9, the data for the

second, fifth, and sixteenth lines being taken from Fig. 17. K is

equal to 1/9 - 0.1667 or 0.0556; a is 24.1 per cent chord.





Item 2, from characteristic curve, Fig. 17.

Item 3, Aa = 18.24 KCL.

Item 4, a = (2) + (3).

Item 5, from characteristic curve, Fig. 17.

Item 6, ACa = 0.318 KC^.

Item 7, CD = (5) + (6).

1234567891011121314151617181920CLatAaaCD,ACWCDCOS asin aCL cos aCD sin atCrrCj. sin aCBCOSOCcC.P.CUc/4CUaCKCD,0.2-2.20.2-2.00.0120.00070.0130.999-0.0350.2000.0000.200-0.0050.0130.0180.60-1.750-1.7520.00140.0120.40.60.401.00.0190.00280.0221.0000.0170.4000.0000.4000.0070.0220.0150.41-0.400-0.4040.00560.0160. 03540.0511.

Item 8, cos a = cos (4).


Item 9, sin a = sin (4).

Item 10, CL cos a = (1) X (8).

Item 11, CD sin a = (7) X (9).

Item 12, CN = (10) + (11).

Item 13, CL sin a = (1) X (9).

Item 14, CD cos a = (7) X (8).

Item 15, Cc = (14) - (13).

Item 16, C.P. is for aspect ratio 6, from Fig. 17.

Item 17, Cuc/t = (0.25 - (16)) X (12).

Item 18, Cu* = (17) + (a - 0.25) X (12).

Item 20, CDO = (7) - (19).

NOTE: Item 12, the beam or normal component, and item 15, the chord

component, are used in stress analysis but are not needed in performance



1. Prepare a table similar to above for a Clark Y wing with an

aspect ratio of 8.

2. Prepare a table similar to above for a wing with an aspect ratio

of 7.5.







about 1

Chord Point

where CL = 0-0.068-0.068-0.065-0.084-0.95-0.083-0.07400-0.029-0.044-0.044-0.040-0.037-0.089-0.0270.002-0.022-0.052-0.077-0.111-0.076aAerodynamic

Center in

Percentage of




A.R.60.07160.07220.07160.07390.07450.07340.07430.07480.07430.07530 07530.07430.07430.07260.07360.07400.07440.07050.07190.07180.07300.0749

From tests in the variable density tunnel of the National Advisory

Committee for Aeronautics.



Biplane Mutual Interference. The air flowing over and under

a wing causes the pressure to be less than atmospheric on the upper

side of the wing and slightly more than atmospheric on the under

side of the wing. If another wing is placed over the first wing,

the gap being relatively small, the low-pressure area on the upper

side of the lower wing will be affected by the high-pressure area

on the under side of the upper wing, and vice versa. Owing to the

proximity of the upper wing, the pressure on the upper side of the

lower wing will not be as low as if there were no upper wing. The

pressure on the under side of the upper wing will not be as high as

if there were no lower wing.

In addition the vortices on each wing have interaction on each

other, so that added drag is produced on each wing by the presence

of the other wing. This has the same effect as reducing the aspect


Equivalent Monoplane Aspect Ratio. Prandtl has proved that

in a biplane the added induced drag on one of the wings caused

by the other wing is

where Lj. jjid &i are the lift and span respectively of one wing,

Lt and 62 are the lift and span of the other wing, q is (p/2) F2, and a

is a dimensionless factor dependent on the ratio of gap to average

span and on the ratio of the shorter to longer span, a is called

the Prandtl interference factor.

The added drag on the upper wing produced by the lower wing

is the same as the added drag on the lower wing produced by the

upper wing. The total added drag has twice the value of that

for a single wing. Then the total induced drag of a biplane is

L>i ~ __ j. i T .

Li2 , 2ffLi£,2 , 2


If GI and c2 are the two chords, the subscripts corresponding

with the subscripts for lift and span, then, assuming there is no

decalage, so that the angles of attack and consequently the lift

coefficients are the same for both wings,





+ - +.


but since D,. = CwxiSV* where <S = wing area

then Cxx = —^ (ci2 -f- 2 ac\c% -\- c22)

this bears a strong resemblance to the expression for induced drag

coefficient for a monoplane, viz.,

'" *.A.R.

The expression — n a .i_^a 's therefore called the equiva-

lent monoplane aspect ratio of a biplane, abbreviated as E.M.A.R.

E.M.A.R. =



Where the chords of both wings are the same length, c\ = c2,

and the expression becomes

Figure 40 gives values of a plotted against ratio of gap to mean

span for various values of n where n is the ratio of the shorter to

longer span. Using values of Prandtl's interference factor from

this figure, the E.M.A.R. may be found.

It is to be noted that the area, S, in expressions for E.M.A.R. is

the total area of wings including ailerons. Where there is a fusel-






40 .45 .50 .55 .60 .65

Values of fT- Frandti's Interference Factor

FIG. 40. Prandtl's interference factor.


age or nacelles, the wing is assumed to be continuous through the

fuselage or nacelle, the leading and trailing edges being considered

as continuing across in straight lines from where they intersect

the fuselage.

Another expression for E.M.A.R. is derived as follows. The

ratio of the lift of the wing with the shorter span (L2) to the lift

of the wing with the longer span (Li) is called r. Then Lz = rL\

and the total lift L = LI + rLi = L,(l + r) = L2 + Lt/r. The

ratio of the shorter span 62 to the longer span 61 is called /*: /x =

62/61; M is never greater than unity.

Making these substitutions in the original expression for induced

drag of a biplane


The coefficient of induced drag for a biplane may then be found.

(S + 2 '


The expression -5. [ . **. n - -. — .- ] is another form of writing

6 V2 + 2 <rMr + r/

the E.M.A.R. and is more widely used than the one previously


Example. Find the equivalent monoplane aspect ratio of a biplane

with rectangular wings; upper span 40 ft., upper chord 4 ft. 10 in.,

lower span 32 ft., lower chord 3 ft. 9 in., gap 4 ft. 6 in.


TX— =

Mean span 36

= °.125

From Fig. 40, a = 0.56

Area, upper wing = 40 X 4.83 = 193.2 sq. ft.

Area, lower wing = 32 X 3.75 = 120.2 sq. ft.

Total area = 313.4 sq. ft. = S

'" " ' ' ~ O32 + 2 X 0.56 X 4.83 X 3.75 + 3T752


23.4 + 20.3 + 14.0

= 5.4


1. Find E.M.A.R. of a biplane with rectangular wings; upper span

31 ft. 65 in., upper chord 4 ft. 8 in., lower span 28 ft. 4^ in., lower

chord 4 ft. 0 in., and gap 4 ft. 6 in.

2. Find E.M.A.R. of a biplane with rectangular wings; upper span

28 ft. 0 in., upper chord 4 ft. 0 in., lower span 25 ft. 3 in., lower chord

3 ft. 6 in., and gap 50 in.

3. Find E.M.A.R. of a sesquiplane with rectangular wings; upper

span 25 ft. 0 in., upper chord 4 ft. 6 in., lower span 15 ft. 0 in., lower

chord 3 ft. 0 in., gap 45 in.

4. Find E.M.A.R of a biplane with rectangular wings; upper span

27 ft. 0 in., upper chord 4 ft. 6 in., lower span 22 ft. 0 in., lower chord

4 ft. 6 in., gap 4 ft. 6 in.

6. Find E.M.A.R. of a biplane with rectangular wings; upper span

38 ft. 0 in., upper chord 9 ft. 0 in., lower span 38 ft. 0 in., lower chord

9 ft. 0 in., gap 9 ft. 0 in.

Best Lift Distribution in a Biplane. The two wings of a biplane

cause mutual induced drag, and the amount of this drag depends on

several factors. The best performance will be secured when these

factors are so selected that the induced drag is the least.

The reasons for not having an airplane designed as a monoplane

are several. If the weight is too great to be carried on a single

wing, the designer resorts to a biplane. A biplane has greater

maneuverability than a monoplane. Probably some airplanes are

built as biplanes merely because the designer has a predilection

for biplanes.

The simplest form of biplane would be one having equal spans

and equal areas. It is sometimes thought advisable to have wing

panels interchangeable, so that an upper right wing, for example,

may be used as a lower right wing, etc. It is also desirable in


some designs to make the lower wing smaller to improve the

visibility in landing. Sometimes the reason for making the wings

of unequal size is to aid stability.

The greater the gap between the wings the smaller will be the

interference between the wings. The biplane having an infinite

gap between the wings will have no mutual wing interference and

the induced drag will be solely the induced drag of each wing.

Practically, of course, the gap must be finite. Each wing might be

built as a cantilever monoplane wing, but the internal bracing

would be excessive. Very simple struts between wings will

permit very moderate wing spans to be used. Struts act as

columns, and, if the gap is unduly big, the struts are excessively

long and the structure is weak. It is usual to make the gap ap- .

proximately equal to the mean chord. If the gap/chord ratio is

greater than 1 the structure becomes weak; if the gap/chord ratio

is less than 1 the mutual drag interference becomes excessive.

Any departure from gap/chord ratio of unity is usually for reasons

of visibility.

The expression for E.M.A.R. = .7=. I „ , _ - '- — ;) contains

52 / 2Q i ry \

S \M2 + 2 a)3.T + r2/

three factors n, r, and a. To find the relation of these variables

which will give the minimum induced drag, the expression for drag

may be differentiated. If it is differentiated with respect to n,

the ratio of spans, the solution for r, ratio of lift, is inapplicable.

Differentiating with respect to r, the following results.

dDi = U d /V + 2 g.Mr + r*\

dr irqbf dr\ M2(l + r)2 )

r)2(2 <rM + 2 r) - MV + 2 <rpr

M4(l + r)*

r) - (M2 +

U P2 (an + r + ffyr + r2 - tf - 2 ayr - r2)]

rg6i2LM2 (1+r)3 J

r(l - ffM) ~ (M2 ~ ffjQI

(l+r)3 J


This differential of the induced drag ' is equal to zero when

r = infinity or when

1 — an

Mathematically when r has this value the induced drag may be

either a maximum or a minimum. It should be noted that ju is the

ratio of the smaller to the larger span, so that n is always either

unity or less than unity. Prandtl's interference factor a is always

less than unity. Then the product <TH is always less than unity

and the quantity (1 — <TM) IS always positive. If r is greater in

value than ^ - , the expression ( r — . - ) is positive and

I - an' \ 1 - anj

M / "' \

-r^ is positive; that is, the slope of D, plotted against r is positive.

'' / '' \

If r is less than .= - — , the expression [r — 7 - - ) is negative.

1 - an \ l — fn/

and the slope of Di plotted against r is negative. Therefore,

when r = ^ - — , the induced drag of a biplane is a minimum.

i — an

In the expressions for induced drag and induced drag coefficient,

r is the ratio of lifts of the two wings. If the lift coefficients of the

two wings are the same, then the ratio of lifts is the same as the

ratio of the areas. Actually, even if the same airfoil section is

used for both wings, there will be interaction between the two

wings, so that neither CLU, the lift coefficient for the upper wing,

nor CLL> the lift coefficient for the lower wing, are the same as CL,

the lift coefficient of the biplane.


When both wings are the same area, the increments AC^y and

are equal and of opposite sign.

where KI and K» are functions of stagger, overhang, gap/chord,

decalage, and wing thickness. The reader is referred to N.A.C.A.

Report 458 for details of relative wing loading.


Common practice ignores this correction to lift coefficients and

assumes that r, the ratio of lifts, is also the ratio of wing areas.

Then if unequal spans have been decided upon for a biplane, the

areas should be divided so that there is least induced drag, that is,

r is made equal to .: - = 7.7 — — . If unequal areas have been

1 — crM —

chosen, the spans should be so selected that, when the ratio of the

smaller to larger span, less the interference factor, a, is divided

by the ratio of the larger to smaller span, less the interference

factor a, the quotient is equal to the ratio of smaller to larger wing

area. This ratio being known, the proper chords can be found.

Example. A biplane is to have a 30-ft. span on the upper wing and

a 27-ft. span on the lower wing; the gap is to be 4 ft. 6 in. What

should be the ratio of lower wing to upper wing? If rectangular

wings are used, what should be the chords?

h- no *! - 1 11

6, °'9 6, L11

Mean span ~ 28.5 ~

From Fig. 40, a = 0.538

Gap j!5 _-,„,

0.9 - 0.538

r " 1.11 - 0.538

= 0.632

Therefore the area of the lower wing should be 0.632 times the area of

the upper wing. The area of both the wings will be 1.632 times the

area of the upper wing, or the area of the upper wing will be 1/1.632

or 0.613 of the total area.

^ = 0.632


5 = 0.632^

d bt


-= 0.632 X 1.11

= 0.702

Therefore lower chord should be 0.702 times the upper chord.


1. A biplane with rectangular wing is to have upper span 30 ft.,

lower span 24 ft., and gap 4 ft. What should be the ratio of areas and


2. A biplane is to have 45-ft. upper span, 38-ft. lower span, gap

55 in. What should be the ratio of areas?



3. A biplane is to have 40-ft. upper span, 24-ft. lower span, gap

6 ft. (a) What should be the ratio of areas? (6) For rectangular

wings, what should be the ratio of chords?

4. A biplane is to have 28-ft. upper span, 20-ft. lower span, and

gap 45 in. What should be the ratio of areas?

6. A biplane is to have 28-ft. upper span, 20-ft. lower span, and

gap 5 ft. What should be the ratio of areas?

E.M.A.R. for Best Lift Distribution. Of the two expressions for

equivalent monoplane aspect ratio, namely,

E.M.A.R. = —2


E.M.A.R. = ^


+ C22

n = r- = ratio of spans


r = .j- = -^ = ratio of areas


The second may be modified by introducing the condition for best

lift distribution, namely, that


1 — an

Making this substitution the expression becomes





.(1 -


1 - 2 <rM +

(1 -


.1 — 2 ffM + M8 — o1' + 2 <73M ~ *2A


Since a < n

then 0 < n — a

0 < M2 - 2 tr/t + a3

and 1 - ff2 < 1 - 2 <TM + MS

therefore the fraction - , ffM — — is always greater than 1.

1 — <r

Comparing a monoplane with a biplane whose greater span is

the same as the monoplane, and both monoplane and biplane

having the same lift (area), the equivalent monoplane aspect ratio

of the biplane will be greater than the aspect ratio of the mono

plane, since the E.M.A.R. of the biplane is the A.R. of the mono

plane multiplied by a fraction which is greater than 1. Since the

induced drag depends on the aspect ratio, the biplane will have

less induced drag than the monoplane.

The above expression for E.M.A.R. = (1 ~ is

.A.R. = ^ [(

applicable only for biplanes which have the best lift distributions

between the wings.

If j^ = fi be substituted in the equation, it becomes

E.M.A.R.(M». ft> = iH r^~

O V 1 — er

5(1 -

If spans are equal 6i = 62 and

, V ~ 2 <r62

in. Di) =

,8(1 - «*)

+ a)


Also if 6i = 62, r- = A" = 1> and the ratio of wing areas for best

lift distribution becomes


1 — (T/X


The spans being equal and the areas (lift) being equal, the chords

of each wing are equal and the aspect ratios of each individual

wing are the same. The area of one wing is one-half the total

area. The actual aspect ratio of each wing is 2 b/S. The equiva

lent monoplane aspect ratio of the biplane is the aspect ratio of

one wing divided by (1 + a), where a is a factor depending on

the gap.

If the spans are not equal, n is less than 1. Then for any ratio

of areas, the aspect ratio will be less and the induced drag more

than for the same ratio of areas with equal spans.

Although it is always desirable to have equal spans, it is some

times necessary for various design reasons to have one wing,

usually the lower, shorter span than the other. With unequal

spans, the best efficiency is obtained not with equal areas but with

the wing of greater span having the greater area.

Example. A biplane has a span of 40 ft. for upper wing and 36 ft.

for lower wing and a gap of 5 ft. The total wing area is 400 sq. ft.

Assuming that the area of each of the wings has been selected for best

lift.distribution, what is the E.M.A.R.?


Mean span = 38 = 0.132

hi 40

Gap 5

From Fig. 40, a = 0.580

„ .. . _ 402 (1 - 2 X 0.580 X 0.9 + 0.92)

&.M.A.K. - 4QQ - i _ n >«o2

- 400 X 1.16

= 4.64



1. Assuming that wing areas are for best distribution, what is

E.M.A.R. of a biplane with total area of 380 sq. ft., upper wing 35-ft.

span, lower wing 28-ft. span, gap 5 ft.?

2. Assuming wing areas for best distribution, what is E.M.A.R.

of a biplane with total wing area of 350 sq. ft., upper span 30 ft.,

lower span 25 ft., and gap 4 ft.?

3. What is the E.M.A.R. of a biplane with equal spans of 24 ft.,

each wing having an area of 90 sq. ft., gap being 3 ft.?

4. What is the E.M.A.R. of a biplane whose upper span is 31 ft.

7 in., lower span 29 ft. 5 in., total area 298 sq. ft., gap 75 in.? Assume

best lift distribution.

6. What is the E.M.A.R. of a biplane the span of both upper and

lower wings of which is 30 ft., the chord of each wing 5 ft. 3 in., and

the gap 4 ft. 10 in.?

6. What is the E.M.A.R. of a biplane whose total area is 245 sq. ft.,

upper span 30 ft. 0 in., lower span 26 ft. 4 in., and gap 4 ft. 10^ in.?

7. What is the E.M.A.R. of a biplane whose total area is 379 sq. ft.,

upper span 38 ft., lower span 35 ft., and gap 64 in.?

8. What is the E.M.A.R. of a biplane whose total area is 376 sq. ft.,

upper span 40 ft., lower span 38 ft. 5 in., and gap 61 in.?

9. What is the E.M.A.R. of a biplane whose total area is 1,182

sq. ft., both spans being 79 ft. 8 in. and gap 110 in.?

10. What is the E.M.A.R. of a biplane whose total area is 1,596

sq. ft., both spans being 90 ft. 0 in. and gap 126 in.?

Equivalent Monoplane Span. The aspect ratio for a monoplane

being V/S and the equivalent monoplane aspect ratio of a biplane

fu2Cl 4. rVl I u2(l -|- r\i

<S M + 2 OTM + r2 V /u- +

g to -i » 2

lo 1 -i » the expression \7 2 ^ 1 ^ is called

+ 2 OTM + r2 V /u- + 2 arn + r2

the " apparent span factor " or " Munk's span factor " and is

usually represented by the symbol K.

+ 2 <rr> +

\V + 2 (77.M + r2

Using this factor K, the expression for E.M.A.R. of a biplane


E.M.A.R. =

The expression for induced drag coefficient becomes

The expression for induced drag becomes


Being used in these expressions exactly in the same manner as b,

the span in the case of a monoplane, the term (Kbi) is called the

" apparent span " or " equivalent monoplane span."

Example. Find equivalent monoplane span of a biplane whose

upper span is 32 ft., lower span 29 ft., gap 4.63 ft., area upper wing

152 sq. ft., and area lower wing 120 sq. ft.



" = 32 = °'879

Mean span 30.5

From Fig. 40, a = 0.54

0.879 X 1.79


V'0.8792 + 2 X 0.54 X 0.79 X 0.879 + 0.792

= 1.07

= 1.07 X 32

= 34.2 ft.


1. Find equivalent monoplane span of an MB-3 airplane; area

upper wing 124 sq. ft., area lower wing 122.9 sq. ft., upper span 26 ft.,

lower span 24 ft. 6 in., gap 4 ft. 5 in.

2. Find equivalent monoplane span of a PW-8 airplane; area

upper wing 172 sq. ft., area lower wing 125 sq. ft., upper span 32 ft.,

lower span 32 ft., gap 4 ft. 1\ in.

3. Find equivalent monoplane span of a Vought training plane,

area upper wing 143 sq. ft., area lower wing 140.7 sq. ft., upper and

lower spans each 34 ft. 65 in., gap 4 ft. 8 in.

4. Find equivalent monoplane span of a Curtiss observation air

plane; area upper wing 214 sq. ft., area lower wing 150 sq. ft., upper

span 38 ft., lower span 35 ft., gap 5.35 ft.


6. Find equivalent monoplane span of a Curtiss bomber; area of

each wing 795 sq. ft., upper and lower spans each 90 ft., gap 9 ft. 3 in.

6. Find equivalent monoplane span of a Sperry Messenger; area of

each wing 77 sq. ft., length of each span 20 ft., gap 3 ft. 10 in.

7. Find equivalent monoplane span of a Douglas observation plane;

area upper wing 192 sq. ft., area lower wing 186 sq. ft., upper span

40 ft., lower span 38 ft. 5 in., gap 6 ft.

8. Find equivalent monoplane span of a Stearman biplane; area

upper wing 150 sq. ft., area lower wing 135 sq. ft., upper span 32 ft.,

lower span 27 ft. 10 in., gap 5 ft.

9. Find equivalent monoplane span of a Stearman sportster;

area upper wing 175 sq. ft., area lower wing 150 sq. ft., upper span

33 ft., lower span 26 ft., gap 4 ft. 10 in.

10. Find equivalent monoplane span of a Consolidated Courier;

total wing area 295 sq. ft., upper and lower spans 34 ft. 5j in., upper

and lower chords equal, gap 4 ft. llj in.

Effect on Aspect Ratio of Gap Variation. In previous para

graphs, the gap has been specified and changes in aspect ratio

with different areas studied. It was shown that with a given

gap, the least induced drag (i.e., maximum aspect ratio) would be

obtained with equal spans and areas. It is evident, however,

from a study of Fig. 40 that a is a function of gap as well as both

spans, and with both spans fixed, a decrease in gap will mean an

increase in a. As the gap is decreased the mutual interference

increases. When the gap has decreased to zero, a becomes 1, the

two wings of the biplane merge and coincide, becoming a mono

plane; the spans will then be equal, the expression for E.M.A.R. =

26" , 262 W

S(l +<r) " ...... "5(1 + 1) 5


Induced Drag of a Biplane. The equivalent monoplane aspect

ratio of a biplane being known, the induced drag may be found

from the formula



where 9=5 V"2, V in feet per second

For level flight, lift must equal the total weight of the airplane.

Example. A biplane is to weigh 4,000 Ib. It has been decided

that a wing area of 250 sq. ft. will be sufficient to give proper landing

speed and that the lower span should be 0.8 of the upper span, which

is to be 40 ft. What are best chords, and what is the E.M.A.R., if

the gap is chosen as one-sixth of the longer span? What is the in

duced drag at sea-level, at airspeed of 100 miles per hour?



From Fig. 40, a = 0.477

For best lift distribution

= 0.167



_ (0.8)2 - 0.477 X 0.8

1 - 0.477 X 0.8

0.64 - 0.382

1 - 0.382

= 0.417



= 0.522

Total area (S) = 250 sq. ft.

Si(l + r) = 250


' ' ~ L4l7

= 176.5 sq. ft.

•S'2 = 0.417 X 176.5

= 73.5 sq. ft.

61 = 40 ft.

_ 176.5

Cl " 40

= 4.41 ft.

b, = 0.S X 40

= 32 ft.

_ 73.5

08 ~ 32

= 2.3 ft.

p = 1 - 2 X 0.477 X 0.8 +O88

1 - OAT?

= 1.138


E.M.A.R. = J^ X 1.138

= 7.28


X 0.00119 X T4f X 1.138 X 402

= 109 Ib.

It is to be noted that the formula K2 = =—^—% is applicable

only when the ratio of areas is such that the induced drag is minimum;

if the areas are arbitrarily chosen without regard to this, the general

formula K? = 2 . ,, —3—5 must be used.

„2(! + r)2

Example. A biplane weighs 4,000 Ib.; the upper span is 40 ft.,

lower span 32 ft., upper chord 3.45 ft., lower chord 3.5 ft., and gap

6.67 ft. What is the induced drag at 100 miles per hour at sea-level?




= 0.8

G 2 X 6.67

I (Zu + 6i) ~40 + 32

= 0.185

From Fig. 40, a = 0.477

32 X 3.5



40 X 3.45




(0.8)2 X (1 + 0.81)2

(0.8)2 + 2 X 0.477 X 0.81 X 0.8 + (0.81)»

= 1.096

_ 5JOCK? _

' % X 0.00119 X T472 X 1.096 X 402


1. A biplane weighing 4,000 Ib. has a total wing area of 250 sq. ft.,

upper span 40 ft., lower span 32 ft., upper chord 4.41 ft., lower chord

2.3 ft., gap one-seventh of longer span; what is induced drag at air

speed of 100 miles per hour at sea-level?

2. What is the induced drag for the airplane in problem 1, if gap

is one-ninth of longer span?


3. What is the induced drag for the airplane in problem 1, if gap

is one-eighth of longer span?

4. A biplane weighs 4,000 Ib. and has a total wing area of 250 sq.

ft., upper span 40 ft., lower span 32 ft., gap one-seventh of longer span,

and chords such as to give minimum drag. What is the induced drag

at 100 miles per hour at sea-level?

6. What would be the induced drag for the airplane in problem 4

if the gap were one-eighth of the longer span and the chords such as

to give minimum drag?

6. What is the induced drag for the airplane in problem 4 if gap is

one-fifth of longer span, and the chords are chosen to give minimum


7. A biplane weighing 4,000 Ib. has an upper span of 40 ft., lower

span 32 ft., total wing area 250 sq. ft., gap one-seventh of larger span.

What should be chords and E.M.A.R. for minimum drag, and what is

drag at airspeed of 100 miles per hour at sea-level?

8. A biplane weighing 2,932 Ib. has a total wing area of 257 sq. ft.,

the upper span 31.58 ft., lower span 26 ft.; chords are chosen for

minimum drag, and gap is 4.19 ft. What is drag at 150 miles per

hour at an altitude of 10,000 ft.?

9. A biplane weighing 10,350 Ib. has a total wing area of 1,154

sq. ft., upper and lower spans are each 66.5 ft., the chords are equal,

and the gap is 9.17 ft. What is the drag at 120 miles per hour at sea-


10. The Curtiss Condor weighs 17,370 Ib., its total wing area is

1,510 sq. ft., each span is 91 ft. 8 in., the gap is 10 ft. 6 in., the chords

are equal. What is the induced drag at 110 miles per hour at sea-


Biplane Characteristics with Engineering Coefficients. The

expressions for induced drag coefficient

_ CL'(CI' + 2 gcic« + c22)

LK= ~^S~


'" =

may be transformed by substituting CK = 391 KM and CL = 391 Ky

v 391 Ky2(cf + 2

125 JJL/Cci2 + 2 acict + c22)


K = 125 K * S \^ + 2 *"> + ^1


r)2 J

The expressions for E.M.A.R., equivalent monoplane span, and

span factor are functions of areas and lengths and are the same

whether absolute or engineering coefficients are used.

The expression for induced drag is as follows.

V in miles per hour

= 125



= (KbtfV> Fin miles per hour

125 U ...


3V \Kbi

It will be noted that the expressions for induced drag and for

horsepower to overcome induced drag are independent of lift and

drag coefficients and are therefore the same whether absolute or

engineering coefficients are used in the airfoil data.

Total Drag of Biplane Wings from Model Data. With the veloc

ity not known, the total drag may be found from model data.

The simplest method, devised by F. W. Herman, is first to find

the L/D of the combination of wings and then make use of the

fact that, in level flight, lift equals weight.




Let Da, be the induced drag of the biplane wings and Z)* the

total drag of the biplane wings.

Db = Anodd — Di model + Ai


— Mnodel ~ /. A T> "\'

7T(A.R.)modd ' T(E.M.A.R.)blpUne

D/biphac / D\ +^( - 1 \

\£/model T \E.M.A.R.biplane A.R.model/

(»} +^_« I

\i«/modd T \(^6i)2 A.R.,

With engineering coefficients, this becomes


/bipUne /^\ + 125

\ Wraodcl

In level flight, lift is practically equal to weight; so that, if the

weight and the L/D at that angle of attack are known, the drag

may be found.

Example. A biplane weighs 3,116 lb.; the upper wing area is

154.8 sq. ft., lower wing area 103.67 sq. ft., upper span 30.1 ft., lower

span 24.33 ft., gap 4.7 ft., wing is Clark Y. What is the total wing

drag at 6° angle of attack?


2G 2X4.7

bi + 62 ~ 24.33 + 30.1

= 0.173

From Fig. 40, a = 0.493

' M2 + 2<rr/x + r2^

0.808' (1 + 0.67)2

O8082 + 2 X 0.493 X 0.67 X 0.808 + OT672


1.03 X (30.1)2

E.M.A.R. = 103 7 + 154 8

= 3.61

Clark Y, A.R.6, at 6° angle of attack; CL = 0.791; L/D = 17.5.

fL\ 1


1 0.791 / 1 1\

17.5 + JT \3.61 6/


D = 3,116 X 0.0849

= 268 Ib.

If the spans are equal, the E.M.A.R. is =7^ — ; — . or the aspect


o(l + a)

ratio of one wing divided by (1 + a). This simplifies the expression

for total drag to

- Z)model 4 —jf— ^A.R.(oM ^ ~ A.R.modJ

n . L x CL f (1 + ^ _J _ "\

Example. Find wing drag of a D.H. at 6° angle of attack. Weight,

5,000 Ib. ; total wing area, 450 sq. ft. ; equal spans of 42 ft. ; gap 6 ft.,

Clark Y section.


M- 1

Gap .6_

Span ~ 42

= 0.143

From Fig. 40, a = 0.574

A.R. (one wing) = ^5

= 7.84


D ~ J_ 4. °.791 /I.57 _ 1\

17.5 ^ T \7.84 6/


D = 5,000 X 0.0655

= 328 Ib.


1. Biplane weighs 3,000 Ib. Wing section, Clark Y. Area, upper

wing 120 sq. ft., lower wing 100 sq. ft., upper span 30 ft., lower span

24 ft., gap 3.5 ft. What is total wing drag at 8° angle of attack?

2. A Thomas Morse observation airplane weighs 4,104 Ib. It uses

Clark Y airfoil section. Area upper wing 212 sq. ft., area lower wing

146.7 sq. ft.', upper span 39.75 ft., lower span 37.6 ft., gap 5.64 ft.

What is wing drag at 6° angle of attack?


3. A Consolidated training plane weighs 2,445 Ib. and uses a Clark

Y airfoil. Total wing area is 300.6 sq. ft., equal spans are 34.46 ft.,

gap is 4.72 ft. What is total wing drag at 8° angle of attack?

4. Plot L/D versus CL for the D.H. biplane. Wings from data

in sample problem.


When an object moves through air, a resistance is encountered.

The air flowing around the object exerts a force on the object.

This force always has a component acting parallel to the direction

of movement of the body with respect to the air. This component

is drag.

Struts, wires, landing gear and other parts of the airplane offer

resistance to forward motion of the airplane. The force of the air

on these parts is all drag. There is no upward or lift component.

This is called parasite drag.

Formerly the total drag of an airplane was considered as being

composed of two parts, the wing drag and the parasite drag.

Classified in this way the parasite drag was the drag of all parts

of the airplane except the wings.

The wing drag, however, is composed of two parts, the induced

drag and the profile drag. It is now the custom to consider the

profile drag of the wing as part of the parasite drag. Parasite

drag being drag that is not associated with the production of

useful lift, it is quite correct to consider profile drag as parasite.

Parasite drag is caused not only by skin friction but is also

due to turbulence. Every care must therefore be exercised in the

design to eliminate protuberances or sharp corners. To this end,

" fairing " of balsa wood or sheet metal is frequently used. Wher

ever possible the airplane parts that would cause parasite drag

are made streamline in shape.

Sometimes, but rarely, parasite drag is referred to as structural


Units of Measurement of Parasite Drag. It was formerly the

custom to give data on parasite drag in terms of equivalent flat plate

area. That is, the actual drag in pounds at a given airspeed being

known, the area of a flat plate normal to the wind, which at the

same airspeed would have the same drag, would be calculated.

This unnecessarily complicated the computation, and the con

vention of referring to a fictitious flat plate has been discarded.


Some data of old tests are still recorded as being in " equivalent

flat plate area." The resistance in pounds of a flat plate at sea-

level is 0.0032 aV2, where a is the area in square feet and V is in

miles per hour; or the resistance is 1.28 » aV2, where p is the air

density in slugs per cubic foot, a is the area in square feet, and F

is in feet per second.

Another method of stating the drag of an airplane part is to

give the drag of that part at some defined airspeed. If the drag

is given at an airspeed of 1 mile per hour, this drag multiplied by

the square of the airspeed is the drag at that airspeed. Since the

drag of minor parts of an airplane is usually quite small, the drag

is often recorded for an airspeed of 100 miles per hour. The drag

at any other airspeed will be the drag at 100 miles per hour

multiplied by the square of the airspeed and divided by


Another/method of designating drag is to use a parasite drag


The total drag of the wing, CD ~ SV2, is made up of two parts:

the profile drag CD, n SV2, and the induced drag CoinSV..

£t &

The total drag of the airplane is the wing drag plus the parasite

drag. The calculation of drag is therefore much simplified if the

parasite drag coefficient is put in such a form that when multiplied

by KiSF2, the product is parasite drag. The parasite drag coeffi-

cient in this form can then be added directly to the profile drag

coefficient and the induced drag coefficient.

If a is the equivalent flat plate area of all the surfaces except

wings, which produce drag, then the coefficient of parasite drag is

CDt = o S is wing area m square feet

1.28 X a t ,

Then the total drag, exclusive of wing drag, is

Dp = Cop £ SV2 V in feet per second


Dt = 0.00236 CopSV2 V in miles per hour


If the drag of an airplane part is given in pounds at an airspeed

of 100 miles per hour, the coefficient of parasite drag is


.PlOO m.p.h.

0.00256 S X 10,000

= 0.0392 X Aoom.Pj».

Streamlining. The purpose of streamlining is to reduce as

much as possible the turbulence in the rear of. objects moving

through the air. The air flowing along the sides of a streamlined

object experiences no sudden change in direction. If the object

always met the air in a direction parallel to the axis of the object,

there might be merit in having the nose of the object pointed or

knife-shaped. A very slight change in direction of an object

whose entering surface is so shaped would increase the resistance

or turbulence enormously. It is therefore best to have a blunt

nose. Since an object whose rear end is blunt leaves a wake when

passing through air, and the air rushes into this region of low

pressure in a turbulent manner, the contour of a streamlined body

must taper back to a " tail."

Any non-streamlined body can have its resistance or drag

greatly reduced merely by the addition of a blunt nose and a

tapered tail. If the contour is also a continuous curve the shape

approaches the ideal streamline. It has been found that for least

resistance the maximum thickness should be about 40 per cent of

the length back from the nose.

Fineness. Fineness is the ratio of the length of a body, i.e.,

parallel to the usual direction of motion, to its maximum thick

ness. Best results can be obtained with a fineness ratio of about

4. A fineness less than 4 shows a big increase in drag coefficient.

A fineness ratio greater than 4 gives a slight increase probably due

entirely to the added skin friction.

The preceding remarks about streamlining and fineness apply

both to solids of revolution like the gas-bag of dirigibles and to

the cross-section of objects like struts about which the flow is


Cylinders and Round Wires. Circular cylinders and wires are

rarely used in aircraft construction. If round tubes are used,

they are faired with falsework of balsa or sheet metal.


The drag of a cylinder in an air stream whose direction is

perpendicular to the axis of the cylinder is

D = drag per foot of length

D = 0.00026 X d X V d = diameter in inches

V = airspeed in miles per hour


D = 0.000121 X d X V1 V = airspeed in feet per second

The drag of round wires may be found by the above equations.

If the wire is less than 0.2-in. diameter, the result will be slightly


Stranded cable will have greater drag than smooth wires, and

the following.equations should be used:

D = 0.00031 X d X V2 V in miles per hour

D = 0.000144 X d X V2 V in feet per second

If two parallel wires are in the air stream and one wire shields

the other by being directly behind it, the total drag will be less

than for two single wires, and will be approximately 15 times the

drag of a single wire. If the distance center to center of the wires

is greater than 3 tunes the diameter of the wire, the shielding

effect is negligible and the drag of each individual wire should be

counted separately. Quite often thin strips are fastened on the

double wires, in which case the pair of wires has approximately

the same resistance as a single wire.

" Streamline " Wire. A solid wire or rod is manufactured

commercially which is termed " Streamline " wire. It is not

truly streamlined, but it is much better from the standpoint of

decreased air resistance than round wire. The drag of this wire

is found by the equation:

D is drag in pounds per foot of length

D = 0.000089 X T X P T is thickness in inches

V is airspeed in miles per hour


D = 0.0000414 X T X V2 Vis airspeed in feet per second

There is usually present, in flight, some vibration of the wires.

Owing to sudden rapid reversal of stresses, hard wire is liable to

fatigue and failure with little or no warning. Stranded wire cable


will usually stretch, and one or two wires will fray so that the need

of repair will be noted.

Struts. Round tubing is the most efficient structural shape,

but its drag is high. Nowadays all struts in the air stream have a

streamline-shaped cross-section. The drag of a streamline strut

depends on the fineness ratio. In air of standard density, the drag

in pounds per foot of length of a strut whose leading edge is per

pendicular to the direction of the air stream is as follows:

_ „ IT, w is width in inches

u = K.WV* ..... ,

V i n miles per hour


2.5 0.0000194

3.0 0.0000180

3.5 0.0000175

4.0 0.0000171

4.5 0.0000175


D = K'wV2 -Vm feet per second


2.5 » 0.00000902

3.0 0.00000836

3.5 0.00000812

4.0 0.00000795

4.5 0.00000812

By comparing coefficients for round .tubes and for streamlined

struts, it will be seen that, for the same width, the round tube has

approximately 15 times the drag of a streamlined strut.

If a strut is in tension only, its strength depends on its cross-

sectional area. The area of a solid circular rod is approximately

one-half the area of a solid streamline-section strut of the same

width. A streamline-section strut to have the same cross-

sectional area as a round rod would have less thickness and more

depth; so that the drag of the streamline strut will be about ^5

of the solid circular rod of the same area.

Hollow streamline struts are made of tubes rolled to the proper

shape. The cross-sectional area of metal will be the same for

both shapes and the tensile strength will be the same, but the

streamline form will have ^ the resistance.

In direct compression, the strength of a piece depends on area

only. Struts as used in aircraft act as columns and are subject


to compression and bending. Failure will occur about the axis

which has the least moment of inertia. A streamline strut will

have a greater moment of inertia about any axis than will a round

rod of the same diameter (thickness). If comparison is made

between round and streamline rods having the same area and

consequently the same weight, the streamline strut will be found

to have a greater moment of inertia about its short axis than the

round strut; but about its long axis, the streamline strut will have

less moment of inertia than the round rod.

Example. Find difference in drag at 100 miles per hour, at sea-

level, of four main struts each 6 ft. long if they are round tubes J in.

in outside diameter or streamline f in. in width and have a fineness of




D = (0.00026 X ! X T002) X 4 X 6

= 46.8 Ib.


D = (0.0000175 X | X T002) X 4 X 6

= 2.6 Ib.


1. What is resistance in pounds of light standard streamline wires

each ^ in. thick and 21 ft. long, at an airspeed of 90 miles per hour at


2. What is the resistance of the wires in problem 1 at 12,000-ft.


3. What is the drag of the four interplane struts of a biplane if

they are streamline in shape with fineness of 3, thickness is f in., and

length of each is 5 ft. 10 in.? Airspeed 100 miles per hour.

4. What is the drag of 40 ft. of standard " streamline " wire, f in.

thick, at 125 miles per hour airspeed?

6. A radio antenna mast is a round tube 6 in. in diameter. It is

40 ft. high. What is the force on the mast in a 50-mile wind?

Fittings. At the end of a strut, where it meets the wing or the

fuselage, the air flow is disturbed by the conjunction of the two

surfaces. In a carefully designed plane the end of the strut is

buried inside the wing and the interference effect is practically

negligible. In the ordinary planes, the socket on the end of the

strut and the fitting holding it to the wing surface cause extra drag.

A very good way to allow for the extra resistance is to follow the

practice of the U. S. Navy, as follows: For resistance of cables

and wires, " Add one foot to length of cable for turnbuckle, and

one foot for the eye and fitting. . . . For total resistance of struts,

use total length including space occupied by sockets and fittings,

and add three feet per strut for the additional resistance of the two

end fittings."

Another rule for fittings is to find the projected area on a plane

normal to the air stream. This projected area is multiplied by 2

and figured as flat plate area. The reason for figuring on double

the area is the interference effect of the nearby surfaces.

Fuselages. The drag of a fuselage is very difficult to predict.

There are usually many projections, such as windshields, control

wires, and pinned joints, to break up the smooth flow of air. The

most accurate way of finding the drag is to build a scale model

and actually make wind-tunnel tests. This model to be of value

should be an exact reproduction and should have all excrescences

such as windshields and filler-cap covers duplicated in miniature.

Building a scale model to exact scale requires meticulous care

and is quite costly. If such a proceeding is not feasible, the

designer endeavors to ascertain the drag of the fuselage of an al

ready built airplane whose fuselage most nearly resembles his own

design. Knowing the cross-sectional area of the fuselage and the

airspeed at which the drag was measured, he finds a coefficient

he may use to determine the drag of his own-designed fuselage.

Example. An airplane fuselage has been designed which resembles

the fuselage of a Vought (VE-9) training plane. The Vought fuselage

has a cross-sectional area of 8.9 sq. ft.; at 110 miles per hour its drag

is 102 Ib. The unknown fuselage has a cross-sectional area of 12

sq. ft.; what is its drag at 145 miles per hour?


From data on Vought:


Coefficient = ;

8.9 xTi02

= 0.00095

For newly designed airplane fuselage:

Drag = coefficient X A X F2

= 0.00095 X 12 X 1452

= 239 Ib.


With wheels, struts, tie wires, etc., there is usually very little

difference whether the relative wind is exactly parallel or at a

small angle to the longitudinal axis of the airplane; with fuselages,

there may be a difference in the drag coefficients with different

angles of attack. More exactly, the fuselage drag coefficient de

pends on the lift coefficient, since a major portion of the fuselage

and the tail surfaces is always in the downwash from the wings

and the downwash angle relative to the longitudinal axis of the

airplane depends on the lift coefficient. For a very rough approxi

mation, the drag coefficient for the fuselage may be assumed

constant; but for any degree of accuracy, use should be made of

Fig. 41, where a factor F is plotted against the ratio of airspeed

FIo. 41. Parasite drag factor for fuselages, etc.

(V) to stalling or minimum speed (Fs). This factor F multiplied

by the fuselage drag coefficient at high speed (i.e., low angle of

attack) gives the drag coefficient at any airspeed V. It may be

considered as the ratio of the flat plate area of the fuselage at any

speed to the flat plate area at high speed.

Example. The top speed of a DH-4 is 124 miles per hour at sea-

level; its stalling speed is 61 miles per hour. The wing area is 440

sq. ft.; at a speed of 100 miles per hour, the fuselage has a drag equiva

lent to a flat plate 3.06 sq. ft. in area. What are the equivalent flat

plate area and drag coefficient at stalling speed and at maximum







From Fig. 41, F, at Vf Vs = 1.64, is 1.02

F at stalling speed is 4.00

F at maximum speed is 1.00


At stalling speed:

Equivalent flat plate area = no— = 12.0 sq. ft.

At maximum speed:


Equivalent flat plate area = -—. Q2 '— = 3.0 sq. ft.

At 100 miles per hour:

CD fuselage — ^^Q

3.06 X 1.28

= 0.0089

At stalling speed:

(.D fuselage — j Q2

0.0089 X 4

= 0.0349

At maximum speed:

CD fuselage — — j nn

0.0089 X 1.00

= 0.00874

Landing Gear. In the fixed type of landing gear, the drag is

composed of the resistance of the struts, the wheels, the mutual

interference of the struts and wheels, and the interference caused

by the fuselage and wings. Merely estimating the resistance of

the individual struts and the wheels will not take into account the

interference which may cause a major part of the drag.

If feasible, the landing gear should be incorporated with the

wind-tunnel model of the fuselage, and the total drag of fuselage

with landing gear measured. If wind-tunnel tests are not obtain

able, an approximate idea of the drag may be gained by totaling

the resistance of the struts and the wheels, using table VI.

Within the past few years, it has become common to use low-

pressure tires. With a smaller wheel the same landing shock can

be taken up as with a larger wheel using high-pressure tires. The

low-pressure tires decrease the chances of ground looping since

they grip the ground better, they permit a smoother take-off and

landing on a rough field, and they afford a better traction on a

wet, muddy field. Brakes operate well, and owing to their pro

portions the drag is less than for a wheel with high-pressure tire

to take the same landing load. The 8^ in. by 10 in. low-pressure



tire and wheel have become the most widely used. The drag is

6.1 Ib. at 80 miles per hour. An extra-low-pressure tire and wheel,

sometimes referred to as the " doughnut " wheel, are also used;

the tire dimensions are 11J in. by 25 in.; the drag is 7.1 Ib. at 80

miles per hour.



Tiresize26X328X430X532X636X844X1054 X 1264X14Drag in pounds per wheel at 100 miles per hourBare wheel10.814.118.122.833.851.275.9105.6Usual fairing7.20.412.015.222.534.150.670.4Full fairing3.

Retractable landing gear is now being employed with remarkable

success on transport planes. It was first used in the United States

on the Verville-Sperry racing plane which won the Pulitzer

Trophy Race in 1921. In flight, the wheels are retracted into the

wings or into the fuselage. Lowering the landing gear not only

increases the drag but it also lowers the line of action of the total

drag force, so that, if the airplane is balanced before lowering,

there is a tendency to nose over when the gear is caused to descend.

This presents no problem since the landing gear is lowered when

the pilot wishes to descend for a landing. During the introduction

of retractable landing gear, great difficulty was encountered by

pilots' forgetting to lower the gear when landing. Warning

devices and the presentation of " dumb-bell " trophies to pilots

who land on the belly of the fuselage appear to be of value in

aiding the pilot to remember to lower his gear.

Engine Cowling. It is possible to improve the airflow around

the engine and thus reduce the parasite resistance, by proper

cowling. The Townend ring was developed in England for this

purpose. Research at McCook Field by Lieutenants Breene and


Greene and later work at the N.A.C.A. produced other forms of

cowling. Radial air-cooled engines have considerable drag owing

to the eddies around the fins and valves, so that cowling is chiefly

beneficial for this type of engine.

It is difficult to predict the decrease in drag which may be

attained by cowling the engine, and it is almost impossible in

small wind-tunnel models to reproduce in miniature all the little

details of the engines which initiate the air disturbances. Full-

size flight tests appear to be the only method of finding out exactly

the precise value of any particular cowl. Tests would need to be

run at several different speeds since a cowling might be helpful

at one speed and detrimental at another.



The universally employed aircraft engine is the internal-com

bustion type. It is either air cooled or liquid cooled. The

cylinders may be arranged either radially or vertically in line or

in two rows in the form of a letter V.

The essential requirements of an airplane engine are light weight

per horsepower, extreme reliability, low fuel consumption, and

low frontal area. In principle, aircraft engines do not differ

materially from automobile engines. At full throttle, the auto

mobile engine has usually a higher number of revolutions and

greater piston speed than the airplane engine, but whereas the

average automobile engine rarely is run wide open and the bulk

of its operation is at less than half speed, the airplane engine is

frequently at top speed and most of its operation is at three-

quarter speed or better.

The Department of Commerce before approving a new type of

airplane engine requires a 100-hour endurance test. For 50 hours

of this test the engine must be run at wide-open throttle, and for

the other 50 hours at not less than 75 per cent of rated horsepower.

This test is more severe than those required by other countries,

and it is not believed that any automobile engine has sufficient

reliability to pass it.

The requirement of lightness in weight is a severe handicap in

obtaining reliability. It would not be so difficult to obtain de

pendability if all the parts could be made sturdy and rugged.

Reducing weight to a minimum means that the stresses of every

part must be carefully analyzed so that there shall be no weakness.

In automobile operation, after the engine is started, the car is

slipped into low gear. After the automobile is moving, the speed

is slowly increased, and it is usually not till some time has elapsed

that the engine develops full power. With airplane operation,

the engine is wide open for the take-off and wide open for the climb.

It is not till the altitude selected for flight has been reached that

the engine is throttled back.


For reliability all engines of more than 100 hp. are required by

the Department of Commerce to have dual ignition systems and

two spark plugs per cylinder.

Mounting engines at the rear of the wing as in the pusher type

airplane brings the center of gravity of the airplane far back and

makes the problem of balance quite difficult. It is only in flying

boats where the hull extends a good distance forward of the wing

to offset to some extent the weight of the engine that the pusher

type is permissible. Having the engine in the rear of the pilot

presents a hazard in a crash.

To some degree in the pusher type but chiefly in the tractor

type is the question of frontal area important. In the early

days of aviation, the width of the engine largely determined the

width of the fuselage. With improvements in the V-type engine,

it became the breadth of the pilot's shoulders that restricted the

narrowness of the fuselage. With radial engines, it is still the

frontal area of the engine which sets the limit on the decrease in

cross-sectional area of the fuselage, as the body is streamlined

backwards from the size at the motor.

Air-Cooled versus Liquid-Cooled. The term cooling is some

what a misnomer since it is not desired to make the engine cold

or even moderately cool. In the cylinders, gasoline is burned;

and unless the heat is removed, the engine parts would soon reach

a temperature at which they would have no strength. The pur

pose of cooling is to keep the temperature sufficiently low that the

engine will function properly.

All engines are air cooled. Some types are cooled directly by

air; other types are cooled indirectly by having liquid remove

heat from the cylinders and then having the liquid cooled by air.

If an air-cooled and a water-cooled engine are of the same power,

it is to be expected that the same amount of heat would need to be

taken from each. The rate at which heat passes from a surface

to air circulating past the surface depends on the difference in

temperature of the air and the surface, so that, if the two engines

are to run at the same temperature, the same volume of air per

minute should go past the cooling fins in one engine and through

the radiator in the other. Then, if there were no burbling or

eddy currents, it might be expected that the drag of each would be

the same.

In order that each cylinder could be properly cooled, the first


air-cooled engines had radial cylinders. This arrangement has an

advantage of very short length which is desirable in not having

the center of gravity of the plane too far forward. In recent

years, air-cooled engines have been built both in-line and V-type,

and no difficulty has been experienced in keeping the rear cylinders

properly cool. Water-cooled engines have the disadvantage of

extra weight of the water, the radiator, pump and plumbing —

which on a 400-hp. engine would amount to upward of 180 Ib.

Air-cooled engines save this weight, but in large horsepowers the

parasite drag, even with the benefit of cowling, is more than that

of water-cooled engines of the same horsepower.

Because of the great weight of water, in the past few years,

ethylene glycol has been used as a coolant. The weight of ethy-

lene glycol to cool an engine properly need be only one-quarter

the weight of water that would be necessary. The size of radiator

needed for ethylene glycol would be about one-quarter that of a

water radiator, thus greatly reducing the parasite drag. Because

the boiling point of this chemical is considerably above that of

water, the engine can be run at a temperature of 300° F. At this

temperature the mixture in the intake manifold is absolutely dry,

whereas, if water cooled, " wet gas " often is drawn into the

cylinders. More horsepower is actually obtained for this reason

from an engine when ethylene glycol cooled than when water

cooled. Greater care is needed with the plumbing, as this chemical

will seep through tiny cracks that would be impervious to water.

There appears to be a definite limit to the horsepower per

cylinder of an internal-combustion engine. Good practice dictates

that the stroke should be approximately the same length as the

diameter of the cylinder. The diameter of the piston is limited

by the problem of cooling; with a large piston it is difficult to keep

the center of the piston-face from getting too hot. The displace

ment of each cylinder being restricted and the mean effective

pressures on standard engines not exceeding 150 Ib. per sq. in.,

the power obtainable is rarely above 60 hp. per cylinder on present

standard engines. To obtain large power means a large number

of cylinders, and nine cylinders are the most that can be crowded

around the crankcase of a radial engine. Resort has been made,

with notable success, to a double bank on one American-made


Engine failures may be classified under four heads: fuel trouble,


lubrication trouble, electrical trouble, and cooling trouble. With

liquid cooling there is possibility of leaky radiator, water boiling

away, hose bursting, pump failing, etc. With air cooling, one of

the sources of possible trouble is eliminated.

Steam Power. Langley used a steam engine in his small suc

cessful flying model airplane.

In considering the practicability of a steam engine for aircraft

use, one must consider the entire unit of boiler, engine, and con

denser, since obviously a non-condensing engine is not feasible.

Some German torpedo boats have been powered with steam

engines, and on the basis of the entire unit, the weights were 13.2

Ib. per hp., with a fuel consumption of 0.573 Ib. per hp-hr. These

were large power plants, and always efficiencies in power and sav

ings in proportionate weight can be effected in large units that

cannot be realized in smaller units. Authorities on steam-engine

design have, however, announced their belief that the weights

of units adapted to aircraft use can be reduced to 9 Ib. per hp.

For ordinary flying, this weight would bar out all consideration

of steam, since gasoline units have been built weighing less than

1 Ib. per hp. These were special jobs, and the average internal-

combustion aircraft engine can be taken to weigh around 2 Ib.

per hp.

Lately considerable thought has been given to stratosphere

flying. The steam engine does not lose horsepower with altitude.

If there is any difference, the low temperature at high altitudes

will give better condensing and there may be a slight increase in

power. With unsupercharged gasoline engines, there is a decrease

in power with altitude. At 36,000-ft. altitude the horsepower of

an unsupercharged gasoline engine is approximately one-fifth of

its horsepower at the ground. It has been estimated that at an

altitude of 66,000 ft. all the power of an ordinary gasoline engine

will be used up in overcoming mechanical losses, so that the

effective power will be zero. Supercharging will enable the

gasoline engine to deliver full power at moderate altitudes, but

there is a definite limit to supercharging. The weight remaining

the same with decreasing power, the weight per horsepower

increases so that it may safely be said that, at altitudes higher

than 40,000 ft., steam engines are lighter than gasoline engines.

With a steam power plant, energy is obtained from the fuel and

stored up as pressure energy, to be drawn upon later. This is


considered extremely hazardous as high-pressure superheated

steam is very dangerous. Against the objectionable features of

greater weight at ordinary altitude and peril from boiler explosion

may be weighed the following advantages. A much cheaper fuel

may be used, and it may contain more energy per unit weight. A

steam engine has no carburetion difficulties, nor has it spark

plugs, distributors, or other electrical devices. Eliminating these

removes sources of trouble which have caused many forced


Steam turbines have received little consideration since for effi

cient operation they must be in such large units or must be run at

such high speed as to be unsuitable for aircraft use.

Rotary Gasoline Engines. In the early days of gasoline engines,

since the ordinary four-stroke cycle means one power stroke per

four strokes, it was thought that a flywheel was absolutely neces

sary. To eliminate extra weight and still have a rotating mass,

an engine was built with the cylinders rotating about a stationary

crankshaft. The propeller was affixed to the cylinders. The

cylinders were arranged radially about the hub and were air


In order to furnish the gaseous mixture to the cylinders the

crankshaft was made hollow. Through the hollow shaft, the

mixture passed into the cylinders. The mixture in the crankcase

was very dangerous. A backfire might result in the crankcase

exploding, tearing the engine apart.

The gyroscopic action of the rotary engine is quite pronounced.

On certain wartime airplanes, the pilots found that pushing the

rudder for a right turn started a precession so powerful that the

plane would be nosed down. Pushing the left rudder caused the

plane to nose up to a dangerous stall. As the enemy pilots were

not unaware of this action, they would approach these planes

from the left side. The pilots of the rotary-engined plane were

thus faced with the alternatives of attempting a left turn with its

possibility of loss of control or of making a right turn of 270° or

more while completely exposed to enemy fire.

Another objection to the rotary engines was that, on stopping,

the lower cylinders became filled with oil. Because of the above-

listed objections, and because on modern engines it is found that

no flywheel action in addition to that of the propeller is needed,

rotary engines are no longer manufactured.


Diesel Engines. Engines operating on the Diesel principle

have been used successfully as stationary engines and as power

plants for large marine vessels. They have always been very

heavy in pounds per horsepower compared with engines operating

on the Otto-cycle principle.

For reliable performance, the ordinary aircraft engine requires

a high-test gasoline. With high compression, special compounds

are desirable to prevent pre-ignition. An especially volatile

gasoline will cause trouble by vapor-lock in the lines unless the

plumbing is specially designed to guard against this.

Because of the high cost of special gasolines for the standard

aircraft engines, thought has been given recently to the adaptation

of the Diesel cycle to a light-weight aircraft engine. Not only

will the Diesel engine use a very cheap oil, but also, since it

depends on compression for ignition, electrical troubles are

banished. The fuel consumption of a Diesel is a little more than

half the pounds-per-horsepower-hour of a gasoline engine.

Two manufacturers have to date produced aircraft Diesel

engines, having no greater size than a radial gasoline-fueled engine

of the same horsepower. Because of the low weight of fuel con

sumed per horsepower-hour, an airplane equipped with a Packard-

Diesel engine now holds the world's endurance record of 84 hours

and 32 minutes.

In the Diesel engine, clean air is drawn into the cylinder and,

as the piston moves up, the air is compressed to a pressure of

1,100 Ib. per sq. in. While the piston is at the end of its stroke,

oil fuel is sprayed into the cylinder under great pressure. Since,

owing to compression, the air is at a high temperature, the oil

immediately ignites.

As the engine is running at high speed, the time at the end of

the compression stroke, during which the oil is injected, is infini-

tesimally short. During a minute fraction of a second, the drops

of oil must be broken up into droplets and mixed with the air.

Unless the oil is finely atomized in the brief working stroke, a drop

of oil will not burn completely inward to its core and there will be

incomplete combustion.

For various reasons, airplane designers have been chary of

adopting the Diesel engine as standard equipment. With further

development and improvement, however, it undoubtedly will be

viewed with more favor.


Brake Horsepower. The power of an engine depends on the

force exerted on a piston being transmitted through a connecting

rod to a crank, to produce a turning or twisting moment on the

shaft. If a pressure-indicating instrument were connected to

each cylinder and the pressure measured throughout the cycle it

would be possible to calculate the horsepower of the engine. This

is the indicated horsepower.

Owing to. various friction losses in the engine itself, not all the

indicated horsepower can be used for outside work. The indicated

horsepower less the power required to overcome the friction in the

engine leaves as remainder the brake horsepower, which is the

power of the engine to do outside work. The ratio of brake horse

power to indicated horsepower is the mechanical efficiency of the

engine, usually about 90 per cent. The indicated horsepower

multiplied by the mechanical efficiency gives the brake horsepower.

The mean effective pressure, in pounds per square inch, multi

plied by the area of the piston, in square inches, gives the average

force acting on the piston during a cycle. If this force is multiplied

by the stroke, in feet, the product is the work, in foot-pounds,

applied to the piston during a cycle. If the work per cycle is

multiplied by the number of cycles per minute, which in the four

cycle engine is one-half the revolutions per minute, the product

is the work per minute. This may be expressed as follows

P = mean effective pressure

L = stroke in feet

Horsepower (indicated) A = piston area of one cylinder in

PL A Nn square inches

33,000 N = working strokes per minute

= ^ X revolutions per minute

n = number of cylinders

Horsepower (brake) = Mechanical efficiency X Horsepower


Increasing the compression ratio will have the effect of increasing

the mean effective pressure and thus increasing the horsepower.

From the foregoing formula, it would appear that horsepower

varies directly with revolutions per minute. Within a range close

to the rated revolutions per minute, this is true within a reasonable

degree of accuracy, below rated power and speed. Above rated

speed, the frictional losses get to be very large and the mechanical


efficiency is very poor, so that above rated speed the horsepower

no longer increases directly as speed.

The variation of horsepower with engine speed has been tested

for a large number of engines, both air and water cooled, and the

results conform closely with the relation described above. For

any particular engine, the manufacturer can furnish information

of the relation of horsepower to speed for its type.

The load on the engine is furnished by the propeller. The pro

peller is chosen for the engine so that at a selected airspeed and

rated engine speed the propeller will offer enough torsional resist

ance to absorb all the horsepower of the engine and the engine will

not speed up. At an airspeed less than that for which the pro

peller is assigned, the propeller will offer more resistance to turning,

so that even if the throttle is at the same setting as for full rated

power, the revolutions per minute will be less. Slowing up the

engine will have the effect of decreasing the brake horsepower.

At less than design airspeed, the brake horsepower will be less.

PerCent Normal

R. P. M.g * 8 i»— ~—„ .*"'^•".*^^^^^

Percent Design Airspeed

FIG. 42. Variation of revolution per minute with airspeed.

Effect of Altitude on Horsepower. An engine is an apparatus

for burning fuel. If insufficient oxygen is supplied, the fuel cannot

burn properly. Each drop of fuel needs a certain quantity of air

for complete combustion; that quantity not being supplied,

combustion will not be complete. By quantity is meant mass or

weight, not volume.

In a carburetor, air picks up gasoline vapor to form a mixture

which is drawn into the engine cylinders. Under normal condi

tions, the mixture drawn into the engine is at sea-level density;

and provided the carburetor is adjusted properly, there will be an

adequate supply of air to support the combustion of the gasoline


At altitudes, the air is of less density, so that although the same

volume of air is drawn into each cylinder, the mass of air will be


less. The mixture will be richer than at ground level, and a good

pilot leans his mixture (i.e., changes his carburetor adjustment

from the cockpit) and opens his throttle.

The brake horsepower decreases with altitude. Tests of engines

have been made in an altitude chamber, which is a room from

which air can be pumped so that the air densities in the chamber

can simulate various altitudes. As a result of these tests, it

appeared that at constant revolutions per minute, i.e., maintaining

the same r.p.m. as at the ground:


p TJ r,










?, 80


S so

=1 — 1 at constant temperature

at constant pressure

_ _5 .

0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 20000

Altitude in Feet

FIG. 43. Variation of brake horsepower with altitude.

In standard atmosphere





Substituting these values in the expression for ratio of brake

horsepower at altitude to brake horsepower at sea-level

B.H.P. = /.p\i.ivo.8i


O/ \PO>


Some slight modifications have been made to this relation at

higher altitude, and the variation of horsepower and altitude that

is believed to be most nearly correct is given graphically in

Fig. 43.


Function. The air screw propeller is the device which changes

the torque power of the engine into forward thrust, thus impelling

the airplane forward. In the United States it is termed simply

the propeller; in Europe, the air screw.

A wood screw forces its way into wood by the back face of the

screw thread pressing against the wood. A bolt enters a fixed

nut by the back face of the bolt thread sliding against the front

face of the nut thread. With a marine propeller, it is the rear

face of the blades which pushes against the water. The very

first aircraft propellers were built with this viewpoint; very shortly

thereafter, however, it was conceived that the blades might be

considered as wings, or rather as a number of wings of infinitely

short span set end to end. Treating the blades as airfoils makes

of primary importance the front face of the blades, i.e., the upper

surface of the airfoils.

A propeller should be efficient in transforming the rotary power

imparted to it into forward tractive power. Since the propeller

is attached to the engine, at whatever speed the engine is run, the

propeller must be able to absorb the power furnished by the

engine. The propeller cannot be most efficient at all engine speeds

and all airspeeds. It is therefore designed to give maximum

efficiency at the rated revolutions per minute of the engine and

some one airspeed, either maximum speed or whatever is decided

upon as cruising speed. At other rates of revolution and air

speeds, the propeller will be less efficient than for the design


Momentum Theory. The first fundamental propeller theory

was the momentum theory developed by R. E. Froude. It deals

with the changes in energy of the mass of air affected by the pro


In this theory, the propeller is assumed to be a disk which

exerts a uniform pressure or thrust over the cross-section of the air

column passing through the disk. It is further assumed that the


disk imparts no twisting or rotation to the air column, and that

flow remains streamline while coming to the disk, passing through

it, and beyond it.

Y \ I f ""-Ax

el.. ViUbi- 0 .« pr«s«.op

area = Ay

press.c p

press.* p2

FIG. 44. Momentum theory of propeller action.

Referring to Fig. 44, X is a point in the air stream far enough

in front of the propeller so that the pressure is atmospheric;

Y is a point in the air stream far enough to the rear of the pro

peller so that the pressure is atmospheric.

Let A = propeller disk area.

AX = cross-sectional area of air column at X.

Ay = cross-sectional area of air column at Y.

V = velocity at X.

V(l + a) = velocity at propeller disk.

V(1 + 6) = velocity at Y.

p = atmospheric pressure = static pressure at X

and Y.

PI = static pressure just ahead of propeller disk.

pt = static pressure just behind disk.

Since the volume of air flowing through each area in unit time

is the same,

AXV = AV(l + a) = Ay 7(1 + b)

No energy is added or subtracted to the air from X to a point

immediately in front of the propeller disk, so Bernoulli's equation

may be applied, and the sum of static and velocity heads at these

two points placed equal.


No energy is added or subtracted to the air from a point im

mediately in the rear of the disk to point Y, so the total heads

at these points may likewise be placed equal.

It will be noted that the velocity immediately in front is as

sumed to be the same as the velocity immediately in the rear of

the disk, otherwise there would be an instantaneous increase in

velocity and an infinite acceleration, which cannot be. The

propeller disk does exert thrust on the air column, and the thrust

(T) is equal to the difference in pressure created by the propeller

times the area of the propeller disk.

r - (PI - PI) A

Substituting values of pi and p? already found

T = A\p + £ F2([l + 6]2 - [1 + a]2) - p - £ V2[l - (1 +a)']l

Thrust is also equal to the rate of change of momentum which

is the mass of air affected per second times the change in velocity.

The mass of air handled per second is the density multiplied by

the volume, and the volume is the cross-sectional area at any point

times the velocity at the same point. At the propeller disk the

area is A and the velocity V(l + a), so the mass of air passing

through the propeller disk in 1 sec. is pAV(l + a). At point X,

the velocity is V; at point Y, the velocity is F(l + b) or V + bV;

therefore the change in velocity imparted to the air column by the

propeller is bV.


T = PAV(1 + a)bV

= PA V'(l + a)6

Equating this value for T to the one previously found:

pA F2(l + 0)6 = £ A V(V + 26)

b + ab = K62 + 26)

26 + 2a6 = 62 + 26

2a = 6


This means, that, of the total increase in velocity imparted to

the air column, one-half is added before the air passes through

the propeller disk.

To find the ideal efficiency, the power exerted by the propeller

is divided by the power absorbed.

The power exerted by the propeller is the thrust times velocity


Power output = TV

= PAF2(1 + a)bV

= pAV3(1 + a)b

The power absorbed by the propeller is the work done in the

air column in unit time, which is the kinetic energy added in unit

time to the kinetic energy at X, to give the kinetic energy at Y.

Kinetic energy is one-half the mass times the square of the ve

locity, and the mass can be measured at any point.

The kinetic energy at Y is

K.E.K = l[pAV(l + a)] [7(1 + 6)]'

The kinetic energy at X is

K.E.X = \\pAV(l + a)] V'

The difference in kinetic energies at Y and X which represents

the work absorbed by the propeller in unit time is the power input.

Power input = ?A V3(l + a)(l + 6)2 - ^A V3(l + a)


Substituting b = 2 a:

Power input = £ A V3(l + a)(2 ab + 2 b)

= pA V3b(l + a)2


_,_. . Power output

Efficiency = .^ - : — *-—

Power input

PAV3b(l + a)

~ pAV3b(l + a)2

This is the ideal efficiency of a perfect propeller having no losses

due to rotation of the slip stream, profile drag of the blades, inter

ference of blades, or radial flow. The only loss considered in the

momentum theory is the kinetic energy loss in pure translation.

The momentum theory would apply equally well to any device

which applies thrust or additional pressure to an air column.

Blade-Element Theory. As the blade-element theory was first

put in practical form by Drzewiecki, this conception of the action

of the propeller is usually referred to as the Drzewiecki theory.

This treatment involves considering the blades as being composed

of an infinite number of small airfoils. The span of each airfoil

is an infinitely small distance along the length of the blade. All

these small airfoils are joined together, wing tip to wing tip, to

form one twisted or warped wing which is the propeller blade.


FIG. 45. Blade element theory of propeller action.

Each small section of the blade may be studied separately and

the results summed up to get the total action of the blade. Figure

45 shows one of these elements of the blade, which is located a

distance of R feet from the axis of the propeller. In one rotation

of the propeller, this blade element travels a distance of 2 wR

feet around a circle in the plane of the propeller disk. If the


propeller is turning over N revolutions per second, the linear

velocity of the element in the plane of rotation is 2 irR N feet per

second. If the airplane has an airspeed of V feet per second, the

propeller is moving forward with that speed. Since the motion of

the airplane is practically in the direction of the thrust line of the

propeller, here it is sufficiently accurate to state that the motion of

the blade element is the resultant of a velocity of 2 irR N feet per

second in the plane of the propeller disk combined with a velocity

of V feet per second perpendicular to the plane of the propeller

disk. This resultant velocity will be in a direction making an

angle 4> with the propeller disk such that

tan <f> =

The magnitude of this resultant velocity (W) is


V 2irRN

sin •/> cos <t>

The blade element has a cross-section which has the contour

of an airfoil section, usually modifications of the Clark Y or

R.A.F.6 sections. The angle which the reference chord of this

section makes with the plane of rotation of the propeller is the

blade angle ft. The angle of attack a. of the blade element is

chosen as the angle of maximum L/D of the airfoil section used.

It is to be noted that every blade element moves forward with the

same velocity V, but the linear speed of rotation is greater for blade

elements nearer the tip of the propeller, so the relative velocity W

will be greater at the tips. The angle <£ is less for blade elements

\, | near the tip than for those nearer the center. Since

a = /3 - <t>

if the same angle of attack is maintained along the blade, the blade

angle /3 becomes less as the tip is neared. This is why a propeller

blade has its warped or twisted appearance.

The air flows around each element and causes a resultant as

with any airfoil. The area of the element is the span, dR, times

the chord, which is b, the blade width at that point. The velocity

is W. The lift force on the element is

dL = CL?.bdRW2


The resultant force is acting in a different direction from the

lift component; let the small angle between these two directions

be called angle 6. Then

COt 6 = j;

If the propeller blade is so constructed that under design con

ditions (i.e., normal revolutions per minute and design airspeed)

every airfoil section is meeting the air at the same angle of attack

(a); then, if the same airfoil section is used throughout, 6 will be

the same all along the blade. In practice, for strength, sections

near the hub are thicker than those near the tip.

The resultant force on the blade element will be


cos 9


cos 6

This resultant force, instead of being divided into lift and drag

components, is divided in components parallel to the propeller

axis and parallel to the plane of rotation. The component parallel

to the propeller axis is called the thrust component; that parallel

to the plane of rotation is called the tangential or torque component.

The lift component is perpendicular to the direction of the rela

tive wind (W), and the relative wind makes an angle of <£ with the

plane of rotation; therefore the lift component makes the same

angle <f> with the direction of the propeller axis. The resultant

force is at angle (<t> + 6) with the direction of the propeller axis.

The thrust component is then

dT = dFR cos (0 + 0)

2 cos

The torque or tangential component is

dF = dFR sin (<f> + 6)

The torque itself, which is the moment which must be applied, is


the tangential force times its moment arm R. Letting Q repre

sent torque

dQ = R dFR sin (<t> + 0)

The power absorbed will be the torque component force times

the distance traveled per second :

dPa = 2 wNR dFR sin (0 + 0)

The efficiency of each element is the power output divided by

the power input or

Efficiency =

Substituting ~ — ~ ~ *an

V dFR cos (0 + 0)

FS8\n(<f> + 0)

Efficiency =

, .,,. tan <t>

tan (0 + 0)

Tangent <f> is the ratio of the airspeed V to the tangential ve

locity of the blade element. Every element moves forward with

the same airspeed, but the tangential velocity is greater nearer the

blade tip. For elements near the tip tangent <f> is smaller than for

elements nearer the hub. Cotangent 6 is L/D for the blade ele

ment. If the same airfoil section is used at the same angle of

attack throughout the blade, 0 will be constant. By differen

tiating the efficiency with respect to <£ and placing result equal to



For the Clark Y section, used frequently for propellers, the

maximum L/D is 22.5, making 0 have a value of 2^°. Then the

maximum efficiency will be when 0 = 45° — lj°, and the efficiency

will be

tan 43f °

tan 46J°



= 91.5 per cent



This will be for the most efficient element. Nearer to or farther

from the tip the blade elements will be less efficient, so the total

efficiency of the entire blade will be less than the maximum

efficiency of the optimum blade element.

Returning to the thrust of a single blade element,


dT =


The blade width (6) instead of being expressed in feet might be

given as a fractional part (b/R) of the radial distance out to that

particular blade element. The ratio b/R is a, pure number, but

this ratio is different for each element. The blade width is then


Also W, the relative velocity, is equal to 2 T NR/cos <£. The

angle 6 is always small so that little error is introduced if cos 6 is

assumed to be unity. The distance R to each blade element is

expressed as R/Ri X Ri or R/Ri X D/2, where Ri is the radius

of the tip and D is the diameter. Making these substitutions, the

expression for thrust becomes

J/P p I"T2 r b cos (0

dT = 2 \JCLR—^

.2 4 _ J 6 A 1.0


FIG. 46. Typical thrust and torque force curves.

The quantity in the brackets contains terms which vary for

each blade element. Values of the bracketed quantity may be

plotted against (R/Ri) as in Fig. 46, and a curve of thrust varia-


tion along the radius may be drawn. All the terms in the bracket

depend on the airfoil section used and its angle of attack, on the

variation of blade width with respect to radius, and on the angle <j>.

For geometrically similar propellers, the bracketed quantity de

pends on the angle $, which is the angle whose tangent is the air

speed divided by the peripheral speed of the tip, since the angle <£

of any blade element on one propeller will be the same as the angle

<f> of the blade element of a similar propeller located the same frac

tional distance out from the center. The thrust curve depends

therefore on V/(irND). It is common to drop the constant I/'T

and state merely that the thrust curve depends on the V/(ND)

of the propeller. V being airspeed in feet per second, N being

the revolutions per second, and D being the diameter in feet, the

expression V/(ND) is dimensionless.

The area under the thrust curve of Fig. 46 is integrated and

multiplied by the number of blades to give the thrust coefficient

( Tc) for the entire propeller. The equation for the thrust of the

whole propeller is

T =£TeJV2Z>4


The expression for the power absorbed by an individual blade

element may be modified in a similar manner.

dPa = 2*NR dFR sin (</> + 0)

2 cos 0

cos (* +

fl cos'0


The bracketed quantity is plotted against R/Ri in Fig. 46.

Integrating the area under the curve and multiplying by the num

ber of blades gives a power coefficient (Pe). The equation for

power absorbed by a propeller becomes

It will be noted, in Fig. 46, that the blade elements inside of

20 per cent R contribute no thrust. To withstand centrifugal

force the blades are made extremely thick near the hub and are

consequently very poor airfoil sections. This, together with the

low relative wind speed and large angle <f>, makes for small


The efficiency (T7) of a propeller may be found in terms of these

coefficients, as follows




The simple blade-element theory neglects the inflow velocity.

It also neglects the fact that air passing around a wing is given a

downward velocity, or if circulating around a propeller blade is

given a similar flow. The blade of a propeller, instead of meeting

a relative wind from the direction W, as shown in Fig. 45, is

meeting air disturbed by the previous blade passage. The theory

also neglects tip losses.

A combination of the two basic theories, the momentum and

blade-element theories, with certain corrections has been found to

give excellent results in the design or selection of propellers.

Thrust and Torque Coefficients. The coefficients for thrust

(Tc) and power (Pc) described in the simple blade-element theory

are used with certain modifications in the complete propeller

theory. These coefficients depend not only on the shape and

proportions of the blades, but also on the airspeed and speed of

rotation; i.e., on the V/(ND) of the conditions under which the

propeller is run. They are useful in comparing the thrust de

veloped and power required by different propellers of the same

diameter. For use on an airplane, a propeller is selected for a cer

tain V and a certain N, and these coefficients, though suitable for

comparing propellers at the same V/(ND), are not applicable for

propellers for the same V and N but different D.

The coefficients Tc and Pc are non-dimensional. This can be

proved by putting the other terms of the equations for thrust and


power into the basic dimensions of mass (M), length (L), and

time (t).


P = ?PeN3D6

~F x t ~ L3 X ' X i3 *


For a given propeller (or family of geometrically similar ones),

the thrust and power coefficients as well as the efficiency may be

plotted against V/(ND). The

efficiency is a maximum at one

particular value of V/(ND), de

creasing for either larger or small

er values. The value of V/ ( ND)

for a given propeller which

gives the maximum efficiency

is called the design V/(ND).

Curves showing how a propeller

efficiency changes with V/(ND)

are presented in Fig. 47.

0.2 0.4 06 0.8 1.0 12




The thrust and power coeffi

Fio. 47. Typical efficiency curves.

cients of a given propeller will vary with the airspeed and revolu

tions per minute, i.e., with V/(ND). For a typical propeller they

are plotted in Fig. 48. This plot will apply to all propellers which

are geometrically similar to the one for which the data are plotted.

It will be noted that the thrust coefficient decreases as the

V/(ND) increases. At the V/(ND) of 1.3 for this propeller the

thrust coefficient becomes zero. This would correspond to a

steep dive with power on. At this V/(ND) of zero thrust, the

torque coefficient still has a positive value. The thrust coefficient

being zero means that the relative wind is meeting the blades at

such an angle that the resultant force is parallel to the plane of

the propeller disk. Any further increase in airspeed will mean

that the relative wind will meet the blades at an angle which will

produce negative or backward thrust. The condition of zero

thrust corresponds with angle of zero lift for an airfoil and means


that the blades are moving forward the greatest possible distance

per revolution without developing negative thrust. Pitch being

the forward distance per revolution, the V/(ND) for zero thrust,

multiplied by I/7T, is called the experimental mean pitch, since it is

the ideal or maximum value of pitch for the particular propeller.



J02^PC^^N\'AXL_\\\\\\ >\\A\\

02 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4


FIG. 48. Typical thrust and power coefficient curves.

When the airplane is stationary, V is zero, making V/(ND)

zero. Under this condition, both thrust and power coefficients

have large positive values. The value of the thrust coefficient for

V/(ND) = 0 is a measure of the ability of an airplane to acceler

ate from a standstill position.

Power-Speed Coefficients. The expression V/(ND) is a non-

dimensional quantity. For a given propeller (or geometrically

similar ones) there are only one Tc, one Pc, and one efficiency for

each V/(ND) condition. The coefficient P( may therefore be

properly divided by the corresponding V/(ND) or a power thereof



to obtain another coefficient of different magnitude. Using

V/( ND) as a divisor, the diameter is eliminated from the equation

for power absorbed.




The coefficient C, is called the power-speed coefficient, since, if

this coefficient is known together with the forward speed and

speed of rotation, the power may be found. Conversely, if the

available power (P), the rated revolutions per minute of the

engine (N), and the design airspeed of the airplane (F) are known,

the C, can be found. A propeller is then chosen of the proper

diameter and pitch to give the maximum efficiency with this

power-speed coefficient ((7j).

Pitch and Pitch Ratio. The pitch of a single-thread machine

screw is the distance the screw is advanced in one revolution or

the distance between threads. Using the convention that a

screw is an inclined plane wrapped around a cylinder, the pitch

would be the slope of this inclined plane. In applying the ter

minology of mechanics to an air screw, the difficulty is met that

air is not a solid medium and the blade angle differs along the blade.

" Geometric pitch " is the term applied to the calculated dis

tance an air propeller would move forward in one revolution if

there were no slip, i.e., if air were solid. This definition cannot

be applied without amplification. Each blade element is set at

a different blade angle. For uniform geometric pitch the blade

angle would decrease as the radius increased. On account of

engine interference near the hub the air flow is slower and the

pitch is usually made less there. Owing to the non-uniformity of

the pitch, the blade element two-thirds the radius was formerly

used to measure geometric pitch. For correct performance, it is

necessary to have the proper diameter as well as proper pitch,

and since it is physically impossible for a propeller manufacturer

to stock an infinite number of different diameters as well as an

infinite number of pitches, if the user cannot obtain the exact

diameter propeller he desires, he saws off and trims the tips of a

larger-diameter propeller. Reducing the diameter would change

the location of the two-thirds point on the radius, and the meas

ured geometric pitch would be different. It has now become the

custom generally to measure the geometric pitch at the blade

element at a point 42 in. from the axis and call this the standard

or nominal pitch. The geometric pitch is the tangent of the blade

angle multiplied by 2 IT times the radial distance of the blade

element from the axis.

" Effective pitch " is the actual distance the propeller travels

forward in one revolution and is equal to V/ N feet.

" Slip " is the difference, in feet, between the geometric pitch

and effective pitch.

" Pitch ratio " is the ratio of the geometric pitch to the propeller


With a fixed-blade propeller the geometric pitch is permanently

fixed. Adjustable-pitch propellers have blades with circular

cross-sections near the hub which are gripped in sleeves. By

loosening clamping rings, the blades may be turned in their sockets,

so that they have a new blade angle and consequently new geo

metric pitch. An adjustable-pitch propeller can have its blade

angles changed only when the engine is at rest, i.e., when the

plane is on the ground. A controllable-pitch propeller is one whose

blade angles may be changed in flight. This is accomplished by

electrical or oil-pressure-operated devices. The term variable-

pitch propeller may be applied to either adjustable- or controllable-

pitch propellers.

With a fixed-blade propeller, the effective pitch varies: it is

zero when the airplane is stationary, and it has a finite value as

the airplane moves forward. In level flight, the effective pitch

has a value approximately 75 per cent of the geometric pitch;

in a dive, it increases still further and may even exceed the geo

metric pitch.

Propellers are selected for certain design requirements, i.e.,

for the V/(ND) of the desired flight conditions. While the pro-

peller is operating under these design conditions, the effective

pitch is D times the design V/(ND), and the angle of attack (a)

of the blade elements is the angle of maximum L/D. The blade

angle of a fixed-blade propeller being constant, when the effective

pitch is decreased by flight conditions, with the decreased V/(ND)

there is an increase in the angle of attack and consequently a de

crease in L/D. When the airplane is stationary, the effective

pitch and V/(ND) being zero, the angle of attack of each element

is equal to the blade angle of the element. For the portion of the

blade near the center, the angle of attack is greater than the burble

point, and the efficiency is therefore low.

In climbing, the airspeed is low while the engine is running at

full r.p.m. so that the V/(ND') is much less than the design

V/(ND). The effective pitch during climb is such that the angle

of attack a of the blades is greater than the angle of maximum

L/D, so the efficiency is low.

Improvement in efficiency which would mean obtaining greater

thrust with the same horsepower expenditure can therefore be

gained in take-off and in climb by using a controllable-pitch

propeller. With a small blade angle in take-off or climb, the angle

of attack can be nearly if not exactly the angle of maximum L/D.

After the altitude is reached where level flight is to be maintained,

the blades can be reset to a new geometric pitch, which will give

the correct blade angle for level flight conditions.

Determining Proper Power-Speed Coefficient. The equation

for power using the speed-power coefficient C, is


P in foot-pounds per second

p in slugs per cubic foot

V in feet per second

N is revolutions per second

In order to employ the more usual units, this formula is modi

fied, as follows.


550 X H.P. =

/88 M.P.HA"

I 60 )


V 60 / '

RP ^

44.5 X P X M.P.H.6

For sea-level conditions, where p is 0.002378 slug per cubic foot

„ _ 44.5 X 0.002378 X M.P.H.5

11.1 . = —

R.P.M/ X C,5

0.106 X M.P.H.

R.P.M/ X C,6

Solving for C, gives


.P.M.2 X H.P.

0.638 X M.P.H.

" R.P.MJ X ITF.*

Therefore, the available horsepower, engine revolutions, and

airspeed being known, Cs may be found.

This formula does not lend itself readily to slide-rule operation.

It may be solved by logarithms or by use of the chart of Fig. 49.

In using the chart, a line is drawn from the origin 0 through the

intersection of lines representing velocity and revolutions per

minute. The intersection of this line with the horsepower line

gives the value of Cs.

Example. The engine gives 400 hp. at 1,900 r.p.m. What should

be the C, of the propeller for an airspeed of 150 miles per hour?

Solution. See dotted lines on Fig. 49. From 0 draw diagonal line

through intersection of lines representing 150 miles per hour and 1,900

r.p.m. Where diagonal line intersects line representing power of

400 hp., read on C, scale 1.40.


(Use logarithms and check by nomogram)

1. A Stearman plane uses a Kinner engine which is rated 210 hp.

at 1,900 r.p.m. What should be the C, of a propeller for an air

speed of 100 miles per hour?

2. A Monocoupe uses a Warner engine rated 125 hp. at 2,050

r.p.m. What should be the C, of the propeller for an airspeed of 112

miles per hour?

3. A Taylor Cub cruises at 65 miles per hour. It is powered with

a Continental engine, giving 37 hp. at 2,550 r.p.m. What should be

the C, of the propeller?

4. An Aeronca Collegian cruises at 65 miles per hour, with an engine

rated 36 hp. at 2,400 r.p.m. What should be the C, of the propeller?


Brake Horsepower

5888 88 8

R P. M










0.6DIRECTIONS:Through point, whose

ordinate is velocity and

abscissa is r. p. m., draw

line from origin in lower

left - hand corner Where

this line crosses vertical

power line, read Cs on

left . hand scale.//7/_s//

/>, '9/f'///88 8« B •~» (N OJR. P M.290








210 |


1»|180 1S170









Brake Horsepower

FIG. 49. Chart for finding C,,


6. A Laird Speedwing is equipped with a Wasp Junior engine of

300 hp. at 2,000 r.p.m. What is the Cs of a propeller suitable for

cruising at 150 miles per hour?

6. For the airplane described in problem 5, what is the Cs of a pro

peller for racing at 190 miles per hour?

7. A Douglas Airliner cruises at 185 miles per hour, equipped with

two Wright engines each giving 700 hp. at 1,900 r.p.m. What should

be the Cs of suitable propellers?

8. A Lockheed Vega cruises at'150 miles per hour, equipped with

a Wasp engine of 420 hp. at 2,000 r.p.m. What is the C, of a suitable


9. A Bellanca Pacemaker cruises at 125 miles per hour with a

Wasp Junior of 300 hp. at 2,000 r.p.m. What is the Cs of a suitable


10. A Northrop Delta has a maximum speed of 221 miles per hour

with a Wright Cyclone engine of 710 hp. at 1,900 r.p.m. What is the

C, of a suitable propeller?

Determining Blade Angle and Diameter. The design power,

airspeed, and revolutions per minute being known, the power-speed

coefficient can be found as shown in the preceding section. V and

N being known, the effective pitch (V/N) can be found. It is

desired to have an efficient propeller for the design conditions, but

there are two variables, the diameter and the geometric pitch.

The diameter is limited in size, in that too large a diameter will

not allow sufficient ground clearance in landing and taking-off.

Also with given number of revolutions per minute, a larger diame

ter will mean greater tip speeds. With tip speed above 900 ft.

per sec. the tip losses are very great and cut down on the efficiency.

If design V and N are fixed, increasing the diameter decreases the

design V/(NU).

Increasing the V/(ND), by decreasing the diameter, means that

a large geometric pitch (large blade angle) will be necessary to

secure efficiency under design conditions. A large blade angle will

give a low static thrust resulting in poor take-off and poor climb.

Examining Fig. 47, it will be seen that propellers with larger

pitch ratios (blade angles) have greater maximum efficiencies than

propellers with smaller pitch ratios; also that these greater maxi

mum efficiencies for the large pitch ratio propeller are for greater

V/(ND) values. This would seem to indicate that a very small

diameter would be desirable accompanied by large pitch ratio.

This might be true if the propeller always operated at design


V/(ND). In level flight, throttling the engine to give slightly

fewer revolutions per minute will decrease the airspeed approxi

mately the same ratio, and since D is constant, V/(ND) will be

approximately the same as design V/(ND). In climb, however,

with full throttle, the airspeed will decrease greatly so that

V/(ND) will be much less than design V/(ND). Referring to

Fig. 47, if a propeller has been picked which has a higher efficiency

.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 18 1.9 2.0

Fio. 50. Efficiency versus Cs for various blade angles.

than any of the other propellers plotted for some given V/(ND),

at a smaller V/(ND) a propeller with less pitch will show a higher


The efficiency versus V/(ND) curves are practically horizontal

near the maximum point, then drop rather sharply. If a propeller

is selected which has peak efficiency for the V/(ND) of level

flight maximum speed, at the V/(ND) of cruising conditions the

propeller will have almost the same efficiency.



In Fig. 50 is shown efficiency 77 plotted against Cs for a metal

propeller with a type J-5 engine mounted in a high-wing cabin

monoplane. With a different engine or mounted in the nose of

a different type of airplane, owing to the different interference

0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0

FIG. 51. C, versus blade angle for various values of V/(ND).

immediately behind the central part of the propeller, the efficiency

curves will be altered slightly. The curves of Fig. 50 are quite

typically representative, however.

Selecting the peak efficiency of any one blade setting, it will be

noted that, at the same value of C,, a higher efficiency is obtain-


able with a larger blade angle. If the utmost efficiency is desired

for a given C, then a propeller with the blade angle giving the

highest efficiency for that C, should be chosen. At slightly lower

values of Cs, the efficiency of the bigger-blade-angled propeller

will have dropped sharply whereas the efficiency of the smaller-

blade-angled propeller will have decreased only slightly.

If high speed is the only objective, the C, being known, the blade

angle is chosen which gives the greatest efficiency for that Cs.

This will result in an extremely poor take-off.

The blade angle which has peak efficiency for this C, will permit

of a reasonably good take-off but owing to the smaller efficiency

will reduce the topspeed.

A propeller with a blade angle which is the mean between those

described in the last two paragraphs will result in a take-off

approximating that for the peak efficiency while the maximum

speed obtainable will be practically that of the propeller selected

for high speed. This is the propeller usually selected.

With the blade angle decided on, resort is made to a chart similar

to Fig. 51, where C, is plotted against V/(ND) for various blade

angles. Two reference lines are on this diagram, one designating

the maximum efficiency for racing planes, the other suitable for

general purposes. The use of Figs. 50 and 51 can best be explained

by an illustrative example.

Example. A cabin monoplane has a top speed of 150 miles per hour.

Its engine gives 400 hp. at 1,900 r.p.m. Find diameter, blade angle,

and efficiency of the propeller for general utility. What is its effi

ciency if airplane flies 100 miles per hour at 1,600 r.p.m.?

Solution. From previous work:

C, = 1.40

From Fig. 50, for C, = 1.40; blade angle of 19° is at peak efficiency,

TJ = 0.79; blade angle of 20° gives efficiency of 0.80, blade angle of

22° gives v = 0.81.

From Fig. 51, for C, 1.40 and blade angle 19°


.WD = °.725

V = 150 miles per hour

= 220 ft. per sec.

N = 31.7 r.p.s.


then " ~ 31.7 X 0.725

= 9 ft. 7 in.

for V = 100 miles per hour

= 146.7 ft. per sec.

and N = 26.7 r.p.s.

V 146.7

ND ~ 26.7 X 9.57

= 0.574

From Fig. 51 for 19° blade angle and V/( ND) of 0.574

C, = 1.08

From Fig. 50 for 19° angle and C, = 1,08

r, = 0.75


1. Find diameter, blade angle, and efficiency for a general-utility

propeller for V = 120 miles per hour, 200 hp., and 1,800 r.p.m.

2. Find diameter, blade angle, and efficiency for a general utility-

propeller for V = 140 miles per hour, 200 hp., and 1,800 r.p.m.

3. Find diameter, blade angle, and efficiency for a general-utility

propeller for V = 180 miles per hour,' 200 hp., and 1,800 r.p.m.

4. Find diameter, blade angle, and efficiency for a general-utility

propeller for V = 120 miles per hour, 400 hp., and 1,900 r.p.m.

6. Find diameter, blade angle, and efficiency for a general-utility

propeller for 70 miles per hour, 90 hp., and 1,400 r.p.m.

Finding Blade Angle with Diameter Fixed. It is quite often

that the size of the propeller is influenced by the need of having

proper ground clearance. Also it is becoming more common to

use a variable-pitch propeller, in which case the problem resolves

itself into selecting the proper blade setting for a given diameter.

Example. What should be blade setting and efficiency for a vari

able-pitch propeller 8 ft. 6 in. in diameter for V = 150 miles per hour

and 400 hp. at 1,900 r.p.m.?

Solution. From previous work C, = 1.40 and

V 220

ND ~ 31.7 X 8.5

= 0.816

From Fig. 51 for C, = 1.40 and V/(ND) = 0.816:

Blade angle = 25°

From Fig. 50 for C, = 1.40 and blade angle 25°:

r, = 0.81



1. Find blade angle for a 7-ft. propeller for 110 miles per hour, 210

hp., at 2,000 r.p.m.

2. Find blade angle for an 8-ft. propeller for 150 miles per hour,

200 hp., at 1,800 r.p.m.

3. Find blade angle for an 8-ft. propeller for 150 miles per hour,

300 hp., at 2,000 r.p.m.

4. Find blade angle for a 9-ft. propeller for 150 miles per hour, 300

hp., at 2,000 r.p.m.

6. Find blade angle for an 8-ft. propeller for 70 miles per hour,

90 hp., at 1,400 r.p.m.

Propeller Performance at Altitudes. The expressions for thrust,

torque, and power all contain the term p, the air density. They

therefore vary directly with density just as do the lift and drag of

a simple wing. Efficiency of a propeller does not depend on den

sity, merely on the V/(ND) condition. As long as the propeller

advances the same distance per revolution, the efficiency will

remain the same, regardless of altitude. As pointed out in the

chapter on engines, the brake horsepower decreases with altitude

but at a greater rate than the density decreases.

At the ground, the engine turns over at a certain speed. That

speed is the speed at which the torque power or resistance of the

propeller just balances the engine power. At that particular

speed of rotation, the propeller exerts a definite thrust which pullsy

the airplane forward at an airspeed which is the velocity at which

the total drag, or resistance of the airplane to forward motion, just

balances the thrust.

At an altitude, if the throttle is left at the same opening, the

engine would tend to turn over faster, because the thinner air

would offer less resistance to the propeller; i.e., the power absorbed

by the propeller would be less. Speeding up an engine gives

greater power, but, since at an altitude the actual power per revo

lution drops off as the result of lessened volumetric efficiency and

this decrease is at a greater rate than the increase in power due to

putative increased revolutions per minute, the engine actually

runs slower at altitude.

If, at the ground, the airplane is cruising at less than full power,

at an altitude the throttle may be opened wider so that the engine

speed is the same as it previously was at the ground. In doing

this the horsepower delivered by the engine is made equal to the


torque horsepower of the propeller at that engine speed at that


The drag of an airplane in level flight at any one airspeed varies

directly with the air density. Drag equals thrust in level flight.

At any altitude the thrust required to maintain a given airspeed

compared with the thrust required at the ground for that same air

speed will be directly as the ratio of the air densities. The power

required to turn the propeller at this airspeed at the altitude would

be related to the power required at the ground as the relative densi

ties only if the revolutions per minute were the same. The engine

cannot at altitude furnish power proportionate to the relative

density compared with the power at the ground at the same

revolutions per minute. Therefore, for a given airspeed, the

revolutions per minute will be less at altitude than at the ground.

The advance per revolution, or V/(ND), not being the same for

a given airspeed at altitude as at the ground, the efficiency of the

propeller will be different. The thrust horsepower at altitude

compared with the thrust horsepower at the ground for the same

airspeed is affected in two ways: first, the brake horsepower of the

engine is less; and second, since the engine speed is less the effi

ciency of the propeller is different.

Propeller Selection for Altitude Flying. Previously in this

chapter the method of selecting the proper diameter and blade

angle was shown on the basis of flying at or near sea-level. If the

engine delivers approximately the same horsepower at altitudes,

it is conceivable that the propeller might not offer enough resist

ance to prevent the engine running overspeed.

The formula used for determining the power-speed coefficient

0.638 X M.P.H.

" KY.l/6 X R.P.M.2/6

was derived from the more basic formula

= 44.5 X p X M.P.H.5

KR X R.P.M.2

= 2.136 X p'/5 X M.P.H.

HIT1'6 X R.P.M.2/6

The power-speed coefficient varies with the fifth root of the air

density, provided horsepower, airspeed, and revolutions per min-


ute are unchanged,

sea-level density or


The nomogram in Fig. 49 being based on

0.638 X M.P.H.

H.P.l/5 X R.P.M.2/6

_ 2.136 X (0.002378)1/li X M.P.H.

ILP?/6 X R.P.M.i/6

the power-speed coefficient at altitude (Csa) may be obtained by

multiplying the power-speed coefficient for sea-level (C») by the

fifth root of the relative densities (pa/po).

~ t.'so I

y.Y I "O


Altitude in

feet010002000300040005000600070008000900010000*r~v"V po1.00.994.988.982.977.971.965.959.953.947.941Altitude infeet1000011000120001300014000150001600017000180001900020000S/—

yfe» PO0.941 t..935.929.923.917.911.906.900.894.888.882

Example. What should be the blade setting and diameter of the

propeller which makes an airspeed of 150 miles an hour at an altitude

of 10,000 ft.? The engine is supercharged to give 400 hp. at 1,900

r.p.m. at the altitude of 10,000 ft.


C»M» = 0.941 X C*,

= 0.941 X 1.40

= 1.33

From Fig. 51 for C, = 1.33, blade angle = 19|°, V/ND = 0.70,



31.7 X 0.7

= 9.9 ft.

The propeller, 9.9 ft. in diameter, with a blade angle of 19J0, will

absorb the 400 hp. at 10,000-ft. altitude.

If the propeller that was selected previously for 150 miles per hour,

400 hp. at 1,900 r.p.m. at sea-level, with 9.57-ft. diameter and blade

angle of 19°, is a fixed-blade propeller, then at 10,000-ft. altitude,

since V and N are the same, the V/( ND) will be the same as at the

ground. The Cs which is a function of the V/(ND) and blade angle

will be the same. The power absorbed by this propeller at 10,000-ft.

altitude is

WT) 44.5 X pto.000 X M.P.H."

H.r. = — 2 =5

44.5 X 0.001756 X 150B

19002 X 1.406

= 295

This horsepower is not sufficient to hold back the 400-hp. engine so

that the engine would tend to race if not throttled.

A propeller suitable for flying at altitude is not efficient near the

ground. A good propeller for ground conditions is not suitable for

altitude work. For this reason a variable-pitch propeller is highly



1. Find the blade angle for a 9-ft. propeller for flying at 15,000-ft.

altitude, with an airspeed of 110 miles per hour, 210 hp. at 2,000

r.p.m. at that altitude.

3. Find the blade angle for a 9-ft. propeller for flying at 15,000-ft.

altitude with an airspeed of 150 miles per hour, 300 hp. at 2,000 r.p.m.

at that altitude.

3. Find the blade angle for a 9-ft. propeller for flying at 20,000-ft.

altitude with an airspeed of 150 miles per hour, 300 hp. at 2,000

r.p.m. at that altitude.

4. Find the blade angle for a 9-ft. propeller for flying at 15,000-ft.

altitude with an airspeed of 150 miles per hour, 250 hp. at 1,800 r.p.m.

at that altitude.

6. Find the blade angle for a 9-ft. propeller for flying at 20,000-ft.

altitude, with an airspeed of 150 miles per hour, 250 hp. at 1,800

r.p.m. at that altitude.

Geared Propellers. Propellers with high geometric pitch, i.e.,

large blade angle, have high efficiencies. A high geometric pitch

postulates a large V/(ND). The horsepower of airplane engines

is proportional to the speed of revolution, so that, to keep down the


size and weight per horsepower, the revolutions per second should

be high. With a fixed-diameter propeller, for a given airspeed,

increasing N has the effect of decreasing V/(ND). The increase

in horsepower with increased revolutions per minute increases

. 0.638 X M.P.H. , ., ,

the denominator of TT p 1/5 y p p A,T 2/6 and therefore decreases

the value of Cs. In addition, high revolution speed with large-

diameter propeller means high tip speeds with consequent loss of

efficiency. High engine speed is desirable, but high propeller

speed is undesirable.

Geared propellers have the following disadvantages. There is

added weight and loss of power in gear friction. Owing to high

engine speed and low propeller speed, cooling of the engine becomes

a problem. The necessary greater diameter involves greater

landing-gear height. There is an added cost.

The advantages of gearing-down propellers are as follows.

There is increase in performance of the airplane due to greater

efficiency of the propeller consequent on larger pitch ratio, on the

absence of tip losses, and on the larger diameter involving a pro

portionately less interference effect from the fuselage and engine.

A geared propeller is practically noiseless owing to the low tip


With gearing, the propeller must be mounted outboard of the

bearings, and since the propeller shaft is very short, it must be

lined up perfectly or the wear on the gears will be excessive. The

gear teeth must be cut accurately, and the gears must be well

lubricated at all times.

The effect of gearing is best shown by an illustrative problem.

In a previous illustration, it was worked out for a plane making

150 miles per hour, with an engine of 400 hp. at 1,900 r.p.m., that

the efficiency was 80.5 per cent. Considering that gearing will

give greater efficiency and therefore greater horsepower let it be

assumed that the airspeed will be increased to 160 miles per hour.

Example. A cabin monoplane has a speed of 150 miles with a 400-

hp. engine at 1,900 r.p.m. If the propeller is geared 2 to 1, what will

be C,, D, and efficiency?


0.638 X 150

' ~ 9502/6 X 4001/8

= 1.86

From Figs. 50 and 51, for C, = 1.86, V/( ND) = 1.08, blade angle =

27°, i) = 0.86:

D = 15.8 X 1.08

= 12.9 ft.

Summarizing for the geared and direct-driven propellers gives this


Gear ratio Direct 2 : 1

R.p.m. of propeller 1,900 950

C, 1.41 1.86

V/(ND) 0.76 1.08

Diameter, feet 9.1 12.9

Blade angle 21° 27°

Efficiency 0.805 0.86

Tip speed, feet per second 920 650

Body Interference. The presence of the engine and fuselage

immediately in the rear of the propeller modifies the flow of air

through the propeller disk. The air coming through the central

part of the disk is diverted outward, causing a change in the di

rection of stream flow back of the propeller.

The net effect of this interference is to increase the Cs slightly

for all values of V/(ND). It also causes the peak value of

efficiency to occur at a slightly higher V/(ND) than it would with

out the interference.

Propeller Performance. The brake horsepower of an airplane

engine varies almost directly with the speed of rotation. The

amount of power which a propeller is capable of absorbing depends

on its speed-power coefficient and its V/(ND). The full-throttle

engine speed is dependent on the torque resistance offered by the


The thrust horsepower of an engine-propeller unit is the brake

horsepower of the engine multiplied by the efficiency of the pro

peller. It is the thrust horsepower that produces and maintains

the velocity of the airplane.

The speed of the engine may be reduced either directly by throt

tling or by reducing the airspeed by pulling back on the control

stick. At a reduced airspeed, the numerator of the expression

V/(ND) becomes less. With smaller V/(ND), the power coeffi

cient of the propeller becomes greater (see Fig. 48). For a two-

bladed propeller Cs = V/(ND\/PC), if the power coefficient


Pe is increased, the fifth root of the reciprocal of the power coeffi

cient will be less. With a decreased airspeed, the power coefficient

will decrease at a faster rate than the airspeed. The power re

quired to rotate the propeller being

H.P. =

0.106 /M.P.H.y

RMM C, )

and C, decreasing faster than the miles per hour, the horsepower

absorbed would increase if the revolutions per minute remained

the same. Actually putting more load on the engine will slow

it down.

Propeller performance is the effectiveness with which the pro

peller changes engine power into thrust power at all airspeeds.

Propeller performance is either stated in the form of a table or as

a curve of thrust horsepower at various airspeeds.

It usually is assumed that brake horsepower varies directly as

revolutions per minute, or, letting B.H.P.0 be rated horsepower

and R.P.M.Q be rated speed, for unsupercharged engines,

B.H.P. R.P.M.

B.H.P.o R.P.M.o

Airspeeds are chosen for 10-mile-per-hour intervals throughout

the range of airspeed it is expected that the airplane will fly.

Since at airspeeds less than design airspeed, the engine will run

slower than design revolutions per minute, to find the engine speed

at each airspeed it is necessary to interpolate.

At each airspeed at least three engine speeds are assumed in the

neighborhood of which the engine speed might be expected to be.

For each of these engine speeds a value of Cs is found. These

calculations are for a fixed-pitch propeller so that the blade angle

does not change. If the C, corresponding to each engine speed is

known, the V/(ND) may be found from Fig. 51 for each engine

speed. With V and D known, N may be found giving a second

value of engine speed for each engine speed originally assumed.

By plotting the originally assumed engine speeds against C, and

the calculated engine speeds against Cs and locating the inter

section of these two plots, the actual revolutions per minute and

C, are found for this airspeed. An illustrative example follows.

Example. A cabin monoplane has an engine rated 400 hp. at 1,900

r.p.m. The propeller has a blade angle of 21° and the diameter is 9.1

ft. The design airspeed is 150 miles per hour. What are the revo

lutions per minute and thrust horsepower at 120 miles per hour?

Solution. For 1,850 r.p.m.:

H.P. = 400 X |-|§

= 389.5

0.638 X 120

X 389.5i"i

= 1.146

From Fig. 51, V/(ND) = 0.63 for 21° angle and C, = 1.146.

For 1,800 r.p.m.:

120 X 88

"v ~ 9.1 X 0.63

= 1,842 r.p.m.


= 379

C, =

0.638 X 120

1,800V6 X 379i/5

= 1.165

From Fig. 51, V/(ND) = 0.64 for 21° angle and C, = 1.165.

N 120 X 88

For 1,700 r.p.m.:

9.1 X 0.64

= 1813

400 X 1,700

' ' " 1,900

= 358

0.638 X 120

Cj " 1,7002/5 x 35Si/*

= 1.205

From Fig. 51, V/(ND) = 0.66 for 21° angle and C, = 1.205.

120 X 88

9.1 X 0.66

= 1,758 r.p.m.

In Fig. 52 are plotted the assumed revolutions per minute against the

corresponding C, values and a line is drawn through these points.

The calculated revolutions per minute are also plotted against C, and

a line is drawn. The intersection gives 1,830 r.p.m. for an airspeed of

120 miles per hour, and corresponding to these conditions C, is 1.153.



From Fig. 50, the efficiency for this Cj and a blade angle of 21° is

76 per cent.

B.H.P. = 400 X

= 385

Thrust H.P.

= B.H.P. X r}

= 385 X 0.76

= 293 hp.

The foregoing method when worked out for each 10-mile-per-

hour interval is a series of calculations of some magnitude. A less

exact method, often employed,

makes use of the assumption

that for most propellers the

percentage of maximum effi

ciency is the same at the same

percentage of design V/(ND).

The curve in Fig. 54 shows this 1700

relation for metal propellers.

If wooden propellers are used

the curve has a somewhat dif

ferent slope. The ordinates of this curve are not efficiencies but

percentages of the maximum efficiency; likewise the abscissas are




.3 4

1.14 1.15 1 16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20

FIG. 52. Interpolation for illustrative


.7 .8


1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4

FIG. 53. Maximum efficiency versus design V/(ND).

not values of V/(ND) but percentages of design V/(ND). The

use of this graph will be illustrated in performance calculations

later in this book.



In preliminary calculations of performance where meticulous

accuracy is not required, an approximate idea of the maximum

efficiency of a propeller may be obtained by use of the graph in

Fig. 53. This gives the maximum efficiency for various values of

design V/(ND).



I 70

I 60

40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130

Percent Design fa

FIG. 54. Variation of efficiency with V/(ND).


'0 4000 8000 12000 16000 20000 24000

Altitude m Feet

FIG. 55. Variation of R.P.M. with altitude.

Construction. The first airplane propellers were made of wood.

This material offers the simplest form of construction. Many

different kinds of wood have been tried. Walnut, oak, and birch

are considered the best, birch usually being thought superior to

the others. The propeller is not made from a single block of wood,

but for greater strength is made of several layers firmly glued

together under pressure. These laminations extend across from

one blade to the other, being continuous through the hub. The

tips are covered with thin sheet brass, this protective material

extending inward along the leading edge for some distance.

Wood and the glue uniting the laminations are both affected

by heat and dampness. Also the blades have to be thicker if made

of wood than if made of stronger material; being thick they can-


not be made an efficient shape in cross-section. Wooden propellers

find their chief use in small, inexpensive airplanes.

The first advance in propeller material was the use of Micarta.

Micarta is stronger than wood; it is made of layers of canvas

strongly impregnated with a Bakelite composition, united in one

piece and formed under heavy pressure in a mold. Each blade is

made separately, the inner end being cylindrical with a shoulder

or projecting rim on the extreme butt. The inner blade ends are

firmly held in metal sockets attached to the metal hub. Micarta

is not affected by moderate heat or by dampness and is some

what lighter in weight than a wooden propeller.

One of the first forms of metal propellers was made by shaping

a flat piece of aluminum sheet and twisting it near the hub to the

desired pitches while cold, then heat-treating to relieve the

stresses. The hub section was reinforced by clamping a round

block of wood on each side. This type of propeller was a vast

improvement over the wooden one. If a plane equipped with a

wooden propeller nosed over in landing, the propeller invariably

shattered. With a thin metal propeller, the tip might be bent

at right angles in nosing-over without breaking. An airplane has

even been flown with a blade in this shape, but the blade can be

roughly hammered flat to be later sent to the manufacturer for


Later one-piece duralumin propellers were made by forging.

Magnesium alloy propellers are now being employed to some ex

tent. Hollow steel propellers that are seamless and have no welds

have been made. They are fabricated by drawing a seamless

steel tube through rollers to taper it. The small end is then spun

closed, and the other end is peined out to form a shoulder which

can be gripped in the hub. After machining to obtain proper

wall thickness, the tapered tube is squeezed into final shape in iron

dies. Since the forming is done while cold, the blades are heat-

treated to relieve stresses.

When a propeller blade whirling at high speed strikes a drop of

rain, the rain drop acts as if it were a solid bullet. A wooden

propeller flown through a rainstorm will be badly pitted. Metal

propellers withstand the action of rain much better. Aluminum

parts are adversely affected by salt air or salt spray unless they

are protected by a special treatment.

The Department of Commerce requires that any new type of



propeller must pass a whirl test. This consists of 10 hours of

whirling at an overload speed as specified below:

NT = revolutions per minute during test

NT = CA NA NA = r.p.m. in level flight at which propeller


will absorb rated horsepower

NG = r.p.m. on ground at which propeller will

absorb rated horsepower

CA and CG = constants from following table

Non-metallic (fixed pitch)Metal (fixed pitch)Variable pitch (any material) .TESTED ON












A further requirement of the Department of Commerce is that

propellers should be so designed that they will limit the speed of

the engine at full throttle to 105 per cent of the official rated

engine speed.

N.A.C.A. Reports.


WEICK, Aircraft Propeller Design.



The performance of an airplane is its ability to do certain things.

Its functioning in respect to some characteristics is difficult to

measure quantitatively, and the stability, maneuverability, and

ease of control can be described in only a general or qualitative

manner. Other features of its behavior in the air which can be

specified quite exactly are termed the performance. The items

usually listed as performance characteristics are maximum and

minimum speed at sea-level and at various altitudes, absolute

ceiling, service ceiling, time to climb to various altitudes, best

climbing speeds, angle of glide, radius of glide, range, and en


The present state of our knowledge permits the prediction, with

a high degree of accuracy, of the performance of an airplane while

in its design stage. This is especially true if wind-tunnel measure

ments have been made of the drag of the fuselage and landing-

gear assembly.

The stalling speed of an airplane can be found if only the wing

loading and the maximum lift coefficient of the wing section are

known. All other performance characteristics of an airplane

require that data on the engine and further aerodynamic data on

the airplane be known. In studying performance, there are two

primary conditions: first, the power required to move the air

plane through the air; secondly, the power that the engine can

furnish while the airplane is executing that movement.

Horsepower Required at Sea-Level. The total horsepower

required to move the airplane forward through the air is the sum

of the horsepowers required to move the various parts of the air

plane through the air. The parts may be grouped in various


If a graph is available giving the characteristics of the airfoil

section data for the aspect ratio of the actual wing, it is probably

simpler to find the horsepower needed for the wing and that for


the parasite. The sum of these two is the total horsepower re


It is not common, however, to have at hand characteristic

curves for the proper aspect ratio. Curves for airfoils of infinite

aspect ratio, which usually are obtainable, serve in calculating the

profile drag of the wing. This may be joined with the parasite

drag of the struts, landing gear, and wheels, etc., which like the

profile wing drag does not vary with the angle of attack. The

horsepower required to overcome this combined drag varies only

as the cube of the airspeed. As the parasite drag of the fuselage

and tail surfaces is presumed to change with angle of attack as

well as with the cube of the velocity, the horsepower needed for

this is computed separately. The horsepower to overcome the

induced wing drag is calculated by itself.

Since the increased drag of the fuselage and landing gear with

angle of attack is manifest only at high angles, i.e., low airspeeds,

where ample engine horsepower is available, little error is pro

duced in the final result if these drags are assumed to change not

with angle of attack but only with velocity. Making this assump

tion permits all the parasite resistance to be grouped and simplifies

the computation. This approximation causes very small error

at high speeds but introduces inaccuracy at low speed. Each

method is exemplified in an example.

Example 1. (First method.) Find the horsepower required for a

monoplane weighing 2,000 Ib. and having a Clark Y rectangular wing

36 ft. by 6 ft. The parasite drag has an equivalent flat plate area

of 3.8 sq. ft. Result to be given as plot of horsepower versus velocity.

Solution. From Fig. 17, read off and, as shown in table below,

tabulate CL and CD for various angles of attack from near the zero

lift angle to beyond the burble point.

The velocity is found by using the formula

T 0.00256 g


For any particular airplane, V/n~00256 *s cons^ant throughout the

series of calculations.

For this airplane:

Wing loading = .^-

. , 2,000

= 9.26 Ib. per sq. ft.

Horsepower required for the wing is determined for each angle of

attack by the formula

HP . D>< V

H.P.™* - 375

Cp X 0.00256 X S X V3


For any given problem, the term in parenthesis is constant; for this


0.00256 S 0.00256 X 216

375 375

= 0.00147

and H.P.wing = 0.00147 CDV*

For flat plates

For this airplane

0.00327 X a X V3

0.00327 X 3.8 X V8

H.l'.pat. - 375

= 0.0000331 V

A variation of the above method is to make use of the L/ D curve of

Fig. 17. Since in level flight lift is equal to weight:


Dra* = -



Columns 2 and 3 obtained from Fig. 17.

Columns 5, 6, and 7 plotted against column 4 in Fig. 56.

Velocity is found as above. Horsepower for the wing is

For this airplane



375 >

5.33 X








































Horsepower required for the parasite is found as above.





48 '12161819










19.5' 15.5













Example 2. (Second method.) Find the horsepower required for

a monoplane weighing 2,000 Ib. and having a rectangular wing 43.2

ft. by 5 ft. The parasite assumed to vary with angle of attack, con

sisting of fuselage and tail surface, has an equivalent flat plate area

of 1.6 sq. ft. The parasite not varying with angle of attack, namely,

struts, landing gear, and wheels, etc., has an equivalent flat plate area

of 2.2 sq. ft.



Aspect ratio = -=—

= 8.64

~ i r X 8.64

= 0.0368 CL

From Fig. 17 or Fig. 23, Cimal. = 1.56

K min. —


0.00256 X 1.56 X 216

= 48.1 miles per hour



Equivalent flat plate area of parasite drag varying with angle of

attack, A, = 1.6 sq. ft.

At high speed, CDPI = 216—

..... . ~ 1.6 X 1.28

= 0.00948

t— .—+////.///ft*///i/^^3/7

»4/ '1If/I1:iylf/////i//*&if.//ii

40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240

Miles per Hour

FIG. 56. Horsepower required for various airspeeds. (Example 1.)

Equivalent flat plate area of parasite drag constant with angle of

attack, As = 2.2 sq. ft.

2.2 X 1.28


= 0.0130

The velocity being assumed, the corresponding value of CL can be

found by

CL= * .

L 0.00256 X.SK2


For this problem, CL = 0.00256 X 216 X F



Since the coefficient of parasite drag is expressed as a function of wing

area S, it may be added to the coefficients of induced and profile drag

to give an all-inclusive drag coefficient, CD.

For this problem

H.P.total =

CD X 0.00256 X SV3


0.00256 X S X


= 0.00147 CDV3


Explanation of Table


















































Column 2 obtained by dividing items in column 1 by Vmia. (— 48).

Column 3 obtained by dividing 3,640 by items in column 1 squared.

Column 4 obtained by multiplying items in column 3 squared by 0.0368.

Column 5 obtained from Fig. 38.

Column 6 obtained from Fig. 41.

Column 7 obtained by multiplying CDpiH.S. (= 0.0095) by items in column 6.

Column 8 obtained by adding Cop, (= 0.0130) to items in column 7.



In Fig. 57 velocity (column 1) is plotted against horsepower re

quired (column 10).







40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140

Velocity (Miles per hour)

FIG. 57. Horsepower required for various airspeeds. (Example 2.)

Example 3. Find the horsepower required by a biplane weighing

4,225 Ib. The upper span is 38 ft., the lower span is 35 ft., the gap is

5.35 ft. The area of upper wing is 214 sq. ft., the area of lower wing is

150 sq. ft. Both wings are Clark Y airfoils. At high speed, the

parasite has an equivalent flat plate area of 9.4 sq. ft. of which 3.2

sq. ft. varies with angle of attack.


From Fig. 40, a = 0.56




= 0.737

E.M.A.R. =

MGapMean spanb,"6135~38= 0.925.3536.5= 0.146

(0.02)2 (1 + 0.737)2

(0.92)2 + 2 X 0.56 X 0.737 X 0.92 + (0.737)1



1.185 X 382

" 150 + 214

= 4.7



it X4.7

0.0677 C

V . —

* mm. —

).00256 Cimai.S


0.00256 X 1.56 X 364

= 54 miles per hour

Equivalent flat plate area of parasite drag varying with angle of at

tack, A, = 3.2 sq. ft.

















50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150

Velocity I Miles per hour)

Fio. 58. Horsepower required for various airspeeds. (Example 3.)

At high speed,

3.2 X 1.28




Equivalent flat plate area of parasite drag constant with angle of at .

tack, Ae = 6.2 sq. ft.

6.2 X 1.28

CD* - - 364

= 0.0218

If velocity is assumed, corresponding value of CL can be found by

For this problem

For this problem

^L ~ 0.00256 X S X V72


0.00256 X 364 X


H.P.req total =

X 0.00256 X S X V9

_ Cp X 0.00256 X 364 X V3


= 0.00248 CDF3


1V54607080901001101201301401502' /' min.,0.1640.1070.0588.0342.0212.0140.0095.0070.0049.0036.00285CD,0.0446.0200.0135.0120.0105.0100.0100.0099.0098.0099.00996F4.001.721.*0.0452.0194.0136.0122.0113.0113.0113.0113.0113.0113.01138Cot0.0670.0412.0354.0340.0331.0331.0331.0331.0331.0331.03319CD0.2756.1682.1077.0802.0648.0571.0526.0500.0478.0466.04.5810H.P.req:1049091102117142174214260317384

In Fig. 58, velocity (column 1) is plotted against horsepower required

(column 10).

Horsepower Available. The horsepower available for moving

the airplane is the brake horsepower of the engine multiplied by the

efficiency of the propeller. The propeller is selected for one air

speed, either maximum, cruising, or sometimes best climbing

speed. At any other speed, the propeller will be less efficient;

and because proportionately more torque load is put on the

engine, so that the engine runs slower, less brake horsepower is

developed. This means that, in an airplane flying at less than

design airspeed, the engine will develop less than its rated horse

power even though the throttle is full open.

The first requirement is to select the most suitable propeller.

Propeller choice depends on rated horsepower, speed of the engine,

and design airspeed. Engine speed and power will have to be

furnished in order to make the performance curves, but the maxi

mum airspeed is not known exactly until the horsepower-available

curve is drawn.

Two procedures may be followed. An arbitrary top speed may

be assumed based solely on similarity to existing airplanes of the

airplane for which performance curves are being drawn. On the

basis of this tentative maximum speed, a propeller is chosen,

enabling the horsepower available to be drawn. The completion

of this curve will give a maximum airspeed, which is the top speed

which can be obtained using the chosen propeller. If the top

speed obtained agrees closely with the assumed airspeed, the pro

peller is the correct one to use. If the assumed airspeed is different

from that indicated by the curves, the propeller selected on the

basis of the assumed airspeed is not suited for the engine-airplane

combination, and higher airspeeds will be obtained by substituting

another propeller. The second method of procedure differs only

in that arbitrarily a design efficiency is assumed for the propeller.

Usually 82 per cent efficiency is selected as this is about the highest

efficiency obtainable from propellers. Applying this factor to the

rated brake horsepower gives a tentative thrust horsepower.

The total horsepower required curve is then consulted to find the

velocity at which the horsepower required corresponds to this

thrust horsepower.

The velocity obtained from the horsepower required curve is

assumed to be the design airspeed. With this trial airspeed the

propeller is selected as described above.

With design airspeed and propeller tentatively chosen, the effect



of changes in airspeed on engine speed is next found. An exact

method was described in the chapter on propellers, but it is

usually considered sufficiently accurate to make use of the curve

of Fig. 42.

If the engine manufacturer furnishes curves or other information

as to the drop in horsepower with decrease in engine speed, they

should be utilized. Otherwise use should be made of


.XX..lr .2



' ' ' , which is representative of most engines. This gives the

brake horsepower.

At each airspeed there will be a corresponding engine speed, and

these determine the V/(ND) of the propeller. At each value of

V/(ND), the propeller efficiency is found, either from Fig. 47 or

more quickly but less exactly by Fig. 54.

The thrust horsepower or horsepower available is the product of

the propeller efficiency and the brake horsepower. The method is

illustrated by the following example.

Example. For the airplane described in example 1 in this chapter,

an engine rated at 150 hp. at 1,800 r.p.m. is installed. Find the data

for horsepower available versus velocity curve.



60204(*S";.—. — 'HorseAvaiXB^— *powerableU>^^^X^—"X^^^HUIM


(T(^*.Xpower)t«li/0 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 14

Velocity (Miles per hour)

Fio. 59. Horsepower required and available curves. (Example 1.)

Solution. Assume i\ for propeller as 82 per cent.

First approximation of H.P.avaii. = 150 X 0.82 = 123.

From Fig. 56, 123 hp. is required at 135 miles per hour.

0.638 X M.P.H.

Ci " (H.P.)i/6 X (R.P.M.)2/6

0.038 X 135



X l.8002/5


From Fig. 51, a propeller is chosen with a blade angle of 23° with

V/(ND) of 0.87 (T7 = 82.5 per cent).


N X 0.87

135 X 88

~ 1,800 X 0.87

= 7.59 ft.


Explanation of Table











Column 2 is the items of column 1 divided by design speed (135 miles

per hour).

Column 3 is obtained from Fig. 42. (NOTE: A more accurate method is

described in the chapter on propellers.)

Column 4 is the items in column 3 multiplied by design r.p.m. (1,800).

Column 5 is the items in column 3 multiplied by design horsepower

(150) (assuming power varies as engine speed).

Column 6 is the items in column 1 multiplied by 88 and divided by the

corresponding items in column 4 and the diameter (7.59).

Column 7 is the items in column 6 divided by the design V/(ND)


Column 8 is obtained from Fig. 54.

Column 9 is the items in column 8 multiplied by design efficiency (0.825).

Column 10 is the items in column 5 multiplied by corresponding items

in column 9.

Items in column 10 are plotted against corresponding items in column 1

on the same graph as the horsepower-required curve; see Fig. 59. It will

be noted that the horsepower-required curve and horsepower-available

curve intersect at 135 miles per hour. This is, then, the correct maximum

airspeed. If the assumed maximum airspeed, on which the propeller was

picked, differs materially from the maximum airspeed found by the inter

section of the two curves a second set of calculations must be gone through.

It must be borne in mind that if an incorrect assumption was made of maxi

mum airspeed, whether too high or too low, the propeller selected was un-

suited to this airplane engine combination. The maximum airspeed ob

tained by the intersection of the curves is low, since the horsepower-avail

able curve is based on using an improper, poor-performing propeller. With

a more nearly suitable propeller the horsepower-available curve will have

larger ordinates and the intersection with the horsepower available will

show a higher top speed. Allowance should be made for this in a second

assumption of maximum airspeed to select the more suitable propeller.

Maximum Speed at Sea-Level. The maximum speed is found

by the intersection of the curves of horsepower available and

horsepower required. At velocities less than the maximum, the

ordinate of the horsepower-required curve is less than the ordinate

of the horsepower-available curve, which means that more horse

power is available than is needed for level flight so that the engine

may be partially throttled. At velocities greater than the maxi

mum, the ordinate of the horsepower-required curve is larger than

the ordinate of the horsepower-available curve, meaning that more

horsepower is needed at this speed than is available. The air

plane cannot fly at this speed, and if it is placed at the angle of

attack corresponding to this velocity, the thrust horsepower will

not be sufficient to equal the drag at this speed. Since this

velocity cannot be attained in level flight the lift will not equal the

weight, and the airplane will lose altitude.

Velocities for Minimum Fuel Consumption at Sea-Level. It

can be proven quite easily that the minimum horsepower is

required for a wing when flying at the angle of attack where

2 is the minimum. For the entire airplane, minimum

horsepower is required for level flight when 7!~^ is


Examining the horsepower-required curve, it will be seen that,

as speed decreases from the maximum, the horsepower decreases

to a minimum value, but if the speed decreases further the horse-


power increases. The minimum horsepower is found by drawing

a horizontal line tangent to the horsepower-required curve (see

line AB, Fig. 59). The velocity at the point of tangency, which

is the velocity of minimum power, corresponds to the angle of

„ ,1.28 a

attack where TTZX is the minimum.



For the Clark Y wing with aspect ratio of 6, it was shown that

the maximum value of C^/Co (or minimum value of CD/Ci3/2)

will occur at 3° angle of attack, corresponding to 79.8 miles per

hour. If a curve is plotted having as ordinates, ;

Q S/2

abscissas, angle of attack; the curve will resemble the curve for

the wing alone, but the maximum ordinate will be at a higher

angh of attack. For the airplane whose performance is shown in

Fig. 59, the maximum value of is at 11° angle of


™ . 1.4O d

attack, corresponding to an airspeed of 56.6 miles per hour.

This velocity is the airspeed for minimum horsepower required,

which means the least fuel consumption in gallons per hour. If a

plane is to make an endurance record for time in the air, the fuel

supply should be used as economically as possible. The airplane

should then be flown so that the wing is at the angle of attack


for maximum 7-^—. In the example of the monoplane

f-i I l.«O (I

weighing 2,000 Ib. with Clark Y wing, the pilot should regulate his

throttle and stick so that the airplane maintains level flight at

56.6 miles per hour airspeed as long as the airplane's total weight

is 2,000 Ib. As time elapses, fuel consumed will make the airplane

lighter. Always, during the endurance flight, the pilot will want

to keep his wing at angle of attack of maximum L —

j-t . l.^O CL

CDH —g-

(11° for this Clark Y wing and ratio of parasite to wing area);

but as the airplane's weight decreases, the velocity necessary for

level flight at this angle of attack will decrease. With less weight,

the horsepower required will be less, so that the pilot can throttle

his engine more. With less throttie-opening, the fuel consump

tion (in gallons per hour) will be diminished, so the hourly decrease

in weight will be less. The pilot should have a precalculated

schedule of best airspeeds to fly at various hours during his flight.

Flying at the angle of maximum - 0 of the wing will


mean that the least gasoline is consumed per hour, so that an

airplane can stay the longest time in the air on a given supply of

fuel. Flying either faster or slower will involve a greater fuel

consumption per hour. The foregoing is true whether in still

air or in wind. Airspeed, not ground speed, is important.

If the object of the flight is not greatest duration, but to cover

the greatest distance on a given gasoline supply or, what is more

usual, to fly to a destination burning the least possible amount of

fuel, the airplane should be flown faster. To cover a given dis

tance, the gasoline consumption depends not only on the con

sumption per hour but on the total hours required for the flight.

It is therefore advantageous to fly at greater speed, more spe

cifically to fly so the wing is at the angle of attack of maximum


Drawing a line tangent to the horsepower-required curve from

the origin (0 miles per hour, 0 hp. ; see line CD, Fig. 59) determines

the speed and horsepower for minimum fuel consumption for a

given distance. The point of tangency will be the point where the

ratio of horsepower to velocity is least. Neglecting any variation

in fuselage drag, the horsepower required is

H.Rreq. = Cfl X a00256 sV- + X 0.00256 SV3

To cover a given distance at a velocity V requires ^— hours.

The gasoline consumption depends on horsepower-hours; therefore

Total consumption = Constant X Distance X ' 'req'


But V2 =

^ (cD X 0.00256 8V- + l.~^ X 0.00256 SV*\

CL X 0.00256 S



This has a minimum value when I ^—-—- \ is minimum.

L ^L J

With -L-5— constant, for any airfoil section, there is only one

angle of attack where - -^ - has a minimum value. This


angle of attack will be slightly greater than the angle of attack for

minimum CD/CL, i.e., maximum L/D, but as the parasite area is

made smaller with respect to wing area, the difference between

angle of minimum - ^ - - and angle of minimum .^

becomes less.

*->L Ci

With the Clark Y wing alone; the angle of maximum L/D is 1°;

with a Clark Y monoplane and the parasite of the illustrative

example, the angle of maximum L/Aoui is 5°, the corresponding

velocity being 71.2 miles per hour. This checks with the point

of tangency of line CD in Fig. 59.

The pilot maintains this speed as long as the weight remains the

2,000 Ib. The angle for best Z//.Dtotai is constant for the airplane,

since the wing area and parasite area are fixed. The speed for

any given angle of attack varies as the square root of the wing

loading. As fuel is consumed, and the airplane is lightened, the

airspeed for least fuel consumption per distance decreases as the

square root of the weights.

The foregoing discussion of most economical airspeed applies to

still air. If a head wind holds back a plane, it will take a longer

time to reach its destination; a tail wind means a quicker trip.

The formula for total fuel consumption must therefore be modified

so that the horsepower-hours contains the expression VG, the

ground speed, for divisor instead of V, the airspeed.



Horsepower-hours = Distance X '

Distance \375i- . i_ l.^° a\\ nnosA cT/3VG

Distance \ " r S ) CL V CL X 0.00256 S

375 VG

The horsepower-hours or total fuel consumption will be a minimum

when .-, ^°*^ is minimum or when L £ is a maximum.


A chart or table may be made out for a given airplane for vari

ous strength winds and for various angles of the wind to the air

plane's heading. The ground speed, VG, is found by trigonometry.

W is windspeed in miles

(Fc)t = F2 + W2 + 2 VW cos 0 , P61" ho.ur , . , ,

6 is angle of wind from

dead ahead

The desirable changes in airspeed on account of wind are sur

prisingly small. For the illustrative problem with a 10-mile head

wind the optimum angle of attack is 5°, for a 10-mile tail wind the

best angle is still 5°, so that the airspeed should be maintained as

in still air at 71.2 miles per hour. For a 20-mile head wind the

best angle becomes 4°, meaning an airspeed of 75 miles per hour;

for a 20-mile tail wind it is best to fly at 6° with an airspeed of 68.1

miles per hour. With a 30-mile head wind an airspeed of 85.4

miles per hour is best; with a 30-mile tail wind an airspeed of 68

miles per hour is best.


1. For the monoplane of Clark Y wing, 36 ft. by 6 ft., with 3.8 sq.

ft. equivalent flat plate area, what should be the airspeed for mini

mum horsepower when fuel has been burned so that total weight is


2. For the monoplane of problem 1, weight 1,800 lb., what should

be airspeed in still air to cover a given distance with least possible

expenditure of fuel?

3. For the monoplane of problem 1, weight 1,800 lb., what should

be the airspeed for minimum gas consumption, if there is a 35-mile-

per-hour head wind?

4. What should be airspeed for problem 3 if it is a 35-mile-per-hour

tail wind?

5. What should be airspeed for problem 3 if the weight were only

1,600 lb.?

Rate of Climb at Sea-Level. Examining the curves of horse

power available and required versus velocity as shown in Fig. 59,

it will be seen that for any velocity less than maximum there is

greater horsepower available than is required for level flight. If

level flight is desired, the engine may be throttled so that it is

furnishing only the horsepower required for level flight. If it is

desired to increase the altitude, the engine may be opened to full

throttle when it will give the thrust horsepower shown on the

horsepower-available curve. The extra power, which is the differ

ence in ordinates for horsepower available and horsepower re

quired at any velocity, represents the power available to do the

work of raising the airplane.

Power is ability to do work in unit time. By definition, a horse

power is the power to do 33,000 ft.-lb. of work in 1 min. Then the

rate of climb, in feet per minute, can be found by the formula

R.C. (ft. per min.) = <ILP-*. " H^ X *****>

Excess H.P. X 33,000

Another conception of the conditions in climb is shown in Fig.

60. The airplane in the sketch

is ascending along a path

which makes an angle 8 with

the horizontal. The direction

opposite to the flight path is

the direction of the relative

wind. The wing is at angle

of attack a to the relative

wind. Lift is perpendicular FIG. 60. Forces in climb,

and total drag is parallel to

the relative wind. For convenience, there is assumed to be zero

angle of incidence so that the wing chord is parallel to the pro-


peller axis. For equilibrium, the forces parallel to the flight path

must balance as must the forces perpendicular to the flight path.

Neglecting the small force on the tail which is ordinarily considered


T = thrust

T cos a = D + W sin B D = total drag

T sin a + L = W cos 6 W = weight

L = lift

Since a is small, cos a may be considered unity and T sin a may

be neglected; the two equations become

and since 6 is small,

T = D + W sin 6

L = WcosO


L = W approximately

But Vc = V sin 6

Ve = vertical velocity (miles per hour)

V = velocity along flight path (miles per hour)

Then R.C. (ft. per min.) = ^>— X V X -^

T _ f) r; oofi

Since propeller efficiency .n = ^ . , - = — £.r-

.. ... Useful power output

Total power input

Thrust X Velocity

Brake horsepower X 375

TV = ', X B.H.P. X 375

I} - f X B.P.H.


= M.". avail •

Referring back to the equation for rate of climb

T — D

R.C. (ft. per min.) = — ^— X V X 88

= (TV - DV) X 88 X 375

375 X W

= (H.P.avaiI. - H.P.req.) X




At every velocity less than maximum there will be a different

rate of climb. For the illustrative problem, this rate of climb is

shown in Fig. 61. It will be seen that, for this particular com

bination of propeller, engine,

and airplane, the maximum

rate of climb is achieved, at

sea-level, of 790 ft. per min.

when the airspeed is 83 miles

per hour.

Climb may be made at any

speed below maximum, but if

the pilot desires the greatest

rate of climb at sea-level, he

should open the throttle wide

and pull back on his stick till

the airspeed indicator reads 83 miles per hour, the best] climbing


I 800E "^&1| 400

c3l~----z////s/»s\\\\> 20 40 60 80 100 120 14Velocity. Miles per hour

FIG. 61. Rate of climb at sea-level.

This rate of climb is for the propeller which was chosen for

maximum efficiency at airspeed of 135 miles per hour. At other

airspeeds the efficiency is much less so that the horsepower avail

able is low.

The propeller instead of being chosen for 135-mile-per-hour

airspeed might have been chosen for best performance at a lesser

Propeller with jj max. at 135 m. p. h .

120r-Propeller with;? max. at 110 m. p h

40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140

Velocity (Miles per hour)

FIG. 62. Horsepower available with propellers of differing pitch.

airspeed. In Fig. 62 are shown the available-horsepower curves

for the 150-hp. engine equipped with propeller chosen for design

airspeed of 110 miles per hour and 83 miles per hour. It will be

noted that while the rate of climb is improved, as shown by the

greater excess horsepower, the maximum airspeed is much de


Angle of Climb at Sea-Level. The rate of climb is another name

for vertical velocity. In Fig. 61 it is shown for the illustrative

example that the greatest rate of climb, 790 ft. per min. or 8.95

miles per hour, is obtained when the airspeed is 83 miles per hour.

The sine of the angle of climb is then 8.95 -=- 83, and the angle of

climb is 6.2°. By flying slower, the actual rate of climb will be

less, but the ratio of climb to forward speed may be greater. By

drawing a line from the origin tangent to the rate of climb curve,

line OA in Fig. 61, the point of tangency will give the maximum

angle of climb.

For the airplane in the illustrative example, the point of tan

gency is 66-miles-per-hour airspeed, and 700-ft.-per-min. rate

of climb. This gives an angle of climb of 6.9°.

In military maneuvers, rate of climb is very important. While

" dog-fighting," the airplane that can gain altitude on its opponent

will have an advantage even if a wide circle is necessary to attain

this altitude.

In taking-off, an airplane goes straight, and it is the angle of

climb, not the rate of climb, that is the decisive factor in clearing

obstacles. In taking-off from a small field, it is better to fly at the

best angle of climb rather than at the best rate of climb. For the

illustrative example, with wide-open throttle, the stick should be

pulled back until the airspeed indicator reads not 83 but 66 miles

per hour.

On a calm day the angle of climb is as deduced from the graph.

A pilot always takes-off into the wind, so if there is any wind the

actual angle of climb will be greater than that given.

By diving the airplane, greater speed can be attained than in

level flight. If, from a dive, the stick is suddenly pulled back, the

airplane, owing to momentum, retains momentarily some of this

excess speed, so that a climb can be made for a few seconds at a

greater rate and a greater angle than from level flight. This

maneuver is called a zoom.

Gliding Angle at Sea-Level. There is no marked difference in

the meaning of glide and dive. A very steep glide is called a dive.

Ordinarily a glide is considered to be with power partly or com

pletely off. A dive may be either with power on or off, although



usually the word dive by itself means the maneuver with the power

off, and with power on the term power-dive is used.

Gliding angle is the angle below the horizontal of the flight path

when the airplane descends with the engine either completely

throttled or " turning-over " so

slowly that there is no appre

ciable thrust. The forces acting

on the airplane, neglecting a

small force on the tail, are

weight, lift, and total drag.

These forces are shown in Fig.

63. The component of weight

parallel to the flight path is the

force that pulls the airplane

along the flight path. When

FIG. 63. Forces in glide.

the airplane attains a steady speed along the flight path, the

weight multiplied by the sine of the glide angle just equals the

total drag.

The lift is equal and opposite to the component of the weight per

pendicular to the flight path. If the lift is less than W cos 6,

the airplane will " squash " or settle, and the flight path will be

steeper. If the lift is greater than W cos 0, the airplane will not

descend on that angle of glide but will tend to level out, so that the

glide angle will be flatter. For any airplane there will be an angle

of glide associated with each angle of attack determined by the

following equations.

W cos 6 = L

= CL X 0.00256 SF2

V2 = WcosO

' ~ CL X 0.00256 S

and W sin 6 = Aotai

= CD X 0.00256 SF2 + 1.28 a X 0.00256 F2

. 1.28.

Then tan 6 =

X 0.00256 SF2


1.28 a



A table may be calculated as follows, which is for the illustrative

example of a monoplane with Clark Y wing, 36 ft. by 6 ft., and

parasite of 3.8 sq. ft. E.F.P.A.


n-4-3-2-10123456781216CL0.070.140.2150.2850.360.430.500.570.6450.7150.7850.8570.931.191.435CD0. 80.456. 90.910.975.988.992.994.995.996.996.996.996.996.996.996.995.994w cos e0.00256 S330035403580360036103615362036203620362036203620362036153610V'47100253001665012620100008400724063505610506046104230389030402520V21715912911210092858075716865625550

In Fig. 64 are plotted angle of glide versus angle of attack and

velocity versus angle of attack, for this example. It is to be

noted that the angle of glide is big for negative angles of attack,

that as angle of attack is increased the angle of glide decreases

until at one angle of attack, in this case 5°, the angle of glide is a

minimum of 4.8°. Further increase of angle of attack increases

the angle of glide.

In the illustrative example, with a dead engine, the pilot pushes

forward on the stick. The airspeed will increase. When it

reaches 71 miles an hour, the pilot will manipulate the stick to

maintain that speed. The angle of attack will then be 5° and the

angle of glide will be the flattest possible, namely, 4.8°.

By maintaining the flattest possible glide, the greatest hori

zontal distance can be traveled in descending. The pilot can thus

reach an emergency field and land, even though the field is at a

considerable distance from the spot where his engine quit. The

actual horizontal distance that may be achieved is a function of



the altitude of the airplane when the engine quits. If h is the

original altitude,

Horizontal gliding distance =

tan 6

The minimum gliding angle, as found from a graph similar to

that of Fig. 64, will give the flattest possible glide. It will be

noted that this angle of glide is a function of the lift and drag

-4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Anglt of Attack

FIG. 64. Angles ancfvelocities in glide.

coefficients of the airfoil section and of the ratio of parasite area to

wing area. It is independent of weight. That is, an airplane

will have the same optimum gliding angle whether empty, partly

loaded, or fully loaded.

The velocity plotted in Fig. 64 is velocity along the flight path.

This velocity varies as the square root of the weight. A fully

loaded airplane will therefore glide faster than a partly loaded

plane even though it glides at the same angle. The slowest descent

along the flight path would be at a large angle of attack. The

danger of getting out of control would mean that some angle less

than that of maximum lift should be used.



Vertical speed of descent is the sine of the angle of glide multi

plied by the velocity along the flight path.

V, = V sin e

For the illustrative example at the flattest angle of glide, 4.8°,

the airspeed is 71 miles per hour. The rate of vertical descent is,


71 X sin 4.8° = 71 X 0.084

FIG. 65. Polar diagram of

velocities in dives.


= 5.9 miles per hour

At a greater angle of attack, the

vertical descent may be slightly

slower; for example, at a 16° angle

of attack, while the angle of glide

is 6°, the airspeed is only 50 mibs

per hour and the rate of vertical

descent is

50 X sin 6° = 50X0.104

= 5.2 miles per hour

Decreasing the angle of attack

below that for minimum gliding

angle will make the angle of glide

increase and the airspeed increase.

At the angle of zero lift, tangent 6

will be infinite, that is, 6 will be

90° and the airplane will be in a

vertical dive. For this case, the

weight pulls the airplane down

ward faster and faster, until the

total drag equals the weight, when

the airplane will not go down any

This speed is called the terminal velocity.

terminal —

For the illustrative example


X 0.00256 S

'terminal =

(0.032) X 0.00256 X 216

338 miles per hour


The data on glides and dives are frequently presented in the form

of a polar diagram, as shown in Fig. 65. The radius is the velocity

to scale of the airplane when gliding or diving in the direction from

the horizontal of the radius.


1. Plot angle of attack versus angle of glide for an airplane with a

Clark Y wing 36 ft. by 6 ft., having 2 sq. ft. equivalent flat plate

area of parasite.

2. If the airplane in problem 1 above weighs 2,500 lb., what is the

airspeed for flattest gliding angle?

3. What horizontal distance can be traveled if the airplane in

problem 1 glides from 5,000 ft.?

4. If the airplane in problem 1 weighs 3,000 lb., what is the airspeed

for flattest gliding angle?

6. What is the airspeed of the airplane in problem 4 when gliding

down on a 45° path?

6. What is the terminal velocity of the airplane in problem 4?

7. Plot a polar diagram of angle of glide and airspeed for an air

plane weighing 2,500 lb. and having a Clark Y wing 36 ft. by 6 ft.

and 5 sq. ft. equivalent flat plate area of parasite.

Glide Tests. After an airplane has actually been constructed,

quite often tests are made to determine the full-scale lift and total

drag coefficients. These determinations are useful for reference

in designing future airplanes. They are also of primary impor

tance if minor changes are being made in streamlining, engine-

cowling, etc.

The airplane is tested in flight and the airspeed in various glides

noted. The angle of glide cannot be measured directly; the rate

of descent is found from a calibrated barograph, or by timing the

readings on an altimeter. The airspeed is held constant in any

one glide. The difficulty encountered in obtaining useful results

from this sort of test is that of eliminating or making proper

allowance for thrust. With the engine throttled, thrust may be

positive, zero, or negative. With the engine stopped, the propel

ler produces additional drag ordinarily absent in flight.

Example. An airplane weighs 4,650 lb. Its wing area is 460 sq.

ft. The wing section is Clark Y, aspect ratio 6. With airspeed in

dicator constant at 118 miles per hour, the airplane glides from

1,000-ft. to 500-ft. altitude in 26 sec. Neglect propeller thrust and

drag. Find equivalent flat plate area of parasite.



Vv= 500ft. in 26 sec.

= 19.2 ft. per sec.

= 13.1 miles per hour

13 1

Angle of glide, "

sin-1 0.1 115


W cos 6

L ~ 0.00256

1 OR ft

4,650 X cos 6.4°

~ 0.00256 X 460 X (118)2

= 0.282

CD + ' s = CL tan 6

= 0.282 X 0.112

= 0.0316

From Fig. 17, for Clark Y airfoil, aspect ratio 6, when CL is 0.282,

Cowing is 0.014

CD + ^^ = 0.0316

0.014 + ^=0.0316

a = 6.25 sq. ft.


1. A monoplane weighs 5,000 Ib. ; its wing area is 400 sq. ft., aspect

ratio of 6, airfoil section U.S.A. 35A. The parasite has an equivalent

flat plate area of 7 sq. ft. Plot a polar diagram of velocity at various

gliding angles.

2. An observation airplane weighs 4,225 Ib., airfoil section Clark Y,

total wing area 365 sq. ft. Equivalent flat plate area of parasite 8.4

sq. ft. Find terminal velocity in a vertical dive. (Since dive is at

zero lift, there is no induced drag correction.)

3. A pursuit airplane weighs 2,932 Ib.; airfoil section Clark Y;

total wing area 264 sq. ft.; equivalent flat plate area of parasite 7.1

sq. ft. Find terminal velocity in a vertical dive.

4. A pursuit airplane weighs 2,548 Ib.; airfoil section Clark Y,

total wing area 247 sq. ft.; equivalent flat plate area of parasite 7.7

sq. ft. Find terminal velocity in a vertical dive.

6. A monoplane with Clark Y airfoil has an aspect ratio of 5.23;

it weighs 3,500 Ib. ; its total wing area is 300 sq. ft. At an airspeed of

125 miles per hour, it glides at an angle of 8°. What is equivalent

flat plate area of parasite?


Effect of Changing Weight. By changing weight, wing loading

and power loading are changed.


CL X 0.00256 S

375H.P.«q. = (CD X 0.00256 S + 1.28 X 0.00256 a) V3

(W V/2


At any one angle of attack, V varies as the square root of the

weight and required horsepower as the cube of the square root of

the weight.

V varies as Wl/2

H.P.req. varies as

If the horsepower-required curve has been found for an airplane

as in Figs. 56, 57, and 58, any point on that curve gives the velocity

for level flight at some one angle of attack (the abscissa) and the

horsepower needed for that same angle of attack (the ordinate).

If weight is added to the airplane, all other dimensions remaining

the same, for each point on the original curve there will be a point

on a new curve with the relations that the abscissas are to each

other as the square root of the relative weights, and the ordinates

are to each other as the three-halves power of the relative weights.

Putting the matter in another way, at the same velocity, for

the same airplane, the lift coefficients must vary directly as the

weights. Therefore, if load is added to an airplane, at any given

speed the airplane must fly at a higher angle of attack. A higher

angle of attack always means a greater drag coefficient throughout

the flying range. An airplane will require more horsepower when

more heavily loaded, since horsepower required at constant speed

depends on drag coefficient, wing and parasite area. This means

that if horsepower curves are drawn for a lightly loaded plane and

the same plane heavily loaded, at any value of velocity, the horse

power needed for the heavier plane will always be greater than for

the lighter airplane, therefore the two curves will never cross.

In detail, if an airplane is loaded more heavily, the landing speed

will be increased. As the maximum lift coefficient and wing area

are the same in both instances, the landing speeds will vary as the

square root of the weights. With same engine and propeller, the

maximum speed will be decreased slightly. The maximum speed



is the intersection of the horsepower-required curve and thrust-

horsepower curve, and no exact relation can be expressed for

change in top speed for change in weight.

The excess horsepower at any speed will be decreased with in

creased weight. The rate of climb, being the excess power divided

by the weight, will be decreased with increased weight. The

speed of best climb will be increased as will the speed of maximum

angle of climb.

The flattest gliding angle will be always the same for any ari-

plane regardless of weight. The velocity at any angle of glide,

including terminal velocity, will vary as the square root of the


Figure 66 shows the effect of adding weight in changing the

horsepower required. With a total weight of 4,500 lb., the horse

power-required curve is tangent to the horsepower-available







1^—. -S^"_— .H. P. *^..ailabU^^^-^H. P. Required:

W 4500 lb -_-—..r"*^S/W 40

W 30

W 20^/S ,00 lb.

00 Ib..00 lb./?>'.s— — ^?5ft%//y&//////'0 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 17

Miles per Hour

FIG. 66. Effect of weight on horsepower required.

curve; this is the limiting weight; for this weight, the ceiling is

at sea-level. It is to be noted that, as weight is increased, mini

mum speed is no longer determined by CL™**. but by lower inter

section of horsepower curves.

Example. An airplane weighs 3,000 lb. and has a landing speed

of 50 miles per hour. What is landing speed witli 500 lb. additional





= 53 miles per hour

Example. An airplane, weighing 3,000 lb., requires the least horse

power to fly level, 40 hp. when flying at 80 miles per hour. If 500 lb.

load are added, what are velocity and power for minimum horsepower

in level flight?

Solution. At same angle of attack

v, - w,


= 86.5 miles per hour


H.P., ~\W,

= 50.4 hp.


1. An airplane weighs 2,485 lb. Its landing speed is 45 miles per

hour. What is landing speed when 300 lb. extra load are added?

2. An airplane weighs 4,500 lb. Its landing speed is 48 miles per

hour. What is landing speed when 250 lb. of fuel have been burned?

3. An airplane weighing 3,900 lb. uses minimum horsepower for

level flight at an airspeed of 90 miles per hour. What is velocity for

minimum horsepower with 600 lb. of load removed?

4. The Barling Bomber, fully loaded, had a gross weight of 42,500

lb. and a landing speed of 52 miles per hour. What is landing speed

with 3,000 lb. less load?

6. A basic training plane weighing 4,060 lb. has a landing speed of

55 miles per hour. What is landing speed after 250 lb. of fuel have

been burned?

Effect of Change in Wing Area. With constant weight, de

creasing the wing area has the effect of increasing the wing loading.

Airspeed at any angle of attack varies inversely as the square root



of the wing area. Horsepower required at any angle of attack

varies inversely as the square root of the area.

V varies as -7=



.teq. vanes as—7=

For a given velocity, an airplane with a smaller wing area will

have to fly at a larger angle of attack. A larger angle of attack

means a greater drag coefficient, but drag coefficient does not

vary lineally with angle of attack. At high speeds (small angles

of attack) the drag coefficient varies very little with angle of

attack. At slow speeds, the slope of the drag coefficient curve

versus angle of attack is very steep. At constant airspeed, wing

drag varies as drag coefficient multiplied by wing area. At

high speed, since lift coefficient varies lineally with angle of attack,

angle of attack must vary inversely with wing area. At angles



Horsepower Required.




j 100



300 sq. ft. Wing Area .

216 sq. ft Wing Area.

ISO sq. t Wing Area-

40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160


FiG. 67. Effect of wing'area on horsepower required.

near the angle of minimum drag, an airplane having the same

weight as another airplane but less wing area will at the same air

speed have to fly at a larger angle of attack. This increased angle

will not mean a proportionate increase in drag coefficient. The

airplane with smaller wing area will have less drag and less horse


At lower speeds, the increase in drag coefficient with increased

angle of attack is much greater. Near stalling speeds, drag

coefficient varies approximately as the square of the angle of at

tack. An airplane having the same weight as another plane but

a smaller wing will have a greater drag and greater horsepower

required at high angles of attack.

The horsepower curves will therefore cross as shown in Fig.

67. This means that an airplane's top speed can be increased by

clipping the wings, provided that there is ample engine power.

Decreasing wing area increases landing speed.

Decreasing wing area decreases rate of climb and angle of climb.

Decreasing wing area increases the minimum horsepower and

the velocity for minimum horsepower.

Decreasing wing area increases the minimum gliding angle,

decreases the horizontal gliding distance, and increases the ter

minal dive velocity.

All the above effects are assuming that the parasite resistance

remains the same.

Example. An airplane with 300 sq. ft. wing area has a landing

speed of 40 miles per hour. If wing area is reduced to 250 sq. ft.,

what is the landing speed?




Fmin. >fS'

'W" Vs

= 43.8 miles per hour


1. An airplane with 340 sq. ft. of wing area lands at 40 miles per

hour. It is desired to reduce landing speed to 35 miles per hour;

how much area should be added to the wing?

2. A certain airplane with wing area of 400 sq. ft. is flying at angle

of best L/ D, when airspeed is 70 miles per hour. What airspeed

corresponds to angle of best L/D when wings have been clipped to

350 sq. ft.?

3. A certain airplane with 450 sq. ft. of wing area flies with least

horsepower of 40 hp. at an airspeed of 90 miles per hour. After wings

have been clipped to 410 sq. ft., what is least horsepower and what

is corresponding velocity?

4. An airplane with 450 sq. ft. of wing area lands at 50 miles per

hour; what will be landing speed if wings are clipped to 400 sq. ft.?

6. An airplane with 630 sq. ft. of wing area lands at 45 miles per

hour; what will be landing speed if 50 sq. ft. are added to the wing


Effect of Change in Engine. A more powerful engine means a

larger and heavier engine. To consider the effect of increased

power alone, it must be assumed that weight and parasite are

unchanged, that is, any increase in engine weight is offset by a

decrease in payload.

A change in power-available curve makes no change in the

power-required curve. Provided there is no added weight or

added drag, a more powerful engine will not affect the landing

speed, nor will it affect the speed of minimum horsepower required,

minimum gliding angle, or terminal velocity. It will increase

maximum speed, rate of climb at any speed, and angle of climb

at any speed.

When an airplane is at its top speed, it is flying at a low angle

of attack. At small angles of attack the change in CD with change

of angle is quite small, and the change in parasite drag coefficient

is negligible. When an airplane is flying level, the rate of climb

is zero and thrust is equal to total drag.

r, X B.H.P. X 550 = TV

= DV

T; X B.H.F. X 550

, 1.28 i

K, X T? X B.H.P. _u „ _550

1.28 a\s

Since most propellers have approximately the same design

efficiency, and assuming the drag coefficients as constant, the

above expression may be reduced to


The maximum airspeed may therefore be said to vary approxi-


mately as the cube root of the engine horsepower, provided that

the change in horsepower is not excessive.

Example. An airplane with a 200-hp. engine has a maximum speed

of 120 miles per hour. If total weight is unchanged, what is maximum

speed with a 250-hp. engine?


V J/B.H.P.

I" ' V B.H.P.'

= 129 miles per hour


1. An airplane with a 200-hp. engine has a maximum speed of 130

miles per hour. If a 165-hp. engine is substituted without change in

total weight, what is maximum speed?

2. An airplane with a 400-hp. engine has a top speed of 150 miles

per hour. Substituting a 500-hp. engine, what is the maximum


3. An airplane with a 220-hp. engine has a top speed of 140 miles

per hour. With total weight unchanged, what horsepower engine is

needed to attain 150 miles per hour top speed?

4. An airplane with a 300-hp. engine has a top speed of 180 miles

per hour. With total weight unchanged, what will be maximum speed

with a 350-hp. engine?

5. An airplane with a 300-hp. engine has a top speed of 180 miles

per hour. With total weight unchanged, a 250-hp. engine is sub

stituted. What is maximum speed?

Power Loading and Wing Loading. Power loading is total

weight per brake horsepower. Wing loading is the total weight

per square foot of wing area. In the preceding section, the maxi

mum speed was found to be

This may be rewritten as

y _ v . / W/S


A high wing loading accompanied by a low power loading will

give a high maximum speed. A high wing loading, however,


means a high landing speed. If landing speed is fixed, high speed

depends on w/p, the reciprocal of power loading.

The rate of climb is given by

wr. „. , 33,000 (H.P.a - H.P.rcq.)

R.C. (ft. per min.) = — ~

33,000 r, (B.H.P.) 60 DV


33,000 r, 60 V

~ W/E.R.P. L/D

33,0001, '



33,000 r, 60 ' S

Cn I




The first term contains the reciprocal of the power loading;

the second term, the square root of the wing loading. The rate of

climb depends on the difference between the first and second terms.

For good rate of climb, an airplane should have a small power

loading in order that the first term should be large and a small

wing loading in order that the second term be small.

Therefore a high wing loading helps top speed; a low wing load

ing helps climb. A low power loading helps both top speed and


Span Loading and Aspect Ratio. The total drag is the force

which is overcome by the propeller thrust. Assuming that fuse

lage, landing gear have been " cleaned up " so that parasite drag

is reduced to a minimum, since the profile drag of most wings is

about the same, the only other way in which drag may be de

creased is by reducing induced drag.

It will be recalled that both parasite and profile drag vary as

the square of the velocity, and the horsepower required to over

come these drags varies as the cube of the velocity. The induced

drag varies inversely as the square of the velocity, and the horse

power inversely as the velocity. The induced drag therefore


becomes less and less important as airspeed gets higher. The

aspect ratio or span loading is related to the induced drag only.

The profile drag depends on the thickness and camber of the

wing. The wing should be as thin as possible consistent with

structural considerations.

At high speeds parasite drag is responsible for as much as 70

per cent of the total drag. Good streamlining is essential for high

speeds, and it is of paramount importance for racing planes.

At speed less than the maximum, the induced drag becomes more

important, and a small span loading or high aspect ratio becomes

essential. This is true at climbing speeds and, as will be shown in

the next chapter, is partly true for high speeds at high altitude.


Effect of Altitude on Horsepower Required. The performance

of an airplane is affected by the density of the air. Lift, drag, and

horsepower required are all functions of air density. The thrust

and power absorbed by the propeller are functions of air density.

The brake horsepower of an internal-combustion engine depends

on density.

The fundamental equation for lift is

L = CL?SV2

For level flight lift equals weight. The wing area, S, is fixed.

Then if air density (p) decreases, either CL or V or both must

increase. A given airplane flying at a higher altitude must either

fly at a bigger angle of attack or it must fly faster or both.

Flying at the same angle of attack, CL constant:

Po = sea-level mass density

At sea-level: W = CL$8Vf * = air density at altitude C

2 F o = velocity, feet per second,

At altitude a: W = CL-^SVa- ,T . . ,

4, ,. .ar n ?* at7 2 at sea-level

2 Va. = velocity, feet per second,

at altitude a


IV = - Vf



Since the density is always greatest at sea-level, V/PO/PO is

always greater than unity, so that, at the same angle of attack, the

velocity at altitude must always be greater than at sea-level.



r L . PO

~B '

S 2 Do = drag in pounds at sea-level

n - 1.28 a\ pa „,. , Da = drag in pounds at altitude a

" ~~)-2 a




y 2 _ E° Vt?


That is, whatever the altitude, at the same angle of attack, the

drag or thrust required for level flight is the same. While the

density is less, the airspeed must be greater and the product

remains constant.


" H.P.req.0 = horsepower required at


— H.P.req^ = horsepower required at

altitude a




That is, at the same angle of attack, the horsepower varies in

versely as the square root of the density.

The minimum speed, V,, increases with altitude, since

V.- /- "

t/Lmax. n &

W VM = stalling speed at sea-level

r c* v VM = stalling speed at altitude a

' /.max. -n "

The square root of the reciprocal of the densities is tabulated

in Table I. If the power requirements are known for sea-level

conditions, the requirements for any altitude are found by making

use of the factor from Table I. For any point on the total


horsepower versus velocity curve for sea-level, a point may be

found, for the same angle of attack, for any altitude by multi-

plying the abscissa by Vpo/p* and the ordinate by Vp0/pa to

give coordinates of the horsepower required versus velocity curve

at the altitude a.

Example. For the airplane described in the first example in the

preceding chapter, find the horsepower-required curves for 10,000-ft.

altitude and 15,000-ft. altitude.

Solution. From Table I:

for a = 10,000 ft.; X/p0/p» = 1.16

for a = 15,000 ft.;



From preceding chapter:

For sea-levela-4-3-2-104812161819V22816113011210074.962.355. 10,000-ft.

altitudeV26418715113011687.072.364.058.255.855.8H.P.req.6562311298870393434353638For 15,000-ft.

altitudeV28820316414112694.478.569.563.460.6CO. 6H.P.,*,.7152511409676433737383942

These curves are plotted in Fig. 68. It is to be noted that, since

V and H.P. are always in the same proportion for one angle of attack,

a line drawn from the point 0 velocity, 0 hp., through a point on the

horsepower-required curve for sea-level, if prolonged, will pass through

the point corresponding to that same angle of attack on the horse

power-required curve for all altitudes.

Horsepower Available at Altitude. At altitudes, the brake

horsepower of the engine drops off. The variation in brake

horsepower is approximately as the 1.3 power of the density.



Owing to the decrease in density, the propeller tends to turn

over faster; but since the engine power drops faster than the

density, the propeller will actually run slower.


H P. Required at S. L

H. P. Required at 10,000 fl

H. P. Required at 15,000 ft..^

80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160

Velocity, Miles per Hour

FIG. 68. Performance at altitude.

A quick way to find the horsepower available at altitude is as

follows. In Fig. 55 is shown the decrease in revolutions per min

ute with altitude at the same airspeed as at sea-level. Since for

most engines the brake horsepower varies directly with revolutions

per minute, the same factor which is used in reducing the revolu

tions per minute can be used in reducing the brake horsepower.

That is, on account of the fewer revolutions per minute less power

will be developed. In addition, owing to the reduced density of

air entering the carburetor, etc., the engine will develop less power

even if running at the same revolutions per minute. This cor

rection factor is found in Fig. 43.

Because the propeller is turning over at a different speed, its

V/(ND) for various airspeeds will be different from the V/(ND)

for those airspeeds at sea-level. The propeller efficiencies will

consequently differ at altitude from the efficiencies at sea-level

for the same airspeeds.

Example. Find the horsepower available at 10,000-ft. and 15,000-ft.

altitude for the 150-hp. engine used on the monoplane of the first

illustrative example in the preceding chapter.






Sea-level(1)F5060708090'100110120130135(2)N156515651570'15831 6001633167317511781180010,000 ft.(3)N1522152215301 540155015901630170517351755(4) .B.H.P128128128129130132135142145146Sea-level(5)B.H.P87878787888991969899(6)V/ND0.381.456.530.602.670.728.778.815.870.89010,000 ft.(7)design



Sea-level(1)V5060708090100110120130135(2)N15651565157015831600163316731 7511781180015,000 ft.(3)N4904904955105255551 590167017001715(4)B.H.P124124125126127130133139142143Sea-level(5)B.H.P67676768687071757677(6)V/ND0.390.468.542.616.685.745.797.835.890.91415,000 ft.(7)%




eff. 099.0(»)%



Columns 1 and 2, V and N from sea-level calculations, last chapter.

Column 3, items in column 2 multiplied by altitude factor from Fig. 55:

0.975 for 10,000-ft. altitude; 0.952 for 15,000-ft. altitude.

Column 4, 150 multiplied by ratio of items in column 3 to 1,800 r.p.m.

Column 5, items in column 4 multiplied by altitude factor from Fig. 43:

0.676 for 10,000-ft. altitude, 0.537 for 15,000-ft. altitude.

Column 7, design V/(ND) (= 0.870), divided by items in column 6.

Column 8, from Fig. 54, using items in column 7 as entrants.

Column 9, items in column 8 multiplied by design efficiency (82.5 per


Column 10, items in column 5 multiplied by items in column 9.

Maximum Speed at Altitude. The maximum speed at any

altitude is found by the intersection of the total horsepower re

quired at that altitude with the total horsepower available at that

altitude. It is quite possible with propeller designed for altitude

work, or other special conditions, that the maximum speed may

be slightly higher at moderate altitudes than at sea-level. Ordi

narily the maximum speed is less at altitude than at the


Minimum Speed at Altitude. The stalling speed increases with

altitude, that is, an airplane must fly faster to keep from stalling.

The stalling speed or minimum speed at any altitude is to the

minimum speed at sea-level as the reciprocal of the square root

of the relative density.

The ordinary pitot static airspeed indicator measures impact

pressure. The scale of the airspeed indicator gives the airspeed

corresponding to the impact pressure at the ground of that air

speed. At altitude, the impact pressure will be less for any aiF-

speed than the pressure for that airspeed at sea-level so that the

airspeed indicator will read low. The indicated airspeed at

altitude will be the true airspeed multiplied by the square root of

the relative density.

This " error " of the airspeed indicator is rather fortunate from

a pilot's viewpoint. The minimum speed at sea-level being known,

whenever the airspeed indicator reads that airspeed, the airplane

is flying at minimum velocity. At altitude, the airplane is flying

faster than the airspeed indicator shows but it is necessary for the

airplane to fly faster to keep from stalling.

Minimum Horsepower at Altitude. For any given airplane,

there is one angle of attack at which Ci3/2/CDtotai is maximum, and it



is at this angle of attack that the least horsepower will be required

to maintain level flight. At any altitude, this angle of attack for

minimum horsepower will be the same, but the velocity correspond

ing to this angle of attack will be greater at higher altitudes.

The velocity will be to the velocity at sea-level for minimum horse

power as the reciprocal of the relative density.

It is also true that the angle of attack for maximum L/D will be

the same at all altitudes, but at higher altitudes greater velocity

must be maintained for this same angle of attack.

As described for stalling speeds, the readings of the airspeed

indicator will be the same at all altitudes when the airplane is

flying at the angle of attack of minimum horsepower required.

The airspeed indicator has the same reading at all altitudes when

the airplane is flying at the angle of attack of maximum L/D.

Rate of Climb at Altitude. The ability to climb is determined

by the excess of the horsepower available at any speed to the

horsepower required at that speed. At altitudes above sea-level,

the ordinates of the total horsepower-required curve become

greater and the ordinates of the horsepower-available curve

become less. The difference between these ordinates at the same

speed represents the power for climbing.


, 700



". 400

& 300





Absolute Ceiling.

Service Ceiling. , I Xi



Fio. 69. Variation of rate of climb with altitude.

The greatest difference in ordinates gives the maximum climb

ing power at that altitude. As the altitude is increased, the

power decreases. The airspeed for maximum climb is in all cases

very close to the airspeed for minimum horsepower required, that

is, the angle of attack for best climb is almost the same as the

angle of maximum CL^/Cfltoui. Therefore with increasing alti

tude the speed for maximum climb increases.

If the maximum rate of climb is plotted against altitude as in

Fig. 69, it will be seen that the resulting curve is practically a

straight line. Actually the slope of the rate of climb curve varies

lineally with altitude.

It is customary to assume that the rate of climb varies lineally

with altitude.

Absolute and Service Ceilings. If the rate-of-climb versus

altitude curve is continued to intersect the base line, this inter

section marks the absolute ceiling or altitude where the rate of

climb is zero. This is the highest altitude that it is possible for

the airplane to reach.

At this altitude, the horsepower-available curve is tangent to the

horsepower-required curve. The airplane can be flown at only

one speed. At either greater or less velocity, there will not be

sufficient available horsepower to maintain level flight. This one

velocity of flight will be very close to the best climbing speeds at

altitude near the ceiling.

At the absolute ceiling control is very sluggish. The rate of

climb has been steadily decreasing with altitude, so that as one

climbs very near to the absolute ceiling the rate of climb becomes

infinitesimally small. It will therefore require an infinite time to

reach the absolute ceiling, and no airplane ever reaches there unless

one conceives of an infinite fuel supply.

More practical is the service ceiling which is the altitude where

the rate of climb is 100 ft. per min.

If the rate of climb is assumed to change lineally with altitude

H = absolute ceiling, feet

„ _ H[(R.C.)« — 100] H, = service ceiling, feet

(R.C.)0 (R.C.)o = rate of climb at sea-level,

feet per minute

Example. For an airplane weighing 4,000 lb., the excess horse

power at sea-level is 60 hp.; at 10,000-ft. altitude there is 17 excess

horsepower. What is service ceiling?


60 X 33,000

K'U)o ~ 4,000

= 495 ft. per'min.


17 X 33,000

(R.C.),0>ooo = 4j000

= 140 ft. per min.

H - 10,000 _ 140

H "495

495ff - 4,950,000 = 140 H

355 H = 4,950,000

Absolute ceiling = H = 13,970 ft.

*,-13,970 (H)

= 11,150ft.


(Assume that rate of climb varies lineally with altitude)

1. An airplane weighs 3,500 Ib.; its rate of climb at sea-level is

1,000 ft. per min.; its absolute ceiling is 16,000 ft. What is its

service ceiling?

3. The service ceiling of an airplane is 14,000 ft. Its rate of climb

at sea-level is 950 ft. per min. What is the absolute ceiling?

3. An airplane weighs 2,500 Ib. What is the excess horsepower at

its service ceiling?

4. The absolute ceiling of an airplane is 17,000 ft. The rate of

climb at sea-level is 1,150 ft. per min. What is the rate of climb at

10,000-ft. altitude?

6. The service ceiling of an airplane is 18,000 ft. The rate of climb

at sea-level is 1,000 ft. per min. What is the rate of climb at 10,000-

ft. altitude?

Time to Climb to Altitude. Assuming rate of climb to vary

lineal with altitude, the slope of the rate-of-climb versus altitude

curve is constant, and is equal to — (R.C.)0///. The rate of

climb at any altitude, h, is

R.C.* = (R.C.)» -

If rate of climb is expressed in differential form as dh/dt

ft- Hdh

(R.C.)0(# - A)


Integration gives



= H f° dh t = time to climb to

(R.C.)0 Jh H - h altitude, h, in

(R.C.)o H = absolute ceiling

H . , „ , J° minutes

.\og..(H - h)\

H infeet

(R.C.V ^ """ (R.C.)o = rate of climb at

(R.C.)o ^H-h per minute

H . H sea-level, in feet

Example. At sea-level an airplane's rate of climb is 1,000 ft. per

min. Its absolute ceiling is 15,000 ft. How long will it take to climb

to 7,000-ft. altitude?


t = 2.303 X ^S X log

15,000 - 7,000

= 9.5 rain.


1. At sea-level, an airplane weighing 4,000 Ib. has 120 excess horse

power. Its absolute ceiling is 9,000 ft. (a) How long will it take to

climb from sea-level to 5,000 ft.? (6) How long will it take to climb

from sea-level to 6,000-ft. altitude?

2. A Heath monoplane has an absolute ceiling of 12,000ft. Its rate

of climb at sea-level is 450 ft. per min. How long'will it take to climb

from sea-level to 10,000-ft. altitude?

3. A Waco airplane, whose ceiling is 16,000 ft., climbs 1,050 ft. per

min. at sea-level. How long will it require to climb from sea-level

to 10,000 ft.?

4. A Bellanca airplane, whose ceiling is 17,000 ft., climbs 900 ft.

per min. at sea-level. How long will it require to climb from sea-level

to 12,000 ft.?

6. A Douglas airliner has a ceiling of 22,000 ft. It climbs 1,100 ft.

per min. at sea-level. How much time will it take to climb from

10,000- to 15,000-ft. altitude?

Stratosphere Flying. An airplane which flies at a certain speed

at the ground must, at altitude, either fly faster or fly at greater


angle of attack; since weight and wing area are constant, either

CL or V must increase to compensate for decrease in density.

If the airplane is flown at the same angle of attack at altitude as

at sea-level, the velocity at altitude must be to the velocity at the

ground inversely as the square root of the relative densities. The

horsepower required at altitude will be to the horsepower required

at the ground in that same ratio, inversely as the square root of

the relative densities.

When flying at ground level (except at angles greater than that of

maximum CL^/CDIO^I), an increase in velocity means an increase

in horsepower required. At low angles of attack, there is very

little change in CD with angle of attack; therefore the change in

horsepower is very closely as the cube of the velocity.

Therefore if it is desired to increase the speed of flying, one may

either stay at the same altitude and decrease the angle of attack

or climb to a higher altitude. In each case more horsepower will

be required, but in the former the horsepower must be increased

approximately as the cube of the airspeed and in the latter it must

be increased directly as the airspeed.

In Fig. 70 are shown the horsepower-required curves for the

airplane used as example 1 in the preceding chapter, for sea-level;

for 10,000-ft., 15,000-ft., 30,000-ft., 40,000-ft., and 50,000-ft.

altitude. It will be noted that to fly this airplane at 160 miles

per hour at sea-level requires 196 hp.; at 10,000-ft. altitude,

148 hp.; 15,000-ft. altitude, 133 hp.; 30,000-ft. altitude, 94 hp.;

40,000-ft. altitude, 73 hp.; and 50,000-ft. altitude, 74 hp.

Viewed in another aspect, with, say, 100 hp. available, at sea-

level, 124 miles per hour can be flown; at 30,000-ft. altitude, 164

miles per hour; at 50,000-ft. altitude, 210 miles per hour. At

any altitude the least horsepower required is that corresponding

to the angle of attack of maximum Cz.3/2/Cznota]. For the speci

men example this means a speed of 59 miles an hour at sea-level,

but 154 miles per hour at 50,000-ft. altitude. The increase in

speed, 154 -5- 59 or 2.6 times, means an increase of 2.6 times

(74 -5. 29) the horsepower. If 154 miles an hour were flown at

sea-level, it would require 176 hp. or 6 times the horsepower.

Flying at high altitude is conditional on having the sufficient

horsepower available. Unsupercharged engines drop off in

horsepower with altitude. Propellers which are proper for sea-

level density are unsuitable for high altitude. Superchargers can



provide air at sea-level density at high altitudes; one proposed

German airplane is to be provided with three superchargers, one

40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280

Velocity (Miles per hour)

FIG. 70. Horsepower required at high altitude.

which is to be put into service at 25,000 ft.-altitude, a second which

is to be added at 35,000 ft., and the third to be added at 45,000

ft. Variable-pitch propellers will of necessity be used on planes

designed for stratospheric flying.



Centrifugal Force. Heretofore the flight of an airplane has

been considered in one direction. If direction is being changed,

centrifugal force while the turn is being accomplished must be

considered. Before the turn starts and immediately after the

turn ceases, centrifugal force is not acting.

Acceleration is the change of velocity. Velocity has not only

magnitude but also direction. Even if magnitude is unchanged

but there is a change in direction of a velocity, that change is

acceleration. That acceleration is always radially inward towards

the center about which the object is circling at that instant.

The force which causes the body to accelerate inward in a turn

is measured by the mass times the acceleration.

In constant circular motion, the acceleration is tfR where «

is the angular velocity, or the acceleration is V/R where V is the

linear velocity. The centrifugal force of an airplane in a turn is

equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the accelerating

inward (centripetal) force

C.F. = 5. V = airspeed in feet per second

w V2 ^ = acceleration of gravity in feet per second2

R = radius of turn in feet

Banking. In straight flight, the force of gravity, called weight,

is the only exterior force acting on the plane. It acts vertically

downward, i.e., towards the center of the earth.

In a turn centrifugal force acts also on the airplane, and the

exterior force acting on the airplane is the resultant of centrifugal

force and weight. In turning in a horizontal plane, centrifugal

force is outward, so the resultant will be outward and downward.

Lift must balance this resultant force, so lift must act inward and

upward and must be equal in magnitude to this resultant force.

In turns it is customary to bank or depress the inner wing.

If a flat turn is made, that is, without banking, centrifugal force

will cause the airplane to skid outwards. Except in flying in



formation, this is not especially objectionable but is considered

poor flying technique.

The proper angle of bank depends on the

airspeed and the sharpness of the turn. If

the angle of bank is insufficient the airplane

will skid, that is, move outward. If the

angle of bank is too much, the airplane will

slip, that is, move inward and downward.

Lift must equal in magnitude the resultant

of weight and centrifugal force. If lift is not

as great as this resultant, the airplane will

squash or settle down in the direction of the

resultant force. If lift is greater than the

resultant, the airplane will execute a climbing

turn or spiral.

FIG. 71. Forces in a

banked turn.

From examination of Fig. 71, if 0 is the angle of bank,







V in feet per second

R in feet

It will be noted that the angle of bank /3 is independent of weight.

A big, heavy bomber and a light sport-plane, if they have the

same airspeed, require the same angle of bank for the same radius

of turn. Angle of bank is also independent of wing area, airfoil

section, etc.

If the angle of bank is correct, lift will act in the opposite di

rection to the resultant. The magnitude of the lift force must

equal the magnitude of the resultant force, or

L- W

cos 0



R1T1 j3

For any angle greater than zero, the cosine is less than unity;

therefore, if the weight is divided by a number less than 1, the


quotient is greater than the weight. For straight, level flight,

lift equals weight. For a turn, lift must be greater than the weight.

The lift may be increased either by increasing the airspeed or by

increasing the angle of attack or both.

In low-powered airplanes or in gliders, it is quite often necessary

to push forward on the stick in order by diving to get the added

velocity for the turn.

Whether the added lift is gained by increasing the airspeed or by

increasing the angle of attack, more power is required in a turn

than, in level flight.

Example. An airplane is flying straight at 150 miles per hour.

Its weight is 6,000 Ib. Its wing area is 200 sq. ft. (A.R.6), and Clark

Y airfoil is used. The parasite has an equivalent flat plate area of

2 sq. ft. (a) What angle of attack is needed? (6) What horsepower

is required? The airplane turns at 150 miles per hour airspeed with a

30° angle of bank. (c) What is the centrifugal force? (d) What lift

is needed? (e) What is the proper radius of turn? (/) What angle

of attack is needed? (g) What horsepower is required?




0.00256 X 200 X 1502

= 0.522

From Fig. 17, a = 2.1°

(6) From Fig. 17,

CD = 0.025



= 175 hp.

(c) C.F. = TFtan/S

S ) 375

1.28 X 2\ 0.00256 X 200 X ISO8

= 6,000 X 0.577

= 3,460 Ib.

(d) Lift = -a

cos p

_ 6,000


/ 375

= 6,930 Ib.

(e) tan $ = ^


tan /S

_ (150 X 1.47)2

~ 32.2 X 0.577

= 2,600 ft.

L ~ 0.00256 X 200 X I502

= 0.603

= Lift

From Fig. 17,

a = 3.4°

(0) From Fig. 17,

CD = 0.03

HP =(c i 1.28 a \ 0.00256 SF3

,.,..,., . 1.28 X 2\ 0.00256 X 200 X T503

0.030 , 200 ) 375

= 203 hp.


1. A plane of 2,000 Ib. gross weight is turning at 100 miles per hour

with an angle of bank of 45°. (a) What is the centrifugal force?

(6) What is the lift? (c) What should be the radius of turn?

2. An airplane is making a 40° banked turn of 800-ft. radius.

What should be the airspeed?

3. An airplane weighing 2,500 Ib. has a Clark Y wing 250 sq. ft.

in area (A.R.6) and parasite with equivalent flat plate area of 1.5

sq. ft. What horsepower is required in straight flight at 120 miles

an hour and in a banked turn of a quarter-mile radius at 120 miles

per hour?

4. A racing plane weighing 1,800 Ib. is rounding a pylon at 340

miles per hour. The radius of the turn is 100 ft. What should be

angle of bank, and what is centrifugal force?

6. An airplane weighing 5,000 Ib. has a Clark Y wing of 300 sq. ft.

area (A.R.6) and parasite with equivalent flat plate area of 3.0 sq. ft.

(a) What horsepower is required to fly straight at 100 miles per hour?

(6) What horsepower to make a 35° banked turn if the same angle of

attack is maintained in the turn as in the straight flight?

Limiting Radius. In turns more horsepower is required than in

straight flight because more lift is needed, and this greater lift is

attained by increasing either velocity or angle of attack, both of

which increases drag. Since maximum speed in straight flight

entails using all the available horsepower, it is impossible at

top speed to make a perfect turn, i.e., without slipping or


At speeds less than maximum, the excess horsepower can be

used to accomplish turns. This extra horsepower is a fixed

quantity for each airspeed, so that for each airspeed there is a

limit to the horsepower that can be used on turns. The smaller

the radius of turn, the greater horsepower is required; therefore,

if the horsepower available is fixed, there is a definite limit on the

sharpness of the turn.

The horsepower available at any velocity being known, the drag

coefficient may be computed. The angle of attack and lift coeffi

cient are then known. With lift coefficient and velocity known,

the lift may be found. The greatest angle of bank may be then

computed, and from that, the corresponding minimum radius of

turn for a series of different velocities; it will be discovered that

at one airspeed, which is the same airspeed as that for best climb,

the radius of turn is smallest. With the assigned power plant

this will be the sharpest possible turn, though with increased

power a turn of even smaller radius can be made.

Example. Find the minimum radius of turn for an airplane weigh

ing 2,000 lb., having a Clark Y wing 36 ft. by 6 ft. and 3.8 sq. ft.

equivalent flat plate area of parasite and a 150-hp. engine rated at


Solution. This is the same airplane as in the first illustrative ex

ample in the chapter on airplane performance for which the horse

power-available curve is plotted in Fig. 59.

Calculations are made for various airspeeds of which the following

is a sample.

H,V>P .avail.H.P.

110CD= 110

= 162

= 110,-(o.= 0.03mil


35!es per hour

per sec.

>m Fig. 59

1.28 a\ 0.00256s )1.28 X2163.8\XS375

0.00256XXV3216 Xn03/ 375



From Fig. 17,

a = 4.1° and CL = 0.65

Lift = CL X 0.00256 SV2

cos /3

= 0.65 X 0.00256 X 216 X UO1

= 4,330 Ib.




= 0.461

j9 = 62° 33'

tan/3 = 1.925


tan/3 =-7;


32.2 X 1.925

= 424 ft.

The results of these computations are shown in Fig. 72. The mini

mum permissible radius of turn has its smallest value when the air

speed is 65 miles per hour. ^

At any airspeed, a wider turn

can be made than shown in

Fig. 72, which, since it will re

quire less horsepower, will per

mit throttling the engine.

Loading in Turns. In

straight level flight, the lift


300100s^..,^/0 60 70 80 90 100 110 12

Miles per Hour

on an airplane is equal to the Flo 72

total weight of the airplane

plus or minus a small tail

Minimum radius of properly

banked turn.

load. Practically the lift is considered equal to the weight.

This is called unit load, or since the force is equal to the mass of

the airplane multiplied by the normal acceleration due to gravity,

it is called a force of one g (where g is 32.2 ft. per sec.2).

During a turn, the lift must equal the weight divided by the

cosine of the angle of bank, so that the greater the angle of bank,

the greater must be the lift force. The ratio of lift or load during

any maneuver to the unit load is called the load factor. Since

the mass of the airplane does not change, it may be stated that in

a maneuver an airplane is stressed to 3g, 4#, etc., meaning that


the force or loading is the mass of the plane multiplied by 3g,


In turns, the load factor is ™ = 3.

W cos |8

Example. In a 45° banked turn, what is the load factor?


cos 45° ~ 0.7071

= 1.41

Load factor is 1.4 or plane is stressed to lAg.


1. Airplane is making a turn of j-mile radius at a speed of 150

miles per hour. What is the load factor?

2. Airplane is making a turn of 150-yd. radius at a speed of 180

miles per hour. What is the load factor?

3. Airplane is making a turn of 100-yd. radius at a speed of 175

miles per hour. What is the load factor?

4. Airplane is making a turn of 200-ft. radius at a speed of 190

miles per hour. What is the load factor?

6. Airplane is making a turn of 150-ft. radius at a speed of-200 miles

an hour. What is the load factor?

Loading in Vertical Banks. In a turn wherein the wings are

banked up vertically, lift acts horizontally. At high speeds un

doubtedly some small amount of lift is derived from the sides of

the fuselage, but this cannot be sufficient to sustain the weight

of the airplane, so that sideslip will take place. In a turn of this

character, centrifugal force becomes very great.

In flying into such a turn, no matter if the immediately previous

flying was at high speed and low angle of attack, the airplane

would probably " squash " or settle outward. This movement

would change the angle of attack to a very high angle and the

increasing drag would cut down on the airspeed; an accurate

computation of the loading in a vertical bank becomes exceedingly

complicated. Some idea of the loading may be obtained by the

following considerations.

In a vertical bank, lift acts inward; centrifugal force acts out

ward. Neglecting " squashing," lift should equal centrifugal


L - CSV*


In straight level flight, slowest speed, i.e., stalling speed, is

flown when the angle of attack is that of maximum lift coefficient


W = CL^^SV?

Substituting this value in the above equation gives

C. ^K




<.. Lmax. o " '



and ft = —- X

g <^L

The radius of turn will be minimum when CL is equal to

that is, when the angle of attack is that of maximum lift. If,

owing to excessive centrifugal force, the airplane squashes out

ward, the horizontal curve described will be of greater radius

than if the stick is pushed forward somewhat, so that the angle

between the flight path and the wing is the angle of maximum


This kind of turn is not to be confused with that described in the

previous section; as in a vertical bank, the drag will be excessive

and the speed will decrease during the turn.

Since the minimum radius of turn will be when CL = C^™*., the

turning radius will be

The load factor in a vertical bank will be

r txLmax. 5

. 5" '

c, ?

v.'Z.max. o *

It is to be noted that minimum speed varies with altitude, so

at altitude the minimum radius will be greater.


Example. An airplane, whose stalling speed is 40 miles per hour,

makes a vertically banked turn of minimum radius. The initial

speed entering the turn is 125 miles per hour. What is the radius,

and what is the load factor?


Rnaa. — ~~~


(40 X 1.47)2


Load factor = TTJ

= 107 ft.


= 9.8


1. A Curtiss pursuit plane whose stalling speed is 58 miles per hour

goes into a vertically banked turn of minimum radius at a speed of 170

miles per hour. What is the radius, and what is the load factor?

2. A Gee-Bee Supersportster whose stalling speed is 91 miles per

hour goes into a vertically banked turn of minimum radius at a speed

of 270 miles per hour. What are the radius and the load factor?

3. A Supermarine racing plane whose landing speed is 107 miles

per hour goes into a vertically banked turn of minimum radius at 409

miles per hour. What are the radius and load factor?

4. An airplane whose stalling speed is 38 miles per hour goes into a

vertically banked turn of minimum radius at 80 miles per hour.

What are the radius and load factor?

6. A Curtiss Condor whose landing speed is 55 miles per hour goes

into a vertically banked turn of minimum radius at 140 miles per hour.

What are the radius and load factor?

Dives. When a plane is flying horizontally and the pilot pushes

the stick forward moving the elevator down, the first action is for

the tail to move up. If the stick movement is fairly quick so that

the tail is thrown up suddenly, momentum carries the airplane

onward in a horizontal path. The relative wind strikes the upper

side of the wing, that is, momentarily there is a negative angle of

attack, with a consequent negative lift. During that instant, mo

mentum takes the place of weight and acting horizontally forward,

with respect to the axis of the plane it acts in a direction which in


normal flight would be forward and upward. This loading situa

tion is called inverted flight condition since it essentially duplicates

flying upside down. When actually flying upside down, with the

conventional unsymmetrical airfoil, flight must be at a high nega

tive angle of attack with consequent big drag, so that the airspeed

will be comparatively low. The load factors obtained in the in

verted flight condition at the beginning of a dive are much greater

than those obtained in actual inverted flight, so the former load

factors are those used in stress analysis of the airplane structure.

As the airplane goes into the dive the pilot keeps the nose of the

airplane depressed, or else with increased velocity the increased lift

will pull the airplane out of the dive.

In coming out of the dive, the pilot pulls back on the stick which

moves the elevator up tending to throw the tail downward with

respect to the flight path. Momentum tends to make the plane

settle or squash so that momentarily, at least, the airplane is at

high angle of attack while still retaining the high speed attained

in the dive. If V is the velocity when the airplane is pulled out of

the dive into the high angle of attack position, then



W = CLma.?SV,2

Load factor = ~ =



The expression for load factor is the same as in a vertical bank,

but an airplane usually goes into a bank from level flight whereas

in a dive the velocity may be much greater than maximum level

flight velocity. Coming out of a dive causes one of the most

severe stresses put on airplanes, and unless care is taken the wings

may be pulled off. By coming out of a dive gradually, the stresses

are much less.



1. A Waco plane whose landing speed is 49 miles per hour is pulled

out of a dive at 175 miles per hour. What is the load factor?

2. A Lockheed plane whose landing speed is 64 miles per hour is

pulled out of a dive at 250 miles per hour. What is the load factor?

3. An Aeronca whose landing speed is 36 miles per hour is pulled

out of a 120-mile-per-hour dive. What is the load factor?

4. A Supermarine racer whose stalling speed is 107 miles per

hour is pulled out of a dive at 450 miles per hour. What is the load


5. A Northrop airplane whose stalling speed is 58 miles per hour is

pulled out of a dive at 220 miles per hour. What is the load factor?

Loops. In looping, a turn is executed in a vertical plane.

Since, at the start of this maneuver, the pilot pulls back on the

stick putting the airplane at a high angle of attack, with big drag

which decreases the airspeed, it is important that the velocity be

high in beginning the loop. Unless there is ample power, the pilot

starts his loop by diving to gain speed.

The loop is rarely a perfect circle, for the airspeed will decrease

as the plane climbs up preparatory to going over on its back, and

after the top of the loop has been passed, the airspeed will increase


The exact load factors in a loop cannot be calculated unless the

exact pattern of the loop is known, but an approximate idea may be

gained if it is assumed that the path of the loop is a vertical circle.

If R is the radius of this circle, Fi the velocity and L\ the lift at

the bottom of the loop, and Vt the velocity and In the lift at the

top of the loop, then



The work done in bringing the airplane from the bottom of the

loop to the top of the loop is the weight times the vertical distance

or 2RW. In climbing, the energy lost is the difference in kinetic



iRg = VS - F2S

Assuming that at the top of the loop the lift is zero, which is

approximately true in most cases,

W F.2


Vf = Rg

Then since Fi2 - F22 =


or the load factor is 60.

F,2 - Rg = 4Rg

VS = 5Rg


= 6W


Axes. An airplane may rotate about three axes. The longi

tudinal or fore-and-aft axis is an imaginary line through the center

of gravity of the airplane parallel to the thrust line of the propeller.

It is called the X axis. The lateral axis is an imaginary line

through the center of gravity of the airplane, perpendicular to the

X axis, and horizontal when the airplane is on an even keel. The

lateral axis is called the Y axis. The vertical or Z axis passes

through the center of gravity

perpendicular to the X and Y

axes and is vertical when the

airplane is on even keel; see

Fig. 73.

Rotational Motions of the

Airplane. Rotation about the

X axis is called roll. By tacit

agreement among designers, it

is termed positive roll if, when

Fio. 73. Axek of airplane. ™wed from th.e rear> the ^

plane rotates in a clockwise

direction. A rising left wing is the beginning of a positive roll.

Rotation about the Y axis is called pitch. If, when viewed from

the left wing tip, the airplane rotates clockwise, it is positive pitch.

Rotations are caused by moments. The moment which causes the

airplane to rotate in a positive pitch is called a stalling moment;

that which causes it to rotate in a negative pitch is called a diving


Rotation about the Z axis is called turn or yaw. If when viewed

from above the airplane rotates clockwise, it is positive yaw. A

moment tending to cause a right turn is a positive yawing moment;

that tending to cause a left turn is a negative yawing moment.

Angle of Attack of Airplane. Earlier in this book, the angle of

attack of the wing was stated to be the angle between the direction

of the relative wind and the wing chord. The wing chord is not


usually parallel to the longitudinal axis of the airplane. The

angle of attack of the airplane is the angle between the direction

of the relative wind and the longitudinal axis of the airplane.

The angle between the chord of the wing and the longitudinal

axis of the airplane is the angle of incidence. The angle of inci

dence is therefore the numerical difference between the angle of

attack of the wing and the angle of attack of the airplane. Usu

ally airplanes are so rigged that the angle of incidence is equal to

the angle of maximum L/D of the airfoil section used.

Control Surfaces. It is necessary that means be provided to

cause or stop rotation about any of the three axes, in order either

to maintain the airplane in straight level flight or to execute vari

ous maneuvers. It is universal practice nowadays to make

each control surface movable with respect to a fixed surface.

In the Canard type the horizontal and vertical rudders are in

front of the main wing; in the conventional type, they are at the

rear of the airplane.

The control surfaces for producing or regulating turns are the

vertical tail surfaces. The fixed part is the vertical fin; the movable

part is the rudder. Movement of the rudder is by the feet of

the pilot. Pushing forward with the right foot on the rudder

bar moves the rudder to the right and causes a right turn.

The control surfaces for producing or regulating pitch are the

horizontal tail surfaces. The movable part is the elevator or

" flipper "; the " fixed " part is the stabilizer. Though termed

" fixed," the stabilizer except on small light planes can be ad

justed during flight from the cockpit. Movement of the elevator

is made by means of a control stick or post. Pushing forward on

the stick causes the nose to go down; pulling back on it causes

the nose to rise.

The control surfaces for producing or regulating roll are the aile

rons. They are located at the rear of each wing tip. They are

controlled by the control stick on a small plane and by a wheel

(Deperdessin or " Dep " control) on large planes; moving the

stick to the left makes the left aileron go up and the right aileron

go down, causing negative roll. Moving the stick to the right

causes the left aileron to go down and the right aileron to go up,

producing positive roll.

Ailerons. Earlier attempts at flying were thwarted because

the experimenters did not realize the need for lateral control.

The Wright brothers attained complete control by providing lat

eral control. Their first wings had simply upper surfaces, the

ribs being strips of hard wood which had been steamed and bent

to the proper curvature. Lateral control was effected by warping;

that is, wires connected to the rear corners of the rectangular wings

could be pulled, forcing the wing to be bent to a greater curvature.

Upon release of the wire, the natural springiness of the wooden rib

would cause it to return to its former shape.

Putting a lower surface on the wing precluded warping. The

Wrights then used flat surfaces fastened onto the outer forward

struts of their biplane. To produce a positive roll, the surface at the

left side was tilted so as to slope backward and downward, on the

right side the surface sloped backward and upward. It was direct

impact pressure on these surfaces that caused the wing to move

up or down.

The conventional type of lateral control is the aileron. The

outer rear portion of each wing is movable, the hinged edge being

more or less parallel to the leading edge. In normal flight these

ailerons form part of the wing surface. Rarely they are rigged to

droop slightly to give greater lateral stability.

With both ailerons in normal position, the lift on the left wing

is the same as the lift on the right wing. When an aileron is

moved down, it changes the airfoil section of the outer portion of

the wing to an airfoil section of greater curvature and conse

quently greater lift. Moving an aileron upward changes the air

foil section to one of less curvature or of reverse curvature causing

less lift.

Ailerons are designed so that moving an aileron down on one

side causes the wing on that side to increase in lift by the same

amount that the lift of the other wing is decreased by its aileron

being moved up. Moving the control stick should change, not

the total lift, but merely the proportion carried by each side.

Unfortunately with the simplest ailerons this movement produces

more drag on the side of the " down " aileron than on the side with

the " up " one.

Moving an aileron down not only changes the airfoil to one of

greater camber but also changes the chord so that the angle of

attack is greater.

All control surfaces, whether they be ailerons, elevators, or

rudders, are more effective at high speeds, since the forces acting

on the surfaces vary as the square of the air velocity. The

controls are said to be sluggish at low airspeeds. At high speeds

considerable force is required to move a control surface away

from its neutral position. At low airspeeds there is little re

sistance to the movement of a control surface. Even with slight

experience a pilot knows when he is getting up near a stalled

position by the looseness (or ease of movement) of his controls

and by lack of response of the airplane to movements of the control


Ailerons are very ineffective at high angles of attack. Exami

nation of most of the common airfoil sections shows that the

angle of maximum lift is about the same for them all. Then

changing the shape of the airfoil by dropping an aileron will not

increase lift; the change in chord puts the angle of attack beyond

the burble point. The yawing effect of ailerons at high angles of

attack is very pronounced, and it has been facetiously stated that,

" at high angles, ailerons arc good rudders."

To remedy the lack of effectiveness of ailerons for lateral con

trol, slots, spoilers, or floating ailerons may be used.

Slots are primarily devices for giving higher lift, but since at

high angles of attack they direct the airflow so that it follows di

rectly the contour of the wing instead of burbling, slots add to the

effectiveness of the ailerons.



Flo. 74. Spoilers.

Spoilers. Though used very little, spoilers are quite effective

for lateral control at high angles of attack. A spoiler consists

of a long metal strip located on the top of the wing above the front

spar. The strip can be quite narrow (see Fig. 74).

It is hinged at the front edge. In normal flight, this strip lies


flat against the upper surface of the wing. By moving the stick

to one side, the spoiler on the wing on that side stands erect.

The action of the spoiler is to destroy the smooth flow of air over

the wing so that burbling takes place. The lift is consequently

greatly reduced.

The outstanding objection to spoilers is that, unlike ailerons,

their use reduces the total lift. When the spoiler is raised on one

wing, the lift on the other wing remains as before. The reduction

of lift on the wing with the raised spoiler means the same reduction

in the total lift, and the airplane loses altitude. Though im

material at moderate altitudes, this is exceedingly dangerous

close to the ground as a crash might result.

Floating Ailerons. The floating aileron was installed on the

Curtiss Tanager which won the Guggenheim Safety Contest in

1929. The floating aileron is placed outside the tip of each wing.

The aileron is a symmetrical airfoil. Its axis is slightly behind

the leading edge. Weight is added to the leading edge so that

the aileron is balanced statically.

Fio. 75. Floating ailerons.

The ailerons are so rigged that they turn freely up and down

provided that the ailerons on opposite wing tips rotate together.

They will set themselves in the plane of the relative wind, much

as a weather vane points into the wind. The pilot has no control

over this action.

The pilot can displace one aileron with respect to the other.

No matter at what angle the floating ailerons may have adjusted

themselves with respect to the wing chord, the pilot by his con

trol can move one aileron up and the other down by the same angle.


Since the airfoils are symmetrical, and the positive angle on one

side the same as the negative angle on the other, the plus lift equals

the minus lift and the total lift remains the same. In addition, the

drag caused by the up aileron is the same as the drag of the down

one, so that there is no yawing or turning tendency.

Balanced Control Surfaces. Since moving a surface against the

pressure of a high wind requires considerable force, control sur-

Paddle Type

Handley-Page Type

Overhang Type

FIG. 76. Balanced ailerons.

faces are quite often of the balanced type. The axis about which

the control surface rotates is not immediately at the front edge

but back a distance so that a portion of the surface is ahead of the

hinge. As soon as the surface is displaced from its neutral posi

tion, the air strikes the front portion and reduces the effort the

pilot must exert.

Although balanced controls enable the pilot to move large

control surfaces easily, care must always be observed that they are

not too well balanced. A pilot might then with little effort move


the surface quickly to an extreme position, thus changing the

motion of the plane suddenly, which causes high dynamic


Differential Ailerons. Because the angular movement of an

aileron downward causes more drag than the same angular move

ment upward, ailerons are sometimes rigged so that, when the

stick is moved to one side, the aileron that moves upward has

approximately twice the angular movement of the aileron that

moves downward. This is done so that the drag on each wing tip

shall be the same in order to eliminate yawing moment.

Frise Aileron. Another method of reducing the yawing moment

is by use of the Frise type of aileron. Bearing a resemblance to

the balanced type, the aileron is hinged about 20 per cent of the

chord back from the leading edge and so designed that, when in its


Down Position ^ UP Position

FIG. 77. Frise aileron.

" down " position, the upper surface of the aileron is a smooth

prolongation of the curved upper surface of the wing. In its

" up " position, the leading edge of the aileron projects below the

continuation of the curved lower surface of the wing, so that addi

tional drag is arbitrarily introduced at this point. When properly

designed, the drag of both ailerons is the same, and there is no

yawing moment.

Sizes of Ailerons. Ailerons are for the production of a rolling

moment. This rolling moment, in foot-pounds, is the difference

in lift between the two wings multiplied by the distance in feet

between the centers of pressure on the two wings. This moment-

arm is a function of the span. The rolling moment is usually

expressed as

L, = coefficient of rolling mo

ment, dimensionless (N.B.:

not to be confused with

Rolling moment = L«|<S»726 lift coefficient)

S*, = wing area, square feet

V = airspeed, feet per second

6 = span, feet

In practice, it has been found that the coefficient L, in the

above equation should be at least 0.03 for all angles of attack.

To achieve this rolling moment it has been found that the total

area of the ailerons should be about 10 per cent of the total wing

area; 3 per cent below or above this value is permissible. The

chord of the aileron is usually decided by the position of the rear

spar of the wing, since the aileron hinges cannot be forward of the

rear spar. This means that the aileron chord may be from 20

to 33 per cent of the wing chord. The spans of ailerons are

between 40 and 65 per cent of the semi-spans of the wing.

Horizontal Tail Surfaces. The horizontal tail surface is very

important as with it the airplane is " trimmed " so that with vary

ing loads the plane may be flown at any angle of attack up to the

maximum. It is common to use thin symmetrical or nearly sym

metrical airfoil contours for tail surfaces. The size of the total

horizontal surface and the distance behind the wing will be dis

cussed in the following chapter on stability. The elevator is

usually about 45 per cent of the total area although variations of

plus or minus 10 per cent from this value have worked satisfactorily

in practice. The aspect ratio of the entire tail surface is usually

in the neighborhood of 3.

A large sudden movement of the elevator will cause a violent

maneuver, putting severe strains on the airplane structure. For

this reason, the elevators on commercial airplanes are not usually

permitted to move more than 20° above or below their neutral

position. On military planes greater movement is permitted, but

it rarely exceeds 45°.

Occasionally an airplane is advertised as incapable of spinning.

Spins usually start from stalls, and it is sometimes true that these

airplanes have insufficient tail area to force them into a stalled

position. This improper amount of tail surface is usually in

dicative of lack of controllability.


The stabilizer or " fixed " part of the horizontal tail surface has

its rear edge fastened to a cross-member; the front edge may be

moved up or down to change the stabilizer setting. Usually a

vertical screw is used to adjust the height of the front of the stabi

lizer; turning the screw feeds the leading edge up or down, an

arrangement being provided so that the screw may be rotated

by a crank or handwheel in the pilot's cockpit. The screw by its

leverage action permits easy adjustment by the pilot while it

resists any changes of setting which might be caused by air forces

acting on the tail.

The rear end of a stabilizer can be braced and thus made quite

rigid, but the front end of an adjustable stabilizer cannot be braced

and is held only at its central part. Even with a very sturdy

structure the outer forward ends are apt to flutter in the slip

stream. There appears to be a tendency at the present time to

make the stabilizer fixed and non-adjustable. Necessary trim of

the airplane longitudinally is attained by the use of tabs or bungees.

A tab is an auxiliary control surface, hinged to the rear edge of

the elevator. When set at a definite angle to the plane of the

elevator by means of a control wheel in the pilot's cockpit, the

tab will remain at that angle with respect to the elevator regard

less of any movement of the elevator. Stability can be attained

by use of tabs in much the same way as with an adjustable stabi

lizer. They have the further advantage that their drag is much

smaller than that of an adjustable stabilizer when the latter is

meeting air at a large angle of attack.

Vertical Tail Surface. The vertical tail surfaces are to aid in

maintaining directional stability and to cause turns. The area

of the fin and rudder combined is usually between 5 and 6 per

cent of the total wing area and between 40 and 45 per cent of the

horizontal tail area. The movable rudder is usually 60 or 70

per cent of the total vertical area. The average maximum per

missible movement of the rudder to either side of the center line

of the airplane is 30°.

Effect of Propeller Action. If an ideal propeller could be de

vised, the air, after being acted on by this propeller, would pass

directly to the rear. In practice, however, air is dragged around

slightly with the propeller so that the slipstream has a helical

motion; the rotation is clockwise viewed from the rear. The

vertical tail surfaces receive therefore slightly more pressure on


their left than on their right side, this tending to turn the airplane

to the left.

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Since

a rotation is imparted to the propeller, the reaction of the propeller

on the engine tends to turn the engine in the opposite direction.

This causes greater pressure on the engine mount on the left side

than the right side. As the flat surface of the wings would offer

great resistance to a rapid rotation of the airplane in the opposite

direction of rotation to that of the propeller, it is quite common to

give more lift to the left wing than to the right wing to oppose

this action. The left wing may be set at a very slightly greater

angle of incidence, or in a biplane by tightening the rigging the

left wing may be warped or twisted to have slightly greater cam

ber. The latter is called " wash in." As a result of giving the

left wing greater lift, the left wing has greater drag tending to

turn the airplane to the left.

This left-turning tendency can be corrected by the pilot's

using a small amount of right rudder, or the vertical fin can be set

at a slight angle to the plane of symmetry.

The slipstream action and torque reaction are of course evident

only when the engine is turning over at normal speed. If the en

gine stops and the airplane is in gliding flight, the slipstream and

torque effects disappear, and if the fin has been offset the pilot

will have to apply left rudder to prevent turning to the right.

It is to be noted that with twin engines, one mounted on each

wing, the torque reaction is doubled, not neutralized.



Definition of Stability. Stability is the property of a body

which, when the body is disturbed from a condition of equi

librium, causes forces or moments which act to restore it to its

original condition. The greater the disturbance or change from

its equilibrium position, the greater will be the magnitude of the

forces or moments tending to return the body to its original


Stability of an airplane means that the airplane tends to re

main at the same attitude with respect to the relative wind. It

does not imply that the airplane is steady or that the airplane does

not wobble with respect to the ground or to a fixed reference point

in space. If the air is rough, the airplane may be constantly

changing its attitude with respect to the ground.

The factors which make for a stable airplane are factors which

preclude maneuverability. For stability, whenever attempt is

made to change the attitude of the plane, forces resist this change.

In maneuvering, these forces oppose any alteration in the flight

path. Racing or pursuit planes should have little or no stability.

A plane is statically in equilibrium, if, when in flight, the sum

of all forces acting in all directions equals zero and the sum of all

moments about any point equals zero. The first part of the fore

going statement may be expressed as: the body is in equilibrium

when the sum of the vertical forces is zero and the sum of the

horizontal forces is zero.

ZF = 0

Zff = 0

2M = 0

If the body is disturbed from its equilibrium position, for

stability there must be a restoring moment, and this moment must

be larger for larger displacements from equilibrium position.

To be statically stable, the airplane must have the character

istic that a restoring moment or force acts in a direction to move

the airplane back to the attitude from which it was disturbed.

In discussing static stability, no thought is given to the magnitude



of the restoring moment. This moment which acts to return the

airplane to its equilibrium position may cause the airplane to

acquire angular momentum so that it will swing past that position.

Owing to the stability characteristic, another restoring moment

will then act in the opposite direction, so that even with static

stability there may be oscillation.

For dynamic stability, in addition to the requirement for static

stability that there shall be a restoring moment, there is the

further requirement that the moments created shall be of such

character that the amplitudes of any displacement shall be of de

creasing size so that the airplane will cease to oscillate and come

to rest in its equilibrium position. Dynamic instability would

mean that the restoring moment is so strong that each successive

oscillation would have a bigger amplitude; such an action would

mean impossibility of control, and disaster. The calculation of

dynamic stability is an involved process and will not be treated

in this book.

As there are three axes of rotation, so there are three classes of

stability—longitudinal or fore-

and-aft stability, lateral sta

bility, and directional stability.

They are interrelated, as roll

ing may produce turning, and

vice versa.

Mean Aerodynamic Chord.

Any discussion of longitudinal

stability involves a consider

ation of the mean aerodynamic

chord of the wing or wings,

usually abbreviated to M.A.C.

The mean aerodynamic chord

of a wing cellule is the chord

of an imaginary airfoil which

throughout the flight range

will have the same force vectors as those of the wing cellule.

This imaginary airfoil does not need to resemble any known air

foil. When the mean aerodynamic chord is obtained from wind-

tunnel data of tests on a model of the airplane itself its location

and length are definitely known. When such tests have not been

made the following rules apply.

FIG. 78. Mean aerodynamic chord

of tapered wing panel.



For a rectangular monoplane wing, the mean aerodynamic chord

is identical with the chord of the wing section.

For a tapered monoplane, the mean aerodynamic chord of each

wing panel passes through the centroid of the plan view of the

wing panel. The leading edge of the M.A.C. is on a line connect

ing the leading edges of the root and tip sections, and the trailing

edge of the M.A.C. is on a line connecting the trailing edges of the

root and tip sections (see Fig. 78), which shows a swept-back,

tapered wing. If d is the perpendicular distance from the root

section to the M.A.C.

h = perpendicular distance root

, _ h(a + 26) section to tip section

3 (a + b) a = length of root chord

ft = length of tip chord

The length of the mean aerodynamic chord is

The distance, m, in a swept-back wing, of,the leading edge of the

M.A.C. to the rear of the leading edge of the root chord, is

s(a + 2b)

3(a + 6)

FIG. 79.

wing with straight center section and

swept-back outer panel.

s = total sweepback

In Fig. 78 is shown a

graphical method of find

ing the M.A.C. of a wing


For a monoplane with a

straight center section and

swept-back wing panels, .the

M.A.C. of the center section

and the M.A.C. of the outer

Mean aerodynamic chord of paQel &re found separately.

The distance (e) of the M.A.C.

of the entire semi-wing from

the center line of the airplane (see Fig. 79) will be


h' = distance from center line of airplane

to M.A.C. of semi-center-section

h'Se + h"Sp h" = distance from center line of airplane

+ Sf to M.A.C. of wing panel

Sc = total area of center section

Sp = total area of both wing panels


The length of the mean aerodynamic chord is

Cp = length of M.A.C. wing

M A P =C | (Ct-Cp)(h"-e) panel

>^ h"-h' Ce = length of M.A.C. center


The rearward distance (n) of the leading edge of the M.A.C.

behind the leading edge of the center section is

_ m(e — h') m = distance of L.E. of M.A.C. of wing

h" — h' panel behind L.E. of center section

For a monoplane with dihedral,

the M.A.C. of the center section and

the M.A.C. of the outer panel are

found separately. The distance

(n') (see Fig. 80) by which the

M.A.C. is elevated is

- h" - h'

m' is distance that M.A.C. of wing with dihedral.

of outer panel is raised

FIG. 80. Mean aerodynamic chord

For biplanes, the M.A.C. 's for the upper and lower wings are

found separately. The length of the M.A.C. of the biplane is

. „ _

Su = area upper wing

Si = area lower wing

eCySu + CI.SL Cu = M.A.C. upper wing

eSu + SL CL = M.A.C. lower wing

e = relative efficiency of upper

wing (see Fig. 82)

The relative loading e of the upper wing as given in Fig. 82 is

only approximate but may be used for all angles of attack. For

accurate work N.A.C.A. report 458 should be used.

The vertical distance of the leading edge of the M.A.C. of the

biplane above the leading edge of the M.A.C. of the lower wing is

g, where


The horizontal distance of the leading edge of the M.A.C. of the

biplane ahead of the leading edge of the lower M.A.C. is s', where

s = horizontal distance between upper

(? and lower leading edges

FIG. 81. Mean aerodynamic chord

of biplane.

-30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30

Stagger in Degrees

FIG. 82. Relative wing-loading

in a biplane.


1. A certain monoplane had a rectangular wing with 5-ft. chord and

32-ft. span, the maximum forward position of the center of pressure

being at 30 per cent of the chord from the leading edge. It was found

that the center of gravity of the airplane was to the rear of the maxi

mum forward position of the center of pressure. To remedy this

situation, it was proposed to leave unchanged the center section of

the wing, the width of which was 4 ft., while the outer portions of the

wing were to remain parallelograms of the same area but were to be

given a sweepback of 2 ft. at each tip. (a) Find distance from

longitudinal center line of airplane to M.A.C. of the altered wing.

(b) Find distance that leading edge of M.A.C. has been moved back.

(c) Find distance that maximum forward position of the C.P. of the

M.A.C. of the wing has been moved back.

2. Solve problem 1 when sweepback at each tip is 1 ft., wing area

being the same.

3. Solve problem 1 when trailing edge is left perpendicular to the

longitudinal axis of the airplane while leading edge is given a sweep-

back beginning at the center so that the sweepback at each tip is 2 ft.,

the span being lengthened so that the wing area remains unchanged.

4. Solve problem 3 when sweepback at each tip is 1 ft., the span

being of such a length that the wing area remains unchanged.


6, Solve problem 1 when the center section of 4-ft. width remains

unchanged, the trailing edge remains perpendicular to the longitudinal

axis of the airplane, the leading edge outside of the center section is

given a sweepback so that the sweepback at each tip is 2 ft., the length

of the span being such that the wing area remains unchanged.

6. Solve problem 5 when the sweepback at each tip is 1 ft., the span

being of such a length that the wing area remains unchanged.

7. The center of gravity of a monoplane with rectangular wing of

4-ft. chord and 30-ft. span was not far enough below the wing. The

proposed remedy was to leave unchanged the center section, the width

of which was 4 ft., while the outer portions of the wing were given a

dihedral of 2 ft. at each tip. (a) Find the horizontal distance from

longitudinal center line of airplane to M.A.C. of altered wing. (6)

Find the distance that M.A.C. of the wing has been moved up.

8. Solve problem 7 when the dihedral at each tip is 1 ft.

9. Solve problem 7 when the center section of the wing is left un

changed, the outer portions being given a dihedral of 2 ft. at each tip,

the leading edge outside of the center section being given a sweepback

of 2 ft., while the trailing edge remains perpendicular to the longi

tudinal axis of the airplane, the span being of such a length that the

wing area remains unchanged.

10. Solve problem 9 when the dihedral at each tip is 1 ft. and the

sweepback at each tip is also 1 ft., the span being of such a length that

the wing area remains unchanged.

Longitudinal Balance. By using the convention of a mean aero

dynamic chord, the forces resulting from biplane wings or from a

monoplane wing having taper, dihedral, or sweepback can be con

sidered as the forces acting on a rectangular monoplane wing.

In the following discussion, though a simple wing will be alluded

to, it may be considered as the (imaginary) rectangular monoplane

wing whose chord is the M.A.C. of the actual wing or wings.

In level flight, the forces which must be considered are the

weight, acting downward; the propeller thrust, acting forward;

the lift, acting upward; the total drag, acting backward; and the

tail load, which may be either upward or downward.

In the conventional high-wing monoplane shown in Fig. 83,

the thrust and drag both act to produce stalling or positive pitch

ing moment. The lift must then produce a negative or diving

moment. The moment of the tail load must be such as to be equal

in magnitude to the difference of the plus and minus moments

and of the same sign as the smaller. In order to ensure that the


lift always produces a diving moment, the center of gravity must

be ahead of the most forward position of the center of pressure of

the airplane. At high angles of attack, for some airfoils the center

of pressure moves forward to a position 25 per cent of the chord

back of the leading edge, so that the center of gravity must be in

front of that. The tail is a symmetrical airfoil with constant

center of pressure position.

Fio. 83. Forces on an airplane in flight.

In Fig. 83, the distance of the center of gravity above ths

thrust line is a, its distance below the line of action of the total

drag is b, its distance ahead of the line of action of lift is e, and the

distance from the center of gravity to the center of pressure of the

tail is d. Then,

T X a + Dxb - LXe± Tail load X d = 0

Example. A monoplane, weighing 3,000 lb., having rectangular

Clark Y wing of 48-ft. span and 8-ft. chord and 5$ sq. ft. of equivalent

flat plate area, is flying at 100 miles per hour. The center of gravity

of the airplane is 20 in. back of the leading edge of the wing, 12 in.

above the thrust line, and 8 in. below line of action.of total drag.

It is 25 ft. from the center of gravity of the airplane to the center

of pressure of the tail. What should be the tail load?


0.00256 S V2 3,000

0.00256 X 384 X 100'

= 0.306

From Fig. 17 when CL = 0.306, CD = 0.015

CD + ^ 0.00256 X ,SF2

0.015 + '3' 0.00256 X 384 X 100

= 322 Ib.

Since 2 H = 0, Drag = Thrust

From Fig. 17, when CL = 0.306, C.P. is at 46 per cent of chord,

that is, 0.46 X 96 in. = 44 in. back of leading edge.

Moment arm of lift force = e = 44 in. — 20 in. = 24 in.

T Xa+ D Xb - L X e ± Tail load X 25 X 12 = 0

_ .. . . 72,000 - 6,440

Tail load = - 30^

= 218 Ib.

Tail load must act to give positive moment, i.e., must be down.

Assumptions for Balance Computations. It is desirable to

make measurements of pitching moments in the wind tunnel using

a model of the airplane built exactly to scale. It is impracticable

to have the propeller turning over in the miniature airplane, so

that the airspeed is the same over the tail as over the wings. This

K the condition of gliding flight. When engine failure occurs it

should be possible to keep the airplane in balance, and if there is

sufficient tail surface to balance under this condition, there will

be ample surface for balancing under ordinary flight conditions.

In computing stability, because of the difficulty of predicting

where the resultant of all the drag forces will be acting it is custom

ary to neglect this moment also. Making the tail moment of such

size as to be able to balance the lift moment is in the nature of a

safety factor, for using this as criterion the designer will know

that there will be sufficient horizontal tail area.

Tail Angle. Even if the adjustable stabilizer is set parallel to

the wing, the angle of attack of the tail will not be the same as the

angle of attack of the main wing because of down wash. The

air flowing around the wing is given a downward velocity. As the

air moves backward towards the tail this downward deflection

becomes less. The direction of the air is different at different

points above and below the plane of the wing.

The tail is usually located about three chord lengths back of

the wing, but there is considerable variation in different airplanes.


In seaplanes, the horizontal tail surfaces are high above the plane

of the wing. Several elaborate formulas have been devised giving

the angle of downwash as a function of the distance back of the

wing and of the distance above or below the wing. For very

accurate work, these should be investigated and the most desirable

one applied.

The Army assumes that the angle of downwash at the tail is

one-half the angle of attack of the wing measured from the angle

of zero lift. This appears to be a good representative value of


It should be borne in mind that the angle of downwash is the

angle between the relative direction of the undisturbed air in front

of the wing and the direction of the air after it has passed the wing.

The angle of attack at the tail surface is called the tail angle. The

tail angle will depend on the stabilizer setting as well as the angle

of downwash, which in turn depends on the angle of attack of the


Example. What is the tail angle when stabilizer is set at +10°

to chord of main wing, if angle of attack of airplane is +5°, angle of

incidence is +1^°, and downwash is —4°?

Solution. (Assume relative wind as horizontal.)

Angle of attack of wing = 5° + l£° = 6^°

Angle of tail with horizontal = 6^ + 10 = 16^°

Angle of tail with downwashed air = 16$ — 4 = +12$°

Example. Airplane has a Clark Y wing, aspect ratio 6, set at +lj°

incidence. Airplane is at +2° angle of attack. Stabilizer set at

— 5° to chord of wing. What is tail angle?


Angle of attack of wing = 2° + l^° = 3$°

Same measured from angle of zero lift = 8j°

Angle of downwash 8^° X 5 = 4j°

Angle of tail with horizontal = 3j0 — 5° = — 13°

Angle of tail with downwashed air — l.J° — 4j = —5|°


1. Airplane has a GSttingen 398 wing, aspect ratio 6, set at +J°

incidence. Angle of attack of airplane is +5°. What is tail angle

(a) if stabilizer is set at —10° to wing chord? (b) if stabilizer is set

at +10° to wing chord?


2. Airplane has a C-80 wing, aspect ratio 6, set at +3° incidence.

Angle of attack of airplane is — 1°. What is tail angle (a) if stabilizer

is parallel to main wing chord? (6) if set at —10° to wing?

3. Airplane has a Clark Y wing, aspect ratio of 6, with Ij0 in

cidence. Airplane is at —4° angle of attack. What is tail angle if

stabilizer is set at 5° to wing?

4. Airplane has an M-6 wing, aspect ratio of 6, with 0° incidence.

Airplane is at 8° angle of attack. What is tail angle if stabilizer is

set at -10° to wing?

5. Airplane has a Gottingen 398 wing, aspect ratio of 6 with 1°

incidence. Airplane is at —4° angle of attack. What is tail angle if

stabilizer is set at — 5° to wing?

When the angle of attack is not given but the lift coefficient is

known, for the part of the lift coefficient against angle of attack

curve which is straight, the slope is constant. Assuming that this

slope is 0.0718, which is approximately true for all airfoils having

an aspect ratio of 6, then


azj- 0.0718

If the wing, fictitious or actual, does not have an aspect ratio of

6, the angle of attack used in calculating downwash needs to be

corrected. From Chapter V

aZ.L. = angle of attack measured from zero lift

chord for aspect ratio of 6

«'Z.L. = pr^. a'/..L. = angle of attack measured from zero lift

A R' chord for aspect ratio of problem

FAX. — aspect ratio factor from Fig. 39

Then angle of downwash,

e = XZ.L.

2 X 0.0718 X FA.R.

Example. Airplane, weighing 2,000 Ib. has 250 sq. ft. of wing area,

aspect ratio of 8, and is flying at 100 miles per hour. Angle of attack

of wing is +7°. Stabilizer set at —10° to wing chord. What is tail


CL = 0.00256 SV2

~ 0.00256 X 250 X 1002

= 0.314

= 2,000

From Fig. 39, for aspect ratio of 8, FA.R. = 1.06


* ~ 2 X 0.0718 X FA.R.


~ 2 X 0.0718 X 1.06

= 2.08°

Angle of tail with horizontal = +7 - 10° = -3°

Angle of tail with downwashed air = —3 — 2.1 = —5.1°


1. Airplane, weighing 4,000 lb., has 300 sq. ft. of wing area, aspect

ratio of 9, and is flying at 125 miles per hour. Angle of attack of air

plane is +2°. Angle of incidence is 1°. Stabilizer is set at +5°.

What is tail angle?

2. A Lockheed airplane, weighing 4,900 lb., has 293 sq. ft. of wing

area, aspect ratio is 6.24, and it is flying at 150 miles per hour. If

stabilizer is set at —10° to wing chord and angle of attack of wing is

+2°, what is tail angle?

3. A Fokker monoplane weighing 11,000 lb. has 748 sq. ft. of wing

area with aspect ratio of 9.1, and is flying at 90 miles per hour. If

angle of attack of wing is +4° and stabilizer is set at —5° to wing

chord, what is tail angle?

4. A Douglas observation plane weighs 4,800 lb., has 376 sq. ft. of

wing area with E.M.A.R. of 5.2, and is flying at 120 miles per hour.

If angle of attack of wings is +5° and stabilizer is set at +5° to wing

chord, what is tail angle?

6. A training biplane weighs 2,400 lb., has 280 sq. ft. of wing area

with E.M.A.R. of 4.6, and is flying at 85 miles per hour. If angle of

attack of wing is +7° and stabilizer is set at —5°, what is tail angle?

Tail Moment. To find the moment about the center of gravity

due to the tail load, the lift (either positive or negative) acting on

the tail must be multiplied by the distance from the center of

gravity to the center of pressure of the tail surface. The tail

surface, being usually a symmetrical airfoil, has a constant center

of pressure position.

The lift force on the tail is found in the usual way. The tail

surface is usually of a smaller aspect ratio than 6. To correct for

this, the angle of attack may be corrected for the smaller aspect

ratio, or what is the exact equivalent the tail area may be multi-

plied by the aspect ratio factor, FAS.., to give an effective hori

zontal surface area, <S',.

8', = S,X FM.

The airfoil characteristics of the tail airfoil surface are usually

different from those for the main wing, but the slope of all airfoil

lift curves is approximately the same and equal to 0.0718. If

at is the tail angle measured from the zero lift chord, the lift

coefficient of the tail surface is 0.0718 X a,.

It has been found that the air stream is slowed up by friction

with the fuselage so that the air velocity over the tail surface is less

than the airspeed. It is assumed that the speed at the tail is 90

per cent of the airspeed. Then the velocity squared at the tail is

81 per cent of the airspeed squared.

Example. Find tail moment, when horizontal surface is 40 sq. ft.

in area, span of tail is 11 ft., symmetrical airfoil section stabilizer is

set at —10° to main wing. Distance from center of gravity of air

plane to center of pressure of stabilizer is 14 ft. Main wing is Clark

Y, angle of attack of wing is 4°, airspeed is 100 miles per hour.

Solution. For Clark Y wing, angle of zero lift is — 5°.

4° + 5°

Downwash angle e = —~

= 4.5°

Tail angle = -10.5°

Aspect ratio of tail = .TQ.

= 3.07

From Fig. 39, for aspect ratio of 3.07, FA.R. = 0.828

Lift force on tail (down)

= 0.0718 X at X p/2 X St X FA.R.t«i X 0.81 X V2

= 0.0718 X 10.5 X 0.00119 X 40 X 0.828 X 0.81 X I46V72

= 518Ib.

Mi = 518 X 14

= + 7250 ft-lb.


1. A tail surface, 30 sq. ft. in area, has a span of 11 ft.; its airfoil

section is symmetrical. Stabilizer is set at —5° to main wing which is

Clark Y section and is at 2° angle of attack. Distance from center of

gravity of airplane to center of pressure of stabilizer is 15 ft. What is

tail moment if airspeed is 120 miles per hour?


2. A tail surface 45 sq. ft. in area has a span of 13 ft., and its air

foil section is symmetrical. Stabilizer is set at 0° to main wing which

is Clark Y section and is at 1° angle of attack. Distance from center

of gravity to center of pressure of stabilizer is 16 ft. What is tail

moment if airspeed is 90 miles per hour?

3. A tail surface 47 sq. ft. in area has a span of 15 ft., and its airfoil

section is symmetrical. Stabilizer is set at —10° to main wing which

is Clark Y section and is at 6° angle of attack. Distance from center

of gravity of airplane to center of pressure of stabilizer is 17 ft.

What is tail moment if airspeed is 110 miles per hour?

The sum of the moment due to the wing and the moment due to

the tail at various angles of attack is the criterion of the airplane's

longitudinal stability. Not only must it be possible for the air

plane to balance at all normal flying conditions, but for stability,

when the angle of attack is increased there must be a diving mo

ment, and vice versa.

For stability, the slope of the curve of moments plotted against

angle of attack must be negative, so that with larger angle of

attack there must be less positive moment. If the slope of the

moment curve is positive the airplane will be unstable.

Moment Coefficient Curves. It is usual to plot moment coeffi

cients instead of the moments themselves.

The wing moment coefficient, CM,, as shown in Chapter IV, is

such that

c = chord in feet

M = Cjt(-SV2c\ P = distance in percentage of chord back

\ ' from L.E. of point on chord about

and which moment is desired

„ _/-»/. _ p p N C.P. = center of pressure location in per-

centage of chord back from L.E.

If the center of gravity is on the M.A.C., the above expressions

are exactly right for moment and moment coefficient, when the

distance of the center of gravity backward from the leading edge is

substituted for p. When the center of gravity is above or below

the wing chord, the wing drag will produce a moment, so that it

is necessary to consider the resultant force, instead of merely

lift component, and the moment arm should be the perpendicular

distance from the center of gravity to the vector of the resultant.


The resultant force can be computed by



CR =

If the simplest case is considered, where the center of gravity is

on the wing chord, the longitudinal moments, neglecting thrust

and drag, will be

+ CrtailStail X fA.R.taa X V^f X d

C,t = -CWwing + 0.0718 X oun X . X FA^M X 0.81 X -

It is quite common to use a tail coefficient, C/, where

Cj = 0.0718 X j*l X FAR uii X 0.81 X -

Substituting in above

Owing C

Cu = — Cowing + C/tCtaU

These moments may be plotted for various angles of attack.

Example. Find and plot wing moment coefficient, tail moment, and

total moment coefficient for the following high-wing monoplane.

The wing is rectangular, Clark Y section, 48-ft. span, 6.5-ft. chord.

Total horizontal tail area is 43 sq. ft. ; span of tail is 12.5 ft. Stabi

lizer is set at —5° to main wing. The center of gravity of the airplane

is 30 per cent of the chord back of the leading edge of the M.A.C.

and 25 per cent of the chord below the M.A.C. Distance from center

of gravity to center of pressure of tail is 12 ft.

Solution. Area of main wing = 48 X 6.5 = 312 sq. ft.

Aspect ratio of wing = g-= = 7.39

From Fig. 39, for aspect ratio of 7.39, FA.R. = 1.043

6 (see Fig. 84) = tan~l ^

= 50.2°




R (see Fig. 84) = -Q y, = 39.0 per cent M.A.C.







FIG. 84. Moment coefficients about center of gravity.


FIG. 85. Moment coefficients versus angle of attack (illustrative example).



12 5

Tail aspect ratio = -TQ- = 3.64

From Fig. 39, for A.R. of 3.64, FA.R. = 0.874

Cf = 0.0718 X 3.12 x i Q43 X 0.81 X ^ = 0.0124

4S X 0 S74 12




(1)a0481216a0481216(2)9-a50. (8— a)0.768.722.672.618.562(9)C.P. COS a0.424.346.313.293.284(10)CL0.360.650.941.191.44(4)Cos (8— a)0.640.692.741.786.827(5)R sin (S— a)0.300. coSa-R sin (9-a))-0.0447- .0416- .0479- .0619- .0921(6)R cos (8— a)

-C.P. sin a)+0.0027+ .0042+ .0081+ .0147+ .0335(8)C.P. sin a0. .0374- .0398- .0472- .0586

(1)aA.R.«0481216(2)<*ZX.(A.R.«)59131721(3). az.L.(A.R.7.»)4.798.4212.4616.2820.14(4)•2.4436.27.99.6(5)<*/-7.6-5.9-2.7-1.6+0.5(6)Cut+0.0945+ .0734+ .0336+ .0199- .0062


As shown by Fig. 85 this gives balance or zero moment at about

7.2° angle of attack. This is a stable condition for locked elevator,

i.e., elevator held in same plane with stabilizer; since a greater angle

of attack means a diving moment, at a lesser angle of attack, there is a

stalling moment.

A change of stabilizer setting does not change the wing moment

coefficient, nor does it change slope of tail moment coefficient curve.

The curve of total moment coefficient is moved to right or left, so that

equilibrium is found at a different angle of attack.


1. Plot moment coefficient curve for airplane in illustrative ex

ample with stabilizer set at —10° to wing chord.

2. Plot moment coefficients for an airplane similar to that described

in the illustrative example, except that it is a low-wing monoplane and

the center of gravity is 25 per cent above M.A.C., stabilizer set at

— 5° to wing chord.

Free Elevator. This condition is where the pilot releases the

control stick entirely. The elevator being hinged at its forward

edge would tend to sag down from its own weight. The air pass

ing under the stabilizer impinges on the under side of the elevator,

so that the elevator assumes a position where the moment about

its hinge due to its weight just balances the moment due to the air

pressure on the under side.

Lateral Stability. Because the airplane is symmetrical about a

vertical plane through the longitudinal axis, lateral stability does

not present as difficult a problem as does longitudinal stability.

A low center of gravity position as in flying boats is a great aid in

lateral stability.

When flying straight and level, the air will meet the wing (or

wings) on the left side of the airplane at the same angle of attack

as on the right side and therefore there will be the same lift on

one side of the airplane as on the other side. If for any reason the

airplane tips, the wing on the side which is going down will meet

air, so that relative to the wing air not only is coming backward

at the wing (due to the forward motion of the airplane), but also

is coining upward (due to the roll). The relative wind is then not

horizontal but backward and upward, so that temporarily the

descending wing has a greater angle of attack. The other, rising,

wing is meeting air on its upper surface, that is, momentarily the

rising wing has a relative wind, which is backward and downward,

- giving a lesser angle of attack. The descending wing has a greater

angle of attack and consequently greater lift; the ascending wing

will have less lift, tending to restore the plane to its original atti

tude. The descending wing will also have more drag, the rising

wing less drag, tending to turn the airplane.

This action is effective only while the airplane is actually rolling.

If an airplane has ceased rolling and is flying level with one wing

low, there is the same angle of attack on both the left and the

right wings and there is no tendency on the part of the airplane to

right itself.

Dihedral. One of the most effective ways of securing lateral

stability is with dihedral. Instead of the wings being straight

across the span, they slope outward and upward from the center.

Dihedral angle is the angle which the wings slope upward from the

horizontal. A small dihedral angle of l$° or 2° is sufficient to give

ample lateral stability.

When an airplane tips sideways, it will sideslip. If the wings

are tipped up to a vertical position, there will be a great deal of

sideslip; but if the plane is only slightly tilted, there will still be

some amount of slip as the resultant of lift and weight will have a

side component. As soon as any slip takes place, the relative wind,

instead of coming directly in front of the wing, will come from a

direction which is to one side of dead ahead.

With a straight wing, even when the relative wind comes from

the side instead of from dead ahead, the angle of attack will still

be the same on the right wing as the left wing. With dihedral,

if the right wing drops, the plane will slip to the right. The

relative wind is then coming at the airplane from the right of

dead ahead. Owing to the dihedral angle, the right wing will

have a greater and the left wing a smaller angle of attack. This

will give more lift on the low wing and less on the high, tending to

restore the airplane to an even keel.

The first Wright airplane happened to have great inherent

stability so the upper wings were given negative dihedral, called

cathedral, to decrease it. This is never done in modern plane

construction. Too much lateral stability makes a cross-wind

landing extremely difficult.

An explanation sometimes given of the action of dihedral in

aiding lateral stability is that the wing going down has a greater


horizontal projected area than the wing going up. As the usual

dihedral angle is 1^° or 2°, the additional projected area of a wing

dropping from normal to a horizontal position would be (1 —

cos 2°) X area or (1 — 0.9994) X area, which would be a very

small part of the area.

Some tapered-wing monoplanes have a straight upper surface,

the decrease in thickness coming entirely on the under surface.

This helps lateral stability, and is known as effective dihedral.

Normal Flight .

8 12 16

,- Flight at or

•bow burble


Angle of Attack

20 24 ?8

FIG. 86. Autorotation.

Autorotation, As explained in a previous paragraph, when an

airplane tips, the descending wing has a greater and the rising wing

a lesser angle of attack. At low or medium angles of attack, a

wing with greater angle of attack has greater lift. The curve of

lift coefficient versus angle of attack is a straight line with a

positive slope to near the stalling angle, where it rounds off to a

maximum. Beyond the angle of maximum lift, the lift coeffi

cient has negative slope.

When an airplane is flying at or near the angle of maximum lift,

if the airplane tips, the descending wing will have a greater angle

of attack than the rising; but since beyond the burble point the

slope of the lift curve is negative, a greater angle of attack will

mean /e.s.s lift. Since the descending wing has the less lift and the

ascending wing has the more lift, the rising wing will rise more and

the wing which is going down will go down more. This rotation

will continue indefinitely unless controls are applied to stop the

maneuver. Rotation about the longitudinal axis with wing at

or above the angle of maximum lift is called autorotation.

Autorotation is what takes place in a snap roll. In spinning, the

plane is autorotating while traveling downward in a helical path.

To stop autorotation, the throttle is opened wide and the stick

pushed forward so that the wing is below the burble point.

Directional Stability. Because of the symmetry of the airplane,

usually little difficulty is experienced in achieving stability in yaw

or directional stability. A deep fuselage will aid in directional


In pursuit planes, which have shallow well-rounded fuselage,

use is often made of sweepback. Sweepback or the sloping of the

wings backward from the center section aids in the following

manner. When an airplane turns to the left, the swept-back right

wing will become more nearly at right angles to the direction of

flight, its effective span will be greater and its drag will increase,

while the drag on the left wing will decrease. A right turn will

show an opposite reaction. In each case, the change in relative

drag of the two wings will be such as to cause the airplane to

return to its original heading.



Speed Range. The ratio of maximum velocity to minimum

velocity is called the speed range. With retractable landing gear

and general clean design, racing planes can have a speed range of

3.3; airplanes not so carefully streamlined or those so heavily

loaded that they cannot fly at the angle of attack of minimum

drag will have a smaller speed range. Unless design is very poor,

or the load is exceedingly heavy, the speed range should be at

least 2.5.

The above is based on fixed wings. The landing speed is de

termined by the maximum lift coefficient and the wing loading.

If the maximum lift coefficient can be increased in any way, the

wing area can be decreased without changing the minimum speed.

Fixed Slot. G. Lachmann in Germany and F. Handley-Page in

England appear to have developed the slotted wing at about the

same time. The slot is a narrow opening near the leading edge

and parallel to the span. The small section in front of the slot

may be considered as a miniature airfoil. When the main wing

is at a high angle of attack, the small airfoil in front of the slot

is at a small angle of attack. Whereas with a simple wing burb

ling takes place at 18° to 20° angle of attack, because air is unable

to change direction so as to follow the upper surface of the wing,

with the slot, the air is given a downward deflection in passing

over the small auxiliary wing section, so that it can follow closely

the upper surface of the main wing.

By using a slot, the maximum lift angle is increased to 28° or

30°. The slope of the lift curve remains constant, so that the

maximum lift coefficient is increased about 50 per cent by the use

of a slot.

With a fixed slot, at low angles of attack, there being less pressure

on the upper than at the lower end of the slot, air will travel up

ward through it. This will divert the main air stream and cause

burbling so that the drag at low angles of attack is much greater

with the fixed slot than with the simple wing.



Automatic Slot. To F. Handley-Page should go the credit for

obviating the increased minimum drag of the fixed slot. The

auxiliary airfoil is held by a linkage mechanism or a series of studs

working in pairs of rollers in the main wing, so that it will move

freely from a closed position where the auxiliary is butted against

the leading edge of the main wing to an open position where there

is a gap of an inch or more between the auxiliary airfoil and the

main wing.

Fixed Slot at High Angle of Attack

Fixed Slot at Low Angle of Attack

Automatic Slot at High Angle of Attack

Automatic Slot at Low Angle of Attack

FiG. 87. Wing slots.

By examining Figs. 14, 15, and 16, it will be seen that at low

angles of attack there is a pressure on the nose which is utilized to

press the auxiliary airfoil tightly against the main wing, while at

high angles of attack there is a negative pressure to draw the auxil

iary wing to its " open " position. The automatic slot requires

no manipulation on the part of the pilot. At low angles of attack,

the drag is only very slightly greater than with the ordinary wing.


Flaps. Flaps, in the simplest form, merely mean that the rear

part of the main wing is hinged so that it can be swung downward.

In appearance, they resemble ailerons, except that ailerons extend

only a small portion of the span and are so linked that, when the

aileron on one side goes up, that on the other side goes down.

Flaps extend across the span, except for the small portion which is

aileron, and the flaps on both sides go down together. Flaps are

moved by a control mechanism in the pilot's cockpit.

The effect of depressing the flaps is to increase the effective

camber of the upper surface of the wing as well as the concavity

of the under surface. This has the effect of increasing the lift

coefficient, partly because of the action on the under side, where

the depressed rear edge acts to hinder the smooth flow of air;

pressure will build up at this point, which will cause an increase in

lift. It will also cause the center of pressure to move rearward.

No Hip.

of Slob.

FIG. 88. Effect on lift coefficient of slots and flaps.

This rearward center of pressure movement, when the flaps

are swung downward, means that it is usually necessary to inter

connect the flaps with the stabilizer; otherwise the airplane will

be thrown out of balance longitudinally.

With flaps, the maximum lift coefficient can be increased 50


per cent. At low angles of attack, the flaps are in their normal

position so that they do not detract from high speed. Both slots

and flaps may be installed on the same wings, and by so doing,

maximum lift coefficient may be increased 100 per cent.

Special forms of flaps have been devised and several have proved

to be very practical. Among these are the " Zap " flap, in which

the lower surface of the rear portion of the wing swings down while

the upper surface remains intact. Another type is the Fowler

wing; the rear portion of the lower surface slides backward and

downward, so that not only the camber but also the wing area

are increased.


The rotating vanes are four in the older, three in the newer,

types. The latest type, without a fixed wing, permits, by the

removal of one bolt on each vane, the swinging together of all

three vanes over the fuselage, and in this position the autogiro

may be taxied along a road

or trundled into an ordinary-

sized garage (see Fig. 90).

The airfoil section most

favored for the vanes is the

Gottingen 429 profile. The

normal position of three blades

would be 120° apart, but

during rotation a blade ex

periences more drag when

moving forward than when

moving backward, so that if

the blades were fastened

(a) Side View

rigidly there would be re- Fla

peated variation in the

(bi TOP view

Autogiro with blades folded.

stresses. For this reason, each blade is hinged about a vertical

pin, its horizontal movement being restricted by friction dampers

so that only a slight relative motion is permitted.

Each blade is also hinged about a horizontal pin, so as to per

mit flapping or movement in a plane through the axis of the rotor

head. The rotor head supports the inner ends of the three vanes.

In horizontal flight, the advancing blade has a greater relative

velocity than the retreating blade; consequently the advancing

blade would have greater lift. Rigidity of the blades would tilt

the entire gyro, and it is for this reason that the blades are hinged

about a horizontal axis. There is no restriction to their upward

sweep; care is taken, however, that when rotation is slow the

blades cannot sink down so as to strike the propeller. Folding

up is impossible, owing to centrifugal force. The angle which the

span of any blade makes with the horizontal is due to the resultant

of centrifugal force and the lift on that blade. This means that

the advancing blade is at a higher angle from the horizontal than

the retreating blade. When there is no forward motion and the

autogiro is parachuting down, the relative wind is vertically

upward and all blades are at the same coning angle.

In vertical descent, there will always be rotation. Even if it


The speed of rotation will be constant at about 100 r.p.m. If, for

any reason, the resultant should act backwards from the vertical,

it would immediately have a component tending to retard ro

tation. The decrease in rotational velocity would change the

direction of the relative wind to give a larger angle of attack,

which would cause the line of action of the resultant to move for

ward again.

When the autogiro is moving forward in horizontal flight, the

main axis of rotation of the rotor head is tilted slightly backward.

Rotation of the rotor head is counter-clockwise viewed from above,

and this rotation is always in effect before take-off. Then a

blade on the right side has greater speed than a blade on the left.

If there were no flapping the advancing right blade would have

greater lift than the retreating left blade. Being hinged to permit

upward movement, the forward-moving blade is rising, giving a

smaller angle of attack, while the backward-moving blade is being

moved downward by the effect of centrifugal force. These

effects tend to make the lifts on each side more nearly equal.

When the axis of rotation is tilted backward to the resultant

force produced by the action of the relative wind so that there is a

component producing rotation as shown in Fig. 91c, the rotor will

accelerate. When the resultant force is parallel to the axis of

rotation there will be no acceleration, the rotational speed will be

constant, and the system will be in equilibrium. If the resultant

acts in a direction to give a component decelerating the rotor, the

autogiro will start to descend, speeding up the rotor.

The rotor system is supported on a sturdy tripod, the head being

mounted on a universal joint, so that it may be tilted in any di

rection by the control column. This control column hangs down

instead of protruding up from the floor as in a conventional air

plane. The movement of the pilot's hand is the same as with the

ordinary control stick. Pulling back on the stick causes the nose

of the autogiro to go up; pushing forward causes it to go down.

Moving the stick to the left causes the fuselage to tilt in a manner

similar to the way an airplane fuselage would be tilted in banking

for a left turn. The rudder on the rear of the fuselage is operated

by pedals or rudder bar as in the conventional airplane.

The landing gear resembles that of the airplane except that a

much wider tread is given to the wheels. The shock-absorbers

have greater travel to withstand harder landings.



Gyroplane. In the autogiro the blade airfoils have a fixed angle

with respect to the rotor disk (an imaginary plane perpendicular

to the axis of rotation). In the gyroplane this angle can be

changed (see Fig. 92).

Fio. 92. Gyroplane.

Four blades are used, set 90° apart. The opposite blades are

rigidly connected, but each pair is supported in bearings in such a

manner that the blades may be " feathered " or have the angle

with the rotor disk altered as the blades proceed around the disk.

This movement is caused by a central cylindrical cam at the rotor


The gyroplane has a fixed wing as well as the rotating vanes.

At high speeds the small fixed wing furnishes sufficient lift, and the

rotating blades are turned to the zero lift angle offering a minimum

of drag. As the speed is decreased, more of the load is taken by the


Another feature of the gyroplane is its lateral control. The

control stick is connected with the feathering cam by linkage.

A movement of the stick to the left will cause the blades on the

right side to have an increased angle of attack, and the blades as

they proceed to the left side will have a decreased angle of attack,

resulting in more lift on the right than on the left. Conversely

a stick movement to the left causes the blades on the left side to

increase their angle, and on the right side to decrease their angle.

The control stick is also connected to conventional ailerons on the

fixed wing for control at high speed.

Although the gyroplane is still in the developmental stage, it is

aerodynamically sound. It should be as safe as other rota ting-

wing aircraft and holds possibilities of a greater speed range.

Cyclogiro. The cyclogiro, sometimes termed the " paddle-

wheel " airplane, is of the rotating-wing type, having several

blades on each side rotating about a horizontal axis perpendicular

to the direction of normal flight (see Fig. 93). By means of cams

Fio. 93. Cyclogiro.

or linkages, the angle which an element makes with the tangent

to its circular path may be changed as the blade rotates. Chang

ing the setting of the cam operating this feathering can be made to

produce a resultant in any desired direction.

The combination of wings, i.e., the " paddle-wheels," is driven

by the engine, but a clutch mechanism is provided so that in case

of engine stoppage the airfoil systems are free to rotate. They

autorotate, thus permitting hovering or slow descent. With the

engine connected, a reasonable forward speed and climb are ob


The autorotation, with the clutch out, may be understood by

examining Fig. 94. The three symmetrical airfoils A, B, and C

are pivoted at their centers of pressure at three points 120° apart

on a circular framework which rotates about its center 0. From

eccentric point 0' links are connected to each airfoil. The posi

tion of 0' with respect to 0, both in direction and distance, may

be controlled by the pilot. In Fig. 94a, it is assumed that the



system is stationary. The relative wind will then be vertically

upward. The resultant forces on each wing will be as shown.

Each of these resultant forces has a tangential component tending

to cause the system to rotate in a counter-clockwise manner about

center 0. After rotation has started, conditions are as represented

Resultant lore*

(a) Vertical Descent





rt (orca

Upward .


Peripheral .


(b) Vertical Descent

Resultant foree

(c) Forward Flight

Fio. 94. Operation of cyclogiro.

in Fig. 946. The relative wind (VR) at each wing is the resultant

of that due to the downward motion and to the rotary motion of

each individual airfoil. The resultant forces on each wing are

shown approximately in the diagram. All these forces have an

upward component tending to retard descent. In the diagram,

the resultant force on the wing at A has a component tending to


retard rotation, but both wings at B and C have components tend

ing to increase rotation. As long as the components acting to

cause counter-clockwise rotation are greater than those tending

to cause clockwise rotation, the speed of rotation will increase.

At some speed of rotation, equilibrium will be found. Figure 94

shows conditions on the left side of the cyclogiro; on the right

side the conditions will be reversed.

To obtain forward motion the position of the eccentric center

0' is shifted by the pilot as is shown in Fig. 94c. The relative

wind at each airfoil is the resultant of the relative wind due to

forward motion and that due to the rotation. The resultant

force on each airfoil can be resolved into a component tangent

to the circular path and radial to the path. The tangential

components either aid or retard rotation, the algebraic sum of these

components usually retard rotation in forward flight, and it is the

function of the engine to furnish torque to overcome this re

sistance in the same way that the engine furnishes force to over

come drag of the wings in the ordinary airplane. The vectorial

sum of the radial components of the resultant forces on the in

dividual airfoils should have an upward component, which is the


Although the cyclogiro is still in experimental stages, it has

been proved that the device is capable of slow hovering descent in

case of engine failure; that a steep descent, not unlike that of an

autogiro, can be made; and that horizontal flight at a fair rate of

speed can be maintained.



Load Factors. In the preceding chapters, it has been shown

that, while in flight, external forces are acting on the airplane struc

ture. Some of these forces, lift and weight, are dependent on the

size and design; other forces, inertia forces, are dependent on the

suddenness with which maneuvers are executed. In one kind of

maneuver a certain part of the airplane is stressed highly, and in

another kind of maneuver a different part of the airplane may have

its greatest stress. In designing parts of an airplane, each part

must be planned to withstand the greatest stress that that part

may receive in any ordinary maneuver. The term " applied

loads " means the actual forces produced on a structure by the

accelerations during a maneuver. The load factor is the accelera

tion expressed in terms of g.

For safety, parts are made of greater ultimate strength than

just enough to stand the greatest loading they will undergo. The

applied load multiplied by the factor of safety gives the design


The load factors in maneuvers are based to a great extent on

past experience and are therefore semi-empirical. Many calcu

lated accelerations have been checked by accelerometer readings

obtained in airplanes in actual flight. The gust load factors are

based on an arbitrarily assumed sharp-edged vertical gust of 30-ft.-

per-sec. velocity.

Materials. The materials used in the construction of airplanes

cannot be unduly heavy or bulky in giving the required strength,

as unnecessary size or weight detracts from the performance.

The cost of raw material is small compared with the labor cost, but

a material which is extremely high in price would probably not be

desirable. The material should, if possible, be adapted to use by

workmen of ordinary skill.

The quantity of airplanes of one particular design will to some

extent dictate the choice of material. Metal stampings are very


satisfactory and cheap on quantity production, but in small lots

the expense of dies is not justified.

Wood. Wood was the chief material used in early airplane

construction, but it is employed to only a limited extent at the

present time. First-quality selected spruce is hard to obtain and

is consequently expensive, and other woods are not entirely satis


Plywood, which is made of several thin sheets of veneer, some

times serves for flooring and other parts of the fuselage. In one

or two airplanes, plywood has been used for wing covering. Ply

wood is very unsatisfactory in the tropics as the combination of

heat and moisture causes the glue to lose its strength.

Probably the main reason that wood has been largely superseded

is its lack of uniformity. It must be aged or seasoned before

fabrication. It must be protected by varnish from absorbing

moisture. There is usually a large waste. Because of its non-

uniformity and the ever-present dangers of defects not discernible

on the surface, a high safety factor must always be applied in the

design of wooden members.

Cloth. The first airplanes had cloth for wing covering, and the

first fuselages were cloth-covered. The standard cloth was un

bleached mercerized Grade-A cotton, having a minimum tensile

strength of 30 Ib. per in. After the cloth covering has been

sewed in place, it is treated with dope — a colloidal solution of

either cellulose acetate or cellulose nitrate. Doping the fabric

makes it weatherproof, tightens the fabric, and produces a rigid

surface. Without the dope, damp air would make the fabric

slack. Because clear dope is transparent, and because sunlight

is the chief cause of the deterioration of fabric, it is customary to

impregnate the dope with pigment. Even when protected with

pigmented dope, cloth loses its life and strength after about a

year. Because of this need for frequent renewals, fabric is being

used less and less.

Steel. Low-carbon steel is used to some extent in modern air

planes for less important parts of the structure. Its tensile

strength is about 55,000 Ib. per sq. in. It is used either in the

form of tubes or in sheets. It is assembled either by welding or


Chrome-molybdenum steel, usually termed " Chrome-Moly,"

is used to a great extent in the fabrication of the modern airplane.


This steel, unheat-treated, has an ultimate tensile strength of

95,000 Ib. per sq. in., with a yield point of 60,000 Ib. per sq. in.

When properly heat-treated it may develop an ultimate tensile

strength of 200,000 Ib. per sq. in. It is slightly more difficult to

machine than the low-carbon steel but it may be welded just as


Aluminum Alloys. Absolutely pure aluminum does not corrode

as does impure aluminum, but the addition of other metals greatly

increases its strength, so that aluminum alloys are used for air

craft rather than the pure aluminum. The alloys are treated in

various ways to minimize the danger of corrosion. Originally the

term duralumin was applied to one specific composition alloy;

now it is common practice to use the term duralumin loosely to

cover all strong aluminum alloys. The most popular alloy has

4 per cent copper, ^ per cent manganese, and 5 per cent magne

sium ; it is used for tubing and sheets. Changes in the composi

tion are made to give special properties. Alloys suitable for

castings usually have silicon added.

Duralumin has a specific gravity of 2.8, while chrome-molyb

denum steel has a specific gravity of 7.9, so that, volume for

volume, duralumin has 35.4 per cent of the weight of steel. The

tensile strength of 17ST duralumin is 58,000 Ib. per sq. in., while

that of unheat-treated steel is around 100,000 Ib. per sq. in.

Then a piece of duralumin in tension has 35.4 per cent of the

weight and 58.0 per cent of the strength of a piece of steel of the

same cross-section. If the duralumin piece had a larger cross-

section so the weight were the same as that of the steel piece, the

duralumin would be 1.6 times stronger in tension than the steel.

In bending such as would be experienced in a beam the extra

depth of the duralumin beam for the same weight would give

much greater stiffness than that of a steel beam.

Duralumin can be welded or riveted. Sheet duralumin is

being used a great deal for wing and fuselage covering, and spot

welding appears to be superseding riveting for joining sheets.

Great care must be exercised in heat-treating duralumin,

especially if the material is worked cold during fabrication.

Aluminum alloy rivets should invariably be driven within a half-

hour of being heat-treated. If a longer time has elapsed, they

should not be used until after they have been reheat-treated.

To protect aluminum alloys from corrosion, the surface must be


protected by a thin coating of oxide. The most popular method

is called the " anodic " process. This consists in passing an elec

tric current through the piece of duralumin while it is immersed

in a 3 per cent solution of chromic acid. The duralumin is the

anode of this electrolytic bath.

Stainless Steel. An alloy of steel containing 18 per cent

chromium, 8 per cent nickel, and a little less than 0.18 per cent

carbon is known as stainless steel because of its remarkable

resistance to corrosion. It has a high tensile strength and is very

tough and ductile. By cold rolling, tensile strengths of 400,000

Ib. per sq. in. have been obtained, but in this state it is very

difficult to fabricate. Ordinarily 200,000 Ib. per sq. in. is a fair

value of its tensile strength.

The maximum resistance to corrosion is obtained after heat-

treatment. The heat of the ordinary welding process causes

stainless steel to lose some of its properties. A special method of

spot-welding, called " shot-welding," has been developed which

does not harm the steel.

In 1932, an amphibian airplane was built in this country en

tirely of stainless steel. In Russia, stainless steel is used a great

deal in airplane construction, and it may be presumed that it will

be employed more widely in the United States when its prop

erties and method of handling are better understood.

Construction. The early form of construction of an airplane

was to make the fuselage of oblong cross-section, with four length

wise members called longerons and suitable cross-pieces and

bracing. The wings had two wooden spars with ribs or formers

spaced at equal intervals to give the desired airfoil shape.

When metal was first introduced as an airplane material, every

part was reproduced in metal as an exact replica of the wooden

piece. Because of the nature of wood, it absorbs vibrations better

than metal, so that troubles due to vibration that had not been

experienced with the wooden construction were encountered

in the metal construction. More important, however, was the

item that wood had little tensile or shear strength, so that the

design of the structure had to be extremely simple. Metal can

be rolled or worked into innumerable shapes and can be used in

very thin sheets still retaining requisite thickness. The entire

design of aircraft has therefore been modified to take advantage

of all the special properties of metal not possessed by wood.


At higher speeds, parasite resistance becomes of paramount

importance, and as fuselages are built of better streamline form, the

monocoque form of construction becomes more desirable. The

monocoque or stressed-skin construction relies entirely on the

skin to carry all the bending moments and shear. The pure

monocoque has only vertical bulkheads to reinforce the skin.

A type called semi-monocoque has longerons in addition to the


Military Planes. Airplanes for military uses are divided into

various types depending on the use to which they are put. Train

ing airplanes should have a fairly low landing speed, and this will

mean a moderate maximum speed. The training plane will be a

two-seater for the student and the instructor, with dual-control,

a small gas supply, and no equipment. The observation plane is

a two-seater with fairly high speed. It is essential that there be

excellent visibility for the observer. The equipment would in

clude radio, camera, and machine guns for both pilot and observer.

The bombing plane is primarily to carry heavy loads of bombs at

as high a speed as is consistent with the load carried. It has a

crew of four or five. For defense it is equipped with machine

guns. Some maneuverability is usually sacrificed in order to

obtain load-carrying ability. The pursuit plane is the fast single-

seated fighter. It must have high maximum speed, big rate of

climb, and high degree of maneuverability. Its engine must be

supercharged so that the plane may operate at high altitude.

The equipment consists of two fixed synchronized machine guns,

a bomb rack for carrying small demolition bombs, radio, and oxy

gen tank. On some airplanes, fixed machine guns are installed in

the wings to be operated from the cockpit.

Figure 95 shows an Army observation airplane. It is a high-

wing braced monoplane, designed to give the observer extremely

good visibility of the ground.

Figure 96 shows an army attack airplane. It is a low-wing canti

lever monoplane. Special attention should be drawn to the clean

ness of design, the absence of wire bracing, and the streamlining

of the landing gear.

Figure 97 shows an army pursuit airplane. It has an extremely

high speed and high degree of maneuverability with full military


Figure 98 shows an army two-seater pursuit airplane. Although


construction with metal skin on both sides of wing forward of the

rear spar and with fabric skin rearward of the rear spar. The

boat hull is metal-covered over a metal framework, divided for

safety into nine watertight compartments. It is designed for

thirty-two passengers. The wing span is 114 ft., the wing area

is 1,330 sq. ft. Flaps are located between the ailerons and are

hydraulically operated. The weight empty is 21,950 Ib.; the

useful load is 16,050 Ib.; the maximum speed at sea-level is 180

miles per hour; the landing speed is 65 miles per hour.

Figure 102 shows the Seversky low-wing twin float, two- or

three-seater monoplane amphibian. It is equipped with a 420-

hp. Wright Whirlwind engine. The fuselage is all-metal mono-

coque construction; the wings are multi-box all-metal construc

tion. Flaps are of the split trailing-edge type and extend between

the ailerons. The wing span is 26 ft.; the wing area is 209 sq. ft.

The weight empty is 2,550 Ib., and the useful load, 1,650 Ib.;

the maximum speed at sea-level is 185 miles per hour, and the

landing speed 55 miles per hour.

Figure 103 shows the Lockheed Electra, a twelve-place low-wing

cantilever monoplane. It is equipped with two Pratt and Whitney

Wasp Junior 400-hp. engines. The fuselage is all-metal mono-

coque with longitudinal reinforcements. The wings are all-metal

stressed skin, with trailing-edge flaps. The wing span is 55 ft.;

the wing area is 458 sq. ft. The weight empty is 6,200 Ib.; the

useful load, 3,550 Ib.; the maximum speed is 210 miles per hour,

and the landing speed 63 miles per hour. The landing gear is

retractable, and the entire airplane is a splendid example of good


Figure 104 shows the Fairchild Cargo Carrier, a high-wing

braced monoplane. It is equipped with one 750-hp. Wright

Cyclone engine. The fuselage is of welded chrpme-molybdenum

steel tubing, fabric-covered. The wing spars are single solid web

type with extruded angles as flanges all of chrome-molybdenum

steel; the ribs are built up of aluminum framework; the wing is

fabric-covered. Special attention should be drawn to the Zap-

type flaps in the illustration in their " down " position. The

wing span is 84 ft.; the wing area, 800 sq. ft. The weight empty

is 7,320 Ib.; the useful load, 5,680 Ib.; the maximum speed is 167

miles per hour, and the landing speed 52 miles per hour.

Figure 105 shows the Monocoupe, a high-wing braced cabin



Introduction. Instruments are practically indispensable for

safe flying. Although on short hops around an airport the

necessity for instruments is slight, on cross-country flights, safety

demands that every possible instrumental aid be given the pilot.

On the Wright brothers' first flights, their only guide was a long

streamer of cloth tied to one of the struts. It served as airspeed

indicator: at low speeds the rag hung limply down; at higher

speeds its position became more nearly horizontal. It also in

dicated slipping by swinging away from the center of turn and

skidding by swinging towards the center of turn.

Many instruments have been added since the days of the early

Wright flights, but each has been the result of a distinct need for

that instrument. All instruments have a definite function, and

they are placed on the instrument board because at some time

the occasion will arise when the information given by that in

strument will be vital.

It is of primary importance that aircraft instruments be accurate

at all tunes. With only the owner flying the airplane, if one in

strument reads consistently low or high, the pilot can of course

make a mental correction; but this is a very poor practice and is

extremely dangerous. The Army Air Corps has a fixed policy of

" either dead-right or stopped." Interpreted, this means that it is

more desirable to have an instrument completely fail to function

than to have it function imperfectly. If an instrument is not

working at all, the pilot will disregard it; if it apparently is func

tioning the pilot will rely on its indications and, if they are in

correct, disaster may result.

All aircraft instruments are classed under two headings, engine

instruments and avigation instruments. All instruments whose

readings do not pertain to the operation of the engine are termed

avigation instruments. Since time should not be lost while the

pilot's eye is searching about the instrument board, the engine

instruments should be grouped together and the avigation instru

ments should be together.


In considering instruments, care must be taken to differentiate

between accuracy and sensitivity. Sensitivity is the ability to

detect very small differences in the amount of the quantity being

measured. It is not the same as accuracy or correctness. An

instrument may be sensitive and at the same time very inaccurate.

For example, a tachometer might be extremely sensitive in that it

would show a very small change in the number of revolutions per

minute, but the actually indicated revolutions per minute might

be greatly in error.

Another important feature in instruments is absence of lag.

The instrument should respond instantly to any change in the

magnitude of the quantity being measured. For example, an

altimeter would be of little value if the airplane dropped a thou

sand feet and the altimeter did not show this decrease for several

seconds. A properly designed instrument will have the parts so

balanced that the time lag will be reduced to a negligible amount.

Engine Instruments. Engine instruments are either to enable

the pilot to operate the engine most efficiently or to warn him of

impending trouble. Some engine troubles cannot be alleviated

in the air, but the instrument performs the very useful service of

indicating wherein the trouble lies, so that, the cause of stoppage

being known, the fault can be remedied after landing. Much

time can be saved the mechanic in repairing a stopped engine if

he knows what first caused the trouble.

Airplane engines that have passed the rigid tests of the Depart

ment of Commerce if they have no defective parts and are prop

erly mounted should run for long periods provided that they are

oiled properly, proper and sufficient fuel is supplied, etc. The

throttle of an airplane engine is a hand throttle. When it is set

at a certain throttle-opening to give a certain engine speed, the

engine will continue to turn over at that speed unless some part

of the engine or its auxiliaries is not functioning properly.

Engines do not stop without cause, nor do they stop instantly.

Whatever ultimately causes the engine to quit entirely, first causes

it to slow down. The malfunctioning of some part of the operation

causes a loss of power which results in a drop in engine speed.

If the reason for this malfunctioning is not removed, the loss in

power will increase and finally result in stoppage. For example,

if a bearing is getting insufficient lubrication, it will get hot and

expand. The added friction will slow up the revolutions per min-

ute as well as increase the heating to cause more expansion till

finally the bearing and journal " freeze." For another example,

clean spark plugs do not suddenly become fouled. There is a

gradual accumulation which causes poor firing, lessening the power

and decreasing the speed. As the accumulation increases the

firing becomes poorer until the spark fails to jump and the cylinder

misses completely.

Probably the only reasons for instantaneous failure of an engine

are breakage of the fuel-line or breakage of an electric wire, both

of which would be due to vibration from improper mounting.

Since, on a properly mounted engine, complete failure is always

preceded by a more or less brief period of poor functioning, a care

ful watch should be kept of the engine speed; a slight decrease in

revolutions per minute is a warning of impending trouble.

The tachometer is essentially a cautioning instrument; if it

shows a decrease in engine speed, the pilot should scan the other

engine instruments to locate, if possible, the source of the trouble.

If the oil or water is too cool, the pilot can remedy this in the air

by closing shutters. Most of the other troubles cannot be recti

fied in the air, but with the advance warning the pilot can often

land before his engine has quit entirely.

Tachometers. The tachometer indicates the revolutions per

minute of the engine. Although its most valuable function is to

warn of impending engine trouble, it is at all times useful in aiding

the pilot to set the engine at the most economical cruising speed,

etc. On the line, it helps the mechanic in judging to what extent

an engine is " tuned-up." If an airplane engine can be throttled

down to 250 r.p.m. and it turns over without missing, it is in very

good condition; if it can be throttled down to 200 r.p.m. without

missing, it is in excellent condition.

Several types of tachometers are in use, the most popular being

the chronometric and the centrifugal types. The chronometric

type has more working parts and therefore the production cost

should be greater than for the centrifugal type. With wear of the

working parts, the centrifugal type loses in accuracy while still

functioning; the chronometric type is " either dead-right (within

instrumental accuracy) or stopped."

Chronometric Tachometer. This type actually counts the

revolutions in 1-sec. periods, but shows on the dial the revolutions

per second multiplied by 60 (i.e., the revolutions per minute).



The pointer remains stationary for 1 sec. If the engine speed is

constant, the pointer remains fixed; but if the engine speed is vary

ing, at the end of the 1-sec. counting period, the pointer jumps to a

new position. This does not mean that the engine speed is erratic

or jumpy, but merely that the average speed for 1 sec. is different

from that of the previous second.

The mechanism is roughly as follows. A flexible shaft from the

engine turns a gear in the tachometer at a fixed ratio to engine

speed. This driving gear does two things. First, it winds the

mainspring of a clockwork, through a friction clutch, so that the

spring will not be wound too tight; as the tachometer operates the

clockwork tends to run down but the driving gear keeps it wound

up. The other function of the driving gear is to rotate a counting

gear. This counting gear, marked G in Fig. 106, is in mesh with

FIG. 106. Chronoraetric tachometer mechanism.

a cylindrical rack or fine-tooth worm. This worm is split longi

tudinally into three segments, A, B, and C. The three segments

encase a shaft and are so keyed to the shaft that they may move

independently along it. On one end (left end in Fig. 106) is a

pinion with an escapement operated by the clockwork so that by

an intermittent mechanism, at the end of each second, the shaft

is rotated through one-third of a revolution. On the other end of

the shaft is a loose collar S, which by a spring is held against the


end of the segmented worm. The collar S moves the pointer over

a scale.

Assuming segment A in mesh with counting gear G, at the be

ginning of the 1-sec. counting period, the rotation of G starts

moving segment A to the right. At the end of the second the

linear movement of A has been proportional to the speed of gear

G. Synchronously with the end of the second, the clock escape

ment rotates the shaft and segmented worm through 120°, so that

segment A occupies the position previously occupied by segment

C, segment C has moved to replace segment B, and segment B has

moved to engage with counting gear G. The linear displacement

of segment A is maintained by a locking pawl. Collar S, linked

with the pointer, is resting against the end of segment A.

During the next second, segment B is being fed to the right by

the counting gear. At the end of the second, segment B moves

down to the position of A, and segment A slides back along the

shaft to its zero position, actuated by a spring not shown.

The above-described type is the " Tel " mechanism; other

types use gears instead of the segmented worm.

Even a very cheap clock can be regulated so as not to gain or

lose more than half a minute in a day; in 1 sec. the inaccuracy

is very small indeed, and the only error should be due to the mesh

ing of the teeth of the counting gear which, on a good instrument,

should not exceed plus or minus 10 r.p.m. If a chronometric

tachometer is functioning at all, it should be correct within these

limits. Sometimes when very cold the oil in the clockwork be

comes thick and gummy, stopping the clockwork. Wear of teeth

will cause a jam, stopping the operation.

In addition to the merit of either being correct or stopped, the

chronometric type is usable when the engine is turning over very

slowly. The centrifugal type described in the next paragraph

does not give a readable indication much below 500 r.p.m.

Centrifugal Tachometer. The centrifugal type depends on the

centrifugal action of a pair of weights disposed about a shaft

which is rotated by the engine through a flexible shaft. The

weights, see Fig. 107, are connected by links to fixed collar A and

movable collar B. As the speed of rotation of the shaft is in

creased, the weights tend to move outward raising collar B, this

motion being resisted by a spring. Centrifugal force varies as

the square of the speed, so the upward movement of collar B is


suited to finding the temperature of a liquid such as the oil or the

cooling medium; the electric type is suited best for finding the

temperature of parts of the engine and is used on air-cooled


The pressure-type thermometer has three parts: a bulb, which

is immersed in the oil or water; a pressure gage on the instrument

board; and a length of tubing which connects the bulb to the

gage. There are two kinds of pressure thermometers — the

liquid-filled and the vapor-pressure thermometers.

In the liquid-filled type, the bulb, the tubing, and the pressure

chamber in the gage are all filled completely with a liquid. When

the bulb is heated, the liquid in the bulb expands and causes in

ternal pressure in the system. For an increase of 100° C., the

increase in pressure is several hundred pounds per square inch.

This pressure is indicated on the pressure gage, the scale, however,

reading directly in degrees of temperature. Since only a part of

the liquid is heated to the temperature which it is desired to meas

ure, there is liable to be an inaccuracy due to the liquid in the

connecting tubing and the gage not being at this temperature.

This error is made negligible by having the connecting tubing of

very fine bore and by putting a bimetallic compensation on the

pressure gage.

In the vapor-pressure type, the bulb contains a volatile liquid,

usually ether. The quantity of liquid must be such as not to

fill the bulb completely. The remainder of the bulb, the capillary

connecting tubing, and the pressure chamber of the gage are filled

with the vapor from the liquid. It is essential that the free surface

of the liquid be inside the bulb, since in a closed system containing

a liquid and its vapor the vapor pressure depends on the tem

perature of the liquid surface in contact with the vapor.

The liquid-pressure type depends on the expansion of the

liquid with heat, so the pressure changes will be lineal with tem

perature; with the vapor-pressure type, the pressure change will

not be linear with temperature but will be greater at higher

temperatures, so that the scale will be more open there than at

low temperatures. The pressures developed with the liquid-

filled type will be much greater at the same temperature than with

the vapor-pressure type so that the gage is much more rugged for

the liquid-filled type. Owing to these high pressures in the

liquid-filled system, the changes in atmospheric pressure due to


altitude are insignificant; with the vapor-pressure type there

may be an error of several degrees resulting from this. Both types

use a fine capillary tube connecting the bulb to the gage, and care

must be taken in dismantling an airplane that a careless mechanic

does not cut the tubing under the impression that it is a copper


The electric-type thermometer is customarily a thermocouple

connected to a millivoltmeter. One wire is iron, the other con-

stantin. The " hot junction " may be a true joint, or the same

effect is achieved if the two wires are inserted into holes a short

distance apart in the cylinder wall and peined securely in place.

In a thermocouple, the difference in potential indicated by the

millivoltmeter on the instrument board depends on the difference

in temperature between the " hot " and " cold " junctions.

This means that some form of temperature compensation must be

used or the thermometer will merely indicate the difference be

tween engine temperature and cockpit temperature.

Ice-warning indicators are merely thermometers with special

markings for the temperatures between 32° and 29° F., which is

the temperature range that is especially dangerous from the

standpoint of ice formation.

Avigation Instruments. Avigation instruments are those in

struments which aid the pilot in flying the airplane safely and in

guiding him to his destination. They tell him his altitude, his

speed, his direction, and the attitude of the airplane with respect to

the ground or some other reference.

Altimeters. The usual altimeter is a barometer or pressure gage

which measures the atmospheric pressure. Other types have

been proposed but none have passed beyond the experimental

stage. These types are electrical or sonic.

For bombing, it is desirable to know the altitude very accurately

at heights of 12,000 to 15,000 ft. in order that the trajectory may

be calculated correctly. For photographic mapping, usually done

at about 12,000 ft., it is primarily essential that all the photo

graphs be taken at exactly the same altitude in order that each

part of the mosaic be the same scale. It is very desirable that

this altitude be known correctly to check ground distances.

In flying over mountain ranges in cloudy weather, flight should

be made at sufficient altitude to have ample clearance above the

mountain tops. The readings of the ordinary airspeed indicator


are subject to an altitude correction, but an error of a hundred

feet in altitude makes a very small change in the altitude correction

to the indicated airspeed.

Therefore, except for bombing and photographic work and the

somewhat rare attempts for altitude record, the need for accuracy

at medium or high altitudes is not very great. For landing in

fog, however, the altimeter should be extremely accurate.

Aneroid Altimeters. The standard type of altimeter is a

pressure gage, but since the pressure differences to be observed are

very small, the gage must be exceedingly sensitive. For this

reason an aneroid is used. An aneroid is a thin metallic box

shaped like a poker chip. The flat sides are very thin and flexible.

Formerly these sides were corrugated to give flexibility, but

better results are obtained with flat sides. When pressure on

the outside is removed, the aneroid expands. As the flat sides

move outward, this motion is magnified and transmitted to the


The dial instead of being graduated in pressure units is marked

in units of altitude. Since the expansion of the aneroid depends

on pressure, a simple linkage would result in an approximately

uniform pressure scale. The pressure difference for 1-ft. altitude

difference is much greater close to the ground than at altitude, so

that if the pointer movement were proportional to pressure differ

ence, the altitude scale would be non-uniform; that is, the gradu

ations would be far apart near the ground and closer together as

altitude is increased. To have a uniform altitude scale, a very

ingenious arrangement of links and chain and roller is used.

Having a uniform altitude scale makes it possible to have the

scale adjustable. With the usual circular dial, a knob is provided

outside the case whereby the dial may be rotated irrespective of

the position of the pointer.

Formerly there was no fixed barometric scale on the altimeter.

Before taking off, the pilot would turn the dial till the zero of his

altitude scale was directly back of the pointer. After flying

around, in coming down to land he would assume that the alti

meter would read zero when his wheels touched the ground.

This would be true only if the atmospheric pressure had not

changed while he was in the air. If, while he had been flying, the

atmospheric pressure at the airport had decreased by, say, 0.2 in.,

his altimeter would read 200 ft. when he landed. Conversely if


the barometric pressure on the ground had risen while he was

aloft, his altimeter might indicate zero while he was still several

hundred feet in the air.

Modern altimeters have a fixed barometric scale in addition

to the usual adjustable altitude scale. This is a desirable adjunct

to landing at an airport in fog. While the airplane is still in the

air, an operator on the ground, hearing the motor noise, carefully

reads the barometer at the airport and radios the reading to the

pilot. The pilot thereupon sets the zero of the altitude scale op

posite this reading on the fixed barometric scale on his altimeter.

He then comes down to land knowing that when the pointer

reaches the zero on the altitude scale, his wheels should be touch

ing the ground.

The altitude-pressure relation for altimeter calibration is given

in N.A.C.A. Report 246 and is practically identical with the

standard atmosphere given in Table I of this text. This relation

is based on an arbitrary assumption of the temperature change

with altitude. This assumption checks very closely with the

average observed variations of temperature with altitude at

latitude 40° in the United States. These observations were taken

throughout the year. On any one day, the temperature at some

altitude may be above or below the average yearly temperature

at that altitude.

For an aneroid altimeter to be absolutely correct, the tempera

ture not only must be 15° C. (59° F.) at sea-level but it also must

vary in an orthodox manner as the altitude is increased. When

these conditions do not exist the altimeter will not read correctly

at altitude. A correction to the altimeter reading can be made if

the average temperature of the air between the plane and the

ground is known. A very close approximation of this mean

temperature can be made by reading the temperature every few

hundred feet during the climb and averaging these readings.

An approximation sufficiently close for most photographic work

is made by taking the arithmetic mean between the ground air

temperature and the air temperature at the altitude at which the

flying is to be done.

Since air inside the aneroid would expand with an increase in

temperature and build up a pressure, and vice versa, it is custom

ary to pump out most of the air before sealing the aneroid to de

crease the error from this source. The pressure inside the altimeter

case, outside the aneroid, should be atmospheric pressure; there

fore, there should always be an opening in the case. Ignorant

mechanics, seeing a hole in the case, sometimes, with mistaken

zeal, plug it up. This should be guarded against.

Frequently the pressure in the cockpit is not exactly the same

as the atmospheric pressure immediately around the airplane.

This is especially true in cabin planes. For accurate readings a

tubing is connected to the altimeter case, the outer open end of the

tubing being outside the cabin at some point on the structure

where there is only static pressure.

To make the altimeter sensitive, the side of the aneroid is of

large area. A very slight difference of pressure will then make

an appreciable pointer movement.

It is important that an altimeter have very little lag. Inertia

varies with mass, so that, if the aneroid or other moving parts

have considerable mass, they will have more inertia or resistance

to sudden movement. Sensitive altimeters are built with large

aneroids, but sufficient care is taken in balancing the moving parts

so that lag is reduced to a minimum.

It should be noted that the word " sensitive " is not synony

mous with accurate. A sensitive altimeter is one in which the

pointer moves a detectable amount for very small changes in

altitude. A " sensitive " altimeter is subject to the same errors

as other aneroid altimeters if the atmosphere at the time of flight

is not standard, i.e., if the pressure and temperatures do not

correspond with the standard pressure-temperature-altitude


Altimeters, Miscellaneous Types. At sea, sonic depth-finders

are used, the time interval being measured for a sound to travel

to the bottom of the ocean and echo back. Boehm in Germany

and Jenkins in the United States have attempted to adapt this

scheme to aircraft but with only moderate success.

A capacity altimeter depends on the principle that the mutual

electrical capacity of two adjacent plates increases with the

approach of a third plate. Two plates are fastened to the bot

tom of the fuselage and their capacity increases as the plane nears

the earth, which acts as the third plate. This device acts ad

mirably as a landing altimeter because the sensitivity increases

greatly as the altitude becomes small. Owing to weight and cost,

this type is rarely used.


At night, flying over water, a searchlight with a diverging beam

can be aimed directly downward. If alongside the searchlight

proper is mounted a telescope equipped with stadia wires, it is

possible to measure the diameter of the light circle on the water

and compute the altitude. Such a device has been used on the

Graf Zeppelin. By comparing the altitudes obtained by this

method with the readings of the aneroid altimeter, the meteorolo

gist ascertains whether the Graf is in a low- or high-pressure area

to aid him in his weather predictions. Another scheme used on

the Graf is to drop plaster eggs and time the interval till they

shatter on the water.

Airspeed Indicators. The airspeed indicator shows the speed

of the airplane with respect to the surrounding air, i.e., the speed

of the relative wind. In still air, the airspeed is the ground speed,

but if any wind is blowing, the airspeed and ground speed are

not the same. The airspeed indicator is a valuaWfe aid to the

pilot. It warns him when the plane is near its stalling speed. By

variations of its indications, he knows if he is nosing-up or diving.

In taking-off, the airspeed indicator tells him when he has attained

sufficient speed. He can know when he is at best climbing speed,

speed corresponding to L/Aotai maximum, etc. In dives he is

warned when the speed is becoming excessive for structural


Phot-Static Airspeed Indicators. The standard airspeed in

dicator makes use of a Pitot tube, which is a tube parallel to the

airplane axis, its open end pointing in the direction of flight.

The pressure at the open end of a correctly designed Pitot tube

will be

PI = P, + ^.y- per square foot

Pt is Pitot pressure in pounds per square foot

„, Ps is static (atmospheric) pressure in pounds

p is mass density of air in slugs per cubic foot

V is airspeed in feet per second

If the airspeed, F, is expressed in miles per hour instead of feet

per second this becomes


If the Pitot and static pressures are in pounds per square inch,

= Ps + 0.00747 pF2

With air at standard density (p = 0.002378 slug per cubic fopt),

this becomes

P,= P, + 0.00001776 F2

In calibrating airspeed indicators against pressure gages, the

pressure gage shows the difference between the Pitot pressure and

the static pressure, so that

Pt - P, = 0.00001776 F2

or F = 237.3 V P, - P,

If the calibration of the airspeed indicator is against a U-tube of

water, since 1 in. of water is equivalent to a pressure of 0.0362 Ib.

per sq. in.,

h = 0.000491 F2 h is head of water in inches

or F = 45.2 v F is in miles per hour

Because cockpit pressure is not exactly the same as atmospheric

pressure, a static tube is mounted immediately adjacent to the

Pitot tube, and the other end of the static tube is connected to

the inside of the case of the pressure gage. The pressure gage will

then be operating on the dynamic pressure, or difference between

Pitot and static pressure, at the point where the Pitot and static

tubes are mounted. It is important that the tubes be in a proper

location where the air flow is not too greatly disturbed. For a

biplane, the best location is on a forward interplane strut about

midway of the gap. For a monoplane, the preferable location

is one-third the semi-span in from a tip and about half a chord

length forward of the leading edge in the plane of the under sur

face of the wing. Mounting the Pitot and static tubes on a rod

projecting this far in front of the wing, though it gives more

accurate airspeed readings, is undesirable from the liability of

their being damaged as the airplane is moved around in the hangar.

For this reason it is customary to mount the tubes about a foot

below the under surface of the wing, one-third the semi-span in

from the tip and vertically below the leading edge.


The tubing connecting the Pitot-static heads to the indicator

in the cockpit must be absolutely airtight. All connections should

be soldered or a metal union should be used. The former practice

of using rubber tubing to make joints is to be condemned as with

age the rubber cracks open.

Under certain weather conditions, ice forms on the open for

ward-projecting end of the Pitot tube. Because it is pressure,

not force, that is being measured, the actual size of the opening

makes very little difference. Ice partially blocking the opening

of the Pitot tube will not affect the readings of the airspeed in

dicator as long as there is even a pinhole opening. With the

opening totally sealed over by ice, the airspeed indicator fails to

function. Some Pitot tubes have means for being electrically

heated to prevent ice formation. It should be borne in mind

that the same* weather conditions that would cause stoppage by

ice of the Pitot tube would cause ice to form on the propeller and

leading edge of the wing, and a pilot should avoid this.

Pitot-Venturi Airspeed Indicator. At one time, it was almost

universal practice to mount a Venturi tube alongside a Pitot

tube and connect these by two lines of tubing to a pressure gage

airspeed indicator in the cockpit, so that one side or compartment

of the pressure gage had the Pitot pressure, the other had the suc

tion from the throat of the Venturi tube. The suction (or nega

tive pressure) at the throat of a properly designed Venturi tube is

numerically several times the (positive) pressure of a Pitot tube,

the air velocity being the same. The pressure gage operating on

the pressure differential between a Pitot tube and a Venturi tube

could be much more rugged and sturdy than one operating on the

pressure differences between a Pitot tube and a static tube.

The reason for the discontinuance of the manufacture and use

of the Pitot-Venturi type of airspeed indicator is that any deposit

of ice or mud on the forward lip of the Venturi nozzle destroyed

the smooth flow of air through the throat of the Venturi tube.

Unless the airflow was devoid of eddies and burbling, the suction

would not be proportional to airspeed and the instrument would

read incorrectly.

Altitude Correction for Airspeed Indicators. The Pitot-static

as well as the obsolete Pitot-Venturi airspeed indicators are termed

" dynamic," since the pressures on which the indicators operate

vary with the dynamic pressures, i.e., they vary with (p/2)V2.

These instruments, when the airplane is traveling at the same air

speed at altitude as at the ground, will be subjected to less pressure

difference at altitude since the density (p) is less. These airspeed

indicators will therefore read low at altitudes.

The mechanism of the indicator is designed to give a uniform

airspeed scale, so that, while the pressure varies as the square of

the velocity, a linkage is used that gives a pointer movement

varying as the square root of the pressure. Then as the density

(p) decreases with altitude, the pressure decreasing in the same

ratio, the indicated airspeed will decrease as the square root of the


A rough rule is to add 2 per cent of the indicated airspeed for

every thousand feet of altitude to get the true airspeed. More

accurate results are obtained by multiplying the indicated air

speed by v/po/p, using values of p/po from Table I in this text.

The true airspeed is of little use in flying except, with wind

velocity known or by using a wind-star, to obtain groundspeed.

For handling the airplane the pilot desires to know not the true

airspeed but the dynamic airspeed or airspeed indicated on a

dynamic-type airspeed indicator. Maximum rate of climb,

stalling, stresses, etc., are all dependent on dynamic airspeed and

not on true airspeed. For example, if an airplane has a certain

stalling speed at sea-level, the stalling speed at any altitude will be

the sea-level stalling speed multiplied by \/po/p. The dynamic

airspeed indicator at any altitude indicates a speed which is the

true airspeed multiplied by Vp/po, or conversely, the true air

speed is the indicated airspeed multiplied by Vp0/p. If the stall,

ing speed is known at sea-level, whatever the altitude, when the

airspeed indicator reads that speed, the airplane is on the point

of stalling. In other words, if at some high altitude the airplane

is put in a stall and the airspeed indicator read, at any other

altitude when the airspeed indicator shows the same reading, the

airplane is stalled.

True Airspeed Indicator. Any freely revolving device such as

an anemometer or spinner (miniature propeller) will rotate at a

rate proportional to the true airspeed provided that there is little

or no friction. When friction is not negligible so that the rotor

must do some work, its speed is no longer independent of density.

Compasses, Magnetic-Needle Type. A magnetic compass is an

instrument which tells direction by means of the earth's mag-


netism. The earth's magnetic field is represented by magnetic

lines of force which, in general, run from the north magnetic pole

(located near 70° N., 96° W.) to the south magnetic pole (near

71° S., 148° E.) but with erratic diversions due to local deposits

of iron and other causes. These lines slope downward, except at

the magnetic equator, so that at the latitude of San Antonio the

lines slope 50° from the horizontal; farther north at the latitude

of New York the dip is 72°.

A magnetic needle, unaffected by nearby iron or steel, tends to

lie along the magnetic lines of force. In the United States, it is

customary in making compasses to suspend the needles from a

point considerably above the needles so that there will be little

tendency for the needles to dip. They will be free to swing into

the vertical plane of the magnetic lines of force. At only a few

places on the earth are these lines running true north and south.

Compasses therefore do not indicate true north, but when they

are in the plane of the magnetic lines of force, they are said to be

indicating magnetic north. The difference between true north

and magnetic north is the magnetic variation (or magnetic declina

tion). Variation is said to be plus or westerly when the compass

indicates a north which is west of the true north; variation is

easterly or negative when the compass indicates a north which is

east of the true north.

Charts or tables tell the variation at various places; a sample

chart for the United States is given in Fig. 108. The variation

changes from year to year so that the most recent chart should

always be used.

The pull of magnetic force is in the direction of the magnetic

lines of force; it is only the horizontal component of this force

that has a directional effect on the compass needles. Near the

earth's magnetic poles the direction of the force is nearly vertical

so that the compass needles have little tendency to point in any


Besides variation, compass needles are subject to the additional

error of deviation, which is due to the nearby presence of steel or

iron. Direct electric currents also affect the compass. The

deviating effect of these disturbing elements varies as the mass and

inversely as the square of the distance; a small piece of steel close

to the compass may have more effect than a large piece of steel at a

considerable distance. When deviation is such that the compass



indicates a north which is west of magnetic north, deviation is called

westerly or plus; when the compass north is east of the magnetic

north, deviation is easterly or minus.

The compass needles point in a general northerly direction.

As an airplane's heading is changed, the absolute direction with





FIG. 108. Magnetic variation for the United States, 1935.

respect to the compass of the engine, fuselage members, and other

steel parts is changed. The deviating effect of the engine, etc., is

therefore different with each heading of the airplane.

Variation depends on the geographic location of the airplane;

deviation depends on the heading.

To ensure that there shall not be large deviations, a compass on

an airplane should be compensated, which means placing small

magnets close to the compass needles to counteract as much as

possible the deviating influence of steel objects on the airplane.

It is usually not possible to correct all deviation; the most that is

attempted is to compensate on north heading and on east heading

so that there shall be zero deviation on these headings. The

airplane is then set on other headings (every 30° from north) and

the deviation recorded on a card which is fastened on or near the

compass. By consulting this deviation card, interpolating if

necessary, the pilot can correct his compass reading to obtain his

true heading.

Directions are given in degrees clockwise from north, so east is

90°, south is 180°, west is 270°, etc. Headings measured from true

north are true headings; measured from magnetic north they are

magnetic headings; and measured from the north indicated by the

compass they are compass headings.

A course is the direction an airplane should head to reach its

destination provided there is no cross-wind; if there is a cross-

wind, the proper heading is not the same as the course.

On airway strip maps, the line between airports is marked with

the magnetic course (M.C.) at intervals, wherever the variation

has changed by as much as 1°. Before these magnetic courses are

used by the pilot, they must be changed to compass courses by

applying deviation. If a pilot is using maps not so marked but

obtains a true course by any means, the true course must be

changed to a compass course by applying both variation and


To find a magnetic course knowing the true course, the variation

is added to the true course if the variation is westerly, and sub

tracted from the true course if variation is easterly. To find the

true course knowing the magnetic course, the variation is sub

tracted from the magnetic course if the variation is westerly,

added to the magnetic course if variation is easterly.

To find a compass course knowing the magnetic course, the

deviation is added to the magnetic course if the deviation is

westerly, and subtracted from the magnetic course if the deviation

is easterly. To find a magnetic course knowing the compass

course, the deviation is subtracted from the compass course if

deviation is westerly, and added to the compass course if deviation

is easterly.

Example. It is desired to head due east. Variation (from map)

is 14° W. Deviation (from card on instrument board) is 10° E. What

should compass read?

Solution. True heading should be 90°; since magnetic N. is 14° west

of true N., magnetic heading should be 104°. Since compass N. is 10°

east of magnetic N., compass heading should be 94°.

Example. The compass heading is 260°. Variation is 21° E.

Deviation is 5° E. What is true heading?

Solution. Compass heading is 260°; since compass N. is 5° E. of

magnetic N., magnetic heading is 265°. Since magnetic N. is 21° E.

of true N., true heading is 286°.



1. Compass heading is 80°. Variation 15° W., deviation 10° W.

What is true heading?

3. It is desired to head 195° true. Variation 15° W., deviation

10° E. What should compass read?

3. True heading is 290°. Variation 25° E., deviation 5° W. What

is compass heading?

4. Magnetic heading is 340°. Deviation is 12° E. What is com

pass heading?

6. Compass heading is 355°. Variation 12° E., deviation 10° E.

What is true heading?

6. Magnetic heading is 5°. Deviation is 20° E. What is compass


7. True course is 160°. Variation is 10° W.; deviation is 15° E.;

there is no wind. What should be the compass heading?

8. True course is 15°. Variation is 20° W.; deviation is 8° E.;

there is no wind. What should be the compass heading?

9. Magnetic course is 274°. Deviation is 5° W.; there is no wind.

What should be compass heading?

10. Magnetic course is 129°. Deviation is 10° E.; there is no wind.

What should be compass heading?

Airplane compasses have two parallel bar magnets of tungsten

steel fastened to a spider of non-magnetic material. Affixed to the

spider is the " card " or scale, a cylindrical strip of celluloid or

thin brass, on which the graduations are marked. The compass

being mounted so that the pilot is virtually looking backwards at

the compass, the point on the card corresponding with the south-

seeking end of the magnets is marked N (North). The card is

usually marked with 5° graduations.

From the center of the card, a stellite pivot projects downward,

resting in a jewel-cup on the top of a post extending up from the

bottom of the bowl. A retaining device prevents the pivot from

jumping out of the cup (see Fig. 109).

All airplane compasses are of the liquid type. The compass

magnets and card are inside a spherical metal bowl which has a

glass window on one side, and the entire bowl is full of mineral

spirits. The liquid serves two purposes; it buoys up the card so

that there is less friction at the pivot, and it damps the swingings

of the card.

Oscillations of the card are caused either by the airplane's nose

swinging to one side which by friction with the interior of the



bowl causes the liquid to swirl, moving the card; by a wing

dropping which makes the compass card pivot no longer vertical

permitting the magnets to dip; or by vibrations transmitted from

the engine. To prevent the last, the entire compass is mounted

on felt washers.


Drawer (or Compensating


Lubber Line





Magnetic Needles

Glass Window

Expansion Chamber—1 ' '.Retaining Claws

FIG. 109. Compass, magnetic needle type.

Ordinarily compass cards have a regular period for an oscillation

and are termed periodic. The period is the time required to swing

from an extreme position on one side to an extreme position on the

other side and return. Whether the amount of swing is large or

small, the period is practically the same. With excessive damp

ing, the periods are not of the same duration; such compasses are

termed aperiodic. An aperiodic compass, if disturbed, will re

quire a longer time to return to north than the more common type

of compass, but the aperiodic card will not swing so far past north.

In a very few swings it will be steady enough to read, whereas an

ordinary compass will swing several times before the amplitude

has decreased to such a small amount that it may be read. As

yet, aperiodic compasses have not been so built as to be adaptable

for instrument-board mounting; they serve well as master com

passes to be placed back in the cabin, away from magnetic ma

terial, to check the pilot's steering compass.

Steering entirely by compass is very tiring to the pilot, and for

this reason the compass should be so mounted as to be as nearly

as possible in the pilot's ordinary line of vision. The compass

should be placed where it will be affected least by local magnetic

material such as steel fuselage members, voltage regulators, and

guns. Care should be taken when mounting to ensure that the

bolts, washers, and nuts are brass or aluminum.


Compasses, Induction Type. The ordinary compass is a direct-

reading instrument; the induction-type compass is a distant-

reading instrument, that is, the part affected by the earth's mag

netism is a considerable distance from the part the pilot reads.

The induction-type compass consists of three main parts, a gen

erator, a control-dial, and an indicator. The generator is located

in a part of the airplane as free as possible from steel, usually in

the extreme rear of the fuselage. The indicator is placed in the

cockpit where it can be easily seen by the pilot. The control dial

is located conveniently for the avigator, or for the pilot if he is

functioning also as avigator.

The induction compass depends on the principle that, if mag

netic lines of force are cut by a moving wire, a difference in electric

potential is created at the ends of the wire. If the wire moves

parallel to the magnetic lines of force, no lines being cut, there

will be no difference of potential. If a coil of wire is connected

to a galvanometer and the coil is rotated about a vertical axis, at

the instant that the coil is in the magnetic north-south plane, the

galvanometer will indicate a maximum current, but at the instant

that the coil is in the magnetic east-west plane the galvanometer

will indicate zero current. Instead of a single coil, one may con

ceive of a number of coils in different planes all wrapped around

a cylindrical core with the ends of each separate coil terminating

in commutator segments, and a pair of brushes connecting with

the galvanometer. As long as the brushes are in the magnetic

east-west plane, they are connected through the commutator

with a coil just as it is not cutting any lines of force. If the brushes

are not in the east-west plane, they will be connecting with a coil

when it is cutting the magnetic lines of force and therefore a cur

rent will be indicated on the galvanometer. A zero reading on the

galvanometer would show that the brushes were in the magnetic

east-west plane.

The brushes arc mounted on a turntable which may be rotated

by the control dial. With the elementary type described above,

when it is desired to fly magnetic north, the brushes are set

exactly thwartship (perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the

airplane). As long as the airplane is headed due magnetic north,

the galvanometer will read zero. If the airplane's heading changes

by even a slight amount to one side, the brushes will no longer be in

the east-west plane and the galvanometer will be deflected to one



side. If it is desired to fly, say, a 30° magnetic heading, the

brushes are turned through a 30° angle counter-clockwise viewed

from above. With the brushes in this position, right rudder is

given till the galvanometer reads zero, which will be when the

airplane is headed 30° magnetic. Veering to one side or other from

this heading will cause corresponding deflections of the needle.

In the induction compass as actually constructed, instead of a

number of separate coils, the armature is drum-wound, greatly

adding to the sensitivity of the instrument. The functioning is

the same as described above except that the brush positions are

shifted through an angle of 90°. The vertical armature shaft

projects up through the top of the fuselage, and on the upper end

is a paddle-wheel or impeller which is caused to revolve by the

slipstream. The axis of the armature coils must be truly vertical

at all times; therefore, since the airplane may be flying at different

angles of attack, a universal joint is necessary between the upper

and lower ends of the armature shaft (see Fig. 110).

Fio. 110. Compass, induction type.

Propeller mounted

in slipstream

The induction compass is a magnetic compass, and corrections

must be made for variation in order to obtain true directions.

The rotor or armature can usually be so located that deviation is

negligible, but if deviation is appreciable, compensation can be

made by strapping permanent magnets to the vertical shaft-

housing of the rotor.

The induction-type compass will read zero either when the

airplane is on the desired heading or when it is 180° off from the

desired heading. When the airplane is on its correct heading a

shift of the heading to the right will make the galvanometer needle

deflect to the right, and a shift of heading to the left will make

the needle deflect to the left. When the airplane is 180° off from

correct heading, a shift of heading to the right will make the needle

deflect to the left, and vice versa.

One of the chief advantages of the induction-type compass

over the ordinary type is that with the ordinary type on long flights

the pilot must constantly bear in mind the heading that he must

fly. With the induction type, after the control dial has once been

set, the pilot has only to fly so as to keep the needle of the gal

vanometer always on zero.

Compass, Magneto Type. Because of the weight of the in

duction compass (14 to 15 Ib. for total installation) and because of

trouble with failure of the universal joint, the General Electric

Company has brought out a modification called the magneto

compass, weighing less than 9 Ib. In line, one on each side of the

armature are two bars or pole pieces of Permalloy, a special alloy

of iron which is extraordinarily permeable to magnetic lines of

force. If the bars were placed in a north-south plane there would

be a very strong magnetic flux across the poles. The poles, how

ever, are so placed by the control dial that, whenever the airplane

is on its proper heading, the poles are in the east-west plane.

There is then no magnetic flux across the space between the poles

where the armature is turning. If the heading is changed even

slightly, there will be a magnetic flux cut by the armature coils

and a current will be shown on the galvanometer. Slip-rings are

used instead of an armature. The armature shaft is rigid through

its entire length, no universal joint being necessary. The pole

pieces are mounted on a heavy pendulum so that the poles are at

all times in a horizontal position.

Directional Gyro. A true gyroscopic compass such as installed

on marine vessels is inapplicable to airplane use. Necessarily the

rotating mass must be heavy, making the total installation very

weighty. On the Graf Zeppelin, the only aircraft on which a

gyroscopic compass has been tried, the installation was more than

300 Ib. in weight. A gyroscopic compass is a north-seeking device

in that a weight is suspended by a yoke on the gyroscope shaft

so that, if the shaft is ever off from a true north-south line, the

weight, in conjunction with the earth's rotation, will cause pre

cession back to a true north indication.

The directional gyro is not a gyroscopic compass in that it has

no directive force to make it seek a north heading. It is set by


reference to a magnetic or radio compass. After being set, the

directional gyro will remain on heading for several minutes, the

exact time depending on the bumpiness of the air and the amount

of maneuvering of the airplane. The ordinary compass is very

difficult to steer by. The card of the magnetic-needle type is

constantly swinging from side to side; in extreme cases the card

may spin completely around. With the induction type, the

pointer of the indicator, except on extremely calm days, is flicker

ing from side to side. The indications of the directional gyro are

remarkably steady and consequently easy to stear by.

The operation of the directional gyro may be said to depend on

the law of gyroscopic inertia. The energy stored up by the rota

tion of the gyro wheel tends to keep the axis of rotation in its

original position or in a position parallel to its original position.

The directional gyro is in a case which is airtight except for two

openings. One opening is connected either to the throat of a

Venturi tube located in the slipstream or to an engine-driven pump,

Rotor -

Horizontal Ring-

Direction of Flight >-

U- Vertical A*is

|XTt*SM'^m\ \ N A


\\«~~ Horizontal AJHS


. Caging Arm

Synchronizer Pinion/ "**. Synchronizer Gear

FIG. 111. Directional gyro.

causing a partial vacuum (3^ in.) inside the case. The other

opening is to the outer air but it is so arranged that entering air

passes through nozzles to strike against buckets cut in the rim of

the gyro rotor, causing the rotor to spin at a speed of 10,000 to

12,000 r.p.m. The rotor wheel weighs 11 oz. Its horizontal

shaft is held in bearings in a horizontal gimbal ring. This hori

zontal ring is pivoted and free to turn about a horizontal axis in

the plane of rotation of the gyro rotor.

A view of the directional gyro is shown in Fig. 111. Ordinarily


see Fig. 112. The gyrostat of the turn indicator has therefore

only one degree of freedom, the axle may turn about an axis which

is parallel to the longitudinal axis of the airplane. This is different

from the directional gyro in which the gyroscope has the further

freedom of rotation about a vertical axis so that the axle may

point in any direction and at any vertical angle. In the turn

indicator, the gimbal ring is ordinarily held in a horizontal posi

tion by a centralizing spring. The gyrostat wheel has buckets on

its rim. Air is removed from the case by a Venturi tube in the

slipstream or by an engine-driven pump, the atmospheric pressure

forcing air to enter through a nozzle. The entering air strikes the

buckets causing the wheel to spin at approximately 9,000 r.p.in.

The direction of rotation is such that the upper rim of the wheel

goes in the direction towards the nose of the airplane.

In operation, a horizontal turn of the airplane turns the axle

of the gyro wheel. The combination of this turning force and the

inertia force of rotation causes the gyro to precess. A right turn

of the aircraft causes the right end of the gyro axle to move up or

to make the gimbal ring rotate in a counter-clockwise manner as

viewed from the pilot's seat. A left turn of the airplane would

cause precession to move the right end of the gyro axle downward.

The gimbal ring has a projecting lug which moves in a slotted arm

connected to the pointer, so that the pointer moves to the same side

as does the bottom of the gyro wheel in processing.

It must be emphasized that the turn indicator shows turns

about the apparent vertical or Z axis of the airplane and not

about the true vertical in space. It shows both properly banked

or skidded turns. In a banked turn, since the tipping of the

spin axis of the gyro is opposite to the bank, the instrument is very

sensitive. In a sideslip, where the airplane is banked without

turning, the turn indicator registers zero. Likewise, in a verti

cally banked turn where the apparent vertical or Z axis of the air

plane is actually horizontal, the turn indicator shows zero. The

name " turn indicator " is incorrect; the instrument should be

called a yaw indicator since it shows yaw, not actual turn.

Bank Indicators. The banking indicator is a lateral incli

nometer. Its purpose is in straight flight to indicate if the air

plane is laterally level and in turning flight to indicate if the air

plane is properly banked.

In a turn, centrifugal force combines with gravity to form a


resultant force which acts on every part of the airplane in the

same direction. A pendulum or spirit level indicates an apparent

vertical which is the direction of this resultant force. A spirit

level mounted on the instrument board, laterally with respect to

the airplane, may serve as a bank indicator. In straight flight

with wings level, the bubble is in the central highest part of the

glass tube; if one wing is low the bubble goes to the high side.

In a properly banked turn, the bubble is in the center of the tube.

In skidding, where the outer wing is too low, centrifugal force

throws the liquid to the outer end of the tube, making the bubble

appear at the inner (or too high) end. In slipping, where the

inner wing is too low, the liquid goes to the inner or low end, the

bubble appears at the high end.

Because with a spirit level a bump will cause the fluid to surge

back and forth, and there being no way of damping this bubble

movement, the preferred bank indicator is the ball-in-glass-tube

type. In this type the glass tube is curved downward at the

middle; the steel ball has almost as large a diameter as the inner

diameter of the tube and thus has a dashpot action with respect

to the liquid in the tube. The fluid is usually a mixture of alcohol

and glycerine. By painting the outer back surface of the tube

with luminous paint, this type works nicely in night-flying, the

ball standing out as a black disk against the luminescent back


With the ball-in-tube type, the ball goes towards the end of the

tube that is too low. If in straight flight the wings are level, or

if in turning flight the wings are banked the correct angle, the

ball remains in the center of the tube. To correct the airplane,

the pilot needs to remember only the simple rule, to move the stick

in the same direction that he would move the ball in bringing it to

the center of the tube.

Usually the bank indicator and turn indicator are in the same

case, the combination instrument being called the bank-and-

turn indicator.

Pitch Indicators. The pitch indicator is a fore-and-aft in

clinometer to tell whether or not the aircraft is flying level longi

tudinally. With constant revolutions per minute the airspeed

indicator can be used for this purpose, a decreased airspeed mean

ing climb, an increased airspeed meaning dive, and an unchanged

airspeed denoting level flight. The increased airspeed comes,


however, after the nose has gone down, and the decreased air

speed conies after the nose has gone up. To eliminate this slight

lag which tends to cause overcontrol, and also because in cold

weather there is a danger of the Pitot tube becoming clogged with

ice, it is desirable to have an instrument that gives directly the

angular attitude of the airplane with respect to the horizontal.

The problem of finding longitudinal inclination is extremely

difficult because of the effects of accelerations. A spirit level

resting on a horizontal table top shows the bubble in the center of

the glass. If the spirit level is shoved along the table as the move

ment is started, owing to inertia the liquid surges backward and the

bubble moves forward in the direction the spirit level is being

moved. When constant motion is attained, the bubble becomes

centered again. When the movement is stopped, the liquid

surges onward so that the bubble goes to the rear of the glass.

A pendulum hanging in a moving vehicle hangs vertical when the

vehicle is not moving or is at a constant speed, swings backward

when the vehicle is accelerated and forward under the effect of a


If a plumb-bob is suspended at the side of an airplane against a

circular scale, it will hang vertically when the speed of the airplane

is constant. Suddenly opening the engine throttle to increase the

airspeed would cause the plumb-bob to swing backward, and

momentarily at least the pilot looking at the reference scale would

be led to believe that he had nosed up. If the nose of the airplane

drops 10° after the airplane has attained a constant speed con

sistent with his throttle opening and this angle of dive, the plumb-

bob on the side of the cockpit will indicate the 10° downward

angle. As the nose goes down, however, the speed increases, and

this increase of speed may be at such a rate that the plumb-bob

may actually be thrown backward, indicating to the pilot a climb.

If the nose of the airplane goes up, the decrease in speed may cause

the plumb-bob to swing forward and it will remain forward of its

correct position till the lessened speed is constant. A spirit level

mounted on the side of an airplane will give wrong indications

similar to that of the plumb-bob. Neither a simple pendulum nor

a simple spirit level will serve as a longitudinal inclinometer.

A solution that works very effectively is a gyro-controlled pen

dulum, as shown in Fig. 113. A short-period pendulum is con

nected by a link to the gimbal ring of a gyrostat. The gyro wheel



The speed acceleration tends to throw the pendulum backward,

but the greater precessional force moves the pendulum forward.

When the pitch indicator, bank indicator, and turn indicator

are all mounted in one case, the combination is called the flight


Gyro-Horizon. Although the flight indicator gives the desired

information, it is generally conceded that it is easier for the pilot

Right Bank Climb Level Flight


Horizon Bar

Gimbal Ring

Direction of Flight >.

Left BanK

, Rotor Housing

Pointer Guide Pin




Pivot of Rotor Housing

Pendulum Assembly


FIo. 114. Gyro-horizon.

to visualize the attitude of the airplane from a miniature replica

of the airplane and the horizon than from reading two separate

and distinct arbitrary scales. The gyro-horizon gives the angle

of pitch and the true angle of bank. On the face of the instrument

is a small representation of the airplane, and back of this moves a

bar representing the horizon (see Fig. 114).


The rotor in the gyro-horizon rotates about what is ordinarily a

vertical axis, in a counter-clockwise direction viewed from above.

The rotor is encased in a housing which is swung in a gimbal ring,

so that the housing may rotate in a vertical plane parallel with the

longitudinal axis of the airplane. The gimbal ring is swung on

pivots so that the gimbal may rotate on an axis parallel with the

longitudinal axis of the airplane. The front pivot of the gimbal

and the left pivot of the rotor housing are so constructed that

outside air may enter through the gimbal pivot and pass through

a small channel inside the gimbal, then through the gimbal pivot

to the interior of the rotor housing. With this construction, no

matter what the angular position of the gimbal or the housing,

outside air will be able to enter the housing. After entering the

housing, the air divides and goes through two passages to nozzle

openings on diametrically opposite sides of the rotor. After doing

the work of causing the rotor to spin, the air leaves by four ports

at the bottom of the rotor housing.

A long arm hinged to the front of the gimbal ring terminates in

a " horizon " bar across the face of the instrument. This bar is

always parallel to the plane of the gimbal ring. A pin fastened to

the rotor housing projects through a slot in the gimbal to actuate

the arm of the horizon bar, moving the bar up when the upper part

of the rotor housing is moved backward in the case towards the

pilot and down when the rotor housing has an opposite relative


At the bottom of the rotor housing are four air-ports or openings,

set 90° apart, so that two are on the fore-and-aft axis of the air

plane and two on the lateral axis. At each opening is a vane, hung

pendulously, so that, when the rotor housing is exactly vertical,

each vane covers half of its corresponding opening. An equal

quantity of air then issues from each opening. If the gyro de

parts from its upright position, gravity holding the vanes vertical,

one vane completely closes its port as shown in the lower left-hand

diagram in figure, while the opposite vane completely opens its

port as shown in the lower right-hand diagram. Air streaming

out in a jet from an opening when none is issuing from the opposite

side causes a reaction tending to swing the bottom of the gyro

housing in the opposite direction from the side from which the jet

is issuing. This force combined with the inertia force of the gyro

rotation causes precession in a direction at right angles to the air



reaction which would be in the direction shown by the arrow in the

lower right-hand diagram. This corrective movement brings the

gyro back to its normal position. Any tendency of the gyro to

depart from its true vertical position, caused by acceleration forces

or by friction in the bearings, is thus corrected. Although the

pilot apparently sees a movement of the horizon bar over the

face of the instrument, the horizon bar is actually stationary, and

it is the miniature airplane, as well as the real plane, that is moving

relatively to the bar.

Rate-of-Climb Indicators. Although pitch indicators and

artificial horizons show the attitude of the plane with respect to the

horizontal, an airplane can have a constant angle with the hori

zontal and be either climbing, settling, or flying level, depending

on whether the plane has excess speed, insufficient speed, or the

correct speed corresponding to the angle of attack. A sensitive

altimeter will tell a pilot whether he is going up or down but will

not tell him directly the rate at which he is gaining or losing


In climbing, there is one angle of attack and one airspeed at

which the rate of climb is greatest; the airspeed for maximum

rate of climb varies with the load on the airplane, the angle of

attack bears no simple relation to the angle of the longitudinal

axis with the horizontal plane. In gliding, there is one angle of

attack and one airspeed for the flattest angle of glide, and this

airspeed varies with the load.



Fio. 115. Rate-of-climb indicator.

For these reasons an instrument giving directly the rate of

climb, either positive or negative, is very useful in fog flying and

in flight testing. The most satisfactory rate-of-climb indicator is

the capillary-leak type, sometimes called the " leaky altimeter "

type. An aneroid is mounted in a case with a large opening from

the interior of the aneroid box to the outside air. In the case,

outside of the aneroid box, is an opening to the outside air through


a long, very fine capillary glass tube (see Fig. 115). As long as the

aircraft stays at the same altitude, the air in the case outside the

aneroid is at the same pressure as that in the interior of the aneroid.

When the altitude is changed, the air inside the aneroid because

of the large opening instantly assumes the air pressure corre

sponding to the new altitude, but some time must elapse before

sufficient air can escape or enter by the capillary tube for the air

in the case outside the aneroid to attain the pressure correspond

ing to the new altitude.

In climbing, the air inside the aneroid is at less pressure than

the air outside, and so the sidewalls contract. This motion is

transmitted and magnified by a lever arm and chain to a spring

roller to which the pointer is attached. In a glide the air inside

the aneroid is at greater pressure than the air outside, so that the

side walls expand, giving a reverse motion to the pointer. Flow

through a simple orifice depends on density, but flow through a

capillary tube is within wide limits practically independent of

density and depends only on the viscosity. An instrument, such

as described above, can therefore be graduated in rate of climb,

and it will retain its calibration at all altitudes.

Drift Indicators. Whenever there is a cross-wind, an aircraft

does not travel over the ground in the same direction as the air

craft is headed. The actual path of the aircraft over the ground

is called the track. The angle between the aircraft heading and

the track is called the drift angle or simply the drift.

To ascertain the drift, it is necessary to see objects on the

ground. If the ground objects that are seen directly ahead of the

aircraft pass directly below the aircraft and then appear directly

astern there is no drift. If the objects as they are passing to the

rear appear to be moving over to one side, the airplane is said to

drift. To be able to estimate the angle of drift, devices are

provided through which the operator sights on objects on the

ground. The basic principle of all drift indicators is essentially

the same. A bar or wire on the outside of the cockpit or a glass

plate with ruled parallel lines set in the floor of the cockpit is so

arranged that the bar, wire, or glass plate is rotatable in a hori

zontal plane. The wire or lines are turned until, to the observer

in the airplane, objects on the ground appear to be moving back

ward along the wire. If the airplane is rolling or pitching, th3

objects will describe an erratic path as viewed from the airplane..


The observer must mentally average out these deviations from a

straight path and so set his wire that the object appears to move

equally on either side of the wire.

For over-water flights, smoke bombs by day and flares by

night are dropped overboard from the airplane. On the hori

zontal tail surface are painted lines radiating from a sighting point

in the roof of the cabin, where the observer can place his eye.

The central line runs along the center line of the fuselage; the

other lines are 5° apart. After dropping over the bomb or flare,

the observer waits till he sights the smoke or light over the tail.


N.A.C.A. Reports 125-128.

U. 8. ARMY, T.R. 1440-50.

SPERRY GYROSCOPE Co., The Sperryscope.



Introduction. The ancients believed that the presence of

meteors in our atmosphere was largely responsible for weather

changes and therefore gave the name of meteorology to the art

or science of weather forecasting. This conception has long since

been proved false, but the old name of meteorology is still retained.

The United States Navy has adopted the term aerology. It is

more appropriate and less tongue-twisting and is being used more

and more by aviators.

Meteorology is an important adjunct to aviation. From a

standpoint of safety, a study of the meteorological conditions

should give warning of flying hazards such as storms or fog.

When flying over clouds, consideration of certain meteorological

factors should enable the pilot to estimate, at least in a general

way, his drift. Pilots of free balloons can judge at what altitude

to travel to secure favorable winds. Dirigibles can alter their

course in order to secure suitable weather conditions.

The United States Weather Bureau was started many years

ago as a division of the Department of Agriculture. Its pre

dictions were primarily for the farmer, to warn him in a general

way of impending freezing weather or of rain. In the early days,

the observations were taken only at ground level or on the roofs of

tall buildings.

With increasing knowledge of the technique of weather fore

casting and the growth of flying demanding a more exact and

thorough prediction, in recent years there has been improvement

in the precision and minuteness of weather prediction. Today,

in addition to ground observations made twice daily at some 250

stations in the United States, upper-air measurements of tem

perature, pressure, and humidity are made daily by the Weather

Bureau at seven stations, by the Naval Air Service at seven, and

by the Army Air Corps at eight. One important airline has its own

staff of meteorologists to supplement the governmental agencies.

All these agencies interchange data, and in addition to the Weather


Bureau system of intercommunication, the Department of Com

merce maintains a teletype system at the principal airports.

The upper-air measurements are made by means of a meteoro

graph carried aloft by an airplane or by small unmanned free

balloons called sounding balloons. The meteorograph is a small

combination instrument containing a clockwork-operated smoked

drum on which are recorded temperature, pressure, and humidity.

The temperature-indicating unit is a bimetallic strip of dissimilar

metals which bends on heating. The pressure-indicating unit

is a tiny aneroid. The humidity indicator consists of a number

of animal hairs stretched over an elastic framework.

Temperature. The heat radiating from the sun passes first

through our atmosphere before reaching the earth. Dry air

absorbs practically no heat from the sun, but moist air does

absorb it. As half of the air is below 22,000 ft. and the air above

that altitude has scarcely any moisture content, practically all the

heat absorption by the air occurs at the lower altitudes.

The sun's radiation not absorbed by the atmosphere strikes the

earth's surface. Part of the radiation is absorbed and part re

flected or re-radiated, the exact proportion depending on whether

the surface is rock, field, trees, ice, etc. Dark surfaces, like plowed

fields, absorb more heat and are at a slightly greater temperature

than reflecting surfaces such as green fields. The air in contact

with the ground is heated by direct conduction, and this air heats

air with which it is in contact by direct conduction. Also warm

air rises, so that warm air may be found at considerable altitude.

These rising currents of warm air are called convection currents,

and the presence of warm air at altitude from this cause is said to

be due to convection.

When a mass of air at a given temperature is compressed adia-

batically, that is, without the addition or subtraction of heat, the

temperature of the air increases. Conversely, when a mass of

air is allowed to expand without heat being added or heat being

allowed to escape, the temperature drops. The heat conduc

tivity of atmospheric air being very low, if a mass of dry air moves

from one level to a higher level, since the pressure is less at the

higher altitude, the air will expand very nearly adiabatically and

consequently drop in temperature. This drop will be approxi

mately 1° F. for every 185-ft. increase in altitude. On the other

hand, air moving downward 185 ft. should increase 1° in tempera-

ture. Actually other factors affect the heating and cooling so that

the change in temperature is usually less than 1° for 185-ft.

altitude difference.

Both for the reason explained in the last paragraph and because

the heating effect of the earth is less with higher altitude, the

temperature decreases as one rises above the earth. The rate at

which temperature decreases with altitude is called the tempera

ture gradient. The temperature continually decreases until the

stratosphere is reached. In the stratosphere, the temperature is

presumed to be constant.

At night, the ground cools quickly so that the air adjacent to the

ground drops in temperature. When this occurs, the air gets

warmer as one ascends a short distance. This is termed reverse

temperature gradient. At a comparatively low altitude, this

reversal stops and the temperature decreases as further ascent is


On weather maps, lines, usually dotted ones, are drawn connect

ing geographic points that have the same ground temperature.

These lines are called isotherms.

Humidity. Warm air can hold more water vapor in suspension

than cold air can. The amount of saturation of air with water

vapor is called the humidity. Absolute humidity is the actual

amount of water vapor present in a cubic inch or cubic centimeter

of air. Relative humidity is the ratio of the mass of moisture

present in the air to the amount required for complete satu


When warm air with high relative humidity is chilled, the abso

lute humidity may remain the same, but since at lower tempera

ture less moisture is required to saturate the air completely, in

lowering the temperature, the relative humidity increases. If

the relative humidity increases to more than 100 per cent, pre

cipitation will take place.

Pressure. Atmospheric pressure is due to the weight of the

column of air extending from the point of measurement upward

to the limit of our atmosphere. Atmospheric pressure is usually

given in terms of the height of a mercury column that would be

supported by the atmosphere. Even though glass tubes con

taining mercury are rarely used now except as basic standards,

aneroid barometers are marked off in units of height of mercury

columns. Standard atmospheric pressure is 29.92 in. or 760 mm.


A unit only used in meteorological work is the millibar (1,000

millibars = 750 mm. of mercury = 29.53 in. of mercury).

On weather maps, lines are drawn connecting places that have

the same equivalent sea-level barometric pressure. These lines

are called isobars.

Warm air expands and its density decreases. This would tend

to make the barometric pressure less over heated areas and

greater over surrounding cooler areas.

Considering the earth as a whole, as the equatorial regions re

ceive nearly three times the amount of heat received by the polar

regions, it might be expected that there would be a region of low

barometric pressure in the tropics and of high barometric pressure

near the poles. This is true in so far that there is low pressure in

the tropics, but owing to the earth's rotation, centrifugal force

draws the air away from the poles. The resulting effect is to have

in general a comparatively high-pressure band around the earth

at about 30° latitude and low-pressure areas at the equator and

around the poles.

Winds. Air, like any other fluid, travels from a region of high

pressure to one of low pressure. A large difference in barometric

pressure at two places a short distance apart geographically will

cause a strong air movement or wind. A small pressure difference

will cause a correspondingly weaker wind. On American weather

maps, isobars are drawn for 0.1-in. pressure difference. Where

these isobars are close together, there are strong winds; where

there are big spaces between the isobars, the winds are very mild.

Because air travels from high-pressure to low-pressure areas, it

might be expected that, in the northern hemisphere, at the south

ern edge of the temperate zone there would be north winds and at

the northern edge of the temperate zone there would be south

winds. These north and south winds are modified by the earth's

rotation as follows. The earth is rotating from west to east.

" Stationary " air on the equator actually is moving eastward

with a velocity greater than 1,000 miles per hour. Air farther

from the equator has less eastward velocity. At any latitude, the

ground and " stationary " air has less eastward velocity than the

ground and " stationary " air at less latitude. Air tending to move

directly northward in the northern hemisphere, owing to its

greater eastward velocity, becomes a southwest wind. Air

tending to move southward is moving into a region which has a



greater eastward velocity, so that the north wind becomes a north

east wind. This is true whether the air movement is on a large or

small scale.

When, from local heating or other causes, there is a low-pressure

area, usually called simply a " low," in the northern hemisphere,

air instead of moving radially inward deviates to the right, so

that there is a counter-clockwise rotation of wind about a low, as

(a) Wind Direction in Low. Northern Hemisphere

<t» Wind Direction in High, Northern Hemisphere

Fin. 110. Wind directions (a) In lx>w, (6) in High.

shown in Fig. 116a. About a high-pressure area, or high, the air

instead of moving radially outward at right angles to the isobars

veers to the right as shown in Fig. 1166.

Weather Maps. Areas of high and low barometric pressure are

constantly moving across the United States from west to east.

A rapid movement and constant succession of highs and lows

implies frequent changes in the weather. A slow movement

portends a continuation of the present weather.



Although a study of a daily weather map gives a certain amount

of information, it is always advisable to study, in conjunction with

it, the maps of the two previous days. By doing this, the paths

of the disturbances can be visualized and the probable future

positions of the disturbances predicted. For special reasons dis

turbances sometimes appear seemingly spontaneously; but the

highs and the lows are usually noted first on the west coast and

they follow more or less well-defined paths across the United States.

Lows. In meteorology, the term " cyclone " is synonymous

with " low." In some localities, owing to distinct temperature

differences from adjacent regions which maintain themselves for

long periods, there are lows which are more or less stationary or

semi-permanent. Mostly, however, the lows move eastward at

Clear weather

Cold air

a rate of about 25 miles

per hour in the summer

and about 40 miles per

hour in the winter.

Examining Fig. 117, it

will be seen that, if a line

is drawn through the

center of the low in a

northeast to southwest di

rection as shown by the

dotted line, winds on the

southeast side of this line

come from a southerly direction while those on the other side

have a component from the north. Winds from the south bring

warm air northward. Winds from the north bring cold air


Warm air

Fio. 117. Weather in a Tx>w.

When the warm air meets the cooler air, approximately in the

area marked A in Fig. 117, the warm air being of lighter density

rises and flows over the cold air. The mass of cold air meeting

the warmer air at B, Fig. 117, forces its way under the warm air.

The leading surface of a mass of air in motion is called a " front ";

that at A is a warm front, that at B a cold front. Fronts are not

sharp planes of discontinuity between warm and cold air. Wher

ever a mass of air at one temperature meets a mass at a different

temperature, there is always turbulence and a mixing of warm and

cold air. A front may be many miles in length.

In the northeast section of the low, the rising warm front de-

creases in temperature both because of expansion and because of

mixture with the colder air. If the warm air contained moisture,

the cooling will result in the water vapor condensing out to form

clouds. A continuation of the cooling will cause precipitation in

the form of rain or snow. The ascension of warm air is gradual

as the air moves northward, so the rainy area may be quite ex


In the southwest section of the low, the cold front is much more

sharply denned. The change in temperature is quite sudden, and

the precipitation is much more intense. The turbulence along the

cold front is very intense, and the air is quite " bumpy " to the


On the northwest side of a low, the air is cold. Cold air holds

little moisture in suspension. Any increase in temperature per

mits the air to absorb more water vapor, so that in this sector are

clearing weather and blue skies.

By watching the way in which smoke drifts away from chim

neys or flags flutter, a pilot may often be able to ascertain the

wind direction on the ground during the day. Knowing the direc

tion from which the wind blows enables the pilot to estimate the

direction of the center of the low, and he can head his airplane so

as to avoid the extremely bad weather. A very valuable rule to

remember is known as Buys-Ballot's law. It is, briefly, to

imagine oneself facing into the wind; the barometric pressure on

the right hand is lower than the left, and the center of the low will

be on the right-hand about 135° from dead ahead.

Highs. A region of high barometric pressure moves eastward

at less speed than a low-pressure area, and a large high-pressure

area may be stationary for several days. An exception to this

is the case where the high is situated between two lows; when this

occurs the high has the same velocity as the lows. As a rule,

when a high sets in, settled weather may be expected to last for

two or three days. Regions of high pressure are sometimes called


In highs, the isobars have the same oval shape as in lows, but

the isobars are farther apart. The pressure gradient being less,

the winds are less in strength than those found in a low. A high

usually covers more territory, never being as concentrated as the

lows. The weather in a high is generally clear, but fog sometimes

occurs in the autumn. Rains are always of short duration.


Since a high usually follows a low in progression across the

United States, when a high comes into a region, the rain area of

the preceding low has traveled onward. With the rise in barome

ter the weather clears and the temperature drops. At the center

of the high a perfect calm is usually found with a cloudless sky or

at most a few scattered clouds. Temperature is low at night but

rises rapidly during the day.

Winds Aloft. While winds at low altitudes cross the isobars at

an angle which is somewhat towards the right from going straight

across, as altitudes are increased the angle from a perpendicular

crossing becomes greater. At about 8,000-ft. altitude, the winds

are generally practically parallel to the isobars. Continuing

higher the winds change direction so as to become more nearly

west winds. If the wind at lower altitude is southeast it will

probably veer through south and southwest to west; if the wind

is northeast at lower altitude it will probably back through north

and northwest to west.

The velocity increases with altitude up to a height of 20,000 ft.

Above this, the wind usually decreases in strength. Roughly,

the wind at 5,000-ft. altitude has twice as great velocity as at the


Clouds. The suspension of water vapor in the air is determined

mainly by the temperature. When the temperature is high, a large

amount of water vapor may exist; when the temperature is low

only a small amount of water vapor can be held in suspension.

Consequently, if a mass of warm air carrying a high percentage of

moisture comes in contact with or moves completely into a cooler

region, the air is chilled and the water vapor is condensed to liquid

water in the form of minute drops. Particles of dust usually act

as nuclei about which this condensation collects, but sometimes a

drop of water acts as nucleus. These tiny drops form clouds, and

if the condensation continues, these drops grow in size until

precipitation as rain or snow results.

Clouds may be formed in several ways, such as when:

(a) Warm saturated air blows over cold sea or land, as when

warm currents pass over mountains especially if the mountains

are snow-covered, or in winter, warm south winds. Clouds thus

produced are usually of the stratus type; see below.

(b) Rising air expands and in expanding it is cooled, condensing

out its moisture. This usually produces cumulus clouds.


(c) Air is forced to rise by encountering mountain slopes.

(d) Air may part with its heat by radiation on cold nights and

in cooling cannot contain so much moisture.

(e) Air is forced to rise when a warm front meets the cooler air

on the northeast sector of a low.

There are many different types of clouds but, all may be classi

fied under or are a combination of four main subdivisions.

Cirrus. These are thin and wispy. They are composed of ice

particles and are found at altitudes of 25,000 to 30,000 ft. Cirrus

clouds appear like giant, curling feathery plumes and are some

times called " mares' tails."

Cumulus. These are detached, fleecy clouds. They appear

like big lumps of absorbent cotton or shaving-soap suds. They

have a flat base. They are composed of water particles and

may be found at altitudes from 5,000 up to 25,000 ft.

Stratus. These are low, flat, spread-out clouds, resembling

fog but not resting on the ground, and are in distinct layers.

This type often merges into nimbus.

Nimbus. These are thick, extensive layer of formless clouds,

black on the under side from which rain or snow is falling.

Fog is cloud resting on or close to the ground. Fog is divided

into two classes, radiation fog and advection fog.

Radiation fog forms along rivers, creeks, etc., during still

cloudless nights of the summer or autumn. During a calm, warm

day, water evaporates into the lower atmosphere of such regions,

where it remains since there is no wind. During the night the

ground cools; the lower, moisture-laden air drops in temperature,

and condensation takes place.

Advection fog forms when warm air drifts slowly over a cold

surface. This occurs in winter in front of an advancing low.

Advection fog is also formed when a cold wind passes under a

mass of warm, damp air such as in winter in front of a high.


HUMPHREY, Physics of the Air.

GREGG, Aeronautical Meteorology.

MAGUIRE, Aerology.


Introduction. Avigation is the guidance of aircraft along a

desired path and the ascertainment of the aircraft's geographic

position. The term " avigation " has superseded the older ex

pression " air navigation," which is anomalous since the word

navigation refers to travel by water.

The chief advantage of air travel over other means of trans

portation is the speed in reaching the destination. The two

reasons for this speed are: first, aircraft are faster than other

means of travel; and second, aircraft can travel the shortest

possible path. When aircraft follow railroads, highways, or

winding rivers, the only gain is due to the superior speed of the

aircraft. By cutting across mountain ranges, etc., to follow the

most direct route, the distance to be flown is reduced considerably.

Flying by following a definite landmark, such as a railroad,

river, or highway, or by sighting recognizable landmarks ahead

immediately after a known landmark has passed astern is a form

of avigation; but the term avigation is usually applied to the

conducting of an aircraft from place to place and finding position

when recognizable landmarks are not continuously in sight.

Dead reckoning (contracted from deduced reckoning) is the term

applied to the method of finding position by means of the direction

and distance flown from the last recognized landmark. It is

sometimes called compass flying. When long distances are flown,

dead reckoning is liable to considerable error, owing to the effect

of the wind not being known accurately, and the position should be

checked if possible by astronomic means or by the aid of radio.

Maps and Charts. The earth is an oblate spheroid, the polar

diameter of which is 7,900 miles and the equatorial diameter

7,926 miles. For all avigation work the earth is assumed to be a

sphere. The earth rotates daily about an axis, the ends of which

are the north and south poles. The equator is the circle formed by

a plane cutting the earth perpendicularly to the axis and equi

distant from the poles. The equator is everywhere 90° distant


from each pole. Circles passing through both poles are meridians.

Their direction is everywhere north and south. Circles formed by

planes cutting through the earth perpendicular to the axis are

called parallels of latitude.

The geographic position of any place on the earth may be de

noted by its latitude and longitude. The latitude of a place is the

length of the arc of the meridian through the place, between the

equator and the place. It is measured in degrees and minutes,

and is designated north or south according as the place is north

or south of the equator. The longitude of a place is the angle

between the plane of the meridian through the place and the plane

of the meridian through Greenwich, England. The angle is

measured in degrees and minutes, and longitude is designated

west or east according as the place is west or east of Greenwich.

A circle formed by any plane passing through the center of the

earth is called a great circle. The shortest path between two

places on the earth is along the great circle passing through the

two points.

A map or chart represents in miniature, upon a flat surface and

according to a definite system of projection, a portion of the earth.

Although the two names are used indiscriminately, a chart pic

tures a portion of the earth the greater part of which is water,

whereas a map depicts a portion of the earth's surface which is

mostly land.

No spherical surface can be depicted correctly on a flat surface.

There can be no accurate maps.

There are four uses for maps: (a) to find distances, (6) to find

directions, (c) to recognize natural features, and (d) to compare

areas. No map is ideal for all these purposes; a map may furnish

correct information for one of these uses and approximately cor

rect information for one or two of the others, but it cannot be

correct for all four.

The scheme or arrangement on which the parallels of latitude

and meridians are laid out is called the system of projection. An

infinite number of systems of projection may be thought of. At

one time or another several hundred have been used, and at

present over three dozen are actually in use in the maps made by

various nations and by various agencies and for various purposes.

The three most common projections which are widely used are the

mercator, the polyconic, and the great circle projections. For


areas under 200 square miles the earth may be considered flat;

for larger areas the curvature of the earth becomes important.

It is important to know the system of projection of the map being

used and the limitations and inaccuracies of that system.

Polyconic Projection. The polyconic projection is used in the

United States Coast and Geodetic Survey maps, United States

Post Office maps, and the airway strip maps issued by the Depart

ment of Commerce and Army Air Corps. This projection can

usually be identified by being the only one of the three common

projections having a scale of miles printed on it. This scale of

miles is correct in the central portion of the map but is likely to be

slightly inaccurate near the sides of a map of such size as to cover

the area of a continent.

It is an ideal projection for areas the size of a single state. It is

best suited to maps which are long in the north-south dimension

and narrow in the east-west dimension, thus making it a satis

factory projection for maps of the Atlantic or Pacific coast. For

maps of the entire United States there is considerable distortion

near the seacoasts.

The parallels of latitude are circles of different radii. If the

map is large scale, short portions of the circular parallels may be

considered as being straight lines. When longer distances are

being dealt with, the curvature enters into the problem. On the

earth, the parallels of latitude are due east-west lines. On the

polyconic maps, since the parallels are represented by circles,

east-west lines have a different inclination in different parts of the

map; therefore, if a line is drawn between two places on the map

a considerable distance apart, the direction of this line cannot be

ascertained. The polyconic projection depicts more accurately

than other projections the actual surface of the ground so that

landmarks, rivers, and shorelines can be recognized readily.

Mercator Projection. The mercator projection is used in the

maps issued by the United States Navy Hydrographic Office and

is the standard projection for ocean-sailing charts. This pro

jection can be identified by being the only one of the three common

projection having the meridians as straight vertical equidistant

lines and the parallels of latitude as straight horizontal lines, the

degrees of latitude increasing in length farther from the equator.

It is the only one of these three projections on which the entire

inhabited portion of the earth can be represented on one map.


Since its limit of construction is about 70° latitude, polar regions

cannot be shown on the ordinary mercator chart.

On the mercator projection, the meridians and parallels intersect

at right angles; north is the same direction in all parts of the map.

It is therefore very easy to find the direction of a line drawn on a

mercator chart by measuring the angle at which the line crosses

a meridian. A straight line drawn on a mercator chart is called a

rhumb line.

On the sides of mercator charts is a scale of latitude. This scale

is not constant. To measure short distances on a mercator chart,

the length of a degree of latitude on the side scale, at the average

latitude between the two places, is used as measuring unit. This

gives the distance in degrees and fractions of a degree of latitude.

A degree of latitude is 60 nautical miles in length, a nautical mile

being 6,080 ft. long.

A rhumb line is not the shortest path between two points on the

earth's surface; it is merely a line which has a constant direction.

The shortest path is a great circle, which is shown as a curve on a

mercator chart.

Great-Circle Charts. For the use of seamen, the Hydrographic

Office has published five great-circle charts, namely, of the North

Atlantic, South Atlantic, North Pacific, South Pacific, and Indian

Oceans. These charts have the property that a straight line

between two points on the chart represents the great circle through

these points on the earth, and shows all the localities through which

this most direct route passes. The meridians are straight lines,

either parallel as shown in Fig. 118, or converging towards the

pole. The parallels of latitude are represented as conic sections.

It is very complicated to measure directions on this projection.

The usual procedure, after drawing a straight line on this chart as

a great-circle path between two points, is to spot a number of

points on this line. By reading the latitude and longitude of

each point, they may be transferred to a mercator chart. On

the mercator chart, a smooth curve is then drawn through these

points. On the great circle, direction is constantly changing.

In practice, instead of actually following the great circle, a series of

straight tracks are flown approximating the great circle, the head

ing of the aircraft being changed whenever the direction of the

great circle changes a degree.

The rules of the Fe'de'ration Ae>onautique International state


that, in making a record for distance flown, the distance from

starting to landing point shall be measured along the great-circle

route. Directions given by radio direction-finders, such as the

(a) Polyconic Projection

(b) Mercator Projection

(c) A Great Circle Projection

FIG. 118. Common map projections.

radio beacon or the radio compass, are along the great-circle

course. For short hops of only a few hundred miles the mileage

saved is inappreciable, but for transcontinental or transoceanic

flights the distance along the great-circle path is many miles shorter

than along the rhumb-line path.


Distances cannot be scaled off directly on a great-circle chart,

and though an auxiliary graph is provided, it is quite complicated

so that the great-circle distance is usually computed.

Great-Circle Distance. The distance along the arc of the great

circle between two points A and B may be found by the following

formula :

cos D = sin LA sin LB + cos LA cos LB cos L/OAB

D is distance WAB is longitude difference

LA is latitude of point A between points A and B

LB is latitude of point B

Example. Find the great circle distance from Curtiss Field, Long

Island (40° 45' N., 73° 37' W.), to Le Bourget Field, Paris (48° 50' N.,

2° 20' E.).


LA = 40° 45'.N.

LB = 48° 50'

LOAB = 73° 37' + 2° 20' = 75° 57'

(NOTE: Since longitudes are of opposite names, the difference is

found by adding.)

sin 40° 45' sin 48° 50' = 0.6528 X 0.7528

= 0.4914

cos 40° 45' cos 48° 50' cos 75° 57' = 0.7576 X 0.6582 X 0.2428

= 0.1211

cos D = 0.4914 + 0.1211

= 0.6125

D = 52° 14'

On a great circle, a degree is 60 nautical miles and a minute is 1

nautical mile in length.

Distance (D) = 52 X 60 + 14

= 3,134 nautical miles

fi r\or\

= 3,134 X or 3.609 land


1. Find the distance from Rome (41° 54' N., 12° 29' E.) to Natal,

Brazil (5° 37' S., 35° 13' W.). (Del Prete's flight.)

2. Find the distance from San Francisco (37° 47' N., 122° 28' W.)

to Honolulu (21° 22' N., 157° 48' W.). (Hcgcnberger's flight.)


3. Find the distance from Gran well, England (53° 05' N., 0° 25' W.),

to Walvis Bay, South Africa (22° 43' S., 14° 20' W.). (Flight of

Gayford and Nicholetts.)

4. Find the distance from Burbank, California (34° 12' N., 118°

18' W.), to Floyd Bennett Field, N. Y. (40° 40' N., 73° 50' W.).

(Flight of Haizlip and others.)

6. Find the distance from Harbor Grace, Newfoundland (47° 43' N.,

53° 08' W.), to Clifden, Ireland (53° 30' N., 10° 04' W.). (Flight of

Alcock and Brown.)

Velocity Triangle. The velocity of an aircraft with respect to

the ground is the resultant of two velocities: that of the aircraft

with respect to the air, and that of the air with respect to the

ground, the latter being the wind velocity. Velocity has two

characteristics, speed and direction.

The velocity of the aircraft with respect to the air has a speed

which is the reading of a properly corrected airspeed indicator

and a direction which is the true heading of the aircraft determined

from a properly compensated compass reading corrected for

variation. The velocity of the aircraft

with respect to the ground has a speed

which is the ground speed and a direc

tion which is the track or actual path of

the aircraft over the ground. Drift is

the angle between the heading and the


To find the resultant of the air veloc-

Pio. 119. Velocity tnangle, .. ,,..,..

finding ground velocity. ltv and the wind velo«ty, use is made

of the parallelogram of velocities, the

two component velocities being drawn to the same scale and in

the proper respective directions as two sides of a parallelogram,

and the resulting velocity being its diagonal. By omitting two

sides of the parallelogram, the remaining velocity triangle is

sufficient to obtain a solution. Care must be taken that the

arrows indicating direction of velocity are correctly marked to

give continuity. The use of the velocity triangle is illustrated

by the following example in conjunction with Fig. 119.

Example. An airplane is heading due northeast with a corrected

airspeed of 150 miles per hour. There is a 40-mile-per-hour west wind.

What are the ground speed, track, and drift?

Solution (see Fig. 119). Draw line AB, 150 units in length; let

direction of A B be northeast. From point B, draw line BC, 40 units

in length, direction of BC being east (since a west wind blows towards

east). Connect points A and C.

Then the line AC represents ground velocity.

The length of AC being 181 units, the ground speed is 181 miles per


The line AC makes an angle of 54° from north, so that track is 54°,

Angle BAG is 9°, which is drift of 9° right.


1. An airplane is headed east with an airspeed of 125 miles per hour.

There is a 30-mile-per-hour northeast wind. What are ground speed,

track, and drift?

2. An airplane is headed 30° with an airspeed of 150 miles per hour.

There is a south wind of 25 miles per hour. What are ground speed,

track, and drift?

3. An airplane is headed 340° with an airspeed of 140 miles per hour.

There is a northeast wind of 20 miles per hour. What are ground

speed, track, and drift?

4. An airplane is headed 265° with an airspeed of 100 miles per hour.

There is a 35-mile-per-hour wind from 320°. What are ground speed,

track, and drift?

6. An airplane is headed 220° with an airspeed of 120 miles per

hour. There is a south wind of 30 miles per hour. What are ground

speed, track, and drift?

The desired track being known, the aircraft must be headed

into the wind from this track in order that the wind in combination

with the aircraft's own motion shall carry the aircraft along the

desired track. The angle by which the heading is altered from the

desired track into the wind is called the angle of crab.

In taking-off on a cross-country flight, if the aircraft is first

headed on the desired track and the drift measured, the heading

should not be crabbed by the drift angle since when the heading

is changed the wind will be at a different angle and consequently

there will be a different drift angle. The heading can, of course,

be altered in this way to an approximately correct heading, but

the drift on the new heading should be measured and the heading

re-altered for the difference between this drift and the drift on the

former heading. This is called the cut-and-try method.

When the wind speed and direction are known, the proper

heading can be found by a velocity triangle. In this form of


problem, the airspeed is known but not its direction; the track is

known but not the ground speed. Various devices have been

made for solving this problem mechanically. The graphic

solution is illustrated by the following example.

Example. It is desired to fly northeast. Airspeed is 150 miles

per hour. There is a 40-mile-per-hour west wind. What should be

the proper heading, and what will be the

ground speed?

Solution (see Fig. 120). Draw line AW,

40 units in length, in a direction representing

due east. Through point A draw line AX

of indefinite length, in a direction represent

ing northeast. With W as center and 150

40 " units as radius, strike an arc, intersecting

FIG. 120. Velocity tri- line AX at point fi.

angle, finding heading. Then triangle A B W is the velocity tri

angle. The length of A B is the ground

speed, 176 miles per hour. The direction of line WB, 34°, is the



1. It is desired to fly due north. Airspeed is 150 miles per hour.

The wind is from 80°; wind speed is 40 miles per hour. What should

be proper heading, and what will be ground speed?

2. It is desired to fly northeast. Airspeed is 135 miles per hour.

The wind is from west; wind speed is 30 miles per hour. What should

be heading, and what will be ground speed?

3. It is desired to fly 5°. Airspeed is 100 miles per hour. Wind is

from 300°; wind speed is 40 miles per hour. What should be heading,

and what will be ground speed?

4. It is desired to fly 160°. Airspeed is 125 miles per hour. Wind

is from 70°; wind speed is 35 miles per hour. What should be head

ing, and what will be ground speed?

6. It is desired to fly 230°. Airspeed is 110 miles per hour. Wind

is from 170°; wind speed is 35 miles per hour. What should be head

ing, and what will be ground speed?

Wind-Star. Although, at many airports, information is avail

able as to winds at altitude, there is no certainty that winds will

not have changed after the observations were taken. The wind

conditions may be entirely different a few miles away from the


Drift indicators installed on the aircraft can be used to measure

drift angle with a fair degree of accuracy. Finding ground speed

by use of two cross-hairs on the drift indicator presupposes knowl

edge of the actual height of the aircraft above the ground. Alti

meters give barometric height, i.e., altitude above sea-level, not

height above the ground. When the location of the aircraft is

known, the height above sea-level of the ground below the air

craft can be found from contour maps; but when the geographic

location of the aircraft is recognizable on a map, the pilot resorts

to landmark flying, not dead reckoning.

Ground-speed indicators have been devised on the principle of

synchronizing the speed of an endless celluloid belt on the aircraft

with the apparent rearward speed of the ground. These devices

have not yet passed out of their developmental status.

A single drift measurement does not give ground speed, nor

does it give sufficient information to obtain wind speed and

direction. Measurements of drift on two headings will give ground

speed and wind velocity by utilizing the principle of the wind-star.

For example — see Fig. 121a — if an airplane is headed north

with an airspeed of 150 miles per hour and a 15° right drift is

measured, this may be due to a 40-mile-per-hour west wind or to a

45-mile-per-hour northwest wind or to a 78-mile-per-hour south

west wind. There'may be an infinite number of winds which will

produce a"15° right drift on a north heading.

If the heading is changed to east and the drift is found to be,

say, 5° left, the wind is then determined, because there can be only

one wind that will give a 15° right drift on a north heading and a

5° left drift on an east heading. By drawing line A B — see Fig.

1216 — 150 units long (airspeed is 150 miles per hour) in a direction

representing north and drawing line AX of indefinite length at an

angle of 15° to the right of AB, the track on the first heading is

represented. From point B, a line BA' is drawn in a direction

opposite to the second heading (i.e., westward); the length BA'

is 150 units. Then A 'B represents the airspeed and heading after

heading has been changed. Through A' a line A'X' is drawn of

indefinite length making an angle of 5° left of A'B. Call the

intersection of AX and A'X' the point W, and connect points B

and W. Then the vector BW represents the wind speed of 48

miles per hour and wind direction of 249°, this being the only wind

velocity that will give a drift of 15° right on a north heading and a


drift of 5° left on an east heading. The length of AW is the

ground speed 173 miles per hour on first heading, and the length

of A 'W is the ground speed 195.5 miles per hour on second heading.

After the drifts on two headings are found so that the wind is

known, the drift can be found on any heading by drawing a line

representing the heading into point B, and from the other or

starting end of the vector drawing a line through point W.

or (<f>

FIG. 121. Wind-star.

Figure 121c shows the finding of drift on south, southwest, and

west headings, A\B, A^B, and A^B representing the respective

headings and AiW, AiW, and A3W representing the respective

tracks and ground speeds. When headings and tracks are drawn

for several different headings as in Fig. 121c, the drawing bears a

crude resemblance to the conventional star-form, which is the

reason for giving this process the name of the wind-star.

After the wind velocity has been found by measuring the drift

on two headings, it is possible to find the proper heading for the

aircraft to follow a desired track by the following procedure.

From the arrow end of the wind-vector draw a line of indefinite

length in a direction opposite to that of the desired track. From

the non-arrow end of the wind-vector as center and with the air

speed as radius strike an arc intersecting the line just drawn.

The radius from this point of intersection gives the proper head

ing. For example, the wing having been found on a north head

ing and an east heading as Fig. 1216, it is desired to find the

heading which will give a true northeast track. Through point

W draw a line of indefinite length WX" in a southwest direction;

see Fig. 121d. With B as center and 150 units as radius, inter

sect line WX" at point A ". Then direction of A "B is the proper

heading 37.5°, and length of A"W is the ground speed, 192 miles

per hour.

In using this method, it is customary to head 30° to the right of

the desired track and 30° to the left, since by so doing a good inter

section is obtained. The wind-star method does not involve

knowledge of altitude.


1. On a 30° heading there is a 10° left drift; on a 330° heading there

is a 15° left drift. If airspeed is 125 miles per hour: (a) what is wind

speed and (6) direction; (c) what heading should be flown to obtain a

due north track; (d) what will be ground speed?

2. On a 15° heading there is a 10° left drift; on a 75° heading there

is a 20° left drift. Airspeed is 160 miles per hour. (a) What is wind

speed and (b) direction? (c) What heading should be flown to obtain

a northeast track? (d) What will be ground speed?

3. On a 60° heading there is a 5° right drift; on a 120° heading

there is a 10° left drift. Airspeed is 140 mile per hour. (a) What

is wind speed and (b) direction? (c) What should heading be to fly

east. (d) What will be ground speed?

Astronomic Avigation. For centuries sailboats and more re

cently steamships have navigated by means of observations on the

sun, moon, or stars. The angular height of a celestial body above

the horizontal plane being measured by a sextant, an oblique

spherical triangle is solved and a line partially determining the

ship's position is obtained. Two such lines exactly fix the position.

On marine vessels, the horizon, where sky and water meet, is


used to determine the horizontal plane. Unless an aircraft is at

an altitude less than 1,000 ft., the observer is unable to see the

horizon because of haze. For this reason, and also to enable

observations to be taken at night, some form of artificial horizon

is used; generally a spirit level is utilized. In bumpy air the

bubble dances about badly, but by taking the average of a number

of observations the error can be reduced to a minimum.

Computation of the position from the sextant observations was

formerly a long, tedious matter. Short methods have been

evolved which permit the calculations to be made in a minute or


Astronomic avigation is used on long overwater flights, such as

trans-Atlantic or trans-Pacific hops.

Radio Avigation. Radio is an important adjunct to flying.

A simple receiving set enables the pilot to receive storm-warning

and other weather information as well as to use the radio beacon.

A two-way set enables the pilot to report his progress and other

wise keep completely in touch with the ground.

To make use of radio a "battery is required, so that an airplane

whose engine operates from a magneto must add a battery. This

is necessary for reception; to transmit, a source of high-voltage

current is needed in addition. Apparatus have been developed

which are very compact and light weight.

The ordinary aircraft engine has a spark gap in each cylinder for

each ignition. This sparking sets up radio oscillations which

would interfere with the reception of radio messages if the engine

were not shielded. This means that every electric wire must be

covered with a coating of braided metal, the plugs themselves

shielded with a metal cup, and every other part of the electrical

equipment surrounded with a metal covering.

The metal structure of the airplane is made to serve as a ground,

which means that every metallic part of the airplane must be

connected electrically to every other metallic part. This is called

bonding. Proper bonding prevents trouble caused by intermove-

ment of parts and eliminates possible sparking.

Radio is used in avigation in several ways. If two or more

stations on the ground are equipped with radio compasses,

the pilot can request them to get his bearings, then sending out a

series of dots from the plane enables the ground operators to get

the direction of the airplane each from his own station. With

the bearings from two or more ground stations, either the pilot or

one of the ground operators can draw corresponding lines on a map

and the intersection gives the geographic location of the airplane.

If the ground operator does the plotting he promptly radios the

position to the airplane.

Radio Beacon. Another form of radio avigation is the utiliza

tion of the radio beacon. The Department of Commerce has

(a) Intensity from Directional Antenna



(b) Signal Zones

Flo. 122. Radio beacon.

installed radio beacons at many airports, and it has been very

successful in guiding airplanes from one airport to another. No

special equipment is needed on the airplane; a receiving set is

required, but a transmitter is not necessary. No special skill is

required by the pilot.

The radio beacon transmitter is shown diagrammatically in

Fig. 122. In broadcasting, the transmitter is designed to send

signals in all directions with equal strength, but it is relatively

ample to erect an antenna which will send stronger signals in one


direction than another. The directional antenna usually has

" figure 8 " characteristics as shown in Fig. 122a. This diagram

means that, if AB is the antenna, the strongest signals will be

heard in a vertical plane through AB. At any point not in this

plane the signal heard on the plane will not be as strong as it would

be if the airplane were the same distance away from AB but in the

plane AB. The intensity of the signal received on the airplane,

which is a measure of the audibility, is proportional to the length

of the arrow on the diagram in the direction of the airplane.

When two directional antennas, AB and CD, are crossed as in

Fig. 1226, but not connected electrically in any way, signals may

be sent out simultaneously from each. Two code letters are used,

which are easily recognizable but are so selected that, if they are

both started at the same time, the dash of one code letter is sounded

at the same instant as the dot or dots of the other letter. The

letters A (. —) and N ( ) answer this requirement, as do

D ( ) and U ( ), or B ( ) and V ( ). If the radi

ations from each antenna are received with equal strength, the

receiver will respond to both equally, and the signal heard by the

pilot will be a T or long dash ( ). If the reception of one

signal is of greater intensity than the other, the powerful signal

will be heard while the weaker signal will be either faint or in


For example, if antenna AB is emitting a characteristic signal

B and antenna CD is sending out V, in the two planes, which

bisect the two angles made by A B and CD, both signals would be

received with equal strength, and the T signal would be heard.

If the airplane's position is nearer the plane through A B than the

plane through CD, though the V signal might be heard faintly, the

B signal would predominate.

Because it is somewhat difficult to distinguish the difference in

signals when the pilot is in or close to the T zone, a visual-type

radio beacon is frequently used. One antenna transmits with a

frequency of 66 cycles, the other with a frequency of 86| cycles.

Located on the instrument board is a glass-faced box containing

two springy metal strips or '' reeds." One responds to a frequency

of 66 cycles; the other to 86$ cycles. When receiving the modula

tion frequencies, the reed vibrates rapidly in vertical plane. The

greater the intensity received, the greater is the amplitude of

vibration. The pilot looks at the ends of the reeds, which are

painted white; when vibrating rapidly they appear to be two

white vertical lines. The greater the amplitude of vibration, the

longer is the line. When the airplane is in the T zone, the circuits

for reeds are receiving the same intensity, and the two white lines

are the same length. When the airplane is off to one side of the

T zone, the circuit for one reed is receiving greater intensity so that

one white line is longer and the other is shorter. The visual beacon

is less tiring for the pilot, but since the receiving hook-up is slightly

more complicated there is more danger of failure.

The radio beacon guides a pilot in a proper direction. With a

cross-wind, the pilot will probably zigzag a bit till he finds experi

mentally a heading which does not direct him from the B zone

across the T zone into the V zone, or vice versa. Although there

is a zone of silence directly over the beacon, a pilot flying in fog

cannot rely on silence meaning he has reached his destination;

his receiving set might have developed trouble. The beacon

gives no indication of the distance to the transmitting station.

In mountainous districts, the radio waves suffer peculiar dis

tortions and echoes which affect the accuracy of the beacon.

The beacon requires a special transmitting installation.

Radio Compass. By constructing the receiving antenna in the

form of a coil or loop, and by suitably designing the tuned circuits

in rotating this loop about a vertical axis till a signal fades

out completely, the direction of the transmitter of that signal

can be ascertained. Such an arrangement is called a radio


A radio compass can be used on any broadcasting transmission;

the sending set need have no directional effect. The radio com

pass is useful in fog flying, since the pilot can take bearings on two

or more broadcasting stations and plot these bearings on his map;

the intersection gives the plane's position. The radio compass

can also be used as a " homing " device. The pilot can find the

direction of a broadcasting station located near his destination

and then head his airplane in that direction.

Radio Landings. The following method of making a landing

in fog, etc., was devised by Captain A. F. Hegenberger, A.C.,

and is termed the Army method.

Two transmitters are positioned near the landing field. These

transmitters are portable so that the line connecting them can be

put in the direction of the prevailing wind. Transmitter A is lo-


cated outside the landing area but not more than 1,000 ft. outside

the boundary of the field. Transmitter B is located farther from

the field at a distance of a mile to a mile and a half from A. If an

airplane flies over B headed for A, continuing his flight, without

changing his heading, should bring the airplane directly over the

landing area. The transmission from A and B are on different


The transmitters at A and B are not especially powerful. It

is sufficient if signals can be picked up at a distance of 25 miles.

The antenna for this transmission is non-directional; that is, the

signals are broadcast with equal intensity in all directions.

At each station, A and B, is also a marker beacon. This beacon

uses a low-power ultra-high-frequency transmitter, the wave length

of the oscillator being 4 meters. A very short horizontal doublet

antenna is used, located one-quarter wavelength above the ground.

This form of antenna is very directional. The antenna is placed

so that it is in line with the approach to the field, i.e., along the

line AB. Then the radiation is a fan-shaped wave in a plane

through A or through B perpendicular to the line AB.

The procedure for utilizing the above-described equipment is

as follows. The pilot, by making use of radio beacon, radio com

pass, or dead reckoning, arrives within receiving distance of

station A. He then tunes in on B with his radio compass, and

flies directly towards it, setting his directional gyro on his head

ing. He is then flying directly away from the field. After passing

over B, the pilot makes a gradual flat turn of 180°, using his di

rectional gyro to tell him when he has exactly reversed his heading.

Altitude should be gradually lost so that the altitude is approxi

mately 700 ft. above the ground when the airplane passes the

outer station B. The exact time of passing B is told by the

signal denoting passing the standing wave of the marker beacon.

The receiver of the radio compass is then tuned on A and the

airplane headed in that direction. In this, the pilot is aided by his

directional gyro which he had previously set on the reverse head

ing. In proceeding from B to A the throttle is set back approxi

mately at 1,000 r.p.m. and the plane is put in a steady glide at an

airspeed about 30 per cent above stalling speed. If this procedure

has been followed the plane should arrive at station A at an alti

tude of 200 ft., and continuing the steady glide the plane should

pass over all obstacles and reach the landing area properly.

As soon as the wheels touch the ground, the pilot cuts the throttle,

permitting the plane to come to rest.

The pilot knows when he is passing over station A either by the

" zone of silence " or from the signal from the marker beacon

located at A. If his altitude at that time is less than 200 ft., the

pilot merely opens the engine, putting the airplane in level flight

for a brief interval of time, and then permits the plane to settle

into its glide again. If the plane is higher than 200 ft. in passing

over A, the pilot may either momentarily glide more steeply

before resuming his normal glide or he may return to B and start

his glide again at a slightly steeper angle. The altitudes men

tioned in this paragraph are read from a sensitive altimeter set

at correct ground barometer reading from information radioed

up to the pilot by the ground operator.

This method of landing without seeing the ground has been

tested by many hundred landings either in hooded cockpits or in

actual fog. No accidents have ever been reported in using this



Introduction. Aerodynamics treats of air in motion; aero

statics deals with air at rest. In aviation, aerostatics deals with

the problems of lighter-than-air craft.

All lighter-than-air craft are balloons, but present-day usage

is to employ the term balloon only for craft which has no motive

power and the term dirigible balloon or simply dirigible for a

balloon supplied with motive power. The term airship is

synonymous with dirigible; an airplane should not be called an


Balloons are classified in two types, captive and free balloons.

Captive balloons are moored to the ground and are used for

observing artillery fire, etc. Captive balloons, if spherical in

shape, have a strong tendency to rotate, so that they are usually

elongated in shape with protuberances so designed that the bal

loon lies in the direction of the wind. This shape is called a kite-

balloon. Free balloons are usually the so-called spherical shape.

The upper part is a true hemisphere; the lower half is hemi

spherical except that at the extreme lower part the skin cones

down to a long narrow tube called the appendix. In the earlier

forms a rope netting was arranged over the upper half of the bag,

the ends coming down just below the appendix where they were

fastened to a metal concentration-ring from which the basket for

passengers was hung. Because of the weight of the rope and the

criss-cross of the netting forming many tiny pockets to retain

rainwater, the netting arrangement was discarded for the suspen

sion band or " bellyband," a strip of fabric around the equator

of the bag, ropes from the concentration-ring being attached to

this band. The most modern method is to fasten each rope from

the concentration-ring to a piece of fabric, called a finger-patch,

cemented to the bag at the point where the curve of the sus

pension rope is just tangent to the sphere of the envelope. A

valve, normally held shut by springs, is opened by pulling the


care of the transverse loads, the gas being in a single large envelope.

The non-rigid is a single rubberized-cloth gas-tight bag containing

the gas. Since, in non-rigid and semi-rigid types, the pressure of

the gas inside the bag is relied upon to give the bag its shape, both

these types are termed pressure airships.

Gases. Hot-air, coal-gas, hydrogen, and helium are the prin

cipal gases used for lighter-than-air work. Heated air is used

sometimes for parachute jumps at carnivals; as soon as the air

cools lift is lost. Coal-gas or ordinary illuminating gas is used

sometimes for free balloons, the hydrogen contained in these gases

being chiefly responsible for the lifting power. Hydrogen has

been used for more than a century and is best from the point of

lift but has the disadvantage that, if it mixes with air, it is highly

inflammable and explosive. Helium though furnishing less lift

than hydrogen is perfectly inert so that in its use there is not the

fire hazard always present with hydrogen.

Previous to 1915, helium cost approximately $2,000 per cubic

foot. During the war the cost to the United States government

was reduced to $400 per 1,000 cu. ft. At present, owing to im

provements in the method of extraction from natural gas, the cost

is about $25 per 1,000 cu. ft. The cost of hydrogen is about $5

per l.O00cu. ft.

Under standard conditions of 59° F. temperature and 29.92

in. of mercury pressure, the weight per cubic foot of the gases

important in aerostatics is as follows

Air 0.07651 Ib.

Hydrogen 0.00532 Ib.

Helium 0.01056 Ib.

Average illuminating gas 0.0323 Ib.

Laws of Aerostatics. Six physical laws find application in

aerostatic work. Full explanations are given in any standard

textbook on physics. Briefly these laws are as follows.

Archimedes' law: the buoyant or upward force exerted upon a

body immersed in a fluid is equal to the weight of the fluid dis


Boyle's law: at a constant temperature, the volume of a gas

varies inversely as the pressure.

Charles' law: at a constant pressure, the volume of a gas varies

directly as the absolute temperature.

LIFT 349

Dalton's law: the pressure of a mixture of several gases in a

given space is equal to the sum of the pressures which each gas

would exert by itself if confined in that space.

Joule's law: gases in expanding do no interior work.

Pascal's law: the fluid pressure due to external pressure on

the walls of the containing vessel is the same at all points through

out the fluid.

Lift. A body completely immersed in a fluid displaces its own

volume of fluid. If the weight of the fluid displaced equals the

weight of the body, the body is in equilibrium. If the weight of

the fluid displaced is greater than the weight of the body, the

body rises. If the weight of the fluid displaced is less than the

weight of the body, the body falls.

The operation of a balloon and a submarine is somewhat similar

in that both are entirely submerged in a fluid. The submarine is

entirely sealed when under water, and the skin must be of suffi

cient strength to withstand stresses due to difference in pressure

between inside and outside the hull. Balloons either are open to

the air or have other arrangements so that there will be little or

no pressure difference.

Lift is obtained directly from Archimedes' principle. Unit

lift is the difference between the weight of a cubic foot of air and

the weight of a cubic foot of the gas. The gross lift or buoyancy

of a balloon or airship is expressed by the following equation:

L = gross lift in pounds

I — V(D D"\ ^ = vo'ume of 8&S i n cubic feet

Da = weight of a cubic foot of air

Dt = weight of a cubic foot of gas

The net lift or useful load is the difference between the gross lift

and the dead weight of the bag, ropes, basket, etc.

From the laws of Boyle and Charles, volume varies inversely

as pressure and directly as absolute temperature. If P0 is the

standard pressure, T0 the standard temperature, and V0 the

standard volume, then V\, the volume when the pressure is PI

and the absolute temperature is T\, may be found by the fol



Fo T0 X P1

The foregoing is true only if the gas is in a perfectly elastic


Example. A cloth bag contains 1,000 cubic feet of air, the tempera

ture being 59° F. and the pressure 29.92 in. What is the volume if the

pressure is increased to 40.0 in. and the temperature decreased to



- 1,000 519x 400

460 29.92

= 663 cu. ft.

In practice the balloon bag is made of rubberized cloth. If

there is not sufficient volume of gas to fill the bag, the cloth sides

will fold in and the bag will be flabby. When the volume of the

gas is just equal to the cubical content the bag will be fully in

flated. Any further increase in volume of the gas means that

gas will escape through the appendix. If the appendix is closed,

a decrease in the air pressure outside or an increase of tempera

ture of the gas inside will cause the bag to burst. For this reason,

though the appendix is usually tied shut while the balloon is being

handled on the ground, the tie-off is broken as soon as the balloon

leaves the ground.

Density varies inversely as volume, so that if Z)0 is the density

under normal pressure P0 and normal absolute temperature To,

the density DI under pressure PI and temperature Tt is found by

the following relation :

DI _ n Y PI

Do T, X Po

Under normal conditions, the temperature of the gas inside the

envelope is the same as the temperature of the adjacent air. The

open appendix ensures that the pressure of the gas and air are the


Considering the pressure of the gas the same as the pressure of

the surrounding air and the temperature of the gas the same as

that of the air, the expression for lift under other than standard

conditions becomes

L = V(DM^ £ - Dg, ^£) 0,, = weight of a cubic foot of

\ .i i "o .< i /V gas un(jer standard con-

L = gross lift in pounds

F = volume of bag in cubic feet

AM = weight of a cubic foot of

air under standard con-

/ T P T P\ ditions

_ v( D - D } — — ditions

9*> Ti Po Po = standarc] pressure

PI = actual pressure

To = standard absolute temper


Ti = actual absolute tempera


Example. A 10,000-cu.-ft. free balloon is filled with pure hydrogen.

Air and gas are at a temperature of 32° F. and a pressure of 28 in.

What is the lift?


Lift = V(DU- B*)x

= 10,000 (0.07651 - 0.00532) ^ X

= 7031b.


1. A 30,000-cu.-ft. free balloon is full of pure hydrogen; air and

gas are at a temperature of 80° F. and a pressure of 26.3 in. What

is the lift?

2. A 10,000-cu.-ft. free balloon is full of pure helium; air and gas

are at a temperature of 75° F. and a pressure of 27.5 in. What is the


3. A 20,000-cu.-ft. free balloon is full of pure hydrogen; air and

gas are at a temperature of — 10° F. and a pressure of 21.3 in. What

is the lift?

4. A 20,000-cu.-f t. free balloon is full of pure helium ; air and gas are

at a temperature of —10° F. and a pressure of 21.3 in. What is the


5. A 30,000-cu.-ft. free balloon is full of pure hydrogen; air and gas

are at a temperature of 20° F. and a pressure of 23.7 in. What is the


Ascension of a Free Balloon. When a free balloon, full of gas

on the ground, has lift greater than its weight, it rises, and be

cause the atmospheric pressure decreases with altitude, gas will

expand and tend to occupy greater volume. Since the fabric

does not stretch, the volume is fixed and gas is forced out of the

appendix. As the altitude increases, the density of the air de

creases; but the density of the lifting gas decreases at the same

rate, so that the difference between the two weight densities,

which is the unit lift, also decreases at the same rate. The

gross lift which is the constant volume multiplied by the unit lift

decreases. Ascension will continue until the gross lift just equals

the weight.

If the bag is only partially inflated at the ground, on rising,

the atmospheric pressure being less, the gas will expand, round

ing out the bag more fully. There will be no loss of gas till the

bag is fully rounded out. The altitude where the bag is completely

full and where any further increase in altitude will cause gas to

escape is called the pressure height.

A free balloon which is fully inflated at the ground will start to

lose lift immediately on leaving the ground and there will be a

continuous loss of lift as the balloon rises. A free balloon which

is partially inflated at the ground will have a constant lift until

the pressure height is reached; above that altitude, lift will de

crease with altitude.

While inflating a balloon, sufficient sandbags are placed in the

basket or hung on the netting to ensure that the balloon will not

leave the ground. When ready to start, the balloon is weighed-off.

This process is the removing of ballast until the total weight of the

balloon just equals the total lift. In this condition, a man stand

ing on the ground can with practically no exertion move the

balloon up in the air a foot or so, where it will stay in equilibrium.

Adding a fraction of an ounce of sand will make the balloon sink

slowly to the ground. Tossing overboard a little ballast will

cause the balloon to rise slowly; heaving over a lot of sand will

cause the bag to rise swiftly.

If the bag is fully inflated at the ground, after weighing-off,

weight equals lift. If ballast is then jettisoned, the weight is

lessened. The balloon will rise. As it rises, gas will escape, so

that the lift will decrease. At the start, the accelerating force will

be equal to the difference between the weight and the lift; i.e.,

the force in pounds will equal the pounds of sand put over. In

ascending, since the difference between the weight of the balloon

and the lift will be less owing to the decreasing lift, the upward

accelerating force diminishes. At the height where the lift has

decreased till it equals the weight, there will be no unbalanced


upward accelerating force and the balloon will be in equilibrium.

To ascend further, more ballast must be put overboard. The

ascent to a high altitude can be made by easy stages, by first

dropping a little ballast, then a little more, and a little more till

the desired height is reached.

A bag, which is only partially inflated at the ground is weighed-

off in the same manner as a fully inflated bag. When a little

ballast is dropped, however, the balloon will immediately rise to

its pressure height, the upward accelerating force being constant

to that altitude. On reaching the pressure height gas will begin

to escape, and with decreasing lift, the difference between lift and

weight will get smaller, till equilibrium is reached.

A partially inflated balloon will be at pressure height when its

volume has increased to equal the capacity of the balloon. As

the volume of a gas varies inversely with density, the reciprocal of

the ratio of the new volume to the old is the ratio of new density

to the old. Using Table I, interpolating if necessary, the altitude

may be found corresponding to this density.

If it is desired to ascend to some predetermined moderately

high altitude, there is no special merit in fully inflating the bag for

gas will start to escape immediately as the balloon rises. A par

tially inflated balloon on reaching its pressure height is exactly in

the same condition as if it had been fully inflated on the ground.

It should be noticed that there is a difference in maneuvering.

On the ground, the fully inflated bag has more lift so that more

ballast can be carried. In ascending with the full bag, ballast is

gradually dropped so that, when the altitude is reached correspond

ing to the pressure height of a partially inflated bag, the amount

of ballast remaining in each case would be the same. The bag

which was fully inflated on the ground can be brought up to any

desired altitude slowly. A bag only partially inflated on the

ground will have a constant upward accelerating force; there

fore there will be a constantly increasing upward velocity. Ar

riving at the pressure height, the balloon will have considerable

upward momentum, the product of its mass tunes its velocity,

and this momentum will tend to carry the balloon on upward

beyond its equilibrium point. At the equilibrium point, the lift

equals the weight. If momentum carries the balloon above its

pressure height, the gas having already expanded to fill the bag,

gas will be forced out and lift will decrease. Lift being less than

the weight, there is a downward accelerating force which acts

first to decelerate the upward velocity, and, when this has been

reduced to zero, the downward force will cause a downward ve

locity with ever-increasing speed. A skilful pilot will time his

actions so that, just when the balloon has reached its highest point

and is about to start on its downward plunge, just enough ballast

is thrown over so that the weight remaining equals the then-exist

ing lift.

Example. A 10,000-cu.-ft. free balloon is inflated with 8,000 cu. ft.

of pure hydrogen at the ground, temperature 59° F., pressure 29.92 in.

What is lift at 5,000-ft. altitude (temperature 45° F., pressure 24.8 in.)?

At 10,000-ft. altitude (temperature 15° F., pressure 21.1 in.)? What

is the pressure height?


At ground

L = 8,000 (0.07651 - 0.00532)

= 570 Ib.

At 5,000-ft. altitude: To determine if bag is full

v .. v ^ v Zl

Vi - K«pixn

= 8,000 2^-g- X 5jg

= 9,391 cu. ft. (volume at 5,000-ft. alt.)

L = 9,391 (0.07651 - 0.00532) *jj^ X |^j|

= 5701b.

At 10,000-ft. altitude: To determine if bag is full

v v Po v Tl

V\ = Vo'ET X .ffT

519 21 j

= 10,951 cu. ft. = volume of original gas at 10,000-ft.

altitude; i.e., 951 cu. ft. has escaped.

ciq 21 '!

L = 10,000 (0.07651 - 0.00532) ^ X ^2

- 549 Ib.

To find pressure height:

Pi _ 8,000

Po " 10,000

= 0.8

From Table I by interpolation Pi/Po is 0.8 at 7,075-ft. altitude.



(See Table I for pressures and temperatures at altitude)

1. A 10,000-cu.-ft. free balloon is inflated at the ground with 7,000

cu. ft. of pure hydrogen under standard atmospheric conditions.

(a) What is the lift at the ground? (6) What is the lift at 5,000-ft.


2. A 25,000-cu.-ft. free balloon is inflated at the ground with

15,000 cu. ft. of pure helium under standard atmospheric conditions.

(a) What is the lift at the ground? (6) What is the lift at 5,000-ft.

altitude? (c) What is the lift at 10,000-ft. altitude?

3. The total weight of a 20,000-cu.-ft. balloon, including bag,

basket, crew, instruments, and 300 Ib. ballast, but less gas, is 1,450 Ib.

The bag is filled with pure hydrogen on a day when the temperature is

65° F. and the barometer is 29.6 in. (a) How much ballast must be

dropped off in weighing-off, i.e., having weight just equal lift at the

ground? (6) How much more ballast must be dropped in order for the

bag to be in equilibrium at 5,000-ft. altitude?

4. The balloon described in problem 3 is inflated with only 18,000

cu. ft. of hydrogen under the same atmospheric conditions as in 3.

(a) How much ballast must be dropped in weighing-off? (6) What is

the pressure height? (c) How much more ballast must be dropped in

order to be in equilibrium at 5,000-ft. altitude?

Descent of a Free Balloon. In descending, the atmospheric

pressure increases. Any gas that has escaped from the appendix

or that has been valved is gone. When the balloon is in equilib

rium, if gas is valved, the lift becomes less than the weight, so that

balloon starts downward under an accelerating force which is the

excess of the weight over the lift. The effect of the increase in

atmospheric pressure while descending will be to decrease the

volume of the gas in the bag. The same weight of gas as at the

beginning of the descent will displace less and less volume of air,

but the density of the gas and air will increase as the volume

decreases. The lift will remain the same all the way down, and

there will therefore be a constant accelerating force downward

which will cause ever-increasing downward velocity.

The only way to check descent will be to introduce a decelerat

ing force, that is, an upward force. This can be accomplished

only by making the weight less than lift, which is done by dropping

ballast. The upward excess of lift will decrease the downward

speed to zero and then cause an upward acceleration.


If it is desired to descend to a definite altitude and remain there

in equilibrium, the pilot, after valving a slight amount of gas to

start descent, must drop ballast as he nears the desired altitude.

At the instant that his downward progress is checked completely

and before he starts to rise again, he must valve just enough gas

to gain equilibrium.

The faster the balloon is descending, the greater is the amount of

ballast needed to check the speed. A good pilot valves only a

little gas at a time, so that only a little ballast must be sacrificed in


In landing, the pilot comes down towards the ground, and at the

proper height, which he has learned by experience, the pilot tosses

over ballast so that his downward speed is zero when he is just a

few feet off the ground. At that instant, he is pulling the rip-

cord, which entirely opens one seam of the bag, completely empty

ing it of gas.

Example. A 10,000-cu.-ft. bag is full of hydrogen at 12,000-ft.

altitude (temperature 16.2° F., pressure 19.03 in.) and is in equilibrium.

(a) What is the total weight of the bag including ballast? (6) If 100

cu. ft. of gas is valved, what is the loss of lift at this altitude? (c) At

7,000-ft. altitude, what is the volume of the gas in the bag? (d) What

is lift at 7,000-ft. altitude? (e) What ballast must be dropped at

7,000-ft. altitude to secure equilibrium?


(a) Li2,ooo = 10,000 (0.07651 - 0.00532) ^. X


= 494 Ib.

(6) L = 100 (0.07651 - 0.00532)

1Q 0"?

= 51b.

1903 494

(c) 77>ooo = 9,900 X X

= 8,468 cu. ft.

(d) £7.o0o = 8468 (0.07651 - 0.00532) ^^ X ^

= 489 Ib.

(e) Ballast to be dropped W — LI,UUU = 5


OQ f)Q K1Q

1. A 30,000-cu.-ft. balloon is only partially inflated with 20,000

cu. ft. of pure hydrogen under standard atmospheric conditions at the


ground, (a) What is the lift at the ground? (6) What is the lift at

15,000-ft. altitude? (c) If balloon is in equilibrium at 15,000-ft.

altitude, what is excess weight after 150 cu. ft. of gas are valved?

(d) What is volume of bag after descending to 10,000-ft. altitude?

(e) What is lift at 10,000-ft. altitude?

2. A 20,000-cu.-ft. balloon is filled with pure helium at the ground

under standard atmospheric conditions. (a) What is the lift at the

ground? (6) What weight of ballast must be tossed over to rise to

5,000-ft. altitude; (c) to 10,000-ft. altitude? (d) If 200 cu. ft. of

helium are valved at 10,000-ft. altitude, what is the remaining lift?

(e) When balloon has descended to 5,000-ft. altitude, 200 cu. ft. addi

tional of helium are valved; what is the remaining lift?

Superheat. The sun's radiation consists not only of the long

heat waves but also of the shorter light and electric waves. It

is the heat radiation that warms the earth and to a smaller extent

the atmosphere.

Light radiation may change into heat radiation in passing

through surfaces. This effect may be noticed in a tent which has

the flaps down; the confined air is at a higher temperature than

the outside air because the light in passing through the tent fabric

is changed to heat. In greenhouses there is no ventilation, and

the air inside is hotter than outside, as the result of light changing

to heat in passing through the glass. Naturally the foregoing is

true only on sunny days. In free balloons, the sun shining on the

bag heats up the gas inside the bag to a higher temperature than

the surrounding air. This is called superheat.

Free balloons are suspended in air. If the air is moving, the

balloon travels with it. Air does not travel past the balloon;

the only heat lost is by direct conduction to the surrounding


Kite balloons are moored to the ground for observational pur

poses. In perfectly still air, the same conditions apply as in a

free balloon. If any breeze is blowing, the air passing the bal

loon takes up heat, so that any superheat is quickly lost, the

temperature of the gas being reduced to that of the surrounding

air. Dirigibles in motion are forcing their way through air, and

this air acts to cool off any superheat.

Superheat give additional lift to a balloon. It is a false,

treacherous lift, since if the sun goes behind a cloud or the sun

sets, the additional lift is quickly lost.


Black surfaces absorb heat and light; shiny surfaces reflect

heat and light. Balloons whose envelopes are of dark material

have been found to have in the center of the bag a temperature

70° hotter than the outer air. With lighter-colored surface the

superheat will be less.

The increase in temperature due to superheat will cause the gas

to expand. Below the pressure height, this will increase the full

ness of the bag; for a fully inflated bag, superheat will force out

gas; in either case, lift is increased.

If a balloon or airship is brought out of a hangar, the gas is

presumably at the same pressure and temperature as the atmos

phere. If the balloon is weighed-off immediately, the unit lift

is due to the difference in weight density of the air and gas at the

same temperature. Should the balloon stay on the ground with

the sun shining brightly, the gas will receive superheat and will

expand. The additional lift involves adding ballast to prevent the

balloon or airship from rising. The weight of ballast that must

be added exactly represents the additional lift due to superheat.

When rising, the balloon moves upward through the air, and this

air passing the envelope tends to cool it slightly.

The additional lift can be calculated if the number of degrees of

superheat is known. If the balloon is initially inflated, the in

creased temperature will cause expansion, reducing the density,

the volume being the same. If the balloon is only partially in

flated, the expansion of the gas will cause a greater displacement

of the bag until the bag is fully inflated. Further expansion will

cause gas to escape. For the partially inflated bag, gas expanding

but not escaping will not change the weight of the gas contained

in the envelope; more air will be displaced, however, so that the

lift will be increased.

It will be noted that, when a fully inflated bag is superheated,

the increase in lift is exactly equal to the weight of the gas forced

out of the bag by the expansion.

The finding of the increased lift from superheat is illustrated

by the following two examples.

Example. An 8,000-cu-ft. balloon is fully inflated with pure hydro

gen under standard conditions. What is the additional lift due to

superheat of 40°?


Lift without superheat = 8,000 (0.07651 - 0.00532)

= 569.5 Ib.

Weight of displaced air = 8,000 X 0.07651

= 612.1 Ib.


Weight of superheated gas = 8,000 X 0.00532 X ^

= 39.5 Ib.

Lift with superheat = 612.1 - 39.5

= 572.6 Ib.

Gain = 572.6 - 569.5

= 3.1 Ib.



Volume of superheated gas = 8,000 X FTQ

= 8,616 cu. ft.

Volume of escaping gas = 8,616 - 8,000

= 616 cu. ft.


Weight of escaping gas = 616 X 0.00532 X

Example. A 10,000-cu.-ft. balloon is inflated with 8,000 cu. ft.

of pure hydrogen under standard conditions. What is the additional

lift due to superheat of 40°?


Lift without superheat = 8,000 (0.07651 - 0.00532)

= 569.5 Ib.


Volume of superheated gas = 8,000 X gjg

= 8,616 cu. ft.

Weight of displaced air = 8,616 X 0.07651

= 659.2 Ib.

Weight of superheated gas = 8,000 X 0.00532

= 42.6 Ib.

Lift with superheat = 659.2 - 42.6

= 616.6 Ib.

Gain= 47.1 Ib.


1. A 10,000-cu-ft. hydrogen-filled balloon is brought out of the

hangar. Both air and hydrogen are at 29.9 in. pressure and 45° F.

temperature. (a) What is the lift? (6) Owing to sun's rays, the

hydrogen experiences 30° superheat; what is then the lift?


2. On a cold day a 25,000-cu.-ft. balloon is filled with pure hydrogen.

Air and gas are at 30.1 in. pressure and 18° F. temperature. (a) What

is the lift? (b) If the hydrogen is superheated 45° F., what is the lift?

3. A 10,000-cu.-ft. balloon contains 7,000 cu. ft. of pure hydrogen.

Air and gas are at 29.9 in. pressure and 70° F. temperature. (a) What

is lift? (b) What is lift if the hydrogen is superheated 35° F.?

4. A 10,000-cu.-ft. balloon contains 9,000 cu. ft. of pure helium.

Air and gas are at 29.9 in. pressure and 32° F. temperature. (a) What

is lift? (6) What is the lift if the helium is superheated 50° F.?

5. A 10,000-cu.-ft. balloon is full of hydrogen at 75° F. temperature.

Atmospheric pressure is 29.9 in. and atmospheric temperature is 40° F.

(a) What is lift? (b) What is the lift if the sun goes behind clouds and

the gas loses all its superheat?

Purity. Any gas which remains inside a balloon for any length

of time contains impurities owing to air seeping in through the

appendix and mixing with the gas and to other causes. Although

the impurities may be dry air, water vapor, carbon dioxide, or

other substances, only a slight error is involved if all impurities

are considered as being dry air.

The purity of a gas is defined as the ratio of the volume of pure

gas in the mixture to the total volume of impure gas. Considering

all impurities as being dry air, they merely support themselves and

furnish no lift. The impurities merely subtract from the total

volume of lifting gas. A volume of gas of x per cent purity is x

per cent of the volume of pure gas, giving lift, and (100 — x) per

cent of the volume of dry air giving no lift.

Example. A 10,000-cu.-ft. balloon is inflated with hydrogen of 95

per cent purity under standard conditions. What is the lift?


Gas is 95 per cent pure hydrogen

5 per cent dry air

Lift = 0.95 X 10,000 X (0.07651 - 0.00532)

= 676.3 Ib.


Weight of 9,500 cu. ft. of pure hydrogen = 9,500 X 0.00532

= 50.5 Ib.

Weight of 500 cu. ft. of dry air = 500 X 0.07651

= 38.3 Ib.

Weight of 10,000 cu. ft. of impure gas = 88.8 Ib.

Weight of 10,000 cu. ft. of displaced air = 10,000 X 0.07651 = 765.1 Ib.

Difference in weight of displaced air and gas = 676.3 Ib.


Non-Rigid Airship. A non-rigid airship is propelled through the

air by one or more engines. To reduce the drag resistance of this

motion, the gas bag is made of streamline shape. The rubberized

cloth is tailored to the correct shape, and the pressure inside the

bag is relied upon to fill out the bag properly. Use is made of two

or more ballonets to preserve the shape of the bag.

Without ballonets, a non-rigid airship, which might have been

fully inflated on the ground, on ascending would need to have gas

valved to prevent bursting, on descending would be flabby. In

free balloons there is no special objection to flabbiness; but in

dirigibles, flabbiness will destroy the streamline contour of the

envelope. Partial inflation means that the nose will be cupped or

dished in, increasing the drag enormously.

A ballonet is a bag or compartment in the main gas bag that is

formed by a diaphragm made of the same kind of gas-tight rub

berized cloth as the outer skin. The ballonet compartment is to

hold air, and it has a valve opening to the atmosphere. The

main gas bag is sealed to the outer air except for a gas valve used

only in emergency.

During inflation the ballonet is filled with air while the main

bag is being filled with gas. On rising, the expansion of the gas

causes the flexible wall of the ballonet chamber to collapse, expel

ling air. When the ballonet wall has entirely flattened out

against the skin of the envelope so that all the air has been ex

pelled, the non-rigid airship is at its pressure height. On descend

ing, air is introduced into the ballonet, thus maintaining the

rigidity of shape of the main envelope. To force air into the

ballonet a scoop hangs down from the ballonet with its open end

in the slipstream of the propeller. Sometimes a small auxiliary

blower is used to pump air into the ballonet.

If the non-rigid airship ever ascends above its pressure height,

gas will have to be valved, and on descending, even with full

ballonets, the main envelope will still be flabby. For this reason

great care needs to be exercised that pressure airships do not rise

to too great altitudes.

The aerostatics of pressure airships does not vary much from

that of free balloons below the pressure height, bearing in mind

that the air in the ballonets contributes no lift.

Superheat affects the operation of an non-rigid airship in the

following manner. Bringing the airship out of the hangar into the

bright sunshine, the pilot will notice immediately by his pressure

gage or manometer that the pressure inside the gas chamber is

increasing. The valve releasing air from the ballonet must be

opened at once to prevent the gas bag from bursting. Each

pound of air valved increases the lift by 1 Ib.

When the airship starts to move forward, the superheat is

reduced by the air circulating past the outside of the envelope.

The gas contracts, air is forced into the ballonet, lift is reduced, and

therefore ballast must be discarded.

The ballonet capacity is small compared with the gas capacity

of an airship. Because air is heavier than the gas, the ballonets

are always located on the lower side of the hull. In this location

the sun's rays do not shine on the ballonets but on the upper side

of the hull; any heating of the air would be by direct conduction

from the warm gas through the separating wall to the air. Any

heating of the air would add to the lift in the same way that lift

was obtained in the old-style hot-air balloons; ordinarily this

additional lift is so small that it is neglected.

Example. A non-rigid airship of 200,000 cu.-ft.-capacity is brought

out of the hangar. Atmospheric temperature is 50° F. and pressure

is 30.2 in. Ballonets have 40,000-cu.-ft. capacity. How much added

lift will the dirigible pick up if gas is superheated 30° F. before take



Volume of unsuperheated gas = 200,000 - 40,000

= 160,000 cu. ft.

Original lift = 160,000 (0.07651 -0.00532) )Xs^i

= ll,7001b.


Volume of superheated gas = 160,000 X ^TQ

= 169,410 cu. ft.

Volume of displaced air = 169,410 - 160,000

= 9,410 cu. ft.

Weight of displaced air = 9,410 X 0.07651 X ^ X


= 738 Ib. gain in lift


Qf) 9

OlU _.'..*

519 30 2

Original lift = 160,000 (0.07651 -0.00532) ^ X ^g

= 1 1,700 Ib.

Weight of air displaced after superheat = 169,410 X0.07651 X ^ X^R

El O Of) O

OiU _.*.,)

= 13,314 Ib.

Weight of gas after superheat = 160,000 X 0.00532 XJ^X^

= 8741b.

Lift after superheat = 13,314 - 874

= 12,440 Ib.

Gain in lift = 12,440 - 11,700

= 740 Ib.


cin on o

1. A non-rigid airship of 300,000-cu.-ft. capacity has its 50,000-

cu.-ft. ballonets full of air; the remaining space is filled with hydrogen

at standard conditions. What is the pressure height?

2. A non-rigid airship of 225,000-cu.-ft. capacity has its 30,000-

cu.-ft. ballonets full of air. The airship is inflated with pure helium.

Air and gas are at 60° F. temperature and 30.1 in. pressure, (a) What

is the lift if there is no superheat? (6) What is the lift with 20° F.


3. A non-rigid airship of 200,000-cu.-ft. capacity is filled with

hydrogen of 95 per cent purity; ballonets are 25,000-cu.-ft. capacity;

superheat is 35° F. (a) What is the total lift? (6) How much ballast

must be tossed over when all superheat is lost?

Rigid Airships. A rigid airship has a metal framework which

consists of a series of huge rings of varying diameter connected by

longitudinal girders extending from the nose to the tail. During

the war, for ease and cheapness in construction, the rings, except

for those at the nose and tail, were of the same diameter. This

gave the " pencil-shape " to the war-time Zeppelins. The modern

Zepps have a nicely streamlined contour even though this requires

separate design of each ring and more intricate tailoring of the


There are three keels running lengthwise of the modern rigid

ship. The framework of these keels is triangular in cross-section,

permitting their use as passageways from stem to stern. In

addition to these keels and other longitudinal members, the struc

ture is braced by a multiplicity of wires and cross-pieces.

The gas is contained in ten to twenty individual cells instead of

one large cell as in the pressure-type airship. This gives pro

tection similar to the bulkheads of marine vessels: if one or two



cells become punctured, the remaining cells will have sufficient

buoyancy to keep the ship in the air. A network of wires around

each cell prevents undue expansion.

Over the entire framework is stretched the outer cover, which is

a doped fabric designed to reflect heat and give a smooth flying

surface. The air space between the outer cover and the walls of

the gas cells acts as ventilation space.

The cells are only partially inflated on the ground so that

expansion of the gas may take place when the airship rises.

Flabbiness of the gas cells is permissible in the rigid type, since the

streamline shape is preserved by the framework and outer cover.

The dimensions of three famous rigid airships are given below.



Nominal gas volume (cu. ft.) 2,470,000

Over-all length (ft.) 658

Maximum diameter (ft.) 91

Slenderness ratio 7.2

Gross lift (Ib.) 153,000

Useful lift (Ib.) 60,000

Maximum velocity (miles per hour).. 73


CHANDLER and DIEHL, Balloon and Airship Gases.

WARNER, Aerostatics.

BLAKEMORE and PAGON, Pressure Airships.

BURGESS, Airship Design.

U. S. Army Air Corps, TR 1170-295.




(From N.A.C.A.-T.R. 474)

accelerometer — An instrument that measures the accelerations of an aircraft

in a defined direction,

acrobatics — Evolutions voluntarily performed with an aircraft other than

those required for normal flight.

adjustable propeller — See propeller, adjustable.

aerodynamic center, wing section — A point located on or near the chord of

the mean line approximately one-quarter of the chord length aft of the

leading edge and about which the moment coefficient is practically


aerodynamics — The branch of dynamics that treats of the motion of air and

other gaseous fluids and of the forces acting on solids in motion relative

to such fluids.

aerostatics — The science that treats of the equilibrium of gaseous fluids and

of bodies immersed in them.

aileron — A hinged or movable portion of an airplane wing, the primary func

tion of which is to impress a rolling motion on the airplane. It is usually

part of the trailing edge of a wing.

Prise aileron — An aileron having the nose portion projecting ahead of

the hinge axis, the lower surface being in line with the lower surface of

the wing. When the trailing edge of the aileron is raised, the nose por

tion protrudes below the lower surface of the wing, increasing the drag.

airfoil — Any surface, such as an airplane wing, aileron, or rudder,'designed

to obtain reaction from the air through which it moves.

airfoil profile. — The outline of an airfoil section,

airfoil section — A cross-section of an airfoil parallel to the plane of symmetry

or to a specified reference plane.

airplane — A mechanically driven fixed-wing aircraft, heavier than air, which

is supported by the dynamic reaction of the air against its wings.

canard airplane — A type of airplane having the horizontal stabilizing and

control surfaces in front of the main supporting surfaces.

pusher airplane — An airplane with the propeller or propellers aft of the

main supporting surfaces.

tailless airplane — An airplane in which the devices used to obtain stability

and control are incorporated in the wing,

tractor airplane — An airplane with the propeller or propellers forward

of the main supporting surfaces.

airship — An aerostat provided with a propelling system and with means of

controlling the direction of motion. A dirigible balloon; lighter than the



non-rigid airship — An airship whose form is maintained by the internal

pressure in the gas bags and ballonets.

rigid airship — An airship whose form is maintained by a rigid struc


semi-rigid airship — An airship whose shape is maintained by means of

a rigid or jointed keel in conjunction with internal pressure in the gas

containers and ballonets.

air speed — The speed of an aircraft relative to the air.

airspeed head — An instrument which, in combination with a gage, is used

to measure the speed of an aircraft relative to the air. It usually con

sists of a Pitot.static tube or a Pitot-Venturi tube.

airway — An air route along which aids to air navigation, such as landing

fields, beacon lights, radio direction-finding facilities, intermediate fields,

etc., are maintained.

airworthiness — The quality of an aircraft denoting its fitness and safety for

operation in the air under normal flying conditions.

altimeter — An instrument that measures the elevation of an aircraft above a

given datum plane.


absolute altitude — The height of an aircraft above the earth.

density altitude — The altitude corresponding to a given density in a

standard atmosphere.

pressure altitude — (1) The altitude corresponding to a given pressure in a

standard atmosphere. (2) The altitude at which the gas bags of an

airship become full,

amphibian — An airplane designed to rise from and alight on either land or



aileron angle — The angular displacement of an aileron from its neutral

position. It is positive when the trailing edge of the aileron is below the

neutral position.

blade angle — The acute angle between the chord of a section of a propeller

and a plane perpendicular to the axis of rotation.

dihedral angle — The acute angle between a line perpendicular to the plane

of symmetry and the projection of the wing axis on a plane perpendicular

to the longitudinal axis of the airplane. If the wing axis is not approxi

mately a straight line, the angle is measured from the projection of a line

joining the intersection of the wing axis with the plane of symmetry and

the aerodynamic center of the half-wing on either side of the plane of


downwash angle — The angle through which an air stream is deflected by

any lifting surface. It is measured in a plane parallel to the plane of


drift angle — The horizontal angle between the longitudinal axis of an

aircraft and its path relative to the'ground.

elevator angle — The angular displacement of the elevator from its neutral

position. It is positive when the trailing edge of the elevator is below

the neutral position.


gliding angle — The angle between the flight path during a glide and a

horizontal axis fixed relative to the air.

zero-lift angle — The angle of attack of an airfoil when its lift is zero,

angle of attack — The acute angle between a reference line in a body and the

line of the relative wind direction projected on a plane containing the

reference line and parallel to the plane of symmetry.

absolute angle of attack — The angle of attack of an airfoil, measured from

the attitude of zero lift.

critical angle of attack — The angle of attack at which the flow about an

airfoil changes abruptly as shown by corresponding abrupt changes in the

lift and drag.

effective angle of attack — See angle of attack for infinite aspect ratio.

induced angle of attack — The difference between the actual angle of attack

and the angle of attack for infinite aspect ratio of an airfoil for the same

lift coefficient.

angle of attack for infinite aspect ratio — The angle of attack at which an

airfoil produces a given lift coefficient in a two-dimensional flow. Also

called " effective angle of attack."

area, equivalent flat-plate — The area of a square flat plate, normal to the

direction of motion, which offers the same amount of resistance to motion

as the body or combination of bodies under consideration,

area, measurement of (performance calculations):

horizontal tail area — The horizontal tail area is measured in the same

manner as the wing area, that is, with no deduction for the area blanketed

by the fuselage, such blanketed area being bounded within the fuselage

by lateral straight lines that connect the intersections of the leading and

trailing edges of the stabilizer with the sides of the fuselage, the fairings

and fillets being ignored.

vertical tail area — The area of the actual outline of the rudder and the fin

projected in the vertical plane, the fairings and fillets being ignored.

wing area — Wing area is measured from the projection of the actual outline

on the plane of the chords, without deduction for area blanketed by fuse

lage or nacelles. That part of the area, so determined, which lies within

the fuselage or nacelles is bounded by two lateral lines that connect the

intersections of the leading and trailing edges with the fuselage or na

celle, ignoring fairings and fillets. For the purpose of calculating area, a

wing is considered to extend without interruption through the fuselage

and nacelles. Unless otherwise stated, wing area always refers to total

area including ailerons.

area, propeller-disk — The total area swept by a propeller; i.e., the area of a

circle having the same diameter as the propeller.

aspect ratio — The ratio of the span to the mean chord of an airfoil; i.e., the

ratio of the square of the span to the total area of an airfoil.

effective aspect ratio — The aspect ratio of an airfoil of elliptical plan

form that, for the same lift coefficient, has the same induced-drag coeffi

cient as the airfoil, or the combination of airfoils, in question,


standard atmosphere — An arbitrary atmosphere used in comparing the


performance of aircraft. The standard atmosphere in use in the United

States at present represents very nearly the average conditions found at

latitude 40° and is completely defined in N.A.C.A. Report 218.

autogiro — A type of rotor plane whose support in the air is chiefly derived

from airfoils rotated about an approximately vertical axis by aerody

namic forces, and in which the fill on opposite sides of the plane of sym

metry is equalized by the vertical oscillation of the blades.

automatic pilot — An automatic control mechanism for keeping an aircraft in

level flight and on a set course. Sometimes called " gyro pilot," " me

chanical pilot," or " robot pilot."

axes of an aircraft — Three fixed lines of reference, usually centroidal and

mutually perpendicular. The horizontal axis in the plane of symmetry is

called the longitudinal axis; the axis perpendicular to this in the plane of

symmetry is called the normal axis; and the third axis perpendicular to

the other two is called the lateral axis. In mathematical discussions, the

first of these axes, drawn from rear to front, is called the X axis; the

second, drawn downward, the Z axis; and the third, running from left

to right, the Y axis.

axis, wing — The locus of the aerodynamic centers of all the wing sec


balance — A condition of steady flight in which the resultant force and mo

ment on the airplane are zero.

bank — The position of an airplane when its lateral axis is inclined to the

horizontal. A right bank is the position with the lateral axis inclined

downward to the right.

bank — To incline an airplane laterally; i.e., to rotate it about its longi

tudinal axis.

biplane — An airplane with two main supporting surfaces placed one above

the other.

blade element — A portion of a propeller blade contained between the sur

faces of two cylinders coaxial with the propeller cutting the propeller


blade face — The surface of a propeller blade that corresponds to the lower

surface of an airfoil. Sometimes called " thrust face " or " driving face."

blade section — A cross-section of a propeller blade made at any point by a

plane parallel to the axis of rotation of the propeller and tangent at the

centroid of the section to an arc drawn with the axis of rotation as ite


boundary layer — A layer of fluid, close to the surface of a body placed in a

moving stream, in which the impact pressure is reduced as a result of the

viscosity of the fluid.

camber — The rise of the curve of an airfoil section, usually expressed as the

ratio of the departure of the curve from a straight line joining the ex

tremities of the curve to the length of this straight line. " Upper camber"

refers to the upper surface; " lower camber " to the lower surface; and

" mean camber " to the mean line of the section.


absolute ceiling — The maximum height above sea level at which a given

airplane would be able to maintain horizontal flight under standard air


service ceiling — The height above sea level, under standard air conditions,

at which a given airplane is unable to climb faster than a small specified

rate (100 ft. per min. in the United States and England). This specified

rate may differ in different countries.

cellule (or cell) — In an airplane, the entire structure of the wings and wing

trussing of the whole airplane on one side of the fuselage, or between

fuselages or nacelles if there are more than one.

center of pressure of an airfoil — The point in the chord of an airfoil, pro

longed if necessary, which is at the intersection of the chord and the line

of action of the resultant air force.

center-of-pressure coefficient — The ratio of the distance of the center of

pressure from the leading edge to the chord length.

center section — The central panel of a wing; in the case of a continuous wing

or any wing having no central panel, the limits of the center section are

arbitrarily defined by the location of points of attachment to the cabane

struts or fuselage.

chord — An arbitrary datum line from which the ordinates and angles of an

airfoil are measured. It is usually the straight line tangent to the lower

surface at two points, the straight line joining the ends of the mean line,

or the straight line between the leading and trailing edges.

chord, mean aerodynamic — The chord of an imaginary airfoil which would

have force vectors throughout the flight range identical with those of

the actual wing or wings.

chord length — The length of the projection of the airfoil profile on its chord.

cockpit — An open space in an airplane for the accommodation of pilots or

passengers. When completely enclosed, such a space is usually called

a cabin.

control column — A lever having a rotatable wheel mounted at its upper end

for operating the longitudinal and lateral control surfaces of an airplane.

This type of control is called " wheel control."

controllability — The quality of an aircraft that determines the ease of operat

ing its controls and/or the effectiveness of displacement of the controls

in producing change in its attitude in flight.

decalage —. The difference between the angular settings of the wings of a bi

plane or multiplane. The decalage is measured by the acute angle

between the chords in a plane parallel to the plane of symmetry. The

decalage is considered positive if the upper wing is set at the larger angle.

dive — A steep descent, with or without power, in which the airspeed is greater

than the maximum speed in horizontal flight.

down.wash — The air deflected perpendicular to the direction of motion of an


drag — The component of the total air force on a body parallel to the relative


Induced drag — That part of the drag induced by the lift;

parasite drag — That portion of the drag of an aircraft exclusive of the

induced drag of the wings.


profile drag — The difference between the total wing drag and the induced


profile drag, effective — The difference between the total wing drag and the

induced drag of a wing with the same geometric aspect ratio but ellip-

tically loaded.

drag force or component (stress analysis) — A force or component, in the

drag direction, i.e., parallel to the relative wing.

drag strut — A fore-and-aft compression member of the internal bracing

system of an aircraft.

dynamic pressure — The product \p V, where p is the density of the air

and V is the relative speed of the air.


compression-ignition engine — A type of engine in which the fuel is sprayed

into the cylinder and ignited by the heat of compression of the air charge.

right-hand engine — An engine whose propeller shaft, to an observer facing

the propeller from the engine end of the shaft, rotates in a clockwise


supercharged engine — An engine with a compressor for increasing the air

or mixture charge taken into the cylinder beyond that inducted normally

at the existing atmospheric pressure.

engine, dry weight of — The weight of an engine exclusive of fuel, oil, and

liquid coolant.

engine weight per horsepower — The dry weight of an engine divided by the

rated horsepower.

equivalent monoplane — A monoplane wing equivalent as to its lift and drag

properties to any combination of two or more wings.

fairing — An auxiliary member or structure whose primary function is to re

duce the drag of the part to which it is fitted.

fin — A fixed or adjustable airfoil, attached to an aircraft approximately paral

lel to the plane of symmetry, to afford directional stability; for example,

tail fin, skid fin, ete.

fineness ratio — The ratio of the length to the maximum diameter of a stream

line body, as an airship hull.

fishtail — A colloquial term describing the motion made when the tail of an

airplane is swung from side to side to reduce speed in approaching the

ground for a landing.

flap — A hinged or pivoted airfoil forming the rear portion of an airfoil,

used to vary the effective camber.

split flap — A hinged plate forming the rear upper or lower portion of an

airfoil. The lower portion may be deflected downward to give increased

lift and drag; the upper portion may be raised over a portion of the wing

for the purpose of lateral control.

flight path — The flight path of the center of gravity of an aircraft with refer

ence to a frame fixed relative to the air or with reference to the earth.


laminar flow — A particular type of streamline flow. The term is usually

applied to the flow of a viscous liquid near solid boundaries, when the

flow is not turbulent.


streamline flow — A fluid flow in which the streamlines, except those very

near a body and in a narrow wake, do not change with time.

turbulent flow — Any part of a fluid flow in which the velocity at a given

point varies more or less rapidly in magnitude and direction with time.

flutter — An oscillation of definite period but unstable character set up in any

part of an aircraft by a momentary disturbance, and maintained by a

combination of the aerodynamic, inertial, and elastic characteristics of

the member itself.

fuselage —The body, of approximately streamline form, to which the wings

and tail unit of an airplane are attached.

monocoque fuselage — A fuselage construction which relies on the strength

of the skin or shell to carry either the shear or the load due to bending

momenta. Monocoques may be divided into three classes (reinforced

shell, semi-monocoque, and monocoque), and different portions of the

same fuselage may belong to any one of these classes. The reinforced

shell has the skin reinforced by a complete framework of structural

members. The semi-monocoque has the skin reinforced by longerons and

vertical bulkheads, but has no diagonal web members. The monocoque

has as its only reinforcement vertical bulkheads formed of structural


gap —The distance separating two adjacent wings of a multiplane.

glide — To descend at a normal angle of attack with little or no thrust.

ground loop — An uncontrollable violent turn of an airplane while taxying, or

during the landing or take-off run.

horn — A short lever attached to a control surface of an aircraft, to which

the operating wire or rod is connected.

horsepower of an engine, rated — The average horsepower developed by a

given type of engine at the rated speed when operating at full throttle

or at a specified altitude or manifold pressure.

Immelman turn, normal — A maneuver made by completing the first half of a

normal loop, then, from the inverted position at the top of the loop, half-

rolling the airplane to the level position, thus obtaining a 180° change

in direction simultaneously with a gain in altitude.

impact pressure — The pressure acting at the forward stagnation point of a

body, such as a Pitot tube, placed in an air current. Impact pressure

may be measured from an arbitrary datum pressure.

inclinometer — An instrument that measures the attitude of an aircraft with

respect to the horizontal.

induction system, rotary — A carburetor induction system used on radial

engines, in which a rotary fan assists in distributing the fuel charge to the


instability, spiral — A type of instability, inherent in certain airplanes, which

becomes evident when the airplane assumes too great a bank and side

slips; the bank continues to increase and the radius of the turn to decrease.

instrument flying — The art of controlling an aircraft solely by the use of

instruments; sometimes called " blind flying."

Interceptor — A lateral-control device consisting of a small plate placed just

back of a wing slot to spoil the effect of the slot at high angles of attack.

interference — The aerodynamic influence of two or more bodies on one


landing gear — The understructure which supports the weight of an aircraft

when in contact with the land or water and which usually contains a mech

anism for reducing the shock of landing. Also called " undercarriage."

retractable landing gear — A type of landing gear which may be withdrawn

into the body or wings of an airplane while it is in flight, in order to re

duce the parasite drag.

leading edge — The foremost edge of an airfoil or propeller blade,

level-off — To make the flight path of an airplane horizontal after a climb,

glide, or dive.

lift: dynamic — The component of the total aerodynamic force on a body per

pendicular to the relative wind.

lift/drag ratio — The ratio of the lift to the drag of any body,


full load — Weight empty plus useful load; also called gross weight.

pay .load — That part of the useful load from which revenue is derived, viz.,

passengers and freight.

useful load — The crew and passengers, oil and fuel, ballast other than

emergency, ordnance, and portable equipment.


power loading — The gross weight of an airplane divided by the rated horse

power of the engine computed for air of standard density, unless otherwise


span loading — The ratio of the weight of an airplane to its equivalent

monoplane span.

unsymmetrical loading (stress analysis) — A design loading condition for

the wings and connecting members, representing the conditions as in a


wing loading — The gross weight of an airplane divided by the wing area.

longeron — A principal longitudinal member of the framing of an airplane

fuselage or nacelle, usually continuous across a number of points of


loop — A maneuver executed in such a manner that the airplane follows a

closed curve approximately in a vertical plane.

maneuverability — That quality in an aircraft which determines the rate at

which its altitude and direction of flight can be changed.

mean line (of an airfoil profile) — An intermediate line between the upper and

lower contours of the profile.

mixture control, altitude — A device on the carburetor for regulating the

weight proportions of air and fuel supplied to the engine at different


monoplane — An airplane with but one main supporting surface, sometimes

divided into two parts by the fuselage.

high-wing monoplane — A monoplane in which the wing is located at, or

near, the top of the fuselage.

low-wing monoplane — A monoplane in which the wing is located at, or

near, the bottom of the fuselage.


midwing monoplane — A monoplane in which the wing is located approxi

mately midway between the top and bottom of the fuselage,

parasol monoplane — A monoplane in which the wing is above the fuselage.

multiplane — An airplane with two or more main supporting surfaces placed

one above another.

nacelle — An enclosed shelter for personnel or for a power plant. A nacelle

is usually shorter than a fuselage, and does not carry the tail unit.

nose-down — To depress the nose of an airplane in flight.

nose-over — A colloquial expression referring to the accidental turning over

of an airplane on its nose when landing.

oleo gear — A type of oil-damping device that depends on the flow of oil

through an orifice for its shock-absorbing effect in a landing gear.


phugoid oscillation — A long-period oscillation characteristic of the dis

turbed longitudinal motion of an aircraft.

stable oscillation — An oscillation whose amplitude does not increase,

unstable oscillation — An oscillation whose amplitude increases continu

ously until an attitude is reached from which there is no tendency to

return toward the original attitude, the motion becoming a steady


over-all length — The distance from the extreme front to the extreme rear of

an aircraft, including the propeller and tail unit.

overhang — (1) One-half the difference in span of any two main supporting

surfaces of an airplane. The overhang is positive when the upper of the

two main supporting surfaces has the larger span. (2) The distance from

the outer strut attachment to the tip of a wing.

overshoot — To fly beyond a designated mark or area, such as a landing field,

while attempting to land on the mark or within the area.

panel (airplane) — A portion of an airplane wing constructed separately from

the rest of the wing to which it is attached.

pitch — An angular displacement about an axis parallel to the lateral axis of

an aircraft.

pitch of a propeller:

effective pitch — The distance an aircraft advances along its flight path for

one revolution of the propeller.

geometrical pitch — The distance an element of a propeller would advance

in one revolution if it were moving along a helix having an angle equal to

its blade angle.

zero-thrust pitch — The distance a propeller would have to advance in

one revolution to give no thrust. Also called " experimental mean pitch.''

pitch ratio (propeller) — The ratio of the pitch to the diameter.

pitot-static tube — A parallel or coaxial combination of a Pitot and a static

tube. The difference between the impact pressure and the static pressure

is a function of the velocity of flow past the tube.

Pitot tube — A cylindrical tube with an open end pointed upstream, used in

measuring impact pressure.

Pitot-Venturi tube — A combination of a Pitot and a Venturi tube.

plane (or hydroplane) — To move through the water at such a speed that the

support derived is due to hydrodynamic and aerodynamic rather than to

hydrostatic forces.

plan form, developed — The plan of an airfoil as drawn with the chord lines

at each section rotated about the airfoil axis into a plane parallel to the

plane of projection and with the airfoil axis rotated and developed and

projected into the plane of projection,

plan form, projected — The contour as viewed from above.

profile thickness — The maximum distance between the upper and lower

contours of an airfoil, measured perpendicularly to the mean line of the


propeller — Any device for propelling a craft through a fluid, such as water

or air; especially a device having blades which, when mounted on a

power-driven shaft, produce a thrust by their action on the fluid.

adjustable propeller — A propeller whose blades are so attached to the

hub that the pitch may be changed while the propeller is at rest.

automatic propeller — A propeller whose blades are attached to a mechanism

that automatically sets them at their optimum pitch for various flight


controllable propeller — A propeller whose blades are so mounted that

the pitch may be changed while the propeller is rotating.

geared propeller — A propeller driven through gearing, generally at some

speed other than the engine speed.

pusher propeller — A propeller mounted on the rear end of the engine or

propeller shaft.

tractor propeller — A propeller mounted on the forward end of the engine

or propeller shaft.

propeller efficiency — The ratio of the thrust power to the input power of a


propeller rake — The mean angle which the line joining the centroids of the

sections of a propeller blade makes with a plane perpendicular to the axis.

propeller root — That part of the propeller blade near the hub.

propeller thrust — The component of the total air force on the propeller which

is parallel to the direction of advance.

propeller thrust, effective — The net driving force developed by a propeller

when mounted on an aircraft, i.e., the actual thrust exerted by the

propeller, as mounted on an airplane, minus any increase in the resistance

of the airplane due to the action of the propeller.

propeller thrust, static — The thrust developed by a propeller when rotating

without translation.

propeller tipping — A protective covering of the blade of a propeller near the


propulsive efficiency — The ratio of the product of the effective thrust and

flight speed to the actual power input into the propeller as mounted on

the airplane.

pull-out — The maneuver of transition from a dive to horizontal flight.

pull-up — A maneuver, in the vertical plane, in which the airplane is forced

into a short climb, usually from approximately level flight (ef. zoom).

sudden pull-up (or sudden pull-out) (stress analysis) — A loading con-

dition for the tail surfaces resulting from a sudden application of up-

elevator (cf. dive),

purity (of gas) — The ratio of the partial pressure of the aerostatic gas in the

container to the total pressure of all the contained gases.

range, maximum — The maximum distance a given aircraft can cover under

given conditions, by flying at the economical speed and altitude at all

stages of the flight.

range at maximum speed — The maximum distance a given aircraft can By

at full speed at the altitude for maximum speed under given conditions.

rate-of-climb indicator — An instrument that indicates the rate of ascent or

descent of an aircraft.

Reynolds number — A non-dimensional coefficient used as a measure of the

dynamic scale of a flow. Its usual form is the fraction Vl/v in which V

is the velocity of the fluid, I is a linear dimension of a body in the fluid,

and v is the kinematic viscosity of the fluid (cf. scale effect),

righting or restoring moment — A moment that tends to restore an aircraft

to its previous attitude after any small rotational displacement.

ring cowling — A ring-shaped cowling placed around a radial air-cooled engine

to reduce its drag and improve cooling.

toll — A maneuver in which a complete revolution about the longitudinal

axis is made, the horizontal direction of flight being approximately


aileron roll — A roll in which the motion is largely maintained by forces

arising from the displacement of the aileron,

outside roll — A roll executed while flying in the negative angle-of-attack


snap roll — A roll executed by a quick movement of the controls, in which

the motion is largely maintained by autorotational couples on the wings.

rudder — A hinged or movable auxiliary airfoil on an aircraft, the function of

which is to impress a yawing moment on the aircraft.

rudder bar — The foot bar by means of which the control cables leading to

the rudder are operated.

scale effect — The change in any force coefficient, such as the drag coefficient,

due to a change in the value of Reynolds number.

seaplane — An airplane designed to rise from and alight on the water.

sesquiplane — A form of biplane in which the area of one wing is less than half

the area of the other.

sideslipping — Motion of an aircraft relative to the air, in which the lateral

axis is inclined and the airplane has a velocity component along the lateral

axis. When it occurs in connection with a turn, it is ,the opposite of


sinking speed — The vertical downward component of velocity that an air

craft would have while descending in still air under given conditions of


slip — The difference between the geometrical pitch and the effective pitch

of a propeller. Slip may be expressed as a percentage of the mean geo

metrical pitch, or as a linear dimension.

slip function — The ratio of the speed of advance through the undisturbed

air to the product of the propeller diameter and the number of revolutions

per unit time: V/nD.

slipstream — The current of air driven astern by a propeller.

slot — The nozzle-shaped passage through a wing whose primary object is to

improve the flow conditions at high angles of attack. It is usually near

the leading edge and formed by a main and an auxiliary airfoil,

span — The maximum distance, measured parallel to the lateral axis, from

tip to tip of an airfoil, of an airplane wing inclusive of ailerons, or of a

stabilizer inclusive of elevator.

effective span — The true span of a wing less corrections for tip loss.


ground speed — The horizontal component of the velocity of an aircraft

relative to the ground.

landing speed — The minimum speed of an airplane at the instant of con

tact with the landing area in a normal landing.

minimum flying speed — The lowest steady speed that can be maintained,

with any throttle setting whatsoever, by an airplane in level flight at

an altitude above the ground greater than the span of the wings.

rated engine speed — The rotative speed of an engine at which its reliability

has been determined for continuous performance.

stalling speed — The speed of an airplane in steady flight at its maximum

coefficient of lift.

take-off speed — The airspeed at which an airplane becomes entirely air


spin — A maneuver in which an airplane descends along a helical path of large

pitch and small radius while flying at a mean angle of attack greater than

the angle of attack at maximum lift (ff. spiral),

flat spin — A spin in which the longitudinal axis is less than 45° from the


inverted spin — A maneuver having the characteristics of a normal spin

except that the airplane is in an inverted attitude.

normal spin — A spin which is continued by reason of the voluntary po

sition of the control surfaces, recovery from which can be effected within

two turns by neutralizing or reversing all the controls. Sometimes

called " controlled spin."

uncontrolled spin — A spin in which the controls are of little or no use

in effecting a recovery.

spinner — A fairing of approximately conical or paraboloidal share, which is

fitted coaxially with the propeller hub and revolves with the propeller.

spiral — A maneuver in which an airplane descends in a helix of small pitch

and large radius, the angle of attack being within the normal range of

flight angles.

split S — A maneuver consisting of a half snap roll followed by a pull-out

to normal flight, thus obtaining a 180° change in direction accompanied

by a loss of altitude.

spoiler — A small plate arranged to project above the upper surface of a wing

to disturb the smooth air flow, with consequent loss of lift and increase of


stability — That property of a body which causes it, when its equilibrium is

disturbed, to develop forces or moments tending to restore the original


automatic stability — Stability dependent upon movable control surfaces

automatically operated by mechanical means.

directional stability — Stability with reference to disturbances about the

normal axis of an aircraft, i.e., disturbances which tend to cause yawing,

dynamic stability — That property of an aircraft which causes it, when its

state of steady flight is disturbed, to damp the oscillations set up by the

restoring forces and momenta and gradually return to its original state.

inherent stability — Stability of an aircraft due solely to the disposition

and arrangement of its fixed parts; i.e., that property which causes it,

when disturbed, to return to its normal attitude of flight without the use

of the controls or the interposition of any mechanical device.

lateral stability — Stability with reference to disturbances about the longi

tudinal axis.

longitudinal stability — Stability with reference to disturbances in the plane

of symmetry; i.e., disturbances involving pitching and variation of the

longitudinal and normal velocities.

static stability — That property of an aircraft which causes it, when its

state of steady flight is disturbed, to develop forces and moments tending

to restore its original condition.

stabilizer (airplane) — Any airfoil whose primary function is to increase the

stability of an aircraft. It usually refers to the fixed horizontal surface.

stagger — A term referring to the longitudinal position of the axes of two

wings of an airplane. Stagger of any section is measured by the acute

angle between a line joining the wing axes and a line perpendicular to the

upper wing chord, both lines lying in a plane parallel to the plane of sym

metry. The stagger is positive when the upper wing is in advance of the


stall — The condition of an airfoil or airplane in which it is operating at an

angle of attack greater than the angle of attack of maximum lift.

static pressure — The force per unit area exerted by a fluid on a surface at

rest relative to the fluid.

streamline — The path of a particle of a fluid, supposedly continuous, com

monly taken relative to a solid body past which the fluid is moving;

generally used only of such flows as are not eddying.

streamline form — The form of a body so shaped that the flow about it tends

to be a streamline flow.

strut — A compression member of a truss frame.

supercharge — To supply an engine with more air or mixture than would be

inducted normally at the prevailing atmospheric pressure. The term

supercharged is generally used to refer to conditions at altitudes where the

pressure in the intake manifold is partly or completely restored to that

existing under normal operation at sea-level.

supercharger — A pump for supplying the engine with a greater weight of air

or mixture than would normally be inducted at the prevailing atmos

pheric pressure.

centrifugal-type supercharger — A high-speed rotary blower equipped with

one or more multiblade impellers which, through centrifugal action,

compress the air or mixture in the induction system,

positive-driven-type supercharger — A supercharger driven at a fixed ratio

from the engine shaft by gears or other positive means.

Roots-type supercharger — A positive-displacement rotary blower con

sisting of two double-lobed impellers turning in opposite directions on

parallel shafts within a housing, the impellers rolling together except for

a small clearance, meanwhile alternately trapping incoming air or mix

ture in the ends of the housing and sweeping it through to the outlet.

sweepback — The acute angle between a line perpendicular to the plane of

symmetry and the pjan projection of a reference line in the wing.

tachometer — An instrument that measures in revolutions per minute the

rate at which the crankshaft of an engine turns.

tail, airplane — The rear part of an airplane, usually consisting of a group

of stabilizing planes, or fins, to which are attached certain controlling

surfaces such as elevators and rudders; also called " empennage."

tail boom — A spar or outrigger connecting the tail surfaces and the main

supporting surfaces.

tailheavy — The condition of an airplane in which the tail tends to sink when

the longitudinal control is released in any given attitude of normal


tail skid — A skid for supporting the tail of an airplane on the ground.

take-off — The act of beginning flight in which an airplane is accelerated from

a state of rest to that of normal flight. In a more restricted sense, the

final breaking of contact with the land or water.

taper in plan only — A gradual change (usually a decrease) in the chord

length along the wing span from the root to the tip, with the wing sections

remaining geometrically similar.

taper in thickness ratio only — A gradual change in the thickness ratio along

the wing span with the chord remaining constant.

taxi — To operate an airplane under its own power, either on land or on

water, except as necessarily involved in take-off or landing.

thickness ratio — The ratio of the maximum thickness of an airfoil section to

its chord.

trailing edge — The rearmost edge of an airfoil or of a propeller blade.

turn indicator — An instrument for indicating the existence and approxi

mate magnitude of angular velocity about the normal axis, of an air


velocity, terminal — The hypothetical maximum speed that an airplane could

attain along a specified straight flight path under given conditions of

weight and propeller operation, if diving an unlimited distance in air of

specified uniform density. If the term is not qualified, a vertical path

angle, normal gross weight, zero thrust, and standard sea-level air

density are assumed.

Venturi tube (or Venturi) — A short tube of varying cross-section. The flow

through the Venturi causes a pressure drop in the smallest section, the

amount of the drop being a function of the velocity of flow.


visibility — The greatest distance at which conspicuous objects can be seen

and identified.

warp — To change the form of a wing by twisting it. Warping was formerly

used to perform the function now performed by ailerons.

wash — The disturbance in the air produced by the passage of an airfoil.

Also called the " wake " in the general case for any solid body.

washin — A warp of an airplane wing giving an increase of the angle of attack

toward the tip.

washout — A warp of an airplane wing giving a decrease of the angle of attack

toward the tip.


empty weight — The structure, power plant, and fixed equipment of an

aircraft. Included in this fixed equipment are the water in the radiator

and cooling system, all essential instruments and furnishings, fixed

electric wiring for lighting, heating, etc. In the case of an aerostat, it

also includes the amount of ballast that must be carried to assist in mak

ing a safe landing.

fixed power plant weight for a given airplane weight — The weight of the

power plant and its accessories, exclusive of fuel and oil and their tanks.

gross weight (airplane) — The total weight of an airplane when fully

loaded (cf. load, full).

net weight (stress analysis) — The gross weight, less some specific partial

weight. Very often the partial weight is the dead weight of the wings,

but it may be the useful load. The partial weight in question should

always be clearly indicated by the context.

wheel, tail — A wheel used to support the tail of an airplane when on the

ground. It may be steerable or non-steerable, fixed or swiveling.

wind, relative — The velocity of the air with reference to a body in it. It is

usually determined from measurements made at such a distance from

the body that the disturbing effect of the body upon the air is negligible.

window, inspection — A small transparent window fitted in the envelope of a

balloon or airship, or in the wing or fuselage of an airplane, to allow in

spection of the interior.

wind tunnel — An apparatus producing an artificial wind or air stream, in

which objects are placed for investigating the air flow about them and

the aerodynamic forces exerted on them.

wing — A general term applied to the airfoil, or one of the airfoils, designed to

develop a major part of the lift of a heavier-than-air craft.

equivalent wing (stress analysis) — A wing of the same span as the actual

wing, but with the chord at each section reduced in proportion to the

ratio of the average beam load at that section to the average beam load

at the section taken as the standard.

wingheavy, right or left — The condition of an airplane whose right or left

wing tends to sink when the lateral control is released in any given attitude

of normal flight.

wing-over — A maneuver in which the airplane is put into a climbing turn un

til nearly stalled, at which point the nose is allowed to fall while continu

ing the turn, then returned to normal flight from the ensuing dive or

glide in a direction approximately 180° from that at the start of the


wing rib — A chord-wise member of the wing structure of an airplane, used to

give the wing section its form and to transmit the load from the fabric

to the spars.

compression wing rib — A heavy rib designed to perform the function of an

ordinary wing rib and also to act as a strut opposing the pull of the wires

in the internal drag truss.

former (or false) wing rib — An incomplete rib, frequently consisting only

of a strip of wood extending from the leading edge to the front spar, which

is used to assist in maintaining the form of the wing where the curvature

of the airfoil section is sharpest.

wing section — A cross-section of a wing parallel to the plane of symmetry or

to a specified reference plane.

wing skid — A skid placed near the wing tip to protect the wing from contact

with the ground.

wing spar — A principal span-wise member of the wing structure of an airplane.

wing-tip rake — A term referring to the shape of the tip of the wing when the

tip edge is sensibly straight in plan but is not parallel to the plane of

symmetry. The amount of rake is measured by the acute angle between

the straight portion of the wing tip and the plane of symmetry. The

rake is positive when the trailing edge is longer than the leading edge.

wire (airplane):

antidrag wire — A wire intended primarily to resist the forces acting for

ward in the chord direction. It is generally enclosed in the wing,

drag wire — A wire intended primarily to resist the forces acting backward

in the chord direction. It is generally enclosed in the wing.

landing wire — A wire or cable which braces the wing against the forces

opposite to the normal direction of the lift.

lift wire — A wire or cable which braces the wings against the lift force;

sometimes called " flying wire."

stagger wire — A wire connecting the upper and lower wings of an airplane

and lying hi a plane substantially parallel to the plane of symmetry;

also called " incidence wire."

wire (airship):

ant"flutter wire — A wire in the plane of the outer cover for local reinforce

ment and for reducing flutter due to variations in air pressure or propeller


chord wire — A wire joining the vertices of a main transverse frame.

yaw — An angular displacement about an axis parallel to the normal axis of

an aircraft.

zoom — To climb for a short time at an angle greater than the normal climb

ing angle, the airplane being carried upward at the expense of kinetic



(1) 0.00175 slug per cu. ft.

(2) 0.00166 slug per cu. ft.

(1) 4190 Ib.

(1) a. 79.8 Ib.

b. 15.2 Ib.

C. 81.4 Ib.

d. 81.4 Ib.

(1) 11.9 Ib.

(1) 4,480,000

(2) 5,900,000

(1) 4,570 Ib.

(2) 3,260 Ib.

(3) 1.9°

(4) 4.6°

(1) 56.9 mi. per hr.

(2) 55.0 mi. per hr.

(3) 418 sq. ft.

(1) 308 Ib.

(2) 449 Ib.

Chap. I, page 3

(3) 0.0659 Ib. per cu. ft.

Chap. II, page 10

(2) 3.8 hp. (3) 2.4 hp.

Chap. II, page 12

(2) 1.2 Ib.

(3) a. 7.7 Ib.

6. 1.1 Ib.

c. 1°28'

Chap. II, page 16

(2) 47.6 Ib.

Chap. Ill, page 22

(3) 3,400,000

(4) 1,200 mi. per hr.

Chap. IV, page 32

(5) 8.4°

(6) 606 sq. ft.

(7) 6,4201b.

(8) 4,760 Ib.

Chap. IV, page 33

(4) 4.9 Ib. per sq. ft.

(6) 2,7001b.

(6) 69.0 mi. per hr.

Chap. IV, page 35

(3) 237 hp.

(4) 15.4 hp.

(4) 1.8 hp.

(4) a. 125.5 Ib.

b. 11801b.

(5) 2900 Ib.

(3) 6.1 Ib.

(5) 26.6 atmos.

(9) 56.0 mi. per hr.

(10) 65.0 mi. per hr.

(11) 45 Ib. per sq. ft.

(12) 33 Ib. per sq. ft.

(7) 7.4 Ib. per sq. ft.

(8) a. 44.8 mi. per hr.

b. 52.0 mi. per hr.

(6) a. 126 Ib.

6. 21.7 hp.



(1) a. 2,260 Ib.

6. 116Ib.

(2) 866 Ib.

(1) a. 176 Ib., 70.5 hp.

b. 150 Ib., 60.3 hp.

c. 148 Ib., 59.6 hp.

(2) a. 299 Ib., 100 hp.

6. 400 Ib., 133 hp.

c. 548 Ib., 183 hp.

(1) 6. 189 Ib.

c. 250 Ib.

d. 236 Ib.

(1) 40.3 hp.

(2) 350 sq. ft.

(3) 194 Ib.

(4) 5,760 Ib.

(1) 1,480 Ib.

(2) 52 mi. per hr.

(3) 4°

(4) a. 4.5° 6. 7.8°

(6) a. 110.9 Ib.

b. 81.8 Ib.

(1) 66.5 hp.

(2) 102 mi. per hr.

(3) 286 sq. ft.

(2) 7,750 ft-Ib.

Chap. IV, page 37

(3) 2,320 Ib.

(4) 55.8 mi. per hr.

(5) 65.1 mi. per hr.

Chap. IV, page 43

(6) 3,250 Ib.

(7) 2,380 Ib.

(3) a. 259 Ib., 73.0 hp.

6. 259 Ib., 88.4 hp.

(4) a. 96.5 hp.

b. 77.4 hp.

(6) a. -1.5°

6. 1.7°

Chap. IV, page 46

(2) 6. 169 Ib.

c. 0°

Chap. IV, page 60

(6) 244 Ib.

(6) 46.2 hp.

(7) 43.5 hp.

(8) 21.5

Chap. IV, page 66

(6) a. 20.45 Ib. per sq.ft.

b. 15.1 Ib. per sq. ft.

(7) a. 90.9 mi. per hr.

b. 105.3 mi. per hr.

Chap. IV, page 66

(4) a. 15.1 hp.

6. 9.5 hp.

(3) 6. 83 Ib.

c. -1°

d. 107 Ib.

(9) a. 11,900 Ib.

6. 909 Ib.

(10) 118 ft. per sec. or

80.4 mi. per hr.

(8) 46.5 mi. per hr.

(9) a. 131 mi. per hr.

6. 152 mi. per hr.

(10) 98.6 sq. ft.

(6) a. 24.25 hp.

6. 15.25 hp.


(1) 1.4°, 0.016

(2) 2.42°, 0.0304

(3) 125 Ib.

(4) 35.4 hp.

(1) a. 0.027

6. 25.9

(2) a. 0.0295

b. 24.7

(3) a. 0.036

b. 19.4

(1) 217 Ib.

(2) 212 Ib.

(3) 67 Ib.

(4) 174 Ib.

(1) 0.0452

(2) 0.0372

(1) 0.0657

(2) 0.0974

(1) 4.47

(2) 4.6

Chap. V, page 76

(6) 3.8 hp.

(6) 82 Ib.

(7) 72 Ib.

(8) 9.7 hp.

Chap. V, page 81

(4) a. -0.4°

6. 0.015

(6) a. 8.7°

6. 0.079

(6) a. 7.3°

6. 0.036

Chap. V, page 83

(5) 730 Ib.

(6) 305 Ib.

(7) 294 Ib.

(8) 606 Ib.

Chap. V, page 85

(3) 0.0308

(4) 0.0324

Chap. V, page 89

(3) 0.56

(4) 0.492

(9) a. 88 Ib.

6. 119 Ib.

c. 172 Ib.

(10) a. 268 Ib.

Chap. VI, page 98

(3) 3.9

(4) 3.7

Chap. VI, page 101

(7) a. -0.6°

6. 0.028

(8) a. 1.9°

6. 0.040

(9) a. 7.3°

b. 0.000142

(9) 283 Ib.

(10) 342 Ib.

(6) 0.0375

(5) 0.408

(6) 2.93

(1) 0.384, 0.48 (3) a. 0.154 (4) 0.25

(2) 0.416, 0.493 b. 0.257 (6) 0.293

(1) 3.58

(2) 2.88

(3) 3.98

Chap. VI, page 105


Chap. VI, page 106

(1) 29.4 ft. (6) 99.0 ft. (9) 34.0 ft.

(2) 36.0 ft. (6) 23.1 ft. (10) 38.9 ft.

(3) 38.7 ft. (7) 44.5 ft.

(4) 41.5 ft. (8) 34.9 ft.

Chap. VI, page 109

(1) 112 Ib. (6) 106 Ib. (8) 57.4 Ib.

(2) 114 Ib. (7) 4.5 ft. (9) 166 Ib.

(3) 113 Ib. 2.19 ft. (10) 299 Ib.

(4) lllIb. 7.13ft.

(6) 112 Ib. lllIb.

Chap. VI, page 113

(1) 254 Ib. (2) 255 Ib. (3) 183 Ib.

Chap. VII, page 120

(1) 7.57 Ib. (3) 3.145 Ib. (5) 156 Ib.

(2) 5.25 Ib. (4) 2.082 Ib.

Chap. IX, page 162

(1) 1.07 (6) 1.46 (9) 1.22

(2) 1.29 (6) 1.85 (10) 1.85

(3) 0.87 (7) 1.55

(4) 0.90 (8) 1.37

Chap. IX, page 168

(1) 1.32, 8.7 ft., 19°, 79 per cent. (4) 1.13, 10.1 ft., 15°, 76 per cent.

(2) 1.54, 8.05 ft., 23°, 82.5 per cent. (6) 1.00, 9.35 ft., 13°, 73 per cent.

(3) 1.99, 7.73 ft., 28°, 86 per cent.

Chap. IX, page 169

(1) 27° (3) 24° (6) 21°

(2) 24° (4) 18°

Chap. IX, page 162

(1) 16" (3) 23° (5) 26°

(2) 21" (4) 22°

Chap. X, page 188

(1) 55.3 mi. per hr. (3) 71.2 mi. per hr. (6) 76.3 mi. per hr.

(2) 67.5 mi. per hr. (4) 64.5 mi. per hr.


(2) 83.8 mi. per hr.

(3) 71,600 ft

(2) 338.6 mi. per hr.

(3) 313 mi. per hr.

(1) 47.6 mi. per hr.

(2) 46.6 mi. per hr.

(1) 104 sq. ft.

(2) 74.8 mi. per hr.

(1) 122 mi. per hr.

(2) 161.5 mi. per hr.

(1) 14,545ft.

(2) 15,650ft.

(1) a. 7.4 HUM.

b. 10.0 min.

(1) a. 2,000 Ib.

b. 2,830 Ib.

c. 672ft.

(1) 1.5

(2) 4.9

(1) 226 ft., 8.6

(2) 554 ft., 8.8

(1) 12.7

Chap. X, page 197

(4) 91.8 mi. per hr.

(6) 418 mi. per hr.

Chap. X, page 198

(6) 496 mi. per hr.

(4) 287 mi. per hr.

(5) 6.47 sq. ft.

Chap. X, page 201

(3) 82.7 mi. per hr.

(4) 50.2 mi. per hr.

Chap. X, page 203

(3) 94.1 mi. per hr.

(4) 53.0 mi. per hr.

Chap. X, page 206

(3) 270 hp.

(4) 190 mi. per hr.

(6) 53.3 mi. per hr.

(6) 43.4 mi. per hr.

Chap. XI, page 216

(5) 169.5 mi. per hr.

(3) 7.6 hp. (6) 500 ft. per min.

(4) 473 ft. per min.

Chap. XI, page 217

(2) 47.8 min.

(4) 23.0 min.

(3) 15.0 min.

Chap. XII, page 223

(5) 10.8 min.

(2) 100 mi. per hr. (4) 89.3°, 140,000 Ib.

(3) a. 64.6 hp. (6) a. 92 hp.

b. 70.5 hp.

6. 121 hp.

Chap. XII, page 226

(3) 6.9

(4) 12.2

Chap. XII, page 228

(6) 17.9

(3) 768 ft., 14.6 (5) 202 ft., 6.5

(4) 96 ft., 4.4

Chap. XII, page 230

(3) 11.1 (6) 14.4

(2) 15.3

(4) 17.7


(1) a. 7.9 ft.

b. 0.9ft.

c. 0.9ft.

(2) a. 7.9 ft.

6. 0.4ft.

c. 0.4ft.

(3) a. 9.2 ft.

b. 0.9ft.

c. 0.6 ft.

(1) a. -10.25°

b. 9.75°

(1) 5.8°

(2) -10.0°

(1) 5,670 ft-lb.

Chap. XIV, page 262

(3) -5.6°

(4) 7.5°

Chap. XIV, page 263

(2) 1,536 ft-Ib.

Chap. XVIn, page 303

Chap. XX, page 336

(1) 106 mi. per hr., 101°, 11° right.

(2) 172 mi. per hr., 26°, 4° right.

(3) 133 mi. per hr., 332°, 8° left.

(1) 15°, 137 mi. per hr.

(2) 35°, 155 mi. per hr.

Chap. XIV, page 246(4) a. 8.6 ft.6. 0.5ft.c. 0.3 ft.(6) a. 8.8 ft.6. 0.8ft.c. 0.6ft.(6) a. 8.3 ft.b. 0.4 ft.c. 0.3ft.Chap. XIV, page 260(2) a. 0.50°6. -9.50°(7) a. 7.3 ft6. 0.9ft.(8) a. 7.4 ft.6. 0.4ft.(9) a. 8.4 ft.b. 0.8ft.(10) a. 7.9 ft.6. 0.4ft.(3) 1.25°(4) -6.00°(6) -9.50°

(5) -1.5"

(3) 12,920 ft-Ib.

(1) 55°

(2) 200°

(3) 270°

(4) 328°(1) 4,070 mi.

(2) 2,387 mi.(6) 17°

(6) 345°

(7) 155°(8) 27°Chap. XX, page 333(3) 5,305 mi.

(4) 2,543 mi.(9) 279°

(10) 119°(B) 1,885 mi.

(4) 85 mi. per hr., 245°, 20° left.

(6) 99 mi. per hr., 131°, 11° right.

Chap. XX, page 336

(4) 143°, 120 mi. per hr.

(6) 214°, 88 mi. per hr.

(3) 343°, 76 mi. per hr.


Chap. XX, page 339

(1) a. 34 mi. per hr. (2) a. 56 mi. per hr. (3) a. 48 mi. per hr.

6. 60° b. 155° b. 260°

c. 14° c. 64° c. 94°

d. 105 mi. per hr. d. 170 mi. per hr. d. 187 mi. per hr.

Chap. XXI, page 361

(1) 1,803 Ib. (3) l,1691b. (5) 1,829 Ib.

(2) 588 Ib. (4) 1,083 Ib.

Chap. XXI, page 365

(1) a. 498 Ib. (2) a. 990 Ib. (3) a. 60 Ib. (4) a. 198 Ib.

b. 498 Ib. b. 990 Ib. 6. 188 Ib. b. 3,560 ft.

c. 990 Ib. c. 40 Ib.

Chap. XXI, page 366

(1) a. 1,423 Ib. (2) a. 1,319 Ib.

6. 73 Ib. 6. 186 Ib.

c. 71b. c. 344 Ib.

d. 25,600 cu. ft. d. 965 Ib.

e. 1,343 Ib. e. 954 Ib.

Chap. XXI, page 369

(1) a. 730 Ib. (3) a. 488 Ib. (6) a. 742 Ib.

6. 734 Ib. 6. 524 Ib. 6. 688 Ib.

(2) a. 1,935 Ib. (4) a. 625 Ib.

6. 1,957 Ib. b. 702 Ib.

Chap. XXI, page 363

(1) 6,099 ft. (2) a. 12,910 Ib. (3) a. 12,435 Ib.

6. 13,463 Ib. b. 586 Ib.


Absolute ceiling, 215

Absolute coefficients, 28, 51

Absolute humidity, 321

Acceleration of gravity, standard, 2

Accelerations, 274

in dives, 228-230

in loops, 230-231

in turns, 225-228

Accuracy, 286

Adiabatic changes, 321

Adjustable-pitch propellers, 150

Advection fog, 327

Aerodynamic center of pressure, 60,


Aerology, 319-327

Aerostatics, 346-364

Ailerons, 233, 234

balanced, 237

differential, 237

floating, 236

Frise, 238

size of, 238, 239

Air, constituents, 1

standard, 1-3

Air-cooled engines, 127

Airfoils, choice of, 35, 36

definition, 23

stable, 58

symmetrical, 30, 36

thick, 37

unstable, 57, 58

Airplane, angle of attack of, 232

axes, 232

Airplanes, commercial, 281-284

military, 278-281

Airscrew, 136

Airship, 346, 361-368

Airspeed indicators, dynamic, 213,


true, 299

Akron, 364

Altimeters, 292-296

Altitude, standard, 3

effect on airplane performance,


effect on engine power, 133, 134

effect on propeller performance,


effect on wing drag and power,


Altitude-pressure relation, 3, 294

Aluminum alloys, 276, 277

Amphibian, Severaky, 282,283

Aneroid altimeter, 292-295

Angle of attack of airplane, 232, 233

of flat plate, 12

of wings, 26

correction for aspect ratio, 77-84

effective, 77, 78

for zero lift, 81, 87

geometric, 68

induced, 68, 71, 73, 77, 78, 86

of minimum drag, 30

variation with velocity, 39

with infinite aspect ratio, 69, 88

Angle of bank, 221

Angle of climb, 192

Angle of crab, 334-338

Angle of downwash, 250, 251



Archimedes, principle of, 348, 349

Area, equivalent flat plate, 115, 116

swept, 72

wing, 25, 83, 95

Ascension of balloons, 351-355

Aspect ratio, 26, 65, 72, 77-86

biplane, 94, 95, 102, 107

definition, 26

effect on performance, 206, 207

effect on wing characteristics, 77

equivalent monoplane, 94, 95, 102,


factor, 86-90, 251, 253

infinite aspect ratio, 69, 71, 79

monoplane, 77-84

of models, 65,82, 111

Astronomic avigation, 339, 340

Atmosphere, standard, 1-3

Atmospheric pressure, 1-3, 321, 322

Atmospheric temperature, 1-3, 320,


Attack, angle of (see angle of attack)

Autogiro, 266-269

Automatic slots, 263

Autorotetion, 260, 261

Avigation, 3^8-345

astronomic, 339, 340

radio, 340-345

Avigation instruments, 292-318

Axes, airplane, 232, 233

Balance, lateral, 243, 258

longitudinal, 247-249

Balanced controls, 237, 238

Ballonets, 361, 362

Balloons, free, 319, 346-360

kite, 346, 347

sounding, 320

Balsa, 115

Banking, 220, 221

Bank indicator, 310, 311

Barometric pressure, standard, 2, 321

Beacon, marker, 344

radio, 341-343

Beam component, 90

Bernoulli's principle, 137

Biplane, lift distribution in a, 98-101,


mean aerodynamic chord of a, 247

Blade angle, 149, 154-157

Blade element theory, 140-146

Blind landing, 343-345

Body interference, 164

Boeing pursuit airplane, 278,279

Boundary layer, 18

Boyle's law, 2, 348, 349

Brake horsepower, 132, 133

Breene, R. G., 124

BuIb, thermometer, 290, 291

Bungee, 240

Burble, 18, 23, 26, 262

Buys-Ballot's law, 325

C-80 airfoil, 36

Cable, drag of, 118

Camber, 24, 36

Canard type airplane, 233

Capacity altimeter, 295

Captive balloon, 346, 347



Cloth, 275

Clouds, 326, 327

Coefficients, absolute, 28,51

engineering, 52, 53, 56

flat plate, 12

fuselage drag, 121

induced drag, 70, 72, 73, 77, 79,

107, 116

lift, 28

parasite drag, 115-123

power-speed, 148-151

profile drag, 71, 79

propeller, 146

tail moment, 249, 252, 253, 255

thrust, 146

torque, 146

wing moment, 57-63,254-256

Cold front, 324, 325

Commerce, Dept. of, 66, 88, 90, 126,

168, 169, 286, 320

Commercial airplanes, 281

Compass, induction, 305-307

magnetic-needle, 299-304

magneto, 307

radio, 340, 341, 343

Compensation, compass, 301

Compression ratio, 132

Construction, airplane, 277, 278

Control surfaces, horizontal, 233-239

vertical, 233, 240

Controllable pitch, 150

Convection, 320

Correction, aspect ratio, 77-79, 82-92

compass, 302

drift, 334-339

Course, correction of, 302

great.circle, 333

wind effect on, 334-339

Covering, wing, 275

Cowling, engine, 124, 125

Crab, angle of, 335

Cumulus clouds, 326

Curtiss Tanager, 236

Curved plates, 13-15

Curves, chracteristics (see character


Cyclogiro, 271

Cyclones, 324, 325

Cylinders, drag of, 117,118

Cylindrical plates, 14-16

Dalton's law, 349

Dead reckoning, 328

Density, standard air, 2, 3, 348

relative, 3, 53, 209

Dep control, 233

Department of Agriculture, 319

Department of Commerce, 66, 88, 90,

126, 168, 169, 286, 320

Deperdessin control, 233

Descent of balloons, 355, 356

Design load, 274

Deviation, magnetic, 300, 301

Diameter of propeller, 154, 158

Diesel engines, 131

Differential ailerons, 238

Dihedral, effect on M.A.C. of, 245

effect on stability, 259


Duration of flight, 46, 184-187

Dynamic airspeed indicator, 213, 296

Dynamic pressure, 7

Eddies, 18, 23, 26

Kilucs. leading and trailing, 24

Effect of altitude on airplane per

formance, 208-219

on engine performance, 133, 134

on propeller performance, 159-162

Effect of ground, 33

Effect of power loading, 204, 205

Effect of span loading, 74, 76, 206,


Effect of weight, 199

Effect of wing loading, 31, 39, 201-


Effective angle of attack, 69

Effective dihedral, 260

Effective pitch, 150


Efficiency of engines, 132

Efficiency of propellers, 140, 143,

146, 181

Efficiency of wings, 44

Electric thermometers, 292

Elevators, 233, 239, 240, 258

free, 258

Elliptic loading, 71, 72

Energy of air in motion, 6,139

Engine cowling, 124,125

Engines, airplane, 126-135

Engineering coefficients, 52, 53, 56,

77, 110

Envelope, balloon, 346, 348

Equilibrium in dives, 228

Equilibrium in level flight, 247-261

Equilibrium, dynamic, 243

static, 242

Equivalent flat plate, 115, 116

Equivalent monoplane aspect ratio,

94, 95, 102, 107

Equivalent monoplane span, 105

Fabrics, airplane, 275

Factors, aspect ratio, 86-90,251

fuselage drag, 122

load, 274

Munk's span, 107

Prandtl's interference, 94-96, 100

Fairchild monoplane, 282, 293

Fairing, 115, 117

Fin, 233,240

Fineness, 117,119,364

Finger patch, 346

Fittings, drag of, 120

Flaps, 264, 265

Flat plates, 7-12

Flight, gliding, 192-195

level at altitude, 40-42, 208-214

level at sea-level, 31, 34, 171-189

Flight indicators, 314

Floating ailerons, 236

Flow, streamline, 17,18

turbulent, 18

Fog, 327

Force, centrifugal, 220

Forces on airplane, 248

Fowler wing, 265

Free balloon, 346-360



Gliding angle, 192

Gliding distance, 195

Gottingen 429 airfoil, 267

Gottingen 398 airfoil, 35

Graf Zeppelin airship, 347, 364

Graf Zeppelin instruments, 296, 307

Great circles, 329

Greene, C., 124

Ground effect, 33

Ground speed, 334-339

Gyro, directional, 307-309

Gyro-horizon, 314-316

Gyroplane, 270

Gyroscopic horizon, 314-316

Handley-Page slots, 262

Headings, compass, 302

Hegenberger, A. F., 343

Helium, 2, 348

Herman, F., Ill

High angle of attack, 27

High-lift airfoils, 37

Highs, 325, 326

Horizon, gyroscopic, 314-316

Horizontal tail surface, 319

Horsepower, available, 181-184

brake, 132

definition, 9

minimum, 46, 184-187, 213

required in level flight at altitude,


required in level flight at sea-level,

34, 171

required in turns, 223

Humidity, 321

Humidity Indicator, 320

Hydrogen, 2, 348

Ice-Warning Indicator, 292

Impact Pressure, 7, 8

Incidence, angle of, 46,233

Inclinometers, lateral, 310, 311

longitudinal, 311-314

Indicators, airspeed, 296-299

bank, 310, 311

Indicators, drift, 317, 318

flight, 314

humidity, 321

ice-warning, 292

pitch, 311-314

rate-of-climb, 316, 317

turn, 309, 310

Induced angle of attack, 69, 71, 73

Induced drag, Monoplane, 70, 71, 73,

74, 77, 84

Biplane, 97

Induction compass, 305-307

Infinite aspect ratio, 69, 71, 79

Isobars, 322, 325, 326

Isotherms, 321

Instruments, 285-318, 320

Interference, body, 164

Interference factor, Prandtl's, 94, 95,

96, 100

Inverted flight, 228, 229

Inward flow, 67

Joule's law, 349

Kinetic energy, 6, 139

Kite balloons, 346, 347



Lift distribution along chord, 27

along span, 65-67, 71

Lift distribution in biplane, 98, 246

Lift of balloons, 349-361

Lift of inclined plates, 11

Lift of wings, 28

Liquid-cooled engines, 127

Load factor, 274

in dives, 228

in loops, 230-231

in turns, 225-228

Loading, power, 204, 205

Loading, span, 74, 76, 206, 207

Loading, wing, 31, 39, 201-203, 205

Locked elevator, 258

Lockheed airplane, 282, 283

Longitude, 329

Longitudinal balance, 247

Longitudinal inclinometer, 311-314

Loops, 230-231

Los Angeles, 364

Low angle of attack, 27

Low-pressure tires, 123, 124

Lows, 323-325


Magnesium, 276

Magnetic compass, 299-307

Magnetic variation, 300

Magneto compass, 307

Maneuverability, 242

Map projections, gnomonic or great-

circle, 331

mercator, 330

polyconic, 330

Maps, 328-333

Maps, weather, 323-325

Materials, 274-277

Maximum ordinate, 24, 36

Maximum speed at sea-level, 184

at altitude, 213

Metals, duralumin, 276, 277

steel, 275, 277

Meteorograph, 320

Meterology, 319-327

Metric units, 51, 52

Micarta propellers, 168

Millibar, 322

Military airplanes, 278

Minimum drag, 30

Minimum fuel consumption, 46,


Minimum radius of turn, 223-225

Minimum speed at sea-level, 33, 171,

174, 179

Minimum speed at altitude, 213

Model tests, 121

Models, aspect ratio of, 65

correction for biplanes, 111, 112

correction for monoplanes, 82

Moment coefficient, 57-63, 254-257

Moment, diving, 247

pitching, 232, 247

rolling, 232, 238, 239

stalling, 232, 247

tail, 249, 252, 253

thrust, 247, 248

wing, 57-63, 254-256

Momentum, 6


Observation airplane, 278, 279

Optimum gliding angle, 194

Outward flow, 67

Packard Diesel engine, 131

Paddle-wheel airplane, 271

Parallelogram of velocities, 334

Parasite drag, 44, 115-125, 172, 207

Partial inflation Of balloons, 351-355

Pascal's law, 349

Performance, airplane at sea-level,


airplane at altitude, 208, 219

effect of power loading on, 204, 205

effect of weight on, 199, 200, 201

effect of wing-loading on, 201, 202,


Performance, engine at sea-level, 132,


engine at altitude, 133-135

Performance, propeller, 159-165

at altitude, 159, 160

at sea-level, 164, 165

Pitch, adjustable, 150

controllable, 150

effective, 150

experimental mean, 148

geometric, 149

variable, 150

Pitch Indicator, 311-314

Pitch ratio, 149, 150, 154

Pitching moment, 232, 247

Pitot-static tube, 213, 296, 297

Pitot-Venturi tube, 298

Planform, taper in, 84, 244

Plates, curved, 13-16

Plates, flat, 7-12

Plate area, equivalent flat, 115, 116

Polar curves, 47, 80, 196

Polyconic projection, 329, 330

Power, definition, 9

Power, available at sea-level, 181-1S4

available at altitude, 210-213

required by wings, absolute co

efficients, 34

Power, required by wings, engineering

coefficients, 56

required by wings at altitude, 40,

41, 42, 56

required by airplane at sea-level,


required by airplane at altitude,


Power-loading, effect on performance,

204, 205

Power-speed coefficient, 148, 151

Prandtl, L., 94, 95, 96, 100

Pressure, atmospheric, 1-3, 321, 322

Pressure, dynamic, 6

Pressure, center of, 57

distribution along chord, 27

distribution along span, 65-67, 71

Pressure gages, 290

Pressure on flat plates, 8

Profile drag, 70, 71, 79

Projections, map, 329-333

Propeller, adjustable, 150

blade angle of, 149, 154, 155



Radio compass, 343

Radio landing, 343-345

Radius of turn, 221, 223-225

RAF-6, 141

RAF-15 airfoil characteristics, 38

Range, speed for maximum, 184-187

Rate of climb at altitude, 214

at sea-level, 189-192

Rate-of-climb indicators, 316, 317

Ratio, aspect, 65, 72, 77, 79, 80

fineness, 117,119

gap/chord, 99

gap/span, 94-96

L/D, 44, 48, 82, 83, 111, 174

pitch, 149, 150, 154

slenderness, 364

Recovery from dive, 229

Relative humidity, 321

Relative wind, 26, 68

Relative wind, true, 68, 70

Resistance of cables, 118

of cylinders, 117..118

of fittings, 120

of fuselage, 121

of landing-gear, 115, 123, 124

of wheels, 123, 124

Resultant force on wings, 28

Retractable landing gear, 124

Reynolds' number, 19-22

Ring cowling, 124, 125

Rolling moment, 232, 238, 239

Rotary engine, 130

Rotation, 232

Rudder, 233, 240

Scale effect, 21

Semi-elliptic distribution, 71, 72

Sensitivity, 286

Seversky airplane, 282, 283

Sextant observations, 339, 340

Shielding, radio, 340

Sikorsky airplane, 281, 282

Similar flow, 20

Skidding, 220, 221

Skin friction, 18, 117

Slenderness ratio, 304

Sup, 150

Slipping, 221

Slipstream, effect on tail, 240, 241

Slots, 262

Snap roll, 261

Span, apparent, 102,105,106

definition, 25, 83

equivalent monoplane, 102, 105,


Span factor, Munk's 102, 105-107

Span loading, 74-76, 206, 207

Speed, ground, 187, 188, 334-339

in dives, 194-196

landing, 33

maximum at altitude, 213

maximum at sea-level, 184

minimum at altitude, 209

minimum at sea-level, 33, 171,174,


stalling, 33, 171, 174, 179

take-off, 33

terminal, 196


Streamlining, 115,117

Strip maps, 302, 330

Structural drag, 115

Structure, 277

Struts, resistance of, 115, 119

Surface, control, balance, 237

horizontal, 233, 239, 240

vertical, 233, 240

Suspension band, 244

Sweepback, effect on M.A.C., 244

Swept area, 72

Symmetrical airfoils, 30, 36

Tabs, 240

Tachometer, centrifugal, 289, 290

chronometric, 287-289

Tail angle, 250, 251

Tail load, 247

Tail moment, 249, 252, 253

Take-off speed, 33

Tanager airplane, 236

Taper, effect on induced drag, 84-


effect on M.A.C., 244

Temperature, atmospheric, 2, 320,


Terminal speed, 196

Thermometer, 290, 291

Thrust, 45, 138, 142

Time to climb, 216, 217

Tip, wing, vortices, 67, 68, 94

Torque, 144-146

Townend ring, 124

Track, 334-339

Tractor airplane, 127

Trailing edge, 24

Triangle of velocity, 334-336

True airspeed indicator, 299

Tube, Pitot-etatic, 213,296,297

Pitot-Venturi, 298

Tubing, resistance of, 117, 118

Turbulent flow, 18, 117

Turns, 220-226, 232

Turn indicator, 309, 310

Twist, 234, 241

Two-dimensional Sow, 71

Variable density wind tunnel, 21,


Variable pitch propeller, 150

Variation, magnetic, 300

Velocity in dives, 194-196

Velocity triangle, 334-336

Velocity variation with angle of at

tack, 39

Vertical banks, 226-228

Vertical tail surfaces, 233, 240

Verville, F., 124

Viscosity of air, 4, 18

Visibility, 99

Vortices, 67, 68, 94

Warm front, 324

Warp, 234, 241

Washin, 241

Washout, 241

Weather Bureau, 319

Weather maps, 323-325

Weight, effect on performance, 199-



Wright biplane, 234, 259

Wright wing, 23

Yaw, 232

Zap flaps, 265

Zeppelin, Graf, 347, 364

Zeppelin, Graf, instruments, 296, 307

Zoom, 192

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