Elements of Practical Aerodynamics by B. Jones
Elements of Practical Aerodynamics by B. Jones
Elements of Practical Aerodynamics by B. Jones
Ml Rights Reserved
Printed in U. S. A.
are accepted as being true, the proofs may be dispensed with, and
this University.
April, 1936
ternal friction of a fluid may be very small, and one may conceive
that between two particles the action of any force must be normal
Nitrogen 78.08
Oxygen 20.94
Argon 0.94
Hydrogen 0.01
Neon 0.0012
Helium 0.0004
Water vapor also is always present, the amount varying with the
temperature and other factors, but averaging about 1.2 per cent
always winds and vertical air currents to keep the various con
and so on.
ft. per sec. per sec., the specific weight of " standard " dry air is
density of dry air under these conditions is 0.002372 slug and the
weight density (g = 32.172 ft. per sec.2) is 0.07635 Ib. per cu. ft.
where P0, V0, and T0 are pressure, volume, and absolute tempera
ture under standard conditions, and PI, Vi, and T\ are under
Po Po T
P To 25.93 .. 518.4
29.92 504.4
; 0.002378 = 0.00212
First method:
16.38 518.4
p = TV Tf
= Q.001502
Second method:
2. Find the density of dry air at 18.52 in. pressure and 0° F.
3. Find the specific weight of dry air at 24 in. pressure and 25° F.
in. Hg29.9228.8627.8226.8125.8424.8923.9823.0922.2221.3820.5819.7919.0318.2917.5716.8813.7511.108.88pPa1.0000.9710.9428.9151.8881.8616.8358.8106.7859.7619.7384.7154.6931. 6712.6499..6291.5327.4480.3740J5V "1.0001.01481.02991.04541.06111.07731.09381.11071.12801.14561.16371.18221.20121.22061.24041.26081 . 37011 . .19401 . 03.52P0.002378.002309. 002 242.002 176.002 112.002049.001 987.001 928.001 869.001 812.001 756.001701.001 648.001 596.001 545.001 496.001 267.001065.000889
upper layer, owing to their vibratory motion, will wander into the
lower layer and will accelerate the motion of the lower strata.
Molecules passing from the lower to the upper stratum will retard
the latter. Any mingling of the molecules between the two strata
TABLE II . . .
°C.010203040.T06070.SO90100C.g.s. units,
poises1 709 X 10-'1 759 X 10-'1808X10-*1856X10-71 904 X 10~71 951 X 10-71 997 X 10-'2043X10-*2 088 X 10-'2 132 X 10-*2 175 X 10-*Slug-feet-second
units3.57 X 10-'3.67 X 10-'3.78 X 10-73.88 X 10-'3.98 X 10-'4.08 X 10-'4.17 X 10-'4.27 X 10-'4.36 X 10-'4.45 X 10-'4.54 X 10-'
cosity at 15° C.
that state.
the force acting on the body and is in the direction of the force.
V/t feet per second per second. Since a force is measured by the
which the force is applied, the average velocity is 5 V feet per sec
by the time in seconds, that is, \Vt. The work done on the
is the product of the force and the distance through which the
force acts.
v W in foot-pounds
mentum of the quantity of air arriving at the wall per second, which,
section and has a velocity of V feet per second, the volume of air
mentum of each cubic foot is the mass density times the velocity,
F in pounds
f â p. 1 v . . .
A in square feet
small flat surface, the same reasoning applies only that the area in
the formula will be the area of flat plate instead of the cross-sec
tional area of the air stream. Again the force on the flat plate is
exactly the same, whether the small plate is held stationary against
a large stream of air which moves against the plate with a velocity
of V feet per second, or whether the air is still and the plate is
stopped at the flat surfaces, they cannot get out of the way of the
air are created. The amount of eddying depends on the size and
shape of the flat surface. Because of these eddies, etc., the actual
force against the flat surface is not exactly the same as given by the
these tests have been quite consistent, so that, if the size and shape
of the flat surface are known, the amount by which the true force
of K varies slightly with size if the area is only a few square feet;
it also varies with the shape, i.e., whether the flat surface is circular,
sume that it has a constant value of 0.64, so that the equation for
F = 0.64 X 0.002378 A V2
= 0.00152 A F2
A in square feet
Solution: F = 0.00327 A F2
= 0.00327 X 8 X 10 X (40)2
= 419 Ib.
The force on the flat plate varies as the square of the airspeed.
If the force acting when the relative speed is 1 mile per hour is known,
the force at any other speed can be found by multiplying by the square
of the airspeed.
when the car is moving forward at 1 mile per hour. What is the
half the time means that twice the power is required. Power is
sq. ft. in area, the force on a flat plate due to meeting air perpen
A in square feet
= 73.6 Ib.
73.6 X 30
5.88 hp.
or directly v/ V.
= 5.88
F = 0.1 X 70 X 70
= 490 Ib.
Hp 490 X 70
= 91.5 hp.
rection for size and shape. What horsepower is used up by the wind
Inclined Flat Plates. If the stream of air does not strike the
graphs, but at an angle so that the air on hitting the plate moves
off parallel to the surface, the problem is not the same. Let a
be the angle between the direction of the air and the plane surface.
If A is the area of the flat surface, the cross-section of the air stream
feet per second, then A V sin a cubic feet of air will approach the
sin a pounds. If all this momentum were given up and lost by the
eddy currents formed when the air stream meets the flat surface.
the air meets the surface. At small angles the turbulence will
to 90°.
value of the force acting on the plate, provided that the effect of
friction is neglected.
friction. The moving air tends to drag the plate along in the
tion, the only force on the flat plate due to the moving air would be
called the lift; the component parallel to the air stream is called
the drag.
The components of lift and drag will vary with the density of
the air, the area of the flat surface, and the square of the velocity.
flat plate is set with respect to the air stream. Figure 2 gives the
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
side were first to meet the air; consequently the coefficients in this
side to short side differs from six the coefficients will also be
the wind direction? (b) What is the force parallel to the wind di
rection? (c) What is the resultant of these two forces? (d) What
per-hour wind?
which comes in a direction 6° to the surface. (a) What is the force
the force parallel to the wind? (c) What angle does the resultant of
4. The side of a freight car is 60 ft. long and 10 ft. high. What is
the force against the side of the car due to an 8-mile-per-hour wind
of 250 ft. per sec. If plate has area of 50 sq. ft., what force applied
of air, so that the air meets the surface tangentially but is gradually
ishment in speed.
sents the only velocity which combined with velocity ab will give
triangles abc and dbc are equal, and angle abc equals angle cbd.
Then the direction of the velocity be bisects the angle abd, and since
angle abd equals 180° - angle bac, angle abc equals J(180° â e).
- cos «)
place during the time that the air is traversing the surface (t sec
direction of the deflecting force will bisect the angle between the
plate acts on the air stream as explained, the air stream will react
tend to drag the plate along with it, so that there will be a slight
stream will follow a circular path while in contact with the surface.
Let o be the center and R the radius of the arc which is the path of
5. Forees on a circular
cylindrical plate.
ffln2 = -i-
e Vt/2
- cos e _Vt
W2(l - cos 0)
If the surface is such that the air stream takes a circular path, and
air first meets the long edge of the deflecting surface. The air
What is the force of the air against the metal sheet, and in what
In 1 sec., a volume of air 36 ft. wide, 1 ft. deep, and 40 ft. long
against the plate. Since, in passing from front to rear, the air
ft., will meet the surface. The mass of this volume of air will
40V2(1 - cos 10°) .,. . ,. _. ... . ^r-y= = 46.5 ft. per sec. per sec. Ihe force will be
an angle of 5°. The air stream is 1 ft. thick and first meets a longer
side of the surface. The airspeed is 40 ft. per sec. before and after
the surface?
discontinuous or sinuous.
will follow exactly the new path taken by the leading particle in
A A'A". Particle B, im
that follow each other in the original air stream do not follow in
particles will follow path A A' A". Reaching the position A",
when the original path (Fig. 8a) is resumed. The flow is thus
with the body has little, if any, forward motion. The adjoining
Contiguous layers affect each other, in that layers nearer the body
The viscosity and friction effects are very small, and it is only
rises from zero at the immediate surface to its full value in the
minute vortices.
In the thin boundary layer, the viscosity of air plays the pre
side of the boundary layer, viscosity has little effect and air may be
found that at low velocity the flow of the colored liquid in the water
was a continuous line; that is, the flow was streamline or laminar
except for an infinitesimal layer touching the side walls of the tube,
Above this critical speed the flow was turbulent; below, it was
R.N. = >â¢
Reynolds found that for fluid flow through pipes or tubes if the
R.N. was less than 1,100 the flow was laminar or streamline.
used as being perfectly safe. Below that value, the flow is certain
to be laminar.
ing the proper size of piping. With a given size of pipe, the
and pipes. The critical value of Reynolds' number for flow inside
number for pipes, which will differentiate whether the flow will be
streamline or turbulent.
for the aeronautic engineer is its use in comparing the flow of air
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
changed to a flow more like that shown in Fig. 106 if the speed
of the air were increased. If the speed of flow was the same as
for the flow shown in Fig. 10a, but the size of the object were
object, the flow would be as shown in Fig. lOd With the same
Again if the size of the object and speed of flow were the same
as in Fig. 10a but the density of the air were increased, the flow
flows the direction of the streamlines will be the same and the
magnitude of the forces will always have the same ratio to each
Since the models are small in size in comparison with the actual
wing is not the same as for the full-size wing in flight, the data
being drawn through the tunnel, past the model on test, flows
once more. Since the air is at all times imprisoned inside the steel
For wings, the length of the chord is commonly used for this
(15° C. and 760 mm. pressure) the density of the air (p) is 0.002378
slug per cubic foot and the coefficient of viscosity (^) is 0.000000373
of viscosity (M).
chord, tests run at 100 miles per hour with standard air.
Example. Find the R.N. for model wing of 3-in. chord. Testa
run at 100 miles per hour. Air at normal pressure but at 100° C.
RK = 0.000000454 I4
Example. Find R.N. for model wing of 3-in. chord. Tests run at
1. Find R.N. for an airplane wing, 4-ft. chord moving at 120 miles
2. Find R.N. for an airplane wing with a 3-ft. 6-in. chord moving at
3. Find R.N. for an airplane wing, 4-ft. chord moving at 150 miles
on a model wing of 4-in. chord in order that the R.N. shall be the same
as for a wing with a 4-ft. chord at 100 miles per hour. Air under
tests be run on a model with a 3-in. chord, air velocity being 60 miles
per hour, in order that the R.N. shall be the same as for a full-size
wing of 4-ft. chord, moving at 100 miles per hour through the air?
The wings of the first Wright airplane were simply curved strips
of wood covered only on the upper side with cloth (see Fig. lla).
great amount of
burbling on the un
ably with the word wing, common usage dictates that the word
FIo. 12. Chords, (a) Double other shapes of airfoils the datum
airfoil from the chord line; bottom or lower camber is the distance
of a point in the lower surface of the airfoil from the chord line.
decided upon, the actual camber can be found from the above
The use of this table is shown in Fig. 13, the points laid out by
Percentage of Chord
Distance from
Leading Edge01.252.557.51015203040506070809095100Upper
the greatest departure of the curve of the airfoil from the chord
Span and Aspect Ratio. Span is the distance from wing tip to
outline on the plane of the chord. The symbol for area is <S.
The aspect ratio of a wing is the ratio of the span to the chord.
This is for rectangular wings. For wings that are not rectangular
in shape when viewed from above, the aspect ratio is the ratio of
AR -6-62
A'R. -e~S
and velocity of the wind are found by the addition of two vectors,
one being the velocity of the air with respect to the earth, the other
being equal and opposite to the velocity of the wing with respect
to the air.
follow the upper surface of the wing as that would entail too great
It will be noted in Fig. 156 that the forces on the upper side of
forces is greater than that of the upward forces on the under side
of the airfoil. Tests have shown that, for typical wings at 0°
angle of attack, 100 per cent of the total upward force on a wing
All the small forces acting on both upper and lower surfaces of
relative wind.
density, the area of the wing, and the square of the velocity. It
also depends on the angle of attack. The lift and drag compo
times air density tunes wing area times velocity squared, but it is
formulas are
J-fllt =^LS"'" . . i i . r
for lift and drag are perfectly valid if air density is given in metric
and Drag =
for the Clark Y airfoil, for an aspect ratio of 6, are given in Fig. 17.
in order to be legible.
that the lift coefficient (CL) curve crosses the zero ordinate at
â 5° angle of attack. This does not mean that there are zero
forces acting on the wing at this angle of attack, but that the sum
of the upward or positive lift forces equals the sum of the down
upward and downward lift are equal, is called the angle of zero
lift. For symmetrical sections, that is, airfoils that have the same
camber on both upper and lower sides, the angle of zero lift is at
From the angle of zero lift, the curve of lift coefficient is practi
zero lift.
This angle of maximum lift is also called the critical angle, the
some small angle of attack, for the Clark Y it is â83°, the drag
drag, there is very little change in the value of the drag coefficient.
-6 -4-2 0 2
increases greatly.
through this point. With the more common airfoils, having more
camber on the upper than the lower side, the angle of minimum
drag is a small negative angle of attack and the part of the curve
for more negative angles of attack has a steeper slope than the
stable airfoils.
force on the tail and a small component of thrust which need not
lift of the wing. If the lift is greater than the weight, the airplane
will rise; if the weight is greater, the airplane will lose altitude.
W in pounds
W = CL ^S V 2 S in square feet
V = l/ â
The ratio of total weight to the area of the wing (W/S) is the
the proper velocity depends on the square root of the wing loading.
Clark Y wing 250 sq. ft. in area, at 4° angle of attack and airspeed of
From Fig. 17, CL at 4° angle of attack = 0.649; 100 miles per
3,000 Ib. be flown, if the wing is 300 sq. ft. in area, Clark Y section,
Example. An airplane has a wing loading of 9 Ib. per sq. ft. ; the
angle of attack of the Clark Y wing is 6°. What should be the air
0.791 X 0.00118
1. What is the lift on a Clark Y wing 300 sq. ft. in area at 8° angle
2. What is the lift on a Clark Y wing 450 sq. ft. in area at 6° angle
353 sq. ft. in area; at an airspeed of 100 miles per hour, what should
5. With a wing loading of 12 Ib. per sq. ft., at what angle of attack
weight of 5,000 Ib. when flying at 7° angle of attack and a velocity of
area, at 5° angle of attack, and an airspeed of 120 ft. per sec. at sea-
same angle of attack and same airspeed, but flying at 10,000 ft. alti
tude (air density at 10,000-ft. altitude is 0.00176 slug per cu. ft.;
flown at 150 miles per hour. What should be the wing loading?
wing, if it is desired to fly at 6° angle of attack and 150 miles per hour
shows that, with a fixed weight and a fixed wing area (fixed wing
high speed; large angles of attack mean slow speed. The smallest
to fly at slightly less speed than it could if the ground effect were
.56 X 0.00118
weighing 1,500 Ib. shall not land faster than 30 miles per hour?
wing loading in order that the landing speed should not exceed 35
6. An airplane has a Clark Y wing 425 sq. ft. in area. What is the
greatest weight this airplane can have with a landing speed not more
8. An airplane weighing 5,000 Ib. has a Clark Y wing 625 sq. ft. in
velocity (in feet per second units) gives the power, in foot-pounds
is 550 ft-lb. per sec. Hence the drag times the velocity, divided
HP = D X V Bin pounds
But D = CD
Example. A Clark Y wing 350 sq. ft. in area is moving through the
air at 80 ft. per sec. at 6° angle of attack. What is the drag? What
horsepower is required?
n nn9^7
= 120 Ib.
120 X 80
= 17.5 hp.
1. What is the drag of a Clark Y wing, 300 sq. ft. in area, at 8°
2. What is the drag of a Clark Y wing, 300 sq. ft. in area, at 8°
sq. ft. in area at 2° angle of attack and airspeed of 150 miles per hour?
sq. ft. in area at 10° angle of attack and an airspeed of 70 ft. per sec.?
480 sq. ft. in area, angle of attack 4°, airspeed 95 ft. per sec.? What
horsepower is required?
-4 -2
Angle 01 MtKk
designing airfoils.
the upper surface should be such that the highest point or maxi
-2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Angle of Attack
lift at zero angle of attack, and this is also the angle of minimum
angles of attack.
22 .22
20 .20
18 .18
ie :u
14 J4
12 .12
10 .10
8 .08
6 .06
4 .04
2 .02
8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
Ancle of Attack
common use. Thick wing sections are commonly called " high
lift " sections because the maximum lift coefficients are large.
1. (a) What is the lift on a Gottingen 398 wing 400 sq. ft. in area,
at 2° angle of attack and airspeed of 90 ft. per sec.? (6) What is the
2. What is the lift on a C-80 wing 400 sq. ft. in area at 2° angle of
3. What is the lift on a C-80 wing 400 sq. ft. in area at 7° angle of
5 40
.70 .24
-2° 0" 2° V 6° 8° 10° 12» 14° 16» 18° 20°
Anglt of Attack
6. What total weight can a Gottingen 398 wing 400 sq. ft. in area
7. .What total weight can a C-80 wing 400 sq. ft. in area sustain if
low angle of attack, must fly faster than if it flies at a high angle of
attack. For each speed there is one angle of attack for level
airplane will gain altitude; if the angle of attack is less, the airplane
will descend.
-1 -2
6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Angle of Attack
Conversely, for each angle of attack there is only one speed for
flying level, will either have to increase its speed or angle of attack
3. For an M-6 airfoil, plot wing loading versus angle of attack for an
4. For a C-80 airfoil, plot wing loading versus airspeed, in feet per
density is less than its standard value. Since both lift and drag
and the square of the velocity, to give lift and drag; at the same
first. â¢
altitude, x feet.
W = CL^SVf
W = Ci
But Vx'=?*Vf
^ Px
same, provided the angle of attack is the same. This may seem
H.P.o =
H.P.x =
Do X V0
xX V,
But Do = Dx
that is, px is less than p0, so that po/p» is greater than 1. With the
at sea-level.
ately more than the decreasing of density so that the drag and
flies 100 ft. per sec. at 2° angle of attack. What are the lift, wing
drag, and horsepower required at sea-level? What are the lift, wing
= 2,378 Ib.
= 114 Ib.
wp 114X100
H.R= -550-
At 10,000-ft. altitude
= 1,756 Ib.
= 84.3 Ib.
H.R= -550â
= 15.3 hp.
sq. ft. in area and is flying at sea-level at 100 miles per hour. What
are the wing drag and horsepower required for the wing? If the
At sea-level
n. 4,000
= 0.445
Therefore a = l\°
and CD = 0.0217
= 195 Ib.
H p 195 X 147
= 52.2 hp.
At 10,000-ft. altitude
Therefore a = 3^°
and CD = 0.0308
4,0000.001756 s2
= 204 Ib.
_ 204 X 147
= 54.6 hp.
1. An airplane weighing 3,000 Ib. has a Clark Y wing 250 sq. ft. in
area and is flying at sea-level at 150 miles per hour. (a) What are the
wing drag and horsepower required for the wing? (6) What are the
wing drag and horsepower if flying at 150 miles per hour at 15,000-ft.
altitude? (c) What are the wing drag and horsepower if flying at
2. An airplane weighing 6,000 Ib. has a Clark Y wing 250 sq. ft.
in area. It flies at 125 miles per hour. (a) What are the wing drag
3. An airplane weighing 5,000 Ib. has a Clark Y wing 275 sq. ft.
in area. It flies at 4° angle of attack. (a) What are the wing drag
4. An airplane weighing 4,000 Ib. has a Clark Y wing 350 sq. ft. in
area. It flies at 150 miles per hour. (a) What is the horsepower
6. An airplane whose wing loading is 12 Ib. per sq. ft. has a Clark
Y wing and is flying at 200 ft. per sec. at sea-level, (a) What is the
other parts, such as the fuselage, landing gear, and struts, which
parasite drag. The sum of the wing drag and parasite drag
constitute the total drag of the airplane. This total drag is the
to movement through the air. The wing that offers the least
resistance and at the same time furnishes the most lift would be
the selection of the wing section to be used, so that big lift with
The term " efficiency " as used in engineering has a very exact
The expression " efficacy of the wing " which has been suggested
drag coefficient.
Lift .2 C
Drag 2 CD
and is the tangent of the angle which the resultant force on the
If0 or 2° greater than the angle of minimum drag coefficient that
Clark Y airfoil are shown in Fig. 17. It will be noted that the
constant, lift is constant; the drag will be least when D/L is least,
will have less total drag than in any other position. This position
or time, so that less power may be required from the engine if the
For best performance of the engine and propeller and for com
drag coefficient will be less at this angle of attack than at the angle
L _ W _ 5,000 _~f.K
1. (a) Plot L/D versus angle of attack for the Gottingen 398 airfoil.
(6) What is the least drag of a Gottingen 398 wing for an airplane
weighing 4,000 lb.? (c) What is the drag for this airplane when the
wing is at 6° angle of attack? (d) What is the drag when the wing is
2. (a) Plot L/D versus angle of attack for the M-6 airfoil. (6) What
is the least drag of an M-6 wing for an airplane weighing 2,000 lb.?
3. (a) Plot L/D versus angle of attack for the R.A.F. 15 airfoil.
(6) What is the least drag of an R.A.F. 15 wing for an airplane weighing
2,000 lb.? (c) What is the angle of attack for least drag? (d) What
.02 04 .06 .08 .10 .12 .14 .16 .18 .20 .22 M
a much larger scale for plotting CD than for CL. If the same
scale were used for plotting both CL and CD, a line drawn from the
Using different scales for CL and CD, the length and direction
of a line from the origin to a point on the polar curve are meaning
largest angle with the horizontal base line, having the greatest
tangent, will have the highest CL/CD ratio. Therefore a line drawn
from the origin tangent to the polar curve will locate the angle of
0 3.
8 1.0 \2 14 1.6 18
very much the plot of L/D against angle of attack in Fig. 17.
CD, and L/D. These are all given by one polar curve; the
sq. ft. in area. What horsepower is required for the wing when flying
CL =
X 350 X (90)2
H.P. =
= 31.0 hp.
.02 .04 .06 .08 .10 .12 .14 .16 .18 .20 .22 .24
of a U.S.A.-35 airfoil.
In Fig. 23, the line from origin tangent to curve is tangent at point
In Fig. 25, the line from origin tangent to curve is tangent at point
sq. ft. in area. What horsepower is required for the wing when the
ci = -5L
= 0.301
~D~ ~23.2
D = 86.2 Ib.
H.P. =
86.2 X 120
27.6 hp.
1. An airplane weighing 2,,500 Ib. has a C-80 wing 200 sq. ft. in
2. An airplane weighing 1,800 Ib. has a C-80 wing. What area should
the wing have in order that only 25 hp. will be required for the wing
ft. in area. What is the drag when flying at an airspeed of 90 ft. per
.4 6 .8 1.0
per sq. ft. What is the L/D when airspeed is 100 miles per hour?
Ib. per sq. ft. It is flying at a 4° angle of attack. What should be the
cients of lift and drag, CL and CD, are diinensionless, that is, they
standard equations for lift and drag, provided the other factors
are consistent. With the English units: lift and drag forces are
feet, and velocity is in feet per second. With metric units: lift
per second, the standard mass density of air is 1.2255 .*. 9.807 or
Lift = CL
= 0.76 X ^^ X 35 X 402
= 2,660 kg.
meter is flying with its Gottingen 398 wing at a 2° angle of attack.
1585 X 0.0625
for changing miles per hour into feet per second. With engineering
velocity of 1 mile per hour; Kx is the drag of that wing, the move
various airfoils are for use only when the airfoils are moving
for the new air density. The symbol a (sigma) is used to express
Ky, and Kn (taken from the graphs) by the a for that altitude.
Ky = aKy, = âKy,
/0.002378\ /5,280
= 0.00256 CL
and Kt = 0.00256 CD
or CL = 390.7 Ky
and CD = 390.7 Kx
L = CL = 0.00256 CL = Ky
D~ CD~ 0.00256 CD ~ Kx
without transformation.
sq. ft. in area; what should be the airspeed at 4° angle of attack at
At zero altitude:
F=./~ 5,000
400 X 0.00169
D = 0.000089 X 400 X 1
= 263 Ib.
At 10,000-ft. altitude:
= 263 Ib.
independent of altitude.
1. A wing 150 sq. ft. in area has a Clark Y section. What is the
for the wing to lift 1,600 Ib. when the airspeed is 80 miles per hour?
4. For a wing loading of 14 Ib. per sq. ft., (a) what should be the
6. An airplane weighing 2,000 Ib. has a Clark Y wing 240 sq. ft.
in area, (a) What is the drag at 120 miles per hour at sea-level; (6)
at 10,000-ft. altitude?
loading to fly 150 miles per hour at 0° angle of attack: (a) at sea-
7. An airplane, with a wing loading of 18.2 Ib. per sq. ft., has a
Clark Y wing whose angle of attack is 7°. For level flight what should
9. An airplane has a Clark Y wing 270 sq. ft. in area. With wing
at 3° angle of attack, what should the airspeed be in order that the
drag does not exceed 300 Ib. (a) at sea-level; (6) at 10,000-ft. altitude?
should be the wing area, if the airspeed is 130 miles per hour when the
375 mile-pounds per hour. Using this factor, the formulas for
H.P.req. = oF D in pounds
S in square feet
225 sq. ft. in area at 2° angle of attack and 125 miles per hour (a) at
At sea-level :
H.P.*,. = -^-
= 72.0 hp.
At 15,000-ft. altitude:
H.Rr*,. - â^-
= 0.629 X 72.0
- 45.2 hp.
200 sq. ft. in area should require only 45 hp. at 4° angle of attack?
area, on an airplane weighing 1,750 lb., when flying at 100 miles per
know not only the magnitude and direction of the resultant of the
forces on the wing, but also the position of this resultant. Lift
and drag forces are perpendicular to each other and are com
ponents of the resultant force. The lift squared plus the drag
the resultant varies as the air density, the wing area, and the
CR = VCL2 + CD2
The direction in which the resultant force acts is the angle cot~1
The point on the chord through which the line of action of the
camber on the upper than the lower surface, the curves of center-
the angle of zero lift, the center of pressure is near the trailing
edge of the wing. As the angle becomes more positive, the center
couple tending to depress the leading edge and raise the trailing
more negative than the angle of zero lift, the resultant reappears
resultant force tends to tip the leading edge of the wing upward
pressure movement. These airfoils are termed " stable " airfoils.
pressure movement.
decrease the angle of attack are called diving moments and are
negative in sign.
When the moment is taken about the leading edge, the sum of
the moments of the two components may be used; see Fig. 28.
+ C.P. X c X sin a. X D
moment is in foot-pounds.
In engineering units:
transformed to read
of 42-ft. span and 7-ft. chord at a 2° angle of attack with an airspeed
CL = 0.295
CD = 0.0156
fl (Â¥19178
= -3740ft-lb.
of 8 ft. chord and 48-ft. span at a 7° angle of attack with an airspeed
wing of 45-ft. span and ?5-ft. chord at a 4° angle of attack with an
wing of 36-ft. span and 6-ft. chord at a 3° angle of attack with an
6. What vertical force must be applied 5 ft. back from the leading
at leading edge.
p is in percentage of chord
the minus sign being used because the force shown in Fig. 29 will
above is
-M = CL£<SF'(C.P. Xc-pc)
= C.P. X CL - pCL
That is, for any angle of attack, the moment coefficient about
any point along the chord is the lift coefficient for that angle
0 1 .2 3 4 .5 .6 .7 8 .9 1.0
C. P from L E.
the burble point. Any deviations from the straight line may be
That is, when l/CL equals zero, C.P. equals 0.25, and since the
(IR = 0.25 +
or k = CL(OR - 0.25)
From the previously derived equation that â Cu = Ci(C.P. â p),
of the chord back from the leading edge, the moment coefficient
edge is
= Ci(C.P. - 0.25)
tabulated in Table V.
C.P. = 0.25 -
coefficient about any point p per cent of the chord back from the
-Cu = -pCL +
= -pCL + 0.25 CL -
lift the moment coefficient about the leading edge is equal to the
= 0.313
C.P. = 0.25 -
= 0.25 -
= 0.25 + 0.214
= 0.46
= â I }
\ 0.84 )
= 0.322
Exact C.P. =
CL cos a + CD sin a
+ 0.27
0.836 + 0.006
= 0.321
airspeed of 125 miles per hour. At angle of zero lift CA/O = â0.06.
wing chord of 6 ft. is flying at a speed of 120 miles per hour. If the
edge: (a) what is the moment about the leading edge; (6) what is the
moment coefficient about the leading edge; (c) what is the moment
of zero lift.
center of pressure is 30 per cent of the chord length back from the
about the leading edge is 0.06; what is CL when the center of pressure
150 miles per hour for an airplane weighing 8,000 Ib. and having a
however, for wings having an aspect ratio of 6; i.e., the span was 6
were made geometrically similar to the older models, i.e., with the
around a wing is very complex. Air flows backward over the top
spilling out from below the wing tip and up into the region of low
wing near the wing tips, the pressure is not quite as low as over the
rest of the wing because of the excess coming up from below partly
filling this low-pressure area. On the under side of the wing near
the tip, because of the air passing out and up, the positive pressure
Lift, being due to the difference in air pressure between the lower
and upper sides of the wing, is not uniform over the span of even
wing tips.
shown in Fig. 31. Close to the center of the span the decrease
braced wings, the lift shall be considered uniform from the center
of the span to a point one chord length in from the tip, and from
there it shall decrease to 80 per cent of the uniform lift (see Fig. 32).
. Span
Tip Length
FIG. 32. Dept. of Commerce lift distribution for internally braced wing.
lift at the wing tips and are sufficiently close for strength com
wing, air near the tip is flowing out and upward, air nearer the
center flows out to replace this air. The air on the under side of
the wing has therefore not only a backward motion relative to the
wing but also an outward motion as well. Near the center of the
span this outward component is weaker than near the tip. The
Leading Edge
/ \\\
Trailing Edge
Leading Edge
Trailing Edge
Fio. 33. Air motion (a) under side, (6) upper side of wing.
and downward.
the center of the span, and coming under the lower side of the wing
clockwise, viewed from the front; on the right wing they are
tion, merge into two main vortices, one at each wing tip. These
tion great care must be taken that the wing of a following airplane
motion to air outside the wing tip and an inward and downward
motion to air inside it. Since at each wing tip air is coming in
Air flowing over and under the wing is given a downward deflection
the profile flow. With smaller aspect ratio the importance of this
defined as the angle between the relative wind and the wing
chord. The relative wind is the direction from which the air
comes in meeting the wing, this direction being the direction of the
With a wing of finite aspect ratio, the air through which the
vortices. Then the wing is not traveling through air which has a
the wing. The true velocity of the air FlG. 35. ^tive â¢d Kad
to be V.
The angle between relative wind V and the true relative wind is
made up of two parts, the induced angle of attack a,. and the
a = ao + a»
zero, and the effective angle of attack is the same as the geometric
radians, for small angles the sine is equal to the angle itself; i.e.,
and CD = CLOU + Cm
drag coefficient. The other part, CDO, is called the profile drag
coefficient. In the same way, the drag itself is divided into two
drag and all the drag is that due to the profile or two-dimensional
flow. The drag is then due only to the skin friction of the air with
lift â which depends on the angle of attack â and on the induced
on the lift but also on the slant of the lift backward from the per
the span, and this constant downwash is obtained when the lift
scissas, the resulting curve is a semi-ellipse with the span as the axis.
contact with the surface is affected and has motion imparted to it.
Farther away from the wing the air is affected less. At great
distances above or below the wing, there is still an effect on the air
distances away from the wing where the effect is zero, but for the
Then the mass of air affected by the wing in unit tune is pS' V.
Then on =
's .
ai = lTAK.
also CK
7T A.R.
makes a; the same all across the span. This particular lift distri
these expressions are not exactly correct. The error in using them
any corrections.*
The expression given above for a,. gives the induced angle of
a,. (degrees) =
7T A.R.
18.24 CL
The induced drag coefficient being known, the induced drag may
be found, as follows
* Glauert has shown that, for rectangular wings, more nearly correct for
mulas are
*^L tt i /n\
i r A.R.
xA.R.v '
where the correction factors T and S vary with aspect ratio as follows:
5 per cent.
The weight divided by the span is called the span loading. For
level flight the induced drag varies directly with the square of the
X 0.00119 V2\b
1,730 £ 62 F
0.00116 W2
0.488 fy
H.P.a =
a chord of 6 ft. What are the induced angle of attack and the induced
A u 39
A.R. = -
= 6.5
(degrees) =
18.24 X 0.8
«= 2.22°
"T X 6.5
= 0.031
duced drag?
_ 2,000
T X i X 0.00176 X 1172
= 73 Ib.
_ 0.00116 X 521?
0.00176 X 117
= 15.5 hp.
When CL = 0.65, what are the induced angle of attack and the
When CL = 0.72, what are the induced angle of attack and the in
duced drag of a monoplane weighing 4,700 Ib. and having a wing span
of 52 ft.?
4. The Northrop Delta weighs 7,000 Ib., and its span is 48 ft.
5. The Taylor Cub weighs 925 Ib., and its wing span is 35 ft. 2^ in.
6. The Lockheed Vega weighs 4,750 Ib.; its wing span is 41 ft.
7. A Stinson Reliant weighs 3,125 Ib.; its wing span is 43 ft. 3| in.
per sec., what is the induced drag (a) if span is 35 ft.; (b) if span is
10. A monoplane weighs 3,000 Ib.; its span is 30 ft. What is the
induced drag, at sea-level, (a) at airspeed of 100 ft. per sec.; (6) at
> , , 18.24 Ky
= 7130 Ky
0.00256 CK = 0.00256
125 Ky1
two parts, the effective angle of attack and the induced angle of
-5 0 5 â 10 15 20
attack. Two wings of the same area, same airfoil section, and
same airspeed will have the same lift, provided the effective angle
different aspect ratio, the one having the smaller aspect ratio will
These two wings having the same effective angle of attack will
have the same profile drag, but since the induced drag is greater
on the wing of smaller aspect ratio, the total drag will be greater
on that wing.
ratios, OA being the total angle of attack for wing of aspect ratio A
which gives the same lift as the total angle of attack UB gives for
18.24 CL 18.24 CL
= 18.240,
[I -I]
induced drags. Then for the two wings of the preceding para
graph, A and B being the two aspect ratios and the wings being
the same airfoil section and same area, the total drags for each
will be
Co(A) = CaHA) +
CD(B) = CDO(B) +
irA irB
= CL2/! n
' T \A B)
of 3°, has a CL = 0.381 and CD = 0.0170; find, for the same airfoil
section, the angle of attack and the CD that will correspond with the
a6 - 04 = 18.24 X 0.381 (i - i)
= -0.579
COM - COM = - X (I - i)
= -0.00385
a6 - a4 = 18.24 X 0.381
= -0.611
0.381V1.054 1.033
= -0.0038
angle of attack and the drag coefficient is the profile drag coeffi
that aspect ratio to give the geometric angle of attack, and to the
a = ao + a<
00 , 18.24 X 1.03
= 9° + 2.3°
= 11.3°
0.067 + 0.042
Wing of aspect ratio 8 at angle of attack of 11.3° will have lift coeffi
0 .01 .02
8 12 16
.03 .04
Example. From Fig. 18, the lift and drag coefficients for the
2° =
OO(A.R.«) .t
, 18.24 X 0.293
ao + g
a0 = 2° - 0.89
to give CL of 0.293.
0.031 = CDv+^j^
7T /^ 0
= 0.97°
= 0.0000417
= 0.00013
pect ratio are known, the characteristic curves for any other aspect
ratio can be calculated. Figure 37 shows the lift and drag coeffi
ratio of 6.
Note that variation in the aspect ratio has no effect on the angle
of zero lift.
0.7. (a) What is the CD for a similar airfoil with aspect ratio of 9,
0.78 and CD = 0.047. (a) At what angle of attack will this airfoil
have the same CL if the aspect ratio is infinity? (6) What will be the
attack will CL = 1.32? (6) What will be Co? (c) What will be
0.64 and CD = 0.035. (a) With aspect ratio of 8.5, at what angle of
10. From Fig. 26 obtain the data and plot the lift and drag coeffi
" *qV
may be rewritten as
* (A.R.)
= D (model) -
IT (A.R.model) If
CL/ i 1 X
T VA.R.modd A.R.monopUne/
Example. An airplane weighs 2,000 lb.; the wing area is 180 sq.
ft.; the wing span is 39 ft. What is the wing drag at 4° angle of
= 0.934 :
0.0629 - 0.0142
2,000 = 1
D 0.0487
D = 2,000 X 0.0487
= 97.4 lb.
wing tip. The term chord used in connection with the aspect ratio
namic chords. The wing area is total area including ailerons and is
35-ft. span, 4-ft. chord. What is the wing drag at 2° angle of attack?
span, 3j-ft. chord. What is the wing drag at 6° angle of attack?
span and 4-ft. chord. What is the wing drag at 8° angle of attack?
ft. 5-in. span and 6-ft. 0-in. chord. If Gottingen 398 airfoil is used,
574 sq. ft. in area. The span is 66 ft. What is the wing drag at 8°
angle of attack?
6. A monoplane whose weight is 5,400 Ib. has a C-80 wing 285 sq.
ft. in area. The span is 44 ft. What is the wing drag at the same
sq. ft. in area. The span is 42 ft. 9 in. What is the wing drag at 8°
angle of attack?
sq. ft. in area. Span is 48 ft. What is the wing drag at 10° angle of
9. A racing plane weighing 6,500 Ib. has a C-80 wing of 211 sq. ft. in
area. Span is 34 ft. 3 in. What is the wing drag at 2° angle of attack?
10. What is the wing drag of the airplane in problem 9 at 10° angle
of attack?
across in a straight line from where the leading edges of each wing
intersect the fuselage, and the same assumption is made for the
trailing edge.
With the airfoil section decided upon, the area is fixed by the
landing speed. The largest possible span will, of course, give the
least possible induced drag. The long wing spars necessary for a
so that there are very practical limits to the length of span. Rec
in plan form only. This means using the same airfoil section
throughout the wing. The chord is lessened from the root to the
tip; this entails decreasing the thickness from root to tip. The
tangular wing, the chord remaining the same from root to tip.
first two.
The first method of tapering in plan form is the only one com
By decreasing the chord near the tip, the lift and drag loads are
a rectangular wing of 36-ft. span and 6-ft. chord and a tapered wing
of the same area, the tapered wing having a 6-ft. chord at the root, the
the tip, and the fuselage being 3 ft. wide. The airspeed is 100 miles
per hour.
Rectangular wing:
TV _
= 236 Ib.
found to be 44 ft.
Di = _ , -
158 Ib.
which has a span of 40 ft.? The chord at the root is 5 ft. Both
leading and trailing edges are tangent to the arc of a circle of 1^-ft.
74-ft. 0 in. span? The chord at root is 15 ft. 0 in. Both leading
and trailing edges are tangent to circular tips, 3-ft. 6 in. radius.
Transport whose span is 85 ft. 0 in.? The center section of the wing
is 28 ft. 0 in. wide and has a 17-ft. 0 in. chord. The trailing edge is
straight. The leading edge sweeps back. Both leading and trailing
wide. Root chord is 11 ft. 0 in. Wing is tapered from fuselage out,
both leading and trailing edges being tangent to circular tip of 2-ft.
0 in. radius.
0 in. wide. Root chord is 9 ft. 0 in. Wing tapers from center section
57.3 CL
the curve is a straight line from the angle of zero lift up to near
the burble point. For this portion of the curve the following is
C = ACL x a
«Z.L. =
aZiJl - L311Q-xV'
X./1 1 \
\6 A.R.7
where A'R/
angle of attack of the tail surfaces, and the small errors incidental
|1.00b.e 90
1 so70>///^^â ~âK-
E. M A. R
This factor, FA.R., is used by the Army Air Corps and is based
radians. From the theory of thin airfoils, the slope of the lift
AC£ = 2 7T Aa
Aa = Aa^, +
Aa = Aa
Aa6 =
X A.R.
X A.R.
44 & X o7.o
= 0.0822 if a is in degrees.
= Aa6
Aa Aae â , 6
of attack when the aspect ratio is 6. The angle of zero lift is â2°.
= 0.076
= 0.076
= 0.0829
for 4° when aspect ratio is 85, if angle of zero lift is â 2°?
curve for aspect ratio 6 is 0.074; what is CL at 5° angle of attack when
the chord.
CN = CD sin a + CL cos a
i- i c o^
a = anSIe of attack
= - 0.1667
out for a Clark Y monoplane, aspect ratio of 9, the data for the
second, fifth, and sixteenth lines being taken from Fig. 17. K is
1234567891011121314151617181920CLatAaaCD,ACWCDCOS asin aCL cos aCD sin atCrrCj. sin aCBCOSOCcC.P.CUc/4CUaCKCD,0.2-2.20.2-2.00.0120.00070.0130.999-0.0350.2000.0000.200-0.0050.0130.0180.60-1.750-1.7520.00140.0120.40.60.401.00.0190.00280.0221.0000.0170.4000.0000.4000.0070.0220.0150.41-0.400-0.4040.00560.0160. 03540.0511.
NOTE: Item 12, the beam or normal component, and item 15, the chord
component, are used in stress analysis but are not needed in performance
aspect ratio of 8.
of 7.5.
about 1
Chord Point
where CL = 0-0.068-0.068-0.065-0.084-0.95-0.083-0.07400-0.029-0.044-0.044-0.040-0.037-0.089-0.0270.002-0.022-0.052-0.077-0.111-0.076aAerodynamic
Center in
Percentage of
A.R.60.07160.07220.07160.07390.07450.07340.07430.07480.07430.07530 07530.07430.07430.07260.07360.07400.07440.07050.07190.07180.07300.0749
side of the wing and slightly more than atmospheric on the under
side of the wing. If another wing is placed over the first wing,
the gap being relatively small, the low-pressure area on the upper
on the under side of the upper wing, and vice versa. Owing to the
proximity of the upper wing, the pressure on the upper side of the
lower wing will not be as low as if there were no upper wing. The
pressure on the under side of the upper wing will not be as high as
of the other wing. This has the same effect as reducing the aspect
where Lj. jjid &i are the lift and span respectively of one wing,
Lt and 62 are the lift and span of the other wing, q is (p/2) F2, and a
The added drag on the upper wing produced by the lower wing
is the same as the added drag on the lower wing produced by the
upper wing. The total added drag has twice the value of that
L>i ~ __ j. i T .
Li2 , 2ffLi£,2 , 2
with the subscripts for lift and span, then, assuming there is no
+ - +.
'" *.A.R.
E.M.A.R. =
Where the chords of both wings are the same length, c\ = c2,
the fuselage.
ratio of the lift of the wing with the shorter span (L2) to the lift
of the wing with the longer span (Li) is called r. Then Lz = rL\
drag of a biplane
(S + 2 '
6 V2 + 2 <rMr + r/
the E.M.A.R. and is more widely used than the one previously
with rectangular wings; upper span 40 ft., upper chord 4 ft. 10 in.,
lower span 32 ft., lower chord 3 ft. 9 in., gap 4 ft. 6 in.
TXâ =
Mean span 36
= °.125
= 5.4
31 ft. 65 in., upper chord 4 ft. 8 in., lower span 28 ft. 4^ in., lower
28 ft. 0 in., upper chord 4 ft. 0 in., lower span 25 ft. 3 in., lower chord
span 25 ft. 0 in., upper chord 4 ft. 6 in., lower span 15 ft. 0 in., lower
27 ft. 0 in., upper chord 4 ft. 6 in., lower span 22 ft. 0 in., lower chord
38 ft. 0 in., upper chord 9 ft. 0 in., lower span 38 ft. 0 in., lower chord
cause mutual induced drag, and the amount of this drag depends on
for biplanes.
The greater the gap between the wings the smaller will be the
gap between the wings will have no mutual wing interference and
the induced drag will be solely the induced drag of each wing.
columns, and, if the gap is unduly big, the struts are excessively
long and the structure is weak. It is usual to make the gap ap- .
of visibility.
52 / 2Q i ry \
which will give the minimum induced drag, the expression for drag
M4(l + r)*
r) - (M2 +
rg6i2LM2 (1+r)3 J
(l+r)3 J
r = infinity or when
1 â an
less than unity. Then the product <TH is always less than unity
I - an' \ 1 - anj
M / "' \
'' / '' \
1 - an \ l â fn/
i â an
r is the ratio of lifts of the two wings. If the lift coefficients of the
two wings are the same, then the ratio of lifts is the same as the
used for both wings, there will be interaction between the two
wings, so that neither CLU, the lift coefficient for the upper wing,
nor CLL> the lift coefficient for the lower wing, are the same as CL,
When both wings are the same area, the increments AC^y and
assumes that r, the ratio of lifts, is also the ratio of wing areas.
Then if unequal spans have been decided upon for a biplane, the
areas should be divided so that there is least induced drag, that is,
chosen, the spans should be so selected that, when the ratio of the
area. This ratio being known, the proper chords can be found.
a 27-ft. span on the lower wing; the gap is to be 4 ft. 6 in. What
h- no *! - 1 11
6, °'9 6, L11
0.9 - 0.538
= 0.632
Therefore the area of the lower wing should be 0.632 times the area of
the upper wing. The area of both the wings will be 1.632 times the
area of the upper wing, or the area of the upper wing will be 1/1.632
^ = 0.632
5 = 0.632^
d bt
-= 0.632 X 1.11
= 0.702
lower span 24 ft., and gap 4 ft. What should be the ratio of areas and
6 ft. (a) What should be the ratio of areas? (6) For rectangular
E.M.A.R. = â2
E.M.A.R. = ^
+ C22
n = r- = ratio of spans
1 â an
.(1 -
1 - 2 <rM +
(1 -
Since a < n
0 < M2 - 2 tr/t + a3
1 â <r
having the same lift (area), the equivalent monoplane aspect ratio
of the biplane will be greater than the aspect ratio of the mono
plane, since the E.M.A.R. of the biplane is the A.R. of the mono
induced drag depends on the aspect ratio, the biplane will have
.A.R. = ^ [(
applicable only for biplanes which have the best lift distributions
O V 1 â er
5(1 -
, V ~ 2 <r62
in. Di) =
,8(1 - «*)
+ a)
Also if 6i = 62, r- = A" = 1> and the ratio of wing areas for best
1 â (T/X
The spans being equal and the areas (lift) being equal, the chords
of each wing are equal and the aspect ratios of each individual
wing are the same. The area of one wing is one-half the total
area. The actual aspect ratio of each wing is 2 b/S. The equiva
the gap.
If the spans are not equal, n is less than 1. Then for any ratio
of areas, the aspect ratio will be less and the induced drag more
usually the lower, shorter span than the other. With unequal
spans, the best efficiency is obtained not with equal areas but with
Example. A biplane has a span of 40 ft. for upper wing and 36 ft.
for lower wing and a gap of 5 ft. The total wing area is 400 sq. ft.
Assuming that the area of each of the wings has been selected for best
hi 40
Gap 5
- 400 X 1.16
= 4.64
E.M.A.R. of a biplane with total area of 380 sq. ft., upper wing 35-ft.
of a biplane with total wing area of 350 sq. ft., upper span 30 ft.,
7 in., lower span 29 ft. 5 in., total area 298 sq. ft., gap 75 in.? Assume
lower wings of which is 30 ft., the chord of each wing 5 ft. 3 in., and
6. What is the E.M.A.R. of a biplane whose total area is 245 sq. ft.,
upper span 30 ft. 0 in., lower span 26 ft. 4 in., and gap 4 ft. 10^ in.?
7. What is the E.M.A.R. of a biplane whose total area is 379 sq. ft.,
8. What is the E.M.A.R. of a biplane whose total area is 376 sq. ft.,
upper span 40 ft., lower span 38 ft. 5 in., and gap 61 in.?
sq. ft., both spans being 79 ft. 8 in. and gap 110 in.?
sq. ft., both spans being 90 ft. 0 in. and gap 126 in.?
g to -i » 2
the " apparent span factor " or " Munk's span factor " and is
+ 2 <rr> +
\V + 2 (77.M + r2
E.M.A.R. =
the span in the case of a monoplane, the term (Kbi) is called the
upper span is 32 ft., lower span 29 ft., gap 4.63 ft., area upper wing
152 sq. ft., and area lower wing 120 sq. ft.
" = 32 = °'879
0.879 X 1.79
= 1.07
= 1.07 X 32
= 34.2 ft.
upper wing 124 sq. ft., area lower wing 122.9 sq. ft., upper span 26 ft.,
upper wing 172 sq. ft., area lower wing 125 sq. ft., upper span 32 ft.,
area upper wing 143 sq. ft., area lower wing 140.7 sq. ft., upper and
plane; area upper wing 214 sq. ft., area lower wing 150 sq. ft., upper
each wing 795 sq. ft., upper and lower spans each 90 ft., gap 9 ft. 3 in.
each wing 77 sq. ft., length of each span 20 ft., gap 3 ft. 10 in.
area upper wing 192 sq. ft., area lower wing 186 sq. ft., upper span
upper wing 150 sq. ft., area lower wing 135 sq. ft., upper span 32 ft.,
area upper wing 175 sq. ft., area lower wing 150 sq. ft., upper span
total wing area 295 sq. ft., upper and lower spans 34 ft. 5j in., upper
graphs, the gap has been specified and changes in aspect ratio
gap, the least induced drag (i.e., maximum aspect ratio) would be
spans, and with both spans fixed, a decrease in gap will mean an
plane; the spans will then be equal, the expression for E.M.A.R. =
26" , 262 W
For level flight, lift must equal the total weight of the airplane.
that a wing area of 250 sq. ft. will be sufficient to give proper landing
speed and that the lower span should be 0.8 of the upper span, which
= 0.167
1 - 0.477 X 0.8
0.64 - 0.382
1 - 0.382
= 0.417
= 0.522
Si(l + r) = 250
61 = 40 ft.
_ 176.5
Cl " 40
= 4.41 ft.
b, = 0.S X 40
= 32 ft.
_ 73.5
08 ~ 32
= 2.3 ft.
1 - OAT?
= 1.138
E.M.A.R. = J^ X 1.138
= 7.28
= 109 Ib.
only when the ratio of areas is such that the induced drag is minimum;
if the areas are arbitrarily chosen without regard to this, the general
â2(! + r)2
lower span 32 ft., upper chord 3.45 ft., lower chord 3.5 ft., and gap
6.67 ft. What is the induced drag at 100 miles per hour at sea-level?
= 0.8
G 2 X 6.67
= 0.185
32 X 3.5
40 X 3.45
(0.8)2 X (1 + 0.81)2
= 1.096
_ 5JOCK? _
1. A biplane weighing 4,000 Ib. has a total wing area of 250 sq. ft.,
upper span 40 ft., lower span 32 ft., upper chord 4.41 ft., lower chord
2.3 ft., gap one-seventh of longer span; what is induced drag at air
4. A biplane weighs 4,000 Ib. and has a total wing area of 250 sq.
ft., upper span 40 ft., lower span 32 ft., gap one-seventh of longer span,
and chords such as to give minimum drag. What is the induced drag
if the gap were one-eighth of the longer span and the chords such as
one-fifth of longer span, and the chords are chosen to give minimum
span 32 ft., total wing area 250 sq. ft., gap one-seventh of larger span.
What should be chords and E.M.A.R. for minimum drag, and what is
8. A biplane weighing 2,932 Ib. has a total wing area of 257 sq. ft.,
the upper span 31.58 ft., lower span 26 ft.; chords are chosen for
minimum drag, and gap is 4.19 ft. What is drag at 150 miles per
sq. ft., upper and lower spans are each 66.5 ft., the chords are equal,
and the gap is 9.17 ft. What is the drag at 120 miles per hour at sea-
10. The Curtiss Condor weighs 17,370 Ib., its total wing area is
1,510 sq. ft., each span is 91 ft. 8 in., the gap is 10 ft. 6 in., the chords
are equal. What is the induced drag at 110 miles per hour at sea-
LK= ~^S~
'" =
v 391 Ky2(cf + 2
K = 125 K * S \^ + 2 *"> + ^1
r)2 J
span factor are functions of areas and lengths and are the same
= 125
125 U ...
3V \Kbi
It will be noted that the expressions for induced drag and for
Total Drag of Biplane Wings from Model Data. With the veloc
ity not known, the total drag may be found from model data.
the L/D of the combination of wings and then make use of the
Let Da, be the induced drag of the biplane wings and Z)* the
D/biphac / D\ +^( - 1 \
(»} +^_« I
\ Wraodcl
weight and the L/D at that angle of attack are known, the drag
may be found.
154.8 sq. ft., lower wing area 103.67 sq. ft., upper span 30.1 ft., lower
span 24.33 ft., gap 4.7 ft., wing is Clark Y. What is the total wing
2G 2X4.7
bi + 62 ~ 24.33 + 30.1
= 0.173
0.808' (1 + 0.67)2
1.03 X (30.1)2
= 3.61
fL\ 1
1 0.791 / 1 1\
17.5 + JT \3.61 6/
D = 3,116 X 0.0849
= 268 Ib.
If the spans are equal, the E.M.A.R. is =7^ â ; â . or the aspect
o(l + a)
n . L x CL f (1 + ^ _J _ "\
5,000 Ib. ; total wing area, 450 sq. ft. ; equal spans of 42 ft. ; gap 6 ft.,
Clark Y section.
M- 1
Gap .6_
Span ~ 42
= 0.143
= 7.84
D ~ J_ 4. °.791 /I.57 _ 1\
17.5 ^ T \7.84 6/
D = 5,000 X 0.0655
= 328 Ib.
wing 120 sq. ft., lower wing 100 sq. ft., upper span 30 ft., lower span
24 ft., gap 3.5 ft. What is total wing drag at 8° angle of attack?
Clark Y airfoil section. Area upper wing 212 sq. ft., area lower wing
146.7 sq. ft.', upper span 39.75 ft., lower span 37.6 ft., gap 5.64 ft.
Y airfoil. Total wing area is 300.6 sq. ft., equal spans are 34.46 ft.,
gap is 4.72 ft. What is total wing drag at 8° angle of attack?
4. Plot L/D versus CL for the D.H. biplane. Wings from data
in sample problem.
The air flowing around the object exerts a force on the object.
is drag.
Struts, wires, landing gear and other parts of the airplane offer
composed of two parts, the wing drag and the parasite drag.
Classified in this way the parasite drag was the drag of all parts
drag and the profile drag. It is now the custom to consider the
" fairing " of balsa wood or sheet metal is frequently used. Wher
ever possible the airplane parts that would cause parasite drag
area. That is, the actual drag in pounds at a given airspeed being
known, the area of a flat plate normal to the wind, which at the
Some data of old tests are still recorded as being in " equivalent
miles per hour; or the resistance is 1.28 » aV2, where p is the air
density in slugs per cubic foot, a is the area in square feet, and F
give the drag of that part at some defined airspeed. If the drag
the square of the airspeed is the drag at that airspeed. Since the
is often recorded for an airspeed of 100 miles per hour. The drag
at any other airspeed will be the drag at 100 miles per hour
the profile drag CD, n SV2, and the induced drag CoinSV..
£t &
The total drag of the airplane is the wing drag plus the parasite
cient in this form can then be added directly to the profile drag
1.28 X a t ,
.PlOO m.p.h.
0.00256 S X 10,000
= 0.0392 X Aoom.Pj».
through the air. The air flowing along the sides of a streamlined
always met the air in a direction parallel to the axis of the object,
nose. Since an object whose rear end is blunt leaves a wake when
passing through air, and the air rushes into this region of low
approaches the ideal streamline. It has been found that for least
If the wire is less than 0.2-in. diameter, the result will be slightly
Stranded cable will have greater drag than smooth wires, and
If two parallel wires are in the air stream and one wire shields
the other by being directly behind it, the total drag will be less
than for two single wires, and will be approximately 15 times the
decreased air resistance than round wire. The drag of this wire
will usually stretch, and one or two wires will fray so that the need
but its drag is high. Nowadays all struts in the air stream have a
u = K.WV* ..... ,
2.5 0.0000194
3.0 0.0000180
3.5 0.0000175
4.0 0.0000171
4.5 0.0000175
2.5 » 0.00000902
3.0 0.00000836
3.5 0.00000812
4.0 0.00000795
4.5 0.00000812
struts, it will be seen that, for the same width, the round tube has
sectional area as a round rod would have less thickness and more
both shapes and the tensile strength will be the same, but the
have a greater moment of inertia about any axis than will a round
between round and streamline rods having the same area and
to have a greater moment of inertia about its short axis than the
round strut; but about its long axis, the streamline strut will have
level, of four main struts each 6 ft. long if they are round tubes J in.
D = (0.00026 X ! X T002) X 4 X 6
= 46.8 Ib.
D = (0.0000175 X | X T002) X 4 X 6
= 2.6 Ib.
each ^ in. thick and 21 ft. long, at an airspeed of 90 miles per hour at
4. What is the drag of 40 ft. of standard " streamline " wire, f in.
strut and the fitting holding it to the wing surface cause extra drag.
A very good way to allow for the extra resistance is to follow the
and wires, " Add one foot to length of cable for turnbuckle, and
one foot for the eye and fitting. . . . For total resistance of struts,
and add three feet per strut for the additional resistance of the two
end fittings."
and figured as flat plate area. The reason for figuring on double
wires, and pinned joints, to break up the smooth flow of air. The
ready built airplane whose fuselage most nearly resembles his own
has a cross-sectional area of 8.9 sq. ft.; at 110 miles per hour its drag
Coefficient = ;
8.9 xTi02
= 0.00095
Drag = coefficient X A X F2
= 0.00095 X 12 X 1452
= 239 Ib.
With wheels, struts, tie wires, etc., there is usually very little
and the tail surfaces is always in the downwash from the wings
considered as the ratio of the flat plate area of the fuselage at any
Example. The top speed of a DH-4 is 124 miles per hour at sea-
level; its stalling speed is 61 miles per hour. The wing area is 440
sq. ft.; at a speed of 100 miles per hour, the fuselage has a drag equiva
lent to a flat plate 3.06 sq. ft. in area. What are the equivalent flat
At stalling speed:
At maximum speed:
3.06 X 1.28
= 0.0089
At stalling speed:
0.0089 X 4
= 0.0349
At maximum speed:
0.0089 X 1.00
= 0.00874
the individual struts and the wheels will not take into account the
the resistance of the struts and the wheels, using table VI.
Within the past few years, it has become common to use low-
pressure tires. With a smaller wheel the same landing shock can
they grip the ground better, they permit a smoother take-off and
wet, muddy field. Brakes operate well, and owing to their pro
portions the drag is less than for a wheel with high-pressure tire
tire and wheel have become the most widely used. The drag is
sometimes referred to as the " doughnut " wheel, are also used;
the tire dimensions are 11J in. by 25 in.; the drag is 7.1 Ib. at 80
Tiresize26X328X430X532X636X844X1054 X 1264X14Drag in pounds per wheel at 100 miles per hourBare wheel10.814.118.122.833.851.275.9105.6Usual fairing7.20.412.015.222.534.150.670.4Full fairing3.
Trophy Race in 1921. In flight, the wheels are retracted into the
wings or into the fuselage. Lowering the landing gear not only
increases the drag but it also lowers the line of action of the total
to the eddies around the fins and valves, so that cowling is chiefly
size flight tests appear to be the only method of finding out exactly
greater piston speed than the airplane engine, but whereas the
average automobile engine rarely is run wide open and the bulk
of this test the engine must be run at wide-open throttle, and for
the other 50 hours at not less than 75 per cent of rated horsepower.
slipped into low gear. After the automobile is moving, the speed
is slowly increased, and it is usually not till some time has elapsed
the engine is wide open for the take-off and wide open for the climb.
It is not till the altitude selected for flight has been reached that
For reliability all engines of more than 100 hp. are required by
airplane brings the center of gravity of the airplane far back and
boats where the hull extends a good distance forward of the wing
to offset to some extent the weight of the engine that the pusher
frontal area of the engine which sets the limit on the decrease in
and unless the heat is removed, the engine parts would soon reach
All engines are air cooled. Some types are cooled directly by
heat from the cylinders and then having the liquid cooled by air.
taken from each. The rate at which heat passes from a surface
temperature of the air and the surface, so that, if the two engines
are to run at the same temperature, the same volume of air per
minute should go past the cooling fins in one engine and through
the same.
years, air-cooled engines have been built both in-line and V-type,
extra weight of the water, the radiator, pump and plumbing â
parasite drag, even with the benefit of cowling, is more than that
whereas, if water cooled, " wet gas " often is drawn into the
the center of the piston-face from getting too hot. The displace
pressures on standard engines not exceeding 150 Ib. per sq. in.,
of cylinders, and nine cylinders are the most that can be crowded
away, hose bursting, pump failing, etc. With air cooling, one of
use, one must consider the entire unit of boiler, engine, and con
engines, and on the basis of the entire unit, the weights were 13.2
Ib. per hp., with a fuel consumption of 0.573 Ib. per hp-hr. These
were large power plants, and always efficiencies in power and sav
For ordinary flying, this weight would bar out all consideration
of steam, since gasoline units have been built weighing less than
1 Ib. per hp. These were special jobs, and the average internal-
per hp.
flying. The steam engine does not lose horsepower with altitude.
than 40,000 ft., steam engines are lighter than gasoline engines.
With a steam power plant, energy is obtained from the fuel and
may be used, and it may contain more energy per unit weight. A
since the ordinary four-stroke cycle means one power stroke per
cylinders were arranged radially about the hub and were air
plane would be nosed down. Pushing the left rudder caused the
from the left side. The pilots of the rotary-engined plane were
thus faced with the alternatives of attempting a left turn with its
the lower cylinders became filled with oil. Because of the above-
plants for large marine vessels. They have always been very
will the Diesel engine use a very cheap oil, but also, since it
and 32 minutes.
In the Diesel engine, clean air is drawn into the cylinder and,
1,100 Ib. per sq. in. While the piston is at the end of its stroke,
oil fuel is sprayed into the cylinder under great pressure. Since,
immediately ignites.
of oil must be broken up into droplets and mixed with the air.
Unless the oil is finely atomized in the brief working stroke, a drop
of oil will not burn completely inward to its core and there will be
incomplete combustion.
Owing to. various friction losses in the engine itself, not all the
plied by the area of the piston, in square inches, gives the average
L = stroke in feet
PL A Nn square inches
n = number of cylinders
speed, the frictional losses get to be very large and the mechanical
for a large number of engines, both air and water cooled, and the
rated engine speed the propeller will offer enough torsional resist
ance to absorb all the horsepower of the engine and the engine will
not speed up. At an airspeed less than that for which the pro
so that even if the throttle is at the same setting as for full rated
PerCent Normal
volume of air is drawn into each cylinder, the mass of air will be
less. The mixture will be richer than at ground level, and a good
which air can be pumped so that the air densities in the chamber
p TJ r,
?, 80
S so
at constant pressure
_ _5 .
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 20000
Altitude in Feet
In standard atmosphere
B.H.P. = /.p\i.ivo.8i
O/ \PO>
Fig. 43.
the torque power of the engine into forward thrust, thus impelling
A wood screw forces its way into wood by the back face of the
nut by the back face of the bolt thread sliding against the front
face of the blades which pushes against the water. The very
first aircraft propellers were built with this viewpoint; very shortly
short span set end to end. Treating the blades as airfoils makes
of primary importance the front face of the blades, i.e., the upper
speeds, the propeller will be less efficient than for the design
with the changes in energy of the mass of air affected by the pro
Y \ I f ""-Ax
area = Ay
press.c p
press.* p2
Y is a point in the air stream far enough to the rear of the pro
V = velocity at X.
V(1 + 6) = velocity at Y.
and Y.
Since the volume of air flowing through each area in unit time
is the same,
may be applied, and the sum of static and velocity heads at these
propeller disk does exert thrust on the air column, and the thrust
r - (PI - PI) A
is the mass of air affected per second times the change in velocity.
the volume, and the volume is the cross-sectional area at any point
times the velocity at the same point. At the propeller disk the
area is A and the velocity V(l + a), so the mass of air passing
propeller is bV.
T = PAV(1 + a)bV
= PA V'(l + a)6
b + ab = K62 + 26)
26 + 2a6 = 62 + 26
2a = 6
the air column, one-half is added before the air passes through
Power output = TV
= PAF2(1 + a)bV
= pAV3(1 + a)b
air column in unit time, which is the kinetic energy added in unit
the work absorbed by the propeller in unit time is the power input.
Substituting b = 2 a:
= pA V3b(l + a)2
Power input
PAV3b(l + a)
~ pAV3b(l + a)2
due to rotation of the slip stream, profile drag of the blades, inter
these small airfoils are joined together, wing tip to wing tip, to
the results summed up to get the total action of the blade. Figure
tan <f> =
V 2irRN
same velocity V, but the linear speed of rotation is greater for blade
will be greater at the tips. The angle <£ is less for blade elements
\, | near the tip than for those nearer the center. Since
a = /3 - <t>
if the same angle of attack is maintained along the blade, the blade
with any airfoil. The area of the element is the span, dR, times
the chord, which is b, the blade width at that point. The velocity
dL = CL?.bdRW2
lift component; let the small angle between these two directions
COt 6 = j;
every airfoil section is meeting the air at the same angle of attack
the same all along the blade. In practice, for strength, sections
near the hub are thicker than those near the tip.
cos 9
cos 6
This resultant force, instead of being divided into lift and drag
tive wind (W), and the relative wind makes an angle of <£ with the
angle <f> with the direction of the propeller axis. The resultant
dT = dFR cos (0 + 0)
2 cos
sent torque
Efficiency =
V dFR cos (0 + 0)
FS8\n(<f> + 0)
Efficiency =
tan (0 + 0)
the same airspeed, but the tangential velocity is greater nearer the
blade tip. For elements near the tip tangent <f> is smaller than for
elements nearer the hub. Cotangent 6 is L/D for the blade ele
tiating the efficiency with respect to <£ and placing result equal to
maximum efficiency will be when 0 = 45° â lj°, and the efficiency
will be
tan 43f °
tan 46J°
from the tip the blade elements will be less efficient, so the total
dT =
this ratio is different for each element. The blade width is then
dT = 2 \JCLRâ^
.2 4 _ J 6 A 1.0
tion along the radius may be drawn. All the terms in the bracket
depend on the airfoil section used and its angle of attack, on the
variation of blade width with respect to radius, and on the angle <j>.
pends on the angle $, which is the angle whose tangent is the air
speed divided by the peripheral speed of the tip, since the angle <£
of any blade element on one propeller will be the same as the angle
<f> of the blade element of a similar propeller located the same frac
tional distance out from the center. The thrust curve depends
and state merely that the thrust curve depends on the V/(ND)
the revolutions per second, and D being the diameter in feet, the
( Tc) for the entire propeller. The equation for the thrust of the
whole propeller is
T =£TeJV2Z>4
2 cos 0
cos (* +
fl cos'0
Integrating the area under the curve and multiplying by the num
force the blades are made extremely thick near the hub and are
low relative wind speed and large angle <f>, makes for small
coefficients, as follows
It also neglects the fact that air passing around a wing is given a
proved by putting the other terms of the equations for thrust and
power into the basic dimensions of mass (M), length (L), and
time (t).
P = ?PeN3D6
~F x t ~ L3 X ' X i3 *
cients of a given propeller will vary with the airspeed and revolu
tions per minute, i.e., with V/(ND). For a typical propeller they
are plotted in Fig. 48. This plot will apply to all propellers which
are geometrically similar to the one for which the data are plotted.
steep dive with power on. At this V/(ND) of zero thrust, the
being zero means that the relative wind is meeting the blades at
that the relative wind will meet the blades at an angle which will
thrust corresponds with angle of zero lift for an airfoil and means
that the blades are moving forward the greatest possible distance
the forward distance per revolution, the V/(ND) for zero thrust,
J02^PC^^N\'AXL_\\\\\\ >\\A\\
have large positive values. The value of the thrust coefficient for
similar ones) there are only one Tc, one Pc, and one efficiency for
engine (N), and the design airspeed of the airplane (F) are known,
air is not a solid medium and the blade angle differs along the blade.
" Geometric pitch " is the term applied to the calculated dis
there were no slip, i.e., if air were solid. This definition cannot
engine interference near the hub the air flow is slower and the
the pitch, the blade element two-thirds the radius was formerly
the location of the two-thirds point on the radius, and the meas
element at a point 42 in. from the axis and call this the standard
" Effective pitch " is the actual distance the propeller travels
" Slip " is the difference, in feet, between the geometric pitch
" Pitch ratio " is the ratio of the geometric pitch to the propeller
so that they have a new blade angle and consequently new geo
angles changed only when the engine is at rest, i.e., when the
pitch propellers.
in a dive, it increases still further and may even exceed the geo
metric pitch.
for the V/(ND) of the desired flight conditions. While the pro-
pitch is D times the design V/(ND), and the angle of attack (a)
pitch and V/(ND) being zero, the angle of attack of each element
is equal to the blade angle of the element. For the portion of the
blade near the center, the angle of attack is greater than the burble
full r.p.m. so that the V/(ND') is much less than the design
V/(ND). The effective pitch during climb is such that the angle
the blades can be reset to a new geometric pitch, which will give
fied, as follows.
550 X H.P. =
/88 M.P.HA"
I 60 )
V 60 / '
RP ^
44.5 X P X M.P.H.6
11.1 . = â
R.P.M/ X C,5
0.106 X M.P.H.
R.P.M/ X C,6
.P.M.2 X H.P.
0.638 X M.P.H.
In using the chart, a line is drawn from the origin 0 through the
Example. The engine gives 400 hp. at 1,900 r.p.m. What should
Solution. See dotted lines on Fig. 49. From 0 draw diagonal line
through intersection of lines representing 150 miles per hour and 1,900
Brake Horsepower
5888 88 8
R P. M
210 |
1»|180 1S170
Brake Horsepower
two Wright engines each giving 700 hp. at 1,900 r.p.m. What should
10. A Northrop Delta has a maximum speed of 221 miles per hour
with a Wright Cyclone engine of 710 hp. at 1,900 r.p.m. What is the
C, of a suitable propeller?
there are two variables, the diameter and the geometric pitch.
ter will mean greater tip speeds. With tip speed above 900 ft.
per sec. the tip losses are very great and cut down on the efficiency.
design V/(NU).
give a low static thrust resulting in poor take-off and poor climb.
propellers with smaller pitch ratios; also that these greater maxi
mum efficiencies for the large pitch ratio propeller are for greater
Fig. 47, if a propeller has been picked which has a higher efficiency
.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 18 1.9 2.0
than any of the other propellers plotted for some given V/(ND),
0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0
for a given C, then a propeller with the blade angle giving the
If high speed is the only objective, the C, being known, the blade
angle is chosen which gives the greatest efficiency for that Cs.
The blade angle which has peak efficiency for this C, will permit
With the blade angle decided on, resort is made to a chart similar
the maximum efficiency for racing planes, the other suitable for
by an illustrative example.
Example. A cabin monoplane has a top speed of 150 miles per hour.
Its engine gives 400 hp. at 1,900 r.p.m. Find diameter, blade angle,
and efficiency of the propeller for general utility. What is its effi
C, = 1.40
From Fig. 50, for C, = 1.40; blade angle of 19° is at peak efficiency,
.WD = °.725
N = 31.7 r.p.s.
= 9 ft. 7 in.
V 146.7
ND ~ 26.7 X 9.57
= 0.574
From Fig. 51 for 19° blade angle and V/( ND) of 0.574
C, = 1.08
r, = 0.75
propeller for V = 120 miles per hour, 200 hp., and 1,800 r.p.m.
propeller for V = 140 miles per hour, 200 hp., and 1,800 r.p.m.
propeller for V = 180 miles per hour,' 200 hp., and 1,800 r.p.m.
propeller for V = 120 miles per hour, 400 hp., and 1,900 r.p.m.
itself into selecting the proper blade setting for a given diameter.
able-pitch propeller 8 ft. 6 in. in diameter for V = 150 miles per hour
V 220
ND ~ 31.7 X 8.5
= 0.816
r, = 0.81
1. Find blade angle for a 7-ft. propeller for 110 miles per hour, 210
2. Find blade angle for an 8-ft. propeller for 150 miles per hour,
3. Find blade angle for an 8-ft. propeller for 150 miles per hour,
4. Find blade angle for a 9-ft. propeller for 150 miles per hour, 300
6. Find blade angle for an 8-ft. propeller for 70 miles per hour,
torque, and power all contain the term p, the air density. They
therefore vary directly with density just as do the lift and drag of
engine would tend to turn over faster, because the thinner air
would offer less resistance to the propeller; i.e., the power absorbed
greater power, but, since at an altitude the actual power per revo
If, at the ground, the airplane is cruising at less than full power,
directly with the air density. Drag equals thrust in level flight.
compared with the thrust required at the ground for that same air
speed will be directly as the ratio of the air densities. The power
ties only if the revolutions per minute were the same. The engine
The advance per revolution, or V/(ND), not being the same for
compared with the thrust horsepower at the ground for the same
engine is less; and second, since the engine speed is less the effi
0.638 X M.P.H.
= 44.5 X p X M.P.H.5
KR X R.P.M.2
HIT1'6 X R.P.M.2/6
The power-speed coefficient varies with the fifth root of the air
sea-level density or
0.638 X M.P.H.
H.P.l/5 X R.P.M.2/6
ILP?/6 X R.P.M.i/6
~ t.'so I
y.Y I "O
Altitude in
= 0.941 X 1.40
= 1.33
31.7 X 0.7
= 9.9 ft.
The propeller, 9.9 ft. in diameter, with a blade angle of 19J0, will
If the propeller that was selected previously for 150 miles per hour,
400 hp. at 1,900 r.p.m. at sea-level, with 9.57-ft. diameter and blade
since V and N are the same, the V/( ND) will be the same as at the
altitude is
H.r. = â 2 =5
19002 X 1.406
= 295
1. Find the blade angle for a 9-ft. propeller for flying at 15,000-ft.
altitude, with an airspeed of 110 miles per hour, 210 hp. at 2,000
3. Find the blade angle for a 9-ft. propeller for flying at 15,000-ft.
altitude with an airspeed of 150 miles per hour, 300 hp. at 2,000 r.p.m.
at that altitude.
3. Find the blade angle for a 9-ft. propeller for flying at 20,000-ft.
altitude with an airspeed of 150 miles per hour, 300 hp. at 2,000
4. Find the blade angle for a 9-ft. propeller for flying at 15,000-ft.
altitude with an airspeed of 150 miles per hour, 250 hp. at 1,800 r.p.m.
at that altitude.
6. Find the blade angle for a 9-ft. propeller for flying at 20,000-ft.
altitude, with an airspeed of 150 miles per hour, 250 hp. at 1,800
size and weight per horsepower, the revolutions per second should
. 0.638 X M.P.H. , ., ,
speed is undesirable.
engine speed and low propeller speed, cooling of the engine becomes
gear teeth must be cut accurately, and the gears must be well
150 miles per hour, with an engine of 400 hp. at 1,900 r.p.m., that
the efficiency was 80.5 per cent. Considering that gearing will
assumed that the airspeed will be increased to 160 miles per hour.
0.638 X 150
= 1.86
From Figs. 50 and 51, for C, = 1.86, V/( ND) = 1.08, blade angle =
27°, i) = 0.86:
D = 15.8 X 1.08
= 12.9 ft.
C, 1.41 1.86
through the propeller disk. The air coming through the central
cient of the propeller becomes greater (see Fig. 48). For a two-
H.P. =
0.106 /M.P.H.y
RMM C, )
and C, decreasing faster than the miles per hour, the horsepower
the same. Actually putting more load on the engine will slow
it down.
B.H.P. R.P.M.
B.H.P.o R.P.M.o
Since at airspeeds less than design airspeed, the engine will run
slower than design revolutions per minute, to find the engine speed
known, the V/(ND) may be found from Fig. 51 for each engine
section of these two plots, the actual revolutions per minute and
r.p.m. The propeller has a blade angle of 21° and the diameter is 9.1
ft. The design airspeed is 150 miles per hour. What are the revo
lutions per minute and thrust horsepower at 120 miles per hour?
= 389.5
0.638 X 120
X 389.5i"i
= 1.146
From Fig. 51, V/(ND) = 0.63 for 21° angle and C, = 1.146.
120 X 88
= 1,842 r.p.m.
= 379
C, =
0.638 X 120
1,800V6 X 379i/5
= 1.165
From Fig. 51, V/(ND) = 0.64 for 21° angle and C, = 1.165.
N 120 X 88
9.1 X 0.64
= 1813
400 X 1,700
= 358
0.638 X 120
= 1.205
From Fig. 51, V/(ND) = 0.66 for 21° angle and C, = 1.205.
120 X 88
9.1 X 0.66
= 1,758 r.p.m.
In Fig. 52 are plotted the assumed revolutions per minute against the
The calculated revolutions per minute are also plotted against C, and
From Fig. 50, the efficiency for this Cj and a blade angle of 21° is
76 per cent.
B.H.P. = 400 X
= 385
Thrust H.P.
= B.H.P. X r}
= 385 X 0.76
= 293 hp.
ferent slope. The ordinates of this curve are not efficiencies but
.3 4
.7 .8
Fig. 53. This gives the maximum efficiency for various values of
design V/(ND).
I 70
I 60
Percent Design fa
Altitude m Feet
different kinds of wood have been tried. Walnut, oak, and birch
the others. The propeller is not made from a single block of wood,
one blade to the other, being continuous through the hub. The
tips are covered with thin sheet brass, this protective material
Wood and the glue uniting the laminations are both affected
or projecting rim on the extreme butt. The inner blade ends are
a flat piece of aluminum sheet and twisting it near the hub to the
even been flown with a blade in this shape, but the blade can be
tent. Hollow steel propellers that are seamless and have no welds
steel tube through rollers to taper it. The small end is then spun
closed, and the other end is peined out to form a shoulder which
wall thickness, the tapered tube is squeezed into final shape in iron
dies. Since the forming is done while cold, the blades are heat-
parts are adversely affected by salt air or salt spray unless they
the engine at full throttle to 105 per cent of the official rated
engine speed.
N.A.C.A. Reports.
ments have been made of the drag of the fuselage and landing-
gear assembly.
loading and the maximum lift coefficient of the wing section are
plane through the air; secondly, the power that the engine can
required to move the airplane forward through the air is the sum
section data for the aspect ratio of the actual wing, it is probably
simpler to find the horsepower needed for the wing and that for
curves for the proper aspect ratio. Curves for airfoils of infinite
profile drag of the wing. This may be joined with the parasite
drag of the struts, landing gear, and wheels, etc., which like the
profile wing drag does not vary with the angle of attack. The
well as with the cube of the velocity, the horsepower needed for
Since the increased drag of the fuselage and landing gear with
duced in the final result if these drags are assumed to change not
with angle of attack but only with velocity. Making this assump
36 ft. by 6 ft. The parasite drag has an equivalent flat plate area
Solution. From Fig. 17, read off and, as shown in table below,
tabulate CL and CD for various angles of attack from near the zero
T 0.00256 g
series of calculations.
. , 2,000
HP . D>< V
H.P.â¢* - 375
Cp X 0.00256 X S X V3
For any given problem, the term in parenthesis is constant; for this
375 375
= 0.00147
0.00327 X a X V3
0.00327 X 3.8 X V8
H.l'.pat. - 375
= 0.0000331 V
Dra* = -
375 >
5.33 X
48 '12161819
19.5' 15.5
ft. by 5 ft. The parasite assumed to vary with angle of attack, con
sisting of fuselage and tail surface, has an equivalent flat plate area
of 1.6 sq. ft. The parasite not varying with angle of attack, namely,
struts, landing gear, and wheels, etc., has an equivalent flat plate area
= 8.64
~ i r X 8.64
= 0.0368 CL
K min. â
= 0.00948
tâ .â+////.///ft*///i/^^3/7
»4/ '1If/I1:iylf/////i//*&if.//ii
2.2 X 1.28
= 0.0130
found by
CL= * .
L 0.00256 X.SK2
H.P.total =
CD X 0.00256 X SV3
0.00256 X S X
= 0.00147 CDV3
Explanation of Table
4,225 Ib. The upper span is 38 ft., the lower span is 35 ft., the gap is
5.35 ft. The area of upper wing is 214 sq. ft., the area of lower wing is
150 sq. ft. Both wings are Clark Y airfoils. At high speed, the
parasite has an equivalent flat plate area of 9.4 sq. ft. of which 3.2
= 0.737
E.M.A.R. =
(0.02)2 (1 + 0.737)2
1.185 X 382
= 4.7
it X4.7
0.0677 C
V . â
* mm. â
).00256 Cimai.S
At high speed,
3.2 X 1.28
6.2 X 1.28
CD* - - 364
= 0.0218
^L ~ 0.00256 X S X V72
0.00256 X 364 X
H.P.req total =
X 0.00256 X S X V9
_ Cp X 0.00256 X 364 X V3
= 0.00248 CDF3
(column 10).
design airspeed, the engine will develop less than its rated horse
curve is drawn.
of this curve will give a maximum airspeed, which is the top speed
speed obtained agrees closely with the assumed airspeed, the pro
thrust horsepower.
of Fig. 42.
.XX..lr .2
' ' ' , which is representative of most engines. This gives the
brake horsepower.
an engine rated at 150 hp. at 1,800 r.p.m. is installed. Find the data
From Fig. 56, 123 hp. is required at 135 miles per hour.
0.638 X M.P.H.
0.038 X 135
X l.8002/5
From Fig. 51, a propeller is chosen with a blade angle of 23° with
N X 0.87
135 X 88
~ 1,800 X 0.87
= 7.59 ft.
Explanation of Table
per hour).
in column 9.
on the same graph as the horsepower-required curve; see Fig. 59. It will
curve intersect at 135 miles per hour. This is, then, the correct maximum
picked, differs materially from the maximum airspeed found by the inter
section of the two curves a second set of calculations must be gone through.
mum airspeed, whether too high or too low, the propeller selected was un-
larger ordinates and the intersection with the horsepower available will
show a higher top speed. Allowance should be made for this in a second
power is available than is needed for level flight so that the engine
velocity cannot be attained in level flight the lift will not equal the
line AB, Fig. 59). The velocity at the point of tangency, which
â ,1.28 a
For the Clark Y wing with aspect ratio of 6, it was shown that
Q S/2
abscissas, angle of attack; the curve will resemble the curve for
⢠. 1.4O d
plane is to make an endurance record for time in the air, the fuel
f-i I l.«O (I
weighing 2,000 Ib. with Clark Y wing, the pilot should regulate his
56.6 miles per hour airspeed as long as the airplane's total weight
is 2,000 Ib. As time elapses, fuel consumed will make the airplane
lighter. Always, during the endurance flight, the pilot will want
j-t . l.^O CL
CDH âg-
(11° for this Clark Y wing and ratio of parasite to wing area);
level flight at this angle of attack will decrease. With less weight,
the horsepower required will be less, so that the pilot can throttle
tion (in gallons per hour) will be diminished, so the hourly decrease
airplane can stay the longest time in the air on a given supply of
sumption per hour but on the total hours required for the flight.
the origin (0 miles per hour, 0 hp. ; see line CD, Fig. 59) determines
given distance. The point of tangency will be the point where the
But V2 =
CL X 0.00256 S
L ^L J
With -L-5â constant, for any airfoil section, there is only one
angle of attack will be slightly greater than the angle of attack for
becomes less.
*->L Ci
With the Clark Y wing alone; the angle of maximum L/D is 1°;
velocity being 71.2 miles per hour. This checks with the point
The pilot maintains this speed as long as the weight remains the
2,000 Ib. The angle for best Z//.Dtotai is constant for the airplane,
since the wing area and parasite area are fixed. The speed for
any given angle of attack varies as the square root of the wing
still air. If a head wind holds back a plane, it will take a longer
375 VG
A chart or table may be made out for a given airplane for vari
ous strength winds and for various angles of the wind to the air
W is windspeed in miles
dead ahead
wind the optimum angle of attack is 5°, for a 10-mile tail wind the
in still air at 71.2 miles per hour. For a 20-mile head wind the
for a 20-mile tail wind it is best to fly at 6° with an airspeed of 68.1
1. For the monoplane of Clark Y wing, 36 ft. by 6 ft., with 3.8 sq.
ft. equivalent flat plate area, what should be the airspeed for mini
mum horsepower when fuel has been burned so that total weight is
expenditure of fuel?
tail wind?
1,600 lb.?
it will be seen that for any velocity less than maximum there is
peller axis. For equilibrium, the forces parallel to the flight path
T = thrust
L = lift
T = D + W sin 6
L = WcosO
L = W approximately
But Vc = V sin 6
T _ f) r; oofi
Thrust X Velocity
I} - f X B.P.H.
T â D
375 X W
= (H.P.avaiI. - H.P.req.) X
shown in Fig. 61. It will be seen that, for this particular com
per hour.
the airspeed indicator reads 83 miles per hour, the best] climbing
This rate of climb is for the propeller which was chosen for
able is low.
for the 150-hp. engine equipped with propeller chosen for design
airspeed of 110 miles per hour and 83 miles per hour. It will be
example that the greatest rate of climb, 790 ft. per min. or 8.95
miles per hour, is obtained when the airspeed is 83 miles per hour.
The sine of the angle of climb is then 8.95 -=- 83, and the angle of
drawing a line from the origin tangent to the rate of climb curve,
line OA in Fig. 61, the point of tangency will give the maximum
angle of climb.
" dog-fighting," the airplane that can gain altitude on its opponent
this altitude.
climb, not the rate of climb, that is the decisive factor in clearing
best angle of climb rather than at the best rate of climb. For the
pulled back until the airspeed indicator reads not 83 but 66 miles
per hour.
A pilot always takes-off into the wind, so if there is any wind the
level flight. If, from a dive, the stick is suddenly pulled back, the
greater rate and a greater angle than from level flight. This
the meaning of glide and dive. A very steep glide is called a dive.
usually the word dive by itself means the maneuver with the power
Gliding angle is the angle below the horizontal of the flight path
the airplane attains a steady speed along the flight path, the
weight multiplied by the sine of the glide angle just equals the
total drag.
The lift is equal and opposite to the component of the weight per
the airplane will " squash " or settle, and the flight path will be
steeper. If the lift is greater than W cos 0, the airplane will not
descend on that angle of glide but will tend to level out, so that the
glide angle will be flatter. For any airplane there will be an angle
following equations.
W cos 6 = L
= CL X 0.00256 SF2
V2 = WcosO
' ~ CL X 0.00256 S
. 1.28.
Then tan 6 =
X 0.00256 SF2
1.28 a
noted that the angle of glide is big for negative angles of attack,
until at one angle of attack, in this case 5°, the angle of glide is a
maintain that speed. The angle of attack will then be 5° and the
considerable distance from the spot where his engine quit. The
original altitude,
tan 6
that of Fig. 64, will give the flattest possible glide. It will be
noted that this angle of glide is a function of the lift and drag
-4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Anglt of Attack
will have the same optimum gliding angle whether empty, partly
plane even though it glides at the same angle. The slowest descent
danger of getting out of control would mean that some angle less
V, = V sin e
the airspeed is 71 miles per hour. The rate of vertical descent is,
velocities in dives.
descent is
terminal â
X 0.00256 S
'terminal =
The data on glides and dives are frequently presented in the form
Clark Y wing 36 ft. by 6 ft., having 2 sq. ft. equivalent flat plate
area of parasite.
plane weighing 2,500 lb. and having a Clark Y wing 36 ft. by 6 ft.
quite often tests are made to determine the full-scale lift and total
cowling, etc.
Example. An airplane weighs 4,650 lb. Its wing area is 460 sq.
dicator constant at 118 miles per hour, the airplane glides from
13 1
W cos 6
L ~ 0.00256
1 OR ft
= 0.282
CD + ' s = CL tan 6
= 0.282 X 0.112
= 0.0316
From Fig. 17, for Clark Y airfoil, aspect ratio 6, when CL is 0.282,
Cowing is 0.014
CD + ^^ = 0.0316
0.014 + ^=0.0316
1. A monoplane weighs 5,000 Ib. ; its wing area is 400 sq. ft., aspect
flat plate area of 7 sq. ft. Plot a polar diagram of velocity at various
gliding angles.
total wing area 365 sq. ft. Equivalent flat plate area of parasite 8.4
total wing area 264 sq. ft.; equivalent flat plate area of parasite 7.1
total wing area 247 sq. ft.; equivalent flat plate area of parasite 7.7
it weighs 3,500 Ib. ; its total wing area is 300 sq. ft. At an airspeed of
CL X 0.00256 S
(W V/2
the weight.
V varies as Wl/2
H.P.req. varies as
as in Figs. 56, 57, and 58, any point on that curve gives the velocity
for level flight at some one angle of attack (the abscissa) and the
the same, for each point on the original curve there will be a point
on a new curve with the relations that the abscissas are to each
other as the square root of the relative weights, and the ordinates
the same airplane, the lift coefficients must vary directly as the
that if horsepower curves are drawn for a lightly loaded plane and
the same plane heavily loaded, at any value of velocity, the horse
power needed for the heavier plane will always be greater than for
the lighter airplane, therefore the two curves will never cross.
are the same in both instances, the landing speeds will vary as the
square root of the weights. With same engine and propeller, the
creased weight. The rate of climb, being the excess power divided
angle of climb.
The flattest gliding angle will be always the same for any ari-
W 4500 lb -_-â..r"*^S/W 40
W 30
00 Ib..00 lb./?>'.sâ â ^?5ft%//y&//////'0 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 17
curve; this is the limiting weight; for this weight, the ceiling is
of 50 miles per hour. What is landing speed witli 500 lb. additional
power to fly level, 40 hp. when flying at 80 miles per hour. If 500 lb.
load are added, what are velocity and power for minimum horsepower
in level flight?
v, - w,
H.P., ~\W,
= 50.4 hp.
hour. What is landing speed when 300 lb. extra load are added?
hour. What is landing speed when 250 lb. of fuel have been burned?
lb. and a landing speed of 52 miles per hour. What is landing speed
55 miles per hour. What is landing speed after 250 lb. of fuel have
been burned?
creasing the wing area has the effect of increasing the wing loading.
V varies as -7=
high speed, since lift coefficient varies lineally with angle of attack,
Horsepower Required.
j 100
weight as another airplane but less wing area will at the same air
airplane with smaller wing area will have less drag and less horse
All the above effects are assuming that the parasite resistance
Example. An airplane with 300 sq. ft. wing area has a landing
speed of 40 miles per hour. If wing area is reduced to 250 sq. ft.,
Fmin. >fS'
'W" Vs
1. An airplane with 340 sq. ft. of wing area lands at 40 miles per
2. A certain airplane with wing area of 400 sq. ft. is flying at angle
3. A certain airplane with 450 sq. ft. of wing area flies with least
have been clipped to 410 sq. ft., what is least horsepower and what
is corresponding velocity?
4. An airplane with 450 sq. ft. of wing area lands at 50 miles per
hour; what will be landing speed if wings are clipped to 400 sq. ft.?
6. An airplane with 630 sq. ft. of wing area lands at 45 miles per
hour; what will be landing speed if 50 sq. ft. are added to the wing
decrease in payload.
added drag, a more powerful engine will not affect the landing
at any speed.
r, X B.H.P. X 550 = TV
= DV
T; X B.H.F. X 550
, 1.28 i
1.28 a\s
V J/B.H.P.
per hour. With total weight unchanged, what will be maximum speed
per square foot of wing area. In the preceding section, the maxi
y _ v . / W/S
33,000 r, (B.H.P.) 60 DV
33,000 r, 60 V
~ W/E.R.P. L/D
33,0001, '
33,000 r, 60 ' S
Cn I
the second term, the square root of the wing loading. The rate of
climb depends on the difference between the first and second terms.
loading in order that the first term should be large and a small
Therefore a high wing loading helps top speed; a low wing load
ing helps climb. A low power loading helps both top speed and
Span Loading and Aspect Ratio. The total drag is the force
lage, landing gear have been " cleaned up " so that parasite drag
about the same, the only other way in which drag may be de
come these drags varies as the cube of the velocity. The induced
drag varies inversely as the square of the velocity, and the horse
structural considerations.
per cent of the total drag. Good streamlining is essential for high
At speed less than the maximum, the induced drag becomes more
the next chapter, is partly true for high speeds at high altitude.
on density.
L = CL?SV2
For level flight lift equals weight. The wing area, S, is fixed.
At altitude a: W = CL-^SVa- ,T . . ,
at altitude a
IV = - Vf
always greater than unity, so that, at the same angle of attack, the
r L . PO
~B '
" ~~)-2 a
y 2 _ E° Vt?
That is, whatever the altitude, at the same angle of attack, the
drag or thrust required for level flight is the same. While the
remains constant.
altitude a
V.- /- "
t/Lmax. n &
use of the factor from Table I. For any point on the total
found, for the same angle of attack, for any altitude by multi-
at the altitude a.
altitudeV26418715113011687.072.364.058.255.855.8H.P.req.6562311298870393434353638For 15,000-ft.
altitudeV28820316414112694.478.569.563.460.6CO. 6H.P.,*,.7152511409676433737383942
V and H.P. are always in the same proportion for one angle of attack,
a line drawn from the point 0 velocity, 0 hp., through a point on the
over faster; but since the engine power drops faster than the
H P. Required at S. L
H. P. Required at 10,000 fl
per minute, the same factor which is used in reducing the revolu
That is, on account of the fewer revolutions per minute less power
air entering the carburetor, etc., the engine will develop less power
altitude for the 150-hp. engine used on the monoplane of the first
eff. 099.0(»)%
altitude, that is, an airplane must fly faster to keep from stalling.
speed. At altitude, the impact pressure will be less for any aiF-
speed than the pressure for that airspeed at sea-level so that the
This " error " of the airspeed indicator is rather fortunate from
faster than the airspeed indicator shows but it is necessary for the
It is also true that the angle of attack for maximum L/D will be
The airspeed indicator has the same reading at all altitudes when
, 700
". 400
& 300
Absolute Ceiling.
Service Ceiling. , I Xi
is, the angle of attack for best climb is almost the same as the
straight line. Actually the slope of the rate of climb curve varies
with altitude.
climbs very near to the absolute ceiling the rate of climb becomes
reach the absolute ceiling, and no airplane ever reaches there unless
60 X 33,000
K'U)o ~ 4,000
17 X 33,000
(R.C.),0>ooo = 4j000
H - 10,000 _ 140
H "495
355 H = 4,950,000
*,-13,970 (H)
= 11,150ft.
1,000 ft. per min.; its absolute ceiling is 16,000 ft. What is its
service ceiling?
climb at sea-level is 1,150 ft. per min. What is the rate of climb at
10,000-ft. altitude?
at sea-level is 1,000 ft. per min. What is the rate of climb at 10,000-
ft. altitude?
R.C.* = (R.C.)» -
ft- Hdh
(R.C.)0(# - A)
Integration gives
(R.C.)0 Jh H - h altitude, h, in
.\og..(H - h)\
H infeet
H . H sea-level, in feet
min. Its absolute ceiling is 15,000 ft. How long will it take to climb
to 7,000-ft. altitude?
t = 2.303 X ^S X log
15,000 - 7,000
= 9.5 rain.
power. Its absolute ceiling is 9,000 ft. (a) How long will it take to
climb from sea-level to 5,000 ft.? (6) How long will it take to climb
of climb at sea-level is 450 ft. per min. How long'will it take to climb
3. A Waco airplane, whose ceiling is 16,000 ft., climbs 1,050 ft. per
to 10,000 ft.?
per min. at sea-level. How long will it require to climb from sea-level
to 12,000 ft.?
per min. at sea-level. How much time will it take to climb from
angle of attack; since weight and wing area are constant, either
either stay at the same altitude and decrease the angle of attack
level, 124 miles per hour can be flown; at 30,000-ft. altitude, 164
(74 -5. 29) the horsepower. If 154 miles an hour were flown at
40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280
Lift must balance this resultant force, so lift must act inward and
turn or spiral.
banked turn.
R in feet
same airspeed, require the same angle of bank for the same radius
section, etc.
L- W
cos 0
R1T1 j3
For any angle greater than zero, the cosine is less than unity;
lift equals weight. For a turn, lift must be greater than the weight.
Its weight is 6,000 Ib. Its wing area is 200 sq. ft. (A.R.6), and Clark
2 sq. ft. (a) What angle of attack is needed? (6) What horsepower
is required? The airplane turns at 150 miles per hour airspeed with a
30° angle of bank. (c) What is the centrifugal force? (d) What lift
is needed? (e) What is the proper radius of turn? (/) What angle
= 0.522
CD = 0.025
= 175 hp.
S ) 375
= 6,000 X 0.577
= 3,460 Ib.
(d) Lift = -a
cos p
_ 6,000
/ 375
= 6,930 Ib.
(e) tan $ = ^
tan /S
_ (150 X 1.47)2
~ 32.2 X 0.577
= 2,600 ft.
= 0.603
= Lift
a = 3.4°
CD = 0.03
= 203 hp.
1. A plane of 2,000 Ib. gross weight is turning at 100 miles per hour
(6) What is the lift? (c) What should be the radius of turn?
3. An airplane weighing 2,500 Ib. has a Clark Y wing 250 sq. ft.
in area (A.R.6) and parasite with equivalent flat plate area of 1.5
per hour?
miles per hour. The radius of the turn is 100 ft. What should be
6. An airplane weighing 5,000 Ib. has a Clark Y wing of 300 sq. ft.
area (A.R.6) and parasite with equivalent flat plate area of 3.0 sq. ft.
(a) What horsepower is required to fly straight at 100 miles per hour?
(6) What horsepower to make a 35° banked turn if the same angle of
straight flight because more lift is needed, and this greater lift is
cient are then known. With lift coefficient and velocity known,
the lift may be found. The greatest angle of bank may be then
at one airspeed, which is the same airspeed as that for best climb,
ing 2,000 lb., having a Clark Y wing 36 ft. by 6 ft. and 3.8 sq. ft.
is a sample.
H,V>P .avail.H.P.
110CD= 110
= 162
= 110,-(o.= 0.03mil
per sec.
>m Fig. 59
cos /3
= 4,330 Ib.
= 0.461
j9 = 62° 33'
tan/3 = 1.925
tan/3 =-7;
32.2 X 1.925
= 424 ft.
The results of these computations are shown in Fig. 72. The mini
mum permissible radius of turn has its smallest value when the air
Loading in Turns. In
banked turn.
This is called unit load, or since the force is equal to the mass of
During a turn, the lift must equal the weight divided by the
cosine of the angle of bank, so that the greater the angle of bank,
the greater must be the lift force. The ratio of lift or load during
any maneuver to the unit load is called the load factor. Since
the mass of the airplane does not change, it may be stated that in
W cos |8
= 1.41
flying was at high speed and low angle of attack, the airplane
would change the angle of attack to a very high angle and the
following considerations.
L - CSV*
W = CL^^SV?
C. ^K
and ft = â- X
g <^L
that is, when the angle of attack is that of maximum lift. If,
between the flight path and the wing is the angle of maximum
r txLmax. 5
. 5" '
c, ?
v.'Z.max. o *
speed entering the turn is 125 miles per hour. What is the radius,
(40 X 1.47)2
= 107 ft.
= 9.8
miles per hour. What is the radius, and what is the load factor?
of 270 miles per hour. What are the radius and the load factor?
per hour goes into a vertically banked turn of minimum radius at 409
miles per hour. What are the radius and load factor?
into a vertically banked turn of minimum radius at 140 miles per hour.
the stick forward moving the elevator down, the first action is for
the tail to move up. If the stick movement is fairly quick so that
flying upside down. When actually flying upside down, with the
tive angle of attack with consequent big drag, so that the airspeed
As the airplane goes into the dive the pilot keeps the nose of the
In coming out of the dive, the pilot pulls back on the stick which
high angle of attack while still retaining the high speed attained
W = CLma.?SV,2
Load factor = ~ =
but an airplane usually goes into a bank from level flight whereas
severe stresses put on airplanes, and unless care is taken the wings
out of a dive at 175 miles per hour. What is the load factor?
pulled out of a dive at 250 miles per hour. What is the load factor?
hour is pulled out of a dive at 450 miles per hour. What is the load
pulled out of a dive at 220 miles per hour. What is the load factor?
Since, at the start of this maneuver, the pilot pulls back on the
stick putting the airplane at a high angle of attack, with big drag
high in beginning the loop. Unless there is ample power, the pilot
The loop is rarely a perfect circle, for the airspeed will decrease
after the top of the loop has been passed, the airspeed will increase
the bottom of the loop, and Vt the velocity and In the lift at the
The work done in bringing the airplane from the bottom of the
loop to the top of the loop is the weight times the vertical distance
iRg = VS - F2S
Assuming that at the top of the loop the lift is zero, which is
W F.2
Vf = Rg
F,2 - Rg = 4Rg
VS = 5Rg
= 6W
Fig. 73.
Rotation about the Y axis is called pitch. If, when viewed from
the left wing tip, the airplane rotates clockwise, it is positive pitch.
attack of the wing was stated to be the angle between the direction
of the relative wind and the wing chord. The wing chord is not
The angle between the chord of the wing and the longitudinal
attack of the wing and the angle of attack of the airplane. Usu
cause or stop rotation about any of the three axes, in order either
front of the main wing; in the conventional type, they are at the
vertical tail surfaces. The fixed part is the vertical fin; the movable
the pilot. Pushing forward with the right foot on the rudder
bar moves the rudder to the right and causes a right turn.
" flipper "; the " fixed " part is the stabilizer. Though termed
The control surfaces for producing or regulating roll are the aile
rons. They are located at the rear of each wing tip. They are
stick to the left makes the left aileron go up and the right aileron
causes the left aileron to go down and the right aileron to go up,
the experimenters did not realize the need for lateral control.
eral control. Their first wings had simply upper surfaces, the
ribs being strips of hard wood which had been steamed and bent
that is, wires connected to the rear corners of the rectangular wings
Upon release of the wire, the natural springiness of the wooden rib
Wrights then used flat surfaces fastened onto the outer forward
right side the surface sloped backward and upward. It was direct
up or down.
outer rear portion of each wing is movable, the hinged edge being
ailerons form part of the wing surface. Rarely they are rigged to
With both ailerons in normal position, the lift on the left wing
less lift.
side causes the wing on that side to increase in lift by the same
amount that the lift of the other wing is decreased by its aileron
being moved up. Moving the control stick should change, not
the total lift, but merely the proportion carried by each side.
more drag on the side of the " down " aileron than on the side with
greater camber but also changes the chord so that the angle of
attack is greater.
rudders, are more effective at high speeds, since the forces acting
angle of maximum lift is about the same for them all. Then
increase lift; the change in chord puts the angle of attack beyond
Slots are primarily devices for giving higher lift, but since at
rectly the contour of the wing instead of burbling, slots add to the
of a long metal strip located on the top of the wing above the front
flat against the upper surface of the wing. By moving the stick
to one side, the spoiler on the wing on that side stands erect.
The action of the spoiler is to destroy the smooth flow of air over
greatly reduced.
their use reduces the total lift. When the spoiler is raised on one
wing, the lift on the other wing remains as before. The reduction
of lift on the wing with the raised spoiler means the same reduction
1929. The floating aileron is placed outside the tip of each wing.
The ailerons are so rigged that they turn freely up and down
They will set themselves in the plane of the relative wind, much
as a weather vane points into the wind. The pilot has no control
The pilot can displace one aileron with respect to the other.
themselves with respect to the wing chord, the pilot by his con
trol can move one aileron up and the other down by the same angle.
Since the airfoils are symmetrical, and the positive angle on one
side the same as the negative angle on the other, the plus lift equals
the minus lift and the total lift remains the same. In addition, the
drag caused by the up aileron is the same as the drag of the down
Paddle Type
Handley-Page Type
Overhang Type
faces are quite often of the balanced type. The axis about which
tion, the air strikes the front portion and reduces the effort the
control surfaces easily, care must always be observed that they are
not too well balanced. A pilot might then with little effort move
aileron downward causes more drag than the same angular move
stick is moved to one side, the aileron that moves upward has
moves downward. This is done so that the drag on each wing tip
the balanced type, the aileron is hinged about 20 per cent of the
chord back from the leading edge and so designed that, when in its
" down " position, the upper surface of the aileron is a smooth
" up " position, the leading edge of the aileron projects below the
yawing moment.
expressed as
L, = coefficient of rolling mo
6 = span, feet
To achieve this rolling moment it has been found that the total
area of the ailerons should be about 10 per cent of the total wing
spar of the wing, since the aileron hinges cannot be forward of the
rear spar. This means that the aileron chord may be from 20
important as with it the airplane is " trimmed " so that with vary
ing loads the plane may be flown at any angle of attack up to the
metrical airfoil contours for tail surfaces. The size of the total
horizontal surface and the distance behind the wing will be dis
plus or minus 10 per cent from this value have worked satisfactorily
in the neighborhood of 3.
Spins usually start from stalls, and it is sometimes true that these
The stabilizer or " fixed " part of the horizontal tail surface has
vertical screw is used to adjust the height of the front of the stabi
The rear end of a stabilizer can be braced and thus made quite
and is held only at its central part. Even with a very sturdy
structure the outer forward ends are apt to flutter in the slip
tab will remain at that angle with respect to the elevator regard
lizer. They have the further advantage that their drag is much
cent of the total wing area and between 40 and 45 per cent of the
per cent of the total vertical area. The average maximum per
vised, the air, after being acted on by this propeller, would pass
their left than on their right side, this tending to turn the airplane
to the left.
This causes greater pressure on the engine mount on the left side
than the right side. As the flat surface of the wings would offer
give more lift to the left wing than to the right wing to oppose
this action. The left wing may be set at a very slightly greater
ber. The latter is called " wash in." As a result of giving the
left wing greater lift, the left wing has greater drag tending to
using a small amount of right rudder, or the vertical fin can be set
gine stops and the airplane is in gliding flight, the slipstream and
torque effects disappear, and if the fin has been offset the pilot
does not imply that the airplane is steady or that the airplane does
The factors which make for a stable airplane are factors which
made to change the attitude of the plane, forces resist this change.
of all forces acting in all directions equals zero and the sum of all
moments about any point equals zero. The first part of the fore
when the sum of the vertical forces is zero and the sum of the
ZF = 0
Zff = 0
2M = 0
will then act in the opposite direction, so that even with static
creasing size so that the airplane will cease to oscillate and come
in this book.
stabilityâlongitudinal or fore-
vice versa.
will have the same force vectors as those of the wing cellule.
This imaginary airfoil does not need to resemble any known air
and length are definitely known. When such tests have not been
wing panel passes through the centroid of the plan view of the
ing the leading edges of the root and tip sections, and the trailing
root and tip sections (see Fig. 78), which shows a swept-back,
s(a + 2b)
3(a + 6)
FIG. 79.
s = total sweepback
In Fig. 78 is shown a
to M.A.C. of semi-center-section
M A P =C | (Ct-Cp)(h"-e) panel
M.A.C. is elevated is
- h" - h'
For biplanes, the M.A.C. 's for the upper and lower wings are
. â _
only approximate but may be used for all angles of attack. For
biplane above the leading edge of the M.A.C. of the lower wing is
g, where
biplane ahead of the leading edge of the lower M.A.C. is s', where
of biplane.
Stagger in Degrees
in a biplane.
being at 30 per cent of the chord from the leading edge. It was found
that the center of gravity of the airplane was to the rear of the maxi
the wing, the width of which was 4 ft., while the outer portions of the
(b) Find distance that leading edge of M.A.C. has been moved back.
(c) Find distance that maximum forward position of the C.P. of the
back beginning at the center so that the sweepback at each tip is 2 ft.,
the span being lengthened so that the wing area remains unchanged.
axis of the airplane, the leading edge outside of the center section is
given a sweepback so that the sweepback at each tip is 2 ft., the length
of the span being such that the wing area remains unchanged.
6. Solve problem 5 when the sweepback at each tip is 1 ft., the span
4-ft. chord and 30-ft. span was not far enough below the wing. The
proposed remedy was to leave unchanged the center section, the width
of which was 4 ft., while the outer portions of the wing were given a
dihedral of 2 ft. at each tip. (a) Find the horizontal distance from
Find the distance that M.A.C. of the wing has been moved up.
changed, the outer portions being given a dihedral of 2 ft. at each tip,
the leading edge outside of the center section being given a sweepback
tudinal axis of the airplane, the span being of such a length that the
10. Solve problem 9 when the dihedral at each tip is 1 ft. and the
sweepback at each tip is also 1 ft., the span being of such a length that
the lift, acting upward; the total drag, acting backward; and the
the thrust and drag both act to produce stalling or positive pitch
and of the same sign as the smaller. In order to ensure that the
the airplane. At high angles of attack, for some airfoils the center
thrust line is a, its distance below the line of action of the total
drag is b, its distance ahead of the line of action of lift is e, and the
tail is d. Then,
Clark Y wing of 48-ft. span and 8-ft. chord and 5$ sq. ft. of equivalent
flat plate area, is flying at 100 miles per hour. The center of gravity
of the airplane is 20 in. back of the leading edge of the wing, 12 in.
above the thrust line, and 8 in. below line of action.of total drag.
0.00256 S V2 3,000
= 0.306
CD + ^ 0.00256 X ,SF2
= 322 Ib.
_ .. . . 72,000 - 6,440
= 218 Ib.
Tail load must act to give positive moment, i.e., must be down.
that the airspeed is the same over the tail as over the wings. This
where the resultant of all the drag forces will be acting it is custom
ary to neglect this moment also. Making the tail moment of such
safety factor, for using this as criterion the designer will know
the wing, the angle of attack of the tail will not be the same as the
In seaplanes, the horizontal tail surfaces are high above the plane
wing and of the distance above or below the wing. For very
one applied.
one-half the angle of attack of the wing measured from the angle
of the wing and the direction of the air after it has passed the wing.
The angle of attack at the tail surface is called the tail angle. The
tail angle will depend on the stabilizer setting as well as the angle
Angle of attack of airplane is â 1°. What is tail angle (a) if stabilizer
When the angle of attack is not given but the lift coefficient is
known, for the part of the lift coefficient against angle of attack
azj- 0.0718
e = XZ.L.
2 X 0.0718 X FA.R.
Example. Airplane, weighing 2,000 Ib. has 250 sq. ft. of wing area,
aspect ratio of 8, and is flying at 100 miles per hour. Angle of attack
CL = 0.00256 SV2
= 0.314
= 2,000
* ~ 2 X 0.0718 X FA.R.
~ 2 X 0.0718 X 1.06
= 2.08°
1. Airplane, weighing 4,000 lb., has 300 sq. ft. of wing area, aspect
ratio of 9, and is flying at 125 miles per hour. Angle of attack of air
2. A Lockheed airplane, weighing 4,900 lb., has 293 sq. ft. of wing
area, aspect ratio is 6.24, and it is flying at 150 miles per hour. If
3. A Fokker monoplane weighing 11,000 lb. has 748 sq. ft. of wing
area with aspect ratio of 9.1, and is flying at 90 miles per hour. If
4. A Douglas observation plane weighs 4,800 lb., has 376 sq. ft. of
wing area with E.M.A.R. of 5.2, and is flying at 120 miles per hour.
6. A training biplane weighs 2,400 lb., has 280 sq. ft. of wing area
attack of wing is +7° and stabilizer is set at â5°, what is tail angle?
due to the tail load, the lift (either positive or negative) acting on
of pressure position.
The lift force on the tail is found in the usual way. The tail
this, the angle of attack may be corrected for the smaller aspect
ratio, or what is the exact equivalent the tail area may be multi-
different from those for the main wing, but the slope of all airfoil
at is the tail angle measured from the zero lift chord, the lift
with the fuselage so that the air velocity over the tail surface is less
per cent of the airspeed. Then the velocity squared at the tail is
4° + 5°
= 4.5°
= 3.07
= 518Ib.
Mi = 518 X 14
= + 7250 ft-lb.
1. A tail surface, 30 sq. ft. in area, has a span of 11 ft.; its airfoil
2. A tail surface 45 sq. ft. in area has a span of 13 ft., and its air
3. A tail surface 47 sq. ft. in area has a span of 15 ft., and its airfoil
The sum of the moment due to the wing and the moment due to
such that
c = chord in feet
are exactly right for moment and moment coefficient, when the
the wing chord, the wing drag will produce a moment, so that it
CR =
Substituting in above
Owing C
Example. Find and plot wing moment coefficient, tail moment, and
Total horizontal tail area is 43 sq. ft. ; span of tail is 12.5 ft. Stabi
lizer is set at â5° to main wing. The center of gravity of the airplane
is 30 per cent of the chord back of the leading edge of the M.A.C.
and 25 per cent of the chord below the M.A.C. Distance from center
= 50.2°
12 5
4S X 0 S74 12
(1)a0481216a0481216(2)9-a50. (8â a)0.768.722.672.618.562(9)C.P. COS a0.424.346.313.293.284(10)CL0.360.650.941.191.44(4)Cos (8â a)0.640.692.741.786.827(5)R sin (Sâ a)0.300. coSa-R sin (9-a))-0.0447- .0416- .0479- .0619- .0921(6)R cos (8â a)
-C.P. sin a)+0.0027+ .0042+ .0081+ .0147+ .0335(8)C.P. sin a0. .0374- .0398- .0472- .0586
i.e., elevator held in same plane with stabilizer; since a greater angle
stalling moment.
edge would tend to sag down from its own weight. The air pass
ing under the stabilizer impinges on the under side of the elevator,
its hinge due to its weight just balances the moment due to the air
lateral stability.
When flying straight and level, the air will meet the wing (or
wings) on the left side of the airplane at the same angle of attack
as on the right side and therefore there will be the same lift on
one side of the airplane as on the other side. If for any reason the
airplane tips, the wing on the side which is going down will meet
air, so that relative to the wing air not only is coming backward
at the wing (due to the forward motion of the airplane), but also
is coining upward (due to the roll). The relative wind is then not
wing is meeting air on its upper surface, that is, momentarily the
will have less lift, tending to restore the plane to its original atti
tude. The descending wing will also have more drag, the rising
If an airplane has ceased rolling and is flying level with one wing
low, there is the same angle of attack on both the left and the
right itself.
across the span, they slope outward and upward from the center.
Dihedral angle is the angle which the wings slope upward from the
sideslip; but if the plane is only slightly tilted, there will still be
some amount of slip as the resultant of lift and weight will have a
side component. As soon as any slip takes place, the relative wind,
With a straight wing, even when the relative wind comes from
the side instead of from dead ahead, the angle of attack will still
be the same on the right wing as the left wing. With dihedral,
if the right wing drops, the plane will slip to the right. The
dead ahead. Owing to the dihedral angle, the right wing will
have a greater and the left wing a smaller angle of attack. This
will give more lift on the low wing and less on the high, tending to
aiding lateral stability is that the wing going down has a greater
horizontal projected area than the wing going up. As the usual
Normal Flight .
8 12 16
,- Flight at or
â¢bow burble
Angle of Attack
20 24 ?8
airplane tips, the descending wing has a greater and the rising wing
wing with greater angle of attack has greater lift. The curve of
if the airplane tips, the descending wing will have a greater angle
of attack than the rising; but since beyond the burble point the
mean /e.s.s lift. Since the descending wing has the less lift and the
ascending wing has the more lift, the rising wing will rise more and
the wing which is going down will go down more. This rotation
flight, its effective span will be greater and its drag will increase,
while the drag on the left wing will decrease. A right turn will
and general clean design, racing planes can have a speed range of
drag will have a smaller speed range. Unless design is very poor,
least 2.5.
same time. The slot is a narrow opening near the leading edge
and parallel to the span. The small section in front of the slot
ling takes place at 18° to 20° angle of attack, because air is unable
over the small auxiliary wing section, so that it can follow closely
30°. The slope of the lift curve remains constant, so that the
of a slot.
With a fixed slot, at low angles of attack, there being less pressure
on the upper than at the lower end of the slot, air will travel up
ward through it. This will divert the main air stream and cause
the leading edge of the main wing to an open position where there
main wing.
By examining Figs. 14, 15, and 16, it will be seen that at low
press the auxiliary airfoil tightly against the main wing, while at
iary wing to its " open " position. The automatic slot requires
the drag is only very slightly greater than with the ordinary wing.
Flaps. Flaps, in the simplest form, merely mean that the rear
only a small portion of the span and are so linked that, when the
aileron on one side goes up, that on the other side goes down.
Flaps extend across the span, except for the small portion which is
aileron, and the flaps on both sides go down together. Flaps are
of the under surface. This has the effect of increasing the lift
the depressed rear edge acts to hinder the smooth flow of air;
No Hip.
of Slob.
connect the flaps with the stabilizer; otherwise the airplane will
per cent. At low angles of attack, the flaps are in their normal
position so that they do not detract from high speed. Both slots
Special forms of flaps have been devised and several have proved
to be very practical. Among these are the " Zap " flap, in which
the lower surface of the rear portion of the wing swings down while
wing; the rear portion of the lower surface slides backward and
downward, so that not only the camber but also the wing area
are increased.
The rotating vanes are four in the older, three in the newer,
three vanes over the fuselage, and in this position the autogiro
head. The rotor head supports the inner ends of the three vanes.
blade would have greater lift. Rigidity of the blades would tilt
the entire gyro, and it is for this reason that the blades are hinged
span of any blade makes with the horizontal is due to the resultant
of centrifugal force and the lift on that blade. This means that
The speed of rotation will be constant at about 100 r.p.m. If, for
any reason, the resultant should act backwards from the vertical,
which would cause the line of action of the resultant to move for
ward again.
blade on the right side has greater speed than a blade on the left.
greater lift than the retreating left blade. Being hinged to permit
effects tend to make the lifts on each side more nearly equal.
plane. The movement of the pilot's hand is the same as with the
ordinary control stick. Pulling back on the stick causes the nose
Moving the stick to the left causes the fuselage to tilt in a manner
for a left turn. The rudder on the rear of the fuselage is operated
Four blades are used, set 90° apart. The opposite blades are
manner that the blades may be " feathered " or have the angle
with the rotor disk altered as the blades proceed around the disk.
At high speeds the small fixed wing furnishes sufficient lift, and the
rotating blades are turned to the zero lift angle offering a minimum
A movement of the stick to the left will cause the blades on the
they proceed to the left side will have a decreased angle of attack,
a stick movement to the left causes the blades on the left side to
increase their angle, and on the right side to decrease their angle.
ing the setting of the cam operating this feathering can be made to
eccentric point 0' links are connected to each airfoil. The posi
Resultant lore*
rt (orca
Upward .
Peripheral .
Resultant foree
in Fig. 946. The relative wind (VR) at each wing is the resultant
sistance in the same way that the engine furnishes force to over
that, while in flight, external forces are acting on the airplane struc
ture. Some of these forces, lift and weight, are dependent on the
size and design; other forces, inertia forces, are dependent on the
just enough to stand the greatest loading they will undergo. The
per-sec. velocity.
The cost of raw material is small compared with the labor cost, but
times serves for flooring and other parts of the fuselage. In one
or two airplanes, plywood has been used for wing covering. Ply
Probably the main reason that wood has been largely superseded
Cloth. The first airplanes had cloth for wing covering, and the
strength of 30 Ib. per in. After the cloth covering has been
surface. Without the dope, damp air would make the fabric
pigmented dope, cloth loses its life and strength after about a
strength is about 55,000 Ib. per sq. in. It is used either in the
95,000 Ib. per sq. in., with a yield point of 60,000 Ib. per sq. in.
increases its strength, so that aluminum alloys are used for air
craft rather than the pure aluminum. The alloys are treated in
cover all strong aluminum alloys. The most popular alloy has
4 per cent copper, ^ per cent manganese, and 5 per cent magne
volume, duralumin has 35.4 per cent of the weight of steel. The
tensile strength of 17ST duralumin is 58,000 Ib. per sq. in., while
weight and 58.0 per cent of the strength of a piece of steel of the
section so the weight were the same as that of the steel piece, the
depth of the duralumin beam for the same weight would give
being used a great deal for wing and fuselage covering, and spot
is called the " anodic " process. This consists in passing an elec
chromium, 8 per cent nickel, and a little less than 0.18 per cent
Ib. per sq. in. have been obtained, but in this state it is very
bracing. The wings had two wooden spars with ribs or formers
than metal, so that troubles due to vibration that had not been
item that wood had little tensile or shear strength, so that the
skin to carry all the bending moments and shear. The pure
various types depending on the use to which they are put. Train
ing airplanes should have a fairly low landing speed, and this will
clude radio, camera, and machine guns for both pilot and observer.
a bomb rack for carrying small demolition bombs, radio, and oxy
rear spar and with fabric skin rearward of the rear spar. The
thirty-two passengers. The wing span is 114 ft., the wing area
is 1,330 sq. ft. Flaps are located between the ailerons and are
tion. Flaps are of the split trailing-edge type and extend between
the ailerons. The wing span is 26 ft.; the wing area is 209 sq. ft.
The weight empty is 2,550 Ib., and the useful load, 1,650 Ib.;
the maximum speed at sea-level is 185 miles per hour, and the
the wing area is 458 sq. ft. The weight empty is 6,200 Ib.; the
useful load, 3,550 Ib.; the maximum speed is 210 miles per hour,
and the landing speed 63 miles per hour. The landing gear is
steel tubing, fabric-covered. The wing spars are single solid web
type flaps in the illustration in their " down " position. The
wing span is 84 ft.; the wing area, 800 sq. ft. The weight empty
is 7,320 Ib.; the useful load, 5,680 Ib.; the maximum speed is 167
miles per hour, and the landing speed 52 miles per hour.
On the Wright brothers' first flights, their only guide was a long
Many instruments have been added since the days of the early
Wright flights, but each has been the result of a distinct need for
at all tunes. With only the owner flying the airplane, if one in
tioning the pilot will rely on its indications and, if they are in
be greatly in error.
sand feet and the altimeter did not show this decrease for several
in the air, but the instrument performs the very useful service of
Airplane engines that have passed the rigid tests of the Depart
erly mounted should run for long periods provided that they are
engine will continue to turn over at that speed unless some part
expand. The added friction will slow up the revolutions per min-
finally the bearing and journal " freeze." For another example,
firing becomes poorer until the spark fails to jump and the cylinder
misses completely.
shows a decrease in engine speed, the pilot should scan the other
If the oil or water is too cool, the pilot can remedy this in the air
fied in the air, but with the advance warning the pilot can often
the pilot to set the engine at the most economical cruising speed,
type has more working parts and therefore the production cost
should be greater than for the centrifugal type. With wear of the
constant, the pointer remains fixed; but if the engine speed is vary
ing, at the end of the 1-sec. counting period, the pointer jumps to a
new position. This does not mean that the engine speed is erratic
or jumpy, but merely that the average speed for 1 sec. is different
speed. This driving gear does two things. First, it winds the
spring will not be wound too tight; as the tachometer operates the
clockwork tends to run down but the driving gear keeps it wound
encase a shaft and are so keyed to the shaft that they may move
end of the segmented worm. The collar S moves the pointer over
a scale.
ment rotates the shaft and segmented worm through 120°, so that
is very small indeed, and the only error should be due to the mesh
weights, see Fig. 107, are connected by links to fixed collar A and
cooling medium; the electric type is suited best for finding the
In the liquid-filled type, the bulb, the tubing, and the pressure
chamber in the gage are all filled completely with a liquid. When
the bulb is heated, the liquid in the bulb expands and causes in
pressure gage.
fill the bulb completely. The remainder of the bulb, the capillary
connecting tubing, and the pressure chamber of the gage are filled
with the vapor from the liquid. It is essential that the free surface
a liquid and its vapor the vapor pressure depends on the tem
liquid with heat, so the pressure changes will be lineal with tem
filled type will be much greater at the same temperature than with
the vapor-pressure type so that the gage is much more rugged for
use a fine capillary tube connecting the bulb to the gage, and care
does not cut the tubing under the impression that it is a copper
stantin. The " hot junction " may be a true joint, or the same
effect is achieved if the two wires are inserted into holes a short
in temperature between the " hot " and " cold " junctions.
markings for the temperatures between 32° and 29° F., which is
struments which aid the pilot in flying the airplane safely and in
guiding him to his destination. They tell him his altitude, his
speed, his direction, and the attitude of the airplane with respect to
somewhat rare attempts for altitude record, the need for accuracy
shaped like a poker chip. The flat sides are very thin and flexible.
ence, the altitude scale would be non-uniform; that is, the gradu
ations would be far apart near the ground and closer together as
Before taking off, the pilot would turn the dial till the zero of his
meter would read zero when his wheels touched the ground.
changed while he was in the air. If, while he had been flying, the
atmospheric pressure at the airport had decreased by, say, 0.2 in.,
aloft, his altimeter might indicate zero while he was still several
reads the barometer at the airport and radios the reading to the
pilot. The pilot thereupon sets the zero of the altitude scale op
reaches the zero on the altitude scale, his wheels should be touch
at that altitude.
ture not only must be 15° C. (59° F.) at sea-level but it also must
these conditions do not exist the altimeter will not read correctly
the average temperature of the air between the plane and the
flying is to be done.
ary to pump out most of the air before sealing the aneroid to de
crease the error from this source. The pressure inside the altimeter
tubing is connected to the altimeter case, the outer open end of the
It should be noted that the word " sensitive " is not synony
are used, the time interval being measured for a sound to travel
tom of the fuselage and their capacity increases as the plane nears
the earth, which acts as the third plate. This device acts ad
and compute the altitude. Such a device has been used on the
the Graf is to drop plaster eggs and time the interval till they
of the airplane with respect to the surrounding air, i.e., the speed
of the relative wind. In still air, the airspeed is the ground speed,
but if any wind is blowing, the airspeed and ground speed are
pilot. It warns him when the plane is near its stalling speed. By
will be
If the Pitot and static pressures are in pounds per square inch,
= Ps + 0.00747 pF2
this becomes
P,= P, + 0.00001776 F2
pressure gage shows the difference between the Pitot pressure and
Pt - P, = 0.00001776 F2
or F = 237.3 V P, - P,
Pitot tube, and the other end of the static tube is connected to
the inside of the case of the pressure gage. The pressure gage will
Pitot and static pressure, at the point where the Pitot and static
location where the air flow is not too greatly disturbed. For a
length forward of the leading edge in the plane of the under sur
face of the wing. Mounting the Pitot and static tubes on a rod
not force, that is being measured, the actual size of the opening
of the Pitot tube will not affect the readings of the airspeed in
ice of the Pitot tube would cause ice to form on the propeller and
of the pressure gage had the Pitot pressure, the other had the suc
tion from the throat of the Venturi tube. The suction (or nega
the air velocity being the same. The pressure gage operating on
could be much more rugged and sturdy than one operating on the
the smooth flow of air through the throat of the Venturi tube.
Unless the airflow was devoid of eddies and burbling, the suction
read incorrectly.
vary with the dynamic pressures, i.e., they vary with (p/2)V2.
ratio, the indicated airspeed will decrease as the square root of the
For handling the airplane the pilot desires to know not the true
altitude when the airspeed indicator shows the same reading, the
airplane is stalled.
lines of force which, in general, run from the north magnetic pole
(located near 70° N., 96° W.) to the south magnetic pole (near
71° S., 148° E.) but with erratic diversions due to local deposits
lines slope 50° from the horizontal; farther north at the latitude
tendency for the needles to dip. They will be free to swing into
places on the earth are these lines running true north and south.
are in the plane of the magnetic lines of force, they are said to be
chart for the United States is given in Fig. 108. The variation
changes from year to year so that the most recent chart should
always be used.
to the compass may have more effect than a large piece of steel at a
airplane is then set on other headings (every 30° from north) and
necessary, the pilot can correct his compass reading to obtain his
true heading.
90°, south is 180°, west is 270°, etc. Headings measured from true
north are true headings; measured from magnetic north they are
is easterly.
is compass heading?
pass heading?
the compass, the point on the card corresponding with the south-
magnets and card are inside a spherical metal bowl which has a
glass window on one side, and the entire bowl is full of mineral
that there is less friction at the pivot, and it damps the swingings
of the card.
on felt washers.
Lubber Line
Magnetic Needles
Glass Window
and are termed periodic. The period is the time required to swing
ing, the periods are not of the same duration; such compasses are
quire a longer time to return to north than the more common type
of compass, but the aperiodic card will not swing so far past north.
reading instrument, that is, the part affected by the earth's mag
cockpit where it can be easily seen by the pilot. The control dial
the instant that the coil is in the magnetic north-south plane, the
will indicate zero current. Instead of a single coil, one may con
with a coil just as it is not cutting any lines of force. If the brushes
are not in the east-west plane, they will be connecting with a coil
east-west plane.
given till the galvanometer reads zero, which will be when the
the same as described above except that the brush positions are
projects up through the top of the fuselage, and on the upper end
Propeller mounted
in slipstream
shift of the heading to the right will make the galvanometer needle
deflect to the right, and a shift of heading to the left will make
the needle deflect to the left. When the airplane is 180° off from
correct heading, a shift of heading to the right will make the needle
over the ordinary type is that with the ordinary type on long flights
the pilot must constantly bear in mind the heading that he must
fly. With the induction type, after the control dial has once been
set, the pilot has only to fly so as to keep the needle of the gal
compass, weighing less than 9 Ib. In line, one on each side of the
be a very strong magnetic flux across the poles. The poles, how
ever, are so placed by the control dial that, whenever the airplane
There is then no magnetic flux across the space between the poles
gyroscopic compass has been tried, the installation was more than
so that, if the shaft is ever off from a true north-south line, the
exact time depending on the bumpiness of the air and the amount
ing from side to side. The indications of the directional gyro are
tion of the gyro wheel tends to keep the axis of rotation in its
Rotor -
Horizontal Ring-
U- Vertical A*is
|XTt*SM'^m\ \ N A
. Caging Arm
causing a partial vacuum (3^ in.) inside the case. The other
see Fig. 112. The gyrostat of the turn indicator has therefore
only one degree of freedom, the axle may turn about an axis which
from the directional gyro in which the gyroscope has the further
its rim. Air is removed from the case by a Venturi tube in the
forcing air to enter through a nozzle. The entering air strikes the
The direction of rotation is such that the upper rim of the wheel
of the gyro wheel. The combination of this turning force and the
of the aircraft causes the right end of the gyro axle to move up or
viewed from the pilot's seat. A left turn of the airplane would
cause precession to move the right end of the gyro axle downward.
The gimbal ring has a projecting lug which moves in a slotted arm
connected to the pointer, so that the pointer moves to the same side
spin axis of the gyro is opposite to the bank, the instrument is very
cally banked turn where the apparent vertical or Z axis of the air
with wings level, the bubble is in the central highest part of the
glass tube; if one wing is low the bubble goes to the high side.
throws the liquid to the outer end of the tube, making the bubble
appear at the inner (or too high) end. In slipping, where the
inner wing is too low, the liquid goes to the inner or low end, the
Because with a spirit level a bump will cause the fluid to surge
back and forth, and there being no way of damping this bubble
middle; the steel ball has almost as large a diameter as the inner
diameter of the tube and thus has a dashpot action with respect
With the ball-in-tube type, the ball goes towards the end of the
tube that is too low. If in straight flight the wings are level, or
if in turning flight the wings are banked the correct angle, the
the pilot needs to remember only the simple rule, to move the stick
Usually the bank indicator and turn indicator are in the same
turn indicator.
however, after the nose has gone down, and the decreased air
speed conies after the nose has gone up. To eliminate this slight
the glass. If the spirit level is shoved along the table as the move
ment is started, owing to inertia the liquid surges backward and the
surges onward so that the bubble goes to the rear of the glass.
circular scale, it will hang vertically when the speed of the airplane
be led to believe that he had nosed up. If the nose of the airplane
drops 10° after the airplane has attained a constant speed con
sistent with his throttle opening and this angle of dive, the plumb-
bob on the side of the cockpit will indicate the 10° downward
angle. As the nose goes down, however, the speed increases, and
If the nose of the airplane goes up, the decrease in speed may cause
are all mounted in one case, the combination is called the flight
Horizon Bar
Gimbal Ring
Left BanK
, Rotor Housing
Pendulum Assembly
of the airplane and the horizon than from reading two separate
of pitch and the true angle of bank. On the face of the instrument
so that the housing may rotate in a vertical plane parallel with the
pivots so that the gimbal may rotate on an axis parallel with the
and the left pivot of the rotor housing are so constructed that
outside air may enter through the gimbal pivot and pass through
a small channel inside the gimbal, then through the gimbal pivot
outside air will be able to enter the housing. After entering the
housing, the air divides and goes through two passages to nozzle
the work of causing the rotor to spin, the air leaves by four ports
a " horizon " bar across the face of the instrument. This bar is
the arm of the horizon bar, moving the bar up when the upper part
pilot and down when the rotor housing has an opposite relative
set 90° apart, so that two are on the fore-and-aft axis of the air
plane and two on the lateral axis. At each opening is a vane, hung
parts from its upright position, gravity holding the vanes vertical,
one vane completely closes its port as shown in the lower left-hand
out in a jet from an opening when none is issuing from the opposite
housing in the opposite direction from the side from which the jet
is issuing. This force combined with the inertia force of the gyro
artificial horizons show the attitude of the plane with respect to the
rate of climb varies with the load on the airplane, the angle of
attack and one airspeed for the flattest angle of glide, and this
the capillary-leak type, sometimes called the " leaky altimeter "
the interior of the aneroid box to the outside air. In the case,
a long, very fine capillary glass tube (see Fig. 115). As long as the
aircraft stays at the same altitude, the air in the case outside the
When the altitude is changed, the air inside the aneroid because
sponding to the new altitude, but some time must elapse before
sufficient air can escape or enter by the capillary tube for the air
the aneroid is at greater pressure than the air outside, so that the
does not travel over the ground in the same direction as the air
craft is headed. The actual path of the aircraft over the ground
is called the track. The angle between the aircraft heading and
ground. If the ground objects that are seen directly ahead of the
aircraft pass directly below the aircraft and then appear directly
plate with ruled parallel lines set in the floor of the cockpit is so
zontal plane. The wire or lines are turned until, to the observer
straight path and so set his wire that the object appears to move
zontal tail surface are painted lines radiating from a sighting point
in the roof of the cabin, where the observer can place his eye.
The central line runs along the center line of the fuselage; the
other lines are 5° apart. After dropping over the bomb or flare,
the observer waits till he sights the smoke or light over the tail.
been proved false, but the old name of meteorology is still retained.
way, his drift. Pilots of free balloons can judge at what altitude
tall buildings.
by the Army Air Corps at eight. One important airline has its own
absorbs practically no heat from the sun, but moist air does
absorb it. As half of the air is below 22,000 ft. and the air above
that altitude has scarcely any moisture content, practically all the
the surface is rock, field, trees, ice, etc. Dark surfaces, like plowed
with the ground is heated by direct conduction, and this air heats
and the presence of warm air at altitude from this cause is said to
be due to convection.
tivity of atmospheric air being very low, if a mass of dry air moves
from one level to a higher level, since the pressure is less at the
higher altitude, the air will expand very nearly adiabatically and
hand, air moving downward 185 ft. should increase 1° in tempera-
ture. Actually other factors affect the heating and cooling so that
altitude difference.
Both for the reason explained in the last paragraph and because
the heating effect of the earth is less with higher altitude, the
presumed to be constant.
At night, the ground cools quickly so that the air adjacent to the
than cold air can. The amount of saturation of air with water
When warm air with high relative humidity is chilled, the abso
lute humidity may remain the same, but since at lower tempera
the relative humidity increases to more than 100 per cent, pre
Warm air expands and its density decreases. This would tend
ceive nearly three times the amount of heat received by the polar
near the poles. This is true in so far that there is low pressure in
draws the air away from the poles. The resulting effect is to have
Winds. Air, like any other fluid, travels from a region of high
these isobars are close together, there are strong winds; where
there are big spaces between the isobars, the winds are very mild.
ern edge of the temperate zone there would be north winds and at
winds. These north and south winds are modified by the earth's
with a velocity greater than 1,000 miles per hour. Air farther
from the equator has less eastward velocity. At any latitude, the
ground and " stationary " air has less eastward velocity than the
ground and " stationary " air at less latitude. Air tending to move
small scale.
it, the maps of the two previous days. By doing this, the paths
highs and the lows are usually noted first on the west coast and
they follow more or less well-defined paths across the United States.
long periods, there are lows which are more or less stationary or
Clear weather
Cold air
northeast to southwest di
have a component from the north. Winds from the south bring
warm air northward. Winds from the north bring cold air
Warm air
When the warm air meets the cooler air, approximately in the
area marked A in Fig. 117, the warm air being of lighter density
rises and flows over the cold air. The mass of cold air meeting
the warmer air at B, Fig. 117, forces its way under the warm air.
The leading surface of a mass of air in motion is called a " front ";
In the northeast section of the low, the rising warm front de-
mixture with the colder air. If the warm air contained moisture,
the cooling will result in the water vapor condensing out to form
In the southwest section of the low, the cold front is much more
cold front is very intense, and the air is quite " bumpy " to the
On the northwest side of a low, the air is cold. Cold air holds
mits the air to absorb more water vapor, so that in this sector are
wind direction on the ground during the day. Knowing the direc
tion from which the wind blows enables the pilot to estimate the
direction of the center of the low, and he can head his airplane so
the right hand is lower than the left, and the center of the low will
is the case where the high is situated between two lows; when this
occurs the high has the same velocity as the lows. As a rule,
when a high sets in, settled weather may be expected to last for
In highs, the isobars have the same oval shape as in lows, but
the isobars are farther apart. The pressure gradient being less,
the winds are less in strength than those found in a low. A high
United States, when a high comes into a region, the rain area of
the preceding low has traveled onward. With the rise in barome
ter the weather clears and the temperature drops. At the center
region, the air is chilled and the water vapor is condensed to liquid
drop of water acts as nucleus. These tiny drops form clouds, and
(a) Warm saturated air blows over cold sea or land, as when
(d) Air may part with its heat by radiation on cold nights and
(e) Air is forced to rise when a warm front meets the cooler air
There are many different types of clouds but, all may be classi
Cirrus. These are thin and wispy. They are composed of ice
clouds appear like giant, curling feathery plumes and are some
fog but not resting on the ground, and are in distinct layers.
Advection fog forms when warm air drifts slowly over a cold
MAGUIRE, Aerology.
position. The term " avigation " has superseded the older ex
reasons for this speed are: first, aircraft are faster than other
winding rivers, the only gain is due to the superior speed of the
of the wind not being known accurately, and the position should be
sphere. The earth rotates daily about an axis, the ends of which
are the north and south poles. The equator is the circle formed by
from each pole. Circles passing through both poles are meridians.
length of the arc of the meridian through the place, between the
between the plane of the meridian through the place and the plane
places on the earth is along the great circle passing through the
two points.
mostly land.
There are four uses for maps: (a) to find distances, (6) to find
areas. No map is ideal for all these purposes; a map may furnish
present over three dozen are actually in use in the maps made by
The three most common projections which are widely used are the
areas under 200 square miles the earth may be considered flat;
Post Office maps, and the airway strip maps issued by the Depart
being dealt with, the curvature enters into the problem. On the
jection can be identified by being the only one of the three common
at right angles; north is the same direction in all parts of the map.
rhumb line.
A rhumb line is not the shortest path between two points on the
mercator chart.
between two points on the chart represents the great circle through
these points on the earth, and shows all the localities through which
this most direct route passes. The meridians are straight lines,
straight tracks are flown approximating the great circle, the head
course. For short hops of only a few hundred miles the mileage
flights the distance along the great-circle path is many miles shorter
formula :
LB is latitude of point B
Example. Find the great circle distance from Curtiss Field, Long
Island (40° 45' N., 73° 37' W.), to Le Bourget Field, Paris (48° 50' N.,
LA = 40° 45'.N.
LB = 48° 50'
found by adding.)
= 0.4914
cos 40° 45' cos 48° 50' cos 75° 57' = 0.7576 X 0.6582 X 0.2428
= 0.1211
= 0.6125
D = 52° 14'
Distance (D) = 52 X 60 + 14
fi r\or\
1. Find the distance from Rome (41° 54' N., 12° 29' E.) to Natal,
Brazil (5° 37' S., 35° 13' W.). (Del Prete's flight.)
2. Find the distance from San Francisco (37° 47' N., 122° 28' W.)
3. Find the distance from Gran well, England (53° 05' N., 0° 25' W.),
to Walvis Bay, South Africa (22° 43' S., 14° 20' W.). (Flight of
4. Find the distance from Burbank, California (34° 12' N., 118°
18' W.), to Floyd Bennett Field, N. Y. (40° 40' N., 73° 50' W.).
6. Find the distance from Harbor Grace, Newfoundland (47° 43' N.,
53° 08' W.), to Clifden, Ireland (53° 30' N., 10° 04' W.). (Flight of
with respect to the air, and that of the air with respect to the
ground, the latter being the wind velocity. Velocity has two
The velocity of the aircraft with respect to the air has a speed
finding ground velocity. ltv and the wind velo«ty, use is made
Solution (see Fig. 119). Draw line AB, 150 units in length; let
The length of AC being 181 units, the ground speed is 181 miles per
The line AC makes an angle of 54° from north, so that track is 54°,
There is a south wind of 25 miles per hour. What are ground speed,
hour. There is a south wind of 30 miles per hour. What are ground
into the wind from this track in order that the wind in combination
with the aircraft's own motion shall carry the aircraft along the
desired track. The angle by which the heading is altered from the
headed on the desired track and the drift measured, the heading
should not be crabbed by the drift angle since when the heading
the drift on the new heading should be measured and the heading
re-altered for the difference between this drift and the drift on the
When the wind speed and direction are known, the proper
problem, the airspeed is known but not its direction; the track is
known but not the ground speed. Various devices have been
ground speed?
speed, 176 miles per hour. The direction of line WB, 34°, is the
The wind is from 80°; wind speed is 40 miles per hour. What should
The wind is from west; wind speed is 30 miles per hour. What should
from 300°; wind speed is 40 miles per hour. What should be heading,
is from 70°; wind speed is 35 miles per hour. What should be head
is from 170°; wind speed is 35 miles per hour. What should be head
not have changed after the observations were taken. The wind
edge of the actual height of the aircraft above the ground. Alti
known, the height above sea-level of the ground below the air
craft can be found from contour maps; but when the geographic
For example â see Fig. 121a â if an airplane is headed north
with an airspeed of 150 miles per hour and a 15° right drift is
say, 5° left, the wind is then determined, because there can be only
one wind that will give a 15° right drift on a north heading and a
5° left drift on an east heading. By drawing line A B â see Fig.
1216 â 150 units long (airspeed is 150 miles per hour) in a direction
angle of 15° to the right of AB, the track on the first heading is
is 150 units. Then A 'B represents the airspeed and heading after
miles per hour and wind direction of 249°, this being the only wind
velocity that will give a drift of 15° right on a north heading and a
ground speed 173 miles per hour on first heading, and the length
of A 'W is the ground speed 195.5 miles per hour on second heading.
After the drifts on two headings are found so that the wind is
or (<f>
tracks and ground speeds. When headings and tracks are drawn
After the wind velocity has been found by measuring the drift
the non-arrow end of the wind-vector as center and with the air
The radius from this point of intersection gives the proper head
ing. For example, the wing having been found on a north head
see Fig. 121d. With B as center and 150 units as radius, inter
sect line WX" at point A ". Then direction of A "B is the proper
heading 37.5°, and length of A"W is the ground speed, 192 miles
per hour.
the desired track and 30° to the left, since by so doing a good inter
knowledge of altitude.
is a 15° left drift. If airspeed is 125 miles per hour: (a) what is wind
speed and (6) direction; (c) what heading should be flown to obtain a
is a 20° left drift. Airspeed is 160 miles per hour. (a) What is wind
speed and (b) direction? (c) What heading should be flown to obtain
there is a 10° left drift. Airspeed is 140 mile per hour. (a) What
is wind speed and (b) direction? (c) What should heading be to fly
ship's position is obtained. Two such lines exactly fix the position.
an altitude less than 1,000 ft., the observer is unable to see the
A two-way set enables the pilot to report his progress and other
The ordinary aircraft engine has a spark gap in each cylinder for
were not shielded. This means that every electric wire must be
shielded with a metal cup, and every other part of the electrical
the pilot can request them to get his bearings, then sending out a
series of dots from the plane enables the ground operators to get
the direction of the airplane each from his own station. With
the bearings from two or more ground stations, either the pilot or
plane the signal heard on the plane will not be as strong as it would
be if the airplane were the same distance away from AB but in the
Fig. 1226, but not connected electrically in any way, signals may
be sent out simultaneously from each. Two code letters are used,
which are easily recognizable but are so selected that, if they are
both started at the same time, the dash of one code letter is sounded
at the same instant as the dot or dots of the other letter. The
ations from each antenna are received with equal strength, the
receiver will respond to both equally, and the signal heard by the
bisect the two angles made by A B and CD, both signals would be
plane through CD, though the V signal might be heard faintly, the
vibration. The pilot looks at the ends of the reeds, which are
longer is the line. When the airplane is in the T zone, the circuits
for reeds are receiving the same intensity, and the two white lines
are the same length. When the airplane is off to one side of the
T zone, the circuit for one reed is receiving greater intensity so that
one white line is longer and the other is shorter. The visual beacon
is less tiring for the pilot, but since the receiving hook-up is slightly
cross-wind, the pilot will probably zigzag a bit till he finds experi
mentally a heading which does not direct him from the B zone
across the T zone into the V zone, or vice versa. Although there
the sending set need have no directional effect. The radio com
pass is useful in fog flying, since the pilot can take bearings on two
can also be used as a " homing " device. The pilot can find the
cated outside the landing area but not more than 1,000 ft. outside
changing his heading, should bring the airplane directly over the
so that it is in line with the approach to the field, i.e., along the
flies directly towards it, setting his directional gyro on his head
ing. He is then flying directly away from the field. After passing
over B, the pilot makes a gradual flat turn of 180°, using his di
rectional gyro to tell him when he has exactly reversed his heading.
mately 700 ft. above the ground when the airplane passes the
tude of 200 ft., and continuing the steady glide the plane should
pass over all obstacles and reach the landing area properly.
As soon as the wheels touch the ground, the pilot cuts the throttle,
" zone of silence " or from the signal from the marker beacon
located at A. If his altitude at that time is less than 200 ft., the
pilot merely opens the engine, putting the airplane in level flight
for a brief interval of time, and then permits the plane to settle
into its glide again. If the plane is higher than 200 ft. in passing
is to employ the term balloon only for craft which has no motive
Captive balloons are moored to the ground and are used for
loon lies in the direction of the wind. This shape is called a kite-
spherical except that at the extreme lower part the skin cones
forms a rope netting was arranged over the upper half of the bag,
the ends coming down just below the appendix where they were
passengers was hung. Because of the weight of the rope and the
this band. The most modern method is to fasten each rope from
cemented to the bag at the point where the curve of the sus
care of the transverse loads, the gas being in a single large envelope.
the gas inside the bag is relied upon to give the bag its shape, both
been used for more than a century and is best from the point of
lift but has the disadvantage that, if it mixes with air, it is highly
than hydrogen is perfectly inert so that in its use there is not the
foot. During the war the cost to the United States government
is about $25 per 1,000 cu. ft. The cost of hydrogen is about $5
in. of mercury pressure, the weight per cubic foot of the gases
given space is equal to the sum of the pressures which each gas
the walls of the containing vessel is the same at all points through
the fluid displaced is greater than the weight of the body, the
body rises. If the weight of the fluid displaced is less than the
entirely sealed when under water, and the skin must be of suffi
between inside and outside the hull. Balloons either are open to
no pressure difference.
lift is the difference between the weight of a cubic foot of air and
the weight of a cubic foot of the gas. The gross lift or buoyancy
The net lift or useful load is the difference between the gross lift
Fo T0 X P1
Example. A cloth bag contains 1,000 cubic feet of air, the tempera
ture being 59° F. and the pressure 29.92 in. What is the volume if the
460 29.92
there is not sufficient volume of gas to fill the bag, the cloth sides
will fold in and the bag will be flabby. When the volume of the
gas is just equal to the cubical content the bag will be fully in
ture of the gas inside will cause the bag to burst. For this reason,
though the appendix is usually tied shut while the balloon is being
DI _ n Y PI
Do T, X Po
open appendix ensures that the pressure of the gas and air are the
the surrounding air and the temperature of the gas the same as
that of the air, the expression for lift under other than standard
conditions becomes
/ T P T P\ ditions
PI = actual pressure
= 7031b.
is the lift?
gas are at a temperature of â 10° F. and a pressure of 21.3 in. What
is the lift?
4. A 20,000-cu.-f t. free balloon is full of pure helium ; air and gas are
on the ground, has lift greater than its weight, it rises, and be
does not stretch, the volume is fixed and gas is forced out of the
creases; but the density of the lifting gas decreases at the same
which is the unit lift, also decreases at the same rate. The
gross lift which is the constant volume multiplied by the unit lift
decreases. Ascension will continue until the gross lift just equals
the weight.
the atmospheric pressure being less, the gas will expand, round
ing out the bag more fully. There will be no loss of gas till the
bag is fully rounded out. The altitude where the bag is completely
full and where any further increase in altitude will cause gas to
basket or hung on the netting to ensure that the balloon will not
This process is the removing of ballast until the total weight of the
balloon just equals the total lift. In this condition, a man stand
cause the balloon to rise slowly; heaving over a lot of sand will
that the lift will decrease. At the start, the accelerating force will
be equal to the difference between the weight and the lift; i.e.,
the force in pounds will equal the pounds of sand put over. In
and the lift will be less owing to the decreasing lift, the upward
dropping a little ballast, then a little more, and a little more till
to escape, and with decreasing lift, the difference between lift and
the ratio of the new volume to the old is the ratio of new density
high altitude, there is no special merit in fully inflating the bag for
On the ground, the fully inflated bag has more lift so that more
pressure height, the gas having already expanded to fill the bag,
gas will be forced out and lift will decrease. Lift being less than
first to decelerate the upward velocity, and, when this has been
actions so that, just when the balloon has reached its highest point
ing lift.
of pure hydrogen at the ground, temperature 59° F., pressure 29.92 in.
What is lift at 5,000-ft. altitude (temperature 45° F., pressure 24.8 in.)?
At ground
= 570 Ib.
v .. v ^ v Zl
Vi - K«pixn
= 5701b.
v v Po v Tl
V\ = Vo'ET X .ffT
519 21 j
ciq 21 '!
- 549 Ib.
Pi _ 8,000
Po " 10,000
= 0.8
(a) What is the lift at the ground? (6) What is the lift at 5,000-ft.
(a) What is the lift at the ground? (6) What is the lift at 5,000-ft.
basket, crew, instruments, and 300 Ib. ballast, but less gas, is 1,450 Ib.
The bag is filled with pure hydrogen on a day when the temperature is
65° F. and the barometer is 29.6 in. (a) How much ballast must be
dropped off in weighing-off, i.e., having weight just equal lift at the
ground? (6) How much more ballast must be dropped in order for the
the pressure height? (c) How much more ballast must be dropped in
pressure increases. Any gas that has escaped from the appendix
rium, if gas is valved, the lift becomes less than the weight, so that
excess of the weight over the lift. The effect of the increase in
volume of the gas in the bag. The same weight of gas as at the
beginning of the descent will displace less and less volume of air,
but the density of the gas and air will increase as the volume
decreases. The lift will remain the same all the way down, and
only by making the weight less than lift, which is done by dropping
and before he starts to rise again, he must valve just enough gas
to gain equilibrium.
In landing, the pilot comes down towards the ground, and at the
few feet off the ground. At that instant, he is pulling the rip-
cord, which entirely opens one seam of the bag, completely empty
ing it of gas.
(a) What is the total weight of the bag including ballast? (6) If 100
cu. ft. of gas is valved, what is the loss of lift at this altitude? (c) At
7,000-ft. altitude, what is the volume of the gas in the bag? (d) What
= 494 Ib.
1Q 0"?
= 51b.
1903 494
= 489 Ib.
OQ f)Q K1Q
ground, (a) What is the lift at the ground? (6) What is the lift at
altitude, what is excess weight after 150 cu. ft. of gas are valved?
(e) When balloon has descended to 5,000-ft. altitude, 200 cu. ft. addi
heat waves but also of the shorter light and electric waves. It
is the heat radiation that warms the earth and to a smaller extent
the atmosphere.
the outside air because the light in passing through the tent fabric
the air inside is hotter than outside, as the result of light changing
true only on sunny days. In free balloons, the sun shining on the
bag heats up the gas inside the bag to a higher temperature than
balloon travels with it. Air does not travel past the balloon;
free balloon. If any breeze is blowing, the air passing the bal
air. Dirigibles in motion are forcing their way through air, and
treacherous lift, since if the sun goes behind a cloud or the sun
70° hotter than the outer air. With lighter-colored surface the
to expand. Below the pressure height, this will increase the full
ness of the bag; for a fully inflated bag, superheat will force out
is due to the difference in weight density of the air and gas at the
the sun shining brightly, the gas will receive superheat and will
When rising, the balloon moves upward through the air, and this
of the bag until the bag is fully inflated. Further expansion will
cause gas to escape. For the partially inflated bag, gas expanding
but not escaping will not change the weight of the gas contained
the increase in lift is exactly equal to the weight of the gas forced
superheat of 40°?
= 569.5 Ib.
= 612.1 Ib.
= 39.5 Ib.
= 572.6 Ib.
= 3.1 Ib.
= 569.5 Ib.
= 659.2 Ib.
= 42.6 Ib.
= 616.6 Ib.
hangar. Both air and hydrogen are at 29.9 in. pressure and 45° F.
temperature. (a) What is the lift? (6) Owing to sun's rays, the
Air and gas are at 30.1 in. pressure and 18° F. temperature. (a) What
is the lift? (b) If the hydrogen is superheated 45° F., what is the lift?
Air and gas are at 29.9 in. pressure and 70° F. temperature. (a) What
Air and gas are at 29.9 in. pressure and 32° F. temperature. (a) What
is lift? (6) What is the lift if the helium is superheated 50° F.?
(a) What is lift? (b) What is the lift if the sun goes behind clouds and
Purity. Any gas which remains inside a balloon for any length
appendix and mixing with the gas and to other causes. Although
all impurities as being dry air, they merely support themselves and
per cent of the volume of pure gas, giving lift, and (100 â x) per
= 676.3 Ib.
= 50.5 Ib.
= 38.3 Ib.
Weight of 10,000 cu. ft. of displaced air = 10,000 X 0.07651 = 765.1 Ib.
cloth is tailored to the correct shape, and the pressure inside the
bag is relied upon to fill out the bag properly. Use is made of two
main gas bag is sealed to the outer air except for a gas valve used
only in emergency.
During inflation the ballonet is filled with air while the main
bag is being filled with gas. On rising, the expansion of the gas
ling air. When the ballonet wall has entirely flattened out
against the skin of the envelope so that all the air has been ex
ballonet a scoop hangs down from the ballonet with its open end
ballonets, the main envelope will still be flabby. For this reason
following manner. Bringing the airship out of the hangar into the
The gas contracts, air is forced into the ballonet, lift is reduced, and
are always located on the lower side of the hull. In this location
the sun's rays do not shine on the ballonets but on the upper side
from the warm gas through the separating wall to the air. Any
heating of the air would add to the lift in the same way that lift
lift will the dirigible pick up if gas is superheated 30° F. before take
= ll,7001b.
Qf) 9
OlU _.'..*
519 30 2
= 1 1,700 Ib.
El O Of) O
OiU _.*.,)
= 13,314 Ib.
= 8741b.
= 12,440 Ib.
= 740 Ib.
cin on o
cu.-ft. ballonets full of air; the remaining space is filled with hydrogen
cu.-ft. ballonets full of air. The airship is inflated with pure helium.
Air and gas are at 60° F. temperature and 30.1 in. pressure, (a) What
is the lift if there is no superheat? (6) What is the lift with 20° F.
superheat is 35° F. (a) What is the total lift? (6) How much ballast
the war, for ease and cheapness in construction, the rings, except
for those at the nose and tail, were of the same diameter. This
gave the " pencil-shape " to the war-time Zeppelins. The modern
surface. The air space between the outer cover and the walls of
expansion of the gas may take place when the airship rises.
Flabbiness of the gas cells is permissible in the rigid type, since the
WARNER, Aerostatics.
in a defined direction,
aerodynamic center, wing section â A point located on or near the chord of
the mean line approximately one-quarter of the chord length aft of the
aerodynamics â The branch of dynamics that treats of the motion of air and
other gaseous fluids and of the forces acting on solids in motion relative
to such fluids.
aerostatics â The science that treats of the equilibrium of gaseous fluids and
aileron â A hinged or movable portion of an airplane wing, the primary func
Prise aileron â An aileron having the nose portion projecting ahead of
the hinge axis, the lower surface being in line with the lower surface of
the wing. When the trailing edge of the aileron is raised, the nose por
tion protrudes below the lower surface of the wing, increasing the drag.
airplane â A mechanically driven fixed-wing aircraft, heavier than air, which
canard airplane â A type of airplane having the horizontal stabilizing and
pusher airplane â An airplane with the propeller or propellers aft of the
tailless airplane â An airplane in which the devices used to obtain stability
airship â An aerostat provided with a propelling system and with means of
airway â An air route along which aids to air navigation, such as landing
airworthiness â The quality of an aircraft denoting its fitness and safety for
standard atmosphere.
amphibian â An airplane designed to rise from and alight on either land or
aileron angle â The angular displacement of an aileron from its neutral
position. It is positive when the trailing edge of the aileron is below the
neutral position.
blade angle â The acute angle between the chord of a section of a propeller
dihedral angle â The acute angle between a line perpendicular to the plane
to the longitudinal axis of the airplane. If the wing axis is not approxi
mately a straight line, the angle is measured from the projection of a line
joining the intersection of the wing axis with the plane of symmetry and
downwash angle â The angle through which an air stream is deflected by
drift angle â The horizontal angle between the longitudinal axis of an
elevator angle â The angular displacement of the elevator from its neutral
gliding angle â The angle between the flight path during a glide and a
zero-lift angle â The angle of attack of an airfoil when its lift is zero,
angle of attack â The acute angle between a reference line in a body and the
absolute angle of attack â The angle of attack of an airfoil, measured from
critical angle of attack â The angle of attack at which the flow about an
effective angle of attack â See angle of attack for infinite aspect ratio.
induced angle of attack â The difference between the actual angle of attack
and the angle of attack for infinite aspect ratio of an airfoil for the same
lift coefficient.
angle of attack for infinite aspect ratio â The angle of attack at which an
area, equivalent flat-plate â The area of a square flat plate, normal to the
horizontal tail area â The horizontal tail area is measured in the same
manner as the wing area, that is, with no deduction for the area blanketed
by the fuselage, such blanketed area being bounded within the fuselage
by lateral straight lines that connect the intersections of the leading and
trailing edges of the stabilizer with the sides of the fuselage, the fairings
vertical tail area â The area of the actual outline of the rudder and the fin
projected in the vertical plane, the fairings and fillets being ignored.
wing area â Wing area is measured from the projection of the actual outline
on the plane of the chords, without deduction for area blanketed by fuse
lage or nacelles. That part of the area, so determined, which lies within
the fuselage or nacelles is bounded by two lateral lines that connect the
celle, ignoring fairings and fillets. For the purpose of calculating area, a
and nacelles. Unless otherwise stated, wing area always refers to total
area, propeller-disk â The total area swept by a propeller; i.e., the area of a
aspect ratio â The ratio of the span to the mean chord of an airfoil; i.e., the
effective aspect ratio â The aspect ratio of an airfoil of elliptical plan
form that, for the same lift coefficient, has the same induced-drag coeffi
autogiro â A type of rotor plane whose support in the air is chiefly derived
namic forces, and in which the fill on opposite sides of the plane of sym
level flight and on a set course. Sometimes called " gyro pilot," " me
axes of an aircraft â Three fixed lines of reference, usually centroidal and
called the longitudinal axis; the axis perpendicular to this in the plane of
symmetry is called the normal axis; and the third axis perpendicular to
the other two is called the lateral axis. In mathematical discussions, the
first of these axes, drawn from rear to front, is called the X axis; the
second, drawn downward, the Z axis; and the third, running from left
axis, wing â The locus of the aerodynamic centers of all the wing sec
balance â A condition of steady flight in which the resultant force and mo
bank â The position of an airplane when its lateral axis is inclined to the
horizontal. A right bank is the position with the lateral axis inclined
bank â To incline an airplane laterally; i.e., to rotate it about its longi
tudinal axis.
biplane â An airplane with two main supporting surfaces placed one above
the other.
blade element â A portion of a propeller blade contained between the sur
faces of two cylinders coaxial with the propeller cutting the propeller
blade face â The surface of a propeller blade that corresponds to the lower
surface of an airfoil. Sometimes called " thrust face " or " driving face."
plane parallel to the axis of rotation of the propeller and tangent at the
centroid of the section to an arc drawn with the axis of rotation as ite
boundary layer â A layer of fluid, close to the surface of a body placed in a
camber â The rise of the curve of an airfoil section, usually expressed as the
ratio of the departure of the curve from a straight line joining the ex
tremities of the curve to the length of this straight line. " Upper camber"
refers to the upper surface; " lower camber " to the lower surface; and
absolute ceiling â The maximum height above sea level at which a given
service ceiling â The height above sea level, under standard air conditions,
rate (100 ft. per min. in the United States and England). This specified
cellule (or cell) â In an airplane, the entire structure of the wings and wing
center of pressure of an airfoil â The point in the chord of an airfoil, pro
longed if necessary, which is at the intersection of the chord and the line
center section â The central panel of a wing; in the case of a continuous wing
or any wing having no central panel, the limits of the center section are
struts or fuselage.
chord â An arbitrary datum line from which the ordinates and angles of an
airfoil are measured. It is usually the straight line tangent to the lower
surface at two points, the straight line joining the ends of the mean line,
chord, mean aerodynamic â The chord of an imaginary airfoil which would
have force vectors throughout the flight range identical with those of
chord length â The length of the projection of the airfoil profile on its chord.
a cabin.
control column â A lever having a rotatable wheel mounted at its upper end
controllability â The quality of an aircraft that determines the ease of operat
decalage â. The difference between the angular settings of the wings of a bi
decalage is considered positive if the upper wing is set at the larger angle.
dive â A steep descent, with or without power, in which the airspeed is greater
drag â The component of the total air force on a body parallel to the relative
Induced drag â That part of the drag induced by the lift;
parasite drag â That portion of the drag of an aircraft exclusive of the
profile drag â The difference between the total wing drag and the induced
profile drag, effective â The difference between the total wing drag and the
induced drag of a wing with the same geometric aspect ratio but ellip-
tically loaded.
system of an aircraft.
dynamic pressure â The product \p V, where p is the density of the air
into the cylinder and ignited by the heat of compression of the air charge.
the propeller from the engine end of the shaft, rotates in a clockwise
supercharged engine â An engine with a compressor for increasing the air
or mixture charge taken into the cylinder beyond that inducted normally
engine, dry weight of â The weight of an engine exclusive of fuel, oil, and
liquid coolant.
engine weight per horsepower â The dry weight of an engine divided by the
rated horsepower.
equivalent monoplane â A monoplane wing equivalent as to its lift and drag
fineness ratio â The ratio of the length to the maximum diameter of a stream
fishtail â A colloquial term describing the motion made when the tail of an
flap â A hinged or pivoted airfoil forming the rear portion of an airfoil,
split flap â A hinged plate forming the rear upper or lower portion of an
lift and drag; the upper portion may be raised over a portion of the wing
flight path â The flight path of the center of gravity of an aircraft with refer
ence to a frame fixed relative to the air or with reference to the earth.
laminar flow â A particular type of streamline flow. The term is usually
applied to the flow of a viscous liquid near solid boundaries, when the
streamline flow â A fluid flow in which the streamlines, except those very
turbulent flow â Any part of a fluid flow in which the velocity at a given
point varies more or less rapidly in magnitude and direction with time.
flutter â An oscillation of definite period but unstable character set up in any
of the skin or shell to carry either the shear or the load due to bending
same fuselage may belong to any one of these classes. The reinforced
given type of engine at the rated speed when operating at full throttle
Immelman turn, normal â A maneuver made by completing the first half of a
normal loop, then, from the inverted position at the top of the loop, half-
rolling the airplane to the level position, thus obtaining a 180° change
impact pressure â The pressure acting at the forward stagnation point of a
engines, in which a rotary fan assists in distributing the fuel charge to the
becomes evident when the airplane assumes too great a bank and side
slips; the bank continues to increase and the radius of the turn to decrease.
instrument flying â The art of controlling an aircraft solely by the use of
back of a wing slot to spoil the effect of the slot at high angles of attack.
landing gear â The understructure which supports the weight of an aircraft
when in contact with the land or water and which usually contains a mech
anism for reducing the shock of landing. Also called " undercarriage."
retractable landing gear â A type of landing gear which may be withdrawn
level-off â To make the flight path of an airplane horizontal after a climb,
glide, or dive.
lift: dynamic â The component of the total aerodynamic force on a body per
lift/drag ratio â The ratio of the lift to the drag of any body,
full load â Weight empty plus useful load; also called gross weight.
pay .load â That part of the useful load from which revenue is derived, viz.,
useful load â The crew and passengers, oil and fuel, ballast other than
power loading â The gross weight of an airplane divided by the rated horse
power of the engine computed for air of standard density, unless otherwise
span loading â The ratio of the weight of an airplane to its equivalent
monoplane span.
wing loading â The gross weight of an airplane divided by the wing area.
loop â A maneuver executed in such a manner that the airplane follows a
mean line (of an airfoil profile) â An intermediate line between the upper and
mixture control, altitude â A device on the carburetor for regulating the
monoplane â An airplane with but one main supporting surface, sometimes
parasol monoplane â A monoplane in which the wing is above the fuselage.
multiplane â An airplane with two or more main supporting surfaces placed
nacelle â An enclosed shelter for personnel or for a power plant. A nacelle
is usually shorter than a fuselage, and does not carry the tail unit.
oleo gear â A type of oil-damping device that depends on the flow of oil
over-all length â The distance from the extreme front to the extreme rear of
overhang â (1) One-half the difference in span of any two main supporting
two main supporting surfaces has the larger span. (2) The distance from
overshoot â To fly beyond a designated mark or area, such as a landing field,
pitch â An angular displacement about an axis parallel to the lateral axis of
an aircraft.
pitch of a propeller:
effective pitch â The distance an aircraft advances along its flight path for
one revolution to give no thrust. Also called " experimental mean pitch.''
pitch ratio (propeller) â The ratio of the pitch to the diameter.
tube. The difference between the impact pressure and the static pressure
Pitot tube â A cylindrical tube with an open end pointed upstream, used in
plane (or hydroplane) â To move through the water at such a speed that the
hydrostatic forces.
plan form, developed â The plan of an airfoil as drawn with the chord lines
at each section rotated about the airfoil axis into a plane parallel to the
plane of projection and with the airfoil axis rotated and developed and
profile thickness â The maximum distance between the upper and lower
propeller â Any device for propelling a craft through a fluid, such as water
hub that the pitch may be changed while the propeller is at rest.
that automatically sets them at their optimum pitch for various flight
pusher propeller â A propeller mounted on the rear end of the engine or
propeller shaft.
tractor propeller â A propeller mounted on the forward end of the engine
or propeller shaft.
propeller efficiency â The ratio of the thrust power to the input power of a
propeller rake â The mean angle which the line joining the centroids of the
propeller root â That part of the propeller blade near the hub.
propeller thrust â The component of the total air force on the propeller which
propeller thrust, effective â The net driving force developed by a propeller
propeller thrust, static â The thrust developed by a propeller when rotating
without translation.
propeller tipping â A protective covering of the blade of a propeller near the
propulsive efficiency â The ratio of the product of the effective thrust and
flight speed to the actual power input into the propeller as mounted on
the airplane.
pull-up â A maneuver, in the vertical plane, in which the airplane is forced
into a short climb, usually from approximately level flight (ef. zoom).
sudden pull-up (or sudden pull-out) (stress analysis) â A loading con-
dition for the tail surfaces resulting from a sudden application of up-
purity (of gas) â The ratio of the partial pressure of the aerostatic gas in the
range, maximum â The maximum distance a given aircraft can cover under
range at maximum speed â The maximum distance a given aircraft can By
at full speed at the altitude for maximum speed under given conditions.
descent of an aircraft.
dynamic scale of a flow. Its usual form is the fraction Vl/v in which V
ring cowling â A ring-shaped cowling placed around a radial air-cooled engine
aileron roll â A roll in which the motion is largely maintained by forces
outside roll â A roll executed while flying in the negative angle-of-attack
snap roll â A roll executed by a quick movement of the controls, in which
rudder bar â The foot bar by means of which the control cables leading to
scale effect â The change in any force coefficient, such as the drag coefficient,
seaplane â An airplane designed to rise from and alight on the water.
sesquiplane â A form of biplane in which the area of one wing is less than half
sideslipping â Motion of an aircraft relative to the air, in which the lateral
axis is inclined and the airplane has a velocity component along the lateral
sinking speed â The vertical downward component of velocity that an air
craft would have while descending in still air under given conditions of
slip â The difference between the geometrical pitch and the effective pitch
slip function â The ratio of the speed of advance through the undisturbed
air to the product of the propeller diameter and the number of revolutions
slot â The nozzle-shaped passage through a wing whose primary object is to
span â The maximum distance, measured parallel to the lateral axis, from
effective span â The true span of a wing less corrections for tip loss.
landing speed â The minimum speed of an airplane at the instant of con
minimum flying speed â The lowest steady speed that can be maintained,
an altitude above the ground greater than the span of the wings.
rated engine speed â The rotative speed of an engine at which its reliability
stalling speed â The speed of an airplane in steady flight at its maximum
coefficient of lift.
take-off speed â The airspeed at which an airplane becomes entirely air
spin â A maneuver in which an airplane descends along a helical path of large
pitch and small radius while flying at a mean angle of attack greater than
flat spin â A spin in which the longitudinal axis is less than 45° from the
sition of the control surfaces, recovery from which can be effected within
uncontrolled spin â A spin in which the controls are of little or no use
in effecting a recovery.
fitted coaxially with the propeller hub and revolves with the propeller.
and large radius, the angle of attack being within the normal range of
flight angles.
by a loss of altitude.
spoiler â A small plate arranged to project above the upper surface of a wing
to disturb the smooth air flow, with consequent loss of lift and increase of
stability â That property of a body which causes it, when its equilibrium is
dynamic stability â That property of an aircraft which causes it, when its
restoring forces and momenta and gradually return to its original state.
and arrangement of its fixed parts; i.e., that property which causes it,
when disturbed, to return to its normal attitude of flight without the use
lateral stability â Stability with reference to disturbances about the longi
tudinal axis.
static stability â That property of an aircraft which causes it, when its
stabilizer (airplane) â Any airfoil whose primary function is to increase the
stagger â A term referring to the longitudinal position of the axes of two
angle between a line joining the wing axes and a line perpendicular to the
upper wing chord, both lines lying in a plane parallel to the plane of sym
metry. The stagger is positive when the upper wing is in advance of the
static pressure â The force per unit area exerted by a fluid on a surface at
monly taken relative to a solid body past which the fluid is moving;
streamline form â The form of a body so shaped that the flow about it tends
to be a streamline flow.
supercharge â To supply an engine with more air or mixture than would be
supercharger â A pump for supplying the engine with a greater weight of air
pheric pressure.
parallel shafts within a housing, the impellers rolling together except for
ture in the ends of the housing and sweeping it through to the outlet.
sweepback â The acute angle between a line perpendicular to the plane of
tail, airplane â The rear part of an airplane, usually consisting of a group
tail boom â A spar or outrigger connecting the tail surfaces and the main
supporting surfaces.
tailheavy â The condition of an airplane in which the tail tends to sink when
tail skid â A skid for supporting the tail of an airplane on the ground.
take-off â The act of beginning flight in which an airplane is accelerated from
taper in plan only â A gradual change (usually a decrease) in the chord
length along the wing span from the root to the tip, with the wing sections
taper in thickness ratio only â A gradual change in the thickness ratio along
taxi â To operate an airplane under its own power, either on land or on
thickness ratio â The ratio of the maximum thickness of an airfoil section to
its chord.
turn indicator â An instrument for indicating the existence and approxi
velocity, terminal â The hypothetical maximum speed that an airplane could
angle, normal gross weight, zero thrust, and standard sea-level air
Venturi tube (or Venturi) â A short tube of varying cross-section. The flow
through the Venturi causes a pressure drop in the smallest section, the
visibility â The greatest distance at which conspicuous objects can be seen
and identified.
warp â To change the form of a wing by twisting it. Warping was formerly
wash â The disturbance in the air produced by the passage of an airfoil.
Also called the " wake " in the general case for any solid body.
washin â A warp of an airplane wing giving an increase of the angle of attack
washout â A warp of an airplane wing giving a decrease of the angle of attack
empty weight â The structure, power plant, and fixed equipment of an
aircraft. Included in this fixed equipment are the water in the radiator
also includes the amount of ballast that must be carried to assist in mak
fixed power plant weight for a given airplane weight â The weight of the
power plant and its accessories, exclusive of fuel and oil and their tanks.
gross weight (airplane) â The total weight of an airplane when fully
net weight (stress analysis) â The gross weight, less some specific partial
weight. Very often the partial weight is the dead weight of the wings,
but it may be the useful load. The partial weight in question should
wheel, tail â A wheel used to support the tail of an airplane when on the
wind, relative â The velocity of the air with reference to a body in it. It is
the body that the disturbing effect of the body upon the air is negligible.
which objects are placed for investigating the air flow about them and
wing â A general term applied to the airfoil, or one of the airfoils, designed to
equivalent wing (stress analysis) â A wing of the same span as the actual
wing, but with the chord at each section reduced in proportion to the
ratio of the average beam load at that section to the average beam load
wingheavy, right or left â The condition of an airplane whose right or left
wing tends to sink when the lateral control is released in any given attitude
of normal flight.
wing-over â A maneuver in which the airplane is put into a climbing turn un
til nearly stalled, at which point the nose is allowed to fall while continu
ing the turn, then returned to normal flight from the ensuing dive or
wing rib â A chord-wise member of the wing structure of an airplane, used to
give the wing section its form and to transmit the load from the fabric
to the spars.
compression wing rib â A heavy rib designed to perform the function of an
ordinary wing rib and also to act as a strut opposing the pull of the wires
former (or false) wing rib â An incomplete rib, frequently consisting only
of a strip of wood extending from the leading edge to the front spar, which
is used to assist in maintaining the form of the wing where the curvature
wing skid â A skid placed near the wing tip to protect the wing from contact
wing spar â A principal span-wise member of the wing structure of an airplane.
wing-tip rake â A term referring to the shape of the tip of the wing when the
tip edge is sensibly straight in plan but is not parallel to the plane of
the straight portion of the wing tip and the plane of symmetry. The
rake is positive when the trailing edge is longer than the leading edge.
wire (airplane):
antidrag wire â A wire intended primarily to resist the forces acting for
drag wire â A wire intended primarily to resist the forces acting backward
landing wire â A wire or cable which braces the wing against the forces
lift wire â A wire or cable which braces the wings against the lift force;
stagger wire â A wire connecting the upper and lower wings of an airplane
wire (airship):
ant"flutter wire â A wire in the plane of the outer cover for local reinforce
ment and for reducing flutter due to variations in air pressure or propeller
chord wire â A wire joining the vertices of a main transverse frame.
yaw â An angular displacement about an axis parallel to the normal axis of
an aircraft.
zoom â To climb for a short time at an angle greater than the normal climb
ing angle, the airplane being carried upward at the expense of kinetic
b. 15.2 Ib.
C. 81.4 Ib.
d. 81.4 Ib.
(1) 4,480,000
(2) 5,900,000
(3) 1.9°
(4) 4.6°
Chap. I, page 3
6. 1.1 Ib.
c. 1°28'
(3) 3,400,000
(5) 8.4°
(7) 6,4201b.
(6) 2,7001b.
b. 11801b.
6. 21.7 hp.
6. 116Ib.
c. 250 Ib.
d. 236 Ib.
(3) 4°
b. 81.8 Ib.
b. 77.4 hp.
(6) a. -1.5°
6. 1.7°
c. 0°
(8) 21.5
6. 9.5 hp.
(3) 6. 83 Ib.
c. -1°
d. 107 Ib.
6. 909 Ib.
6. 15.25 hp.
(1) a. 0.027
6. 25.9
(2) a. 0.0295
b. 24.7
(3) a. 0.036
b. 19.4
(3) 67 Ib.
(1) 0.0452
(2) 0.0372
(1) 0.0657
(2) 0.0974
(1) 4.47
(2) 4.6
Chap. V, page 76
(6) 82 Ib.
(7) 72 Ib.
Chap. V, page 81
(4) a. -0.4°
6. 0.015
(6) a. 8.7°
6. 0.079
(6) a. 7.3°
6. 0.036
Chap. V, page 83
Chap. V, page 85
(3) 0.0308
(4) 0.0324
Chap. V, page 89
(3) 0.56
(4) 0.492
(9) a. 88 Ib.
6. 119 Ib.
c. 172 Ib.
(3) 3.9
(4) 3.7
(7) a. -0.6°
6. 0.028
(8) a. 1.9°
6. 0.040
(9) a. 7.3°
b. 0.000142
(6) 0.0375
(5) 0.408
(6) 2.93
(1) 3.58
(2) 2.88
(3) 3.98
(1) 1.32, 8.7 ft., 19°, 79 per cent. (4) 1.13, 10.1 ft., 15°, 76 per cent.
(2) 1.54, 8.05 ft., 23°, 82.5 per cent. (6) 1.00, 9.35 ft., 13°, 73 per cent.
(1) 55.3 mi. per hr. (3) 71.2 mi. per hr. (6) 76.3 mi. per hr.
(2) 67.5 mi. per hr. (4) 64.5 mi. per hr.
(3) 71,600 ft
(1) 14,545ft.
(2) 15,650ft.
b. 10.0 min.
b. 2,830 Ib.
c. 672ft.
(1) 1.5
(2) 4.9
(1) 12.7
b. 70.5 hp.
6. 121 hp.
(3) 6.9
(4) 12.2
(6) 17.9
(2) 15.3
(4) 17.7
b. 0.9ft.
c. 0.9ft.
6. 0.4ft.
c. 0.4ft.
b. 0.9ft.
c. 0.6 ft.
(1) a. -10.25°
b. 9.75°
(1) 5.8°
(2) -10.0°
(3) -5.6°
(4) 7.5°
Chap. XIV, page 246(4) a. 8.6 ft.6. 0.5ft.c. 0.3 ft.(6) a. 8.8 ft.6. 0.8ft.c. 0.6ft.(6) a. 8.3 ft.b. 0.4 ft.c. 0.3ft.Chap. XIV, page 260(2) a. 0.50°6. -9.50°(7) a. 7.3 ft6. 0.9ft.(8) a. 7.4 ft.6. 0.4ft.(9) a. 8.4 ft.b. 0.8ft.(10) a. 7.9 ft.6. 0.4ft.(3) 1.25°(4) -6.00°(6) -9.50°
(5) -1.5"
(1) 55°
(2) 200°
(3) 270°
(6) 345°
(1) a. 34 mi. per hr. (2) a. 56 mi. per hr. (3) a. 48 mi. per hr.
d. 105 mi. per hr. d. 170 mi. per hr. d. 187 mi. per hr.
(1) a. 498 Ib. (2) a. 990 Ib. (3) a. 60 Ib. (4) a. 198 Ib.
Accelerations, 274
in dives, 228-230
in loops, 230-231
in turns, 225-228
Accuracy, 286
Aerology, 319-327
Aerostatics, 346-364
balanced, 237
differential, 237
floating, 236
Frise, 238
Air, constituents, 1
standard, 1-3
definition, 23
stable, 58
symmetrical, 30, 36
thick, 37
unstable, 57, 58
axes, 232
military, 278-281
Airscrew, 136
true, 299
Akron, 364
Altimeters, 292-296
Altitude, standard, 3
of flat plate, 12
of wings, 26
effective, 77, 78
geometric, 68
of minimum drag, 30
swept, 72
definition, 26
monoplane, 77-84
Autogiro, 266-269
Avigation, 3^8-345
radio, 340-345
longitudinal, 247-249
sounding, 320
Balsa, 115
radio, 341-343
Beam component, 90
Boundary layer, 18
Bungee, 240
C-80 airfoil, 36
Camber, 24, 36
Cloth, 275
flat plate, 12
107, 116
lift, 28
power-speed, 148-151
propeller, 146
thrust, 146
torque, 146
magnetic-needle, 299-304
magneto, 307
Convection, 320
compass, 302
drift, 334-339
great.circle, 333
Cyclogiro, 271
Dynamic pressure, 7
formance, 208-219
Effect of ground, 33
146, 181
Efficiency of wings, 44
free, 258
77, 110
static, 242
load, 274
Fin, 233,240
Fineness, 117,119,364
turbulent, 18
Fog, 327
Ground effect, 33
Gyro-horizon, 314-316
Gyroplane, 270
Helium, 2, 348
High-lift airfoils, 37
brake, 132
definition, 9
34, 171
Humidity, 321
Hydrogen, 2, 348
Impact Pressure, 7, 8
longitudinal, 311-314
flight, 314
humidity, 321
ice-warning, 292
pitch, 311-314
74, 77, 84
Biplane, 97
Isotherms, 321
96, 100
Inward flow, 67
Lift of wings, 28
in dives, 228
in loops, 230-231
in turns, 225-228
Longitude, 329
Loops, 230-231
Lows, 323-325
Magnesium, 276
Maneuverability, 242
circle, 331
mercator, 330
polyconic, 330
Maps, 328-333
Materials, 274-277
at altitude, 213
Meteorograph, 320
Meterology, 319-327
Millibar, 322
Minimum drag, 30
174, 179
Momentum, 6
Outward flow, 67
controllable, 150
effective, 150
geometric, 149
variable, 150
Power, definition, 9
efficients, 34
coefficients, 56
41, 42, 56
204, 205
Pressure, dynamic, 6
RAF-6, 141
at sea-level, 189-192
fineness, 117,119
gap/chord, 99
gap/span, 94-96
slenderness, 364
of cylinders, 117..118
of fittings, 120
of fuselage, 121
Rotation, 232
Scale effect, 21
Sensitivity, 286
Similar flow, 20
Sup, 150
Slipping, 221
Slots, 262
definition, 25, 83
in dives, 194-196
landing, 33
take-off, 33
terminal, 196
Streamlining, 115,117
Structure, 277
Swept area, 72
Tabs, 240
chronometric, 287-289
Take-off speed, 33
Torque, 144-146
Track, 334-339
Trailing edge, 24
Pitot-Venturi, 298
Two-dimensional Sow, 71
tack, 39
Viscosity of air, 4, 18
Visibility, 99
Washin, 241
Washout, 241
Wright wing, 23
Yaw, 232
Zoom, 192