World Englishes and Language Acquisition (Articles)
World Englishes and Language Acquisition (Articles)
World Englishes and Language Acquisition (Articles)
World Englishes and Language Acquisition
j j j j
Sridhar jcited jin jB. jKachru, jY. jKachru j& jNelson, j2006)
Ideal jdefinition jof ja jnative jspeaker
• Someone jwho jacquired ja jgiven jlanguage jas jher/his jhome jlanguage jat jmother’s jknee, jwithout
jbenefit jof jformal jinstruction. j
• She/he jhas juseful jintuitions jabout jgrammatical jcorrectness, jand jdoes jnot jhave jto jthink jabout jhow
jto jsay jwhat jshe/he jwants jto jsay
Communicative jcompetence
• Refers jto jboth jthe jtacit jknowledge jof ja jlanguage jand jthe jability jto juse jit jeffectively
• The jsocially jappropriate juse jof jlanguage
Communicative jcompetence
• Knowing jand jacting jin jaccordance jwith jthe jsociocultural jknowledge
• Conventions jof jlanguage juse
Communicative jcompetence jand jnative jspeaker
A jnative jspeaker jdoes jnot jmake jfor ja jmore jcompetent jcommunicator jin jdifferent jcontexts
Communicative jcompetence jand jworld jEnglishes
• Wide jexposure jto jvarieties jof jEnglish jallows jfor jbeing jflexible jin jone’s juse jof jthe jlanguage j
• Inclusion jof jthe jnotion jof jworld jEnglishes jin jteacher jeducation jprogrammes
Topic j126: jNativization jand jEnglishization
Effective jcommunication jin jworld jEnglishes jcontext jdepends jon:
• An jawareness jof jnativization jof jEnglish
• Englishization jof jthe jlocal jlanguages jin jcontact jwith jEnglish
• Adaptation jof jEnglish jto jlocal jsocio-cultural jenvironments
• Leads jto jqualifying jdescriptors jsuch jas:
• US jEnglish
• Indian jEnglish
• Singaporean jEnglish
The jtransformation jwhich jtakes jplace jin jnon-English jcultures jand jlanguages jas ja jresult jof jexposure jto jthe
jEnglish jlanguage
• Obvious jinfluences jof jEnglish jon jother jlanguages j
• Levels jof jlanguages jfrom jpronunciation jto jliterary jgenres jare jaffected j
Code jmixing jand jcode jswitching
Code jmixing
Changing jfrom jone jlanguage
to janother jwithin jsentences
Code jswitching
Changing jfrom jone jlanguage jto janother jacross jsentences jand jlarger jlanguage jdomains
Code jmixing jand jcode jswitching
• Amajor jcharacteristic jof jthe j jusers jof jworld jEnglishes j
• Readily jobservable
• Not jfully japproved jby jmonolingual jresearchers
• Need jto junderstand jwhat jprompts jcode jmixing jand jswitching
World Englishes and Language Acquisition
j j j j
Interlanguage jis jmetaphorically ja jhalfway jhouse jbetween jthe jfirst jlanguage j(L1) jand jsecond jlanguage j
L1 j___ j| j.................... j| j___L2
j jInterlanguage
Learning jL2 jis ja jgradual jprocess jfrom jL1 jtowards jL2. jAt jevery jstage jof jlearning jlearners jhave jrules jof
jgrammar jwhich jare jnot jperfect jyet
• Reflects jthe jlearner's jevolving jsystem jof jrules
• Is jinfluenced jboth jby jL1 jand jby jinput jfrom jthe jtarget jlanguage
The jmonolingual jSLA jstance jconsiders jall jnon-native jvarieties jof jlanguage jas jfailed j jattempts jat jlearning j
Topic j128: jWorld jEnglishes jand jInterlanguage
Interlanguage jas ja jconcept jhas jno jrelevance jto jstable jbilingual jand jmultilingual jcontexts jacross jthe jworld
Interlanguage jhypotheses
The jconcept jof jInterlanguage jis jbased jon jfollowing jhypotheses:
1. Varieties jof jEnglish jare jfossilized jforms jof jstandard jEnglish
2. Results jof jimperfect jlearning
Fossilization jand jworld jEnglishes
• Fossilization jis jinapt jto jthe jcontext jof jworld jEnglishes
• In jmultilingual jcontexts jdifferent jlanguages jhave jdefinite jroles
• English jhas jdefinite jroles jin jmany jsocieties
• The jroles jand jcontexts jof juse jare jconstantly jevolving
• Include jdifferent jdomains jof juse jand jrequire jdifferent jlevels jof jproficiency
• Multilinguals jare jnot jdeficient jbut jproficient jusers jof jEnglish jand jother jlanguages
• Employ jcode jmixing
Outer jand jexpanding jcircle jcontexts j
Local jinput
• Bilingual jteaching jmethods
• Teachers jproficient jin jlocal jvariety jof jEnglish
• Indigenized jversions jof jAmerican jpopular jculture
Outer jand jexpanding jcircle jcontexts j
Local jinput
• Creativity jin jthe juse jof jinternet
• Indigenized jvarieties jrather jthan jan jinternational jor j juniversal jEnglish
Outer jand jexpanding jcircle jcontexts j
Irrelevance jof jSLA jconcepts
• The jtarget jis jnot jacquisition jof jnative-like jcompetence
• Inappropriacy jof jfossilization jand jinterlanguage jfor jresearching jworld jEnglishes
Outer jand jexpanding jcircle jcontexts j
Irrelevance jof jSLA jconcepts
• Indigenized jvarieties jrather jthan jan jinternational jor j juniversal jEnglish
• Cannot jbe jcompared jto jcreolization
Outer jand jexpanding jcircle jcontexts j
Role jof jfirst jor jprimary jlanguages
• Positive jrole jof jthe jfirst jlanguage
• Innovations jhelp jin jtwo jways: j
• Increase jcommunicative jcompetence jin jthe jtarget jlanguage
• jHelp jin jacculturation jof jthe jtarget jlanguage jto jlocal jcontext
Topic j132: jAcquisition jof jEnglish jin jOuter jand jExpanding jCircles
Integrating jworld jEnglishes jinto jSLA jparadigm
Theory jconstruction jto jconsider:
• Multilingualism
• Functions jof jlanguage(s)
• Creative jpotential jof jhuman jlinguistic jbehaviour
Changing jSLA jscenario
Some jscholars jand jlinguists jsuggest jthe jfollowing:
• Inclusion jof j‘indigenized jlanguage’ jas ja jtype jof jacquisition jin jSLA jtypology
• New jperspectives jon jSLA
• Acceptability jof jstable jvariations jrather jthan jtreating jthem jas jerrors
Changing jSLA jscenario
• Native jspeakers jto jbe jmore jtolerant jand jaccepting
• Need jto jincrease jfamiliarity jwith jinternational jEnglish j
Changing jSLA jscenario
• SLA jtheories jto jconsider j jresearch jon jthe jacquisition jand juse jof jIVEs
• SLA’s jlimitations jwith jregards jto joffering jexplanations jwith jregard jto jlearning jEnglish jin jouter
jand jexpanding jcircles