Working Instructions DOC28 ACN6x4 Nxr12i PP30012 Revd
Working Instructions DOC28 ACN6x4 Nxr12i PP30012 Revd
Working Instructions DOC28 ACN6x4 Nxr12i PP30012 Revd
ACN6x4 nxR12i IGBT upgrade
Drives Service PP30012 DOCWIACS60028
Department Date Author Approved Revision Page
1. General information .................................................................................................................................. 2
1.1 Safety ................................................................................................................................................. 2
1.2 Preparation work................................................................................................................................. 3
1.3 Parts list of the IGBT upgrade kit 42000551 ........................................................................................ 4
1.4 Needed tools ...................................................................................................................................... 4
1.5 ESD.................................................................................................................................................... 8
1.5 The rule of parallel connected IGBTs in nxR12i ACS600 MultiDrive .................................................... 9
2. Removing the old hardware .................................................................................................................... 11
2.1 Removing the assembly plate ........................................................................................................... 11
2.2 Disconnecting output busbars and clamping capacitors..................................................................... 12
2.3 Removing assembly plate of NPOW- and NGPS. .............................................................................. 13
2.4 Removing DC busbars ...................................................................................................................... 14
2.5 Removing IGBT modules .................................................................................................................. 15
2.6 Cleaning heat sink elements ............................................................................................................. 16
3. Installing the new hardware..................................................................................................................... 17
3.1 Preparing and installing of adapter plates.......................................................................................... 17
3.2 Preparing the NTC-thermistor ........................................................................................................... 19
3.3 Preparing the new IGBT module ....................................................................................................... 20
3.4 Mounting of the IGBTs and NTC-thermistor....................................................................................... 21
3.5 Tightening sequence of the IGBT FF1400 ......................................................................................... 22
3.6 Mounting of the NGDR-07C board .................................................................................................... 23
3.7 IGBTs and NGDR boards mounted ................................................................................................... 24
3.8 Mounting of the DC-busbars and measurement wires. ...................................................................... 25
3.9 Mounting of the output busbars. ........................................................................................................ 26
3.10 Installing of clamping capacitors...................................................................................................... 27
3.11 Mounting of flat cables and NPOW board assembly plate................................................................ 28
3.12 Mounting of stand-offs .................................................................................................................... 31
3.13 Installing upper assembly plate ....................................................................................................... 32
3.14 AC voltage measurement wires....................................................................................................... 33
3.15 Assembling of the NINT- and NXPP-06C boards ............................................................................. 35
3.16 Mounting of ferrite wire and connecting of wires .............................................................................. 37
3.17 Mounting of the upgraded phase module ........................................................................................ 38
4 Finishing the upgrade work ...................................................................................................................... 40
4.1 Testing the drive ............................................................................................................................... 40
4.2 Finishing the work area ..................................................................................................................... 41
5 Working Instruction for thermal compound Grey Ice 4100 LV ................................................................... 42
Appendix 1, Inverter module main circuit diagram ....................................................................................... 43
Appendix 2, Power stage phase V .............................................................................................................. 44
Appendix 3, Power stage phase U, W ......................................................................................................... 45
1. General information
These instructions are meant to be followed when carrying out the IGBT upgrade of the
ACN6X4 R12i frequency converter.
If other required repair or maintenance tasks occur before or during the upgrade, ones that
have not been presented in this instruction, should the service personnel be familiar with the
working methods which are needed to get the required actions done safely without harming
the employee himself or the surroundings. Before starting the upgrade the whole work must
be planned so that the required actions are done according to the safety regulations.
1.1 Safety
WARNING! All electrical installation and maintenance work on the ACx600 should be carried
out by qualified electricians. Do not attempt any work on a powered ACx600. After switching
off the mains, always allow the intermediate circuit capacitors 5 minutes to discharge before
working on the frequency converter, the motor or the motor cable. The voltage between each
input terminal (U1, V1, W1) and earth must be measured with a multimeter (impedance at
least 1 M ) to ensure that the frequency converter is discharged before beginning work.
All insulation tests must be carried out with the ACx600 disconnected from the cabling.
The ACx600 motor cable terminals are at a dangerously high voltage when input power is
applied, regardless of motor operation. No work on the motor cable should be attempted with
mains power applied.
The brake control terminals (UDC+, UDC-, R+ and R- terminals) carry a dangerous DC
voltage (over 500 V).
There can be dangerous voltages inside the ACx600 from external control circuits when the
ACx600 input power is shut off. No work on the control cables should be attempted when
power is applied to the frequency converter or to the external control circuits. Exercise
appropriate care when working with the unit.
Clean the area before starting upgrade work; remove all unnecessary items nearby
the work area.
Arrange a clean table close to the work area so that ESD mat and all removed
components can be laid down onto it and ready to install components can be laid
down to be easily available during the work.
Check the delivery of the upgrade kit that all items are undamaged and all items listed
on the parts list are included, see chapter 1.3.
Read through this document in advance and organize all parts and tools before
starting upgrade work.
Assemble boxes for returnable items, assembly instructions provided with the upgrade
This document describes upgrade work when phase module is out from the cabinet.
True RMS multimeter, at least CAT III 1000V, e.g. FLUKE 87 III as shown in the
picture 1.
Test leads + probes, at least CAT III 1000V
© Copyright 2012 ABB Oy. All rights reserved.
Working Instructions
ACN6x4 nxR12i IGBT upgrade
Drives Service PP30012 DOCWIACS60028
Department Date Author Approved Revision Page
Pic 1.
Pic 2.
(Cordless Screwdriver)
Set wrench kit (8-21 mm), 4.
Torx-kit +bit set, 5.
Pic 3.
7. 6.
Pic 4.
Pic 5.
Pic 6.
1.5 ESD
Ensure ESD protection when handling the components.
Circuit boards contain components sensitive to electrostatic discharge (ESD). Wear
an earthing wrist band and use ESD field service mat when handling the components.
Do not touch the boards and components unnecessarily.
Assemble the ESD field service kit as shown in the picture.
Wrist band
in box
Earth Card
Working mat
Pic 7.
Keep new boards and semiconductors for as long as possible in their original
NOTE!! Due to the parallel connected IGBTs in each phase module, all
phase modules of the same phase must be upgraded! It is extremely
forbidden to run the drive with one upgraded module only if more than
one phase modules in parallel. There is a very high probability of
serious IGBT failure if this rule is ignored!
Pic.8. A principle drawing of parallel connected IGBTs in R12i drive.
Pic.10. Example of marking of IGBT kits 42000482 when upgrading phase U in 4xR12i drive
One R12i upgrade kit includes IGBT kit with 3pc of selected FF1400R12 IGBTs,
kit code 42000482.
Pic 11.
Pic 12.
Remove NGDR boards from the IGBT modules if they are not coming along the NINT-
/ NXPP-board.
Disconnect output busbars from the IGBT modules marked in red.
Disconnect clamp capacitors from the IGBT modules marked in blue.
Pic 13.
Disconnect wire from DC capacitors to NRED board (not shown in the picture).
Open M6 screws of the assembly plate of NPOW and NGPS, marked in red.
Note that if the module is in the cabinet it must be pulled out so that M6 screws can be
reached outside of the module frames.
Pic 14.
Pic 15.
Remove old IGBT components by opening 6 pc M6 screws, marked in red, from the
heat sink of each IGBT.
Pic 16.
Clean surfaces of the heat sink elements with soft cloth and industrial alcohol or
equivalent cleaning solvent. Crease or oil-based solvent is not allowed.
Clean the rest of the module if needed.
10. 7.
6. 3.
4. 5.
8. 9.
Clean the surfaces of the adapter plates by using soft cloth and industrial alcohol.
Spread thermal compound to the other side with rubber spatula or small paint roller
(picture 17b). Note that the compound must be spread to the opposite side of the
counter-bored holes.
! Follow separate instruction (4FPS10000048908) for spreading the thermal
compound with stencil (picture 17a).
Fix adapters loosely, first with two diagonal counterbored screws e.g. screws # 3 – 4.
Press slightly with hand on the adapter plate, if Grey Ice and stencil has not been,
distribute the paste by a slight rotary motion.
Install other adapter plates and fixing screws same way.
Tight the screws crosswise in two phases in the sequence shown in the picture 18.
First phase with 1Nm and finally with 3Nm.
Pic 19.
When all three adapters are mounted and tightened at final torque, clean the
excessive thermal compound and surfaces of the adapter plates by using soft cloth
and industrial alcohol.
Note that there are two revisions of NTC-thermistor, an older type, which needs to be
bend, and a newer type, which is already bent, so that one does not need any actions
before mounting.
If the NTC is old type, picture 20, bend carefully with pointed pliers the tail of the
thermistor to the 90 degrees angle. Note that the bent must be on the back side of the
thermistor, as it is with the new one in the picture 21.
Upgrade kit includes 3pcs of selected IGBTs, it is very important that selected IGBTs
are mounted in the same phase module!
IGBT module kit includes the NGDR boards also. Keep the boards in a safe place in
the meantime when preparing IGBTs.
Do not mix NGDR boards! Keep the content of the one packing, IGBT and the
NGDR-07C, as a pair! Pairs are marked with stickers containing serial number
(Picture 22b).
Clean the base plate of the IGBT´s by using soft cloth and industrial alcohol.
Spread thermal compound evenly with rubber spatula or small paint roller (picture
! Follow separate instruction (4FPS10000048908) for spreading the thermal
compound with stencil (Picture 23a).
© Copyright 2012 ABB Oy. All rights reserved.
Working Instructions
ACN6x4 nxR12i IGBT upgrade
Drives Service PP30012 DOCWIACS60028
Department Date Author Approved Revision Page
Pic 24.
Pic 25.
Ensure that IGBT modules are mounted that M4 gate terminals are upwards.
Install the IGBTs to the adapter plate first with 2 pcs of combiscrew M5x10, e.g. like
marked in red.
Install the thermistor under the mounting screw, right side of the IGBT, third screw
from the top.
With every IGBT must be a thermistor.
Press slightly with hand on the module,if Grey Ice and stencil has not been, distribute
the paste by a slight rotary motion.
Then install all other M5 screws.
Pic 26.
Tight the screws crosswise in two phases in the sequence shown in the picture 26.
First phase with 2Nm+/-15% and finally with 3Nm.
4. 2.
1. 3.
Pic 28. Pairs are marked with stickers containing serial number.
Put the insulation part on to the IGBT module like shown in the picture 27a and install
NGDR-07C board with 4pc M4x8 screws to the gate terminals.
Do not mix NGDR boards! Keep the content of the one packing, IGBT and the
NGDR-07C, as a pair! Pairs are marked with stickers containing serial number
(Picture 28).
The M4 fixing screws of NGDR-07C board must be tightened in following way:
1. First the screws are tightened with LIGHT FINGER TIGHTNESS in sequence 1-
2-3-4, shown in the picture 27b.
2. Then screws are tightened with 0.5 Nm torque in sequence 1-2-3-4.
3. Finally screws are tightened with 2 Nm (final torque) in sequence 1-2-3-4.
Note, due to that gate control signals are transmitted through the mounting screws,
correct mounting is very important!
Connect the wires of the NTC-thermistors to the white connector of NDGR boards,
marked with red arrow.
When IGBTs and NGDR boards are at their positions and tightened, the module is
ready for DC-busbars.
Pic 30.
Install the new DC-busbar assembly as shown with M6 bolts for the DC-capacitors,
marked in red. Tightening torque 3Nm.
Install the additional DC-measurement wire to the upper left corner marked with blue
Install DC-voltage wire to NPOW, marked in green, and wires of the discharging
Mount back the original insulation part of the mounting rail of the current transducers,
marked with yellow arrow.
Pic 31.
Pic 32.
Install new 2uF clamping capacitors to DC-terminals as show with M8 bolts. Two
pieces is needed for each phase.
Fasten M8 phase output- and DC-terminal screws at 8Nm tightness, marked in red.
Pic 33.
Mount back assembly plate of the NPOW / NGPS board; connect wires from DC
capacitors to NPOW.
Note! NRED board presented in the picture does not belong to 400V or 500V
phase modules!
Ensure that the new DC-measurement wire comes out behind the plate as shown
(marked with blue arrow).
Connect flat cables (3 pc) to the NGDR-07C boards, marked in yellow. Markings
A51.1: X1, A51.2: X1 and A51.3: X1 at flat cables are to be connected to the NGDR
boards. Pay attention for proper connection.
It is really important to double-check that all flat cable connectors are connected
properly as shown. Otherwise several faults or warnings might be indicated.
Pic 34. Press the plug properly with your thumb into its socket to ensure a good connection.
25mm grounding
pillar in phase V.
25mm insulation
pillar in phases U
and W.
Pic 37.
When upgrading phase module of phase V, install 3pcs of 25mm plastic insulation
pillars marked in red to the DC busbar threads.
Install 1pc of 25mm metal grounding pillar marked in yellow.
When upgrading phase module of phase U or W, install 4pcs of 25mm plastic
insulation pillars and no metal grounding pillars.
Mount upper assembly plate as shown with 3pcs of 38mm insulating pillars and one
38mm metal pillars. Note that these mounting pillars must be mounted like this
regardless the phase of the module.
Pic 38.
Connect AC voltage measurement wire for NINT if the module is from the phase V.
Connection place shown in picture 39 is for the V-phase, picture 40 is for the U-phase
and picture 41 for the W-phase in parallel connected modules.
Pic 42.
Pic 43.
Mount NINT / NXPP-06C board assembly as shown and fasten it to pillars with M4
combi screws, marked in red.
Note! NRED board presented in the picture does not belong to 400V or 500V
phase modules!
IMPORTANT! Replace existing NGPS-11 or NGPS-12 board with the new NGPS-
13 board included in the upgrade kit!
Pic 44.
Mount ferrite wire and mounting bracket as shown to the plate underneath NINT /
NXPP assembly. Fasten the bracket with M6 combi screws. Connect wire with ferrites
to the NINT and NPOW, marked in red.
Connect wires from the NGPS, NPOW and current transducers to the NINT, marked in
Connect flat cables to the NXPP-06C board as shown, marked in yellow. Note that the
flat cable connector for the IGBT on the right is on the right side of the NXPP-06C,
behind the flat cable connector of the NINT.
Connect new additional DC measurement wire to the left side of the NXPP-06C,
marked in orange.
© Copyright 2012 ABB Oy. All rights reserved.
Working Instructions
ACN6x4 nxR12i IGBT upgrade
Drives Service PP30012 DOCWIACS60028
Department Date Author Approved Revision Page
Mount the module back to its position; fasten all DC-bus and output busbar
connections. Connect wire to the NGPS board, optic fibre to the NINT and flat cable
connections between phase modules.
Tightening torques:
M10 bolts in output phases 40 Nm
M8 bolts in DC-busbars 20 Nm
Depending the phase of the upgraded module an additional grounding plate is needed
between the phase modules. Refer to the document 3AFE 6896 2463 for
Pictures 45 and 46 show connections between phase modules.
Pic 45.
Pic 46.
Clean the surroundings of the drive especially the area close to the cooling air input.
Stick a tag with text “+V991” to the drive unit, one close to the type code sticker and
the other to the cover so that it will indicate at the first sight that upgrade work is done.
Originally used thermal compound type is WPS II (10008000). Because of low viscosity it was
possible to spread without special tools.
The new thermal compound Grey Ice 4100 LV (3AUA0000074768) has been introduced for
ACS 600 IGBT upgrade solutions during 2012.
Pic 52.
The new Grey Ice 4100 LV thermal compound has better long term performance and higher
viscosity than WPS II. Because of high viscosity proper spreading of Grey Ice 4100 LV
requires a good stencil.
Pic 53.
Follow the separate working instruction ACS 600 IGBT upgrade Grey Ice 4100 LV