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ACCESS AND USE COMMON provide a name for the list that recognizes

BUSINESS TOOLS the importance of the group.

Portable and Attractive Tool:

What is a Business Tool? This states that the item is portable
A business tool can be considered as any and probably does not have a fixed
asset that helps or assists the organization location. It also states they are attractive,
to achieve its stated aims or objectives. meaning they could be a target for theft
or excessive use.
There are various types of tools that may
be used in a business varying in: Significant Small Items/:
1. size, This is very similar as the items
2. complexity, are small so they can be easily lost
3. danger, and and they are significant to the
4.importance to the business operation business

Digital Cameras – still, moving, and in Significant Small Tools.

mobile telephones / Mobile Telephones / Regardless of the group name that is
Pagers / Scanners / Photocopiers / identified, it is important to note that the
Notebooks / Batteries / Dictation tools:
machines / Order taking handhelds / 1. Represent an investment to the
Laser pens / Keyboards / Brochures / business
Information / Knowledge / Facsimile / 2. Require control as their use or loss
Manuals / Landline telephones / Software can represent a significant cost to the
/ Email / The business web site. business
3. Will generally require training to
Each of these items represents an prevent damage to the user or the
investment by the business and can be business
considered important to the business. As 4. Are attractive in terms of cost and can
they are portable, they can be misplaced, be attractive to a potential thief
require usage monitoring, training, and 5. Are often portable so they are
maintenance susceptible to damage and loss as a
direct result of their portability and the
There are several criteria than may be exact location of a tool at any time may
used to identify and classify a business not be known.
tool, and most businesses will use a
combination of these criteria to establish The Register
the classification of an individual tool. As these items are portable there
needs to be a register of the tools that
Criteria: are owned and available within the
1. The asset value business. The register will need
2. 2. The usage cost sufficient information to ensure the tools
3. 3. Portability of the asset are locatable and identifiable thereby
4. Training necessary to use the tool ensuring the correct tool is identified.
efficiently and safely Each business will have different
requirements, but there are a general set
Once identified, the tools need to be of guidelines that will identify the data
considered as a group and it is logical to that most businesses should collect. The
actual selection of data to collect can Most tools have a serial number that is
vary because the size of the business attached to the device as part of the
allows greater resources to be used in manufacturing process. These are
the process, the nature of the item, and generally globally unique so that no two
the nature of the items in the business serial numbers should be the same and
they will identify each item. As they were
Storing the Details created by the manufacturer they are
cheap and require very little effort.
1. Paper approach - where all the
details are recorded in a book – Asset Number
an asset register. This can be Some businesses will attach their own
stored under the control of an asset or serial number. This has the
officer of the business. advantage that the number can be created
2. Spreadsheets - are excellent tools to for each asset that has identification
record the required details. These can be within the number.
easily constructed to suit the individual
needs of the business and changed to suit Barcodes
changing needs. They can be password The asset number can be encoded into a
protected or secured using other methods barcode that can be easily scanned to
to ensure the quality of the data allowing maintain records. These have the
many people to view the document and advantage of certainty and the
only a few to edit elimination of data entry error. The
3. Electronic document files - can be as business needs the equipment to be able
simple as word processing files that to create these codes and attach them to
require a little more effort to construct, the tool.
but once done, are excellent tools.
4. Database software packages - These Radio Frequency Identification Tags
are flexible packages that can be (RFID)
configured to suit the needs of the - These are electronic tags that can be
business. attached to items that will communicate
with electronic scanning systems that will
Each tool needs to be described and allow individual items to be identified
identified, and this is especially important while in groups. While barcodes require
where there are multiples of the same individual item scanning, items with
tools: RFID tags can all be put in a bag and
passed through a scanner and each will be
Description identified at a reasonable distance. In a
- Because every asset must be described reasonable size business it may be
in a register to ensure that the asset can possible to locate the exact physical
be identified, it therefore follows that location of every tool that has an RFID
each business must create a set of tag attached.
guidelines as to what constitutes a good
asset description. There are many criteria
that can be considered in the description. The Business Web Site
Rules can be established for the various - This business tool is unique and must be
types of assets. considered as a separate entity. Whereas
the other tools have common challenges
Serial Numbers and issues regarding use, access, and cost,
the website of the business can do Facebook and the impact the comments
unprecented damage to a business and would have on the business. Staff need to
requires special care and control to be aware of the consequences of
ensure the objectives of the business are publishing material on the social sites.
Landline Telephones
Software Landline telephones can be restricted to
Software is also a unique item. Where local calls if necessary and they usually
software is distributed on portable media have unlimited access. Some businesses
it will be installed on the various may not approve personal calls, but in
computers and then stored and it may most the cost and number of local calls
never be needed again. But should it be make it inefficient to monitor.
required the hardware – the disk or
similar – must be accessible as well as the Email
associated passwords or install keys. This is very similar to the landline
These are often on the disk case or requirements. It may be possible to
packing, but they may be sent via email. assume that most can use an email
Replacement keys are obtainable, but it is system, but different programs present
obviously quicker, easier, and cheaper to different challenges.
have the key with the disk. It is not
unknown for a company to have useful Technology
software that has been made by a is a crucial part of the tourism and
manufacturer that has ceased operation travel industry, helping businesses with
so support in the form of additional keys day-to-day operations, while also
is not available. improving the customer experience. For
this reason, it is important that hotels,
Wiki airlines, restaurants and other companies
„Wiki‟ is Hawaiian for fast and wiki sites keep up with the latest technology trends
allow users to update the site with little within the travel industry. This is
restriction on access. Businesses can especially vital in the era of COVID, with
create their own wiki sites to store customer expectations shifting. In this
information that may be required by the article, you can find out more about some
internal business users. It is especially of these new tech trends for 2021.
suited for large business to be able to Voice Search & Voice Control
publish internal public information, this is Smartphones, smart speakers and AI
information that is freely available to assistants have all helped to increase the
anyone in the business. If it becomes relevance of voice search as far as
known outside the business there should technology trends in the travel industry
not be any negative consequences, but the are concerned. In particular, a growing
business does not intend to publish the number of travel customers are using
material. voice search to find and book airline
tickets, hotel rooms and travel
Social Networking experiences
Sites such as Facebook® and MySpace®
can be assets for the business but they Robots
can also be liabilities. There have been Robotics technology is one of the
several cases where people have been most exciting forms of travel technology
fired because of what they wrote on and it is constantly improving. Within
hotels, for example, robots have been major target, because they employ lots of
used in conciergelike roles, helping to people and have access to an abundance
greet guests when they arrive and provide of customer data.
information. Some hotels have expanded
their use further still, involving them in Internet of Things (IoT)
cleaning and luggage handling. One of the most exciting emerging
travel technology trends is the Internet of
Contactless Payments Things (IoT), which involves
Another important form of travel internetbased inter-connectivity between
tech is the ability to accept contactless everyday devices, allowing them to both
payments. This will allow travel send and receive data. Already, we are
companies to process payments much seeing examples of its role within the
more quickly, including in situations travel and tourism industry and this is
where customers do not have access to only going to increase.
cash, or their credit or debit card. It can
also enhance the customer experience, Recognition Technology
because it is a time saver. Finally, recognition technology is
especially interesting within this list of
Virtual Reality (VR) key tech trends, due to its potential for
Virtual reality has been an emerging removing friction from purchases and
technology in a number of different making interactions seamless. The
sectors, but its role within the tourism technology itself includes fingerprint
industry is especially significant. After all, recognition, facial recognition, retina
it provides travellers with the ability to scanning and various other biometric
experience far away locations from the identifiers
comfort of their own home, and can be
the difference in whether they ultimately
complete a booking.
Augmented Reality (AR)
Augmented reality is similar to
virtual reality, but involves augmenting a
AI Chatbots person’s real surroundings, rather than
AI-powered chatbots can be one of replacing them. One of the major plus
the single most sensible travel technology points of this particular technological
investments you can make, because these trend is that it is cheaper than VR, with
chatbots are able to provide customers users requiring only a smartphone or
with swift answers to questions on a 24/7 tablet device which has access to the
basis, regardless of staff availability. This internet.
can be essential for living up to current
expectations on customer service. Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Away from robots, artificial
CyberSecurity Measures intelligence is being used in other ways
Cybersecurity is a major focus area too. Perhaps the most obvious use within
for those in travel management roles, the travel and tourism industry is for
because companies in the industry are customer service purposes, with chatbots
increasingly at risk from cyber-attacks possessing the ability to deliver rapid
and also more vulnerable to data breaches response times to problems or queries. It
of other kinds. Travel companies are a
is also able to continuously learn from DEVELOP AND UPDATE INDUSTRY
interactions with customers. KNOWLEDGE

Big Data One of the major sources of revenue for

In modern tourism management, big the hotel is room accommodation. In
data is a fact of life, and almost all some large hotel, the Room Divisions
companies that are successful employ looks after all matters pertaining to room
their own data collection techniques. One reservations and hotel accommodation,
of the biggest uses for this data is to thus it consists of the following
improve personalisation, with travel departments:
companies using the information they 1. Housekeeping
gather to make specific adjustments to 2. Front Office
their offerings. 3. Room Sales

PMS stands for: - “HUB” or “HEART” of the hotel.
Property Management System. - Guest Service Area
- Nerve center
It is a software application for the
operations of hospitality accommodations Physical Location of the Front Office
and commercial residential rental Creating balance between Guest
properties that is used for reservation, Flow and Employee Work determines the
availability and occupancy management, physical lay-out of the front office
check-in/out, images, guest profiles, particularly in terms of EQUIPMENT &
report generation etc. This application is GUEST SAFETY.
used in-house (in an individual hotel) to
control the onsite property activities. Physically, the front office is situated
in the front of the house which is an
The PMS can be connected with other easily identifiable area of the lobby. The
applications such as the hotel point-of- front desk has always held a pivotal
sale (POS) or the CRS, Central position of importance in the lodging
Reservation System. The interface to a operation. It is one of the first points of
CRS- is an additional option in order to contact with the guest, and, as such, its
transfer availability, reservations and ambience sets the tone for the hotel.
guest profile information. Neatness, orderliness, attractiveness,
quality, and professionalism are just a
few of the impressions the front desk
should convey to a guest. The guest wants
to feel important, safe, and in the hands
of professionals. The impression
conveyed by the physical layout of the
desk assists the front office in creating a
positive image for the operation

The position of the front desk is usually

determined by the main entrance of the The front desk should be positioned
building and the location of the elevator. so that it accommodates the guest while
The front desk clerk and the night auditor enabling employees to work efficiently.
must be able to see anyone who enters Guests who wait in line for ten minutes
the hotel; this helps ensure a safe only to be told they are in the wrong line
environment for the guest. Positioning the will have a negative first impression.
front desk on the same side as the main Likewise, a desk clerk who has to wait to
entrance and the elevator is not use a printer or share a computer
recommended. Figure 4-2 shows a few terminal will not be as efficient as
arrangements that allow entrances to be possible. As you become familiar with
monitored. In all three settings, the front the practice of processing guests at the
desk clerk has a view of who is coming front desk, you will see how easy it is to
into the hotel from the street entrance plan a layout of the physical equipment
and who is coming off the elevator. This needed.
view is essential to the night auditor, who
assists security in monitoring the
activities in the hotel lobby.
Positioning a hotel front desk facing the
main entry and exit allows the desk clerk
to more easily monitor who is entering
and leaving the building—an important
advantage when considering hotel

FRONT Office

 Greets the guests

• Handles reservations and registrations
• Sells and manages rooms
• Issue room keys
• Provides information Today modern guest room is
Handles guest’s mails created to meet a guest’s room
• Administer telephone service preferences. Room preferences are
• Handles Guest complaints defined as the individual guest’s choice of
• Accounting room type, configuration and designation.
• Handles check out procedures
Identifiers for Room Preference
Front Office operates through sub – units,
includes: ➢Room type.- based on the
intended number of occupants.
1. Front Desk–registration, ➢Room configuration Characterize
communication and information center. the physical makeup of the guest room
2. Reservation Section – room bookings ➢Room designation. Simply
either through telephone or direct identifies whether it is a smoking or non-
contact. smoking room.
3. Bell Service–escorting the guest
during check-in and check-out. Room Type According to number of
4. Telephone Exchange–handles beds:
telephone communication system.
5. Front Office Cashiering– settlement -Single room.
of guest bills. -Twin room.
6. Concierge / Guest’s Relations -Double room
Assistance – attends any kind of guests -Double Double or Twin double.
assistance. -Triple room
7. Airport / Transport Guest Assistance -Quad / Quadruple room
– handles transport of guest to and from -Family room
airport. .-King room
8. Business Center–handles all
transactions in the business center. Types of Beds

GUESTROOM 1. Single bed – symbol S, sleeps one

- The guestroom is understood to be the person. A bed approximately 36”
main product for sale at any hotel x 75”.
- considered as a perishable good because 2. Twin beds – symbol T, contains two
once it is not occupied, it is considered as beds each capable of sleeping one person.
a loss of income A bed measured 39” x 75”.
3. Double Bed – symbol D, Bed that can
 The hotel guest room comes in my accommodate a couple or 2 individuals. It
varied sizes and shapes. is approximately 54 to 57” x 75 “in size.
 Hotels of differing product type 4. Queen Beds – symbol Q, an extra long,
each (service level and target market) extra wide bed, about 60” x 80” in size.
each have differing standards for the 5. King Beds – symbol K, an extra long,
look and composition of their extra wide bed, about 78” x 80” in
guestrooms. measurement.
 Location types can affect the look of 6. Hollywood Bed – Twin bed joined by
a guest room as well. a common headboard.
7. Studio Bed – is a sofa by day and a bed F. Out of service
by night. A couch that can be converted
to bed. Room Status Category
8. Sofa Bed – similar in function to a •State of occupancy
studio bed. It is a sofa first of all, which ❑Occupied
makes sitting more comfortable. Often ❑Vacant
called hide-a-beds. ❑Ready
9. Rollaway bed (Cot) – is a portable • State of cleanliness
utility bed that is added to the usual room ❑Dirty
furnishings on a temporarily basis. A ❑Clean
rollaway can sleeps one person, and a • State of exception
comfortable one measures 34” x 75” and ❑Out of Oder
Cot usually comes smaller – 30” x 75”.
Room configuration- Characterize the OCC VR/VC VD/OC/MUR OOO BLO
physical makeup of the guest room
EP- rate for the room only, no meals
Room Designation- According to Price, included
Lay-out and Facilities VR/VC- Vacant room already made up &
• Economy ready for occupancy has been checked by
• Standard the supervisor.
• De Luxe
• Connecting rooms One of the most important features of a
• Adjacent or adjoining rooms guestroom is the lock on the door. Guest
• Suite security is very important, and hotels
have been cognizant of that fact for years.
Type of Suite Room
1. Junior Suite 1. Mechanical
2.Penthouse Suite 2. Electronic Locking System
3.Executive Suite 3. Digital Key
4.Hospitality Suite
5.Presidential Suite Electronic locking system Variation
a) Magnetic Stripe Card
b) Memory Card
Defined as ensuring the rooms are d) RFID Card
properly designated by their current
status, and assigned a new status as it The advantage of Electronic Control
changes. Reconciling the guest room System
status is the way a hotel is able to manage
availability. ❑ Guest Check-in
A. Inspected ❑ ParkingAccess
B. Clean ❑ Elevator Access
C. Pickup ❑Enter Room
D. Dirty ❑Payment
E. Out of Order ❑Other Areas
❑Check-out • Special and Promotional Rate
• Package Rates
ENERGY MANAGEMENT Meal Package, Vacation Package.
Cost are rising, guestroom use consumes Meeting Package
40-80% of the total cost. A wall mounted • Corporate Rate
unit at the entrance to the room controls • Airline Rate
all electrical and HVAC Heating, • Day Rate
ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) • Complimentary Rate
devices. Nothing will operate until the • Weekly Rate
magnetic strip key card is inserted. • Family Rate
Obviously, when the guest leaves and • Government Rate
takes the card, everything goes off. • Seasonal Rate- resorts and other
location types that see a fluctuation in
ROOM RATE STRUCTURE demand due to whether will vary their
- They are both QUANTIFIABLE and rate accordingly to compensate for this
QUALIFIABLE. cyclical demand
• Membership Rate
QUANTIFIABLE – they can be
measured and structured to meet certain
QUALIFIABLE – large amounts of
discretion are allowed in which rates are
implemented and when.

These room rate structure will be WORK IN A TEAM ENVIRONMENT

computed on the following rate
1. The Hubbart Formula - Roy Hubbart
developed a method to calculate a hotel
room rate based on the costs incurred in
operating the hotel and a reasonable
return on investment for the investors
2. Cost Rate Formula
3. Market Tolerance
4. Shop Around

THE ROOM RATE will vary on:

❖Product and services

❖Market segmentation Front Office Personnel and Job
❖Season Responsibilities
❖Room’s location
❖Competition pressures Job Analysis and Job Description
❖Economic fluctuation
A job analysis,- a detailed listing of the
ROOM RATE DESIGNATION tasks of a job, provides the basis for a
• Rack Rate sound job description.
• Group and Tour Rates
A job description- is a listing of required ▪ Concierge
duties to be performed by an employee in
a particular position. Although almost Reservation Manager - can be found in
nothing is typical in the lodging industry, many of the larger lodging
certain daily tasks must be performed. establishments. This person is responsible
for taking incoming requests for rooms
The future professional will find this and noting special requests for service.
management tool helpful in preparing The particulars of this position are
orientation and training programs for endless, aimed at providing the guest with
employees. It also helps the human requested information and services as
resources department ensure each new well as accurate confirmation of these
hire is given every opportunity to items. The reservations manager is
succeed. responsible for keeping an accurate room
inventory by using the reservation module
Front Office Manager Responsible for of a property management system. This
performing the functions of person must communicate effectively
management/administrative process with the marketing and sales department.
(P.O.S.D.Co.R.B.) Planning, Organizing, Peak as well as slow periods of sales must
Staffing, Directing, Coordinating, be addressed with adequate planning.
Reporting and Budgeting.
Front Office Clerk / Front Desk -
Associates The responsibilities of the
front office staff are quite varied. The
position of the desk clerk can encompass
The main responsibilities of the Front many duties, which typically include
Office Manager fall into 12 categories. verifying guest reservations, registering
guests, assigning rooms, distributing keys,
1. Front desk operations communicating with the housekeeping
2. Budget administration staff, answering telephones, providing
3. Personnel Administration information about and directions to local
4. Guest relations attractions, accepting cash and giving
5. Training change, and acting as liaison between the
6. Communications lodging establishment and the guest as
7. Loss/Accident prevention well as the community.
8. Planning & Organizing
9. Legal
10. Technical Knowledge Cashier - include processing guest
11. Interdepartmental Responsibilities checkouts and guest legal tender and
12. Personal Development providing change for guests. This position
is found in a number of lodging
▪ Reservation Manager establishments, and it helps make the
▪ Front Office Clerk / Front Desk front desk workload manageable when a
Associates full house—a hotel that has all of its
▪ Cashier entire guest rooms occupied (sometimes
▪ Night Auditor referred to as 100 percent occupancy)—
▪ Telephone Operator is checking out.
▪ Bell Captain
▪ Elevator Operator
Night Auditor - balances the daily self-operated elevators and escalators.
financial transactions. This person may Some elevator operators now serve as
also serve as desk clerk for the night shift traffic managers, who direct hotel guests
(11:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.). He or she must to available elevators in the lobby. In
have a good grasp of accounting large full-service hotels, the traffic
principles and the ability to resolve manager can be a welcome sight; the
financial discrepancies. This position confusion of check-ins and checkouts can
requires experience as a desk clerk and be lessened when he or she is on duty.
good communications with the controller
Concierge - provides guests with
Telephone Operator - has a very extensive information on entertainment,
important job in the lodging sports, amusements, transportation, tours,
establishment. This person must be able church services, and babysitting in the
to locate both registered guests and area. He or she must know the area
management staff at a moment’s notice. intimately and be able to meet the
He or she also must be able to deal with individual needs of each guest. This
crises up to and including life-threatening person also obtains theater tickets and
emergencies. With the introduction of makes reservations in restaurants. In most
call accounting, a computer technology cases, the concierge is stationed at a desk
application that tracks guest phone calls in the lobby of the lodging property
and posts billing charges to lodging
establishments, the telephone operator’s -WORKING HOURS
job has been simplified, as the tracking Hotels never close. The legal definition of
of telephone charges to registered guests a hotel requires that they do not. Work
can now be done with ease. This person schedules at the desk must accommodate
may also assist the desk clerk and cashier that requirement. But only a few of the
when necessary other departments schedule around the
Bell Captain - with a staff of bellhops and
door attendants, is a mainstay in the Model follows that of other industries
lodging establishment. The bell staff Day shift- 7:30a.m. – 3:30 Pm
starts where the computerized property Swing shift- 3:30 pm – 11:30 pm
management system stops. They are the Graveyard shift- 11:30pm – 7:30 am
people who lift and tote baggage,
familiarize guests with their new Day shift – preferred by most employees.
surroundings, run errands, deliver Swing shift- bell person opt for this.
supplies, and provide guests with Graveyard shift- least guest activity
information on inhouse marketing efforts
and local attractions. These people also Role of the Front Office in
act as the hospitality link between the Interdepartmental Communications
lodging establishment and guests. They
are an asset to a well-run lodging

Elevator Operator - a person who

manually operates the mechanical
controls of the elevator, is almost extinct
in the lodging establishment, replaced by
The marketing and sales department
relies on the front office to provide data
on guest history , details concerning each
guest visit. The guest history is valuable
resource for marketing and sales, which
use the guest registration information to
target marketing campaigns, develop
promotions, prepare mailing label and
select appropriate advertising media. The
T- Total front office staff must make every effort
Q- Quantity to keep this database current and
M- Management accurate.
was developed by W. Edwards Deming, a
management theorist, in the early 1950s. Messages for the marketing and sales
It is a management tool that encourages department must be relayed completely,
interdepartmental cooperation and accurately and quickly, the switchboard
communication. This management operator is a vital link in the
technique focuses on ways everyone can communication between the prospective
work together to discuss issues and client and a sales person in the marketing
problems and resolve them as a team. and sale department
This method produces the best products
and services for the guest. Housekeeping Department
- Housekeeping and the Front Office
Effective Interdepartmental communicate with each other about
Communications housekeeping room status, (report on the
Interdepartmental Communication – availability of the room’s immediate
communication between departments guest occupancy).

Intradepartmental Communication – Housekeeping room status can be

communication inside a department described in the following
communication terms:
Marketing and Sale Department - The
marketing and sales department relies on o Available Clean / Ready – room is
the front office to provide data on guest ready to be occupied
histories, or details concerning each
guest’s visit. Some of the information o Occupied – guest(s) are already
gathered is based on ZIP code, frequency occupying a room
of visits, corporate affiliation, special
needs, reservations for sleeping rooms, o Stay over – guest will not be checking
and social media such as postings on out of a room on the current day
Facebook, messages from Twitter, and
visits to websites or YouTube. It is also o Dirty or On-Change – guest has
the front office’s job to make a good first checked out of the room, but the
impression on the public, to relay housekeeping staff has not released the
messages, and to meet the requests of room for occupancy
guests who are using the hotel for
meetings, seminars, and banquets.
o Out-of-Order – room is not available
for occupancy because of mechanical Banquet Department
malfunction - The banquet department, which often
combines the function of a marketing and
They also communicate on the details of sales department and a food and beverage
potential house count (a report of the departments, require the front office to
number of guests registered in the hotel), relay information to guest about
security concerns, and request for scheduled events and bill payment.
amenities (personal toiletry items such as
shampoo, toothpaste etc.) The front desk staff may also provide
labor to prepare the daily announcement
board (an inside listing of the daily
The housekeeper relies also on the room activities of the hotel), and marquee (the
sales projection (a weekly report prepared curbside message board). The banquet
and distributed by the front office guest who is unfamiliar with the hotel
manager that indicates the number of property will ask at the front office for
departures, arrivals, walk-ins, stayover directions. This service might seem
and no shows) to schedule employees. minor in the overall delivery of service,
but it is essential to the lost or confused
Food and Beverage Department guest. The front office staff must know
- Communication between the food and both how to direct guests to particular
beverage department and the front office meeting rooms or reception areas which
is also essential. Some of this functions is being held in which rooms.
communication is conveyed by relaying The person responsible for paying the
messages and providing accurate bills for a special event will also find his
information on transfers, which are forms or her way to the front office to settle the
used to communicate a charge to a guest city ledger accounts. If the banquet
count. Communication activities also captain is not able to present the bill for
include predicted house counts, (an the function, the front desk clerk should
estimate of the number of guests be informed about the specifics of food
expected to register base on the previous and beverage charges, gratuities, rental
occupancy activities) and processing charges, method of payment and the like.
request for paid-outs (forms used to
indicate the amount of money paid out of Controller
the cashier’s drawer on behalf of a guest - The controller relies on the front office
or an employee of the hotel). These vital staff to provide a daily summary of
services help an overworked food and financial transactions through a well-
beverage manager, restaurant manager or prepared night audit. This information is
banquet captain meet the demands of the also used to measure management ability
public. to meet budget targets. Since the front
office provides the controller with
In a hotel that has point-of-sale financial data for billing and maintenance
terminals, computerized cash registers of creditcard ledgers, these two
that interface with a property departments must relay payments and
management system, information on charges through the posting machine or
guest charges is automatically posted to property management system.
guest’s folio made the night auditors job
made easier. Maintenance or Engineering Department
- The maintenance department and front
office communicate on room status on
room status and requests for maintenance
service. Maintenance employees must
know the occupancy status of a room
before attending to plumbing, heating or
air-conditioning problems. Likewise, the
requests from guests for the repair of
heating, ventilation and air-conditioning
units, plumbing, television and other
room furnishing are directed to the front
desk. These requests are then
communicated to the maintenance

Security Department
- Communication between the security
department and the front office are very
important in providing hospitality to the
guest. These departments work together
very closely in maintaining guest security.
Fire safety measures and emergency
communication system as well as
procedures for routine investigation of
guest security concerns require the
cooperation of these departments.

Human Resource Management

- The human resource management
department may rely on the front office
staff to act as an initial point of contact
for potential employees in all
departments. It, may even ask the front
office to screen job candidates. If so,
guidelines for and training in screening
methods must be provided. Some
directors of human resource management
depend on the front office to distribute
application forms and other personnel-
related information to job applicants.

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