ABTT Reviewer
ABTT Reviewer
ABTT Reviewer
PMS stands for: - “HUB” or “HEART” of the hotel.
Property Management System. - Guest Service Area
- Nerve center
It is a software application for the
operations of hospitality accommodations Physical Location of the Front Office
and commercial residential rental Creating balance between Guest
properties that is used for reservation, Flow and Employee Work determines the
availability and occupancy management, physical lay-out of the front office
check-in/out, images, guest profiles, particularly in terms of EQUIPMENT &
report generation etc. This application is GUEST SAFETY.
used in-house (in an individual hotel) to
control the onsite property activities. Physically, the front office is situated
in the front of the house which is an
The PMS can be connected with other easily identifiable area of the lobby. The
applications such as the hotel point-of- front desk has always held a pivotal
sale (POS) or the CRS, Central position of importance in the lodging
Reservation System. The interface to a operation. It is one of the first points of
CRS- is an additional option in order to contact with the guest, and, as such, its
transfer availability, reservations and ambience sets the tone for the hotel.
guest profile information. Neatness, orderliness, attractiveness,
quality, and professionalism are just a
few of the impressions the front desk
should convey to a guest. The guest wants
to feel important, safe, and in the hands
of professionals. The impression
conveyed by the physical layout of the
desk assists the front office in creating a
positive image for the operation
FRONT Office
Security Department
- Communication between the security
department and the front office are very
important in providing hospitality to the
guest. These departments work together
very closely in maintaining guest security.
Fire safety measures and emergency
communication system as well as
procedures for routine investigation of
guest security concerns require the
cooperation of these departments.