06.CAE WSE PT - LP Unit 6
06.CAE WSE PT - LP Unit 6
06.CAE WSE PT - LP Unit 6
Class Six:
Unit 6: Living with the past
Class Time – 2 hours
Unit 6 – Living with the past – 120 minutes
• Warm-up
(5 mins)
Welcome students and ask them to settle and prepare to watch a video (1 min
& 60 sec).
Open the link- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-yjA8sWvg4
The students should watch and note down all vocabulary that comes to mind as
they are watching the video.
Review the vocabulary students have, focusing on all vocabulary related to
history (past) and archeology as this will be the main topic of the unit.
Note - If the word archeology is not given, write on board.
Ask students:
- What is archaeology / an archaeologist?
o Elicit other word forms of this word, e.g. archaeologist (noun)
archaeology (noun), archaeological (adjective).
- What do you think about objects of historical significance in foreign
- Should they be returned to their country of origin?
- What is the appeal of searching for ancient remains such as coins or
- Why are people so interested / fascinated with old treasures / Dinosaurs?
Discuss student’s answers, accepting all logical answers.
Open Cambridge Advanced Active Teach on page 58 and zoom in on the text
“A Mammoth find”.
Exercise 3 - Students do the same activity in pairs for the other words in
1 consideration, confrontation, extinction
2 unfit
3 remains (bones, etc.), remainder (what’s left over)
Exercise 4 - Students read the text and complete the gaps with the correct
word identified from previous exercise.
1 perfectly / 2 remains / 3 analysis / 4 considerably / 5 unfit / 6 hunters /
7 confrontation / 8 extinction
Exam Tip:
Tell students that Word formation in Reading and Use of English Part 3, tests
their grammar and involves reading a completing the text with the word given
but changing the word formation.
Remind students that Listening Part 1 involves listening twice to three short
conversations and answering two multiple-choice questions about each.
Exam Tip:
Read Strategy 1 in the Exam focus on p.202 to check answers given by
students. Read through the Exam focus with students.
Also zoom in on Exam tip on the Active teach page.
Ask students to read the questions and possible answers for each extract.
Students should note the key words.
Answers - 1- B / 2 - A / 3 - A / 4 - C / 5 - A / 6 - B
Turn student’s attention to the white board and Divide it into two columns with
the prefixes: in- and un-.
Read the following adjectives on the board and ask students to place them in
the correct column:
• Grammar – Comparing
(30 mins)
Review student’s answers confirming comparatives are used (more + adj than…
/ Adj..er than … / as… adj … as..) and write some of the students sentences on
the board.
Ask students how they cam emphasize the adjective further. Elicit ..much ..
Discuss the topic of museums with students to see if they agree with the
sentences they just completed and any further ideas they may have.
Zoom in on exercise 4 and ask students to read the article for gist answering
the question on the writer’s view of museums as places of entertainment.
Ask the students to read the text aloud and select the correct alternative.
Put students in pairs and ask them to discuss the questions in exercise 6.
Give students five minutes to discuss the questions.
Tell students you will read some words and they should write the words under
the column according to the picture they connect the word to.
Tell students that in the Speaking section of the exam they will have to discuss
pictures and that they are going to listen to examples of this section.
Refer to exercise 1. Play the recording and elicit the three things students
need to do for this task.
Answer - compare two of the pictures, say why the people might be
interested in this kind of information about the past, say how easy it might
be for them to remember it.
Refer to exercise 2. Play the recording and elicit which two pictures
Alessandra compares.
Refer to exercise 3. Play the recording again and ask students to tick the
information included.
Refer to exercise 5 and ask students to make a note of the expressions used to
compare and contrast.
Note - students should speak for 2 mins so stop students after 2 mins and
Ask students about their past and their ancestors. What do they know?
Ask about DNA. What can it reveal? Why might someone get a DNA test?
(testing for susceptibility to a genetic condition or disease, evidence in a crime
or to see if you are related to someone).
Students read the article completing the gaps with the appropriate Adjective
form. Correct as a group.
Answers -
4) -able: believable, changeable, comfortable, comparable, excitable,
identifiable, imaginable, movable, noticeable, profitable, variable
-ible: accessible, comprehensible, resistible, reversible, visible
Say to students;
Taking into consideration the answers given throughout the class when
discussing the topics (archeology, the past, ancestors etc) how would you
express your interest in these things?
See what students give you and write the following on the board:
…into ……
Ask students to use this structure and accept any logical answer.
Draw a line on the board with 0 at the beginning and 100 at the end:
(0) Not at all ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Totally (100)
Write the following adverbs in a random order on the board and ask students to
place them on the line in the correct order
Note – If needed write the example to help: I’m _____ into history.
Confirm answers and ask students to complete the example sentence so that it
is true for them.
Put students in pairs and repeat the exercise with the other adjectives from
exercise 2.
Answers - Completely, pretty, quite, really and totally can be used with
exceptional, furious, impossible, perfect and terrified.
Elicit which of these is ungradable (perfect) and elicit the meaning (completely
Elicit the meaning of quite nice (fairly nice) and quite angry (fairly angry).
Read the Language tip aloud and ensure students are aware that in addition to
modifiers, the strength of an adjective can also be conveyed in speaking by
vocal expression, e.g. She is pretty disappointed.
Pretty could sound very strong or moderately strong, depending on the
expression of the speaker.
Refer to the article and focus students’ attention on the heading and picture.
Elicit some ideas about what the article might be about.
Note – if possible print the Article to save time with zooming in and out /
scrolling up and down.
Ask students to read the article and select the correct alternatives.
Correct as a group confirming comprehension of the vocabulary.
Remind when writing an essay they should provide specific examples which
support their arguments and should take into consideration the language forms
covered in today’s class and try to apply these where possible.
Give each student – Unit 6 Test hand out for Homework. (Do not do Progress
Review page 67on Active Teach)
Explain that this is exam practice – every week they will practice specific
exercises and question types with this unit test.
Tell the students to bring the homework (Written Essay and Unit 6 Test) to the
next class for correction or they can send the Essay via e-mail before the next
Remind students of the time and date for next week’s class.
Reinforce the Course Map and Exam Information documents, and ask them to
ask you any questions they have.
Handout - Writing - Essay (Part 1)