Project Proposal: Ina NG Bayan Sa Sais
Project Proposal: Ina NG Bayan Sa Sais
Project Proposal: Ina NG Bayan Sa Sais
INTRODUCTION: The Convention on the Rights of the Child had come up with the universally accepted minimum standards in promoting the well-being of children. These range from the most basic right of survival, the protection from neglect and abuse, and freedom to participate in the cultural, moral and spiritual pursuits both as individuals and organized communities. Unfortunately, the complex problems covering the poor economic situation in the family, degradation of the environment which affected their growth and the lack of access to some rudimentary knowledge, skills and resources to ensure their survival are some of the obstacles in fulfilling these basic rights. Moreover, the starting point of any national development strategy must tart with the promotion of the total human development of children. It is after all the children of today whose individual well-being and social contribution that will shape future of these young heroes. But how many thousands of children are deprived of their capacity to dream of a better life because we have snatched from them their future. Overcoming the various problems that confront these children is therefore essential for their survival, development and protection. PROJECT RATIONALE Children are innocent, vulnerable and dependent. They are curious, active and full of hope. Their time should be of joy and peace, of playing, learning and growing. Their life should enrich as they broaden their perspective and gain new experiences. Particular to the poor children living in the depressed areas of the 6th District of Manila, poverty limits much of their chances to discover their worth and potentials as future pillars of the country. These glaring realities are cause of alarm specifically for parents who know that something must be done to alleviate the childrens condition. Vital to their early development are child welfare programs that provide venues and mechanisms for nurturing their potentials and a chance to discover their identity and worth in a safe supportive environment.
The idea of putting up a Feeding Program is a welcome relief. The enthusiasm was really overwhelming for the parents. This was a general feeling too of Ina ng Bayan sa Sais Volunteers who had committed themselves in putting up a child development program in their place, run and managed by them in the area.
PROJECT OBJECTIVES General Specific: : Promote the full development of human potential in children. 1. Provide the childrens health and nutritional needs 2. Improve peer group relationship among children beneficiaries. 3. Strengthen the role of parents, women in particular, in healthy environment of children 4. Assist in creating a conducive and supportive community that cares and protects the welfare of children and their families 6 months - 1 year Children age 3 -5 years old
Tenure Beneficiaries
PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION 1. Community Consultation with Ina ng Bayan and parents Various community consultation processes shall be held by the Ina ng Bayan sa Sais to inform the prospective beneficiaries about the program, gather feedback, solicit ideas, support and unity from the community. 2. Orientation Session to be conducted by Ina ng Bayan core group members Once unity is attained on the community level, an Orientation Seminar/ Team Building Seminar shall be conducted by the INB members, assisted by the Health workers of the barangay. Individuals who would like to partake of this program shall be taken in as Program Volunteers. A core group of parents and INB volunteers shall be given orientation on how to organize, run and manage a project of this nature. Sufficient information and knowledge, training and workshops are needed to prepare them for this program. Program Staff and Volunteers a - Setting up of kitchen staff and Group Mothers
b. Conduct evaluation to monitor development of the project c. Make area and home visitations to gather feedback d. Conduct training sessions to enhance knowledge and skills and intensify community service. PROJECT MANAGEMENT Concerned Parents for Community Development Functions This will consist of the physical arrangement of the Feeding Center. This ensures a conducive and healthy atmosphere for both beneficiaries and volunteers. The actual supervision will necessitate an actual monitoring of their daily duties which will be part of their assessment and planning proper. The participation of parents is an important factor to consider. They will actually prepare the food, the program of meals among other concerns. They will also be tasked to assist in various activities. The Ina ng Bayan volunteers will have to undergo training for the effective implementation of the project. In as much as the Volunteers and parents are to be given necessary training on leadership formation and community involvement. To ensure that the project is running smoothly, the following will be undertaken : 1. Require the submission of monthly reports and attendance recortds from the Program Coordinators 2. Conduct quarterly evaluation to monitor the progress/development of the program and resolve recurring problem areas. 3. Make area and home visitations to gather feedback
4. Regular meeting with parents to discuss the general conduct and progress of the project and 5. Conduct staff development seminars to upgrade knowledge and skills in order to improve the quality of service
BUDGETARY REQUIREMENTS A. Administrative Expenses Project Coordinators ( P 1,500 x 3 pax x 6 months) B. Feeding Component P 27,000.00
1. P 12.20 Child/day x 300 children x 120 days x 6 months 2. Kitchen utensils 3. Stove and fuel tank C. Educational Trip 10,000.00
D. Program Management Seminar ( parents and INB Members ) 1. Team Building Seminar Food P 50.00 x 30 parents & volunteers x 2 days 2. Honorarium for Resource Person 3. Materials 4. Transportation allowance ( P 50.00 x 30 pax x 2 days) E. Training on Health and Nutrition Program Food ( P 50.00 x 30 pax) Honorarium Transportation allowance F. Assessment and Evaluation Conference
3,000.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 3,000.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 1,500.00 5,000.00 _____________ P 55,000.00