II Adv Prod Sys - Sy - 100511055449
II Adv Prod Sys - Sy - 100511055449
II Adv Prod Sys - Sy - 100511055449
Unit 1 INTRODUCTION: Logistics - Concepts, Definitions. approaches, factors affecting logistics. Supply chain - basic tasks of the supply chain - the new corporate model. Unit 2 SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT: The new paradigm, the modular company, the network relations. supply process, Procurement process - Distribution management. Unit 3 EVOLUTION OF SUPPLY CHAIN MODELSL: Strategy and structure - factors of supply chain - Manufacturing strategy stages, supply chain progress - model for competing through supply chain management - PLC grid, supply chain redesign Linking supply chain with customer. Unit 4 SUPPLY CHAIN ACTIVITY SYSTEMS: Structuring the SC, SC and new product, functional roles in SC, SC design frame-work, collaborative product commerce (CPC). Unit 5 SCM ORGANISATION AND INFORMATION SYSTEM: The management task, logistics organisation, the logistics information systems -Topology of SC application MRP, ERP, Warehouse management system, product data management - cases. Reference Books: 1. Scharj, P.B., Lasen, TS., Managing the global supply chain , Viva books, New Delhi 2. Ayers, J:B., "Hand book of supply chain management ", The St. Lencie press, 2000. 3. Nicolas, J:N., "Competitive manufacturing management-continuous improvement ", Lean production, customer focused quality, McGraw-Hill, NY; 1998. 4. Steudel, 1lJ: and Desruelle, P., "Manufacturing in the ninetees-How to become a mean, lean and world class competitor ", Van Nostrand Reinhold; NY, 1992.
1. INTRODUCTION: Basic concepts - Robot anatomy - Robot configurations - Basic robot motions - Types of drives - Applications - Material handling - processing Assembly and Inspection - safety considerations. 2. TRANSFORMATIONS AND KINEMATICS: Vector operations Translational transformations and Rotational transformations - Properties of transformation matricesHomogeneous transformations and Manipulator - Forward solution - Inverse solution. 3. CONTROLS AND END EFFECTORS: Control system concepts - Analysis - control of joints - Adaptive and optimal control - End effectors - Classification - Mechanical Magnetic -Vacuum - Adhesive - Drive systems - Force analysis and Gripper design. 4. ROBOT PROGRAMMING: Methods - Languages -Computer control and Robot Software -V AL system and Language. . 5. SENSORY DEVICES: Non optical and optical position sensors - Velocity and Acceleration -Range - Proximity - touch - Slip - Force - Torque - Machine vision - Image components -Representation - Hardware - Picture coding - Object recognition and categorization Software consideration. 6. Automated Material Handling and Storage: Functions types and analysis of material handling equipment, Design of conveyor and AGV system, Storage system performance, AS/RS, Carovsel storage system, WIP storage system, Interfacing handling, Storage with manufacturing Reference Books: 1. Fu KS., GonzalezR.C.., and Lee C.S.G., "Robotics control, sensing, vision, and intelligence McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1987. 2. Klafter R.D., Chmielewski TA. and Negm IV. .. Rohot Engineering An Intergrated approach Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 1994 3. Deb S.R., " Robotics Technology and Fle.rihle Auto"w(i('fl ", Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., Ltd.. 1994. 4. Craig J..J. " 1ntroduction to Robotic.s Mechanics and Control ". Addison-Wesley, 1999. 5. Groover MP.. "/ndu.slriul roholic.s Technol()g}'. programming and applicution. McGraw-Hill Book Co., /995.