Syllabus Prod. MNGT
Syllabus Prod. MNGT
Syllabus Prod. MNGT
1. The Production Function - nature and scope, interface with other functional areas like
marketing, Finance, Personnel, Materials.
2. Types of Production Systems - Job, Batch and Flow System Assembly lines, Process Plants,
Intermittent and Continuous Production.
4. Plant Layouts - Objectives, Symptoms of poor layouts, types layouts -functional, line and
static product layouts, group layouts, factors influencing layouts, techniques of optimising
6. Problems of Location - types of location decisions and factor affecting location, location of
manufacturing and service units, location of distribution and retail units, location of
procurement centers.
10. Break Even Point Analysis - concept of break even point, utility of BEP analysis in short
and long term decision.
12. Quality Control - Total Qualify Control, what is quality, inspection, quality control,
introduction to control charts & types of control charts - mean, range, proportion defective (P)
and (C ) charts.