Syllabus Prod. MNGT

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1. The Production Function - nature and scope, interface with other functional areas like
marketing, Finance, Personnel, Materials.

2. Types of Production Systems - Job, Batch and Flow System Assembly lines, Process Plants,
Intermittent and Continuous Production.

3. Elementary knowledge of Manufacturing process Assembling, Fabrication, Forming and Heat

Treatment Welding, Machining and similar Processes.

4. Plant Layouts - Objectives, Symptoms of poor layouts, types layouts -functional, line and
static product layouts, group layouts, factors influencing layouts, techniques of optimising

5. Material Handling - objectives, principles and methods of efficient handling, introduction to

material handling equipment.

6. Problems of Location - types of location decisions and factor affecting location, location of
manufacturing and service units, location of distribution and retail units, location of
procurement centers.

7. Inventory Management - types of inventory management systems, detailed mathematical

treatment of P, Q and MRP Systems, Selective inventory control - techniques like ABC analysis,
HML analysis, FSN analysis, SDE analysis etc., make & buy decision.

8. Scheduling - objectives, elements of scheduling, master scheduling priority planning, facility

loading, sequencing problem of scheduling.

9. Network Analysis - Activity Analysis, Network Diagramming PERT, CPM, Estimation of

schedule statistics, earliest and latest start and finishing times, floats, Cost crashing,
Estimations of probability of completion of project in a given time, applications in industry.

10. Break Even Point Analysis - concept of break even point, utility of BEP analysis in short
and long term decision.

11. Reliability, Maintenance and Plant Services - objectives, types of Maintenance -

Breakdown and preventive maintenance, introduction to estimation of system reliability, Fault
tree analysis.

12. Quality Control - Total Qualify Control, what is quality, inspection, quality control,
introduction to control charts & types of control charts - mean, range, proportion defective (P)
and (C ) charts.

13. Emerging Trends - Just-In-Time Manufacturing, Robotics, CAD/CAM/CIM

14. Concepts of productivity - introductions to productivity techniques, Value Analysis, Value


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