Question Bank (Semiconductor Physics)

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Unit 1: Quantum and Band Theory of electron
(CO1): Identify the energy band in solids and electron occupation probability

Questions S.No Marks

The Fermi Energy for a given solid is 5.0 eV at T=0K. What is the average energy of the 1 2
electron in the metal at 0 K?
The Fermi level for potassium is 2.0 eV. Calculate the velocity of the electrons at the 2 2
Fermi level.
Find the value of Fermi function F(E) if E-E F = 0.01 eV at T= 200 K for any material 3 2
The Fermi energy in the solid is proportional to the density of electron(n) as n ^(2a/2a+1). Find 4 2
the value of 'a'.
If the value of Fermi function for a certain energy level is 0.7. What is the percentage of 5 2
probability that this energy level is unoccupied by the electron?
What is the value of Fermi-Dirac distribution function for T=0, when (i) energy is greater 6 2
than Fermi Energy and (ii) when energy is less than Fermi Energy.
Draw the curve showing variation of: 7

Velocity of electrons with momentum vector 2

Effective mass of electrons with momentum vector
Find the least energy of an electron moving in one dimensional infinitely high potential 8 2
box of width 0.05 nm

For a particle inside a box of length L unit, and for n=2, find out the positions where the 9 2
probability of occupancy is zero.
Define the Fermi Energy. If the Fermi energy is 10eV, calculate the mean energy of 10 2
electron at 0K.
Write the expression of eigen value and wave function for a free particle moving one 11 2
dimensionally (1-D) in a potential well.
Explain the energy band in solids and classify the materials based on energy gap. 12 5
Draw the E-K diagram of a semiconductor material 13 5
Explain the Brillouin zones in a solid 14 5
What would be the band structure if the barrier strength is extremely negligible? Justify 15 5
your answer with a suitable diagram.
What would be the band structure if the barrier strength is extremely high? Justify your 16 5
answer with a diagram.
Based on band theory of solids, distinguish between conductors, semiconductors, and 17 8
Explain the idea of wave function for a quantum particle. What are the basic 18 8
characteristics of well-behaved wave function?
Define the density of energy state in a solid. Find the expression for density of states. 19 8
Define the Fermi energy and Fermi distribution function. Plot the Fermi distribution 20 8
function at different temperatures.
Define the effective mass of an electron and obtain its expression. Also plot the curve for 21 8
effective mass and interpret the curve.
Unit 2: Semiconductor
(CO2): Understand the physics of semiconductor and develop the ability to choose the appropriate
semiconductor for engineering applications

Questions S.No Marks


An electric field of 200 volt/m is applied to a sample of n type semiconductor whose Hall 1 2
coefficient is -0.0145 m2/coulomb. Calculate the current density in the sample assuming
mobility of electron equals to 0.36 V -1 S-1.
What is the wavelength corresponding to the bandgap of GaAs (1.42eV) approximately? 2 2
The carrier concentration in n-type semiconductor is 10 19/m3. Determine the value of Hall 3 2
Hall coefficient of a semiconductor is 3.22x10 -4 m3/C. Its resistivity is 9x10-3 ohm-meter. 4 2
Calculate the mobility in the semiconductor.
The Hall coefficient (RH) of a semiconductor is 3.22× 10-4  m3/C.  Calculate the carrier 5 2
concentration of the carriers. (Given that e =1.6× 10 -19 C).
Outline the nature of charge on an intrinsic semiconductor on addition of neutral 6 2
pentavalent or trivalent atoms.

The intrinsic carrier density of Ge at 27 oC is 2.4 x 10 17 m-2. Calculate its resistivity, if the 7 2
electron and hole mobility are 0.35 m2 V-1 s-1 and 0.18 m2 V-1 s-1 respectively.

Discuss the variation of fermi level position with temperature and doping concentration. 8 2

Distinguish between elemental and compound semiconductors with examples.  9 2

Draw and interpret the graph for the Fermi Energy variation with temperature for P and 10 2
N type semiconductors.
Define the relaxation time and Drift velocity of an electron in a semiconductor 11 2
Explain the extrinsic semiconductor. Using suitable diagram, discuss how the Fermi level 12 5
changes with change of temperature in extrinsic semiconductors.
Distinguish between the direct and indirect band gap semiconductors with examples.  13 5

Describe the significance of negative effective mass and explain the concept of hole. 14 5

Describe the P and N type semiconductors and indicate the Fermi level and energy level 15 5
of impurity atoms in band diagram

Hall coefficient of a semiconductor is 3.22x10^ -4 m3/C. Its resistivity is 9x10^-3 ohm- 16 5

meter. Calculate the mobility and carrier concentration in the semiconductor.
What are the charge carriers responsible for current conduction in pure semiconductor? 17 8
Find the expression for conductivity of such semiconductor.

Derive the expression of current density and Mobility of charge carriers for 18 8

Define the Hall effect phenomenon in a semiconductor with the suitable diagram 19 8
Explain the Hall effect and derive the expression for Hall coefficient. 20 8
Define the drift velocity and mobility of an electron and find the expression of mobility in 21 8
an intrinsic semiconductor.
Unit 3: Applications of Diodes
(CO3): Apply the knowledge of diode to the development of new and novel optoelectronic devices

Questions S.No Marks


 Write down the diode equation. How does this equation is modified during forward 1 2
Classify the optical transitions in bulk semiconductors 2 2
The open circuit voltage and short circuit current of a solar cell illuminated uniformly 3 2
with solar light of power 100 mW/cm2 are 0.5 V and 180 mA respectively. The solar cell
has an area of 3 cm2 and a fill factor of 0.7. Estimate the maximum efficiency (in %) of the

Illustrate drift and diffusion phenomena in semiconductors 4 2

What is solar cell? Draw the V-I characteristic curve of solar cell. 5 2
Differentiate between spontaneous and stimulated emission. Which one is used for 6 5
laser action?
In a LED, the semiconductor material has band gap of 1.1 eV. What will be the 7 5
wavelength of light emitted by this LED?

Interpret the recombination and generation of electron hole pairs in a semiconductor. 8 5

In a LED , the material has band gap of 2 eV. What will be the colour of emitting light 9 5
Explain the formation of depletion layer in a semiconductor with diagram. 10 5

Find energy band gap of semiconducting material if it emits light of wavelength 414 nm. 11 5
Describe the working of LED with its energy band diagram 12 5

Describe the reverse and forward biased PN Junction along with its circuit diagram. 13 5
In a PN junction diode, explain : a). Minority charge carrier b). Majority charge carrier c). 14 8
Break down voltage.
Draw the I-V characteristics of a PN Junction diode and explain the knee voltage. 15 8
Explain the construction and working of photo diode. 16 8
Describe the formation of depletion layer in p-n junction diode. Draw and explain the 17 8
V-I characteristics of a p-n Junction diode.
Describe the construction and working of light emitting diodes (LEDs) with suitable 18 8
Unit- 4 Low Dimension Physics and Nanomaterials
(CO4): Utilize the knowledge of the low dimensional/ nano materials for engineering applications and
understand the basic characterization techniques

Questions S.No Marks


Describe the ray diagram of a TEM, with sample and image position. 1 2

Explain the difference between back scattered and secondary electrons, and their use in 2 2

Compare graphically the density of states for quantum wire, Quantum dot and Quantum 36 2

Explain different electron sources used in Scanning electron Microscopy (SEM). 4 2

Describe the four applications of graphene 5 2

Write four application of a Carbon nanotubes 6 2
What are zero-, one-, two- and three - dimensional nanomaterials 7 2
Explain blue shift by decreasing size of materials in nano scale 8 2

Explain quantum well. quantum wire and quantum dots. 10 5

Explain the single and multi-wall carbon nano tubes. 11 5

Describe the electronic, optical, and mechanical properties of graphene. 12 5

What is the graphene? Draw the structure of graphene 13 5

Explain the basic principle of Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). Describe the working 14 8
of SEM using its basic diagram.

Explain the 0D, 1D and 2D structure of Nanomaterials with examples. 15 8

Discuss the principle and working of Transmission Scanning Electron Microscope (TSEM). 16 8
Describe Carbon nanowires and nanotubes and explain their electronic and mechanical 17 8
Describe the Chirality of Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) 18 8

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