SITHPAT006 Student Logbook
SITHPAT006 Student Logbook
SITHPAT006 Student Logbook
About this Student Logbook You are expected to complete a reflective journal for each time that you cook as
part of your assessment for this unit. Try to think about the highlights of each
This Student Logbook is where you will record evidence of the knowledge and service when you are writing your reflection. You might also find the following
skills you have developed during your training for this unit. It also serves as a questions useful:
handy reference guide on what you need to do during your assessment and how
you should go about doing it. What skills and techniques did I use?
What did I learn during the service and how might I apply it in future?
Student name:
What might I do different next time?
Bipin Maharjan __________________________________________________
Name of RTO: Supervisor declaration
_______________________________________________________________ Your workplace supervisor’s feedback forms an important part of the assessment
process and it is essential you have your supervisor complete their section of
Trainer/assessor name: each of your reflective journals and fill in the supervisor declaration after the
summary section. Keep in mind that, if you are completing your assessment in
_______________________________________________________________ your RTO’s training kitchen, your trainer will be your workplace supervisor and
should endorse your journal. Without their endorsement, your Logbook will be
If this workbook is found, please contact me to return it using the details below:
incomplete and it is likely to be returned to you for resubmission.
Logbook summary
There are a number of requirements you must fulfil within your assessment
_______________________________________________________________ process, so a Logbook Summary has been provided. Make sure you keep this
section up to date – it will help you keep track of any outstanding requirements.
What do I need to demonstrate? produce sauces to desired consistency and flavour, including use of
thickening agents for sweet sauces
During your assessment for this unit, you will be required to demonstrate a range
of the skills and knowledge that you have developed during your course. These making adjustments to desserts to ensure quality
following procedures for portion control to maximise yield and profitability of
interpreting standard recipes and food preparation lists production
confirming food production requirements using accompaniments that balance each dessert and enhance taste and
calculating ingredient amounts
using the required garnishes and decorations as a means of complementing
identifying and selecting ingredients from stores according to quality,
the desserts
freshness and stock rotation requirements
plating desserts, accompaniments and garnishes attractively, demonstrating
producing the required quantities
an artistic flair appropriate for the item and occasion
selecting the type and size of equipment required
plating and decorating desserts in terms of practicality and customer
ensuring that food preparation equipment safely assembled, clean and consumption
ready for use
visually evaluating desserts and adjusting presentation prior to serving
using equipment safely and hygienically
display desserts with appropriate sauces and garnishes
using equipment according to the manufacturer’s instructions
storing desserts in appropriate environmental conditions
sorting and assembling ingredients according to food production sequencing
following organisational policies and procedures
weighing and measuring wet and dry ingredients accurately as per quantity
maintaining a clean work area
of desserts
disposing of or storing surplus products and re-usable by products
creating portions according to the recipe
working safely, working hygienically, working sustainably and efficiently
minimising waste to maximise profitability
working within commercial time constraints and deadlines.
following standard and special dietary recipes accurately to achieve product
Tips for completing this logbook
responding to special customer requests and dietary requirements
SITHPAT006 Produce desserts | Student Logbook
Read through your logbook before you get started and make sure that you
understand what you need to do. If you are unsure, speak to your assessor
and/or workplace supervisor.
Stay up to date! Complete a logbook entry at the end of each service period
and ask your supervisor to do the same. Providing organised, complete
evidence forms part of your assessment.
Stay in touch with your assessor. Ask questions, raise issues, check in,
Most importantly, ask for help if you are having trouble!
SITHPAT006 Produce desserts | Student Logbook
Logbook summary
Use this list to keep track of your progress. Please note that you may complete a number of these tasks during
one cooking session so you will only need to complete a single service plan and reflective journal each time
that you cook.
This unit of competency requires that you follow standard and special recipes to produce at least 10 of
the following common desserts. Evidence of this has been provided.
☒ bavarois September 3 1
☐ crêpes September 3 4
☒ flans September 3 6
☒ fritters September 3 7
☒ ice-cream September 3 8
☐ meringues September 3 9
☒ mousse September 3 10
☐ parfait September 3 11
☒ pies September 3 12
☒ puddings September 3 14
☐ sabayon September 3 15
☐ sorbet September 3 16
SITHPAT006 Produce desserts | Student Logbook
☐ soufflé September 3 17
☐ tarts September 3 18
At least two desserts from the 10 chosen above must meet the following special dietary requirements.
Evidence of this has been provided.
☒ vegan September 3 10
You must produce and use each of the following sauces (hot and cold) at least once when preparing the
10 desserts. Evidence of this has been provided.
September 3
☐ sabayon and zabaglione 6
SITHPAT006 Produce desserts | Student Logbook
You must use each of the following garnishes and decorations at least once to complement the 10 desserts.
Evidence of this has been provided.
☐ jellies September 3 3
You must produce the 10 desserts using each of the following cookery methods at least once. Evidence of this has
been provided.
☒ chilling September 3 2
☒ freezing September 3 3
☐ reducing September 3 4
☒ baking September 3 5
☒ flambé September 3 6
☐ poaching September 3 7
☐ steaming September 3 9
☐ stewing September 3 10
During the services described in the student’s reflective journals that I have endorsed, the student:
The student has permission to submit the information contained within the reflective journals ☐ Yes ☐ No
completed below and any supporting documentation (including organisational policies and
SITHPAT006 Produce desserts | Student Logbook
procedures, menus, recipes and work product) for the purposes of assessment.
Supervisor signature:
Contact number:
Service Planning
How many desserts are required? Describe how you will ensure that the correct number of desserts are
10 desserts are required. We will ensure that the correct number of desserts are being produced by taking
the project information and delivery request.
Calculate the number of portions that you need (show your workings).
Calculate the amount of each ingredient that you require. An ingredient list has been provided for you or you
may like to use your organisation’s standard template.
SITHPAT006 Produce desserts | Student Logbook
Ingredient list
Recipe___________________Creme Caramel ____________________
Salt 4 1 teaspoon 5
SITHPAT006 Produce desserts | Student Logbook
SITHPAT006 Produce desserts | Student Logbook
Select the cookery method that you will use. Explain your decision.
- The cookery method that I will use is baking. The oven will be preheated to 325 degrees.
- And the heating pot will also be required to heat milk and go through the recipe
- We will also use the refrigerator to chill the dessert
Select the cooking times and temperatures that you will use. Explain your decision.
- Total cooking time should be around 5 hours. The temperature that we will use is the preheated
oven to 325 degrees. The baking custard will take around an hour and we will refrigerate it until
cold, at least 3 hours
Select the accompaniments which you will add to your dessert. Explain your decision – how do the
accompaniments complement your dish?
- Sugar syrups will be an accompaniment for the dessert. Since the dessert is a type of soft cake the
sugar syrups will be very suitable for the dish. The sugar syrup will not be added directly to the
cake during the presentation but will be kept inside in a small cup or tea bowl.
Describe how you will select the ingredients that you need from stores. How will you check them for freshness
and quality?
- the ingredient for the dessert will be provided by the head chef. The ingredient will be then bought
by a trusted store and trusted seller. The quality will be checked by:
Sight: Choose the brightest and liveliest colors out of the bunch. The color should be even with no
dark spots or mold.
SITHPAT006 Produce desserts | Student Logbook
Touch: The texture and firmness of the vegetables indicate the freshness
List the food preparation equipment that you will need for this recipe. How will you ensure that it is clean, well
maintained and ready for use?
- The list of equipment for this recipe are plates, knives, baking rack and bowl, refrigerator and
spoons and whisking tools, measuring cups, wooden spoon, and rubber spatula. To ensure that all
the types of equipment are clean they will be washed with soap water and dried using a towel.
They will also be kept in a clean environment and the chef will wash their hands before using them.
SITHPAT006 Produce desserts | Student Logbook
Reflective journals
Please note: Only one copy of each template has been included so you will need to make copies as required.
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SITHPAT006 Produce desserts | Student Logbook
Reflective journal
Student name: Bipin Maharjan Date: September 3 Did an RTO assessor observe this Journal
service? ☐ Yes ☐ No number:
Recipe/s prepared:
Dietary requirements met (at least two desserts must fulfil this criteria)
☐ fat free ☒ low fat ☐ low carbohydrate ☒ low gluten ☐ gluten free
☐ low kilojoule ☐ low sugar ☐ sugar free ☐ type one and two diabetic ☐ vegan
Sauces used
☐ chocolate based ☒ custards and cremes ☐ fruit syrups ☐ sabayon and zabaglione
☒ sugar syrups ☐ fruit purées, sauces or coulis ☐ flavoured butters and creams
Cookery methods
☒ baking ☐ freezing ☐ chilling ☐ adding fats and liquids to dry ingredients
☐ steaming ☐ stewing ☐ stirring and aerating to achieve required consistency and texture
☐ whisking, folding, piping and spreading ☐ weighing or measuring and sifting dry ingredients
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SITHPAT006 Produce desserts | Student Logbook
Reflection (Highlights, skills and techniques shown, policies and procedures followed, how did I ensure efficiency, safety and quality, what did I learn, what would I do
different in future?)
- All the staff were very hard working the head staff showed us the way to accomplish the dish in the given time line. Food and health safety procedures were
applied ensring efficiency and safety. The plan was perfect and the dessert was satisfying.
Supervisor Endorsement
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