CPL A Cece 040711 2

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Commercial Pilot Licence (A)

Date: 4 July 2011 Attention: Emmanuel Cece entebbe,Ugamda Uganda Course: Commercial Pilot Licence (A) Description: On completion of this course you will have a genuine operational capability and can be employed effectively in the commercial sector. Estimate Reference: CPL-A-Cece-040711-2 Validity: 30 Days Dear Mr Cece Thank you for your interest in 43 Air School, Africas Premier Air Training Organization. It is our pleasure to submit for your consideration, our Training Estimate for the Commercial Pilot Licence (A) course. Yours, in Excellence in Aviation Training Dave Howarth Executive Director: Marketing and Client Liaison 43 Air School (Pty) Ltd Tel: +27 46 6043600 Fax: +27 46 6242432 www.43airschool.com

A Division of National Airways and Finance Corporation Limited (NAFCO) Private Bag X43, Port Alfred, 6170 South Africa Telephone: +27 (0)46 604 3600, Facsimile: +27 (0)46 624 2432, Website: www.43airschool.com Directors: MS Banner (Chairman), WA Niemann (Chief Executive Officer), EM Khoza*, SN Musson, DJ Howarth, HP Smit*, S Stiglingh (*Non Executive Director) Reg. No.: 1988/006515/07

Estimate Commercial Pilot Licence (A)

Mr Emmanuel Cece

Date of Estimate: 4 July 2011 Home Tel: Work Tel: +256700507391 Cell no.: +254704594947 Email: emmanuel_cece@yahoo.com Age: 20

47 hrs of flying training in a Piper Cherokee 140 85 hrs of flying training in a Piper Cherokee 180 28 hrs of flying training in a Piper Arrow 33 hrs of flying training in a Piper Seneca 26 hrs of flying training in a Alsim 100/200 Simulator Study material, text books & equipment PPL exams, licence, rating and navigation fees PPL & CPL lecturing fees CPL exams & away costs (based on a single sitting in Port Elizabeth) Flight test fees OPTION 1: MULTI-ENGINE CPL & MULTI-ENGINE IR, CRM & DANGEROUS GOODS OPTION 2: SINGLE-ENGINE CPL & MULTI-ENGINE IR, CRM & DANGEROUS GOODS 47 hrs of flying training in a Piper Cherokee 140 85 hrs of flying training in a Piper Cherokee 180 41 hrs of flying training in a Piper Arrow 20 hrs of flying training in a Piper Seneca 26 hrs of flying training in a Alsim 100/200 Simulator OPTION 3: SINGLE-ENGINE CPL & SINGLE-ENGINE IR, CRM & DANGEROUS GOODS 47 hrs of flying training in a Piper Cherokee 140 85 hrs of flying training in a Piper Cherokee 180 53 hrs of flying training in a Piper Arrow 24 hrs of flying training in a Alsim 100/200 Simulator R 383,976 R 445,166 R 427,577

I hereby accept the estimate and Conditions of Enrolment. Signed _________________________________________________ on __________/__________/20_______ (If under 18, signature of the legal guardian will be required) CPL-A-Cece-040711-2 MAR/QUOF1(c)

Estimate cont. Commercial Pilot Licence (A)

PLEASE NOTE: Prices include 14% VAT and are valid for thirty days from the date of this estimate. The hourly rates will be subject to a monthly adjustment, according to fluctuations in the price of aviation fuel. CONFIRMED BOOKINGS: An updated estimate with the current hourly rates will be sent one week prior to the start of your course, or an earlier request. For accommodation on-campus add - 357 Days (Three meals per day and laundry are included in the daily rate)
Your study materials & equipment (which you will keep at the end of your course) consists of: 43 PPL Manual, Air Pilot Manual, 140/180 Handbooks for the Cherokee Aircraft, Aeronav Notes, Maps(8), Note Books(11), Clip Board, Ruler, Protractor, Log Book, E6B Computer, PPL/CPL Training File,Radio Handbook, Load Sheet Books(2),43 Cap, Navigation Books(2),Arrow Manual, Pathfinder, Jeppeson Start Kit, Seneca Manual, Sennheiser Headset, Multi-Engine Training Manual, Fuel Tester, Chamois, Phase 5 & 6 Simulator Notes, All Weather Operations, Wings (material/metal), Sock Bag, Blue Overalls(2), Navy Pants(2), Pilot Shirts(4), Tie, 43 Air School Bag, Jersey, Eppaulets(2), Foggles, Stopwatch, Torch, Knee Board.

R 82,110

I hereby accept the estimate and Conditions of Enrolment. Signed _________________________________________________ on __________/__________/20_______ (If under 18, signature of the legal guardian will be required) CPL-A-Cece-040711-2 MAR/QUOF1(c)

Payment of Course Fees Commercial Pilot Licence (A)

PPL/CPL, CRM & DANGEROUS GOODS - As per the payment schedule below or as revised:

FLYING TRAINING Option 1 ENROLMENT FEE Due prior to start of course 1st day of the 2nd month 1st day of the 3rd month 1st day of the 4th month 1st day of the 5th month 1st day of the 6th month 1st day of the 7th month 1st day of the 8th month 1st day of the 9th month 1st day of the 10th month 1st day of the 11th month 1st day of the 12th month TOTAL R 17,500 R 89,033 R 80,130 R 57,872 R 48,968 RRRRR 48,968 R 31,162 R 57,872 R 13,662 R 445,166 R 85,515 R 76,964 R 55,585 R 47,033 RRRRR 47,033 R 29,930 R 55,585 R 12,430 R 427,577 R 76,795 R 69,116 R 49,917 R 42,237 RRRRR 42,237 R 26,878 R 49,917 R 9,378 R 383,976 Option 2 Option 3


(The enrolment fee forms part of the last payment on conclusion of the course) R 7,130 R 7,130 R 7,130 R 7,130 R 7,130 R 7,130 R 7,130 R 7,130 R 7,130 R 7,130 R 7,130 R 3,680 R 82,110



Excellence in Aviation Training

Enrolment Form Commercial Pilot Licence (A)

Mr Emmanuel Cece

Date of Estimate: 4 July 2011 Home Tel: Work Tel: +256700507391 Cell no.: +254704594947 Email: emmanuel_cece@yahoo.com Age: 20

I would like to start my course on Later Date and enclose a R17 500 non refundable deposit to secure my place and the remainder of the course fees. Bank transfers can be made to: 43 Air School (Pty) Ltd First National Bank Port Alfred branch, code 210917 Account number 62047952248 Swift Code: FIRNZAJJ

BOOKINGS CAN ONLY BE CONFIRMED ONCE WE HAVE RECEIVED THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Deposit Slip Signed Estimate Page Signed Enrolment Form Signed Conditions of Enrolment Pages (3) Copy of ID or Passport Copy of Medical Aid Certificate and/or card (Both front & back), or Completed Application form.

Please Note: Only on receipt of a confirmation letter from our office, is your booking officially confirmed. The documents can either be faxed to us on: +27 46 6244774 or emailed to: fly@43airschool.com PLEASE INDICATE YOUR CHOICE: OPTION 1 - Multi-Engine CPL & Multi-Engine IR - YES / NO OPTION 2 - Single-Engine CPL & Multi-Engine IR - YES / NO OPTION 3 - Single-Engine CPL & Single-Engine IR - YES / NO I hereby accept the estimate and Conditions of Enrolment. Signed _________________________________________________ on __________/__________/20_______ (If under 18, signature of the legal guardian will be required) CPL-A-Cece-040711-2 MAR/ENROL ACCOMMODATION ACCOMMODATION ACCOMMODATION YES / NO YES / NO YES / NO

Enrolment Form cont. Commercial Pilot Licence (A)

ARRIVAL DETAILS: I will arrive in Port Elizabeth on flight number __________________ on _____/_____/20____ at ________ hrs. (Transport to Port Alfred leaves on Sunday at 15:00. Please arrange for your flight to arrive in time for this.) I will arrive in port Alfred in my own transport on _____/_____/20____ at _______ hrs. I will let you know of my travel arrangements closer to the time. GENERAL DETAILS: For the issue of name tags, etc.. please state preferred name ________________________________ For the issue of flying overalls please give your pants size _____, height _____ cm, and weight _____ kgs.

I hereby accept the estimate and Conditions of Enrolment. Signed _________________________________________________ on __________/__________/20_______ (If under 18, signature of the legal guardian will be required) CPL-A-Cece-040711-2 MAR/ENROL

Conditions of Enrolment

Enrolment for a training course offered by 43 Air School is subject to the following conditions, or as amended at the time of commencement of the course. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY AND MAKE SURE YOU UNDERSTAND THE CONTENTS. Flying Training 1. Students will be available and present at all reasonable times for flying training, lectures and other course related activities. 2. Students will adhere to the training programme as scheduled by 43 Air School. This includes the scheduling of all examinations and practical flight tests. The programme might be adapted from time to time as deemed necessary by the school. 3. The daily flying and lecture schedules will be adapted as necessary at short notice as dictated by weather and other operational requirements. 4. Every effort will be made to complete the training courses in time, but 43 Air School cannot be held responsible for delays caused by the weather. 5. 43 Air School does not guarantee that students will pass the exams or flight tests, but will give them every assistance in accordance with the training programme to achieve these goals. 6. Students who do not turn up for their flying lesson will, as a first transgression, be given a final warning. A second transgression will result in the student being charged the current 'no show' rates and thereafter, the student will be charged the full hourly rate for whichever aicraft the student booked to fly. Accommodation 1. Accommodation on campus is provided for a period of not less than the course duration. 2. When absent from the campus as scheduled by the school for a training exercise or an examination which is part of the course programme, and 43 Air School is not providing off-campus accommodation, students will not be debited for accommodation at the school. 3. The school operates 363 days per year and the training programme makes no provision for any leave. Where a student has to attend a special occasion or event and be away for a brief period (2-4 days) and his/her training programme allows it, prior arrangement has to be made with his/her instructor/flight manager.

Signed _________________________________________________ on __________/__________/20_______ (If under 18, signature of the legal guardian will be required) CPL-A-Cece-040711-2 MAR/QUO1

Conditions of Enrolment cont.

Fees 1. Prices include 14% VAT and are valid for thirty days from the date of the estimate, excluding CAA examination and licence fees as well as inceases in levy as a result of increases in the price of aviation fuel by our supplier or as determined by BP. 2. Course fees cannot be used for purchases from the Pilot Shop. Additional funds will have to be provided for before a student will be allowed to charge the purchase to their student account. 3. The non-refundable entrance fee specified in the estimate is payable on enrolment to secure a booking for any course, this will be included as part of the final payment on conclusion of the course. 4. Payment of the balance of the course fees will be in accordance with the schedule submitted with the estimate, or any subsequent revised schedule. 5. Prices are subject to normal increases. An annual inflation linked adjustment is normally with effect from June. 6. The payment schedule is based on projected costs for each calendar month. 7. The date of payment will be on or before the first day of every month. 8. Training will commence when the scheduled payment has been received by 43 Air School. 9. Should there not be a credit balance before the end of a month, training will be resumed when the funds to meet the projected additional costs for that month, have been received. 10. If no funds have been received after a seven (7) day period, it will be deemed that the student has terminated their course. The standard booking procedures, along with a further deposit, will be required to secure a further booking. 11. The payment schedule will be revised in the event of any significant changes to the training programme. 12. No cash advances for purposes other than the scheduled training programme will be made to students by 43 Air School, from fees received for the flying training course. 13. Any refund of residue fund will be effected within 90 days after completion.

Signed _________________________________________________ on __________/__________/20_______ (If under 18, signature of the legal guardian will be required) CPL-A-Cece-040711-2 MAR/QUO1

Conditions of Enrolment cont.

Termination of a Training Course 1. Should a student terminate any part of their flying training course, they will be deemed to have terminated their course, unless otherwise agreed to by 43 Air School. 2. In the event of a training course being terminated prematurely by 43 Air School for reasons of contravention of of these conditions, or by the student for any reason, 43 Air School will refund the unused portion of the fees received, minus a cancellation fee and any other costs which 43 Air School may have incurred on behalf of the student. The cancellation fee will be equal to 25% of the uncompleted portion of the estimate, or to the non-refundable deposit, whichever is less. The refund will be made not later than ninety (90) days after notification in writing of termination of the training course has been received by the school. 3. In the event of 43 Air School terminating a training course for reasons other than a contravention of these conditions, the client will be entitled to a refund of the unused portion of their fees minus any other costs which 43 Air School may have incurred on behalf of the student. 4. Should a client not commence the scheduled training programme within seven (7) days of the agreed upon start date without prior approval by 43 Air School, they will be deemed to have terminated their course. 5. Should a client suspend their training programme for a period of more than seven (7) consecutive days without prior approval by 43 Air School, they will be deemed to have terminated their course. 6. If after a ten (10) week period a student has not passed the PPL examinations, the student will unfortunately, be required to move off-campus. R100 will then be levied for every exam booking. General 1. Students will abide by the rules laid down in the company Manual of Procedures. 2. Attention is specifically drawn to the company's right, in the interest of flying safety, to carry out periodic spot checks for substance abuse. 3. Students will abide by the 43 Air School dress code. 4. Students will abide by the acceptable standards of behavior and not engage in discourse or action that will give offence to others. 5. Students will not act in any way that may jeopardise the good name of 43 Air School. 6. Students will not act in any way that will damage or deface any property of 43 Air School, and will be responsible for the cost of repairing any such damage they have caused. 7. Students will not at any stage remove any property, training files, programmes or copies thereof, from the school premises or allocated place of storage of such items. 8. All premises, facilities and equipment of 43 Air School are for use by the school's students and staff only. Visitors are welcome at the invitation of staff/students between the times of 08:30 and 19:00. Management must be notified of such visits. 9. Although our aircraft are comprehensively insured, students are not insured in their personal capacity.

Signed _________________________________________________ on __________/__________/20_______ (If under 18, signature of the legal guardian will be required) CPL-A-Cece-040711-2 MAR/QUO1

Excellence in Aviation Training

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