Renters Agreement July 2023

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AeroDynamic Aviation® Renter’s Agreement

Renter’s Agreement
First Name _____________________________ Last Name__________________________________
City ____________________________________ State _____________________ Zip _____________
Home Phone ___________________________ Work Phone ________________________________
Cell Phone _________________________________ Nationality _____________________________
Email Address ______________________________________________________________________
Date of joining AeroDynamic Aviation __________________ Student pilot? ☐ YES ☐ NO
Emergency Contact __________________________________________________________________
Address ______________________________________________________________________
Phone Number(s) _____________________________________________________________

Pilot certificates, Ratings and Endorsements: ____________________________________________

Flying experience and approximate # of hours __________________________________________
Date of last flight review: _______________ Class of Medical ___________ Due ______________
Have you had any deviations, incidents, accidents, violations
or suspensions of your pilot’s license? ☐ YES ☐ NO
If you answered YES, please explain ___________________________________________________

I understand and agree to all of the following conditions and clauses. All rentals are subject to
this Agreement and any subsequent amendments hereto. This Agreement, whether signed or
not, shall constitute the entire agreement between AeroDynamic Aviation and the Renter. It
supersedes any verbal or other agreement between AeroDynamic Aviation and the Renter. I
understand that violation of this agreement may terminate my rental privileges at
AeroDynamic Aviation and put me solely at fault.

I authorize AeroDynamic Aviation to charge my Credit Card in the event my account balance
is negative. If a negative balance persists for more than 30 days; an additional 3% of the
amount due will also be added. My Credit Card details are:
Visa/MasterCard __________________________________________Exp. Date ________________
Billing Zip Code ___________________ CVV Code on back ___________________
Printed Name: ________________________________ Signature: ____________________________

We periodically send out emails regarding policy updates, ground school classes, and other
news. We do not use or sell your email for any other purpose. If you would like to opt out of
these emails, please check here: ☐

July 2023 Initials __________________ Date __________________ 1

AeroDynamic Aviation® Renter’s Agreement
We like to share our students’ achievements on our blog and social media. For your first solo
and passing a checkride, please send us a photo and brief email about why you started flying,
experience, and plans for future flying. If you would like to opt out, please check here: ☐
We want you to fly safely and have fun. PLEASE read the following document carefully before
you sign it. Ignorance of its contents will not be an acceptable excuse. Flying or training with
us is always under the terms and conditions of the latest revision of this document. These rules
may change without prior notice. Changes will be posted in the office and/or on our website.

General Operations
² All students and renters must complete an Aircraft Review sheet and checkout flight for
each Make & Model of aircraft to be rented to demonstrate proficiency.
² The pilot-in-command must be a renter with an appropriate aircraft checkout by an
AeroDynamic Aviation instructor.
² All solo students and renters must have a current, appropriate aircraft insurance policy on
file with the office for at least $20,000 liability, physical and property coverage.
² Pilots may be required to fly with the Chief Instructor at any time, at her discretion.
² All flights are to be logged in the aircraft’s binder with renter’s name, date, hobbs and tach.
² All hobbs or maintenance discrepancies must be logged prior to departing.
² Renter will round up to the nearest hobbs number if any part of next digit is showing.
² Renter will plan all flights to allow for adequate climb, cruise, and descents consistent with
careful and considerate operation of the aircraft, in particular preventing shock cooling of
the engine due to rapid power reduction. Renter will not continuously use more than 70%
power (65% on hot days when local airport temperatures exceed 32°C/90°F) except during
takeoff or climb phases of flight, unless operationally necessary. Renter will lean during
cruise according to the AFM/POH, or 75 degrees rich of peak in the absence of other
information. Failure to follow these guideline can be construed as careless operation.
² All Federal, State, and Local Air Safety regulations and all manufacturer’s operating
procedures and limitations will be observed.
² Renter will plan all segments of a flight to land with at least the FAR required minimums.
² Renter will land only at charted airports that have an adequate runway for the type of
aircraft flown, except as a precautionary or emergency measure if absolutely necessary.
² Pets are not permitted in our aircraft, as some of our customers have pet allergies.
² Renter will fly only from the seat(s) of the aircraft for which he/she is checked out.
² Renter will not engage in reckless flying as judged by commonly accepted principles.
² Flights over water beyond engine-out gliding distance are forbidden with the exception of
flights to Catalina Island, which requires approval from the Chief Instructor and is at the
renter’s own risk.
² Prices are subject to change. Current rates are posted in the office and on our website.
² Negative accounts are not permitted. Flights must be paid immediately upon check in.
² All returned or bounced checks will be assessed a $20 fee.
² AeroDynamic Aviation reserves the right to refuse rental and instruction services for any
reason. No guarantees of training completion or pilot certification are expressed or implied.

² We require all solo students and renters to maintain a level of proficiency. Flying solo
beyond our currency policy means you are operating outside this renter’s agreement and
are completely liable/at fault for any and all damages or penalties that occur.
July 2023 Initials __________________ Date __________________ 2
AeroDynamic Aviation® Renter’s Agreement
² If a renter is outside of the currencies listed below and hasn’t flown in more than 6 months,
a full checkout (including checkout sheet) must be completed.
² If you have flown recently in your airplane or with another school, please show currency to
the front office to have this waived; otherwise, there are no exceptions to these policies.
² These currency policies are in addition to the FAR minimums and apply regardless of
whether you are carrying passengers or not. A currency check with a CFI can be brief if you
are proficient; however, our instructors will use their discretion to make sure you are safe
before signing you off as Pilot In Command.
² All currencies listed below must include a minimum of 3 takeoffs and landings.
• Solo students: Students endorsed for solo flight must have flown (dual or solo) within the
preceding 14 days and must have flown with an instructor within the preceding 30 days.
• Tailwheel: Must have flown tailwheel within the preceding 30 days.
• Cessna 172: Must have flown a single-engine airplane within the preceding 90 days.
• Complex: Must have flown a complex airplane within the preceding 90 days.
• High Performance: Must have flown a high-performance airplane within the preceding 90
• Multi-Engine: Must have flown a twin-engine aircraft within the preceding 90 days.
• Aerobatics: Must have flown at least one hour of aerobatic flight within the previous 90
days, as well as performed an annual currency check with our Chief Instructor.
• Night flight: Must have flown at night within the preceding 12 months.

Fueling Restrictions
² RHV: Renters will return Citabrias and Cessna 150 with no more than ½ tanks. The
Skylane and Cutlass will be returned with no more than ¾ tanks. Over-fueling can incur a
charge for the next flight’s lost rental, lost instructor time and mechanic’s time to de-fuel.
² SNS: After a flight, if returning with less than ½ tanks, renter will call Jet West to refill fuel
to between ½ to ¾ tanks (give a gallon amount). Failure to do so can incur charge of $50.
² MRY: Cessna 53456 will not be filled (62 usable gallons) unless absolutely needed for XC.
Please return will ½ tanks or less to avoid a charge to de-fuel for the next flight.

Scheduling Policies, Cancellations or Changes

² Renter must be on the schedule for the aircraft they are flying. Renter must check out the
aircraft through Paperless FBO prior to departing and check in upon return.
² Aircraft and instructor bookings will be made on the hour (not on the half hour) or it may
be modified by the office to start and end on the hour.
² Reserving aircraft for preflight purposes is not permitted. If a student or renter reserves an
aircraft for preflight, they will be billed for that time at that aircraft’s hourly rate.
² Reservations of less than 4 hours’ duration must be cancelled or modified at least 24 hours
prior to scheduled time. Failure to cancel/modify with less than 24 hours’ notice will result
in charges up to the amount of lost rental and lost instructor time.
² Reservations totaling 4 hours or more per day must be cancelled or modified at least 3 days
(72 hours) prior to scheduled departure time, or the renter will be billed the daily minimum
for the airplane and instructor time each day.
² Stage checks must be cancelled at least 2 days prior, or the student will be billed up to the
amount of lost rental and lost instructor time.
² Aircraft must be checked out within half an hour of the scheduled time. After half an hour,
the office reserves the right to reschedule the airplane. Charges will be applied for late
arrivals, cancellations or no-shows up to the amount of lost rental and lost instructor time.
July 2023 Initials __________________ Date __________________ 3
AeroDynamic Aviation® Renter’s Agreement
² Aircraft must be parked and checked in by the scheduled return time, weather permitting,
and in the same condition as inspected at preflight. Additional charges may be applied for
late returns or aircraft retrieval.
² Overnight flights require prior approval. Renter will leave an itinerary and contact phone
numbers with the office prior to departure.
² Renters who abuse scheduling privileges and/or often cancel just outside the 24-hour
window will be have their ability to schedule revoked and/or be asked to fly elsewhere.

Daily Minimums:
² Aircraft scheduled for 4 hours or more will be charged for at least half of the scheduled
time up to the daily minimums, which are as follows:
- Cessna 172 and all Citabria/Decathlon
o Monday through Thursday is a minimum of 3 hours
o Friday through Sunday is a minimum of 4 hours
- Other aircraft
o Monday through Thursday is a minimum of 2 hours
o Friday through Sunday is a minimum of 3 hours
Ex 1: Any plane booked for 4 hours but only flown 1.8 hobbs will be charged as 2 hours.
Ex 2: A C172 booked for 8 hours on Monday but only flown 2.6 will be charged for 3 hours
(which is the daily minimum of 3 hours).

*Note: If there are circumstances such as student solo cross-country training flights or if you
want time to get lunch or just hang out wherever you go, let the office know ahead of time so
we can work with you to make an exception. Our overall goal is to keep all bookings to an
appropriate amount of time so our aircraft are available for students working to complete their
training and renters to enjoy flying somewhere fun for the $200 hamburger.

Student Pilot Operations

² Students must get an instructor’s approval before all solo flights and solo cross-country
flights, with specific reference to wind and weather conditions.
² Student pilots must comply with all restrictions imposed by their instructor.
² No student solo cross-country flights permitted if any of the following marginal VFR
conditions exist, unless otherwise endorsed by their instructor:
• Ceiling less than 5000’ anywhere along the route or 2500’ in the traffic pattern
• Visibility less than 6 sm anywhere along the route
• Surface wind over 12 kts or crosswind over 5kts at any airports of intended landing
² Solo students will not practice emergencies, wheel landings, touch-and-goes, or conduct
back-taxis on the runway.
² Short-field or soft-field takeoffs and landings may be practiced with instructor’s
permission, but 5 kts/mph must be added to approach speed for short-field landings.
² Student solo flights are prohibited between sunset and sunrise.
² Solo students will practice all air work above 3000’ AGL. Exception: Ground reference
maneuvers will be done at a minimum of 1000’ AGL and over non-populated areas.
² Student solos are not permitted to fly-in events without Chief Flight Instructor approval.
² Only AeroDynamic Aviation’s instructors are allowed to give dual instruction to a student,
regardless of which certificate or rating the student or pilot is working on.
² All student pilots must pass AeroDynamic’s required stage checks. Pilots training for an
additional certificate or rating must pass a stage check prior to checkride.
July 2023 Initials __________________ Date __________________ 4
AeroDynamic Aviation® Renter’s Agreement
Cross-Country Flights and Flights to Other Airports
² A comprehensive weather brief including current and forecast conditions will be obtained
from a valid source (1-800-WXBRIEF, Foreflight,, etc.) before
going on cross-country flights. A flight plan that includes details of the route and airports
of intended landing will be filed with Flight Service and a copy left with the office.
² A mountain checkout is required for takeoff and landing at airports above 3000’ density
altitude or any flight operating over mountainous terrain (elevation > 4000’ MSL), i.e.
flying into or over the Sierras.
² Any flights outside the 48 contiguous United States require written permission from an
owner of AeroDynamic Aviation. Flights into Mexico are absolutely forbidden.
² Off-taxiway operations are prohibited for any reason except aircraft parking. Operations on
gravel or dirt are to be undertaken with the utmost care. Renter will be accountable for the
cost of damage caused by such operations (propeller dings, paint, etc.). Flights to Burning
Man are prohibited.
² It is the renter’s responsibility to obtain permission from AeroDynamic Aviation and the
property owner before conducting operations at private or restricted use airports.
² Credit for fuel or oil purchased outside AeroDynamic Aviation will be issued upon
submittal of the original fuel receipt, which must show the date and aircraft’s N number.
Reimbursement will be only up to the cash per-gallon price charged by AeroDynamic at
the airplane’s normal base (i.e. RHV).
² Renter is responsible for all fees or charges from third parties (e.g. landing or tie down fee).
² Renter is responsible for any NOAA violation fees, especially flights below 1000’ along
protected areas of the coast.

Preflight and Starting Operations

² The renter will inspect and make a ground check of the aircraft, its equipment and
accessories before takeoff using the provided AeroDynamic Aviation’s checklists or the
checklist in the POH/AFM. Renter will not take the aircraft until he/she is satisfied as to its
airworthiness and proper functioning of equipment and accessories. If checklists are
missing, they are available in the office or on our website.
² If the renter finds something wrong with the aircraft, it must be reported prior to departure
or renter may be held accountable for the costs.
² Renters will round up if any part of the next hobbs digit is visible. If there is a hobbs meter
mismatch, it must be reported prior to departing.
² During aircraft start, renter will ensure that the aircraft does not cause any hazard to any
objects or other aircraft parked on the ramp due to prop wash.
² Hand propping is not allowed.
² Taxiing through tie down spots is prohibited.
² Towbars will be used only for steering. Pulling on the towbar is dangerous as it can detach.
² Renter will taxi at a slow or moderate speed appropriate to conditions at all times.
² Both main wheels must be chocked when aircraft is parked outside its tiedown spot.
² Renter will exercise caution to avoid over-priming, flooding, or excess wear on starter.

Returning Aircraft
² Renter will return the aircraft clean with the seat belts/control locks secured, master and
magneto switches off, the wheels chocked, and the aircraft tied down in an approved
parking spot.
² There will be a minimum $50 charge for leaving the master or magneto switches on.
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AeroDynamic Aviation® Renter’s Agreement
² Renter will enter hobbs and Tach time into the aircraft binder and check aircraft in through
Paperless FBO.
² A charge may apply for not properly securing the aircraft or leaving trash in the aircraft.

At Reid-Hillview only
² Renter will preflight the aircraft in its parking spot.
² Taxiing to the fuel truck is prohibited. Aircraft must be carefully hand-towed to fuel truck.
² Leaving aircraft parked at the fuel truck is prohibited.
² Aircraft will be pulled out onto the centerline and turned away from the other parked
planes before starting engine. Renter will visually clear the area before starting.
² Renter will not taxi through or pull the airplane through tiedown spots.
² Renter will shut the airplane down on the center of the taxiway, then push it into its
parking place.
² No pivoting at high power or otherwise blowing dust/dirt/debris! If an aircraft is blocking
the taxiway, find a safe area to shut down and tow the airplane to its tie down spot.
² No engine-out simulation during takeoff or climb out from Reid-Hillview airport, whether
dual or solo.
² A membership is required for all flight training and aircraft rentals.

Block Accounts (Reid-Hillview only)

² Customers in good standing (membership paid up, positive account balance) making
prepayments of $500 or greater, are entitled to a credit of 10% for check or cash, or 7% for
credit card. We will not accept more than $2,000 on account.
² The $50 monthly membership fee is charged automatically. It is your responsibility to
advise the office if you wish to suspend or cancel your membership. Doing so will also
suspend your access to scheduling. We cannot offer refunds of monthly memberships if the
office was not advised in advance of your wish to suspend your account.
² Overdrawn block accounts must be paid in full first before a new block can be purchased.
² Block accounts are not refundable, negotiable, or transferable.
² Delinquent block accounts are subject to a service charge of 3% per month on the entire
balance. Delinquency consists of balances overdrawn for over 30 days.

Tailwheel Aircraft
² Renters must comply with currency policies listed above.
² A separate checkout is required for toe brakes, heel brakes, and each make/model.
² Minimum 10 hours’ dual instruction is required for pilots with no previous tailwheel time.
² Wheel landings in tailwheel aircraft are at renter’s own risk. Solo students are not allowed
to practice wheel landings.
² Excessive braking during landing can cause the tail to rise and the aircraft to nose-over.
Utilize gentle braking whenever possible.
² Prop strikes cost a minimum of $20,000, payable on impact.

Aerobatics and/or Decathlon rentals

² Renters must comply with currency policies listed above for aerobatics and tailwheel.
² A checkout and annual aerobatic currency flight with our Chief Instructor is required to
perform any solo aerobatic maneuvers.
² A annual checkout with our Chief Instructor is required for anyone renting the Decathlon.

July 2023 Initials __________________ Date __________________ 6

AeroDynamic Aviation® Renter’s Agreement
Complex, High-Performance, and Twin-Engine Aircraft
² Renters must comply with currency policies listed above.
² Touch-and-go landings are prohibited in any complex or retractable gear aircraft.
² All pilots must have the Aircraft Checkout sheet plus the Complex, High-Performance, or
Multi-engine Addendum completed prior to solo flights.
² Multi-engine insurance is required to train in or rent our Twin Comanche.

In Case of Accident or Incident

² Renter will immediately report any incident or accident to AeroDynamic Aviation. Renter
will obtain any available information of witnesses and involved parties. Renter will not
move the aircraft until authorized to do so by AeroDynamic Aviation, unless requested by
law enforcement.
² If a maintenance problem arises that requires a precautionary landing or was discovered
while at another airport, call AeroDynamic Aviation at (408)320-9614, Josh at (831)707-4475
or Jen at (619)244-0069 immediately for assistance.
² If damage occurs to the rented aircraft, renter will be liable for the first US $20,000.00 in
damages, however caused, unless caused by renter’s negligence or by breaking the terms of
this Agreement, in which case renter will be responsible for all the damage costs incurred.
² Renter is responsible for maintaining renter’s insurance in the amount adequate to protect
against damage or loss of the aircraft, but in no case less than $20,000.
² Renter will pay for damages within 30 days of the damage occurrence.
² Renter will be responsible for the rented airplane’s security and safety while it is in renter’s
possession. Any damage, loss, or theft will be renter’s financial responsibility.
² AeroDynamic Aviation is not responsible for any retrieval cost incurred.
² Renter agrees to pay for any loss or damage to the aircraft or to other persons or property
caused in whole or in part by renter’s negligence, abuse, careless operation, or decision to
engage in risky operations.

Negligent, abusive, careless, or risky operations specifically include but are not limited to the
following, unless caused by a mechanical failure:
- propeller strikes, wheel barrowing, nosing over
- running off the runway and/or ground loops
- burst or flat-spotted tires due to misuse of brakes and any consequent damage
- fuel starvation
- exceeding an aircraft limitation
- flying over water beyond gliding distance from the shore
- flying in weather conditions beyond the limitations in pilot’s logbook/certificate
- exceeding the airplane limitations
- operating the powerplant contrary to guidance listed above
- over-priming or flooding which results in an engine fire during start
- touch-and-go landings during solo or complex aircraft operations
- wheel landings during solo tailwheel operations
- contravening the safety of flight provisions of this agreement

If aircraft damage results from any negligent, abusive, careless, or risky operations,
including those listed above, the renter will be responsible for ALL costs of the damages.

July 2023 Initials __________________ Date __________________ 7

AeroDynamic Aviation® Renter’s Agreement
² Renter will not tamper with or attempt to repair any part of the airplane or its accessories.
² Renter will notify AeroDynamic Aviation if repairs are necessary and get approval before
authorizing any work.
² It is the renter’s responsibility to return aircraft to AeroDynamic Aviation premises. If
renter is unable to do so, renter will pay any costs incurred in recovering the aircraft. This
includes but is not limited to ferry costs.
² In the event of a mechanical difficulty, renter will be responsible for any personal costs
associated with the flight, including renter’s transportation costs; however AeroDynamic
Aviation will be responsible for the cost of returning the aircraft unless renter is found
responsible for the difficulty.
² Renter expressly agrees to and hereby indemnifies and holds AeroDynamic Aviation
harmless of, from and against any and all loss, cost and attorney’s fees and/or liability in
connection with this rental agreement.

In case of a deviation, incident or accident, the renter will immediately contact the Chief Flight
Instructor and their CFI, if applicable. The renter will be required to fly with an instructor and
then the Chief Instructor until the Chief Instructor is satisfied that renter can act as pilot-in-
command in AeroDynamic Aviation aircraft.

I have read and understand the terms of this Renter’s Agreement. I agree to all of the above
terms and conditions of this agreement. I understand operating outside the parameters set
forth in this Agreement may result in loss of insurance coverage. I understand this puts me at
risk for any violations, damages, insurance claims, and full liability. I agree to have the
required aircraft insurance policy for at least $20,000 liability, physical and property coverage
prior to my first solo flight and at all times thereafter.

I agree to operate safely, exercise good judgment, respect and abide by all AeroDynamic
Aviation policies and FAA regulations, and treat the aircraft and staff kindly J Failure to do
so will result in termination of my rental privileges at AeroDynamic Aviation.

____________________________ ___________________________ ___________________

Signature Print Name Date


Parent/Guardian Permission, Assumption of Risk, Waiver & Release

I certify that I am _____________________________’s parent or legal guardian. As such, I have
carefully read and understood AeroDynamic Aviation’s Renter’s Agreement in its entirety. I
will ensure compliance with all policies and agree to be held financially responsible for this
minor. I hereby give my child permission to participate in flight training, understand all risks
associated with flight training and waive all claims, causes of action and suits against
AeroDynamic Aviation.

Signature of Parent or Guardian: __________________________________ Date: ____________

July 2023 Initials __________________ Date __________________ 8

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