Company One Pager - Fahmy
Company One Pager - Fahmy
Company One Pager - Fahmy
Fahmy Baobid
2 Kallang Ave
#09-21 CT Hub
Singapore 339407
Arlington, MA (Gov’t Sales Operations)
Overview of customer profiles and their journey
AI Driven Service Standards PROPERTY MANAGEMENT
Measure KPIs & Metrics to benchmark
and improve service standards Optimise Property Management with
Video Analytics
Set Goals and
Digital transformation and the prevalance of
technology enables Property Managers to harness its
power at every part of the value chain. A survey by
Baseline KPMG found that companies’ main objective in
Assessment adopting new technology is to improve
efficiencies and decision-making.
● Set baseline standards for service
● Send alerts when service standards While many property managers realise the value of
drop below baseline these solutions, many don’t realize how AI technology
can be easily integrated into existing buildings,
KPIs & Metrics
optimizing how they are managed and maintained,
● Measure KPIs between different helping them identify and proactively respond to
developments incidents, increasing productivity and improve service
● Easily integrate with other data standards.
Offices 4 Scalable
Easily scalable across multiple properties, that are
regional or even international
2 Kallang Ave
#09-21 CT Hub
Singapore 339407 5 Rapidly Deployable
Have a solution ready to deploy in 2 weeks
Arlington, MA (Gov’t Sales Operations)