Play Analysis
Play Analysis
Play Analysis
A. Environmental Facts
Geographical location:
Economic Environment:
Political Environment:
Social Environment:
Religious environment:
B. Previous Action: What were the main characters doing prior to the play starting?
Explain in detail what the characters were doing before they entered the stage.
C. Polar Attitudes of the principal characters, both in the beginning and at the ending. (Man vs
Man, Man vs Society, Man vs Nature, and Man vs Self)
Main Character Name vs Antagonist Name
Sidekick Name vs Citizens of the City
Antagonist Name vs Wind
Supporting Character Name vs Their Past
II. Dialogue: This is how the characters talk to each other and the general tone of how the play is
being said. (Enumerate as many as you can find)
A. Choice of words: How do the characters speak and what kind of vocabulary do they use?
B. Choice of phrases and sentence structures: What kind of notable phrases and tones are
being used in conversation?
D. The sound of the dialogue: What are the kinds of sounds and tones do the characters use
when speaking?
E. Structure of the lines and speeches: How do the characters respond to the dialogue?
III. Dramatic Action: Break down each of the scenes through the different actions of the characters
1. A. Bedroom
B. Seth mopes
C. Seth mopes on his bed while Grandma tells him that his mother wants to speak with
him through the phone
Tempo: Slow
Moods: bumpy, salty, tangy, hard, blue; When you’re expecting cookies in the cookie
tin but it’s just sewing supplies.