Research On Royal Enfield Hunter 350

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Research on Royal Enfield Hunter 350

Management Problem:
Is Royal Enfield Hunter 350 successful or not ?

Research Questions:
1. What are the expectations of the company from this newly launched product ?
2. What is satisfaction level of existing customers ?
3. Is it fulfilled the expectations of customers ?

1. To know the expectations of the company from this newly launched product.
2. To analyze the satisfaction level of existing consumers.
3. To know Whether it has fulfilled the expectations of customers.

Group: 01
Nagraj PG
Halesh BT
Saikoushik E
1. Name :____________________

2. Gender
a) Male
b) Female

3. Why did you buy Royal Enfield Hunter 350.

a) Trust Worthy
b) Better quality
c) Better feature
d) Other

4. Are you satisfied with the full efficiency of your bike.

a) Highly satisfied
b) Satisfied
c) Neutral
d) Unsatisfied
e) Highly Unsatisfied

5. Are you satisfied with this model of bike.

a) Highly satisfied
b) Satisfied
c) Neutral
d) Unsatisfied
e) Highly Unsatisfied

6. What do you like most in our bike.

a) Style
b) Power of bike
c) Quality
d) Others

7. Did you consider other motor cycle brands before buying Royal Enfield
a) Yes
b) No
If yes which Brand___________________________________________
8. How did you come to know about it.

a) News Paper
b) Advertisements
c) Friends
d) Relatives

9. Is Royal Enfield bike good on all roads.

a) Yes
b) No

10. What is your comment on the price of Royal Enfield Hunter 350.

a) Costly
b) Standard
c) Economical

11. Is there any variation in what you expected.

a) Price
b) Service
c) Quality
d) Mileage

12. Will you recommend this product to your friends and relatives.

a) Yes
b) No

13. What do you think about the availability of spare parts.

a) Readily available
b) Don’t get them readily
c) Don’t have good spare supply
d) Major headache

14. Occupation.

a) Student
b) Govt Employee
c) Ex- Serviceman
d) Professional
e) Other

15. Which payment mode you prefer.

a) Loan
b) Cash

16. Please specify your Bike Mileage.

a) 45 km & above
b) 40-45
c) 35-40
d) 30-35
e) Below 30

17. Which place do you prefer to purchase Royal Enfield bike.

a) Showroom
b) Direct second hand
c) Used vehicles dealership

18. Any major problem after purchasing Royal Enfield bike.

a) No problem
b) High Maintenance
c) Poor after sales service
d) High price
e) Low Mileage
19. Did the company responds to the customer complaints.
a) Yes
b) No

20. Frequency of breakdown of your bike.

a) Very often
b) Rarely
c) Not at all

21. How do you rate with regard to satisfaction level.

a) 1 star
b) 2 star
c) 3 star
d) 4 star
e) 5 star

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