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1) Name: ____________________ (optional)

2) Age: ____________
3) Height: (Cms) _______________Weight: (kgs) ______________
4) Current Location: ________________ (e.g.: Anna Nagar, KK Nagar, etc.) 5) Occupation:
a) Student b) Private Employee c) Government Employee
d) Self-Employee e) others (specify) _______________

6) Income per month:

a) Less than 15000 b) 15000-20000 c) 20000-25000
d) 25000-30000 e) 30000 & above f) Nil

7) Which model of Royal Enfield do you own?

a) Bullet 350 b) Bullet 500 c)Classic350 d) Classic 500
e) Electra f) Thunderbird 350 g) Thunderbird 500 h) Himalayan
i) Continental GT j) others (specify) ____________
8) How did you purchase the bike?
a) Full Cash b) Installment payment c) Loan/EMI
d) Gift from parents

9) Did you consider other motorcycle brands before buying the Royal Enfield bike??
a) Yes b) No
If yes, which bikes did you compare with (specify)
Brand_________________ Bike: __________________ cc: __________
10) Which outlet did you prefer to purchase your Royal Enfield bike?
a) Showroom b) Used vehicles dealership

11) Which of the following influenced you to choose your bike?

a) Magazines b) Friends c) Showrooms
d) Electronic Media e) others (specify) ________________
12) Mileage expected before purchasing of your bike?
a) 20-25 b) 25-30 c) 30-35
d) 35-40 e) 40 & above

13) How often do you use your bike?

a) Daily b) 1-2 times a Week c) weekends
d) Rarely/ occasionally

14) How available are the spare parts?

a) Readily available b) don’t get them readily
c) Don’t have good spares supply d) Major headache

15) I use my bike for: Tick mark all applicable on the agreement scale 1-10 [least agree (1) to strongly
agree (10)]

16) Did the following factors influence you to purchase the bike?
17) Please provide your satisfaction level on each of the following expectations?

18) Have you ever thought of shifting from the Royal Enfield brand due to following reasons?


19) Kindly give a few thoughts on your lifestyle


21) Your suggestion to improve product Quality of Royal Enfield


22) Your comments/ feedback on Royal Enfield Bike Experience




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