Dual Stack Yagi-Uda Antenna GR-1

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NOVEMBER 13, 2021



In the Philippines, especially in the rural areas of each region, Yagi Antenna is a

widely used antenna for the Filipino households as TV reception to receive more incoming

channels. Since Yagi is originated in Asia, specifically in Japan, the Philippines easily

adopted this antenna and used in different applications. It was built by Shintaro Uda and

Hidetsugu Yagi in 1926. The overall design of Yagi antenna contains resonant fed dipole,

with one or more parasitic elements. These parasitic elements are called reflector and

directors and the horizontal section between all elements is called boom (Kabel,2017). Yagi

antenna minimized the level of interference because it has a good directivity, and it radiates

signal in one main direction.

Antenna Patterns

The directional gain, front-to-back ratio, beam width, and unwanted (or wanted) side

lobes combine to form the overall radiation pattern. The antenna's radiation pattern

bandwidth is the range of frequencies above and below the design frequency in which the

pattern remains consistent. The directional gain, front-to-back ratio, beam width, and

unwanted (or wanted) side

lobes combine to form the overall radiation pattern. The antenna's radiation pattern

bandwidth is the range of frequencies above and below the design frequency in which the

pattern remains consistent. The directional gain, front-to-back ratio, beam width, and

unwanted (or wanted) side lobes combine to form the overall radiation pattern. The antenna's

radiation pattern bandwidth is the range of frequencies above and below the design

frequency in which the pattern remains consistent. The directional gain, front-to-back ratio,

beam width, and unwanted (or wanted) side

lobes combine to form the overall radiation pattern. The antenna's radiation pattern bandwidth
is the range of frequencies above and below the design frequency in which the pattern

The overall radiation pattern of Yagi Antenna is the combination of directional gain,

front to back ratio, beam width and side lobes. The bandwidth of this radiation pattern is the

range of frequencies in which the pattern remains consistent (Kabel,2017). You can control

these elements by adjusting the space and lengths of the succeeding directors by a certain

factor or

percentage. The Yagi antenna propagates electromagnetic field energy in the direction running

from the driven element toward the directors. Increasing the number of directors will increase

the forward gain and makes the antenna longer. Note that, typical Yagi, vertical or horizontal

has one reflector and one or more directors. The Yagi antenna exhibits a directional pattern

consisting of a main forward lobe and a number of spurious lobes to the rear and the side.

main spurious lobe is the reverse one caused by radiation in the direction of the reflector.

Altering the length and spacing of the reflector can reduce the radiation in reverse direction,

therefore, will optimize the antenna. Optimizing the Yagi will produce maximum level of



Yagi Antenna is particularly used in TV receptions, amateur radios, in fields of

RADARS, satellites, RFID applications and other domestic and commercial implementation

on which high gain and good directivity is needed.


This type of antenna is very popular so it is very important to know its advantages so that

we can ensure that we chose the correct type of antenna for particular use. Below are the

advantages of Yagi antenna.

 It is lightweight and easy to build.

 Compact in size and cost-effective antenna.

 Uses folded dipole for wider bandwidth.

 Offers unidirectional radiation pattern.

 It can minimize the level of interference for receiving and transmitting.

 High gain that even lower strength signal can be received.

 Low-power consumption.

 Broad frequency coverage.

 Its construction enables the antenna to be mounted easily on vertical and other poles

with standard mechanical fixings.

Ideal SWR = 1.0 – 1.5

Parts of Yagi Antenna: Reflector, Driven Element, Directors, and Boom


Element Length

Driven Element 0.5λ

Reflector 0.58λ

Director 1 0.45λ

Director 2 0.40λ
Director 3 0.35λ

Director 4 0.30λ

Director 5 0.25λ


Specifications: Dual Stack 14-element Vertical Yagi

Frequency: 432 MHz @ 3 meters

SWR: 1.0

Gain (dBi): 13.11

F/B (dB): 20.58

Figure 1: 14 Elements Dual Stack Vertical Yagi Antenna

Table 1: Geometrical Parameters

Wire Stack 1 Length (m) Stack 2 Length (m)

(1) Reflector 0.337 0.337

(2) Driven 0.330 0.330

(3) Director 0.311 0.308

(4) Director 0.295 0.295

(5) Director 0.286 0.286

(6) Director 0.278 0.278

(7) Director 0.272 0.272

Table 2: Wire Lengths

Wire Spaces (m)

(1) Reflector to Driven 0.1991

(2) Driven to Director 1 0.0928

(3) Director 1 to Director 2 0.1709

(4) Director 2 to Director 3 0.1939

(5) Director 3 to Director 4 0.2029

(6) Director 4 to Director 5 0.2079

Table 3: Spaces

Figure 2: Radiation Pattern

Figure 3: 3D Model

1. We used the following formulas to estimate the lengths of a Yagi antenna with fourteen
(14) elements.
(a) We first calculate the length of the driven element of the antenna which half-
wavelength. The frequency used is 432 MHz.

𝒄 where c = 3x108𝑚/𝑠
𝒇 directors are also calculated. The result
(b) After that, the length of reflector and
is shown in the table below:

Element Formula Calculated Length (m)

Driven Element 0.5λ 0.3472
Reflector 0.58λ 0.4028
Director 1 0.45λ 0.3125
Director 2 0.40λ 0.2778
Director 3 0.35λ 0.2431
Director 4 0.30λ 0.2083
Director 5 0.25λ 0.1736

(c) Next to calculate is the spaces between each element as shown in the table below:

Element Formula Calculated Length (m)

Reflector to Driven Element 0.35λ 0.1389
Driven Element to Director 1 0.125λ 0.0868
Director to Director 0.2λ 0.1389

2. After the computation of estimated lengths of the elements and spaces, we

inputted them using the geometry tool in the MMANA-GAL Basic. We also set the
source on the center of wire 2 and wire 9 which indicates that they are the driven
Geometrical Parameters

Source of Driven Element

3. Next, we check the view tab to make sure that the length of elements of the
antenna and position are correct.

Antenna View Tab

4. After that, we calculate its SWR, Gain, F/B Gain, and radiation pattern.

Initial Parameters: SWR: 1.8 Gain (dBi): 11.17 F/B (dB): 14.24

Radiation Pattern

5. We try to resonate the antenna and we got the following results. It says that
the antenna.

Resonates best at 417.868 MHz with SWR = 1.15.

6. Next is we optimized all the elements where gain, F/B, and SWR are maximized,
and the remaining are minimized to get a desirable result.

Setting for Optimization of Elements

Value after Optimization

Optimized Radiation Pattern

3D Model of Radiation Pattern

Antenna after Optimization

Geometrical Parameters after Optimization


I. Trial for Single Stack 7-element Vertical Yagi Antenna at 5 m using copper
wire before doing a dual stack version of it.

1. Calculation of wavelength using 432 MHz.

𝛌= where c = 3x108𝑚/𝑠

2. Length of reflector and directors’ calculation. The result is shown in the table below:
Element Formula Calculated Length (m)
Driven Element 0.5λ 0.3472
Reflector 0.58λ 0.4028
Director 1 0.45λ 0.3125
Director 2 0.40λ 0.2778
Director 3 0.35λ 0.2431
Director 4 0.30λ 0.2083
Director 5 0.25λ 0.1736

3. Calculation of spaces between each element as shown in the table below:

Element Formula Calculated Length (m)

Reflector to Driven Element 0.35λ 0.1389
Driven Element to Director 0.125λ 0.0868
Director to Director 0.2λ 0.1389

4. Inputs for geometrical parameters and sources using MMANA-GAL Basic.

5. View tab of the antenna.

6. Initial calculation of SWR, Gain, FB Gain, and radiation pattern.

7. Since it has a 1.75 SWR, we try to resonate it and optimized all its element where
SWR, Gain, and F/B are maximized while the remaining parameters are
After Resonating, it will resonate most at 418.757 MHz with 1.11 SWR

8. We then proceed for optimization process.

Setting for Optimization

9. With that, the optimized values of a seven (7) element antenna are shown.

Optimized Result

SWR = 1.17 Gain = 18.23 dBi F/B = 20.97

Optimized Radiation Pattern

Antenna View Tab

Optimized 7 Element Vertical Yagi Antenna


Kabel, M. (2017). YAGI Antenna Design.


Anjum, M. et al. (2014). Design and analysis of the critical parameter of yagi antenna for ku
band. Beijing Institute of Technology.

Antenna theory - yagi-UDA antenna. (n.d.). Retrieved November 10, 2021, from

ECSTUFF4U for electronics engineer. Yagi UDA antenna advantages and disadvantages.
(n.d.). Retrieved November 10, 2021, from https://www.ecstuff4u.com/2019/08/yagi-

Notes, E. (n.d.). Yagi antenna / Yagi-Uda Aerial. Electronics Notes. Retrieved November 10,
2021, from https://www.electronics-notes.com/articles/antennas-propagation/yagi-uda-

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