Math - Grade IX

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Dawood Public School

Course Outline 2021-22

Cambridge O level Mathematics (Syllabus D) 4024
Grade IX

• Seng, al, 2013, New Syllabus Mathematics 1 (7th Edition), Singapore; Oxford University Press
• Seng, al, 2013, New Syllabus Mathematics 2 (7th Edition), Singapore; Oxford University Press
• Seng, al, 2013, New Syllabus Mathematics 3 (7th Edition), Singapore; Oxford University Press
• Seng, al, 2013, New Syllabus Mathematics 4 (7th Edition), Singapore; Oxford University Press

This syllabus provides a comprehensive set of progressive learning objectives for mathematics. The
objectives detail what the learner should know or what they should be able to do in each year of
education. The learning objectives provide a structure for teaching and learning and a reference against
which learners’ ability and understanding can be checked.

This syllabus is designed to promote continuity, coherence and progression within the study of
Mathematics. The syllabus builds on the knowledge, understanding and skills developed within the Key
Stage of Study for Mathematics.

This syllabus has been designed to meet the requirements of the GCSE regulations.

In studying a course based on this specification, students should be encouraged to make appropriate use
of Information and Communications Technology (ICT), for example, spreadsheets and databases.

It has been designed to be as free as possible from ethnic, gender, religious, political or other forms of


All candidates take two papers: Paper 1 and Paper 2.

Each paper may contain questions on any part of the syllabus and questions will not necessarily be
restricted to a single topic.

Paper 1: 2 hours

Paper 1 has approximately 25 short answer questions.

• Candidates should show all working in the spaces provided on the question paper. Omission of
essential work will result in loss of marks.
• No calculators are allowed for this paper.
• 80 marks weighted at 50% of the total

Paper 2: 2 hours 30 minutes

Paper 2 has approximately 11 structured questions.

• Candidates should answer all questions.

• Electronic calculators may be used and candidates should have access to a calculator for this
• Candidates should show all working in the spaces provided on the question paper.
• Omission of essential working will result in loss of marks.
• 100 marks weighted at 50% of the total
Assessment at a Glance

Additional materials for examinations:

For both Paper 1 and Paper 2, candidates should have these geometrical instruments:
• a pair of compasses
• a protractor
• a ruler
Tracing paper may be used as an additional material for both of the written papers.
For Paper 2, candidates should have an electronic calculator – see below for details.

Paper 1 – the use of all calculating aids is prohibited.

Paper 2 – all candidates should have a silent electronic calculator. A scientific calculator with
trigonometric functions is strongly recommended.
• Unless stated otherwise within an individual question, three figure accuracy will be required. This
means that four figure accuracy should be shown throughout the working, including cases where
answers are used in subsequent parts of the question. Premature approximation will be penalised,
where appropriate.
• In Paper 2, candidates with suitable calculators are encouraged to use the value of π from their
• The value of π will be given as 3.142 to 3 decimal places for use by other candidates. This value will
be given on the front page of the question paper only.


SI units will be used in questions involving mass and measures: the use of the centimetre will continue.
Both the 12-hour clock and the 24-hour clock may be used for quoting times of the day. In the 24-hour
clock, for example, 3.15 a.m. will be denoted by 03 15; 3.15 p.m. by 15 15, noon by 12 00 and midnight
by 24 00.
Students will be expected to be familiar with the solidus notation for the expression of compound units,
e.g. 5 cm/s for 5 centimetres per second, 13.6 g/cm3 for 13.6 grams per cubic centimetre.

Mathematical Instruments:

Apart from the usual mathematical instruments, candidates may use flexi curves in this examination.

Syllabus Aims and Assessment:

The syllabus demands understanding of basic mathematical concepts and their applications, together with
an ability to show this by clear expression and careful reasoning.
In the examination, importance will be attached to skills in algebraic manipulation and to numerical
accuracy in calculations.


The course should enable students to:

• develop their mathematical knowledge and oral, written and practical skills in a manner which
encourages confidence;
• read mathematics, and write and talk about the subject in a variety of ways;
• develop a feel for number, carry out calculations and understand the significance of the results
• apply mathematics in everyday situations and develop an understanding of the part which
mathematics plays in the world around them;
• solve problems, present the solutions clearly, check and interpret the results;
• develop an understanding of mathematical principles;
• recognise when and how a situation may be represented mathematically, identify and interpret
relevant factors and, where necessary, select an appropriate mathematical method to solve
• use mathematics as a means of communication with emphasis on the use of clear expression;
• develop the abilities to reason logically, to classify, to generalise and to prove;

Assessment Objectives:

The examination tests the ability of candidates to:

• recall, apply and interpret mathematical knowledge in the context of everyday situations;
• set out mathematical work, including the solution of problems, in a logical and clear form using
appropriate symbols and terminology;
• organise, interpret and present information accurately in written, tabular, graphical and diagrammatic
• perform calculations by suitable methods;
• use an electronic calculator;
• understand systems of measurement in everyday use and make use of them in the solution of
• estimate, approximate and work to degrees of accuracy appropriate to the context;
• use mathematical and other instruments to measure and to draw to an acceptable degree of accuracy;
• recognise patterns and structures in a variety of situations and form generalisations;
• interpret, transform and make appropriate use of mathematical statements expressed in words or
• Interpret, use and present information in written, graphical, diagrammatic and tabular forms;

Breadth of Study:

During the key stage, students should be taught the knowledge, skills and understanding through:
a. activities that ensure they become familiar with, and confident using, standard procedures for the
range of calculations appropriate to this level of study;
b. solving familiar and unfamiliar problems in a range of numerical, algebraic and graphical contexts and
in open-ended and closed form;
c. using standard notations for decimals, fractions, percentages, ratio and indices;
d. activities that show how algebra, as an extension of number using symbols, gives precise form to
mathematical relationships and calculations;
e. activities in which they progress from using definitions and short chains of reasoning to understanding
and formulating proofs in algebra and geometry;
f. a sequence of practical activities that address increasingly demanding statistical problems in which
they draw inferences from data and consider the uses of statistics in society;

Mathematical Notations:

The list which follows summarize the notation used:

Mathematical Symbols
= is equal to
≠ is not equal to
≡ is identical to or is congruent to
≈ is approximately equal to

a+b a plus b
a-b a minus b
a × b, ab, a . b a multiplied by b
a ÷ b, a/b a divided by b
f function f
f (x) the value of the function f at x
sin, cos, tan, cosec, sec, cot the circular functions

Resource List:

Supplementary Textbooks:

• Sang, al, 2013, New Syllabus Mathematics Workbook 1, 2, 3 & 4 (7th Edition), Singapore; Oxford
University Press
• Bostock, L, S Chandler, A Shepherd, E Smith ST(P) Mathematics Books 1A to 5A (Stanley Thornes)

Book 1A Book 2A Book 3A Book 4A

Book 1B Book 2B Book 3B Book 4B

● Buckwell, Geoff Mastering Mathematics (Macmillan Education Ltd) 0 333 62049 6

● Collins, J, Warren, T and C J Cox, Steps in Understanding Mathematics (John Murray) Book 1 Book 2
and Book 3
● National Mathematics Project (NMP) Mathematics for Secondary Schools Red Track Books 1 to 5
(Longman Singapore Publishers Pte Ltd)

Book 1 Book 2 Book 3 Book 4

● Cox, C J and D Bell Understanding Mathematics Books 1–5 (John Murray) Book 1 Book2 and Book 3


Monthly Course Distribution


• Coordinate Geometry 3 Weeks
• Trigonometric Ratios 1 Week

● Trigonometric Ratios (contd.) 1.5 Weeks

• Matrices 2.5 Weeks

• Further Functions 1.5 Weeks

• Probability of Combined Events 1 Week
(3.1 & 3.2)
● Statistical Diagrams 1.5 Weeks

NOVEMBER Revision for Mid-Year Examinations

DECEMBER Mid-Year Examinations

• Congruence and Similarity Tests 2 Weeks

• Area and Volume of similar figures 1.5 Week
and Solids
• Indices. 0.5 Week

• Indices (contd.) 2.5 Weeks

FEBRUARY • Quadratic Equations and 1.5 Week
• Quadratic Equations and 1.5 Weeks
Functions (contd.)
MARCH • Graph of Functions and Graphical 1.5 Week
• Questions from Past Papers. 1 Week

APRIL Revision for Final Examinations

MAY Final Examinations

[Ty pe [Ty pe [Ty pe
text] text] text]


• Coordinate Geometry. Book 3, Chapter 6

• Trigonometric Ratios. Book 2, Chapter 11

Topic Learning Objectives Notes/Examples

Example 1:
• Find the gradient of a line joining two given Find the equation of a line parallel to
points. y=4x-1 that passes through (0,-3)
• Find the length of a line segment given the
coordinates of its end points Example 2:
Coordinate Geometry • Intercept and finding the equation of a Find the gradient of a line
Book 3 straight line graph in the form y = mx + c perpendicular to y=3x+1
Chapter 6 • Find the equation of a straight line, given its
Pages 143- 168 gradient makes one point on the line. Example 3:
• Find the gradients of parallel and Find the equation of a line
perpendicular lines. perpendicular to one passing through
Solve geometry problems involving the use the coordinates (1, 3) and (-2, -9)
of coordinates.

• Define the three basic trigonometric ratios

in terms of the lengths of the hypotenuse
side, opposite side and adjacent side with
respect to an acute angle of a right-angled
• Find the value of a trigonometric ratio using
Trigonometric Ratios a calculator.
Book 3 • Find the length of a side of a right-angled
Chapter 11 triangle using trigonometric ratios.
Pages 261-288 • Find the value of an angle of a right-angled
triangle using trigonometric ratios.
• Solve problems involving angles and lengths
of a right-angled triangle.
• Solve practical everyday life problems using
trigonometrically ratios.
Solve trigonometric problems in two
dimensions including those involving angles
of elevation and depression.
[Ty pe [Ty pe [Ty pe
text] text] text]


• Trigonometric Ratios. Book 3, Chapter 10

• Matrices. Book 4, Chapter 5.

Topic Learning Objectives Notes/Examples

• Define the three basic trigonometric ratios in terms of
the lengths of the hypotenuse side, opposite side and
adjacent side with respect to an acute angle of a right-
angled triangle.
• Find the value of a trigonometric ratio using a
• Find the length of a side of a right-angled triangle
Trigonometric Ratios
using trigonometric ratios.
• Find the value of an angle of a right-angled triangle
Book 3
using trigonometric ratios.
Chapter 11
• Solve problems involving angles and lengths of a right-
Pages 261-288
angled triangle.
• Solve practical everyday life problems using
trigonometrically ratios.
Solve trigonometric problems in two dimensions
including those involving angles of elevation and

• Display information in the form of a matrix of any

• Solve problems involving the calculation of the sum
Matrices and product (where appropriate) of two matrices, and
Book 4 interpret the results.
Chapter 5 • Calculate the product of a scalar quantity and a
Pages 137-178 matrix.
• Use the algebra of 2 × 2 matrices including the zero
and identity 2 × 2 matrices.
• Calculate the determinant and inverse of a non-
singular matrix.
(A–1 denotes the inverse of A)
[Ty pe [Ty pe [Ty pe
text] text] text]


• Further Functions. Book 3, Chapter 2

• Probability of Combined Events (3.1 & 3.2). Book 4, Chapter 3
• Statistical Diagrams. Book 2, Chapter 16

Topic Learning Objectives Notes/Examples

• Use function notation,
e.g. 𝑓(𝑥) = 3𝑥 − 5, 𝑓: 𝑥 → 3𝑥 − 5 to
describe simple functions,
Further Functions
and the notation 𝑓 −1 (𝑥) = 𝑥 + 5
Book 3
and 𝑓 −1 : 𝑥 → 𝑥 + 53, describe their
Chapter 2
Pages 41-50
Demonstrate familiarity with Cartesian
coordinates in two dimensions.
• Define experiments and sample space. Probabilities should not be given as ratios.
• Define the classical definition of
probability of an event E occurring as Problems could be set involving extracting
𝑃(𝐸) information from tables or graphs.
𝑛𝑜. 𝑜𝑓 𝑓𝑎𝑣𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑠 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑎𝑛 𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝐸
𝑛𝑜. 𝑜𝑓 𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑠
• Calculate the probability of a single Example 1:
Probability of Combined event as either a fraction or a decimal. P (blue) = 0.8, find P(not blue)
Events • Understand that the probability of an
Book 4 event occurring = 1 – the probability of Example 2:
Chapter 3 the event not occurring Use results of experiments with a spinner to
Pages 35-50 • Understand relative frequency as an estimate the probability of a given outcome
estimate of probability
• Calculate the probability of simple Example 3:
combined events using possibility Use probability to estimate from a population.
diagrams and tree diagrams where In possibility diagrams outcomes will be
appropriate represented by points on a grid.
In tree diagrams outcomes will be written at
the end of branches and probabilities by the
side of the branches
● Collect, read, interpret and draw simple For unequal intervals on histograms, areas
inferences from tables and statistical are proportional to frequencies and the
diagrams. vertical axis is labelled ‘Frequency density’.
Statistical Diagrams ● Construct and interpret simple frequency
Book 2 distributions, frequency polygons,
Chapter 16 histograms with equal and unequal
Pages 443-485 intervals and scatter diagrams.
● Calculate with frequency density
● Understand what is meant by positive,
negative and zero correlation with
reference to a scatter diagram.
● Draw a straight line of best fit by eye.

November: Revision for Mid-Year Examinations

December: Mid-Year Examinations
[Ty pe [Ty pe [Ty pe
text] text] text]


● Congruence and Similarity Tests. Book 3, Chapter 11

• Area and volume of similar figures. Book3, Chapter 12
• Indices. Book 3, Chapter 4
Topic Learning Objectives Notes/Examples

● Identify given triangles as similar, congruent

or neither.
● Identify corresponding parts of congruent figures.
Congruence and Similarity ● Identify corresponding parts of similar figures.
Tests. ● Find unknown measures of corresponding parts
Book 3 of similar figures.
Chapter 11 ● Use similar figures to measure indirectly.
Pages 341-380 ● Determine when triangles are similar using SSS, AAS,
SAS Similarity, and congruency and to recognize the
uses of similar
triangles in determining unknown lengths.

Area and Volume of Similar ● Solve problems using the relationship between areas
Figures and Solids of similar figures.
Book 3 ● Solve problems using the relationship between
Chapter 12 volumes of similar solids.
Pages 387-405

e.g. work out 2−3 × 24

1 2 1
Indices ● Understand and use the rules of indices e.g. simplify 3𝑥 −4 × 𝑥 2 , 𝑥 2 ÷
3 5
Book 3 ● Use and interpret positive, negative, fractional and 2𝑥 −2 𝑎𝑛𝑑 (
2𝑥 5 3
Chapter 4 zero indices 1
e.g. 52 = √5
Pages 73-107 e.g. evaluate
1 −2
25 , 40 , 5−2 , 1002 , 8 3
e.g. solve 32𝑥 = 2
[Ty pe [Ty pe [Ty pe
text] text] text]


• Indices (Contd.). Book 3, Chapter 4

• Quadratic Equations and Functions. Book 3, Chapter 1.

Topic Learning Objectives Notes/Examples

• Understand and use the rules of indices e.g. work out 2−3 × 24
Indices 2 1 2 1
• Use and interpret positive, negative, fractional and e.g. simplify 3𝑥 −4 × 𝑥 2 , 𝑥 2 ÷
(Contd) 3 5
2𝑥 5 3
Book 3 zero indices 2𝑥 −2 𝑎𝑛𝑑 ( )
Chapter 4 e.g. 52 = √5
Pages 57-95 e.g. evaluate
1 −2
25 , 40 , 5−2 , 1002 , 8 3
e.g. solve 32𝑥 = 2

• Solving Quadratic Equations by Completing the

• Solving Quadratic Equations by using Formula Example 1:
• Solving Quadratic Equations by Graphical Method Factorize 9𝑥 2 + 15xy
Quadratic Equations and • Solving Fractional Equations that can be reduced to
Functions Quadratic Equations Example 2:
Book 3 • Applications of Quadratic Equations in Real-World Expand 3x(2x -4y),(x+4)(x–7)
Chapter 1 Contexts
Pages 1-38 • Graphs of Quadratic Functions
[Ty pe [Ty pe [Ty pe
text] text] text]


● Quadratic Equations and Functions (contd). Book 3, Chapter 1

● Graphs of Functions and Graphical Solution. Book 3, Chapter 7

Topic Learning Objectives Notes/Examples

• Solving Quadratic Equations by Completing the
Square Example 1:
• Solving Quadratic Equations by using Formula Factorize 9𝑥 2 + 15xy
Quadratic Equations and • Solving Quadratic Equations by Graphical Method
Functions • Solving Fractional Equations that can be reduced to Example 2:
(Contd) Quadratic Equations Expand 3x(2x -4y),
Book 3 • Applications of Quadratic Equations in Real-World (x+4)(x–7)
Chapter 1 Contexts
Pages 1-38 • Graphs of Quadratic Functions

Graphs of Functions and • Graphs of Cubic Functions

Graphical Solution. • Graphs of Reciprocal Functions
Book 3
Chapter 7
Pages 173-175

Revision for Final Examinations
Final Examinations 2021 – 2022

Assessment and Homework:

Students will be assessed by taking tests of each and every chapter.

Home Work shall be given on a daily basis.

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