Naskah Drama Snow White
Naskah Drama Snow White
Naskah Drama Snow White
NARRATOR (Dian) : Once upon a time, a king and queen ruled over a distant land
NARRATOR(Fuad) : (Pada suatu hari ada seorang raja dan ratu yang memerintah sebuah kerajaan)
NARRATOR (Dian) : One winter day, the queen was doing needle work while looking through the
window, when a bird flew by distracting the queen and she pricked her finger
NARRATOR (Fuad) : (suatu hari, ratu sedang merajut sambil melihat kearah luar jendela, ketika se-
ekor burung terbang dan mencuri perhatian sang ratu sehinnga dia menusukjarinya)
NARRATOR( Dian) : A single drop of blood fell on the snow outside her window. As she looked at the
NARRATOR(Fuad) : (Setetes darah jatuh diatas salju dari luar jendela. Dia
QUEEN (Ailsa) : Oh, how I wish that I had a daughter that had skin as white as snow, lips as
(aku berharap dikarunia anak perempuan yang kulitnya seputih salju, bibirnya semerah darah dan
rambutnya sehitam ebony)
NARRATOR (Dian): The queen got her wish when she gave birth to a baby girl who had skin
NARRATOR (Fuad) : (keinginan ratu terpenuhi ketika dia melahirkan anak perempuan yang
mempunyai kulit seputih salju, bibir semerah darah, dan rambut sehitam ebony.)
NARRATOR (Dian) : And on the other hand, in a wilderness, there is a Witch Queen who is beautiful,
cruel and very wicked. She had studied dark magic and owned a magic mirror, of which she would
daily Ask
NARRATOR (Fuad) : (Dan di sisi lain, di sebuah hutan belantara, ada seorang penyihir wanita yang
cantik, kejam dan sangat jahat.dia sudah mempelajari ilmu hitam dan memiliki kaca ajaib yang mana
sering dia bertanya )
WITCH (Tata) : Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the most beautiful of them all?
MIRROR (Nadia): You, my Queen, are the most beautiful of them all
(kau Ratuku adalah wanita yang paling cantik diantara mereka semua)
NARRATOR (Dian) : This pleased the queen. She knew that her magical mirror could speak
NARRATOR(Fuad) : (ini membuat ratu senang. Dia tahu bahwa kaca ajaibnya tidak dapat berbohong.)
WITCH (Tata) : Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the most beautiful of them all?
MIRROR (Nadia) : You, my queen, are the most beautiful; it is true. But Snow White is even
(Kau lah yang paling cantik Ratuku; ini adalah kebenaran. Tetapi Snow White bahkan lebih cantik
NARRATOR (Dian) : The Queen was angry and ordered her huntsman to take Snow White
WITCH (Tata) : Go to the forest, take the girl and kill her!. And as a proof, bring me
(Pergi ke hutan, bawa gadis ini dan bunuh dia!, dan sebagai buktinya bawa kembali hatinya padaku.)
NARRATOR (Dian) : The poor huntsman took Snow White into the forest. Snow White doesn't realize
he's about to be killed.
NARRATOR (Fuad) : (Pembunuh bayaran yang miskin kemudian membawa Snow White ke dalam
hutan, Putri Salju tidak menyadari bahwa dia akan dibunuh)
HUNTSMAN (Viko) : SO TRUE Bro. let's kill her. And to make a lot of money.
(Bener sekali, ayo kita bunuh dia dan mendapatkan banyak uang)
NARRATOR (Dian) : there came a prince and the prince's friends who at that time were on their way,
drove the hunters of the men, and fought with them.
NARRATOR (Fuad) : (datanglah seorang pangeran dan teman-teman pangeran yang pada saat itu
sedang dalam perjalanan, mengusir para pemburu manusia, dan berperang dengan mereka)
PRINCE (Dwi) : How dare you and women here come here to fight with me.
PRINCE (Dwi) : princess please go as far as possible, let me take care of this
putri silahkan pergi sejauh mungkin, biar saya yang mengurus ini
SNOW WHITE (Clarinta) : Thank you good man, I will always be grateful for what you have
Done (Terimakasih, aku akan selalu berterimakasih dengan apa yang kau lakukan.)
PRINCE (Dwi) : both of you are safe and see you again in the future
(sama-sama semoga kamu selamat dan sampai jumpa lagi di kemudian hari)
NARRATOR (Dian) : The battle was won by the prince and his friends, the Huntsmans ran away
NARRATOR (Fuad) : (pertarungan itu pun di menangkan oleh pangeran dan teman-temannya,
Huntsman itu pun kabur melarikan diri)
NARRATOR (Dian) : because they lost, they were confused. So the huntsman killed a deer and took
his heart to the Queen
NARRATOR (Fuad) : Karna mereka kalah, dan kebingungan kemudian pembunuh bayaran tersebut
membunuh seekor kancil dan membawa hatinya kepada ratu.)
HUNTSMAN (Arka) : Here, my Queen, I did as you told me. Take her heart(ini hati Snow
WITCH (Tata) : Ha, ha, ha, ha, now, I am the most beautiful of them aill!
(hahahahahahaha sekaran aku akan menjadi yang paling cantik dari mereka semua.)
NARRATOR: Meanwhile, Snow White was at the forest(Sementara itu, Snow White di
dalam hutan)
SNOW WHITE (Clarinta) : Oh, I am all alone in the great forest, I don't know what to do
(Oh, aku sendirian dan ini adalah hutan yang begitu besar, aku tidak tahu harus melakukan apa.)
NARRATOR (Dian) : Then she began to run. And just as evening was about to fall she saw a
NARRATOR(Fuad) : Dan kemudian dia mencoba melarikan diri. Dan ketika hari mulai gelap dia
melihat sebuah rumah kecil dan masuk kedalmanya.)
SNOW WHITE (Clarinta) : Oh, this house is so beautiful. Everything is so small and clean
(Oh, rumah ini begitu indah, semuanya berukuran kecil dan sangat bersih)
NARRATOR (Dian) : The table was set, and there was food on the plates
NARRATOR (Fuad) : (Mejanya sudah tersusun, dan ada makanan diatas piring.)
SNOW WHITE (Clarinta) : I am so hungry. I will eat a few vegetables and a little bread from each
little plate and from each cup I will drink a bit of milk
(Aku sangat lapar. Aku akan memakan beberapa sayuran dan sedikit roti dari masing - masing piring
dan aku akan minum usus dari masing - masing gelas)
NARRATOR (Dian) : Since she was so tired, she lay down on one of the little beds and fell
fast a sleep. After dark, the owners of the house returned home
NARRATOR(Fuad) : (dia merasa sangat lelah, dia berbaring di salah satu kasur kecil dan tertidur
dengan begitu cepat)
NARRATOR (Dian) : They were the seven dwarves who mined for gold in the mountains. As soon as
NARRATOR (Fuad) : (tujuh kurcaci yang menggali emas di gunung. Setiba mereka tiba dirumah
mereka melihat seseorang berada di dalam rumah mereka.)
DWARF (Akbar): Who has been sitting in my chair? (Siapayang telah duduk di kursiku?)
DWARF (Zaki) : Who has been eating from my plate? (siapayang makan dari piringku?)
DWARF (Shofi): Who has been eating my bread? (Siapa yang sudah makan rotiku?)
DWARF (Aulia): Who has been eating my vegetables? (Siapa yang sudah makan sayuranku?)
DWARF (Felix) : Who has been eating with my fork? (Siapa yan sudah makan dengan
Garpuku andWho has been drinking from my cup? (siapayang sudah minum dari
NARRATOR (Dian) : But the seventh one, looking at his bed, found Snow White lying there
NARRATOR (Fuad) : (yang ketujuh melihat kearah tempat tidurnya, dan menemukan Snow White
terbaring tertidur.)
DWARF (Akbar) : Look over here, come quick! (coba lihatlah kesini, cepatlah kemari)
NARRATOR (Dian): The fives dwarves all came running up, and they cried out with
DWARF 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Oh good heaven, this child is beautiful! (oh Tuhan, anak ini
begitu cantik.)
NARRATOR (Dian) : They did not wake her up, but let her continue to sleep in the bed. Next
morning, Snow White woke up, and when she saw the seven dwarves she was
tempat tidur.) ketika ke esokan harinya Snow White terbangun, dan ketika melihat ke
DWARF (Shofi): Don't be afraid of us. What is your name? (janngan takut pada kami, siapa
DWARF (Aulia) : How did you find your way to our house? (Bagaimana kamu bisa sampai ke
rumah kami?)
SNOW WHITE (Clarinta) : There is Wicked Witch tried to kill me. Then the huntsman let me free and
that's how I had to run the entire day through the forest. Finally, I got to your
membiarkan aku untuk pergi dan kemudian aku tersu berlari di dalam hutan berhari -
NARRATOR (Dian) : The dwarves spoke with each other for awhile and then said
NARRATOR (Fuad) : (Para kurcaci berdiskusisatu sama lain dan kemudian berkata)
DWARF (Akbar) : If you will keep the house for us (jika kau mau menjaga rumah untuk kami)
DWARF (Shofi): and keep everything clean and orderly(dan membuat semuanya bersih dan
DWARF 1,2,3,4,5: then you can stay with us(maka kau boleh tinggal bersama kami.)
DWARF (Shofi) : and you shall have everything that you want(dan kau pasti bisa dapat
SNOW WHITE (Clarinta): Yes, with all my heart(Tentu, saja dengan senang hati.)
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NARRATOR (Dian): So, Snow White lived happily with the dwarves
NARRATOR (Dian) : Every morning they went into the mountains looking for gold, and in the evening
when they came back home Snow White had their meal ready and their house
emas, dan ketika sore hari mereka kembali ke rumah Snow White sudah menyiapakan
WITCH (Tata): Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who in this land is the most beautiful of
MIRROR (Nadia) : You, my Queen, are beautiful; it is true. But Snow White, beyond the
mountains with the fives dwarves, is still a thousand times rnore beautiful than
you(Tentu saja kau Ratuku. Tetapi Snow White di dalam pegunungan bersama denga
WITCH (Tata) : Now I understand!. Oh, that huntsman deceived me. I have to think
NARRATOR (Dian) : She went into her most secret room, and she made a poisoned
NARRATOR (Fuad) : (dia kemudian pergi ke ruang rahasia dan dan membuat ape/ beracun.)
WITCH(Tata) : With this poisoned apple you will die, Snow White! Ha, ha, ha, ha
(dengan apel beracun ini kau akan mati Snow White, hahahahaha)
NARRATOR (Dian) : From the outside the apple was beautiful and shiny. But anyone who
WITCH(Tata): I have to disguise myself so she can't recognjze me. Now I Will go to
those dwarves' house(aku sudah menyamar jadi dia tidak akan dapat mengenatlåu
NARRATOR (Dian) : She traveled to the dwarves house and knocked on the door. Snow
White put her head out of the window, and said (ratupergi ke rumah kurcacidan
SNOW WHITE (Tata) : I must not let anyone in (aku tidak boleh mengizinkan seseorang untuk
WITCH (Tata) : Would you like to taste one of my sweet apples? (Apakah kamu mau
mencicipi apelku?)
SNOW WHITE (Clarinta) : No. I cannot accept anything from strangers(aku idak bisa menerima
WITCH (Tata): Are you afraid of poison?. Look, I'll cut the apple in two. You eat half
and I Will eat the other half (Apakah kamu takut diracun? Lihat, aku akan membelah
apel ini. kamu bisa memakannya separuh dan aku akan memakan separuhnaya lagi.)
SNOW WHITE (Clarinta) : Well. all right. I see that you are also eating part of it, so give me the other
half (jadi, baiklah aku lihat kau sudah makan separuh dari apel itu, jadiberikank aku separuhnya
WITCH (Tata) : Ha, ha, ha, White as snow, red as blood, black as ebony wood!. The
dwarves shall never awaken you. Good-bye Snow White!. Ha, ha, ha, ha(hahahha,
Snow White yang merah seperti darah hitam seperti pohon ebony! Para kurcaci tidak
WITCH(Tata) : Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who in this land is the most beautiful of
MIRROR (Nadia) : You, my Queen, are the most beautiful of all(kaiu lah yang paling cantik
NARRATOR (Dian) : When the dwarves came home that evening they found Snow White
NARRATOR (Fuad) : (Ketika para kurcaci pulang kerumah di sore hari mereka
DWARF (Shofi): Snow White, wake up, what happened to you(Snow White bangun/ah apa
yang terjadi denganmu?) mendapa: She is not breathing at all. She is dead! (dia dak bernafas,
diasudah mati)
NARRATOR: They lifted her up and looked at her for a long time
DWARF (Akbar) : Snow White, wake up, talk to us, please(Snow White bangunlah, bicara
NARRATOR (Dian) (: But nothing helped. She was dead. They laid her on a bed of straw, and
all seven dwarves sat next to her and cried for three days
NARRATOR (Fuad) : (tapi tidak ada yang berubah. Dia sudah mati. mereka membaringkannya diatas
alasjerami, dan ketujuh kurcaci duduk disampingnya menangis .)
NARRATOR (Dian) : They were going to bury her, but she still looked as fresh as a living person, and
NARRATOR (Fuad) : (mereka akan menanamnya, tetapi dia masih terlihat sangat segar seperti
seorang yang masih hidup, dan masih tetap memiliki pipi yang
NARRATOR: And they did it, then they put her inside the coffin(Dan kemudian mereka
DWARF 1: We have to place the coffin outside on a mountain, and one of us will
always stay with it and watched over her(kita harus meletakkan peti mati ini di
gunung, dan salah satu dari kita harus berada di sana dan menjaganya)
NARRATOR (Dian) : On the other hand the queen who could not stand the wait for snow white that
never came back sadly and very sadly, the queen was impatient so she rushed to herself through a
forest, worried and confused.
NARRATOR (Fuad) : di sisi lain ratu yang sudah tidak tahan menantikan snow white yang tidak
kunjung kembali mrmghilang sedih yang teramat sedih, ratu pun tak sabar sehingga bergegas
sendiri menyusuri sebuah hutan, dengan cemas serta kebingunganNA
NARRATOR ( Dian) : meet the Queen with the dwarves who carry a chest in which there is a snow
white princess.
NARRATOR (Fuad) : bertemu Ratu dengan para kurcaci yang membawa peti yang di dalamnya
terdapat putri putri salju.
QUEEN (Ailsa) : hey dwarves have you seen my beautiful daughter as beautiful as the most beautiful
in the world (hai para kurcaci apakah kamu melihat putriku yang cantik rupawan semanis jelita di
DWARF 1,2,3,4,5 : is it Snow white, my queen (apakah itu Snow white wahai ratuku)
QUEEN (Ailsa) : yes that's right. Once, I've been looking for it for a long time I'm so sad
(Ya benar sekali, saya telah lama mencarinya teramat sangat sedih saya hmm)
DWARF (Aulia) : we apologize in advance my queen (sebelumnya kita minta maaf ratuku)
DWARF (Shofi) : snow white has been living with us all this time (sniw white slama ini tinggal
bersama kami.
DWARF( Akbar) : because he was afraid of being killed by an evil witch (karna dia takut ada penyihir
yang hendak membunuhnya)
DWARF (Aulia) : But now because of our carelessness, Snow White died eating the apple the witch
gave us while we were away.
(Tapi sekarang karena kecerobohan kami, Putri Salju mati memakan apel yang diberikan penyihir
saat kami pergi.)
QUEEN (Ailsa) : is he in this chest (apakah dia ada di dalam peti ini)
NARRATOR (DIAN) : The queen cried loudly and kissed her daughter spontaneously, hoping that her
daughter might return with him to live happily ever after.
NARRATOR (Fuad) : Sang ratu menangis dengan keras dan mencium putrinya secara spontan,
berharap putrinya dapat kembali bersamanya untuk hidup bahagia selamanya.
NARRATOR (DIAN) : Snow White awoke, the Queen and the dwarfs were surprised and delighted.
NARRATOR (Fuad) : Putri Salju terbangun, Ratu dan para kurcaci terkejut dan senang.
NARRATOR (Dian) : After this snow white returned to the kingdom the dwarves also went with him,
then the queen ordered a prince to find the witch and imprison her.
NARRATOR (Fuad) : Setelah putri salju ini kembali ke kerajaan para kurcaci pun ikut bersamanya, lalu
sang ratu memerintahkan seorang pangeran untuk mencari sang penyihir dan memenjarakannya.
NARRATOR (DIAN) : And no one saw the evil queen again. And Snow White and the Queen, Dwarves
lived happily ever after
NARRATOR (Fuad) : (Dan tidak ada yang melihat ratujahat itu kembali. Snow White
moral message: Never compare someone's beauty, or don't never compare your own beauty.
Because God created his creatures with all the perfection that he gave. So be grateful. and a
mother's love for ever, nobody can replace her except her.