DSA by Shradha Didi & Aman Bhaiya

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DSA by Shradha Didi & Aman Bhaiya

Meet us on Youtube (Apna College) How to solve this sheet?

Ideal Time : 5-10 mins

Easy Ideal Time : 5-10 mins
Medium Ideal Time : 15-20 mins
5 Questions each Day
Hard Ideal Time : 40-60 mins (based on Qs) | 88 Qs

Topics Question (375) Companies Remarks

Arrays Maximum and Minimum Element in an Array ABCO Accolite Amazon Cisco Hike Microsoft Snapdeal VMWare Google Adobe
Arrays Reverse the Array Infosys Moonfrog Labs
Arrays Maximum-Subarray Microsoft + Facebook Interview Qs use Kadane's Algorithm
Arrays Contains Duplicate Amazon Interview Qs
Arrays Chocolate Distribution Problem Amazon Interview Qs
Arrays Search in Rotated Sorted Array Microsoft Google Adobe Amazon D-E-Shaw Flipkart Hike Intuit MakeMyTrip Paytm
Arrays Next Permutation Uber + Goldman Sachs + Adobe Interview Qs
Arrays Best time to Buy and Sell Stock Amazon D-E-Shaw Directi Flipkart Goldman Sachs Intuit MakeMyTrip Microsoft Ola Cabs Oracle Paytm Pubmatic Quikr Salesforce Sapient Swiggy Walmart Media.net Google
Arrays Repeat and Missing Number Array Amazon Interview Qs
Arrays Kth-Largest Element in an Array Amazon Microsoft Walmart Adobe
Arrays Trapping Rain Water Samsung Interview Qs
Arrays Product of Array Except Self Microsoft + Facebook Interview Qs
Arrays Maximum Product Subarray Amazon D-E-Shaw Microsoft Morgan Stanley OYO Rooms Google
Arrays Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array Adobe Amazon Microsoft Morgan Stanley Samsung Snapdeal Times Internet
Arrays Find Pair with Sum in Sorted & Rotated Array Microsoft + Google + Apple Interview Qs
Arrays 3Sum Adobe Amazon Microsoft Morgan Stanley Samsung Snapdeal Times Internet
Arrays Container With Most Water Flipkart + Dunzo Interview Qs
Arrays Given Sum Pair Infosys + Amazon + Flipkart Interview Qs
Arrays Kth - Smallest Element ABCO Accolite Amazon Cisco Hike Microsoft Snapdeal VMWare Google Adobe
Arrays Merge Overlapping Intervals Google Interview Qs
Arrays Find Minimum Number of Merge Operations to Make an Array Palindrome Amazon
Arrays Given an Array of Numbers Arrange the Numbers to Form the Biggest Number Barclays Interview Qs
Arrays Space Optimization Using Bit Manipulations Amazon
Arrays Subarray Sum Divisible K Snapdeal Microsoft
Arrays Print all Possible Combinations of r Elements in a Given Array of Size n Amazon
Arrays Mo's Algorithm Microsoft

Strings Valid Palindrome Amazon Cisco D-E-Shaw Facebook FactSet Morgan Stanley Paytm Zoho
Strings Valid Anagram Nagarro Media.net Directi Google Adobe Flipkart
Strings Valid parentheses Google Interview Qs use Stacks (if possible)
Strings Remove Consecutive Characters Samsung + Adobe
Strings Longest Common Prefix Adobe + Grofers + Dunzo Interview Qs
Strings Convert a Sentence into its Equivalent Mobile Numeric Keypad Sequence Adobe
Strings Print all the Duplicates in the Input String Ola + Amdocs IQ
Strings Longest Substring without Repeating Characters Morgan Stanley + Amazon IQ
Strings Longest Repeating Character Replacement Amazon Google
Strings Group Anagrams Samsung + Adobe + Amazon Interview Qs
Strings Longest Palindromic Substring Microsoft + Google + Samsung + Visa IQ
Strings Palindromic Substrings Microsoft IQ
Strings Next Permutation Adobe + Goldman Sachs + Uber
Strings Count Palindromic Subsequences Myntra Interview Qs
Strings Smallest Window in a String Containing all the Characters of Another String Microsoft + Amazon IQ
Strings Wildcard String Matching Microsoft + Amazon + Ola IQ
Strings Longest Prefix Suffix Flipkart + Swiggy IQ
Strings Rabin-Karp Algorithm for Pattern Searching Microsoft
Strings Transform One String to Another using Minimum Number of Given Operation Directi
Strings Minimum Window Substring Amazon Google MakeMyTrip Streamoid Technologies Microsoft Media.net Atlassian Flipkart
Strings Boyer Moore Algorithm for Pattern Searching Amdocs
Strings Word Wrap Microsoft use Dynaming Programming

2D Arrays Zigzag (or diagonal) Traversal of Matrix Amazon

2D Arrays Set Matrix Zeroes Amazon Microsoft
2D Arrays Spiral Matrix Flipkart + Apple + Societe Generale IQ
2D Arrays Rotate Image Microsoft Paytm Samsung Adobe
2D Arrays Word Search Google + Ola + Goldman Sachs IQ
2D Arrays Find the Number of Islands | Set 1 (Using DFS) Microsoft + Uber + Apple + Amazon IQ Read about DFS
2D Arrays Given a Matrix of ‘O’ and ‘X’, Replace ‘O’ with ‘X’ if Surrounded by ‘X’ Google
2D Arrays Find a Common Element in all Rows of a Given Row-Wise Sorted Matrix MAQ Software Microsoft VMWare
2D Arrays Create a Matrix with Alternating Rectangles of O and X MAQ VMWare
2D Arrays Maximum Size Rectangle of all 1s Amazon Microsoft

Searching & Sorting Permute Two Arrays such that Sum of Every Pair is Greater or Equal to K Samsung
Searching & Sorting counting sort Samsung+ Morgan Stanley+ Snapdeal + EPAM Systems
Searching & Sorting find common elements three sorted arrays MAQ Software Microsoft VMWare
Searching & Sorting Searching in an array where adjacent differ by at most k TCS Amazon
Searching & Sorting ceiling in a sorted array TCS
Searching & Sorting Piar with given difference Amazon Visa
Searching & Sorting majority element Amazon+ Google
Searching & Sorting count triplets with sum smaller that a given value Amazon SAP Labs
Searching & Sorting Maximum Sum Subsequence with no adjacent elements Amazon FactSet Oxigen Wallet OYO Rooms Paytm Walmart Yahoo Adobe Flipkart
Searching & Sorting Merge Sorted Arrays using O(1) Space Amdocs Brocade Goldman Sachs Juniper Networks Linkedin Microsoft Quikr Snapdeal Synopsys Zoho Adobe
Searching & Sorting Inversion of Array Adobe Amazon BankBazaar Flipkart Microsoft Myntra MakeMyTrip
Searching & Sorting Find Duplicates in O(n) Time and O(1) Extra Space Amazon D-E-Shaw Flipkart Paytm Qualcomm Zoho
Searching & Sorting Radix Sort Amazon+ Microsoft
Searching & Sorting Product of Array except itself Accolite Amazon D-E-Shaw Intuit Morgan Stanley Opera Microsoft Flipkart
Searching & Sorting Make all Array Elements Equal Amazon
Searching & Sorting Check if Reversing a Sub Array Make the Array Sorted Amazon
Searching & Sorting Find Four Elements that Sum to a Given Value Adobe Amazon Google Microsoft OYO Rooms
Searching & Sorting Median of Two Sorted Array with Different Size Amazon Samsung Microsoft Google
Searching & Sorting Median of Stream of Integers Running Integers Amazon + Google
Searching & Sorting Print Subarrays with 0 Sum Paytm Adobe
Searching & Sorting Aggressive Cows Adobe
Searching & Sorting Allocate Minimum number of Pages Google Infosys Codenation Amazon Microsoft
Searching & Sorting Minimum Swaps to Sort Amazon + Google

Backtracking Backtracking Set 2 Rat in a Maze Microsoft Amazon

Backtracking Combinational Sum Adobe Amazon Microsoft
Backtracking Crossword-Puzzle Microsoft
Backtracking Longest Possible Route in a Matrix with Hurdles Microsoft
Backtracking Printing all solutions in N-Queen Problem Accolite Amazon Amdocs D-E-Shaw MAQ Software Twitter Visa Microsoft
Backtracking Solve the Sudoku Amazon Directi Flipkart MakeMyTrip MAQ Software Microsoft Ola Cabs Oracle PayPal Zoho
Backtracking Partition Equal Subset Sum Amazon + Adobe + Accolite + Traveloka
Backtracking M Coloring Problem Amazon
Backtracking Knight Tour IBM
Backtracking Soduko Amazon + Adobe + Accolite + Traveloka
Backtracking Remove Invalid Parentheses Uber
Backtracking Word Break Problem using Backtracking
Backtracking Print all Palindromic Partitions of a String Facebook Amazon Microsoft
Backtracking Find Shortest Safe Route in a Path with Landmines Facebook Amazon Microsoft
Backtracking Partition of Set into K Subsets with Equal Sum Amazon
Backtracking Backtracking set-7 hamiltonian cycle Amazon
Backtracking tug-of-war Google
Backtracking Maximum Possible Number by doing at most K swaps Amazon + Adobe + Accolite + Traveloka
Backtracking Backtracking set-8 solving cryptarithmetic puzzles Goldman Sachs
Backtracking Find paths from corner cell to middle cell in maze Meta
Backtracking Arithmetic Expressions Flipkart

Linked List Reverse Linked List Sprinklr

Linked List Linked List Cycle Accolite Amazon D-E-Shaw Hike Lybrate Mahindra Comviva MakeMyTrip MAQ Software OYO Rooms Paytm Qualcomm Samsung SAP Labs Snapdeal Veritas VMWare Walmart Adobe
Linked List Merge Two Sorted Lists Accolite Amazon Belzabar Brocade FactSet Flipkart MakeMyTrip Microsoft OATS Systems Oracle Samsung Synopsys Zoho
Linked List Delete without Head node Amazon Goldman Sachs Kritikal Solutions Microsoft Samsung Visa
Linked List Remove duplicates from an unsorted linked list  Amazon Intuit
Linked List Sort a linked list of 0s-1s-or-2s Microsoft Amazon MakeMyTrip
Linked List Multiply two numbers represented linked lists Amazon
Linked List Remove nth node from end of list Accolite Adobe Amazon Citicorp Epic Systems FactSet Hike MAQ Software Monotype Solutions Morgan Stanley OYO Rooms Qualcomm Samsung Snapdeal Flipkart
Linked List Reorder List Amazon Microsoft OYO Rooms Intuit
Linked List Detect and remove loop in a linked list Accolite Amazon D-E-Shaw Hike Lybrate Mahindra Comviva MakeMyTrip MAQ Software OYO Rooms Paytm Qualcomm Samsung SAP Labs Snapdeal Veritas VMWare Walmart Adobe
Linked List Write a Function to get the Intersection Point of two Linked Lists Amazon
Linked List Flatten a linked list with next and child pointers Google
Linked List Linked list in zig-zag fashion Micorsoft
Linked List Reverse a doubly linked list Walmart
Linked List Delete nodes which have a greater value on right side Amazon
Linked List Segregate even and odd Elements in a Linked List Walmart
Linked List Point to next higher value node in a linked list with an Arbitrary Pointer GeekyAnts
Linked List Rearrange a given linked list in place Ola Uber
Linked List Sort Biotonic Doubly Linked Lists Morgan Stanley
Linked List Merge K Sorted Lists Microsoft+ Ola+ eBay
Linked List Merge sort for linked list Accolite Adobe Amazon MAQ Software Microsoft Paytm Veritas Important
Linked List Quicksort on singly-linked list Paytm Important
Linked List Sum of two linked lists Accolite Amazon Flipkart MakeMyTrip Microsoft Morgan Stanley Qualcomm Snapdeal
Linked List Flattening a linked list  24*7 Innovation Labs Amazon Drishti-Soft Flipkart Goldman Sachs Microsoft Paytm Payu Qualcomm Snapdeal Visa
Linked List Clone a linked list with next and random Pointer Triology
Linked List Subtract two numbers represented as linked lists Amazon Goldman Sachs

Stacks & Queues Implement two stacks in an Array 24*7 Innovation Labs Microsoft Samsung Snapdeal
Stacks & Queues Evaluation of Postfix Expression Amazon + Google + Facebook
Stacks & Queues Implement Stack using Queues Facebook
Stacks & Queues Queue Reversal Amazon + Morgain Stanley
Stacks & Queues Implement Stack Queue using Deque Microsoft +Atlassian
Stacks & Queues Reverse first k elements of queue Microsoft + Amdocs
Stacks & Queues Design Stack with Middle Operation MaQ Software
Stacks & Queues Infix to Postfix Amazon + Samsung + Paytm + Vmware inc
Stacks & Queues Design and Implement Special stack Amazon Google Microsoft Visa Goldman Sachs
Stacks & Queues Longest Valid String Google Microsoft
Stacks & Queues Find if an expression has duplicate parenthesis or not Flipkart Oracle OYO Rooms Snapdeal Walmart Yatra.com Microsoft Google
Stacks & Queues Stack permutations check if an array is stack permutation of other Visa
Stacks & Queues Count natural numbers whose permutation greater number Amazon
Stacks & Queues Sort a stack using Recursion Amazon Goldman Sachs IBM Intuit Kuliza Yahoo Microsoft
Stacks & Queues Queue based approach for first non repeating character in a stream Microsoft Flipkart
Stacks & Queues The Celebrity Problem Google + Visa + Apple
Stacks & Queues Next larger Element Visa
Stacks & Queues Distance of nearest cell Flipkar + Facebook
Stacks & Queues Rotten-oranges Facebook
Stacks & Queues Next smaller element Codenation
Stacks & Queues Circular-tour Codenation Flipkart
Stacks & Queues Efficiently implement k-stacks single array Flipkart
Stacks & Queues The celebrity problem Google + Visa + Apple
Stacks & Queues Iterative tower of hanoi Microsoft Flipkart
Stacks & Queues Find the maximum of minimums for every window size in a given array Amazon Microsoft Flipkart
Stacks & Queues lru cache implementation Microsoft + Uber + Alibaba
Stacks & Queues Find a tour that visits all stations Uber

Greedy Activity selection problem greedy algo Facebook Morgan Stanley Flipkart
Greedy Greedy algorithm to find minimum number of coins Accolite Amazon Morgan Stanley Oracle Paytm Samsung Snapdeal Synopsys Visa Microsoft Google
Greedy Minimum sum two numbers formed digits array-2 Google
Greedy Minimum sum absolute difference pairs two arrays Amazon
Greedy Find maximum height pyramid from the given array of objects Flipkart Amazon
Greedy Minimum cost for acquiring all coins with k extra coins allowed with every coin
Greedy Find maximum equal sum of every three stacks Microsoft Amazon Flipkart
Greedy Job sequencing problem Microsoft + Acolite
Greedy Greedy algorithm egyptian fraction
Greedy Fractional knapsack problem Microsoft
Greedy Maximum length chain of pairs Amazon Microsoft
Greedy Find smallest number with given number of digits and digit sum MAQ Software OYO Rooms
Greedy Maximize sum of consecutive differences circular-array Maccafe
Greedy paper-cut minimum number squares Google
Greedy Lexicographically smallest array-k consecutive swaps Amazon
Greedy Problems-CHOCOLA Flipkart
Greedy Find minimum time to finish all jobs with given constraints
Greedy Job sequencing using disjoint set union Samsung
Greedy Rearrange characters string such that no two adjacent are same Amazon Microsoft
Greedy Minimum edges to reverse to make path from a source to a destination
Greedy Minimize Cash Flow among a given set of friends who have borrowed money from each other
Greedy Minimum Cost to cut a board into squares Maccafe

Binary Trees Maximum Depth of Binary Tree Amazon Cadence India CouponDunia D-E-Shaw FactSet FreeCharge MakeMyTrip
Binary Trees Reverse Level Order Traversal Amazon + Microsoft + flipkart + Adobe
Binary Trees Subtree of Another Tree Amazon + Microsoft + Facebook
Binary Trees Invert Binary Tree Amazon Hike
Binary Trees Binary Tree Level Order Traversal Accolite Adobe Amazon Cisco D-E-Shaw Flipkart
Binary Trees Left View of Binary Tree Microsoft + Adobe + Cisco Networking Academy
Binary Trees Right View of Binary Tree Amdocs
Binary Trees ZigZag Tree Traversal Amazon Cisco FactSet Hike Snapdeal Walmart Microsoft Flipkart
Binary Trees Create a mirror tree from the given binary tree Accolite Adobe Amazon Belzabar EBay Goldman Sachs Microsoft Morgan Stanley Myntra Ola Cabs Paytm
Binary Trees Leaf at same level Amazon
Binary Trees Check for Balanced Tree Amazon Walmart Microsoft
Binary Trees Transform to Sum Tree Amazon FactSet Microsoft Samsung Walmart
Binary Trees Check if Tree is Isomorphic Amazon Microsoft
Binary Trees Same Tree Amazon Microsoft Flipkart
Binary Trees Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal Accolite Amazon Microsoft
Binary Trees Height of Binary Tree Amazon Cadence India CouponDunia D-E-Shaw FactSet FreeCharge MakeMyTrip
Binary Trees Diameter of a Binary Tree Amazon Microsoft OYO Rooms
Binary Trees Top View of Binary Tree Microsoft + Adobe + Expedia Group
Binary Trees Bottom View of Binary Tree DE Shaw India
Binary Trees Diagonal Traversal of Binary Tree Amazon Microsoft
Binary Trees Boundary Traversal of binary tree Accolite Amazon FactSet Hike Kritikal Solutions
Binary Trees Construct Binary Tree from String with Brackets Microsoft Morgan Stanley OYO Rooms Payu Samsung Snapdeal Flipkart
Binary Trees Minimum swap required to convert binary tree to binary search tree Adobe Amazon
Binary Trees Duplicate subtree in Binary Tree Google
Binary Trees Check if a given graph is tree or not Microsoft Amazon
Binary Trees Lowest Common Ancestor in a Binary Tree Accolite Amazon American Express Cisco Expedia Flipkart MakeMyTrip Microsoft OYO Room
Binary Trees Min distance between two given nodes of a Binary Tree Amazon Linkedin MakeMyTrip Ola Cabs Qualcomm Samsung
Binary Trees Duplicate Subtrees Ola
Binary Trees Kth ancestor of a node in binary tree Josh Technology Group
Binary Trees Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum Samsung + Facebook
Binary Trees Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree Flipkart InMobi Linkedin MAQ Software Microsoft Paytm Quikr Yahoo
Binary Trees Binary Tree to DLL Accolite Amazon Goldman Sachs Microsoft Morgan Stanley Salesforce Snapdeal
Binary Trees Print all k-sum paths in a binary tree Accolite Amazon Goldman Sachs

Binary Search Trees Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree Accolite Amazon Flipkart MAQ Software Microsoft Samsung Synopsys
Binary Search Trees Binary Search Tree | Set 1 (Search and Insertion) Accolite Amazon Microsoft Paytm Samsung
Binary Search Trees Minimum element in BST Microsoft
Binary Search Trees Predecessor and Successor Google + Adobe + Goladman Sachs + Direct
Binary Search Trees Check whether BST contains Dead End Walmart
Binary Search Trees Binary Tree to BST HSBC
Binary Search Trees Kth largest element in BST Accolite Amazon Samsung SAP Labs Microsoft
Binary Search Trees Validate Binary Search Tree OYO Rooms Qualcomm Samsung Snapdeal VMWare Walmart Wooker Amazon Facebook
Binary Search Trees Kth Smallest Element in a BST Accolite Amazon Google
Binary Search Trees Delete Node in a BST Adobe Barclays
Binary Search Trees Flatten BST to sorted list Microsoft
Binary Search Trees Preorder to Postorder Amazon Linkedin Flipkart
Binary Search Trees Count BST nodes that lie in a given range D-E-Shaw Google
Binary Search Trees Populate Inorder Successor for all Nodes Sap labs
Binary Search Trees Convert Normal BST to Balanced BST Paytm
Binary Search Trees Merge two BSTs DE Shaw India
Binary Search Trees Given n appointments, find all conflicting appointments Samsung
Binary Search Trees Replace every element Samsung
Binary Search Trees Construct BST from given preorder traversal Adobe Morgan Stanley Microsoft
Binary Search Trees Find median of BST in O(n) time and O(1) space Amazon
Binary Search Trees Largest BST in a Binary Tree Amazon D-E-Shaw Samsung Microsoft Flipkart Important

Heaps & Hashing Choose k array elements such that difference of maximum and minimum is minimized
Heaps & Hashing Heap Sort Adobe
Heaps & Hashing Top K Frequent Elements Amazon Microsoft
Heaps & Hashing k largest elements in an array Amazon Microsoft Walmart Adobe
Heaps & Hashing Next Greater Element Amazon + Microsoft + Flipkart + Adobe
Heaps & Hashing K’th Smallest/Largest Element in Unsorted Array ABCO Accolite Amazon Cisco Hike Microsoft Snapdeal VMWare Google Adobe
Heaps & Hashing Find the maximum repeating number in O(n) time and O(1) extra space Accolite Amazon
Heaps & Hashing K-th smallest element after removing some integers from natural numbers ABCO Accolite Amazon Cisco Hike Microsoft Snapdeal VMWare Google Adobe
Heaps & Hashing Find k closest elements to a given value Amazon OYO Rooms
Heaps & Hashing K’th largest element in a stream  Amazon Cisco Hike OYO Rooms Walmart Microsoft Flipkart
Heaps & Hashing Connect Ropes Amazoon + Oyo + Goldman Sachs
Heaps & Hashing Cuckoo Hashing Amaxon
Heaps & Hashing Itinerary from a List of Tickets Microsoft + Ola + eBay
Heaps & Hashing Largest Subarray with 0 Sum Amazon MakeMyTrip Microsoft
Heaps & Hashing Count distinct elements in every window of size k Accolite Amazon Microsoft
Heaps & Hashing Group Shifted Strings Oracle
Heaps & Hashing Merge K Sorted lists Microsoft + Ola + eBay
Heaps & Hashing Find Median from Data Stream Adobe Amazon Apple Belzabar D-E-Shaw Facebook Flipkart Google Intuit Microsoft Morgan Stanley Ola Cabs Oracle Samsung SAP Labs Yahoo
Heaps & Hashing Sliding Window Maximum Amazon Directi Flipkart Microsoft Google
Heaps & Hashing Find the smallest positive number Accolite Amazon Samsung Snapdeal
Heaps & Hashing Find Surpasser Count of each element in array Amazon Morgan Stanley Ola Cabs SAP Labs
Heaps & Hashing Tournament Tree and Binary Heap Amazon Ola Cabs Samsung Synopsys Walmart Microsoft
Heaps & Hashing Check for palindrome Amazon Cisco D-E-Shaw Facebook FactSet Morgan Stanley Paytm Zoho
Heaps & Hashing Length of the largest subarray with contiguous elements Amazon Intuit Microsoft
Heaps & Hashing Palindrome Substring Queries Amazon Morgan Stanley Ola Cabs SAP Labs
Heaps & Hashing Subarray distinct elements Microsoft + Ola + eBay
Heaps & Hashing Find the recurring function MAQ Software
Heaps & Hashing K maximum sum combinations from two arrays Amazon

Graphs BFS Samsung + Delhivery + SAP Labs

Graphs DFS Samsung + Intuit + Goldman Sachs
Graphs Flood Fill Algorithm Google + Adobe + Apple
Graphs Number of Triangles IBM
Graphs Detect cycle in a graph Lenksart
Graphs Detect cycle in an undirected graph Samsung
Graphs Rat in a Maze Problem Sharechat + Directi
Graphs Steps by Knight Samsung
Graphs Clone graph Google + MAQ Software + Apple + Facebook
Graphs Number of Operations to Make Network Connected Samsung
Graphs Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm Amazon
Graphs Topological Sort Amazon + Google + Flipkart + Oyo + Fipkart + Samsung
Graphs Oliver and the Game Sharechat + Directi
Graphs Minimum time taken by each job to be completed given by a Directed Acyclic Graph Amazon
Graphs Find whether it is possible to finish all tasks or not from given dependencies Directi + Sharechat
Graphs Find the number of islands Razorpay
Graphs Prim's Algo Visa
Graphs Negative Weighted Cycle Amazon
Graphs Floyd Warshall Google + Uber
Graphs Graph Coloring Morgan Stanley
Graphs Snakes and Ladders Goldman Sachs +Makemytrip
Graphs Kosaraju's Theorem Paytm
Graphs Journey to moon Lenksart + Payload
Graphs Vertex Cover Intuit
Graphs M Coloring Problem Uber
Graphs Cheapest Flights Within K Stops Uber + Paypal
Graphs Find if there is a path of more than k length from a source Cisco + Intuit
Graphs Bellman Ford Sharechat + Directi
Graphs Bipartitie Graph Microsoft Flipkart
Graphs Word-Ladder Microsoft
Graphs Allen Dictionary Samsung
Graphs Kruskals MST Amazon Cisco Samsung Important
Graphs Total number spanning trees graph Amazon Cisco Samsung Microsoft Flipkart
Graphs Travelling Salesman Google + Microsoft + Opera Important
Graphs Find longest path directed acyclic graph Google
Graphs Two Clique Problem Microsoft
Graphs Minimise the cash flow Intuit + Uber
Graphs Chinese postman Intuit
Graphs Water Jug Intuit + Uber
Graphs Water Jug 2 MakeMyTrip MAQ Software

Tries Construct a trie from scratch  Accolite Amazon D-E-Shaw FactSet Microsoft

Tries Print unique rows in a given boolean matrix Amazon Zoho
Tries Word Break Problem | (Trie solution) Amazon Google Hike IBM MAQ Software Microsoft Walmart Zoho
Tries Given a sequence of words, print all anagrams together Amazon D-E-Shaw Goldman Sachs Morgan Stanley Snapdeal Microsoft
Tries Find shortest unique prefix for every word in a given list Microsoft Google
Tries Implement a Phone Directory Amazon + Microsoft + Snapdeal

DP Knapsack with Duplicate Items Amazon

DP BBT counter Microsoft
DP Reach a given score Samsung
DP Maximum difference of zeros and ones in binary string Ola
DP Climbing Stairs Intuit
DP Permutation Coefficient Amazon
DP Longest Repeating Subsequence Google + Amazon
DP Pairs with specific difference Ola
DP Longest subsequence-1 Amazon
DP Coin Change Microsoft+ Samsung + Barclays + Apple + Adobe
DP LIS Amazon + Google + Facebook + Fidelity International
DP Longest Common Subsequence Siemens + Amazon + Google
DP Word Break Amazon + Google + Microsoft + Walmart + Apple + IBM
DP Combination Sum IV Adobe Amazon Microsoft
DP House Robber Apple + Uber
DP Houe Robber 2 Arrays Dynamic Programming
DP Decode Ways Adobe + Uber
DP Unique Paths Google + Microsoft
DP Jumps Game Facebook Amazon Microsoft Google
DP Knapsack Problem Amazon Directi Flipkart GreyOrange Microsoft Mobicip Morgan Stanley Oracle Payu Snapdeal Visa
DP nCr Google
DP Catalan Number Amazon + Google
DP Edit Distance Google + Goldman Sachs + Citrix
DP Subset Sum Amazon + Google
DP Gold mine Samsung
DP Assembly Line Scheduling Goldman Sachs
DP Maximize The Cut Segments Amazon OYO Rooms Microsoft
DP Maximum sum increasing subsequence Amazon Morgan Stanley Microsoft
DP Count all subsequences having product less than K Goldman Sachs
DP Maximum sum increasing subsequence Amazon Morgan Stanley Microsoft
DP Egg dropping puzzle Amazon D-E-Shaw Goldman Sachs Google Hike MakeMyTrip MAQ Software Myntra Nearbuy Opera Oracle Philips Samsung Service Now Unisys VMWare Microsoft
DP Max length chain Amazon Microsoft
DP Largest Square in Matrix Amazon Samsung
DP Maximum Path Sum Amazon + Microsoft + Oyo + Directi
DP Minimum Number of Jumps Adobe Amazon Housing.com Moonfrog Labs Walmart Microsoft Google Flipkart
DP Minimum removals from array to make max – min <= K Amazon
DP Longest Common Substring Webarch Club
DP Partition Equal Subset Sum Amazon + Accolite + Traveloca + Adobe
DP Longest Palindromic Subsequnce Amazon Google
DP Count Palindromic Subsequences Myntra
DP Longest Palindromic Substring Amazon + Microsoft + Samsung + Visa
DP Longest Alternating Sequence Ola
DP Weighted Job Scheduling Intuit
DP Coin Game Salesforce
DP Coin Game Winner Ola
DP Optimal Strategy for a game Google + IBM
DP Word Wrap Microsoft
DP Mobile numeric keypad Amazon Microsoft
DP Maximum Length of Pair Chain Amazon Microsoft
DP Matrix Chain Multiplication Walmart + Flipkart
DP Maximum profit by buying and selling a share at most twice Accolite Amazon Microsoft
DP Optimal BST Google
DP Largest Submatrix with sum 0 Amazon MakeMyTrip Microsoft
DP Largest area rectangular sub-matrix with equal number of 1’s and 0’s Amazon Directi Intuit MakeMyTrip Microsoft Samsung Google Flipkart

Bit Manipulation Count set bits in an integer Adobe Apple

Bit Manipulation Find the two non-repeating elements in an array of repeating elements Accolite Amazon FactSet Google MakeMyTrip Microsoft Qualcomm Samsung
Bit Manipulation Program to find whether a no is power of two Adobe
Bit Manipulation Find position of the only set bit Microsoft
Bit Manipulation Count number of bits to be flipped to convert A to B Maq Software
Bit Manipulation Count total set bits in all numbers from 1 to n Microsoft
Bit Manipulation Copy set bits in a range Facebook
Bit Manipulation Calculate square of a number without using *, / and pow() Amazon
Bit Manipulation Divide two integers without using multiplication, division and mod operator Microsoft
Bit Manipulation Power Set Google + Adobe + Paytm

Segment Trees Range Sum Query - Immutable

Segment Trees Range Minimum Query Google Interview Qs
Segment Trees Range Sum Query - Mutable Alibaba
Segment Trees Create Sorted Array through Instructions Samsung + Accolite
Segment Trees Count of Range Sum Walmart
Segment Trees Count of Smaller Numbers After Self Codenation Google
DSA by Shradha Didi & Aman Bhaiya
Meet us on Youtube (Apna College)

Easy Ideal Time : 5-10 mins

Medium Ideal Time : 15-20 mins
Hard Ideal Time : 40-60 mins (based on Qs)

Topics Question

Strings Edit Distance

Searching & Sorting Sort a Nearly Sorted (or K sorted) Array

Searching & Sorting How to Efficiently Sort a Big List Dates in 20’s
Searching & Sorting find a repeating and a missing number
Searching & Sorting sort array according count set bits
Searching & Sorting Minimum Swaps to Make Two Array Identical
Searching & Sorting Insert in Sorted and Non-Overlapping Interval Array
Searching & Sorting 3-Way QuickSort

Backtracking Find if There is a Path of More Than k Length From a Source

Backtracking Match a Pattern and String without Using Regular Expressions

Linked List Josephus Circle implementation using STL list

Linked List Find a triplet from three linked lists with sum equal to a given Number
Linked List Pair with given sum
Linked List Select a random node from a singly linked list
Linked List First non repeating character

Stacks & Queues Implement Stack using Queue or heap

Stacks & Queues Sum of minimum-maximum elements subarrays size-k
Stacks & Queues Minimum time required so that all oranges become rotten
Stacks & Queues Efficiently implement k-queues single array

Greedy Maximize array sum after k-negation operations

Greedy Program for shortest job first or sjf-cpu scheduling set 1 non-preemptive

Binary Trees Check Mirror in N-ary tree

Binary Trees Maximum sum of nodes in Binary tree such that no two are adjacent

Binary Search Trees Brothers From Different Roots

Heaps & Hashing Check the condition

Heaps & Hashing Check if an array can be divided into pairs whose sum is divisible by k
Heaps & Hashing Design a effective DSA
Heaps & Hashing Find number of Employees Under every Manager
Heaps & Hashing Pancake Sorting

Graphs Bride in a graph

Graphs Seven Bridges of Königsberg
Graphs Minimum edges to reverse to make path from a source to a destination

DP Maximum Sum Rectangle

DP Interleaved Strings
DP Painting the Fence
DP Largest independent Set
DP Minimum cost to fill given weight in a bag
DP Boolean Parenthesization
DP Maximum Profit
DP Palindromic Partitioning
an Bhaiya


use Dynaming Programming (if possible)

o a given Number
t 1 non-preemptive

wo are adjacent

m is divisible by k

ce to a destination

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