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Physical education

Q1.) What do you mean my planning?

Ans.) Planning is the process of thinking regarding the activities required to

achieve a desired goal. Planning is based on foresight, the fundamental capacity
for mental time travel. The evolution of forethought, the capacity to think ahead,
is considered to have been a prime mover in human evolution.

Q2.) what is seeding?

Ans.) Seeding is a procedure by which good teams are placed in fixtures in such
a way that stronger teams do not meet each other at the very start of a
tournament. In seeding, the strong teams are selected to keep them at
appropriate places in the fixtures so that they should not meet in the earlier

Q3.) A bye is a dummy team that participates in the second round to even out the

Q4.) What do you mean by a ‘bye’.

Ans.) bye refers to a team automatically advancing to the next round of

tournament play without competing and bye week refers to a scheduled off week
for a given team.

Q5.) What is Kyphosis?

Ans.) Kyphosis It is a deformity of the spine in which there is an increase or

exaggeration of a backward curve. Bow Legs It is a deformity opposite to knock
knee. In fact, if there is a wide gap between the knees, the deformity can be
observed easily

Q6.) Explain causes of scoliosis.

Ans.) Possible causes of scoliosis include: Nervous system problems like
cerebral palsy or muscular dystrophy. Inherited conditions that tend to run in
families. Differences in leg lengths.

Q7.) What do you mean by tournament?

Ans.) A tournament is a competition held among various teams in a particular

activity according to a fixed schedule where a winner is decided. Fixture of 13

Q8.) Suggest any two disadvantages of league tournament

Ans.) Disadvantage of league tournament: There are following disadvantage of

league tournament:
1.) It requires more time.
2.) It costs more.
3.) The team coming from far and wide generally faces more problems because
such tournament wastes their time and money.
4.) It requires more arrangement for sports officials and teams.

Q9.) Deficiency of which of the following leads to rickets?

Ans.) Lack of vitamin D and calcium

The most common cause of rickets is a lack of vitamin D or calcium in a child's
diet. Both are essential for children to develop strong and healthy bones

Q10.) How to recognize and prevent female athlete tried?

Ans.) There are things you can do to prevent the female athlete triad, especially if
you are at risk.
1.Eat a nutrient-rich, well-balanced diet.
2.Exercise in moderate amounts.
3.Get plenty of rest.
4.Find ways to reduce stress.
5.Talk to a doctor or counselor to get help.

Q11.) What is the importance of tournaments? Discuss any three points.

Ans.) (a) The tournaments help in developing the technical and tactical skills of a
player/team and the game as a hole.
(b) In a tournament players and teams of different games come forward to
participate from different parts of state or country thus the tournament proved a
chance to search new talent in sport.

Q12.) Give two objectives of extramural activities

Ans.) Extramural provide experience to students who participate in such

competitions. Due to experience, students exhibit good performance in
competition.To develop sportsmanship and fraternity: To develop sportsmanship
and fraternity in students is another important objective of extramural

Q13.) Explain seeding method and special seeding in knock-out tournament.

Ans.) Seeding is done to overcome the drawback of single knock out tournament.
Seeding is the procedure by which good teams place din fixtures in such way
that stronger teams do not meet each other at very beginning of tournament.
Seeding can be done only if the standards of teams are known before the

Q15.) What is a health run?

Ans.) Health runs are organised by health department sports department or

social organisations. Usually their purpose is to ameliorate the standard of health
in a country along with the raising of funds for charity.

Q16.) Enlist two objectives of intramurals

Ans.) It promotes mass participation. It provides fun, enjoyment and recreation to

students. It helps to identify the talent among one's classmates. It develops social
values such as honesty, discipline, cooperation and sympathetic attitude.

Q17.) What do you mean by dieting?

Ans.) dieting, regulating one's food intake for the purpose of improving one's
physical condition, especially for the purpose of reducing obesity, or what is
conceived to be excess body fat.

Q18.) Write in brief about osteoporosis. What are the causes of osteoporosis?

Ans.) Osteoporosis is a condition that degrades the bones, causing it to turn

brittle as a result of a loss of bone tissue and a low bone mass. Consequently,
the person turns exceedingly susceptible to fractures. Such fractures are known
as fragility fractures.

● Low peak bone mass
● Low levels of testosterone and estrogen in men and women
● Imbalanced hormones
● Hyperthyroidism and other thyroid problems
● Kidney diseases, anorexia
● Surgical treatment on ovaries for its removal
● Low calcium diet
● Lack of Vitamin D

Q19.) How are various committees formed for tournaments? Write briefly

Ans.) Steps to form Committees for Tournaments:Sports events are organised at

various levels which include district state national or international levels. Such
tournaments require careful planning in order to be successful. Committees are
formed at various levels. A letter is sent to all concerned for participation. Various
steps are:
i.) Meetings are conducted at regular interval. or Experts in various areas are
ii.)Pre-meet work organising committee is set up for the purchase of equipments
layout of courts etc.
iii.) Welcome/Reception committee and a Technical committee to officiate during
the sports meet is also formed

Q20.) Explain the cyclic method of league tournaments

Ans.) In cyclic method, if the number of teams is in even number, the team
number 1 is fixed on the top of
right hand side and then other team numbers in ascending order consecutively
downward and then
upward on the left hand side and then from the next round teams will rotate in
clockwise direction. If
the number of teams is odd then the bye is fixed on the top of right hand side and
rest of the
procedure will remain same. If the number of team is even number than number
of rounds will be (N-
1). If the number of teams is odd number then number of rounds will be equal to
number of teams.

Q21.)List down the important committees during a tournament.

● Arrangement Committee
● Technical Committee
● Discipline Committee
● Reception Committee
● Boarding and Lodging Committees
● Certificate Writing Committee
● Medical Committee
● Announcement Committee
● Recorders and Bulletin Board Committee

Q22.) Draw a fixture of 11 football teams participating in a tournament on the

basis of a knockout.

Ans.) Total number of teams = 11

Q23.) Write three differences between intramurals and extramura

1.It mean that the activities which are performed within the walls or within the
campus of an institution are called 'intramurals.
2.These activities are organised only for the students of a school or institution.
3.No student of other school can participate in these activities.

1.It mean that the activities, which are performed outside the walls of an
institution or school.
2.It mean that the activities,which are organised by an institution/school and the
students of two or more schools also participate in them.
3.In extramural competition, the students of other schools also participate in
sports related activities.it is also called inter-school competitions.

Q24.) Write briefly about minerals as an important nutritive component

Q25.) Discuss the physical exercises as corrective measure for kyphosis,
lordosis and scoliosis

Ans.) Corrective Exercises Related to Kyphosis

1. Lie on back, ie, in supine position with knees drawn up and feet flat on the
ground. Both hands should be at sides. Then move your arms sideways in
horizontal position. Palms should be upward. Raise your arms upward over the
head, palms still up. Hold this position for some time After that bring your arms
back in horizontal position. Repeat the exercise at least 10 times.

2 Lie down in prone position. i.e, on chest with hands on your hips. After that,
raise your head and trunk several inches from the ground. Your chin should be in
during this exercise Hold this position for some time and then come back in
previous position. Repeat this exercise at least 10 times.

3 Sit In a normal position, with a stick held in horizontal position overhead, hands
well-spread. After that, lower the stick and then raise it behind head and
shoulders. While performing this exercise, keep your head and trunk straight.
Repeat this exercise 10 to 12 times.

Corrective Exercises Related to Lordosis

1. Lie down in prone position, with hands under abdomen. Then keep hips and
shoulders down, press hands up on abdomen and raise lower back.

2. Bend knees forward while allowing hips to bend back behind, keeping back
straight and knees pointed in same direction as feet. Descend until thighs are just
parallel to floor. Extend knees and hips until legs are straight. Come back in
starting position and then repeat the same.
3 Lunge forward with knee on a mat. Take position of the foot beyond knee.
Place both hands on knee. Straighten hips of rear leg by pushing hips forward
and hold stretch. Repeat with opposite side.

4. Sit on a chair with feet wide apart, Bend and position your shoulders between
knees. Then reach to the floor under back of chair. Hold this position for some

5. Lie in prone position on the floor. Keep the palms of your hands on the floor
according to shoulders' width. Push torso up keeping pelvis on floor. Hold this
position for some time. Sit down with knees extended, feet together and hands at
sides. After that, bend forward, touching the fingers to toes. Hold this position for
some time. Then come back and repeat.

Q26.) Mention all calculations and steps involved to draw a knock-out fixture of
19 teams, where 4 teams
are to be seeded.

Q27.)What is league tournament? Draw a fixture of eight teams using round

robin method.

Ans.) League Tournament. In this type of tournament, each team plays with every
other team once, if it is a single league tournament. If it is a double league
tournament, each team plays with every other team twice. In these types of
tournament, every team plays with every other team without any consideration of
victory or defeat.
Fixtures of 6 teams:
Total number of teams = 6
Total number of matches -(N-1) 6(6-1) =-2-=-2-
6(5) 30 -=- = 15 matches 2 2 .
Number of rounds = N - 1 = 6 - 1 = 5 rounds.

Q28.) Draw a league fixture of 16 teams

Ans.) It is a competition held among various teams/players in a particular

game/sport according to a fixed schedule where the winner is decided. Fixture
must have a specific date/time and court number.
Classification of Fixture:a Knockout b League c Combination d Challenge

Example: League fixture for 16 teams. League: Cyclic method step/stair/case

method Tabular method
The child can use any method of league system
Number of rounds = n - 1 = 16 - 1 = 15
Number of matches = nn-1/2 = 1616-1/2 = 120
matchesStep Method: League fixture with the help of step method.
Winner is decided on the basis of point system.
Win- 2 points
Draw - 1 point
Lose - 0 point
Team with maximum points is declared as winner.

Q29.) What are the causes of flatfoot and knock-knees? Suggest physical
activities as corrective measures for
these deformities.

Ans.) Flat foot-Our feet act as the base of support for the body in
standing,walking,running and jumping.The children with flatfoot deformity cannot
be efficient sportspersons.Such children feel pain in feet.They face problem in
standing and walking.

Causes of Flatfoot :The main cause of flat foot is weak muscles.Weak muscles of
the foot cannot bear the body weight.Hence feet become flat or without
arches.Along with this rapid increase in body weight,improper shoes,carrying
heavy weight for a longer period are also the causes of flat foot.
Exercises related to Flat foot:1.Jumping on toes for sometime.
2.Perform rope skipping

3.Perform up and downs the heels.

4.Walking on toes.

Knock knees:It is one of the major postural deformities.

In this deformity,both the knees knock or touch each other in normal standing
The gap between ankles goes on increasing.
He cannot walk or run in a proper manner.
Causes :Generally,the lack of balanced diet specially vitamin'D',calcium and
phosphorus is the main cause of knock knees.
It may also be due to rickets.Obesity,flatfoot,and carrying heavy weight in early
age may be other possible causes of knock knees.
Exercises related to knock knees:
1.Horse -riding is one of the best exersise for correction of knock knees.

2.Use of walking calipers may be beneficial.

3.Perform padmasana and gomukhasana regularly

Q30.) Explain any five essential elements of die


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